pathways VOLUME 14 ISSUE 2
Published by The Evergreen Association of WNY, Inc.
from the president
PRESIDENT & CEO/Ronald T. Silverio EDITOR/ART DIRECTOR/John Carocci COPY EDITOR/Kate Gallivan CONTRIBUTING WRITERS John Carocci, Kate Gallivan C. Lyn, Ron Silverio, Christopher Voltz CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS John Carocci, Christopher Voltz ____________________________________________________
EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING/716-847-0315 FACSIMILE/716-847-0418 E-MAIL/ ON THE WEB/ _________________________________________________
Copyright 2010 by Pathways, all rights reserved. Published by The Evergreen Association of Western New York, Inc., 206 South Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14201. Views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of the publisher. Publication of any person or organization in articles, advertising or listings in Pathways is not to be construed as indication of the sexual orientation or HIV status of such person or members of such organizations. Pathways cannot acknowledge or return unsolicited manuscripts unless they are accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. Pathways’ mailing list is never shared. Pathways urges readers to consult their medical practitioners about any therapies or treatment strategies in this publication. If you would like to receive e-mail notification when new issues are posted call 847-0340 or email
inside this issue From the President / 3 Pathways Profile: SISTA / 4 Essay: Change is the Road to Recovery / 6 Staff Spotlight: Kaitlyn Smith / 7 Wine on Wednesdays / 8 Mending of the Hearts / 10 Katelyn's Story / 11 National Latino AIDS Awareness Day Recap / 13 Evergreen Association Annual Report / 14 Working Together / 16 Talking Turkey / 17 News from the Pride Center / 18 World AIDS Day 2010 at the BPAC / 20 ON THE COVER
Pathways is Online (if you're reading this you already know!)
back to the future? Sometimes it seems that the more things change, the more they stay the same. The demographics of the HIV/AIDS epidemic have evolved and diversified over the last 25 years. In the late 1980s, AIDS was afflicting gay men in urban centers; it soon began to include men and women sharing contaminated needles as well as women and their newborns. AIDS eventually became an ever-increasing epidemic in communities of color and among the poor. The one bright spot has been that testing and early intervention in pregnant women has nearly eliminated HIV in newborns. “…the more they stay the same”... A recent national report from the Centers for Disease Control indicates that over 57% of new HIV infections are among gay men, bisexual men and men who report having sex with other men (MSM) of every race and color — and over 53% of those living with HIV/AIDS are gay/bisexual/MSM (a group that makes up less than 5% of the nation’s population). On top of these staggering numbers, the CDC estimates that over 44% of men in these groups are unaware that they are infected. During the first ten years of the HIV/AIDS epidemic gay communities across the country, devastated by illness and loss, banded together with thousands of individuals to provide support and comfort to those infected. Organizations such as AIDS Community Services were founded by members of the gay community to focus these energies and to force a state and national-level response to the devastation. Twenty-five years later, we would have hoped that this response — now applied to all communities affected by the epidemic — would have achieved success in reducing the scope and impact of HIV/AIDS on our communities. Has it? We’re finding out that reduced funding for prevention efforts, failure to reduce the stigma associated with the disease, and refusal to address the very real sense of isolation and social judgment experienced by sexual minorities have resulted in a resurgence of infection rates in gay/bisexual/MSM communities across the country. With over 50,000 new HIV infections every year in the United States — 25,000 of them gay/bisexual/MSM — we are challenged to renew our commitment to eradicating this virus, before the red ribbon replaces the rainbow flag as the symbol of gay communities.
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Profile and Photos by John Carocci Photos: Aracely (above) and Yakira (inset)
world of HIV is always changing, and one of the biggest challenges is having to constantly adapt and modify the battle plan based on new information about transmission and treatment. This is true of prevention efforts as well. Gone are the days of sending out broad prevention messages to the general population and hoping somebody might be paying attention. Today's prevention efforts are designed to reach highrisk populations with laser-like focus. Unfortunately, getting information to the people who need it most isn't always enough. Behaviors that increase the risk of HIV infection are often the result of economic, cultural, gender and psychosocial factors, and a prevention program must address these factors as well in order to be effective. AIDS Community Services and Alianza Latina use a variety of strategies to reach high risk populations throughout Western New York, with programs that support people in choosing safer behaviors. One such program is SISTA, a 5-session enhanced intervention designed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to empower women and help them make informed, healthy choices that will reduce their risk of becoming HIV positive. Enhanced interventions create a stronger bond than simply passing out condoms, and once trust has been built, we have the influence to help people make changes in their lives. Aracely Rodriguez Perez, Community Educator at Alianza Latina, says that many women are so overwhelmed by the challenges of life that they're simply unable to make the choices that will keep them safe from HIV. "Women are dealing with kids, a job, the economy, domestic violence, a lack of educa-
tion, low self esteem... they're just tired," says Aracely. "Maybe they have a partner, but he's cheating, so they don't feel like they matter. There's nobody in their life telling them 'you can do this.'" Aracely says when a woman stops caring about herself, she's more likely to make poor choices out of a desperation to feel better about herself. "They're not satisfied with their lives, they don't feel. They do what they have to do, but there's no emotion." She added that many immigrant women face the additional challenges of a language barrier and lack of a family support system. "They feel alone," Aracely says. "They can't depend on their partner and they don't realize they can depend on themselves. A woman has to be proud first, then she can build her house." This isn't just empty talk; Aracely has been there herself, coming to the United States only 6 years ago as a single mother with a young child and almost no money. "I tell them 'you can do it the same way I did'" she says, "at first they don't believe me, but then their eyes light up and their whole attitude changes." For many of the women, SISTA is their first time hearing about how to protect themselves from HIV. "There's a lot of misinformation out there about HIV," Aracely notes. "The message is out there but they didn't think it was for them." The SISTA program shows women how to keep themselves safe from HIV, and then provides them with the skills they need to put that information to good use. "I teach them about condoms, including the female condom which most of them never heard of," says Aracely. She also tries to get the women to move past any bitterness over men who refuse to use condoms. "I tell them you have to take care of yourself. Telling him to use a
condom isn't working. Try a new way, and then he can learn from you. You will be the teacher." Perhaps the most important thing SISTA does is help women reclaim their self-esteem and feelings of worth. "A lot of women struggle to feel good about themselves, especially in this economy. Maybe she can't afford to get her hair and nails done, and her partner isn't paying attention to her and she doesn't feel good about herself. I help her find other ways to be proud of herself besides focusing on the material," says Aracely, adding that this allows women to find their own voice, perhaps for the first time in their lives, and this is an essential part of staying safe. "How can a woman negotiate condom use when she's never been able to stand up for herself in an assertive but non-aggressive way?" SISTA programs use discussion, role play
and practice to address topics such as selfesteem, HIV and AIDS, communication, condoms, coping with drug or alcohol abuse, and more. "I teach the theory," Aracely laughs "but they put it into practice." She also tells women not to look back once they've moved on to a new place. "It's another life story," she says. "Don't dwell. Trust in yourself now." Aracely sees SISTA graduates making positive changes in their lives: staying in school, finding jobs, setting goals, getting tested for HIV and learning how to negotiate condom use or safer sex with partners. One SISTA success story is Yakira Moreno, who was referred to the program through the Buffalo Prenatal Task Force. Yakira attended the first SISTA session on the recommendation of her caseworker, but didn't know what to expect. "I wasn't concerned about HIV," Yakira says. "I was curious about the disease, but I didn't worry about it." Yakira was pleasantly surprised to learn more about HIV and AIDS than she expected she would. "Now I talk to my sisters. They're in high school and they listen to me... though whether or not they take my advice, I can't control that." Yakira is also a positive role model in her new position at the Evergreen Association's Wellness Center. As a Peer, Yakira assists Wellness Center clients, conducts intakes, and provides a sympathetic ear when clients want to talk. "What I learned in SISTA definitely helps me when I'm talking to the clients," she says. SISTA is giving women the information, skills and positive reinforcement they need to make healthier choices, and isn't that what preP vention is all about?
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The Spring 2010 issue of Pathways profiled Project SAFE (Syringe Access for Everyone), Buffalo's syringe exchange program. C. Lyn is a Project SAFE client who wanted to share the story of her road to recovery with Pathways readers.
addict's past is complex, multi-layered and unique to them. And it follows that so is their personal road to recovery. However, there are a few truths that are universal. Ways of thinking, paths to follow, actions to take that are not only universal, but are universally proven to be the correct ones. When I began my journey toward recovery, I suppose I was like many addicts who need a change. My life was unmanagable, and though I mistakenly thought I thought I knew it all, I had no idea where to begin making changes. The actions I took put me on the right track, but my mentality held me back. I was arrogant, selfish and sure that no one knew better for me than me. Big mistake! Yet these are the same mistakes that so many addicts make. A few other big ones are the belief (and sometimes almost a need to believe) that you are alone, that you must go it alone, and that you do not need anyone or anything to help you. None of these thoughts or ideas are helpful,
not to mention that they are decidedly false. This is the truth: you don't know what's best for you, you do need help, and most importantly, you are not alone. To use one of the steps to sum it all up – you are powerless. Say it with me, "I am powerless!" As frightening as that concept is, it is a necessary realization before you can begin to move forward, and once you do realize this, you can start to get some of the help you need. One resource that has proven to be a balm for the previously mentioned ills is the action of going to and participating in group meetings. Please, no groaning; I used to have the same response. I hated meetings, I saw no purpose to them, plus a hundred other excuses. I am here to say "I was wrong!" In fact, I plan to challenge some ill-conceived notions about meetings shared by too many addicts in need, such as that they are boring and a waste of time. I ask you this – what else are you doing to occupy all this extra non-drug seeking time? You're going to be surprised at all the time you have on your hands now that you don't spend it pursuing your addiction. Why not spend some of this new time in an understanding, enriching environment? As with many things, you get what you put into it, and participation is key. However, even if you only sit quietly and listen, I promise it will be worthwhile. Which leads me to the next argument – why would anyone want to sit around and listen to someone else's sad story? It may be uncomfortable at first to listen to what others have been through, especially if you haven't yet come to terms with your own past. But you can still draw on others' experiences and follow paths that others have forged, using their guidance to navigate around your own obstacles. And perhaps someday you'll be ready to open up and share your own experiences. Your past is uniquely yours, but there is plenty to learn from those who have gone before you on the same road. The last point I wish to make regarding meetings is they are as varied and unique as you are. There are all different kinds of meetings, just as there are all different types of people who attend them. You may not find a perfect fit for yourself at first, but please don't despair. It may take some shopping around to find your niche, but when you do find it, it will feel wonderful. Talk to others at meetings and ask what their favorites are, and why. It may take a few visits but it's worth it. In summary, don't knock it until you've tried it. No one gets ahead by sitting on their behind. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step. No matter how you say it, change really does begin with you. Now go out there and change for the better. Good luck, and God bless! – Pathways Essay by C. Lyn
Editor's Note: the Evergreen Association and its affiliates have a long history of participating in internship programs through local colleges and universities. Interns bring fresh perspective and creativity to our programs while gaining valuable hands-on work experience in their chosen field of study. Pathways would like you to meet Kaitlin Smith, currently working as an intern in the Health Promotion Services division of AIDS Community Services.
everyone! I am Kaitlin Smith and I'm in my second year as a Masters of Public Health student concentrating in Community Health and Health Behavior at the University at Buffalo. I have been interested in the field of Sexual Health since my undergraduate work at SUNY Cortland, where I worked with the Community Health Educator at a Reproductive Health Clinic. I decided that this was the field I was meant to be in. I've always admired those in sexual health because they seemed to be the most interesting and appeared to be having the most fun at their jobs. I'll be spending my time here at AIDS Community Services working with Marcus May and the Life Changes program. I will evaluate the effectiveness of the program by conducting open-ended interviews with Life
Changes members to identify and assess the reasons why they continue to be involved with the program as well as what draws them to the agency. In addition, I will be analyzing the data from these interviews to develop and test a pilot survey instrument to be administered to Life Changes members. This survey will be used to capture information on demographics, risky health behaviors, sexual identity and more. With this information, we can evaluate the needs of the Life Changes members and offer programs and services that will address those needs. I am so thankful for the opportunity to work here, and I'm learning so much about myself and my abilities as a professional. Everyone has been so welcoming and wonderful to me, and I'm excited about the prospects of learning from each and every one of you. P
Story and Photos by John Carocci.
raise your glass
Western New Yorkers love enjoying a delicious meal at one of the area's many fine restaurants, and we also love helping those in need. The new Wine on Wednesdays events combine those two great loves into one fabulous evening of food, wine and laughter, topped off with perhaps our greatest love of all... getting a great deal! Here's how it works: each month, a different area restaurant prepares a sumptuous 3-course gourmet meal, and each course is paired with a
wine expertly selected to complement the food perfectly. Sounds luxurious, no? Well, you can enjoy this decadence guiltfree because a portion of the proceeds from Wine on Wednesdays supports the programs and services of AIDS Community Services and its affiliate organizations. And even though the food and drink might be luxurious, the price isn't — just $45 per person with the Gal Pal discount. The first Wine on Wednesday event was held at la Cascata, located in the Seneca
Niagara Casino, with wines selected and provided by the Niagara Landing Wine Cellars. December's event took place at the 31 Club, and featured wines from the Merritt Estate Winery. Upcoming events will be held at the Protocol and the Roycroft Inn. Wine on Wednesdays Hostesses Janine Tramont of UB's Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and Dr. Melissa Neal of Twenty 20 Eyecare & Aesthetics invite you and your friends to join us as we share evenings filled with food,
wine, conversation and the special glow of making a difference in the lives of the thousands of Western New Yorkers struggling with HIV and AIDS who depend on the help AIDS Community Services provides. For details or to make reservations, visit the Wine on Wednesdays website at, or call Kimberly Harding at 847-0212 x 304. Photos above are from the first two Wine on Wednesdays events. See more photos and video at
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In 1985, a group of people gathered at AIDS Community Services to make a fabric collage in honor of a friend they had lost to AIDS. As they worked, the group shared stories and memories about their friend, and in doing so found that some of the grief and anger over his death was eased. After completing the project, the group decided that they could help others make fabric memorials for their own loved ones. They approached AIDS Community Services' Director of Client Services about the idea, and the Mending of the Hearts Memorial
Project was born. In the years since, agency volunteers and staff have helped dozens of family members, friends and colleagues make fabric memorials for their loved ones who have died from AIDS. It's difficult to measure the healing power of these creations, but it's obvious during these modern quilting bees that the process of storytelling and sharing memories (along with the creation of a physical memorial) is incredibly meaningful to everyone involved. Today, nearly 100 fabric panels comprise the Mending of the Hearts Memorial
Project. These beautiful works of art are truly labors of love, honoring and telling the stories of people who lived and died with HIV. Panels from the collection have been displayed in public places throughout the region, and serve as an important educational tool in raising awareness about the impact of HIV and AIDS in Western New York. A special "pockets panel" was designed and created by AIDS Community Services' volunteers, who recognized that many people want to express their feelings about HIV and AIDS and, especially, about
people they had lost. Since the first public display of the Mending of the Hearts Memorial Project, the pockets panel has been present, and people can put messages into one of the many pockets. As the project approaches its 25th anniversary, there's a renewed sense of enthusiasm and energy around the Mending of the Hearts project and the panels themselves. Agency staff and volunteers are cataloging and photographing the panels, organizing the stories that go along with them, repairing any damaged panels, and even creating new pan-
els for display. If you would like to become involved in this meaningful project as a volunteer, or would like to create a panel for a loved one, please contact Jim Mohr at Selected panels from the project were also on display at the Burchfield Penney Art Center on World AIDS Day, December 1, 2010. — Kate Gallivan Editor's Note: portions of this story are reprinted from AIDS Community Services' 25th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet.
K D AY, V I S I T T H E B L O G AT W W W. A C S W N Y. B L O G S P O T. C O M
Katelyn first came to AIDS Community Services at the tender age of six, when she and her family members gathered to make a fabric memorial for her dad, Tom Walker. The panel they created that day became part of the agency's Mending of the Hearts Memorial Project (see story at left). Sixteen years later, Katelyn's mom happened to meet a long-time staff person from ACS, and asked, "Is that the agency where the AIDS quilts are? My daughter made a panel for her dad and has been talking about wanting to see it again." A few weeks later, Katelyn the Victorian, where the panel was on display along with the story explaining its history and the symbolism of its design. Katelyn stood for a long time that day, studying the colorful fabric panel. "It's hard because I don't remember much about my dad before he got sick," she said, "and I was too young to understand what was happening to him." As a student pursuing her master's degree in education, Katelyn now sees the experience of losing her dad to AIDS as an opportunity to teach others. "A lot of people my age aren't aware of HIV, so when I tell them about my dad, they really listen. Every time I teach others about this, it helps make it a little easier for me." — Kate Gallivan
alianza latina
Alianza Latina and AIDS Community Services collaborated once again with several other community agencies to mark National Latino AIDS Awareness Day with an event held at the Belle Center in Buffalo. Hundreds of people, young and old, attended the event, which featured prevention information, cultural activities, live entertainment and a poster contest. In addition, the steering committee presented a posthumous achievement award to former Alianza Latina Director Ron Gonzalez, who died in the Flight 3407 crash in 2009. — photos by John Carocci
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The Evergreen Association
Annual Report 2009 AďŹƒliates of the Evergreen Association are audited annually by Toski, Schaefer & Co., P.C. A copy of our 990 report may be obtained from us or the New York State Department of Health.
AIDS Community Services of WNY, Inc. Income Grants (State/Federal) ...........................................$3,088,141 Medical Care (Medicaid/Insurance) ............................492,781 Case Management (Medicaid) .................................2,261,818 Miscellaneous ...............................................................64,862 Contributions ................................................................67,384 Foundations ................................................................149,125 Total Income ...................................................... $6,124,111 Expenses Prevention and Testing ..............................................$667,369 Syringe Exchange ........................................................216,289 Nutrition .....................................................................178,854 Case Management ...................................................2,122,383 Housing Assistance .....................................................551,874 Medical Services .........................................................813,069 Mental Health Services ...............................................195,782 Community Services ...................................................366,511 Other ..............................................................................9,755 Management & General..............................................812,806 Fundraising ...................................................................50,015 Total Expenses ................................................... $5,984,707 Increase in Net Assets ........................................... $139,404 Fund Balance ........................................................ $644,930
pride center Alianza Latina, Inc. Income NYS Department of Health Multi-Services Agency Grant .............. $271,589 NYS Department of Health Peer Services Grant ................................98,818 Total Income ....................................$316,407 Expenses Program Services ............................... $235,432 Management & General.........................78,842 Total Expenses .................................$314,274 Increase in Net Assets ......................... $2,133 Fund Balance .....................................$60,189
Pride Center of WNY, Inc. Income NYS Health Department Grant ........... $148,827 Member Items for Rent..........................21,181 NYS OďŹƒce of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services ......................58,621 Contributions ...........................................1,365 Other ..........................................................637 Total Income ....................................$230,631 Expenses Program Services ............................... $185,729 Management & General.........................46,331 Total Expenses .................................$232,060 Increase in Net Assets ....................... ($1,429) Fund Balance .....................................$75,229
Evergreen Foundation of WNY, Inc. Income Contributions ..................................... $122,988 Event Revenue .....................................202,043 Rental Income ......................................522,385 Miscellaneous ..........................................6,926 Special Grants ........................................24,384 Total Income ....................................$878,726 Expenses Buildings ............................................ $514,048 Fundraising ..........................................169,333 Management and General ...................120,425 Total Expenses .................................$803,806 Increase in Net Assets ........................$74,920 Fund Balance .....................................$78,085
Chestnut Ridge’s fall foliage provided a colorful backdrop for the Divisions of Administration and Health Promotion Services Retreat. Staff from the two divisions participated in a full day of workshops and activities designed to improve the way we interact and work as a team, both within our divisions and throughout the agency. Morning activities were followed by a delicious potluck lunch, and a chance to explore the park before gathering back at the lodge for the afternoon session. Staff left the retreat well-fed, revitalized, and armed with the skills needed to work together to carry out the agency’s mission.
Proper nutrition is an essential part of maintaining good health, and this is especially true for those living with HIV. ACS's Nutrition Services program is committed to helping clients achieve and maintain optimum health and wellness through proper nutrition. Nutrition Services Coordinator Sarah Mutch (above) and Administrative Assistants Alain Rodriguez and Lucy Brown spent a day distributing holiday turkeys to clients, helping to provide a nutritious Thanksgiving meal. At the end of the day, over 100 turkeys had been distributed. The Nutrition Services program provides a full array of services designed to improve the nutritional health and wellness of our clients, incuding home delivered meals and groceries, food vouchers, an emergency food pantry and the daily congregate meal program. Individualized nutrition counseling and assessments are also available through the program.
News Blast pathways Let Us Help You Quit!
Do you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender? Are you or your loved ones concerned about your substance use? Have you been unsuccessful in quitting or cutting back? The Pride Center offers free onside substance abuse assessment. Trying to quit is never easy, so let us help.
Volunteers Needed The Pride Center is looking for people available during regular business hours for volunteer positions. If you're interested, check out the Pride Center website for more information and a volunteer application.
LGBT Networking The next networking event will take place on Wednesdsay, December 8th from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. at Risa's Restaurant, 285 Delaware Avenue in Buffalo. There will be introductions and the opportunity to talk with other area LGBT professionals to develop contacts and resources. Admission is free with your business card. Event sponsored by Jim Rolls, Esq.
Transgeneration The Transgeneration discussion group meets every 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at the Evergreen Center (206 South Elmwood Avenue). The group promotes the exploration of gender - contact the Pride Center for more information on Transgeneration.
BGMC Holiday Concert Series The Buffalo Gay Men's Chorus has a full slate of upcoming performances in celebration of the holiday season! Friday, December 10 at 8:00 p.m. at the Riviera Theater in North Tonawanda; Saturday, December 11 at 8:00 p.m. at Slee Hall on the University of Buffalo's North Campus; Sunday, December 12 at 4:00 p.m. at the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church at 1080 Main Street. Doors open approximately one hour before each perfomance. Purchase tickets by calling the BGMC at 883-1277 or visit them at
Pride Center of Western New York, Inc. 206 South Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo 14201 716-852-PRIDE (7743)
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All over the world, December 1 is set aside to raise awareness of HIV and AIDS, to remember those we've lost and support those who are fighting the disease. AIDS Community Services once again observed World AIDS Day with a display of panels from the Mending of the Hearts Memorial Project (see page 10 for more information on Mending of the Hearts). This year's display, hosted by the Burchfield Penney Art Center and co-sponsored by the AIDS Network, giving the public an opportunity to view the panels and read their powerful stories in a gallery setting. A short press conference was held to spread awareness of HIV and AIDS throughout the community. Other highly visible tributes to World AIDS Day in Western New York included Electric Tower, the Peace Bridge and Niagara Falls all lit up in red. Visit the Evergreen Association blog at for more World AIDS Day photos.