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Ag & Range
Photo by Kamryn Kozisek

Photo by Kamryn Kozisek A horse stands in front of a tree at Fort Robinson State Park, the afternoon of Oct. 22.
Horsing around this fall
u By Kamryn Kozisek
Ag & Range Editor
Fall in Nebraska is fleeting at best but because of the climate, we have been gifted a longer fall than usual.
There are so many activites that are soley fall related and with October coming to an end, there is still so much to do.
Fall is one of my favorite seasons to spend time outside during, so here is a todo list of fall activities. --Carve pumpkins --Roast pumpkin seeds --Eat or make carmel apples --Take Instagram photos --Go to a football game --Throw some leaves in the air --Go to a pumpkin patch --Attempt a corn maze --Go through a haunted house --Go apple picking --Do the TikTok ghost challenge --Go horse riding --Dress up for Halloween --Try some new hikes --Play cornhole --Have a bonfire

Photos and story by Aubrie Lawrence, Editor-in-Chief

e What Were You Wearing exhibit meant to bring awareness to the victims of sexual assault will be closing at the end of October.
RAs and Zeta Alpha Kappa members Haylee Payton, 21, senior of Papillion, and Kamryn Kozisek, 21, senior of Kaycee, Wyoming, put the exhibit together with the help of Interim Title IX Coordinator Morgan Cullan. ey were inspired to put it together after hearing Cullan talk about sexual assault being an issue on college campuses during a meeting with housing sta at the beginning of the semester.
“ is exhibit is really eye-opening,” Payton said. “While setting up this exhibit, then going back through, it never gets less powerful. I think, especially on college campuses, sexual assault always does need to be talked about. Victim blaming and other measures to silence victims need to stop, walking through this exhibit will prove this.” e exhibit shows the out ts people were wearing when they became victims of sexual assault alongside the story of how it happened. e group took clothes from the Eagle Exchange to create out ts that t the description of what the victim was wearing. “I think it is really common to see people wanting to ght against rape culture,” Kozisek said. “It can be really hard to tackle all parts of that at once, this exhibit takes on one part of it and does it silently. What makes this exhibit so powerful is that stories were submitted by our peers, these aren’t just strangers but people in our classes or teaching them.” e group launched an anonymous form and posted a QR code around campus, on social media and around town in September asking to hear people’s stories. When they’d receive a story, Cullan would review it, print it out and then display it alongside the out t. ey received 13 responses over the course of the exhibit.
“ is exhibit does prove a lot of the stigmas around sexual assault wrong,” Payton said. “ e main one is victim blaming. e exhibit does prove that what a victim was doing or wearing is not the reason they were assaulted. I personally have been asked by people how they can help be advocated for victims, and where they can start helping. Obviously, this is awesome to see, hopefully creating a space where victims do not have to feel ashamed or judged while talking about their assault.” is exhibit recently inspired others to also bring awareness to sexual assault. A What
Were You Wearing exhibit will be opening at the Carnegie Center in Alliance sometime soon. LEFT: An out t composed of a hoodie, T-shirt and leggings stands on the mannequin after being recreated based on a story turned into the exhibit.

RIGHT: A recreated out t described for the exhibit, sits on a mannequin in the King Library.

ABOVE: An overview showing seven of 13 outfits that were submitted to the What Were you Wearing? exhibit in the King Library. The exhbiti is open through Oct. 31.
LEFT: An outfit composed of a T-shirt and athletic shorts is hung from the ceiling of the library after a description was sent to the exhibit.

10 Oct. 27, 2022 | The Eagle | csceagle.com Comics
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