June 2013 The Epidemiology Monitor

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Special SER Issue Outgoing SER President Sees “Gross Failure” To Improve Population Health and Calls For A More “Consequential Epidemiology” Most epidemiologists would agree that the purpose of epidemiology is to investigate the causes of disease to improve public health. In a surprisingly candid observation made during his opening Presidential Address at the recent SER meeting in Boston, Columbia University’s Sandro Galea, Chairman of the Department

of Epidemiology, told epidemiologists in attendance “we are seeing a gross failure in our improving the health of populations…” Contributing to this failure, according to Galea, is the excessive focus on

In This Issue: -3Consequential Epi A Familiar Refrain

-5SER Panel Discusses Key Training Issues

-64 Career Vignettes


-SER continued on pg 2

Senior CDC Leader Tells SER How To Ensure Relevance for Epidemiology In Face Of 21st Century Realities It might have appeared to the audience that the opening keynote speakers at the recent SER meeting in Boston aligned their presentations in advance since they were both about how epidemiologists can be relevant. In fact, the speakers did not know what each would be saying, according to Denise Cardo, Acting Director of the Office of Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Science at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Columbia University epidemiologist and outgoing SER President, to the podium to speak about “Ensuring Relevance for Epidemiologoy in a Changing World”. Galea had just finished exhorting his colleagues to adopt a more “consequential” epidemiology. While the speakers covered the same general topic, they did so from different vantage points in academia -Relevance continues on page 8

Cardo followed Sandro Galea,

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June 2013 Volume Thirty Four Number Six

-SER continued from pg 1 “we should run, not walk, to a research agenda that addresses these issues”

The Epidemiology Monitor ISSN (0744-0898) is published monthly (except August) by Roger Bernier, Ph.D., MPH at 2300 Holcomb Bridge Rd, Ste 103-295, Roswell, GA 30076, USA. All rights reserved. Reproduction, distribution, or translation without written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited.

etiologic questions and a dearth of research centered on approaches to disease control and prevention. As a result of this imbalance, he added, epidemiologists are not only failing to make an impact on population health, but epidemiology is falling out of favor with the National Institutes of Health, the primary funder of epidemiologic research. Galea called for a consequentialist epidemiology which gives more weight to questions that have a greater chance of making a difference in population health.

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Echoes In reminding the audience that the discipline is not only about investigating the causes of disease but also doing something about them, he echoed the concept of “consequential epidemiology” first coined by Bill Foege in a Wade Hampton Frost Lecture in 1983 and repeated in a 1994 SER Presidential Address by Ward Cates. Foege described epidemiology as a tool to change the world-- not only to study the world. Cates said epidemiologists make their work consequential by asking “so what?” about the impact of epidemiologic findings and “how much?” about the cost of health interventions. Evidence Finding that epidemiologists have failed to improve population health is a serious conclusion and Galea backed up his assertions with several

observations. First, to establish the excessive focus on etiologic research, Galea investigated all papers published in 2012 in the four leading epidemiology journals. “We found that 85% of papers in these journals can be reasonably considered papers concerned with etiology or with efforts to help deal with causes,” he said. To back up his assertion that epidemiologists are not able to impact the problems of population health, he cited a recent Institute of Medicine study that showed the US lags behind nearly all high income countries on 9 important indicators of population health despite spending more on health care than any of these other countries. “This is exactly what is in our remit to tackle, to help do something about, and, well, someone, maybe it’s us, maybe it’s not, is failing.” Solution The solution, Galea said, is “a recalibration of what we do.” In calling for more research focused on questions that lead directly to doing something to improve population health, he used the example of firearm deaths to make his point. He called these deaths “outrageous calamities” and saying “there is no way to countenance this from within a discipline that is concerned with the promotion of health.” He added, “we should run, not walk, to a research agenda that addresses these issues.”

-SER continues on page 7


Call For A More Consequential Epidemiology Is A Familiar Refrain Credit for coining the concept of “consequential epidemiology” is given to Bill Foege, former CDC Director who presented the concept publicly for the first time as part of his Wade Hampton Frost Lecture at the American Public Health Association meeting in 1983, according to Jim Marks, Senior Vice President at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and former Director of the Chronic Disease Center at CDC. In an article published in Preventing Chronic Disease (1), Marks has described the context for Foege’s remarks as a time when a debate was taking place in epidemiology about whether epidemiologists should engage in the political process. Harsh Judgment Foege’s view was that public health work occurs in a political context. Divorced from that context, our science is stillborn, a missed opportunity, said Marks. Furthermore, to pretend otherwise is self delusion and a failure of vision and responsibility. Guilty Profession? Are epidemiologists as a professional group guilty of these failures? Sandro Galea in his recent SER Presidential Address (see related story in this issue) comes close to this conclusion by seeing a gross failure to make a difference on key indicators of population health in the US. Unlike Galea, Foege at the time did not appear to be addressing any lack of impact on population health, but he made clear, as does Galea, that epidemiologists have the responsibility for

population health, and US health has been markedly worse than health in many other countries for many years. Ward Cates Another former CDC epidemiologist to pick up on the concept of consequential epidemiology is Ward Cates who used the concept in his SER Presidential Address covered in The Epidemiology Monitor in July 1994. At that time, Cates was optimistic about the future of epidemiology because the health care reform movement was calling for more outcomes research and Cates believed that epidemiology was ideally suited for this work. To actualize the enormous potential of epidemiology in the era of heath reform, Cates said the key will be the ability to market our epidemiologic skills in a way that is seen by society as making a difference. Epidemiologists need to ask themselves---1) do our inferences work to change people’s lives, and 2) what do interventions cost for the benefits they provide? He called on epidemiologists, much as Galea did in his SER address, to reframe our science to emphasize consequential outcomes.

” public health work occurs in a political context. Divorced from that context, our science is stillborn”

“do our inferences work to change people’s lives”

Cates Revisited In a postscript to his 1994 SER talk written in 2000 and published in Epidemiology Wit and Wisdom, Cates -Consequential continued on page 4


- Consequential continued from pg 3

“the use of scientific data to answer key questions is a necessary, but not a sufficient step along the pathway to promote public health action.”

“the central purpose of epidemiology is to “find, assess, and confirm truth”

told the Monitor “the use of scientific data to answer key questions is a necessary, but not a sufficient step along the pathway to promote public health action. He called for epidemiology to include other disciplines, other prevention sciences within its scope to become truly consequential.

guiding principle. In its mission statement, the Clinic focuses on consequential epidemiology defined as applied research questions that make a difference in the lives of people. The Clinic states that its mission is to improve population health and patient care outcomes by leading and promoting consequential epidemiology research.

Jim Marks

Epi SubSpecialty

Jim Marks, in his Langmuir Lecture at CDC in 2009, presented his views about what makes epidemiology consequential. As reported in the Epidemiology Monitor in April 2009, he stated that the central purpose of epidemiology is to “find, assess, and confirm truth” and that role differs from the activist role. He stated that scientific discovery and widespread application of findings must never be separated, “as each bears little fruit without the other.” He called this a defining tension for epidemiologists and for all of public health.

A recent paper in Epidemiology by David Dowdy and Madhukar Pai shared Galea’s concern about the need to make a greater impact on population health. The authors proposed the creation of Accountable Health Advocates as a subspecialty in epidemiology that could be more focused on translation. However, commentators on the proposal were generally not receptive because of fear the new subspecialty would diminish the responsibility all epidemiologists have for translating knowledge into action.

Galea’s remarks at SER on the need for recalibration of epidemiology is another way of saying that epidemiologists have been addressing this tension in a way which defines them as too unconcerned with making a difference in population health.

Dowdy and Pai told the Monitor in October last year“there is a surplus of relevant public health evidence, and a deficit in the utilization of these findings to improve population health. They argued that a greater balance needs to come about and will come about between the creation of knowledge and the use of this knowledge. Otherwise public support will become unsustainable and unjustifiable. The balance they called for is reminiscent of the recalibration Galea described in his SER talk.

Marshfield Clinic Mission


Other speakers over the years have discussed the concept of consequential epidemiology and at least one research group, the Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation has adopted consequential epidemiology as a

(1) Prev Chronic Dis 2009; 6(4): A134 ■

Discussion of Training for Epidemiologists Proves To Be A Popular Session At SER A panel of educators from Massachusetts graduate schools including Boston University, Harvard, Tufts, and the University of Massachusetts spearheaded a plenary session at SER devoted to a discussion of key emerging issues in the training of epidemiologists for the 21st century. The session was organized by Harvard’s Julie Buring and Bernard Harlow from the University of Minnesota who chaired the session. According to Harvard’s Michele Williams, a panel member, the session was extremely well attended and each of the panelists took a different approach in highlighting key issues. Boston University’s Martha Werler used a series of four vignettes to illustrate some of the pathways that young epidemiologists are navigating to get from their training to a satisfying job situation. Werler was candid in telling attendees that the motivation of graduate students might well involve a desire to become independent, productive, and creative research scientists in epidemiology and a desire to improve public health, but a prime motivation is also to get a job! Werler told the stories of four epidemiologists who had graduated in the past 3-6 years and how they got to their current positions. (See 4 vignettes in the following story). Common themes which emerged were that the students worked while in school on projects separate from their dissertation and they used their first job as a kind of post-doc experience to springboard to a satisfying career position.

Dissertation Workshop For her presentation, Williams highlighted observations she made while mentoring a dozen doctoral students the day before as part of a Student Dissertation Workshop at the SER. She told the Epidemiology Monitor that she was struck by the breadth of the regions represented at the workshop and by the creative research questions being asked by the students. The issue of the types of research questions being asked by students came up in the discussion period, said Williams. In an address earlier in the day, Columbia’s Sandro Galea, had expressed concerns about the apparent disconnect between much of the epidemiologic research being published and the impact on population health. Williams described some of the research questions being asked by the doctoral students in the workshop to note that students are asking relevant and “really cool” questions. Some of them are not etiologic but could be considered health economics, said Williams. She believes students in epidemiology today recognize the importance of asking relevant questions and may even be pushing the more mature members of the field in that direction. Other panel members at the session were Paul Jacques from Tufts University and Elizabeth BertoneJohnson from the University of Massachusetts. ■

” a prime motivation is also to get a job!”

“Students are asking relevant and “really cool” questions.”


Career Vignettes Presented At SER

“Some people are lucky to know exactly what they want at an early stage.”

Below are the vignettes presented by Boston University’s Martha Werler at the SER meeting. Dr Werler kindly agreed to share them with readers of The Epidemiology Monitor. Genders have been randomly allocated for confidentiality reasons, and given the labels that Dr Werler believes reflect their paths – at least from her perspective. Vignette # 1


The Content-Area Driven: Some people are lucky to know exactly what they want at an early stage. This individual was interested in studying a particular group of diseases, let’s just say cardiovascular diseases. During the pre-doctoral period, he did laboratory work and then wanted to learn how to study risk factors for those outcomes. He applied to epi doctoral program and conducted his thesis research on cardiovascular disease.

“she jumped at the opportunity with the encouragement of her current colleagues”


In the post-doctoral period, he continued working in that laboratory with the same boss with a promotion to Research Instructor. During that time, he published his thesis papers, several additional papers, applied for grants, and attended workshops on faculty development and promotion. After a couple of years, he surprised his boss by presenting his CV, showing his accomplishments as Research Instructor, and that he met the criteria for Research Assistant Professor. His boss agreed and put him forward for promotion, which was successful.

Vignette #2 The Opportunistic One: Her first job after obtaining a master degree in epidemiology was working as an analyst in a genetics laboratory. She realized she could take classes while she worked and took advantage of that opportunity. After taking the more advanced epidemiology classes, she decided she might as well get a doctorate while she was at it, applied and entered the doctoral program. She took as many different biostatistics methods classes as she could. Before finishing her thesis, she had to relocate for family reasons. She took a job at a large urban hospital as a research analyst and finished her thesis from afar. In the post-doctoral period she continued as a research analyst while simultaneously publishing her thesis papers and several additional papers. She also recognized that some of the clinicians she worked with could use help not only with analyses but study design and methods – her job expanded to these activities as well. When a new public health program was established at a local university, she jumped at the opportunity with the encouragement of her current colleagues. She was hired to help shape the epidemiology program from the ground up as an assistant professor.

-Vignettes continues on page 7

-SER continued from page 2 Intended Consequences Galea concluded by saying that embracing a more consequentialist epidemiology would have epidemiologists doing a few things differently, including: 1. It would have epidemiologists looking for “big wins” such as that which occurred with the reduction in motor vehicle deaths. Can we show the same curve for firearm deaths in 20 years? In 50 years? he asked. 2. It would have epidemiologists spending a lot less time arguing about what scope and methods constitute epidemiology. Instead, epidemiologists would be focused simply on methods that improve population health while rejecting those that do not. 3. It would have epidemiologists more focused on the health of populations wherever there is a need to do so. This would mean “Think Globally and Work Globally” because that is where the problems are greatest and where associated challenges around equity and efficiency are found. 4. It would have epidemiologists embrace translation and implementation science. These topics are an effort by the federal government to make a difference, said Galea, and epidemiologists should participate in it. 5. It would have epidemiologists getting away from teaching students the canon of methods and how we apply them, to teaching students from first principles with encouragement to take on epidemiology as the science of

population health with an explicit and express intent to improve population health. ■

-Vignettes continued from page 6 Vignette # 3 The Diverted: His first job after a master degree in epidemiology was as a project coordinator at a children’s hospital under a much admired and very successful PhD epidemiologist. He was enamored with the idea conducting independent research and teaching and entered the doctoral program. Coursework, working with professors doing research, TAing, and the dissertation process furthered his excitement about academia. After graduation, he did a post-doc at a busy tertiary hospital, only to discover that the glorified job he had aspired to wasn’t all that appealing anymore. He decided to give the private sector a try and hasn’t looked back since. He finds that all of his epidemiology skills are put to use in this work and is quite fulfilled. He says he has forfeited teaching in this current job, but hopes to be able to do some of that on the side in the future.

“It would have epidemiologists looking for “big wins”

“These topics are an effort by the federal government to make a difference”

Vignette # 4 The Teacher: This individual fell in love with epidemiology before getting her -Vignettes continues on page 9


- Relevance continued from pg 1 and a federal agency, and thus emphasized different ideas about what is needed for epidemiologists to be more relevant. Questions

“along with these new realities come new expectations”

“data is not information, information is not knowledge, and knowledge is not understanding”


Galea saw the need for epidemiologists to ask more relevant questions with a more direct bearing on health outcomes. As a health agency epidemiologist, Cardo appeared to take it for granted that epidemiologists would encounter real world problems and thus have useful questions to ask. For her, ensuring relevance entailed assuring the quality of the data, conducting timely analyses, and communicating the results effectively. All of these she deemed essential ingredients for epidemiologists to add value to the process of moving from data to action.

collected and transmitted in real time, she said, CDC had to make decisions rapidly, sometimes after normal hours. Investigators had to make decisions with less than optimal data, and to learn and modify their recommendations as the outbreak unfolded and more data were received. The challenges for epidemiologists in this situation and potentially many others in population health are 1) rapid and accurate data collection, 2) thoughtful, fast, and thorough data analysis, and 3) dissemination of information to those who need to know. Poised To Add Value

One of the key points emphasized by Cardo is that while there may be numerous new data sources and tools in the 21st century, epidemiologists have the training and intimate New Realities knowledge of data and data management issues which positions Cardo described many 21st century them to add unique value to the drivers that are impacting the capacity effective utilization of data. She of epidemiologists to act successfully quoted Einstein to remind the for public health. These include big audience that data is not information, data, cell phones, geographic information is not knowledge, and information systems, the need for lab knowledge is not understanding. and epidemiology linkage, privacy/confidentiality, public health Communication accreditation, informatics, translation science, need for greater transparency, Another key challenge for social media, syndromic surveillance epidemiologists to be relevant is how and many others. to display and present data in such a way that audiences can visualize and Not surprisingly, along with these grasp the messages being delivered. new realities come new expectations. She reminded attendees that She cited the challenges which CDC epidemiologists need to communicate epidemiologists faced during the data in terms appreciated by different recent fungal meningitis outbreak audiences. Population health means associated with steroid injections. Because more data could be -Relevance continues on page 9

-Relevance continued from page 8 very different things to different people, she said. Thus, actual numbers rather than rates may be more effective for some audiences. Also, some audiences care more about patients, others about dollars, and others about lives saved. “If we want to have impact, we have to adapt our messages to the audiences,” said Cardo. Winnable Battles Cardo was actually filling in for CDC Director Tom Frieden at SER and she used the second half of her talk to present CDC themes linked to being relevant. Cardo highlighted the concept of “winnable battles” articulated by Frieden as examples of how epidemiologists can make a difference for population health. These “winnable battles” are topics where the disease burden is large, interventions exist, and opportunities are there to save or improve lives. Cited as winning battles are tobacco, health care associated infections, teen pregnancy, nutrition-physical activityobesity, motor vehicle injuries, and HIV. Affordable Care Act Another important area where epidemiologists can seek to be relevant related to implementation of the new Affordable Care Act (ACA). There are many changes in the works associated with insurance coverage, payment, models of care, accountability, and health information technology and other topics. Cardo said epidemiologists need to pay attention to this important new development to figure out how public health can

improve health care. She suggested that evaluation of the many aspects of the ACA will be an important issue, and that epidemiologists need to be engaged. In summarizing how to use data to promote action and achieve relevance, Cardo told The Epidemiology Monitor investigators need not only the right questions, but also the right data, the right tools, and they need to provide the answers in a timely way which meets the expectations of those who need to know and can act on the information. ■

“...actual numbers rather than rates may be more effective for some audiences.”

-Vignettes continued from page 7 masters degree. It was the methodology and its public health relevance that appealed to her. She wanted a career in academic epidemiology and entered our program. While she took courses she wanted a career in academic epidemiology and entered our program. While she took courses she worked in group that was exploring and applying some newer epi methods, attracted not by the research questions so much as the methods. She excelled in the program – completed her coursework and put together an interesting thesis.

“...epidemiologis ts need to pay attention to this important new development...”

Then she had two babies while in the program – this seems to be a common pattern in our program. Her progress understandably slowed, but she found that teaching epidemiology was -Vignettes continues on page 10


-Vignettes continued from page 9

“They all pointed to taking a breadth of methods courses and gaining as much research experience as possible...”

something she could do with small children. She started teaching epidemiology at a local medical school. It took her a bit longer to graduate but she did and continued teaching, taking on more and more classes and publishing her thesis papers. When a full-time faculty position opened up where she had been teaching, she was an obvious candidate and landed the job. Final Comments Werler asked the graduates what advice they would offer. They all pointed to taking a breadth of methods courses and gaining as much research experience as possible to gain as many concrete skills as possible. Even when concentrating on a narrow content area within epidemiology– like the individual who works today in

the lab where he started post-masters degree – knowing many different statistical techniques and having conducted different types of epidemiologic studies is helpful. Choosing classes with this in mind is one recommendation. Another is to include different epidemiology designs and statistical methods in your theses. At BU the thesis is in the form of three separate studies, so it is easier to achieve this variety. But even if your thesis project is one large project, you could build into different sub-studies and analyses to beef up these concrete skills, according to Werler. All of the graduates kept their eyes open for different kinds of job opportunities and have landed, at least for now, where they didn’t quite expect when starting out. ■

Tenure Track Faculty Position Biostatistics Dept . of Biostatistics and Epidemiology is recruiting full-time tenure-track biostatistics faculty position at Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level. MPH (Biostatistics and Epidemiology) and DrPH (Epidemiology) are offered. Faculty research interests include chronic disease epidemiology, including cancer and cardiovascular disease, perinatal and pediatric epidemiology, genetic epidemiology, multiple behavioral risk factors, health disparities, maternal and child health, gender-based violence, biostatistical methods, statistical genetics, and statistical methodology and modeling for public health diseases. Applicants must possess at time of employment one of the following: 1) doctoral degree in biostatistics or 2) doctoral degree in an biostatistics-related field and at least three years of substantial biostatistics professional or research experience. A candidate must have a record of peer-reviewed scholarship. A successful candidate is expected to obtain competitive extramural funding. Teaching and mentorship of students is required. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. ETSU is a public university with CEPH-accredited College of Public Health and Colleges of Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, and Clinical and Rehabilitative Health Sciences. College website is at: http://www.etsu.edu/cph


Applicants must submit online ETSU Employment Application at eJobs, https://jobs.etsu.edu/ AA/EOE. Contact Human Resources about process at (423) 4395890 or Rickie Carter about position at carterrh@etsu.edu. Search Committee Chair Dr. Xuefeng Liu, ETSU Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Box 70259, Johnson City, TN 37614-1709

Assistant, Associate or Full Professor of Microbiome, Microbiology & Immunology Description: The Department of Microbiology & Immunology in conjunction with the Women/Infant Health and Disease Eradication Research Center at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (EINSTEIN) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant, Associate or Full Professor level with a research focus on the human microbiome, microbial ecology, microbial-host interactions and/or molecular epidemiology of the microbiome. The successful candidate will utilize advanced genomics and integrate human microbial physiology and ecology principles to further knowledge in understanding how the microbiome influences human development, behavior, health and/or disease. A focus on the broad range of microbes constituting the microbiome including bacteria, archaea, fungi and viruses will be considered. In addition, the study of reproductive, gut or other human microbiome communities will facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration. Einstein is a member of the New York Genome Center and the recruit will have access to this and other core facilities for advanced genomic technologies. We seek candidates with active research programs, successful funding records, experience in teaching and mentoring students, and innovative approaches to translational research. The successful candidate will have/or establish a nationally recognized, externally funded research program related to the human microbiome and normal physiological processes and susceptibility to and development of disease. EINSTEIN offers competitive start-up packages appropriate to academic rank and extramural funding. Teaching responsibilities are minimal and include participation in graduate level courses to PhD, MS and MD students in the graduate school, medical school and public health program. Required Education: Experience and Skills (Minimum Qualifications): A PhD, MD, MD/PhD or other doctoral level degree in the biological, computational, medical or related field and an outstanding record of peerreviewed publications. The candidates should be self-motivated and anticipate collaborating with faculty members and scientists at EINSTEIN and health care workers at our affiliated clinical centers. The candidate should have experience in areas such as microbiology, microbial physiology, microbial evolution, handling and interpretation of large-scale microbiome data sets and working with collaborators. Desired Qualifications: Postdoctoral research, experience applying to national funding agencies, independent funding and a record of mentoring students and teaching are desirable qualifications. Strong communication and interpersonal capabilities that foster collaborative research. Though investigators with external funding will be given special consideration, all candidates will be reviewed without bias. Application Process: Interested applicants should send the following information to the M & I Microbiome Recruitment email address: mailto:MIBiomeRecruit@einstein.yu.edu 1. Cover Letter, which summarizes the qualifications of the applicant; 2. Curriculum Vitae, including current and past support; 3. Research Statement, two-three page description of research interests and accomplishments; 4. References, three names and contact information. There will be a rolling review of applications until the position is filled with email response of application receipt. The Albert Einstein College of Medicine of the Yeshiva University is an equal opportunity employer. For more about Einstein please visit us on the web at Einstein.yu.edu

Job Description: A postdoctoral position is immediately available in the area of cancer and molecular epidemiology in a fastpaced laboratory in the Department of Epidemiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham. Our group conducts molecular studies utilizing emerging “omics” technologies to develop biomarkers of disease, exposure and susceptibility in the study of lymphoma, leukemia, and other cancers. Our research also combines experimental and bioinformatics approaches to identify and characterize germline and somatic gene variants involved in cancer predisposition and progression. Ongoing projects include populationbased case-control GWAS, next-generation whole genome, exome and target resequencing studies, and eQTL analyses to identify disease susceptibility genes. We offer an excellent team-oriented research environment and opportunities for career advancement. Projects can be tailored to suit the successful candidate’s research interests and expertise. Duties: • Perform molecular studies in human biospecimens and tumor tissues to develop novel cancer biomarkers • Perform functional studies to further characterize gene variants associated with disease pathogenesis • Lead and conduct various aspects of research projects, and manage the involvement of lab staff and graduate and undergraduate students in study tasks, as needed • Develop or modify study materials for manuscript development and presentation to scientific audiences Requirements: • Applicants should possess a Ph.D. in molecular and cell biology, genetics, genetic epidemiology, or equivalent • Advanced laboratory skills in “omics” applications (i.e., genomics, transcriptomics, miRNAomics, methylomics) • Excellent verbal/written/technical skills and demonstrated competence in scientific publication • Ability to relate well with other staff, take initiative and become an integral member of the research team Desired Qualifications: A strong research background in molecular epidemiology, hematology, and/or bioinformatics/data-mining would be an advantage. Applications from women, members of traditionally disadvantaged minority groups, and scientists with disabilities are encouraged. Interested applicants should submit current curriculum vitae, a sample of recent research scholarly activity, a cover letter that discusses qualifications and reasons for interest in the position to: Christine Skibola, PhD, Search Committee Chair 1665 University Boulevard, RPHB 230M Birmingham, AL 35294-0022 cskibola@uab.edu

Department Chair Associate Professor / Professor (Tenure-track faculty) Biostatistics and Informatics The Colorado School of Public Health is accepting applications and nominations for the position of Chair for the Department of Biostatistics and Informatics. This is a 12-month, tenure-track, Associate/Full Professor appointment with the primary academic appointment held at the University of Colorado Denver’s Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, CO. The Department’s vision is to participate in cutting edge public health and biomedical research, and to improve health through biostatistics, informatics and bioinformatics teaching, research collaboration, and methods development. Its mission is to provide high quality training in biostatistics, informatics and bioinformatics and to conduct state-of-the-art applied research. The Department constantly aims to develop innovative methodology motivated by real world problems in order to advance public health science, knowledge, practice and outcomes. For a complete position description and to apply, visit https://www.jobsatcu.com/postings/66476 Please direct position and candidate questions to Dr. Dana Dabelea (dana.dabelea@ucdenver.edu) or Dr. John Adgate (john.adgate@ucdenver.edu). Visit the Department at http://publichealth.ucdenver.edu/biostatistics

Tenure Track Faculty Member Epidemiology Dept of Biostatistics and Epidemiology is recruiting full-time faculty at Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor. MPH (biostatistics & epidemiology) and DrPH (Epidemiology) are offered. Faculty research includes chronic disease epidemiology, multiple behavioral risk factors, MCH, biostatistics (methods and modeling). Applicants must have one of following: 1) doctoral degree in epidemiology; 2) clinical doctorate in medicine or veterinary medicine and a graduate degree in epidemiology, an epidemiology post-doctoral fellowship, or two years of directly applicable experience in epidemiology; or 3) doctoral degree in an epidemiology-related field and at least three years substantial epidemiologic professional or research experience. Record of peerreviewed scholarship is required and will be expected to obtain extramural funding. Teaching required. Salary dependent on qualifications. ETSU is public university with a CEPH-accredited College of Public Health and Colleges of Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, and Clinical and Rehabilitative Health Sciences. College website: http://www.etsu.edu/cph

Applicants must submit online ETSU Employment Application at eJobs, https://jobs.etsu.edu/ AA/EOE Contact Human Resources about process at (423) 439-5890 or Ms. Rickie Carter about position at carterrh@etsu.edu. Search Committee Chair: Dr. Arsham Alamian, ETSU Dept of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, Box 70259, Johnson City, TN 37614-1709.

The Department of Preventive Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center seeks a full-time tenure-track Associate Professor for an academic position in genetic epidemiology. The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) is a major medical and research center located in Memphis, Tennessee. Excellent opportunities are available for collaborative research in human genetics, genomics, pediatrics, epidemiological studies, systems biology, biostatistics, molecular biology, and bioinformatics. The Department of Preventive Medicine offers substantial advantages to the candidate interested in the development of his or her research potential. The Department's areas of current emphasis include health promotion, women's health, child development, cardiovascular disease epidemiology, nutritional epidemiology, geriatrics and gerontology, behavioral epidemiology, biostatistics, bioinformatics, and human genetics. The Department is home to several large on-going observational studies and clinical trials in the areas of child development and pregnancy outcomes, cardiovascular disease, aging, women's health, obesity, and smoking cessation. The Department's strong research infrastructure provides excellent support for subject recruitment, interviewing, clinical measurement, laboratory processing, and data processing and analysis. The Department has a strong tradition of collaboration locally with other Departments, the University of Memphis, local health care systems, state and local government, the Memphis City Schools, and local non-profit agencies. The Department also has strong collaborations nationally and participates in large multicenter clinical trials and observational studies. Memphis is a medium size, ethnically diverse, culturally rich, family-friendly city with a low cost of living. Memphis and Shelby County provide excellent opportunities for genetic and epidemiological research in a large, geographically concentrated, diverse population that affords many opportunities for new studies. Requirements for the position include a Ph.D., Dr.P.H., or M.D. degree with training in genetic epidemiology, statistical genetics, bio-informatics, systems biology of human disease, human population genetics, or related discipline, and an established track record in genetic epidemiology research. Candidates with an active research program in the areas of human genetic epidemiology and statistical genetic analysis are especially encouraged to apply. Rank will be commensurate with experience. Primary criteria for appointment will be experience, demonstrated ability in research, a relevant publication record in peer-reviewed journals, and evidence of successful teaching. The successful candidate is expected to develop and maintain a vibrant, extramurally funded research program and to contribute to other collaborative initiatives in human disease research. The candidate will also be expected to teach 1-2 graduate courses per year and to supervise student research. Interested applicants should submit electronically a copy of their curriculum vitae, a cover letter describing research interests and teaching experience, and names and addresses of three references to Chair of the Genetic Epidemiology Search Committee, Department of Preventive Medicine, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. E-mail: ebeard@uthsc.edu. Applicants must have a commitment to diversity and equal opportunity. Contact: Pam Connor, Chair of the Genetic Epidemiology Search Committee Department of Preventive Medicine University of Tennessee Health Science Center, 66 No. Pauline, Suite 633, Memphis, TN 38163. Email Address: ebeard@uthsc.edu The University of Tennessee does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, disability or veteran status in provision of educational programs and services or employment opportunities and benefits. This policy extends to both employment by and admission to the University. The University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Director of the Program for Aging, Trauma & Emergency Care (PATEC) The University of Maryland School of Medicine seeks a full-time faculty member at the Associate or Full Professor rank to be the inaugural Director of the Program for Aging, Trauma, and Emergency Care (PATEC). The Director will draw on outstanding campus resources to create an interdisciplinary translational research center of excellence dedicated to ground-breaking research to improve older adults’ trauma and emergency care outcomes. Its nationally and internationally recognized strengths in aging, trauma, and emergency care make the School of Medicine well-positioned to become a national leader in geriatric trauma and emergency care. With multiple NIH awards in aging and trauma, the School is home to:

The Center for Research on Aging and its four NIA- and VA-funded center of excellence in aging including: Baltimore Hip Studies, the largest program of research on hip fracture recovery in the world; ■ Gerontology Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC); ■ NIA Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center; ■ VA Maryland Exercise and Robotics Center of Excellence (BERCE) in stroke rehabilitation. ■

The Program in Trauma is home to: The Shock, Trauma and Anesthesiology Research Organized Research Center (STAR-ORC). ■ The only multidisciplinary dedicated physician group that cares for injury in the United States. The group practices ■

at the UM Medical Center’s world class R Adams Crowley Shock Trauma Center: • The nation’s largest trauma center • An international standard-setter for injury care and one of the most sophisticated prehospital systems in the country. • Partnered with the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems to provide sophisticated expert medical care. The National Study Center for Trauma and EMS, a leader in NIH- and other federally funded traffic safety research staffed by nationally known epidemiologists, physicians, statisticans, and database coordinators.

The Department of Emergency Medicine (DEM) is home to: More than 75 board-certified or board-eligible faculty physicians, including some of the nation’s most ■ ■ ■

accomplished clinicians, teachers, and leaders in emergency medicine who staff the emergency departments at four Baltimore hospitals, in addition to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Outstanding clinical education and research opportunities at the four affiliated hospitals which oversee the care of approximately 182,000 patients / year. A rapidly growing research enterprise.

Strong infrastructural support in health services research.

Multiple collaborative opportunities with faculty from the Schools of Pharmacy, Nursing, Dentistry, Social Work, and Law on the UM health campus, and the University of Maryland Health System.

The Program for Aging, Trauma, and Emergency Care joins the clinical and research expertise of the Center for Research on Aging, the Center for Shock, Trauma and Anesthesiology Research (STAR), and the Department of Emergency Medicine. It brings together more than 40 clinicians and researchers from the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Social Work at the University of Maryland and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County to identify interdisciplinary approaches to improving the outcomes of older adults from bench to bedside to community. More information about PATEC can be found at: http://tinyurl.com/boqk87v The Director will be expected to bring national vision and leadership to PATEC, mobilize and coordinate scientists whose interdisciplinary research can benefit older people in emergency departments and trauma centers; and attract funding to build the Program. The successful candidate for the position should have a PhD and/or MD degree with substantial experience conducting interdisciplinary research, a solid record of extramural research funding, and demonstrated leadership capabilities. Candidates from all disciplines are welcome to apply, and should have a successful record of clinical and / or epidemiological research in areas such geriatrics / gerontology, emergency medicine, anesthesiology, trauma / injury, or preventive medicine. Compensation and support will be competitive. Applications of a cover letter, CV and three references should be submitted to lklein@epi.umaryland.edu . Confidential correspondence related to this position may be directed to Jay Magaziner, Ph.D., M.S. Hyg., chair of the search committtee at 410-706-2406 or jmagazin@epi.umaryland.edu The University of Maryland, Baltimore is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. Minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Chair, Department of Epidemiology and Stuart and Joyce N. Robbins Distinguished Professor of Epidemiology The School of Public Health of West Virginia University (WVU) seeks an outstanding researcher, educator, and administrator to serve as the Chair of the Department of Epidemiology and the Stuart and Joyce N. Robbins Distinguished Professor. The School of Public Health (SPH) is a newly established school that has expanded upon a well-established CEPH-accredited MPH program and existing PhD programs in several disciplines, including epidemiology. The School has close ties with multiple research centers including the West Virginia Clinical and Translational Science Institute, the CDC-funded Injury Control Research Center, the WV Prevention Research Center, the Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center, the Health Research Center, the Center for Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences, and the Center for Neuroscience. We are adjacent to, and a frequent research and educational collaborator with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. The Department Chair/Robbins Distinguished Professor is expected to advance the department’s mission by attracting and mentoring quality faculty, expanding the department’s research activities, further building the graduate program, and providing administrative leadership. The successful candidate will be expected to maintain a productive research program and direct graduate research, and demonstrate a commitment to education and service to the department, school, and university. Required qualifications are Ph.D., M.D. or equivalent degrees with a strong record of independent epidemiologic research and professional/graduate teaching. We seek individuals with a strong record of externally funded research, recognition in the field, demonstrated leadership, an excellent teaching record, experience mentoring faculty and graduate students, and administrative skills and experience. The successful candidate will demonstrate accomplishments sufficient to qualify for hire at the rank of tenured Professor. The Chair will be a senior academic leader who will provide strategic vision for the advancement of the department and participate on the School’s leadership team. This is a state-line, tenure-track faculty position. Salary and start-up package will be commensurate with qualifications and experience, and the Stuart and Joyce N. Robbins Distinguished Professorship provides additional endowment income for research support and salary supplementation. The position is a twelvemonth academic appointment. West Virginia University is a comprehensive, land-grant, Carnegie-designated Doctoral Research/Extensive public institution, with 32,000 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. The Health Sciences Center includes the Schools of Public Health, Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing, each of which offers professional and graduate training programs. Patient care facilities include a 460-bed teaching hospital, a Level I trauma center, a children’s hospital, a 70-bed psychiatric hospital, and affiliated facilities statewide. Morgantown is consistently rated as one of the best small towns in the U.S., with affordable housing, excellent schools, a picturesque countryside, many outdoor recreational activities, and close proximity to major cities including Pittsburgh and Washington, DC. The confidential online application requires a cover letter, vision statement, curriculum vita, and contact information for at least three references who would only be contacted after discussion with the candidate. Interested candidates may direct any questions to the search committee chair, Dr. Matthew Gurka (mgurka@hsc.wvu.edu : 304-293-6760). Applications will be accepted until a successful candidate has been identified. Finalist candidates will be asked to supply letters of recommendation. Send files by email to ctoth@hsc.wvu.edu. WVU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. WVU Health Sciences Center is a tobacco-free campus. West Virginia University is the recipient of an NSF ADVANCE award for gender equity.

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