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V O L U M E 20 I S S U E 2




Published by Evergreen Health Services


PRESIDENT & CEO / Ronald T. Silverio EDITOR/ART DIRECTOR / John Carocci EDITOR / Martha Sawicki COPY EDITOR / Theresa Woehrel CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Robert Baird, Corey Mohr, Martha Sawicki, Christopher Reybrouck CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER John Carocci __________________________________________________

EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING / 716-847-0212 FACSIMILE / 716-847-0418 EMAIL / ON THE WEB / _________________________________________________

Copyright 2016 by Pathways, all rights reserved. Published by Evergreen Health Services, 206 South Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14201. Pathways circulation is 5,000. Pathways is received by request by donors and supporters. Distribution is by mailing list and placement. Views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of the publisher. Publication of any person or organization in articles, advertising or listings in Pathways is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation or HIV status of such person or members of such organizations. Pathways cannot acknowledge or return unsolicited manuscripts unless they are accompanied by a selfaddressed stamped envelope. Pathways’ mailing list is never shared. Pathways urges readers to consult their medical practitioners about any therapies or treatment strategies in this publication. To be put on the Pathways Magazine mailing list, call 847-0212, or email _________________________________________________

inside this issue From the President: a Growing Season / 1 A Letter from Board Chair Joy Feldman / 2 Evergreen Gets Social / 3 AIDS Walk 2016 Preview / 4 Walker Spotlight: BGMC / 6 It's Different Here: Harm Reduction / 8 A Beautiful Friendship / 10 Evergreen's Construction Continues / 12 Lifetime Giving Recognition / 14 Pride 2016 Preview / 14

on the cover M&T Bank's Christi Hoffmeyer and Mike Kugel are two of Evergreen's Beautiful Friends. Photo by John Carocci.

Ro n S ilverio

a growing season Evergreen is in a season of growth. It’s an exciting time for us and the whole Evergreen family! Here are a few of the projects that are keeping us busy: our 206 South Elmwood building addition is literally rising out of the ground, and, with it, the opening of our new medical facility gets closer every day; our annual AIDS Walk is only a few weeks away, which will raise funds for our HIV support services; and the Buffalo Pride Festival is right around the corner — this year marking the 25th year that LGBTQ people and our allies come together to celebrate our diverse community. As we grow and change, the core of our mission remains the same. Our expanded medical facility and OASAS certification (which you’ll read about here!) are just two examples of how we are living our mission to care for our area’s most vulnerable people. In our 30+ years of providing care and services for people who are affected by HIV and AIDS, we have become experts on how to handle an epidemic. Unfortunately, Western New York is now facing a new epidemic: opioid and heroin use and overdoses. The situation is very real and serious, and Evergreen is committed to once again being a leader, and responding quickly and appropriately, providing substance users and their families with the resources, support, and love that they need as they fight for their lives. Now, more than ever, I thank you for your commitment and generosity to our work. Thank you for walking with us every step of the way! Warmly, Ronald Silverio CEO, Evergreen Association P.S. — I hope to see you at AIDS Walk on May 7!

Evergreen Association Board of Trustees



Janice P. Barrett Joy A. Feldman Thomas J. Foels Sharon Hanson Brian L. Kawaler Kirsten Moysich Kevin F. O'Leary Thomas H. Owen Ronald T. Silverio

Evergreen Health Services Board of Trustees

J oy Fe ld man, Esq .

Dear Fellow Evergreen Supporter, I write to thank you for your part in supporting Evergreen Health Services, and happily report that it continues to successfully navigate the rapidly changing healthcare environment. Remember when Evergreen served only a relatively narrow group of marginalized and underserved individuals? It now serves nearly 3,000 people in its medical practice, operates the largest syringe exchange in the state outside of New York City, and has recently opened a second syringe exchange in the Jamestown area. Evergreen is working hard to expand usage of PrEP, the preventive drug treatment for people at risk for HIV, and to engage people with Hepatitis C in curative treatment. We’ve broadened Evergreen’s mission to address the complex issues that make impoverished and underserved populations more vulnerable to chronic illnesses, including HIV. Each expansion in recognizing underlying causes has brought new approaches to alleviating those ills. Evergreen is changing lives in Western New York. The staff is extraordinary in its vision, commitment, and energy. But we cannot do it without your support. Clients provide invaluable feedback; friends provide important linkages and energy; and donors provide essential financial support. Thank you for all of your help. As we are on a growth spurt unlike anything before, your continued help and support are needed now more than ever. Give until it feels good! With Gratitude,


Joy Feldman, Esq., Chairperson

Evergreen Association of WNY, Inc.

Broderick Cason Natalie Dunklin Joy A. Feldman Matthew Feldman Jeffrey Fick Nancy A. Hammond Coralia J. Hetzner Donald R. Letta Joel G. Mahakian Melissa Neal Mark Nowak Neil Pawlowski Ronald T. Silverio Matthew J. Weigand

Evergreen Health Services helps to foster healthy communities by providing medical, supportive and behavioral services to individuals and families in Western New York, especially those in marginalized populations and/or challenged by chronic or life threatening diseases.

Pride Center of Western New York Board of Trustees

James Bower Javier Bustillos David W. Cyr Jennifer Dunning David F. Granville Christina Holdsworth Patricia Jones Roy Olsen David C. Scott William Sherlock Ronald T. Silverio Martin D. Steck

The mission of PCWNY is to work with the community to make Western New York a safe, healthy, and satisfying place for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender and queer people to live, work, and establish their families.

Community Access Services Board of Trustrees

Broderick Cason Gilbert Hernandez Coralia J. Hetzner Amanda Jackson Wyleia S. Miller Esmeralda Sierra Ronald T. Silverio

Community Access Services is a not-for-profit communitybased organization committed to addressing the epidemic of HIV and AIDS and other diseases that challenge the health and welfare of urban communities in Buffalo and Erie County by assuring the availability of comprehensive care services including prevention education and treatment.



by Martha Sawicki and Corey Mohr


e're feeling the love at Evergreen. Over the last year, we’ve seen an impressive

increase in our social media presence. Thanks to a number of grants that incorporate digital marketing, Evergreen was able to bring on a fulltime staff member dedicated to targeting audiences on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, eNewsletters, our website — to name only a few! Evergreen’s website now serves over 5,000 visitors each month, and we’re on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more. This year, every single online statistic that we measure is up! Social media is so much more than Facebook. Our Behavioral Health Program is going where the clients are: apps. Evergreen’s outreach and sexual health education efforts now include using apps, like Grindr, Scruff, and Growlr, to talk to clients about sexual health, safer sex, and connecting to care. We’ve been shocked — and thrilled! — to see how many users reach out to us on these apps with questions about safe sex, PrEP, and our services. We’re looking forward to the continued growth of our social media and online presence, and reaching more people — wherever in cyberspace they happen to be.


Talk to us about our social media!





Times Are Changing | Inspired by Governor Cuomo’s initiative to end the AIDS epidemic by 2020, this year’s Hope for Tomorrow theme reflects the changing times we live in. At the start of the AIDS epidemic, being diagnosed with HIV often meant having a terminal illness. Now, with proper medical care, people who are HIV+ can lead long, healthy, and fulfilling lives. New Work to Do | The needs of the HIV+ community have changed. Evergreen has changed, too. Evergreen cares for the whole person, providing quality, compassionate medical care, mental health counseling, and supportive services, like housing and nutrition. We also work to end HIV stigma, and increase accessibility to HIV prevention methods. You Can Make a Difference | This year, we hope that AIDS Walk will have a record number of walkers and donors, helping us meet our fundraising goal of $90,000. Every cent of that money helps Evergreen provide ongoing, ever-changing services to the thousands of Western New York people who are living with HIV and AIDS. You can be part of that work by registering for, walking in, and/or donating to AIDS Walk Buffalo.


Turn the Page to Learn About One of AIDS Walk’s Top Fundraising Teams!





Years of Commitment | This year marks the ninth year that the Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus (BGMC) has walked to support AIDS Walk Buffalo — raising, on average, $4,500 per year. The team consistently increases their goals for number of walkers and total money raised, striving to win the award for Top Community Organization Fundraising each time! For the record, they’ve won six years in a row — but, who’s counting? A Harmonious Team | Chorus President Rob Egan says that the group cherishes any opportunity they have to rally behind a shared cause. “We walk for a variety of reasons. We walk in memory of people we have lost. We walk to support our community. We walk in support of loved ones who are living with HIV and AIDS, and to celebrate the progress that has been made. We walk to help battle the stigma that people who are HIV+ face.” But, even with such a serious and important mission, the team makes sure to have fun along the way. With 25+ walkers, creative outfits, and lots of laughs, who doesn’t want to be part of the BGMC team? Applause for a Cause | Simply put, the BGMC supports the causes that are dear to its members’ hearts. “The Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus is much more than a chorus,” said chorus member and AIDS Walk Team Captain Eric Nowak. “It is a dedicated fellowship of brothers; a family from all walks of life who share a common cause with common interests and a passion for music. Mirroring our mission, we sing as a team, entertain as a team, enlighten as a team, and — most importantly — celebrate pride in our community as a team.” Nowak believes that by walking together in AIDS Walk, the chorus can help end HIV and AIDS stigma in the same way that it has worked to eliminate LGBTQ stigma. “As a team, we walk with pride and compassion for humanity. It is a rewarding way to give back to the community — upholding a positive image of pride, acceptance, understanding, love, and diversity.”

Join the Buffalo Gay Men's Chorus and over 50 other teams on Saturday, May 7, as we walk together to give our friends who are living with HIV and AIDS hope for tomorrow.



II we meet people

where they are to reduce their risk


Rashida Williams



It's Different Here

Evergreen Brings a New Kind of Substance Use Treatment to Western New York In July of 2014, Evergreen earned certification from OASAS (Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services) to provide substance use services to our clients. What’s remarkable about this is that Evergreen is only the second provider in New York State to earn this certification for a Harm Reduction treatment model.


arm Reduction is at the core of Evergreen’s service delivery. Unlike a traditional abstinencebased model, Harm Reduction allows clients to make choices without being denied treatment or services. “We don’t condone substance use, but we meet people where they are to reduce their risk,” Rashida Williams, Director of Mental Health and Substance Use Services, explains. “We’ll work with clients even while they’re using with the hope that, eventually, they will make abstinence their goal. Until that happens, we work with clients to address their mental health issues, understand why they use, get stable housing and medical care, and more.” v Substance use is often only one of many issues that a client is facing. Abstinence can seem like an impossible goal for clients who have so many other unaddressed needs. Evergreen’s substance use staff works with clients to get them into other services that will help support their sobriety or reduced substance use. Williams estimates that 90% of her substance use clients are using other

Evergreen services, too. v Evergreen is more of a one-stop-shop than other area agencies that provide substance use services. Because of this, our staff can build strong relationships with clients, and support their recovery in multiple ways. “Having people in treatment with access to services is better than not. Evergreen works with people so that they’re willing to stay in our system and can benefit from it,” says Andrew Mattle, Vice President for Behavioral Health Services. v Honesty is the Best Policy Harm Reduction is about building trust. Because clients know that they won’t be denied treatment or services if they relapse, they are more inclined to be candid with their counselors. “Clients are honest with us,” Williams says. “They know that they’ll be heard, which makes it easier for us to get to the root of what’s going on. Clients tell us when they’re using, which gives us the opportunity to ask them about what happened and why they used. Then, we can talk about solutions that might help the client choose not to use next time.” v An Open Invitation Gets Results Williams

recalls working with Troy (not his real name). Troy used to come to Evergreen too drunk to function. Our substance use staff tried to engage him in services, but he would get angry, and leave. This happened at least five times, but the staff didn’t give up. They would always follow up with Troy, and make sure that he was safe. Finally, because of Evergreen’s staff ’s commitment to outreach, Troy agreed to come for substance use counseling consistently. Williams helped Troy get into a detox program, and, with his permission, involved Troy’s family for additional support. Now, Troy is sober, working, and doing well. Williams credits his willingness to try treatment to Evergreen’s open invitation to clients to use our services when they’re ready. v Our clients know that they will never be put down for their lifestyle or choices. Clients thank our staff often for being open and kind. “People say how rare it is to find a place that treats them how Evergreen does. They feel welcome and safe here, which, we know, is crucial to helping clients heal,” Williams says. - Martha Sawicki

Learn more about Evergreen’s Substance Use Services at






organizations have always depended on the kindness of strangers. Without our generous volunteers, donors, and sponsors,

Evergreen wouldn't be able to provide essential services to the thousands of people who depend on us. Sometimes these kind strangers become kind friends. That’s what happened with Mike Kugel and Christi Hoffmeyer, members of M&T Bank’s Pride Resource Group (PRG), an organization for M&T’s LGBTQ employees. Kugel and Hoffmeyer were instrumental in getting the PRG off the ground. “Helping to foster an LGBTQ community at the bank felt like the right thing to do,” Kugel recalls. Kugel and Hoffmeyer pitched a formal plan to M&T leadership, and soon the PRG was up and running.

Their giving spirit, helped by M&T’s strong focus on community service, has made Kugel and

Hoffmeyer indispensable to Buffalo's Pride Festival, produced by Evergreen and the Pride Center.

PARTNERS IN PRIDE | “Our involvement with the Buffalo Pride Festival started right from the

beginning,” says Kugel. “M&T had been supporting the festival for years. Through the PRG, we were able to increase our personal and corporate participation, and help support M&T in its lead sponsorship role.”

M&T has indeed been a long-time community partner with Evergreen. Evergreen President &

CEO Ron Silverio notes that the bank has been a loyal, multi-faceted supporter of the agency: “Their involvement runs deep," says Silverio. "We've had donors, volunteers, and even Board members come to us from the ranks of M&T staff."

Kugel and Hoffmeyer are a familiar sight at Pride events, in their signature green M&T t-shirts.

They’re proud to make a difference while representing a company that values and encourages their efforts.

COMMITMENT TO COMMUNITY | “I really, truly love working at M&T,” says Kugel. “There are

so many opportunities to get involved. M&T is unconditionally supportive of our community service. The PRG has allowed me to work with LGBTQ organizations, talk to disaffected LGBTQ youth, participate in the Pride Festival, and support other M&T LGBTQ employees. It’s very rewarding.”

M&T has a highly-visible role as lead sponsor of the Buffalo Pride Festival. Kugel notes that — from

how it treats its employees to its customer service to its community service — M&T really walks-the-walk when it comes to diversity.

“In the three years the PRG has existed, M&T has raised its Corporate Equality Index with the

Human Rights Campaign from 70 to 95*,” says Kugel. "I've seen a noticeable shift in the bank’s philosophy to embrace and encourage diversity. Diversity and inclusion are built into the bank-wide key priorities.”

THE ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE | “Working with the people at Evergreen has been inspirational,”

says Kugel. “When we wanted to increase our community outreach, Evergreen was a natural fit. We want to support groups that support the community, and nobody does that better than Evergreen.”

And, when it comes to community involvement, Kugel and Hoffmeyer agree the Pride Parade is

the ultimate experience. “It’s a show of unconditional love and support from the entire community,” says Kugel. "It’s an incredible feeling. You have to experience it to appreciate it.”

If you’re at a Buffalo Pride Festival event, and see Kugel, Hoffmeyer, or any M&T volunteer, be sure

to give them a friendly smile, and thank them for helping make Western New York a better place to live! *The Corporate Equity Index is a tool to rate businesses on their treatment of LGBTQ employees and customers. A perfect score is 100.





Work continues at Evergreen's construction sites (note the plural). The Evergreen Lofts (top) is an innovative collaboration which will provide safe, affordable housing to low income individuals and families. When completed, the Lofts will feature 56 private apartments, many of which will be reserved for homeless individuals who also have a chronic medical condition. Residents will have access to Evergreen's programs while maintaining their independence. The Lofts is a Housing First project. Housing First is an alternative to emergency shelters or transitional housing, and moves homeless individuals or households from the streets or shelters into permanent, affordable, and secure long term housing. The Evergreen central office expansion (bottom) is progressing as well. The beautiful new building will feature expanded, state-of-theart medical and pharmacy facilities, and allow us to bring desperately needed new services to clients and their families. Watch future issues of Pathways for updates on these exciting projects!



I $1,000,000+ The John R. Oishei Foundation $500,000-$1,000,000 The Margaret L. Wendt Foundation $100,000-$500,000 Elizabeth Beuth Estate The James H. Cummings Foundation The Gebbie Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael Joseph Natalie Kubera Estate The MAC AIDS Foundation New York State Health Foundation Sandra L. Surdam $50,000-$100,000 Bank of America Barefoot Wine and Bubbly Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, Inc. Classical Action: Performing Arts Against AIDS


$50,000- $100,000 Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo East Hill Foundation Andrew and Joy Feldman M&T Bank Parkview Health Services/Kevin O'Leary Mary Ann Rees Estate James E. Rolls, Esq. $25,000- $50,000 Chef's Restaurant The Peter C. Cornell Trust First Niagara Bank Mr. & Mrs. William H. Gardner Lawley Service, Inc. Ann James Manly Estate Niagara Trust NA The Imperial Court of Buffalo United Way of Buffalo & Erie Co. Verizon Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

$10,000- $25,000 Alfie's Restaurant Monsignor Richard S. Amico Memorial Charitable Trust Bee Group Newspapers Betty's Restaurant Blue Cross Blue Shield Cecelia's Ristorante Creekview Restaurant Suzanne Dwyer embraceWNY Herman & Suzanne Fisher Foundation Fleet Bank Dr. Thomas Foels, MD John P. Freedenberg & Steve Seggio Mrs. Terrell Griggs Hospice & Palliative Care HSBC Bank USA, N.A. Mr. & Mrs. Hurtubise



$10,000- $25,000 Ingram Micro Inc. Jeffrey Freedman Attorneys at Law Mr. Brian L. Kawaler Key Bank The Seymour H. Knox Foundation Left Bank Restaurant Blossom Levy LPCiminelli Mr. William H. Mahr Mr. Daniel McMullen Merck & Co., Inc. Jennifer L. Morris Oliver's Restaurant Pano's On Elmwood Pizza Plant Italian Pub

$10,000-$25,000 A. N. Procter Ristorante Lombardo Mr. Douglas G. Schultz Mr. Ronald T. Silverio & Mr. Clarence Townsend C. R. Thompson & J. Robert Levesque Walgreens Westminster Presbyterian Church $5,000-$10,000 AIDS Plus Fund of WNY Inc./ Michael Warner Alton's Restaurant Bacchus Wine Bar & Restaurant Bailey Pharmacy Lewis Biggerstaff The Black Sheep Restaurant

$5,000- $10,000 Brennan's Bowery Bar Boomerang's Bar & Grill Bristol-Myers Squibb Cole's Restaurant Mr. David W. Cyr Mr. Paul D. Demers DuPont Elaine M. Elliott Fat Bob's Smokehouse Forte, The Restaurant French Pub Frito Lay Goodyear Greene Hodgson Russ LLP Mr. Michael L. Hurtubise Hutch's Restaurant Ilio DiPaolo's Restaurant JetBlue Airways Corporation Carol LaMartina

$5,000- $10,000 Lebro's Restaurant Mr. Curtis W. Lee Mr. Douglas Manly Mr. James J. McCarthy Estate of Nancy McLoughlin Mr. Bill's Restaurant & Bar Mrs. Kathleen A. Oczek Mr. Clayton A. Peimer Russell's Steaks, Chops & More Salvatore's Italian Gardens Mr. Michael C. Schreiber Siena Restaurant Ms. Rosemarie C. Steeb Synchronet Towne Lincoln Towne MINI Trinity Title & Abstract Corp. Mr. Jeffrey M. Walton Mr. Robb Whittlef Mr. Jams K. Wicks



Pride Preview/ Call for Volunteers



Non-Profit Org.


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