The Trail - Vol. 11 Issue 3

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EPIB Trail

Volume 11, Issue 3


The Trail In This Issue:

As 2018 comes to an end, The Trail staff would like to thank you all for such a great year. We hope everyone has a wonderful winter break and good luck to students anxiously awaiting their finals grades! Thank you to our amazing advisors, Kristen Goodrich and George Clark. Happy Holidays! Kevin, Micah, and Ella

Environmental Victories in 2018 (2-3) The Rise of Arctic Oil Rigging (4-5) Why Do Leaves Change Color? (6-7)

The Uglier the Better (8-9) The Slippery Slope of Winter Road Treatment (10-12) Rutgers Geology Museum: It Rocks! (13-14) Bridging the Gap Between Academics and Publishers: Article 2 (15-16) Dead Fish are Being Used for WHAT? (17-18)

Special thanks to our wonderful staff this semester! Editors: Kevin Gibney, Ryan Layden, Micah Gartenberg, Dru Corbeille, April Rastaetter, Ahmad Hamdan, Ella Grande Graphic Designers: April Rastaetter, Sarah Ekenezar, Marisa Guzik, Micah Gartenberg, Ella Grande

What Wood You Say About Deforestation? (19-20) Water and Drought: The National Climate Assessment Harks Worsening Effects of Global Climate Change (21-22) Why Thrift? (23-24) Willy Has Been Freed (25-26)

Impacts From China’s One-Child Policy (27-28)

Writers: Gina Sbrilli, Kevin Gibney, Kira Siligato, Ryan Layden, Natalia Binkowski, Chromium Toxicity: A NJ Case Study (29-30) Benjamin Brizuela, Darrian Beam, Siren Oedegaard, Marissa O’Connor, Sarah Ekenezar, Ryan Piccininni, Toyosi Dickson, Ella Grande, Dru Killer Red Tide (31-32) Corbeille, Gayatri Anguloori, Alexandra Iannece, Marissa Guzik, April Trail Mix (33) Rastaetter, Micah Gartenberg

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