Connections April 2014

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Not one bit. I put together a rather large TV stand which fell apart as I bragged about how awesome I was for putting together a rather large TV stand. — Andre Stokes I was making 7-layer bars for the agency’s Remembrance Ceremony in December and my cookie sheet did not it in my new apartment’s mini-stove. With all of that money invested in the layered ingredients, I was determined to make it work. So I foiled the wide open stove door to make a confectionary oven and sealed the heat. They came out delicious! I remember Mike Lee taking home the 50 extra bars, they were so tasty! — Chris Reybrouck I can ix some things but it’s usually with duct tape, glue, wire or something creative. I ixed my hanging muf ler with a coat hanger but that is the extent of my impressiveness. — Nichole Frank Well it’s not so much a ix-it but my friends make fun of me all the time so I igured I’d share. I got t-boned a while back which caused my windshield wiper luid jug to crack, making it impossible for me to ill it. So instead of getting it ixed I just keep a spray or water bottle in my car to throw on my windshield at red lights. — Mindi Mietlicki I am not handy at ixing things at all! But I’m great at paying professionals to ix things for me! — Terri Shankland One time, I had to clean out a pipe running into a septic tank that was blocked by a tree root. It was a nasty job I hope to never have to repeat. — Joshua McClain I just go to my dad or boyfriend to ix everything. — Lisa Zuppa In my family, I’m considered the ixer upper and I’m pretty good at solving problems having to do with electronics. Years ago, I purchased a small shelf for my TV and VCR (this was way before blue ray). All the pieces it, all screws were used, and as soon as I placed the TV on the stand it swayed sideways. It never came apart though, so I placed the VCR on the bottom shelf and told my husband that as long as he didn’t move it everything would be ok. — Jacqueline Dixon

3 Facts and 1 Lie can you spot the fib? In space, astronauts cannot cry because there is no gravity, so the tears can’t flow. The stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks or it will digest itself. Maine is the only state that borders with only one other state and whose name is just one syllable. You have the same amount of bones in your body as an adult as you had when you were born. Answer: #4 is the lie. A baby is born with over 300 bones; an adult has just over 200. - Kimberly Harding

APRIL Birthdays

John Owens – April 1 Michele Sczerbaniewicz – April 6 Laurie Matson – April 7 Dale Kingston – April 7 Roy Golia – April 10 Kelly Craig – April 11 Bailey Fanning – April 14 Dennis McClain – April 15 Maria LoTempio – April 17 Kimberly Harding – April 23 Marielena Camacho – April 25 Susan Malyszka – April 28 Jamie Keuck – April 29 Cathy Alvarez – April 30


Lisa Zuppa – 2 years Jacquelyn Dixon – 2 years Benne Evere – 2 years Elise Lesakowski – 2 years Tiffany Macauley – 3 years Lisa Schult – 3 years Michael Hamann – 7 years Mathew John Pasquarella – 11 years Kathy Oczek – 14 years

Your Con nued Dedica on and Hard Work Are No ced and Appreciated - Management Team

connections APRIL 2014 PUBLISHER/LAYOUT John Carocci EDITOR Kimberly Harding CONTRIBUTORS Sheila Marcheson, Christopher Miller Brendan Orrange, Lindsay Zasada

I would be on Let’s Make a Deal. — Mindi Mietlicki Wheel of Fortune. — Lisa Zuppa Price is Right. I could play Plinko like none other! — Chris Reybrouck If I could be on any game show, it would be Deal or No Deal. — Terri Shankland The Amazing Race. — Maisha Drayton If I could be on a TV game show, it would have to be Wipeout. — Nichole Frank Wipeout (Although, is that show even still on?) — Joshua McClain My husband hates grocery shopping with me because I comparison shop, so I’d like to bring back Supermarket Sweep (thanks Tom O.) I’d do very well in that show. — Jackie Dixon Wheel of Fortune. — Amajaraya Hunter I want to go on Family Feud... and Evergreen needs to have its own reality TV show. — Cord Stone Wipeout. — Andre Stokes Fun House. I had a major league crush on the host, JD Roth. Or Legends of the Hidden Temple. Maybe Legends of the Hidden Temple with new host, JD Roth. — Brian Planty Not The Price is Right because if someone bid one dollar more than me in Contestant’s Row I’d choke them. I think I’d choose Battle of the Network Stars. You’re going down, Erik Estrada! — John Carocci

With all the emphasis on healthy living, it may be refreshing to know you have access to a group dental plan that helps you and your family maintain an oral health regimen with the savings you need, the flexibility you want, and service you can count on. With the MetLife Preferred Dentist Program (PDP) you can visit the dentist of your choice – an “in-network” dentist (a participating MetLife PDP dentist) or an “out-of-network” dentist. Plan benefits for in-network services are based on the percentage of the PDP fee (MetLife’s negotiated fees that PDP dentists have agreed to accept as payment in full). Plan benefits for out-of-network services are based on a percentage of the Reasonable and Customary (R&C) charge. If you choose a dentist who does not participate in the MetLife PDP, your out-of-pocket expenses may be higher, since you will be responsible for covering any difference between the dentist’s fee and your plan’s payment for the approved services. You can locate a participating PDP dentist at www. You can also check the status of your claims, access MetLife’s Oral Health Library, and get a more detailed explanation of your dental benefits at this website. Register today... it’s easy!


/mybenefits for more information

If you encounter a disturbance, remain calm. Tell the person that “Mr. Webber” can help them with their problem. Contact the nearest staff member person and ask them to bring Mr. Webber immediately, or use the telephone paging system to call for Mr. Webber. To call Mr. Webber via an all page, dial # then 0 on the phone, and ask Mr. Webber to report immediately to the area where the disturbance is occurring. Be sure to speak loud enough, clear enough, and repeat the request two mes. If you remove yourself from the situa on, no fy a supervisor or nearby director. The supervisor or director will handle the situa on as they see fit. Only the designated staff trained to take ac on are to respond to a call for Mr. Webber. These people are specially trained and each has a different duty — Lead, Secure, Record, and Communicate. The response team leader will ask intruders to state their business. If they do not do so, they will be told, “you are trespassing on private property. Please leave and do not come back. We will call the police.” If the intruder does not leave, the response team leader will then direct the

communica ons team member to call the police and security. A er the response has been completed, the communica ons team member will issue a post Mr. Webber page, “Mr. Webber, please return to your office”, indica ng that the situa on is now under control. The communica ons team member will also email all staff aler ng them that the incident has been resolved. 911 should be called when there is a medical emergency or for major safety issues where weapons of any kind are involved. If weapons of any kind are involved, remove yourself to a safe/secure loca on, call 911, and no fy the nearest supervisor so they may discreetly no fy others to do the same. A er calling 911, no fy execu ve coordinators/switchboard immediately if possible, and email management team no fying them of the situa on. Note that in a medical emergency, Evergreen Medical Group cannot treat unless the vic m is a registered pa ent. Remember that your safety ALWAYS comes first. Follow your gut. Remove yourself to a safe and secure place if necessary. C

B U D D I E S / PA L S / F R I E N D

The thing I love the most about this agency is that we are all friends, and more so almost a family. I love our Community and Resource Development Suite. We are a well-oiled machine and make a great team. We celebrate each other’s successes and can always be there to help each other out when things are very busy. I am honored to work alongside Kathy, Justin, Theresa, Susan, John, Lindsay and Brendan every day! They are truly great professionals who give their best to our collective team goals and objectives to help our programs and services be the best that they can be! Love you guys! — Chris Reybrouck My best friend at the agency is Bridget McClain. She is the most thoughtful and kindhearted person I know. She will drop whatever she is doing to help anyone that needs it. — Terri Shankland My best friend at work is no secret: Cathy Alvarez (currently out on maternity leave). We started within two weeks of one another, and were hired to be teammates and co-facilitators. She is one the strongest, funniest, honest, most sincere people I know, and is exactly who you want as a friend. She accepts me for the crazy person I am, but still has enough love to gently correct me when I need it. Our families have become one (I’m her son’s Godmother) and we spend every Thanksgiving together. She is my sister. I love her. — Maisha Drayton I am lucky enough to have 3 best friends in the agency. Kaitlyn Cieri because she always makes me laugh, and I know I can always go to her when I am stressed out with clients. Krista Fenske because she is the strongest woman I know with an amazing heart, and Nicole Coonly because she is fun, caring, easy going, and always ready to go out and have a good time. — Mindi Mi-

etlicki I’ve made several best friends at Evergreen, all who I love very very much and must include: Cortney Anderson because he always makes me laugh, Andre Stokes because he always brings me breakfast, Shannon Bryant, Richard Smiley because he always gets me “turned up”, Cathy Alvarez, Jerome Robinson because he always gives me money (checks, lol), Michael Lee because his laugh and smile are priceless, James DeGarmo I’m sure he made everyone’s list lol, Maisha Drayton, Justin Azzarella, Theresa Woehrel, Lolita Small, Cecil Sutton, Ashley Roberts, Samantha Gaerte, Michelle Santos, Johanna Aponte, Ezekiel Goodwin, Seth Girod, Kelly Craig and Bennett Everett; however, Keisha Leavy is my #1 ACE, BFF at work because she always gives me chocolate and hugs when I need it, she’s the BEST!!! — Michele Ogden Margie Hunter is my BFF at the agency…we started as Care Coordinators on the same day and have been friends ever since. She is a good person to ask questions and have lunch with. We listen to the same music and like the same adult beverages… plus she makes me feel tall, even though I’m not. Thanks for not being a jerk Margie. Johanna Aponte is also my BFF here at Evergreen, she makes the office better with her smile and keeps everyone in line. On stressful days, Johanna can make light of any situation, which is a valuable trait. Thanks for not being a jerk Jo-Jo. — Melissa LaCount I have two work BFFs, Johanna Aponte and Melissa LaCount. Melissa and I were in orientation together and have been kinda stuck at the hip since then. Johanna has been as sweet as pie since my first day here, so I decided, “Oh, hey, let’s be friends”, lol. I love that Melissa is my go-to person for snacks and has a

great sense of humor. I love that Johanna is always smiling and jolly even on her bad days. I also love our trio lunch dates. — Margie Hunter I would have to say that I have two best friends at the Southern Tier office. Sue Fiedler and Rich Fleurant. Sue because she is just so easy to talk to and understanding. With Rich, I call him the King of BFF’s. He is my encourager and my voice of reason. Rich gives really great advice and often comes in my office at the precise time that I need that reasoning voice. The one that says “look at it this way” and he always makes things seem better. I love both my work BFF’s. but I also want to say that everyone in this office is great. I love them all for their own reasons. Sally Burns is like my work mom. She’s the one I would go to if I needed that motherly hug. Tom is like my co-conspirator (we talk about absolutely everything; things we would never talk to others about). Carolee Corbit — man I just love Carolee. She is always so cheerful no matter what. Kim — that is one very classy woman there! Courtney Rhines is the one to look up to as a work role-model. She is so good at her job. When Courtney says that I’ve done a good job, that’s when I feel good! Laurie Matson is truly the best supervisor I have ever worked for. She has a way of empowering, encouraging but has those strong boundaries and expectations as well. Richard Baer is the other OES and together we are a fearless team out to enroll as many clients we can in our southern tier region! Our 2 new people Ally and Jim — they are coming in here like they have always been a part of us. They fit right into this puzzle that is the Sothern Tier office and the Southern Tier office is an amazing place to work. — Nichole Frank

D S / A M I G O S / C R O N I E S / B F F s / PA R T N E R S I N C R I M E / M AT E S / C H U M S / C O H O R T S

“we’re only human”

IT NEWS the IT Department is going to roll out a new ticketing system to help streamline the way you let us know about tech problems. It is called ZenDesk and can be accessed at If you would like a member of the IT Department to stop by your desk and add a shortcut to your desktop, please feel free to contact us.  This new system allows you to explain what is wrong with your computer and send a message to all the members of the IT Department. The procedure is fairly straightforward and easy to use. It is more fully described in the .pdf attached to the Connetions e-mail.  When you navigate to the website, you will be asked to input your name and email address as well as a brief overview of the issue you are having. This is an instance where as much information as possible about the problem is greatly helpful. Attempt to include what you were doing before the issue began, has this happened before, what exactly has happened. You will then submit the issue. Within a few seconds, you will receive an email from ZenDesk that will contain a link to verify that you are a real person. Click the link and you should be all set.  This system has several advantages. It allows the IT staff to track issues and resolutions. We are also then able to see if there is a larger problem developing or if the issues are stand-alone. Most importantly, it will allow the IT staff to help you faster and more efficiently. As always, please feel free to contact your friendly neighborhood IT staff for any help or questions! - Brendan Orrange

Printing is sometimes more complicated than printing the latest Business Cat meme for your cubicle. (See #1) Most times, printing involves more than just hitting print! Here are a few tips and tricks to help make printing easier. You can click File>Print or use the keyboard shortcut by pressing Ctrl & P at the same time. Either one will bring up the Print Screen! (See #2). This screen contains the printer you’ve selected to print to, the page range, the number of copies and SO MUCH MORE! First, let’s tackle the printer selection, located at the top of this screen. (See #3) If you click the little down arrow to the right of ‘Printer Name’ you get a drop down of all the printers that your computer is connected to. Before you print, make sure the printer you want to handle your print job is selected. I have so many printers installed on my PC that it’s easy to overlook that a different printer than what I desire is selected. So, while I’m cursing the printer on the 5th floor for not printing out 5 copies of my 50-page grant, those 5 copies could be actually be sitting on the Administration copier (ADMIN_COPIER) because I didn’t double check which printer was selected before I clicked OK! If the printer you desire isn’t connected to your PC, don’t hesitate to contact IT and we’ll hook you up!

On this same screen, page range and copies are also important to consider. (See #4) Page range is set to ‘All’ as its default, but what if you only need to print page 33 out of a 99 page PDF? Or, pages 1 and 4 of a 10 page paper? Easy, with Page Range! You can select current page which will only print the page that you’re currently viewing, or you can select ‘pages’ and enter any range of pages into the field to the right. (ex. 1,4,6-12 is acceptable which will print page 1, page 4 and pages 6 through 12. Give it a try!) The ‘copies’ selection determines how many copies of the page range you will print. The check box next to ‘collate’ determines the order of pages, if you print more than one copy. Check the box to print each document from start to finish each time, or uncheck it to print each page 1 together, each page 2 together, etc until the end of the job. The previous options are child’s-play compared to the wealth of options you can find in the ‘properties’ screen! Click the ‘properties’ button to the right of the printer selection field to bring up the properties screen. Here there are several different tabs that can be useful to you. (See #5) (Note: This screen is specific to the printer that you selected in the printer selection field on the previous screen. Each Copier has different options – some

print in color, some in B&W, some have binding capabilities, some don’t.) Here in the basic tab, you can select the orientation – portrait or landscape; paper size – for printing larger posters, or for printing on envelopes; paper tray – for loading large paper for posters or envelopes into the bypass tray; and contains a handy ‘default’ button if you change all the settings and can’t remember what they were originally set to. Next is the layout tab (See #6). Here you can choose to print multiple pages of your document all on 1 page, with the combination setting. Just click the check box next to ‘combination’ and explore the drop down menu options for combining several pages onto one page. Under ‘print type’ is where you select 2-sided (or double-sided) printing. Some copiers have the ability to bind your document with a spiral binder, although not many of the machines in the agency are capable of this. Under the ‘finish’ tab, you can also find options to 3-hole punch or staple your document for you! All of these options are great time savers and can help rid your work day of frustration due to printing. If you’re still unsure of how to print after poking around in the print option screens, or need some extra assistance, don’t hesitate to email Lindsay or Brendan for some Printing101 time. We’re happy to help. Happy Printing!

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