The Eagle, Sept. 28

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AU Central still adjusting to high volume of demand “My nancial aid didn’t come to me until a week before school started.” — Joe Yoo, SIS By LEIGH GIANGRECO Eagle Contributing Writer

AU Central has been attempting to adjust to the high volumes of student inquiries since its July 1 opening, according to AU Central Director Jonnel Clothier. Now almost halfway into the new semester, students say they are still dealing with the problems the office is trying to fix, including a shortage of staff members, long hold times on the phone and poor service quality. Clothier said in August that AU Central was “not operating as efficiently as we would like,” The Eagle previously reported. AU Central combines the three offices of Financial Aid, Student Accounts and the Office of the Registrar. Mark Fritts, a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences, noticed the shortage of help at AU Central during his visit. “I saw only maybe two people there at the front desk, and there’s quite a bit of people there coming with problems,” he said. Three new staff counselors started working in the office on Sept. 7, and four Federal Work-Study students have been hired in order to alleviate the staffing shortage, according to Clothier. Betty Douglass, who was the AU Central interim director when the office first opened, said the process of combining the separate branches of Financial Aid, Registrar and Student Accounts into the AU Central office would mean “the staff will be more like general practitioners rather than specialists,” The Eagle

previously reported. Some students feel this lack of specialization has led to poor counseling. “It’s somewhat inefficient,” said Jacqueline Vi, a junior in the School of International Service. “I went there to meet with a counselor for financial aid, and [staff members] don’t know what they’re talking about.” Clothier said she understands students’ concern, but they should allow the staff to adjust to the new procedures. She also noted that some students have asked questions at AU Central that were “out of scope,” such as loft specifications and student health plans. Still, students feel that the new umbrella style of the AU Central office spreads itself too thin over the three branches. Joe Yoo, a sophomore in the School of International Service, said he was dissatisfied with AU Central’s Financial Aid branch. “My financial aid didn’t come to me until a week before school started and I would call AU Central and be on hold for an hour.” Yoo said. In addition to lack of service from AU Central, other students have been contacted by AU Central when they did not have a problem. There were directory issues early on, in which system software put similar names into a record. However, the problem was diagnosed, and no e-mails were misdirected, according to Clothier. “I’ve never actually been there, but they sent me an email saying that my inquiry was being processed, when

I never inquired anything,” said Devon Huntley, a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences. “Then they said that it was all taken care of and something was changed, but I never spoke to anyone.” Despite the problems reported by some students, there have been others who applaud the new consolidation. “They seem more efficient than before they combined,” said Tyler Brennan, a sophomore in the School of Public Affairs. However, Brennan feels AU Central is only “relatively efficient,” he said. “I mean, we are at AU — there’s a decent amount of red tape for most things,” he said. Clothier said the best way for students to avoid lengthy forms and lines is to first consult the Frequently Asked Questions section on AU Central’s new website. Clothier noted that this time is a learning period for new staff, and feedback has helped AU Central improve. “In the first two plus months of operation, we have collected data which is helping us to pinpoint the biggest issues that cause problems for students, and [we] will look at solutions for making these processes more efficient,” Clothier said. Despite complaints, she says efficiency will improve. “Right now, we may not be as fast as we would like to be, but we believe a complete answer that may take a little longer to provide is what students prefer,” Clothier said.






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80($.86 ISSUE


Police blotter / Eagle rants (3), SIS BA program (5), AV4U chooses candidate (8)


Katzen (10), Lessons for AU politicians (12), Abroad column (14), Calendar (15)


Staff editorial (16), Five questions for Jonnel Clothier (17)


Men’s soccer defeats Bucknell (20), Blue Crew 2 (19), Sideline scholar (18)

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$>#%!"#$%&! since SEPT. 21

1. AU students organize to elect one of their own to local government 2. Eagle rants (Sept. 20) 3. Former WCL employee to be sentenced for theft 4. Calling foul on maintaining the status quo

“I feel like a total nerd when I say that I enjoy being sat in the library on a Sunday afternoon. #AmericanU” @O_livia, Sept. 26. “Total amateur night on the library quiet floor #AmericanU -- 3 audible cell phone rings in 5 minutes.” @kaydenh, Sept. 23.


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“In January of 1926, #AmericanU students voted on the colors for the undergrad college. Blue and orange were adopted over blue and white.” @AUhistory, Sept. 22.

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“Thanks. RT @nealusa: Wonk will work, @AmericanU. Great job! #wonk #AmericanU” @AmericanWonks, Sept. 23.








CIA Information Session 5 - 7 p.m. WHERE: Butler Board Room WHAT: CIA agents will be on campus to speak with undergrads and graduate students about current and upcoming opportunities within the CIA. CONTACT: Blair Ufer at

AU Job and Internship Fair 12 - 2 p.m. or 5 - 7 p.m. WHERE: Sports Center Lobby WHAT: More than 120 public, private and nonprofit employers will be recruiting on campus during the fair. Business attire is recommended, and an AU ID is required for admittance. CONTACT: Elaine Salisbury at careercenter@

Women in Politics and the 2010 Elections 7 - 8:30 p.m. WHERE: Ward Circle 2 WHAT: A panel of female political operatives will focus on policy regarding women, challenges facing female candidates, efforts underway to bring gender parity to politics and society and the role of the female candidate in the 2010 Election. CONTACT: Sam Hagedorn at

Women’s Volleyball vs. United Military States Academy 7 - 9 p.m. WHERE: Bender Arena WHAT: Come out and cheer for the women’s volleyball team as they take on USMA. CONTACT: Kathryn Tortorici at

The Gorenman Beethoven Project 8 - 10 p.m. WHERE: McDowell Formal Lounge WHAT: Internationally acclaimed concert pianist and AU musician in residence Yuliya Gorenman presents the seventh in a series of eight concerts devoted to performing the complete cycle of sonatas for piano by Ludwig van Beethoven. CONTACT: Katzen Box Office at auarts@american. edu.

NFL Sundays in the Tavern 12 - 11 p.m. WHERE: Mary Graydon Center Tavern WHAT: Come and watch the NFL games of the week in the Tavern. Game times are at 1 p.m., 4:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. CONTACT: Patrick Ledesma at ledesma@american. edu.



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Sept. 16 A student reported discovering her wallet was taken from her bag while she was in a coffee shop on the 4500 Block of Wisconsin Ave. NW. The bag was on a stand behind her while she was using a laptop computer. At least one fraudulent charge was made on a bank card, which was in the wallet. Sept. 17 A resident assistant discovered fire extinguishers had been discharged on fifth floor stairwells of Anderson and Letts Hall. The extinguishers were taken to Facilities Management for replacement. Aramark was contacted to clean the areas. Twenty-four chairs were reported to have been taken from the Butler Pavilion Conference Room. The Department of Public Safety responded to a report of an altercation and met two students outside of the Ward Circle Building. The female was very irate and crying. Reportedly, she became upset at the male, “her boyfriend,” when he spoke of another female being invited to a party. She threw books around, struck herself on the arms and legs, scratched her neck and face and scratched him on the hand. He did not wish to pursue the matter.

Sept. 18 During routine patrol, Public Safety discovered two students sitting on the grass outside of Katzen Arts Center surrounded with drug paraphernalia, alcohol and suspected marijuana. Student #1 indicated he and Student #2 were smoking marijuana. The following was recovered: One 50 mL bottle of JB, one 50 mL bottle of Jack Daniels, suspected marijuana (tested positive for marijuana), vaporizer, grinder, rolling papers, pipe and plastic tubing. Sept. 19 At 1:43 a.m., Public Safety responded to the south shuttle stop for a report of a verbal altercation. Public Safety observed Student #1 and Student #2 arguing with each other as they exited an AU shuttle bus. Student #1 said Student #2 asked him if he wanted to fight. Student #1 stated it was due to him making a comment to a female on the bus. According to the students, the argument never became physical. The students were sent on their way at 1:51 a.m.

A bicycle was taken from the rear parking lot of the Berkshire Apartments. The bike had been secured to a fence via cable lock.

At 1:52 a.m., Public Safety responded to a report of a fight in progress in the Letts/ Anderson Quad. Public Safety saw Student #1 yelling in the direction of Student #2. Student #1 asserted Student #2 asked him if he wanted to fight. Student #2 asserted Student #1 attempted to start a fight. Again, both claimed no physical altercation occurred. They



Peace Corps Volunteer Information Session 6 - 7:30 p.m. WHERE: MGC 3 WHAT: Join the Career Center and Peace Corps Mid Atlantic Recruiter to learn more about the application process, volunteer experience and upcoming opportunities in over 70 countries across the globe. CONTACT: Blair Ufer at

Alcohol, Sex and Excess and Relationship 8:15 - 9:30 p.m. WHERE: Sports Center Lobby WHAT: Elaine Pasqua will cover Alcohol, Sex and Excess and Relationship Violence. This event is mandatory for all studentathletes. CONTACT: Athena Argyropoulos at

"784"%&'($) were sent on their way. Public Safety responded to a report of an individual vomiting on a shuttle bus at the Tenley shuttle stop. Upon arrival, the individual was vomiting, conscious but not entirely coherent. She indicated she had been drinking at a friend’s house in Adams Morgan from 10:00 p.m. to 1 a.m. The D.C. Fire Department determined she did not need to be transported to a hospital. Reportedly, at approximately 6 a.m., a student walked into Public Safety and spoke with a dispatcher. The student was locked out of his room. The dispatcher told the student to stand by while necessary information was gathered. The student appeared agitated and paced in the main lobby. The student walked into the vending area and struck a computer monitor, damaging it. Later, a resident director and Public Safety questioned him about the damage. Public Safety detected an odor of an alcoholic beverage on the student’s breath. The student stated he punched the computer because he was intoxicated and frustrated about being locked out of the room. The incident will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct.


Aren’t there any cool girls that don’t already have boyfriends? Especially long-distance boyfriends, jeez.

keep your conversation to a conversational level rather than a party level? Thank you.

! All my professors require written submissions on the reading 5 p.m. the day before class ... why as a senior am I being forced to acquire good study habits?

! Crushing hard on the metalhead in one of my classes. I wish I could talk to you!


! Not that I actually attended that party on the beach, but I really did enjoy the music coming in through my open window. ! I love working at the Phonathon, and I love eagle rants. Thank you, Eagle. Because (even though I love the Phonathon!) if it wasn’t for eagle rants, my brain would be dripping out of my ears from staring at a computer screen for four hours because NO ONE ON THE DAMN FUTURE DONORS LIST WILL ANSWER THE PHONE!!!!!!!!! ! I’m a transfer and thought all you guys would be friendly. The friendliest girls on campus are sorority sisters and the bros that follow them around ... PLEASE SOMEBODY FIND ME! ! Dear severely annoying people in Ward: Just because you are in a common area does not mean that is it okay to be INSANELY LOUD AND ANNOYING. Yes, I realize this isn’t a library, but there are plenty of people around you that are obviously trying to study. Is it too much to ask that you

! Why do the athletes/sorority girls congregate on the third floor in the back? And why are they the most annoying human beings alive? YOU’RE IN A LIBRARY. I don’t care if you’re only here because it’s required. GET OUT. ! How do I tell my dorm neighbor to be quieter? He gets way too loud when his Neanderthal friends visit and spends way too much time yelling at the TV when watching football. ! To all the hipsters working at the Dav: If you think you’re too cool to serve me coffee without an attitude, maybe you need a new job! The Mud Box is exponentially cooler than you anyway, even without the skinny jeans and thick rimmed glasses! ! Dear People on Anderson 5, You all seem like very nice people, but you aren’t very nice to your floormates. You monopolize the lounge and act as if property that is for common use is yours. Please stop judging those of us who occasionally go out on weekends. It’s okay if that’s not your thing, but giving

me mean looks when I come into the lounge at 4 a.m. to make drunk food is judgmental and rude. I want to get along with you, but you just aren’t friendly or considerate. Love, An Anderson 5 Biddie ! WHY does the Davenport prop the outside door open?!? I thought they were obsessed with being ecofriendly!!! ! THE QUIET FLOOR IS NOT A PLACE FOR YOU TO BE PLAYING VIDEO GAMES. ! To the person who just blew a whistle at 2:30 a.m.: Idiot. I thought it was a rape whistle. Running down the stairs laughing is very mature, and I’m so glad that’s how you spend your evenings. In fact, you didn’t wake anyone up. Tip: Act like you belong in college and not in secondary education. ! It would be amazing if everything on this campus wasn’t covered in red tape. I’m surprised TDR doesn’t make you fill out forms every time you want to eat.



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WISDOM TEETH PAIN? Get that handled now Call 202-296-6600 Dr. Virginia Lee






Trustees discuss wonk, Campus Plan, AnewAU By STEFANIE DAZIO Eagle Staff Writer

The Board of Trustees assembled Thursday and Friday for their annual orientation and meeting. Chairman Gary Abramson met with The Eagle to talk about what the Board discussed during the closed session and what they plan to do this year. ! The Office of Development reported that the AnewAU goal of $200 million has been surpassed, and contributions currently stand at over $206 million. ! The University recently hired architectural firm Little Diversified to design the proposed East Campus on

the Nebraska parking lot. An architect has not yet been hired for the Tenley Campus construction, which will turn that campus into the Washington College of Law. ! Student Government President Nate Bronstein briefed the Board on the “A Voice 4 U” campaign. Abramson said he was very impressed with the creativity of the initiative. ! Director of Sustainability Chris O’Brien presented the University’s carbon neutral plan to the Board and discussed the possibility of putting photovoltaic solar panels on certain buildings. ! The Board saw a preview of the new Katzen Welcome

Center, a place for prospective students to begin their tours of AU. ! University Librarian Bill Mayer presented changes to the library, including major customer service improvements. ! University Communications and Marketing Executive Director Teresa Flannery presented the wonk campaign to the Board. They discussed Friday’s frontpage Washington Post story on the campaign. Abramson said the campaign is still in its early stages. “We’re letting everybody acclimate to it,” he said. !

see BOARD on page 9


ALL IN THE FAMILY – Board of Trustees Chairman Gary Abramson, a 1968 AU alumnus, is a partner in his family-run real estate business, Tower Companies. Abramson’s daughter is also a 1997 AU alumna.

Administrator Prole: Abramson, Board of Trustees chairman AU alum balances Board with family, real estate company By STEFANIE DAZIO

AU is pretty great for people seeking to learn more about foreign countries. If you’re planning on studying abroad in Bulgaria and want to learn more about the country as a whole, there’s a club for that.

If you get set up on a blind date and all you know about the person is that they’re from Taiwan and you want to learn more Taiwanese culture, there’s a club for that.

If your best friend invited you to spend winter break at their brother’s friend’s girlfriend’s cousin’s house in Lebanon and you want to know what sites you should make sure to check out while you’re there, there’s even a club for that.

Yup, there’s a club for just about anything. Only at AU.

For more information, contact the AU Club Council at

Eagle Staff Writer

Gary Abramson may be chairman of the Board of Trustees here, but he’s still second-in-command in his family’s company. The native Washingtonian is a partner in the Tower Companies, his family-run real estate development business that specializes in economically friendly design. Abramson’s boss is his 93year-old father Albert, “Sonny,” who founded the company in 1947 and still comes into the Rockville, Md., office every day. “I like the family company,” Abramson said. “It’s completely different than the corporate structure. We don’t need to call special board meetings.” Abramson and his daughter Marnie, who does public relations work for the Tower Companies, both received their degrees from AU — he is a 1968 School of Public Affairs alumnus, and she graduated from the School of Communication in 1997. But Abramson did not begin his college career here. He transferred to AU in 1966 from a Florida school and commuted to class. He said the University community has more excitement, progress and pride than ever and that the quality of students here has greatly increased. “I’d hate to apply all over again,” he laughed. “I wouldn’t

say that I was the most serious academic student in those days.” But as the Board of Trustees chairman and having been a trustee for 25 years, he can take credit for the school’s improved standing over a long period of time. “I can feel proud the University is in as good as shape as it’s in,” he said. In 2001, Abramson contracted a staph infection that was resistant to antibiotics that left him a quadriplegic for nearly four years. The illness started as pain in his right shoulder, and in six days he was in septic shock. For three weeks it was touchand-go whether he would live. The infection damaged his spinal cord to the point where he couldn’t operate his powerchair. “I had to learn how to sit up,” he said. “It’s really amazing.” But 6,000 to 7,000 physical and occupational therapy visits later, he began to walk again. “I was one of the lucky ones,” he said. Several AU buildings bear Abramson’s name as a testament to his legacy at AU, something he considers very important. Those buildings will be here for perpetuity, or at least until they are knocked down, Abramson said.

3(4"%!"#$% Abramson said he used to be a very good pool player. Now he plays with his fouryear-old granddaughter, who rolls the balls across the table with her hands. His favorite spot on the campus is still the quad, and Abramson remembers when students were able to drive their cars across it. Abramson has donated $3 million to AU for the new School of International Service building, the new SOC building and the Abramson Family Recital Hall in the Katzen Arts Center. He remembers when the Berkshire apartments used to have a coffee shop in the basement. That space is now a convenience store. His beverage of choice is black coffee. The Abramson family received Montgomery County Council’s ‘40 Environmentalists in 40 Years’ Award this year.




Greeks look to SIS to offer 3-year B.A. program gain voice on Global Scholars will accept 25 freshmen starting next fall Conduct Board By PAIGE JONES

Eagle Contributing Writer

By ANNA SCALAMOGNA Eagle Staff Writer

The AU greek community is hoping to add a representative to the Student Conduct Advisory Board in an effort to ensure the greek community has a voice regarding conduct policies, according to Adam Tager, president of the Inter-Fraternity Council. Tager wants a greek representative to start sitting on the council this spring semester, so that they can be part of discussions regarding policy changes for next year. Students in the greek com-

feels this is an important step for greek life-community relations. “I hope having a member of greek life on the board will ensure that members of the fraternity and sorority community are taken into consideration when policies are made,” Schweitzer said. Schweitzer hopes having a greek representative on the board will make the relationship between the SG and greek life stronger. Schweitzer believes it is always important for students to be well represented on the conduct board. It is especially important to ensure that a student voice is presenting the greek life per-

The greek community comprises approximately 18.5 percent of the undergraduate student body. munity want to have an impact on current and future policies and contribute their experience with neighborhood relations to the council, Tager said. He also noted that the greek community comprises approximately 18.5 percent of the undergraduate student body. Tager plans to speak with Rosie McSweeney, director of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution Services, about adding a greek representative to the conduct board after Tuesday’s meeting. McSweeney said she is not aware of this initiative and declined to comment. Student Government President Nate Bronstein has endorsed Tager’s initiative for a representative. Katie Schweitzer, president of the Panhellenic Council,

spective, she said. A town hall meeting to discuss changes in the Student Conduct Code will take place on Sept. 28 from 8:30 to 10 p.m. in Ward 2. Tager hopes this meeting will show that the greek community has a unique and productive point of view that would be beneficial for the Conduct Advisory Board. Tager will be moderating the Town Hall meeting. Panelists will include McSweeney, Director of Public Safety Michael McNair, Assistant Director of the Student Advocacy Center Matt Kabak and IFC Vice President Carter Gibson representing the undergraduate greek community. ascalamogna@

Next fall, the School of International Service will allow 25 entering freshmen to complete a bachelor’s degree in three years and a master’s in four. The Global Scholars Program was created because many SIS students were already completing their undergraduate requirements in three years. “We recognize that that’s already happening, so we decided to create an experience for them that provided them with support for that,” said Leeanne Dunsmore, associate dean for program development and graduate admissions. It will also provide students with numerous benefits, including study abroad and internship opportunities

and a program director for guidance. “The Global Scholars Program is a rigorous accelerated course of study designed for outstanding entering freshmen passionate about creating meaningful change in the world,” Director of Undergraduate Admissions Greg Grauman said. Since the program has limited space and a rigorous academic requirement, prospective students must submit an application separate from their AU application. In the Global Scholars Program Application, which can be found online, candidates must provide personal information, as well as write a 500-word essay. A committee of SIS faculty will decide which 25 students to admit into the Global Scholars Program. “It’s not for everyone,”

Dunsmore said. “It’s for someone who has a focus … in international relations [and] wants an accelerated experience.” Once admitted, the students would live on the same floor of a residence hall, which is tentatively planned to be an Honors floor in Hughes Hall, according to Dunsmore. “If you’re going to accelerate your undergraduate education, having support within the dormitory, we thought was an essential component to their success so that they would have one another,” Dunsmore said. Due to the Global Scholars Program’s academic rigor, many of the students admitted into the Global Scholars Program would be Honors students as well, according to Phyllis Peres, vice provost for undergraduate studies.

Since these students have limited time to complete 120 credits, they will fulfill many of their graduation requirements over two summers through study abroad or online learning courses. AU will allow their financial aid to continue over the summer, adding up to a total of eight semesters in three years. If the Global Scholars Program is a success, other departments may implement similar programs as well. “We’re also looking at this as a pilot for other programs on the campus,” Peres said. “The School of International Service is kind of taking the lead for all of us here.”

( New Language Prociency Courses (All Language Skills / Speaking Only) The Middle East Institute is excited to announce the launch of its accelerated language prociency courses for professionals in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Hebrew, Dari and Pashto. These classes are targeted at military and civilian professionals in the Middle East eld and focus on improving language prociency in general while enhancing technical vocabulary in order to meet your professional needs. At the beginning and at the end of each course, students will be tested by ACTFL Certied Testers based on ILR and ACTFL scales. Evening and weekend classes will be offered at the Institute. Private Tutoring and Offsite morning classes are also available upon request. For 8 weeks courses, fees are only: $430 for 4 hours/week course and $995 for 8 hours/ week intensive course. REGISTER TODAY! Located in Dupont Circle 1761 N St. NW, Washington, DC For more information: 202-785-2710




Newly-opened Roper Hall maintenance problems xed By JESSICA LIU

Eagle Contributing Writer


PROBLEMS SOLVED — Housing and Dining Programs and 2FIX have been working in the past month to resolve numerous facilities problems in Roper Hall since its opening Sept. 7.

Housing and Dining Programs and 2FIX recently repaired multiple facility concerns in Roper Hall that residents have had since the hall opened on Sept. 7. The residents of Roper Hall experienced problems dealing with: !"Laundry machines !"Microwaves !"Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning units !"Plumbing Laura Beck, a freshman in the School of Communication and a resident of Roper Hall, said students have been reporting most of their issues in Roper to 2FIX, AU’s central point of contact for facility issues. Some problems took longer than others to be fixed because they had manufacturing issues that 2FIX could not repair, said Sam Yankson, Building Maintenance Supervisor.

Some HVAC units leaked in a couple of student rooms, but the problem is common and Facilities Management staff quickly repaired the problem, according to Yankson. Roper residents informed Housing and Dining on Aug. 18 that the laundry machines were not working, so the office informed the laundry contractor, Caldwell and Gregory, about the problem, according to Chris Moody, executive director of Housing and Dining Programs. Caldwell and Gregory found the issues were related to the eSuds card reader program and campus IT network connections. Furthermore, there were no microwaves in Roper when the hall opened. “The microwave orders for Roper were placed on time for the building’s opening but were not received due to a shipping error by the microwave manufacturer,”

Moody said. “They have been received and installed since the first week of September.” The single stall bathroom on the first floor of Roper was out of order from Sept. 13 to 16 because there was a leak under the tile floor. Students have also reported concerns about the automatic sinks not turning off after being used. Those concerns have been forwarded to the sink contractors, Yankson said. Roper was previously the building for the Department of Economics. The conversion of the building to a residence hall was managed and supervised by the University Architect’s office, The Eagle previously reported. Construction began in March of this year and was supposed to be ready for student housing in August. Although many problems have arisen, students like !

see ROPER on page 9

Few upperclassmen choose to run for SG Senate seats By ALLIE MOONEY Eagle Staff Writer

Fourteen freshmen are campaigning for five class senator spots in this fall’s Student Government election. But towards the bottom of the ballot, only two candidates are listed as vying for the 10 open junior and senior positions. The uneven participation distribution is typical for SG elections, said Adam Daniel-Wayman, chairman of the SG Election Oversight Committee. The departure of many juniors and seniors from the SG is something the Board of Elections, which regulates SG elections, is working to address this year. “This is something BOE tries to publicize and correct over the course of nomination season,” Anthony Dunham, the director of the

BOE, said. “Unfortunately, the vacancies are due to various factors such as studying abroad, internships and other things that juniors and seniors like to do.” Juniors and seniors naturally migrate to more professional or profitable avenues of involvement in D.C. or abroad, Speaker of the Undergraduate Senate Eric Reath said. “Most of the [class of] 2012 has moved on to different positions in the SG or are becoming RAs or taking on a part-time job rather than the SG,” he said. “It’s just their choice of how they want to get involved on campus.” Reath said he is confident, however, that these vacancies will be filled through the application process available later in the semester. Some students are interested in senate seats but would

rather not run in an election, Daniel-Wayman said. Over the summer, Reath received more than 50 applications for 10 vacancies. “The statistics look shocking, but I don’t foresee it being a problem, because I know there’s still people interested [in the open seats],” Reath said. Dunham expressed some concern over the trend. “It also may be an indicator of the SG as a whole, and we should look at those who want to be involved,” Dunham said. “If there isn’t a big push to be involved in SG through senior year I think we should look at ourselves and see what it is we are doing, who we are catering to? Are we truly catering to all undergraduate students?” amooney@theeagleonline. com




WCL thief given 12 months, 1 day in sentence By STEFANIE DAZIO Eagle Staff Writer

A former Washington College of Law employee was sentenced to 12 months and one day in prison for the interstate transportation of stolen property in federal court Wednesday. Martine Tavakoli, 50, pleaded guilty May 20 to stealing nearly $400,000worth of checks made out to AU law journals over a period of six years, The Eagle previously reported.

her actions. “I just feel so horrible that I’ve betrayed all my colleagues and the administrators at the University,” she said. The potential effects of Tavakoli’s prison time on her youngest daughter, a 16-year-old high school student, was a factor in the judge’s decision about the sentence length. Friedman said he chose a 12-month and one day incarceration because she can earn up to 54 days off for

"I just feel so horrible that I’ve betrayed all my colleagues and and SOC join forces the administrators at New website will offer internships to AU students the University." ANA SANTOS / THE EAGLE

ONLINE ALUM — founder and 1989 AU alumnus Jim Brady speaks at Tuesday’s partnership kick-off in the Katzen Arts Center. TBD and AU will work together to host workshops for TBD employees and to offer students internships. Brady, the website’s founder and general manager, is a former executive editor of


Eagle Contributing Writer and AU celebrated the kickoff of their new partnership with a launch party on Tuesday night in the Katzen Arts Center. TBD is a new hyperlocal news website that has generated buzz in the news industry for its innovative business model. The partnership between TBD and AU will involve internship opportunities for students and AUhosted workshops for TBD employees. The event included an introduction by School of Communication Dean Larry Kirkman, a discussion by a panel of bloggers and a virtual tour of, D.C.’s new regional multi-platform news operation. AU has several connections to the new online journalistic effort. Jim Brady, the

website’s general manager and founder, is a 1989 AU alumnus. He is also a former executive editor of The website has 170 bloggers in their network, two of which are AU alumni. Ladan Nekoomaram, who received her master’s degree from SOC earlier this year, writes the “Foreign Policy Beat” blog and Rachel Levitin, an 2009 alumna who also received her master’s from SOC, covers sports for Blogs covering D.C. can join the TBD network, which then links directly to the blogs from Through a partnership starting this month with the online news organization, AU professors will conduct workshops for TBD’s new bloggers. In the spring, TBD will offer AU students various internship opportunities in all aspects of the journal-

ism industry. Positions in reporting, television production, writing and photography will be available to AU students. TBD will also work with the Kogod School of Business to present internships on the business side of the journalism industry. Brady said he is looking for “people hungry to prove something.” “I’m just one of those people that believes journalism is one of those crafts that has to be learned out in the field,” he said. “Getting an internship is a really good way to learn how the business works.” SOC professors are planning five workshops in writing, design, social media and search engine optimization that members of TBD’s blogger network can attend. Some of the bloggers in the TBD community network are interested in learning

about topics such as correction policy or libel, so AU will offer classes for them on these types of subjects. The workshops, starting this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Weschler Theater, are geared toward training people who are directly involved with TBD. Brady said AU was a good fit as an academic institution with which to form an alliance. “In terms of partnering with AU, the dean has done a great job turning this into a top-notch journalism school, and we were looking for something to partner with on the academic side,” he said. “So I went with my alma mater first and worked out a deal with them. It just seemed like a natural place to go.”

-Martine Tavakoli

Judge Paul Friedman sentenced Tavakoli to this term in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, rather than house arrest with electronic monitoring, as suggested by the defense in an earlier memorandum. The prosecution recommended Tavakoli serve 1824 months in prison. She will also have to pay full restitution to AU — a sum of $399,529.57, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Tavakoli had deposited multiple checks made out to the law journals in a secret bank account at a SunTrust branch in Virginia from 2003 to 2009. She addressed the court and apologized for

good behavior, which would mean only 10 months in prison — the equivalent of one school year. “Sentencing is the most difficult thing a judge has to do,” he said during the hearing. “This is one of the harder ones.” Tavakoli’s attorney, Assistant Federal Public Defender Mary Petras teared up several times during the hearing. “For some reason, Mrs. Tavakoli really strikes a chord with me,” Petras said.




Revitalized Ward Week makes ‘splash’ with revolutionized events By ALLIE MOONEY Eagle Staff Writer

This year’s Artemas Ward Week was successful in bringing together the AU community with the theme, “Revolutionize the Battle,” taking the week to a larger scale than in the past, Student Government Vice President Maia Tagami said. Jenny Kim, the director of events, helped plan Ward Week. She said she was glad with the turnout for the events. The Dive-In movie event on Tuesday and the Ultimate Frisbee game on Wednesday were new to Ward Week and brought students out in large numbers to participate during the week, Kim said. The Dive-In movie event brought over 50 people to the Bender pool to watch the movie “Jaws,” Kim said. At the Ultimate Frisbee game on Wednesday a capeclad SG President Nate Bronstein handed out Frisbees.

The State Radio concert on Saturday was also a well-attended, fun event, according to Kim. “I had never heard of [the band] before, but they were absolutely mind-blowing,” Kim said. Tagami, who was in charge of organizing Ward Week, was pleased with the community’s reception of the week. “I’m very happy with the way everything turned out,” Tagami said. “I personally had a lot of fun and got a lot of positive feedback from students throughout the week, which is the best feeling that you can get.” This year’s Ward Week was intended to be an improvement on last year’s Ward Week, which was criticized by some as being poorly publicized and organized, The Eagle previously reported. Last year’s Ward Week organizers also dealt with a last-minute cancellation of a Caribbean Circle event.

Alex Prescott, last year’s SG vice president and 2010 alumnus of the School of Communication, said that despite the cancellation, 2009 Ward Week was largely successful in comparison to 2008 Ward Week, when three events were canceled the day of the event, Prescott said. “It was a successful week,” Prescott said. “There were no huge-scale events. That’s just how we budgeted it. We consider it a step forward from the previous year where they had a lot of events canceled.” Prescott is pleased with the work of the SG this year to make Ward Week as successful as it can be. “I’m very proud of what they are doing looking at it at a perspective of three years back. I’m happy to see the progress that has been made,” Prescott said. amooney@theeagleonline. com


SOAK UP THE SUN — Students battle during a water fight using water guns and 1,000 biodegradable balloons on the quad Wednesday as part of Artemas Ward Week’s festivities.


SAVE MY SEAT — Tyler Sadonis, a freshman in the School of Public Affairs, was selected by the A Voice 4 U campaign to run against ANC 3D 02 Commissioner Tom Smith.

AV4U chooses a candidate: Meet ‘Mr. North side’ By ANNA SCALAMOGNA Eagle Staff Writer

The “A Voice 4 U” campaign announced Sunday that the North side candidate for a spot on Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3D 02 will be Tyler Sadonis. Sadonis, a freshman in the School of Public Affairs, believes there should not be a division between AU and the community, and he said issues involving both groups are not being properly addressed. “I hope to help bring a voice to students,” Sadonis said. “I want to advocate for students and engage both the University and the community.” Sadonis has past experience in politics, both within school and local governments. He was the student body president of Liverpool High School, and he interned with 2009 mayoral candidate for Syracuse, N.Y., Otis Jennings. At AU, he is a member of the School of Public Affairs Leadership program, volunteers with the Community Service Coalition and is part of the College Democrats E-board. Sadonis’ interest in politics started his junior year of high school when he organized a letter-writing campaign to the New York State Board of Regents. A snowstorm had forced the board to cancel the second day of the English Regents exam. The board then decided students had to retake both days of the test. Sadonis’s campaign encouraged students to send letters, and the board changed their

decision, requiring students only to make up the second day. “If there’s one thing I learned, anyone — as long as they do it respectfully and enthusiastically — can change local government,” Sadonis said. He heard about the campaign after participating in the Community Service Coalition, and he discussed involvement in the ANC with the CSC Director, Stephen Bronskill. Sadonis is excited to have such a unique experience so early in his college career. “I couldn’t ask for a better opportunity to serve in my new home,” Sadonis said. Student leaders within the AU community gathered for several meetings over the past month to nominate and discuss possible candidates, according to A Voice 4 U Campaign Manager Bharat Krishnan. Potential candidates were able to e-mail the campaign to express their interest in the position. Over the past few weeks, the possible candidates were narrowed down to a handful who were selected for interviews. The “A Voice 4 U” campaign would not comment on the total number of candidates that the staff interviewed for the position. Sadonis was selected because he was enthusiastic and excited about the position, Krishnan said. “Tyler was definitely the most enthusiastic [candidate],” Krishnan said. “He understood that they [the candidates] would do what’s best

for their constituents — not only AU students, but also for the community residents.” If elected, Sadonis hopes to have an impact on several local issues, including expanding campus housing and trash pick-up in the community. He believes there should be stricter policies to make sure students are properly disposing their trash in the community. Concerning campus affairs, he said from personal experience he knows how uncomfortable triples can be and wants to cut them down in the future. Sadonis’s main goal though is to reduce the division between the community and AU students. “There’s residents who have been here forever. Students come here from all over,” Sadonis said. “You don’t have interaction without a student representative.” The South side candidate will be chosen within the next week, Krishnan said. Currently, the campaign staff is deciding between six to seven potential candidates for the position, according to campaign Public Relations Director Sam Miller. On Oct. 3, both Sadonis and the South side candidate will participate in a kick-off event canvassing the neighborhood. Another voter registration sponsored by the Student Government and the CSC will be on Wednesday at 5 p.m. on the quad. ascalamogna@




SmarTrip-embedded technology to be discontinued soon By KELLEY SIART

Eagle Contributing Writer


COMING HOME – AU alumnus and host of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” David Gregory, speaks at the new SIS building dedication Thursday. Gregory graduated from SIS in 1992.

New SIS building dedicated By RACHEL KARAS Eagle Staff Writer

On Thursday, more than 100 students, faculty, staff and alumni came together to celebrate the new School of International Service building. The evening featured a program of remarks, followed by a variety of international foods and music. The speakers included Esther Benjamin, a 1992 graduate of SIS; William McDonough, the SIS building’s architect; Gary Abramson, chairman of the Board of Trustees; Neil Kerwin, president of AU; David Gregory, host of NBC’s “Meet the Press” and Dean of SIS Louis Goodman. “We wanted to do our part, so the founders’ dream can be realized,” Goodman said. “Peace can be waged for all humanity and by all humanity.” Multiple speakers at the ceremony hailed the new SIS building as a distinguished, green landmark in D.C. Gregory, a 1992 graduate of SIS, described the building as a beacon of light designed to prepare students to be leaders in the world. Kerwin said opening the new space is a way of “bringing AU to the world and the world to AU.” He said its purpose was to be a place for all of SIS to gather for “outstanding and provocative scholarship.”

The speakers said the SIS building is meant to reflect the school’s core values, including commitment to a just society, culture, community and academics. McDonough emphasized the school’s commitment to the environment, its potential for growth and its sustainability as a path into the future. “[The] materials of the building are designed for infinite use by humans,” he said. “The plan is here — you’re in it.” Jeremy Cohen, a junior in SIS and president of its Undergraduate Council, said having a new home for the school has been well received by the majority of students. “The best part about the building is having everyone in one place for the first time,” Cohen said. “That goes a long way towards fostering a sense of community and belonging.” Cohen was one of the few students that attended the event. “The thing that stood out the most to me as a student was that there are people that leave here and still care about the fact that they came from SIS,” he said. “It can extend to the rest of your life.” Ground was broken, ribbons were cut and the space was dedicated — but what’s next for the School of International Service in its new home? “We need to figure out

how to use this building,” Goodman said. “It’s a work in progress … We’re always looking for ideas from students.” Though Kerwin joked that “[the founders of AU] would be stunned by the variety of coffee in the Davenport Lounge,” he said that “they would say ‘Well done, but there is more work to do in the world — let’s get on with it.’”

The manufacturer of SmarTrip cards will soon cease the production of the technology embedded in the cards, according to a Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority spokesperson. The manufacturer of SmarTrip cards — Giesecke & Devrient — has not yet determined the date at which production of this technology will stop, according to spokesperson Angela Gates. Recent questions have been raised about the quantity of SmarTrip cards left, as WMATA looks to reduce the cost of the cards from $5 to $2.50 in the light of raised fare prices. However, Gates said that WMATA has purchased enough cards with the embedded technology for the next two years and is currently investigating new technology.

WMATA earlier proposed the elimination of a negative balance on the SmarTrip cards, but nothing has been resolved. Gates said some riders abuse the negative balance option by continually buying SmarTrip cards instead of putting money on their existing card and paying the negative balance. WMATA is also looking at new ways for riders to add fare to the SmarTrip cards, Gates said, including using phones and other forms of contactless payment. The WMATA Board will meet again to discuss the issue in October, and there may be a decision reached then, Gates said. “SmarTrip cards will continue to work, regardless of the type of technology that is embedded inside the cards. The transition should be invisible to customers,” she said.


from BOARD on page 4

!" The School of Communication is currently looking for donors to make the McKinley Building into SOC’s new home. Abramson said this is the last building on campus that needs to be completely re-done. !" The University Budget Committee, chaired by Vice President of Finance Donald Myers and Provost Scott Bass, will begin its work on the two-year budget. The Board will see suggested guidelines at its November meeting, and the specifics will be presented at the February meeting.


from ROPER on page 6

Caroline Marsh, a freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences, still like living in Roper. “I love living in Roper because of the smaller community feel and the cleanliness of the whole building,” Marsh said. “I would definitely say that experiencing a few minor difficulties is worth getting to live in a newly renovated hall and getting new furniture.”


about the SIS facilities The “Inukshuk” sculpture in the building’s atrium is based on a native Canadian place-marker and represents community strength, leadership and motivation. Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion Map, which depicts Earth as one island in one ocean, is used as the frieze between the building’s second and third floors. Half of all SIS classes are held in the six classrooms in the building.

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Discover Katzen: Museum features modern art, AU alumni Gallery gives students the chance to view international pieces close to home By MICHAEL W. RICHARDSON Eagle Staff Writer

It only takes a short jaunt down to the Mall to see the works of some of the most famous artists in history. Walk into any of the art museums on the Mall and you’ll run headfirst into a Pollock, a Rothko or even a few Monets. Even those who don’t love art can get lost for hours at the sprawling museums, taking in half a millennium on a short daytrip. But for those who want to explore the art world more deeply, finding small niches instead of the broad historical pieces, Katzen Art Center is still a gallery worth checking out, especially since it’s a five-minute walk. Here are a few exhibits currently on display: B.G. Muhn’s exhibit “Love Affair of the Empress” takes !

far-Eastern influences and conflates them with traditional western symbols, creating new means. According to the artist’s website, he is fascinated by symbols and signifiers, and this comes through in his work, combing signs from different cultures and placing them next to each other, deriving new meaning from contradicting ideas. Muhn has a few different motifs in his work: wolves, Buddha, birds, fish. Ideas of nature are placed in this context of culture, challenging the binary we tend to fit these two terms into. The artist also seems interested in cutting down the reverence we have for the art of other cultures. He is clearly inspired by Chinese and Japanese painting styles, but she changes them in farcical ways in order to undercut its seriousness without taking away its aesthetic qualities.


COLOR AND LIGHT PLAY — Allen Binstock’s translucent glass sculptures are on exhibit this month at the Katzen sculpture garden.

Binstock’s work clearly draws on the natural — his website displays glass and steel sculptures that draw to mind oating jellysh and sea creatures, creating curved lines that make the hard and cold feel organic and lifelike.




“When we see an empress or emperor, we can’t really think about anything else but their power,” Muhn said in a press release. “This is just a mask to me, and through my art I want to take their masks off to show their human side.”

Also on display are works of Luciano Penay, a professor emeritus here at AU. Penay came to D.C. from Chile, but his art style is clearly one of American innovation. The most notable aspect of his work is its experimentation; it’s hard to directly pinpoint influences and schools of thought. His one-man show consists of his large-scale collages, featuring mixed media using anything at hand. !

! Art from AU Alumni, featuring works culled from artists who have graduated from the school. The selections have been chosen by professors Tim Doud and Zoë Charlton and museum director and curator Jack Rasmussen, finding the best examples of the artistic spirit of AU’s art community. Though the work, like the artists, is eclectic, it will be interesting to draw comparisons, considering these people got similar educations in what it means to be an artist.

Sculptures from Allen Binstock. Binstock’s work clearly draws on the natural — his website displays glass and steel sculptures that draw to mind floating jellyfish and sea creatures, creating curved lines that make the hard and cold feel organic and lifelike. !

These glass sculptures play with color and light, giving their form even more substance when beheld in front of you. Light zips through them like firing synapses, combining the organic with the transcendent. His large pieces, such as the ones to be displayed in the sculpture garden, lack this energy, but make up for it with a unique form and dazzling technicality. The works take advantage of the artist’s skill with glass and transforms them into something bigger, both in size and in scope. mrichardson@

EMPRESS’ NEW GROOVE — Muhn takes iconography from Eastern culture and subtly subverts it, creating pieces that drag classical works into the modern world. Muhn’s work uses the same motifs in different ways, creating combinations of objects that juxtapose to form new meanings.


MIXED MEDIA — Luciano Penay, an AU alum, was a professor here for over 25 years. His collages are as eclectic as the material he uses for them including beer cans, baby dolls and other household materials. The result is a body of work that obscures its own meaning, allowing observers to get lost in its shapes and colors.





Courtesy of DANA EDELSON / NBC

CAMPAIGN STRATEGERY — Though its quality over the last few years has arguably dropped, “Saturday Night Live” remains a must-watch program during election seasons. The show has offered enduring caricatures, sometimes defining the way a politician is perceived by the general public. Tina Fey’s comeback to play Sarah Palin was especially notable.

A few important pop culture lessons for AU’s many budding politicians By MICHAEL W. RICHARDSON Eagle Staff Writer

Running for public office is hard. We’ve had that idea pounded into us for a long time, and seen it in every recent election. It’s hard if you’re black, a woman or someone who thought it would be a good idea to make a sex tape with their mistress while seeking a party nomination. Heck, it’s just hard for everybody. That’s why, when The Scene heard the news that a student would be running for the local neighborhood commission to make our voices heard (insert patriotic marching music here), we thought it might be a good idea to collect the best media representations of running for office. Future candidate, these might help ease some suffering in the coming fight. “Bulworth” “Bulworth” stars Warren Beatty, who also co-wrote, co-produced and directed this film about a candidate

who gets drunk one night and actually speaks his mind — driving voters en masse to support his flagging campaign. The main problem: in a previous fit of suicidal depression, Senator Bulworth hired an assassin to kill him so that his daughter’s inheritance will be left alone after he shuffles off this earth. Now the senator must run his newly vital campaign while avoiding the hired killer out to get him. We don’t think this will be a problem for our student representative, but we don’t want to judge. Radiohead’s “Electioneering” You’ll need some music for the campaign trail, so why not this cut from Radiohead’s 1997 opus “OK Computer.” Thom Yorke croons over one of Johnny Greenwood’s most driving guitar riffs, “I will stop, I will stop at nothing / Say the right things when electioneering / I trust I can rely on your vote.” Later, the lyrics are less optimistic: “Riot shields, voodoo economics / It’s just business, cattle prods and the IMF / I trust I can rely on your

vote.” Note that this will not inspire confidence in your electorate. “Election” This movie might be the closest to the scale we’re looking for. “Election” stars Reese Witherspoon as a student embroiled in a tough election for high school class president, under the watchful eye of her history professor, played by Matthew Broderick. The film offers biting satire of the world of high school and the world of politics — two places where tawdry affairs and lying to make friends are a part of the game. “Recount” The thing to remember from this HBO film about the 2000 election in Florida is to always make sure Justice Anthony Kennedy is on your side for the inevitable Supreme Court case. Start sending him chocolates now. “Wag The Dog” What do you do when your candidate, the incumbent

president, is caught in a terrible sex scandal? In “Wag the Dog,” spin-doctor Robert De Niro decides to fake a war with Albania (the most dastardly of the Baltic counties). To do this, he enlists a film director to help design a fake war, including pictures of Albanian orphans and heroic exploits to really get the American people on his side. It works, and the public forgets all about the president being caught in a room with a girl scout. Advice for our candidate: Everyone is easily distracted. “The West Wing” If we want to talk about political television, the conversation begins and ends with “The West Wing.” That show’s third and fourth seasons depict the rigors of the campaign trail better than any hologram on CNN ever could. Martin Sheen’s straightforward depiction of the idealized American president doesn’t use any tricks or terrible sleights of hand to win the election — just good old honesty. Note: It is not as boring as that makes it sound.

The National’s “Mr. November” The National, as dapper as they seem in their suits, have never been the political types, preferring to perform brooding songs about the heartbreak of youth rather than the estate tax. But on this song, singer Matt Berninger chants the dreams of every politician: “I’m the great white hope / I’m the new blue blood / I won’t fuck us over, I’m Mr. November.” The song is hopeful; it’s clear that the narrator wants to live up to his admittedly modest goals. Whether the band or we believe him is another story. “Saturday Night Live” It’s always best to look to the satirists during election time, and even if it is hip to pile criticism on Saturday Night Live, it rises to the challenge of every major election. Pick a year and there’s a memorable bit of takedown, emphasizing the inherent boastfulness of politicians, undercut by their most glaring personality flaws. The show can be credited with

sticking Sarah Palin with her reputation as an intellectual featherweight, allowing the phrase “I can see Russia from my house” to enter the media as if she had said it herself. If you take nothing else from “SNL,” it’s this: It’s important to have the funny people on your side. “All The King’s Men” Based on the rise of ruthless politician Huey Long, “All The King’s Men” is one of those rare political novels that works as a sublime view of the corrupted American dream rather than a soapbox for the author’s ideals. Robert Penn Warren’s novel examines the relationship between the media and the world of politics, and how the most charismatic leaders can sweep along the ostensibly objective members of the news media. Note to our candidate: On the optimistic/nihilistic scale, this one breaks the limits of the latter. mrichardson@theeagleonline. com




Courtesy of LORD HURON

INTO THE SUN — WVAU DJs and directors have compiled a list of must-listen music that will dominate the indie music scene this fall. Lord Huron and Casiokids are just a few of the top picks.

Turn off the GaGa: Hot tracks and artists from WVAU From alt-rock to electro-pop, AU’s radio station chooses a few albums to add to your fall playlists Every other week, The Eagle will be asking the assistant music directors and DJs at WVAU what they’re currently listening to. Here’s what they’re recommending.

By Kevin Kunitake:

Lord Huron – Into the Sun EP (self-released) There isn’t much to say about Lord Huron, because frankly, this three-song EP is the band’s only release. Thus, the only thing left to talk about is how great this EP sounds. The band layers guitars, vocals, running water, bird chirps and what sounds like a moose to give

this release a “let’s go on a picnic and eat sandwiches” type of feel. (The disputed moose sample is on the second track.) The EP flows effortlessly like the running water sample in the first track, and if it’s any indicator of what a debut album might sound like, Lord Huron may soon be heavily buzzed about within blogs and indie circles. Recommended Tracks: All (there are only three to pick from) Recommended if you like: Panda Bear, Princeton, Blackbird Blackbird

By Alex Rudolph:

Casiokids – Topp Stemning På Lokal Bar (Polyvinyl) Some of the songs on Casiokids’ United States debut sound like they could be a little too precious (think Moldy Peaches), but because they’re sung in Norwegian, we’re allowed to forget about the lyrics and take everything in based on the glitchy yet catchy dance pop instrumentals. The term “European electronica” can conjure images of sweaty raves, but these songs are more Whitest Boy Alive and less that guy with the frosted soul patch who made “Sandstorm.” The bleeps and bloops sound

like they’re being made on primitive technology, which adds a nice layer of nostalgia to the whole album. Recommended Tracks: 1, 4, 6 Recommended if you like: The Whitest Boy Alive, Peter Bjorn and John, Datarock

your favorite album of the year. Recommended Tracks: 1, 3, 7 Recommended if you like: The Birthday Party, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Dinosaur Jr.

By Alex Rudolph:

Maximum Balloon – Maximum Balloon (DGC) The concept of a wunderkind producer pulling strings with his famous friends to make a wacky album is not new; hell, Damon Alburn does it with the Gorillaz every five years or so. And while it shares a similar spirit to the animated band’s phenomenal “Plastic Beach” (who isn’t Little Boots collaborating with these days), David Sitek, mastermind behind TV on the Radio, is deft enough to surprise the listener with a wide range of crazy, danceable collaborations, ranging from the mediocre (“Absence of Light,” somehow not hitting the mark with his own band

Grinderman – Grinderman 2 (ANTI-) Grinderman is Nick Cave’s Bad Seeds distorted blues guitar-driven side project. Piano ballads? HA. Lyrics about love? A song titled “When My Baby Comes” is the closest you’ll get. The quiet songs all hit noise explosion crescendos, the loud songs never get quiet, and all of the songs are about rough sex. Nick Cave is 52 and he’s writing songs like “Kitchenette,” which includes a dozen culinary-related metaphors for vaginas (“biscuit jar” is a favorite). If you can’t get behind that, Cave and Grinderman will never appeal to you. If you can, this will be

By Brad Barbour:

mate Tunde Adebimpe) to the awesome (“Communion,” where Karen O dominates everything). Overall though, a fun, danceable, electro album chock full of your favorite indie stars (and David Byrne!) is nothing to be bummed about. Recommended Tracks: 4, 6, 9 Recommended if you like: Gorillaz, Talking Heads, TV on the Radio

By Emily White:

Land of Talk – Cloak and Cipher (Saddle Creek) This is Montreal trio Land of Talk’s third album. Vocalist and songwriter Lizzy Powell’s vocals are the highlight of this album as they float over thick, sometimes clumsy, guitars. This is girly indie rock with an irreverent, visceral edge. It has some grit, but is still melodic and intimate. It has a bit of a ‘90s girl alt-rock feel to it, but the instrumentation keeps !"

see WVAU on page 15




Strong female lead doesn’t bite in ‘Vampire Diaries’ SMALL SCREEN

EMILY GUILFOIL I am just going to say it — “The Vampire Diaries” is one of the best shows on television right now. Unfortunately, no one is watching it. Most people, including myself, initially wrote it off as some cheap “Twilight” knock-off. As a result, virtually no one gave it a chance. I was skeptical that something could actually be worse than “Twilight,” but I had faith that The CW could pull off such a feat. I could not have been more

something surprising happens every single episode. The writers constantly solve their mysteries, make outrageous reveals and leave the audience completely shell-shocked by the end of the episode. “The Vampire Diaries” is also great for its bad-boy vampire Damon Salvatore, who is probably one of television’s best characters of the last decade. Ian Somerhalder plays him with a gleeful, impish gusto that makes him an extremely entertaining villain and, despite his frequent killings, a likeable character. Unlike other vampire franchises such as “Twilight” and “True Blood,” this show has a strong female lead. Elena Gilbert is a heroine in the vein of Buffy;

tional attachment to. This is not the case in “The Vampire Diaries,” where regular, seemingly safe characters are killed on an alarmingly routine basis. Every death is an example of how fearless this show is. When characters are put in danger, there is actually a possibility that they will not survive. It makes the show so much more suspenseful than others because anything can happen and no one — not even the main characters — is safe. I would advise that everyone give “The Vampire Diaries” a chance. If you are looking for compelling characters, gripping storylines and insane twists that are unrivaled by anything else on television, then this is the show for


PARIS, JE T’AIME — Social networks hinder students from diving into abroad culture.

American ties hold back student from full immersion in Paris life CROSS-CULTURAL DISPATCH

Without a doubt, one of my favorite parts of this delightful show is that people actually die ... Every death is an example of how fearless this show is. wrong. Throughout the course of the first season, the show grew beyond what I, or many television critics, expected. Somehow, the cheesy little vampire show on The CW became one of the most watchable series on television. One of the primary reasons “The Vampire Diaries” is so good is its incomparable pacing. Most shows save their twists and revelations for finales, but on “Diaries,”

she is not afraid to tussle with the vampires when she needs to and does not rely on her vampire love interest to save her. Without a doubt, one of my favorite parts of this delightful show is that people actually die. I know, this should seem fairly obvious, but many genre shows do not kill off beloved characters. Usually, the only people who die are extraneous characters that the audience has no emo-

you. While there may be cheesy romance and occasionally some lame high school drama, the good stuff generally overshadows it. This is a television show that keeps you on the edge of your seat and looking forward to the next episode all week long. “The Vampire Diaries” airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. on The CW. thescene@theeagleonline. com



PARIS, FRANCE By YANIV NAHON I like to think that spending some time away from my beloved university has given me some perspective on its goings-on. Then I begin to realize that I am across the Atlantic. Why should I know or care about things going on back at AU? I am thoroughly over-connected. Despite a six-hour time difference, it is not odd for me to spend hours of each day talking to friends back home, whether through Facebook, Skype, Twitter or (insert shiny new website here). I often hang up on my mother to have these conversations. I’m sure she understands. After all, paying thousands of dollars for my tuition can only get you so much talking time. And then there are the “events.” Somebody needs numbers due to a dearly departed phone. Something is going on vaguely greek life

related. Someone is raising money for something. Hillel is doing anything. And, of course, my personal favorites, the student running for some random position “that you totes need to vote for!” or the club party “that is gonna be sick, bro!” At first, I thought these pleasant, often humorous reminders of life stateside would be like postcards. Quickly viewed, then put aside for better and brighter things. But after dealing with a slight bout of homesickness, I’ve begun to realize that they are, in fact, just the opposite. They are anchors, weighing me down to a home impossibly far away and preventing me from really immersing myself in Parisian life. This is not to say that I no longer want to talk to my American friends (Jess, please don’t hurt me) or that I don’t miss them. It’s simply that I’ve begun to realize that I am an ocean away and that, no matter how often I talk to my friends back home, it will not lessen that divide. More often than not, these conversations simply leave me feeling like I should board the next flight home — not the emotion you want while trying to get acclimated to a new country. And so, I have decided to make a “new country reso-

lution.” It’s like a New Year’s resolution, but without the inevitable disappointment when you realize you still smoke, still have a 2.2 grade point average and are still out of shape. I am going to spend at least half the time that I usually spend talking to people from back home walking. Not walking anywhere in particular, but just wandering. I am going to pick an area, be it the Latin Quarter, the Champs-Elysees or around the Eiffel Tower gardens, and just walk. Walking with any one destination in mind is boring, anyway. It has often been my experience that when you are looking for one thing, you miss everything else. I hope that by aimlessly strolling through Parisian streets, I can learn something about this city that I wouldn’t find in tourist guides and orientation meetings. I hope I can get as comfortable here as I am back in D.C. I hope I can finally settle in. However, to do that, I need to let go of D.C. to some degree. It will only be for a short while, but it is necessary. And on that note, I bid you all au revoir. thescene@theeagleonline. com



$."!"#$! 2/"0" CALENDAR




The Tillman Story 1:05, 3:10, 5:15 and 9:30 p.m. WHERE: AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center, 8633 Colesville Rd., Silver Spring, Md. METRO: Silver Spring (red line) WHAT: This acclaimed documentary is a comprehensive look at the death of football star Pat Tillman in Afghanistan: the cover-up of his death, the government’s attempt to turn him into a combat hero, and the suffering of a family who knew their tragedy was being twisted into propaganda. COST: $7.50 - $10 CONTACT: AFI Silver Theatre at 301-495-6720.

Swans 8 p.m. WHERE: Black Cat, 1811 14th St. NW METRO: U Street/AfricanAmerican War Memorial/ Cardozo (green and yellow lines) WHAT: Swans was one of the most influential postpunk and No Wave bands of the last few decades, and their reunion this year for a tour was great news for music obsessive fans everywhere. Come see them play with Baby Dee at the Black Cat. COST: $20 CONTACT: Black Cat at

AU Players Present Macbeth 8 p.m. WHERE: Katzen Art Center’s parking garage WHAT: AU Players’ staging of Shakespeare’s shortest drama will transfer the gloom and shadows of medieval Scotland to the gloom and shadows of the Katzen parking garage. COST: Free CONTACT:




Craig Shoemaker 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Arlington Cinema ‘N’ Drafthouse, 2903 Columbia Pike, Arlington, Va. WHAT: Craig Shoemaker has the résumé of a future great comic. He has a number of awards under his belt, his Comedy Central special was voted by viewers as one of the top 20, and he has even won acclaim for his new independent film. COST: $22 CONTACT: Arlington Cinema ‘N’ Drafthouse at www.

Marlena Shaw 8 and 10 p.m. WHERE: Blues Alley, 1077 Wisconsin Ave. NW WHAT: Marlena Shaw could fairly be put in the running for greatest female vocalist; respected music publications have used her name in the same breath as Billie Holliday and Nancy Wilson. All the more reason to catch her for her run at Blues Alley. COST: $27.50 CONTACT:

The Tallest Man On Earth 7 p.m. WHERE: 9:30 club, 815 V St. NW METRO: U Street/AfricanAmerican War Memorial/ Cardozo (green and yellow lines) WHAT: The Tallest Man On Earth’s Kristian Matsson may be from Sweden, but it’s clear he has been studying American soul and country. His music sounds like Bob Dylan filtered through Bon Iver — perfect for a Sunday night out. COST: $20 CONTACT:

MONDAY 4 Michael Blanding 6:30 p.m. WHERE: Busboys & Poets METRO: U Street/African-American War Memorial/Cardozo (green and yellow lines) WHAT: Michael Blanding’s new book “The Coke Machine” is an in-depth look at one of the most famous companies in the world. The book purports to be an exposé of a company who, according to Blanding, made deals with everyone from the Nazis to South American paramilitaries to make their product truly global. COST: Free CONTACT: Busboys and Poets at

Dark comedy provides inspiration for overwhelmed college students By LAURA BECK

Eagle Contributing Writer In an interview with The Eagle, actors Keir Gilchrist and writers/directors Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden discussed the real world appeal of their new film, “It’s Kind Of A Funny Story.” Based on the book of the same name written in 2006 by Ned Vizzini, the movie delves deep into the heart of an overwhelmed young boy who winds up in the adult psychiatric ward of a Manhattan hospital. Craig, played by newcomer Keir Gilchrist, finds himself suicidal after an overabundance of stress at school, struggles with friends and eventual physical ailments including lack of sleep and trouble eating. Sound familiar? When asked to sum up why college students should go see this film, Fleck simply said, “They have the same pressures.” Fleck recognized that college

Tips, tricks for nding economical eateries in the District By ALLIE MEYER

Eagle Contributing Writer Domino’s, McDonald’s, Mayflower, Subway, the occasional Chipotle … sound like regular dinner options? On the few nights that you decide to forgo a meal swipe and not eat in the Terrace Dining Room or the Tavern, you should make it special. Now, of course you’re going to say, “We’re all college students and none of us can really afford a nice meal in D.C., so what’s the point?” But that doesn’t mean there aren’t some quality restaurants in D.C. to try out and cheap tricks to get the most food for your money. There’s no reason we shouldn’t go out, enjoy great food and try new things just because our wallets are a

students may face even more pressures, including getting a job, a “seeming impossibility.” Though he sympathized and said he felt bad for the average college students’ conundrum, Fleck said there is still light at the end of the tunnel. “Go see this movie,” Fleck said. “It might make you feel a little better for a little.” In addition to “It’s Kind of A Funny Story”, Fleck and Anna Boden worked together on the critically acclaimed film “Half Nelson.” Difficulties in their relationship are minor, but they don’t always see eye to eye. “We are on the same page, but when we have disagreements, we can handle them,” Boden said. According to Gilchrist, Fleck and Boden adapted the Vizzini’s novel so well that he chose not to read it. Not only did he not want to get caught up in the book, but he recognized Fleck and Boden’s stellar adaptive skills and trusted that he could do well with the character solely using the

script. When asked what they felt moviegoers should take out of the movie, Boden and Fleck agreed that the emotional film has a clear message of making sure people know they should not feel alone. “[I hope people take away from the film] a message of hope, finding people to help when you have problems, and the importance of connections with other people as a mechanism of healing,” Gilchrist said. In a world of materialistic consumption, the film reiterates what so many students and average Americans (as well as citizens of the world) forget about: people have to learn to appreciate what they have. “If you count your blessings, people would be a lot more happy,” Boden said. “It’s Kind Of A Funny Story” hits theaters Oct. 8.

bit light. Tip 1: Stay away from Georgetown for a nice meal. It’s pretty hard to eat there without having your credit card burst into flames. Save those meals for the nights your parents come to visit. (We all know it’s not hard to get your parents to take you out for dinner when they come to see you. Just bat your eyes and tell them you haven’t had a “real meal” in ages.) Tip 2: Always ask for a student discount. A surprising amount of places give college students (or just AU students) a great discount. If you’re a bit more organized, you can sign up for a website like or where you can buy gift certificates for certain restaurants for much cheaper prices. Tip 3: Google! Simply Google the restaurant you want to visit to see if there’s a deal. You can bring up coupons on your iPhone (or any other kind of smartphone) while in the restaurant and receive the online discount. Some restaurants will also send you discounts if you “like” them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter. So now that complaining

about your relentless budget isn’t as much of a problem, it’s time to start exploring. We live in a huge city with endless possibilities for great food. You don’t have to resign yourself to eat a foot-long sandwich from Subway. Take the time to look for discounts and plan trips to restaurants with great portions and options to stretch your dollar.

thescene@theeagleonline. com

thescene@theeagleonline. com

from WVAU on page 13 it current — it almost goes into a chillwave/noise pop category. Overall, it’s a really enjoyable listen with some great moments. Members of Stars, Arcade Fire, and the Besnard Lakes contribute. Recommended Tracks: 5, 8, 7, 4 Recommended if you like: Broken Social Scene, PJ Harvey, Feist, Surfer Blood.


For more information on WVAU, visit their website at thescene@theeagleonline. com




Improving AU Central The search for solutions to AU Central’s current problems The concept of AU Central is alluring — a one-stop shop for all your AU bureaucracy needs. However, the actual combination of three important departments into one has not seen smooth sailing. Students visiting the new department have complained of long waits, conflicting answers and delays in getting the information and help they need. We also want to acknowledge that this is not the fault of those who work there but rather the system that is still in development. The start of the fall semester is always a time of chaos, between first-

semester freshmen attempting to navigate through the intricacies of a new situation and students scrambling to finalize loans and classes. While some of the current problems can be attributed to this, the combination of this along with the general issues surrounding the debut of a brand-new office have us questioning the timing of AU Central’s debut. Although it may have been smarter to hold off until the spring semester, when registrar and financial aid traffic is lower, it is too late to fix this mistake. The question now: How can these issues be

Pondering the dangers of wireless SMARTER THAN I LOOK


Maybe I’m paranoid. Maybe the incessant humming is all in my head. Maybe my knowledge of telecommunication radiation is equivalent to archaic dial-up. Or maybe our ubiquitous exposure to wireless signals is healthy, like a Big Mac, and we’re going to find out the hard way in

the future. I remember when I first approached my folks about smoking. They deflected my didactic assertion (smoking is bad, duh) that they should’ve known better and refrained from smoking when they were younger. They said back then it wasn’t known that smoking had such negative effects on the body yet. Seriously, Mom and Dad? You didn’t know inhaling smoke was bad for you? Did you have to piss in an electric socket to know that wasn’t good for

best resolved? To give the University credit, there have been several changes made recently to improve the efficiency of dealing with AU bureaucracy. The development of direct-deposit financial aid refunds, for example, has made that process considerably easier. AU Central has already begun to increase its online capabilities, and continuing to do so is another step in the right direction. This being said, there are several more possible solutions to some of the problems AU Central faces. Some of these solutions can be derived from the current prac-

tices of other successful high-traffic departments on campus. One potential solution is an instant message system for handling basic inquiries like those used by the library and the Office of Information Technology. Establishing this Web feature could be extremely useful in handling quick, minor issues. AU Central also needs our help. For instance, please check to ensure that your dilemma is actually pertinent to one of the departments in AU Central before calling or waiting in line. AU Central is not the central location for all non-academic depart-

ments at AU. If you have a question about your meal plan or lose your ID, AU Central is not the place you want to go. In addition, its website contains a list of frequently asked questions that could help students avoid a trek to Asbury. AU Central is aware of the challenges it is facing, and it is currently taking actions to improve its system. However, solely increasing staff is not a permanent solution. It is merely a temporary Band-Aid that will help, but ultimately not fix all of the problems. We believe that some of the desired answers are already

out there. By looking around campus to other successes, AU Central can achieve its desired impact and increase efficiency at AU.

the body too? (Only Dad said yes.) I’m wary that wireless signals and the expansion of microwaves through cell phone towers and Internet routers will put us in the same situation we put our parents in. Perhaps one day my daughter will ask caustically, “Really, Pops, you didn’t know pressing an electronic gadget next to your ear for hours was bad for you? Did you have to go golfing in a lightning storm to learn that wasn’t smart too?” Unfortunately, there’s no escaping it. Places without signals are getting few and far between. Even parks are beginning to be wired up. Think about it, no matter where you’re reading this, you likely have a cell phone signal and/or Wi-Fi connection. Cue the “Can you hear me now?” dude. Um, yeah, where can’t I? Certainly more studies

are needed to shed light on potential effects. However, quantity of studies isn’t as essential as quality. According to an alarming article in GQ earlier this year, “Industry-funded studies seem to reflect the result of corporate strong-arming. [Biophysicist Henry] Lai reviewed 350 studies and found that about half showed bioeffects from EM radiation emitted by cell phones. But when he took into consideration the funding sources for those 350 studies, the results changed dramatically. Only 25 percent of the studies paid for by the industry showed effects, compared with 75 percent of those studies that were independently funded.” Sound familiar? Tobacco companies funded their own studies for years, before evidence became so overwhelmingly consistent (like grav-

ity for example), that their current acknowledgement is laughably apologetic. Many cartons state flatly, “Smoking Kills.” Granted, they’re mandated by the Food and Drug Administration to print warnings, although word choice is discretionary. I remember I was at a free public concert and a few smokers stopped directly in front of me. I asked them to move or temporarily quit smoking if they were going to intrude on my space. One guy cracked, “We’re all going to die man.” “You first,” I replied instantly. (I’m very friendly.) Thankfully now, many public venues prohibit smoking. Will the same be done to control wireless signals in the future? It’s too early to tell, but it’s going to take time and the stiff-arming of K Street before our obsession to

be connected anywhere is controlled. While it’s plausible I’m exaggerating the potential danger, it’s safe to say there are no studies showing people live longer or suffer from fewer tumors than before Wi-Fi/cell usage spread like Justin Bieber. My prediction is not whether or not the damage is real, it’s a matter of severity. We’re the guinea pigs in this one. Conor Shapiro is a graduate student in the School of International Service and a liberal columnist.



“Five questions with...”


edpage@theeagleonline. com




Five questions with Jonnel Clothier Five questions about AU Central for Jonnel Clothier, director of AU Central. 1. What was the impetus behind the creation of AU Central, as opposed to keeping the Registrar, Student Accounts, and Financial Aid separate? The primary goal of AU Central is provide assistance to students and their parents in one central location by a cross-trained team of customer service experts, therefore reducing the need for students to be sent from one office to another. This one-stop student services center provides the “front desk” functions offered by the Offices of the Registrar, Financial Aid, and Student Accounts. In recent years, many colleges and universities (i.e. George Washington University, DePaul University, Tufts University, University of Minnesota, Pepperdine University) moved to this integrated student services model as way to serve a student population interested in a “one stop shopping” con-

cept. After reviewing the models at these institutions, and considering the needs of AU students in particular, AU created a model that focuses on three service areas — financial aid, student accounts and the register. 2. What has been the biggest complaint thus far about AU Central? And how do you propose to fix it? Very early on, wait time for telephone calls to be answered was a concern we heard about. To resolve the issue, the AU central staff implemented a plan to address calls during peak times and pulled in resources from the Office of Financial Aid, Student Accounts and the Office of the Registrar to meet the demand. Earlier this month, we hired three additional staff members. We have reduced the average wait time and the instances in which callers hang up before staff can take the call. We will continue to make improvements in the services we provide.

Changing voter registration no laughing matter LETTER TO THE EDITOR Editor, I’m writing because I feel that the front page cover of the September 21 issue of The Eagle misrepresents the purposes of the student-led effort to have a student representing American University on ANC 3D. The column identifying the “steps” to vote improperly depicts this campaign as though it were a one-time stunt that students

should not take seriously, which is the exact opposite of what the purpose of this campaign is about. Here’s what the column says: 1. Give up your vote for Congress and all hometown elections. Yes, students who have registered to vote in their hometowns will be giving up this ability if they choose to vote in D.C. But it is worth noting that most AU students spend at least twothirds of each year in the

3. What successes has AU Central seen since it opened? While it was challenging to keep up with the heavy demand during the first weeks of school, operations are running smoothly, and feedback from students and parents has been positive. In early survey response data 70% of survey respondents indicate that AU Central staff demonstrated a professional attitude and were courteous. This is a good base line indicator in which we will continue to improve on. I wish I had the room to share with you some of the personal notes and calls I have received from parents and students expressing their appreciation for the service they have received from AU Central. During the month of August, AU Central served 3,172 walk-ins, responded to 4,644 e-mail inquiries, and answered 7,900 telephone calls. The sheer number of inquiries we have handled has been impressive and once we are producing high quality responses in these

District, they are counted in the census as residents of the District, and by changing their registration they will be able to help affect the decisions made by the D.C. government. And anyone can change their registration as often as they like, so long as they are only voting at one place at a time. 2. Register to vote in one of the most liberal cities in America. This has nothing to do with the effort to elect students to ANC 3D. Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners are non-partisan offices. This effort is not about whether students are liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, Tea Party or Coffee Party — it is about having a voice in the local government agency that affects our entire educational

areas we are looking to enhance services in other technologies. We ask that students be mindful that this is a new operation and the first couple of months are a learning period for both the staff and students who are adjusting to new methods and procedures. We are committed to making our service to students high quality and efficient, even at peak times. 4. What future developments would you like to see for AU Central? Now that the office is open for business, AU Central is working to streamline processes via the new student portal and will make enhancements to improve the services students will need when registering for class, applying for financial aid, paying a bill or additional services related to these areas. We have several project teams working together to implement IT enhancements to the AU student portal, redesign business processes, revamp and reorganize communications to students, and cross-train

experience at AU and in the District of Columbia. Painting the process in this light will dissuade certain students from participating in this effort, which is not the way to help it succeed. 3. Check preferred box. Students are free to vote for whomever they wish. And not just for ANC 3D, but also for the D.C. Mayor, D.C. Council members, and the D.C. Congressional delegate. While I’m sure the students in the AV4U campaign will be supporting particular students for the positions, no one is being “forced” to vote for any particular person. 4. Ditch your D.C. registration in time for the 2012 presidential election. Why would students need to “ditch” their registration

staff. If we make our virtual services intuitive and easy to use, students shouldn’t have to send as many e-mails, make as many phone calls or make as many visits to various offices. As with other colleges and universities that have added a virtual onestop center, our goal at AU Central is to become a no stop center, meaning students can take care of their affairs on line with ease and will not need take the time to stop by in person to our offices in the Asbury building.

website, we prefer e-mails from students. An e-mail automatically opens a ticket and then based on a student’s last name, counselors will start to work on inquiries for their area of the alphabet, but at any time any counselor should be able to assist with general questions. Students can also stop by AU Central, if they prefer to conduct their business in person. Again, our long-term goal is to enhance our virtual presence so that students can manage their transactions on their own time at their convenience.

5. What can students do to help improve their AU Central experience?

“Five questions with Jonnel Clothier” is part of our “Five questions with...” series, where The Eagle will be asking various members of the AU community five questions about hot issues.

Students are encouraged first to review the FAQ section the AU Central website at http://www. index.cfm. The FAQs answer common questions and directs students to specific area of the portal or AU Central’s website for further information and instructions. If a question cannot be answered via the FAQ section of the

after this election? For one thing, the 23rd Amendment, enacted in 1961, allows D.C. voters to vote for president, so students who decide to vote in DC in 2012 wouldn’t be missing out on anything they’re not already missing out on this year.

portunity to be a part of a grassroots political movement to enfranchise and empower students within local government. This is a worthwhile cause and an achievable cause, but only if students come together to make a difference.

But what is more important is that if the effort to get student representation on ANC 3D is successful this year, it’s going to need to happen again in 2012. And 2014. And 2016, and so on and so forth. This is what denotes the difference between a political stunt and a meaningful effort to gain lasting representation for AU students on the commission.

Douglas Bell Sophomore, School of Communication

I hope students will see this effort not as giving up their ability to vote in their hometowns, but as an op-






Nats’ future should include Adam Dunn OVER THE WALL


Time to dispell the myth of ‘clutch’ October players SIDELINE SCHOLAR

BEN LASKY In less than a week, the Major League Baseball regular season will be over and soon after, the playoffs will begin with baseball commentators using their favorite October-specific word. Someone will hit a big home run and the announcer will undoubtedly talk about how “clutch” that player is. Likewise, if a great player comes up short in a crucial situation, he’ll be deemed “not clutch.” The reality is that players go through slumps at various points in the season, and October is no different. If a player goes one for 12 in a three-game span during a playoff series, does that mean he can’t handle the pressure? Or does it mean that he went through a slump that every player in the league goes through at any given point during the season? Competition is also stronger in the playoffs. Facing Roy Halladay, Cole Hamels and Roy Oswalt in a short series in the postseason is tougher than facing Brian Bannister, Bruce Chen and Kyle Davies in a three-game series during the regular season against the Royals. Another problem with the

word and the aura that surrounds it is that it seems to only be a factor in big hits that occur late in games. You don’t hear players described as “clutch” when they hit a home run in the fourth inning with the game tied, but when a game-tying hit occurs in the seventh or later, more significance is added for some reason. If a player were to hit a tworun home run in the third inning of a playoff game and strikeout with a runner on in the eighth, he isn’t “clutch.” However, if a player strikes out with a runner on in the third and hits a two-run home run in the eighth, he is. Apparently a home run is worth more in the late innings. That’s the reason why Alex Rodriguez was labeled a “choker” before last year’s playoffs in which he hit six home runs and lead the Yankees to their 27th World Series title. Prior to 2009, A-Rod had a .280 career batting average in the playoffs, yet was criticized by most for not playing well when the pressure was on. The truth is Rodriguez had respectable postseason numbers that no one wanted to look at because it didn’t fit their narrative. Then there’s the issue of “clutch” performances being psychological. When A-Rod was supposedly struggling in the postseason, he was called “not clutch” by many in the baseball world. Then some-

how in 2009 he magically became the most “clutch” player in the game. How did this happen? Did he work on his “clutchness” in the offseason? Did it just show up one day? Maybe he was using “clutch” enhancing drugs. Or maybe, just maybe, he got hot at the right time. Then on the other side, Boston Red Sox closer Jonathan Papelbon gave up three runs and blew a two run lead to the Angels in the ninth inning in game three of last year’s American League Division Series to eliminate the Red Sox from the playoffs. Prior to that point, Papelbon had not given up an earned run in 25 career postseason innings. In this case, Papelbon went from “clutch” to “choker” in one inning. How is that possible? Can a player’s “clutch” ability decline? “Clutch” hitting does not exist. Great hitting exists. Guys like Chase Utley, Evan Longoria and other stars don’t hit home runs in late innings because they’re “clutch”. They hit home runs in late innings because they’re great. When the playoffs start and you watch a player strike out with the bases loaded, don’t wonder to yourself if the pressure is getting to him. Instead, ask yourself the question that I and many others at AU ask every April: Why is this night different from all other nights?

If you went to a Pittsburgh Pirates game not knowing the details of baseball, you would think they are going to see a good team play. The stadium is in the heart of downtown Pittsburgh and has a great river view. It’s a great place to watch the game with many food options and a great fan atmosphere. But after that, there isn’t much to cheer for. Your baseball-illiterate friend would soon find out that the Pirates are one of the worst teams in baseball. This is mostly due to Pirates ownership refusing to invest in the team. The Nationals are now entering the most important offseason for their foreseeable future. Nationals’ first baseman Adam Dunn is set to become an unrestricted free agent. For most of his career, Dunn has been known for his amazing power (but poor strike out rate and defense). But Dunn is more than just the sum of his parts: He is a fan favorite. D.C. sports are not at their best. The Washington Redskins are better but still not Super Bowl caliber. The Capitals have never made it to the conference championship in the Alexander Ovechkin era. The Wizards are ushering a new era with rookie John Wall, but they are also trying to manage Gilbert Arenas. The Nationals will once again finish the year having lost more games than they won, but they have shown significant signs of improvement. The Nationals success depends deeply on the success of young-

sters Bryce Harper and Stephen Strasburg. Still, to win in baseball you need to have reliable veterans to get your lineup through slumps. The reason this signing is so important to the fans is because to most educated baseball minds, the Nationals are very close to competing in a less than stellar National League East. Re-signing Adam Dunn would help keep the Nationals a relevant team while Strasburg and Harper continue to develop. The Nationals do play in a good TV market and have the benefit of a lucrative TV contract. However, since the team does not often win, their game attendance is low. The fans who put their heart and soul into a team are not the fans the Nationals need to be afraid to lose. They need to be worried about the fans who are casual supporters. Losing a notable player like Dunn will discourage fans from watching and spending money on the team. The Nationals perhaps could argue that they do not have the finances to sign Dunn, but this is not true at all. When owners purchase teams, they don’t buy the team hoping to have a few bucks left over. Both the Nationals and Dunn have expressed mutual interest in getting a contract done, but both sides admit they are far apart. As of now, it looks as if Dunn will test the free agent market, where other teams can give him offers and he can ultimately decide when he has heard offers from all interested teams. This offseason the Nationals need to prove that they want to win and expand their fan base by resigning Dunn.


from CREW on page 19

and YouTube. “The group is out there and our viral growth is very important for those out-of-market alumni,” he said. For “in-market” alumni, specifically alumni up and down the East Coast, AU Athletics has hosted a number of launch parties in the D.C.-metro area. The first launch party was held at Guapo’s in Tenleytown on September 16, and a second took place Thursday, September 23 in Virginia. Two more are planned for this Thursday and Friday. Although Bierwirth did not disclose the exact number of alumni who joined Blue Crew 2 at the first two events, he said that everyone involved in developing the group are happy with its progress. “We have a pretty good sense of the buzz,” Bierwirth said. “We are excited about where we are this early in the game.” One sign of the degree of buzz surrounding the group? One of the first alumni to join Blue Crew 2 was an AU graduate in Colorado. The man joined before the group’s web page was up on the AU Athletics’ website and before its campaign was launched in August. Based on the current response from alumni, Bierwirth and the others involved in developing Blue Crew 2 expect to generate more alumni connections than any other alumni group. “We would love to see a similar adoption rate as we have seen on campus with the Blue Crew,” Bierwirth said. “With Blue Crew as the largest student group, our goal is to turn [Blue Crew 2] into the largest affinity alumni group.” kgreubel@theeagleonline. com




Blue Crew 2 extends school spirit to AU alumni New group gives grads a way to cheer for Eagles By KATE GREUBEL Eagle Staff Writer


SLAMMIN’ IT DOWN — Sophomore middle blocker Bianca Richardson goes for the spike in a match from earlier this year. The Eagles traveled to Bucknell and Colgate to pick up a pair of Patriot League wins.

Volleyball takes down PL foes By TYLER TOMEA Eagle Staff Writer

The AU volleyball team got off to a great start in Patriot League play this past week by going on the road and defeating both the Bucknell University Bison and the Colgate University Raiders in its first two conference clashes. The two wins improve the Eagles overall record to 132, their best start after 15 matches since 2001; a year in which they finished 26-4 and made an NCAA Tournament appearance. Bucknell Magdalena Tekiel registered a career-high 22 kills to go along with 12 digs and two block assists as the Eagles defeated Bucknell 3-1 on Friday. The victory came by set scores of 25-23, 25-19, 3032 and 25-15.

Fellow senior Angelina Waterman notched 13 kills, two service aces and seven digs, while Alexandra Hammer led the AU offense with 43 assists. Juliana Crum added 11 digs on the defensive side. After the Bison jumped out to a 19-12 first set lead, AU rallied back by scoring six of the next seven points. Bucknell then extended its lead to 23-18, before the Eagles went on a 7-0 run to take the set, highlighted by four Tekiel kills. In the second set, it was the Eagles who jumped out to the early lead, as they held an 18-10 advantage after a Bucknell attack error. But the Bison stormed back, scoring nine of the next 11 points to cut the AU lead to 20-19. Leading by one, AU scored the next five points, and a Waterman kill put the Eagles up 2-0. The third set was back and

forth throughout, but the Eagles had a chance at a straight set victory as they held a 24-21 lead. Bucknell then scored four consecutive points to pull ahead 25-24, and the set was eventually tied at 30 apiece and neither side could gain a two-point advantage. Two straight kills by Bucknell’s Katie Baumgarten gave the Bison their first and only set victory of the match. AU jumped on Bucknell in the fourth set, taking leads of 18-10 and 22-14. The Bison could not muster a comeback. A Bianca Richardson kill cemented the Eagles 3-1 victory. Colgate Waterman led the Eagles in their 3-1 defeat of Colgate, as she posted 15 kills and nine digs in the victory. Tekiel and Deborah Frantz each had a team-high 12 digs, and Krysta Cicala set up the offense with 27 assists. The win came by set scores of 25-20, 25-16, 14-25 and 25-19. AU jumped out to a 14-9 lead in the first set, and a Katerina Cinkova kill put the Eagles in front 17-13. AU led 24-20 when a Cassandra Ricketts kill put the

Eagles up 1-0. After two straight Logan Keala attack errors, AU again had a comfortable advantage as they led 18-9 in the second set. Colgate would get as close as 19-13, but AU would go on to win the second set thanks to kills from Ricketts and Richardson. The Raiders put forth a strong effort in the third set. Colgate held a five point lead at 15-10, and that advantage ballooned to 10 as the Raiders led 22-12. Two attack errors by AU later gave the Raiders the 25-14 third set victory. The Eagles stopped Colgate’s momentum in the fourth set, as AU held a 2017 lead late and then a 2318 advantage after an attack error by Bucknell. A Waterman kill off an assist from Cicala gave AU the 25-18 set victory and the 3-1 win. AU will next play on the road against the Morgan State University Bears on Sept. 29 before returning home for their third Patriot League contest against the Army Black Knights on Oct. 1.

Just over five years ago, AU had a dying student section at sporting events. Enter Joe Vidulich. Then president of AU Student Government, Vidulich helped the Athletic Department develop Blue Crew. Since then it has grown to be the largest student group on campus. Now the students who were freshmen when Vidulich helped create Blue Crew have graduated, left with no group connection to AU sports. Enter Blue Crew 2. Launched by AU this past August, Blue Crew 2 is an alumni group that allows graduates to continue their passion for AU sports and show their school pride. “Blue Crew 2 is a great way to bring all the excitement on campus and what athletics is doing on campus back to your home,” said Senior Associate Administrator of Development and Special Events for AU Athletics David Bierwirth. Although the group was launched just over a month ago, it has been on the drawing boards for a number of years. Bierwirth has worked on the group since the beginning when the idea was developed as a result of a number of meetings between him and AU Alumni Relations. Bierwirth said Alumni Relations, Raina Lenney, Brian Keane and Margo Herron as central players in the planning the group. “Herron in particular was an alumna who was very excited about the idea and gave a lot of insight into the group,” Bierwirth said. Herron is on AU’s Alumni Board and graduated with a B.A. from the School of Public Affairs in 1985 and an MBA from the Kogod

School of Business in 2003. As an undergraduate, Herron played field hockey for AU. She is also credited with coming up with the name Blue Crew 2. Herron came up with the “2” because she believes the alumni group to be a separate but supportive entity of Blue Crew. She does not want the group to “take away” from what Blue Crew does, but add to school spirit, she said. “We don’t want to crash on the students’ party,” Herron said. “But the group is also in support of AU sports and student-athletics.” That the 2010 graduating class of AU was the first class to graduate from the University having been Blue Crew members for four years was important in the development of Blue Crew 2, Bierwirth said. Just like Blue Crew, Blue Crew 2 offers its members a variety of amenities and incentives for joining. For $18.93 — the price was consciously set to 1893 as a tribute to the year AU was founded — alumni receive a Blue Crew 2 T-shirt, discounts on tickets to all AU sporting events and discounts at the bookstore. The benefits of joining are intended to give alumni as many opportunities as possible to return to campus, Bierwirth said. “We would love [alumni] to come back and enjoy a game on campus whether they are a soccer fan, a wrestling fan or a basketball fan,” Bierwirth said.”[Blue Crew 2] is open to all alumni, of any generation, that are engaged by a passion for athletics.” To inform alumni, whether they “graduated in the 60s or last year,” Bierwirth said the Athletics Department has relied on Twitter, Facebook !

see CREW on page 18




Women’s soccer takes down Vermont to bring win streak to three By MARK NATALE

Eagle Contributing Writer


ON THE ATTACK — Senior forward Mike Worden runs between Bucknell defenders during AU’s 3-1 win over their Patriot League rival.

Eagles dominate Bucknell in victory By MICHAEL GARDNER Eagle Contributing Writer

In the Patriot League opener on Saturday, the AU men’s soccer team avenged last year’s Patriot League championship loss to Bucknell University Bison in front of 1,000 plus fans with a 3-1 win. “It’s a big relief, you always want to get that one out of the way especially with the defending Patriot League champions,” senior Nick Kapus said. “It’s a huge win for us on one of our not-sogood days, but we managed to find three goals and that’s what we needed.” Within the first 10 minutes, the Bison went on the attack. Defender Mayowa Alli was awarded a throw in, but when he threw the ball in, it went to the back of the net, but the goal was disallowed by the official because the ball did not touch any player before it went over the goal line. AU took the close call to

their advantage and was awarded a free kick around midfield in the 24th minute. Seth Goldman’s kick into the box was headed by Eli Dennis into a crowd of players, and senior Mike Worden took a shot inside the six yard box that went in the upper right hand corner to give the Eagles a 1-0 lead. Thirteen minutes later, AU went on attack again as Jack Scott received the ball on the left corner of the 18 yard box, passed it across the top of the box to Kapus who placed a left footed shot into the far left corner for his first goal of the season, putting AU up 2-0 going into halftime. In the 52nd minute freshman defender Cristobal Soto scored his first goal of the season. He cranked a 35-yard shot into the top left corner after dribbling past two defenders. “I had a couple of coaches say to me ‘that is not a freshman’, and he’s actually the youngest guy on our roster, but he plays like a senior,”

head coach Todd West said. “He reads the game, he’s composed, his feet our great, I can’t say enough good things about Cristobal. According to West, these conference games are referred to as “Patriot League Wars,” a perfect description for Saturday’s game. AU defender Alex Tilatti was kicked by a Bucknell player, sparking an almost bench clearing brawl between the two teams. AU forward Alassane Kane was given a yellow card for throwing Bucknell midfielder Ross Liberati to the ground. After a 20 minute delay, play resumed as Tilatti was able to get up on his own power and return to the game. Brendan Klebanoff scored for the Bison a minute later, but the Eagles were able to hang on and win their first Patriot League game. “I don’t think it was our best game, soccer wise, but winning conference games is huge,” West said. “The only stat we are going to look at is

1-0, so it’s a big start for us.” Bucknell was awarded 14 corners to AU’s zero. AU was also out shot 24 to 14, but AU goalie Matt Makowski proved solid. The Eagles will face Virginia Tech Sept. 28 before returning to Patriot League play against Army next weekend. Soccer First Half AU: Bucknell:

2 0

Second Half AU: Bucknell:

1 1

Final AU: Bucknell:

3 1

Washington, D.C.

The AU women’s soccer team (3-8) extended their winning streak to three games after defeating the University of Vermont Catamounts 2-1 Sept. 24. The Eagles dominated the Catamounts (1-8) in the first half, executing a clear mission to push the ball down the flanks and serving the ball to the top of the box in the hopes for an early score. “We were trying to keep it on the ground,” head coach David Bucciero said about the plan of attack. “We had heard Vermont was a pretty direct team and they were dangerous on the counterattack.” The Catamount defense, after being pressured early for the first 10 minutes by sophomore midfielder Kendra Jones, finally broke down in front of an attack by senior Brooke Sheppard and freshman Shaena Alfonsi. After a shot from Sheppard rebounded off the top of the crossbar and bounced back to the top of the 18-yard box, Sheppard received the ball and poked it past Vermont’s diving goalie. “It kind of picked up our confidence,” Alfonsi said. “We knew we could win from the start, so it kind of gave us a little boost. I was excited because it was my first goal [as an Eagle].” The Eagles attack relented only when Vermont’s Alison Hemphill evened the score, firing a scorcher from 30 yards out that went above AU’s goalie, junior Arianna Efstathiou, in the 23rd minute. The AU defense looked strong throughout the game, pushing forward and forcing the Catamounts to take shots from far outside the box. A temporary breakdown caused freshman Mackenzie Kerrigan to

receive a yellow card for a tactical foul outside the box in the 34th minute, but the Eagles were able to clear the ball without a problem. AU started off the second half right where it left off, continuing to drive the ball down the flanks and cross it to the middle. After one of six Eagle corners, freshman Brenna Smith scored her first goal as an Eagle, putting her squad on top of the Catamounts for the rest of the game. The scramble in the box placed the pressure on Vermont for the rest of the game. Smith had been the driving force of the offense for the first 13 minutes, driving shots and parrying crosses until her hard work paid off. “The ball got sent in and Michelle [Montilio] flicked it and I headed it and the goalie kind of caught it and then she kind of bobbled it, and that’s how it went in,” Smith said. “[It was] really exciting because I don’t really expect to score because I’m on defense”. The Eagles continued to put pressure on Vermont, knocking shot after shot at Alyssa Kelly, but couldn’t put another past the Catamount goalie. With 23 shots compared to Vermont’s 13, AU showed control on the offensive half of the field. “It’s great for our confidence and it’s great to have some momentum going into conference play,” said Bucciero. The Eagles’ defense will need to continue shutting down the attack of opponents if they expect to win their first conference game at Bucknell University Oct. 2. Bucciero remains confident about his team’s ability. “I certainly feel like we have a team to have success,” he said. “We have to concentrate a little bit better, but we have the ability.”

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