The Trail - Vol. 5 Issue 6

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Volume 5, Issue 6

EPIB Trail

EPIB Trail

Volume 5

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Eco Fact: Half the world’s tropical and temperate forests are now gone. U.S. EPA, 2009.

In This Issue:

“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As

Fried Guinea Pigs (2) Crepes-Not Just a Dessert (3-4) Eat Healthy. Eat Delicious. Eat Organic (5) Fuzzy Cuisine (6) What Does “Organic” Even Mean (7) Greening Your Tea (8-9) Smart Seafood (10) The Cicadas are Coming! (11-12) Exotic Pet Trade & Media Influence (13-14) Wild Life Wake-Up Call (15-16) “Rainstorm” Poem (16) Toxins: Terrestrial to Marine (17) Orangutan Mysteries (18) Sharks Now Protected by CITIES (19) The Emergence of Complexity (20) Solar Power for India’s Slum (21) Urban Planning Benefits (22) Urban Bee Keeping (23) England’s Education: Climate Change (24) Dancing For The Kids (25-26) Vernal Pools (27) Swamp People (28) Bioremdiation (29) Eco-homes Save Money (30) When The Rain Comes (31) Tesla is a Success (32) Tips for Incoming Freshmen (33) Other Fun things (34) Trail Mix (35)

a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. … We need not wait to see what others do.” –Mahatma Gandhi

Find me!

With final exams approaching and warm weather on its way, both stress and excitement can be felt throughout Cook Campus. Whether you are up at night studying or grading papers, make sure to take a well deserved break to read about orangutans, green tea, urban beekeeping, and many other thought-provoking environmental topics in our May issue. As the 2012-2013 school year comes to a close, we would like to thank each and every one of our contributors for sharing the passion that shines through their writing. The EPIB Trail enthusiasm felt throughout the year in the Human Ecology Department has been incredible. We also want to congratulate our graduating seniors, and wish them luck in all of their future endeavors. We know that, one by one, you will change the world.

Happy Trails! Alya Andrew Arielle Chloe Cody Daniel Denise Evangelina Holly Jinal Julia Katie Kimber

Luke Mary Paige Rachel Rebecca Renee Ryan Selen Simon Tami Wajeeha Wendy Will

Dr. Clark & Kristen Goodrich

May EPIB Trail Edition

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