6 minute read
and propaganda of the Age of Augustus and explore our own issues with empire and unwanted war. Students will read selections of the poem in Latin and the entire poem in English.
ADVANCED LATIN: CICERO Open to Grades 9-12 Credit: 1 Cicero was a great orator, politician, and philosopher during the Roman Republic. This was a time of great social and political upheaval. Cicero’s writings give us insights into this time, his beliefs about politics, education, philosophy and social norms. In this class, students explore these themes and Cicero’s thoughts on these issues and ideas through a close reading of surviving texts. Selections from Cicero’s letters and philosophical works will be read both in Latin and in English.
SPANISH 1 Open to Grades 8-12 Credit: 1 This course introduces and develops the four basic skills of reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Cultural topics from around the world are explored, and discussed in relation to students’ cultures. Vocabulary required for mastery includes salutations, family members, the school day, occupations, indicating location, telling the day/date/year/time, the alphabet, numbers, weather, foods, animals, parts of the body, clothing, descriptions of physical characteristics/basic personality traits, sports/ pastimes, directions, places around town, the house, and question words. Verb conjugation is explored in detail to include all regular and irregular verbs in the present indicative, immediate future, formal commands, stem-changing and reflexive verbs. Other grammatical concepts studied in Spanish 1 include: definite and indefinite articles; gender and number agreement; subject pronouns; direct object pronouns, and indirect object
pronouns; affirmative and negative expressions; the differences between ser and estar; idiomatic expressions with tener, hacer, and gustar; the verb ir; demonstrative/possessive adjectives; diminutives, the superlative, and comparisons; the personal “a”; and expressing likes and dislikes.
SPANISH 2 Open to Grades 9-12 Prerequisite: Completion of Spanish 1 with a grade of C+ or higher or departmental approval Credit: 1 In this course, students will improve communication skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They also will gain additional cultural knowledge and awareness about the areas of the world in which Spanish is spoken. This course begins with the review of basic grammar points along with more complex structures. Grammatical concepts include verb tenses of the present, the preterit, imperfect, present and past progressive, future and conditional, imperative, and a brief introduction to the present subjunctive. Additional grammatical concepts include: tener + que, por and para; saber vs. conocer; comparisons; equality concepts; hacer + time expressions; possessive adjectives; direct and indirect object pronouns; informal and formal commands; personal and reflexive pronouns; demonstrative pronouns; use of prepositions; and adjective and adverbial expressions.
HONORS SPANISH 2 Open to Grades 9-12 Prerequisite: Completion of Spanish 1 with an average of A- or higher and departmental approval Credit: 1 This course covers the same content areas as Spanish 2, but with stronger emphasis on effective communication in all areas of the target language. Students read short stories and literary pieces by Spanish and Latin American authors, in addition to readings from the textbook. They also write more compositions.
SPANISH 3 Open to Grades 9-12 Prerequisite: Completion of Spanish 2 and departmental approval Credit: 1 In this course, students receive a review of grammar with special emphasis on structures that are particularly problematic. There is a more sophisticated approach to writing and self-expression in the language. The focus of the course continues to be effective communication with more emphasis on developing writing and speaking skills along with reading and listening comprehension. Students investigate current events of the Spanish-speaking world and make cultural connections to authentic material. Grammatical concepts include: a review of the present, preterite, and imperfect tenses; reflective verbs; possessive adjectives; comparisons and superlatives; direct and indirect object pronouns; present progressive and past progressive. New grammar concepts include: all perfect tenses including present and present perfect of subjunctive; subjunctive versus indicative; subjunctive with impersonal expressions; to express wishes and hopes, and with expression of doubt and emotion; future tenses; and por vs. para.
HONORS SPANISH 3 Open to Grades 9-12 Prerequisite: Completion of Spanish 2 with a grade of A- or higher and departmental approval Credit: 1 This course covers the same content areas as Spanish 3, but with stronger emphasis on effective communication in all areas of the target language. Students read additional short stories and literary pieces by Spanish and Latin American authors. They also write more compositions of a greater length.
SPANISH 4 Open to Grades 9-12 Prerequisite: Completion of Spanish 3 or Honors Spanish 3 and departmental approval Credit: 1 In this course students will learn about the history, contemporary life, art, and culture of Spain and Latin America, while reinforcing and building upon communication skills developed in Levels 1-3. This course uses authentic literature and film to expose students to Spanish and Latin American perspectives. Students are expected to make cultural comparisons, participate in individual and group analysis, and draw conclusions about historical and current events. Students will use their advanced language skills to express their ideas through presentational and interpersonal activities that promote effective oral and written communication.
HONORS SPANISH 4 Open to Grades 9-12 Prerequisite: Completion of Honors Spanish 3 and departmental approval In this course, students will learn about the history, contemporary life, art, and culture of Spain and Latin America, while reinforcing and building upon communication skills developed in Levels 1-3. This course uses authentic literature and film to illustrate Spanish and Latin American perspectives. Students are expected to make cultural comparisons, participate in individual and group analysis, and draw conclusions about historical and current events. Students will use their advanced language skills to express their ideas through presentational and interpersonal activities that promote effective oral and written communication. This course is more rigorous in pace, content and expectations than Spanish 4.
SPANISH 5 Open to Grades 9-12 Prerequisite: Completion of Spanish 4 or higher and departmental approval Credit: 1 This course is designed for students who want to strengthen their speaking and writing abilities. The focus of this course is on conversation and composition writing with topics pulled from the textbook as well as those suggested by students. Students are given the opportunity to sharpen their conversation skills by presenting arguments in class debates, giving oral presentations and putting together theatrical productions. Students are asked to write journal entries and compositions weekly. Students are expected to watch Spanish television and listen to Spanish music as often as possible. Students are also expected to overcome any barriers created by grammatical struggles by reviewing these points for homework.
ADVANCED SPANISH Open to Grades 9-12 Credit: 1 This course will focus on the literary genre of Magical Realism through the work of various Latin-American writers. Magical Realism engages the usual devices of narrative realism, but with an added element: the supernatural is an ordinary matter – an everyday occurrence – integrated into the rationality of literary realism. This style of writing predominated the literary “boom period” in Latin America, reflecting the political and social climate in the 60s and 70s. Students will read a number of short stories written by “boom writers,” along with the novel Cien Años de Soledad (One Hundred Years of Solitude), written by Colombian author, Gabriel Garcia Marquez.