by Cord Stone
The Criminal Jus ce Ini a ve (CJI) isn’t just about going into prisons… it’s about mee ng the physical, mental and spiritual needs of the prison popula on. CJI was created as a response to the high rate of HIV infec on within New York State prisons. According to the Bureau of Jus ce Sta s cs, New York State currently has the highest number of incarcerated HIV/ AIDS cases: 5.5% of the total prison popula on is HIV posi ve. This may not seem like a lot, but it’s a scary number to inmates who are not educated and who have daily contact with those who are infected. We all know that prison life “on the inside” is completely different from what may be said or done in the public eye. As a result, issues surrounding HIV and AIDS can have a far greater impact than what occurs “on the outside.” This is where my partner Ava and I come into play. Our target popula on is intravenous drug users because of the prevalence of HIV and HCV cases inside of prisons. We focus on IV drug users
because this ac vity can be measured rela vely easily. We also know that risky behaviors such as sexual ac vity and ta ooing are happening in the prisons. One way CJI tries to bring down the high rates of infec on is through a two to three week Peer Facilitator Training. This training, designed to prepare inmates to become peer facilitators, features in-depth discussion of HIV infec on and its connec ons with other STIs such as Hepa s. When the peers graduate, they have the skills, knowledge and tools to share this informa on with other inmates, especially those who are unable to take the training (because of the strict rules in correc onal facili es, not all inmates are eligible to par cipate in the program). We conduct outreach for those prisoners in a Phase 1 program, meaning they are just entering into the correc onal facility, as well as those in a Phase 3 program meaning they are being released into the community. We also provide transi onal services to HIV posi ve individuals
Issues surrounding HIV and AIDS can have a far greater impact (on the inside) than
who are re-entering the community. The CJI has become very rewarding both for myself as well as the par cipants. Ava and I know that our job is complete when we observe our graduates facilita ng a program and relaying factual, intelligent and meaningful presenta ons. CJI has also become a way for peers to tell their stories. Myths and misinforma on about HIV have been eliminated when, for example, a peer openly stated that he is HIV nega ve even though his mother, father and sister are all HIV posi ve. The peers have proof that HIV is no longer a death sentence when one peer stated that he is HIV and HCV posi ve with an undetectable viral load. Peers now understand that medica ons have advanced, as we analyzed New York State HIV/AIDS cases and no ced that people are living longer lives. These interven ons have eliminated myths, educated inmates and given them skills that they are able to pass along to other inmates. There have been some who oppose our work with prisoners because “they are not worthy.” The reality is that inmates are s ll a part of the community. If the most vulnerable against HIV infec on are not worthy to receive the knowledge they need to protect themselves, the cycle will con nue as they unknowingly con nue to spread HIV to others. If we do not advocate for educa on, preven on and harm reduc on efforts in our prisons, then HIV, STI and Hepa s replica on rates will never decrease. This is especially true among the long-term prison popula ons who have never had the opportunity to use a condom or learn about the common STIs. CJI gives offenders the skills and quali es that can be used not only as facilitators among their peers but as a means to make them well rounded people in general. These skills have helped them during their parole board hearings, in advoca ng for themselves and others, in making be er decisions and most importantly, in saving lives. C
n what occurs on the outside...
Get the most for your food budget! There are many ways to save money on the foods you eat. The three main steps are planning before you shop, purchasing items at the best price, and preparing meals that stretch your food. Tip 1: Plan Plan Plan! Before you head to the supermarket, plan your meals for the week. Include meals like stews, cassaroles or s r-fries which stretch expensive items into more por ons. Check to see what foods you already have and make a list of what you need to buy. Tip 2: Get the Best Price! Check the local newspaper, online, and at the store for sales and coupons. Ask about a loyalty card for extra savings at stores where you shop. Look for specials on meat and seafood - o en the most expensive items on your list. Tip 3: Compare and Contrast! Locate the unit price on the shelf directly below the product. Use it to compare brands and sizes to determine which is most economical. Tip 4: Buy in Bulk! It is almost always cheaper to buy foods in bulk. Smart choices are family packs of chicken, steak, or fish and larger bags of potatos and frozen vegetables. Before you shop check if you have enough freezer space. Tip 5: Buy in Season! Buying fruits and vegetables in season can lower the cost and add to freshness. If you won’t use them all right away, buy some that s ll need me to ripen.
Tip 6: Go Back to Basics! Convenience foods such as frozen dinners, pre-cut vegetables and instant rice will cost more than if you were to make them from scratch. Take the me to prepare your own and save. Tip 7: Go Easy on Your Wallet! Certain foods are typically low cost op ons all year round. Try beans for a less expensive protein food. For vegetables, buy carrots, greens or potatoes. As for fruits, apples and bananas are good choices. Tip 8: Cook Once, Eat All Week! Prepare a large batch of favorite recipes on your day off (double or triple the recipe). Freeze in individual containers. Use them throughout the week and you won’t have to spend money on take out meals. Tip 9: Get Your CreaƟve Juices Flowing! Spice up your le overs - use them in new ways. For example, try le over chicken in a s r fry or over a garden salad, or to make chicken chili. Remember, throwing away food is throwing away money. Tip 10: EaƟng Out! Restaurants can be expensive. Save money by ge ng the early bird special, going out for lunch instead of dinner, or looking for deals. S ck to water instead of ordering other beverages which add to the bill.
O 5
December Birthdays
fiverandomfacts oneisalie! C A N YO U T E L L T H E D I F F E R E N C E?
(see back cover for answer)
Telephone poles in Uganda and Kenya are taller than ours to account for giraffes.
2 There are 2,598,960 possible hands in a 5-card poker game 3 Glass gets stronger the longer it is underwater. This is the only substance known to do this.
Jacob Perrello – December 1 Tiffany Macauley – December 2 Lucille Venezia - December 2 Terresa Aughtry – December 7 Carly Kane – December 14 Andrew Kiener – December 16 Toni Hernandez – December 23 Chris na Turner – December 24 Laura Pasquarella – December 25 Jus n Azzarella – December 27
December Anniversaries Sally Heron – 1 year Angela Penzo – 1 year Alexis Soto-Colorado – 1 year Nicole Coonly – 2 years Johnny Mora – 4 years Laura Pasquarella – 5 years Jason Rein – 7 years Rosalind Townsend – 7 years Johanna Aponte – 8 years Helene Cacciato – 8 years Maria LoTempio – 10 years
Your Con nued Dedica on and Hard Work Are No ced and Appreciated! – The Management Team
4 Approximately 1/3 of the earth is covered in desert. 5 All presidents have worn glasses and have been le -handed.
The Shawshank Redemp on Gladiator Braveheart - Aaron Pry
Atonement The Big Lebowski Edward Scissorhands - Nicole D’Addario
Pan’s Labyrinth Stand by Me Good Will Hun ng - Kimberly Harding
Cinema Paradiso Long me Companion Otra Historia de Amor - Johnny Mora
The Li le Mermaid Sex and The City Hocus Pocus - Mindi Mietlicki
Miracle on 34th Street My Family Fast and the Furious (a - Johanna Aponte
V for Vende a Pi Lord of the Rings Trilogy A Clockwork Orange - Brendan Orrange
The Five Heartbeats Curly Sue Casino - Shannon Bryant
J.F.K. Spaceballs Steel Magnolias - Justin Azzarella
Hedwig and the Angry Inch Beetlejuice The Big Lebowski - Katie Diebold
Harold and Maude Anything with Kurt Rus especially The Thin High Fidelity - Sally Heron
The Notebook How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days Batman Rises - Tayrin Tapia-Torres
Gone With the Wind Funny Girl Harold & Maude - Trish Hopkins
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) The Exorcist Forge ng Sarah Marshall - Jessica Lehsten
The Exorcist Schindler’s List Dirty Dancing - Tiffany Macauley
The Sound of Music Funny Girl My Big Fat Greek Wedding - Kate Gallivan
The Color Purple What’s Ea ng Gilbert Grape A Christmas Story - Amajaraya Hunter
Xanadu House of 1000 Corpse Texas Chainsaw Massa - Tara Rosado
ssell, ng
s acre (1974)
Best in Show The Big Lebowski The Dark Knight Rises - Patrick Butler
Meet Me in St. Louis Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom The Way, Way Back (2013) My son Xavier has a dancing/speaking role so this is destined to be a classic! - Maisha Drayton
Paper Moon Funny Face Moulin Rouge! Double Indemnity - John Carocci
WEIGHT LOSS COMPETITION Win big by losing together! Stop by human resources by January 4, 2013 to sign up for the Lose to Win weight loss program. This 12 week program runs from January 7, 2013 to April 1, 2013. The first weigh-in is January 7, 2013. All informa on will be strictly confiden al and will not be shared. A prize will be awarded to the top male and female. Also, the team with the biggest percentage weight loss will receive a prize.