January 2019 Connections

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Stone is Director of Community Impact

This is a big job, and it won't always be easy. Cord

at Evergreen, a new position designed

admits there will be bumps in the road. "There are

to improve the power and voice of the organization's

challenges," he said. "For example, in some communities

services, outreach and collaborations. "My job is to ensure

Evergreen still has the stigma of being only an AIDS

the interconnectedness of all of the programs and services

organization. We have to work hard to correct outdated

of the Evergreen Association and its affiliates (Evergreen

perceptions of who we are and what we do."

Health, the Pride Center of Western New York and

Community Access Services), internally and externally."

organization, and his new position allows him to be

Externally, Cord advocates for the organization

involved in multiple projects and see the big picture.

through conversations about the harm reduction

"I like including the community in my work and in my

philosophy and our specialty services (HIV, HCV

conversations," said Cord. "I like seeing the affiliates

and PrEP). Cord also makes sure key populations

strengthen their connections. And, I like being able

(communities of color, LGBT) that are too often

to give back to my former centers, departments and

marginalized are a part of the conversation.


Internally, Cord encourages staff participation

through one-on-one conversations about how we can all

2019: the Communities of Color Resource Group and the

have a greater impact within our respective programs and

Outreach Group. "The Communities of Color Resource

centers. He will also encourage patients to help us identify

Group will be a safe space for staff of color and allies to

areas of strength as well as those in need of improvement.

talk frankly about experiences, perceptions and feelings

"Patients will be able to participate in advisory groups

they have, internally or externally, and how they relate

that focus on a specific area or aspect of the agency," said

to the Evergreen Association," said Cord. "The goal of

Cord. "They'll be actively involved in helping to make

this group will be to listen, learn and provide support,

change within the agency while utilizing our services."

recommendations and action steps to help promote

Cord has played a variety of roles throughout the

Cord already has two new initiatives planned for

"I like seeing the affiliates strengthen their connections" change that considers underrepresented populations.

degree in public administration. After graduation he

Additionally, it will be to hold ourselves, the Diversity

was a mental health specialist for Baker Victory Services

and Inclusion Council and the Association accountable

and a records clerk at the Erie County Holding Center.

regarding areas of need." The Outreach Group will provide

He joined Evergreen seven years ago as the Corrections

support, collaboration and development opportunities

Services Specialist. He was the Correctional Services

to all staff who engage in outreach to the community.

Coordinator, Director of Behavioral Health, Senior

This includes staff who provide direct services as well

Director of Community Access Services, Executive

as those who engage and recruit patients outside of the

Director of Community Access Services and now

office. The end goal is to maximize program outcomes.

Director of Community Impact.

"Ideally, the Outreach Group will lead to an increase in

collaboration among staff and a higher level of knowledge


about the agency's programs and services, including harm

and organizational performance, and ensure equity,

reduction, HIV, HCV and PrEP," said Cord. "Both groups

accessibility and voice for those who are underserved,"

are planning to start in January of 2019," said Cord. "Keep

said Cord. "All my hobbies, interests and moves are based

a look out on the Intranet and in Connections!"

on this mission." And the future? "I'm looking forward

Cord earned his bachelor's degree in criminal justice

to working with all of you. I plan to meet with you all at

and sociology with a concentration in child, family

some point individually, however, if an idea, feedback or

and community studies. He went on to earn a master's

information comes up just let me know."

"My personal mission is to reduce health and disparities,





Congratulations to Rose Serrano who completed her associate degree in business.

I completed my associate degree in business back in May. Now I can sleep well until January (I'm going for my bachelors next). - Rose Serrano A Earning my LMHC. Thank you SVG + RW. - Andon Ticco A 2018 was a great year for me. The top three are: I was finally healthier after a difficult 2017, my daughter and step-son both got the “grown-up” jobs they wanted, and I got a promotion here. Out of those, the only one that's really my achievement is my promotion. I’m finally doing a job that I trained for, and I love it! - Susan Buck

2018 was a significant year for me, and definitely one

my phone number on LinkedIn, so I was confused and

for the books. We often watch or hear amazing stories

totally freaking out. I logged into LinkedIn immediately.

about people’s lives. I never imagined that I would have

There was a message from the gentleman who added

an amazing story of my own to tell. When I was young

me the night before, entitled “I finally found you”. The

my mom shared many of her life experiences with me,

message said he has a photo of us together as infants.

including why she had to leave my birth father and why

He shared his name, my mom’s name, our father’s name

he wasn't involved in my life. I won't share the details,

and how he found him almost one year to the day of

but she mentioned that I had a brother who was exactly

finding me! After completely losing it, I regained my

three and a half weeks younger than me. That was the

composure and decided that there may be some truth

only information about him that I had. Some time ago

to this. We texted each other, and by that evening we

I did some research. I learned my father’s name and

had FaceTimed as well. I found out I have a sister that I

began to search for him. The search was unsuccessful,

hadn't known about. Turns out we look a lot alike!

and I thought that if I couldn't find my father I wouldn't

be able to find my brother.

having something to be thankful for. I could go on

forever if I shared every detail of the story, but I will

Fast forward to this year.

All of this, the week of Thanksgiving — talk about

11/19/18 — I had an inclination, a strong urge to create

share that the week after Thanksgiving, my brother

a LinkedIn account, so I did. I told myself to keep it

and his wife flew me to North Carolina for a reunion.

simple for now, not too many details, and I'd return

On top of that, my sister was flying in at the same time

to update it later. 11/20/18 — I received a connection

and had no clue that I'd be there. I was the surprise!

request from a gentleman from North Carolina. I

From the long overdue reunion, to the long overdue

didn’t think anything of it at the time, after all this is

introductions, to the fellowship and overall experience,

just a networking app, right? 11/21/18 — I received a

I have no words to express my gratitude. To think that

text message from a random phone number asking if

if I hadn't created that LinkedIn profile, I'm not sure he

I got their message on LinkedIn. I had never posted

would have found me.

— Tiffany Valentin


avier Washington is the Medical

We also do STI screening and check some organ functioning.

Technician in Evergreen's Sexual Health

For patients this means getting tested more often and being

and Testing program, working with the

linked to services much quicker." The program also provides

agency's PrEP and anoscopy patients. "I

emergency non-occupational Post-Exposure Prophylaxes

spend a majority of the week working

(PEP) for individuals who may have been exposed to HIV.

with PrEP folks," said Xavier. "This includes getting them

"For PEP to be effective the patient should start on the

checked in for their visits, completing a medical history,

medication ASAP," said Xavier. "Ideally within 36 hours of

grabbing vitals, blood work they may need and any other

exposure. They also need to take the medication without

support the providers may need. I also link patients to

missed doses for 28 days."

other services within the agency, work with medical records

and order supplies. For our anoscopy program I support

anyone in need, and we have a team onsite to help patients

the providers during the procedures and do all the pre-

apply for health insurance coverage the same day.

prep planning of appointments including scheduling and

obtaining medical records. In my downtime I support the

anal health," said Xavier. "The focus is on monitoring for pre-

health screening nurses in our walk-in clinic. My work day

cancerous cells caused by HPV. For patients this is important

usually starts with coffee!"

because, let’s face it, that “C� word scares anyone. We monitor

for these changes before they get to the cancerous stage."

Xavier plays a large role in the success of the PrEP and

Xavier notes that Evergreen provides these services to

"Our anoscopy program screens for anything related to

anoscopy programs, both of which are critical to the health

Xavier loves his job, and working with patients. But he

of our community. "Through our PrEP program we get

also admits there are challenges. "It can be difficult managing

patients started on a medication that, if taken as prescribed,

so many different patient personalities in one day," he said.

can protect them up to 99% from contracting HIV," he said.

"Especially if you're having a bad day yourself. We have to

"For our patients this is huge! PrEP is still pretty new so

be here for patients and smile without letting them know

we spend a lot of time educating patients and getting them

anything is wrong. It can be tough at times."

started on the medication ASAP. PrEP allows them to live

their lives without the worry of contracting a lifelong virus.

satisfaction I get from work is knowing that we've changed a

These challenges come with rewards, as well. "The biggest

patient’s life in some way," said Xavier. "It might be getting

but chemistry was the death of me and that dream was soon

them started on vital medications, linking them to services,

over." Xavier switched to criminal justice. "I still loved science

or just putting a smile on their face. I've found that patients

but law was catching my attention. Then I changed majors

will be honest with you about the quality of care they are

again to focus on nursing. It took me a while to figure out my

receiving. If you're doing well they will let you know, which is

calling but at least I found it!"

nice to hear."

As the need in the community grows, so do our

and healthcare since the age of 18. "I wanted to join the team

programs and services. "I believe both the PrEP and anoscopy

at Evergreen for years before I was hired. I went to Hutch-

programs will continue to grow," said Xavier. "The need for

Tech High School, which is right across the street from us and

these services will never go away. Unfortunately, for various

I was always interested in what they did there. As I got older I

reasons, the majority of primary care offices don't prescribe

realized that a lot of my friends worked for the organization.

PrEP. We're one of only a handful of providers offering this

I heard nothing but positive things about the agency from

service. Our anoscopy program is even more rare. We're one

employees and patients. I knew this was the place I wanted

of only two providers in Western New York. If you don't live

to be. I interviewed three times before I was hired. My goal

in a larger state or city these services may not be available to

was to work here and I wasn't giving up until it happened. I'm

you. We often get calls from people living in Canada wanting

very blessed that Matthew Crehan-Higgins hired me at the

to come here for these services because they don't have access

Pride Center and opened up so many doors for me."

to them where they live. This is sad, because as we know with

cancer, the earlier the detection the better."

world," he said. "Often times identifying as LGBTQ means

Xavier was born and raised in Buffalo. "I've been

your friends are your family. I am so grateful to have them. I

fascinated with science ever since I can remember," he said.

have a cat who is also my world. He's an orange tabby and I've

Xavier majored in biomedical technology in high school. "At

had him since he was a kitten. He's five years old now." Xavier

that point I had no clue which career path I wanted to take,

enjoys cooking, gardening, video games and any outdoor

but I knew it had to be science related. I went to Canisius

activities. "Especially camping, which I know conflicts with

College for a year for pre-medicine with a focus in biology,

my love of video games!"

Xavier has worked in customer care since the age of 16,

Xavier is particularly close to his father. "He is my


Kim Brown has been chosen as the December 2019 BN360 Spotlight Professional. Spotlight Professionals are nominated and selected based on their professional motivation and successes, as well as their engagement in and commitment to the Buffalo Niagara region. Each year twelve young professionals are chosen as a Spotlight Professional. Congratulations, Kim!

Clockwise from upper left: Baby Ida enjoys her first sn

poses with their HMIS award from the Homeless Al

Team Evergreen was very well represented at the N

Epidemic summit in Albany (three pics). Proud mom

now with mom Sam Gaerte. Evergreen's Housing team

lliance of Western New York — great job, everyone!

New York State Department of Health's Ending the

m Amy Usiak shared this photo of Finn and his lizard.

The Care Coordination program mixed a bit of holiday fun with their competitive spirit for a special holiday themed door decorating contest. Shown on these pages are some of the doors from the Mathews Building, Elmwood Avenue and Bailey Avenue locations. The doors featured lots of bright paper, shiny garland and a few imaginative surprises, and the Evergreen Door Wars of 2018 were a delight for everyone involved. Kudos to our Care Coordinators, and special thanks to Teresa Lee for the Bailey Avenue photos.

The Buffalo Niagara Partnership (BNP) paid a vis photos will be used by BNP for BN360 marketing

professionals in Western New York. They're also a gr

in the community. Once again, to nobody's surprise

sit to Evergreen recently for a photo shoot. These pieces, which highlight the achievements of young

reat opportunity to show how Evergreen is involved

e, Evergreen staff shines bright!

Birthdays Jennifer Colon....................... January 1 Mustafa Abucar..................... January 1 Ann Breidenstein.................. January 1 Linda Scalise......................... January 2 Ventenese Hollins.................. January 3 Lorraine Cullis...................... January 3 Phillip Aris............................ January 4 Ronda Ivory.......................... January 5 James Thompson................... January 5 Andon Ticco.......................... January 5 Josh Matecki......................... January 6 Alecia Klein........................... January 7 Diamond Slaughter................ January 7 Tamara Strong....................... January 8 Tracy Eichelberger................ January 8 Johnathan Butler................... January 10 Christina Monroy.................. January 10 Natalie Gerdy........................ January 11 Glendalisse Vargas................. January 12 Richard Smiley...................... January 17 Jennifer Latimer.................... January 18 Murray Wire.......................... January 20 Samantha Gaerte................... January 21 Ricardo Quiros...................... January 21 Jessie Dorman....................... January 22 DeAirra Burroughs-Moore...... January 23 Annette Pabon...................... January 24 Jamie Major.......................... January 28 Gianna Puckett...................... January 30 James DeGarmo.................... January 31 Lindsey Kelly......................... January 31 Wanda Gonzalez.................... January 31

Anniversaries Ginger Smith................................ 1 year Ronda Ivory................................. 1 year Yolanda Sims................................ 1 year Joseph Osborne............................ 1 year

Did you know that your manager has been enrolled into a training program created specifically to help them improve their skills? This program currently has over 70 participants and is providing all managers with tools and resources to help increase their overall performance. Be sure to high five your manager for taking time to participate in this program! Evergreen Association employees are our greatest asset and we are committed to helping you succeed! Kudos to Andrew and Julie (left) who have already completed the training program.

Kimberly Johnson......................... 1 year Edward Wedlington...................... 1 year Kristen O'Connor.......................... 1 year Heidi Buesink............................... 1 year Kadie Desbordes........................... 2 years Katherine Mego............................ 2 years Rachel Voelkle-Kuhlmann............. 2 years Kimberly Clarke........................... 2 years Jessica Schanne............................ 2 years Rachel Parrino............................. 2 years Christopher Banks........................ 2 years Megan Bhatti................................ 3 years Brianna Barrett............................ 3 years Garrett Dicembre......................... 3 years Stephanie Mineo.......................... 3 years Tyrell King................................... 3 years Antione Reese.............................. 3 years Jillian Fanning.............................. 3 years Jeffrey Santiago............................ 4 years Carly Casali.................................. 4 years Grant Rogers................................ 4 years Salvatore Sciandra........................ 4 years Harold Colburn............................ 4 years Rebekah Bongiorno...................... 4 years Heather Maloney.......................... 4 years Lavine Hatten............................... 6 years Anna Ihle..................................... 6 years Magali Maldonado........................ 6 years Andrew Kiener............................. 8 years Victoria De Leon........................... 8 years Nichole Frank.............................. 10 years Damian Mordecai......................... 10 years Andrew Mattle............................. 11 years Kevin Bidtah................................ 19 years Cheryl Brunetti............................ 19 years

congratulations and thank you to everyone!

Everyone who received a High Five between 11|17 and 12|14

A Antione Reese

A Kristen O’Connor

A David Setlock

A LeAnna Shanks

A Ian Schunk

A Lori Anthony

A Ileana Hernandez

A Marielena Camacho

A James Gerwitz

A Mayerling Garofalo

A Jason Rein

A Melissa Delgado

A Jeffrey Santiago

A Rich Fleurant

A Jillian Fanning

A Robert Smith

A Joleen Rodriguez

A Teresa Lane

A Josh Matecki

A Xavier Washington

A Kimberly Harding

World AIDS Day Event Raised Nearly $3,000 for Outreach Uganda!

Marcia Derby sent us these photos of the Southern Tier's holiday celebration. "Our week kicked off with a cookie exchange. By the end of the week we were all sugared up and ready for the holiday luncheon. Staff from Care Coordination, SEP and the clinic were in attendance. There was even a special appearance from Matthew and Michael all the way from Buffalo (they told us they're coming back next year)." Marcia and her crew did a great job planning the festivities and taking photos!

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