The Eagle — Jan. 11, 2011

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ROTC bill (4), Ward Circle accidents (5), Westboro Baptist Church protest (8)



Staff editorial (6), Shapiro (6), Snowman coloring contest winner (7)


Cee Lo Green concert (11), Films (12), 2011 music preview (13)


Men’s basketball (16), Women’s basketball (13)






since DEC. 15

“Lady staring at my @AmericanU sweatshirt: “Do you go to catholic university?” So confused...”


The Eagle, a student-run newspaper at the American University, serves the community by reporting news involving the campus community and surrounding areas. The Eagle strives to be impartial in its reporting and believes firmly in its First Amendment rights. SUBMISSION AND EDITORIAL POLICIES

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Editor in Chief

@riders994, Jan. 8

1. Westboro Baptist Church to protest at AU (Jan.14) 2. Top police blotter entires of fall 2010 3. The top Eagle rants of the semester 4. Turkey Handprint Coloring Contest winner announced 5. Top 10 long distance love songs (Feb. 12, 2006)

JAN. 25 Cee Lo Green 8:30p.m. WHERE: Bender Arena INFO: The R&B musician, famous for Gnarls Barkley and “Fuck You,” performs here in the first concert of the spring semester. COST: One ticket free with an AU student ID, one guest for $5. CONTACT: Student Union Board at

@melisssmith, Jan. 8 “words cannot describe my frustration with @AmericanU registration process at this time” @Brieeeeee, Jan. 7


“Less than a week till classes start, and I get an email stating one of my classes has been canceled. Seriously @ AmericanU?”

“@AmericanU just sent me an email advertising Phonathon positions. Alumni that don’t have jobs can pester those that do? #isthisajoke?” @KCartero, Jan. 4




MLK Day of Service 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. WHERE: Various service sites INFO: AU volunteers throughout the community to honor Dr Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy. CONTACT:

Dance Marathon 9 p.m. - 7 a.m. WHERE: Tavern INFO: This Women’s Initiative-sponsered 4th annual all-nighter will raise money for the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. CONTACT: Quinn Pregliasco at

Washington Improv Theater 10 p.m. WHERE: Source Theater, 1835 14th St. NW METRO: U St./AfricanAmerican War Memorial/ Cardozo (green and yellow line) COST: $5. CONTACT:

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@kelchmee, Jan. 4



“Just realized this is my last big trip down to @AmericanU #classof2011”


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Ha Ha at Ri Ra 8 p.m. WHERE: Ri Ra, 2915 Wilson Boulevard INFO: It’s a live stand-up comedy show in Arlington’s Ri Ra Irish pub with local comics and prizes for noncomic audience members. COST: Free CONTACT:

Das Racist 8:30 p.m. WHERE: Rock and Roll Hotel, 1353 H St NE METRO: Union Station (red line) INFO:With the free digital download release of their acclaimed mixtapes “Sit Down, Man” and “Shut Up, Dude,” this New York-based trio is easily becoming one of the most notable names in underground hip-hop. COST: $12 CONTACT:




EAGLE RANTS I know you’re all having romantic issues, but really, the whole campus doesn’t want to hear about your lack of a cuddle buddy or the need to be with someone. Or your masturbating issues. Please, keep it to yourself. !

! I agree with the AUCC transparency rant - it is time for a little bit more honesty and less of a defensive attitude from the AUCC. ! SA is probably one of the best offices on campus and everyone is helpful and friendly to me every time I ago. It is not their fault if there are students who can’t do what they are told on time and then have a million problems. ! To the guy who wants to cuddle and cook breakfast to the girl who can have a conversation with him: There are many girls on campus that would like that. Just look around and you’ll find them (Hint: They don’t always go to frat parties). Where do you meet nice girls? Based on half of these rants, AU should start a group for all the lonely horny people. It’d be a hit. ! I think the recent attention regarding tenure via Prof. Berard’s tenure denial should serve as a segue for students in other departments to analyze the messed up interdepartmental politics governing and ruining their majors. ! I loved AU (while nothing is perfect, I found it to be a wonderful environment in which to “grow”). I will miss the professors, diverse students, off-campus opportunities and the fact that I was able to go to college at all is mind-boggling. Eternally grateful to my parents and the people I met at AU. ! How can we say “The American Dream is Green” when every bathroom in Katzen is on an automatic flush system? You move slightly and the toilet flushes (resulting in like 4-6 flushes per... let’s say session)

EcoSense can go to the president’s open forum and complain about someone accidentally buying water bottles... have they not noticed that TDR is giving out non-reusable forks/plates/ cups for close to a week now? You guys should try fighting (or caring) about something that matters. !

! Normal person hating on hipsters, Sorry to hear that you are normal. I can understand why you’d be mad at hipsters for having lives that aren’t the same as yours. Sorry you can’t be interesting and you’re stuck being normal. I’d be mad too. ! Seriously, why can’t more places take swipes!? It shouldn’t be this difficult to implement an effective dining system that doesn’t screw the students out of their money. The amount of money I pay for a meal plan is absolutely absurd. ! To whom it may concern (which certainly won’t be our deadbeat, culturally tone-deaf administration), WVAU should be a point of pride for AU. Instead, the radio station is treated to one of the lowest budgets of any media-related group on campus. I invite anyone to pick up the nearest copy of AWOL, which has an article about the allocation of funds to media clubs. The numbers are right there WVAU receives thousands of dollars less than the other clubs. The exec board is in-

credibly dedicated to the station and is forced to work with a bare-bones budget. To say that AU could use a little more culture is an understatement, and WVAU directly promotes the creativity and cultural sophistication that AU sorely lacks. WVAU deserves better. Sincerely, A disgruntled dj ! To the anti-smoker ranter, Grow the hell up, seriously. AU may be its own little bubble (albeit a smokey one) but when you actually begin a life in the REAL world, you are going to encounter smokers. It’s a personal choice they make to smoke. I don’t smoke, but I have many better things to do than to pass judgement on those who choose to smoke. Although, I will gladly pass judgement on you. ! The five best things about AU: 5. my 6-person English class 4. Dav nutella chai 3. my several awesome friends 2. WVAU 1. EAGLE RANTS ! The AUCC is very defensive for an organization that controls a lot of money, what do they have to hide?



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Opposition to SG ROTC bill erodes after ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ repeal By ALLIE MOONEY Eagle Staff Writer

Queers and Allies dropped its opposition to an Undergraduate Senate bill passed last semester concerning AU ROTC students, now that the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy has been repealed. The Nov. 21, 2010 bill recommended the administration look into making changes to policies that currently deny AU ROTC cadets group access to AU fitness facilities for physical training and prohibit use of AUTO vans for ROTC transportation, among other things. Last month congress voted to repeal DADT, a 17-yearold policy that banned openly gay and lesbian service members from serving in the

military. President Barack Obama later signed the repeal bill into law. Queers and Allies originally opposed the Student Government bill because it ignored DADT altogether, stating the issue was about student equality at AU, not sexual orientation. “You can’t ignore the fact the SG is requesting expanded resources for an organization that discriminates against a significant number of AU students,” said Queers and Allies President Tonei Glavinic in November. Brett Atanasio, the chairman of the SG committee, said while the repeal of DADT is key to eliminating any student opposition to the bill’s recommendations, administrative hurdles still remain.

The bill calls for athletic facilities to be open to ROTC cadets for physical fitness training, that ROTC be allowed to use AUTO vans and that required Military Science classes for cadets be allowed to be held on campus if classroom space is available. “With DADT gone, [administrative procedure] will be the main obstacle in the way of things like AUTO access and club status for ROTC,” Atanasio said in an e-mail. The administration is already clearing the way for ROTC, and cadets will be allowed to use athletic facilities this semester, according to Phyllis Peres, the vice provost and interim dean for Academic Affairs, The Eagle previously reported. Cadets will also be able to take military science classes

at AU if space is available. After communication between Atanasio and Queers and Allies to address concerns and the repeal of DADT, Glavinic said Queers and Allies now backs the SG bill. “Queers and Allies will look forward to working with SG leaders to make sure that this program is able to support students participating in it an appropriate way,” Glavinic said. Atanasio is also meeting with George Washington University Student Association President Jason Lifton to help the GWSA to make similar changes to its ROTC policy. amooney@theeagleonline. com


STANDING AT ATTENTION — ROTC cadets Sean Freeh, a Georgetown University junior and Bill Slack, an AU grad student, wait for instructions during their morning physical training at Georgetown.

Marcum theft suspect’s case moves Federal government to revamp through Montgomery County courts student internship program By STEFANIE DAZIO


Deandrew Hamlin is considered a “person of interest” in the murder investigation of the late AU Professor Sue Marcum. Detectives are pursuing a number of leads, according to Lucille Baur, a Montgomery County Police spokesperson. Metropolitan Police Department officers found Hamlin driving Marcum’s vehicle Oct. 25. He was extradited to Montgomery County Nov. 25. He is charged with one count of unlawful taking of a motor vehicle, one count of theft over $1,000 and one count of unauthorized removal of property. “We still haven’t charged him with anything other than auto theft,” she said. His theft case has changed courts in the Montgomery County, Md., judicial system, according to the state’s attorney’s office. Hamlin’s case moved from the Rockville District Court to the county’s Circuit Court Jan. 3, according to Seth Zucker, a spokesman for the office. Zucker could not comment ! see MARCUM on page 9

The federal government is in the process of creating a new internship program to give students more opportunities to try out federal careers. The new Pathways Programs will organize internships for both undergraduate and graduate students, according to an executive order signed by President Barack Obama. It will replace the current Federal Career Intern Program on March 1, which was often used by agencies to circumvent hiring military veterans, who must be given priority for government jobs. The executive order says the current federal hiring process discriminates against applicants who do not have previous work experience. Students in high school, college and graduate school are eligible for these paid internships, as well as students who have graduated within the last two years. The order also states the new program will help

Eagle Staff Writer


THEFT CASE — Deandrew Hamlin’s court case moved from the Rockville District Court to the Montgomery County Circuit Court. Hamlin is charged with the theft of the late AU Professor Sue Marcum’s vehicle.

Eagle Staff Writer

agency employers evaluate students on the job, to see if they will do well in future federal careers. Jennifer Carignan, a career adviser for the School of Public Affairs, said she isn’t sure yet how the changes will affect AU students. “There’s not a whole lot of clarity about what’s going on right now,” she said. “For the most part, a lot of questions are still unanswered.” She said many AU students have gone through the Federal Career Intern Program, which many agencies use for entry-level hiring. But the Career Center does not keep track of how many students have gone through this and other federal internship programs. A December 2005 School of International Service graduate, who declined to be named for this story, was hired through the Federal Career Intern Program in April 2006. He said he found his current job through the program, working to assist foreign militaries with

counterterrorism aid. “It’s very difficult to get a job at the Department of Defense right out of college,” he said. “If you’re not a veteran of the military, it’s very difficult to get a federal job.” As an undergrad, he worked for a private sector firm in the Pentagon. He said the people at the Pentagon liked his work and brought him into the Federal Career Intern Program after his graduation. He was hired directly into his current agency after the intern program ended. He advises current students to look to consulting and contracting firms that work with the government while the new federal intern programs are still getting set up. “I thought it was pretty helpful for getting started within government,” he said of his private sector job. sdazio@theeagleonline. com


Ward Circle Location

Nature of Issue

Nebraska Avenue approaches

Pedestrian safety, failure to yield


Source: DDOT



Recommended Improvements

Expected Impacts

Add raised islands and recongure crosswalks to provide pedestrian refuges (short-term)

Reduced pedestrian crossing distance; more visible crosswalks; improved pedestrian safety

Vehicle weaving, Add channelizing unclear lane markings islands and lane marking arrows (short-term)

Clarify lane assignments within the circle; eliminate some weaving; discourage prohibited movements

Unclear waynding

Add signage on approaches and within circle (shortterm)

Clarify lane assignments; reduce weaving and confusion

High accident rate, inadequate pedestrian facilities, poor visibility, confusing conguration

Remove inner circle lanes and convert to traditional DC circle, add trafc signals to all circle approaches (long-term)

Efcient trafc ow; improved pedestrian and vehicle safety; protected pedestrian crossings; placemaking opportunity

D.C. survey: Ward Circle hit with most comments, accidents in Ward 3 By STEFANIE DAZIO Eagle Staff Writer

Ward Circle received the most comments in a recent D.C. Department of Transportation public survey of 176 intersections in Ward 3. Chevy Chase Circle had the second-highest number of comments. This correlates with the number of accidents occurring in Ward Circle, said Anna Chamberlin, a DDOT transportation planner. The study is one part of a District-wide effort to find problem traffic areas in the city. The high number of comments may be attributed to “the underlying tension between a university and its neighbors,” that happens everywhere, Chamberlin said.

The final draft recommendations for Ward 3 intersections were presented in December, she said, and DDOT hopes to implement some of the short-term recommendations over the spring and summer. The long-term recommendations will have to wait for more funding, she said. The biggest concerns for Ward Circle were its awkward configuration and pedestrians crossing illegally at mid-block locations, according to the survey. “It is awkward having the two lanes go right through the middle while Massachusetts Avenue goes around,” Chamberlin said. She added that Massachusetts Avenue and Nebraska Avenue see high volumes of traffic, because people usually try to stay on these

streets, rather than turn off on the circle’s other exits. Because with a circle, it’s meant to have people turn off on various streets, she said. DDOT plans to bring in traffic circle experts, but funding is needed first. The agency’s traffic signal modeling experts do not deal with circle flow. “They kind of seem to be their own creatures,” Chamberlin said of circles. The experts will also need to look at upcoming developments to the area, including AU’s Campus Plan, a 10-year facilities plan that includes turning the Nebraska Parking Lot into an East Campus. “That plan has to ensure there aren’t any negative impacts” to the traffic, ! see WARD on page 9




Shine the spotlight somewhere else Don’t help legitimize the illegitimate To kick off the new spring semester, we have some interesting events on our calendar — Cee Lo Green will be performing in Bender Arena, MLK Service Day and, oh yeah, the Westboro Baptist Church is coming to protest our university. They say in a press release they’re coming to harangue us for being “fag-infested” and “pervert-run.” Shirley Phelps-Roper said they’re coming because they’ll be in the

area for other protests and decided to hit us up while they’re around. Whatever motive you choose to believe, they’ll be here this Friday for a whopping 45 minutes on the corner of Massachusetts Avenue with an overwhelming contingency of seven of their members to do their thing. This description alone leaves us cowering in fear of … nothing. We get it — they’re a very prejudiced group that’s said and done

The fear of transparency SMARTER THAN I LOOK

CONOR SHAPIRO It’s a new year with the same old fear. We remain inundated with rainbow designations (Department of Homeland Security threat warnings), aggressive and invasive security, and predatory corporations ready to devour our tax dollars like starving wolves over their concocted financial schemes and plummeted investments. But thanks to the international emergence of Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks, fear appears to be a double-edged sword.

It’s a treat to now see those most traditionally shrewd at instilling fear into the general populace — military, giant corporations, other governmental appendages — becoming fearful themselves. Perhaps it’s karma, their comeuppance. Are they truly scared? Based upon their hysterical reaction, prohibiting access to WikiLeaks and similar websites, the answer’s a resounding yes. A recent profile in Forbes Magazine quivers when anticipating the potential damage coming soon to a business near you: “The data dump will lay bare the finance firm’s secrets on the Web for every customer, every competitor, every regulator to examine and pass judgment on.”

some reprehensible things. They’ve protested soldiers’ funerals. They’re coming to the area for diplomat Richard Holbrooke’s memorial and to protest the Islamic Center. They’ve called us “fag-infested” and “pervert-run.” Basically, they’re here to yell some stuff, stir up trouble and attract attention. And that’s the one thing we shouldn’t give them too much of. Facebook groups and events regarding this protest have popped up over the last few days, encouraging students to come and protest the group. Don’t get us

wrong, we love a good protest now and then — who at this school doesn’t? However, if we let the protest become too loud or violent in any way, we’ve let them win. We shouldn’t want to give them that feeling of rich success – instead, by leaving them to stand on the corner of Massachusetts Avenue for 45 minutes protesting against a crowd of well-behaved students raising money for good causes, AU will win. Their coming is noteworthy, but not an event. Our response should

be along the same lines. We should want them to know that we don’t agree with their beliefs by any means, but we’re not going to give them the attention they so desperately crave. If we erupt into anger and violence, then we’re degrading ourselves to their level. If we throw things, they’ll turn it against us. To the AU community, we implore you — don’t throw things. Don’t try to attack them. Don’t give them what they want. Let’s refuse to give them legitimacy to their hateful beliefs and show

them that we are a community that rises above such prejudices. We’re proud of AU and we’re proud of the inclusive, accepting atmosphere here. Let’s not let a small band of protesters challenge our civility. Plans to turn the protest and counter-demonstration into a fundraiser is exactly the sort of way to turn this into a positive moment. If the Westboro Baptist Church wants to make a scene, we can’t stop them. We can, however, turn their own protest against them.

Mark one down for the good guys. One example of U.S. government squeamishness is the (ironically) leaked e-mail - later formally denounced - sent to Columbia University from an alumnus warning students against posting public comments about WikiLeaks. The e-mail asserted voicing an opinion could potentially jeopardize one’s future chances of employment with the federal government. This intimidating scare tactic is revolting. It implies the government is hoping international service students are groomed to be robotic droids. Instead of apologizing for the tasteless unprofessionalism on behalf of her twofaced colleagues (diplomats slandering counterparts behind their backs), Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went on offense and immediately played the national security card. Something utterly outrageous becomes immediately permissible as long as it’s prefaced on

behalf of national security. The trembling public nods its head in subordination. Those employed with the federal government are working for us. We pay their salaries and we deserve scrupulous access into their interactions. It’s further maddening that a Democratic administration, one that championed the “Open Government Directive,” has mirrored the fear-based Republican reaction toward WikiLeaks. According to the White House website, “Government should be transparent. Transparency promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their Government is doing.” Talk is cheap, Mr. President. Some claim material is too sensitive to be plastered over the Internet. They believe the government is correct in censoring and vetting information. Besides the patronizing slight, we can’t entrust the government with this responsibil-

ity. If we give them an inch, they’ll take a mile. It’s like asking students to grade their own papers. Organizations like WikiLeaks constitute one of the only venues where the public can fight back. Integrity is something sorely missing in business and politics. Increased transparency will help fill this void. Additionally, censorship isn’t particularly democratic. Atrocities like Abu Ghraib will be remedied more quickly and potentially prevented if there’s expectation of full disclosure. If information is blockaded as too sensitive to go viral, then whatever the information entails shouldn’t be actuated anyway. Ultimately, a reduction of America’s violence should result when plans of bombing and murdering are detailed for all eyes to see. The vicious cycle of violence surely isn’t slowing under current concealment. Finally, the leaks aren’t an attack on anyone in particular. In the Forbes spread,

Assange says, “In the struggle between open and honest companies and dishonest and closed companies, we’re creating a tremendous reputational tax on the unethical companies.” Companies, and also the government, have exploited ignorant consumers for years because they controlled the message. With a nod to the military, the technology they’ve developed will now be used to keep them honest. In the 21st century, privacy has become anachronistic. There are innumerable methods of recording; anyone expecting uninhibited privacy is naïve. Big Brother has proven inept and can’t be trusted. It’s about time we stick up for ourselves and start advocating transparency. Conor Shapiro is a graduate student in the School of International Service and a liberal columnist.


edpage@theeagleonline. com




SG President Nate Bronstein F. Scott got it wrong: Americans welcomes students back to AU love giving second chances Welcome back to American University, Welcome back to your place of learning, your circle of friends and your home away from home. American University is a special place. We are a university that is committed to making the community, the city and the world a better place. This is not an interest but a commitment. A commitment that each one of us fulfills in our own way. We may fulfill it through the creation of beauty in the arts, innovation through the sciences or hope through politics. We have been and continue to be a University that is strengthened by these differences. This is everyone’s home regardless of race, religion, place of origin or sexual orientation. In recent days we have been reminded that there are still those who do not tolerate our tolerance. But such reminders are meaningless in the face of our resolve to spread our message of acceptance

and inclusion. As we have spread this message our student body has become more united than it has ever been. Regardless of the term you use to describe us, we have defined ourselves by our actions. And this past semester proved to be one of the most incredible in terms of making meaningful change both on our campus and beyond. We enter this coming semester with a drastically expanded culture of service, new advocacy groups and one of our own in the D.C. local government. Our attendance at sports games is the highest on record and more students have involved themselves greek life, athletics and other activities than ever before. The Student Government has worked tirelessly to make life at AU the best it can be and this semester we have more initiatives, better services and more programming than ever before. However, this semester will only be as great as you allow it to be.

The success experienced so far could not have been made by any individual in any organization or any single organization within the University as a whole. It requires that you involve yourself, discover your dream and pursue it with a fiery passion. American University is your launching board, your chance to give everything you can muster at anything that sparks your interest. So don’t hold back, take advantage of all the resources and opportunities that are available to you and enjoy the experience. And while you do, the Student Government will always be standing by to assist and support in any way we can. It has been an honor serving this student body, and I look forward to another incredible semester. Nate A. Bronstein President, Student Government


NICK FIELD F. Scott Fitzgerald famously once wrote “There are no second acts in American lives.” When Fitzgerald, then a forgotten man on the cusp of death, wrote that back in 1940 it was true. Yet ironically enough, Fitzgerald experienced a huge revival decades later and is now considered one of the great American writers. Therefore, his story serves to exemplify one of the most persuasive and ingrained traits of 21st century America. There are no longer any oneact plays in American lives. Today, every single fleeting celebrity has their 15 minutes of fame extended indefinitely. So we must ask, how did we get here and what does it mean? Maybe it all started with Fitzgerald, or perhaps it began with Richard Nixon. This nation’s 37th president was infamous for his ability to survive scandals and setbacks from the Checkers speech, to the 1960 election, to even earning respect after Watergate. In fact, the political arena has become one of the main stages for this

“never-ending story” phenomenon. For instance, one would have thought that federal indictments would have been the end for politicos Tom DeLay and Rod Blagojevich. But no, respective stints on “Dancing with the Stars” and “The Apprentice”, brought them back and are what most Americans will probably remember them for. Even Eliot Spitzer of call girl ring fame, is set to make a return to honorable discourse as a co-host for a primetime news show on CNN. Of course, the other major setting for this phenomenon is pop culture. Today, D-list celebrities have their pick of reality shows to join. In fact, now with original reality shows like “The Hills” and “Jersey Shore” celebrities are born so that they can gain popularity, and then create spin-offs, which creates new stars who then create their own spin-offs, and so on and so forth. Before you know it, there is a whole colony of people who are just famous for the sake of being famous. There seems to be two main causes responsible for this trend in our culture. The first is our media culture demands this phenomenon and therefore created it. Think about it, if there are going to be hundreds of cable channels, then they need shows, and they need people, any people, to

star in those shows. Additionally, over the past few years, our news programs have shifted to gossip in order to attract more viewers. And of course, the Internet provides a limitless vacuum of information to fill. So altogether our 24/7, TV-meets-Internet, media requires us to have thousands of celebrities in order to meet the massive insatiable demands of our instant gratification culture. The second cause, though, may be seen as a more positive explanation. That is, that Americans love a happy ending. In the past, a major figure like Britney Spears for instance, would gradually lose her fame and end up a wreck. Today, though, she can have a “comeback” and be the “new Britney.” Put simply, Americans have become addicted to the sweet and optimistic classic three-act structure: rise, fall, and redemption. This has so become our obsession that we are merely repeating this cycle over and over again. Which begs the question, is repeated sanitized story-telling healthy for us? I can only imagine what Fitzgerald would think. Nick Field is a junior in the School of Public Affairs and a liberal columnist.

Snowman coloring contest winner announced The Eagle is proud to announce that Joanne Conelley, a sophomore from Kensington, Md., is the winner of the snowman coloring contest. Conelley’s snowman featured muted grays, tastefully shaded. Conelley labeled the snowman’s three sections “rocks” and the snowman’s arms as sticks to represent the serious lack of snow the greater metropolitan area has received this year. “The lack of snow so far is just sad,” Conelley wrote in an e-mail. “I don’t like snow that much, but the inner school kid still comes out

and wants snow days.” Conelley also gave the snowman a face, though the snowman is frowning, perhaps in acknowledgment that “rockmen” are less beloved than snowmen. Conelley took an ultra-realistic approach to the competition. “The only snowman that could be made with the measly snow the area has had so far is one made of rocks,” she said. In addition to the rocks and sticks, Conelley added green and yellow squiggles to show the bare, snowless D.C. ground. She also wrote “NO

SNOW” and added a frowny face. Unlike the last competition, The Eagle didn’t have to resort to drunkenly asking innocent bystanders to submit entries to the “turkey coloring contest.” Conelley said she was very disappointed when she missed the turkey contest and was excited to win the snowman contest. “I will probably brag to all my friends that I won,” she said. “They probably won’t care very much. But I’ll brag anyway.”




and are asked to convene on the grassy hill behind the Kogod School of Business and the Kay Spiritual Life Center. Public Safety has been working with the Metropolitan Police Department’s Special Operations Force to ensure a safe and non-confrontational event, according to Camille Lepre, a University spokeswoman.

AU not Westboro Baptist Church’s only target Group plans to protest funerals of Arizona shooting victims By LAUREN LANDAU Eagle Staff Writer

The Westboro Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church founded by Pastor Fred Phelps in 1955. The group is based out of Topeka, Kan., but travels nationwide to spread their messages condemning homosexuality, among others. The outspoken and widely criticized congregation has received negative responses to their frequent protests at funerals. Phelps stated in a video

“The Westboro Baptist Church prays for more shooters, more violent veterans and more dead.” — Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church founder

that representatives from his church would protest the funerals of all six of the victims of the shootings in Tucson, Ariz., on Jan. 8, including the funeral of 9year-old victim Christina Taylor-Green. “The Westboro Baptist Church prays for more shooters, more violent veterans and more dead,” Phelps said in the video. Although the group says that its protests are peaceful and protected by the First

Amendment’s right to free speech, some critics question whether the group has a place at funerals. Albert Snyder sued Phelps and several Westboro Baptist Church congregation members for protesting at the funeral of his son, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, in 2006. Snyder originally won a $5 million jury verdict case against Phelps and group members for intentional infliction of emotional distress and violating the sanctity of the funeral. However a federal appeals court overturned the judgment, ruling that the First Amendment protected the activities of the group’s members. The Snyder family was then ordered to pay over $16,000 to the Westboro Baptist Church for court costs. Snyder refused to pay the damages, and the Supreme Court is now reviewing the case. The group will be protesting at AU, but this is not the first time the church has protested a college campus. This past November, four members protested at Washington Circle near George Washington University. Over 200 GWU students and community members countered the protestors, according to The Hatchet. Many protesters wore Tshirts that said, “I’m Gay For Today.” Church leader Rebecca Roper-Phelps selected GWU as a destination after a student unknowingly asked her during a campus visit to sign a petition calling for the legalization of gay marriage. llandau@theeagleonline. com


CROSSING THE LINE? — The Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., travels across the country condemning homosexuality, including protesting at soldiers’ funerals.

AU readies for Westboro Baptist Church protest Administration criticizes group, students plan counter-demonstrations By STEFANIE DAZIO Eagle Staff Writer

AU students are mobilizing to counter-protest the upcoming Jan. 14 visit from a church known for protesting soldiers’ funerals. The Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., will protest the “fag-infested, pervert-run” school between 4 and 4:45 p.m on Friday. Counter-demonstrations include a “Rally to Reaffirm Sanity” near the Kogod School of Business and blackout poetry signs across campus. “If one of us is discriminated against, then all of us are discriminated against,” said Student Government President Nate Bronstein. The group also plans to protest at the Islamic Center on Massachusetts Avenue and diplomat Ri-

chard Holbrooke’s memorial service at the Kennedy Center earlier in the day. “American University, like all the other universities in this country now, are teaching Rebellion Against God 101, 201 … you’ve got advanced degrees,” said Shirley PhelpsRoper, a member and attorney of WBC. Phelps-Roper also said universities are not educating students properly. “You children have been taught that God is a liar, that if you’re not fornicating your day away, you’re just a freak,” she said. “These people have taught you that it’s OK to be gay.” The group was already planning to attend Holbrooke’s memorial, and decided to add the Islamic Center and AU to their trip. “We were looking for the next opportunity to picket

American University,” she said, adding that the group wanted to wait until school was back in session. “It was a perfect triple-run.” About seven members will be at the 45-minute protest. There are no specific “fags” and “perverts” the group is referring to in its press release, PhelpsRoper said, but rather the student body and administration as a whole. Security concerns The group will be protesting near the northwest corner of Massachusetts Avenue, on the side of the President’s Office Building, near Glover Gate. AU officials said the group would not be allowed on the campus, which is private property. Students will be allowed to counter-demonstrate on University property,

AU response AU’s United Methodist Chaplain Rev. Mark Schaefer said he “hates” the activities of the Westboro Baptist Church on the AU United Methodist blog. “God, how I hate the way they portray my faith,” he wrote. “How I rage against their narrow-mindedness, their intolerance, their limited vision. How they embarrass me and blaspheme the church.” A Phelps-a-Thon page has been created to raise money for Queers and Allies. Phelps-a-Thon is a national website that turns the Westboro Baptist Church protests into opportunities to fundraise for targeted groups. People can donate a flat rate or pledge money for every minute the group protests AU. AU President Neil Kerwin said AU does not support the Westboro Baptist Church’s protest. “We condemn the intolerant positions and uncivil actions of this group, even as we respect their freedom of expression,” Kerwin said in a Facebook statement. “The AU community strongly values diversity, inclusiveness, civility and tolerance. We will work with students and others to communicate those values in a powerful and civil manner that does not provide this small group of individuals with the confrontation they seek.” Student response Students are already planning counter-demonstrations, both vocal and silent ones. Jonathan Lipton, a freshman in the School of Public Affairs, is organizing !"see PROTEST on page 9



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from PROTEST on page 8

the “Rally to Reaffirm Sanity.” “This is quite insulting that they’re coming here,” he said. “We are a university that does not support hatred.” Lipton wants to keep this counter-demonstrat ion peaceful and non-violent. “This is a rally to demonstrate our love and to demonstrate that we don’t embrace hate. It doesn’t make sense to protest hate with violence and hatred,”

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from WARD on page 5

Chamberlin said. She said the area might not have high traffic simply because it is near a university, but that there are other factors to consider. In November and December, DDOT added new signs to the circle and made pavement improvements as part of previous recommendations, she said. The final report is expected to come out in February.




on why Hamlin’s case moved, but said there will be a hearing Jan. 14 to schedule future court dates. “Procedurally, that’s what’s happened,” he said. School of Public Affairs Professor Richard Bennett said this is typical of felony cases in Maryland, because the district court can only hear misdemeanors. “It’s not really moving up, it’s just continuing the process,” he said.


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from MARCUM on page 4

he said. Student a capella group On a Sensual Note will perform at the counterdemonstration, according to Student Government President Nate Bronstein. Students are asked not approach or interact with Westboro Baptist Church members, Bronstein said. “That’s just going to play right into what they want,” he said. “We’re not going to stoop to their level.” Tara Culp-Ressler, a senior in the School of Communication and an Eagle columnist, made a Facebook group called “God Loves Poetry: transforming hatred into positivity.” This is based off a national movement that takes the group’s press releases and makes them into blackout poetry. “I think that American University has a really great center of activism and a lot of passionate people here, but sometimes I worry it’s focused in the wrong way,” CulpRessler said. Trying to be louder than the original protesters isn’t the best way to show them that AU is a campus of love, she said. Lepre believes the counter-demonstrations will have a far-reaching effect. “This response has the potential to be a powerful community expression of AU’s values,” she said. sdazio@theeagleonline. com




Army MLK Day of Service expected to have Corps to more volunteers, hours served than ever By RACHEL KARAS destroy SERVICE SITES munitions Eagle Staff Writer

By STEFANIE DAZIO Eagle Staff Writer

Courtesy of gyliu / Flickr

UNFORGETTABLE — Cee Lo Green will serenade AU Jan. 14 in Bender Arena for the first concert of the spring semester. DJ Amitai and Money, Fame and Love will open.

AU students get free ticket to SUB’s Cee Lo Green concert By LAUREN LANDAU Eagle Staff Writer

R&B musician Cee Lo Green, famous for his role in Gnarls Barkley and his hit song “Fuck You,” will perform Jan. 14 at 8:30 p.m. in Bender Arena. AU students can get one free ticket with their AUID and may purchase one guest ticket for $5 at the Student Activities office. The Student Union Board has about 1,000 tickets available, according to Karen Kong, deputy director of SUB. Kong said that SUB selected Green as a guest because of his growing popularity. “His song ‘Forget You’ is pretty big hit right now, and we think that he’d be a great presence on campus,” she said. “People know him from Outkast and Gnarls Barkley, so it would just be a great

way to welcome students back in to the semester with a big name.” The two openers are DJ Amitai and Money, Fame and Love. The concert is being held in Bender Arena in order to accommodate more attendees, Kong said. Previous SUB shows with B.o.B, Super Mash Bros. and State Radio have been held in the Tavern. “We wanted to do a bigger show for the spring welcome back semester,” she said. “So we thought Bender would change things up a bit.” Bender’s doors will open at 8 p.m. There will be merchandise available for purchase at the show.




The Army Corps of Engineers will destroy about 100 World War I-era munitions behind Sibley Hospital in the next two weeks. The munitions have come from several Spring Valley locations, and will be transported to Sibley for destruction. None of the munitions are filled with chemicals, according to the Army Corps. The will be about 10 detonations per day, which will sound like a car backfiring, according to the Corps’ website. These detonations were supposed to happen in November, but there were problems with getting the right equipment to the site. Munitions were destroyed similarly in 2003, according to Corps spokeswoman Joyce Conant. The technology has a proven track record, she said in an e-mail. But Allen Hengst, editor of the Weapons of Mass Destruction in D.C. blog, believes this isn’t the way to go about destroying munitions. “No matter how unique the circumstances, the Army Corps stubbornly sticks to its one-size-fits-all policy of destroying recovered munitions ‘on site,’” he said in an e-mail. “Now you have the spectacle of munitions being destroyed in a residential community behind a hospital.” The Corps expects to release its study of 4825 Glenbrook Rd. NW in the late winter or early spring. The property on Glenbrook Road was the president’s house until the 1980s, when it was moved down the street, The Eagle previously reported. The Corps found several jugs containing a toxic gas found in chemical munitions at this property last March.

AU officials predict this year’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service on Jan. 17 will break several AU volunteerism records. The goal is to beat last year’s record of 956 hours of community service, said Donald Curtis, the operations director of AU’s Center for Community Engagement and Service. Over 300 members of the AU community have already signed up to volunteer at D.C. organizations, at least 50 more than last year’s number. Curtis said he is 80 percent confident the goal of 1,000 hours will be reached. He expects 250 to 300 pledged volunteers to ultimately attend the event. The number of volunteers

more than tripled in the eightyear history of the event, Curtis said. By 2009, participation increased to 142 people from fewer than 50. In 2010, 239 people served throughout the District. This year’s volunteers will focus on challenging D.C. poverty. “We wanted to attack different forms of poverty and address different groups of concern locally,” Curtis said This year’s sites keep that theme in mind, and volunteers will help residents battling homelessness, hunger, HIV/ AIDS and problems facing the elderly. New sites for 2011 include Campus Kitchen, Damien Ministries and the Family Health and Birth Center.


A Wider Circle


Allen House


Barry Farm


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Courtesy of gyliu / Flickr

‘LADYKILLER’ — The artist is slated to perform his unique blend of soul and southern R&B at AU’s Bender Arena this Friday, on Jan 14. Cee Lo is best known for being one half of the soulful duo Gnarls Barkley and for his viral hit “Fuck You” off his latest album. The singer will make a special appearance at AU before gracing the stage at “Saturday Night Live” this weekend.

Cee Lo Green brings ‘Killer’ R&B to Bender Cee Lo to blend a number of different styles this Friday By STEPHAN CHO Eagle Staff Writer

There’s something instantly commendable about being able to bring a song titled “Fuck You” to such critical and mainstream success. For Georgia-born Thomas Callaway, better known as Cee Lo Green, this kind of endearing quirkiness has always been a crutch in a musical career that was long overdue for celebration. And on

Jan. 14, the hip-hop provocateur is making a stop at the Bender Arena. Students get in for free with an AU ID and guests can come for $5. As an artist, Cee Lo is defined by his offbeat nature. He blends a number of different styles in his music and channels them through his unique voice, peppering the twang of Southern hip hop with nuances of soul and funk. His lyrics traffic through the usual fare of observations

that come with everyday living. At times, they can be rather insightful and introspective, hitting a number of different layers of emotion at once while sounding delightful. However, that appeal seems to have been mostly overlooked during CeeLo’s solo career. His first two albums, “Cee Lo Green and His Perfect Imperfections” and “Cee Lo Green… Is The Soul Machine,” faced a lukewarm reception amid favorable reviews and critical praise. But a few years later in 2006, Cee Lo was almost impossible to ignore. He worked with Brian Burton, better known as DJ Danger Mouse, to form the funk duo Gnarls Barkley. His impassioned voice reached millions of listeners with the track

“Crazy,” which got regular radio airplay and topped charts as a commercial success for their “St. Elsewhere” debut album. “St. Elsewhere” was praised for its stunning effort, receiving several notable nominations and winning a Grammy. His sophomore album with the duo, “Odd Couple,” was well recieved, though it didn’t produce another hit like “Crazy.” Cee Lo remained mostly unseen by the public eye since his second album with Danger Mouse only to have his career explode in late 2010. With the release of “The Lady Killer” — the title of the album touting his lovable inner braggart — Cee Lo’s career would reach new heights as “Fuck You!” went viral last summer. Jarringly bitter yet soulful, Cee Lo’s single pro-

pelled the album’s success. The track has become a universal anthem for anybody spurned by a former love. The sing-song and humorous quality of the chorus only makes the lyrics all the more ironically enjoyable. Cee Lo is bereft of any tact and proud of it, displaying his vocal prowess with an unmatched swagger and harmonizing through some incredibly catchy hooks. The album itself is seductive and smooth, showing a more finely honed production craft compared to his previous work. The album is as good as the single would suggest.

CONCERT INFO Cee Lo Green 8:30p.m. WHERE: Bender Arena INFO: The R&B musician, famous for Gnarls Barkley and “Fuck You,” performs here in the first concert of the spring semester. COST: One ticket free with an AU student ID, one guest for $5. CONTACT: Student Union Board at


Listen to Cee Lo on iTunes:


Praised documentaries receive critical acclaim, fall at with audiences By MADELINE WOLFSON Eagle Staff Writer

This year in film and critique was of a rare breed. It is not often that we can look back in retrospect and feel that critics and audiences alike are on the same page. Subsequently, it was quite a nice surprise that movies as artsy and bizarre as “Black Swan” were just as well received as epic triumphs such as “Inception.” It’s difficult to find someone who did not love “The King’s Speech,” “The Kids are all Right,” “True Grit” and “Please Give” all seeming to be favorites of critics, film festivals, movie snobs and regular Joes alike. But there was one genre that perhaps did not get the credit it deserved form the public. Whether it be due to lack of advertising,



low budgets or obscurity, this year lacked praise of documentaries. This is especially strange because 2010 played host to an inordinate amount of the most bizarre and heart-wrenching documentaries. “Restrepo” The account of one platoon working to push back the Taliban in Afghanistan, was a frank, visceral and poignant work that took the viewer from their comfortable seat in a movie theater, stripping away politics, into the harsh reality of war. This film is a must see for any American, personalizing something many of us are so far removed from. “Catfish” If the “Social Network” told the origin story of Face-

book, then “Catfish” showed the unforeseen effects of the networking site. This documentary came about by accident and follows photographer Nev Schulman as he discovers the darker, Twilight Zone-esque side of cyber relationships. This film, shot by his friends, is unnerving, bizarre, and ultimately tragic, — however to reveal any plot points would ruin its effects. “Exit Through the Gift Shop” This film follows a faux French filmmaker documenting the art of street graffiti as he experiences first hand the creative process and then goes on to create his own collection, all the while cheapening the art he obsessed over. This film was funny, off beat, and strange. Whether or not it was made organically or as a critique to the “selling out” of street art, it is still thoroughly enjoyable and thought provoking. mwolfson@theeagleonline. com

2011 films to deliver superhero blockbusters, franchise sequels By HOAI-TRAN BUI Eagle Staff Writer

The passing of 2010 brings a slew of movies to look forward to in 2011. The Scene compiled a list of some of the most anticipated films of the year, including some wizards, pirates and an unnatural dose of superheroes. The Men in Green: “The Green Hornet” (Jan. 14) The first of the green-clad superhero movies to be released this year, “The Green Hornet” stars Seth Rogen cast against type as a millionaire heir-turned-crime fighter. Chinese pop star Jay Chou takes on the role of his sidekick Kato, a role originally made famous on the 1960s television show by a young Bruce Lee. The modern spin on the story, with Kato being the brains behind Seth Rogen’s clumsy protagonist, makes “The Green Hornet” a movie to look out for in 2011. “The Green Lantern” (June 17) “The Green Lantern” on the other hand, looks to be a traditional superhero origin movie, with Ryan Reynolds playing the green (literally and figuratively) protector of the universe. Reynolds’ Hal Jordan is cocky and flighty, flirting with his boss played by Blake Lively, and doing daring stunts with his plane. Fans of the comic book hero might be somewhat irked by Reynolds’ lighter take on an originally more serious character, but no one can deny that Reynolds looks amazing in that bright green suit.

Book Adaptations

“Water for Elephants” (April 22)


DAZED AND CONFUSED — In 2010, a number of great documentaries were released without receiving much love from audiences. Many were piercing, social commentaries captivating the hearts of critics, but failing at the box office. One such documentary was Casey Affleck’s “I’m Still Here” which focused on the bizarre and ultimately fake breakdown of Oscar winner and aspiring rapper Joaquin Phoenix.

The best-selling novel of the same name by Sara Gruen was an excellent piece of literature just waiting to be adapted to the silver screen. But when it was announced that the film would be starring Robert Pattinson as the main character Jacob Jankowski, things looked a bit bleaker. However, the recently released trailer has swayed some doubtful minds, and the movie is looking more like a faithful adaptation of the book. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2” (July 15) It’s hard to fathom that it’s been 10 years since the first Harry Potter film was released, and even longer since the first book was released. But the global cultural phenomenon that is Harry Potter is finally coming to an end — and we’re going to miss it. The midnight showings, book signings and various Potter paraphernalia that has accumulated over the years (including an Internet musical) can’t even come close to explaining the impact that Harry Potter has made upon this generation. Thanks to David Yates’ fantastic direction with “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1,” and the much-anticipated battle at Hogwarts, Part 2 looks to be the glorious and dynamic ending that the fans expect and the boy wizard deserves.

Superheroes! Again!

“Thor” (May 6) It’s a difficult sell to begin with — a Norse god who loses favor with his fellow deities gets cast down to Earth and there becomes a protector of mankind. The Norse folklore in which “Thor” is steeped adds a nice twist to

the tired superhero origin story, and with Marvel pulling out all the stops in casting and geek references to the Marvel universe, “Thor” looks to be an “Iron Man”sized success. “Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides” (May 20) You could probably list numerous reasons why Disney shouldn’t make another “Pirates” movie. You could argue that it wouldn’t be as good without Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley reprising their roles in the fourth film, or that the second and third movies weren’t that good to begin with. However, “On Stranger Tides” promises to deliver that Johnny Depp charm that won over audiences in the first place, as well as his potential chemistry with beauty Penelope Cruz. “On Stranger Tides” is sure to be explosive summer fun, and definitely something to put on your calendars for 2011.

The Only New Original Movies

“Super 8” (June 10) “Super 8” is the mysterious, much-buzzed about movie by director J.J. Abrams, the creator of sci-fi and cult hits like “Lost,” “Fringe” and the director of the recent “Star Trek” film. Once again, he bestows his magic touch on the film “Super 8.” Not much is known about the film other than the title and the cast, which includes Elle Fanning, Amanda Michalka, and Kyle Chandler. Abrams is one of those few directors who can create buzz and excitement about a new project by just attaching his name to it. And he has succeeded.




Oscars to draw young crowd By HOAI-TRAN BUI Eagle Staff Writer

It’s far from a sport, but the race for the little award named Oscar is the most coveted award for films across the globe. Now that 2010 is over and done with, the most prestigious movies campaign for titles like Best Picture, Best Director or Best Screenplay. While televised ceremonies in the past seem undeserving of the three-hour slot they get, this year’s movies, as well as the young hosts, may just grab your attention. It’s around this time that critics and audiences start making their predictions — here’s some all-important information on the highly anticipated awards show. When the number of films that could be nominated for Best Picture was expanded from five to 10, critics called it blasphemy. But many of the top-grossing and critically successful films of 2010 might not have made the list if not for that expansion. “Inception,” the mind-bending heist thriller by Christopher Nolan, is a rare summer blockbuster that is getting recognition from-



many pre-Oscar awards. Even animated movies like the much-beloved “Toy Story 3” might win a coveted nomination for Best Picture. Just as the Best Picture expansion was an attempt by Oscar producers to gain younger viewers and expand their demographic, so is their choice of co-hosts for the Oscar ceremony this year. James Franco, who is getting hype for his performance as Aaron Ralston in “127 Hours,” is hosting the ceremony alongside Anne Hathaway, who wowed the crowd two years ago when she took to the stage with then-host Hugh Jackman in a hilarious duet. The producers last year also spruced up the sets and award presentations in an attempt to woo viewers their way. However, even that didn’t liven up the long broadcast. The best moments of the ceremony are always the comedy routines, like Steve Martin and Tina Fey’s humorous presentation of Best Screenplay in 2009, Ben Stiller’s hilarious imitation of Joaquin Phoenix or his presentation of the Oscar for Best Makeup in full Na’vi get-up. Hopefully the combined

youth and talent of Franco and Hathaway will keep viewers watching, unlike the forgettable combination last year of Martin and Alec Baldwin. According to Oscar blogs like David Karger’s on Entertainment Weekly, the two top contenders for Best Picture are “The Social Network” and “The King’s Speech,” which greatly represent the generational divide the Academy Awards is facing itself. This competition between the old and the new is reflected in other categories as well, where the fresh-faced Natalie Portman is facing her elder Annette Bening in the Best Actress category, and Colin Firth is facing competition from rising stars like James Franco and Jesse Eisenberg. The age gap is showing, in the film categories themselves, in the ceremony and even in the members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, who recently expanded their members to rising actors like Carey Mulligan and Dakota Fanning. Younger voters are sure to change the scheme of which movies are nominated, and may be friendlier to blockbuster films like “Inception” or

last year’s “Avatar.” Edgier films may also gain more success among the younger generation against more traditional Oscar films. The greatest race this year is between the young and the old. This year’s Oscar ceremony will be intriguing, if just to see whether the Academy will vote for the actors and films that represent the new generation, or go the traditional route.

MOVIES TO WATCH “The Social Network” “The King’s Speech” “Inception” “The Kids Are All Right” “Toy Story 3” “127 Hours” “True Grit” “Black Swan” “The Fighter” “The Town” “Winter’s Bone” “Blue Valentine” “How to Train Your Dragon”


PICTURE PERFECT — Edgy fare such as “Black Swan” appeals to the younger generation of movie-goers and this year the Oscars are expanding their categories to accommodate these changes. As evidence to this shift, this year’s hosts are Anne Hathaway and James Franco.

Rock gods, Gaga to reign supreme over music this year 2011 to mark the return of rock legends By MAEVE MCDERMOTT Eagle Staff Writer

The last year proved to be a fantastic year for music (thanks, Kanye!), and the spheres of rock and pop are shaping up to be just as exciting in 2011. The upcoming year promises the return of some of music’s biggest names. Radiohead is set to release their follow-up to 2007’s exceptional “In Rainbows” sometime this year. The band broke new ground three years ago when they released “Rainbows” using a pay-what-you-want model, so expect Radiohead’s stilluntitled album to be released in some strange Internet stunt, most likely without any warning whatsoever. The Strokes have kept busy since their last official release in 2006, with most of the band members embarking on moderately successful side projects. The NYC quintet reunited last summer to headline various festivals, and anticipation has been steadily building for the Strokes’ new LP, expected in March. Meanwhile, Bono found time in his busy schedule — between discussing economic development with President Barack Obama and writing an epic disaster of a Broadway show — to record (yet another) new-agey U2 album, due out later this year. And if you’re running out of fodder for sappy mixtapes, never fear — Chris Martin and the lads of Coldplay are rumored to have an album in the works for a 2011 release. If your tastes lean more towards indie, 2011 is shaping up to be a fine year, with anticipated releases from mainstays The Shins, My Morning Jacket, Iron & Wine, Bright Eyes, Fleet Foxes and The Decemberists. In terms of the pop music

forecast for 2011, expect a year shamelessly monopolized by Lady Gaga. With her new album “Born This Way” set to drop this May, fans are in for a Gaga-saturated year. Lady Gaga is nothing if not provocative, and since her outrageous music videos and bizarre fashion stunts have become almost commonplace, expect Gaga to up her shock value ante. Lady Gaga has already promised that “Born This Way” will be the “greatest album of this decade” — sounds a little like Kanye, no? Gaga may be following West’s example, flaunting her ego and staging elaborate media stunts (stay tuned for whatever strange contraption she decides to wear to the Grammys) but topping the artistic feat that was West’s magnum opus, “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy,” will be a difficult feat for Gaga. She claims that her new album is “so much deeper than a wig or lipstick or an outfit, or a f—ing meat dress,” so how exactly Lady Gaga will go about plumbing the depths of human emotion in her next release is something to be anticipated. Britney Spears is also set to release an album around the same time as Gaga, so be prepared for an overload of pointless, mind-numbing buzz leading up to Gaga’s inevitable walloping of Spears in record sales. Expect Gaga to be ubiquitous in 2011, reigning supreme over charts, clubs, and Top 40 radio through her rapid-fire barrage of singles, videos, stunts, tours and semi-edible gowns. Some advice for non-fans: enjoy these final few moments of quiet while you still can. mmcdermott@




2011 concerts get double dose of Dr. Dog, Yo La Tengo By YOHANA DESTA Eagle Staff Writer

The new year has begun and it’s time to get your live music fixture on. The Scene is here to point you in the direction of the best upcoming live acts at some of the District’s best music venues.


THE DOCTORS ARE IN — Many D.C. venues from the 9:30 club to DAR Constitution Hall are starting their year off with a bang, putting on some performances with the likes of Dr. Dog, Yo La Tengo and Lissie.



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Yo La Tengo Indie favorites Yo La Tengo have been a cult staple for every self-respecting hipster since they stepped onto the music scene. Since their critically acclaimed 1993 release, “Painful,” the band has been churning out musical gold for the alternative rock scene. Their blend of shoegaze rock and punk was a lighthearted alternative for those who weren’t into the grunge scene that seemed to encapsulate the nineties. Tengo is composed of married couple Ira Caplan and Georgia Hubley, on guitar and vocals, and drums, respectively, along with friend James McNew on drums. Anyone in attendance is in for a raucous concert, especially considering this is the same band that titled an album “I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass.” You can catch them at the 9:30 club on Jan. 21. Dr. Dog With their folksy blend of psychedelic pop rock, Dr. Dog are the perfect band for mellow concertgoers. The soulful quintet is heading to the 9:30 club on Jan. 28 and 29 to promote their latest album, “Shame, Shame.” For those who are unfamiliar with the band, they’re reminiscent of sweeping folk bands of the ‘60s, like the Mamas and the Papas and Buffalo Springfield mixed

with strong vocals similar to Cold War Kids. Their new album though, adds a bit of a rougher edge to their sound, mixing in more electric guitars and giving a more modern feel to their usual retro style. Old fans and new fans can expect a sublime concert filled with great musicianship and good vibes. Twin Tigers Formed in 2007, Twin Tigers is an up and coming indie band on the heels of their first full-length album, “Gray Waves.” After going on tour opening for Minus the Bear and the Antlers, Twin Tigers are finally the headlining their own tour. Composed of Matthew Rain, Aimee Morris, Doug Crump and Forrest Hall, the band hails from Athens, Georgia. They’re bringing their swirling indie sound to the Black Cat on Jan. 27, with opening acts Tennis System and Thee Lolitas. For those wondering what to expect, the shoegazing quartet has a sound reminiscent of Radiohead, with a pop twinge akin to the Killers. Lissie After three short years in the music industry, folk rock singer Lissie has worked with a veritable trove of famous musicians on a variety of collaborations. This includes opening for Lenny Kravitz on his Love Revolution Tour, to getting one of her songs remixed by deadmau5 and having her EP, “Why You Runnin” produced by Bill Reynolds of Band of Horses. In addition to releasing a highly critically acclaimed album last June, titled “Catching a Tiger,” Lissie has proven that she’s a force to be reckoned with.

To prove her range extends even further, Lissie released simply delirious covers of “Bad Romance” by Lady Gaga and “Pursuit of Happiness” by Kid Cudi, turning the pop staples into luscious and soulful folk songs. The talented performer is bringing her unique sound to the 9:30 club on Jan. 30, and at $15 a ticket, there’s absolutely no reason to miss it. Robert Plant and the Band of Joy It would seem as though Robert Plant has nothing more to prove — simply being the frontman of Led Zeppelin confirmed his status as a legendary musician — but that wasn’t enough for the British singer. In 2007, he teamed up with Alison Krauss for the folk album “Raising Sand,” which went platinum and won five Grammys, further solidifying that Plant has a Midas touch for all things music. But to everyone’s delight, Plant is restless once again and has revived his first band, Band of Joy, for a new album and a brand new tour. The self-titled album has already received two Grammy nominations, for Best Americana Album and Best Solo Rock Vocal Performance. But don’t expect any thunderous rock ‘n’ roll à la Zeppelin. Band of Joy is all haunting lyrics and disoriented folk rock, wrought with Plant’s searing voice. The group is coming to DAR Constitution Hall on Feb. 1, but if we keep our fingers crossed, maybe, just maybe Plant might break out some Zeppelin classics.



January 11, 2011

2010 in review: The best and worst of the year’s sports stories By TYLER TOMEA Eagle Staff Writer

ATV’s weekly sports program, “SportsZone,” ends every episode with a “Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down” segment, so I decided to borrow this idea when recapping the 2010 sports year. Let’s start by getting the negative out of the way first.

Thumbs Down 2010 NFC West Sam Bradford, Derek Anderson/Max Hall/John Skelton, Alex Smith/Troy Smith and Matt Hasselbeck/Charlie Whitehurst. No really, those were the eight quarterbacks that took snaps for NFC West teams this season, leading to a historically abysmal year for the division. The four teams combined for a record of 25-39, and finished with a point differential of -376. Good God. Hall of Fame Voting Two years ago, Andre Dawson received 67 percent of votes for the Baseball Hall of Fame, 8 percent behind the threshold needed for election. Last year, Dawson was elected to the Hall when he received just fewer than 78 percent of the votes. So you’re probably thinking he must have had a monster 2009 season to finally get elected. In reality, he hasn’t played since 1996, continuing the trend of enshrining players who fall into the “really good” category, instead of just the “dominant and great” group. Washington Redskins If you didn’t watch the Redskins one time this season, the following sentence could sufficiently sum up the 2010 campaign. Mike Shanahan started Rex Grossman over a healthy Donovan McNabb in Week 15, 16 and 17. Anytime the words “Rex Grossman” and “starting quarterback” are in the same sentence, good things don’t happen. With McNabb now disrespected, Washington is once again

Sports 15


in big trouble. College Football I’m finding it harder and harder to throw my support behind a sport that doesn’t have a playoff to decide a champion. Last year, were we certain that Alabama was the best team in the country? Probably, but we can’t tell for sure since Boise State also finished undefeated. The BCS has been around for 12 years, and that’s 12 years too long. LeBron James Does this really need an explanation? Washington Nationals At what point does the Nats front office personnel think to themselves, “Wait a minute, we signed a 31year-old outfielder who has never hit .300 or surpassed 100 RBI to a seven-year, $126 million deal? What the hell were we thinking?” The over/under for this conversation taking place is four and a half years, and that might even be a bit too high. NCAA Tournament Changes This was one of those things that was perfect the way it was: 64 teams, divided into four regions of 16, with games being played Thursday-Sunday and the championship tipping the first Monday in April. So what happened? The format changed, of course! Now, we’ll be able to see the ninth-best team in the Big East, or the eighth-best team in the Big 12 rewarded for a mediocre season.

Thumbs Up New Orleans Saints At first, the Saints had the hopes of a city riding on their season. As the 2010 NFL playoffs started, they became the feel-good story of the entire league. And during their Super Bowl run they accomplished two things: Knocking Brett Favre out of the playoffs (and making everyone outside Minnesota giddy), and forcing us to remember

that regular season Peyton Manning is different from postseason Peyton Manning. Duke-Butler Butler was one half-court heave away from defeating Duke in the championship game of the 2010 NCAA Tournament. I never thought I’d write that sentence during my lifetime. And if that shot had dropped, it might have pushed this game from one of the greatest in tournament history into the greatest in tournament history. Jayson Werth He just signed a sevenyear deal worth $126 million dollars. Let that statement sink in for a little bit. Armando Galarraga Great sportsmanship was displayed by Galarraga, who was denied a perfect game when umpire Jim Joyce botched a call with two outs in the 8th inning. In fact, Joyce missing the call may have been beneficial to Galarraga in the long run. Five years from now, are you more likely to remember Dallas Braden’s perfect game or Galarraga’s near-perfect outing? ‘Hard Knocks’ It was a brilliant job by HBO executives to select Rex Ryan and the New York Jets for the sixth installment of the series. There were so many great quotes from the season, but here are a that stuck out. He’s “just mad ‘cause he’s taking a pay cut,” Bart Scott on University of Southern California rookie Joe McKnight. “Some of these guys can’t play dead in a B-Western,” Ryan on the third-team defense. “Let’s go eat a goddamn snack,” Ryan ending a team meeting. Here’s to the 2011 sports year being more exciting and less Favre-filled than its 2010 counterpart! ttomea@theeagleonline. com

Redskins: Their own worst enemy in 2010 and for the foreseeable future SIDELINE SCHOLAR

BEN LASKY As the NFL playoffs get underway, the Washington Redskins are once again spending January working on their short game. 2010 was supposed to be a step forward for the team, but in many ways, it was a step back. When general manager Bruce Allen was brought in last season, many saw the hiring as a change in the way the organization would make personnel decisions. For years the Redskins had been criticized for constantly trading high draft picks for veterans under team president Vinny Cerrato, who resigned last season. However, shortly after Mike Shanahan was hired as head coach, it was clear that nothing had changed. The first major move the Redskins made was a trade with the Eagles for probowl QB Donovan McNabb in exchange for either a third or fourth round pick in the 2011 draft depending on how McNabb performed in 2010. They then agreed to trade the pick that the Eagles did not get to the Saints for offensive tackle Jammal Brown, a probowler in 2008 who missed all

of 2009 with various injuries. McNabb threw for over 3,300 yards this season, but also threw more interceptions than touchdown passes and was benched for the last three games of the season. It would be shocking to see McNabb in Washington next season. For Brown, 2010 was utterly terrible. He and others on the line compiled one of the worst units in the league. His contract is up and he will probably never wear a Redskins uniform again. To recap, that’s a third and fourth round pick given away for one disappointing year from a quarterback in his early 30s and one terrible year from an offensive tackle who was acquired to protect said quarterback. Are we sure Vinny Cerrato resigned? What the Redskins have needed to do for years is rebuild. Time and time again they have tried bringing in free agents and trading for proven veterans. Time and time again it has failed. That being the case, the problem in 2010 did not start with the trade for McNabb. It started with the hiring of Mike Shanahan. When rebuilding you need a coach that can come in and take his lumps for a year or two or three. Shanahan is not that guy. He is not a young Jim Schwartz type. He’s a coach who is closing in on 60 years old and does not

want to spend the next few years coaching a team that is rebuilding. Of course he went out and got a proven quarterback. He did not want to have to coach through the growing pains of a young signal caller. Whether he wants to or not, if Shanahan wants to be successful, he must accept a rebuilding period. This team is not ready to compete and will not be ready for years. The offensive line is in shambles. They don’t have a game changing receiver. They only have about half a strong season from running back Ryan Torain, who has struggled with injuries throughout his short career. And all of a sudden their defense, which has been one of the best in the NFL over the last few seasons, has become pedestrian. Needless to say, the Redskins have many holes to fill. This season was supposed to be a changing of the guard in Washington. There was supposed to be a change in attitude as to how to run a football team. It was supposed to be a season in which Dan Snyder and those who work for him stopped playing fantasy football with an actual NFL team. Yet, it was more of the same. Because of that, when football the Redskins will be worse off.




SIZING UP— Senior forward Vlad Moldoveanu looks for an open pass against a Lehigh opponent. Moldoveanu scored a career-high 39 points in the Eagles 82-75 victory on Saturday in Bender Arena.

Moldoveanu leads Eagles past reigning league champs By MARK NATALE Eagle Staff Writer

The men’s basketball team on Saturday defeated last year’s Patriot League champion, Lehigh University, by a score of 82-75. The first conference win of the year improved AU’s record to 11-5 on the season. Senior forward Vlad Moldoveanu, the Patriot League’s top scorer, led the team with a career-high 39 points. The Eagles were able to shut down the Mountain Hawks but the league’s second-highest scorer, C.J. McCollum, was still able to post 32 points. “If that’s any indication of how the league season is going to go,” Head Coach Jeff Jones said. “We’re all going to be in for a lot of excite-

ment.” The Eagles trailed early in the game, struggling to hit perimeter shots and gain momentum against an aggressive Lehigh defense. Both teams racked up a large number of fouls early on, which hurt both teams’ momentum. Junior forward Stephen Lumpkin’s back-to-back dunks gave AU momentum with 11 minutes to play in the first half and put the Eagles in the lead, 13-11. Neither team was able to pull significantly ahead of the other. Trading the lead six times and tying six others, Lehigh and AU were evenly matched throughout the beginning of the game. Lehigh took the lead going into halftime following buckets from Mackey McKnight and Anthony D’Orazio to give the Mountain Hawks

a 30-27 lead. AU shot an abysmal 36 percent in the first half, and made just six of 11 free throw attempts. The Eagles looked like a completely different team in the second half. Moldoveanu and McCollum appeared to match each other shot for shot. Down 47-44, AU went on a 21-11 run, highlighted by Moldoveanu, who scored 19 points in just a little over four minutes. The run produced AU’s largest lead of the night, beating Lehigh 65-55 with 8:34 to play. “I had three guys around me in the playoffs [last year], so my mindset was I was going to get triple teamed [today],” Moldoveanu said. Lehigh closed the gap and pulled to within two points after a three-pointer from Holden Greiner. Moldoveanu ended the

game 13 for 18 from the field and hit three of four threepoint attempts. He also was a perfect 10 for 10 at the line and grabbed 12 rebounds. McCollum ended 10 for 22 from the field, hitting one three pointer and 11 of 13 free throw attempts. “The guy I’ve got to tip my cap to is Nick Hendra,” Head Coach Jeff Jones said. “Guarding a guy like C.J. [McCollum] is a tough chore.” While it was Moldoveanu’s offensive contribution that put the Eagles in the lead for good, Hendra was a crucial part of the attack. He had five assists alongside eight points and 10 rebounds. Hendra spent the better part of the second half driving towards the basket instead of staying out on the perimeter. “When a team gets up and pressures [like Lehigh],” Hendra said, “I’m going to go down and go after them.” Lumpkins had 16 points and nine rebounds on the day to contribute to AU’s 64 percent shooting percentage in the second half. The win gave the Eagles a 1-0 record against Patriot League opponents and snapped a three-game losing streak to Lehigh. AU has had its best start since 1982, and four of its five wins have come to major opponents. AU will return to Bender Arena on Wednesday, Jan. 12, to take on Bucknell University (10-7) in its second Patriot League matchup of the year. “The key to conference play is to win at home,” Jones said. “You don’t want to let one of these slip away.”


Women’s basketball increases win streak By TYLER TOMEA Eagle Staff Writer

The women’s basketball team notched its ninth consecutive victory by defeating the twotime defending conference champion Lehigh University Mountain Hawks 64-51 Saturday at Stabler Arena in Bethlehem, Pa. “It’s nice because we know that we can go on the road and play well against a really good Lehigh team,” Head Coach Matt Corkery told AU Athletics. “I thought several of our kids really stepped up in the second half and made plays when they had to. It’s a great start [to the Patriot League season] and a win that we can gain confidence from as we move forward in conference play.” Senior forward Liz Leer led AU with a game-high 25 points to go along with seven rebounds, three blocks and two steals. Senior guard Nicole Ryan chipped in 11 points, as the Eagles became the first Patriot League squad to defeat Lehigh at Stabler Arena in the past 18 games. Lehigh’s Courtney Dentler had a team-high 11 points and registered six rebounds for the Mountain Hawks. The Eagles executed an effective offense well all night while effectively stopping the Lehigh attack. AU shot 46 percent from the field and went 6-12 from beyond the arc, with Ryan and Leer each nailing three three-pointers. The Mountain Hawks misfired on 40 of their 56 field goal attempts. AU outrebounded Le-

high 43-33 to help limit second chance opportunities. “We struggled the whole game to get any type of flow,” Lehigh Head Coach Sue Troyan told Lehigh Sports. “Credit them defensively. We struggled to get any rhythm going on the offensive end.” With just under 11 minutes remaining in the second half, Lehigh’s Emily Gratch made a layup to cap a 10-5 run that cut the AU lead to 45-44. The Eagles would respond by going on a critical 10-0 run that extended their lead to 5544 with 5:41 left to play. Ryan scored five points during the crucial stretch. Gratch hit a layup as the clock went under four minutes to pull Lehigh to within single digits. Dentler next scored from long range just seconds later to cut AU’s lead to six as the Mountain Hawks hoped to stage a comeback in the game’s final three minutes. But each time Lehigh made a run, the Eagles would respond with scores of their own. As AU held on to a 55-49 lead, the Eagles closed the game by scoring nine of the game’s final 11 points. Five points from Leer pushed the AU advantage to 60-49. AU outscored Lehigh 32-19 in the second half to come away with a 64-51 victory. With the win, the Eagles improved to 11-4 overall and 1-0 in conference play. AU will next play on the road against Bucknell University on Wednesday, Jan. 12, before returning home on Saturday, Jan. 15 to take on Colgate.


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