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The Visual and Performing Arts are an integral part of the Walker’s community. Communication, creativity, and collaboration are fundamental to all of the arts on our campus. Through the arts, students learn to take risks, push beyond perceived boundaries, and discover new ways of expressing themselves and engaging with the community.
A student who has a passion for the arts can pursue after school cocurricular activities such as acting, technical theatre, dance, and visual arts during all three seasons. In addition, students can participate in private voice and instrumental lessons, and perform in vocal and instrumental ensembles. There are so many opportunities for students to perform and showcase their art work. There are several main stage music, theatre, and dance performances as well as art galleries throughout campus. Student performances and art work are part of daily life at Walker’s.
The Arts programs emphasize both skill development and self-driven, experiential learning. Courses in Digital Photography, Movie and Video Production, Studio Arts, Art History, Ceramics, Dance, Music, and Theatre, as well as Independent Studies in all areas, allow students to delve into numerous art forms as they discover new ways to express themselves. All students have an Arts requirement, but often students find a form that speaks to them and they continue beyond the minimum credits. Formative assessments are used throughout every visual and performing arts class. Students are given immediate feedback throughout the lesson, which includes suggestions, options, and engaging conversations. Critical and constructive feedback from both peers and faculty measure the effectiveness of both the creative process and the final product.
Arts students are taught to be leaders by choreographing, composing, curating, and assistant teaching. Students participate in arts-related community partnerships, such as Children’s Dance classes, a capella competitions, the Memory Project, and the Connecticut Inclusive Arts program. At Walker’s, we prepare students to look beyond themselves and find ways to use the arts to give back to the community and make a difference in the world.
DANCE WORKSHOP Open to Grades 9-12 Fall and winter season commitment; By audition Dance Workshop is the advanced-level dance company at Walker’s. Students are selected by audition and must commit to dance for the fall and winter seasons. Dance Workshop members take daily advancedlevel technique classes in ballet, modern, jazz, character, and stretch and strengthen. These classes are supplemented with weekly rehearsals for student, faculty, and guest artist choreography. Senior members of Dance Workshop take choreography classes and run their own rehearsals. Dance Workshop performs in the annual Winter Dance Concert.
DANCE ENSEMBLE Open to Grades 6-12 Fall and winter season commitment; By audition Dance Ensemble is the high-intermediate level dance company at Walker’s. Students are selected by audition and must commit to dance for the fall and winter seasons. Dance Ensemble members take daily intermediate level technique classes in ballet, modern, jazz, and character. This group also has the opportunity to work with guest artists and they perform in the annual Winter Dance Concert.
GENERAL ENROLLMENT DANCE Open to Grades 6-12 Fall, winter, and spring seasons These classes are open to students at any level of dance from beginner to advanced. Students take classes in ballet, modern, jazz, and composition. Winter dance also counts towards the team sport requirement as it includes a performance.
ACTING Open to Grades 9-12 Credit: .5 The goal of this course is to develop self-awareness, master acting guideposts, and build on previous knowledge of stage acting through the use of scenes, improvisation, and monologues. This one-semester class introduces students to basic acting techniques, including effective use of the voice, principles of stage movement, building a character, playwriting, story creation, and improvisation. The course is designed for students interested in exploring theater as a means of personal development and expression, as well as for those who wish to begin to study the craft of acting and/or playwriting. Students are expected to memorize lines, write journals, and be evaluated on their performances. This course may be taken more than once, so the course will be tailored to the students’ interests and needs.
MUSICAL THEATER Open to Grades 9-12 Credit: .5 In this class, students will collaborate on scenes, songs and dances from classic works of musical theater. Students will have the opportunity to watch and learn from historic theatrical performances, as well as delve deeply into scene work, song analysis, and choreography. This class includes visits from industry guest speakers; the class will take theatrical field trips.
WINTER PLAY Open to Grades 6-12 Offered: November-February Prerequisite: Audition in November Credit: Winter season co-curricular During the winter months, cast members rehearse a play which is
presented to the community in mid-February. Past productions have included Good Help is so Hard to Murder, Haiku, Animal Farm, All in the Timing, Rope, and an original Shakespearean adaptation, The Food of Love.
SPRING MUSICAL Open to Grades 9-12 Offered: February-May Prerequisite: Audition in February Credit: Spring season co-curricular The Theatre, Music, and Dance Departments collaborate on a full-scale musical that is presented to the community in May. Recent productions include Seussical, The Boyfriend, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Godspell, Illyria, You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown, Sister Act, Beauty and the Beast, and Hairspray.
MUSIC LESSONS Open to Grades 6-12; Additional fee Private lessons are offered for many instruments. Numerous recitals and assemblies involve the Music Program, and public performance at these events is encouraged.
Financial Commitment: Private lessons are billed through the Business Office. The Music Instruction Agreement must be signed by a parent/ guardian and returned before lessons can begin. Please contact the Business Office for additional details.
GOSPEL CHOIR Open to Grades 7-12 The Gospel Choir is a lively vocal ensemble that incorporates musical styles from the spiritual, blues and gospel genres. This ensemble
demands a willingness to participate in the appropriate style that this music commands. All singers are welcome.
GROUP VOICE Open to Grades 6-12 This course provides students with an opportunity to learn and improve vocal technique and to experience a repertoire of various styles. Enrollment in choir is not required. Voce Felice, a fine vocal ensemble, is formed from members of this class. Individual singers have the opportunity to perform as soloists at the end of the school year concert. All singers are welcome.
CHOIR Open to Grades 9-12 Credit: 1 A full Arts credit is given for this course. It fulfills the arts graduation requirement but is not figured into the GPA. Walker’s Choir performs regularly at many School functions and presents two major choral concerts. All singers are welcome.
MUSIC THEORY Open to Grades 9-12 Credit: 1 A two–semester course that can be taken as a lesson or as a credited course. The course is taught at the level of the student and progresses according to her capacity. It presents the basics of music theory, dictation and notation, and ear training. The advanced student may study composition and musical analysis.
MUSIC MAJOR PROGRAM Open to Grades 9-12 Credit: 1 Credit is given to students who wish to take two private lessons a week or two music disciplines, not including Choir. A half credit is given
along with grades and comments for each semester. Music majors are expected to perform during the school year.
CHAMBER ENSEMBLES Open to Grades 9-12; By audition The chamber ensembles afford the serious musician the opportunity to perform fine works. Students must be proficient on their instrument and enjoy working in a focused, musical environment. These ensembles are called upon to perform at many functions throughout the school year.
GRAPES Open to Grades 9-12; By audition This vocal ensemble is an a cappella singing group. Only members of the Choir may audition. This ensemble performs music from the folk, pop, jazz, and Broadway genres. Auditions take place at the beginning of the school year and include a simple sight-singing exercise, presentation of a piece that best shows the singer’s voice and a group piece that determines vocal blend and intonation.
GROUP KEYBOARD Open to Grades 9-12 This course provides beginner to intermediate piano students with an opportunity to improve their keyboard skills. The classes allow each student to progress at her own pace. Students are invited to participate in recitals at the end of the year. All musicians are welcome.
HARMONIOUS BELLS Open to Grades 9-12 The bell choir performs for many events on campus and can be taken as a music discipline for music majors. This course teaches a basic understanding of rhythm and note reading and allows students of all levels to perform in an ensemble. All musicians are welcome.
ORCHESTRA Open to Grades 9-12 Orchestra is open to instrumentalists who are capable of individual preparation and working toward a standard of musical excellence in a group setting. This is a wonderful environment in which to develop technique and broaden the musical experience.
AFRICAN DRUMMING Open to Grades 9-12 African Drumming is an essential part of Walker’s Music Program. The group utilizes a variety of drums, some of which were constructed from trees on the School property in Simsbury. Students study a wide array of styles and develop an appreciation for the intricate musical sounds, and variety of moods the different drumming disciplines convey and express. The tones of the instruments as well as the use of a particular rhythm open the mind to the rich world of music and enhance the capacity of each drummer. Students are encouraged to both read and hear patterns so that they engage the better part of themselves when they play together. The group often performs on campus and continues to create a moving presence at Walker’s.
ART HISTORY: ANCIENT EGYPT TO THE RENAISSANCE Open to Grades 9-12 This course is cross-listed with both the Visual Arts and History Departments. Credit: .5 This course will provide a multidisciplinary approach to the study of art and architectural history. Students will gain an understanding of the differences between a formal and contextual analysis of a work of art, learn to formulate a thesis, and engage in both forms of analysis.
Students will view the art through a lens of historical events, literature, music and the social context of the time periods studied. This course begins by looking at Ancient Egyptian art and architecture through Europe, the Middle East and Asia into the Renaissance. By studying great works from within these artistic periods, students will gain a better understanding of the visual art of each era and of how they fit within the context of their time.
ART HISTORY: ART OF ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS Open to Grades 11-12 This course is cross-listed with both the Visual Arts and History Departments. Credit: .5 In this class, students gain an understanding of the cultures of ancient civilizations through the study of the objects they produced. Students grapple extensively with issues such as who decides what is art, the ethics surrounding display and repatriation, and the difference between art, artifact and cultural object. By studying the objects produced by these great civilizations, students gain a better understanding, not simply of the objects themselves, but of how they fit within the context of their time and place.
ART HISTORY: MOVEMENTS IN ART HISTORY Open to Grades 11-12 This course is cross-listed with both the Visual Arts and History Departments. Credit: .5 This course will provide a multidisciplinary approach to the study of art and architectural history. In this class, students view art through the lens of historical events, literature, music and social context of the time periods covered in the course. Students tackle issues such as who decides what is considered art and the ethics around restoration vs. preservation. Students begin this course by looking at the art and architecture of the Medieval world, and work their way through Post Impressionism and the Modern world. By studying great works from within these artistic
periods, students gain a better understanding of the visual art of each era and how it can help us to better understand the greater context of the time.
CERAMICS Open to Grades 9-12 Credit: .5 Visual Arts courses are offered at several different levels. Students with a passion for a particular field may register for the same course over multiple semesters. The Ceramics class will provide an opportunity for students to develop a body of work that is both conceptually valid and reflective of their artistic style. Sculpture techniques, the science of glazing, and wheel skills are taught to all levels of students, and they will be encouraged to experiment at all times. In addition to developing technique, students will design their own multi-part construction based on exploration of pottery around the world. Each student will be expected to produce work that portrays her creative powers and technical abilities.
DRAWING Open to Grades 9-12; full year or single semester Credit: .5 per semester Visual Arts courses are offered at several different levels. Students with a passion for a particular field may register for the same course over multiple semesters. Drawing is the foundation from which we develop our visual vocabulary as we hone our observational skills. Drawing from observation or from life is a critical skill to develop for anyone wanting to quickly and visually express ideas, as it trains the eye, hand and brain to translate the 3D form into a 2D illusion. In this multilevel class, whether taken for the first time or as continuation to further develop one’s drawing skills, students will be exposed to a variety of “dry media,” learning the necessary technical skills to communicate their ideas, while continuing to strengthen their knowledge of the elements and principles of design. Students may take this class as a repeated course in order to prepare their art portfolios for college admission.
GRAPHIC PUBLICATION Open to Grades 9-12 Fall Semester (can be extended for extra credit into Spring Semester) Credit: .5 This course allows students to develop the design, writing and photography skills needed to create a thorough, interesting and dynamic documentation of the life of the School: the official school yearbook, the Pepperpot. Includes elements of art, film, image manipulation, design, layout, article writing, research, editing, marketing, publishing and sales. Students will have additional responsibilities and take greater leadership roles each time the course is taken.
MOVIE/VIDEO PRODUCTION Open to Grades 9-12 Credit: .5 This is a semester course designed to cover all facets of movie production, including script writing, working with talent, camera work, sound, directing, locations, costume, props, and post-production editing. Nikon DSLR cameras will be supplied for the duration of the course. Genre types will include shorts, feature films, documentaries, music videos, and comedy sketches. The course will involve hands-on, small team experience developing production timelines and filming with DSLR cameras after review of best-practice examples of each motionpicture type. Instruction in post-production editing techniques will be taught to allow finished products to be shown to the local community and/or entered into film showcases and festivals.
PAINTING Open to Grades 9-12 Credit: .5 Visual Arts courses are offered at several different levels. Students with a passion for a particular field may register for the same course over multiple semesters. In this class, students will be able to explore different “wet media” with processes such as transparent and opaque painting including watercolor,
gouache, acrylic, and oil. Students discover the expressiveness of color and paint application techniques while learning color theory. They will also be introduced to the ancient medium of encaustic painting. The focus of this course is on color, scale, and composition and how these are fundamental elements in the development of their visual concepts. Students may take this class as a repeated course in order to prepare their art portfolios for college admission, as well as to work on public art projects that enhance the School community.
PHOTOGRAPHY 1 Open to Grades 9-12 Credit: .5 This semester-long course is designed to cover a broad range of digital photography techniques, principles, equipment and image subjects. A Nikon DSLR camera is supplied for the duration of the course. The course also covers areas of post production and image manipulation. It includes principles of exposure, portrait photography, landscape photography, macro photography, sports photography, food photography, black and white photography, low light photography, light painting, wildlife photography, in-class challenges, and more than 20 other topics. Over the course of the semester, independent shooting, collaborative peer critiques, and historical research will contribute to each student’s final portfolio that exhibits her individual photographic style.
PHOTOGRAPHY 2 Open to Grades 9-12 Credit: .5 This course is designed to follow on from the prerequisite Photography 1 and includes elements of studio photography, green screen photography, street photography and drone photography. DSLR cameras are supplied for the duration of the course. The course will generate proficiency in Adobe Creative Cloud Lightroom and Photoshop techniques and will incorporate field trips for photography assignments. It will also include an emphasis on independent studies as students focus on their own interests, all the while creating an online portfolio of their best work.
PRINTMAKING Open to Grades 9-12 Credit: .5 Visual Arts courses are offered at several different levels. Students with a passion for a particular field may register for the same course over multiple semesters. This course introduces the student to the production of multiple images from a single design. Students will learn about the basic tools and materials used in a variety of printmaking techniques, understanding that printing will produce a reversed image. For this, an emphasis on creative problem-solving is essential, through research, sketching, and idea development before committing to a plate. Students will explore various printmaking techniques including but not limited to linoleum – block printing, drypoint, image transfer, and stamping, as well as monoprint/monotype, and stenciling. They will learn about the effective use of positive and negative space, and the creation of an artist’s proofs and series. A brief overview of historical and contemporary prints, including the use of prints for political or social messaging will be addressed.
STUDIO ART Open to Grades 9-12; full year or single semester Credit: .5 per semester Visual Arts courses are offered at several different levels. Students with a passion for a particular field may register for the same course over multiple semesters. This class is designed to accommodate students with a desire to learn about art or to continue evolving in their artistic pursuits. Students will work on a variety of media, tools and techniques through openended assignments that challenge them and encourage creativity and originality. Through studio practice, application of the fundamentals of art and informed decision making, students will create a body of work that demonstrate a high level of quality and growth over time in content, technique and process.
3D DESIGN (FALL) Open to Grades 9-12 Credit: .5 Visual Arts courses are offered at several different levels. Students with a passion for a particular field may register for the same course over multiple semesters. This course has been designed to offer students a general design overview using paper and paper pulp to construct and build 3D projects utilizing art design concepts. The focus of the course is to concentrate on applying the basic elements and principles of art to help students solve artistic, creative problems in a variety of approaches and media. Projects in paper making and paper casting, cardboard relief, paper dress, relief drawing, papier mache, and book art/deconstructed books will be studied. A sketchbook is required for all students to be used in class and for homework assignments. This course references historical and contemporary works.
3D DESIGN (SPRING) Open to Grades 9-12 Credit: .5 Visual Arts courses are offered at several different levels. Students with a passion for a particular field may register for the same course over multiple semesters. This art course has been designed to offer students a general design overview using different media to construct and build 3D projects utilizing art design concepts. The focus of the course is to concentrate on applying the basic elements and principles of art to help the students solve artistic, creative problems in a variety of approaches and media. Projects in additive and subtractive sculpture, carving, construction, mobile, assemblage, molding and casting, as well as modelmaking will be studied. A sketchbook is required for all students to be used in class and for homework assignments. This course references historical and contemporary works.
AFTERNOON ART CONCENTRATION Prerequisite: Approval of department The Afternoon Art Concentration is geared for the students who want to pursue a career in the field of the arts and need this extra time to prepare and/or enhance their art portfolio for the competitive college admission process. Students will be mentored by professionals in their field of study on and off campus (depending on their field of study) in order to gain instrumental experience, expand their knowledge and hone their skills. Each student is required to complete their projects, culminating the term with an exhibition and oral presentation to the school’s community.