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WELCOME WONKS — AU Ambassador Anj Lum (left), Executive Director of Communications and Marketing Teresa Flannery, President Neil Kerwin, Provost Scott Bass, Executive Director for Enrollment Sharon Alston and AU Ambassador Alisa Morse cut the new Admissions Welcome Center’s ribbon Feb. 14.
AU to welcome prospectives with new $200k admissions center “‘Wonk’ needs to be introduced to prospective students. We try not to hit them over the head with it.” —James Raby, director of Enrollment Marketing
By KATE FROEHLICH Eagle Staff Writer In a $200,000 overhaul, AU redesigned its Admissions Welcome Center for the third time in 10 years. The new Welcome Center, still located on the second floor of the Katzen Arts Center, incorporates the “know” part of the “know/
wonk” branding campaign AU debuted during the fall semester. The new Welcome Center will be open to prospective students this Tuesday. There is money in the budget for the next two years in the hopes of “keeping the creative approach fresh” using social media and other outlets, according to Teresa
Flannery, the executive director of Communications and Marketing. “It’s an ongoing process that can always be embellished and improved,” said Provost Scott Bass. The 2011 draft Campus Plan proposes to build a new Welcome Center within the next 10 years on the East Campus, a proposed sixbuilding complex on what is currently the Nebraska Parking Lot. “If the Campus Plan is approved, the process starts off raising money, planning and building,” Flannery said. “It’s still five to seven years away
at the earliest.” It is considered the “first public launch of the University branding campaign,” according to Director of Enrollment Marketing James Raby. “‘Wonk’ needs to be introduced to prospective students. We try not to hit them over the head with it,” Raby said. “Students at this age don’t want to be labeled, but they will label themselves.” The planning and construction were done “in phases timed to tie in with the branding campaign,” according to Sharon Alston, executive director for En-
rollment. The process began in January 2009. The space uses different forms of technology to convey the new campaign, including videos and panoramic photos of campus. “Our job was to take the wonk branding and make a 3D experience,” said Sarah Winkler, president of Feats, Inc., the company that designed the new space and its multimedia. Flannery said the Welcome Center’s most recent overhaul is an original approach to a campus visit experience. “We’re in a very competi-
tive market. We needed something that showcased [AU],” Alston said. Welcome Center makes AU a ‘destination’ The Welcome Center moved to Katzen in June 2009 from what is now The Perch in Centennial Hall. Problems with the Centennial location included prospective students’ difficulty in finding the room, lack of convenient parking and its location in a residence hall, Alston said. The main focus of the move !
see CENTER on page 4
Eagle rants (3), Presidents Day special (4), Campus Plan protest (10)
4 8
Staff editorial, Shapiro column (6), Letters to the Editor (7)
Topher Grace (13), Movie review (14), Calendar (17)
Women’s basketball (20), Sideline Scholar (19)
'& )*
8 8
2 1
7 8
2. Eagle rants 3. Free elections, checks and balances protect freedom, not military
All submissions become the property of The Eagle. Unsigned letters will not be published. The Eagle reserves the right to edit letters and guest columns for length and clarity. Letters and columns may be published in print or online. Letters and columns are the opinion of the writer and not the newspaper. The Eagle has a commitment to accuracy and clarity and will print any corrections or clarifications. To report a mistake, call the editor in chief at (202) 8851402 or e-mail editor@theeagleonline.com.
since FEB. 7
1. Neil and Ann Kerwin find lasting love at AU
The Eagle, a student-run newspaper at the American University, serves the community by reporting news involving the campus community and surrounding areas. The Eagle strives to be impartial in its reporting and believes firmly in its First Amendment rights.
7 3
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“JUST GOT ACCEPTED TO #AmericanU!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!” @ckgbear, Feb. 12 “2 days away from becoming @foursquare mayor of Bender Library @AmericanU. worried about what that says about my life. #imanerd” @bachledova, Feb. 12
Editor in Chief Editor@theeagleonline.com News News@theeagleonline.com
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5. Letter to the editor: Cadets deserve same respect given to all AU students
“The @americanu shuttle just turned into #soulbus. Blast that 90’s r&b son!” @Party_low, Feb. 11 “@davidgregory is in mgc #americanu!” “#AmericanU is funny”
Editorial & Opinion
@suhloan, Feb. 9
In “In Retrospect: Snowpocalypse,” Kate Greubel’s quote was misstated. The quote should have been attributed to Austin Itamoto. Greubel said, “By the third or fourth day, when we felt claustrophobic, two other girls and I made the trek to the Metro and got off at the Smithsonian stop. We were walking around and we saw a giant igloo. That was the first igloo I’ve ever seen. Naturally, I climbed into the igloo, and there were other people in there with me. People signed their names on the igloo into the ice. Then we walked towards the Lincoln Memorial. It was nerve-wracking and I was scared, but I walked on the reflecting pool. We saw a man fall in because parts of the ice were cracking, but luckily the water wasn’t too deep.”
TUESDAY 15 Hula Dancing Lessons 5 - 6 p.m. WHERE: MGC 200 WHAT: The Hawaii Club hosts a workshop offering free hula dancing lessons. CONTACT: Hawaii Club at americanuhawaiiclub@ gmail.com
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In “At AU, Howard Dean predicts 2012 Obama victory,” the sponsor of the event was misstated. The event was sponsored by the School of Public Affairs Undergraduate Council, not the College Democrats.
Ethan Klapper
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@lizrr, Feb. 10
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4. AU shouldn’t give in to phony ROTC patriotism
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Sam Yolen Bobby Jones Alexander Robinson Kasturi Puntambekar Jonathon Gaynes
Campaign College Reception 2 - 4 p.m. WHERE: : Ward 300 WHAT: The Women & Politics Institute’s Campaign College is an election primer that gives women the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in Student Government elections. CONTACT: campaigncollege@american.edu
Pakistan: Environment, Terrorism and Corruption 6 - 8 p.m. WHERE: Ward 1 WHAT: This panel discussion, hosted by the Muslim Student Association and featuring School of International Service professors, will examine current conditions in Pakistan. CONTACT: Arslan Ashraf at aa4738a@ american.edu
Movie Screening of “Oddsac” 6 - 9 p.m. WHERE: Bender Library Mudbox WHAT: “Oddsac” is an experimental visual album featuring the music of Animal Collective. CONTACT: Molly Kerrigan at mk3749a@american.edu
“Daring to Think, Move and Speak” 5 - 9 p.m. WHERE: Kay Main Chapel WHAT: This one-woman play will celebrate Black History Month. CONTACT: International Student Scholar Services at isss@ american.edu
Mindfulness in Education Conference 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. WHERE: SIS Building WHAT: Mindfulness meditation is a way to reduce suffering and cultivate inner peace. It has been shown to enhance learning and attention. This event will explore the uses of mindfulness in education. CONTACT: Heather Kuchman at kuchman@american.edu
EAGLE RANTS Want an answer to your rant? E-mail your queries to our advice bloggers at compass@theeagleonline.com. “Student Activities recognizes and advises over 222 different student clubs and organizations.” But no HIKING CLUB? No super fun awesome BADMINTON CLUB? : !
! The new DARS report sucks. ! The guy that I’ve been trying to get with since last semester got too drunk on Captain and threw up on my feet ... and then still tried to cuddle with me. And this is the most romantic thing to happen to me in months. I need to get my shit together asap. ! THANK YOU AU HOUSING AND DINING FOR ADDING THE FOOD NETWORK TO CAMPUS CABLE!! I’VE MISSED PAULA AND GIADA AND RACHEL SOOOOO MUCH!!
Dear Roommate, We live in a one-bedroom apartment. I get that you have a boyfriend, I really do. BUT it sucks when I can’t sleep in my own bed for about a week now because I don’t feel comfortable sleeping in a room that smells like sex with random naked guys that I don’t know. I know this couch is comfortable, but it ain’t THAT comfortable. Sincerely, Sleepless (and Sexless). !
Justin Bieber is so amazingly hot! Can we send him an application packet? !
! If the Egyptians can rise up against the evil dictator Mubarak, can we rise up against Kerwin?
What’s the difference between Mubarak and Kerwin? One’s Egyptian. !
If we can have O’Reilly and Obama interviews before football, can we have Charlie and Neil interviews before basketball? !
I think college wrestling could be improved if we had more bears involved in the process. If Davy Crockett could do it, why can’t AU students do it? Or maybe we could have Nate wrestle Charlie. I would put $5 on Bronstein. EDITOR’S NOTE: Kudos on the Davy Crockett reference. !
! For Valentine’s Day all I want is a cute girl who understands the importance of polygamy to my religion. ! I know this is hard to believe, but this school is actually too conservative for my views. You know who I am ... ! I understand we go to a school that stresses diversity, but why is it that EVERY guy speaks in a foreign language before they try and kiss me?
I don’t understand why
Cashiers Wanted FT/PT apply at Uptown Deli 7905 Norfolk Ave Bethesda MD 20814 301-961-5787
Sitters Wanted. $12 or more per hour. Register free for jobs near campus or home. www.student-sitters.com
POLICE BLOTTER people don’t move in the elevator when people are getting on. Even after you say ‘excuse me.’ Even when there is tons of room and the front area is blocked. I have to get to class in the early morning too, so please step aside, be more courteous and stop looking like my existence is such an inconvenience to you. ! More people on this campus need to learn the following words and use them in their vocabulary: please, sorry, thanks, excuse me. ! Dear contingent of boys who sit in the front row of my foreign policy class, If you already know everything about U.S. Foreign Policy, then WHY are you taking this class?! Some of us actually want to learn from the professor, not listen to you argue with her all class, especially since your arguments are usually dumb anyway.
Feb. 7 Library staff discovered graffiti written with a black marker on a bathroom stall wall in Bender Library. A 2fix ticket was initiated to have it removed. D.C. Fire Department transported an injured person from outside the Department of Public Safety Building to the hospital. The employment of a contractor working in the tunnel shops was terminated. The contractor was barred from University property. DCFD transported an injured person from Bender Arena to the hospital. Feb. 8 An AU ID and keys to a residence hall room were taken from an office in the Sports Center.
A student requested a cab voucher to be transported from Anderson Hall to a hospital. DCFD transported a sick person from Bender Library to the hospital. Feb. 9 DCFD and Metropolitan Police Department responded to a vehicle fire near the Watkins Building. DCFD extinguished it. The vehicle’s owner had been away from the vehicle for approximately five minutes before becoming aware of the fire. He believed a cigarette converter was the source of the fire.
social security numbers, etc. A complainant reported receiving unwanted e-mail messages from a former coworker. The former coworker is believed to be in California. Public Safety attempted to contact the former coworker to notify him to cease all contact with the complainant. Feb. 10 DCFD transported a sick person from Hughes Hall to the hospital.
An unattended laptop computer was taken from a book bag, which was left on a table in the Terrace Dining Room. The computer contained personal information, e.g., credit card information,
! Stop giving students’ money to Student Government and let them choose where their student activities fee is allocated. We would all be able to give money to organizations that we are involved with instead of having to pay dues and having our activities fee thrown away. ! Can the Eagle please do more coverage of the guest speakers who come to campus? These are prominent scholars and the Eagle writes about only 5% of them. I really wanted to go to the hybrid psychology talk on Tuesday, but I had class. I would love to read about it in the Eagle... EDITOR’S NOTE: We’d love to but we don’t have enough reporters. What about some sort of readersubmitted content explaining what the speakers said? Would that be OK?
Bethesda’s New NY Style Jewish Deli Bagels, Cheesecake, Bialys ,Egg Creams, Huge sandwiches, Matzo Ball Soup, Rugelach, Black and White Cookies, Salads, Dr Browns Sodas, Breakfast, Lunch, Catering and More! “Ess Till You Plotz”
UPTOWN DELI 7905 Norfolk Ave Bethesda MD 20814 301-961-5787 www.uptowndelibethesda.com AU Students receive a free 16oz soda with a valid student ID and purchase of any sandwich over $5.99 Offer good through 1-31-11 Not combined with any other offers. Must show valid ID
AU ups green efforts for recycling competition
PRESIDENTS DAY SPECIAL Calvin Coolidge !" 1922: Commencement address in present-day WoodsBrown Amphitheater Dwight Eisenhower !" 1957: Groundbreaking of the old School of International Service Building
Eagle Contributing Writer AU is participating in RecycleMania, a 10-week national competition between universities to promote on-campus waste reduction and recycling, from Feb. 6 to April 2. Last year, AU took third place out of 266 schools in the competition with a cumulative recycling rate of 64.9 percent. It was AU’s first year in the contest. AU’s recycling rate was the highest for all participating D.C. universities last year. Georgetown University came in second with 42.5 percent, and the Catholic University of America came in third with 33.2 percent. “It’s really important to get students engaged in green efforts,” said Sophia Benedicktus, assistant director of operations for Housing and Dining Programs. “They are tomorrow’s leaders and I don’t think they understand changes now can lead their lives.” Benedicktus started AU’s participation in RecycleMania last year after the school showed interest in furthering environmentally friendly practices. The University aims to change the habits and behaviors of students, faculty and staff through the competition, according to Benedicktus. This year, 630 schools across the country are competing. The competition ranks schools based on the amount recycled per capita, the total amount recycled and other recycling rates. Students are encouraged to recycle as much as possible. In addition to the interuniversity competition, AU will have its own recycling contest between North side, South side and Tenley Campus residence halls. Last year, North side came in first place with 10.75 !
see RECYCLE on page 8
THE PROFESSOR — President Woodrow Wilson inspected part of AU’s chemical warfare facilities during World War I.
A look back at presidential visits to AU By NICOLE GLASS Eagle Staff Writer
Theodore Roosevelt 1902: Laid the cornerstone of McKinley Building 1908: Gave a speech outside Hurst Hall while attending the Methodist General Conference Woodrow Wilson !" 1914: Speech for the opening of the University !" 1919: Inspection of Camp Leach, part of AU used for chemical warfare activities during World War I Warren G. Harding !" 1921: Commencement address in present-day WoodsBrown Amphitheater
from CENTER on page 1
from Centennial to Katzen was to make the center a “green room.” The most recent renovation, inspired by the Newseum, “showcases our most beautiful facility,” Alston said. “It makes AU a destination visit. It’s a venue that is beautiful, provides information about the Uni-
John F. Kennedy !" 1960: Speech opposite the girls’ field hockey field during a political rally after the second Kennedy-Nixon presidential debate !" 1963: Commencement address overlooking the presentday varsity athletic field Kennedy’s speech, which proposed limits on nuclear arms and envisioning a peaceful world, led to the Partial Test Ban Treaty later that year. “I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, and the kind that enables men and nations to grow, and to hope, and build a better life for their children -- not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women, not merely peace in our time but peace in all time.” Gerald R. Ford !"1978: Speech at the presentday Kogod School of Business Building and at Kay Spiritual Life Center Ford said Congress was going beyond its constitutional powers in the foreign policy arena, through acts such as the War Powers Act. “We went from an imperial presidency to an imperiled presidency.” Jimmy Carter !" 2005: Attended hearings in McDowell Formal Lounge as part of the Commission on Federal Election Reform !" 2005: Town-hall style disversity, tells a story and immerses the student in an AU experience,” Alston said. The center seats 60 people and has a 192-inch screen, which will show a 12-minute feature that takes prospective students through the eyes of a student’s four years at AU. There is also a 15-minute animated video that has trivia and popup information in a scene in front of
cussion with students, staff and faculty in Bender Arena !" 2007: Speech about the Elders’ mission to Sudan in the Katzen Arts Center “There has been no effort on the government [in Khartoum] to kill all of the black people in Darfur.” George Bush Sr. !" 1981-89: Used the track at Reeves Field to jog during his term as vice president Bill Clinton !"1993: Spoke at Special Convocation celebrating AU’s Centennial year Clinton called for economic strength domestically and responsibility abroad. “Now, together, it is time for us to reach out again: toward tomorrow’s economy, toward a better future, toward a new direction, toward securing for you, students at American University, the American dream.” !" 1997: Gave his “Back to Work” speech in Bender Arena Barack Obama !" 2008: Campaign rally in Bender Arena !" 2010: Speech on immigration reform in the new School of International Service Building Obama called for comprehensive immigration reform. “The system is broken, and everybody knows it. Unfortunately, reform has been held hostage to political posturing and special-interest wrangling – and to the pervasive sentiment in Washington that tackling such a thorny and emotional issue is inherently bad politics.” SOURCE: Susan McElrath, University Archivist Bender Library. “This creates many ways for folks to get a taste of American University. You can truly see what four years looks like,” Winkler said. kfroehlich@theeagleonline. com
From Lincoln to Obama: 11 presidents visit AU for speeches, recreation By NICOLE GLASS Eagle Staff Writer
Since President Theodore Roosevelt laid the cornerstone of the McKinley Building in 1902, 11 U.S. presidents have been to AU for various reasons. Lincoln was the first president to visit the grounds AU is currently built on, however the school was not yet incorporated, according to University Archivist Susan McElrath. Lincoln came here to inspect Fort Gaines during the Civil War, the farmland that is now the University site. During his visit, Lincoln and his wife Mary dined on the camp’s French fare with officers, according to the Tenleytown Historical Society. Lincoln was said to have declared the meal the best one he’d had in Washington. “If their men could fight as well as they could cook, the regiment would do very well indeed,” he said, according to the historical society. Decades later, Roosevelt laid the University’s cornerstone, and President Wilson gave AU’s opening speech when its construction was finished 12 years later in 1914, according to McElrath. Presidents Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge and John F. Kennedy each gave a commencement address at AU. Kennedy’s 1963 commencement address is one of his most notable speeches and one of the most memorable presidential visits at AU, according to McElrath. In this speech, Kennedy called on the former Soviet Union to work with the U.S. to achieve a nuclear test ban treaty and reduce international tensions.
This was his second speech at AU, in addition to his earlier 1960 address during the Kennedy-Nixon debate before his presidency, according to McElrath. President Barack Obama delivered an invitation-only speech on immigration reform in the new School of International Service building last July. Student Government President Nate Bronstein gave the Pledge of Allegiance at the event. “Everyone was hyped,” he said in an e-mail. “I still have trouble describing the excitement that was present that day. It was the first time I changed my status on Facebook and got over 100 likes and comments in the course of three hours.” Before he gave the Pledge, the Secret Service had him try out the podium, to see if he was too short. He wasn’t. Andy MacCracken, former SG president and senior in the School of International Service, attended the event and was inspired by Obama’s speech. “Any presidential speech in person is inspiring, but I remember being particularly moved by Obama’s words at AU,” MacCracken said in an e-mail. “He called on the country to recall our origins, culminating in him reciting “The New Colossus,” the poem on the Statue of Liberty.” Although Obama’s speech was important, MacCracken said he does not believe it was as influential as Kennedy’s. “Will it have as big a place in the country’s history as JFK’s 1963 peace speech? I don’t think so,” he said. “But it was a big moment for our community, and his choice of AU as a location for his speech shows why AU is an important player in national and global affairs.” nglass@theeagleonline.com
Faculty Senate mulls extensive changes to academic regulations By MARIE ZOGLO Eagle Staff Writer
Students will have fewer days to decide whether they want to drop classes, fewer chances to use Freshman Forgiveness and are less likely to make Dean’s List under changes proposed to AU’s undergraduate academic regulations by the Faculty Senate. A Faculty Senate committee recently completed the first major overhaul of the academic regulations in about 25 years, according to Leigh Riddick, chair of the Faculty Senate. The full Senate will vote on its recommendations this week. The final decision on the changes rests with the provost. Changes could include: ! The shortening of the add/drop period to seven business days, ! A limit on pass/fail classes to elective courses ! A limit of two classes for Freshman Forgiveness ! Higher standards for the Dean’s List and Latin honors. The proposed changes will be sent to the full Senate this week for review at a meeting this Wednesday, Feb. 16 from 2:15 to 4:45 in MGC 4. Students are encouraged to attend and give input. Add/drop changes The add/drop period would be shortened from the first two weeks of classes to seven business days, under the proposal. Riddick said the Senate was concerned about professors’ inability to start substantive coursework until the third week of classes because of the long add/drop period. She said the Senate is also aware of the students’ desires to have time to shop around for classes. The Undergraduate Senate proposed the add/drop deadline be after two class periods of any given class have met, except for weekend classes. Pass/fail changes
Students would also be limited taking no more than four pass/fail classes, under the proposed regulations. Students would be restricted to one pass/fail course per semester. The credits would only be for electives and not count toward AU’s General Education, major, math and English requirements. Riddick said although relatively few students were taking pass/fail classes for General Education credit, the faculty was alarmed by the increasing percentage
“Currently over half of our students have a 3.5 grade point average or higher in a semester. We’d like for that designation to mean something more than it does now.” — Leigh Riddick, Faculty Senate chair
of students taking courses pass/fail in general. The faculty feels very strongly about stopping this increasing trend, Riddick said. Additionally, a failing grade in a pass/fail class would now affect a student’s GPA. Currently, if a student fails a pass/fail class, it does not affect their GPA. The committee also recommends lowering the passing standard from a “C” to a “D.” Dean’s List/Latin honors changes It would also be more difficult to achieve Dean’s List requirements under these recommendations, raising
the requirement from a 3.5 GPA to a 3.67. “Currently over half of our students have a 3.5 grade point average or higher in a semester,” Riddick said. “We’d like for that designation to mean something more than it does now.” Raising the threshold for Latin honors is also being considered. The committee recommends that the full Senate consider limiting Latin honors to approximately 25 to 30 percent of students, according to Riddick. Currently, any student with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher receives Latin honors at graduation. Freshman Forgiveness rule changes The number of classes allowed under the Freshman Forgiveness rule could be reduced, under these suggestions. Currently, freshmen can fail their entire first year and, using Freshman Forgiveness, still graduate with a 4.0, Riddick said. “That just didn’t sound right to us,” she said. Under the proposed changes, Freshman Forgiveness could only be applied to two classes. This change would affect less than five students per year, according to Riddick. Outside of Freshman Forgiveness, students would be allowed to take a course up to two more times for credit after failing it the first time, giving students a total of three chances to pass a class. Riddick also said that students who receive a passing grade in a course may only repeat it once in an attempt to raise their grade. “Grades for each attempt are computed in the GPA, but only the highest grade counts toward your major,” Riddick said. This could affect students hoping to go to graduate school, who need high GPAs in their major, according to Riddick. Staff writer Zachary Cohen contributed to this report. news@theeagleonline.com
AU is pretty great for people seeking to learn more about foreign countries. If you’re planning on studying abroad in Bulgaria and want to learn more about the country as a whole, there’s a club for that.
If you get set up on a blind date and all you know about the person is that they’re from Taiwan and you want to learn more Taiwanese culture, there’s a club for that.
If your best friend invited you to spend winter break at their brother’s friend’s girlfriend’s cousin’s house in Lebanon and you want to know what sites you should make sure to check out while you’re there, there’s even a club for that.
Yup, there’s a club for just about anything. Only at AU.
For more information, contact the AU Club Council at aucc@american.edu
AU bookstore uses ‘fair wage’ employees for clothing supplies By SOMMER BRUGAL
Eagle Contributing Writer Alta Gracia employee Maritza Vargas used to reside in a two-bedroom home with a family of five, sharing a common bathroom with three other families. But now, her family lives in a larger house, with each child in their own room. Vargas says this is a result of her employment with Alta Gracia, the first certified fair-wage college clothing company. Vargas and co-worker Yenny Perez described how their lives have changed through their employment at Alta Gracia through a Skype conversation from the Dominican Republic Feb. 10 to AU students. The company pays their workers three times the
amount of the normal minimum wage in the Dominican Republic. While factory workers throughout the country receive as little as $1,912 per year, employees of Alta Gracia, like Vargas and Perez, earn $6,317 annually. AU stocks clothing from Alta Gracia in its campus store. “We depend on the purchases you buy in the bookstore to keep moving forward,” Vargas said. “We’re waiting for each purchase so we can continue to grow.” Alta Gracia is a clothing brand produced in a factory in the Dominican Republic and owned by parent company Knights Apparel. The company provides its workers’ with “living wages,” which allows them to provide for their family in ways
they couldn’t before, according to its website. Although Alta Gracia continues to pay their workers these wages, sweatshirts and T-shirts sell for the same amount as other brands, including Champion and Nike. Event organizers Ethan Miller and Rachel Taber discussed the hardships workers endured in prior positions before obtaining a job at Alta Gracia with Vargas and Perez. AU Solidarity sponsored the Skype session, with Women’s Initiative and the Fair Trade Student Association. Both women recounted unfair treatment, low wages and violations of their rights. They both worked in the !
see ALTA on page 8
Regulations should reect AU’s reputation Revisions to Dean’s List, Latin honors a sign of progress It has been acknowledged that we as a University are moving up in this dog-eat-dog world of academia. We’re redesigning, rebranding and remarketing ourselves to future generations of college attendees in the hopes that they will continue to flock to Fletcher Gate. First came “wonk,” then the Campus Plan and now changes to academic regulations are being proposed. While we don’t agree
with all of these propositions, for the most part we endorse the efforts of the administration to turn AU into a big-league university. The current proposed changes are the first overhaul to academic regulations at AU in 25 years — a bit overdue, if you consider all the changes to the University in that time. These revisions include shortening the add/drop period, upping the GPA requirements for Dean’s
Respect and rights for all D.C. residents SMARTER THAN I LOOK
CONOR SHAPIRO Keep it down! Don’t park there! You can’t live here! It’s a prizefight between university students and local residents. Only they’re fighting in heavyweight, while we’re bloodied up in the corner, bullied featherweights. Last semester I didn’t understand the ruckus regarding AU students Deon Jones and Tyler Sadonis’ candidacies for local government. It seemed irrelevant to me. Why vote in D.C. when most of us aren’t permanent residents and we’re not apportioned a vote in Congress?
Please forgive my ignorance. Now I know. Like many AU students, I live within two miles of campus. Frankly, the rent is too damn high, but it’s an incurred consequence of living close to school. My cranky neighbors have reprimanded me numerous times for parking in unmarked but sacred spots. As spacious as my street is, if I dare deviate from my usual spot, I face the wrath of grumps that would make Gilbert Gottfried sound pleasant. I, like many of you, pay a fee to park in Zone 3. However, all of Zone 3 isn’t open to us. In fact, our university allocates resources to ticket its students/professors for parking in the open spaces which they’ve already paid for. It’s outrageous. The intersection of Macomb and Nebraska is a perfect example. Al-
List, further restricting qualifications for cum laude status, changing the freshman forgiveness policy and editing the pass/fail policy. Some may say these changes are unfair, others might just be angry they didn’t know they could retake every single one of their freshmenyear classes for a better grade. Whatever your reaction, we agree that some of these changes are necessary while others are not. There are many of us that have been or are currently on the Dean’s List and that mighty (hopefully) graduate cum
laude who would not under these new changes. While it would be a disappointment to lose that status, we side with the University on this proposed change. Grade inflation is an issue here at AU, and while it gives us that nice little bump in our GPAs on many occasions, it does not reflect true academic accomplishments. Upping the GPA requirement for Dean’s List from 3.5 to 3.67 could help compensate for this trend. Changing the cum laude requirements would also help in this adjustment, and make the distinction
more competitive and honorable than it already is. The only issue we have with these proposed changes is the revision to the add/drop period, which would be curtailed to the first seven business days of the semester. A brief paragraph-long synopsis on AU’s website is not enough (and in many cases, is outdated to begin with) to help students decide on a course. A two week add/drop period gives students the time it takes to get to know a professor and a class. One easy way to ease student concerns is to make more information
available about classes earlier in the registration process. We urge the Student Government to renew a past initiative to get old syllabi archived online. We also urge the registrar to post contact info for the professor teaching the course in question. Whether you agree or disagree with the particular revisions, it is time for a change. We’re aiming for the big leagues now, and in order to be able to play with the other universities, we need to upgrade our academic policies to reflect the prestige we desire.
most all residents have garages — very few park on the street. Nevertheless, AU patrol cars target students and ticket liberally. Their website claims, “We are committed to fairness, honesty and trust.” Kind of like Bristol Palin is committed to abstinence. One remedy is to lift the ban during schooldays
greements exist. Vice President of Campus Life Gail Hanson, emailed students a new law describing Draconian punishments for vague noise infractions. Most D.C. students are considerate and have no intention of disturbing the peace. But how can residents not expect a little noise from students who are crammed like the
noise can be mollified, it’s the irascible residents who need to quiet their exaggerated complaints. We’re not alone. Georgetown columnist James Butler described his personal experience in a recent issue of The Hoya, while Jake Sticka advocated greater participation last semester. Thankfully, some are taking action. According to the George Washington Hatchet, “D.C. Students Speak — a group of local college students trying to get student voices into city debates — is circulating a petition to repeal the noise act, saying the law actively targets students.” The group’s website states, “Despite comprising 15 percent of the District of Columbia’s population, we hold only two of the 276 citywide Advisory Neighborhood Commission seats. With ANCs being the level of government that most directly affects students, this is a serious problem.” They’re right. During my undergradu-
ate work at San Diego State, I encountered the same battles. My brother at the University of Colorado-Boulder phones me about his. It’s a nationwide epidemic. Our petulant, overzealous neighbors enjoy all the perks of living by a university, yet cry foul with any inconvenience attributed to students or the school. It’s time for them to grow up. I would love to work together with residents to address these issues, but most are myopic and selfinterested. The evidence is proven by the ridiculous ordinances we face. While it’s doubtful transient students can significantly impact this uneven climate, it’s worth noting that as we age, let us remember not to follow their selfish example. Conor Shapiro is a graduate student in the School of International Service and a liberal columnist.
“Most D.C. students are considerate and have no intention of disturbing the peace.”
until 5:00 p.m. (when lots become free). As college students, we’ll avoid exorbitant parking lot fees, and residents who need the spot(s) after work will have plenty of space. That’s just one potential solution. Many more disa-
Metro at 5:00 p.m. into dorms not to release from the rigors of school, internships and jobs to stretch their feathers? Banning noise from nearby colleges is like expecting not to sweat in a sauna. It’s preposterous. Although
edpage@theeagleonline. com
TRENDING TOPICS to a near-70 degree Friday. Weather Channel, don’t get our hopes up for nothing.
to Chipotle’s online " ordering system. It took several of our editors
a while to figure out how to compile more than one item in an order, then we paid online. When we got there, there was no record of our order/payment. #firstworldproblems to getting Valentine’s ! goodies from sweethearts/parents/friends right before spring break. Not helping our beach diet plans one little bit.
to Hosni Mubarak " FINALLY stepping down. Best of luck to Egypt
as it starts its period of transition.
to Living Social, ! Groupon, Buy with Me, and all those websites
that now make activities in D.C. much more affordable. $10 tickets to the Crime and Punishment Museum? $5 for $10 worth of food from Crepeaway? Who wouldn’t be in on these deals?
Shapiro’s lack of credibility turns readers off Mr. Shapiro, I generally could care less for campus politics and political agendas. In a school famous for its International Service program, I have found my niche as a History major. I love to read and learn and to decide for myself. That held true until I read your last two opinions. Initially I was very put off, to use the sublime term. According to your opinion and print, I am a warmonger, a victim. One who has rendered dishonorable service to my country and cooperated in campaigns of greed and malfeasance against other nations and the environment. I will readily admit that when I read your Jan. 31 article, my response was less what you might call “diplomatic.” But then a moment of calm filled all the way until today. Then I had to read yet another of your articles. (Don’t worry; I’m now going to start saving them now for when I run out of toilet paper during the next snowmaggedon.) I now feel compelled to offer to you why I truly can sleep well at night despite your petty pandering and insults.
It’s very simple. You have no credibility to me. I’ve read that you’re a graduate student in the School of International Service. What service between high school, undergraduate and graduate studies have you rendered? In your columns all I’ve read thus far seem to highlight the distinction that you’ve spend your entire life thus far in school, reading, commenting and judging other
as appropriate to you. You mock and rally against the institution (re: Jan. 31) as a whole that I spent 10 years of my life serving in, only to turn around and then claim that your being virtuous because of the anguish you feel towards seeing wounded veterans (re: Feb. 8). Last year I participated in the International Peace and Conflict Resolution’s Civil Military Dialogue. Half of
for the position of president. One of the most intelligent and politically aware students at this school was our vice president last year and she is a civilian member. But I have never seen you at any of our meetings. Why is that? You mentioned wanting to abolish the military because of the anguish you feel upon seeing wounded veterans, but I have heard of no program
“I hate to tell you this, but education does not equal experience or knowledge.” peoples positions of which you yourself have no experience. I hate to tell you this, but education does not equal experience or knowledge. I’ve heard how you organize protest here at “great personal risk.” Standing up for your beliefs always entails risk. That’s what I did when I volunteered to go to Iraq. As far as I have read and heard, you never served you country in any branch of the armed forces, let alone in any capacity that you mentioned
5 P.M – FEB. 20
the group was veterans and half were committed peace activists. We didn’t change each other’s minds, nor did anyone become the “bestest of friends,” but we all left with a better understanding of each other’s respective positions. Where were you? In the year that I have been at AU since transferring here, I have met many outstanding students, both veterans and civilians, through AU Vets. Membership is open to all and unrestricted except
or campaign from you to do anything to relieve their burden. Comparatively, last year AU Vets mailed boxes of morale gifts to deployed service members, including our own vice president who was deployed in Iraq, and raised money for a fallen soldier’s scholarship fund. If you’re so committed, how come your outreach is so shallow? Sounds like the definition of hypocrite to me. What services were you rendering that lets you pass judgment on me
when I was leading my Marines down the roads of Fallujah and Ramadi in 2005? What sacrifice were you making in 2006 when I had to tell the families of two of my Marines that I was sorry their sons didn’t come back? What were you doing in 2007 when I was back in Iraq, voluntarily, because I valued my friends staying alive more than my own safety? How about you just describe for me what moral position lets you describe everything I have down as “warmongering” and “wrong” when I haven’t heard about you enduring the loss of 13 friends between 2003 and 2009. A victim? I volunteered to enlist. I volunteered to stay in the Marine, twice. I volunteered for Iraq, three times. I am not a victim, Mr. Shapiro, until it comes to enduring your libel under your constitutionally protected right of free speech. But then again, I sleep well at night because you have no credibility to me. John Crown, College of Arts and Sciences, 2012
All politics is local: AU students should tend to own backyard We are the most politically active students in the nation. From Capitol Hill internships, to campaign trips to nearby states with the College Democrats or College Republicans to canvass for candidates, we are deeply invested in the political process. While our participation in politics on the national level is a great thing, it is important to get involved in politics on a local level where the decisions that are made have a more direct impact on our lives. When I say local level politics I do not mean back in the various hometowns from where we come from, but right here in Washington D.C. where we live and attend school eight months out of the year. Last semester I threw myself
into the local political process by running for a position on the Advisory Neighborhood Commission, a local governing body that makes decisions regarding zoning, liquor licenses and other neighborhood issues. The campaign stirred up great anger from the surrounding neighborhood and divided the campus from the community. The goal of the campaign was never to pit students against neighbors, but rather to bring them together. Moving forward in what is a new semester that remains my goal. On Tuesday, Feb. 22 at 7:00 p.m. in Ward 2, AU students will have an opportunity to get involved in local politics. The Community Service Coalition will be hosting the first ever
town hall with ANC commissioners Tom Smith and Deon Jones. Both commissioners represent AU students on the ANC. They will be speaking about their involvement on the ANC and answering questions from students. I invite all AU students to come and participate in the town hall. Whether you have a question about the Campus Plan, are interested in how the ANC works, or are just plain curious about politics, I strongly encourage all AU students to attend. Any questions about the event can be e-mailed to me at tyler.sadonis@ausg.org. Tyler Sadonis, Student Government director of Student-Community Relations School of Public Affairs, 2014
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Dorms to be separated by grade next year
from ALTA on page 5
BJ&B factory, a garment factory in the Dominican Republic, before it was shut down. Now they work for Alta Gracia. “Sufriamos de muchos maltratos,” or, “we suffered many hardships,” Vargas said. Alta Gracia pays for workers to attend school on the weekends, according to its website. Vargas and Perez said most workers take advantage of this, having been forced to stop their education as a result of poverty. Vargas and Perez described Alta Gracia as “breathing life back into the community.” Vargas said her job at Alta Gracia gives her “high hopes,” which is what Alta Gracia translates into, for the future. news@theeagleonline.com
from RECYCLE on page 4
recycled pounds per capita, followed by South side with 8.66 pounds per capita and Tenley Campus with 3.93 pounds per capita, according to Benedicktus. AU is currently doing an in-house pilot program to send the University’s recycling to World Recycling Company, according to Mark Feist, assistant director of Grounds Operations. Through the program, AU sends their cardboard, paper, plastic, glass and aluminum to WRC and is awarded a full rebate for paper and cardboard recyclables, depending on their daily value. All rebate funds go to the Facilities Management waste and recycling budget. “While AU does receive some rebates from our recycling, we have large costs associated with labor and transportation when dealing with trash and recycling,” Feist said in an email. “So while the rebate does supplement costs, we pay out a tremendous amount more than what we get back in order for AU to reduce landfill costs and be environmentally responsible.” news@theeagleonline.com
By KATE FROEHLICH Eagle Staff Writer
STARS OFF THE COURT — AU alumni David Aldridge, left, and David Gregory received honorary jerseys from AU. The two stopped by for a taping of “The Jeff Jones Weekly Radio Show.”
AU alumni Aldridge, Gregory relive glory days By LEIGH GIANGRECO Eagle Staff Writer
AU alumni David Gregory and David Aldridge have moved up in the world from their days at ATV and The Eagle. Gregory, host of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” and Aldridge, an NBA reporter and TNT analyst, came back to their alma mater Feb. 10 for a special broadcast of AU basketball coach Jeff Jones’ radio show, “The Jeff Jones Weekly Radio Show.” Gregory, a 1992 graduate, said he came to D.C. because he wanted a career in journalism. “I took it all very seriously,” Gregory said of his efforts at ATV and media aspirations. Aldridge, a 1987 graduate, said he worked about 14 hours each production day putting together issues of the paper. “A lot of people majored in philosophy or history,” Aldridge said. “I majored in The Eagle.” While he was working on the student paper, which then came out weekly on Fridays, he bonded with his fellow Eagle staffers over headlines, deadlines and
Associated Press Style. “The memory is the work, being up there, editing ledes, arguing over editorials, writing headlines at two in the morning that fit that space exactly,” Aldridge said. In college, both Aldridge and Gregory were motivated by a strong desire to be journalists. They added that sports can teach people to always aim for perfection. “I’ve got young kids who are into sports, so I use sports figures as examples of that kind of practice, that kind of dedication,” Gregory said. “We can strive for perfection in these various areas and preparation is a key piece of that. I just think it’s a great lesson.” But Aldridge said that even though athletes work toward excellence, it often goes unnoticed by reporters and spectators. “One of the things I think that we fail at as journalists, especially in sports, is we never let people know how hard this is,” Aldridge said. “These are professional athletes, and they work extremely hard to be as good as they are. I like to bring that part of the game to people.”
Both Aldridge and Gregory said they are better on the sidelines than on the court. Aldridge said he had found himself better suited to cover sports than play them, while Gregory joked that his only advantage in basketball was his height. But Gregory remembers the nighttime basketball scrimmages on campus, particularly with current Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis. Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, studied at AU’s Washington Semester Program during Gregory’s junior year. “He reminded me that we used to play some pickup games, and there were some real ballers. Those were some rough games,” Gregory said. Gregory said the passion in college sports is often stronger because students feel the need to be included in a community. “That energy in college is different,” Gregory said. “Everyone is yearning for that same thing, a sense of belonging.” lgiangreco@theeagleonline. com
Housing and Dining Programs plans to organize residence hall floors by class year starting this fall, according to AU officials. The move is expected to create an environment more conducive to activities geared toward each grade’s needs, according to Director of Residence Life Rick Treter. Under the plan, Letts, Clark and Roper Halls would house only freshmen. McDowell and Leonard Halls would house sophomores and upperclassmen, who may apply for single rooms in those buildings. The terrace, first and second floors of Anderson Hall, as well as Centennial Hall’s first and second floors, would be open to juniors and seniors. The rest of the floors would be grade-specific. “With class levels grouped together, each of the residents will be exploring some of the same issues. This improves the quality and participation in these opportunities,” Treter said. “American has been a little bit lagging in it, but being able to move forward with that is something we’re planning on doing.” This structure provides for “endless” activity opportunities, Treter said. He believes freshmen and sophomores run into different issues during their underclassmen year. Freshmen-specific program-
ming would revolve around alcohol use, college transitions and campus involvement and sophomore-specific programming would focus on finding a major, studying abroad and internships. With the consolidated class levels, activities geared towards these specific issues can be further developed. However, the proposed floor plans may change due to high housing demand. Treter said the process of consolidation began this academic year, using Letts Hall as a pilot. Letts exclusively houses freshmen, including students in the University College program. Although some students say upperclassmen can serve as mentors to first-year students while living on the same floor, Treter believes the benefits of having freshmen and sophomores together outweighs this. “Student organizations, cross-hall programming and educational opportunities have the ability to have that role modeling,” he said. In the future, Treter said he hopes to create an area to house all first-year students together. “Maybe with the construction of East Campus, there might be some type of community established, like firstyears [in the main campus dorms], and second[-year] and above in East,” he said. kfroehlich@theeagleonline. com
“On one side, it’s good because you get to meet more people in your own grade. But at the same time, I don’t think it’s a good way to meet older people. It would be pretty boring only meeting people in your own grade.” Victoria Alvarez Sophomore, School of Communication “I don’t [agree with the grade consolidation] because they mix people with who you can talk with and you learn a lot,
getting to know older people, and I think that’s a valuable thing for a freshman to talk to a sophomore or junior.” Brian Schaffer Senior, College of Arts and Sciences “It’s a tough call, on one hand freshmen are pretty crazy and it would be nice to be on a floor with people who have a bit of more experience. But some sophomores and juniors might have access to drugs and alcohol that they could pass on to freshmen.” Charles Merrick Freshman, College of Arts and Sciences
Eagle Staff Writer
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We are seeking men and women between the ages of 21 and 60 to study whether a medication for smoking cessation (CHANTIX™) may affect drinking (NIH Study #08-AA-0137). Volunteers should be healthy and drug-free. There are no charges for study related tests and evaluations. Qualified subjects will be reimbursed for their participation. The study lasts nine weeks and requires five outpatient and one overnight visits at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda MD. For more details, call 301-496-7500
Eagle Endowment doles out record $8,800 By PAIGE JONES Eagle Staff Writer
The Eagle Endowment will award $1,300 more than last year due to a record number of applications. The program should give out an unprecedented $8,800 through 17 grants this year, up from $7,500 through 13 grants last year. The program received 15 applications during winter, the most ever. Last year, the program received seven applications during the same time period. The Eagle Endowment is a student-run program in the Center for Engagement and Community Service that
awards grants to AU student groups who propose service projects on campus and in D.C., according to the Eagle Endowment website. The program receives its funding through contributions and pledges. One of the reasons for this increase is because of the rise in the program’s membership, according to Leah Simoncelli, a senior in the School of Communication and coordinator of the Eagle Endowment for Public and Community Service. “We have given out more grants than normal since the program is expanding, which is definitely a good thing,” she said. The number of applications
has also increased as a result of efforts to reach a wider audience and educate more students about the Eagle Endowment program, said Lisa Mickolajczyk, a sophomore in SOC and member of the Eagle Endowment Council. Grants range between $250 and $1,000, according to Mickolajczyk. Some groups receiving money include: Freshmen Service Experience group Prevention Works, which received money in the fall to organize a community barbeque and distributed safe sex kits in the fall. FSE group Lands and Waters received money to coordinate garden planting at elementary and middle schools. FSE group City-Gate received money to prepare lesson plans for students at the City-Gate center and take the students on D.C. field trips. City-Gate is the only FSE group to ever re-
Sexologist disproves common sex myths By NANCY LAVIN
Drink daily or almost daily ? !
ceive a fall Eagle Endowment grant for two years in a row, according to Simoncelli. Seven Washington College of Law students received a grant for the winter and aim to set up the UNROW Human Rights Impact Litigation Clinic, which will discuss the issues of illegal inter-country adoption with a panel of legal experts. Norma Cruz, a human rights activist for women in Guatemala, has been invited to speak at this event. “We want to broaden understanding and reach the legal community, since in most countries, parents aren’t giving consent,” said Natassia Rozario, a second-year law student. The next grant cycle will fund projects to be performed in the fall. Spring 2011 applications are due Feb. 15 and winners will be announced March 2. pjones@theeagleonline.com
True or false: all you need is technique for a good sex life. Sexologist Dr. Debby Herbenick says false. The Wellness Center kicked off its 11th annual Healthy Sexuality Week on Feb. 7 with a lecture about 12 sex myths called, “Because It Feels Good,” featuring sexologist Dr. Debby Herbenick. “There’s a lot of bad sources of information out there and it’s hard to tell what’s what, especially in the sex world,” Herbenick said. Herbenick is trying to educate people of all ages, not just college students, about how to improve their sex lives. “The best thing you can do is to learn about sex,” Herbenick said. “You will ultimately have a better, more pleasurable sex life.” Herbenick’s event promoted a positive sexual message through a presentation that dispelled a variety of myths about sexual activity, from “lubricants are for old people” to “you can get tested for everything.” The presentation was followed by a question-andanswer session, allowing audience members to anonymously submit their questions into a fishbowl for Herbenick’s expert opinion. Herbenick is a research scientist at Indiana University and sexual health educator at The Kinsey Institute. She is also the founder of mysexprofessor. com, which promotes optimal sexual health and pleasure for men and women, according to its mission statement. More than 100 students attended the presentation, which was co-sponsored by Women’s Initiative and the GLBTA Resource Center. “I think it was really important for students to hear about the realities of sexual activity and to dispel some of the myths that are endemic in our culture,” said Alan Duffy, a health educator in the Wellness Center and organizer of Healthy Sexuality Week. The week continued with a screening of “A Closer Walk,” a film about HIV and AIDS in Africa, on Feb. 8 sponsored by
the Clinical Alliance for Research and Education - Infectious Diseases (CARE-ID), a local research organization. It also featured a sexual health products party on Feb. 10, provided by in-home party company Pure Romance. “I think events like these are so important for a very sexually active campus like ours,” said Ali Zottola, a junior in the School of International Service and the Kogod School of Business. “The top thing for better sex is to understand the other gender’s body and needs.” Duffy said the week’s events aimed to make students see responsible sex as not only a safe practice, but also an enjoyable one. “When students hear the word ‘responsibility,’ they think of rules and regulations,” Duffy said. Throughout the week, the Wellness Center promoted its programs and resources, including the peer education program, Love S.H.A.C.K. (Sex, Health and Contraception Knowledge), and offering free sexual health information, condoms and dental dams in its McCabe Hall office. nlavin@theeagleonline.com
SEX MYTHS 1. Women don’t masturbate. 2. Men are always ready for sex. 3. Vibrators are addictive. 4. You can get tested for “everything.” 5. If a woman doesn’t experience an orgasm through intercourse, there’s something wrong with her. 6. Men can come from just about anything. 7. Lubricants are for old people. 8. Condoms make sex worse. 9. Sexual orientation is a neat little box. 10. It only hurts the first time. 11. Everyone else has it together. 12. All you need is technique. SOURCE: Dr. Debby Herbenick, sexologist
Locals protest Campus Plan meeting Neighbors worried about East Campus, traffic issues By LINDSEY ANDERSON Eagle Staff Writer
About five people protested a special Advisory Neighborhood Commission meeting Feb. 7 to discuss AU’s 2011 draft Campus Plan, wearing red and white “OPPOSE AU Plan” buttons and holding “NO Traffic Gridlock OPPOSE AU Campus Plan” signs. Local residents said AU is acting like the neighborhood bully. Some say they think AU is pitting the students and neighbors against each other with its 2011 Campus Plan. “We’re not going to let you get away with it that easily,” said local resident Jerry Gallucci. “I’m prepared to run with signs when you have your parents come on campus looking to get a nice impression of your school.” AU Chief of Staff David Taylor and Assistant Vice President of Facilities Development and Real Estate Jorge Abud presented the draft plan to about 100 community members and students. Many neighbors are worried about possible traffic and safety problems on Nebraska and New Mexico Avenues, as well as the proposed East Campus on the current Nebraska Parking Lot, which borders the Westover Place townhouses. “I don’t think you’d have as many people here tonight if you didn’t plan to build dorms on the East Campus,” ANC 3D01 Commissioner Kent Slowinski said to Taylor and Abud. In addition to the exist-
ing Nebraska Parking Lot driveway on New Mexico Avenue, AU has proposed a right turn-only driveway on Massachusetts Avenue to enter East Campus. Many neighbors said the East Campus complexes, especially the Massachusetts Avenue entrance and increased flow of students crossing Nebraska Avenue, would negatively affect traffic in the area. Abud said even if hundreds of students are crossing Nebraska Avenue during the peak traffic hours, traffic will not be negatively effected. Some in the crowd laughed. “Baloney!” shouted one resident. Resident George Watson of Cathedral Avenue suggested a bridge that would span Nebraska and connect East Campus to Main Campus. “I’m not as worried about the traffic,” Watson said. “I happen to be 79 and I’m not quite the driver I was at 16 when I got my license, but I worry about my insurance rates going up when I knock out a few students.” ANC Commissioner 3D06 Ann Heuer asked if the design and placement of the buildings in the Campus Plan are flexible and if a compromise is possible. For the majority of the meeting, Taylor and Abud listened to neighbors’ questions and concerns, saying the University believes the Nebraska Parking Lot is a suitable site for student housing. ANC 3D02 Chairman
VOICING CONCERNS — Local residents listen as Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners sound off on AU’s 2011 draft Campus Plan Feb. 7. Several neighbors protested outside the meeting, holding signs saying, “NO Traffic Gridlock OPPOSE AU Campus Plan.” Tom Smith said there are higher crime rates in areas near student housing “by nature of the student population.” “Why are you pitting the students and neighbors against each other and putting us in a condition that we will be calling the [Metropolitan Police De-
dollar town homes.” ANC 3D04 Commissioner Stu Ross said the meeting should not be an attack on the University and its policing of students. “I’m sure everyone at the University wants student conduct to be as exemplary as it can be,” Ross said. “I personally do not be-
“I’m not as worried about the trafc. I happen to be 79 and I’m not quite the driver I was at 16 when I got my license, but I worry about my insurance rates going up when I knock out a few students.” - Resident George Watson of Cathedral Avenue
partment] every single night because we will be asking them to enforce the new noise ordinance?” said Westover Place resident Judith Berson. The commissioners cited examples of students littering in neighborhood front yards, being admitted to Sibley Memorial Hospital for intoxication and violating drug laws. “We’ve all done it — well, at least some of us have,” Smith said to laughs from the crowd. “But I didn’t do it living next to million-
lieve that American University officials who are here tonight would necessarily disagree with your concerns.” An AU student told the commissioners and audience that he feels their noise concerns are overblown, saying he doesn’t believe the addition of dorms on East Campus won’t cause more students to drink. “It’s not that anyone doesn’t want to give you the right to be a student, but you live in our neigh-
borhood,” a neighbor said. “You live in our neighborhood,” said a female AU student. Resident Tom Hier, however, said he supports the Campus Plan, especially with moving the Washington College of Law to Tenley Campus. “Every University in this city falls woefully short in terms of economic development,” Hier said. “Anything that we can do to get the University out into the community and more a part of our community is something I support.” ANC Commissioner of 3D07 and AU freshman Deon Jones questioned the safety of AU’s Campus Plan throughout the meeting and recommended lowering the height of the proposed East Campus buildings. At the end of the meeting, Jones said students have a positive effect on D.C. “We have a lot of students who care about this country, this city,” Jones said. “This is our neighborhood, too.” landerson@theeagleonline. com
ANC 3E MEETING Taylor and Abud also presented at the ANC 3E meeting, which encompasses Tenleytown, parts of AU and Friendship Heights, on Feb. 10. Commissioners and residents at this meeting were largely concerned about the proposed move of the Washington College of Law to the Tenley Campus. Neighbors cited a 1986 agreement AU made saying it would not move WCL to the Tenley Campus. Residents believe this compact will last forever, but AU officials said it was only good for the 10 years of the plan’s life. Neighbors believe this move will affect their quality of life, with increased numbers of students and heavier traffic flow in the area. AU plans to raze most of Tenley Campus buildings except for Capital Hall. But the Tenleytown Historical Society says several other buildings, especially the Dunblane House, have historical significance as well. Several residents were wearing “OPPOSE AU Plan” buttons at this meeting too. ANC 3D Commissioners Slowinski and Smith attended.
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BEYOND CAMPUS This sunset is a typical scene for students in Letts Hall. Residents of Letts get a great view of the Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church and the National Cathedral.
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D.C. law bans ‘unreasonable’ noise after 10 p.m.; Jail or $500 ne possible for violations By LINDSEY ANDERSON Eagle Staff Writer
AU Student Government President Nate Bronstein plans to gather support from students at AU and other D.C. universities to get the word out about a new D.C. noise law’s effects before a student is arrested or fined for loud noise. “I want everyone to know about this new rule and regulation,” Bronstein said. “I don’t want to see a student have to martyr our cause.” It is now illegal to make “unreasonably loud noise” in D.C. between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. If the noise disturbs one or more people in their residences, the offender can face up to 90 days in jail or a $500 fine. Several student groups, such as D.C. Students Speak, an organization that tries to connect students at different D.C. universities to help them work toward common goals in the community, have outspokenly opposed the new noise law.
Many say the law’s “unreasonably loud” condition is ambiguous and subjective and believe it could easily discriminate against students. As SG president, Bronstein is member of the D.C. Student Alliance, which he calls a United Nations for D.C. university student government presidents. The D.C. Student Alliance needs to ensure the law is enforced fairly across different demographics, said former SG President and D.C. Student Alliance Executive Director Andy MacCracken. “Unfortunately, there is a perception that students are irresponsible,” he said in an email. “So it’s likely that a group of college students would be more likely to be punished under the new law than a group of middle-aged people.” MacCracken suggested a decibel limit to standardize the law and make it less subjective. “We’ll be fighting for this cause and we’ll make sure our
voice is heard on this,” Bronstein said. “In the meantime, be very careful outside after 10.” Law should not affect oncampus residents AU Public Safety Chief Michael McNair said the new law, which went into effect Feb. 1, is similar to previous D.C. noise regulations and just clarifies what Metropolitan Police Department officers are required to do. The law won’t really affect students living on-campus, McNair said. For off-campus students, if a noise is made between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. and all other avenues of settling the issue have been exhausted, then an MPD officer could arrest and cite the offending students, McNair said. “If a loud noise is bothering you and we come out and the person is aggressively being disorderly, then it’s an offense,” said MPD Officer Anthony McElwee at the Advisory
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Neighborhood Commission 3D’s Feb. 2 meeting. Neighbors have often called AU with noise complaints, but they are not at levels that would require arrests, McNair said. “If you’re not throwing a loud party, it’s not conceivable you would be making so much noise,” he said. McNair said AU typically receives neighborhood complaints involving students noisily going to and from parties, throwing trash on neighbors’ lawns, taking neighborhood parking spots and making obscene gestures. Only the noise students may make going to and from parties is related to the new noise ordinance. Violations of the law, however, are also violations of AU’s Student Conduct Code, as Vice President of Campus Life Gail Hanson reminded students in a Feb. 7 e-mail memo.
Motivation for the new noise ordinances Many, including McNair, consider the new regulations to be aimed more at Georgetown neighborhoods, where students leave local bars, hang out in the streets and return to their houses, which are sprinkled throughout the area. Hanson believes AU students are “fairly well-behaved.” About 7,800 graduate and undergraduate students live off campus, Hanson said. Most undergraduates live in the 20016 zip code and mostly in apartments on Massachusetts Avenue. Of those off-campus students, she said there are only a few group houses that persistently prompt community complaints. “Now with this D.C. regulation, the price that they might pay for continuing to disrupt their neighborhood has gone
There’s a very successful AU community out here in LA working in every aspect of film and television, and I’ve had the pleasure of seeing just how far SOC has come in recruiting talented students and a dynamic, accomplished faculty.” —Barry Josephson, ‘78 Executive producer, Bones, former vice president of production for Columbia Pictures
up considerably,” Hanson said. AU sees fewer noise complaints this academic year McNair said the University has seen fewer noise complaints this academic year since AU created a group of staff members to proactively reach out to neighbors and deal with possible noise complaints before they arise. If the University sees a high number of AU students living in one house — generally members of fraternities, sororities and athletic teams — the University will reach out to the neighbors and ask the greek or athletic advisors to monitor student conduct in the house, Hanson said. “Students have responded well to that kind of request,” McNair said. landerson@theeagleonline. com
3.1.11 FAFSA Deadline
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AMAZING GRACE — Topher Grace (center) is flanked by Dan Folger (left) and Think Talk Host Erika Thomas (right). Grace is perhaps best known for playing the geeky lead role of Eric Foreman in the long-running TV sitcom “That ‘70s Show.” In his new role, he’s moving on to the 80s. He and Fogler star in the new comedy “Take Me Home Tonight,” directed by Michael Dowse.
Topher Grace proves to AU he’s more than a lovable geek By HOAI-TRAN BUI Eagle Staff Writer
When Topher Grace was in middle school, his father convinced him to ask out the most popular girl in school. “He told me that when girls don’t talk to you that means they like you,” Grace said at AU’s Ward 1, “and somehow that made sense to me.” The next day he asked Joanna out to the winter formal. She laughed and said, “Oh, are you serious?” Grace is no stranger to rejection, especially since many of his characters, from Eric Foreman in “That ‘70s Show” to Matt Franklin in his newest movie “Take Me Home
Tonight,” are often losers with a heart of gold. “I’m just a walking embarrassment machine,” Grace said. “Especially since I hit puberty.” Following the success of last semester’s Edward Norton event, ThinkTalk — a college-oriented entertainment show based in D.C. — and the AU Film Society brought Grace and his co-star Dan Fogler to AU students for a question-and-answer session on Friday, Feb. 11. Grace and Folger talked about everything from Grace’s name change from Christopher to Topher — Grace chalked it up to being fed up with people calling him Chris — to giving tips to aspiring student filmmak-
ers about acting and producing. “With film acting you’re under a magnifying glass,” said Folger. “If you commit you can do whatever you want.” Grace and Fogler came to AU as part of the D.C. leg of their tour promoting the new film “Take Me Home Tonight,” a comingof-age comedy set in the 1980s and co-produced by Grace. As Matt Franklin, Grace plays a Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate working at a video store as he contemplates his future. When he gets invited to a party by his long-time high school crush Tori Frederking (Teresa Palmer), his friend Barry (Fogler)
and his twin sister (Anna Faris) persuade him to let loose for one night, all set to the booming soundtrack of the late ‘80s. “I kind of missed working with my peers in terms of my age group,” Grace said in an interview with The Eagle. “I wanted to make a film celebrating the ‘80s. It was really a wonderful decade.” This sparked a decision for Grace to get on the production team to make a movie set in the ‘80s, but without parodying it or exaggerating it in any way. Grace cited the film “American Graffiti,” which was set in the ‘60s but made in the ‘70s, as an example. “I think there’s only a
certain period of time to make a good movie set in the ‘80s,” said Grace. “It’s really easy to make fun of.” Grace described how there were two audiences for products set in a different time period: one group that watches for nostalgia, and another that watches to learn about the era. “Tragedy plus time equals comedy,” Fogler added. Grace worked with his coproducer and high school friend Gordan Kaywin to create the story with modern sensibilities in mind, injecting the film with the concerns and worries of young adults today, as well as some of the more controversial activities like drug use in the film, which actually threatened
the release because executives wanted it cut. “We didn’t want to change the content of the film,” said Grace, who stated that Ron Howard stood by them when executives tried to make them cut it out of the movie. The dilemmas the characters explore, like careers, marriage and the future provide a different perspective to the ‘80’s that were never really covered before. “The characters are kind of more like kids of today than kids of the ‘80s,” Grace said. “In the end, the message is ‘don’t worry about it.’” hbui@theeagleonline.com
Grade: D+ Scene Says: Just rewatch ‘The Hangover’ By MAEVE MCDERMOTT Eagle Staff Writer
Ed Helms is a funny guy. Fans of “The Office” know him as the pompous and lovable Andy Bernard, and anyone who’s seen “The Hangover” is familiar with his hilarious turn as Dr. Stu, the dentist who marries a stripper and pulls out his own tooth. The new comedy “Cedar Rapids” finally provides Helms the chance to step out of the ensemble cast mode and into the role of leading man. Sadly, Helms is unable to bring redemption to the unfunny “Rapids.” The movie’s premise is a weak mishmash of other comedy plots, taking a clueless, good-natured protagonist modeled off of Steve Carrell in “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” and coupling it with “Hangover”-style hijinks, with a double dose of Farrelly Brothers gross-out humor. Helms plays Tim Lippe, a clueless insurance agent whose life is consumed with selling insurance to his loyal clients, taking care of his
quaint little house and sleeping with his former seventh-grade teacher, played by Susan Sarandon. It really makes one wonder how much the “Rapids” production people had to pay an accomplished actress of her standing for her to willingly appear in such a flop. Lippe, who has never traveled outside of his small Wisconsin town, is dispatched to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for an insurance agency conference and the movie takes every single possible opportunity to lampoon Lippe’s Midwestern naiveté. The movie also introduces John C. Reilly as Lippe’s hard-drinking, vulgar roommate, presumably to bring some comedic heat to the film. Instead, the viewer is forced to sit through a seemingly endless string of Reilly’s testicle euphemisms and excrement jokes. Executing filthy jokes isn’t an easy feat for a comedy, and the brand of potty humor in “Rapids” falls far below the bar set by lewd mastermind Judd Apatow. Even Lippe is a poorlywritten version of the
man-child archetype seen so often in movies today — instead of schlumpy and vulgar, he’s clueless and ultimately dull. Helms, who has always shone in his previous ensemble roles, tries his best to bring nuance and charm to the boring character of Tim Lippe, but his amiable performance isn’t enough to overcome the movie’s lackluster premise and horrible script. The movie’s convoluted plot is all over the place, and never really finds a moral center. Is it a movie about opening one’s horizons to new experiences or is it about staying true to one’s character? It’s a difficult feat for a movie with such an unambitious, meandering plot to never fully resolve itself, but “Rapids” manages to do so. “Cedar Rapids” is the cinematic equivalent of the unglamorous hotel that serves as the movie’s setting: dull, seedy, and so mindnumbingly awful that you can’t wait to leave. mmcdermott@ theeagleonline.com
Courtesy of CAROL PRATT
FUNNY BONE — ‘Comedy of Errors’ is a modern take on Shakespeare’s first comedy. It will run until March 6.
Shakespeare’s ‘comedy’ has few ‘errors,’ brings laughs By MEGHAN BOUSQUET Eagle Contributing Writer
The Folger Library’s theatre is bringing Shakespeare’s first written play to D.C. When “Comedy of Errors” was written, Shakespeare was just a novice, a concept that most of us have never even considered. The play itself was heavily influenced by works of the Roman playwright Plautus. The story is that of confused identity, with two sets of twins being mistaken for one another, and twisting up in way that can confuse anyone trying the keep track of it all. The mixing up of twins sets the tone for this slapstick comedy. Both sets of twins are played by men that look nothing alike, leaving you wondering how they can pull it off. The twins — and all the other male characters
— wear masks that successfully create their identities. You’ll find yourself wondering which twin is which, despite your omniscient viewpoint. The more the characters become entangled, the further engrossed in the storyline the audience becomes. The action never stops as the characters run in and out of colorful doors. The Folger creates a momentum that hardly ends. The production only comes in at about an hour and fifteen minutes, but includes a needless intermission. If there is one thing they did not do right, it was breaking the momentum of laughter and comedic action. As a Shakespearean piece, “Comedy of Errors” often gets attacked for its adolescent humor, but that is just the thing that makes it such a wonderful play to see. The
Folger has created a special feel to their version, partially due to their intimate theatre space, which was originally designed for small lectures — not for performances. They stayed true to Shakespeare’s vision of modern comedy, which for Shakespeare meant late 1500s. This version has taken those then-modern and now seemingly ancient comedic references and added their own 21st century humor. “Comedy of Errors” has a twist of Edwardian settings and well-crafted British accents. Their unique production of “Comedy of Errors” is showing until March 6 at the Folger, and anyone would be a fool to miss it. thescene@theeagleonline. com
Famous lm directors bring big talent to Super Bowl commercials From Budweiser to Gap ads, directors express their style LISTOPIA
MICHAEL W. RICHARDSON The day after the Super Bowl, we all gather around the proverbial water cooler and talk about whether or not the game ruined Ben Roethlisberger’s career or how long Christina Aguilera deserves to stay in Guantanamo for messing up the national anthem (the correct answers: no, and, depends whether or not she gets a military tribunal). Or commercials, whatever. Groupon may have clinched this year’s title for most offensive ad, after they capitalized on the crisis in Tibet in order to sell us curry. The ad might have been completely tasteless, but it was helmed by beloved director Christopher Guest (“This is Spinal Tap,” “Waiting for Guffman”), so what initially seemed like a gross indifference to human rights abuses suddenly changed into the subversive humor of a well-known auteur. At least, that’s how it works in my brain. So to get the bad taste out of our mouths, I present you with some of the best commercials helmed by film directors. Zach Snyder — Budweiser This simplistic ad, centering around a zebra playing the part of a referee (get it? Stripes!), is remarkable for one reason: Zach Snyder (“300,” “Watchmen”) manages not to throw in any gratuitous violence, terrible dialogue or awkward sex. And this is a beer commercial. In the Venn diagram comparing beer commercials and Zach Snyder, the overlap contains those very three things. Kudos to the man for breaking expectations and mildly entertaining us. Michael Mann — Nike Football is probably one of the most satisfying sports
to film — it’s a perfect mix of physicality and precision that makes for a thrilling action scene. Michael Mann, in his 2007 Nike “Leave Nothing” commercial, films a single player traversing multiple games, making interceptions, tackling and sidestepping through the brutal onfield play in one single shot. Best of all, it’s scored to the theme of “Last of the Mohicans,” his own film. Nice call back. Spike Jonze — Gap This Gap “Pardon Our Dust” commercial, marking their new style renovations, contains some classic pieces of Jonze’s work (“Being John Malkovich,” “Where the Wild Things Are”). There’s the sense of chaos, as people join in to utterly trash the innards of a Gap store, that drives the narrative, but there’s the blink and you’ll miss them moments of revelry — pole vaulting into shelves, tearing shirts with teeth and a little girl batting at a mannequin. Perfectly self-deprecating for Gap, and a nice use of Jonze’s style. Wes Anderson — American Express Wes Anderson’s (“Rushmore,” “Fantastic Mr. Fox”) American Express commercial brings us onto the set of one of his (fictional) movies, including actors in funny costumes (including frequent collaborator Jason Schwartzman), surly PAs and some escaped doves. It’s all filmed in Anderson’s unmistakable style: one long take, replete with swift pans, centered characters and an insanely detailed set. And it probably cost more to make than Bottle Rocket. David Lynch — Playstation 2 So you want to sell a videogame system, but you need a hip young director to make a commercial. “How ‘bout David Lynch?” says a sarcastic intern, but you don’t pick up on the sarcasm, and you rush out to find the di-
rector who has caused more nightmares than late-night snacking. At least, that’s how I think the executives at Sony picked Lynch (“Eraserhead,” “Twin Peaks”), who directed an ad called “Third Place.” Including flashing lights, jarring noises and a man with a duck for a head, it’s safe to say it had nothing to do with Playstation. Ridley Scott — Apple The “1984” ad is probably one of the most famous advertisements ever thanks to Ridley Scott, who filmed it coming off of his masterpiece “Blade Runner.” The dystopia presented, in which the world is beholden to Microsoft, is rescued by a single woman, who destroys Big Brother with a flung sledgehammer and then suggests that you buy a Mac. The ad has been parodied and honored scores of times, but one notable example showed up this year: Motorola filled its vision of the future with listless people with white earbuds in their ears. Apple is now what it once sought to exterminate, and Scott might be the first to recognize the irony. Alejandro Gonzales Iñarritu — Nike Nike is in a constant war with Adidas to claim the biggest market share in the international soccer market, and they opened with a huge salvo this past World Cup. Alejandro Gonzales Iñarritu (“Babel,” “21 Grams”) put together a spot that considers just how important a single moment in a single game can be when the entire world is watching, and an entire country is relying on you. Featuring some of the most famous soccer players in the world (yes, in other countries “famous soccer player” is not an oxymoron) and cameos from Roger Federer, Kobe Bryant and Homer Simpson, the “Write the Future” ad may be one of the finest in recent memory. mrichardson@ theeagleonline.com
THE SUBURBS — A U Street’s art exhibit, Project 4, is currently hosting the show “Drive-By,” which features work inspired by construction and urban life.
Urban life, construction sites serve as muse for new Project 4 art exhibit By MADELINE WOLFSON Eagle Staff Writer
Right in the heart of U Street — just a couple blocks down from the beloved Ben’s Chili Bowl and the AfricanAmerican Civil War Memorial — hides “Project 4.” One could walk up and down this restaurant-packed street daily and likely never notice the slim glass door that announces in fogged letters that you’ve found this tiny D.C. art gallery, which until March 5 will house the art exhibit “Drive By.” This treasure of an art show will likely go unnoticed because of the quasi-secret location. But those lucky enough to get the tip-off are in for a treat with this small yet fantastic collection of suburban- and construction-inspired art created by six unique artists. Once this gallery is located (1535 U Street) and you’ve walked through the door, up the stairs, onto a patio and finally into the suave apartment-turned-gallery, guests will be treated to a small and intimate collection of modern art that takes the mundane and creates beauty and nuance. The art ranges in style and mediums, from rich oils to computer-“animated digital drawings” but are all linked in motif. Artist Gregory Thielker created large oils that all play with water and ice and their powers of reflection and distortion. His large-scale piece “Transference” 2010 is painted in such precision that it could be a photo of re-
flecting water in motion. The oil creates an abstract reflection of an indistinguishable scene of mundane gray but is gorgeous as the glass-like ripples he places in it catch a range of light and forms. Many of the visitors became transfixed by a piece done by Michael A. Salter who works in the medium of animation. His piece “My House is Not My House” is essentially a plasma flat screen TV set in a black frame of plastic that creates silhouettes of suburban forms (foxes, powers lines, etc.) that enclose the screen. On the screen itself is a series of short scenes of suburban life. The animation is simple with muted color schemes that appear in suburban life. Each animation depicted a different and simple house with only the slightest of movements occurring. Viewers tend to stand, with complete focus, at this piece anywhere from five to 20 minutes watching ants gather at a crack in the sidewalk or watching leaves fall around a mic and amp on a lawn. Another piece making use of video was “CCTV East” by Zlatko Cosic which displayed four screens and within each was footage of a slightly different scene of pedestrian urban life as seen through holes in crumbling concrete. The almost-pinhole view of simple urban life forces the viewer to work harder to distinguish the scenes and therefore perceive more out of less. In a question and answer session on Saturday, Feb. 5
with one of the featured artists Sarah McKenzie, a Boulder artist who worked mostly in rich oil with an emphasis on texture, McKenzie spoke about her previous project which spanned five years as she photographed suburban sprawls from hot air balloons. Her work produced repetition-heavy images that spoke to the monotony of the areas. She took a different approach to the paintings presented in “Drive By,” which focused on the unique and foreign nature of the construction process. She explained that she chose to vary textures created by brush or the wood grain on which she painted to explore the process of constructing homes as a metaphor for creating a work of art. Her painting “Fountain,” placed at the front of the gallery, is essentially a painting of a bathroom being constructed with a white porcelain toilette as the focal point. The oil works to turn what will eventually be mundane into something beautiful and contemporary. Not to mention that it serves as a clever nod to the Dadaist painter Marcel Duchamp’s “Fountain” — an upsidedown urinal — that served as a turning point in the history of art, challenging the world to consider what art could be. McKenzie’s pieces seek to continue the glorification of the mundane and unexpected. mwolfson@theeagleonline. com
One year later, England is home CROSS-CULTURAL DISPATCH
Comfort is a surprisingly multi-faceted concept. We elect to put ourselves in new, unknown situations with the hopes of being able to acclimate and transition so that eventually they become comfortable and familiar. But, if you’re like me, as soon as you feel comfortable again you start looking for a new adventure. After living in London since early fall, I am comfortable now. I have my favorite (and fastest) route to school. I’ve found supermarkets selling certain foods cheapest. And I’m on a first-name basis with people at my neighborhood‘s 24-hour convenience store. Now when people ask me directions I am not only able to give them correctly, but also with confidence. I pass people on the street studying maps and lament how my first London map has been used so much that it’s full of rips, missing pieces and water stains. Recently, I started thinking back to late summer: the packing, the nerves and excitement of going abroad and figuring it all out. I wrote columns about my first impressions of London, getting stuck in the rain and being proud of only getting lost twice. Five months ago when I began reporting my experiences I talked about how pushing myself outside my comfort zone was one of my main motivations for choosing to spend a year abroad. Of course I anticipated a major difference between studying abroad for a semester and studying abroad for the year, but as of late that difference has really been cemented. London is my home, not my semester-long
vacation. This will always be the year I lived in London and studied at the London School of Economics rather than the four months I gallivanted around Europe (granted I’m still doing my fair share of gallivanting). Having not touched American soil since September, I am past the “Oh my god, I’m in Europe” stage, and the “Oh my god I miss America” stage. Instead, there are no more stages for the moment, just here, living, studying, being content and comfortable in London. Comfort. You always seek it, but then as soon as you find it, you don’t want it anymore. When we have the world at our fingertips, with spur-ofthe-moment trips to Barcelona and Paris, it seems like any adventure is possible. Everything should be new and amazing and spontaneous all at the same time. As I started out on my customary Sunday morning run in Regents Park this week I decided to veer away from my usual course and explore a new area. As I stumbled on a beautiful garden complete with ponds and statues, I realized how lucky I am to have London not as my semester long vacation, but as my home. Being in London for the year gives me time to experience the small pleasures, have “favorite” places and “typical” Friday nights, to try a new museum, finally go see that show and get to that certain bar before the cover charge (so what if this took four times to actually accomplish this). Being comfortable and content doesn’t mean you aren’t living your study abroad experience to the fullest — rather it’s just the opposite. Thinking about it, perhaps being comfortable is good. But that doesn’t mean the occasional last minute weekend trip to Spain isn’t part of the plan. ostitilis@theeagleonline. com
WHEN IN ROME — It’s important to take advantage of delectable Italian cuisine when in the country. The American University in Rome offers professional culinary courses to students for a mere 15 euro a class.
AU abroad student prepares the perfect pasta with lessons from a true Italian chef CROSS-CULTURAL DISPATCH
I like to think that I’m a good cook. I’m no Ina Garten or Julia Child by any means, but I know how to roast asparagus and sauté a chicken cutlet, which is more than I can say for most 20 year-olds. But being in Italy, where some of the greatest chefs are born and bred, I thought I could learn a thing or two by taking a cooking class. Luckily for me, the American University of Rome offers cooking lessons for a mere 15 euro every Tuesday night. I was game. Each lesson is taught by Andrea Consoli, executive chef of La Fate restaurant in the Trastevere neighborhood in Rome. I have massive respect for him, as he wakes up every morning
at 6 a.m. and buys only the freshest ingredients from local markets for his restaurant and the cooking class at AUR. His entire life is dedicated to food and cooking, and his energy and enthusiasm in the kitchen are infectious. As he entered the kitchen carrying a bulging crate of spinach leaves, pork cheek and tomatoes, Andrea informed us that we would be preparing a traditional Italian four-course meal in two short hours. For the antipasto course we prepared spinaci alla Romana, or Roman-style spinach. Bright green leaves of spinach were sautéed in butter, salt, pine nuts, raisins and grated Parmesan cheese. I was never a lover of sautéed spinach, or any sort of sautéed greens of any kind before, but the dish was my favorite of the night. The leaves were soft and buttery, and the raisins added an unexpected sweetness to the plate. With the second course came tagliolini carbonara, a rich, fresh pasta dish with guanciale (made of pork cheek) and an egg and
pecorino sauce. The moment I saw the pasta machine in Andrea’s crate, I knew that this dish would be my favorite to make — I’d never made fresh pasta before, and I was itching to try it out. The dough was rolled several times until it was stretched impossibly thin, and then cut into the long and thin tagliolini shapes. After only a minute in the boiling water, the noodles were ready to be devoured. I was surprised to find that the Italians only use eggs from wheat-fed chickens in the carbonara egg sauce, as the yolks are far more orange in color than grassfed chicken eggs, which are more yellow. The rich orange color of the yolks give pasta carbonara its distinct yellow color, and, according to Andrea, makes the dish more appetizing to the eye and stomach. Guanciale is also used instead of pancetta or bacon, which are more common in American versions of carbonara. Our second course, known as secondi in Italy, featured straccetti di manzo con pachino, rughetta e scaglie
di Parmigiano, or paperthin beef with tomatoes, arugula and Parmesan. We sautéed the beef and tomatoes with olive oil and garlic, and topped it off with crisp arugula leaves and grated Parmesan cheese. Andrea had us keep the skin on the garlic clove, as it contains the most nutrients and antioxidants. A soufflè alla pera e cioccolato ended the meal, and was quite a pleasant surprise. Soufflés are notorious for being difficult and temperamental, but whisking the egg whites and peeling the pears proved to be an easy feat when working with a group. I am not a huge fan of pears, but the mild sweetness of the fruit and the richness of the semisweet chocolate ended up making a great pair. The food was fresh and the kitchen was tiny, but Andrea and seven of us AU study abroad students squeezed into the space and pulled off an amazing, authentic Italian feast. kholliday@theeagleonline. com
We Deliver Monday — Thursday 25% off for AU students (with valid ID) after 8:30 every night
PETE’S NEW HAVEN STYLE PIZZA Columbia Heights 202-332-PETE (7383) Tenleytown-Friendship Heights 202-237-PETE (7383) Hours of Operation: 11AM-10PM Sunday-Thursday 11AM-11PM Friday & Saturday
Sex toys lose taboo reputation with AU Passion Parties THE SEX WONKS
RYAN CARTER AND TARA CULP-RESSLER Toys aren’t just for kids anymore You loved your Legos as a kid. You still play your Xbox more often than you should. You’re glued to your smart phone, your laptop and your iPad. Toys are the ultimate indulgence — why shouldn’t we bring them into the bedroom? “I love my job,” Leah Gates, an SIS alumna, told me. “If I didn’t love it, I wouldn’t still be doing it after almost two years.” Gates works as an “independent passion consultant” for a nationwide sex toy company called Passion Parties. The company was created two decades ago to provide a female-oriented option in a largely male-dominated business. Passion Parties’ founder recognized that most women learn about sex by talking
about it with groups of their friends. The company taps into that by hosting sex toy parties in women’s homes, which feel like a safer and more familiar environment than adult stores. Consultants are also able to serve as educational resources. “You need to figure out what will work for you,” Gates said. “It’s like when after a certain kind of vibrator was featured on ‘Sex and the City,’ women rushed out to buy that one, thinking it had magical powers — but for a lot of people, that particular model wasn’t right.” Female-bodied individuals should be careful about what they apply internally. Products that contain any sugar should not be used internally because they often lead to yeast infections. Gates advises those who are just starting to experiment with vibrators to try a Bullet, which runs about $10$15. “The Bullet is your basic standard tool. It will help you figure out if you like vibration,” she said. Gates believes that AU is her core market for Passion Par-
ties. Students can host them, or clubs can throw one as an on-campus event. At the Passion Party I attended last week with a group of about 20 other students, six people had already been to one before. The majority of the group already owned at least one sex toy already. “I bought my vibrator for seven bucks on Amazon.com. It was delivered to my house in a nondescript box, and now Amazon has a lot of similar suggestions for me,” one senior in the CAS said. A sophomore in SIS bought her first toy when her girlfriend went abroad. “I had never owned one before, but now that I’m in a long-distance relationship it’s necessary. It eases separation anxiety,” she told me. No matter what your sexual orientation or relationship status, there’s a toy out there that could seriously heat up your sex life. And as always, e-mail with any comments, questions or sex tips. sexwonks@theeagleonline. com
Death Game 8 p.m. WHERE: The Passenger, 1021 7th St. NW METRO: Metro Center (red/blue/orange lines) WHAT: The Washington Psychotronic Film Society is a group of film lovers who offer weekly screenings to obscure, off-beat films both new and old. “Death Game” follows a businessman who invites two women to his house while his family is away and becomes the victim of violent torture. COST: Free ($2.00 suggested donation) CONTACT: www.wpfs.org
Yoo-Hoo Mrs. Goldberg 8 p.m. WHERE: Artisphere, 1101 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Va. METRO: Rosslyn (blue/orange lines) WHAT: Created by Aviva Kempner, “Yoo-Hoo Mrs. Goldberg” follows the life of Gertrude Berg, the first woman to win an Emmy and an important influence for women in the entertainment industry. COST: $6 CONTACT: www.arlingtonarts.com
Kings Go Forth 8 p.m. WHERE: Rock and Roll Hotel, 1353 H St. NE METRO: Union Station (red line) WHAT: Hailing from Milwaukee, Kings Go Forth are a 10-piece soul band. They’re joined by The Mighty Heard and DJ Nitekrawler COST: $17 CONTACT: www.rockandrollhoteldc. com
Rooney 6 p.m. WHERE: Rock and Roll Hotel, 1353 H St. NE METRO: Union Station (red line) WHAT: The popular altrock group is just kicking off with its “Not in My House” tour. They’re joined by Eisley and The Old Ceremony. COST: $18 CONTACT: www.rockandrollhoteldc. com
Foul Swoops 8 p.m. WHERE: DC9, 1940 9th St. NW METRO: U Street/AfricanAmerican War Memorial/ Cardozo (green and yellow lines) WHAT: Foul Swoops enjoy playing shows in the familiar District, occasionally playing shows at the Velvet Lounge or the Rock and Roll Hotel. They’re joined by Maybe Baby, Ice Cream and Hiding Places. COST: $8 CONTACT: www.dcnine.com
Broken Records WHERE: Black Cat, 1811 14th St. NW METRO: U Street/AfricanAmerican War Memorial/ Cardozo (green and yellow lines) WHAT: Broken Records are a Scottish alt-rock band that draws influence from Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Neutral Milk Hotel. They’re joined by U.S. Royalty at Black Cat Backstage. COST: $10 CONTACT: www.blackcatdc.com
MONDAY 21 Sweet-Meat Cherry-Whip Flip All day WHERE: Artisphere, 1101 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Va. METRO: Rosslyn (blue/orange lines) WHAT: This photographic series by Victoria F. Gaitán portrays people as slabs of meat, depicting illness, delusion and pain. COST: Free (donations encouraged) CONTACT: www.arlingtonarts.com
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A Hunger for Awareness – Part III By FELIX FUCHS The Incubator
Just like the last time, my references are limited to the original lyrics of the Casablanca theme “As Time Goes By.” In the following part of the story, you will see another change of view point. Also, so you can see what parts of my story are actual quotes of the song by Hupfeld, I will post the complete song lyrics along with the last part of the story. The title itself, by the way, is derived from a quote of Mitchell Stephens’ A History of News that if found while reading the introduction to Kovach’s and Rosenstiel’s Elements of Journalism. What it means in the context of this story will be revealed indirectly in the last part. But before the grand finale, here comes the next part of “A Hunger for Awareness”… On the bench which was located the farthest from any of the doors out into the dark and cold, sat a very old man, his back humbled by age and his eyes almost hidden under huge brushy eyebrows. He seemed to whisper a long forgotten rhyme. “This day and age we’re living in / Gives cause for apprehension / With speed and new invention / And things like fourth dimension.” A small child stepped in front of him to listen, but his mother grabbed it as if he were the boogeyman himself. His head sagged to his chest sadly. “Dad, why are you looking so depressed?” his son, himself in his late 50’s asked, sitting down next to him. “It’s Christmas.” He turned his head angrily towards his son. “Do you really think I am that senile? I know what day it is.” “I just wanted…” “Shut up,” he said in a harsh tone he instantly regretted. Before he could get up, he laid his hand on the arm of his son. “I did not mean it.” “I know,” he whispered.
“It is just so hard since your mother…” “I know, Dad. It’s just… I mean, I know how much you loved her, but you should not be so alone anymore. It breaks my heart to leave you here. Why do you not come to my house and celebrate with the family. I even invited Miss Ana from across the street. I know you always had a thing for her.” He smiled. More to himself than at his son. “Maybe I should give it a try, son. It
“A kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh.” has been almost 10 years to the day.” Beaming and almost crushing him with a still surprisingly hard hug, his son cried out. “Finally, Dad, finally. But what made you change your mind?” “Oh, really nothing of importance. I… I just remembered something. An old song that I had almost forgotten.” “What song?” “It goes like this: You must remember this / A kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh. / The fundamental things apply / As time goes by.” “Isn’t that the song from Casablanca?” he sounded genuinely surprised. “Where did that come from?” The old man shrugged his shoulders. blogs@theeagleonline.com
Whose education is it anyway? By ERIN GREENAWALD The Incubator
I have a little exercise for you. Take a minute, close your eyes, and think about your time here at AU. Try to go all the way back to the beginning, when you were a scrawny, lost little freshmen who couldn’t even figure out how to get up and get yourself to class in the morning, let alone take the classes, learn the material, write the papers, etc. Start from that first moment you stumbled into your first college class, dazed and doe-eyed, and list everything you have learned since that moment. If you can’t remember that far back, start yesterday and think through until this very moment. You will probably get similar results. After just 24hours your list will should be pretty extensive. We learn a lot here. Anne D. Neal, president of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, would disagree. In fact, in her blog article on washingtonpost. com she suggests that “many students aren’t learning very much at all in their first two
years of college.” What? Half of our college education means nothing? Almost $100,000 just thrown out the window so we can be part of a supposed “anti-intellectual” culture? I’ll admit, it felt like a hard, electronic slap in the face to read that. All my hard work and effort, all that I had learned, seemed degraded. Turns out, her assertions are based on some twisted logic. The American Council of Trustees and Alumni have created a supplementary guide to college rankings called “What Will They Learn?” where they score colleges based on their general education requirements. As they see it, the key subjects to a successful education are English composition, literature, foreign language, U.S. government or history, economics, mathematics, and science. They then assign each university a grade (A-F) based upon how many of these subjects the university requires their students to take. Based on their rating system, AU was given a C because we are only required to take courses in composition,
math and science. But hey, better than Georgetown’s D right? Where to even begin with this? We’ll start with AU’s grade specifically. Although AU might not directly require all of these subjects specifically through their general education requirements, many of them are options within the area requirements and others are required for specific majors. I have taken five of the seven “key subjects” while here at AU, which at least warrants us a B, and the only reason I didn’t take the other two was that I took high school classes that earned me AP credit here. I’m certainly not suggesting our general education program is perfect, but by WWTL’s standards, we’re doing pretty good. Not that we necessarily want to meet their standards, which are locked into an archaic, old-as-dirt education system that is in dire need of some TLC. While I won’t argue that these subjects are useless, maybe they aren’t all necessities. Maybe there are ways we can incorporate the important ideas from these sub-
jects into other more relevant classes. And maybe requiring them isn’t the way to go about things. As much as I appreciate our flexible General Education system, I know even I have been frustrated at times with how it restricts me from exploring things that I really think are important for my future. Because, in the end, aren’t we the ones who are in charge of our education? I know I’m not paying this much a year for a college to constantly tell me what I have to take. I would rather have a college that will offer me classes with excellent professors in the subjects of writing, literature, language, math, history, science, art (seriously, where is art?), philosophy, design, communication ... and then give me the freedom to choose what I think I need to learn about to live a successful life. Maybe I’ll make some mistakes and miss out on some subjects that I will realize are important later on. But isn’t that how we learn best? egreenawald@ theeagleonline.com
Where is the love among feuding sports stars? SIDELINE SCHOLAR
BEN LASKY Yes, I know Valentine’s Day was yesterday, but it’s the middle of February for God’s sake. Pitchers and catchers are just reporting to camp, the NFL season just ended, the NBA has just about reached the All-
Star break and the NHL, well, is the NHL. So here are a few people who need to get their acts together and show each other some love on Valentine’s Day 2012. LeBron and Cleveland This one’s pretty one sided when it comes to hatred. The way that LeBron left was terrible. No one’s disputing that. But Cleveland, give it a rest already. This past month is the perfect example of why he left. The talent around him was nonexistent. The Cavaliers just
Burning questions at NBA All-Star break By TYLER TOMEA Eagle Staff Writer
The dead period in sports that follows the Super Bowl can only mean one thing: it’s time for an NBA column that answers the league’s burning questions at the All-Star break. Where will Carmelo Anthony end up? The latest I heard was that Denver is close to sending Anthony to the Lakers, who would then send him to the Nets, who would then ship him to Europe to play overseas. I made those last two parts up but at this point, wouldn’t you believe anything? In the end, ‘Melo will wind up with the Knicks because that’s where he’s wanted to be all along. Either the Nuggets will take New York’s trade proposal, or Anthony will refuse to sign an extension with another team and head to Manhattan as a free agent. And I think this ordeal has set the unofficial record for most unfounded trade rumors in league history. When will Mikhail Prokhorov make an impact as Nets owner? When Prokhorov became majority owner of the Nets in May 2010, he guaranteed a playoff appearance this year and a championship in five years. He also promised an “element of surprise from Russia.” I was a little bit afraid at what that last comment could mean, but I was excited for the
next couple of years of Nets basketball. Fast-forward to 2011 and New Jersey is 20 games below .500 and headed for another 50-loss season. But the key factor is that Prokhorov has been unable to sell Anthony on a future playing for the Nets. It’s been known that New Jersey has the best trade proposal for Anthony, and if he had been convinced the Nets are his best option, he’d be there right now. The only hope now is for the Russian to hold a “meeting” with Anthony, where the AllStar emerges by telling reporters, “Wait a minute, I’ve always loved the Nets! Of course I want to play for them!” When is the next time the Washington Wizards will win on the road? 2027. Do this year’s NBA Playoffs have the potential to be memorable? I’m glad you asked! This year’s postseason is on track to be one of the best, especially if you look at the possible second-round matchups. Miami, Boston, Chicago and Orlando in the East and San Antonio, Dallas, Los Angeles and Oklahoma City in the West could set up the playoff picture perfectly. I’ve read this far and still no mention of Derrick Rose? What’s wrong with you? Settle down, settle down. A whole 700-word column wouldn’t be enough to do the Chicago point guard justice, much less a short 100-word
ended a 26-game losing streak with the same players that LeBron led to the second round of the playoffs and the best regular-season record last year. Other than the losses of James and Zydrunas Ilgauskus, it’s the same team. This is what you would have seen out of the Cleveland Cavaliers the last few years without Lebron James to lead them, unless you believe Big Z was the difference. As we all know by now, he took his talents elsewhere. Now get over it. Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Enough is enough. This is the one fight that would attract aublurb, but here it goes. Rose is the clear-cut MVP in the first-half of the season, and he made a statement by outplaying Deron Williams and Chris Paul in succession last week, especially down the stretch. Two games is a small sample size, but the scary part is Rose is in his third season and continuing to get better. This season, he’s averaging 24.7 PPG (up from 20.8 last season), 8.1 APG (up from 6.0) and has seen his threepoint accuracy jump 10 percentage points. Which makes a possible Rose-Rajon Rondo showdown in the playoffs so tantalizing . The dunk contest has been awful the last couple of years. Why should I watch? Go to YouTube and either type in “Blake Griffin 50-foot Alley-Oop Dunk from Randy Foye” or “Blake Griffin Dunks All Over Knicks.” You’ll thank me for this later. Are we destined for another Los Angeles championship? Short answer: No. Long answer: The Lakers’ struggles (by their standards) this season have shown how hard it is to win three-straight championships. So much has to go right, and it has to go right for such a long period of time that I feel the three-peat is underappreciated. That’s why I hate when people compare Jordan to Kobe because Jordan pulled the three-peat twice as the main guy on his team, but that debate is for another day. Even if the Lakers are able to navigate the West and can get by a Spurs team making its final stand, I still don’t feel they’re strong enough to beat this 2010-11 Celtics squad. ttomea@theeagleonline.com
diences all over the world. Two of the greatest and most exciting boxers of all time would be enough to make non-boxnig fans pay $50 to watch. Somebody needs to step it up. Either Mayweather allows Pacquiao to take the drug test after the fight, or Pacquiao takes it whenever it’s requested. Boxing needs this fight. They need it now. No one is going to pay the kind of money it takes to watch one of these fights live when the two are old men. Both are in their 30s and may not have a lot of fights left in them. In the words of boxing and MTV’s “Celebrity Death Match” referee Mills Lane, “Let’s get it on!” Albert Haynesworth and everyone not Albert Haynesworth Seriously, what’s wrong with this guy? My opinions about Mr. Haynesworth are well documented. He was asked to play a new position on defense and made a fuss, despite being paid more than any other defensive player to play where he’s told. He showed up to training camp out of shape. He refused to speak with his head coach and was consequently suspended for the final four games of the season. And now to top it all off he is apparently punching motorists. Haynesworth was supposedly tailgating the accuser, who clearly took offense. The
Redskins’ defensive tackle allegedly then proceeded to get out of his car and assaulted the other motorist. What a great guy. There’s got to be someone out there who can be friends with Fat Albert. What’s Barry Bonds up to these days? Christina Aguilera and the national anthem It wasn’t the first time someone had messed up the words to the national anthem. I can clearly remember in 2003 when Maurice Cheeks, the head coach of the Philadelphia 76ers at the time, put his arm around a 13 year-old girl as she nervously forgot the words. But you’re Christina Aguilera. You’ve been on the big stage before. You’re supposed to be one of the best of your generation and you blew it. You claim you got caught up in the moment trying to put your own spin on it. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. No one, and I mean no one wants you to put your own spin on it. It’s fine as it is. No one cares about you. People watch the Super Bowl to watch football and commercials. Hurry it up. Blake Griffin and those guarding him Take it easy young man. I’ll never forget seeing my former roommate, Frane Markusovic, then the center for AU’s men’s basketball team, featured in
the number one play on SportsCenter … being dunked on by Blake Griffin. But now he’s doing it to the professionals, and I feel bad for them. Their look of shame after it happens pains me because I know the feeling. It’s the same look that appears on my face when someone catches me talking to Charlie Szold in public. There you have it. If you need to, you can listen to the Black Eyed Peas’ “Where is the Love?” to gain some perspective. But I suggest avoiding the Super Bowl halftime version. blasky@theeagleonline.com !
from EAGLES on page 20
from three-point range. The Raiders were unable to get anything done offensively, as they shot 34 percent from inside the three-point line and only 42.9 percent from the free throw line. “In the second half, it was evident that we need to do a better job of boxing out and limiting second shots,” Corkery said. “Colgate was more aggressive that half and we were not. We need to play with energy for 40 minutes and that is still a challenge for us.” The Eagles return to Bender Arena on Wednesday when they face the Army Black Knights. sports@theeagleonline.com
Name: Daniel Munoz Age: 21 Hometown: Plantation, Fla. Grade/School: Sophomore/Kogod School of Business Position: Guard Why did you decide to come to AU to play basketball? “I had a good relationship with the coaches when they were recruiting me, and I came on a visit and really liked the city, school, campus, everything.” Where do you see yourself in 10 years? “I don’t know, South Florida maybe having a good job, with a family and living on the beach somewhere. That would be nice.” What is your best sports moment at AU? “Hopefully yet to come, but beating DePaul [University] last year was pretty good. They are a Big East team so that was nice, but hopefully yet to come and have a big one in March.”
Lumpkins puts up season-high in victory over Colgate By MICHAEL GARDNER Eagle Contributing Writer
In the first Bender Arena White Out, the men’s basketball team, helped by Troy Brewer, Vlad Moldoveanu and Stephen Lumpkins, beat Colgate University 69-60. “Good win, I guess you would probably call it ‘workman like’,” Head Coach Jeff Jones said. “I don’t know if we did anything outstanding, we just kind of kept after it.” With over 2,000 fans donning white apparel, the Eagles opened up the game on a 9-2 run, courtesy of Lumpkins’ six points in four and a half minutes. However, Colgate’s Joe Hoban helped the Raiders keep up with AU as he went 34 from behind the arc to assist RACHEL DEVOR / THE EAGLE in Colgate’s 83 percent outside shooting for the first half. TOWERING — Junior forward Stephen Lumpkins goes for two against a Colgate defender during Saturday’s Hoban’s three-point shooting 69-60 win over the Raiders. He put up a season-high 27 points in the first ever Bender Arena “White Out,” along with Sterling Melville’s where fans received new Blue Crew white T-shirts. inside game extended Colgate’s lead to 26-22 with 6:42 remaining in the first half. ./"&'()& ./" &'()& With less than five minutes left, the Eagles got the spark they needed to shift the momentum in their favor. Brewer came up with a monster block to prevent Hoban from extending Colgate’s lead to six. On the ensuing offensive possession, Nick Hendra’s three-point attempt bounced off the front of the rim, but Brewer was there to throw down a thunderous jam to electrify the crowd and put the Eagles back within two points. “That play in particular, I had turned the ball over, so I just wanted to make up for it and get back and it led to everything that that play did,” Brewer said. “[The dunk] might be my best, that definitely might be my best highlight.” AU took the momentum from the Brewer dunk and went on an 8-3 run across two halves that turned the Eagles’ 29-28 deficit at halftime into a 32-29 lead to open the second half.
Lumpkins led all scorers going into the locker room with 10, and continued to attack the rim in the second half as the junior scored a season-high 27 points on nine for 13 shooting from the floor and 82 percent from the free throw line. “Going into the game I thought we had a good match-up inside,” Lumpkins said. “Our guys did a good job of getting the ball inside, I thought I had a pretty good match-up and we were able to score on it.” The inside game was pivotal for AU, as they outscored Colgate 28-16 in the paint. The Eagles’ second-leading scorer, Moldoveanu, also chipped in 17 points, improving on a seven point performance against Bucknell University on Wednesday. The Raiders’ three-point shots could not keep up with the 69 percent field goal shooting by the Eagles, as AU earned a hard-fought, 69-60 victory, according to Jones. “I thought our defense was better [in the second half,]” Jones said. “At least by the numbers, we rebounded better, but I think the big thing was we did a better job of finishing at the offensive end. That makes the difference in a hard-fought game.” With only four games remaining in the regular season, AU looks to improve on the performance of their three key players, especially Lumpkins’ season-high performance. “There’s a parallel with our team and Lump,” Jones said. “What we want to challenge him to do and what we want to do as a team, is we have to be the best we can be. We are really striving to take that next step.” The Eagles will return home on Sunday to face The College of the Holy Cross. First, AU will travel to West Point, N.Y., to take on the Army Black Knights. sports@theeagleonline.com
,Women’s basketball beats Colgate to move into tie for rst place By ERIC SALTZMAN Eagle Staff Writer
Senior forward Liz Leer grabbed her 686th rebound, tying Beth Shearer for 3rd all-time in AU history, as the Eagles beat the Colgate University Raiders 69-49 in Hamilton, N.Y. AU is now tied for first place in the Patriot League after the Navy Midshipmen lost to the Lafayette Leopards on Saturday. With the win, the Eagles have swept the season series against the Raiders. AU’s win also pushes their winning streak against the Raiders to eight. The Eagles haven’t lost to Colgate since 2007. AU got off to a slow start as the Raiders took a 17-13 lead seven minutes into the first half. The Eagles then took control, going on a nine-point run to gain a 22-17 lead. The teams began to trade scores and at one point the Raiders got within two points. AU pulled away from Colgate during a stretch where they outscored their opponent 25-4 and scored the last 14 points of the half. “It was a high tempo first half and we like that because that is the way we like to play,” Head Coach Matt Corkery told AU Athletics. “We did a nice job of sharing the ball and creating good looks on offense.” AU continued to dominate in the second half. The Eagles also forced 18 Raiders’ turnovers that accounted for 19 points. AU dominated down low, gaining 34 of their 69 points in the paint despite being out-rebounded 37-35. Leer led the Eagles in scoring with 20 points. Sophomore center Stephanie Anya contributed 10 points and seven rebounds. Junior guard Lisa Strack also has 10 points and led the Eagles with 6 assists. Freshman forward Sarah Kiely had nine points. The Eagles shot 50.9 percent from the floor and 35 percent !
see EAGLES on page 19