October 4, 2019

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Eastchester REVIEW THE

October 4, 2019 | Vol. 7, Number 39 | www.eastchesterreview.com

County to hold job fair for mental health providers

Westchester County Executive George Latimer and members of the county Board of Legislators joined with ArtsWestchester to announce the start of the 2019 Art$WChallenge, a matching grant program that seeks to raise $500,000 to support arts and cultural organizations throughout the county. For more, see page 6.

County Planning hosts Census Bureau survey training In an effort to ensure that every housing unit in Westchester County is properly counted for the upcoming and future U.S. Census surveys, the county Department of Planning will be hosting four Building Permits Survey Training sessions for building officials, clerks, municipal officials and planning and zoning

board members. The workshops, which will be held in four different municipalities, were designed to make sure that all building permit data is reported correctly to the U.S. Census Bureau each month, and help municipalities better understand the use of that data. “The Census Bureau asks mu-

nicipalities to report each month on the building permits that they issue, and we all know that with the turnover within municipalities sometimes the staff lose sight of why they do things and what to do,” said Norma Drummond, county Planning Department commissioner. “This training will help

municipal staff and board members better understand how to file their monthly building permit data, and how that data gets used at both the city and county level. Having a better count of all the housing units in Westchester will ultimately lead to a better count of our residents in 2020.” (Submitted)

es h s i l b u P

The training sessions will be held as follows Tuesday, Oct. 8 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in Tarrytown Village Hall Main Meeting Room, First Floor 1 Depot Plaza, Tarrytown

Tuesday, Oct. 15 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in New Rochelle City Hall Conference Room B1 515 North Ave., New Rochelle

Thursday, Oct. 17 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in Port Chester Port Chester Senior Community Center 222 Grace Church St., Port Chester

Tuesday, Oct. 29 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in Mount Pleasant Town Hall Court Room 1 Town Hall Plaza, Valhalla

This program is co-sponsored by Westchester Municipal Planning Federation and attendance may be used toward New York State training requirements for planning and zoning board members. Please RSVP to Ted Leimbach, associate planner, at eal8@westchestergov.com or 995-2412.

service providers with prospective employees, DSS and DCMH reached out to not only the contract provider agencies that work with the departments, but schools, colleges and universities across the county, as well as Not-ForProfit Westchester and other employment focused organizations, and members of the advocacy and faith-based communities. “Not-for-profits are our partners in meeting the mental health and substance use needs of Westchester’s adults, children and families.,” Michael Orth, commissioner of DCMH. “Getting their job done means they need quality staff working day in and day out. By connecting these employers with prospective employees, we hope to help them better fulfill this mission.” Commissioner of DSS Kevin McGuire, added, “Statutes, regulations, and accreditation standards set the staffing patterns for many of the services DSS provides and contracts for. Not just regulations for housing or treatment requirements, but also the skills, education and even staffing ratios involved in providing services. We can ensure optimal effectiveness of our services when we make sure our providers have the staff they need.” (Submitted)

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Up for it?

Recognizing that vacant staff positions impede the mission of Westchester County’s nonprofit service providers, the County Executive’s Office, the Department of Social Services, DSS, and the Department of Community Mental Health, DCMH, are holding a Job Fair on Thursday, Oct. 3 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Westchester County Center in White Plains. In delivering their broad array of programs to Westchester residents, more than 75 different notfor-profits contract with the county, through DSS and/or DCMH to provide community-based services to thousands of people across Westchester. More than 20 different potential employers, with more than 400 open positions, will be participating. “Westchester’s nonprofit providers are an integral part of our delivery system,” County Executive George Latimer said. “They provide a vast array of the social services, mental health and substance use services that County residents need and rely on. Helping them recruit staff and fill job vacancies is one small thing we can do as a County government to ensure that they continue to provide the highest quality care.” To bring together the nonprofit


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