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Parent and Grandparent Donors
Each year the parents of students, parents of alumnae, and grandparents of students and alumnae show their support of The Ethel Walker School through generous gifts. Their appreciation of the School affirms our mission and ensures the continuation of the excellence of a Walker’s education.
Parents and Grandparents of Seniors
Jonathan Bailey P’21 Rebecca and Robert Caiaze P’21 Stacy and Charles Connors P’21 Natalie and David Corbett P’21 Harriet Blees Dewey ’60, P’86, GP’21 Colleen and Eric Doshna P’21 Mary and Nicholas Greggains P’21 Karen and Larry Griffiths P’21 Li Zheng and Jiqi Huang P’21 Gary R. Jones P’21 Lucy Rosenberry Jones ’59, P’80, GP’21 Alicia Sternberg-Llanos and Ricardo Llanos P’21 Shayna Cohen Luciani ’93, P’20, ’21 and Mario Luciani P’20, ’21 Dina and Colin Mazzola P’21 Sarah-Jane McCarthy ’80, P’21 Evelyn Mendez-St Louis P’21 Shazia and Mohammad Mohsin P’21 Mirela and Gilman Mucaj P’21 Shari and James Nastri P’21 Ann O’Hara and Scott Hedges P’21, ’23 Kelly and Jeffrey Olvert P’21, ’22 Melanie and Todd Pancavage P’21, ’24 Celia and Derek Peterson P’21, ’24 Susan C. Leggett and Denny E. Robinson P’21 Theodore Shafer P’21 Stephanie Musso-Shemo and Robert Shemo P’21 Andreas and Gretchen Sonju P’21 Elizabeth and John A. Steber P’21 Sage Steele P’21 Patricia Sternberg GP’21 Beth and Christopher E. Strapp P’18, ’21 Linda Strohmeyer P’21 Linda and Timothy Szczygiel P’21 Astrid and Matt Thompson P’21 Kimberly and Douglas Zeytoonjian P’21
Current families participated in the Annual Fund
Current Parents
Amber and Tim Abbuhl P’26 Jennifer and Christian Auger P’25, ’26 Melanie Awe P’18, ’22 Jonathan Bailey P’21 Tenneh Blamah P’22 Jeanine Fiedler-Braceland and Robert Braceland P’24 LeeAnn and Gerald A. Brothers, Jr. P’22 Rebecca and Robert Caiaze P’21 Qiong Wang and Yinshi Cao P’22 Amy K. Cawman P’24 Stacy and Charles Connors P’21 Natalie and David Corbett P’21 Melissa and Edwin Cordero P’23, ’25 Jeanmarie and Christopher Cosgrove P’25 Kurt Dargis P’22 Eleanor and Steven Daugherty P’26 Joyce and Michael D. Day P’27 Antoinette and Nicholas de Wolff P’23 Amy and Jeffrey Dixon P’22, ’24 Melanie and Matthew D. Donaldson P’23 Tiffany and Mishone Donelson P’25 Colleen and Eric Doshna P’21 Alexis and Paul Dowd P’23 Effie Ioannidou and George Fares P’22, ’24 Melissa Faucher P’23 Terri and Gary J. Franzi P’23 Jenny and Christopher French P’22 Liz Isaacs and Stephen Furia P’25, ’27 Kerri Furtado P’25 Dana Goldstein P’24 Margaret and Jon Gooch P’24 Mary and Nicholas Greggains P’21 Karen and Larry Griffiths P’21 Suresh and Shanthi S. Gudoor P’22 Veena Raghuvir and Ryan Haug P’22 Abagail Hill ’94, P’25 and Steven Hill P’25 Li Zheng and Jiqi Huang P’21 Tammy and Christopher Johnson P’22 Britt-Marie Cole-Johnson and Craig Johnson P’25 Gary R. Jones P’21 Andrea Shaker and James Kiggen P’23 Megumi Akamatsu and Chulhwan Kim P’26 Patricia and Henry D. Krupnikoff P’23 Mona Lake P’23 Jennifer and Joseph T. Lardner P’18, ’23 Theresa and Dan Lawry P’25, ’27 Melissa Holden and William R. Lewis P’22 Alicia Sternberg-Llanos and Ricardo Llanos P’21 Nina and Antonio J. Lorusso P’22 Shayna Cohen Luciani ’93, P’20, ’21 and Mario Luciani P’20, ’21 Dina and Colin Mazzola P’21 Sarah-Jane McCarthy ’80, P’21 Evelyn Mendez-St Louis P’21 Amy and John Merselis P’23 Tom Mohler P’22 Shazia and Mohammad Mohsin P’21 Mirela and Gilman Mucaj P’21 Alison and Christopher Murphy P’26 Shari and James Nastri P’21 Barbara Gurr and Steve Nims P’22 Kim and Daniel O’Donnell P’20, ’23 Ann O’Hara and Scott Hedges P’21, ’23 Kelly and Jeffrey Olvert P’21, ’22 Melanie and Todd Pancavage P’21, ’24 Celia and Derek Peterson P’21, ’24 Laura and Vincent Radmore P’25 Libby and Peter Ridgley P’22 Karen Robbins P’24 Susan C. Leggett and Denny E. Robinson P’21 Kristi and Alvaro E. Rodriguez P’24 Pia and Michael A. Rosenberg Toro P’24 Thomas Salvatore P’22 Michelle Smedley and Wilner Samson P’20, ’23 Georgette and Joseph Sappington P’24 Theodore Shafer P’21 Stephanie Musso-Shemo and Robert Shemo P’21 Andreas and Gretchen Sonju P’21 Stephanie D. McCall and Joseph L. Sorkin P’25 Mahesh Sridharan P’27 Elizabeth and John A. Steber P’21 Sage Steele P’21 Beth and Christopher E. Strapp P’18, ’21 Linda Strohmeyer P’21 Julia and Jonathan Sudol P’23 Zhenghao Sun P’22 Linda and Timothy Szczygiel P’21 Kimberly and David Thacker P’24, ’27 Astrid and Matt Thompson P’21 Angela and John Tollis P’23 Heather and Ken Van Cara P’23 Melissa and Martin M. Vega P’24 Catherine T. Kenney ’84, P’25, ’28 and Michael Vogel P’25, ’28 Gao Chunyan and Xiaoqing Wang P’23 Molly and David Watson P’22 Elysa Gordon and Steven Wexler P’23 Peta and William White P’23 Shari and Albert Wong P’26 Xiang Xu and Hanrong Du P’23 Kelly and Steve Youngberg P’24 Kimberly and Douglas Zeytoonjian P’21 Ying Gao and Guowei Zhang P’24
Parents of Alumnae
Sadia and Arjumund Abid P’03 Stephanie and Larry Acorn P’04 Denise and Chad Alfeld P’19 Patricia and Thomas Anathan P’92 Walter Harris P’14 Kara and Cliff Ashley P’18 Margaret and Ian T. Ball P’05 Gina and Timothy L. Ballard P’11 Jan and John R. Barr P’04 Clarissa and Alan Basch P’15 Constance Lavino Bell ’48, P’72, ’75, GP’12, ’14 Maureen Berescik P’98 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bierwirth P’69, P’74 Anne and Rodman R. Black, Jr. P’03 Suzanne Sivage Borland ’64, P’91 Nancie Magee Bourne ’53, P’77, ’82 Jeanine Fiedler-Braceland and Robert Braceland P’24 Judith and Alan Bush P’86 Ellen and Thomas Byrne P’11 Carroll Morgan Carpenter ’59, P’68 Ellyn and Darrell Carrington P’02 Susan and Charles Castonguay P’16 Christine and Kevin Chessen P’17 Elizabeth Sivage Clark ’67, P’04 Ursula and Everett E. Clark P’80, ’84 Carol Clark-Flanagan and Thomas M. Flanagan P’93, ’97 Ursula and Bob Cleaver P’20 Rebecca and G. Munroe Cobey P’01, ’03 Angela Coggins P’06 Clive K. Connor P’05 Marie and Henry R. Coons P’02 Melissa and Edwin Cordero P’23, ’25 Jeanmarie and Christopher Cosgrove P’25 Gwendolyn Couch and Ned W. Edwards P’07, ’10 Barbara O. David P’92 Sharon and John B. Davies P’96, ’00 Wendy Hodgkins DeLorey ’83, P’20 and Christopher J. DeLorey P’20 Harriet Blees Dewey ’60, P’86, GP’21 Tiffany and Mishone Donelson P’25 Mimi and Paul Duran P’18 Mollie Stark Eckelberry ’48, P’82 Melissa Faucher P’23 Maureen Fiedler P’95, ’98 Barbara Nash and Patrick Flynn P’05 Amy and Stuart Forman P’02 Lori-Jean and Wayne P. Foster P’17 Ashley and Stephen R. Gaddis P’18 Shari and Michael Galvin P’14 Kerri and Josh Glass P’14 Morton L. Goldstein, M.D. P’88 Margaret and Jon Gooch P’24 Audrey Fentress Gorter ’50, P’77 Julie and Jeremy Greshin P’12 Antoinette Sickles Guerrini-Maraldi ’49, P’74 Lee-Ann and Mitchell Harris P’13 Michelle and David Helmin P’19 Catherine and Rogelio R. Henriquez P’91, ’92, ’97, ’03 Laura and George V. Hicks P’10 Constance and C. Hugh Hildesley P’85 Laurie and Robert H. Hine P’16 Boynton Hussey P’84 Judith and Thomas Iovino P’99 Susan Lins Jackson ’66, P’93 Patricia Jaeger P’16 Britt-Marie Cole-Johnson and Craig Johnson P’25 Sarah Johnson ’78, P’10 Lucy Rosenberry Jones ’59, P’80, GP’21 Jacqueline Wright-Jones and Paul Jones P’10 Marguerite and George E. Kelly, Jr. P’93, ’97 Virginia Rice Kelsey ’52, P’77 Anita and Robert Kersten P’11 Lilia and Steven Kieltyka P’10, ’16 James W. Kinnear W’47, P’69, ’71 Adriana and Raymond D. La Raja P’85 Bethany Wood-Leidt and William Leidt P’13 Renee and William C.+ Lickle P’70, ’78, ’79 Josephine and Saverio Ligato P’11 Lorna B. Little and Alonzo Little P’01 David and Nancyrose Logan P’96 Deborah and Scott London P’20 Shayna Cohen Luciani ’93, P’20, ’21 and Mario Luciani P’20, ’21 Laurie J. MacAlpine P’08 Colleen and Robert Magnus P’20 Millicent Fox Mailliard ’46, P’76 Kelly and Sigmund Majka P’19 Jacqueline Mars P’83 Deborah and Geoffrey R. McConnell P’98 Joyce McIntyre P’92 Rose Marie and Philip McLoughlin P’98 Chris and Michael A. McNally P’17 Patricia and Omar Meguid P’17 Rebecca and Terrence Milka P’08 Radikha and Dennis Morris P’19 Kim and Scott Morrison P’20 Lisa and Jeffrey A. Moss P’09 Bettina P. Murray P’88 Patricia and Anthony W. Neidlinger P’00 Daniele and Jacob Ness P’24, ’25 Loida and Ian Nicholson P’14, ’16 Grace and Jeffrey Niland P’15, ’18 Joseph O’Brien and Hilary Waldman P’13 Katharine S. O’Brien P’82, ’84 Louise and Daniel O’Connell P’99 Ann O’Reilly ’80, P’17 Keisha S. Palmer P’18 Crystal Parham P’19 Marion and Guy Paterson P’17, ’19 Amy and Neil Paul P’16, ’18 Elizabeth and Theodore S. Peyton P’81 Letitia McClure Potter ’55, P’85 Nancy Queirolo P’18 Sandra and John Quinlan P’16 Melissa and Thomas Regan P’13 Anne and J. Christopher Reyes P’16 Jeanne Ballentine Riegel ’53, P’83 Susan and David A. Riggles P’18 Kimberly Williams-Rivera and Hector Rivera P’13 Helenmarie Rodgers P’16 Elise and Jerry Rosenstock P’11 Carol and Martin Ross P’18, ’19 Debbie and Bernard Rosselli P’98 Barbara Safford P’81, ’84 Deborah Safford P’81, ’84 Susan and Joseph B. Sappington P’06, GP’24 Philip K. Schenck P’88 Sally Schreier P’81 Randall Schwartz P’10 Suzanne and David H. Schweitzer P’10, ’19 Holly and Donald Shanly P’19 Judith and Thomas H. Shannon P’07 Gail and James Shelton P’12 Steven Shubat P’15 Leslie and Steven Silverman P’15 H. Catherine Skinner P’82 Bessie and Tom Speers P’16 Deborah Bell Spoehel ’75, P’14 Marilyn and Gregory Stent P’19 Beth and Christopher E. Strapp P’18, ’21 Gretchen Swibold P’78 Ann Thornton P’77, ’79 Pat and Jay S. Tourigny P’09 Robin and Daniel P. Towle P’08 Elizabeth Smith van Gemeren ’77, P’07, ’09 Carmen and Pedro Vega P’20 Jennifer Schnabel Wedemeyer ’82, P’16 Leila Howland Wetmore ’82, P’18 and Charles D. Wetmore P’18 Laura Whiteman ’81, P’14 Emily R. Wick P’15 Terese Treman Williams ’55, P’80 Beverly and Gregory Wolf P’20 Emily M. Wood P’85 Richard T. Wright P’86 Dana and Terry Yanaway P’14, ’17 Carol Ferrara-Zarb and Joseph Zarb P’23
Grandparents of Students and Alumnae
Constance Lavino Bell ’48, P’72, ’75, GP’12, ’14 Jean Waller Brune GP’17, ’19 Harriet Blees Dewey ’60, P’86, GP’21 Barbara and Ned W. Edwards GP’07, ’10 Lucy Rosenberry Jones ’59, P’80, GP’21 Mary Mauch GP’22 Pamela Paterson GP’17, ’19 Lorna Sargeant Pfaelzer ’56, GP’20 Nancy and John Sabol GP’20 Susan and Joseph B. Sappington P’06, GP’24 Diane and Jerry Sheldon GP’20, ’23 Susan Speers GP’16 Patricia Sternberg GP’21 Flo Van Cara GP’23