Lw june 2017 wolfie submissions

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Confidence doesn’t necessarily come from one’s physical attributes, or even our successes and accomplishments. Confidence comes from owning who you are, and loving yourself despite your flaws. This months our Wolfies share what confidence means to them and how they portray boldness. CURATED BY ERIN MCDOWELL / ILLUSTRATION (LEFT) BY LAURA FILAS Rising Through Reading - I have always found solace in books, losing myself in the plots and going on adventures with the characters will always bring a smile to my lips. Reading has always been a hobby for me, but it wasn’t until recently when I discovered that it could be used as a way to rise up. Books are like little resource guides that allow a person to dig into hundreds of topics about history, culture and social issues. Reading is a great way to become educated on problems and will ultimately help spark conversation and allow for positive change. – JAMILA COOPER / OAKLAND, CA Creativity was a present, wrapped in coral textured paper and tied with a bow, delivered to a keen three year young girl. I embraced it with sleepless nights and acrylic paint, and have ever since held it close to my heart. But as the petite child with a fringe turned into a teenager constantly put under pressure by society, her outlook on her surroundings changed. I began to realize that I am part of a society that feeds off of my downfalls. But that shouldn’t stop me from chasing after what truly makes me happy. I need to face problems with a headstrong mindset, because I want to put my mark on this planet, and succumbing to society won’t let me do so. – SUMONA SARIN / NEW DELHI, INDIA Look around. If all you can be sure of is what you can see, this is everything. We are all we have. What good is there in being coldhearted? I do not mean it lightly. The one who keeps another warm is greater than the one who looks away. Why then do we always turn our faces? My hands ache with the good I could have done but did not do. All we have is this moment, these souls, this city. Why chose hate? We are strongest when we are at peace. What harm could kindness do to us? I want to walk into a place and bring love and not be ashamed of it. – SARAH BETHANY NILSEN / PORTUGAL Our country is in the hands of a ticking time-bomb, a man whose words quiver when questioned, and change like the seasons. Each day I see another group targeted, and attacked, based on religion, race, and sexuality. During such critical times, I find it important to speak up for those who can not. I remind myself that I, as one of seven billion people who inhabit planet earth stand in the same position of some of the most notorious activists In history. It takes only one person to start a movement that could change lives. – SELINA GONZALEZ / PHILADELPHIA, PA

I remember being small, thinking that my brown skin was dirt. Taunted by my peers, even family members, by how dark my skin was. Hiding from my parents’ thick accents my culture’s food, traditions, and scrubbing. I remember trying to scrub my skin white every night— begging to wash away my Filipino-ness. Yet now, I take my demons and turn them into motivations. I learned that Filipinos, my people are a people of resistance. And so, I resist. I rise. I fight. Against discrimination Against racism Against colonial mentality. I speak up because my brown skin is Filipino and Beautiful. – CHRISTIAN PANEDA / ANN ARBOR, MI Forwards Amidst our celeb infused nest Lie the people I like best Who worry not for likes or words But constantly strive to move forwards Creativity at its best Every time we go to rest Concerned more with the heart Than with the plays on our art Taking notes from Nina Simone Fingers crossed we’re not alone “An artist’s duty,” she once declared “Is to reflect the times,” a sentiment I’ve always share I vote we take it further though And through our art and actions show Those paying attention they are not alone With a compassionate spirit and loving tone – MICHELLE YOUNG / LOS ANGELES, CA

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In an increasingly divisive political climate, my desire to fight for equality, tolerance, and love has been brought to new heights. A close friend and I created the Defend Planned Parenthood March in an effort to inform and educate the people of our community about women's healthcare. It was a resounding success, with over 3,000 people marching and sharing their voices, and political figures like the mayor of our town attending. My community’s love and support has reinvigorated me, and despite these tough times, I am confident that if young women support one another and raise their voices together, we can make real change. – ELENA SCOTT / SAN DIEGO, CA (PHOTOS BELOW)

We overcome injustices through our art, through our words, through our actions, and we don’t let people discourage us from doing so no matter what. Positive change comes from recognizing that everyone has different opinions and perspectives, but that being open-minded can lead you to work with people who see the world differently and create something incredible. I did a sunrise shoot with a friend who has very different standpoints than me on world issues. Despite our differing perspectives, we still created something beautiful and impactful that has touched members of the community. In the future, I hope to make a global impact by working with people who have different worldviews than I do. – CAMILLE RUIZ / ORLANDO, FL (PHOTO ABOVE)




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I am always inspired and full of creative energy. Which I think sometimes is a problem because I have no where else to release it. I'm not good in writing or drawing, so I take photos of people my age. I don't have a certain style or one theme, I just style them according to what I think best suits them and their personality. I love experimenting and being resourceful with what I have. – SAM SOMERA / ANTIPOLO CITY, PHILIPPINES (PHOTO BELOW)

I use my artwork to bring peace to those who look at it. Soft colors, lines, and a dreamy atmosphere help clear the mind of the world’s stress. One of the most crucial issues to me is the environment. We must remember the earth is a gift and was created for us, and we must remember it constantly provides even when we take from it. We are all humans on the earth and my art helps to remind people of the fragile generosity of our planet. – ISAAC DIAZ / OKLAHOMA CITY, OK (ARTWORK ABOVE)

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