Issue 4, 2015

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Interact holds date auction BY JULIA PARK



orld events over the last few months have put the concept of censorship front and center. What distinguishes it from other issues of the day, such as Ebola or ISIS, is that censorship is not new. On the contrary, it is an age-old phenomenon. Censorship has been around for as long as people have communicated to spread information. Wherever freedom of expression exists, the dark shadow of the gag lurks as well. Censorship has popped up as a topic of contention throughout American history, and protections against it make up the foundation of the United States’ legal code. In 1734, over 40 years before the U.S. achieved independence, newspaper publisher John Peter Zenger was charged with libel after printing articles critical of William Cosby, New York Colony’s appointed governor. The case

quickly gained a following throughout the colonies. Zenger was acquitted by the jury after a deliberation of just 10 minutes, planting the seed of free speech in the yet unborn nation. The Constitution’s First Amendment, adopted in 1791, guarantees the freedoms of speech and the press. During the ensuing two centuries and counting, these protections have allowed Americans to express their opinions as they wish. Of course, even these safeguards have their limits. Defining what is allowable and what is not has been another defining theme of the United States’ past. But censorship does not just live in the history books. It is present in society here and now. It touches our lives in ways both highly controversial and mundane. This issue, the Epic takes a look at censorship and whether we are really as free as we think we are. see CENSORSHIP page 8 see CENSORSHIP page 9



nteract Area 12 held its first date auction fundraiser in January. High schoolers had the chance to bid on the Interact officers of Area 12, which is comprised of Interact chapters from FUHSD high schools. Interact officers set up a Facebook page on which officers from Area 12 posted a picture and short biography. From Jan. 11 to Jan. 25, local high school students could bid on officers, with the highest bidder winning a date. During the date, which is arranged by the bidder and the officer between Jan. 25 and the end of the school year, the bid money is collected by the participating officer. All profits will be donated to Interact District 5170’s international project for 20142015, Home Sweet Home. This project was created in partnership with Free the Children, an international charity, to build villages in rural Kenya to improve living conditions and provide job training, education and medicine in those newly built settlements. “With date auctions, people realize that they’re helping a great cause and are willing to donate more. Besides just earning a huge profit, this fundraiser helps spread Interact’s message,” said junior Masha Koubenski, Lynbrook Interact’s Vice President. Area 12 adopted the date auction for the first time this year, but multiple areas in District 5170 implemented the fundraiser already. The Area 12 officers settled on the date auction because they found it to be relatively effortless yet profitable. “This fundraising method stood out because it took minimal effort to plan, yet on average, the schools holding these events made around $1,000 in a few weeks,” said senior Rujuta Kortikar, the Area 12 Director. The Lynbrook Interact Club is also hosting the school’s first interclub service project, the Interclub Donation Drive, along with CSF, Key Club, NHS and Youth Impact. They collect basic school supplies to donate to Rocketship Network of Public Charter Schools, an organization that provides schools lacking funding with basic study necessities. “Most students in our area have more than enough school supplies which go to waste,” said Koubenski. “If Lynbrook gathers these supplies, it improves the education of children from low-income families.” With these two projects, Lynbrook’s Interact Club is hoping to contribute in reaching the district goal of raising $90,000 to benefit charities.

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