September 13, 2012

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R A ss K EN Ass a i R s C t l a O n A t c L P L r E o D GE PRO ESSOR f e n s , SP i s F o S AM r U u S g T d n E i R I CAN UNIVERSITY PROn d CLA S T e F er fir e U e E f N t S f s o S a r e r b O S R BY I O B A R B E K K A C S I T S I S F E D E R EAST C PR AB F E E D IN OF E S S OR AT TA NG EH G W ID H SK I I A L E NS T I E A C H ING –

American University’s student voice since 1925


September 13, 2012 Volume 87 – Issue 3







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2 | SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 theEAGLE


American University’s student voice since 1925


MISSION The Eagle, a student-run newspaper at

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The Eagle. Unsigned letters will not be pub-

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EDITOR IN CHIEF — (202) 885-1402


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Zach C. Cohen




Rachel Lomot

Sean Meehan




David Lim

Paige Jones




Tyler Tomea

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Kendall Breitman

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BUSINESS — (202) 885-3593


Jackie Toth

Heather Mongilio

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Samantha Hogan


Healthy adult volunteers needed

opinion of the writer and not the newspaper.

Jake Kelderman


11 a.m to 3 p.m. / Quad / Meet the members of the Community Action and Social Justice Coalition and learn how to get involved with social justice and activism. Contact Rachel Mandelbaum at


11 p.m. / The Tavern / Come laugh at the late night repertoire of AU’s improv troop. Contact improv.able007@gmail. com



AU Hillel will provide students with free services on Rosh Hashanah. Reform: 7 p.m. on Sunday, 10 a.m. on Monday / Butler Board Room Conservative: 7 p.m. on Sunday, 9:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. on Monday, 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday / McDowell Formal Lounge Contact AU Hillel at hillel@


Come eat ice cream and throw some Frisbees with the Agape Campus Christian Fellowship. Contact David Garbber at


2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. / SIS 300 / Come listen to Yuki Tatsumi present “US-Japan Alliance: Prospects and Challenges” as part of the 179th Washington-Asia Forum. A Q&A session will follow the lecture. / Contact Center for Asian Studies at asianstudies@

4 p.m. to 7 p.m. / Main Quad /

An August 30 article “AU recognized for green efforts” stated that that AU had 25 LEED-certified buildings. At this point, AU is only pursuing certification.


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Breast-feeding, news judgment under scrutiny after national attention By RACHEL KARAS EAGLE STAFF WRITER

An AU professor’s breast-feeding during class and a subsequent student newspaper investigation has launched a firestorm of on- and offcampus debate, culminating Tuesday in a student protest at Ward Circle. Chanting “Give it a rest, it’s just a breast” and holding signs reading “This is not news” and “Feeding your child is normal,” the students said The Eagle was wrong to look into Professor Adrienne Pine breast-feeding her child in class on Aug. 28. About 15 students gathered at Ward Circle Sept. 11 at approximately 10:30 p.m. in support of Pine and against The Eagle’s potential coverage of her breastfeeding, according to protester Tea Sefer, a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences and School of International Studies. The protest followed days of controversy after Pine, an assistant professor of anthropology in CAS, breast-fed her sick child on the first day of her “Sex, Gender and Culture” course, after which The Eagle began an investigation. This is the first story the newspaper has published on the event. Through subsequent emails and interviews with newspaper staff, Pine said

she believed her breastfeeding was not newsworthy and grew worried that publication would spread her name online in a negative light. When Editor-in-Chief Zach Cohen said in an email that the paper planned to run a story, Pine chose to address the issue herself first. In an online essay, she wrote, “[I] decided the only option left was to exposé my breasts – on my own terms – on the internet.” On Sept. 5, Pine published an article in the online newsletter CounterPunch entitled “The Dialectics of Breastfeeding on Campus: Exposéing My Breasts on the Internet,” in which she criticized The Eagle’s actions. “I was shocked and annoyed that this would be considered newsworthy, and at the anti-woman implications inherent in the email’s tone,” Pine wrote of exchanges with Eagle staff writer Heather Mongilio. “Heather continued hounding me … I, unfortunately, was in professor mode, too polite to tell her to go to hell.” Pine continued, writing that The Eagle is “a sexist third-rate university news-

paper” that “has long had a solidly anti-woman slant” and “would craft a poorlywritten story … and would shape my online reputation for all eternity.” The essay also published both Mongilio and Cohen’s cellphone numbers, which were removed upon the University’s request a day later. News organizations like The Washington Post, Inside Higher Ed and local

Care Act of 2010, AU is required to give “reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child for up to 1 year after the child’s birth” and “provide a place shielded from view and from intrusion by coworkers and the public, other than a restroom, where mothers can express milk.” The University also gives faculty the option

present at the time. Grobman, who attended the protest, said Pine continued her lecture while no students spoke and the class was not disrupted. The feeding lasted “45 seconds at most” and did not make him feel uncomfortable, he said. CAS sophomore Jake Carias, a student who was also present during the class, said it was not the breast-feeding itself that bothered him, but that Pine had said during class it would be “unprofessional.” “Breastf e e d i n g doesn’t faze me,” Carias said. “I have no problems with breast-feeding. It was just to me, the fact that she recognized that it was unprofessional, you know, didn’t even think twice to kind of abuse her power as leader of the classroom.” “If I thought breastfeeding in class was appalling, her response was even more appalling,” Carias said. A statement released by the University said AU does not agree with the characterization of students in Pine’s essay. “The views expressed in the blog were those of the faculty member,” the

AU does not have a policy that specifically addresses breast-feeding on campus but follows D.C. and federal laws. television affiliates then picked up on the controversy, prompting a larger conversation and the protest on AU’s campus. AU does not have a policy that specifically addresses breast-feeding on campus but follows D.C. and federal laws, University spokeswoman Camille Lepre said in a statement. D.C. law states that a woman has the “right to breastfeed her child in any location, public or private, where she has the right to be with her child.” Under the Patient Protection and Affordable

of taking leave to care for their sick child, Lepre said. Pine wrote online that because she could not leave her daughter at day care due to her fever, could not get a baby sitter and did not want to cancel class, she felt her only option was to bring her baby to campus. The baby grew cranky and hungry during class, prompting the professor to undo two buttons of her shirt and breast-feed her daughter, said School of Public Affairs sophomore Paul Grobman, a student in Pine’s course who was

Letter from the Editor: page 15

statement said. “Freedom of expression comes with responsibility, and expressions in fora outside of AU have the potential to affect the educational relationship between faculty and students and effectiveness in the classroom.” The University declined to comment on individual personnel matters or if Pine had violated guidelines in the Faculty Manual, which says that “the university will take appropriate action for [faculty] ‘misconduct,’” including bullying, discrimination and sexual or discriminatory harassment. It also states that faculty “should at all times be accurate, should respect the right of others to express their opinions, and should make every effort to indicate when they are not speaking for the institution.” Cohen said he stands by his paper’s conduct. “Heather acted with the utmost professionalism, and I am proud to call her a member of my staff,” Cohen said. Pine emailed individual apologies Wednesday night to the reporter and editors involved for publishing their names and contact information online, as well as the tone of her essay. RKARAS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

4 | SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 NEWS theEAGLE

TDR sustainability effort delayed by box shortage By JORDAN-MARIE SMITH EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER


More than 200 students caught sharing files illegally By DAVID KOMOROWSKI EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER

The Office of Information Technology reported 212 AU students were suspected of downloading files illegally or infringing on copyrights through peer-to-peer file sharing during the 2011-2012 academic year. Student Conduct instructed students to remove the file sharing software. “The Student Conduct office processed seven complaints for alleged second offenses,” said Rosie McSweeney, director of student conduct and conflict resolution services in an email. However, McSweeney could not be reached in time for publication to clarify if the seven complaints resulted in severe consequences. A warning is the only consequence given after a student is first found to have shared files illegally, McSweeney said in an email. However, students can be subject to more se-

vere consequences such as removal from housing or suspension if there are additional violations. Student conduct violations are not something students should take lightly, McSweeney said in an email. Student Conduct keeps records of all violations for up to seven years after the date of the violation. Additionally, “suspension and dismissal files are maintained permanently and released to third parties permanently,” she said. Student Conduct sent an email to all AU students on Aug. 28 about AU’s current policy on peer-to-peer file sharing. “AU respects the rights of copyright owners...and is committed to implementing procedures and policies to support their rights without infringing on legal use of those materials by individuals,” the email stated. AU allows students to borrow music CDs or movies at the AU Bender Library Media Center or

the Katzen Music Library free of charge. Punishment for illegal downloading does not only affect AU students. Boston University graduate Joel Tenenbaum was fined $675,000 for downloading two dozen songs through file sharing in 2009, according to an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education. The U.S. Supreme court declined to hear the BU graduate’s appeal in May 2012. BBC News reported monitoring firms can watch what students download when they are on a university’s wireless network, according to a Birmingham University study. “An illegal file-sharer downloading popular content would be logged by a monitoring firm within three hours,” the BBC article said. What the logs could be used for remains unclear, Tom Chothia a Birmingham University professor told BBC. NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

The Terrace Dining Room ran out of reusable boxes during the first week of classes. Disposable, cardboard boxes replaced the reusable boxes during this time, according to Café Bon Appetit cook Phyllis Wood. TDR received more the reusable boxes the week of Sept. 3 since it receives new shipments every Thursday. The reusable to-go box system requires students

to buy a reusable box for $5. It must be washed after use and returned to TDR’s cleaning conveyor belt for sanitizing. A new box is given and the old box is returned when they leave. Implementing the use of reusable boxes at TDR is a joint effort of AU and Cafe Bon Appetit’s sustainability ambitions. School of International Service sophomore Jonathan Beatty said he still supports the idea of a reusable box system but thinks it was not executed properly.

“A smarter way would have been to only sell around half of the boxes, he said. “That way there would always be a set amount that stays in TDR.” School of Communication sophomore Megan Clark said she was not troubled by the interruption. “I am completely supportive of AU becoming a more sustainable campus and I think that we should give the box system another shot,” she said. NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

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theEAGLE NEWS SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 | 5

AU highlights drug policy on student portal By STEVEN MURPHEY EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER

AU required new and returning students to agree to the University’s drug policy through their AU portal. The policy stated the “possession and/or use of illicit drugs and unauthorized controlled substances violates university policy.” Both undergraduate and graduate students had to acknowledge this notice when logging on to the AU portal, according

notice this year. The policy previously was written in the student handbook, but the Higher Education Act requires AU to provide a separate notice. The policy also stated students using or involved with such drugs would be “subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the university,” along with any penalties administered by the law of the federal or local government. The parents of any stu-

“When we look at our numbers... we find that our issues are on par with the national norms” -Dean of Students Rob Hradsky to Rob Hradsky, the dean of students and assistant vice president. Hradsky said the notice was implemented last fall in response to a reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, which states that each student must receive a “separate, clear, and conspicuous written notice regarding the university’s drug policy and sanction.” The notice was first posted in the portal in fall of 2011, according to Hradsky. However, the University used different technology to display the

dents under the age of 21 who violated this policy would be notified, the notice read. Hradsky said the notice was not a result of any specific drug problem at AU. Several annual surveys of AU students said there has been nothing indicating a large drug problem at the University, according to Hradsky. “When we look at our numbers compared to other institutions that are similar, we find that our issues are on par with the national norms,” he said. NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM


The ceramic sheep is tied to a pole outside Bender Library to advertise the library’s programs on Sept. 6.


Caution tape surrounds the area on Sept. 7 where the missing sheep previously stood.

Stolen ceramic sheep returned to library By SAMANTHA RAPHELSON EAGLE STAFF WRITER

A ceramic sheep was stolen outside Bender Library on Sept. 6. Public Safety launched a full investigation, but the sheep was voluntarily returned to the library three days later. Two library monitors chased the perpetrator who escaped down the School of International Service parking garage ramp around 10 p.m. last Thursday, said Mary Mintz, associate director for outreach at the Bender Library. “The monitors called Public Safety because he’s kind of a valuable animal. We can’t have a sheep rustling,” she said. “I told the officer that if he [the sheep]’s returned unharmed, we’d rather not have the person prosecuted.”

Mintz said Public Safety originally believed that the sheep was located in Kreeger Hall after the parody Twitter account @DatLibrarySheep tweeted “im…lost in Kreeger.” Public Safety originally believed the person behind the Twitter account was the perpetrator but found nothing after conducting a search in Kreeger Hall. The sheep first appeared outside the library during the first week of classes in an effort to promote the library’s tours and walk-in research classes. “We think that fits in well with the spirit of all AU students that you’re activist, you give back to society, you care about families in need, globally and locally,” Mintz said. Participants in the classes can win an iPad,

SmarTrip metro card or a sheep for a needy family. The sheep will be donated in the winner’s name through Heifer International, an organization that donates animals to poor countries. The prize drawing will be held on Dec. 3. Bender Library has worked with Heifer International to promote the classes for the past eight years. The goal is to remind students of the resources available to improve their research skills, according to Mintz. Almost 1,000 students participated in the classes last year, but the library does not have a specific target goal in mind for this year, Mintz said. “I think there are a lot of AU students who are interested in doing better research,” she said. “Faculty tell me that when

they get a paper, they can tell if somebody has just Googled, even Google Scholar, versus using the databases.” Classes are offered on a variety of subjects and skill levels, so even the more advanced students can benefit. The “Ask a Librarian” page on the library’s website also features a recently-updated FAQ list, email advice and the option to chat with a librarian. “But let’s be honest, no one really uses them,” said Jennifer To, a senior in the School of Public Affairs and a front desk receptionist at the library. However, she said these resources are a good reminder of the resources that the library offers before midterms and finals. SRAPHELSON@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

6 | SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 NEWS theEAGLE

SG comptroller resigns, Senate speaker steps in By HEATHER MONGILIO EAGLE STAFF WRITER


Students create signs for their demonstration on the Quad in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on Sept. 7.

Pro-Palestine students go on hunger strike for prisoners By RACHEL KARAS EAGLE STAFF WRITER

With bandanas tied around their faces and midday sun beating down upon their heads, a small group of students sat in the middle of the Quad with signs, leaflets and empty stomachs. Five members of AU Students for Justice in Palestine began a hunger strike Sept. 7, resolving to abstain from food until three Palestinian political prisoners are released or end their own strikes, SJP member Damián Fontanez said. The group hopes to remain on the Quad from Sept. 10 to 14 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fontanez, a senior in the School of Public Affairs, said the hunger strike is a show of solidarity with Palestinians who are detained without cause or due process. “[We will do this] every

day,” Fontanez said, adding that he hopes more students will join in the fast. “I’m hoping the prisoners are released as soon as possible … Samer al-Barq is near death and he hasn’t stopped his strike.” Though prisoners often use hunger strikes as a form of protest, the five SJP members are striking for three detainees who have gone longest without eating: Samer al-Barq, Hassan Safadi and Ayman Sharawna. As of Sept. 7, al-Barq was on his 140th day without food since April 15, according to Amnesty International. Safadi was on his 150th day of hunger strike since March 5 and Sharawna was on his 69th day of hunger strike, according to Palestinian prisoners’ support and human rights network Addameer. SJP members also held a hunger strike in February in support of Khader Adnan, who had then

been fasting for 60 days, The Eagle previously reported. The AU students’ strike lasted six days before Israeli authorities announced Adnan would be released in April. Michael Dranove, a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences, said he believes holding a strike of their own is the best way to support the imprisoned. “We’re being optimistic about how long we can last,” Dranove said. “I eat a lot of food … I have a fast metabolism. It’s going to be very difficult, but I’ll go through with it.” The group is also asking students to write letters to Brigadier General Danny Efroni, military judge advocate general of the Israeli Defense Forces, to “demand an end to this cruel policy of unjust imprisonment,” according to an SJP leaflet. As of September 2011, 272 Palestinians were held in “administrative deten-

tion” without charge, according to Human Rights Watch. Fontanez said they had received a positive and curious response from people passing by on campus, and said many others have written messages of support online even if they choose not to fast. According to Dranove, a student wearing a Star of David necklace approached the group, said he had brought a burrito and chips, tried to feed them and then told Public Safety that SJP had tried to attack him. Public Safety officers later spoke with the group, who denied attacking the student, and told The Eagle that they were unable to release information at the time. Fontanez said food should not be given to the group, but to “others who


Former Student Government Speaker of the Senate Joe Ste.Marie resigned to take over as comptroller. President Emily Yu nominated Ste.Marie and the Senate approved his nomination during its meeting on Sept. 9. The comptroller is responsible for overseeing the SG budget, the AUTO program and the bike lending program. “What an honor, re-

months. Former SG President Nate Bronstein appointed Reath after former Comptroller-Elect Taylor Yeates resigned before the start of his term. As comptroller, Reath planned to sit on the AU Budget Committee as a student advocate. After his resignation, Yu will take over this responsibility, Reath said. “I certainly still want to be involved in the process, but as of the moment without me being comptroller, it is pretty

“We’re definitely losing one of the stronger advocates of Student Government.” -SG Secretary Kevin Sutherland ally, to be chosen by your peers,” Ste.Marie said. Former SG Comptroller Eric Reath said he stepped down because of personal reasons. He did not inform any SG members before announcing his resignation during a Senate meeting on Sept. 2. Nobody in the Senate said a word after Reath’s announcement. “He really cares about this organization and I am sad to see him go,” Class of 2012 Sen. Brett Atanasio said. Reath was comptroller for a year and four

much her show,” Reath said. “But that’s not to say I won’t be speaking with administrators to talk about it.” Ste.Marie said he and Yu will meet before deciding if he will work on the University budget with the Board of Trustees. Reath says he plans to stay involved in SG, but does not know how yet. “We’re definitely losing one of the stronger advocates of Student Government,” SG Secretary Kevin Sutherland said. HMONGILIO@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

theEAGLE NEWS SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 | 7

AU professor refutes controversial study By TRAVIS WILLIAMSON EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER

College of Arts and Sciences Professor Ellen Feder opposed a study on fetal gender manipulation in a paper published in the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. The original study, written by French researchers Michel David and Maguelone Forest in 1984, champions a drug procedure to prevent female babies from being born with an inclination toward bisexuality, lesbianism or masculine tendencies. The scientists conducting this study used the offlabel drug dexamethasone to prevent the condition in female infants known as congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). CAH causes females to be born with intersex characteristics and causes more male emblematic genital and brain characteristics to develop. “I have struggled with making sense of [the scientist’s] motivations,” Feder said in an email. “Are they interested gen-

erally in ‘fetal engineering’ as you might put it, or are they motivated by prejudice (of anatomical difference), or even by the promise of more research monies and publications?” Feder co-authored the opposition paper with Northwestern University Professor Alice Dreger and Advocates for Informed Choice Director Anne Tamar-Mattis. Advocates for Informed Choice is an organization that strives to protect the rights of children with intersex conditions and different sex developments. Feder’s paper says this drug does little to prevent CAH, since it is ineffective on 90 percent of exposed fetuses. In addition, dexamethasone is administered before doctors can identify the fetus as female. Feder said many parents decide to take the drug because they believe it is best for their baby’s health. “Parents who have agreed to take prenatal dexamethasone believe they are treating an as-

Students plan to fast until political prisoners are released ≤ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6

need it more.” While he ate around 200 calories each day during last semester’s strike, he is now choosing to drink only water and tea. “I want to challenge

myself for an oppressed people,” Fontanez said, comparing the IsraeliPalestinian conflict to that of American colonists and Native Americans. “That’s what keeps me going.” Dranove and Fontanez said they believe the crea-

pect of their child’s possible illness...rather than try to ‘engineer’ optimized children, parents believe they are securing their children’s health, which is their obligation,” Feder said. AU is noted for its strong GLBTA community and acceptance of students of all sexual orientations. It is the only D.C. school to have a five-star rating on Campus Pride’s LGBTFriendly Campus Climate Index, The Eagle previously reported. Miriam Wolf, deputy director of AU Queers and Allies, said doctors should not have the power to manipulate or control a baby’s gender or sexual identity. “Why disturb the natural, magnificent process of pregnancy?” Wolf said. “Isn’t the beauty of having a child is to see how the child develops, grows and matures into the person he or she wants to become? Science does not entitle humans to control the wonders and perplexities of identity.” NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

tion of the state of Israel came at the expense of 700,000 to 800,000 Palestinians and has resulted in “ethnic cleansing.” “I try to take an intellectual standpoint on the whole thing, and I wouldn’t be doing this if I hadn’t weighed the arguments,” Dranove said. “There’s two sides to every story, but most of the time, there’s one side that’s right.” RKARAS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM


A student wears a red felt square to show solidarity with the student group CAUS.

Student group seeks dialogue with University By MARIS FEELEY EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Quebec students demonstrated against the education system wearing red felt squares earlier this year. AU students are borrowing this symbol to show their support for the Coalition of American University Students (CAUS). CAUS aims to increase discussion of issues students have with the administration and resolve them by using students’ own methods of direct action, said group organizer and senior in the School of Public Affairs Chris Litchfield. “The red patch is a symbol of student solidarity,” said Mitch Ellmauer, one of the organizers and a SPA senior. Litchfield said the patch is an “identifying mark that shows you support the idea that students should be working to better their own education.” The patches will be distributed by various members and at gatherings of the CAUS members to discuss and vote on methods

of action. The CAUS will meet every Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Mary Graydon Center Corner Lounge to determine goals for the semester and school year, according to Litchfield. The meetings will be in the form of student assemblies. “All decisions are made directly by members, who can be any AU student,” said Litchfield. The group plans to change how the University and students collaborate to bring about change. “As it is now, we don’t really have a say in how things are run … We think of education as a right, and students are the center of the university,” said Ellmauer. To go about accomplishing these goals, the CAUS plans to use direct action to “better housing policies [and] reform the Student Conduct Code,” according to a statement issued last year. They also encourage the administration officials “to be open and transparent with their [fiscal] spending,” Litchfield said. Litchfield said students

cannot voice their opinions openly to administrators in the current system. “The problem with meeting the administration in their space [i.e. in meetings, committees] is the fact that students are intentionally outgunned, intentionally disenfranchised,” Litchfield said. “They put one student on a committee to represent the entire student body and have ten administrators. It’s not an equal dynamic.” AU administration did not comment in time for publication. The forms of direct action that the CAUS is considering include rallies on the Quad, phone-ins and write-ins to the administration, as well as “teach-ins.” “A teach-in is a class run by students or professors who are allies,” Litchfield said. “The idea would be that you hold an unofficial, unsanctioned class about a topic that’s important to the people there.” As for learning about the CAUS, “word-of-mouth is really effective,” Ellmauer said. NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

8 | SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 NEWS theEAGLE

SG proposes plans for new governing body By HEATHER MONGILIO EAGLE STAFF WRITER

Student Government Sen. Brett Atanasio presented a constitution for the new student government during the Senate meeting on Sept. 2. This is the next step in replacing SG with the new AU Student Association. SG members called for a new constitution because they felt SG had shifted its focus away from advocacy. The Senate voted on April 24 to begin reorganizing

SG, The Eagle previously reported. The new Student Association would consist of a Board of Representatives, which will replace the current senate. Under the Board of Representatives will be the president. Below the president will be four vice presidents for advocacy, programming, finance and communications, according to the proposed constitution obtained by The Eagle. The school councils will be removed from the Stu-

dent Association, according to the documents. Instead, the school councils will work with the deans, according to committee member and Senator At-Large Joe Wisniewski. The class councils will be replaced in part by a Senior Programming Board. The vice president of programming will elect members from the graduating class to the board, according to the documents. None of the other classes will have their own organization in the Student Association. The committee chose not to include the other class councils, because many of the councils do not become active until senior year, when they focus on raising money for

Students participate in Democratic convention By SUZANNE GABER EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER

More than 10 members from AU College Democrats attended the Democratic National Convention from Sept. 4 through 6. Students chose to attend the DNC for a variety of reasons. One student, Zack Carroll, attended the convention as a delegate for his home state. Carroll, a sophomore in the School of International Service, began working in Illinois politics when he was 15 years old. He founded his county’s Young Democrats group last year, which quickly became the most politically active in the Midwest.

Katherine Tinker attended the convention with Business Forward, an organization that works to bring policy makers and business owners together to solve domestic economic issues. Tinker, a junior in SIS and president of AU College Democrats, said she had thought of herself as “center left” despite her democratic views. However, the energy and speakers of the convention gave her confidence and pride in her “Democrat” title. She spoke with many congressmen and businessmen as a part of her job with Business Forward and said many were responsive to her AU title. Terry McAuliffe, a Vir-

ginia businessman who is running for the Senate, even gave her a hug upon hearing she was from AU. Tinker said the highlight of the convention was “seeing people who recognized how awesome American University is when it comes to politics.” Tinker assisted in McAuliffe’s campaign in Virginia directly after the convention. Students at the convention attended an AU alumni reception hosted by School of Public Affairs Dean Barbara Romzek. AU College Republicans did not comment in time for publication despite multiple attempts to contact them. NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

the senior class gift, Wisniewski said. “It’s a more efficient system,” Wisniewski said. SG will now work to gain the 600 students’ signatures needed to call for a referendum, the first step toward the special election needed to approve the constitution, Wisniewski said. The transition to the new Student Association will be completed by the spring if students approve the constitution, said Atanasio, chairman of the Government Committee on Constitutional Review. “Personally, I think that this is going to make the organization better,” Wisniewski said. “We desperately need this.” Maddi Pariser contributed to this report.

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theEAGLE SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 | 9 Level:

Level: 1






Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle


Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit SOLUTION TO WEDNESDA"!S PUZZLE

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit

ACROSS 1 14-time All-Star catcher Rodriguez, familiarly 6 Smarten (up) 11 Data proc. equipment 14 Amer. economic assistance 15 Dermatologist!s concern 16 Skill 17 *“Karma Chameleon” band 19 Boot part 20 __ Sutra 21 Dipped in a well, maybe 22 Behold, to Livy 23 Tilts 25 *Space traveler 27 Corrida celebrity 29 Global positioning fig. 30 __ alai 32 Turner memoir 34 State with a 45mile Canadian border 38 Notable time 39 With 40-Across, kid!s toy ... and a word that can precede the first word of the starred answers 40 See 39-Across ... and a word that can precede the last word of the starred answers 42 White __ 43 Ministers to 45 Lengthwise 47 “Deadwood” channel 48 Tampa NFLer 50 Learn well 52 *It!s not good to meet with it 56 18-and-overs 59 Programs for 11Across, briefly 60 __ Reason 62 Trendy NYC section 63 Hwy. 64 *Used car selling point 66 D. Petraeus!s title 67 Shorthand system


© 2012 The Mepham Group. Distributed by © 2012 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved. Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.

Eagle Rants @ A friend and I crossed streams in the bathroom in the same toilet at a party when we were both hammered. Don’t cross the streams. Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light. TOTAL PROTONIC REVERSAL!

Go ahead, speak your mind. We’ll probably print it.

That awkward moment when the hottest guy on the floor is your RA. Ugh, AU why must you make my life so hard? It’s always nice to have bugs in your salad. Go AU!! To all those guys (and girls) out there who think they are “forever alone” or stuck in the “friend zone”:

just remember that in the end, Ron Stoppable got Kim Possible. -Straight (and single) Oh Adrienne. You thought that an Eagle article was going to give you a bad P.R. rep? Now look what the Washington Post and Today Show have done to you… Not smart of you. Not smart at all. But my favorite comment

on one of those articles is this: “My teachers always used to say that if you want to eat in class, you have to share with the rest of the students.” I could not stop laughing when I read that. My



By Gary Lowe

68 Seen enough 69 Not quite right 70 “The Gondoliers” bride 71 Actor Mike DOWN 1 Kings shoot them 2 Unremarkable 3 Firehouse mascot 4 Jeans brand 5 URL ender 6 WWII weapon 7 Singles out 8 Yo C.F.J. 9 Middle Aged? 10 “Swell!” 11 Sewing kit item 12 Spring bloomers 13 Awfully expensive 18 Not back down from, as a challenge 22 Founded: Abbr. 24 Outwits on the stand 26 One invoked during a drought 28 “Live! With Kelly” host 30 Shark attack victim? 31 “__ you for real?”

!"#$%&''()#%Puzzle Solved

(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

33 Lots 35 Fair-haired 36 Fireplace foodwarming shelf 37 Tic-tac-toe loser 41 Dicey 44 Two-baggers: Abbr. 46 Birds do it 49 Eau __ 51 “Project __”: fashion design show

has a folder on her computer named “TO DOOOOOOOOO” with a bunch of seemingly unrelated files and folders in it. It made me like her as a professor even more. We hooked up and you

52 Red River city 53 Made a choice 54 Topple 55 Actress Moorehead 57 The enemy!s 58 Separates by type 61 “Three Sisters” sister 64 Pvt.!s boss 65 Electrical measure

made me food at 3 in the morning to back up your claim that you are a great cook. Can we please have more sex? and eggs?

why are all the buildings over air-conditioned? really sustainable, AU


D.C. Chillin’ recommends the best fall festivals 11 | Review of Mount Eerie’s newest LP 14

A Justin Bieber cutout guest-starred in On A Sensual Note’s performance in Kay. OASN is AU’s all-male a cappella ensemble.

A cappella groups kick off new year with pitch-perfect preview By AMBER COHEN EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Forget auto-tune and backtracks. A cappella is the popular trend this year, not only in mainstream culture (exemplified by hit shows like “Glee” and “The Sing-Off”) but also on campus. AU’s four a cappella groups showed off their talent on Sept. 7 in front of tightly packed pews in the Kay Spiritual Life Center. The co-ed group Dime A Dozen, decked out in red and black, performed first. The members sang “Gunpowder and Lead” by popular country artist Miranda Lambert, as well as “Change in My Life” and “All the Above” by Maino. Blends with Benefits took over the stage next singing the radio hit “Somebody I Used To Know” by Gotye. The crowd roared with laughter during a rendition of the “Pokémon Theme Song” then sobered up when they slowed the tempo down with Coldplay’s tearjerker, “Fix You.” The all-male On A Sensual

Note came on stage next accompanied by loud cheers. A highlight of their performance was a serenade mashup of “Sexual Healing” and “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” sung to an audience member. The group also sang a mashup of “Some Nights” and “We Are Young” by fun., finishing with an energized performance of “Somebody to Love,” accompanied by a cardboard cutout of Justin Bieber. The all-girl group Treble in Paradise ended the show with an Adele mashup of “Rumor Has It” and “Someone Like You,” followed by “Not Over You” by Gavin DeGraw. The ladies finished with a tribute to the late Whitney Houston in a mashup of her biggest hits “I Will Always Love You” and “I Wanna Dance With Somebody.” While the groups showed they already had talent, the concert’s main purpose was to attract newcomers to audition for the a cappella groups. Lucie Alden, a freshman in CAS, wanted to audition for Treble in Paradise before the con-

cert even began. “I love singing. It defines me,” Alden said. “I want to audition because I like Treble in Paradise’s repertoire.” For many auditioners, this is not their first time. Elyse Preston, a sophomore in SPA, auditioned last year during the spring and advised first-timers to have fun, to be yourself and to go for it. Auditions occurred the weekend after the concert with a general audition on Saturday and calls back on Sunday. Evan Petrone, a junior in SPA and SOC, joined Blend with Benefits his freshman year. “I didn’t have any singing experience when I first joined,” Petrone said. “But it is a welcoming environment where everyone supports each other.” Each group has a different audition process. For Blends with Benefits, newcomers must have one song prepared. During the audition, he or she will be asked to sing scales and to sing with the group to see how well he or she can blend. For Treble in Paradise, each person who auditions arrives to their allotted 10 minute slot with a verse and chorus of a pop song. Then he or she will have their tonal memory, or how well they match pitches,


tested. “We look for a wide range, especially during the scales,” CAS junior Maria Schneider of Treble in Paradise said. “While beatboxing would be great, it is an additional skill we look for.” Spots are limited for all the groups, but according to Schneider it is worth the time and effort

to audition. “You get to sing at benefits, around D.C. or go on tour to other schools,” Schneider said. “It’s a great opportunity to get involved in AU.” Full disclosure: Eagle Editorin-Chief Zach C. Cohen is a member of Dime a Dozen. THESCENE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

TV PICK: The Mindy Project



Fans of “The Office” may not know who actress Mindy Kaling is, but they certainly know who her character Kelly Kapoor is. Kaling, who has written for and starred in “The Office,” may finally gain the recognition she deserves with “The Mindy Project.” With a New York Times bestseller under her belt (“Is Everyone Hanging Out With-

out Me?”) and recognition as a comedian, producer and actress it seems logical for Kaling to create her own show. “The Mindy Project” centers on Dr. Lahiri, played by Kaling, an OB/GYN with a penchant for romantic comedies and bad decisions. Although she makes poor decisions in love, she is a star in the operating room. “The Office” fanatics should be excited to see the same sarcastic, girly yet ironic humor play out in “The Mindy Project.” Kaling is a refreshing change from the white-washed female leads of network comedy shows before her. THESCENE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM


theEAGLE SCENE SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 | 11


Celebrate the coming of autumn with the best of the District’s fall festivals By CHELSEA CLAYS EAGLE COLUMNIST

D.C. looks the best in autumn (I love the spring and its cherry blossoms, but I’m a fall weather person). Fall is the best season for D.C. because every weekend is filled with festivals galore, celebrating all of D.C.’s amazing residents. Here are some of the best fall picks for some prime “D.C. Chillin.” EZRA MENELIK / THE EAGLE

A fashionably dressed passer-by poses for the cameras as she peruses the Georgetown shops.


Brightest Young Things (BYT) is a D.C.-based web magazine that moonlights as a nightlife and events planner.

Georgetown charitably hosts District’s stylocrats for annual Fashion’s Night Out By SYDNEY GORE EAGLE COLUMNIST

Fashionistas of the DMV region swarmed M Street, eager to see what The District shops had in store for D.C.’s Fashion’s Night Out on Sept. 6. The whole concept behind FNO is shopping for a cause, with the night’s profits going towards various charities. Proceeds from the signature FNO Georgetown items went toward the Vital Voices Global Partnership, a D.C.-based charity represented by extraordinary women across the globe. Following this example, stores like J. Crew sold exclusive FNO items. A portion of the funds from J. Crew’s FNO t-shirt benefitted the AIDS Foundation in New York City. For the most part, stores in the vicinity offered edible free-

bies and exclusive discounts. UGG Australia had one of the best set-ups, treating customers to an assortment of tasty appetizers with music provided by a DJ. Madewell provided their guests with multiple perks, such as beverages, candy and a hairbraiding bar. In addition, customers received free Madewell pouches if they spent over $100. Urban Outfitters on M Street hosted a local pop-up shop where shoppers could check out local artists and participate in a free DIY workshop for the items that they purchased. Down the street, Anthropologie offered one-on-one styling and extended shopping after hours. From Q Street to Wisconsin Avenue, pedi-cabs (bicycle chariots) chauffeured shoppers throughout the evening for free. A VIP lounge, built around Dean and Deluca by the nightlife and

culture web magazine Brightest Young Things, treated all to red carpet access, free bottles of Vitamin Water and entertainment such as people covered in balloons walking the streets on stilts. Hidden within a white tent behind the PNC Bank on M Street, a DJ played all the mixes on a humongous and empty dance floor. With freelance photographers waiting on every corner of M Street to snap photos of impressively dressed passers, everyone could feel important no matter who they were or where they came from that night. While some may be under the impression that there would be no comparison between D.C.’s FNO to that of New York, the evening was a fashionably fun time for all who attended. SGORE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM


Held in one of D.C.’s most vibrant neighborhoods, this year’s H Street Festival motto is “One Street — One City,” bringing together members of the community to draw attention to the burgeoning arts and entertainment district. This year’s highlights include an art car show, a preview of D.C. Fashion Week and musical performances sponsored by the Rock & Roll Hotel.


Can’t afford to plane ticket to Turkey? No worries. Head to D.C.’s annual Turkish Festival on Pennsylvania Avenue between 12th and 14th St. NW for a full day of free activities, from lively folk dancing and musical performances to arts and crafts activities. You can also enjoy other much-loved aspects of Turkey such as its delicious cuisine, tradition of coffee fortune reading and bustling bazaar (holiday shopping anyone?).


Foodies from all over the Dis-

trict unite at Taste of D.C. where dozens of restaurants, food trucks and catering companies offer samples of their trademark dishes for minimal prices ($1 to $3). While you’re tasting your favorite morsels from D.C.’s tastiest places, you can watch over 50 different live acts, including musicians, dancers and chef demonstrations. Admission is $10.


One of D.C.’s racier traditions, drag queens dress to the nines on the Tuesday right before Halloween to race each heels. People start arriving as early at 6 p.m. to admire and gawk at their fabulously ridiculous costumes and score a prime spot for snapping photos. Afterward, winners, losers and spectators gather for an informal block party that lasts well into the night.


Hilarious name aside, this craft fair is like Etsy come to life. Craft makers and artists from all over the country come to Union Market to sell their gear. From gorgeous leather-bound journals to snarky greeting cards and ironic sweaters, crafters compete just to be able to sell here by winning points for their originality. They then compete to win votes for the fair-goers’ favorite booth. Make sure to bring lots of cash and enjoy all the neat things you find while supporting small businesses. CCLAYS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

12 | SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 SCENE theEAGLE



Get your weekly dose of free art By SEAN MEEHAN / EAGLE STAFF WRITER

Living in a big city can be expensive. But it doesn’t have to be. Every week there’s someone willing to feed, entertain, occupy, educate or annoy you, all for free. Fine Art For Free rounds up the best free art events in the coming week to help you stretch that paycheck just a little bit further.


ARIE MANDELBAUM: “LOVE & RAGE” / KATHERINE TZU-LAN MANN:“UNQUIET KINGDOM” HONFLEUR GALLERY | OPENING SEPT. 14 AT 7 P.M. Anacostia’s Honfleur Gallery will be celebrating the opening of two new exhibitions Sept. 14, both of which will run until Oct. 26. The first, Arie Mandelbaum’s “Love & Rage,” is a series of abstract, mixed-media works inspired by a six-week residency in Anacostia. The 13 pieces in the exhibition recount experiences from Mandelbaum’s residency in his signature soft, pastel style. Upstairs, Katherine Tzu-Lan Mann’s “Unquiet Kingdom” will open, featuring site-specific, acrylic-on-paper installation paintings which play on the contrast between order and chaos. Each of the paintings feature a clash between tight, intricate patterns and larger, more chaotic marks.



POLLY TOWNSEND: “SLOWER THAN THIS” FLASHPOINT GALLERY | EXHIBITION CLOSES SEPT. 13 AT 6 P.M. If you can make it before 6 p.m. on Thursday, British visual artist Polly Townsend’s latest exhibition will still be on display at Flashpoint Gallery in Metro Center. “Slower Than This” is a more introspective project for Townsend, which focuses on the interplay between photography and painting. Flashpoint Gallery is a fairly small place, so this won’t be a day trip. But if you’re looking for something to do on Thursday but also want to save money for dinner, this exhibit is worth a stop.

Does Washington, D.C.’s future lie in Berlin’s past? Curator Stephanie Sherman thinks so. Her new exhibition, which opens at the Goethe Institut on Sept. 13, examines the ways that the city of Berlin transformed unused or abandoned space into the artistic centers. These centers have helped cement Berlin’s reputation as one of the most creative and interesting cities in the world. The project focuses on the work of a group of Washington artists and researchers who traveled to Berlin seeking inspiration for D.C.’s Dupont Underground project, which aims to create a Berlin-like creative space in abandoned tunnels under Dupont Circle.


At some point, every concertgoer laces up their boots in preparation for facing the infamous “mosh pit.” For the scarce amount of people out there who have never been exposed to a mosh pit, it is essentially the rowdiest section of a crowd where arms, fists and kicks are thrown in all directions. In the aftermath, expect blood, sweat and tears to be shed as well. Nobody usually enjoys their first mosh pit because they lack experience. (Warning: The worst that could

possibly happen is being surrounded by pre-teen fangirls who claw at anyone separating them from their favorite band member.) The nature of surviving a mosh pit is simple: when push comes to shove, reciprocate it all. If someone gets knocked down, they have a choice— stay down or get back up. This same idea can be applied to everyday life. When we are faced with a challenge, we have the decision to give up and accept defeat or go in knowing it will be difficult, tackle it hands-on and conquer the beast. My favorite part about the

mosh pit is the unexpected kindness conveyed amidst all the chaos. The same people who want to tear their victims apart limb from limb will bend over backwards and support them in the event that they get hurt or need protection. If the pit becomes too intense, there is always the option of getting out, and people will open a path towards the nearest exit. Beyond the venue, this support system is a representation of family and friends. No matter how rough things get inside and outside of the pit, there will always be people who step up and offer a shoulder to cry on or a reassuring hug when it is needed the most. These same people also provide guidance free of charge. In a way, going into a mosh pit is like a rite of passage. Sticking it out proves how dedicated you are to the

band and, above all else, the music. Everyone is equal in the pit; there are no advantages, cheat codes or free passes. It’s one thing to stand on the outskirts and tolerate moshing but quite another to participate for the thrill of defending yourself at all costs, and in the process earning some respect. There’s something educational about being in a crowd full of strangers at a venue for one night that completely triumphs what I am forced to learn out of a textbook in a classroom every day. The people of the pit teach me more about life in one night than my professors manage to do in one week. Then again, maybe I am speaking total nonsense because I have been hit in the head too many times by random crowd-surfers. SGORE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

theEAGLE SCENE SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 | 13

Corcoran Gallery sheds light on Latin American stereotypes, struggles By RICHARD KAUFMANN EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER


Two new Katzen exhibits showcase diversity of museum’s fall offerings By CASEY BRAND EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Two new exhibits at the Katzen Arts Center, “John Cage’s STEPS: A Composition for a Painting, Selected Watercolors, Various Objects, and Ephemera” and “Occupy This!” defy conventional standards of art. The exhibits opened Sept. 1. Both exhibits deal with the problem of inaction and recall the volatile nature of the 1960s.


“Occupy This!” incorporates photography, film and art from the Occupy movement around the world, with a focus on Occupy D.C. The exhibit features a loose reconstruction of the original “People’s Library,” a collection of books and knowledge for Occupy D.C. participants to share. The library adds an aspect of interactivity to the exhibit. Museum visitors are welcome to contribute to and borrow from the makeshift library. The library seems to have a voice of its own, decrying injustice through the signs that surround it. The exhibit also focuses on the historical movements that inspired Occupy. “Occupy This!” includes a collection of photographs and a documentary featuring the Bonus Army, a group

of World War I veterans that marched on D.C. following the start of the Great Depression to demand full reimbursement of their salaries. The exhibit as a whole is fascinating because the movement and the events that it depicts hit close to home. Photographs of social movements from the past century recall the appearance of Occupy. “Movements look the way they do because of images that have come out of the culture,” said AU Museum Director and Curator Jack Rasmussen during a tour of the exhibits.


“John Cage’s STEPS” celebrates famed composer, artist and writer John Cage. Cage is most famous for his musical composition “4’33’’,” which is four minutes and 33 seconds of silence. It allows listeners to “experience everything [they] wouldn’t normally hear,” Rasmussen said. This mentality drives the exhibit. The exhibit is part of the John Cage Centennial Festival in D.C. The Cage exhibits also include pieces by choreographer Merce Cunningham, which use motion as an unexpected medium. Cunningham used a wheelchair as a paintbrush in one work while footprints decorate another. The pieces vibrate with the chaotic

movements used to create them. The works are at once intentional and spontaneous. Cage’s simple works have a musical quality, reflecting his background. The abstractions in his works seem improvised and in some cases incomplete. These qualities force the viewer to reflect on the artist’s intentions. “In a way, [Cage] was just as subversive of the institution as Occupy,” Rasmussen said.

Visitors to the Corcoran Gallery of Art on the first Saturday of September shuffled past a bizarre sight: a woman dressed in a traditional Colombian attire, sweeping the floor and washing windows to the loud tune of Latin pop songs. It was an odd sight to see at the museum’s entrance, which is flanked by 19th century busts, sculpted by Hiram Powers. Many visitors ignored the woman, giving her little more than a confused glare before going on their way, pushing through the

climb a ladder and place herself in the box. That’s no easy feat, considering the burdensome dress she was wearing. “It’s so unexpected to see this kind of piece in a gallery setting,” Sarah Durkee, the museum’s vice president of public education, said. “But it’s great, because it allows us to experiment with our audience. People can’t help but interact with the performance.” “Maid in the USA” offered an easy-to-miss glimpse into a world that is often ignored. Despite the obvious humor of watching a woman dressed in traditional garb taking her lunch-break in a transparent glass-box, there was

‘Maid in the USA’ offered an easyto-miss glimpse into a world that is often ignored.


On Sept. 15, two more exhibits, “Revelation: Major Paintings” by Jules Olitski and “PLATFORMS” by the Washington Sculpture Group, will open at the museum. In the spirit of Occupy, students will host a gallery talk addressing the issue of student debt on the same day. The exhibits are an effort by the museum to motivate students to get involved, Rasmussen said. Rasmussen was interested in creating a show “that was about more than just looking at pictures.” The show certainly succeeds in this respect. “John Cage’s STEPS” and “Occupy This!” are thought-provoking, multi-faceted exhibits that will prove especially fascinating to museum-goers interested in history. The exhibits are open through Oct. 21. THESCENE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

glass-door entrance and dirtying the panes she had just cleaned. One of the spectators, who had joined a small crowd gathered around this event, even blurted out, “What’s with that windowwasher?” However, the woman wasn’t a member of the museum’s janitorial staff. Her name is Carolina Mayorga, and she was performing her latest act, “Maid in the USA,” in which she works to explore the stereotypes, both visible and unseen, that revolve around Latin Americans in this nation’s service industry. “Maid in the USA” is part of the Corcoran’s nine-week series entitled “Take It to the Bridge.” The series revolves around a glass-box, known as “the Bridge,” which was built atop the doors of the museum’s entranceway. Occasionally, Mayorga would

obviously a great deal of heart put into the work. While it is an odd sight to see in a museum setting hosting pieces that range from Peale to Picasso, “Maid in the USA” was an interesting, if not thought-provoking, act showcasing a people and service that is often taken for granted. Two performances remain for the Bridge series. “Bridging the Light,” by Anne Albagli, will begin on Sept. 9, and will set out to explore the manipulation of light that can be achieved through the transparent glass-box atop the Corcoran’s entrance. The series will conclude on Sept. 15, with “This Space Occupied (by Maida),” wherein Maida Withers and Steve Hilmy will work from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. improvising a performance centered around the Occupy Movement. THESCENE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

14 | SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 SCENE theEAGLE


“Daytime Disco” shouldn’t be a legitimate genre title that works. It just shouldn’t. But on Poolside’s debut “Pacific Standard Time,” it’s right on. The 72-minute, 16 track record seems to run a bit long, unless you’re actually lounging poolside; the album melts into one long laidback California

NUDE BEACH II New York three-piece plays a brand of rock that is instantly familiar yet surprisingly fresh.

Nude Beach write the type of music you would expect of a band sporting a retro greaser look on their front album cover. Their songs are melodic, punchy bursts of energy that owe more to pop than they do punk, yet they have an undeniable toughness about them. The material has such a classic


Eternal Summers delivers fuzzy pop with youthful exuberance and charm — and a serious punk edge.

The first track of dream-punk band Eternal Summer’s “Correct Behavior” is deceiving. “Millions” is a perfect summer pop song with anthemic riffs and sweet vocals. “Correct Behavior” is much more then sunny hooks, with creepy distortion, cacophonous drums and a dark punk aura setting Eternal Summers apart from easy comparisons like Best Coast or Dum Dum Girls. Nicole Yun’s voice has that same clear and effortless quality as other ga-

Looking for new music? DJs at WVAU share their thoughts on a range of recent releases.

groove. Standout tracks including the Neil Young cover of “Harvest Moon” break up the flow of the ‘70s-inspired keyboard, synths and basslines with xylophone riffs layered on top. Soft falsetto vocals and harmonies recall the BeeGees without feeling dated. The beats are obviously Poolside’s focus, but lyrics like “Don’t move so fast / Slow down / Let this feeling last / Relax / It’s alright” only drive the lazy beach day disco theme further home… or to the beach. Recommended If You Like: Neon Indian, Caribou, summer

With ‘Ocean Roar,’ Mount Eerie further develops his unique sound By CHRISTINE LY EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER

songs, bolstered by a cym- ment and wandering wonbal-driven beat replete derment of the suburban with grinding guitar. With wilderness plays out in that kind of energetic “I Walked Home Beholdsound, you’d expect El- ing.” With the infrequenverum to start singing but, cy of vocalization, listennot so; he’ll have you wait ers are left hanging onto until the 3:05 mark before every word that Elverum you hear his first delivery. sings of storms and the As the song reaches its calm wake, “tossed on the final minutes, a constant waves, blown onto land, stream of something that grasping meaning, in sounds like a distorted churning mess, a moment harpsichord beckons lis- of clear air breathing, seeteners to lose themselves ing the expanse totally at in the thrill of looking over peace with the meaningsome majestic mountain. lessness of living.” The title song “Ocean Overall, “Ocean Roar” Roar” features a chorus of pays skillful attention to female-backing vocalists both electronic and acousthat harmonizes with El- tic signatures. The combiverum’s soft lilt. There is nation will take your mind definitely a lighter feel to from heavy visceral bleakthis song, which is made ness to an almost wistful more evident by the peals meditation of organic life. of children’s laughter at As you listen to Mount the very end. Eerie, let the unexpected “Waves” erupts with become the expected. a rolling groundswell of Recommended If You ferocious, drum crescen- Like: Nadja, Wye Oak, Tim dos and atmospheric gui- Hecker tar. In fact, Elverum’s THESCENE@THEEAGLEONLINE. penchant for the scenic COM and epic might stem from his upbringing in the forests of OrUPCOMING D.C. egon. Each CONCERT: song seems MOUNT EERIE W/ to emulate the looming SECRET MOUNTAINS, threat of the DJ SEAN PEOPLES AT U fantastical STREET MUSIC HALL ON and unsettling enormiSEPT.18, 8 P.M., 18 AND ty of nature’s OVER ONLY. essential elements. Abandon-

Mount Eerie’s sixth LP delivers another lush, mind-altering, sonic experiment that converges into an atypical mix of folk, indie and metal. Under the moniker Mount Eerie, Phil Elverum’s music career has seen the release of dozens of full-length albums, EPs By MARISSA CETIN and live experimentations. In a nutshell, he has been sound that it often feels familiar even stylistically inconsistent in upon first listen, and that’s probably the best possible way. On how the band intended it to be. Tracks the album “Wind’s Poem” such as “Radio” and “Cathedral Echhe delved into black metal oes” certainly wear their influences inspired by the likes of (Elvis Costello, The Replacements) Leviathan and Wolves in on their sleeves, but the melodies and the Throne Room — he tight songwriting make up for any lack played indie back when he of originality. led lo-fi band The MicroEven if it’s been done a thousand phones. times before, Nude Beach’s brand of Now, his latest album power-pop meets punk is simply too “Ocean Roar” is the seclikable to resist, and it results in one of ond of twin albums rethe most feel-good albums of the year. leased in 2012, the first beRIYL: Elvis Costello, The Replacements, ing “Clear Moon,” which The Gaslight Anthem was more normative in By CAMERON MEINDL structure and bled dark tones. Both albums were rage rock frontwomen, but on songs like written in Elverum’s old “You Kill” she stretches her range to its church-cum-studio two breaking point with electrifying results. years in the making. Drummer Daniel Cundiff takes a turn Released by his namedoing vocals on “Girls in the City,” in a sake label, P.W. Elverum turn reminiscent of a spoken-sung Veltet & Sun, Ltd., on Sept. 4, Underground track. It’s followed by the “Ocean Roar” brings the stormy “Heaven and Hell” where Yun sound towards the light proclaims, “Death itself will die” as the with mysterious and lonedrums vacillate from hard to soft. some contemplations of Lyrically, “Correct Behavior” is a nature and living memoperfect encapsulation of the summer ries. between high school and college when The album begins with you’re still confined in your parent’s “Pale Lights,” one of the house with freedom only weeks away. album’s most dynamic It’s a reflection of their sound: rebellious and carefree, but a little cynical and dark. It’s about facing the harsh reality Check out for more content from The Scene, that summer doesn’t last forever. including our review of The Folger Theater’s “Hamlet” and coverage of RIYL: Orange Juice, Grass Widow, The the Corcoran Art Gallery live art performance “Bridging the Light.” Raincoats, Crocodiles By EMILY WHITE




The room went silent after Eric Reath announced his resignation as Student Government comptroller on Sept. 2, and for good reason. Reath was phenomenal at his job. He has been consistently transparent with information, willing to explain the budget and served as a dedicated student advocate. Reath was a wonk in the purest form of the word. If someone had a question concerning the University or SG budg-

Significant campus and national debate on our coverage of Professor Adrienne Pine’s classroom breast-feeding merits the following statement of fact: The Eagle initially started looking into this story when we thought an unknown professor was under administrative review for breast-feeding in class. We then found a number of students who confirmed Pine had breast-fed her baby during a “Sex, Gender and Culture” lecture. Heather Mongilio, who has worked at The Eagle

et, Reath had the answers. Reath left for personal reasons and The Eagle feels that this loss cannot be taken lightly. Reath was going to be the student representative on the AU Budget Committee. Most students do not fully understand the complexity of AU’s budget. The budget affects all aspects of the school: the students, the professors, the building initiatives and so on. Students overall fail to realize how the budget

works and exactly where their tuition dollars go. These details cannot be learned overnight. Reath fully understood the intricacies of the AU budget, and that institutional knowledge will be hard to replace. At the current point in time, it is unclear who will take over the seat on the AU Budget Committee. SG President Emily Yu plans to take a more proactive role in budget negotiations now that Reath is out

FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK BY ZACH C. COHEN as a news reporter for a year, interviewed Pine to confirm the information we had obtained. I subsequently offered Pine anonymity by withholding her name, the class and the school she teaches in. Had Pine never posted her now well-known essay on CounterPunch, we may have never run a story in the first place. If we had, we would have honored our promise to grant her anonymity. After Pine’s decision to post her essay, we initially hesitated to communicate with both our readers and mainstream media on a

story that had not been published. We could not make the call whether or not to publish until we had all of the facts, and it would have been premature for us to talk about the story in public before the story’s publication. But national mainstream media could not wait, and The Eagle, Pine and the rest of the AU community have been covered in The Washington Post, NBC and The Huffington Post. On Sept. 12, we were able to finish gathering all of the facts we felt were necessary to write an ob-

of the game. This will give Yu a chance to fulfill her campaign promises, such as giving students beside incoming freshmen the opportunity to apply for merit-based financial aid. But with all of the other responsibilities Yu has as SG president, she may not be the most effective advocate for students. The AU budget can arguably be the most important issue SG handles, and an issue with such precedence should not come second

on anyone’s to-do list. If Joe Ste.Marie, the newly appointed comptroller, takes the seat he would also have a large void to fill. Ste.Marie and Yu will meet to decide whether or not Ste.Marie will work on the University budget with the Board of Trustees. Although The Eagle is confident Ste.Marie will be able to handle the new position, he does not have as strong of a financial background as Reath did. We fear that without Reath’s knowledge

the student presence on the AU Budget Committee will not be as influential. We trust the SG officials, but we hope they focus on educating Reath’s replacements in the weeks to come. Our main concern is what’s going to happen now. A strong SG advocate has just been lost, and how SG handles this loss will demonstrate its capabilities to the student body. ≠ E

jective news story, found both in our print edition and online. This is the first time we have published a staff-written story on the matter. We used official statements from the University, Pine’s own words on the breast-feeding and her thoughts on her interview with Mongilio (who did not write the final story in order to prevent a conflict of interest), information on the law for public breast-feeding and student reactions. However, we did not give Pine enough time to respond to this story in addition to the initial interview. We provided Pine a place for her viewpoint in the story through her post. But that is not sufficient, and for that we apologize. We stand by our reporting because this is the essence of journal-

ism: we received a news tip and followed up with the proper sources to confirm the truth. The story, in our eyes, became newsworthy when we found specific policies that afforded her protection, opinions from the University on her actions and widespread campus debate on a very legitimate question on the social acceptance of public breast-feeding. As a journalist, my preference has always been, and will continue to be, to speak through objective news reports. The Eagle values transparency in its editorial policies and practices, and, now that we have our final story, we can be more open with the steps we took to get to this point. We will continue to follow the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics, a

national standard for media standards and ethics. We encourage readers to submit letters to the editor with any concerns to edpage@theeagleonline. com.


Zach C. Cohen is editorin-chief of The Eagle. EDITOR@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM



Between You & Me

important. When you walk past me in MGC, it’s like you have no use for me. I’m just some boy clacking away on his keyboard, right? That’s not how a community works. Even if you and I have nothing in common, we have a real impact on one another. As AU students, we do not exist in isolation. We attend classes and events, affiliate with teams and organizations, interact interpersonally and constantly shape our campus discourse through social media. My decisions affect you, even if you don’t realize it. We are interconnected. I’ve come to understand, however, that recog-

nizing this interconnectedness isn’t enough. Many of us have been taught to be fiercely independent and so we put up barriers. This makes us apathetic to those we don’t immediately perceive as important. In order to overcome these barriers, we must have empathy. We must forge links, not walls, within the AU community. When do we start to care about somebody? We care when we see ourselves in them. Empathy means figuring out what you have in common with somebody else. Once you share this bond, you are no longer strangers. You cannot ignore somebody who reminds you of yourself. Empathy doesn’t require you to introduce yourself to everyone you meet, searching for that thing that you may have in common. Sometimes this commonality can be as simple as both being AU students, both outside en-

joying the beautiful weather, or that you’re both in a rush. It’s essential to recognize that we are interconnected. I’m reminded of how in the movie Avatar, the Na’vi would greet each other by saying “I see you.” It shows that they acknowledge one another’s significance and complexity. If we show apathy by deliberately overlooking one another, we demonstrate empathy when we choose to “see.” If I’m sitting in MGC, you don’t need to talk to me, smile at me or even look at me. But by “seeing” me, you acknowledge that I am an individual who is important to our community, not just a piece of scenery.

like Adams Morgan and U Street, which were neglected and feared after the race riots of the 1960s. The immigrant population reinvigorated these neighborhoods and helped transform them into modern-day hotspots. This past week launched the Diplomatic Culinary Partnership, a joint effort between the U.S. State Department and the James Beard Foundation. Eighty chefs were given the designation of State Chefs as part of the American Chef Corps (some familiar names might be Mike Isabella, Rick Bayless and José Andrés). This partnership acknowledges the importance of food in understanding and connecting the world. The

culinary 21st century has been defined by a recognition and admiration of local, ethnic and cultural foods. Never before have unique food cultures been embraced so openly by writers, critics, TV personalities and food blogs. Food as diplomacy recognizes that the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach. Culinary ambassadors can connect the United States with individual from around the world through what is perhaps the oldest diplomatic tool. Food is universal, but also something that is unique to different countries, ethnic groups and religions. Understanding a culture’s food is essential to understanding the culture as a whole. Food is more than

just Yelp! reviews or Instagram photos. Food in D.C. is defined by not just cross-cultural collaboration and Americanization, but also ethnic independence. Culinary ambassadors are the first steps in understanding the world beyond GDP, political brinksmanship and the basic theories of international relations. The story behind the food, the story that connects us to different cultures, is almost as amazing as the sweet, spicy and savory Bánh mì at Truckeroo on a hot Friday afternoon. Sam Mendelson is a sophomore in the School of International Service.

Build community with empathy

The Eagle’s new political cartoon series.

DEREK SIEGEL | ETHICS WITH A SIDE OF TOAST Why should you care about me? I’m sitting in MGC, bent over my computer. So what? You walk past me without notice. You don’t care. You’re standing in front of the stairs, waiting for a friend, flipping idly through your phone, pretending I don’t exist. It’s something we often do: search for friends within a crowd, glazing over any unfamiliar faces. If we recognize somebody— aha! —we immediately associate them with a name, a personality and a history. If not, they’re just an indistinguishable blur. The way we persistently overlook others sends the message that they aren’t


D.C. bridges cultural gaps through food SAM MENDELSON | SPORK The Bánh mì was impeccable: crunchy daikon, savory beef and sweet plus acidic chili-lime mayo combined to create something that was magically foreign, but comfortably local. On a hot Friday afternoon, Navy Yard filled with four-wheeled ambassadors. My tongue could travel halfway across the world with 10 steps to my left or to my right, and it was easy to get lost amongst the tacos, hoagies, gelati, empanadas and curries at Truckeroo.

Beyond the smells, tastes and sounds of orders being yelled to truckbased culinary conductors, there is a history. Bánh mì dates back to French colonial involvement in Vietnam (then Indochina) in the 19th century. Combining the distinctively French baguette with rice-powder and Vietnamese meats, sauces and sides led to the birth of a sandwich that fused two cultures from opposite sides of the world, the result of a colo-

nial empire. Natives of D.C. will rave about the vibrant Ethiopian food, and many have sampled wot, injera or tibs. Yet, rarely is the question asked why D.C. has the largest Ethiopian population in the United States. The answer is rooted in the USSR-supported, Ethiopian Marxist movement of the 1970s. However, the story goes beyond Cold War politics: during the diaspora of the 1970s, Ethiopians settled in areas of D.C.

Derek Siegel is a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences. EDPAGE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM




Cristobal Soto led an AU defense that surrendered just one goal in two victories on the weekend.

McDonald, Seigfreid power men’s soccer to weekend wins By BRIANNA WILLIAMS EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Coming off an overtime loss against George Mason in the D.C. College Cup last weekend, the AU men’s soccer team dominated a pair of home weekend matches to move over .500 for the first time this season. The Eagles opened the weekend with a 3-1 victory Sept. 7 against the St. Francis (N.Y.) Terriers. A transfer from Northeastern, Dale McDonald opened the scoring in the 20th minute when he knocked home a cross from teammate Colin Seigfreid for his first goal as an Eagle.

“Dale adds a different element up top,” AU assistant coach Shawn Kuykendall said. The Eagles (4-2) added their second goal just before the half when Conor Osborne launched a shot from 40 yards out past Terriers goalkeeper Tyler Clarhaut. The score was also Osborne’s first as an Eagle. St. Francis (1-4) showed a sign of life late, when Kevin Correa scored in the 81st minute to pull the Terriers within one. But the man who started the action in the first place clinched the victory for the Eagles, as McDonald tallied his second goal of the game in the 89th minute to seal the 3-1 victory.

Field hockey picks up pair of wins 18

Looking ahead, McDonald figures to be a central part of the AU offensive attack along with Patriot League Preseason Offensive Player of the Year Alassane Kane. “Me and Alassane are not afraid to communicate,” McDonald said when asked about his onfield chemistry with Kane. During his time at Northeastern, McDonald played 29 games in two seasons and finished the 2011 season with three goals and three assists. The Eagles wrapped up the weekend with a 2-0 victory against the Saint Peter’s Peacocks Sept. 9. Seigfreid scored the first goal early in the match, ripping a shot from outside the 18-yard box to give the junior his third point in two games. AU goalkeeper Billy Knutsen was strong in net, stopping all four shots on goal. Seth Goldman added an insurance goal for the Eagles in the 72nd minute, when he put his own rebound past St. Peter’s (2-3) goalkeeper Carlos Suarez. The weekend victories concluded a four-game homestand that saw the Eagles go 3-1. The Eagle offense was particularly strong, with AU scoring 13 goals over the four matches. Seigfreid was named Patriot League Offensive Player of the Week for the second week in a row, while Cristobal Soto earned Patriot League Defensive Player of the Week honors. Freshman Charlie Hunter was named Rookie of the Week. The Eagles will travel to Morgantown, W.Va., Sept. 15 for a match against West Virginia, before opening PL play at Colgate Sept. 22. Colgate defeated AU 2-0 in last year’s Patriot League Championship match at Reeves Field. SPORTS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

| Lockout would kill NHL’s momentum 19

McCaddin’s strong play leads volleyball at SpartanAggie Invitational By JOSH PAUNIL EAGLE STAFF WRITER

Kelly McCaddin led the AU volleyball team to a clean sweep at the Spartan-Aggie Invitational in Greensboro, N.C. The sophomore outside hitter earned MVP honors at the event, signaling the step up she has taken since last year. “She was a force on the right [side] this weekend,” AU head coach Barry Goldberg said. “She played a position she was more comfortable with [and] I think that helped her. It was a big weekend for us for sure.” The Eagles (5-3) swept both North Carolina A&T (0-12) Sept. 7 and UNC Asheville Sept. 8 in their first two matches. They then capped the weekend by defeating UNC Greensboro Saturday night in a five-set thriller on their way to the tournament championship. Freshman libero Allison Cappellino and sophomore outside hitter/middle blocker Sara Rishell joined McCaddin on the All-Tournament Team. McCaddin’s impressive hitting percentage was one of the top stories of the weekend, including her .571 mark off eight kills and zero errors in the UNC Asheville (4-8) match. She also hit .294, just .001 behind Rishell’s team-best .295 mark, against UNC Greensboro (4-3) off 15 kills and five errors. “[McCaddin] played great over the weekend,” said Rishell, who recorded a team-best 31 kills during the tournament. “She was just putting balls away. When she’s up there with an open net, no one is going to stop her. No

one can dig her when she’s up, and no one will block her. She did really, really well.” Two things McCaddin improved this season are her versatility and ball handling, which has made her a significant threat on the right side. She has also seen more opportunities after being either sick or hurt during the first month of the season in 2011. “She’s improving,” Goldberg said. “She doesn’t miss a lot of balls off her hand, she hits the ball fairly cleanly off the hand. When she goes after it pretty strong, she’s one of our most successful attackers. I think overall, her role is increasing and she’s worked at it for it to increase.” McCaddin has continued to ride her hot streak from the end of last year, when she hit a teambest .526 in AU’s four-set loss to Delaware in the NCAA Tournament. As she keeps improving, her potential seems to be limitless. Even though she has already made impressive strides, Goldberg thinks she could have a big future ahead of her. “The only question now is how quickly she can increase to the level where she’s a nationally elite player,” Goldberg said. “She definitely has the potential to have a career beyond the college level, so the question is: can she play at the level now while she’s still in college?” SPORTS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM


Field hockey bounces back following 0-4 start By GENNARO FARONE EAGLE STAFF WRITER

AU field hockey is flying high after going 2-0 on the weekend at the Terrapin Invitational in College Park, Md. The Eagles earned a 2-1 double-overtime win against No. 19 Massachusetts, along with a 3-0 win over Dartmouth. After a disappointing 0-4 start to the year, AU came out firing against Dartmouth (1-3) Sept. 8. Alex McMackin knocked in the game’s first goal before Carly Atchison put the Eagles up 2-0 with her first goal of the season. Later in the game, McMackin notched her second goal of the game off an assist from Kati Rothenhoefer to put AU up 3-0. Ashley Dalisera played the entire game between the pipes, turning away all four shots on goal. The Eagles defense soared to another spectacular performance against UMass Sept. 9, and Dalisera shined with 14 saves. AU struck first, with Jaclyn Anspach scoring at the 5:44 mark. But after the Eagles took a quick 1-0 lead, both offenses went dormant for over 50 min-

utes. UMass (3-3) eventually tied the game up on a deflection off a penalty corner with just over ten minutes left in regulation, and the game went to overtime tied at 1-1. The Minutewomen had the best opportunities in the first overtime period, but they were unable to convert on either of their two penalty corner chances. UMass put a total of four shots on goal in both overtime periods, and Dalisera was there to shut the door all four times. The Eagles managed only one shot in that same time frame, but that was all they needed. Shelly Montgomery recorded the game winner in the 92nd minute, giving AU its first overtime victory on the season. Despite the successful weekend, a troubling trend has emerged after AU’s first six games. The Eagles are being badly outshot by their opponents. On the season, AU’s opponents have held an 89-44 advantage in shots over the Eagles. That must change going forward with the Eagles scheduled to take on No. 19 Michigan State Sept. 14 in East Lansing, Mich. SPORTS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM



Erin Mulhern and the AU women’s soccer team will look to pick up their first victory since Aug. 25 when they host Howard University on Sept. 14 at Reeves Field.

Struggles continue for women’s soccer after pair of losses By SAMANTHA RAPHELSON EAGLE STAFF WRITER

The AU women’s soccer team needs to find something to smile about, as their rough start to the season became even worse over the weekend. Following a 1-0 home loss against Virginia Commonwealth Sept. 7, the Eagles were unable to turn 12 shots into enough goals and fell to Loyola (Md.) 2-1 Sept. 9 at home. “Well, it was disappointing, we did not come out with the right mentality,” AU head coach Dave Bucciero said following the Loyola match. “The first starting minutes we looked very lethargic, looked a little bit disinterested and we paid the price.” The women nearly jumped out first in Sunday’s game, but Carleigh Morba’s shot on goal went wide off the left post. Shortly after the shot, Loyola answered. The 1-0 Greyhounds lead came in the 24th minute, when Charlotte Miller passed to Nichole Schiro, who was standing in the box and tapped in her

Loyola (3-1-2) controlled most of the first half, scoring another goal off a corner kick 12 minutes later. The Eagles (1-6-1) quickly responded to cut the deficit in half when Michelle Montilio scored by way of a header after Michaela Cowgill’s corner kick. Montilio almost tied it up just before halftime, but her header flew over the crossbar. “I thought at the end of the first half and beginning of the second we started to attack them more,” Bucciero said. “We started to be a little bit more aggressive...and that created a number of opportunities for us. It’s just it took too long for us to do that.” Offensive control in the second half went back and forth, but AU was unable to knot the score at 2-2. Perhaps the lack of enthusiasm Sunday came as a result of Friday’s close loss to VCU. Klare Lazor recorded three saves in goal during the first six minutes to keep the match scoreless, and Cowgill and

and recorded back-to-back shots for the Eagles. Then, the Rams killed AU’s momentum. In the 44th minute, Wendy Acosta connected on a pass from Lauryn Hutchinson and headed the ball into the top right corner of the net to give VCU the 1-0 lead. Like on Sunday, both teams played evenly in the second half, but the Eagles were unable to push across the equalizer. The Rams (3-2-2) held a 14-6 advantage in shots over the Eagles, and Lazor recorded four saves on the match. “I think the biggest challenge right now is keeping our confidence because of our record, and understanding that there’s still a lot of the season left,” Bucciero said. “Unless we change our mentality, we’re going to continue to struggle.” The Eagles will finish off their five-game homestand when they face Howard Sept. 14, and then will travel across town to take on George Washington Sept. 18.



Another lockout looming for NHL By ERIC SALTZMAN EAGLE STAFF WRITER

Remember back in May, Game 5 of the Eastern Conference semifinals between the Washington Capitals and New York Rangers? Remember how the Rangers scored the game-tying goal with 6.6 seconds left in regulation, and then won in overtime? That was awesome. Oh sorry, I forgot what city I was in. Great hockey moments like this will have to be put on hold for a while, as the NHL

owners and NHL players appear to be heading towards another lockout, which would be the second in the last eight years. If the players and owners can’t reach an agreement by Sept. 15, the season will not start on time. Just like the NFL and NBA lockouts a year ago, the NHL billionaires (the owners) want to cut the salaries of the NHL millionaires (the players) from 57 percent of league revenue to 46 percent. That revenue for the 20112012 season was a record 3.3

billion dollars. Forbes reported that the average value of an NHL team has increased five percent since the 20102011 season, and 20 percent since 2007. Those figures do not make it sound like the owners are short of money. Overall attendance of NHL games has increased 1.8 percent from the year before, and 2.8 percent from the 20092010 season. The owners clearly don’t mind spending money. The Minnesota Wild signed free agent forward Zach Parise and defenseman Ryan Suter to identical 13-year deals worth $98 million. That is nearly $200 million invested in just two players. It seems odd that the owners would ask the players to take less money while signing them to ridiculous contracts. Of course, the biggest losers of the lockout are those not directly involved with it.

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Television channels lose viewers, local businesses lose money and fans lose the opportunity to watch teams they care so much about. Unlike in 2004, another NHL lockout would be devastating for the league and would set it way back. Last season was the year of the underdog in the NHL, as the Stanley Cup Champion Los Angeles Kings entered the playoffs as the eighth seed in the Western Conference. In the Eastern Conference, the Florida Panthers clinched their first playoff berth in 12 years after winning the Southeast Division. The Panthers also averaged about 1,000 more fans per game than they did a season ago. So why are the owners threatening a lockout? Like all other sports, hockey is a business with the goal of making money, and even though the league as a whole makes money, several teams are struggling to make a profit. Should the NHL have a lockout some players, most notably reigning league MVP Evgeni Malkin, have agreed in principle to play with other teams outside of the NHL. The draw of hockey is arguably at its highest point, and the amount of coverage is consistently increasing. More and more people are becoming hockey fans. A lockout would kill any momentum the league made in terms of attracting new fans and keeping current fans. It would not only jeopardize the sport in the present, but also could end up costing the NHL financially for years to come. Commissioner Gary Bettman says that he wants to get a deal done before the deadline, but the first game of 2012 may start later than desired. ESALTZMAN@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

SCHEDULE Sept. 13 Sept. 14

No games scheduled Volleyball vs. Boise State @ Tuscon, Ariz., at 3:30 p.m. (Wildcat Classic) Women’s soccer vs. Howard at 4 p.m. Field hockey @ No. 19 Michigan State at 6 p.m. (Michigan State Invitational) Volleyball vs. UC Irvine @ Tuscon, Ariz., at 7:30 p.m. (Wildcat Classic)

Sept. 15

Cross-country @ Navy Invitational at 11 a.m. Volleyball @ Arizona at 1 p.m. (Wildcat Classic) Men’s soccer @ West Virginia at 7 p.m.

Sept. 16

Field hockey vs. TBD @ East Lansing, Mich., at TBD (Michigan State Invitational)

Sept. 17 Sept. 18

No games scheduled Women’s soccer @ George Washington at 4 p.m.

Sept. 19

Volleyball vs. Coppin State at 7 p.m.

PATRIOT LEAGUE STANDINGS FIELD HOCKEY Lafayette 3-1, 0-0 PL Bucknell 4-2, 0-0 PL

≥ American 2-4, 0-0 PL Colgate 1-4, 0-0 PL Holy Cross 1-5, 0-0 PL Lehigh 1-5, 0-0 PL

MEN’S SOCCER ≥ American 4-2, 0-0 PL Bucknell 2-1-2, 0-0 PL Army 2-3, 0-0 PL Colgate 1-3-2, 0-0 PL Lafayette 1-3-1, 0-0 PL Navy 1-2, 0-0 PL Holy Cross 0-3, 0-0 PL Lehigh 0-4, 0-0 PL

WOMEN’S SOCCER Navy 7-1, 0-0 PL Colgate 5-3-1, 0-0 PL Bucknell 5-3, 0-0 PL Army 4-4, 0-0 PL Holy Cross 2-3-1, 0-0 PL Lafayette 2-3-1, 0-0 PL

≥ American 1-6-1, 0-0 PL Lehigh 0-4, 0-0 PL

VOLLEYBALL Lafayette 6-2, 0-0 PL

≥ American 5-3, 0-0 PL Army 6-4, 0-0 PL Bucknell 4-6, 0-0 PL Navy 3-7, 0-0 PL Lehigh 1-4, 0-0 PL Colgate 1-9, 0-0 PL Holy Cross 0-10, 0-0 PL




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