The arrival of October represents the official kick-off of the most festive time of the year, the Holiday/Fall season.
We have Ekim Kaya this month among our Evolvers. He is the Tai Lopez of Turkey, an ambitious entrepreneur based in New York. We conducted an interview with him for our October issue. He shared his journey with us and what he has accomplished with his hard work and conviction. As he also gets attention with his fashion sense and lifestyle.
We get tips on a stress-free life from award-winning stress-relief expert and author Susie Mantell. Along that line, Libby Pecheur highlights our need for community care while Jackie Gaines, author of Wearing the Yellow Suit: A Guide for Women in Leadership gives us tips to find a work/life balance. As part of her “7 Ways to Set Yourself Up for Success” series, Gokce Gizer invites you on a journey to reflect on your past so you can thrive in the future.
Best wishes!
Kate Kubra Kacmaz Celenk