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As We See It Opinion
Eagle the
From the Editor’s desk
Stop sexualizing serial killers
In the last couple of years there has been a slew of docuseries, TV shows and movies portraying the lives and terrible crimes of serial killers being produced by different streaming services.
With each one, a fandom of people interested in the reasons why the murderers did what they did and all of the details behind the killings emerge. They become fascinated with each little detail and often begin to unjustly fantasize and, in some cases, crush on some of the most dangerous people in America.
This week, Lionel Dahmer, the father of serial killer Jeffery Dahmer, said that he might be suing Netflix for its recent docuseries ‘Conversations with a Killer: Jeffery Dahmer Tapes’ and the show ‘Monster: The Jeffery Dahmer Story’ for glamorizing the murders his son committed.
In an article published by Metro UK, Lionel said that he, or any of the victim’s families, were not consulted by Netflix when production on the shows began. Lionel also reported that he had a 20-year-old woman threw underwear into his yard while screaming “I love you, Lionel.”
The show, also known as Dahmer, immediately hit Netflix’s Top 10 list, with fans gravitating to the retelling of the gruesome murders. Fans posted videos to TikTok saying that the show, which was already more detailed than the victim’s families would’ve liked, left out some of the most disturbing parts. However, for many viewers, the show was too hard to get through.
Memes were also created talking about how attractive Dahmer was since he was portrayed by actor Evan Peters. But they went further by actually starting to lust after the murderer himself.
Just a few years ago, when Netflix released the movie ‘Extremely Wicked Shockingly Evil and Vile’ in 2019, similar things were said about Zac Efron’s portrayal of Ted Bundy.
Many women said that, just like the girls that thought Bundy was charming in the 70s, they would’ve been unable to resist his looks and would’ve probably been one of his victims if he looked like Efron.
I think these examples prove the point that the entertainment industry, and the people that consume these types of shows and movies, are taking it a step too far.
It is one thing to be interested in what happened and try to figure out why serial killers do what they do, that’s just human nature. But dramatizing their lives to the point that people become infatuated with them is too far.
These people did some of the
worst things humanly imaginable. They are not who we should be lusting and obsessing over. I think Lionel has the right to be upset. The show did go too far. The families of the victims have had to reAubrie Lawrence live the brutal murders of their loved ones simply for the enjoyment of others. It has caused so much unnecessary trauma and reopening of old wounds. Maybe the next time a show like Dahmer comes out, think about the effect it has on the families of the victims and have a little more empathy before watching or joining the viral TikTok trend surrounding the last words a victim probably ever heard. After all, how would you feel if someone said that the person who killed you was hot?
As You Said It!
We asked: Do you think students should be kept up to date when emergency services are called on campus?
Alex Waxler 20, Sophomore, Montrose, Colorado
“I think to a certain extent yes, but there’s only so much they can say.” Elleigh Fisher 18, freshman, North Platte
“I don’t really care but if we’re in danger, it’s nice to know.” Alec Langan 19, sophomore, McCook
“Depends on the situation.” Jolle Schoenholz 19, freshman, Imperial
“Yes, I just want to know what’s going on.” Katelyn Rosdahl 19, sophomore, Rapid City
“Yes, I think its important for us to know since we live here.”
Giving voice to Chadron State College students since 1920
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6Oct. 27, 2022 | The Eagle | csceagle.com Opinion
As We See It
It’s a breach of privacy, not a joke
u By Velvet Jessen
Opinion Editor
About a week ago it was confirmed that private pictures of the Wisconsin Women’s Volleyball team were leaked and being spread rapidly around different platforms. Some people have spoken out in their defense. Others made memes mocking the players and their situation.
Some videos make comments further sexualizing team or making jokes about their significant others leaving them to chase the women on the team or even blaming them for the leak.
Anything other than defending these women and agreeing that it was a violation of their privacy is frankly disgusting.
Female athletes are allowed to exist in all the same ways that male athletes are. That includes doing silly locker room celebrations and having their privacy respected while doing them.
Have you ever seen headlines reading “Men’s Team Leaked Photos” because I sure haven’t. In fact, when I looked it up (which was a scary move honestly, I don’t want to see that) the articles that come up are about leaked pictures of new jerseys.
That’s not to say explicit photos Velvet Jessen
don’t get leaked from both men and women.
However according to a study titled “Nude Leaking: from moralization and gendered violence to empowerment”, when nudes are leaked society acts differently “that, on the one hand, condemns women who express and experience their sexuality, and on the other hand, are tolerant and permissive to the manifestations of male desires.” The same study also found in their results that the men whose nudes were leaked faced less backlash and judgment.
The difference in reaction alone says enough. The saddest thing is seeing other women joking about what happened and asking why they would do that and overall placing the blame on them and not the people circulating the photos.
Everyone deserves respect and privacy.
That doesn’t change if you happen to take explicit pictures of yourself or not. Their rights to privacy didn’t stop at the click of a camera.
I am proud of the college for defending the women’s team and not shaming or trying to punish them. It’s a step in the right direction for how we view situations with leaked explicit pictures.
Now the rest of the people that are laying the blame at their feet or joking about something that will follow them forever need to take that step and develop some empathy.
Making my way into the huddle
u By Madyson Schliep
Staff Editor
If you asked my friend Kamryn about me she would say that I am pretty cool but I talk about football too much. If you asked my players about me they would tell you I am lame and like to make them suffer (they would also tell you that they miss me).
Growing up I was the youngest of three, and had two older brothers who were obsessed with football. I spent as much time sitting at their games and practices, as I did playing sports of my own. I was obsessed with anything sports related and played anything that I could pack into my schedule.
I especially loved competing in and winning the punt, pass, kick competitions my hometown put on.
As I got older I became more enamored with football and watching my brothers play. In middle school I watched my oldest brother excel in high school football and my other brother kick some butt in middle school football.
When I got to high school I was asked by our athletic trainer if I wanted to work with our football team as a student trainer and I fell more in love with the game.
The longer I spent working with football the more I wanted to make a career out of it. I went to college with the dream of becoming a certified athletic trainer but that dream quickly changed when I saw how much being a college strength and conditioning coach can impact athletes.
This is where everything changed. I set to work changing my major and I set out to try and build my resume to be able to work at the college level.
This past summer I got the Madyson Schliep

opportunity to work at University of Colorado Boulder with the football strength and conditioning department. It was a unique opportunity getting to work and learn from a national strength and conditioning coach of the year as well as 4 other coaches from all different backgrounds who focused solely on football.
In college, football players spend more time in the weightroom and with the strength coaches than they do anywhere else. You have the unique opportunity to impact and build up your athletes self confidence as well as play a vital part in the rehab portion of injuries as a strength and conditioning coach.
This fall I coached high school football and they tested every bit of patience I have ever had.
I hope that they learned as much from me as I learned from them. While high school boys are not the easiest group on the planet it was a great learning tool on how best to communicate instructions to athletes. They also think they are the funniest humans and coolest cats alive.
I wouldn’t trade them for the world, although I did think about it when they wouldn’t listen to me.
Football is a boys club and proving my knowledge and worth is a steep challenge. As a female in football I have to prove my knowledge every step of the way even though I have the same schooling as my peers.
Even my players have made backhanded comments about me never having played football when they don’t agree with something I said.
I am judged from the moment I step onto the field because of my gender. No one would bat an eye about a man stepping on the field because it is automatically assumed that all men know football.
As a female I am not allowed to misstep when talking about football otherwise it is believed I know nothing. I want to break down barriers so all the women following behind me do not have to work as hard.
And while there is nothing else that I would rather do, it shouldn’t be something I have to do.