Best Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Franchise of the Year 2025

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January 2025

Best Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Franchise of the Year 2025

Carrera, CEO of Active Re Featuring Proles

Patrick Henry President & CEO GroGuru Inc.

VP of Franchise Development, Talent Acquisition and Training


AAMCO: Pioneering Automotive Repair and Leading with Innovation

Ramón Martínez


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Editor’s Note

AAMCO: Pioneering Automotive Repair and Leading with Innovation

Inarapidlyevolvingindustrywheretrustandinnovationareparamount, AAMCOhassolidifieditspositionasaleaderinvehiclerepairand maintenance.ItiswithgreatpridethatwefeatureAAMCOasthecover storyofTheEntrepreneurTimesforour"BestVehicleRepairand MaintenanceFranchiseoftheYear2024"edition.

Sinceitsinceptionin1963,AAMCOhasdemonstratedanunwavering commitmenttoquality,customersatisfaction,andtechnological advancement.Fromitspioneeringroleintransmissionrepairtoits transformationintoacomprehensivecarcareprovider,AAMCO exemplifiesthevaluesofadaptabilityandforward-thinkingthatare essentialforsuccessintoday’sbusinesslandscape.

WhatsetsAAMCOapartisnotjustitsstate-of-the-artdiagnostictoolsor itsextensivetrainingprograms,butitsdedicationtofranchiseesuccess. Withover290yearsofcombinedindustryexperienceamongitssupport team,AAMCOempowersitsfranchiseeswiththeresources,guidance,and innovationneededtothrive.Thisisabrandthatunderstandsthe importanceofcollaboration,trust,andcontinuousimprovement—notjust withinitsnetwork,butalsowiththecustomersitserves.

AswehonorAAMCO’saccomplishments,wealsocelebratethe entrepreneurialspiritthatdrivesitsfranchiseestoexcel.Thisrecognition isatestamenttothestrengthofAAMCO’svisionandthevalueitdelivers tocommunitiesacrossthenation.

CongratulationstoAAMCOforearningitstitleasthe“BestVehicle RepairandMaintenanceFranchiseoftheYear2024.”Maythisbeanother milestoneinitslegacyofexcellence.


Editor-in-Chief The Entrepreneur Times Magazine


20. 26. 32. 08. 36.

Chris DiGuiseppe VP of Franchise Development, Talent Acquisition and Training

Investing in Yourself: The Catalyst for Entrepreneurial Success

Scaling Up: Strategies for Growing Your Entrepreneurial Venture



Pioneering Automotive Repair and Leading with Innovation

“AAMCO’s legacy is built on a commitment to innovation, quality, and customer trust, positioning it as a trusted leader in the automotive care industry for over six decades.”

“By investing in advanced training and technology, AAMCO ensures that each location not only meets but exceeds customer expectations, delivering expertise and reliability with every service.”

Cover Story

Differentiating AAMCO in a Competitive Market

AAMCO stands out in the competitive car care industry for several key reasons. As a leader in transmissionandtotalcarcare,webringalevelof expertise that many independent repair centers may lack. Prioritizing quality over quantity, we focusonthoroughdiagnosticsandpreciserepairs, ensuring customers leave with their issues resolved right the first time, rather than with temporaryfixes.Ourstrongfranchisecommunity fosters collaboration and sharing of best practices,empoweringeachfranchiseetoachieve mutual success. Additionally, AAMCO’s nationwide warranty offers customers peace of mind, reinforcing our reputation as a trusted, reliablepartnerforalltheircarcareneeds.


AAMCO has consistently embraced the latest advancements in automotive technology, ensuring its technicians are prepared to handle a varietyofvehicles,includingelectricandhybrid models. Through specialized training and continuous updates, AAMCO keeps its teams informed and skilled, allowing them to confidently service a wide array of vehicle types andsystems.

Building Customer Trust Through


Building and maintaining customer trust is paramountforAAMCO.Weachievethisthrough transparent communication, a strong warranty program, and consistently high-quality service. Our technicians are trained not only to diagnose andrepairvehiclesaccuratelybutalsotoeducate customersabouttheiroptions,empoweringthem tomakeinformeddecisions.Thiscommitmentto integrity fosters lasting relationships with our clients and strengthens our reputation within the

communitiesweserve.AAMCO'sdedication to quality and transparency reinforces customer confidence, establishing us as a trustedpartnerforallcarcareneeds.

EvolvingMarketingStrategiesforModern Consumers

To stay relevant in today’s market,AAMCO has modernized its marketing strategies, blending its legacy branding with digital engagement.Inadditiontoitsiconic“Double A (BEEP BEEP) M-C-O” tagline, AAMCO has expanded its digital presence through social media, targeted ads, and search engine optimization.TheseeffortsallowAAMCOto connectwithanewgenerationofconsumers, while informative content marketing builds trust by educating customers on vehicle maintenance. This blend of traditional and digital approaches keeps AAMCO’s brand freshandaccessible.


The accomplishments of AAMCO’s franchisees underscore the strength of its franchise model.Top-performing franchisees embrace customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and continuous learning. By leveragingAAMCO’ssupportandresources, they create specialized services that resonate withtheircommunities,buildingstronglocal tiesandcustomerloyalty.


For prospective franchisees, dedication to quality service, adaptability, and community engagement are essential traits. AAMCO’s established framework provides robust support, but it is the franchisees’ individual passionandinitiativethatdrivetruesuccess.

“With a comprehensive support network and a dedication to franchisee success, AAMCO empowers each owner to thrive in their local market, delivering excellence in car care nationwide.”

Cover Story

By focusing on local community relationships and providing exceptionalservice,franchiseescanachievelong-termsuccess andstabilitywithintheAAMCOnetwork.


AAMCO’s commitment to quality extends to its extensive trainingprogramsforbothtechniciansandsalesteams.Through AAMCO University, employees gain technical expertise and customer service skills that keep them competitive. Programs like"AdoptaSchool"andapprenticeshipsfostergrowthwithin the industry, while the Mentorship to Ownership Program enables employees to advance their careers AAMCO’s comprehensive approach to training benefits franchisees, employees, and customers alike, enhancing the quality of serviceprovidedacrossalllocations.


InnovationisdeeplyrootedinAAMCO’sculture.Thecompany prioritizes employee development through structured career paths,certificationprograms,andleadershipopportunities.By supporting both personal and professional growth, AAMCO creates a dynamic workforce that is prepared to meet the demandsoftheevolvingautomotiveindustry.


Looking forward,AAMCO is focused on expanding its reach and enhancing its service offerings to meet rising consumer demand. With plans to open 30 new locations by 2025, including expansion into Canada and other international markets, AAMCO’s growth strategy aims to provide franchisees with new opportunities in a growing industry The company’s embrace of advanced technology and commitment toinnovationpositionitwellforcontinuedsuccessintheyears ahead.

AAMCO’s legacy of trust, innovation, and quality service has establisheditasarespectedleaderinautomotiverepair Witha focusonsupportingfranchisees,adaptingtonewtechnologies, andmaintainingcustomertrust,AAMCOispoisedtoremaina topchoiceforautomotivecareforyearstocome.

Commitment to Core Values and Ethical Standards

At the heart of Active Re’s operations are core valuesofRespect,Integrity,Confidentiality,and Discipline. These values guide the company’s interactionswithclientsandpartnersandlaythe foundationforitsphilosophy,“BenefitsforAll.” Active Re’s ethical commitment includes compliance with international anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regulations, which reinforces its clients' and partners' trust. This principled approach, combined with disciplined precision in meeting clientneeds,fostersstrong,long-lastingbusiness relationships.

Looking Forward: Innovation and Strategic Expansion

Active Re’s strategic goals include a continued emphasis on innovation and technological adaptationtoimproveoperationalefficiencyand facilitate communication within its extensive network. By harnessing technology and embracing a diverse, multilingual team, the company is well-positioned to offer tailored support for clients and partners worldwide. Active Re also remains committed to global diversification and is increasing its presence in emerging markets while focusing on key areas likecyberthreatmitigation.

Asitlookstothefuture,ActiveReisdetermined to maintain its leadership by delivering innovative,resilient,andclient-focusedsolutions thataddressevolvingmarketdemands.Through its dedicated team, robust financial base, and a culture of adaptability,Active Re is prepared to navigate the complexities of the global reinsurance landscape and continue providing stability, security, and growth for its clients and partners.



Strategies for Growing Your Entrepreneurial Venture

Inthedynamicworldofentrepreneurship,theabilitytoscaleupisoftenacrucial determinant of long-term success. Scaling up involves expanding your business operations, increasing market share, and enhancing overall efficiency Here are key strategies to consider as you embark on the journey of growing your entrepreneurialventure.

Firstandforemost,asolidfoundationisessential.Ensurethatyourcoreprocesses, team, and infrastructure are robust enough to support growth. Investing in technology and systems that can scale with your business is vital for long-term sustainability.

Strategicpartnershipscanplayapivotalroleinscalingup.Collaboratewithother businesses that complement your offerings or target the same audience.Thisnot only expands your reach but also provides access to shared resources and expertise.

Diversification is another effective strategy. Explore new markets, products, or services that align with your brand. This can mitigate risks associated with dependenceonasinglerevenuestreamandopenupnewavenuesforgrowth.

Moreover, fostering innovation within your organization is key. Encourage a culture of continuous improvement and creative thinking.

Embrace new ideas and technologies that can give your venture a competitive edge in the market.

Effective marketing and branding are crucial during the scaling-up phase. Clearly communicate your value proposition to your target audience and differentiate your brand from competitors. Leverage digital channels and social media to amplify your reach and engagement.

In conclusion, scaling up requires a holistic approach that encompasses infrastructure, partnerships, diversification, innovation, and strategic marketing. By adopting these strategies, your entrepreneurial venture can navigate the complexities of growth and thrive in an everevolving business landscape.



Edition January 2025


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