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How well are the winged wonders of San Isidro

By JunalisaEnalPabilis

The chirping of birds is a cry for human cruelty

Feathered vertebrates play an important role in our ecosystem They were not just an ordinary species who contributed to the beautification of our environment, but living organisms who are responsible for plant pollination and pest control

Birds are blessngs from the forest, and they are signficant because they help our plants and they protect them, sad Mario, Hundis a oca fok of Sawata San Isidro Davao Del Norte There are various knds of birds in our ocaity we have Crow Whte-eared Brown Dove Emerad Dove Eagle Leptotila Verreaux Amonas-pestis Tamsi, White Dove, and many more to discover, added Honorabe Maricel Banados Barangay Councilor San Isidro Davao Del Norte

Human beings utilze forests for the expansion of their benefits an activty that is crucal to note because as the massve cutting of trees continues it contributes to the extnction of feathered creatures

According to Banados, as woody perennal pants are the natural habitats of birds and extensive logging persists theres a big possiblity that San Isidros birds will suddenly vanish

Deforestation has a big impact on the birds because the trees are their natural home, and if there's a constant decrease in forest areas the birds would likely disappear Further than that, the loss of foraging spaces might lead to the decline of birds' food sources as their prey also lives in forests


Banados also highlighted that illegal minng has detrimental effects on the habitats of the brds as their natural envronment s being ruined by clearng land which can lead to loss of breedng areas and nesting ground Mning poses also polution to birds through ingestion as they are more before inhalng the toxic chemicals utiized by miners

“Mining activities impact birds surviva and well-being and can lead to the declne of bird populaton and biodiversity Trees in their territory are destroyed particuarly in those that surround the mning area, and it alters how the brds live In additon to that mining itself proposes complex effects like habitat destruction or fragmentation as the mning area includes clearing vegetation Aside from that it also adds up to the breaking of the life cycle of birds as they are more likey to inhale or eat the entities that are poluted Banados remarked Bird killing hunting and trapping also project threat to their extinction Some parts of the world hunted birds for food or are drven by the concept that its wld meat is better than any other meat

Here in San Isidro, some peope eat birds because according to them its like chicken meat Furthermore ilegal hunting and trapping brings substantia impact to the bird population especialy to those threatened and endangered species The removal of even a few birds can impede the breeding success and overall survival of the said creatures The ilegal practices made by kds such as trapping n inhumane ways can cause injury to them which somewhat eads to a slow and painful death, said Banados

Accordng to Antonio Pantonal local folk of Sawata San Isidro Davao Del

Norte birds need to be protected snce these creatures are very important to balance the biodiversity and ecosystem especially in terms of the food web

Birds are an important part of the food chain for being predators and prey as it influences the distribution of organsms n our ecosystem

They serve as predators of many insects which control overpopulaton By doing so they are aso essential for dispersing polen and seeds The waste being excreted by birds helps n plant growth because it contains nutrients that help maintain soil fertilty

Overal their existence supports the functioning of our ecosystem said Pantonial

Pantonial further stressed that the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) officers should do investigaton and discoveries to know the real situation of birds in terms of their existence and habitats and that they must be protected as t is their duty to montor the soundness of every species

DENR officers shoud conduct montoring of the birds to know how many of them are still exsting in our time and how many are endangered They should be guarded from human activties that brng threat to their extinction ended Pantonal

In every probem there are various solutons The alarming concern regarding brds must be addressed as creatures like them aso need care and affection an entity that must be protected and preserved at all costs!

Individuals must take measures to reshape the birds habtat that was once ost As the wnged wonders take flight towards the sky they should refran from broadcasting their agony through their melodious songs

Orchids and its pouch-like lip petals


A single blossom is a masterpiece of nature that has been sculpted by millions of years of evolution nique species that is an example mother nature's artistic brilliance the orchid emits its scent deep within a forest even when no one is around to even notice it Due to their unique derived traits also known as synapomorphies orchids may be easily identified from other plants Bilateral symmetry (zygomorphism) the ability to supinate the labellum, a virtual and significantly altered petal, united stamens and carpels, and exceedingly tiny seeds are a few of these traits

They are exotic fowers because they are special knds of flowers since they are not commony found in house backyards

Dancing ady is a native species of orchids that exist here in our ocality and also

Vanda ” said Rhodalyn Foronda a Science

Teacher at Sawata National High School

Due to their individuality orchids are a distinct speces Long-lasting and distinctive among all species, the scent also lasts a long time Like the flowers you see in flower stores, this knd of fower can be kept in stock for one week wthout beng watered

It is rare we dont often see it And it needs extra care it is sumptuous and sensitve It can be stock its petals are thick and it is usually made as a bouquet its attractive petal is different and can be used as decoration for church and funerals It has colorfu flowers, it is extraordinary, it is exciting especally when it bears flowers, stated Foronda

Aside from its view it can beautify the environment an orchid is stll a plant so it gives oxygen like the trees which is needed by human beings It can also be a stress reliever and it gives joy ” said Roselyn

Cuestas Tourism Officer San Isidro Davao

Del Norte

Since this type of plant is particularly sensitve when left unattended, orchids require high upkeep and special attention

A cause why ndviduals with sufficient funds may acquire orchids, is because they are sometimes prcey Only a few are culturing orchids

Cultivating them wth carelessness can pose detrimental effects They are exquisite in nature but fragile n nature, as they are very delicate If you do not take care of them they will not bear flowers

And aside from that orchid lovers must spray pesticides properly to make them grow nicer and could bear flowers, Foronda remarked

A single blossom is a masterpiece of nature

Artificial insectcdes can help reduce the number of pests that are targeting orchids

The orchids must be gently moved to another wood host when the wood that serves as their habitat begns to rot Spraying pesticides and nsecticides on orchid plants are one method of preventing insects and pests from dwelling there but it is preferable to utilize agro-medicine often known as organic chemicals

There are essential ways that must be gven to orchids to preserve their beauty From what I have read net shading which aids in contro teling the temperature in the orchidarium s somethng that orchd aficionados and flower shop proprietors should be familiar with Maintaining the health of the orchids also requires the remova of insects which may be done by hand if they prefer not to use synthetic or natural pesticides Additionaly it is important to remove any dead eaves to keep the orchid plants quality high Foronda explained

An orchd genus is greaty lnked to the conservaton of biodiversty and is not just a beautifu compement to our environment For instance, the exceptional and rare walingwaling orchid species are found ony in the Mindanao area

Unfortunately this magnificent floral beauty is steadiy diminishing projecting the necessity for ndviduals to take part in its protection and preservation We have a responsibility to look for required acton to protect orchids surviva and to acknowledge their essence n mantaning the equilbrium in nature

ExquisiteBeauty.Orchids,whichcomein abroadrangeofsizesandforms,exhibita completeblossomingofnature'screative sight.

Protect the lungs of San Isidro, save the remaining forest

By RubieImeeBacaron

Are you scared of the forest? Or its natural environment scares you? Will you stand alone in a forest? such as plants like trees, grasses to shrubs, vines, to any kind of herbaceous plants, mosses, algae, fungi, from insects to mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and microorganisms that are natural inhabitants of the forest

Close your eyes and imagine; think about the purity of the air, the abundant sound of peace, and the calmness of its aura Inside the wilderness of the forest, we can find living parts

The Municipality of San Isidro, Davao Del Norte is indeed blessed by nature, as most of its wealth was derived from the land's abundance of forested areas According to the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) records the majority of the land of San Isidro is Forest land that has a total land area of 10 080 30 hectares composed of timberland and agricultural land of the Municipality of San Isidro

"The forest land in San Isidro provides environmental resources for sustainable economic development to the municipality Environmental services such as supplying water requirements for households, farmlands, habitats of diverse flora and fauna and the prevention of destructive flash floods," said Mr Elvien E Ramiso, the Municipal Planning and Development Officer


Duetoillicitloggingandothertypesofdestruction,birdslikethe TakrayinSanIsidroareindangerofgoingextinct.Birdshavearole inmaintainingbiodiversitybalance,thuspeoplemusttake precautionstopreservethemforfuturegenerations.

Ramiso emphasized that the most abundant trees here in San Isidro is usually timber like Mahogany Falcata, Gmelina, and in fruit trees there are mostly Coconut trees, Durians and Mango However, human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and industrialization have been occurring a destruction of forests that causes harm to the environment but also led to the extinction of several plants and animal species "Threats in our woodland are that forest land is agriculturally cultivated, affected by the building of residential houses, roads, and public facilities; illegal logging is also present; misuse of resources; kaingin” or improper disposal of livestock, poultry waste, and agricultural chemicals; and conversion of purely agricultural plantations within the livestock and timber poaching industries " said Ramiso

EndlessGreenery. Nature'sskycrapperstoweringtalland strong,offeringshelterandoxygenforall.


These dangers are steadily destroying our forest areas and contributing to climate change and global warming, which means that we, humans, are also contributors and the most affected if these threats endure

"These threats to our forest will cause soil erosion to landslides and flash floods These threats in San Isidro affect our environmental resources and livelihood Without trees, our agricultural lands will dry up, and animal species will also be affected by losing their habitats,” ended Ramiso

Rust: a potential health hazard


WAccording to Mark Ace Royo a Senior High Science Teacher rust deveops mosty hose metals and iron, so if the metas are exposed to oxygen and thats the time that iron wll be rusted because of the oxygen and also with those acids Galic Acids can rust iron and metal The maorty of metals and iron are the ones that rust therefore when those metals are exposed to oxygen, iron will rust as a result of the oxygen as wel as those corrosve acids, such as gallic acid

Rusting actually is a process in which an iron is exposed to oxygen and acid and so if you’re wounded and then you are exposed to rust it also has this knd of bacteria that can cause tetanus That is also why if you are wounded with a rusted nail you have to be given an anti-tetanus injection said Royo Iron deteriorates in strength appearance and permeabiity due to rusting becoming flaky and weak It does not have any good qualities when it is rusted Appliances vehices bridges and many other iron constructions can all be damaged by rustng The combination of iron and oxygen atoms forms rust Therefore, if rust comes into contact with your skn it is known to be dangerous to people due to its type of iron oxde Rust has this kind of bacteria or bacterium f this bacterium is exposed to your wounds or your flesh or your blood t can infect the whole body and can cause tetanus, and tetanus is deady One of the symptoms of tetanus is lockjaw fever etc so you have to be careful You have to wear protective equipment to avoid ths kind of accident and also to avoid most of these problems which are nfected with this kind of bacterium on tetanus ” said


Rust isnt inherently harmful to anybody but when tetanus bactera enters your body through skin wounds it can cause heath risks Lockjaw having a fever eevated blood pressure headaches increased heart rate difficulty swallowing and muscle stiffness mght be the symptoms of tetanus or bacterial nfections caused by Clostridum Tetani Wear protective equipment must be enough to dimnish the risk of being n danger If the tetanus s left untreated the progress of tetanus infection wil be from mild spasms to powerful whoe-body contractions suffocation and heart attack

"There are some ways to avoid rusting first s you have to paint it to expose the metal from the oxygen and also from those acids that can lead to corrosive and then rustng stated Royo

The manufacture of numerous machines items and structures is made of iron and its alloys Therefore preventing the corrosion of iron is very important because rusting certanly affects the environment by weakening bridges and many more structures that are made of iron and aloys

Some methods to prevent rusting are galvanization coatings and cathodic protection

“You have to be careful and mindful and also aware if you know ths kind of rusting materia has this kind of harmful bacterum that can pose health risks for you so you have to be careful If you want to go to other paces you have to protect your soul feet to avoid any wounds said Royo If you are aware that certain rusting materials contan dangerous bacteria that coud endanger your health you must exercise caution and awareness If you plan to vist other locations, you must take special care to protect your feet or other parts of your body from injuries

On the quest to protecting the aquatic Ecosystem of San Isidro

By MariaAngelBabor

Abeautiful gift by nature that brings life, resources, and a home for spectacular species, beholds the beauty of San Isidros bodies of water beautiful gift by nature that brings life resources, and a home for spectacular species beholds the beauty of San Isidros bodies of water From mountains, forests, river and down to falls San Isidro has it all in terms of water bodies, it has so many spots for you to come and enjoy San Isidro's famous water spots are the Dacudao Falls and the Imelda Falls These two falls brought many faces to discover the beauty of nature, to discover the beauty of San Isidro!

Water makes people happy, and reaxed and creates bonds moments and memories

To enjoy feel and embrace these gfts and be refreshed with the marvelous aqua Unlike man-made tourst attractions like pools it is natura real and fresh It helps people connect wth nature and be with it wheren the aroma hits differently "San Isidro has different famous tourist spots and the most famous one is the Dacudao fals at Barangay Dacudao the second one is the Imeda Fals located at Barangay Mamangan San Isidro s rich when it comes to water because we also have rivers, said Alan Deldeli, the Administrator in San Isdro

Simple but unique, that's nature

During stressful days takng a dip n the water makes the physcal emotional and mental health fee reaxed and reieves stress Family nor friends there are no exceptions to fee the warmth of the water to be with water and to make the bond strong Although the comfort that these waters bring could also have ts downsides if not cautious comfort mght come to suffering Unlike saltwater fresh water enables various bacteria and parasites to survive If in contact with humans it may ead to sickness and infecton or even death Nature also has a threat to be aware of, that includes flood drowning and dirty water that we intake while we're swimming," said


Water helps peope to access drinkable water, foods lke fish, for household water for household needs such as for washng clothes or washing dishes cleaning the house or for cleanng vehices It s very important to know that every drop of water is very important to people because water s one of the most flexible or used elements for many and varous thngs Water hazards can also endanger those who venture into rivers or waterfalls Swimmers and boaters can be endangered by submerged rocks, falen trees, or debris

Stay informed about weather conditions and avoid bodies of water to stay safe

Drownng is aso one of the most serious risks associated with bodies of water Even strong swimmers are vunerable if they overestmate their abilties or become entangled in a strong current Waterborne illness is another potential risk assocated with bodies of water Rivers and waterfals can harbor pathogenic bacteria and vruses such as gardia, and cryptosporidium It is critica to purify or treat any water before drinking it to avod contracting waterborne ilnesses Boilng water using water flters or treatment tablets or employing a UV purifier can all aid in the removal or klling of harmfu bacteria and viruses According to Loisse (not her real name) a student of Sawata National High School said that water makes her calm and enjoyable at the same time I enjoy being with water especially when Im wth my friends or famly Water makes our bond strong and it feels ike were on cloud nine Relaxng, enjoyng, and releasing stress are the factors I feel when Im wth nature she said Another risk of exposure to bodies of water is hypothermia which can occur if they are fed by snowmelt or glacers Prolonged exposure to cold water can result in hypotherma which can be fatal if not treated immediately It is critical to wear appropriate clothing for the water temperature, such as a wetsuit or drysuit, to avoid hypotherma Rivers and waterfalls can provide great natural beauty and recreation but they also pose certain risks and dangers to those who venture into them Understanding these risks and takng the necessary precautions can hep to prevent accidents and keep everyone safe A beautiful gift by nature, that brings life, resources and a home for spectacular species behold the beauty of San Isidros bodes of water Mountains forests the rivers down to fals San Isidro has it all In terms of water, San Isdro has so many spots for you to come and enjoy San Isidros famous water spot is the Dacudao Fals and the Imelda Falls These two falls brought many faces to dscover the beauty of nature, to discover the beauty of San Isidro Wildlife can endanger those who ive near bodies of water Some rivers are home to alligators and crocodiles, whereas others may be home to venomous snakes or aggressive fish Its critical to earn about the local wildlife and take appropriate precautons such as not swimming n areas known to be frequented by dangerous animals Never approach or approach wild anmals Finally whle bodies of water lke rivers and waterfals can provide great natural beauty and recreation, they also pose certain rsks and dangers Understanding these risks and taking appropriate precautions such as wearing a life acket filtering water before drnking it, and avoidng hazardous areas can hep to prevent

Stabilized slopes save lives

By MariaAngelBabor


Landslidesserveasareminderthatanentitycanbemoveddownhill evenonafirmbase.Anabruptchangethatmayhavedisastrouseffects, includingthelossoflife,destructionofproperty,andlong-term environmentalharm.

s occur when the geological is considered landslide d earthquakes or rainfall causes landslides It is a soil reignited in that particular area that receives nsider that a landslide unusually causes harm d soil that will swell down, will end up destroying the s Royo an Earth Science teacher at Sawata Natonal High s have two dfferent types the first one is rainfal-nduced ake-nduced landslde, d We have two types of landsides: the ranfal-induced nd mosty here n San Isidro weve experenced rainfal ol Royo expained ng because of the damage it may cause Agricultura l

In order to prevent this every human being should at least beware of what the result wil be It should be a must to imply the basc things we can do like stopping the ogging pantng more trees and many more By dong ths it may prevent the calamites lke the andslde, t heps al the habitats, the envronment and the people around These proactive moves wll hep every iving organism to contnualy do the necessities of humans

Disciplne is the main reason why there are advantages and dsadvantages Lack of dscpline wil help you grow differenty youl become a person youre not used to beng whie having disciplne can assure oneself to respect and honor everythng Educaton is not only by having a degree, by earning so many topics, or by gong to school Education s a fundamental resource that everyone shoud have mposing ones identity to capture the true beauty of everything These are some ways how to stop ths and by Royos ntervew there are numerous other ways to prevent this

So to stop these kinds of activities first is through educaton The second is imposing the authorty on every person who dd ilegal logging, they shoud be n prison because of these activties and the government should take acton to stop these kinds of environmental ssues Everyone in the community should participate in tree pantng and aso they should be aware of the effects of anthropogenc activities that can trigger andsldes remarked Royo Natural dsasters lke landsides have the potental to seriously harm people, property, and the environment Recognizing the part that each person may play n preventng andsldes is crucal Being informed of the dangers and causes of landsldes is one acton that everyone can take Ths can assist people in makng wel-nformed choices regarding resdng in or constructng structures n andslde-prone areas Also t can assst them n taking preventative steps to lessen the ikeihood of andsldes such as eveling slopes or pantng trees Waste management s another issue to whch everyone may contrbute Poor waste management can increase the danger of andslides by causng soil erosion and coggng drainage systems

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