Candyland/Cards Against Humanity. (Mindi Mietlicki) Favorite board game: Monopoly. Card game: Spades. (Margie Hunter) Cards Against Humanity. (Clyde Phillips-Frey) Board game: Scrabble. Card game: poker. (Kimberly Harding) Othello. (Keisha Leavy) Favorite board game: Bonkers! Card Game: Magic the Gathering. (Lindsay Zasada) Phase Ten Twist and Apples to Apples. (Terri Shankland) Gin. (Matthew John Pasquarella) A tie between Monopoly and Uno. I can remember spending hours with my family playing both games and having a great time together. I cherish those memories so much! (Trish Hopkins) Scrabble. (Lynn Grucza) Dominoes. (Cecil Sutton) I love Scattergories and Monopoly (my family nickname is the Slum Lord). I’m known for building hotels on Mediterranean and Baltic Avenues. (Maisha Drayton) My favorite board game is Clue. I always win! My favorite card game is Spades, no reneging please! I love the Beatles and have Beatles playing cards. (Michele Ogden) My favorite nondrinking card game is Uno, favorite drinking card game would probably be Uno also. (Lisa Zuppa) Spades and Tunk. (Cord Stone) Card game: Magic the Gathering. Board game — Carcassonne. (Jessica Lehsten) Scrabble. (Moselle Whitehead) My favorite game board is Parcheesi. I haven’t played that game in years but I inally found it at Toys ‘R’ Us and I got it! (Johanna Aponte) Pinochle. (John Carocci)
* and card game, too!
hannon Bryant has been with Evergreen Health Services for just under three years, but in that relatively short period of time she has definitely made her mark on the agency. Shannon joined Evergreen in February of 2011 as the Administrative Assistant for the Transportation Services Program, and she was quickly promoted to the program’s Coordinator position. She then spent some time as a Prevention Counselor in the Center for Behavioral Health, and is currently a Clinical Care Coordinator II working in the Center for Community Services. As you can see, Shannon has worked with our clients in a variety of settings, and her experience has given her a view of the big picture in terms of the struggles and issues our clients and patients face on a daily basis. She has also seen the many ways our agency works together to meet the varied needs of the people who come to us for help. “I’ve gained an intricate understanding of all the services we provide, as well as a unique perspective on our
milestones Birthdays
on Bryant
K AT EVERGREEN HEALTH SERVICES agency’s work culture,” says Shannon. “If I had to sum up our agency’s work culture in a few words I would say we embrace differences and recognize the power of teamwork. It may be a little cliché but it’s so true.” Shannon says Evergreen’s powerful teamwork ethic has a real impact on the lives of our clients, and she has seen that power working its magic over and over. “I’ve experienced our work culture in a number of capacities and witnessed firsthand how it has directly improved the experience of our clients and consumers,” Shannon says. “An example of this is when there is a client or consumer in need, and everyone involved with that client gets involved to help in any way they think they can. Instead of looking at title or position, our staff looks at “who can help?” Our diversity is another powerful factor that has improved the experience of our clients and consumers. When people walk into an Evergreen Health Services facility they see a wide range of ethnicities, backgrounds, experiences, and cultures. Our staff ’s
diversity helps to create a safe, comfortable place for our clients and consumers; a place where they can create and maintain meaningful connections with staff members. These connections then lead to improved medical, mental, and social health outcomes for our clients and consumers.” Shannon is a native of Buffalo. She graduated from the University of Buffalo in 2009 with a Bachelors of Science degree, and in 2012 Shannon earned her Masters of Science in Mental Health Counseling from Canisius College. As a Clinical Care Coordinator II, Shannon provides care coordination within the Center for Community Services, along with psycho-social supportive counseling to HIV+ clients throughout the Evergreen Association. Shannon isn’t stopping to rest on her acheivements, however. “I’m grateful for the opportunity to grow with the Evergreen Association,” Shannon says. “I look forward to all the changes and good things to come!“ C
Kenyon Kelly – February 3 Damien Mar nez – February 9 Howard Sheldon – February 11 Ashlee Rudolph – February 17 Daryl Ashley – February 19 Ann Licata – February 19 Sheila Marcheson – February 22 Marielena Camacho – February 25 Victoria DeLeon – February 26 Rosalind Dixie-Hunt – February 26 Bobby Fonville – February 27 Chris Miller – February 27 Clyde Phillips-Frey – February 28
Anniversaries Rebecca Gusmann – 1 year Susan Malyszka – 1 year Margie Hunter – 2 years Kenyon Kelly – 2 years Ricardo Nazario – 2 years Saw Min – 3 years Nicole DAddario – 4 years Kim Harding – 4 years James Hill – 4 years Joshua McClain – 5 years Carrie Sentz – 5 years Jerome Robinson – 6 years Crystal White – 6 years John Carocci – 20 years
Your Con nued Dedica on and Hard Work Are No ced and Appreciated - Management Team
connections FEBRUARY 2014 PUBLISHER/LAYOUT John Carocci EDITOR Kimberly Harding CONTRIBUTORS Sheila Marcheson, Christopher Miller Brendan Orrange, Christina Turner
SpongeBob Square Pants. No other cartoon character makes me laugh as long and hard as he does. – Keisha Leavy Swedish Chef. Baorky Bork Bork! – Lindsay Zasada My favorite Muppet is Scooter. Why? Because when I was a child he is one of the things I remember getting for Christmas from my mom and she passed on when I was 8. My favorite cartoon character is Miss Prissy. Why? Because I love the way she says, “I need a husssssssband.” – Moselle Whitehead Popeye... ”I am what I am!” – Clyde PhillipsFrey My favorite Muppet is Animal, of course. Who doesn’t love a drummer!!! – Michele Ogden Kermit. Why? Because Kermit waves his Green Flag with pride! – Matthew John Pasquarella Animal, because he reminds me of my dad (and I mean that in the most loving way! – Lynn Grucza Ariel — I have always loved her ever since I was a little girl. – Mindi Mietlicki Muppet: Janice (FER SURE) She was the only female member of a funk/rock band! Cartoon Character: Lady J from GI JOE. She is tough, fearless, and dating FLINT!! – Maisha Drayton Jerry (from Tom and Jerry) because he’s clever and smart; Bugs Bunny because he is just amazing; Johnny Bravo because he is smooth and ly – Cord Stone Fozzy Bear was my favorite. I even have a stuffed Fozzy Bear that my sister, Reen, gave me for my birthday one year. I appreciated his insecurity and vulnerability, and could relate at the time when I watched the old Muppet Show on CBS TV. My dad loved the two old guys in the balcony [Statler & Waldorf] and my Aunt Vi loved Miss Piggy. Animal also was a family favorite! – Trish Hopkins Patrick Star from SpongeBob Square Pants. – Lisa Zuppa Statler and Waldorf. ‘Nuff said. – Kim Lombard Ms. Piggy. (IDK, but it’s a childhood nickname. LOL) – Margie Hunter Yogi Bear. He was ingenious. – Cecil Sutton Rocky & Bullwinkle. – John Carocci
Angelina Jolie Sandra Bullock Denzel Washington Will Smith Be y White - Cord Stone
Morgan Freeman Sean Connery Ed Harris Tom Hanks Dennis Hopper - Aaron Pry
Don Cheadle Judy Garland – Maisha Drayton
Robert De Niro Anthony Hopkins Leonardo DiCaprio Steve Carell Ryan Gosling - James DeGarmo
Anna Kendrick Julia Roberts Sara Jessica Parker Ma Bomer Ryan Gosling - Mindi Mietlicki
Meryl Streep Denzel Washington Brad Pi Will Smith Tom Cruise - Michele Ogden
William Powe Cate Blanche Cary Grant Katherine Hep Ma Damon (yes, Ma Dam - Kimberly Ha
mon) rding
Sally Field Danny Glover Meryl Streep Melissa McCarthy Anthony Hopkins - Chris Reybrouck
Clark Gable Katherine Hepburn Meryl Streep Al Pacino Linda Hunt (She is AWESOME on NCIS) I need to add one more: Sidney Poi er - Trish Hopkins
Tom Hanks Jeff Bridges Jeff Daniels Anthony Hopkins Ma Damon - Mike Lee
Barbara Stanwyck Joan Crawford Nicole Kidman Catherine Deneuve Audrey Hepburn - John Carocci
Technology is constantly progressing. With it, our jobs adapt and adopt new devices and methods to make our work flow more seamlessly, connect to each other more readily, and allow us to work more efficiently. Unfortunately these advances can also bring new threats to the safety and security of our client information. In the iPad 101 class we all took when we were given our iPads, we set up the “Find My iPad� application. This application, working together with our iCloud accounts, allows us to activate the GPS within the iPad to find its location. This can be done if it has been misplaced in your home, your office, or even something worse, like it being stolen or lost. You can take a look at some of the options of the Find My iPad application at One option is called a remote wipe. If your iPad has been stolen or lost without hope of finding it, we need to make sure any data on it will be safe. The remote wipe function allows the I.T. staff to erase all the data on the iPad no matter where the iPad is. From your iCloud, you or the I.T. staff can also have your lost iPad display a message for anyone that may find it. When the screen turns on, your message will pop up. From this, you can put your phone number or the agency phone number with your name on it to try to retrieve it in case someone finds it. There is also the issue of the physical safety of the iPads. The I.T. staff provide you with a case for the iPad that will go a long way in making sure it stays in good condition. If for some reason you need to take the case off for something,
make sure you put it back in the case as soon as you are done. If an iPad is dropped on one of its corners, it can easily crack the screen. If the case provided to you is in obvious worn condition, please notify an I.T. staff member. We will stop by to take a look at it and replace the case with a new one if needed. Part of having these pieces of equipment is to help us when we are out of the office. The other part of having this equipment is making sure it is secure outside of the office. Make sure that if you have your iPad with you that you are aware of where it is and that it is not in danger of being grabbed by someone or that information on it cannot be seen or taken. When you are in the office, make sure it is locked securely in your desk and not out where people can see it or gain access to information on it. As with any piece of equipment, the first and best step in keeping them secure is you. Make sure you maintain the security code on the iPad/iPhone and be sure to use passwords when using any other application on the iPad/iPhone. Make sure mobile devices are kept safely stored whenever transported. We handle confidential information day in and day out and it is up to all of us to protect our clients and participants. The I.T. staff will continue to conduct periodic audits on mobile devices to help ensure that your devices remain updated and secure. Please notify any member of the I.T. staff if you have any concerns about the safety of information contained within you mobile device. If you have any questions about any information contained in this, please feel free to contact any of the I.T. Team. C
New Faces at Evergreen Lynn Grucza Nurse Practitioner I worked at ECMC in the Immunodeficiency Clinic for 6 ½ years as a Nurse Prac oner. I have been a nurse for 35 years; a NP for 20 years. Interests/ac vi es/hobbies: floral design/decorating; scrapbooking for friends; hanging with my 16 year old miniature poodles, Libby and Lucy; going out with friends; volunteering on the West Side; redecora ng, cleaning and organizing.
Clyde Phillips-Frey Landlord Services Coordinator, Benedict House I’ve found that change, something that used to happen from me to me, is the new norm. There was a me when employees were coached to “work smarter” or “find a way to be more produc ve.” Now the expecta on is that each employee will add value to the process, if you will, of the organiza on. Adapta on of skill sets to meet the challenges of one’s posi on serves to keep each of us on the cu ng edge. In my previous posi on I did a number of things in a company that recorded the local broadcast news and repackaged segments from newscasts for resale to local clients. We also performed research for the na onal networks which required recording specified networks in specific markets with dates and mes regulated by our clients. So, on any given day we func oned as a small office, as one would expect; I performed many of the func ons, wearing many hats. When I came out in 1998, there was a Men’s Support Group at AIDS Community Services and I joined the group because I’d just moved to Buf-
falo and I wanted to find out more about what it meant to be out and gay. It was an interes ng group and I found it helpful in my journey. Since then I’ve been a member of the Community Services Founda on, be er known as the Imperial Court of Buffalo; serving as Emperor 11 and as Secretary/Treasurer to the Board of Directors. Since its incep on, I’ve been ac ve with the AIDS Plus Fund of WNY, known for their high-end thri shop, the Serendipity Shoppe, and Buffalo Gay Bingo — now in its eighth year! I serve as a member of the Pastoral Team, elected Secretary, and Recorder in Community of Christ, Clarence, New York where I produce PowerPoint presenta ons to go along with worship services. My tenure with GALA, an associa on of persons of all sexual orienta ons and gender iden es affiliated with Community of Christ, is currently as Presidentelect of the na onal organiza on. Over twenty years old, this non-profit organiza on supports lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons,
their allies, families and friends. We celebrate our diversity and envision full par cipa on for all in the life and ministry of the church. I’ve learned to cook and like it most of the me, but I like going to a restaurant equally as well! I have two married children and three grandsons. My husband and I were legally married the first day it was available in New York State; along with 45 couples in Niagara Falls, New York. Our picture was on the front page of the Buffalo News the following day; we were the only couple wearing tuxedos. On February 24, we will celebrate 16 years together followed by our third wedding anniversary on July 25. Change and adapta on, or as I like to call it “crea ve living,” is what keeps the vibrancy going and the feeling of living on the cu ng edge of life. It is the small things in life that accumulate and make living life large from which posive memories are created that we carry on our con nuous lifelong journey. C
the freedom award he Secretary of Defense Employer
to publicly recognize employers who provide
support to their employees who serve in the
Support Freedom Award is the
exceptional support to their Guard and
Guard and Reserve. This award recognizes
highest recognition given by the U.S.
Reserve employees. It is the highest in a series
employers who provide the most outstanding
Government to employers for their support
of employer recognition awards given by the
support for their Guard and Reserve employees
of their employees who serve in the Guard
Department of Defense. Almost one-half of
and is presented annually by the Secretary of
and Reserve. Nominations must come from a
the U.S. military is comprised of the Guard
Defense. Photo: SSG-Staff Sergeant Pry and
Guard or Reserve member who is employed
and Reserve. The Department of Defense
SPC-Specialist Nelson present the Freedom
by the organization they are nominating, or
shares these citizen warriors with their civilian
Award for Evergreen Health Services to Ron
from a family member. The award was created
employers, many of whom provide significant
Silverio and Ray Ganoe.
I spent the first two weeks of the year in Uganda working with the Bethlehem Parent School and Orphanage Home. I went with a small team of six including students, alumni and educators from Daemen College (my Alma mater). We brought lots of clothes, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste to donate to the orphanage. We also put together a “menstrual kit” for each girl at the orphanage. In the rural town of Kyotera, electricity is unreliable so we also donated solar lamps to the orphanage and the nearby village. We helped build a brick veranda around the girls’ dormitory and conducted HIV education workshops for the boys and girls. Most of the children we worked with were teens ranging in age from 13-19 years. We also had the opportunity to bond with these kids; they shared their hopes and dreams and I am truly inspired by them. We also went on safari at Queen Elizabeth National Park and visited the Rwandan Genocide Memorial site by Lake Victoria. We toured Rakai Health Science Program which is a health center focused on HIV care and research. The center conducts outreach, provides male circumcision and care (treatment and support services) for people who are HIV+. I have to say this was definitely a life changing experience that I will never forget! C