Re/Max Prestige Properties A New Way To Do Real Estate in Mohave County and Beyond
Kingman, Arizona
RE/MAX Prestige Properties, 2404 Stockton Hill Rd Ste A, Kingman, AZ
Prestige Properties
Our years of marke ng, nego a ng, building, leasing and selling of mul ‐million dollar residen al projects and commercial proper es allow our clients some sense of security and trust knowing that their proper es are well represented. We have assembled a diverse team with the crea vity and experience necessary to meet the individual demands of our clients. We provide aggressive interna onal exposure ensuring that our clients’ proper es are under contract or sold as quickly as possible and that our projects proceed smoothly to closure. Our goal is to bring opportunity to the table, conver ng our broad knowledge base, skill level and wisdom into real results for our clients. Let us help move your business up to the next level.
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Prestige Properties
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Prestige Properties
What You Should Know About RE/MAX Nobody in the world sells more real estate than RE/MAX RE/MAX is a world leader in residen al real estate with 6317 offices, 88,922 Associates, in 89 countries. The typical RE/MAX agent in North America is among the most experienced in the industry, averaging almost 13 years of service. Because of these industry high educa onal and experience achievements, the average RE/MAX agent outsells the compe on by an incredible 4 to 1. Over 70% of RE/MAX agents’ business comes from repeat business or referrals from past customers and friends ‐ more than twice the industry average. RE/MAX agents make a personal financial investment in every lis ng.
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Kingman, Arizona Kingman is located in northwestern Arizona at the intersec on of Interstate 40 and U.S. 93. Situated in the Hualapai Valley between the Cerbat and Hualapai Mountain Ranges, Kingman was established in the early 1880’s by Lewis Kingman who located the route of the Santa Fe Railway. It was also an Army Airfield training site. Kingman has served as the county seat of Mohave County since 1887. Historic Route 66 runs through Kingman and offers the longest remaining preserved stretch of the old U.S. Route 66 le in the United States. The Powerhouse Visitor Center and other sites of interest are located along Historic Route 66 in the heart of Kingman. The scenic mountains around the Kingman area, including the Hualapai Mountain Park and Cerbat Mountains, offer hiking, picnicking, camping, and other outdoor ac vi es. The Kingman and the Colorado River areas offer recrea onal and historical a rac ons as do several ghost towns and old mining communi es in the area. Water recrea on also plays a central role. The Colorado River forms the western boundary of Mohave County. An es mated 1,000 miles of fresh water shoreline lie within Mohave County along the Colorado River and Lakes Havasu, Mohave, and Mead. Kingman is just a few hours drive to the Skywalk at Grand Canyon West, the Grand Canyon, the London Bridge in Lake Havasu City, and gaming casinos in Laughlin, Nevada. Kingman has a developed walking tour and district map which can be seen at Locomo ve park. Other interes ng sites in and around Kingman include the Beale Wagon Road, Beale Springs, and the White cliffs Wagon Road.
Prestige Properties
According to the Census Bureau, Mohave County is one of the fastest growing coun es in the United States. Geographically, it is the second largest county in Arizona. Mohave County is home to the western por on of the Grand Canyon, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. With its breathtaking mountain peaks, colorful desert landscapes, excellent weather, con nued growth, and superb labor force, this county offers many opportuni es that make it a unique place to live, visit, work and grow your business. Kingman is a high‐desert community at eleva ons from 3,300 to 3,800 feet. The city of Kingman offers a broad range of community facili es including a resource center, senior center, museums and library. Recrea onal facili es include: 10 parks, aerobic center, two swimming pools, numerous lighted tennis courts, racquetball, shuffleboard, and horseshoe courts, and two golf courses, and a bowling alley. The area workforce is dependable, well educated, and well trained. The diverse composi on of Kingman’s workforce provides a wide range of perspec ves that fuels the growth and prosperity of the City’s economy.
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Part of the long‐term economic strength of any state is measured by its emphasis on the educa on of its workforce. Higher educa on ins tu ons that serve Arizona and its surrounding areas are: Arizona State University in Tempe with a new campus located in Lake Havasu City. University of Arizona with its main campus in Tucson and an extension office in Mohave County. Northern Arizona University with its main campus in Flagstaff and a satellite campus in Kingman. Mohave Community College with campuses in Kingman, Lake Havasu City, Bullhead City, and Colorado City. We can assist with your work force Real Estate needs from mul ‐million dollar Execu ve homes to starter homes and everything in between.
Prestige Properties
Kingman, Arizona Economics Kingman has long been known as a major trade route. From the trails that led Lewis Kingman to establish the railroad here to the present day highways including Historic Route 66 and the Proposed Interstate 11. The East‐West transcon nental path of commerce to and from California along I‐40 has made Kingman a perfect loca on for businesses. The same is true along Hwy 93 as traffic con nues to grow along the CANAMEX Corridor. Distribu on centers and manufacturers are now calling Kingman home largely due to this strategic loca on. We keep them here due to our low taxes and a rac ve land prices for their large facili es, and a low cost of living for their workforce. Our Airport Industrial Park, located just four miles north of I‐40 along Route 66 boasts 4,500 acres zoned industrial with u li es available and access to railway, air, and interstate trucking . Along with it’s industrial based economy, Kingman has many services catering to the ever increasing tourist trade. Among these are Dis lleries, Breweries, and Wineries. Kingman is also a NADO award‐winning and Arizona REDI accredited community.
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Kingman, Arizona
Prestige Properties
Kingman, Arizona Loca on Kingman is the crossroads of the Southwest. Interstate-40, which is
passes through Kingman. U.S. Highway 93, which is the primary link from Phoenix, Arizona to Las Vegas,
through Kingman.
The Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge and the 17-miles of four-lane divided highway south of the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge significantly improves travel time by resolving the previous back-ups caused by 20- miles of two-lane roadway and the ―stop-and-go traffic across the dam that has plagued this route since the opening of Hoover Dam in 1935. Kingman is the first city in Arizona after leaving California for eastbound traffic (52-miles from the California border). The next incorporated city on Interstate 40 east of Kingman is 110-miles away (Williams, AZ). On U.S. Highway 93, Kingman is the only incorporated city from Wickenburg, AZ (75 -miles south) and Boulder City, NV (80-miles north of Kingman).
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Highway Distances from Kingman, Arizona
Albuquerque 480 miles
Reno 550 miles
Denver 810 miles
Salt Lake City 520 miles
Las Vegas 100 miles
San Diego 400 miles
Los Angeles 330 miles
San Francisco 660 miles
Phoenix 186 miles
Tucson 300 miles
Flagstaff 143 miles
Chicago 1821 miles
Yuma 227 miles
New York 2476 miles
The Colorado River 35 miles
The Grand Canyon 170 miles
The Skywalk at Grand Canyon West 71 miles
Prestige Properties
Kingman, Arizona Climate
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Kingman, Arizona Popula on Popula on
Kingman New Kingman/Butler
Mohave County
3,665,228 5,130,632 6,392,017
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Prestige Properties
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Kingman Current Daily Traffic Volumes
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Kingman Current Peak Hour Intersec on Movement Volumes
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Prestige Properties
Why not Kingman, Arizona The Kingman and Mohave County area are the fastest growing in our state. So why not Kingman?
We have ample room for expansion within the city limits and the surrounding area.
We have modest year round temperatures, perfect for just about anything be it business or recrea on!
Our cost of living is low while s ll providing a community rich in history and culture.
Healthcare and educa on are well covered in our area.
The only thing we lack in Kingman is You! Contact us today to see how you and your business will flourish here!
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For more informa on on this or any other property, please contact
RE/MAX Pres ge Proper es, 2404 Stockton Hill Road, Ste A, Kingman, AZ 86401 Office Phone: 928‐753‐7653 Fax: 928‐718‐0140 Please Note: This is a confidential Marketing Pamphlet intended solely for your limited use and benefit in determining whether you desire to express further interest in the acquisition of a property. This Marketing Pamphlet contains selected information and does not purport to be a representation of the state of affairs of the area or Property, to be all-inclusive or to contain all or part of the information which prospective investors may require to evaluate a purchase of real property. All references to acreages, square footages, and other measurements are approximations. Additional information and an opportunity to inspect the Property will be made available to interested and qualified prospective purchasers. Neither the Owner nor Dwayne Patterson, Broker, Patterson’s Executive Team, RE/MAX Prestige Properties, nor any of their respective directors, officers, affiliates, or representatives make any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this Pamphlet or any of its contents and no legal commitment or obligation shall arise by reason of your receipt of this Marketing Pamphlet or use of its contents. 2014 © Life’s Beaten Path. We obtained the information contained herein from sources we believe to be reliable. However, we have not verified its accuracy and make no guarantee, warranty, or representation about it. It is submitted subject to the possibility of errors, omissions, change of price, rental, or other conditions, prior sale, lease or financing, or withdrawal without notice. We include projections, opinions, assumptions or estimates for example purposes only, and they may not represent current or future performance of the property. You and your tax and legal advisors should conduct your own investigation of the property and transaction.
RE/MAX Pres ge Proper es Commercial Division 2404 Stockton Hill Road, Suite A. Kingman, Arizona 86401
Office Phone: 928‐753‐7653 www.Pa ersonsExecu
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