Special Issue th 200 Anniversary of John Snow’s Birth 1813-2013 AT-A-GLANCE Special Events Being Held To Commemorate the Anniversary Of The Birth Of John Snow
In This Issue: -3A Modern Day Snow? -5Pumphandle Lecturer Says “We Must Make Data Count” -7Update on Snow the Movie -10People
1. March 15, 2013 All day event
8. March 12, 2013-12:00 Online Webcast/Seminar
2. March 15-16, 2013 Evening lecture and day long meeting
9. February 14-March 15, 2013 A Countdown
Find us online: epiMonitor.net
3. April 11-12, 2013 Two-day conference with dinner and pub visit
10. March 15, 2013 Tweet Fest
also on Facebook
4. March 15, 2013 Lecture
11. From Today Until March 15 Write In Campaign
5. March 10, 13, and 20 Three two-hour walking tours
12. Now until March 15 Contest The EpiDoodle Design Competition
6. March 13-17 April, 2013 A month long exhibition
13. By May 1, 2013 Raffle
7. March 21-22 Scientific session and Langmuir Lecture
Details begin on page 2…
February 2013 Volume Thirty Four Number Two
“You could read a 400 page history of York without once coming across a reference to Snow”
The Epidemiology Monitor ISSN (0744-0898) is published monthly (except August) by Roger Bernier, Ph.D., MPH at 2300 Holcomb Bridge Rd, Ste 103-295, Roswell, GA 30076, USA. All rights reserved. Reproduction, distribution, or translation without written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Advertising Rates Full Page $995 7.5”w x 10” h Half Page $595 7.5”w x 5” h Quarter Page $295 3.75”w x 5” h Typesetting: $50 Ad Discounts: 10% off ads run 2 consecutive months 20% off ads run 3 or more consecutive months. Subscription Rates One year – 11 issues Institutional - $80 Personal - $50 Student - $45 (w/copy of student ID) Foreign subscribers add $20 for air mail All checks must be in U.S.D, drawn on a bank with a U.S. address on the check. Contact Us The EpiMonitor 2300 Holdomb Bridge Rd Ste. 103-295 Roswell, GA 30076 USA 678.361.5170 / Phone call or email for Fax# office@epiMonitor.net
200th Anniversary Of Snow’s Birth Will Be Marked By More Than A Dozen Special Events In The UK, US, And On The Web 2013 is the 200th anniversary year of the birth of John Snow and will be celebrated at public events at York University 200 miles north of London in the town where he was born and at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the city where his epidemiological work was carried out. Smaller events such as a historical walk in Snow’s footsteps through parts of London where cholera was investigated and a public lecture about Snow’s contributions to anesthesia at the Old Operating Theatre Museum are also on the drawing boards. In the United States, the anniversary will be celebrated in more low key fashion at the closed annual meeting of the American Epidemiological Society at Michigan State University in East Lansing. Using the Internet, many other special events are being planned including a webinar, “Tweet fest”, countdown, raffle, and logo doodle contest with the Epi Monitor. Here are the details of these events and happenings as we understand them now: 1. March 15, 2013 All day event “The Legacy of John Snow: York’s Famous Son” This day long celebration sponsored by the Department of Health Sciences at York University will take place at the Park Inn on North Street
in York. According to Hilary Graham, chair of the sponsoring Department, the address of the Park Inn on North Street is the presumed same spot on North Street where Snow was born exactly 200 years ago on March 15, 1813. The program will feature four speakers covering the times in 19th century England when Snow lived, his contributions on cholera and anesthesia, and a presentation tracing Snow’s long term legacy in public health. According to Professor Graham, Snow is strangely unknown in his own land and is an example of how no man is a prophet in his own village. “You could read a 400 page history of York without once coming across a reference to Snow,” Graham told the Monitor. She added, ‘it is deeply shocking”. In remarks to a local paper, Graham had this to offer “Our civic traditions mean we are very good at celebrating battles and kings found under car parks, but John Snow’s contribution was felt around the world. I think one day is a small contribution to make to public acknowledgement of his tremendous achievements.” Because one of the main purposes of the event in York is to make Snow better appreciated in his hometown, the event is being publicized locally by the organizers. For more details, visit: http://tinyurl.com/cjxbr7f -Snow continues on page 8
UCLA Creator Of The John Snow Website Wonders If He Has Discovered The Modern Day “John Snow” What Happens When An Epidemiologic Investigation Uncovers An “Inconvenient Truth”? Story To Be Told In Upcoming Book “Deadly River” How unbelievable would you say it is to arrive on the verge of the 200th anniversary of the birth of John Snow and be told that a large outbreak of cholera comparable to the one in Snow’s London has occurred? And what if the origin remained unsolved until a courageous investigator showed up to lead an epidemiologic investigation and establish the source of the outbreak? Would you say impossible because there are too many similarities with Snow’s work? Or would you say impossible because it has been too long ago for history to repeat itself? Sometimes life is stranger than fiction. Intriguing Observations Ralph Frerichs, retired UCLA epidemiologist and creator of the most extensive website about John Snow, became intrigued with details of the recent cholera outbreak in Haiti in 2010. He told the Monitor he wondered why the investigation was not producing a more definitive account of the source of the outbreak. Since cholera had been absent from Haiti for a long time, either the organism was an aquatic bacterium that emerged to infect humans because of some environmental change like an earthquake or climate change, or the organism was imported from another country. Why could the source not be pinned down by all the early investigations?
A Medical Detective Opportunity
“Sometimes life is stranger than fiction.”
Early in the outbreak Frerichs wrote on his Snow website “the story of the emergence and impact of cholera in Haiti is similar to what Dr John Snow faced in London in the mid1880s.” He states that his website posting was to “stimulate further inquiry on origin, namely how the index case or cases came about.” Frerichs told the Monitor he got “terribly intrigued” by the failure of the early investigators to pinpoint conclusively the source of the outbreak. He felt that something was not quite right with the reports he was reading. According to Frerichs, “I could not believe they could not wrap it up. They were omitting all the basic things and tiptoeing around the findings.” Given this situation, Frerichs’s idea was that an investigator with Snow’s qualities to help conduct an invigorated investigation could lead to identifying the source and to preventive action. If this happened, there might be a case, he said on his website, to “anoint the skilled investigator and activist as a modern ‘John Snow’.” How surprising would that be?
“I could not believe they could not wrap it up.”
-UCLA continued on page 4
-UCLA continued from page 3 Snow Website
“questions of origin of the epidemic continued to be widely debated”
In impressively detailed and documented narratives on his website and in a scientific paper published in Clinical Microbiology and Infection last year, Frerichs and colleagues have described the evolution of the outbreak in Haiti, the laboratory investigations, and the epidemiologic investigations by teams of Haitian and French epidemiologists. Initial Reports and Reactions Initial reports coming from residents and journalists who went to the scene implicated UN peacekeepers who had newly arrived in the country as the source of the outbreak. However, some described these accounts as unsubstantiated rumors. Others pushed the climate change hypothesis as the most likely cause.
“More than 500,00 cases and more than 7,000 deaths were attributed to the epidemic.”
Recap Paper The Clinical Microbiology paper recaps the compelling evidence that 1) peacekeeping soldiers came to Haiti from Nepal where a cholera epidemic had just occurred, 2) quickly after the soldiers arrived, cases of cholera appeared in the community near the soldier’s camp, 3) pipes from the camp leaked fecal waste into the river, 4) waste from the camp was seen being dumped in an unusual location, 5) a waste septic pit near the camp allowed waste fluids to seep into a nearby river, and 6) strains of cholera isolated from Haiti and Nepal were a perfect match in the lab.
The original paper documenting the new findings was published by Piarroux and colleagues in Emerging Infectious Diseases in 2011. However, questions of origin of the epidemic continued to be widely debated. In the Clinical Microbiology paper published a year later in 2012, Frerichs in collaboration with Piarroux and others included all the more recent epidemiological and molecular-genetic evidence. Conclusion The authors concluded “ the onset of cholera in Haiti was not the result of climatic factors and was not the direct consequence of the January 2010 earthquake. All of the scientific evidence shows that cholera was brought by a contingent of soldiers travelling from a country experiencing a cholera epidemic. Understanding what triggered the epidemic is important for preventing future occurrences, and acknowledges the right of Haitians to understand the events that led to their cholera devastation.” More than 500,00 cases and more than 7,000 deaths were attributed to the epidemic. First Do No Harm In their original report, Piarroux and colleagues had concluded that their findings were relevant to all aid organizations which should avoid adding “epidemic risk factors to those already existing and respect the fundamental principle of all assistance, which is initially not to harm---primum non nocere.” - UCLA continues on pg 6
Pumphandle Lecturer Answers The Question “What Pump Handles Need To Be Removed To Save The Most Lives In This Century?” CDC Director Says We Must “Make Data Count” “Give me the right place to stand, and a lever long enough and I can move the world.” This is how CDC Director Tom Frieden paraphrased the Greek philosopher Archimedes in delivering the 2012 Pumphandle Lecture to the John Snow Society late last year. According to Frieden, a pumphandle or public health intervention is a kind of lever, and public health is the right place to stand to reduce the most important causes of death in the world. “There is so much that we can do that with some effort can have a larger impact,” according to Frieden. He defined public health simply as determining what kills people, how it kills, and stopping it. He called reducing deaths the “first” priority of public health. Tobacco Frieden began his lecture on the most important causes of death in the world by focusing on tobacco. He noted that there were 100 million deaths caused by tobacco in the last century and that there will be 1 billion deaths in this century unless preventive measures are implemented. By causing an estimated 6 million deaths per year worldwide, tobacco kills more persons than HIV, TB, and Malaria combined, he said. According to Frieden, we know what to do to reduce the impact of tobacco and he cited the six public health
interventions that have been bundled together as the MPOWER measures being promoted by the World Health Organization. These include 1) monitoring tobacco use and prevention policies, 2) protecting people from tobacco smoke, 3) offering help to quit, 4) warning about the dangers of tobacco, 5) using and enforcing bans, and 6) raising taxes.
“public health is the right place to stand to reduce the most important causes of death in the world”
Unhealthy Food Frieden called unhealthy food such as excess salt and artificial trans fats as the second most important target of efforts to prevent deaths. He discussed the important role of high blood pressure and noted that we may be lulled into thinking that elevated levels are normal because they are so ubiquitous. He highlighted the importance of working in partnership with the food industry to achieve public health gains and used the example of his work with industry in New York City to help reduce trans fats in that population.
“He called reducing deaths the “first” priority of public health.”
Alcohol In naming alcohol as the next important cause of death, Frieden highlighted that it causes the widest range of health effects of all the major killers. And as with tobacco -CDC continued on page 6
--CDC continued from page 5
“In God we trust, all others bring data”
control, reducing the effects of alcohol will require broad social change. Some positive results have been achieved in reducing drunk driving in the US, but greater use of existing interventions to impact price, access, and the image of tobacco will be required. Environmental Hazards
We have “plenty of levers” when it comes to providing clean water systems, safe air to breathe, and safe and healthy food, according to Frieden. For example, he noted that with only modest cost and a modicum of effort, public health could achieve significant reductions in neural tube defects and iodine deficiency. Absence of Data
“You need to be able to see it and tell it like it is”
Stating that this cause of death was the hardest to explain, Frieden went on to make the case for “removing the absence of data” He quoted Ben Franklin who said the only thing more expensive than an education is ignorance, and a second popular saying, “In God we trust, all others bring data” to support his focus on the value of data. In fact, he said that data are the essence of what we need to exert a modest level of effort and leverage the multiple interventions we have and achieve a disproportionately large impact on death rates. Closing Remarks
Frieden closed his talk by telling the audience that equity is the philosophy of public health, epidemiology the method, and
partnership the mode of success. “You never know where you will find support, he said, and people convinced by data can rally to the side of public health to advocate, implement, and assure that pumphandles are removed. To view the 2012 pumphandle lecture, visit the John Snow Society website at: http://tinyurl.com/cqw9rah ■
-UCLA continued from page 4 Deadly River Frerichs told the Monitor he is writing a book to recount the full story of this investigation entitled “Deadly River”. According to Frerichs, the investigation of the source of cholera in Haiti was “quite an adventure”. What happens, he asked, if the outcome of your epidemiologic investigation is inconvenient, that is, it implicates a famous person, place, or organization? Various sociopolitical considerations arise, he claims, and interesting and challenging problems then come up. You need to be able to see it and tell it like it is, according to Frerichs, which is what John Snow had and was able to do. “Renaud Piarroux in this way shares in Snow’s character,” says Frerichs. A Modern Day Snow? Asked if he was prepared to anoint Piarroux as the modern day Snow, Frerichs says he is a worthy candidate for that honor, but he -UCLA continues on page 7
Snow The Movie Wins Audience Award Film Will Be Used To Commemorate Snow’s 200th Birthday Snow The Movie, a short film 22 minute film, has won an audience award at the 11th annual International Student Film and Video Festival of Beijing, China, according to Isaac Ergas, the director. The film has now been screened at several festivals and there has been a big resurgence of interest in the film over the last few months, Ergas told the Monitor. Schools and organizations have recently obtained copies of the film and many are planning on utilizing it leading up to the 200th anniversary, according to Ergas.
what was able to be presented in 20 min (need to include Whiteheads investigation and friendship with Snow, also need to include Soho residents such as Lewis family and Eley family, also need to get into the larger picture of miasmists vs contagionists and finally really get into how the entire investigation went down. There is a very dramatic story here which is still quite relevant and can be shared in a theatrical setting and be interesting to movie goers beyond the public health academic community.
Visit this link to read our original story about the film when released last year. http://tinyurl.com/c4agxhw
The short film is now available on Amazon for both personal ($24.99) and institutional use ($199.99).
New Script In the meantime, Ergas is busy writing the full length feature version of the film. When asked about how far away it was before we might see such a film, Ergas replied “the plan is to finish the screenplay in the next 3-6 months. Then spend 6 months to a year in fundraising and development. Then spend 6 months to a year in production. Then release. So… all said, looking about 2 years (of course can always be fast tracked with the right kind of backing:).” Peek Ahead When asked about the actors and why he was going to a full length film, he answered, “it will not be the same actors, but an entirely new cast. The feature length movie needs to be done because the story is much larger than
“There is a very dramatic story here”
PERSONAL EDITION: http://tinyurl.com/cvmbj2q INSTITUTIONAL EDITION: http://tinyurl.com/ctxf2r6 ■ -UCLA continued from page 6 wants to wait until after the book is written to commit himself fully to that decision. “The drama in the book,” he said, “is created by all the day to day cover ups and obfuscations that took place. If all you want to know is who brought cholera to Haiti, then my book is not for you. But if you are interested in the outbreak as an epidemiologist, that is, in how the investigation unfolded and what were the travails encountered because of an inconvenient finding, then ‘Deadly River’ should be interesting to you.”■
“The drama in the book,” he said, “is created by all the day to day cover ups and obfuscations that took place.”
“The program for this two day conference is “more contemporary, more adventurous”
-Snow continued from page 2
those in the health domain.
2. March 15-16, 2013 Evening lecture and day long meeting “Mapping Disease: John Snow and Cholera”
For example, criminologists and economists are now using epidemiologic methods very similar to those being used by epidemiologists on health problems, and one of the hopes for the conference Fine told the Monitor is to get participants talking across disciplines. ‘We hope to open some minds, get some ideas, and have some fun,” said Fine about the conference.
These events will be held at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the John Snow Lecture Theatre on the anniversary date of Snow’s birth. Because of the busy academic calendar on weekdays at the London School at this time of the year, the events will be held on a Friday evening and Saturday. The evening public lecture will be given by Sandra Hempel, an author of two books about Snow, and followed by a reception. The full day program will be focused on historical aspects of Snow’s work on cholera presented by 7 invited speakers including well-known names in epidemiology such as George Davey-Smith and Jan Vandenbroucke.
“criminologists and economists are now using epidemiologic methods”
3. April 11-12, 2013 Two-day conference with dinner and pub visit “Snow’s Legacy: Epidemiology Today and Tomorrow” The program for this two day conference is “more contemporary, more adventurous”, according to the London School’s Paul Fine, one of the organizers of the conference. In planning the conference, Fine and others talked to many colleagues to learn the names of persons who are applying epidemiology in surprising and interesting ways to tackle a range of problems, and not only
More than 20 speakers are slated to present at the two day conference including well-known epidemiologists such as Nigel Paneth, Cesar Victora, Ken Rothman, David Heymann, Richard Peto, and many others. Among the unexpected topics perhaps will be Gary Slutkin on treating violence as an epidemic disease, Robert May on the epidemiology of financial networks, Carole Torgerson on trials in education research, and Angus Deaton on trials in economic development. Not the usual fare at epidemiology meetings. A panel debate with audience participation is scheduled on the topic of data access---a sparring about the benefits of access vs those of privacy and confidentiality. Social highlights of the conference will be a dinner at the Wellcome Trust where the after dinner topic will be “Bad Science” presented by science writer/epidemiologist Ben Goldacre who is well-known for books and a regular column on this topic in the Guardian, and a visit to -Snow continues on page 9
- Snow continued from page 8 the John Snow pub at the end of the second conference day. Again, not the usual ending for an epidemiology meeting. 4. March 15, 2013 Lecture “John Snow—Anesthesia’s First Scientist—A 200th Anniversary Celebration” This event will feature a lecture by Drs Adrian Padfield and David Zuck which has one of the more intriguing names of any event scheduled so far. The lecture is entitled “John Snow and the Grizzly Bears” and will feature Snow’s contributions to anesthesia and medicine. The venue will be at the Old Operating Theatre Museum which includes an old operating room and herb garret in the roof space of an old English church. http://tinyurl.com/cgng6ku 5. March 10, 13, and 20 Three twohour walking tours “Death by Water: John Snow and Cholera In Victorian Soho” Three walking tours will be guided by medical historian Richard Barnett for what is billed as “a walking tour of dirt, disease, pleasure, and revolution in the grubby West End.” The events are free and will begin at the Wellcome Collection location in London To book a tour, visit: http://tinyurl.com/cmj9mrc
6. March 13-17 April, 2013 A month long exhibition “Cartographies of Life and Death—John Snow & Disease Mapping According to the John Snow Bicentenary website: http://tinyurl.com/cul7xto the exhibition will contain historical treasures and commissioned artworks. Entry is free. Also, an evening of films, audio, readings and talks on water quality and infrastructure in London after John Snow entitled “London Flows” will take place on March 26 under the leadership of the UCL Urban Laboratory http://tinyurl.com/cozywpb
“The lecture is entitled “John Snow and the Grizzly Bears”
7. March 21-22 Scientific session and Langmuir Lecture “Snow Day” This event will feature a series of talks on Friday morning at the annual meeting of the American Epidemiological Society at Michigan State University in East Lansing Michigan. Several abstracts have been accepted on various topics related to John Snow including ones by two Michigan State’s Snow biographers Nigel Paneth entitled “Mode of Communication—The Central Focus of Epidemiology?” and Steve Rachman entitled “Our Sense of Snow, Epidemiology and Popular Culture”. Paneth will also be speaking at the two day conference in London on “The Singular Science of John Snow”. The Langmuir Lecture will be given by USC’s Jonathan Samet and is entitled "From John Snow to Today: Going from Data to Policy” Attendance at the AES meeting is restricted to members of the AES and their guests. -Snow continues on page 10
“a walking tour of dirt, disease, pleasure, and revolution in the grubby West End.”
-Snow continued from page 9 8. March 12, 2013-12:00 Online Webcast/Seminar “Celebrating the Life of Dr. John Snow”
“Everyone loves a countdown.”
The online seminar is designed to attract those people interested in the life of Dr. John Snow who cannot make it to the on-site celebrations in York and London England. People who register will be able to listen to presentations, view slides and participate through a question and answer forum. The program will be captured and posted on line as a podcast after the event.
9. February 14-March 15, 2013 A Countdown “Thirty-Days To The Bicentenary Of Dr. John Snow’s Birth” Everyone loves a countdown. Thirty Days of #DrJohnSnow uses Twitter and blog posts on http://Safedrinkingwaterdot.com to inform the participants. The countdown explores interesting aspects of the life of Dr. John Snow and alerts the readers to fun and interesting things to do to learn more about his contributions to public health. Material from Snow websites and the three biographies of Snow are used liberally on the blog.
The speakers will include: Michael J. McGuire, MJM, Inc. “Legacy of Dr. John Snow: Water Filtration and Chlorination in the U.S. during the 20th Century Steve Via, American Water Works Association, “Dr. John Snow: Impact on U.S. Regulation of Drinking Water” Lindsay Olson, Artist, “Raising Awareness About Wastewater Through Art: Dr. John Snow and Cholera”
“alerts the readers to fun and interesting things to do”
TBD, “Miasma and Death by Cholera: Dr. John Snow and the Dawn of the Germ Theory of Disease” Date and Time: March 12, 2013— 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm EST
Location and Web Hosting: TBD, Check Twitter at #BroadStPump or blog at Safedrinkingwater.com (Google it) for instructions on how to register (free).
Date: Started on February 14, ends on March 15, 2013 Location: Daily postings on Twitter— follow these hashtags #DrJohnSnow and #BroadStPump. Read daily updates on the blog Safedrinkingwaterdotcom 10. March 15, 2013 Tweet Fest “Gather ‘Round the #BroadStPump’” A group of engineers and scientists are celebrating the life of #DrJohnSnow gathering ‘round the virtual #BroadStPump on March 15, 2013 to participate in a Tweet fest. Anyone can join. All you have to do is compose a tweet (<140 characters) with a comment on Dr. Snow’s life or legacy. Include the hashtags #DrJohnSnow or #BroadStPump and Twitter will compile all of the tweets in one location.
-Snow continues on page 11
- Snow continued from page 10 Date and Time: March 15, 2013; Time TBD Location: Twitter—use hashtags #DrJohnSnow or #BroadStPump 11. From Today Until March 15 Write In Campaign “Ask Google to Honor Dr. Snow With A Doodle” Hundreds of John Snow enthusiasts have sent emails to Google (proposals@google.com) to ask that they create a doodle honoring Dr. Snow on March 15. Doodles are explained in this link: http://tinyurl.com/cbmqxvl 12. Now until March 15 Contest The Snow EpiDoodle Design Competition Whatever happens with Google the in campaign described above, The Epidemiology Monitor Facebook page cover image (the teal blue image at the top of our Facebook page) at: www.Facebook.com/epiMonitor is something the epidemiology community has more say about. We are holding a contest for the best “doodle” rendering of “epimonitor” received by March 15th which honors Snow. The winning doodle will temporarily replace our cover image on March 15th or as soon thereafter as is practicable. Interested readers should submit their sketches and ideas to contest@epimonitor.net . A digital image in .jpg, .bmp, .gif or Word document format and a written description of the reasoning behind the design are required for all valid entries. All entries become property
of the Epidemiology Monitor. We reserve the right to rework any sketches submitted and reject any entry judged not suitable for our publication. The creator of the winning entry will receive a $250 prize and a free copy of the original edition of “Cholera, Chloroform, and the Science of Medicine.” Contact our digital editor at: digital@epimonitor.net for questions.
“Hundreds of John Snow enthusiasts have sent emails to Google”
13. By May 1, 2013 Raffle “Free Books On Snow” The Epidemiology Monitor has 12 original editions of the book on John Snow entitled “Cholera, Chloroform, and the Science of Medicine”. One of the authors, Nigel Paneth, told the Monitor that the original edition was published on a high quality paper and reveals the text and content most vividly. To enter the raffle, 1) submit the email addresses of 10 or more epidemiology and/or public health colleagues who want to obtain a free subscription to the Epidemiology Monitor newsletter here: http://tinyurl.com/axjk6t7 or 2) submit a paid advertisement for any job, book, or event/meeting to:
“The creator of the winning entry will receive a $250 prize”
Books: ron.aron@epimonitor.net Jobs: http://tinyurl.com/bt9hcww Events: http://tinyurl.com/c2bccrf We will raffle off these 12 copies among all entrants. We will include your name once for each set of 10 names you submit, and your name 10 times for each ad purchased. To improve your chances, submit more names or ads. ■
Epidemiology Job Bank - Recent Additions Note: Jobs with a number in parentheses after the position name indicates multiple openings. Location
Asst Prof Injury Prevention & Ctrl
Drexel University
Faculty – Cancer Prevention & Ctrl
Asst/Assoc Prof – Epidemiology
LSU Health New Orleans - SPH
Chair, Dept of Biostat & Epi
East Tennessee State University
Research Asst / Cancer Ctrl
Michigan Public Health Institute
Dir – Epidemiology Research
Geisinger Health System
Researchers – Cancer/Cardio Epi
Essentia Institute of Rural Health
PostDoc – Cardio Disease Epi
University of Minnesota
Div Chief – Epi, Biostat & Prevent
University of New Mexico
PostDoc – Health Svc Research
UTMB – Ctr for Rehab Research
Wash, DC
Assoc. Chief of Research
National Academy of Sciences
Epidemiology Research Scientist
Asst/Assoc Prof - Epidemiology
U KY / CPH – Dept of Epidemiology
Chair – Prevent & Social Med
U. Buffalo / SUNY / SPH
Asst Prof – Reproductive Epi
McGill Univ – Dept of OB / GYN
Epidemiologist / Visiting Prof
Franklin & Marshall
Chair – Dept of Epi & Prevention
Wake Forest School of Medicine
Faculty – Violence Epidemiology
UC Davis
Lecturer in Epidemiology
Imperial College London
Med Dir – Dept of Epi / Dis Ctrl
AZ Dept of Health Services
Tech Director
Univ. of Chicago
PostDoc – Adoles Hlth / Dating Viol
Duval Cty – Heath Dept Dir
Florida Dept of Health
Perinatal Epidemiologist
Brigham & Women’s
Asst/Assoc Prof – Cancer Res (3)
U. South Carolina - SPH
TT Open Rank Faculty - EPI
Florida International Univ.
Medical Epidemiologist
Henry M. Jackson Foundation
Asst. Professor - Biostatistics
UCONN Health Center
Faculty Level Biostatistician
UCONN Health Center
TT Prof – Genetic Epidemiology
Univ. Michigan – Dept of Epi
TT Asst Prof - Epidemiology
McGill University
For full details on these and other job openings: http://epimonitor.net/JobBank.htm
Advertise your job with us: Ron Aron 770.670.1946 / ron.aron@epimonitor.net 12
The East Tennessee State University (ETSU) College of Public Health is seeking applications for a nationally recognized leader to serve as Chair in the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology. ETSU has the only CEPH-accredited College of Public Health in Tennessee and has a strong commitment to high quality teaching and research, with a focus on inter-professional collaboration to improve the health status of the region, state and nation. The College is a full member of the Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH) and home to the Tennessee Institute of Public Health and the Tennessee Public Health Training Center. The Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology is primed for an energetic and visionary leader who will continue to grow the department in scale and impact. The departmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s educational programs include the MPH in Epidemiology (offered both on-ground and online), DrPH in Epidemiology, MPH in Biostatistics, and graduate certificates in Epidemiology and in Biostatistics. An overview of the department and its programs can be found on the departmental website: http://www.etsu.edu/cph/biostat_epidemiology . Applicants should have a terminal degree in epidemiology, health research methods, biostatistics, medicine, social & behavioral science, or related discipline. Those without a degree in epidemiology, but who have postdoctoral training in epidemiology, such as former Epidemic Intelligence Service officers, or those who have extensive directly relevant professional epidemiologic or biostatistics experience are encouraged to apply. Candidates should possess a professional history consistent with appointment as associate or full professor. Demonstrated administrative and leadership experience is required. Significant experience with extramurally funded research is strongly preferred. Graduates of ASPH-member schools are encouraged to apply. East Tennessee State University is a comprehensive, Carnegie-designated Doctoral Research University, with a commitment to the Appalachian region. The University has approximately 13,000 undergraduates and 2,000 graduate and professional students. The Academic Health Sciences Center includes the College of Public Health, the College of Nursing, the James H. Quillen College of Medicine, the Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy and the College of Clinical and Rehabilitative Health Sciences. The Tri-Cities region of northeast Tennessee, with a population of approximately 400,000; is centrally located between Washington, DC and Atlanta, Georgia in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. Johnson City is frequently ranked among the best small towns in the U.S., with affordable housing, excellent schools, and outstanding cultural and outdoor recreational activities. Clinical care in Washington County is consistently ranked among the best in Tennessee. Interested candidates should address a cover letter describing their research and teaching experience, listing of contact information for three references, and curriculum vitae to: http://jobs.etsu.edu
AN EQUAL OPPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER EMPLOYS ONLY U.S. CITIZENS AND ALIENS AUTHORIZED TO WORK IN THE UNITED STATES WOMEN AND MINORITIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY ETSU is a Tennessee Board of Regents institution and is fully in accord with the belief that educational and employment opportunities should be available to all eligible persons without regard to age, sex, color, race, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation / gender identity.
The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Department of Internal Medicine, seeks a faculty member to serve as Chief of the Division of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Preventive Medicine. This position is at the Associate or Full Professor rank and open track. Salary and rank will be commensurate with experience and education. Minimum Requirements: (1) a Ph.D. in Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Health Services or a closely related field or M.D. with post-graduate training in Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Health Services or a closely related field (2) peer-reviewed research publications in Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Health Services or in a closely related field (3) record of extramural funding and peer-reviewed publications in Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Health Services or closely related field; 4) must be eligible to work in US. Desirable Qualifications: 1) experience mentoring junior and midcareer researchers; 2) demonstrated administrative leadership experience; and 3) experience developing education and training programs in epidemiology, biostatistics, health services or preventive medicine. For best consideration apply by February 28, 2013; however, the position is open until filled. For complete description and application requirements for posting # 0819280 please see the UNM jobs application system at: https://unmjobs.unm.edu. Inquiries may be directed to Edward J. Bedrick, Ph.D. Division of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Preventive Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of New Mexico ( EBedrick@salud.unm.edu ).
ASSOCIATE CHIEF OF RESEARCH National Academy of Sciences/Radiation Effects Research Foundation The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is seeking candidates for Associate Chief of Research at the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) in Hiroshima, Japan. The successful candidate will work under the direction of the Chief of Research to provide scientific leadership of the Foundationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s research programs in clinical medicine, epidemiology, genetics, and radiobiology. Specific responsibilities include overseeing/assisting with research planning; design of research protocols and methodologies; participating in the analysis/interpretation of data; developing and disseminating research publications; presenting RERF research at scientific meetings; and identifying and applying advanced technologies to improve research capabilities. The Associate Chief may also participate directly in research collaborations with RERF scientists. To qualify for this position you must be a U.S. citizen; possess an earned Ph.D. or M.D. degree in a relevant scientific discipline, preferably radiation biology, biophysics, or genetics; have a demonstrated record of scientific leadership and research productivity; and be willing to relocate to Japan. The successful candidate will receive a joint NAS/RERF appointment for an initial period of two years with the potential for renewal. To apply for this position please submit a letter describing your interests and potential contributions and a current CV to the NAS employment website at http://tinyurl.com/d8q38mb , or contact Dr. Kevin Crowley (kcrowley@nas.edu), Director, Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board, NAS; or Dr. Roy Shore (shore@rerf.or.jp), Chief of Research, RERF. EOE, M/F/D/V
Asst Professor - Injury Prevention and Control The Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at the Drexel University School of Public Health in Philadelphia is recruiting for a University-funded tenure-track Assistant Professor. The successful candidate will have demonstrated expertise in the area of injury prevention and control. • Specific expertise may include: injury epidemiology, individual and organizational behavior change, or policy analysis and evaluation. • Portfolios with emphasis on occupational health, the built environment, trauma systems, and community-level injury prevention are desired. • The candidate will have a Doctoral degree in a relevant discipline with demonstrated scholarship in injury prevention and control. • The candidate will be expected to teach graduate level courses, supervise graduate students, secure externallyfunded research grants, and provide academic service. Apply through www.drexeljobs.com; requisition no. 5124. Applications will be accepted until May 1st. Questions / inquiries can be addressed to: Arthur L. Frank, MD, PhD Chair and Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Drexel University School of Public Health 1505 Race Street, 13th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 alf13@drexel.edu
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology
Asst / Assoc Professor – Epidemiology The University of Kentucky College of Public Health Department of Epidemiology is recruiting candidates for tenure-track regular title series faculty positions at the Assistant or Associate Professor level, depending on experience, scholarly record, and external funding history. These full-time 12-month tenure-track appointments in the College of Public Health.are to fulfill the College and University missions of research, teaching, and service. Teaching responsibilities include both core and specialty courses in the Department of Epidemiology, designed to prepare students who are working towards MPH, DrPH, and PhD degrees. Teaching may also include undergraduate teaching in a developing Bachelor’s in Public Health degree. Responsibilities also include student advising, curriculum development, and serving on capstone, thesis, and dissertation committees. The successful candidates will be able to demonstrate a strong potential for or established record of excellence. The candidates will be expected to establish collaborations with colleagues across departments, colleges, and universities. The person selected for this position will serve on appropriate committees and professional organizations on a local, regional and national level, and appropriate departmental, College of Public Health and University committees. Qualifications include PhD, DrPH, or ScD. in Epidemiology from an accredited school or college of public health or equivalent training To apply, send a CV, contact information for three references, and one copy of at least three recent or representative publications to: Wayne T. Sanderson, PhD, University of Kentucky College of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology, 111 Washington Avenue, Lexington KY 40536-0003 or e-mail wayne.sanderson@uky.edu . AA/EOE Employer.
New Endowed Faculty Position In Violence Epidemiology University of California, Davis, School of Medicine
One NIH-sponsored two- to three-year fellowship is available beginning July 2013 at the University of Minnesota emphasizing research methods in the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease (www.sph.umn.edu/epi/ training/cvd.asp). Fellows contribute to and gain competency in designing, administering, and analyzing cardiovascular population studies and can seek an MPH degree. Candidates must have a doctoral degree and permanent U.S. residency status. Inquiries: Aaron R. Folsom, MD, MPH Division of Epidemiology & Community Health, School of Public Health University of Minnesota email: folso001@umn.edu
The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.
The Violence Prevention Research Program in the Department of Emergency Medicine is seeking to fill a faculty position at the Associate or Full Professor in Residence level. Its focus is on the design and execution of large-scale observational and experimental research into violence and its prevention. This faculty member will serve as VPRP’s Associate Director and as the Vice Chancellor’s Chair in Violence Prevention, an endowed position. The Vice Chancellor’s Chair will conduct independent research, collaborative research, teaching, and mentoring. Applicants must possess a doctoral degree in epidemiology, medicine, or a related discipline. There must be an established record of independent and collaborative research on violence or injury, including demonstrated experience in the design, conduct, and reporting of large-scale observational and/or experimental studies. The position is open to both clinicians and non-clinicians. Please see the full announcement at: http://tinyurl.com/c3zswp5 Review of applications will begin in March 2013 and will continue until position is filled. Applicants should send a cover letter outlining their qualifications and areas of interest; a CV; and contact information for five references to Garen J. Wintemute, MD, MPH, at gjwintemute@ucdavis.edu .
Asst / Assoc Professor – Epidemiology The Epidemiology Program, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Public Health-New Orleans is recruiting an Assistant/ Associate Professor of Epidemiology (EPID). Qualifications: PhD or other doctoral degree in EPID, with sound methodological training and advanced analytic skills. Successful candidates will have a well-developed track record of scientific publications and a currently active research program with a history of NIH, CDC, or other peer-reviewed funding, or strong evidence of potential for obtaining independent external research funding. New faculty members are expected to develop and lead a portfolio of research focused on population health. The research focus of applicants may be in any area relevant to EPID including social epidemiology, infectious disease EPID, genetic EPID, complex chronic diseases, environmental EPID, or health systems epidemiology. The new faculty member will be expected to teach core courses in the graduate programs (MPH & PhD) in EPID as well as courses in the candidate’s substantive research area and to mentor graduate students. Applicants please submit electronically a letter describing research and career interests and CV to Edward Peters, DMD, ScD Chair, mailto: epete1@lsuhsc.edu and sphjobs@lsuhsc.edu . LSUHSC-NO is an EEO/AA employer
NRSA T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship Interdisciplinary Women’s Reproductive Health The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX is accepting applications for one postdoctoral fellow interested in pursuing an academic career in women’s health research. This 2-year NIH funded fellowship provides formal and informal training in theory and methods as well as practical experience in conducting clinical research. Program faculty include national experts in statistics, epidemiology, and women’s health who can offer many opportunities to participate in data analysis, manuscript preparation, and grant writing in a collaborative environment. Who may apply: Applicants who have completed a MD, PhD, or equivalent degree in a discipline related to women’s health. Must be US citizen, non-citizen national or permanent resident and able to commit full time effort to the program for 2 years. To apply, send 1) a personal statement including career goals, a brief description of proposed research, and how this training will help achieve your career goals; 2) a current CV; and 3) 3 letters of reference to: Abbey Berenson, MD, MMS, PhD The University of Texas Medical Branch
301 University Blvd. Galveston, Tx 77555-0587 abberens@utmb.edu
Training Courses for Public Health Professionals Co-sponsored by Emory University (RSPH) and The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) (Atlanta, GA) Directed by Philip S. Brachman, M.D. Public Health Surveillance May 20-24, 2013 This course is a comprehensive study on public health surveillance and includes discussions of the history and planning considerations, data sources and collection, analysis and interpretation, communication, evaluation, ethical and legal issues, state and local issues , and issues in developing countries as concerns publ health surveillance.
Epidemiology in Action June 3-4, 2013 This basic two-week course in epidemiology is directed at public health professionals and includes discussions of applied epidemiology and biostatistics, public health surveillance, field investigations, selected prevalent diseases and hands-on computer basic training using Epi-Info 7, Epidemiologic case studies are worked on in the classroom
Epi Info 7 *Basic and Intermediate Levels June 13-15 and June 15-17 Each session meets for 2.5 days providing hands-on experience using Epi Info 7, programming Epi Info software at the beginning level and intermediate / advanced level to develop public health data systems. Basic course covers Makeview, Enter, basic Checkcoding, basic Analysis and Epi map modules. Intermediate to Advance level covers Data management, Advanced Analysis, Epi Map and Report Modules.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contact person: Pia Valeriano, MBA Phone (404)727-3485; Fax 404)727-4590; Email: pvaleri@emory.edu
Website: http://www.sph.emory.edu/EPICOURSES
TT Assistant Professor in Women’s Health The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Women’s Health invites applications for an entry level assistant professor tenure-track position. Supported through the NIH K12 career development program (Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women’s Health), the position provides a minimum of 75% protected time or research, a competitive salary and benefits package, and assistance to establish independent, externally funded research. Applicants must be 1) a U.S. citizen or permanent resident; 2) possess a doctoral-level heath science degree; and 3) have no more than 6 years of post-degree research experience. A strong publication record and experience with grant writing is preferred. Preferred disciplines include epidemiology, statistics, public health, demography, and sociology. Situation on scenic Galveston Island, UTMB has strong research programs in reproductive health, contraception, aging, infectious disease, adolescent health, preventive medicine, vaccine research, and cancer, among others. Campus is located just minutes away from the beach, the historic Strand district (home of the Galveston Mardi Gras), and America’s first indoor/outdoor water park, Schlittlerbahn. You will also enjoy year-round moderate weather, affordable living, rich cultural diversity, and all the amenities island life has to offer. For more information please see: http://tinyurl.com/ambtsng or send electronic curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and goals, and the names of three references to: Abbey Berenson, MD, MMS, PhD The University of Texas Medical Branch
301 University Blvd. Galveston, Tx 77555-0587 abberens@utmb.edu
Opportunities This Month 13 – Geisinger Health Sys / Dir. Epi Research 14 – Univ. Buffalo / Dept. Chair 14– London Imperial College / Lecturer 15 – ETSU / Dept Chair – Biostat & Epi 16 – U. NM / Division Chief 16 – NAS / Assoc. Chief of Research 17 - Drexel / Asst. Professor 17 - UK / Asst – Assoc Prof. Epi 17 - U MN / PostDoc – Cardio Dis Epi 17 – UC Davis / Faculty – Violence Epi 18 – LSUHNO / Asst-Assoc Prof Epi 18 - UTMB / PostDoc Womens Repro Hlth 18 - UTMB / TT Asst Prof – Womens Hlth 18 - Emory / Epi Short Courses 19 - U MI / Epi Summer Program 20 - U Chicago / Technical Director
2300 Holcomb Bridge Rd, Ste 103-295 Roswell, GA 30076
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Editor & Publisher Roger H. Bernier, Ph.D., MPH Director of Operations Linda P. Bernier, Ph.D.
Find more jobs & enhanced details on listed jobs at www.epiMonitor.net/JobBank.htm
Ron Aron, Advertising Manager 770.670.1946 ron.aron@epiMonitor.net
University of Chicago Medicine
Comprehensive Cancer Center
Technical Director, Epidemiology and Research Recruitment Core (ERRC) In response to the expansion of population research, the UCCCC has established an Epidemiology and Research Recruitment Core (ERRC). The core has a faculty-level Scientific Director and is seeking a senior staff Technical Director who will have day-to-day oversight of the Core and Core staff; strategic planning; staff education; and regulatory management of core-related projects. In addition, this individual will provide research support (project coordination, grant writing, and manuscript preparation) to faculty in the Center for Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention. Specifically, the Technical Director, is responsible for: ► Identifying faculty research needs, developing appropriate services, and providing administrative, financial and technical direction to the Core ► Work closely with UCCCC leadership and population researchers to design and oversee Core staff in designing and planning approaches ► Assume the leadership role in coordinating the implementation of a large population-based multi-ethnic cohort study in the greater Chicago area Qualifications: Advanced degree (PhD, DrPH) in epidemiology, public health or related field required. A minimum of 2 years of relevant research experience. Knowledge of cancer, Chicago’s healthcare community, and diverse community organizations preferred. View online listing for more info. Full job description & requirements: http://www.epimonitor.net/2012-1427.htm or http://tinyurl.com/b8hh4ag Job posting #: 090720 A cover letter and resume are required to be considered for this position.