DROUGHT RESTRICTIONS Examining California’s newly instated water conservation regulations during the state’s worst drought in history BY KATHLEEN CUI
see DROUGHT page 2
The psychological effects of sports BY JULIA PARK AND ALLISON YUAN
n the spring of 2013, the varsity girls’ basketball team was defeated by Wilcox in a tough game. Rather than cowering in shame, however, they were able to improve as a team and triumph over Wilcox in the Open Division Playoffs tournament later on in the season. Although they were discouraged by the earlier defeat, their determination, teamwork and effort led them to victory and instilled a sense of pride, something senior Dolly Yuan still remembers. That feeling of pride is one of the numerous benefits of playing a sport. One of the many reasons that so many people seek exercise is its personal psycho-
logical benefits. Though many people think of the toned muscles and enhanced endurance as well as the occasional sprain or concussion in regards to the benefits and drawbacks of playing a sport, the mental and psychological impacts can produce effects just as notable. The positive psychological effects of exercise produce almost immediately observable processes in the brain. “As soon as the body recognizes physical exertion, endorphins, which are hormones that produce “feel-good” emotions, are released,” said Dr. Philip Tomporowski, professor of kinesiology at University of Georgia. “Scientifically, physical activities can make you happier.”
Opiates such as endorphins interact with receptors in the body, reducing the perception of pain by interfering with the transmission of pain to the brain. Endorphins released during exercise can have similar effects to using recreational drugs. These endorphins can result in euphoric feelings during exercise and helps explain why many athletes do not notice injuries they have sustained until after they have finished exercising. Sophomore Danlin Lillemark, who is involved in varsity field hockey and JV basketball, recognizes the psychological effects of sports and its positive benefits on one’s mood and energy. see BENEATH THE HELMET page 13
s California’s worst drought in recorded history prolongs into its fourth year, governor Jerry Brown passed further emergency water usage restrictions on citizens, businesses, school campuses and water suppliers. These restrictions require cities, towns and school districts to cut water usage by 25 percent, focusing on urban areas while leaving agriculture largely unaffected. According to the California Environmental Protection Agency, it is now prohibited for citizens to use potable water to wash driveways, allow runoff, use hoses with no nozzles and water lawns 48 hours after precipitation. Meanwhile, food service establishments will now only serve water upon request and hotels must provide guests with the option of not having their linens and towels automatically laundered daily. Water suppliers, originally only loosely regulated, will be required to impose restrictions on customers’ outdoor irrigation, punctually alert customers of leaks, report on monthly water use and finally report on their means of compliance and enforcement. Such restrictions result from the drought’s unending severity. While this year’s precipitation is more than last year’s, reservoirs in the Sierra Nevada hold less than they did last spring, with the statewide snowpack at 12 percent of the average compared to the 28 percent that the snowpack held last year. Mountain snowpacks are natural reservoirs that typically hold one-third of the state’s water supply and gradually release water throughout spring. With barely one-tenth of the expected snowpack, that release will be almost nothing. As a result, homes and businesses in the Bay Area will be limited to just two days of outdoor watering per week, enforced through the major agencies that supply citizens’ water. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, “Such restrictions mark unprecedented territory for the state, which has historically let local water agencies, with their unique supplies and demands, manage how customers use water.” Yet fines up to $500 are only some of the many changes to come. With the new restrictions, it is now prohibited for cities to water the median strips that run down the middle of roads.