Connections September 2018

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vergreen Health was founded by volunteers,

They were recruited, trained and cultivated. Rachel Voelkle-

and volunteers have played an essential role

Kuhlmann, Evergreen's Volunteer & Events Coordinator, is

in our success ever since. You'll see them at

a big part of our volunteer program's continued success. She

AIDS Walk, grilling up burgers and hot dogs

oversees the volunteers and helps organize and plan special

for hungry walkers. You'll see them at Pride events, selling

events. Rachel came to Evergreen with a good amount of

food tickets or directing traffic. You'll see them at Dining

experience under her belt. "I worked at Lifelong," she said, "an

Out For Life, welcoming guests and representing Evergreen

AIDS service organization in Seattle. When my husband and

to the community. Our corps of more than 500 enthusiastic

I moved back to Buffalo in 2015 we wanted to get involved in

volunteers didn't just spring into existence, ready to work.

the community. I knew about Dining Out For Life because

I'd been a DOFL ambassador in Seattle. I reached out to Rob

"Rachel has been such a fantastic addition to the

(Baird, Director of Fundraising & Events) and became an

Fundraising & Events team," notes Rob Baird. "She embodies

ambassador here. Rob knew I'd worked on the Seattle AIDS

the Evergreen spirit every single day. Her ability to connect

Walk so he asked me to join the AIDS Walk Buffalo committee,

with patients, volunteers, fellow employees and community

which was an incredible honor. When the Volunteer & Events

partners is amazing to see."

Coordinator position opened, I applied immediately knowing

it would be my dream job. And it is!"

Marilla and attended Iroquois High School, then studied

Rachel's passion for her work is apparent. "I get to see the

sociology/anthropology at Denison University in Ohio.

best in humanity on a daily basis. When I check my email I

After graduation she moved to Seattle. "I completed a year of

always have someone asking how they can get involved. When

service with Lutheran Volunteer Corps in Seattle. I was placed

I look out on one of our events, I see our community coming

at Lifelong, and when my year was up they hired me." Rachel

together to make the world a better place." Rachel's passion is

worked with Lifelong's Chicken Soup Brigade food program,

matched only by her attention to detail and flexibility, both

where she coordinated weekly delivery of customized meals

of which are essential in this work. "I love to envision what an

and groceries to more than 1,000 individuals in the Puget

event could be and put together the steps to make it a reality."

Sound area. "I've been working at non-profits ever since!"

But she admits the dream doesn't always come 100 percent

true. "Events are filled with many, many fine details. No matter

ham of a Boston Terrier, Dexter". And as the Marketing &

how prepared you are, something can always come up at an

Events team knows, she loves to bake – especially chocolate

event and you have to roll with it."

chip cookies. "In my spare time I love to cook, craft, eat donuts

As Rachel's job immerses her in "Evergreen Culture" both

(check out @donutqueencity on Instagram to follow her donut

internally and externally, it's no surprise that our mission

journey) and volunteer my time at other non-profits." She

and work environment resonate. "It's amazing," she said. "I'm

recently joined the Next Generation United Advisory Board at

deeply grateful to work for an organization that is so patient-

the United Way of Buffalo and Erie County. And if you think

focused, and which prioritizes making every person who

maybe you've seen her in two places at the same time, "my

interacts with our agency feel welcomed and acknowledged. I

amazing sister Lauren works in IS here at Evergreen. We're not

appreciate waking up every morning excited to come to work."

twins but we certainly look alike."

Rachel is a native Western New Yorker. She grew up in

Rachel and her husband live in North Buffalo with "our


My favorite back to school memory is knowing that I would be meeting a new teacher. — Magali Maldonado x My school hired a new principal who was very strict, and who instituted a new dress code. I had a recurring dream in the weeks leading up to the start of the school year, which was actually more like a nightmare, where everyone was dressed the same walking to and from class and opening their lockers at the same time, going through the motions like automated machines stripped of their identity and individuality. — Jacob Perrello x My least favorite back to school memory was the bed time change. That half hour difference truly mattered! — Kim Brown x I loved how fall meant a fresh start. It's been a long time since I've been in school but I still think of fall as the beginning and spring as the end. — John Carocci x My least favorite school memory was the anxiety of wondering if I would fit in. I wasn’t best dressed so I felt out of place. My favorite memory was seeing who my teachers were for the new year. — Dawn Trotter

Evergreen's brand new Fun Collective (FunC) held its very first event in August. FunC members surprised Evergreen staff with a variety of healthy snacks, providing a quick mid-afternoon energy boost. Each treat was delivered with sincere thanks for all of the great work you do every day for our patients, co-workers and community. Watch for information about upcoming FunC events in future issues of Connections. And, if you're interested in getting involved with FunC, the next meeting will be held on September 25 from 1 - 2 p.m. at Evergreen Commons. Email Jocelyn Leising, Training Support Assistant, if you'd like to attend. Connections

The Diversity & Inclusion Council’s Kupatana Celebration will be held on October 24th, 2018. Kupatana is Swahili for harmony. It has come to mean a celebration or peaceful gathering. Stop by the Staff Lounge to enjoy foods from many cultures, hear music and learn more about your coworkers! | Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15th to October 15th. It also corresponds with Mexican Independence Day that recognizes the revolution in 1810 that ended Spanish dictatorship.



Abby Depczynski Ada Acevedo Amanda Thornton Andrea Ace Bianca Morris Brian Orlikowski Brianna Cabrera Brittany Hesson Cherelle King Cristina Salcedo-Postell Dave Setlock Eli Jimerson Eva Baez Garrett Diciembre Gianna Puckett Gloria Kornowski Gregory Fulgham Helene Cacciato Jacob Perello James Gerwitz Jason Rein


Jeanna Portera Jeffery Santiago Jenna Raphael Jennifer Latimer Jerome Robinson Josh Matecki Kadie Desbordes Kate Walker Kristen Bechdel LeAnna Shanks Leslie Anderson Liza Pereira Maria Cruz Matthew Edson Roosevelt Terry Rose Serrano Teresa Lee Tiffani Williams Tiffany Valentin Ventenese Hollins Xavier Washington

Birthdays Ada Acevedo......................September 2 Mark Wolf.........................September 3 Aaron Patterson................September 3 Erika Szymanski................September 4 Brittany Carbone...............September 6 Tamarie Novo....................September 8 Tatesha Russell..................September 9 Bridget McClain.................September 10 Maria Marchinda...............September 10 Brianna Barrett.................September 10 Michael Lee......................September 10 Stephanie Mineo...............September 10 Abby Depczynski...............September 11 Amanda Thornton.............September 14 Kimberly Lombard............September 15 Fatai Gbadamosi................September 16 Jessica Lehner...................September 17 Julie Vaughan....................September 17 Robert Baird......................September 18 Nicole Mitchell..................September 19 Jason Rein.........................September 20 Shannon Bryant.................September 20 Leslie Anderson................September 20 Jennifer DeMarsh..............September 22 Julie Falk...........................September 22 Shondra Brown.................September 23 Ivette Chavez-Gonzalez......September 24 Rebecca Wedgewood..........September 24 Alexandria Clayborne........September 25 Dana McHale....................September 25 Deion Simmons.................September 26 Tiffany Valentin.................September 27 Garrett Dicembre..............September 28 Amy Peterson....................September 29 Teresa Lane.......................September 29

Anniversaries We're excited to announce Evergreen University is getting a makeover! Starting on September 8, 2018 there will be several improvements to the current layout. Here's what you should know. Upon logging into Evergreen University, you'll be prompted to watch a brief informational video which will guide you through the improved user navigation on the site. The tabs currently found across the top of the site will instead be

Mariel Walsh................................ 1 year Leanna Shanks............................. 1 year Tiffany Valentin............................ 1 year DeAirra Burroughs-Moore............. 1 year Kathleen Crissey........................... 1 year Arlene Andrade............................ 1 year Nancy Colon................................. 1 year Shawn Jenner............................... 1 year Sharee Harris............................... 1 year Susan Vanderwerf......................... 2 years Gerrod Bennett............................. 2 years Christina Mihalitsas...................... 2 years Natalie Jackson............................. 2 years

located along the left side panel. The rest of the

Melissa Nagro............................... 2 years

navigation will stay the same. You'll access your

Dawn Ganoe................................. 3 years

Liz Miller..................................... 3 years

learning, transcript and certificates the same

Teresa Lane.................................. 3 years

way you have in the past. The training team

Matthew Crehan Higgins............... 4 years

wants to ensure that you feel fully prepared for this change. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Jocelyn Leising.

Linda Colburn.............................. 3 years Richard Fleurant.......................... 5 years Thomas O'Kell.............................. 5 years Ashley Kuss.................................. 6 years Krista Orrange.............................. 6 years Tracy Eichelberger....................... 7 years Shari DeMarco............................. 10 years Keisha Leavy................................ 13 years Fatai Gbadamosi........................... 13 years Susan Fiedler............................... 14 years Gary Williams.............................. 20 years Kimberly Lombard....................... 26 years

by David Haefner, Esq.


oday, with the development of a sophisticated

is important that you are aware of our HIPAA accountability

internet, electronic medical records systems, and

requirements so that you understand why we ask you to adhere

health information exchanges there are multiple

to the following simple rules:

points of access to your health information.

• Only access medical records that you are required or

While these developments create more efficiency in the delivery of health care, they also create risks to the privacy and

authorized to access as part of your job function. • Only access as much of the medical record needed to

confidentiality of health information. The Health Insurance

complete your job function.

Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was signed into

• Report through the Ticketing system, “Employee Incident

law by President Bill Clinton in 1996. The bill had two purposes:

Report Form – Compliance Breaches” any inadvertent

• To insure that an employee’s health care was “portable”

access to a medical record you were not authorized to access

from one job to the next. • To set new standards to make health care providers and

as part of your job function. • Do not access medical records where other unauthorized

those who access electronic medical records accountable

individuals might view what is on your computer screen.

for the security, privacy and confidentiality of your health

• Keep the confidentiality of medical records by only

information. HIPAA accomplishes this in a number of ways:

disclosing information to those authorized to receive it. • If you are a patient at Evergreen do not access your own

• It requires that health care providers appoint a Compliance Officer who understands HIPAA’s requirements.

medical record. It is also important to remember that as part of HIPAA

• It requires organizations to safeguard patient information

Evergreen is required to audit access to our electronic health

against unauthorized access and disclosure through

records. When the Compliance team performs an audit, we are

security measures that prevent hacking and require proper

able to see who accessed a file, what was looked at and for how

authentication for users of electronic systems. HIPAA

long. Further, the Compliance team also pays close attention to

also requires organizations to train staff on security,

who is accessing the health records of Evergreen employees by

confidentiality and audit access to medical records.

placing a lock on those records to ensure that the access is for a

• It also, in some cases, imposes hefty fines and imprisonment

proper purpose.

for the willful violation of HIPAA and unauthorized

So there you have it, one more example of how you as

disclosure of protected health information.

an employee can help Evergreen meet its HIPAA compliance

As an Evergreen user of electronic health records systems

requirements. Without your commitment we couldn’t be the

such as Medent, Airs, Netsmart , GSI, QS/1 and Penelope, it

high quality organization that we are. Thank you! Connections

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