January 31, 2013

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2 | JANUARY 31, 2013 theEAGLE

Photo of the Week

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The Founders’ Day Ball will be at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History on Feb. 23. Students can start claiming tickets Feb. 4 outside the Campus Store. See the full story at theeagleonline.com/news. JARED ANGLE / THE EAGLE

Events JAN. 31


7 to 9 p.m. / A panel with Martin Murphy from Atlantic Council, will discuss maritime piracy off the Somali and West African coasts. / Abramson Family Founders Room SIS / Edward Lucas edward.lucas@american.edu

FEB. 2


4 to 5 p.m. / Join a gallery talk on a COVER PHOTOS (CLOCKWISE new detailed patterned exhibiSTARTINGsurface AT TOP) BY: DIANA tion, “Andrea Way: Retrospective 1982ALVARENGA / THE EAGLE, ANA SANTOSMuseum / THE EAGLE, 2012.” / American University / Katzen Arts Center / COURTESY OF ALYONA VOGELMANN, museum@american.edu EMMA KNIGHT / THE EAGLE

FEB. 4


5 to 7 p.m. / AU will celebrate Black History Month by honoring the lives and contributions of African-Americans. The event will also include food and performances. / Mary Graydon Center 200 / Center for Diversity and Inclusion / Caroline DeLeon ma@american.edu

AU STUDENTS FOR ISRAEL PRESENTS ANAT BERKO 6 to 8 p.m. / A research fellow at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism will speak on the relationship between gender and terrorism. / AU Students for Israel / Mary Graydon Center 4 / austudentsforisael@gmail.com

Want to see your next on-campus event advertised here for free? Submit it online at theeagleonline.com/more/advertise.


New hemp club 5 | )PX UP QSFWFOU DBUDIJOH UIF nV 6

Campus plan construction on schedule despite weather

SG reform stalled



Construction projects on AU’s main campus should be finished by their scheduled completion dates.





Inclement weather is not expected to slow the construction of Cassell Hall during the rest of the winter. “We are getting to the point of being independent of outside conditions like snow,” AU construction manager Tony Esse said. Laying of concrete at Cassell Hall has been finished and the roof and windows will be added to the building this week, according to Esse.



Construction for the new School of Communication is expected to be finished by the first week of December 2013, according to Director of Construction Management at AU Daniel Hanlon. No significant problems have arisen during the building’s construction. “Weather will continue to be a concern for the hardscape and landscaping elements as the project moves into the spring and summer,” Hanlon said.



The Nebraska Hall addition is also on schedule to be finished by Aug. 8, despite minor problems during the beginning of construction, according to Esse. Problems arose when construction teams ran into the foundations of older buildings while digging to make room for the addition. Development slowed while removing these remnants, but the building is still on time for its late summer completion date. “Since it is a smaller project, it will go a lot quicker [than Cassell Hall],” Esse said.

Student Government moved the constitution reform referendum vote back after the Board of Elections postponed the campaigns for and against the reform on Jan. 25 and two BOE members resigned on Jan. 26. The SG constitution referendum vote will now be held between Feb. 11 and Feb. 12, according to Class of 2013 Sen. Brett Atanasio. “Without a functioning Student Government website or a quorum [minimum number of necessary members] of the Board of Elections, we recognize that a fair and free election process cannot be held at this time,” Board of Elections Chairwoman Chloe Profit said in a press release. The decision to postpone the referendum comes two days after the Board of Elections put “AU for SA” campaign representative and SG Comptroller Joe Ste.Marie on trial Jan. 24 for seeking an endorsement from the AU College Democrats before campaigning officially began, according to Board of Elections member Alex Hitchcock. “AU for SA” is a group of students advocating for the passage of a constitutional reform to turn the Student Government into the Student Association. Ste.Marie, who had approached AU Dems on Jan. 20,


4 | JANUARY 31, 2013 NEWS theEAGLE

SG trial questioned campaign tactics



was found not responsible and cleared of all campaign violation charges, according to the BOE decision statement. Campaigning will resume Feb. 4 through Feb. 11, Atanasio said. The town hall meeting scheduled for Jan. 31 in MGC 200 will still take place, according to SG Secretary Kevin Sutherland.


Referendum voting dates changed after two BOE members, John Bitetto and Teddy McCullough, resigned on Jan. 26, according to SG Communications Director Rosemary Cipriano. Starting early Friday

morning, Members Alex Hitchcock and Mike Morgante are taking leaves of absence from the board until Feb. 2 and 3, respectively. Only three members remain on the board, but a minimum of five members is needed to run the constitution reform vote and spring elections, according to Profit. Members of the Board’s Appellate Panel, which is the panel that appeals against a BOE decision, resigned, Ste.Marie said. The positions on the panel have yet to be filled, according to Profit. The new referendum vote schedule will not affect the spring elections, according to Atanasio. KSCHNECK@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

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Students challenge AU fossil fuel investments


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AU students began a campaign on Jan. 14 called “Fossil Free AU,” which seeks to cut the University’s investment in fossil fuels, despite both the student group and the University’s uncertainty about the extent of AU’s current investment in the resource. Nearly 200 universities and colleges, including Harvard University and George Washington University, have launched divestment campaigns, according to the Go Fossil Free website, a national website dedicated to stopping the use of fossil fuels. The campaign’s coalition consists of AU students, alum-

ni, faculty, community members and existing campus organizations whose goal is to stop the University’s investment in fossil fuels and instead reinvest in sustainable energy. “Fossil Free AU” lacks a reinvestment plan for the funds currently being used by the University to purchase nonrenewable energy investments and is unsure about how much money is being spent on them, according to Stephen Bronskill, a member of environmental club EcoSense. AU tracks its endowment in large investments through the S&P 500 index, a benchmark used to assess the overall U.S. stock market, Maralee Csellar, associate director of media relations, said in an email. The University did not know the exact amount it has invest-

ed in fossil fuels as of Jan. 30 but had contacted its investors to verify the number, according to an email from Csellar. “Fossil Free AU” is trying to prevent future investments in nonrenewable energy through reaching out to the AU community: The campaign hopes to get 600 signatures from students to make a fossil fuels referendum through Student Government, EcoSense President Kate Burnette said. “I’m really hoping that American University will view divestment,” Duncan Gilchrist, a member of Fossil Free AU, said, “as an opportunity to prove its leadership and dedication to the fight against climate change.” Staff writer Samantha Hogan contributed to this report. NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM




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January 31, 2013 Volume 87 – Issue 15






theEAGLE NEWS JANUARY 31, 2013 | 5



D.C. takes on extensive Metro construction By LINDSAY SANDOVAL EAGLE STAFF WRITER

WMATA unveiled its new plan, “Momentum,” on Jan. 23, outlining major track renovations and rail expansions into Mar yland and Virginia. The projects will cost WMATA an estimated $1.24 billion total in annual funding over the next 30 years on top of regular maintenance costs, according to Metro officials. Immediate rebuilding efforts will target the broken escalators and elevators in Metro stations, while replacing nearly 15 miles of rail track, according to a Jan. 28 WMATA report. By 2040, Metro also wants

to create a line of streetcars to H Street and build a new Metro station across the Potomac River in Virginia. The projects are still subject to change, according to the report. Metro also plans to add express lines to the Orange Line and the new Silver Line to Dulles Airport. These renovations come as more riders are using the Metro system. A WMATA study revealed 43 percent of metropolitan residents use the rail or bus system to get to work, making the Metro the second-largest transit system and sixth-largest bus system in the countr y. LSANDOVAL@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

A new campus organization called the Student Hemp and Cannabis Coalition will promote hemp as an alternative sustainable resource for both AU and the United States, despite federal laws against growing cannabis plants. “We’re not advocating legalizing marijuana,” said club founder

Sam McBee. “The underlying message of the group is that the industrial hemp industry should be a legal industry in America.” Under current federal law, the production of hemp is illegal due to the prohibition of marijuana by the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Hemp refers to the fibers of cannabis stems which can be used for textiles and other products, while marijuana — a Schedule I controlled substance

— refers the plant’s flowering buds which contain psychoactive chemicals including tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. The plant can be bred to achieve very low concentrations of THC, lessening the possibility of recreational use. Under current laws, imported hemp is legal provided that new plants cannot be grown and no THC can be ingested, according to a fact sheet from the Department of Justice. McBee, a sophomore in the School of Public Affairs, started the club as a project for the SPA Leadership Program during the fall 2012 semester and is now planning the club’s fundraising and outreach. The group’s activities will include tabling on campus, displaying hemp products and distributing pamphlets about hemp, according to McBee. Educating people about hemp is the best way to advocate for it, he said. Hemp fibers can be made into paper, office supplies, biodiesel and food, according to McBee. Seven students are interested in taking part in the group’s leadership and dozens more joined the group’s Facebook page. The club was officially recognized by AU Student Activities on Jan. 29, according to McBee. “The fact of the matter is that [hemp is] illegal for the wrong reasons,” McBee said. JANGLE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

Library to host academic support programs By RACHAEL WEISS EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER

New plans are underway for renovating AU’s library. This project will rework the building’s interior to maximize its use for students, AU Librarian Nancy Davenport said. The project is in its beginning stages, so specific details on the renovations do not yet exist. However, Davenport said library staff would like to bring

support programs such as the Writing Center and the Math and Statistics Tutoring Lab under its roof. The changes are the result of the library staff’s observation that the facility has not provided students full academic support, according to Davenport. “The library has seen how heavily they have had to refer students to other places for help for academics over the years and we drew up a list of those

services,” Davenport said. Currently, the library project staff has started creating a list of architects that have worked with other academic libraries. The list will be sent to the office of the provost this week for the next stage of approval for further planning. “I want to make it so the student body will get pretty much one-stop shopping for academic support,” Davenport said. NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

6 | JANUARY 31, 2013 NEWS theEAGLE

Beloved TDR employee remembered by AU community School of Communication Professor Sarah MenkeFish spoke at the homegoTerrace Dining Room ing service. employee Shirley Epps “She was a really repassed away on markable lady, and Jan. 18 at the age loved by all,� Menof 75. She had been ke-Fish said. “That working at the Uniwas apparent.� versity for 48 years. AU was repreEpps was dedisented at the serShe really dedicated her life to vice by about 25 cated to her job American University. people, including and her community. She had no other faculty and children, but was staff, according to an active member Menke-Fish. The of her church and service highlighted the Northern Virfor many Epps’ enginia Baptist Assoduring service at ciation. the school. She was also a singer both by herself and with “I had no idea that she and frequently used her a group. Some of the mu- had been working here talents at AU events, in- sic included one of King’s for almost 48 years. I was cluding memorial servic- favorite songs, “If I Could a little girl when she startes for Dr. Martin Luther Help Somebody.� ed working,� Menke-Fish King, Jr., The Eagle previFriends and loved ones said. “She really dedicated ously reported. sang the same song to cel- her life to American UniShe was a leader in a ebrate Epps’ life on Jan. 26 versity.� 1974 memorial service, at First Mount Zion Baptist NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM led by chaplains and oth- Church in Dumfries, Va. By CHLOE JOHNSON


er campus employees, in honor of what would have been King’s 45th birthday. Epps also directed the music at the service, singing


� -Professor Sarah Menke-Fish


Staying healthy during flu season By ALEX CHAVERS EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITING

Flu season is striking hard this year: the number of cases have reached a record national high. The District has seen an increase in flu reports from 97 last season to 310 this season, according to a Washington Post blog. Flu activity usually peaks during February, about halfway through the flu season, which runs from October to May, according to Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) charts. Dan Bruey, director of

the Student Health Center, gives several tips to prevent spreading the flu. To stay healthy, students should: t wash their hands t use tissues; t throw away used tissues; t stay home and not attend classes when they are sick; t drink fluids; t not share cups, utensils or personal items; t get a flu shot. Staying home can be problematic for students with demanding schedules, according to Bruey.

“Some students don’t like to stay put when they’re sick,� Bruey said. Bruey also encourages students to get the flu shot. Vaccines are provided for free at the Health Center, as well as at clinics in Mary Graydon Center. As a result of the flu outbreak, more vaccines have been ordered this year, according to Bruey. More students also got the flu shot after winter break, he said. “Your chances of not getting the flu are better when you’re vaccinated,� Bruey said. NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

theEAGLE NEWS JANUARY 31, 2013 | 7

How many calories are in those tenders? Looking at nutrition in The Tavern

80 black beansoldburgers daily 1 burger= 330 cal.


Burgers topping 600 calories and French fries trailing just behind at 580 calories sell by the pound ever yday in Tavern, despite lower-calorie salad options.

TAVERN HAS HIGH SALES ON HIGH CALORIES A hamburger patty with two bacon slices and an ounce of cheese totals 640 calories and has 1,230 milligrams of sodium, according to Bon Appétit’s Nu-

Chicken tenders are 300 calories for six pieces and have 75 milligrams of sodium, while a six ounce ser ving of french fries has 580 calories, 31 grams of fat and 340 milligrams of sodium. However, even the vegetarian alternatives offered by Tavern carr y over 300 calories per burger. About 80 vegetarian black bean burgers are sold every day in Tavern, said Nottingham. A vegetarian burger has 330 calories, but also 3.5 grams of fat per serving, ac-

according to Nottingham. Two cups of Bon Appétit greens have 20 calories and Caesar dressing has 80 calories.

cording to Bon Appétit’s Nutritional Analysis.

SALAD SALES PALE IN COMPARISON TO TENDERS Salads are also available at Tavern but are generally passed over by students. “We do have prepared salads as alternatives, but we’ll sell over 300 lbs of chicken tenders before we’ll sell a dozen salads,” Nottingham said in an email. Tavern sells 120 portable to-go salads ever y day,

1 salad = 100 cal.

MORE NUTRITION INFORMATION TO COME However, Bon Appétit has already made healthconscious decisions in its food preparation and plans to expand the amount of nutritional information available to customers in the future. Zero trans fat canola

“The Tavern for the most part is not really a healthy meal destination, the top sellers are hamburgers, fried chicken tenders, pizza and fries” -Resident District Manager for Bon Appétit Derek Nottingham tritional Analysis website. Tavern sells 240 beef burgers ever y day, according to Resident District Manager for Bon Appétit Derek Nottingham. “The Tavern for the most part is not really a healthy meal destination, the top sellers are hamburgers, fried chicken tenders, pizza and fries,” Nottingham said in an email. Beef burgers trail behind the 32 pounds of chicken tenders and 450 pounds of fries sold by Bon Appétit’s Tavern each day.

120soldsalads daily

clear oil is used for deep fr yers, extra virgin olive oil for food preparation and smart balance butter for pizzas, said Nottingham in an email. “Following the 2013 summer break we intend to begin incorporating BAMCO’s [Bon Appétit Management Company] nutritional information system in select locations and then phase it across campus as appropriate,” Nottingham said. Staf f Writer Samantha Hogan contributed to this

240 burgers sold daily 1 burger = roughly 640 cal.

320 lbs

of chicken tenders sold daily 6 pieces = 300 cal.

450 lbs of fries sold daily 6 oz. = 640 cal.


TV PICK: “Workaholics” 9 | WVAU DJs pick the best new albums 10

Spring trends blossom at Georgetown show By ANNIE REGAN EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Judging by the recent blast of warm weather, it’s never too early to start looking for the next spring fashion trends, especially for the D.C. chapter of Fashion Group International. The organization hosted a special spring/summer 2013 trend recap of global fashion trends that covered fashion designers from J.W. Anderson to Marc Jacobs. According to both Fashion International and special guest speaker Kate Bennett, the current fashion editor of Washingtonian Magazine and the editorin-chief of Washingtonian Bride & Groom, fashionable equals comfortable for this upcoming season.

Examples of this are the bag dress for morning breakfast, the pajama pants by Rachel Zoe in the afternoon for a walk in the park or the loose pant suit for an evening event, according to Bennett. These trends are inspired from historic eras such as the ‘40s floral influence, the mod ‘60s Prada, the hipster ‘70s and the Madonna ‘80s. This spring will include a lot of pale colors to create a toned-down and quiet feel ranging from cobalt blue to dandelion yellow. Transparency and metallic fabrics will also play as key trends. “When I tell people I write about D.C. fashion, they say it’s a bit of an oxymoron,” Bennett said. “However, I think the District has made phenomenal changes, especially with


(from left) Larry Diamond, Robert Patino, Esraa Abdel Fattah and Ben Moses speak on a panel about “A Whisper to a Roar.”

Documentary highlights global push for democracy By DAVID KAHEN-KASHI EAGLE STAFF WRITER

Revolution can start with the smallest voice simmering up from the subjugated masses. Or at least

that is what the new documentary by Ben Moses “A Whisper to a Roar” would like you to think. The premiere of the documentary at AU on Jan. 29 was preceded by a panel of people featured

the younger generation. There are over 400 fashion blogs within this city, and I see more people with a more personal style. It’s as simple as a woman wearing a colored pattern or a man wearing a pocket square.” Bennett is an advocate for local boutiques, which are becoming more popular in the D.C. area. “The local boutiques seem to promote something that isn’t that typical ‘conservative, traditional look,’” Bennett said. “Although us Washingtonians pull off that look very well, it’s nice to have a sort of variety.” THESCENE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

Hair: center part, messy hair frazzle Dress: dress with transparent sleeves, cut in dress to show leg Jackets: two-colored jacket, long and loose, the Burberry cape Tops: tunic, shirt with lace cuffs, shirt with back cut out Skirts: leather hip hugger, knee-high skirts, mini skirts Shorts: short suit, cocktail shorts, black tie shorts, biker shorts, jeweled shorts Pants: narrow, cropped, razor, striped, print, pajama pants Shoes: sneakers, the Birkenstock, sneaker sandal, pointed-toe pump with single strap, transparent heel, gladiators, Go-Go boots Evening wear: waist down ball gown, Chanel coverups, Betsy Johnson prom dress, classic red dress Sports attire: polo for the day and night, zip jacket, athletic jacket, techno jacket

in the film and a vibrant audience Q&A with some of the cast and filmmakers. The film chronicled the various points of conflict when democracy movements begin to arise in developing countries. Filmmakers went to Ukraine, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Venezuela and Malaysia. The film included interviews with luminaries such as the daughter of Rhodesian president Graham Todd, Nobel Peace Prize winner Mohamed ElBaradei and Zimbabwe political activist Judith Todd. “A Whisper to a Roar” tells the story of what happens when peoples from different countries find themselves at odds with dictators who use political promises for political currency. From Robert Mugabe promising political change while using violence to keep his opposition in check, to an attempted assassination of then presidential candidate Viktor

Yushchenko in Ukraine, the film shows how strong democratic ideals propel these revolutionaries forward. The panel discussion that preceded the film was moderated by co-director for the Center of Democracy and Election Management Robert Pastor featuring Stanford University’s Larry Diamond, Egyptian activist Esraa Abdel Fattah, Venezuelan student leader Roberto Patino and director Ben Moses. All the panel members described what it was like to work on the film and their own activism in their individual countries. Moses said that during the filming of the documentary, various similarities came up while shooting in the different countries. “When we went into all of these countries, we began to see a picture ... it was important for me to

say what I learned and I only told the story that I learned,” he said. Diamond (whose writings on political revolutions drove a lot of the movie) said that the film reflects a far more macro sense of today’s revolutionary thought. “The world is in a volatile place,” Diamond said. Moses admitted that documentary film is a tough medium to work with since there can be bias attributed to the field. “First fact about documentary filmmaking is there is no documentary filmmaking,” Moses said. “They’re all propaganda films.” But Moses said that doing as much research as possible on your subjects can clear up bias. Both Patino and Fattah said that the younger generation should carry the mantle that older generations passed down. DKAHEN-KASHI@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

theEAGLE SCENE JANUARY 31, 2013 | 9


After much speculation, Disney has revealed that J.J. Abrams will be directing the long-awaited seventh film in the “Star Wars” saga. Because Abrams is also the director of the recent “Star Trek” reboot and its upcoming sequel, this casting has perpetuated the rift between devotees of the two sci-fi franchises. Other critics claim that a seasoned science fiction director like Abrams is less interesting than an unproven talent or even reported second choice Ben Affleck. Furthermore, Abrams insisted to reporters last year that he would not direct this film. Money talks, it seems.


For 10 years, Jimmy Kimmel has concluded his late-night talk show by jokingly apologizing to Matt Damon for running out of time to interview him on the air. The fake feud came to a head last week as Damon “hijacked” Kimmel’s show for an entire episode, mercilessly taunting his gagged “nemesis.” Damon also brought along a cavalcade of his Hollywood friends, replacing Kimmel’s band leader Dicky Barrett with Sheryl Crow and his sidekick Guillermo with Andy Garcia. The show concluded on an appropriate reversal: Damon asked Kimmel to comment, then snatched the mic away and exclaimed, “We ran out of time!”


Pop music lovers have experienced an onslaught of comebacks in the last few months, with Justin Timberlake, Destiny’s Child and David Bowie surprising the world with new singles. While Timberlake’s “Suit and Tie” (a collaboration with Jay-Z) failed to dazzle the way “SexyBack” did at the start of his last album

cycle, the suave superstar’s new album “The 20/20 Experience,” out March 19, promises to be a pop event. Bonus: It will include a duet with his “My Love” collaborator T.I. Meanwhile, Destiny’s Child will promote their reunion song “Nuclear” with an appearance during Beyoncé’s Super Bowl halftime set.


If you’ve ever wondered “How many movie stars can I embarrass over the course of 90 minutes?” you may have something in common with Peter Farrelly. “Movie 43,” Farrelly’s collection of loosely connected outrageous comedy sketches, has attracted some of the most vehemently negative reactions in recent memory. The movie took nearly four years to complete in order to accommodate the sprawling cast’s conflicting schedules, but even the likes of Emma Stone, Kate Winslet, Hugh Jackman, Anna Faris, Elizabeth Banks, Terrence Howard and countless others failed to save this January dreck from box-office disaster or critical abuse.


While the last few years have seen a resurgence in the quality and diversity of TV comedy, viewership has steadily declined as options like Hulu, Netflix and On Demand siphon viewers away from real-time viewing. The ratings downturn were on display this week, as ABC axed “Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 23” after a season and a half, and Fox bid an apologetic goodbye to its sweet freshman half-hour “Ben and Kate.” Both shows attracted too few viewers to justify their positions on the air, but the remaining episodes will likely air this summer. MLIEBERMAN@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM



Everyone’s favorite slackers are back and better than ever, causing mayhem on the job at their least favorite telemarketing office. “Workaholics” stars and creators Adam (Adam DeVine), Blake (Blake Anderson) and Ders (Anders Holm) put the fun in funny as three post-grad friends who live together in Southern California and get

themselves into wacky situations at work, home and parties. Almost all of the characters are relatable to that whole young, wild and free lifestyle that gets played up. Like the rest of us (soon-to-be) 20-somethingyear-olds, Blake, Ders and Adam are still trying to figure out what they want to do with their lives. And when they can’t take it anymore, they don’t hesitate to indulge in some recreational activities. The bros are still kids at heart, forced to adapt to a grown

up world, but they play by their own rules. Seeing as how AU students fit the show’s demographic, “Workaholics” should appeal to almost everyone with a sense of humor. Trying to explain why to watch the show is equivalent to telling someone what the point of laughter is. SGORE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM


10 | JANUARY 31, 2013 SCENE theEAGLE


Looking for new music? DJs at WVAU share their thoughts on a range of recent releases.

JOSÉ JAMES NO BEGINNING NO END Intimate and understated R&B album showcases old-school talent.

I’ve never owned satin bedsheets, but I imagine they feel something like José James’ voice — so soft and so smooth. José James’ “No Beginning No End” is a cool-soul masDAN AFFSPRUNG/THE EAGLE


Good news for anyone interested in life in the Soviet Union during the Cold War or communism and world politics — the sculpture project “H-Hour” by artist Grisha Bruskin will be on display in the Katzen Arts Center through March 17. Bruskin held a gallery talk to introduce the collection at its opening Jan. 26. Many of the sculptures on display are cracking and ruined by design, made to resemble the fallen pillars and statues of the Roman Empire. In his introduction of the project, Bruskin said the Soviet Union was the “third Roman Empire,” with Moscow following Rome and Constantinople. These sculptures, then, are the ruins of that empire. They describe and depict life from this fallen state to show the world what it was like to live before the collapse of the USSR. One gathering of sculptures in particular lends itself to this thought. There is a series of figures standing at attention, cracked and collapsing like the terra-cotta army of China. Bruskin said that

he hopes his work will be an archaeological find to be placed in the museums of the future, in case “H-Hour” arrived and destroyed civilization on Earth. The project is also focused on the concept of the enemy, a character that takes many forms in the sculptures. From the obvious political enemy of the state to the universal enemies of mankind such as death and time, Bruskin’s sculptures demonstrate the constant presence of the enemy felt during the Cold War. The life reflected in the artwork is one of constant threat. The Soviet Union that inspired these works could not ignore the possibility of a devastating attack, and Bruskin recounted memories of posters seen around his school that inspired some of the works. One striking pair of sculptures is called “Twins” and shows two men with symbols on their chests. The writing is in Russian, but Bruskin explained that the words were “eyes, skin, mouth and nose,” based on a public emergency-preparedness poster he remembered from growing up



The War on Drugs’ Dave Hartley with hypnotic new sound.

A psychedelic, acousticbacked ritual chant will draw you in. Then drums pick up in a swirl of soft sound, yet loud with passion that fades away to a harp solo. And suddenly, the

terpiece, blending cool jazz drumming with his soft voice and usually very little else to craft incredibly intimate and hip songs. When other instruments are included (horns, organ), they are tastefully sprinkled in, always funky and never abrasive. The ultra-hip jazz backing is reminisnext track. This is how Nightland’s second release begins. The result is an album full of dreamy soundscapes paralleling island landscapes and chilling emotion through Justin Vernon-type falsetto and swelling harmonies. As The War on Drugs’ bassist, most of Hartley’s tracks like “So it Goes” and “Born to Love” keep with his other work’s beautiful guitar arrangements, but “Oak Island” is completely his own. He blends everything

FOXYGEN WE ARE THE 21ST CENTURY AMBASSADORS OF PEACE AND MAGIC These guys make good ol’ rock ‘n’ roll. No fancy crap.

It’s obvious that these guys love what they’re doing. This record sounds like the band (just two members) sat down and recorded music just like their favorite ‘60s rock bands. Vocalist Sam France sounds like a mixture of Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger and Lou Reed. The arrangement is simple: drums and bass, keys and guitar. The keys, lush vocal harmo-

nies and occasional guitar give their sound some psychedelic elements and a rich sound. They also use some unconventional instruments too, like the flute and bells in the intro of “San Francisco.” The song structures jump around, and that’s just Foxygen doing what they want, when they want. This is best illustrated in the title track and “Shuggie,” which starts off slow and minor, then transitions into

cent of ‘90s neo-soul: laid-back, thoughtful and emotional. James’ voice is somewhere between the deep resonance of Aloe Blacc and the warm softness of Seal. There are no fancy gimmicks or intricate arrangements on the whole album, just a beautiful voice and a backing band that knows how to stay out of its way. Recommended If You Like: Erykah Badu, Aloe Blacc, Seal By SEAN MEEHAN, WE’RE HILARIOUS, SATURDAYS 6-8P.M.

together so gorgeously: bongos, harps, vocal synths, saxophone and the expected crisp guitar and bass. A satisfying lower register dissolves with “Looking for Rain,” and “Oak Island” proves to be a heavenly choral experience and an open door for success. RIYL: Panda Bear, Bon Iver, The War on Drugs, Youth Lagoon By MOLLY PFEFFER VELVET SESSION, WEDNESDAYS 5-6

a faster groove with a different key. Then, for a random ten seconds in the last minute, they transition into a funk groove because why not? It works. The Velvet Undergroundreminiscent single, “No Destruction,” is the obvious stand-out track on the album, with its blunt, straight-up lyrics. “We Are” excels because Foxygen isn’t trying to impress anyone. It’s just two guys doing their thing and rocking out. RIYL: The Brian Jonestown Massacre, The Velvet Underground, The Rolling Stones By DREW SHER FUR SHER, SATURDAYS 4-6 P.M.

theEAGLE NEWS JANUARY 31, 2013 | 11

Eagle Rants I think I’m falling for one of my best friends. But I feel like I’m not good enough for her or I’d screw up. And I don’t want to screw things up. And I can’t tell if she likes me at all. :/ Greek week is like Girls Gone Wild without the Gyros and sauce (NOT THAT SAUCE! GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!). Why can Greek week be free Greek food? I pay too much tuition to have a week called “GREEK WEEK” without having any falafel being poured upon my beautifully unshapely (I call it curvy) body. Can you name a simple person who involves their life heavily around Greek stuff that is actually Greek? Probably, but that’s not the point! Any other second-semester seniors feeling checked out? I’m usually A+ student at the start of the semester, doing work early and speaking up a lot in class. This is the first semester where I haven’t been bothered to try. Missed Connection: Seeking a rainbow. My name is Kermit. I am a frog. squeakiest bed in the world. sorry neighbors! One of my biggest pet peeves is when people “troll” other people. You’re supposed to be an adult, so please act like it. “Trolling” isn’t funny or cute, it’s just being an a**hole for the sake of it.


Go ahead, speak your mind. We’ll probably print it.

That sad realization that the best part of your day is learning the vending machine now has Crunch bars. @“Am I the only one who noticed this semester has a lot more AU guys that I would consider good boyfriend material? HYFR” - agreed. they must have all been abroad It’s only semi acceptable to drink like a freshman when you are one. Stop being so sloppy and learn to handle your alcohol already. Being abroad is so liberating. I’m almost as sloppy as a freshman during Welcome Week and the European boys totally love it. woah woah woah wait…when did this sex columnist thing happen? how come no one knew about it? was there even an application process? I doubt anyone at the eagle has enough sex to actually write articles about it.. At what point is it called “cheating on your boyfriend”? Excited about the new “love boat” column that’s coming. Mostly because it will probably be hilarious. Every day that Guapo’s doesn’t accept EagleBucks, I slide further into depression.

Art exhibit brings Cold War to Katzen ≤ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10

in Russia, meant to remind people what to protect in case of a chemical attack. This threat was so prevalent in the USSR that it’s easy to see the artist’s fascination with the enemy. Many of the pieces in the collection address the topic of chemical warfare, brought to mind by the many figures in gas masks. This sort of constant danger is something hard to understand without living in the time of the Cold War, but Bruskin’s art has a simplicity about it that conveys his message clearly: that enemies and constant danger

were always close at hand in the USSR. The images in the “H-Hour” collection depict a life that is difficult to imagine, where the cross is as common a sight as the Kalashnikov, and gas masks are often ready and available. The everyday experiences that inspired this project are so different from those of Americans today that one could almost believe the civilization depicted really was ancient and alien. But this is, in fact, recent history that involved the U.S. intimately. If the Cold War doesn’t seem like a conflict with serious impacts, go see this exhibit. It will change your mind. THESCENE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

ACROSS 1 Paper used for envelopes 7 Teensy kitchen invader 10 Thick-bodied river fish 14 Lessened 15 Critical hosp. area 16 Take down with a wrecking ball 17 Trade for cash 18 Musical based on ABBA songs 20 Golfer Snead’s nickname 22 “I don’t care which” 23 Naval petty officer 27 Lasting mark 30 __ and gown 33 John, Paul, George or Ringo 34 Go without food 36 “True __”: Wayne film 39 CFO’s degree 40 One on a board 43 Swiss peak 44 Gas in a sign 45 Knocks for a loop 46 Scallion relative 48 Space-saving abbr. 50 Team statistic 51 Finale 54 Selling fast 56 Whale or dolphin 63 Campbell’s soup slogan, and a hint to the puzzle theme found in 18-, 20-, 40- and 56-Across 66 “Seinfeld” woman 67 Albany’s canal 68 Actress Hagen 69 Sticky-toed lizards 70 Tadpole’s breathing organ 71 LPGA star Se Ri __ 72 Be agreeable DOWN 1 Red planet 2 Ill-fated Biblical brother 3 Diddly, to Dalí 4 To-do list entry

By Gareth Bain

5 Oscar winner for “Cat Ballou” 6 Part of FDA: Abbr. 7 Gets in one’s sights, with “at” 8 Campus sports org. 9 Tot’s belly 10 Tot’s drawing tool 11 Clumsy actor 12 Special forces weapon 13 Arthur who played Maude 19 Marseille Mrs. 21 The Big Apple, initially 24 Latin ballroom dances 25 Orange-yellow gemstones 26 Gets warmer, in a game 27 Taken in a breakin 28 Slept next to the trail, say 29 Upper limb 31 Sales rep 32 Opposite of post34 Weighing device 35 Somme summer 37 Global currency org.

1/28/13 SOLUTION TO LAST WEEK’S PUZZLE Saturday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

38 Stretch the truth 41 Bathwater tester 42 Dairy farm sound 47 Late-night host Jimmy 49 Revolutionary Guevara 52 Inveterate faultfinder 53 Word with hug or therapy 55 Alpha’s opposite 57 Teensy amount


58 Fargo’s st. 59 Apples with screens 60 Karaoke prop 61 Many a folk song, composer-wise: Abbr. 62 “__ we forget” 63 Ryan of “Sleepless in Seattle” 64 Hosp. scan 65 1,000 G’s




WITH REFORM DRAMA, SG IS FAILING ITS CONSTITUENTS It is hard to remember the last time Student Government did something productive. SG has been attempting to change to the AU Student Association since the summer. In a Dec. 5 staff editorial, The Eagle mentioned how useless the debate within SG had become and how the real issues concerning student tuition dollars were being ignored. Now, more than a month later, SG hasn’t made any progress. The only difference is that SG still believes their drama matters while the rest of the student body has forgotten about it. The Board of Elections has been the main culprit on dragging out the new referendum. They filed allegations against SG Comptroller Joe

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Fossil Free AU has begun a campaign in response to the threat that the burning of fossil fuels poses to current and future AU community members along with people around the world. We are excited to join more than 200 campaigns at universities across the country that are striving to divest their endowments from fossil fuels. Fossil Free AU is a diverse coalition of AU student organizations, faculty, alumni and community members committed to a sustainable and equitable future. In this effort, we strive to honor AU’s strong commitment to sustainability and social responsibility expressed in our university’s mission statement and our university’s progres-

Ste.Marie last week for seeking endorsement from the AU College Democrats before the campaign officially began. The BOE dismissed all charges against Ste.Marie after some debate on Jan. 24. Along with this, two BOE members resigned earlier this week. Thanks to this melodramatic unraveling of events, the vote on the referendum has been postponed again and the worthless SG debate will continue. This is a prime example of SG bureaucracy that consistently halts any progress. Nothing can get done when

ever y attempt to accomplish something is blocked by another regulation. It is ironic where this debate has gone; An act that aimed to create less politics and more

on the Board of Trustees, not whether there is a senate in the years to come. We care about having a say on where our tuition dollars go, not about violations of campaign management. We care about how the 72 percent of Student Activities funds allotted to SG are being spent. We do not care about their petty drama. The worst part is that the same nonsense happens year after year. SG does not seem to learn from its mistakes and students are losing faith in the organization (if they haven’t

What AU students care about is our representation on the Board of Trustees, not whether there is a senate in the years to come. student advocacy, according to former SG President Sarah McBride, has done the opposite. What AU students care about is our representation

already). This is the one organization on campus that gives students a voice, and they are spending their time arguing about their structure instead of focusing on the real issues. How can we trust them anymore? SG is failing at their most basic task: to give the student body a voice. The sooner SG understands that all students want is fair representation, the sooner they will move past these arguments and begin to create constructive discussion with the University and Board of Trustees. SG, please move past the debate and do your job, because this is just a waste of our time and money. .≠ E EDPAGE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

AU should divest from fossil fuels sive action in previous divestment campaigns to end financial support for companies doing business with the oppressive regimes of Sudan and Myanmar. We hope this campaign can embody the mission statement of AU: ideas into action and action into service for a prosperous and just future for all. Fossil Free AU is committed to an inclusive campaign that unites and engages the richness of our community from environmental science professors to aspiring student investors. We will advocate for a university free of investments in fossil fuels through our Undergraduate Senate, a student referendum and in consultation with stakeholders across them ideological

spectrum. Throughout this process, we are committed to a dialogue with the AU community to ensure all voices are heard on the issue. All students will have an opportunity to express their opinion on the issue on a ballot referendum in March and are welcome to pose questions, support and concerns before that time. We understand that this is not necessarily a simple process given the complicated nature of a university endowment. With this consideration in mind, we are asking for a two-step process from our Board of Trustees. We ask the Board of Trustees to implement a negative screen for all new investments in fossil fuels by the end of the calendar year

(meaning no new investments in fossil fuel companies) and to begin a meaningful conversation to fully divest AU’s portfolio from industries that threaten our future. In this process, we reject the false choice between college affordability and sustainability. We believe that socially responsible investments can reflect our values while growing our endowment and ensuring that an AU education remains accessible for all. Having researched the relative success of socially responsible portfolios to a standard index, we feel not only comfortable, but confident, in advocating for a change in our investments that reflects our commitment to sustainability

and social justice. In this campaign, we strive to embody the AU values that we cherish and believe in: passionate civility, respect for all parties and relentless positivity. With a negative screen for new investments in fossil fuels, AU can continue to lead the sustainability revolution and ensure that the American Dream is green. To learn more about this campaign, please explore our Facebook page at facebook.com/FossilFreeAu, our website at fossilfreeau.wordpress.com or email the campaign at FossilFreeAU@gmail.com. Kate Brunette is president of EcoSense and a junior in the School of International Service.

theEAGLE OPINION JANUARY 31, 2013 | 13

Shame on you, Coca-Cola SAM MENDELSON | SPORK America’s veins are filled with the carbonated, sugary sweetness of Coca-Cola. These soft drinks — the more than 650 products made by CocaCola — have become a part of the fabric of America. They are the drinks of our childhood, birthday parties, school lunches and sports games. However, these drinks and those who sell them are also slowly killing us. AU is a “Coke university.” Any beverage you purchase at AU is produced by, owned by and is a subsidiary of Coca-Cola. From the Eagle’s Nest to the vending machines to the Terrace Dining Room, AU supports the company behind the largest health crisis in the U.S. Yet Coca-Cola is now urging Americans to come together to

fight obesity. In a latest ad campaign entitled “Coming Together,” a soft female voice extols the efforts of Coca-Cola to be a part of the obesity solution over a slowly building piano sonata and images of school children, families, scientists and flashy graphics. Don’t buy the deceptive concoction. It is easy to get lulled by Coke’s coercive advertising. The commercial begins by talking about more than 125 years of Coca-Cola bringing people together and their voluntary efforts to offer low-calorie choices, smaller sizes and healthier options in schools. The narrator proudly states that “All calories count, no matter where they come from, including Coca-Cola and every-

Three student leaders navigate identity at AU DEREK SIEGEL | ETHICS WITH A SIDE OF TOAST What does it mean to be an Eagle? On one hand, we each get to decide for ourselves. By pursuing our own goals and commitments, we shape independent identities as AU students. On the other hand, we are members of a community. When we call ourselves “the Eagles,” we merge our individual experiences into a collective narrative. Identities are full of tension and are difficult to define precisely. At times, they are labels thrust onto us by others, yet they are also sources of pride. At AU, three innovative stu-

dent leaders are no strangers to navigating identity: Aurora de Peralta, vice president of internal affairs of Asian American Student Union (AASU); Cassandra Henry, president of the Dominican Student Association (DSA); and Marc Lewis, president of the Black Student Association (BSA). These individuals are challenging the way we engage identity through organizing around race and identity. “I didn’t know how to distinguish a Dominican from the student body,” Henry said. “I felt as if we were spread out and had no home base to gather all together.”

thing else with calories. And if you eat and drink more calories than you burn off, you’ll gain weight.” Thank you, Coca-Cola, for

created equal, and the mixture of high-fructose corn syrup, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors and caffeine that make up many of Coca-Cola’s products are a toxic combination. I decided to call Coca-Cola to learn more about their campaign against obesity and was reassured that Coca-Cola is 80 to 90 percent water and is part of

From the Eagle’s Nest to the vending machines to TDR, AU supports the company behind the largest health crisis in the U.S. that pearl of wisdom. Behind the smoke and mirrors, there is a company that has created a global brand that is directly linked to higher obesity, diabetes, tooth decay and malnutrition. All calories are not

your daily fluid intake (but not a replacement for water). They forgot to mention the 39 grams of sugar in a 12-ounce Coke, which far exceeds the daily requirements. Coca-Cola’s duplicity goes

Each leader described to me the importance of creating a community that could serve as a safe space and support system for its members. These support systems, however, aren’t one size fits all. There’s a lot of diversity even within their own communities. Henry, for example, said that Dominican students self-identify across a wide range, from black to white to Afro-Latino. These differences can be an obstacle to understanding identity but working together they have been able to explore more deeply what it means to be a Dominican-American student at AU. Claiming an identity isn’t a passive process. AASU recognizes the challenges that confront Asian-American communities and tackles them head-on in monthly dialogues. “We discuss questions such as, ‘Do you need to know the

mother language to be considered Asian-American?’” de Peralta said. “What about people who are adopted into white households?” Actively engaging the boundaries of identity, AASU insists that there are many ways to be Asian-American. Likewise, Lewis eloquently rejects the notion of a singular black experience. Addressing intersectional issues such as sexuality and ability, BSA recognizes that a common racial identity may be experienced very differently between students. “We also discuss how other identities associated with the African diaspora [African, Caribbean, Afro-Latino/a] are reshaping the African-American/ black narrative in the U.S.,” Lewis said. This idea of reshaping a collective narrative resonates with each organization’s mission,

beyond a marketing campaign designed to confuse and disorient Americans. Coca-Cola, along with other members of “Big Soda,” have virulently fought efforts to limit the size of soft drinks. Christine Quinn, a New York City mayoral candidate, has received $10,000 from Coca-Cola, as have many other New York legislators and candidates (CocaCola spends millions each year on lobbying as well). Coca-Cola has also brought in the NAACP to fight New York City’s soda ban, despite the fact that obesity disproportionately affects minority communities. Big Soda was also intimately involved in defeating the proposed D.C. soda tax in 2010, spending over $300,000 for grassroots campaigns, testimony before the city council and likely much more on anti-tax advertisements (that do not need to be reported).


teaching us that identity must be dynamic and inclusive of many experiences. Henry, de Peralta and Lewis may never fully understand their respective identities. Yet by wrestling with these ambiguities and questioning assumptions within their communities they have negotiated new identities. During orientation, we were taught the chant, “Once an Eagle, always an Eagle!” But just because the definition of an Eagle is fluid, changing with each new class of AU students, doesn’t make this identity obsolete. By challenging our identity as Eagles, we affirm its value and ensure that all students are represented. There is no such thing as a singular narrative. Derek Siegel is a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences. EDPAGE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

14 | JANUARY 31, 2013 OPINION theEAGLE


GPA changes were clearly communicated Last week’s staff editorial, “AU fails to communicate GPA changes,” suggested, “students needed warning of the change to avoid being caught off guard.” We disagree with the headline’s accusation and the assumptions on which it was based. Students had opportunities to participate, provide input and were informed of the change both directly and in The Eagle’s own reporting. From the beginning — more than two academic years ago — when the Faculty Senate’s executive committee formed a working group in summer 2010 to determine the need for changing the University’s academic regulations, the faculty solicited, were open to and responded to student comments and concerns. The guidelines were developed with the input of a student representative appointed

by the Student Government. The Faculty Senate received detailed student feedback at two separate meetings on Feb. 3 and 16, 2011. The Eagle reported and editorialized about these developments on Feb. 14, including, “Faculty Senate mulls extensive changes to academic regulations,” and “Regulations should reflect AU’s reputation.” Additional articles appeared in summer and early fall 2011 mentioning the Provost’s review of the revised academic regulations. We applaud the reporters and editors at The Eagle for reporting on this important academic discussion and how the regulations affect students. In May 2011, the Faculty Senate voted on the new academic regulations, which included a fall 2012 implementation date. Following approval, in the summer and fall 2011, the Of-

fice of the Provost undertook an education and awareness campaign with students and faculty to communicate the new regulations. Student Government leaders worked with the Provost’s Office to provide additional feedback on grandfathering current students under existing policies, and to plan the series of meetings and announcements to inform students of the changes. The outreach included a memo from Provost Scott Bass emailed to the AU community on Dec. 6, 2011, to officially announce the launch of the undergraduate academic regulations for fall 2012 and two town halls meetings. The memo, available on the provost’s website, contained a link to the new regulations, which are permanently housed on the Office for Undergraduate Studies website and also included a document with background information, highlights of changes to the regulations and the grandfather policies. Unfortunately, The Eagle, at the time, did not report on the new academic regulations announcement. However, we note that last year’s Eagle Rants edi-

American University’s student voice since 1925


tor pointed out the location of the new academic regulations when a student asked how to find it in the Dec. 10 rants. And finally, on March 21, 2012, the interim vice provost sent an email reminder during registration to all students about the academic regulation changes, and included the links and the documentation noted above. Last week’s article, “New GPA system changes student grades,” was a good reminder to students about the new regulations. However, it appears to us that The Eagle needs to conduct more thorough research before making an unsubstantiated charge that AU “neglected to tell the students.” Virginia Stallings Interim Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies Leigh Riddick Chair, Faculty Senate, Academic Year 2010-2011 Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Rules & Regulations Jim Girard Chair, Faculty Senate, Academic Year 2011-2012


Soft drinks are in many respects the contemporary Big Tobacco. Their coffers are deep, and they are supported by misinformation, denial and millions of dollars in lobbying. The impact is just as severe. America’s addiction to soft drinks is a public health and food crisis, and blame can be placed squarely on the largest drugdealer, Coca-Cola. While Coca-Cola may proclaim that a can of Coke is “140 happy calories,” those 140 calories (all from sugar) are very different from the 140 calories in a banana. The deliberate distortions of Coca-Cola are deplorable but not all that surprising. Coca-Cola’s rebranding effort is a pathetic attempt to extend an addiction of its own creation, an addiction that must end. Sam Mendelson is a sophomore in the School of International Service. EDPAGE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM




Coca-Cola is the new Big Tobacco

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Eagle sports staff predict victors of the Super Bowl SUPER BOWL 47 SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS VS. BALTIMORE RAVENS


Junior guard Alexis Dobbs ranks first in both steals and assist-to-turnover ratio in the Patriot League.

Women’s basketball tied atop PL standings By JOSH PAUNIL EAGLE STAFF WRITER

Excuse the women’s basketball team if they didn’t know how to react after losing to Navy in Annapolis Jan. 23. After all, it was the first time that they’ve lost a regular season Patriot League contest in two years. But after suffering their first conference loss in two seasons, the Eagles (11-8, 4-1 PL) responded strongly Jan. 26 by taking down the Patriot League’s only undefeated team still standing at the time, Army (15-5, 4-1 PL), 45-42. The Eagles defeated the Black Knights to win their third straight home game and staked their claim as the top team in the conference. Since AU beat Army, four teams — AU, Army, Bucknell and Navy — now stand huddled together at the top of the conference standings. Defense led the Eagles to victory over Army as they limited the Black Knights to the lowest scoring output anyone has produced against AU this season. Army shot just 30 percent from the field and turned the ball over

16 times. Defense has also been the key for AU all season as they’re 9-2 when they hold the opponent to less than 60 points but are 2-6 when they give up more than 60 points.


Junior guard Alexis Dobbs has also been crucial for the Eagles, ranking first in the Patriot League in steals and assistto-turnover ratio. She also ranks third in assists per game and 10th in scoring. In AU’s big victory over Army, Dobbs poured in a game-high 12 points and team-high three assists. Perhaps more importantly, though, was her first half buzzer-beater 3-pointer to give the Eagles a 20-16 lead heading into the break. That three proved to be the difference in the game and was the only triple AU knocked down. Dobbs is also fourth in the conference in 3-point shooting. In the Navy loss, the defense was helpless as the Midshipmen shot over 45 percent from the field and turned the ball over just 11 times, Dobbs also

struggled shooting the ball, going 2-for-10 from the field, though she did dish out a gamehigh seven assists. In the midst of Dobbs’ dominance, it can be easy to forget AU’s X-factor this season: junior guard Geleisa George. George, who comes off of the bench, is the Eagles’ third-leading scorer and a top-20 scorer in the Patriot League. She’s also fourth in field goal percentage and has the top free-throw mark in the conference. Her ability to score proved to be crucial in AU’s win over Army as she scored 10 points and anchored the Eagles’ bench, which outscored Army’s bench, 24-4. George also hit an important go-ahead bucket with less than three minutes remaining in the game. In their next matchup, AU travels to Easton, Penn., as they take on Lafayette (8-12, 1-4 PL ) Feb. 2 at 2 p.m. The Leopards are the Patriot League’s best shot-blocking team, as they reject nearly seven shots a game, which is two blocks more than next closest team Army. SPORTS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

MERCEDES BENZ SUPER DOME NEW ORLEANS, LA. 6:30 P.M. CBS This year’s “Harbowl” is going to be full of surprises. Although the Ravens have a veteran team with a seasoned playoff quarterback in Joe Flacco, I think rookie Colin Kaepernick and the 49ers have too much power on offense for the aging Ravens defense. Final score: 2420 49ers. -MOLLY KEPNER

Colin Kaepernick has been a big play machine since taking over the starting job in December. In his two losses this season, Kaepernick’s yards per completion were about two yards shorter than his average. Seems like nothing, but it adds up. The Ravens’ defense this postseason has held opposing QBs about two yards below their average yards per completion. Shorter passes equal less big plays. That’s bad news for Kaepernick and the Niners. Ed Reed and the most complete front seven Kaepernick has seen this season win it for the Ravens, 21-17. - GENNARO FARONE

Ravens over 49ers: 28-14. The Ravens will send out linebacker Ray Lewis as a Super Bowl Champion. I believe Colin Kaepernick

will struggle in the big game whereas Joe Flacco will play continue his strong playoff performances. -ADAM HAMBURGER

The Niners have a tough defense and can hurt you in the air or on the ground. But Baltimore has been on fire and has had a much tougher road to get here than San Fran. Flacco is red-hot. Running back Ray Rice is lethal. And Ray Lewis is Ray Lewis. He’s been the emotional fuel for this team. I can’t see them losing now. -CHRIS HALL

Unfortunately for Ravens fans, Ray Lewis’ last dance will end in a loss as 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick will prove to be too much of a dual threat, resulting in Baltimore’s inability to contain him and prevent him from making big plays. After leading all quarterbacks in passer rating in the playoffs, Joe Flacco will commit multiple turnovers and give Kaepernick and Frank Gore good field position which they’ll be able to translate into points. -JOSH PAUNIL

Ray Lewis facemasks resembles the mask worn by Bane, the villain from Batman. Unfortunately for the 49ers, Colin Kaepernick is going to have difficulty channelling his inner Batman. The 49ers pass defense has been shaky at best and Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco is on fire. Also Z-Burger is giving away a free burger if the Ravens win, and who doesn’t love free food? -ERIC SALTZMAN


16 | JANUARY 31, 2013 SPORTS theEAGLE



Stephen Lumpkins makes a shot against Bucknell Jan. 30. The Eagles fell to the Bison 56-55 on a buzzer beater. Check theeagleonline.com for a full game recap.

Loss to Army showcases men’s basketball’s season long issues By GENNARO FARONE EAGLE STAFF WRITER

The Eagles have played 810 minutes this season, but summed up their season in less than 20 seconds against Army. On Jan. 26 against the Black Knights, the Eagles managed two turnovers and missed a shot close to the basket in less than

half a minute. There are three issues that have plagued AU (7-13, 2-3 PL) this season: their secondhalf performances, turnovers and an inability to finish close to the basket. AU went into the half up one against Army (9-11, 2-3 PL), but then the big three struck. First, the second half started. Then, less than 20 seconds into the sec-

ond half, the Eagles’ one-point lead turned into a four-point deficit. The Black Knights extended their lead as high as 16 points and never looked back, winning 77-64. AU’s second-half woes go back much further than Jan. 26. Including their games against Army and Navy, the Eagles have trailed by single digits at halftime six times this season, been tied once and have led nine times. In those 16 games, the Eagles are 7-9. In the seven games that AU tied or trailed by single digits, the team is 0-7.


No games scheduled

FEB. 1

Track and Field @ New Balance Invitational

FEB. 2

Swimming and Diving @ Bison Invitational 12 p.m. Track and Field @ New Balance Invitational Women’s Basketball @ Lafayette 2 p.m. Men’s Basketball vs. Lafayette 2 p.m.

In those seven games, AU never trailed by more than four points. In their Jan. 23 matchup against Navy (7-14, 1-4) the Eagles mounted a 10-point lead against the Midshipmen at the half. Coming into the game, they had only coughed up one halftime lead this season. Thanks to five John Schoof 3-pointers in the second half, that number stayed at one. In total, Schoof poured in a career-high 27 points and went 8-of-10 from deep. The strong second half in Bender Arena resulted in a 72-49 win.

Momentum is extremely fickle, and turnovers and an inability to get the ball into the basket from close range will make gaining momentum almost impossible. With nine games remaining, momentum is precious to a 7-13 Eagle team. The next three games for AU are extremely important if they want to get into a good rhythm heading into the final stretch of Patriot League play. All three are in Bender Arena, with the first two against the best teams in the conference. After facing Bucknell on Jan.30, the Eagles will


Wrestling vs. Binghamton 12 p.m.

FEB. 4, 5, 6

No games scheduled

MEN’S BASKETBALL Lehigh 15-5, 5-1 PL Bucknell 17-4, 5-1 PL Lafayette 11-12, 4-2 PL Army 10-11, 3-3 PL

Holy Cross 10-11, 2-4 PL Colgate 8-14, 2-4 PL ≥ American 7-13, 2-4 PL Navy 7-15, 1-5 PL

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Navy 12-9, 5-1 PL ≥ American 12-8, 5-1 PL Army 15-6, 4-2 PL Bucknell 13-8, 4-2 PL

Lafayette 9-12, 2-4 PL Lehigh 10-11, 2-4 PL Holy Cross 10-11, 2-4 PL Colgate 6-14, 0-6 PL

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