American University ’s student voice since 1925
January 31, 2012 Volume 86 – Issue 15
Senate votes against Judicial Board Chair Dunham’s impeachment By HEATHER MONGILIO EAGLE STAFF WRITER
The Student Government Undergraduate Senate declared Chair of the Judicial Board, Anthony Dunham, not guilty of negligence of duty at a Jan. 30 trial. Dunham will continue to hold his position as chair.
“It was about the ideals I was trying to insert into this debate: being mature, having restraint and having, most importantly, respect for all parties,” Wisniewski said. Co-sponsors of the impeachment charges Bart Thompson and Al Robinson, who disagreed with the compromise, became lead sponsors of the
“I pledge before you today that my efforts will be redoubled” -Anthony Dunham, Judicial Board chair “I pledge before you today that my efforts will be redoubled to ensure that the office that I have been entrusted will be carried out to the fullest extent of my abilities,” Dunham told the Senate. He was charged with failure to appear before the Senate to present his rulings, to hold office hours and to complete timesheets while receiving pay for his duties. Before the impeachment trial began, Senatorat-Large Joe Wisniewski, the lead prosecutor, moved to withdraw his charges against Dunham. Dunham had proposed to Wisniewski that he would give SG a check for $750, Dunham’s total salary, effectively working for free in exchange for ending the impeachment trial. Wisniewski’s motion failed with a vote of 7-10-2. Wisniewski chose to step down as lead prosecutor.
charges. “Joe’s greatest quality as a senator is his ability to compromise,” Thompson said. “The problem was that it was not the time to compromise.” The lead prosecutors claimed Dunham had not completed his office hours, using his blank time sheets as evidence. Dunham argued, with the help of witness Damita Salmon, president of AU’s chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho, that he was completing his office hours in the greek life office rather than in the SG office. Dunham also called Phil Cardarella, chair of the Board of Elections, as a witness. “I cannot express how grateful I am to Phil Cardarella, the chairman of the Board of the Elections,” Dunham said. “Without him I would have had little direction and almost no hope.” Continued on page 3
Clinton accepted the ‘Wonk of the Year’ award from AU President Neil Kerwin and KPU President Alex Kreger.
Clinton discusses shared humanity, receives ‘Wonk of the Year’ award By ZOE CRAIN EAGLE STAFF WRITER
Though some AU students may take issue with being called a “wonk,” former President Bill Clinton finds it flattering. “I loved when people made fun of me for being wonkish because I figured that people wanted a President who actually knew something,” Clinton said. Clinton received AU’s first “Wonk of the Year” award Jan. 27 in an event sponsored by the Kennedy Political Union and the Graduate Leadership Council. AU President Neil Kerwin and KPU Director Alex Kreger introduced Clinton, who previously spoke at AU in 1993 and 1997. “[Clinton] has worked tirelessly in every corner of the planet to improve the lives of those in need,” Kerwin said to a the sold-
out audience in Bender Arena. Clinton addressed potential solutions to some of the world’s current economic and social struggles. “If you want a world of shared opportunities and shared responsibility, you just can’t have as much inequality as we do now,” Clinton said. “It’s not healthy to have that much inequality.” He credited increased global interdependence due to scientific advances as one of the most important factors in shaping the course of the human history, including increased inequality. To help change that climate, Clinton told students to “Tap your inner wonk,” and suggested that students ask themselves, “What kind of world do you want to live in? You should always have an answer to that.”
Following the end of his presidency in 2001, Clinton developed a number of activist groups, including his Clinton Global Initiative, a series of annual summits with world leaders to discuss topics such as the environment and healthcare. Clinton said the accomplishments of CGI, which include commitments valued at $69.2 billion, have been among his greatest achievements since leaving office. “It’s my attempt to do what I told you to do in my speech,” Clinton said. “You need to pick an issue and bring it to the people. That’s what I tried to do.” Clinton also discussed the economy and said the three most important factors for moving out of a recession are tax increases for the wealthy, an increased revenue and economic growth. However, changes to
the tax code shouldn’t be passed until employment reaches a better level in order to maintain economic stability, he said. Clinton said the genetic differences between one person and another, such as skin color or height, are small when compared with the similarities. “We are all at least 99.5 percent the same,” Clinton said. “And all of us spend that 99.5 percent that we have in common thinking about that 0.5 percent that’s different.” As the arena grew quiet for Clinton’s final words, he echoed his theme of empathy and the shared experience. “I grew up learning that everyone had a story and was inherently interesting,” Clinton said. “Empathy is nothing more than imagining how the world is received by someone who is not you.” ZCRAIN@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
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Girls just wanna have fun More AU girls rush sororities this spring 4
Who runs AU?
AU’s Board of Trustees include a Goldman Sachs executive 5 TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 2012
Students adopt abandoned fish 6
AU alum explores the world through ‘career jumping’ Adam Hasler has co-owned a coffeehouse, held an apprenticeship in Buenos Aires and waited tables in Boston while waiting to hear back from MIT for grad school By IULIA GHEORGHIU EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Many AU graduates facing a fickle job market may be looking to plunge into their “dream” career path. However, AU alumnus Adam Hasler, SIS/CAS ’05, took risks by “career jumping,” from owning a coffeehouse in D.C. to taking an apprenticeship in Buenos Aires, to find the job he loves. Hasler was one of four professionals featured in a Jan. 12 Fast Company magazine article about the ever-changing careers of people today. He co-owned and managed Modern Times Cof-
feehouse, in the basement of Politics and Prose bookstore, with Javier Rivas soon after graduating AU. Hasler sold his stake in the coffeehouse in 2009. “I didn’t feel challenged,” Hasler said of his decision to leave the coffeehouse. Around this time, he had been “tinkering with electronics and programming” and writing his own “personal research on intellectual and cultural history.” Hasler has applied to the MIT Media Lab’s Civic Media Master’s program and currently waits tables at a luxury restaurant in Cambridge, Mass. Anya Kamenetz said in
The Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3D elected Commissioner Stu Ross as their Chair Jan. 11, replacing former Chair Tom Smith. Smith served as Chair for the maximum two consecutive terms of one year each. “My time was done,” Smith said. He will continue to serve as commissioner for 3D02. Smith said he is happy to step down to focus on serving the ANC board
and his constituents. “I’m glad not to be Chair,” Smith said. “It’s a lot of extra work.” Ross said he previously served as ANC Chairman for a few months a couple years ago. He said he hopes to improve the discourse between commissioners at meetings. “I would like to see if we [ANC board] can disagree without being disagreeable,” Ross said. “We need to turn down the flame.” He said he looks forward to working with Deon Jones, ANC 3D07 commissioner and a sophomore in the School of Public Af-
the Fast Company article that people tend to move around jobs a lot more often, and keeping one job is no longer commonplace. A “clean-cut” career path is not necessarily the answer for everyone en-
Reaching out to professors and student advisors and using the tools he was given at AU to expand his interests, Hasler is a restless professional, continuing to grow into the career that he visualizes for him-
“It’s what you do through internships and other jobs that allow you to develop an interest in different fields, in different programs.” –Adam Hasler, SIS/CAS ‘05
tering this job market, College of Arts and Sciences advisor Anne Kaiser said. “I think it’s better to go for the broader career — it might be harder to get a job at first,” Kaiser said. “But it’s what you do through internships and other jobs that allow you to develop an interest in different fields, in different programs.” fairs, to resolve any issues related to AU. “AU is well represented and deserves to be well represented,” Ross said. Jones said Smith will be missed for his great contributions to the advancement of the 2011 AU Campus Plan. “The board went through three versions of the Campus Plan,” Jones said. “And ANC is a volunteer job in which other members have fulltime jobs. He did so much.” Jones said this leadership change will have little effect upon the ANC proceedings since the chair cannot make decisions without other commissioners. “Business goes on as usual,” he said. PJONES@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
self. In some fields, this frequent job change is due to the rapid technological advancements that are taking place today. History Professor April Shelford said many jobs can “become ‘obsolete’ due to automation.” “What I did as a graphic designer, a person can now teach themselves on
Desktop Publishers,” Shelford said. She also said the importance of taking courses in the humanities departments is that a person is learning “how to learn” in order to adapt to the job market. Hasler said he came away from AU with a similar idea. “I realized that college was a place to learn to break things down, and I learned a lot, but I entered the job market with almost a blank slate, with more things to learn,” Hasler said. After graduating, Hasler focused on art, design, technology and international development separately. Hasler said he could better integrate all three into his ideal career by capitalizing on what these areas offered. “I take a lot of the stuff I learned while helping to make art and apply it to international development
SG senator proposes new bylaws to reform impeachment proceedings Continued from page 1 The Senate eventually voted to let Dunham finish his term as chairman, with 14 senators voting against impeachment, three voting in favor and one abstaining. Some senators said they were worried that bringing up impeachment charges against Dunham set a precedent, and the Senate may bring impeachment charges against an SG official for smaller offenses. “I was afraid, if we ended impeaching Anthony Dunham and set
such a low standard for the word ‘impeachment,’ that it would turn into a witch hunt,” Wisniewski said. “I think, by ruling against this case and by ruling against this impeachment, we set a clear standard that that will not fly, and I’m very glad that my compromise did not go through as a result.” Wisniewski plans to propose new SG bylaws that would clarify impeachment proceedings in the future. The last SG impeachment trial was in 2009 against Comptroller Matt
issues,” he said. Kamenetz noted in her Fast Company article that Hasler’s resume can seem “unfocused,” as if he’s “jumped around a lot” in the search for his career from managing a business and writing about art and history in D.C. to working in Buenos Aires at a new media art studio in 2010 to his current job waiting tables. Hasler said all these jobs were a means to challenge himself and combine all of his interests. “You may find that the best thing you’ll ever do is something that you create yourself,” Hasler said. He said he has strived to take a lot of chances and to build on his skill sets, giving great breadth to his professional experiences. “Well, you have to remember, I’m still very poor,” Hasler said. NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
Handverger for charges related to falsified timesheets and negligence, similar to the charges brought up against Dunham, The Eagle previously reported. Although Handverger’s charges were eventually dropped, like the charges against Dunham, Handverger announced his resignation during the trial. Full disclosure: Sen. Al Robinson, a co-sponsor of the bill to impeach Dunham, works for The Eagle’s business office. The editorial and business offices are wholly independent of each other, and The Eagle remains committed to balanced, unbiased coverage of these proceedings. HMONGILIO@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
D.C. delays decision Sororities see increased on Campus Plan spring recruitment By PAIGE JONES EAGLE STAFF WRITER
The D.C. Zoning Commission postponed its vote on AU’s Campus Plan to Feb. 16. The commission originally suggested postponing the vote to the end of February. But AU’s legal counsel Paul Tummonds said the University aims to begin construction on North Hall in mid-February, and a later vote may jeopardize the completion of North Hall by fall 2013. AU also aims to begin construction on the Nebraska Hall extension and moving the School of Communication to McKinley building this spring. The commissioners said they needed more information about North Hall, East Campus and additions to Mary Graydon Center and Nebraska Hall before making a decision. “I think, when we ultimately decide on this Campus Plan, we’re going to have to weigh on all these further processings,” Commission Vice Chair Konrad Schlater said, referring to when a party to the case submits additional information. The commissioners instructed AU to submit the requested information by Jan. 31. Any opposing parties may file a response until Feb. 7. “The Zoning Commission reviewed a lot of information, from a process that has spanned more than two and one-half years and required 11 hearings,” AU Chief of Staff David Taylor said in an email after the hearing. “It’s a large plan, and, because of this, the commission needed to invest the appropriate time and attention. We appreciate the work of the commission to get through it.” The commission agreed on many aspects of the Plan, including the 590 proposed beds on East Campus. “It will not be creating objectionable issues and is
in character with the surrounding neighborhoods,” Schlater said. “Plus, it’s better than a vacant lot.” Commissioners Peter May and Mike Turnball voiced concern about the East Campus buildings’ design and operable windows. Neighbors previously suggested East Campus dorm windows be unopenable. “I think operable windows are part of good buildings,” May said. “I don’t want to have a crippled building because its windows don’t open.” The entire commission seemed to agree on relocating the Washington College of Law to Tenleytown. “Any place near a Metro makes sense,” May said. “And I wish other universities, that I won’t name, were as smart.” While the commissioners supported the University’s regulation of off-campus behavior, they advised AU to look at how other universities deal with similar issues. “There’s only so much control a university can have over [off-campus] houses,” Schlater said. “Students have a right to live off campus, and they have a right to act stupidly.” They also expressed unanimous support for increasing the existing cap on AU faculty and staff from 2,200 to 2,900. “I don’t think the key issues is the number of staff on campus, but how they’re getting there,” May said. Other than Tenley Neighbors Association’s complaint of illegal parking in surrounding neighborhoods, the commissioners said they did not see any issues with offcampus parking. “The University has a right to coexist in the community,” Chair Anthony Hall said. “It’s hard trying to find that balance.” PJONES@THEEAGLONLINE.COM
Fifty-four more girls registered for sorority recruitment this spring than in spring 2011, according to Student Activities’ Panhellenic recruitment records. A total of 289 women registered this year, said Curtis Burrill, coordinator of fraternity and sorority life. Formal recruitment numbers have consistently been above 200 since 2009, Burrill said. Sorority recruitment increased by 74 girls between 2008 and 2009, the largest spike in recruitment at AU. “I’m not surprised due
to the tremendous work of our Panhellenic recruitment team,” Burrill said in an email. He credited the increase in sorority recruitment to Student Activities’ greek life marketing and information sessions during the fall and spring semesters. “As far as I know, every chapter ended up with a larger new member class than years past, which is a result of pure increase in overall numbers,” said Lisa Gabrielson, president of Sigma Delta Tau. This stood true across all of the sororities that call AU home. “I think the increased number of girls is great,”
said Alexandra France, a member of Alpha Epsilon Phi. “Increasing interest in going greek means more possibilities for involvement in campus-wide activities, which can help foster a greater sense of belonging within the AU community.” AU’s Panhellenic Association hosted recruitment from Jan. 19 to Jan. 23 for the seven University-recognized sororities: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Chi Omega, Delta Gamma, Phi Mu, Phi Sigma Sigma and Sigma Delta Tau. Jackie Breuer, a freshman in the School of International Service, said she had a positive recruitment experience but acknowledged there was tough competition for bids because of the increased amount of girls this year.
“It didn’t stress me out and it didn’t worry me, but, then again, I’m a people person,” Breuer said. “I put my trust in the girls picking me.” Other girls said their sorority experiences were not quite as uplifting. “The first day, I was really nervous, but also excited because they promised that everyone would get into a sorority, but after the first day I was only invited back to my last choice,” said Eliza Hughes, a freshman in the Kogod School of Business. Hughes said her recruitment experiences were tumultuous, and she ultimately decided to pull herself out of the running before bid night. SHOGAN@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
Students used their hearts, minds and mouths to “Remember, Rediscover, Rebuild and Reflect” on the 2010 Haitian earthquake at AU’s second annual Haiti Week. The week’s events included: • Haitian-inspired cuisine at TDR, • performances by On a Sensual Note and AU Poetics, • a screening of PBS Frontline’s “The Quake,” • a panel on “Haiti: Women’s Empowerment and Reconstruction” • and a memorial service in the SIS Founder’s Lounge. During the memorial service, representatives from local Haiti-related organizations, University Chaplain Rev. Joe Eldridge and members of AU’s Catholic Student Association spoke and recited prayers. Mariam Aziz and
Maria Schneider, both juniors in the College of Arts and Sciences, also discussed their experiences on past alternative breaks. Planning for Haiti Week began in fall 2011, said Shoshanna Sumka, the assistant director of global learning and leadership at AU’s Center for Community Engagement and Service. Sumka worked with Rebekah Israel and Rebecca Stein-Lobovits, the two students who will lead the spring 2012 alternative break trip to Haiti. Six other students, five of whom will be going on the alternative break, were involved as well. “I’m here just to network and to give a better image of Haiti by telling the things that I experienced in Haiti as well,” said Alyssa Vasquez, SIS ’10, who spoke about Haiti at the arts and cultural event and the memorial service. Vasquez works at the Haitian organization Haiti in Transition, a non-
Students and alumni organized a series of events for Haiti Week to remember the nation’s 2010 earthquake. partisan movement aimed at projecting a more positive image of Haiti through youth engagement. Last year’s events, and the emotions surrounding these events, were more raw because it was just a year after the actual disaster, Sumka said. But this year’s events still served their purpose because “it just brings Haiti back to people’s awareness,” she said. Israel, currently a master’s student in CAS, emphasized the need for the dialogue about Haiti to continue to flow and for students to not only focus
on the negative aspects of Haiti. “Haitians are not just about poverty,” Israel said. “They have their own culture and it’s beautiful and if you pay attention to it, then you care more, maybe you put more effort into restoring their culture.” Students can expect Haiti Week to continue to be an annual event. “As long as I’m here at this University I will continue to bring awareness around Haiti for at least four years after the earthquake,” Sumka said. “That’s my promise.” NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
The 31 members of the Board of Trustees meet four times per year to discuss the current state of the University and make recommendations for the future. Many of them are CEOs, company presidents and partners in law firms, including President and Chief Operating Officer of Goldman Sachs Gary Cohn. They play an essential role in ensuring that the University functions efficiently, yet many AU students have no idea who they are and what they do. “I know the Board of Trustees at Penn State fired Joe Paterno, but I don’t know what they do here,” said Maria Cribbs, a sophomore in the School of International Studies. Trustees assist the University’s president in setting the direction AU will take in the future and work to implement a variety of University initiatives, according to the Board of Trustees’ Statement of Commitment. Trustees are expected to contribute financially to the University as well. “Trustees are encouraged, if their means permit, to give $10,000 or higher amounts annually,” according to the Statement of Commitment. Their most important role is hiring, training and, if necessary, terminating the University’s president, said trustee and partner at Arent Fox, Pamela A. Deese. Deese joined the Board in 2001 after serving on the Alumni Association Board. She graduated AU in 1980 with a bachelor’s degree in political science and from the Washington College of Law in 1983. Trustees are chosen based on leadership ability, connection to the University and influence over local, national or international affairs that could be
used to benefit the University among other factors, according to the Board of Trustee’s Selection Criteria. While being an AU alumnus is not a requirement for serving on the Board, 20 trustees are alumni. Before joining the
Board, trustees go through an extensive selection process. Any source can nominate a prospective trustee, but the Office of the Secretary, the Vice President of Finance and Treasurer, the Vice President and General Council, and the Trusteeship Committee must review all nomina-
Board of Trustees Members JEFFREY A. SINE* Chair of the Board, Partner, The Raine Group LLC, New York, NY PATRICK BUTLER* Vice Chair of the Board, President and CEO, Association of Public Television Stations, Arlington, VA GARY M. ABRAMSON* Partner, The Tower Companies, North Bethesda, MD GINA F. ADAMS* Corporate Vice President, FedEx Corporation, Washington, DC STEPHANIE M. BENNETTSMITH President Emerita, Centenary College, Hackettstown, NJ JACK C. CASSELL* President and CEO, Visual Aids Electronics & Conference Systems, Inc., Germantown, MD GARY COHN* President and Chief Operating Officer, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., New York, NY PAMELA M. DEESE* Partner, Arent Fox PLLC, Washington, DC DAVID R. DROBIS* Chairman Emeritus, Ketchum Worldwide, Naples, FL MARC N. DUBER* Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, The Bernstein Companies, Washington, DC HANI M.S. FARSI* CEO, Corniche Group, Ltd., London, England C.A. DANIEL GASBY CEO, B Smith Enterprises, Ltd., New York, NY Thomas A. Gottschalk Of Counsel, Kirkland & Ellis, LLP, Washington, DC GISELA B. HUBERMAN* President, GBH Radio, Inc., Fisher Island, FL C. NICHOLAS KEATING, JR.* President and CEO, Network Equipment Technologies, Fremont, CA MARGERY KRAUS* President and CEO, APCO Worldwide, Washington, DC GERALD BRUCE LEE* Judge, United States District Court, Alexandria, VA CHARLES H. LYDECKER* Executive Vice President, Brown & Brown, Inc., Daytona Beach, FL
ROBYN RAFFERTY MATHIAS* Principal (retired), Rolling Terrace Elementary School, Bethesda, MD ALAN L. MELTZER* Founder & CEO, The Meltzer Group, Bethesda, MD REGINA L. MUEHLHAUSER* President (retired), Bank of America San Francisco, Pleasanton, CA ARTHUR J. ROTHKOPF Senior Vice President and Counselor to the President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC PETER L. SCHER* Executive Vice President of Global Government Relations and Public Policy, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Washington, DC MARK L. SCHNEIDER Senior Vice President, International Crisis Group, Washington, DC NEAL A. SHARMA* CEO, Digital Evolution Group, Overland Park, KS Ex-officio Trustees KIM CAPE General Secretary, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, United Methodist Church, Nashville, TN CORNELIUS M. KERWIN*^ President, American University, Washington, DC JOHN R. SCHOL Bishop, Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church, Washington, DC Faculty Trustees JAMES E. GIRARD^ Chair of the Faculty Senate; Chair, Chemistry Department, College of Arts and Sciences, Washington, DC LEIGH A. RIDDICK^ Past Chair of the Faculty Senate, Professor of Finance and Real Estate, Kogod School of Business, American University, Washington, DC Student Trustee CHAZMON Q. GATES^ JD candidate, Washington College of Law, American University, Washington, DC * Alumna/alumnus of American University ^ Non-voting trustee
tions. There are 25 active trustees, seven of whom are women. They represent a range of professions from real estate management to justice, and 11 are CEOs or presidents of their respective companies. There are also three exofficio trustees, including President Neil M. Kerwin, who are trustees because of the positions they hold. The board also includes two faculty trustees and one student trustee. Trustees can serve on a variety of committees that focus on various departments and aspects of University affairs. Deese is the current chair of the Campus Life Committee and has held that position for the past nine years. Her interest in campus life began when she worked as a resident assistant during her undergraduate years. “It’s a pretty important aspect of each student’s education,” she said. Her committee’s tasks include reviewing the Student Conduct Code, going over code procedures and making sure the wording in the code is clear. “We’re working at larger policy issues,” she said. Executive Vice President and COO for The Bernstein Companies Marc N. Duber also actively participates in board committees, including the Executive Committee. “I’m pretty passionate about the facilities,” Duber said, expressing particular interest working on the 10year Campus Plan. While participation in a committee is not a requirement of trusteeship, it is strongly recommended. “It’s an awesome responsibility,” Deese said. Duber agreed. “I always try to give back to institutions that were good to me,” she said. RZISSER@THEAGLEONLINE.COM
SOC begins move to McKinley Building this spring By ZOE CRAIN EAGLE STAFF WRITER
AU will begin renovations to McKinley Hall, the new home of the School of Communication, sometime this week, according to University development officials. The University Architect’s office could not be reached for comment on the specific start date. SOC is currently located on the third floor of Mary Graydon Center. The School will be completely moved into McKinley Hall as early as 2014, according to Ed Beimfohr, associate dean for Administration and Planning within SOC.
The School will not renovate MGC at the same time as the McKinley renovations so that it can reduce the impact on SOC students during the renovations. “None of the activities, like classes or events, that will be taking place in Mary Graydon before the completion of these renovations will be impacted by the renovations,” Beimfohr said. “The idea was to have no effect on the SOC students during this period.” Nebraska, Letts to be renovated this summer The University is also finalizing plans to renovate Nebraska and Letts Halls
“We’ll have considerably more space, which will allow us to expand the resources we will be able to offer to students.” –SOC Associate Dean for Administration and Planning Ed Beimfohr
“Having our own building will certainly give SOC a more prominent name on this campus,” Beimfohr said. “We’ll have considerably more space, which will allow us to expand the resources we will be able to offer to students.” The move to McKinley will allow SOC to expand the number of classrooms available for SOC courses. The school also plans on using a portion of McKinley to construct a theatre similar to MGC’s Weschler theatre. The digital production and technology studios currently on the third floor of MGC will move with the school to McKinley. AU has not yet finalized plans for the third floor of MGC after SOC moves out.
this summer as part of the 10-year plan to renovate the interior of each residence hall. The details of these renovations are still being developed and will not be set into motion until the University has finished with the D.C. Zoning Commission concerns, according to Sophia Benedicktus, assistant director of Operations for Housing and Dining. The Zoning Commission is currently reviewing AU’s plan to expand Nebraska Hall. “We’re still in the planning stages,” Benedicktus said. “There are a lot of plans being made for Nebraska, but the renovations themselves are still quite a ways a way.” ZCRAIN@THEAGLEONLINE.COM
AU professors overcome rain and snow with online learning tools By KATIE FIEGENBAUM EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER
AU’s Center for Teaching, Research & Learning is encouraging professors to use online learning tools when they cannot teach classes face-to-face. CTRL wants professors to be able to use tools such as Blackboard, Wimba, Facebook and blogs in the case of a snow day, illness, conference or other emergency. “If you can keep your class going, it’s generally better than the alternative,” James Lee, CTRL’s associate director for technical support and training, said at a training session about online teaching Jan. 24 in Mary Graydon Center. In addition to basic emergency preparedness for a one-time class cancellation, CTRL offers two levels of training in accordance with AU’s plan for a pandemic occurrence, such as the swine flu outbreak in 2009. This training helps teachers continue a class using online tools if faceto-face classes need to stop and campus has to be closed, Lee said. The first level of training gives teachers the tools needed to finish classes if a situation arises during the last few weeks of class, such as a snow day during fall finals. The more advanced level helps them finish a class if regular classes must be canceled after at least five weeks of classes, such as if the University shuts down for a pandemic. However, professors will not be required to con-
tinue classes if they don’t feel comfortable doing so or if the class would not fit into an online setting, Lee
discussions and assignments during the rest of the week. AU typically offers 75 online classes every year, according to the AU website. Typical face-to-face classes that incorporate online tools, such as discussion boards, are also becoming more prevalent. Prokop believes these classes work much better for some students who work or commute. “Teaching online made me a better teacher, because it made me rethink the way I teach class,”
“Teaching online made me a better teacher, because it made me rethink the way I teach class” -Pavlo Prokop, Online Learning Trainer and Curriculum Designer
said. Students without access to Internet would not be penalized for not being able to complete assignments. Rhonda Zaharna, a professor in the School of Communication used a Facebook page to run her class during “Snowmageddon” in 2010 and wrote a blog for the Washington Post about the experience. At the online teaching session, she said her experience teaching online during Snowmagedon went well, even though she didn’t know much about Facebook. She said she is very excited to integrate online tools and lessons into future classes. Pavlo Prokop, online learning trainer and curriculum designer, spoke at the CTRL event regarding classes taught completely online and classes taught as hybrids. Hybrid classes are taught for one period a week, as normal classes are, but they have online
Prokop said. Some online classes are taught at a specific time when all students are required to attend and participate. Other classes are taught asynchronously, which means the information is available online but students do the work when it fits into their schedule. Participation and homework expectations, as well as the curriculum, change when a face-to-face class is made into an online class, Prokop said. Richard Dent, associate professor in the Anthropology Department, taught his first online class this summer and is teaching his first hybrid class this semester. He received positive evaluations from students regarding his online course. “Students seem to like me more in silicone rather than carbon form,” Dent said. However, he said he believes online and hybrid classes are not for eve-
rybody. He said students must be especially responsible and able to meet online deadlines if they are in an online class. Though he finds online classes valuable, he has had trouble with some of the technology typically used in online classes, including Blackboard and Wimba, a virtual classroom environment. Faceto-face meetings are also very important to support online information, he said. “I think it’s easier for each person to take what they want out of the class,” Sarah Feder said, a sophomore in SIS taking Dent’s hybrid class. “There’s still a structure, but it’s more focused on the individual.” Michelle Newton-Francis, an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology, has been teaching online courses for 10 years without any technology problems. She chooses to call the courses “computer-mediated learning” and said her classes have been very well received by students. Newton-Francis conducted her first class on Wimba after attending an online learning conference at the start of the spring 2012 semester. She said she also believes online classes serve a lot of students, such as graduate and working students, who are currently underserved. “I would ould like to see online learning arning embraced as a complement lement to face-toface learning,” arning,” she said. NEWS@THEEAS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM NE.COM
Hughes residents rescue goldfish abandoned in lounge By HEATHER MONGILIO EAGLE STAFF WRITER
Four goldfish found in the Hughes Formal Lounge owe their lives to the residents of the fi fth floor of Hughes Hall. The students have been taking care of the fish after two Delta Gamma sisters approached fi fth-floor resident Andrea Parente and asked her if she wanted the fish on Jan. 22. Parente left the lounge to find a bowl for the fish. When she returned, the sisters were gone and the fish were abandoned in the lounge, she said. “There were four fish and not enough water,” Parente said. “It was a medium-sized vase, but not enough water.” The fish had allegedly been used as decorations by Delta Gamma for a recruitment event, according to a Facebook post from Rebeccah Bartola, a Hughes resident. Curtis Burrill, coordinator for fraternity and sorority life in Student Activities, confirmed in an email that a sorority used fish in their pledging events But he did not say what happened to the fish after
the event nor which sorority used them. Burrill also wrote that members were supposed to take the fish home after the event. Representatives from Delta Gamma did not respond to The Eagle’s repeated request for comment. Parente rescued four goldfish, which the Hughes fi fth floor residents named Hardass Chandler, Wise Chandler, Pretty Chandler and Ron Paul. The fish did not live long after that. Ron Paul died Jan. 24 and Hardass Chandler died Jan. 29. Fifth floor resident Sam Epstein bought a tank for the three surviving fish and put it in the fi fth floor lounge. Other fi fth floor residents have provided food and supplies for the fish. “The thing about taking care of goldfish, a lot of people don’t understand, is that it’s not that easy,” another Hughes resident who asked to remain anonymous said. Bartola found more fish in the Hughes firstfloor kitchen Jan. 223. The kitchen had been locked overnight and she found one container of fiv five dead fish and one co container of live fish sh. She brought tthe fish to the front desk, where Bar tola said Delta Gamma was called to p pick up the fish. HMONGILIO@ HM THEEAGLEONLINE. THEEAGL COM
A group of Hughes Hall residents stored three goldfish in a cup while they changed their water.
International students face hurdles in job search By BRIGITTA KINADI EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER
As a graduating senior in her last semester, Lucie Bernatkova should be excited about what the future holds for her. Yet these past few months have been more frustrating than enjoyable. “I’ve spent the last four years being a good and diligent student,” said Bernatkova, an Honors student who speaks five languages and studied abroad for a year in the London School of Economics. “I have a lot to offer, but don’t have the venues to do so because so many reputable corporations and organizations are not looking to hire international students,” she said. “Sometimes it feels like all my hard work doesn’t even count.” For international students, the search for a
job in the United States is filled with financial and legal obstacles, at times making the job hunt even more challenging than the experience of their American counterparts. The State Department has a three-month time limit for international students to find employment to keep their visa status. The State Department gives out 65,000 visas per year, according to their website. International students make up about seven percent of the student population at AU, according to Fanta Aw, assistant vice president of Campus Life and director of International Student and Scholar Services. Over 40 percent of international students at AU have said they want to work in the United States after graduating college, according to a survey done by the ISSS office.
Students praise State of Union speech By ZACH C. COHEN EAGLE STAFF WRITER
Students at the AU College Democrats State of the Union Watch Party Jan. 24 were ecstatic when Obama condemned rising education costs and increasing student loan interest rates. “Of course, it’s not enough for us to increase student aid,” Obama said in his speech. “We can’t just keep subsidizing skyrocketing tuition; we’ll run out of money. States also need to do their part by making higher education a higher priority in their budgets. And colleges and universities have to do their part by working to keep costs down.” At that last line, the Tavern erupted in applause, even while the
Semhar Okbazion, the immigration specialist at the ISSS office, says she has not seen a notable increase in immigration issues in recent years. However, she said employers must provide a significant amount of money to apply for a work visa. “Considering the filing fees and additional expenses, including hiring an immigration attorney, the cost to apply for a work visa alone ranges from $3,000 to $4,000,” she said. “And this is only for the application itself — there’s no guarantee that it will be approved by the immigration office.” After graduation, international students are able to pursue a federal program called Optional Practical Training, which allows them to work in the United States for a year. After OPT, employers must be willing to sponsor an application for an H-1B work visa, which is not a simple or cheap process. “If a domestic and international student had the exact same resumes and applied for the same job, the American would get the job,” said Jake Chan, a senior in SIS from Hong
members of Congress present at the speech were silent. “That really resonated with a lot of American University students who are struggling to stay in this great school,” said Lee Gochman, a freshman in the School of Public Affairs. Obama went on to put colleges and universities “on notice.” “If you can’t stop tuition from going up, the funding you get from taxpayers will go down,” Obama said. His State of the Union focused on a number of education topics, includ-
“Colleges and universities have to do their part by working to keep costs down.” — President Barack Obama
ing increasing work-study opportunities and compulsory high school education. Obama said early in his speech that high schools should mandate
Kong. “It’s just cheaper to hire the American.” Karina Sigar, a graduate student at the Washington College of Law, said she believes American companies also prefer to hire their own citizens, especially “with all the controversy about outsourcing jobs to foreign countries and employees.” Deepika Chandiramani, a senior in the Kogod School of Business from Brazil who holds Indian citizenship, has also encountered difficulties in her own job search. “A lot of big firms and companies directly stipulate in their policies that they will not sponsor work visas,” Chandiramani said. Some international students choose to explore other paths. Over 26 percent of graduating international students would like to pursue advanced degrees, according to a survey done by the ISSS in April 2009. Over 24 percent of international students at AU said they plan to go back to their home countries after graduation, according to the survey. ISSS currently offers sessions that educate in-
students remain enrolled until they graduate or are 18 years old. State requirements currently vary from 16 to 18. AU students also gave Obama a rigorous round of applause for his mentions of: • the end of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, • equal pay in the workplace, • and immigration reform and the DREAM Act. Randy Mielecki, a freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences and a self-described fiscally conservative Democrat, said he was skeptical of some of Obama’s proposals, which included raising taxes on the wealthy. “I take issue with some of that, but at the same time I think that it was a good speech,” said Gochman and Tripp Frank, a freshman in SPA, applauded Obama’s efforts to be bipartisan. “He’s an excellent speaker, and when he’s on, he’s unbelievable,” Frank said. ZCOHEN@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
7 ternational students about finding jobs back home and the cultural transitions they may face after being abroad for college. Some international students they may have certain advantages over domestic students, such as language skills and overseas experience. “For those of us in the D.C. area, having an international background is a huge advantage,” Sigar said. “We’ve lived and studied abroad, we have at least one other language that we’re fluent in, and we contribute to the diversity of the employer.” The ISSS office regularly brings in immigration lawyers to hold employment information sessions. It also invites international students currently working in the D.C. area to host networking sessions. Bernatkova said AU should do a better job of helping international students find employment opportunities, especially in the AU Job and Internship Fair, held every semester by the AU Career Center. “If you look at the list of the participants of the last few years of the fair, there are maybe two to three
that are looking to hire international students,” she said. “The vast majority of visiting organizations are federal, and we can’t apply to them.” Bernatkova added that some academic advisors in AU lack the necessary information to work with international students when it comes to employment. “It’s ironic that AU and SIS are always advertising about how international they are, but from my experiences, most advisors in the SIS advising office don’t even understand the processes and requirements unique to international students,” she said. Finding a job is tough with the current economy, regardless of one’s status as an international student, Okbazion said. “Students who are very active and aggressive about getting work experience here tend to achieve their goals,” Okbazion said. “For both American and international students, the key is to work hard and make yourself indispensable.” NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
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Eagle Rants
Go ahead, speak your mind. We’ll probably print it.
So they're giving Bill Clinton a WONK of the Year award. Does that make him Willy Wonka? I WAS SO CLOSE TO GETTING A TICKET TO HEAR BILL CLINTON. KPU, PLEASE RELEASE MORE BEFORE I HAVE TO PULL A MONICA LEWINSKY TO GET ONE. Seriously, stop with the looks/staring. Yes I'm rushing, but right now I'm just sitting in MGC, so stop looking at me like I'm a penguin at the zoo or something. Why is it that I'm now seeing you EVERYWHERE??? I'm two years below you, and we have completely different majors. I hate this so much because now I'm distracted because all I can think about right now is how you've seen me naked.
about goldfish dying because they were left out by some sorority biddies. Does Peta really need to be contacted on this issue? Goldfish are great and all but they're difficult to keep alive even when cared for properly guys. I'm really sick of waiting for my trust fund. Grandma, I love you. But you're 97 and you have been a vegetable for years now. It's time for you to join your ilk in heaven. And you will probably be more comfortable there then having nurses feed you and change you and medicate you with tons of psychoactive sedatives. Not trying to be selfish here. But tuition is not cheap. And I'm tired of living off of cheap nutrigrain bars. Why is the Health Center always on fire? This is the second time now that I have seen billowing smoke coming from it. Can someone please clear this up for me?
The quality of eagle rants is really going down, and I don't think my father, the inventor of Toaster Strudel, would be too pleased to hear about this.
You know that college is back in the swing of things when one guy greets another guy by saying, "Hey! I thought you were in the hospital?!"
I feel so bad when I have to leave my cat at home all day by herself but when I am home she ignores me. #Cat Lady Problems
Kid with the accordion sitting outside Katzen. Props, you made me smile. More people need to do this kind of thing.
Let's get fro yo, it has like no calories.
My roommate's addicted to Lysol...
Is it a bad idea to try and hook up with a someone I work with?
just had a cupcake, see you at the gym later! #sororityrecruitmentproblems
That awkward moment when people get really serious
@"Dear Hughes, If you were that upset about the
goldfish... why didn't YOU take care of them instead of just watching them die?" We DID take the ones that weren't locked up in the Hughes Classroom and paid $50 for a tank! Obama is so freaking attractive. Having Nate Bronstein finally back on campus has made my days just a smidge happier. But it's certainly enough. McDonald's has been wonked. Not cool. FIX THE JOBS BOARD KEVIN SUTHERLAND! I need to get my babysit on What did the ghost say to the bee? "Boo Bee!" lawlz When someone asked my celebrity crush, I said Tim McBride Guys, I shook Bill Clinton's hand. WHICH WAS AMAZING. But it's not enough. He needs another Monica in his life, and I am willing to fulfill that role. @ person upset that people pregamed Bill Clinton's speech. I'm just trying to have a good time with my friends. At least I paid attention and didn't leave early. I'm sure Bill would have approved too.
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@AmericanU I don’t think anyone wants to receive a Wonk of the Year award... #ClintonAtAU
Doing a project on madness in Shakespeare, anyone crazy enough to help me? Haha #irony
This #AU shuttle’s driver is officially my fav. JLo come on the radio, and he increases the volume to max! #gayboiwin @MATTHEWSHOR
“let’s get this party started!” - Bon Appetit worker prepping Salsa.#AU
Oh my gosh! Bill Clinton is here?! Who knew!? Just kidding, let’s all upload the same exact picture of him at the podium. #AU @JEEDARMAWAN
The line to see Bill Clinton is longer than the line to see the basketball game. This is #AU @americanu
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Photos of the Week
Former President Bill Clinton spoke to a sold-out crowd Jan. 27 in Bender Arena.
The Scene reviews some of the best new action flicks in theaters 11 TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 2012
Katzen exhibits feature four AU professors in winter art series
WVAU reviews new albums and the Scene’s music editor picks the most overrated upcoming albums. 13, 14
Katzen’s new winter exhibits have a bit of an identity crisis. Identity is the common thread that runs through all the exhibitions, from Anil Revri’s religious abstractions to Raoul Middleman’s burlesque depictions of life in Baltimore. Although very different in style, each exhibit focuses on some aspect of identity: as an individual, as a spiritual being, as a consumer and as a part of a whole. Anil Revri — “Faith and Liberation through Abstraction” — Open until April 15 Indian painter Anil Revri’s work is simultaneously abstract and overt. In the center of his exhibition on the first floor is a four-sided LED-lit wall called “Wall for Peace” on which passages related to peace and acceptance from six different world religions scroll by. From this, the message of the entire exhibit is clear: religion can bring us together instead of push us apart, making the exhibit a mecca for the “spiritual but not religious” crowd. Revri’s signature, larger paintings are intricate geometric patterns reminiscent of the most complicated tapestries ever made. Revri’s form of abstraction breaks from the expressionist, paint-throwing paradigm of abstract art, instead creating something mechanical, symmetrical and painstakingly intricate, which is intended to be meditative, but also has the potential to be uncomfortably orderly. Throughout the exhibit, Revri never strays far from the ecumenical message stated in “Wall for Peace,” staying so close to it that at times he runs the risk of overshadowing his art. Cristóbal Gabarrón — “Gabarrón’s Roots” — Open until April 15 Gabarrón’s exhibit in the atrium is one of the smallest exhibits but is a definite highlight of the winter collection. Gabarrón’s vibrantly colored sculptures are clearly inspired by organic forms and maintain their natural feel despite being constructed from steel and fiberglass.
The result is a striking contradiction between their industrial material and their organic inspiration and shape. In addition to sculpture, there are several circular paintings that also deal with organic and natural inspiration. The frenzied, abstract painting style implies a whirlwind of motion within each, depicting the natural world as it moves around us and capturing the energy of the subjects rather than the accurate appearance. Raoul Middleman — “City Limits” — Open until March 18 Raoul Middleman turned to his hometown of Baltimore for inspiration for “City Limits.” In addition to landscapes of the more neglected parts of Baltimore’s harbor, Middleman creates gothic, burlesque depictions of sexual encounters, turning the entire third floor into a carnivalesque brothel from hell. His nudes are not idyllic or romantic, but rather gaunt, depraved and desperate. Middleman’s solo portraits look desperate and self-conscious, and feature gross corruptions of stereotypical beauty. Meanwhile the group paintings are always over-the-top depictions of sexualized carnival performance. Middleman said he turned toward burlesque performers for inspirations and seems to have taken that inspiration to create an entire universe wherein the everyday is turned into burlesque performance. Zöe Charlton, Tim Doud, Deborah Kahn, Luis Silva — “Regaining Our Faculties” — Open until March 18 The second floor of the Katzen museum includes work by four AU professors returning from sabbatical. Highlights include Charlton’s “Paladins and Tourists Series” and Tim Doud’s “Blue Series.”
Charlton’s work includes several lifesize graphite and gouache nudes, each of which simultaneously highlight the figures’ nudity and their few pieces of clothing or ornamentation, the only parts in color on the pieces. The subtlety of the colored portions contrasts with the blatant intrusiveness of the nudity and highlights the subtle, but incredibly important, distinguishing characteristics between the different subjects. Doud’s “Blue Series” is a collection of incredibly realistic self-portraits wearing different brand blue shirts. The technical skill is some of the best in Katzen and the concept of comparing this sweeping amount of brands via self-portrait is interesting to the fashion aficionado and anticapitalist alike.
“Chuck” was the little show that could. Never fantastic in the ratings, the NBC spy comedy almost didn’t make it back for a third season. Or a fourth. Or a fi fth. But thanks to the truly loyal fans who petitioned and started a campaign with Subway, “Chuck” made it to the finale it deserved Jan. 27, bringing the show to a close after five quality seasons. Despite NBC’s hesitations, “Chuck” has made a lasting impression on its fanbase. The story of “Chuck” is a simple one. Title character Chuck Bartowski is a 20-something geek working for the local Buy More (an electronics store akin to Best Buy) who inadvertently downloads critical government secrets into his brain. Two CIA and NSA agents protect him, and they save the day. For five seasons Chuck defeated enemies using his computer-brain and nerdy hacking skills. He fell in love with CIA agent Sarah Walker, one of his spy handlers. His loyal partner in espionage became his best friend. Chuck went from being a zero to being a hero. And in the end the show’s finale harkened back to the pilot, and, for one last time, “Chuck” was able to prove why it was so great. Chuck had to save the day one final time. Well, one final time on screen. The finale ended with the hope of more adventures with the promise of good things to come for the Bartowski family.
“The Grey” is being deceivingly marketed as a tense action thriller starring Liam Neeson. Instead, it is an overbearingly grim and brutally tragic tale about losing hope and faith in the Alaskan wilderness. Based on the short story “Ghost Walker” by Ian MacKenzie Jeffers (who co-wrote the screenplay with director Joe Carnahan), the movie stars Neeson as Ottway, who works as a wolf killer in the bleak Alaskan oil fields. Ottway is a broken and suicide-prone figure whose unnamed lover has left him. While en route to Anchorage, the plane he is on crashes in the Alaskan wilderness, leaving Ottway and a band of survivors to fend off the cold and a pack of wolves. The film quickly establishes that it is not a PG-13 thriller with a message of hope and survival. Carnahan showcases intense close-ups of the carnage and wreckage of the plane, and the film is full of coarse language.
While the violence is grisly, particular praise must be attributed to cinematographer Masanobu Takayanagi, whose shots of the snow and nature are authentic and beautiful. Neeson is great as usual in the film star, recently reemerging as an older action star after successes such as “Taken” (2008) and “Unknown” (2010). The rest of the cast consists of relative unknown names (besides Dermot Mulroney, “J. Edgar,” “The Family Stone”). But the smaller stars deserve props for their act-
ing, which comes off as realistic and resists falling into the cliché of character types. The wolves in “Grey” are depicted as vicious man-eaters and hunters, which deflates the realism that Carnahan is trying to go for in telling this story. (It doesn’t help that they are CGI as well). While the acting and cinematography are strong, the unrelentingly ugly mood of the movie and the unfair characterization of wolves as villains bring the movie down. THESCENE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
“Man on a Ledge” does what all great action movies do: It takes the audience on a wild ride, forcing the audience to think outside the box and exercise caution in our judgment of the characters. Aside from Elizabeth Banks’ underacting and Sam Worthington’s feeble attempt to cover up his Australian accent by over-pronouncing a few “r’s” here and there, the end-product is a film worth watching. The film begins with a former policeman, Nick Cassidy (Worthington, “Clash of the Titans”) behind bars, sentenced to 25 years for stealing and selling the Monarch diamond even though he maintains his innocence. The movie promptly picks up pace, as Cassidy escapes and positions himself on a build-
ing’s ledge across from the diamond’s owner, and begins his plan to prove that the diamond never left its vault. At this point in the story, the movie begins to draw its viewers into the story more and more, as clues are uncovered about what actually happened to the diamond. The film is even infused with a suggested love interest as black sheep Detective Lydia Mercer (Elizabeth Banks, “The Next Three Days”) starts to develop feeling for Cassidy while trying to talk him down off the ledge and attempting to discover the truth about his sentencing. Mercer’s irrational connection with Cassidy is the only thing that keeps his plan from spiralling off of the ledge with him. Although Elizabeth Banks is not the most believable actress in a role that calls for multiple layers, her attempts at a prickly, brood-
ing demeanor add an element of comedic relief to an otherwise serious film. The movie is filled with dizzying camera angles and staggering changes in the plot that call into question everything we “think” we know about Cassidy, including his relationship with his estranged brother Joey (Jamie Bell, “Jumper,” “The Eagle”) and others who are supposed to be helping him. With so much emphasis placed on perspective, it is impossible to know anything for certain, one of the main reasons why “Man on a Ledge” is so enthralling. Every snide comment or passing wink made by a character at the beginning of the movie eventually returns to create an intriguing plot twist when the grand finale takes place. THESCENE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
Founding Farmers’ fried chicken falls short of hype By KELLY HOLLIDAY EAGLE COLUMNIST
I recently discovered that I have an unhealthy, love/hate relationship with the show “The Best Thing I Ever Ate.” Much of my winter break was spent procrastinating at my internship, only to be followed by me rushing home to watch the Food Network. I spent many evenings watching the show, listening to Giada De Laurentiis fawn over doughnuts and Alton Brown gush about crispy black-eyed peas. It was enough to make anyone’s mouth water. But “The Best Thing I Ever Ate” had to go and air an episode devoted to fried chicken. As if my mouth wasn’t drooling enough, they had to go give me hunger pains. So with rumblings in my belly, I set off to sample the much-hyped fried chicken at Founding Farmers. Founding Farmers is located in Park Potomac, Md., and downtown D.C. and is the sister restaurant of Farmers and Fishers, located on the Georgetown waterfront. Though Farmers and
Fishers is now closed due to flooding last year, both restaurants feature only local and regional produce and meat and boast sustainable agricultural practices. The Farmers’ are just two restaurants taking part in the farm-to-table movement that’s become so popular in Washington, but only one of them excels in its farm-fresh vision. It’s a shame that Founding Farmers is such a letdown, considering the menu seems poised for success. And the fried chicken I’d been dreaming about? It was perhaps the biggest disappointment of the meal. In fact, I suggest you skip every cast-iron fried chicken dish they serve. The “North” preparation promises a thick, crispy outside but instead delivers stringy, flavorless meat and equally dry skin. The “South” style is only a smidge tastier with its juicy and salty inside. You’ll have to brave the soggy skin to get to the meat, though. As a good-ol’ American restaurant, I recommend sticking with the classics
at Founding Farmers. The “baby” burgers are a highlight, with their juicy, plump patties sandwiched between buttery brioche buns. It’s the perfect ratio of meat to bread. The “Poto mac and cheese” is a favorite as well, with seven different gooey cheeses. Though the Washington Post recently hailed Founding Farmers’ popcorn of the day as one of the 40 best things to eat in D.C., make sure to ask what the flavor is before you order; let’s hope it isn’t the super salty bacon seasoning I had. Speaking of crispy pork, try the bacon “lollis” as a starter. The chunks of bacon lacquered with a sticky cinnamon glaze are perfect for those who think the best part about pancakes is dunking the bacon in maple syrup. They’re a smidge too sweet for an appetizer, but hey, it’s bacon. Farmers and Fishers, however, has one up on Found Farmers, dipping their bacon lollis in chocolate. Even though there’s a significant overlap in menu options between the two restaurants, don’t set-
D.C.’s recently seen a resurgence of farm-to-table food movement, and restaurants Farmers and Fishers and Founding Farmers are leading this sustainable cuisine revolution. tle for Founding Farmers lackluster dishes. Wait until this spring when Farmers and Fishers reopens and try the juicy butter burger or their version of boneless fried chicken, “cowboy” style. The Baja style fish tacos are not to be missed; the cilantro, crumbly cotija cheese and fresh mango salsa toppings are delicious. End the meal on a high note by ordering a bag of Beignets with raspberry, chocolate and caramel dipping sauces. New Orlean’s Café Du Monde would be proud of those fried, doughy pillows. Who knows, they just might be good enough to land a spot on “The Best Thing I Ever Ate.” KHOLLIDAY@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
Looking for new music? DJs at WVAU share their thoughts on a range of recent releases.
MATTHEW DEAR HEADCAGE EP Remember the first time you listened to the National? Or TV on the Radio? Or Future Islands? It’s the exact same feeling you get when you begin to journey through Matthew Dear’s “Headcage.” This little EP takes some digestion, but boy is it worth it in the end. The music is deep, and that depth grows to be palpable
Only a year ago, Cloud Nothings’ selftitled debut was lost in a sea of reverbdrenched, fuzzed out, garage loving bands. It wasn’t a bad album, but it just wasn’t memorable. However, “Attack On Memory” may be the most accurate album title of the year, as these tracks will constantly rattle your brain. Expertly produced by the
When it was revealed that Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon would be producing his new girlfriend’s album, plenty of buzz built up about how involved he would get. Turns out, it’s still largely Edwards’s album, although Vernon does sing on a few of the songs, and his production (including a “Pet Sounds” bicycle bell) is capable of the vast expanses that we heard on his spectacular self-titled LP. However, the songs themselves are
TRAILER TRASH TRACYS ESTER You’ve just been violently ripped underwater, but don’t worry; there’s no struggle, no pain and no discomfort, just the overwhelming sensation of being sucked below the surface of the waves, followed by a disarming sense of calm. As the dust settles from the first track, you’re left with a sense of wonder and vulnerability. From there, the album “Ester” becomes a mesmerizing journey through lunar soundscapes and instrumental flange.
even when you don’t fully understand it yet. Combining ethereal vocal harmonies and some incredibly fresh beats (not in the rap sense), Matthew Dear has presented us with a piece of art. A mosaic of electronic blips forms over intricate bass percussion rhythms plunging the listener into a kind of dream state. And trust me, it’s a state you won’t want to leave. Recommended If You Like: Future Islands, Twin Shadow, TV On The Radio
When I saw Cate Le Bon’s opening slot for St. Vincent last fall was lacking in one important aspect: a band. Thankfully, her sophomore album “CYRK” fixes that, to excellent effect. Le Bon focuses not so much on catchy hooks or memorable choruses (though those are both pleasantly available at
legendary Steve Albini, Cloud Nothings have adopted a punishing post-punk attitude that is expertly used on the epic nine-minute track, “Wasted Days.” The musicianship on “Our Plans” wouldn’t sound out of place on an early Bloc Party release, and “No Sentiment” grinds like a Melvins track with sneering nasally vocals similar to Billy Corgan. It’s like the ‘90s, but better. It’ll be better than most releases this year as well. RIYL: Sonic Youth, Girls, Bloc Party, The American Analog Set
Earlier this month, Guided By Voices had a memorable performance on “The Late Show,” during which their bass player wiped out in between striking rock-star stances and strutting around the stage. In a way, this sums up their latest record: spirited even among some occasional stumbles.
certain points), but on craft songwriting that is not afraid to take an unexpected or dissonant turn. Her voice is also engaging, unabashedly showing off a gorgeous Welsh accent that never loses its flavor. Honestly, “CYRK” is an excellent album that showcases off the best of the singer-songwriter genre, combining simplicity with a surprising amount of depth. RIYL: St. Vincent, Lykke Li, The Velvet Underground & Nico By RICHARD MURPHY
Featuring the band’s classic line-up for the first time in over a decade, the album bounces between the band’s signature lo-fi sound and more polished, glossy powerpop songs. Although there are 21 tracks, most of them are only two minutes or shorter, which becomes problematic when you are enjoying a song only to have it end abruptly. (This happened to me multiple times.) Still, this collection proves to be a welcome reunion, even with its inconsistencies. RIYL: R.E.M., Pavement By CAMERON MEINDL
not abstract vignettes like on “Bon Iver,” but clearer and more structured songs with a Death Cab vibe, whether in fiery rock catharses or plaintive piano ballads. Edwards is a pretty singer but a devastating lyricist, dealing out ugly truths (“Chameleon/Comedian”), heartbroken meditations on divorce (“House Full Of Empty Rooms” and “Pink Champagne”) and cutting accusations (“Going To Hell”), the dark and upsetting products of too many bad breakups. Vernon better stay on her good side. RIYL: Neko Case, Laura Veirs, Death Cab For Cutie By JESSE PALLER
Luxurious synths blend with quirky bass lines and breathy vocals to create an experimental/dream pop hybrid. The album continues to give off an underwater vibe on tracks such as “Engelhardt’s Arizona” in which tumultuous, bright guitar riffs are brilliantly paired with slow soothing vocals and an almost smooth jazz drum and bass feel. “Ester” is an easygoing record in which each song subtly melts into the next. This album thaws winter into spring and will leave you drenched in warm tones and good vibes. RIYL: Pure X, Sleep ∞ Over, Phantogram, Real Estate (Instrumentally at times), Exitmusic By BRENDAN PRINCIPATO
Oscars snub divas, only nominate two artists for Best Original Song BY ARIEL FERNANDEZ EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Though 2011 saw its fair share of cinematic successes, many Academy Awards fans feel talent has been overlooked, particularly in the music category. For the first time in history, the Academy Awards
will feature only two nominees out of five potential slots in the category of Best Original Song. While nominations for even the highest achievement in cinema are not handed out lightly, Oscar fans, and even some songwriters, are noticeably upset at the omission.
The two nods went to the songs “Man or Muppet” from “The Muppets” by Bret McKenzie and to “Real in Rio” from the animated film “Rio” by Sergio Mendes and Carlinhos Brown. The Academy left out songs written by the likes of Elton John (for “Gnomeo & Juliet”), Alan Menken (for “Captain America”) and last year’s winners for “The Social Network,” Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross (this year, for “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”), to name a few. Continued on Page 14
Spring’s counterpart to the hyper-detailed year-end music countdown list is the “Most Anticipated Albums of 2012” roundup. Funny thing is, these lists usually contain the same handful of buzzed-about albums. This spring’s earliest offenders rest at opposite ends of a spectrum: renegade rap collective Odd Future and Top 40’s reigning hip-hop princess Nicki Minaj. Here are the Scene’s two least/most anticipated rap albums of spring and hints on how to avoid them. MMCDERMOTT@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
IF YOU LISTEN TO NICKI MINAJ... Hey, Nicki, time’s up. After her disappointing debut album “Pink Friday” was released earlier last year, we’ve since heard Nicki Minaj waffling between cheesy (“Fly,” “Moment 4 Life”) and utterly foul (her verse on Big Sean’s “Dance (Ass)” remix), still trying to find her footing as a star. Minaj been around for long enough that the thrill of her “Monster” verse-of-the-year has subsided, and her fans are tirelessly waiting for her return-to-form as seen on “Itty Bitty Piggy” and other earlier tracks. Those still praying for Nicki’s return to “baddest bitch” status won’t find much solace in our first taste of “Pink Friday 2” material. Her latest single “Stupid Hoe” wastes a perfectly good beat on mindless choruses and rhymes that are just plain lazy. Everyone loves a quality diss track, but on “Stupid Hoe” Minaj is taking shots at … Lil Kim? Maybe Minaj should be more worried about a female rapper who’s actually releasing music: rising 20-year-old rapper Azealia Banks, who rode the wave of her recent breakout single “212” to a Universal contract and a private show at Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld’s house last week.
...LISTEN TO INSTEAD: “REIGN OF TERROR,” SLEIGH BELLS’ NEWEST LP OUT ON FEB. 21 “Roman’s Revenge” and “Reign of Terror” were originally slated for a Feb. 14 release, and it’s a real shame that Sleigh Bells pushed back their date, because you can’t ask for a better Valentine’s Day antidote than frontwoman Alexis Krauss. Whether she’s jumping on a bed clutching a shotgun in the video for recent single “Comeback Kid” or blowing audiences’ minds at Sleigh Bells’ explosive live shows, Krauss doesn’t need to boast how she “single-handedly annihilated every rap bitch in the building;” she shows us instead of telling us.
Oscars miss Mary J. Blige, Trent Reznor Continued from Page 13
Also among the disappointed was singer/songwriter, Mary J. Blige, whose song “The Living Proof” from one of this year’s major blockbusters “The Help” was also overlooked. Blige has recently been particularly vocal with her discontent, posting links to articles about her exclusion on her Twitter, as well as discussing her disappointment with Bravo TV talk show host, Andy Cohen. Another snubbed diva was Madonna, who just scooped up a Golden Globe award for Best Original Song for “Masterpiece.” The song was on the soundtrack for “W.E.,” a film that Madonna wrote and directed herself. While this year’s Oscar nominations may have left artists and listeners disappointed alike, there were still notable musical contributions in film. Bloggers like the HitFix’s Melinda Newman listed “Where the River Goes,” (“Footloose”) “Love Builds A Garden” (“Gnomeo & Juliet”) and “Star Spangled Man” (“Captain America”) as their favorites, proving that not getting an Oscar nomination doesn’t equate to failure. Tune in Sunday, Feb. 26 to see which original song will take home the gold at the 84th Academy Awards. THESCENE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
IF YOU LISTEN TO ODD FUTURE WOLF GANG KILL THEM ALL/ TYLER THE CREATOR... The rap music narrative of 2011 belonged to a lanky teenager sporting a Supreme cap and knee socks, who in a year snapped up millions of Twitter followers, a Best New Artist VMA and the hearts of music bloggers everywhere. The rise of Tyler, the Creator and his 11-strong collective Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All from their Cali skate parks to the pages of the New Yorker was documented everywhere last year, with nearly every music publication running weighty thinkpieces on the group’s rapid ascent bolstered by their violent charisma and torture-porn lyrics. As much as many of us would like to forget about Odd Future and write-off the popular embrace of their exuberant misogyny as a 2011 fluke, they’re far from dead. Not only is Tyler releasing “Wolf” this spring, a follow-up LP to last year’s contentious release, “Goblin,” but the whole Odd Future crew is releasing “OF Tape Vol. 2,” which brings together the entire collective after their solo endeavors over the last few months. It’s hard to imagine what the next few months can reveal about Odd Future that we haven’t seen already in the group’s year of cultural ubiquity, but unfortunately for listeners who’d prefer to see OF fade from view, Tyler’s “swag” isn’t going anywhere soon.
...LISTEN TO INSTEAD: THE G.O.O.D MUSIC COMPILATION. Fans got a teaser of material from Kanye West’s record label in the G.O.O.D Fridays series of music giveaways leading up to his release of “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.” The upcoming album features recent Kanye collaborators Big Sean and Pusha T, who guested on the previous G.O.O.D series, in addition to the inevitable slew of bigname guest stars. There is overlap between the two camps — Pusha T and Tyler did a song last year, and Odd Future’s auxiliary R&B member Frank Ocean reportedly appears on the forthcoming G.O.O.D compilation — but considering the aesthetic difference between Tyler’s Hawaiian shirts and West’s Margiela jackets, we won’t see the two groups coalescing anytime soon, for better or for worse. Or for better.
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis
The Kills go on 10-year anniversary tour, set to slay 9:30 club Feb. 2 BY YOHANA DESTA EAGLE STAFF WRITER
Throughout the years, there have been many musical power duos (the White Stripes, the Black Keys), but none have shared the same dangerous chemistry as indie rock duo the Kills. Made up of Alison Mosshart and Jamie Hince (and a feverishly dedicated drum machine), the band is a garage rock dream, conjuring up bewitchingly scuzzy tunes since 2000. This upcoming Valentine’s Day marks the 10th anniversary of their first ever live show, so the band is hitting the road for a very special tour and is set to play at the 9:30 club Feb. 2. Their story is a thoroughly rock ‘n’ roll tale. At age 19, Mosshart heard Hince playing music in a hotel room above her when she was on tour with her band Discount. She introduced herself and the pair started to send each other music through tapes in the mail, until Mosshart left her native Florida a few months later to live with Hince in England. Over the years, their music has gotten smoother, far from the bare bones and bluesy rock they re-
leased in 2003 for their debut album, “Keep on Your Mean Side.” Back then, it was all about snarling guitar strums paired with Mosshart’s ever-present coaxing and moaning vocals. Everything was tinged with a devil-may-care punk attitude and the music gave the impression that it was recorded on little to no sleep after a night full of whiskey and cigarette breaks. The release of 2008’s “Midnight Boom,” delivered “Sour Cherry,” the utterly simple and addicting track that got a mainstream boost from shows like “Gossip Girl” and “90210.” This album was the first of a few to step away from the bluesy, postpunk arena and instead delivered smooth, melodic indie rock. The only thing that remained constant is Mosshart’s powerful vocals, which are hypnotically beautiful but can shriek with the best of them. In between the “Midnight Boom” years and their latest release, 2011’s “Blood Pressures,” Mosshart and Hince have kept themselves busy. Mosshart formed the band the Dead Weather with Jack White (The White
Stripes), Dean Fertita (Queens of the Stone Age) and Jack Lawrence (The Greenhornes, The Raconteurs). Hince kept himself busy with girlfriend turned wife, the style icon and supermodel, Kate Moss. Both of these highprofile ventures only got “Blood Pressures” more attention once it was released. The album offers an obviously more mature sounding Kills. While there is still a sense of wild abandon, it’s not quite frenzied as it was before. Everything’s tightened up, and Hince’s guitar work is less fuzzy and guttural and more rhythmic. Their live shows are always electric; Mosshart’s ferocious on-stage persona is restless, always loping around the stage with a feline intensity. Hince is the militaristic counterpart, staying in one place, but always making intense eye contact with the crowd. After nearly a decade of performing live, it’s fair to say the Kills have developed the perfect formula for a mesmerizing concert.
ACROSS 1 Thumbs-way-up reviews 6 Knocks with one’s knuckles 10 Not feral 14 Low-budget, in company names 15 Happily __ after 16 October birthstone 17 Hexes 20 Dined 21 Twosome 22 Heart chambers 23 Positive thinker’s assertion 25 Cleopatra’s river 27 Surprised party, metaphorically 32 Beelzebub 35 Oboe or bassoon 36 Baled grass 37 “Jurassic Park” terror, for short 38 Meanspiritedness 40 Home plate, e.g. 41 Above, in verse 42 Apple computer 43 Showed on television 44 Destination not yet determined 48 Detest 49 Oscar-winning film about Mozart 53 End of __ 56 Yard sale warning 57 British mil. award 58 Beatles song, and a hint to the hidden word in 17-, 27- and 44Across 62 Opera solo 63 Like a steak with a red center 64 “That is to say ...” 65 Double O Seven 66 “P.U.!” inducer 67 Willy-__: sloppily DOWN 1 Satisfy, as a loan 2 Like most triangle angles 3 Chooses at the polls
By Johanna Fenimore
4 USNA grad 5 Slight trace 6 Symbol of financial losses 7 State firmly 8 For each 9 Málaga Mrs. 10 Best-seller list 11 Mimic 12 West African country 13 Jazzy Fitzgerald 18 Indian bread 19 “To your health,” to José 24 Big-screen format 25 Russian rejection 26 “That’s clear now” 28 Angels shortstop Aybar 29 Sear 30 Operate with a beam 31 Kept in view 32 Halt 33 Zone 34 Alaska, once: Abbr. 38 Obscene material 39 Glazier’s fitting 40 Tough spot
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42 Newton or Stern 43 Inundated with 45 Needle’s partner 46 Sadat’s predecessor 47 Leave out 50 ’50s Ford flop 51 Typical 52 Hot-headed Corleone brother in “The Godfather”
53 Moby Dick chaser 54 Fiddling emperor 55 “__ Brockovich” 56 Flying prefix 59 Gold, in Granada 60 Insane 61 Record label initials across the pond
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QUESTIONS SURROUND ‘WONK OF THE YEAR’ AWARD Last Friday at Bill Clinton’s muchanticipated speech, AU Communications pulled a fast one on the student body. Clinton, with his typical social grace, was brilliant. Being called the “Wonk of the Year,” or even a wonk at all, would make many feel awkward and uncomfortable. But not Clinton. He was able to frame the word in terms of its positives and made it almost admirable. “I love, deeply, when people make fun of me for being wonky because I figured people wanted a president who actually knew something,” he said. Even the anti-WONKs among us could feel their antagonism begin to melt. Maybe, just maybe, we thought, being a wonk isn’t such a bad thing. And that’s exactly what AU Marketing seemed to want you to think. Clinton’s inspiring speech aside, our University shamelessly turned the speaking engagement into a marketing bonanza. Yes, the innocuous idea of the “Wonk of the Year” Award seems to have originated from KPU members themselves. But as attendees crept to Bender along the line that wrapped around Hughes and McDowell Halls, the WONK marketing theme became abundantly clear. The stage was decked with banners
fully embossed in the infamous WONK font, and on each side of the podium were screens projecting what can only be described as a PowerPoint on all things WONK. A timeline traced the history of WONK through the ages, highlighting
yet another tool in its branding arsenal. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. We admit, Bill Clinton is an admirable wonk. We only wish the effort weren’t so heavyhanded. We get it, AU. We’re wonks. Let’s just not bludgeon all of the event’s attend-
Clinton’s inspiring speech aside, our University shamelessly turned the speaking engagement into a marketing bonanza.
AU’s achievements, but also working in Clinton’s wonky accomplishments along the way. And Clinton’s introduction centered around the award itself. Clearly, AU plans to use the “Wonks of the Year” as
ees with the term in the future. Moreover, administrators and students need to decide what this now-annual award really means for the future. How will this award be given out over
An imbalance of opportunity MANA ALIABADI | THE EXAMINED LIFE
Why has the working class become something to avoid? Winter break: a time for overdosing on holiday food, getting into senseless arguments with relatives and zoning out to premium cable during odd hours of the day. Although my winter break consisted of all of these things, as I rode back to D.C. on Megabus, I also realized that my time off from college life had actually served a deeper, more important purpose—one that in-
volved reexamining opportunity distribution as well as the value of the working class in our modern culture. My time between the fall and spring semesters consisted of waiting tables for 30-40 hours a week. After every shift, I’d arrive home with the stench of fried food and the restaurant’s daily special emanating from my stained work uniform. At that point, all I could really bring myself to do was put on sweatpants and heat up leftover pasta. Unlike a typical Friday night at AU, where I would be heading out to some sort of party, all I could do at the end of a long work week was direct my attention to a National Geographic special before my utter exhaus-
tion caused me to doze off right on the living room couch to the narrator’s monotonous voice. Regardless of the cyclical fatigue, I was ultimately grateful for the four weeks I worked in the restaurant. Despite its financial benefits for a college student with an inability to save money, I also discovered a priceless value in manual labor that had little to do with how much I made in tips. I often found manual labor to be more fulfilling than writing scholarly essays. My job put me more in touch with the realities of paycheck-to-paycheck living and other such truths we seek to avoid (and may never have to face due to our relatively privileged financial circumstances).
the years ahead? While KPU claims to have wanted to give the award to Clinton, there is no guarantee that this arrangement will continue in the future. AU is likely to exert strict control of its WONK brand. If AU Communications decides the students’ choice for “Wonk of the Year” doesn’t fit the AU “image,” what happens? And if the administration overrules the students, is the award reception still a KPU (read: student-run) event? These simple logistics should be clarified. And what happens when AU moves on from WONK? Branding campaigns — *tear* — don’t last forever. Is this award going to fade into obscurity once the “powers that be” decide the term “wonk” no longer describes the ideal AU student? If the ceremony is simply the branding tool we think it is, we hope the University doesn’t play up the award to such Nobelesque proportions when it may disappear in a matter of years. So, as we bask in the lingering glow of Clinton’s speech, we — students and administrators — have some pondering to do. What does it mean to be a wonk? Or, more specifically, the “Wonk of the Year”? ≠
In our modern societal conception of manual labor, this type of work is often undervalued and even denigrated due to its perceived non-intellectual nature. Thus, given the social stigma attached to manual work and the to people who generally do it, I found myself wondering what truly differentiates the people that I encounter in the college environment and those that I have come to know while waiting tables in a restaurant. All too often, there is a multilayer correlation drawn between low-skilled jobs, lower social class and lower intellectual capacity or potential. Yet the more I observed my work environment and drew comparisons to college life, the more I realized that the people holding these positions (e.g., cooks, waitresses or dishwashers) could just have easily been in a position of privilege, living the comparatively carefree college life. It seemed that their positions
were more so a result of our social structure and its corresponding hierarchical stigmatization. Bill Clinton touched on this theme during his brief visit to our campus. Essentially, Clinton stated that, while intelligence is equally distributed in our society, opportunity is not. It left me wondering, what gives any of us here at AU the right to have both? Despite the long shifts and workweeks, I realized I was merely a tourist worker in the working class world. I was only immersed in it for a brief period before I got to return to the familiar college routine, which I began to view as a suspension of reality after high school. Furthermore, I realized that many choose college as a sort of escape route away from the working class world. I wondered, why has the working class become something to avoid or be ashamed of? It appears that the combined Continued on Page 17
Trending Topics Star Wars 3D
Continued from Page 16
The highs and lows of the week, curated by The Eagle
Warm weather
No moon colonies yet Bill Clinton rocks AU!
Congrats to the ladies invited to pledge sororities!
Congrats to all the GDIs staying independent! Everyone is hating Newt’s ides for a moon colony. Well, with that attitude, it will never happen
Lax pennies should never be worn in January. Ever.
effects of our current economic system and the media portrayals of the working class and manual labor have created this social stigma. Despite our attempts to avoid it, due to our underlying fear of social mobility’s lack of existence, the working class lies at the core of our society. When focused and fully actualized, the working class’s labor power holds enormous weight in dictating policy and the way our economic system will work. Ultimately, I believe it remains our duty, as students and evolving intellectuals to contribute to maintaining this core and becoming a part of the solution towards correcting this unbalanced opportunity equation. Mana Aliabadi is a freshman in SPA. EDPAGE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
A student perspective: AU adjunct union is necessary You may have heard or seen in last week’s edition of the Eagle that American University’s adjunct professors are voting on whether to join SEIU Local 500. During the election, it is important that our campus (students as well as faculty) understand the context surrounding the adjuncts’ organizing campaign. However, after reading the “Unionization FAQ” on the Academic Affairs website, it is obvious that AU is not being completely honest about the situation. I would like to take a moment to clear up these misunderstandings that AU’s administration is promoting. The University claims the issues that the union would address are already being dealt with in the Faculty Senate. This is simply not true. The Faculty Senate represents faculty in academic mat-
ters, but it has little or no power to represent faculty in employment matters, such as negotiating salaries and protecting adjuncts’ job security. Most importantly, the University is not required to engage in collective bargaining with the Faculty Senate. A union is the best way for the adjunct professors to make AU take their concerns seriously. If they choose to join the union, the University will be legally required to treat the adjuncts as equal partners in good faith contract negotiations. Also, the working conditions set by the contract would be legally binding. SEIU 500 already represents 2,400 adjunct professors at George Washington University and Montgomery College. Adjunct professors, graduate employees and other academic
workers have organized at a number of universities across the country, including NYU and the state university systems of California, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, Massachusetts, Illinois, Michigan, Oregon and Washington, among others. If anyone needs union representation, it is AU’s adjunct pro-
adjuncts make up half of AU’s faculty. As AU hires more adjunct professors, the number of available full-time positions shrinks. This is a trend that is repeated at almost every university in the country. Getting a tenure-track position is often likened to winning the lottery. A significant and growing
If anyone needs union representation, it is AU’s adjunct professors.
fessors. Many adjunct professors earn as little as $2,000 a class; the average adjunct earns $19,000 to $25,000 a year. The number of adjunct professors at AU has increased almost 50 percent since 2002, and
number of adjunct professors are teaching full-time, but cannot find full-time teaching positions. To make ends meet, adjunct professors often travel between several universities and have larger course loads than full-time and tenured professors.
AU does not give adjuncts healthcare, pensions or time to conduct research like it does for full-time faculty. Nor do adjunct professors receive any job security. Many professors do not know whether or not they are teaching until two weeks before classes start. AU is also notorious for cancelling adjuncts’ classes just days before the semester begins. Some students have expressed concerns that an adjuncts’ union will increase tuition. However, adjunct professors, who make up half the faculty, account for just 4 percent of the budget allocated to paying faculty salaries. AU also has some of the highest paid college administrators in the nation. Last year AU had a $40 million budget surplus. Surely AU can afford to pay adjunct professor fair compensation for their contributions to our campus community. Mitch Ellmauer is a junior in SPA and a member of the Student Worker Alliance. EDPAGE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
Every week on, the Quick Take offers concise views on n issue of significance to American University. Read more at
Interpreting diversity and identity In the wake of MLK Day, Derek Siegel investigates perceptions of diversity Martin Luther King Jr. dedicated the latter part of his life to confronting racism, economic injustice and the Vietnam War. These “problem[s] … are all tied together,” he declared in his 1967 speech ‘Where Do We Go From Here?’ “These are the triple evils that are interrelated.” His words inspired a nation, bringing to our attention visible issues like racial inequality but also lesser spoken-of phenomena like social exploitation. Some people were uncomfortable with these topics. Yet King insisted that the only way to affect change would be to pose these provocative questions, repeating them and probing until we’ve arrived at the root of the problem. This is King’s legacy: looking past the perceptions with which we are most comfortable. Only then, in this essential state of ambiguity, can we understand ourselves enough to make a change. A spokesman for justice on behalf of all people, not only people of color, King’s efforts resonate with all of us who have ever been marginalized or oppressed. We mostly remember, however, his work towards racial equality, tending to forget his other, equally important contributions to our nation. It’s almost ironic, don’t you think? He was a man who implored us to transcend our pre-conceived notions, yet we embrace only a limited understanding of a very complex figure. In honor of King, I have set out to better understand his legacy on this very campus. I began with an informal survey of 48 participants, posing the question: Do you think AU is diverse? Twenty-seven participants responded “yes” and 20 said “no.” When I shared my results with Fanta Aw, Assistant Vice Presi-
dent of Campus Life and Director of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS), and Tiffany Speaks, Director of Multicultural Affairs, it didn’t surprise them. “It raises new questions, such as how we define diversity,” Aw said. “There’s much more to diversity than skin color.” Speaks adds, “There’s no quick definition to it, it’s often varied.” Aw indicates that this inclusive concept of diversity is a point of comfort for some students and a point of discomfort for those more accustomed to strict classifications. She describes diversity as “what makes us human.” I love this explanation because she doesn’t glorify or deride the word. She states the obvious. Our identities make us who we are. Our family backgrounds, personal lifestyles and cultural histories influence us every day. Whether we are exceedingly conscious of or take for granted these identities, they shape our experiences. Speaks explains that one of the greatest strengths of the AU community is that we “recognize and appreciate multi-layered identities. We’re redefining the boxes that people place us in.” You’re not simply gay or straight, Catholic or Jewish. Our identities combine and interact in ways that are completely unique to each individual. These collections of diverse identities are essential to life at AU. “A robust education affords students the opportunity to engage with different perspectives,” Aw said. “Homogeneity in the classroom is not as enriching an experience,” Speaks said. Too often, however, we assume things about others that limit their ability to express a multi-dimensional identity. For example, in my survey I identified five categories of diversity: religion, race, sexual orientation, gender and socioeconomic background. I then asked participants to rank each category from most to least diverse, in terms of our student population. Participants ranked socioeconomic background as the least diverse (37.8 percent).
Aw explains to me that this socio-economic disparity on campus is partly grounded in reality and part mere perception: “People come to me and say ‘all the students here are rich … except me.’ But they’d be surprised to see how many people there are like them.” Brian Lee Sang, Director of Financial Aid, affirms our increasing socio-economic diversity: “Between 2009 and 2011, there has been over a 118 percent increase in the number of Pell eligible students who have enrolled at AU. In addition, the number of Pell Grant recipients has nearly doubled from the 2008-2009 academic year to the 2011-2012 academic year.” With many of us too uncomfortable to engage in a dialogue about socio-economic differences, we make assumptions about one another that aren’t true, limiting our ability to express part of what makes us who we are. But just because conversations about socio-economic diversity aren’t taking place doesn’t mean that diversity is taking a back seat at AU. Aw cites Living Learning Campus, the Table Talk series, strong General Education curriculums and organizations like the GLBT Resource Center as proof that we are engaging in some of these tough conversations. She goes on to explain that a dialogue about diversity requires a partnership “between the institution and its students.” AU can provide us with safe environments, but ultimately we will need to be the ones to have the courage to participate in sometimes uncomfortable discussions. Returning to the legacy of Dr. King, we must begin to challenge our perceptions and challenge the norms of society. We must engage in meaningful discussion with our peers, and, in doing so, come to appreciate the multi-dimensional identities inside each of us. —Derek Siegel EDPAGE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
AU faces a lack of diversity Last week’s day of service was one good way to commemorate the life of Martin Luther King Jr. but, his birthday should serve as more than just a reminder of our individual commitments to helping those in need. “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny,” King said. As an opportunity to reflect on the larger institutional issues he addressed namely equality and equal opportunity. For us, students at a predominately white, exclusive university, that means addressing the lack of diversity on campus. The lack of diversity stems from the usual suspects—high minority, poverty, failing inner city schools, persisting unconscious discrimination, a flood of applications from white north-easterners—but it is manifested in a different manner
experiences are so homogenized by consumerism that diversity, and by extension individuality, ceases to exist. Some of the problems of a lack of diversity on campus can’t be solved completely by university policy. But pluralism is a must-have for any intellectual environment, and there are many practical steps that a college can take to increase minority enrollment. AU could send more admissions officers to inner-city schools. They could increase financial aid for low-income students and expand enrollment in the Frederick Douglass Scholars program. They could lower enrollment as a whole, making the school stronger and more selective, and yet at the same time more stringently pursuing affirmative action. When it comes to sexual ori-
Our campus homogeneity prevents us from connecting with those different from us. on our campus than on others. Not only do we lack racial diversity— only 4 percent of students identify as African-American and 4 percent as Hispanic—but we are culturally homogenous. Many attending who identify as minorities come from middle-class or wealthy families. Some have lived in predominately white suburbia throughout their lives. Often, race is not a significant part of their identity, and the white noise of consumerism in our “postracial” society has compounded this disconnect from individuality. Even many “international students” are simply Americans, raised in the shadow of gleaming golden arches and trademark brand-names selling themselves as coffee houses. The problem with a culture thusly compacted is that we no longer connect through our shared humanity but rather because we’ve lived in the same McWorld. Whether you’re from Hoboken, Long Island, Seattle or Kansas City, when you say: “White Chocolate Mocha,” people know what you’re talking about. Middle class
entation and gender, we are not only one of the most diverse in the country. We are one of the most accepting. Coming from a conservative state, I find myself deeply impressed by the kindness of every student, no matter their political beliefs. This happens, I think, mostly because we have so many gay/bi/trans students on campus. One can’t help but befriend someone of a different sexual orientation, learn about them, and gain the ability to empathize—to share in their common humanity. To have the same opportunity with students from different races and socioeconomic backgrounds is equally important. But, unfortunately, our lack of campus diversity and the homogeneity of many of our students prevents us from connecting with those different from us. —Joe Gruenbaum EDPAGE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
AU basketball at the PL midpoint
Bucknell 7-0 PL, 17-6
Lehigh 5-2 PL, 17-6
Lehigh 5-2 PL, 12-9
After a 5-2 start for the men’s basketball team and a 7-0 mark for the women halfway through the conference schedule, it’s possibile both teams could be dancing come March. Men’s team exceeding preseason expectations Picked fi fth in the Patriot League Preseason Poll, the men’s basketball team has surpassed the most optimistic of preseason expectations. The Eagles are tied for second place in the conference, with home games remaining against first-place Bucknell University and second-place Lehigh University. The Eagles have outscored conference opponents by more than seven points per game, due in large part to the play of forward Charles Hinkle. Hinkle leads AU in both scoring and rebounding, averaging more than 19 points and five rebounds per game. One of the reasons Hinkle has been
so effective is because of point guard Daniel Munoz, who leads the PL with 4.2 assists per game. Having played in every game of his AU career, Munoz has done a terrific job running the offense while starting in all 22 contests this season. If the Eagles hope to compete for the top seed in the Patriot League Tournament, guard Troy Brewer and center Tony Wroblicky are central to the equation. Brewer has had his ups and downs through the first half of the conference schedule. However, he’s been limited by injuries, and his health and consistency will play a large role in determining AU’s postseason achievements. Wroblicky is important down low because he can give the Eagles a productive player inside in a league that doesn’t flaunt a lot of highly talented big men. Women’s team aiming for championships On the women’s side,
Breen shines at Navy Invitational By SAMANTHA RAPHELSON EAGLE STAFF WRITER
In a meet that included multiple close finishes, Leah Breen and Ming Ong led the way for the AU swimming and diving teams at the Navy Invitational Jan. 28 in Annapolis, Md. Breen posts two individual victories With a time of 24.28 in the 50-yard freestyle event, Breen outlasted Bucknell University’s Emily Wright. The 100 free saw a similar outcome, as Breen finished with a time of 53.16 to edge Navy’s Laura Gorinski (53.19).
Breen holds the second and third place records, respectively, on AU’s all-time list in those events. Grace Ibrahim placed third in the 200 breaststroke at 2:34.06. Bucknell’s Gina Gautieri and Navy’s Sam Brennan were the top two finishers in the event. The women came in second in the 200-yard medley relay with a time of 1:59.03. The Eagles also finished fourth out of six in the 200 freestyle relay In the 100 backstroke, Ellie Shetter placed 12th, leading the three other Eagles that participated in the event. Melissa Parker shined
American 5-2 PL, 14-8
American 7-0 PL, 15-6
19 FEB. 1 FEB. 2
No games scheduled. ESPN’s Bram Weinstein visits AU at 7 p.m. in Katzen Arts Center.
FEB. 3
Wrestling @ Binghamton at 7 p.m. Track and field New Balance Collegiate Invitational @ New York, N.Y.
Holy Cross 4-3 PL, 13-9
FEB. 4
Women’s basketball vs. Colgate at 2 p.m.
Lafayette 4-3 PL, 9-13
Navy 4-3 PL, 11-10
Army 3-4 PL, 10-12
Army 4-3 PL, 10-12
Men’s basketball @ Colgate at 2 p.m.
Holy Cross 3-4 PL, 9-12
Lafayette 2-5 PL, 8-14
Track and field New Balance Collegiate
Colgate 1-6 PL, 6-15
Colgate 2-5 PL, 5-17
Navy 0-7 PL, 3-17
Bucknell 0-7 PL, 2-20
Head Coach Matt Corkery’s squad has gotten off to a 7-0 start and hopes to make the NCAA Tournament and win the Patriot League Tournament for the first time in school history. AU is first in the conference in scoring margin (+3.2) and second in scoring defense. The Eagles have been active on the defensive end all season, tallying the most steals per contest (10.4) and having the best turnover margin (+2.7) in the Patriot League. Women’s team member, Lisa Strack is helping the Eagles in every category, as she leads the Patriot League in steals with 56. Strack is also in the top 10 in the Patriot League in scoring, rebounds and assists, contributing all over the stat sheet this season in the diving competition with two top three finishes. She placed third in the one-meter event with a score of 221.60 and second in the three-meter competition at 244.10. Ong’s strong outing leads a lacking men’s team Ming Ong captured the only win on the men’s side with a win in the 200 individual medley with a time of 1:56.25. Ong earned the victory by finishing just ahead of Navy’s Conor Campbell (1:57.70). AU’s Bobby Ballance finished fi fth in that event and took 18th out of 34 participants (1:02.75) in the 100-yard breaststroke. In the 100-yard backstroke, Matt Wurm captured third place with a time of 52.35. Ong picked up his second top 10 fin-
Invitational @ New York, N.Y.
FEB. 5
for the Eagles. Alexis Dobbs has followed up a strong freshman season with a solid sophomore campaign, as she is second on the team in points, assists and steals. Dobbs has been very productive for the Eagles, helping a defense that has forced a combined 65 turnovers in their past two games. Following losses in the Patriot League Championship in the last two seasons, the Eagles know how important it is to finish atop the conference and earn home-court advantage throughout the tournament. Looking ahead, the team’s toughest matchups will be against Army and Lehigh. AU will visit Lehigh Feb. 8, while the Black Knights will head to Bender Arena Feb. 18. SPORTS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
ish of the weekend, placing sixth in the race with a time of 53.81 In the same event Ross Honig, Andrew Jackson, Dylan Hadden and Rob Grell took the 15th through 18th positions. Wurm also added another top 10 finish on the weekend, coming in tenth in the 100-yard freestyle with a time of 47.79. AU will return to Annapolis, Md., for the Patriot League Championships from Feb. 17-19. The women’s team placed fourth in last year’s event, while the men’s team finished sixth. Colgate University is the defending champion on the women’s side, while Navy will try to pick up its second straight championship in the men’s team competition. SPORTS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
Wrestling @ Bucknell at 2 p.m.
Eagles post strong showing at GMU By ERIC SALTZMAN EAGLE STAFF WRITER
The AU indoor track and field teams came away with a strong weekend at the George Mason Patriot Games Jan. 28, finishing the event with eight top 10 finishes. Olsen leads Eagles with strong performance in mile Josh Olsen set the tone for AU on the day, when he posted a personal-best time of 4:14.76 in the mile to defeat George Mason University’s Alex Zyryanov. Olsen has been running well of late, as he finished second in his last mile run at the Maryland Invitational with a time of 4:19.01. Olsen wasn’t alone in the top 10. In the 37-man race, AU’s Mark Leininger (4:20.93) and Constantine Matsakis (4:21.95) finished eighth and 10th, respectively. Ian Lutz (11th, 4:22.78), John Pope (12th, 4:23.19), Tom Woermer (13th, 4:23.29) and Ryan Williams (14th, 4:24.10) crossed the finish line directly after Matsakis. Mark Allen finished 19th at 4:30.15, making it eight Eagles to finish in the top 20. In the 4x800 meter relay, the team of Cameron Olia, Anthony Rowe, Greg Lush and Zach Weinstein won the event with a time of 8:58.32. Sullivan and Staver reach record books, Birkhold wins Julia Sullivan finished
in fourth place in the 1,000-meter run, and her time of 3:03.82 was good for the eighth best time in program history. Charlotte Staver also made an impact on the AU record book. Her time of 2:27.30 placed her eighth in the 800-meter run and gave her the 10th best time in Eagle history. The 3,000-meter event saw Carly Birkhold emerging victorious and posting a time of 10:36.39. Jenna Rieling finished 11th out of 21 with a time of 11:22.99. The win is the first of the season for Birkhold, after she recorded a secondplace time at the Navy Invitational and a sixth-place finish at the Maryland Invitational. Ali Tyburski came in second in the mile run, finishing with a time of 5:11.80. The event also saw Rachael Wolff coming in at the 5:34.55 mark, good for 13th out of 37 runners. AU will be back in action next weekend when they head to New York, N.Y., for the New Balance Collegiate Invitational Feb. 3-4. Following the event, the Eagles will prepare for the Patriot League Championships Feb. 17-19 in Lewisburg, Pa. The Eagles will look to improve last year’s showing at the PL Championships, when the men finished fi fth and the women eighth. SPORTS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
How AU stacks up halfway through PL play 19 TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 2012
The AU women’s basketball team remained undefeated in conference play after defeating Lafayette College, 80-54, Jan. 28 at Bender Arena. The Eagles (15-6, 7-0 PL) sit alone atop the Patriot League halfway through the conference schedule and continued their strong play at home by winning their fi fthstraight game at Bender Arena. “I feel very confident in our team,” AU Head Coach Matt Corkery said. “When we take the floor, I think we really feel good about our preparation and our chance to do good things against whoever we might matchup against.” AU’s effort on the defensive end carried the team to victory against the sixth-place Leopards (8-14, 2-5 PL). The Eagles forced 32 turnovers and recorded a season-high 19 steals on the afternoon. Lisa Strack led the Eagles, tallying a career-high six steals to accompany a season-high seven assists and a game-high 18 points. “As a coach, that’s a dream to have a player like Lisa with her talent and ability,” Corkery said. “It’s never about her; it’s always about the team.” Alexis Dobbs was another standout for the Eagles, as the sophomore guard recorded 16 points, four assists and four steals. “We definitely wanted to play an up-tempo game,” Dobbs said. “Throughout the season, that’s been our game plan. When we play defense how we’re taught and how we practice, it really, really speeds up the game, and it gets us
Swimming and diving
Breen powers Eagles with two individual victories 19
Men’s basketball outlasts Lafayette for road victory By JACK KERNOCHAN EAGLE STAFF WRITER
Lisa Strack has led the Eagles to a 7-0 mark in Patriot League play. easy deflections and steals for easy layups.” AU’s ability to take care of the ball and make excellent passes also helped out the Eagles, who totalled a season-high 22 assists while only committing five turnovers in their highest scoring contest of the season. “That’s my favorite statistic in basketball, is assists,” Strack said. “So much energy comes from feeding your team or getting a great pass. Today was a great example of how exciting a game can be if you know where your
teammates are and you’re looking for them.” The Eagles outplayed Lafayette for all 40 minutes and held a 41-24 lead at the half. AU’s largest lead of the game was 32 points, at 74-42 with 5:19 remaining and at 76-44 a minute later. Tori Halvorsen and Sarah Kiely played key roles in AU’s victory as well. Halvorsen notched 12 points on 6-8 shooting from the floor, while Kiely chipped in 13 points in 21 minutes of action “I thought Sarah and Tori were really, really
good today,” Corkery said. “[Tori] was able to create space and use the whole lane to get off shots against defenders who had a lot of length. Sarah is really good at spotting up, and she got a lot of really clean perimeter looks.” The Eagles will take on Colgate University Feb. 4 at Bender Arena in their next contest of the season. AU defeated the Raiders 56-43 in the opening conference game of the year for both teams Jan. 7. SPORTS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
AU returned to the win column Jan. 28,picking up a 69-61 victory over Lafayette College in Easton, Pa. AU forward Charles Hinkle led the charge with a game-high 23 points, while center Tony Wroblicky shot an impressive 6-7 from the floor en route to posting a career-high 13 points. Daniel Munoz continued his strong play running the offense, as he chipped in a teamhigh five assists while also leading the Eagles (14-8, 5-2 PL) with six rebounds. Rob Delaney led the Leopards (9-13, 4-3 PL) in the loss with 12 points. “I thought we played well,” AU Head Coach Jeff Jones told AU Athletics. “Lafayette came out of the second half as the aggressors, and we held on and played hard.” The Eagles were able to withstand a furious second-half rally by Lafayette, never backing down as the Leopards continued to fight. AU entered halftime with a 35-28 lead, but the advantage evaporated as the Leopards opened up an 11-2 run in the first 2:38 of the second half to go ahead 39-37. With the Eagles ahead 43-42 following the under-16 minute media timeout, AU responded with a 12-2 run to take a 55-44 lead. This provided the Eagles with their first double-digit lead of the game, and AU never looked back as it picked
up its fi fth PL victory. Coming off a road loss to conference-leading Bucknell University Jan. 25, AU looked sluggish early in the game, falling behind 9-3 five minutes into the contest. With Lafayette in front 23-18 with six minutes left in the first half, the Eagles’ energy finally picked up. A 10-1 spurt gave AU its first lead of the game and all the momentum. As the first half drew to a close, Hinkle drilled his third 3-pointer of the half, extending AU’s lead to 35-28 as the teams headed to the locker rooms. Perhaps most impressive for the Eagles was their 3-point shooting. AU shot 58 percent from beyond the arc in the first half, finishing the game 9-18 from long range. Lafayette shot 44 percent from the field but struggled from 3-point range, where they finished the game 6-22. Ryan Willen, who entered the game averaging 14.8 points per game for Lafayette, scored 11 points on 3-9 shooting. The win caps off an impressive first half of the Patriot League season for AU. The Eagles have won four of their last five games and enter the second half of the season tied with Lehigh University for second in the PL. AU returns to the court to face Colgate University Feb. 4 in Hamilton, N.Y. The Eagles return to Bender Arena for an important contest against Lehigh Feb. 9. SPORTS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM