Eastchester REVIEW THE
March 29, 2019 | Vol. 7, Number 13 | www.eastchesterreview.com
County receives opioid grant from Dept. of Labor
On April 6, RiverArts will present the renowned Kandinsky Trio. The concert continues RiverArts exploration of the intersection of various art forms in one evening. For more, see page 6.
Westchester hosts 2019 Youth Summit at County Center Westchester County Executive George Latimer, the Department of Community Mental Health, the County Youth Bureau, the harris project, Montefiore Hudson Valley Collaborative, Student Assistance Services Corporation and the Westchester Coalition for Drug and Alcohol Free Youth hosted the second Annual Youth Summit at the Westchester County Center. The event was a unique opportunity for students, educators and health professionals to come together with civic leaders and elected officials, to discuss the reasons teens may turn to substances, and explore methods of prevention. The theme of the Youth Summit was Co-Occurring Disorders Awareness (CODA), Youth as Voices of Change. Co-Occurring Disorders is the combination of one or more mental health challenges, resulting in substance misuse or addiction.
“Many young people are impacted by mental health issues and substance misuse, and the Youth Summit is an important part of Westchester County’s multifaceted approach in addressing prevention, education and treatment for our teens,” Latimer said. “We hope that the Youth Summit empowers youth to become positive decision-makers, seek early intervention if they have a problem, and step in if they have friends and peers that may be headed down the wrong path.” More than 300 students from 46 Westchester County high schools gathered together for the event, which included a series of break-out workshops that addressed topics such as leading change, mindfulness, social media and trends, transformation through the arts and sport, creating connections and supporting friends and peers. Stress, anxiety, depression, ADHD and additional men-
tal health disorders, trauma and sports injury were all highlighted as challenges that can lead to substance misuse, and the students discussed ways to increase awareness, create change and improve outcomes. “We are extremely thrilled to partner with our school districts and co-sponsors, but most importantly with our students who are leading the way in changing the narrative on mental health and substance misuse,” said Michael Orth, commissioner of the Department of Community Mental Health. “Prevention is such a worthwhile investment of energy and resources, and CODA provides a unique lens through which to empower our youth to truly be the ‘Voices of Change.’” The harris project founder Stephanie Marquesano lost her son Harris to an accidental overdose when he was 19, which motivated her to start this initiative.
“This is an incredible next step in the CODA movement,” she said. “Co-occurring disorders is preventable. Our youth just need to understand it, and the tools to bring the message forward. Providing an opportunity for our youth to engage with peers from across the county, work with incredible facilitators who can inspire them to think beyond the ordinary, and receive training in some of the components of the CODA Weeks Celebration Boxes creates the framework for our youth to return to their schools ready to make positive impact.” Westchester County will also be taking part in the CODA Weeks for 2019, which will run from April 1-April 15. CODA Weeks are dedicated to raising awareness in our schools and communities, and highlight the harris project’s peer-driven prevention program, which implements education and training in local high schools. (Submitted)
Westchester County has received a grant from the New York State Department of Labor to assist local communities that have been affected by the opioid epidemic. The grant money, which totals $346,205, was allocated to Westchester to help train the employees who treat those battling addiction and substance abuse. “No community is immune to the opioid crisis, and unfortunately there is a shortage of people who are trained to treat these individuals in Westchester,” said County Executive George Latimer. “This funding, which is awarded to our Westchester-Putnam Workforce Development Board, will provide training and employment services to our workforce so we can better serve the communities that are struggling.”A number of Westchester County departments and community partners will work in tandem to provide management, training and leadership for those who will eventually treat victims of substance abuse, including Westchester-Putnam Workforce Development Board, Westchester County departments of Social Services and Community Mental Health, Westchester Career Centers, Westmed Medical Group, the National Council of Alcohol and Drug Dependence of Westchester, Westchester Community College and WestCOP. “This grant will allow us to employ our residents who are eager to find or return to work while
at the same time providing the necessary training to help those who are affected by the crisis that is affecting our community and state,” said Thomas Kleiner, executive director of the Westchester-Putname Workforce Development Board. Participants will be required to attend a four-week “boot camp” of employment training that covers job skills, resume development, interviewing, self-esteem building and job showering. Following the boot camp, specialized employment and training activities will prepare participants for one of the following jobs: certified peer recovery support specialist, mental health technician, behavioral health recovery coach, paramedic and credential alcoholism and substance abuse counselor. “This grant fills a real need,” said Kevin McGuire, commissioner of the county Department of Social Services. “Opioid addiction has been growing in Westchester County, particularly in communities that have seemed to have previously been immune from the scourge of addiction. This grant will allow us to train people to deal with this increase of those suffering from addiction.” The program is intended to serve all the communities in Westchester, with a primary focus on the cities of Peekskill, Mount Vernon and New Rochelle. (Submitted)
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