WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 2009 Established 1988.
INSIDE �������� ����
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Lucky boarder Ymir man rescued from avalanche. PAGE 6
RDCK chair upset Adjustments to community grants gives nothing new to communities, says Gary Wright. PAGE 3
NDCC rates up Admission goes up at the pool and hockey rink. PAGE 3
Editorial . . . . Street Talk . . Crossword . . A&E . . . . . . . . Events . . . . . . Health . . . . . . Sports & Rec Classifieds . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
..5 ..5 . 17 . 10 . 13 . 14 ..7 . 16
Homes&Gardens . 18
Art in the flesh BOOMTOWN is way overstocked! Locals receive 10% off winter gear. Plus no tax for cash. ������������
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Sheryl Blois gets the finishing touches done on her Picassoesque body paint, painted by Sarah Fahey, during the First Annual Interior Body Paint Competition. See page 12 for more photos.
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March 4, 2009
Briefly Interiors for spring
Sunday, March 8, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Tuesday, March 10, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at 119 Morgan St., Nelson M.Charlyne Chiasson is offering two courses to refresh the home in spring. The first, on Sunday, is an interior design refresher course that costs $50. This course is tailored for any home owner who wants to create new energy and even some cash flow. Participants will learn how some paint, change of furnishings and or relocating things can breathe now life into the home and how this can also work when applied to exterior or garden spaces. On Tuesday, for $20, people can learn how clutter clearing can help get rid of things and even create some cash flow. This two part series is presented by M.Charlyne Chiasson, who has a degree in interior design and diploma in feng shui application. The workshops can be taken separately or combined. To register call (250) 509-0536.
Genessa Jackson and co-owner Cameron Stefanik offer a store full of unique clothing.
Unique designs Genessa Designs brings one-of-a-kind clothes to the Nelson Trading Company
is unique, something the owner can attest to Every item in Genessa because she made all the Jackson’s new store clothes herself. ������������������������������������������� Jackson opened Genessa Designs in suite 103 in the Nelson Trading Company at 402 Baker St. to giver herself an outlet for all the clothes she makes. The small shop has an assortment of dresses, jackets, shirts, lingerie, swim suits and pillows arranged around the space. The clothes are mostly for women though Jackson has made a few men’s shirts. No two items are exactly ���������������� alike. While some jackets ������������������ and pants are made from as is (Text correct? ��������������� the same cloth,OK Jackson Design uses different buttons andsatisfactory? ������������� slightly different cuts acceptable?) to Price make each piece of cloth������������������ ing unique.��� ��������������������� ���������������������������� “I never make the same thing twice,” Jackson says. ��� ������������������ One-of-a-kind clothing is important to Jackson, especially in a community ������ the size of Nelson. Jackson made every������������������ thing though sewing isn’t much of������������������ a job for her. She took up��������������� the craft three years ago and says she’s ���������������������� ������������� been sewing just about ������������������������ everyday since. ������������������� She loves taking fabric ��������������������� and creating something ���������������������������� new and beautiful. “I think women just �������������������������������������������������������������� want to�������������������� be beautiful and that’s what I’m trying to ������������������������������������������������������������� ���������� do with this store,” says ���������������������������������������������������������� Jackson. ������� CHRIS SHEPHERD ����������������������������������������������������������� She also makes designs One of the many exotic swimsuits Jackson has designed. to the needs (and mea������������������������������������������������������� surements ) of her cus���������������������������������������������� tomers. ���� ���������������������� “If they give me a draw- moment. p.m. every day. The store ing I can������������������������ make it.” Jackson also does the can be reached at (250) She’s comfortable mak- more basic alterations as 352-2327 or by email at Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any or any an approval. ��������������������� ing changes clothes for occa- well. sion and is busy makGenessa Designs is Her website is at www. Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: ing a grad dress at the open from 10 a.m. to 6 ����������������������������������������������
by Chris Shepherd
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March 4, 2009 EXPRESS Page 3
‘New’ grants add nothing new: Wright
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Chair of RDCK criticizes province’s move to rename old grants and add strings by Chris Shepherd The chair of the regional district has come out highly critical of a “new” provincial grant for local governments, saying the Strategic Community Investment Funds is simply old money repackaged and now delivered with strings attached. “The province will get to record these [grants] as something they’re doing about the economic downturn but really not do anything,” says Gary Wright, chair of the Regional District of Central Kootenay. He’s talking about the province’s Strategic Community Investment Funds. They give communities exactly the same money as the old unconditional grants, which were canceled last week. Wright learned about the switch last week. While the total dollar value hasn’t changed, Wright notes communities now have to file
reports with the province, detailing what the money was used for. Under the new arrangements, the regional district will receive $307,000 and the City of Nelson will receive roughly $899,000. Those funds will cover a two-year period. For most communities, including the RDCK and the City of Nelson, those grants go into the community’s core funding and is used for the day-to-day operations, says Wright. The change was done “without the absolute agreement” of the organization representing the province’s local governments, the Union of B.C. Municipalities. “The fact of the matter is these funds are not used for strategic initiatives,” says Wright. “They never have been. They’ve been used for the costs of general government.” Financial officers for Nelson and the RDCK
have both confirmed the old grants were used for the governments’ day-today business, not special projects. While at the moment there is no requirement for how the money is used, Wright is worried that could change in the future. “The impacts will be more reporting, no new money over a two year period and no more unconditional grants.” What’s also changed is when the money is delivered. Communities used to get the cash each year but under the new arrangement, the money will be delivered in two lump sums to cover two years. The majority of the money will come in the first installment, Wright said. Wright says extra money at the start could be useful for communities, but he expects most will simply set aside some of the money for the second year.
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The province will get to record these [grants] as something they’re doing about the economic downturn but really not do anything. Gary Wright, criticizing the province’s change to community grants
Rec rates rise Higher rates needed to keep up with rising costs by Chris Shepherd Rates are going up at Nelson’s community complex but they remain comparable to rates in Castlegar and Trail. The Regional District of Central Kootenay board of directors approved the rate hikes at their Thursday, Feb. 26 meeting. On average, rates went up three per cent, though the final prices were rounded up to the nearest quarter. Bernie Van Hooft, director of recreation for the Nelson and District Community Complex said the increases are small and will cover increase costs in staffing, utilities and repairs. “They’re basically just allowing us to keep up,” said Van Hooft. The rates will not be used to extend any hours at the community complex. With the new rates daily pool admission rates are roughly equal to rates in Trail and Castlegar but annual passes for Nelson’s pool remain far cheaper, in some cases over $200 cheaper. Van Hooft said staff are looking for other ways to bring in more money by increasing facility usage. Van Hooft has also applied for matching
Rate comparisons Daily swim admissions in Nelson 2007
Annual pass comparisons Nelson
grants for a $280,000 project to use heat from the ice rink’s cooling plant to heat the pool and the rest of the building. Van Hooft is optimistic about the chances of getting the grants and said if the heat recovery system could be
installed it would provide “almost free heating.” Such a system would save roughly $35,000 a year in heating costs, Van Hooft estimates. The new rates will take effect on Wednesday, April 1.
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March 4, 2009
��������������� Sarafina
Sarafina is a rambunctious cat who loves to play with her tinfoil ball and climb your leg like a scratching post. She also loves a good chin scratch and meows only in the mornings when it’s breakfast time.
Adopt a Pet! ����� � ������� ����
Is your pet unique and interesting?
Send a photograph of your pet with a 30 word explanation of why your pet stands out from the rest to: ������� Community Newspaper, 554 Ward Street, Nelson, BC, V1L 1S9, or email us at
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Fire fighters and ambulance crews asses the “injured” from a simulated multi-vehicle accident on Thursday, Feb. 27 at the Best Western. Makeup by retired nurses, liberally sprayed with fake blood spatter, added to the effect.
‘This is a drill’ Simulated disasters test region’s readiness for the worst-case scenario by Chris Shepherd Firefighters, ambulance crews, police and Nelson’s hospital were put to the test last week as part of an exercise of the regional emergency response system. The simulation was meant to asses how well the region’s first responders would react to multiple emergencies around the West Kootenay, said Noreen Clayton, emergency coordinator for Nelson and areas E, F and Kaslo D in the regional district. “Exercising is so hugely important to see where the disconnects are, where things aren’t working.” There is a need for regional co-ordination. Recent forest fires showed there has to be cooperation and shared resources throughout the Kootenays. To find those disconnects the RDCK hired a company to create a series of mock disasters around the region on Thursday, Feb. 26. First responders went through the wringer. The day started with a winter storm that dumped 60 to 80 centimetres of snow on area. Following the snow came 25 millimetres of freezing rain. The precipitation closed highways throughout the Kootenays, isolating the region. Emergencies popped up as a roof collapsed in Creston and then a multiple vehicle accident happened just outside of Nelson.
Exercising is so hugely important to see where the disconnects are, where things aren’t working. Noreen Clayton, emergency coordinator for Nelson and areas E, F and Kaslo D
For that last emergency, volunteer “victims” were prepared for firefighters and ambulance crews . The first responders were greeted with ���������������� hysterical victims and SHEPHERD ������������������ convincingly rendered Retired nurse Mary Lamb puts the finishing touchesCHRIS on Tim wounds that ranged from Bergen’s shoulder injury in preparation for a simulated pile up ��������������� scrapped knees, com- on the highway. ������������� pound fractures, burns and punctured chests. first responders. The with other emergency �������������������������� The makeup was applied region used federal and responders to co-ordiby retired and working provincial grants to nate the response. ���������������������������� nurses who drew on their cover 50 per cent of the Clarifying whose role ���������������������������������� own experiences to cre- total cost. is what is always a chalate wounds that were not Speaking after the lenge, Clayton said, but for the faint of heart. simulation, Clayton was cooperation between The wounded were pleased with how it all the City of Nelson and sorted and eventually went. Her job during an RDCK staff was exceltransported to Kootenay emergency is to ensure lent and made up for Lake Hospital where the region’s emergency much of the confusion. hospital staff got to prac- operations centre goes The RDCK will get a tice dealing with a flood smoothly. The centre report from the compaof injured. is where heads of the ny contracted to run the ����������������������������� The day included 20 fire, police and public simulation highlighting victims, and roughly 20 works department work problems and success. ��������������������������
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Opinions & Letters Fix our lopsided economy
Editorial Province should be upfront on money shuffle This week we reported on the province’s move to take away unconditional grants to communities and replace them with “Strategic Community Investment Funds.” (see story on page 3) Gary Wright, chair of the RDCK, informed the Express of the shuffle and shared his interpretation that the B.C. Liberals are trying to look like they’re acting on the economic problem without spending any new money. We agree with Wright’s assessment and suggest the province reassess their actions. Part of Wright’s criticism also dealt with new conditions placed on the money that require local governments to report on how they use the money. The unconditional grants should be reinstated and new money for strategic projects should be advanced. It would be fair for the government to ask for an accounting of how the new money is spent.
Happy International Women’s Day Let’s celebrate not only the women in our lives but the issues women through the ages have fought for. It’s the issues and solutions they found that are a gift to everyone. They were issues of inclusiveness, equality and peace and our society is better for the struggle.
Fish Heads & Flowers
Fish heads - to dog owners who allow their pets to roam freely on the highway. What are you thinking? You endanger the life of your dogs, create traffic hazards and are irresponsible! Shame on you! Flowers - to the person who returned my cell phone to the Telus dealer. It was given up for lost forever after 2 months. You restored my faith in the good people of Nelson, and I thank you! Flowers - to the organizers, volunteers and sponsors of the recent winter carnival. Great music, maple sugar and outdoor games warmed my winter. Fish heads - to the guy who bought all the kids “Joe” stuff when it was on clearance, removed the clearance tags, and marked it up higher than
original retail! This is too small a town to do that kind of thing! Fish heads – to myself. To the person I almost hit while driving, I’m sorry. There have only been a couple of moments in my life when I would consider myself a coward and I cannot apologize enough for this one. I am so sorry for not stopping. – Won’t do it again Fish heads - to whomever dumped an old mattress and carpeting on the side of the road. Please be responsible and properly dispose of your garbage. - Disappointed in Blewett Fish heads - to the person who finds a wallet with lots of money and doesn’t bother to return any of her ID. Remember, every minute is a chance to change.
Send us your Fish Heads and Flowers!
All submissions to the Express Fish Heads and Flowers section will be considered provided that no one is identified in the text or signature, all signatures are anonymous, and the submission is both concise and written in good taste. We reserve the right to withhold publication of submissions if these standards are not satisfied. To submit your gift of Fish Heads or Flowers, you may send email to, drop off or mail to 554 Ward Street, Nelson, B.C., V1L 1S9, or fax to (250) 352-5075. We will not accept submissions over the telephone. The Express cannot guarantee that your submission will be printed due to space limitation.
Dear editor, As a taxpayer, I would be willing to bail out the multinational companies if the CEOs and top administrators themselves would be willing to part with some of their performance, or non-performance, bonuses. Why should I be part of their lavish high-style living? These people live like sultans at the expense of consumers and taxpayers. But, they are not the
only ones responsible for an ailing economy. The unscrupulous speculators are a thorn in the sides of global economy. The sports industry is guilty as well of creating a lopsided economy. Why should a player throwing a ball or pushing a puck be paid millions of dollars per season? A miner or a lumberjack spends more energy and effort everyday of their
working life for a fraction of the money paid a sportsman. Of course, miners and lumberjacks don’t perform in arenas, they are invisible heroes. Yes indeed, “money is the root of all evils.” We know that the present situation will right itself eventually, but not until extreme greed is checked across the world. Aurelien Dupuis, Nelson
ISSN 1196-7471
Publications Mail Agreement #0654353. Paid at Nelson, B.C
Street Talk Have women reached equality with men in society?
Commentary Science uncertain on modified plants Alex Atamanenko is the MP for the BC Southern Interior riding The following is the first of a three-part of four different Roundup formulations in human cells. More than 75 per cent of series: We have had more than a decade of edible GM crops are designed to tolerate corporate manipulation and political col- high levels of Roundup. Scientists from lusion that has allowed unlabelled and ill the Committee of Independent Research tested genetically modified (GM) organ- and Information on Genetic Engineering isms into our environment and our food (CRIIGEN) recorded that at doses well below the recommended dilutions there supply. GM plants are those that have been was inhibited cell respiration, membrane created in a laboratory which have had and DNA damage with cell death occurtheir genes spliced with those from other ring within a few hours. It was found that plant species, viruses, bacteria, insects, ani- the toxic effects depended on and were mals or fish. More than 75 per cent of multiplied by the combination of comgenetically modified edible plants have pounds used in the Roundup mixtures been designed to tolerate high levels of currently in the market. Currently the Monsanto’s Roundup formulations. These rules are designed around single complants are able to spread their GM traits pounds and not by how these compounds and Roundup resistance to related weeds interact with each other. The amount of herbicides used by farmand plants through pollination. The central dogma of molecular biol- ers to kill weeds has risen fifteen fold since ogy has been that each gene in living biotech crops were first planted and we organisms carries the information needed are now seeing the emergence of many to construct one protein making it pos- “superweeds” that have developed a resissible to predict and control the character tance to these chemicals. It is critical that and traits of the plants and animals being we re-examine the validity and thoroughengineered. Industry research has pro- ness of the scientific methods used by vided assurances that the chemicals used Industry since it is their science upon along with these genetically engineered which our government has always relied to products are safe for human consumption develop regulations. The biotech industry has failed to proand pose no harm to the environment if used according to recommended applica- vide reasonable certainty that their prodtions. These are the scientific presump- ucts and the associated chemicals they tions upon which the entire economic and require are: a) safe for human consumption regulatory foundation was built to govern b) have no adverse effects on the natuthis powerful technology. In 2007 a consortium of scientists pub- ral environment c) provide an increase in crop yields lished findings stating that genes operate in a very complicated and complex network, over other methods d) reduce the need for chemical applicaas they interact and overlap not only with one another but with other components in tions e) gene-splicing technology and its prodvery complicated ways. For instance one strain of a virulent Malaria virus was found ucts is either predictable or controllable. Given the level of risk that is being to interact with over 500 genes. About the only thing scientists say they know with posed to our health and our environcertainty about this science is how very ment by such an extreme lack of scientific knowledge, the time is long overdue for a little they actually do know. In January, 2009 the American full reassessment of the process by which Chemical Society released an indepen- GM products have been and continue to dent research paper which studied, for be approved in Canada and throughout the first time, the toxicity mechanisms the world.
I would like to think so. I haven’t felt any restrictions in choices in how I want to live my life. Becca Cleaver, Nelson
I think they’re already. In fact they’re more equal because when something’s not right. Mark Petty, London, UK
Letters to the editor We encourage our readers to write to us. Please address letters meant for publication to the editor. We do not accept open letters. Letters must be short (200 words maximum) and to the point. We reserve the right to edit letters, and the decision to publish or not to publish is completely at the discretion of the editor and publisher. Originals will not be returned to the writer and the Express will store the original in its files. Commentaries can be longer (500 words
maximum) and are more in-depth than letters. If you wish to write a commentary, please first contact the editor. All letters and commentaries must be signed and include your name, address and phone number. Only your name and community you live in will be published. We will not print “name withheld” letters. Opinions in the paper are not necessarily those of the Express or its advertisers.
The Express Newspaper is owned by Kootenay Express Communication Corp.
March 4, 2009 EXPRESS Page 5
PHONE (250) 354-3910 FAX 352-5075 EMERGENCY CELL 354-9001 554 Ward St. Nelson, B.C. V1L 1S9 PUBLISHER Nelson Becker
EDITOR Chris Shepherd
I would say equality is a state of mind. If people treat you inequally and you let it happen without challenging it then it perpetuates itself. Cheryl Petty, London, UK
March 4, 2009
CBT re-launches youth-led Scratch Magazine This week residents across the basin are getting their first look at CBT’s newly designed Scratch Magazine. This edition of Scratch sports a new size, format and attitude following consultation with basin youth on how to better promote youth art and creativity. Scratch Magazine provides a forum for youth in the Columbia Basin to share their art, ideas and experiences with each other. The magazine is created by and for youth as a way to examine issues in their lives, and propel their creativity forward through sharing. The next edition is already in the works and Basin youth can get involved by sub-
mitting works of art, poetry and editorials on health, travel and community initiatives through www.; get involved with the Scratch editorial committee; or share the magazine with friends. CBT is also looking for community mentors and reporters to take part in Scratch. Anyone interested in getting involved should call 1-800-505-8998 or email Copies of Scratch Magazine can be found at various coffee shops, schools, youth and community centres and book stores. For a list of venues or to subscribe or view the magazine online, visit – submitted
Lucky to be alive Cooperative rescue pulls snowboarder with broken pelvis off Kootenay mountain by Chris Shepherd Nelson Search and Rescue says a Ymir man caught in an avalanche last week is lucky to be alive after ski guides from a nearby heli skiing operation came to his rescue. Patric Maloney, owner of Snowwater Heli Skiing and Snow Cat Skiing, and snow guide Shawn West responded to a call for help just before darkness fell in the mountains northwest of Ymir on Friday, Feb. 27. A snowboarder had been caught in an avalanche near Barrett Lake and one of his friends had snowmobiled into Ymir to report the accident to the RCMP. The friend also called Maloney’s company, which operates a lodge just a 10-minute helicopter flight away from Barrett Lake. Maloney says the tragedy of Sparwood – where eight men, including rescuers were killed in an avalanche – was at the top of his mind as he, West and Maloney’s wife, Maria Grant, surveyed the scene of the avalanche from the air. Maloney’s company had already surveyed
If it wasn’t for the Snowwater guides going in there, packing him up and getting him out, he wouldn’t have survived. Murray Springman, Nelson Search and Rescue
that area earlier in the day and he was familiar with conditions. “We weren’t willing to ski on those slopes at all that day.” Their assessment from the air suggested it was safe and so Maloney and West dropped from the helicopter. West skied down to the injured snowboarder, who had been found by his friends, while Maloney stayed up top, still watch-
ing to ensure a second avalanche wasn’t going to go tumbling down the bowl. Comfortable that it was safe, Maloney joined West who had already started stabilizing the injured man. “He was pretty busted up and in a lot of pain and was still pinned up against the trees,” Maloney said. As the men worked they realized they weren’t going to have the snowboarder ready for removal in the helicopter before darkness fell. Maloney sent the chopper back to the lodge and he and West, with the help of the snowboarder’s friends, began lowering the man down the mountain. Conditions were difficult and they had to lower him 200 vertical feet before they got to a spot level enough for them to put him in a rescue toboggan. The victim was conscious the entire time though in great pain. From there it was a matter of pulling the man out. The friends blazed a trail ahead as the man was pulled out. The rescuers had to use
man-power until another Ymir man, alerted to the accident, came up on a snowmobile. The Ymir man had a proper toboggan for towing a vicim out and was a welcome addition to the rescue effort, said Maloney. They continued down the mountain until they met Nelson Search and Rescue roughly halfway out. The victim was handed off at that point and the snowboarder was taken to Highway 6 where a BC Ambulance took him to Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital in Trail. The man was eventually taken to Vancouver where he was treated for a fractured pelvis. Murray Springman, a search manager for Nelson Search and Rescue, says the snowboarder is lucky to be alive. “If it wasn’t for the Snowwater guides going in there, packing him up and getting him out, he wouldn’t have survived,” Springman said. Avalanche conditions continue to be considerable, according to the Canadian Avalanche Centre. Visit for up-to-date information.
Demolition begins Locomotive maintenance shop to come down within five weeks by Chris Shepherd A 20-year-old eyesore on Nelson’s waterfront should be gone within six weeks. Last week, workers began demolition on the CP locomotive maintenance building, removing the asbestos that lines the 55-year-old building’s walls. Residents won’t see much activity for another week, says Mike
LoVecchio, spokesman tos will be removed and for Canadian Pacific. At disposed of at the Salmo the moment workers for landfill, the closest dump Hazco Environmental that can take the mateare working inside as they rial. remove the asbestos. Along with asbestos, “Because asbestos is Hazco has to pump out part of the building it’s several tanks with diesel not just a matter of knock- fuel and water. ing it down,” LoVecchio Once the asbestos and says. diesel is out, the actual The structure was built structure should come for locomotive main- down, likely next week. tenance in 1954, a time CP announced they when asbestos was a com- were tearing down the mon material. The asbes- building in October 2008. �����������������
LoVecchio says alternative uses for the building, which was closed up in 1988, were discussed but in the end the company decided it would cheaper to take the building down instead of fixing it up. CP has no immediate plans for the site but will keep ownership of the land just below Vernon Street as the rail company intends to run trains through the region for many more years.
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that are unable to do it themselves Change the time, change ���������������������������������� or install a smoke detector if one ������������������ the batteries, save a life doesn’t exist for free.
Friday, March 6,.2 p.m. to 9 p.m. and If a donation would like to be Saturday, March 7, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at made for this service cheque can Chahko-Mika Mall be made out to Our Daily Bread, a Kootenay Christian Fellowship hot meal program run by Kootenay and Nelson Fire and Rescue, team Christian Fellowship. up to promote fire safety in the home with a booth at the mall. The purpose of the booth��������������������������� is to Nelson United Church promote changing the smoke alarm centennial ������������������������ battery when the clocks are changed for daylight time (Sunday, March 8, Saturday, March 7, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. ��������������������� 2 a.m.). The Kootenay Christian and Sunday, March 8 at the Nelson Fellowship (KCF) will give away United Church, 602 Silica St. Festivities kick off with an open free batteries for smoke detectors. KCF volunteers will also �������������������� offer house at the church starting at to replace the battery for those 1 p.m. This is an opportunity to learn ����������
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about the 100-year-old building and the current work of the church. Dessert and refreshments will be served. Then in the evening, there is a centennial dinner at the Eagles Hall, 647 Baker St. at 6:30 p.m. with socializing and a cash bar starting at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $16 per person ($12 for 16 and under). Sunday, March 8 will see a centennial worship service at 10 a.m. and a rededication service at 6:30 p.m. Both will feature special pipe organ music and opportunities to renew acquaintances. For tickets and information, call the church office weekday mornings at (250) 352-2822.
March 4, 2009 EXPRESS Page 7
Nelson Leafs lead series Top-ranked Leafs play Spokane Braves in Kootenay International Junior Hockey League semi-finals by Chris Shepherd Results were unavailable as of press time, but the Nelson Leafs were well placed to finish their first round of the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League last night. The Leafs went to game five on Tuesday, March 3 in Nelson after leading the Spokane Braves in the Neil Murdoch Division semifinals 3-1. The Leafs were wellplaced to take the semifinals in four games after beating out the Braves 4-3 and 5-1 at home and again in Spokane, crushing the Braves 6-2 on the road. The Braves rallied in game four on Sunday, March 1, also in Spokane, scoring twice in the first period and adding another goal in the second. The Leafs used two power-plays to close the gap and they went into the third period trailing by one, 3-2. A penalty early in
the third period got the Leafs in trouble, however, and the Braves scored once more and the tally stayed at 4-2 for the rest of a game marked by penalties for both sides as the clock ran down. The Leafs were outshot in Sunday’s game, the Braves goalie facing 29 shots on net compared to the 41 poured onto Peter Alexander in net. The Leafs had a strong season leading up to playoffs, dominating their division and the league with 43 wins and nine losses. If the Leafs won last night they’ll have to wait to see who’ll they’ll play next. The Castlegar Rebels and the Beaver Valley Nitehawks have tied their series at two games each. If Braves managed to win, the teams will go to game six in Spokane tonight, Wednesday, March 4. If game seven is needed the Leafs will at least get to play at home on Thursday, March 5.
Forward Chris Cucullu pushes through the Spokane Braves defence during game two of the KIJHL semi-finals.
A world-wide contender L.V.R. grad places seventh at World Junior Speed Skating champs by Chris Shepherd Heading into the World Junior Speed Skating Championships, Scott Bickerton hoped he would get one top-10 finish. He didn’t. He got two. Bickerton, who graduated from L.V. Rogers Secondary School in 2008, placed seventh in the 3,000 metre and 5,000 metre events at the championships, held on Sunday, Feb. 22 to Monday, Feb. 23 in Zakopane, Poland. “I was super happy with my performance all weekend,” said
Bickerton, 19. He was speaking from the University of Calgary campus where he’s in his first year studying bio sciences. Bickerton was still dealing with jet lag, had to catch up with missed classes and had midterms looming, but despite all that the excitement in voice was unmistakable. Bickerton was the fastest Canadian in the 3,000 and 5,000 metre races, which is saying a lot because he was part of Canada’s world junior team. “I showed the world who I am and what I can do.”
The championships marked the pinnacle of Bickerton’s season though the teen still has races in Quebec coming up which will signal the end of the racing season. With his seventh-place finish, Bickerton has secured a spot on Canada’s national development team, an important step in his racing career. He hopes to make it to the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, Russia and the national development team is an important step to that lofty goal as it will give him more international racing experience.
Utilities and seniors, part two
The following is part two of an imagined conversation between two seniors, CC (Constant Complainer) and Polly (short for Pollyanna). The seniors are discussing the impacts of recent utility rate hikes announced by the City of Nelson. The conversation is fictional but based on my own thoughts and from discussions with Nelson seniors “What should council have done, CC? The work is necessary, you know.” “I know, Polly. But our taxes have gone into this city for years. There should be a way to make these young whippersnappers pay. They’ll get all the benefits. Make a grandfather clause that
Seniors’ Saga
George Millar
gives old crocks like us a lower rate on these things. We might not even be here in 10 years.” “I don’t think that’s legal, CC.” “Well, there needs to be something. Maybe instead of the 10-year repayment schedule,
they should have amortized the cost over 25 or 30 years, you know, like a mortgage. And speaking of mortgages, I will have to sell, maybe move to Salmo or somewhere where you don’t have to pay the politicians so much just to have a roof over your head.” “A longer repayment time might have been a better way, CC, if the laws that govern how municipalities can borrow money and charge fees for them to do that.” “And what about the Harper plan to help end this recession by providing funds to municipalities for infrastructure upgrades? Chretien talked about federal money for infra-
structure when he was in power, but did Nelson see any? Will we see any of Harper’s money come our way to see this program get done without it costing us so much?” “Well, my memory’s not what it used to be, CC, but I think we did see some money when the Liberals had their big infrastructure upgrade program. But, CC, you have to remember that these federal grant monies are not full dollars. They are almost always fifty-cent dollars, because the local government has to match them. Still, being charged for only half of the cost would make it easier for seniors like us to live with it.”
This column intends to publicize agencies that support seniors’ activities, the lifestyle of interesting seniors, and topics of interest to seniors and those who care about seniors. As well, we – the column and I – will express opinion related to the things, both naughty and nice, that governments and their agencies do to and for seniors. Those opinions will be mine, and not necessarily those of the Express.
March 4, 2009
Women and art: A topical talk at Oxygen Art Centre
Friday, March 6, 7:30 p.m. at Oxygen Art Centre, 320 Vernon St., alley entrance In celebration of International Women’s Day, Oxygen Art Centre presents an upcoming Ideas Café with three local women artists. Visual artist Deb Thompson, poet-fibre artist Susan Andrews-Grace, and filmmaker-photographer Nancy Rosenblum will talk about their work and process. Deb Thompson is Touchstones Nelson newly appointed co-curator. She is a process-based artist whose work deals with transformation and consciousness. She is currently working on a body of sculptural dresses. Susan Andrews Grace is the author of four books of poetry, the most recent of which are Flesh, A Naked Dress and Love & Tribal Baseball. Her visual art conceptually echoes and honours textile tradition and often comes out of the crucible of family and church as institutions, in a not-unquestioning manner. Nancy Rosenblum’s work embodies a wide range of topics, ever current with changing times and personal experience. Throughout the late ‘70s and ‘80s her photography gave voice to her increasing rage over male violence against women and her coming out as a lesbian. More recently she channelled her love of visual story telling into professional television, film production, and film editing, winning several Emmy’s along the way.
2009 Class of Forestry
invites you to an evening of films and discussion with special guest Herb Hammond.
Celebrate International Women’s Day
Sunday, March 8, 4:30 p.m. at Touchstones Nelson, 502 Vernon St. The Nelson Women’s Centre will celebrate International Women’s Day, with their event 2nd Wave Feminism Meets the Future – Launching IMAGES, A DVD of Perspectives from Rural BC Women, along with refreshments, speeches and song. Dr. Marcia Braundy was founder and early editor of IMAGES – Kootenay Women’s Newspaper, as well as a member of the collective that produced the paper from 1973 to 1991. At the International Women’s Day event, she will launch a DVD which will hold all 19 years of the paper, which offered up the voice of rural feminism to readers across Canada. Orders for the final IMAGES DVD will be taken at the event, due out at the end of March. There will also be speakers representing Grans to Grans, The Advocacy Centre and the Pura Vida Foundation, as well as singing and refreshments. Admission is free.
For more info call the Capitol Theatre 352-6363
The Path to Sustainability, the Path to Survival lecture by Herb Hammond Several fresh, thoughtprovoking environmental films from all parts of the world that everyone should see.
Dr. Marcia Braundy holding the first and last issues of IMAGES. The Nelson Women’s Centre will celebrate International Women’s Day by releasing a DVD of the women’s newspaper.
Briefly Women’s rights are human rights
March 17 • 7:30 pm • $10
Saturday, March 7, 6:30 p.m. at the Nelson Municipal Library, 602 Stanley St.
The West Kootenay Women’s Association and Amnesty International Nelson will show three films celebrating the achievements of women as agents of change and the need to continue to take
action for women’s human rights. The films are Stolen Sisters, Café Feminino and a film updating the work of the Pura Vida Foundation. All are welcome and admission is is by donation.
is proud to sponsor this event.
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SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM NELSON & DISTRICT COMMUNITY COMPLEX The Regional District of Central Kootenay is requesting proposals from qualified individual(s) to contract for our sponsorship program. Using the “NDCC Sponsorship Package” as a marketing tool and guide, secure appropriate sponsors for a public recreation facility.
������������������������ Photo cutline: Students from the Professional Cook Training Program at Selkirk College pulled off their best results ever at the 13th Annual Jr.. Hot Competition in Vancouver bringing home six gold, six silver and two bronze medals. From left to right are chef/instruc���������������������������� tor Randy Davis, Katie Foster, Kelli������������������� Bialkoski, Kiersten Jansen, Steve Brown, Caitlin Laurie, Cora Grosch, Kelly Mitchell and team manager David Abrosimoff. Missing are Ryan Lane, Rachel Markin and chef/instructor Simon Parr.
Sealed proposals, addressed to the Director of Recreation in an envelope plainly marked “SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM - NDCC” will be received at the NDCC, 305 Hall Street, Nelson, BC, V1L 5X4 up to 2:00 p.m. Local Time, Thursday, March 12, 2009.
�������������� Selkirk cooking students turn on the ���������� heat at Hot Competition
Terms of Reference to assist with proposals preparation are available on the RDCK website at Call for Proposals will be accepted by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m. on March 12, 2009: Bernie Van Hooft, Director or Recreation Nelson & District Community Complex 305 Hall Street Nelson, BC V1L 5X4 Phone: (250) 354-4386 ex 5108 Fax: (250) 352-3812 email:
Students from the professional cook training program at Selkirk College pulled off their best results ever at the 13th Annual Jr. Hot Competition in Vancouver, bringing home six gold, six silver and two bronze medals. Selkirk College’s team placed second overall in the college category.
����������������������������� The BC Chefs’ panel of judges. Recipes Association puts on the from the competition ����������������������������� Annual Hot Competition will be showcased and at��������� Vancouver’s BC Place available in a Heart Stadium as part of the and Stroke Foundation BC Foodservice Expo. Cookbook later this This year’s competition year. �������������������� took place at the end of Kelli Bialkoski won January. two gold medals; Steve ���������� Participants had to Brown and Kelli Mitchell ������� write their own recipes won gold in the college ��������������� and to cook them within category; Katie Foster, ������������������ 30 minutes in front of a double gold in the col��������������� ���� �������������
lege category; Cora Grosch, Caitlin Laurie and Rachel Markin, silver in the college category; chef/instructor Simon Parr, silver in the professional category; and Kiersten Jansen and Ryan Lane of Nelson’s L.V. Rogers Secondary School won bronze in the high school category. – submitted
March 4, 2009 EXPRESS Page 9
Women’s Day
NTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY, March 8, is an occasion marked by women’s groups around the world. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. When women on all continents, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate their day, they can look back to a tradition
that represents at least nine decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development. International Women’s Day is the story of ordinary women as makers of history; it is rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men. In ancient Greece, Lysistrata initiated a sexual strike against men in order to end war; during the French Revolution, Parisian women calling for “liberty, equality, fraternity” marched on
Versailles to demand women’s suffrage. The idea of an International Women’s Day first arose at the turn of the century, which in the industrialized world was a period of expansion and turbulence, booming population growth and radical ideologies. This year the Express is pleased to present here some of Nelson’s entrepreneurial women who make our lives richer with their businesses in our community.
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Angel, Owner 509 Baker Street, Nelson, BC 250-354-1122
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Noreen, owner
Hazeldean Gallery
Nature’s Home Furnishings & Gift Shop
Owner, Naomi Bagshaw & Manager, Donna Munro
402 Baker St. in the Nelson Trading Co.
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March 4, 2009
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Arts & Entertainment ��������������������������������������������
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Loosen those lips up
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Thursday, March 12 at Finley’s Irish Bar and Grill, 705 Vernon St. she feels Nelson is ready for something Saturday, March 7, 8 p.m. at the The grandson of a little more avant-garde. Capitol Theatre, 421 Victoria St. Haji Mohamed, one of “Oh you know . . . I have done a An eclectic mix of exciting artistes Somalia’s most famous has signed up for this year’s 14th lot of divas. I feel it’s time to do a perpoets, and nephew of formance that is a bit more tongue in Annual Big Lip-Sync Contest. famed Somali singer cheek!” Just about all the pop bases of the Magool, the emcee is creNelson’s businesses have been 20th and 21st Century have been covating his own musical path ered. The Andrews Sisters, Madonna incredibly generous with their prizes through reggae, funk, and Justin Timberlake are some of the this year. “It’s local businesses that pop, soul and, above all, make this event the success it is by great acts that have insisted on taking hip-hop. part in Nelson’s best fun, full partici- being so big-hearted with their donaRecorded primarily in pation, family event. And early ticket tions,” says Norma. Kingston, Jamaica where Tickets for the 14th Annual Big Lipsales indicate that this year will once K’Naan was granted Sync Contest are on sale at the Capitol again be ��������������� a sell-out. unprecedented access range from $10 for kids to The Grand Dame of Ham, Norma Theatre and����������������������������������������������������������������� by his friends Stephen ������������������ Kilpatrick, will give Monty Python a $15 for adults. A family of four can get and Damian Marley to ����������������������� can also be bought go with ��������������� a duet from their hit musical in for $45. Tickets their father Bob Marley’s Spamalot! The lip sync organiser says it by phone at (250) 352-6363. ������������� original home studio at is a departure from her usual style but – submitted �������������������� 56 Hope Road and the legendary Tuff Gong ������ studios. Troubadour is ������������������� Ndidi Onukwulu a hip-hop album like no Saturday, March 7 at ����������������������������������� other. K’Naan successThe Royal ������������������������������������� on Baker, fully blends samples and 330 Baker St. live instrumentation for On her debut No, I a sound that’s both root�������������������� Never, Ndidi Onukwulu ed in traditional African proved she can wrap melodies and the classic ���������� her silky voice around hip-hop tradition. It’s this SUBMITTED anything from country mix, both musical and lyr������� blues to her own rootsy ical, that earned his 2006 salon sound. Now we debut album The Dusty of the Year, a BBC Radio Music Prize, Canada’s �������������������������������� have The Contradictor, Foot Philosopher a Juno 3 Award, and nomination equivalent to the Shortlist ���� all about ����������������������������������� focus, training award for Rap Recording for the inaugural Polaris Music Prize. that formidable silk edge on everyone’s private pain, and contradicting the anguish with a full, upbeat, resonance. The Hunnicutt have been rul- The Rippin’ Rattlers, Contradictor is personDre-day ing the dance party scene al and universal, built Thursday, March 5 at in Winnipeg for more than Alan Kirk and the on Ndidi’s songwriting Finley’s Irish Bar and Grill, seven years. mining the extremes of Alternators and 705 Vernon St. Together they have intimacy, with the bigThis is a celebration of thrown over 30 parties at Stew Ford ger sounds and tones Dr. Dre’s birthday fea- clubs, riverboats, roller Saturday, March 7 at she is most interested turing DJs Co-op and rinks, and even ice skating Finley’s Irish Bar and Grill, in uncovering. These Hunnicutt. rinks, all the while makare songs of heartache, With their unique ing each party unique, and 705 Vernon St. The Rippin Rattlers, heartbreak, and longing. blends of hip hop, funk, challenging themselves to Alan Kirk and the ‘Not nice,’ as she says, disco, rock, reggae and outdo the last. Alternators and Stew Ford but as full as these can anything else that gets bodare part of the The Made be. ies moving, the dynamic in the Kootenays Music duo of DJ Co-op and DJ Showcase. SUBMITTED
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March 4, 2009
Arts & Entertainment Left Spine Down
Friday, March 6 at Finley’s Irish Bar and Grill, 705 Vernon St. Left Spine Down is joined by two opening bands, The Forget Me Knots and The Rabid Whole. Left Spine Down features members from industrial rock bands Frontline Assembly and The Black Halos. The have a new CD produced by Skinny Puppy members and features remixed tunes from KMFDM, Revco and Combichrist.
Falling art show: opening reception
Friday, March 6, 6 p.m. at Gallery 378, 378 Baker St. Shayne Brandel’s business card says he is a “process driven artist.” and his latest body of work certainly attests to this. It is a state of vulnerability that Brandel dwells on in this series, trying to capture that ephemeral shift between control and chaos. The first thing one notices about the work is the size of the canvases compared only to the size of the figures portrayed on them. There is nothing subtle about these paintings; they stop the viewer with their size and motion. Big, bold images of people jumping and falling cover the multi layered surfaces of the expansive canvas. Brandel has little regard for artifacts. He will paint and repaint over his old canvases. Once the canvas is ready, he starts penciling and scratching in the image. Using the underlying layers he slowly sculpts in the figures, exposing unimagined patterns and shapes. “Falling is at Gallery 378 until Tuesday, March 31. For more information phone (250) 352-3006.
Curatorial talk and dance theatre
Thursday, March 5, 6:45 p.m. at Touchstones Nelson, 502 Vernon St. Curator Deborah Thompson and artists Thomas Loh and Hiromoto Ida host this evening of dance and discussion. Thompson will give a talk on the exhibition Salt: the distillation of matter which explores the nature of impermanence. Loh and Ida will respond to impermanence in a Butoh contemporary dance performance entitled the last hour. Performance starts at 7:10 p.m. Suggested donation of $5. For more information, contact exhibitions@tou
Shashin - Japanese Canadian Studio Photography
Opening reception on Friday, March 6, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Langham The Langham Cultural Centre, 447 A Ave., Kaslo The Langham presents Shashin, a collection of original works by Japanese Canadian studio photographers up to 1942. This exhibit will be of particular interest ot photographers and historians but all will enjoy the captured moments of another time. Photography was a new art form at the turn of the century and portrait artists brought to it the awareness of composition, light and a need to convey more than a moment but a feeling for the person and their life which had been part of the trade when portraits were painted. For the Japanese Canadians, who lost all of their photographs to the years of internment, these sources have provided some personal glimpses into their past. Japanese Canadian photographers took pictures of people from all walks of Canadian life. This show comes from the Japanese Canadian National Museum in Burnaby. The collection is on display until Sunday, April 26.
Saturday, March 7, 10 p.m. at the Spiritbar, 422 Vernon St. From the early days of Giant Step, to today’s Turntables on the Hudson parties, Nickodemus has been a key element in the NYC dance music scene
for over 10 years. As a DJ and a producer, he explores the intersection of urban and world music with sounds of funk, folk, jazz, hip hop, house and dub, all with a message of peace, awareness and love for the dance.
Early 1900s costume workshop
Saturday, March 14, 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Sunday, March 15, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the SS Moyie National Historic Site, 324 Front St., Kaslo The Kootenay Lake Historical Society and The Land Conservancy of BC have organized a fashion display and workshop on dress and textiles of the early 1900s. Using live models, heritage costumes expert Ivan Sayers will demonstrate how people dressed in the early 1900s and explain all that went into a period costume and how it was worn. Sayers will also answer questions about how to care for, store, and restore heritage textiles. “We’d love to have people bring in family photos and outfits,” says Bob Turner, project historian for the SS Moyie National Historic Site. “Ivan can provide expert advice on how to recreate those costumes based on photos or heirloom pieces.” Admission is by donation. Organizers would like to hear if people are planning on attending but say drop-ins are welcome. For more information or to sign up, contact (250) 383-2525 or The
Friday, March 6 at the Spiritbar, 422 Vernon St. StinkMitt are legends in their own time. Their debut LP Scratch n Sniff on Teenage USA Recordings was hailed as “an instant classic” and “a groundbreaking genre” while their live shows which put the flashdance
Land Conservancy of BC at (250) 427-4711.
Friday, March 6, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the North Shore Hall, 675 Whitmore Rd. Organizers say the Ghostdancing TranceDance is a dynamic trance experience which begins with a traditional
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back in freestyling – are as infamous as they are massively entertaining. StinkMitt’s totally original synth-pop/hip-hop hybrid sound is infused with the hilarious and brilliant commentary of MCs Jenni Craige and Betti Forde. Their signature ‘80s trash look and potty-mouthed rapping has been cop-
ied many times over by female artists achieving far more fame on far less talent but because StinkMitt is totally ahead of their time, it will likely take a few more years for the world to catch on. In the meantime, StinkMitt are here to save your life. Are you ready? $10 at the door.
native dance of prayer inviting connection and celebration with ancestors and all of creation. The TranceDance experience is an opportunity to hold intention and receive wisdom, experience and insight. Participants use music, breath and blindfolds to achieve this.
The course is run by Rosalyn and Duncan Grady who have explored indigenous practices and ceremony in a variety of cultures including North America, Mexico, Bali, Peru and India. Admission is $10. Call (250) 352-9243 or email for information.
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is a proud sponsor of this event!
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March 4, 2009
At left, model Amber Seguin was adorned by painter Cassia Barret’s feather-inspired design. Barret placed second in the competition. Above, Sara Jessica Victor lets painter Alexis Staford put the finishing touches on the tiger-like designs. Staford placed third.
The First Annual Interior Body Paint Competition drew 13 performers and 13 artists to Nelson on Saturday, Feb. 28. The models were painted at Melissa Meretsky’s Luscious Studio and Gallery in The Factory and then performed at the Spiritbar.
Where art and life intersect NELSON BECKER
At left, model Rikia Novathy dances at the Spiritbar during the performance segment of the competition. Jenny Walton painted Novathy’s designs and won first place. Above, Liv Lund’s cosmos-like designs, painted by Karen Bullara, won sixth place. Nate Stewart’s painting on Ceilidh Sutherland, won fourth and Steven Lochart’s designs on Nicole Lc won fifth place.
March 4, 2009
Special Events
Ongoing Events Wednesdays
Thursday Mar 5
Saturday Mar 7 (cont’d)
NEED INEXPENSIVE BIRTH CONTROL? Options for Sexual Health drop-in clinic. 333 Victoria St. 5:30-8 p.m. PROBLEM WITH EATING and weight? OA support group 5 - 6 p.m., Nelson Hospital cafeteria (basement). No dues or fees. 250-352-7717 or 1-800-6115788. OANelson.htm DROP IN GREIF SUPPORT GROUP. 7-9 p.m. at Broader Horizons, 905 Gordon Road, back door . THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Wednesdays at 1p.m. Info 250-505-5583 WOMEN’S HOCKEY SCRIMMAGE at the old rink 8:30 - 9:30 p.m. $10 dropin fee. Full equipment required. Info 250-359-7036 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Harrop Hall, Harrop 5:30 p.m. DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon meeting noon The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. HABLAS ESPANOL? Spanish Conversation group meeting every 2nd and 4th Wed of Month 5 - 6 p.m. Vienna Cafe. Donations. Contact NUTRIENT-RICH COOKING classes every Wed/Sun. Many topics to choose from. Contact Lorraine at lorraine@earthlobby. com or 250-352-3860. GLACIER HARMONIES Women’s Barbershop Chorus. All welcome at 7 p.m. to Baptist Church, 6115th St. Nelson. Dorothy 3527199 or Joey 352-3393
THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Saturday at 1 p.m. For further info. please call 250505-5583
KINDERGARTEN OPEN HOUSE: Neslon Christian Community School. 11 a.m. 810 10th Street. Info: 352-0565
FIDDLE ROOTS PROJECT - Music workshops all day with Zav, Adrian and more, composition, improvisation, accompaniment, novice fiddle, more. For registration and info call 250-227-9692 or email fiddlerootsproject@hot NELSON UNITED CHURCH CENTENNIAL DINNER, Eagles Hall, 641 Baker, 5:30 pm refreshments, 6:30 supper, $16/person ($12 for 16 and under) Tickets: call 250-352-2822 BELLY DANCE CLASSES. Egyptian, Tribal, Free Expression. 4:30-6pm, Moving Center, 6 weeks, $90. Call Karen 352-726 WOMEN’S RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS: West Kootenay Women’s Association and Amnesty International Nelson will show three films at 6:30 p.m. in the Nelson Library basement. By donation.
Thursdays IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM IN YOUR LIFE? AA Meetings, Lunch Bunch at Noon. Into Action Big Book Study at 8:00 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. ACUPUNCTURE for ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 1:30 p.m. Located at 333 Victoria Street, 2nd Floor. 505-7248 BIBLE STUDY JOY BAPTIST CHURCH, 6:30 p.m. 560 Baker St., Suite #3. SIGNING CHOIR (sign language) 3:30 p.m. at NDYC, 608 Lake St. NELSON BADMINTON CLUB 7-9 p.m. at the Mary Hall Gym. For information call Anne at 3527536 or Guy at 352-6330. REDFISH BADMINTON Ages 15 to 90 Mon Thurs 6:30 p.m. $3 drop in. Call 229-4346 or 2294343 for more details. INTUITIVE FREESTYLE DANCE for Children including Pranic Breathing. Ages 7-10 3263 for info. PLAY WITH CIRCUS TOYS drop in from 7:30 to 9:30p. m. at Central School Gym. $6 for info. WALK-IN PRAYER CLINIC 1 - 3 p.m. & 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. A ministry of Eleos Centre, 711 10th St., Nelson. No appointment necessary. Call 250-352-0300 for more information. SPACE TO SPIN poi, hoop, staff, unicycle or juggling pins etc at the Central School Gym. All ages welcome. $6 with a discount for families with kids. Email or call 352 3263 for info.
Fridays GENDER OUTLAWS, a support & social group for trans & gender variants. 354-5362. Nelson AA-F-Troop meeting at the Cellar 717A Vernon St 8 p.m. DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon meeting 8 pm at 601 Front St. GERMAN FAMILIES meet to sing and play at the Family Place. Contact: Irina at 250-354-0292
Saturdays WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 357-2822. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Noon meeting at The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. AL-NON FAMILY group meeting, New Denver, Slocan Community Health Centre, Annex bldg. 9:3010:30 thru March.
Sundays WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 357-2822. SHAMBHALA CENTRE NYINTHUN: Join us for sitting meditation 9 a.m. to noon. Break for refreshments mid-morning. . Everyone is welcome, come and go as you please. 444 Baker St. 352-5560 WORSHIP SERVICES JOY BAPTIST CHURCH, 10 a.m., 11 a.m, 6:30 p.m., 560 Baker St, Suite #3, 825-4095. QUAKER MEETING 723 Ward, upstairs, 9:45. 354-3859. MORNING WORHSIP, Community Church, Passmore Hall, 11 a.m. All welcome. WORSHIP St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Slocan, 2 p.m. All welcome. UNITY CENTRE of the Kootenays, 905 Gordon Rd. Broader Horizons. Back door, 11 a.m. Everyone welcome. NELSON AA - Sunday Morning 10 a.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. NELSON UNITED CHURCH service, 10 a.m. 602 Silica St. ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH Ser vice 10:15 a.m. 1805 Silverking Rd. You are welcome. 352-2515 ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH fternoon worship 4pm, 21 Silica St. 354-3308 THE 10 KOOTENAY MINUTE MASSAGE For only a twoonie at the Cocoa-Nut Lounge, 1 - 3 p.m. Info Karen Logan 250-505-9748
Mondays NELSON TABLE TENNIS CLUB. 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at Blewett Elem. School when school is in session. 352-9547 or 352-5739 SHAMBHALA CENTRE OPEN HOUSE 7p.m. meditation instruction and practice; 8 p.m. talk and discussion; 9 p.m. tea. All welcome. 444 Baker St. 352-5560. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS open meeting. 7:00 p.m. Passmore Hall, 3656 Old Passmore Road. F-Troop Meeting 8 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. REDFISH BADMINTON Ages 15 to 90 Mon Thurs 6:30 p.m. $3 drop in. 229-4346 or 229-4343. MT. SENTINEL SCHOOL South Slocan Badminton Mon Wed 7:30 p.m. 359-7610 NELSON BADMINTON CLUB 7-9 p.m. at the Mary Hall Gym. For information call Anne at 3527536 or Guy at 352-6330. DIAPER FREE BABY / ELIMINATION Communication Support Circle 4th Monday of each month 1-3 p.m. The Family Place 312 Silica St. HERITAGE HARMONY Barbershop Chorus. Welcoming anyone! Tim 250-825-9694 or John 250-352-6892
Wed. Mar 4
Sat. Mar 7
ALMOST ACOUSTIC JAM at The Royal on Baker, 9:30 p.m. No cover. LIVE MUSIC at FUSION 301 Baker St. 352-3011 Call For reservations PAUL LANDSBERG & BERT PETERS, jazz guitar duo, Library Lounge in the Hume Hotel, 610 pm KARAOKE Amy Poznikof f putting on the Ritz and Wild Women Wednesdays at Finleys Irish Pub OPEN STAGE at The Royal on Baker, 9:30 p.m. hosted by Estevan. Everyone welcome!
14TH ANNUAL BIG LIP-SYNC contest at the Capitol Theatre. 8 p.m. Tickets $10 -$15.
Thurs. Mar 5 DAM UNPLUGGED ACOUSTIC Open Stage, Thursdays, 9 p.m. hosted by Estevan, Dam Inn, South Slocan. CANADIAN TOUR: The Dre-Day Party 2009 With DJ’s; Co-op & Hunnicutt with Host “John Smith” at Finley’s 10 p.m. $10 at the door. FRESH THURSDAY - DJ BRYX at the Spirit Bar, Hume Hotel.
Fri. Mar 6 FINLEY’S GAME NIGHT, “Name that Tune” at followed by live music at 10 p.m. “LEFT SPINE DOWN” (LSD) & 2-opening bands: “The Forget Me Knots” & “The Rabid Whole” at Finley’s 10 p.m. $10 at Eddy Music. DJ TERRANTINO Top 40 retro at The Spiritbar RYLAN PLAYS AT MAX & IRMA’S Solo finger syle guitar 6-9 p.m. Tasty tones, great food, good times!
Sat. Mar 7 CATHERINE & ANNEKE, YUKIKO Tsutsui and Mike Buckley unplugged at Ellisons Market & Natural Foods Cafe, 12-3. DRIFTWOOD (MARV WALKER AND DAN OBRADOVIC) play conteporar y classics at the Balfour Beach Inn, 5:30 p.m. DJ NICKODEMUS 10 p.m. SpiritBar, 422 Vernon. Tickets at the Hume Hotel.
MADE IN THE KOOTENAYS Music Showcase: Three great local bands at Finley’s Irish Bar 9pm. $5/door NDIDI ONUKWULU plays blues at The Royal on Baker. JUDE DAVIDSON sings classic songs & originals, 6-9 p.m. at Max & Irma’s Restaurant. Good food and music.
Sun. Mar 8 SARAH AND RICH Per form soulful jazz standards in a pleasant lounge setting. Every Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m. at the Redfish Grill at 479 Baker St. THE TRUMAN SHOW for brunch and Nikko plays evenings at Nelson’s live jazz venue, The Library Lounge, located in the historic Hume Hotel.
Mon. Mar 9 SARAH McGLYNN & RICH RABNETT live at The Library Lounge, located in the historic Hume Hotel. 6-10 p.m.
Tues. Mar 10 LIVE OPEN STAGE at Finley’s Irish Pub, everyone welcome. ALL AGES OPEN MIC at the CocoaNut Lounge. Ever y Tuesday 6-10 p.m. Hosted by Rob Funk. LISTEN TO THE SWEET SOUNDS of Nikko ever y Tuesday at Fusion, on Baker Street. 7-10 p.m.
GROUNDED ORGANIC COFFEE HOUSE will donate entire proceeds for the day to Kootenay Kids Society’s Family Place Life After Birth parent support program. 6:30am- 6pm CURATORIAL TALK AND DANCE THEATRE: curator Deborah Thompson and artists Thomas Loh and Hiromoto Ida. 6:45pm Touchstones Nelson 502 Vernon St. $5 donation.
Friday Mar 6. FIDDLE ROOTS PROJECT concert and contradance with Zav RT and Adrian Dolan from Vancouver Island, Riondel Community Centre, Riondel. Advance tickets at Packrat Annie’s $12, $15 at the door, $2 children 11 and under with parent admission. Doors open 5pm MST (4pm Nelson time). ECOEXISTENCE FORUM a multicultural, bilingual youth forum on climate change and youth homelessness. TNT Theatre, 723 Ward Street, Nelson. Register by Feb 28th Admission by donation FEMINIST ART: PRACTICE AND POLITICS. Artist talk Deb Thompson, Susan Andrews Grace and Nancy Rosenblum. Oxygen 7:30 p.m. MANDALA WORKSHOP at Kutenai Art Therapy Institute. 7-10 p.m. Register: kutenai_art_ GHOSTDANCING TRANCEDANCE: Dancing for Peace and Intention. Rosalyn and Duncan Grady. North Shore Hall 7-10
Saturday Mar 7 NELSON UNITED CHURCH CENTENNIAL OPEN HOUSE 1-4 pm, 602 Silica, Tours, Histor y, Current Programs, Refreshments
PAUL LANDSBERG & BERT PETERS, jazz guitar duo, Library Lounge in the Hume Hotel, 6-10 pm
Thurs. Mar 12 K’NAAN LIVE: hip-hop at Finleys Irish Pub. Tickets $30 at the Hemp & Company
Tuesday Mar 10 CHILDREN’S THEATRE WORKSHOPS: spring break fun with visiting theatre practitioner. For all enquiries call 250-509-1375 CLUTTER CLEARING WORKSHOP Generate new energy, extra cash & change your life with simple techniques! $20. 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. 250-509-0536
Answers to Kootenay Crossword
Wed. Mar 11
KARAOKE Amy Poznikoff putting on the Ritz and Wild Women Wednesdays at Finleys Irish Pub
Sunday Mar 8 NELSON UNITED CHURCH CENTENNIAL RE-DEDICATION SERVICE 602 Silica, 6:30 pm Special organ music. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN”S DAY celebration with the West Kootneay Women’s Association at Touchstones Museum of Art and History, 502 Vernon Street in Nelson. Join us for info, refreshments and song. Free admission! Info: 352-9871 or 352-9916 HOME & GARDEN DESIGN COURSE. Interior and garden designer shares insights and tips for spring renewal. Investment $5. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
These ads appear in approximately 100 community newspapers in B.C.and Yukon and reach more than 3 million readers. To place an ad call The Express at 354-3910
for 25 words $ 9.00 each additional word
see puzzle on page 17
Easy Sudoku Hard Sudoku
Tuesdays PARENT & CHILD TIME at the Harrop Hall. 10 a.m. - 12 noon Information - Lesley 825-0140 ACUPUNCTURE for ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 1:30 p.m. Located at 333 Victoria St, 2nd Floor. 505-7248 DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING� TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon Meetings: Lunch Bunch at Noon and open meeing at 6 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. YOUNG FELLOWS OFF BOOZE AA Meeting 8 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. AA TARRY ENG- RUSSIAN GROUP Brent Kennedy School, 7 p.m. Slocan Junction. ‘DRUMMING FROM THE HEART’ Community Drum Circle with Kim Massé. North Shore Hall 7:15 - 8:45 p.m. $7 kimmasse@shaw. ca 505-2684 DOES SOMEONE YOU LOVE suffer from an Eating Disorder? Need Support? Last Monday of the month 7 - 9 p.m. 352-9598 after 6 p.m. or for more info.
TO WIN : every row, column and 3 by 3 square must each contain the digits 1 to 9. Moderate difficulty. Solution on page 17
TO WIN : every row, column and 3 by 3 square must each contain the digits 1 to 9. More challenging. Solution on page 17
March 4, 2009
Your mission: eliminate all free radicals We hear about antioxidants all the time but it can be difficult to understand what they really are and how best to ingest them. There’s a lot of ongoing research but here’s the very simplified scoop in a nutshell: Oxidation is a natural process within the body during which molecules are left with an unpaired electron. These unstable molecules are called free radicals. The free radicals will attack other molecules to try to gain an electron to become stable again thereby causing the attacked molecule to become a free radical. This process can continue on and cause disruption in the living cell. Normally the body can handle this natural process unless antioxidants are unavailable or free radical production is excessive. Antioxidants are scavengers of free radicals. They can neutralize or stabilize free radicals by donating one of their own electrons. They do not become free radicals because they remain
Exploring Health
Kate Butt
stable either way. It is thought that by neutralizing free radicals antioxidants can help to prevent cellular damage and thus disease itself. The most well-known antioxidants are vitamins A, C, and E, betacarotene, lycopene, lutein and selenium. Surprisingly enough research suggests that loading up on antioxidant supplements is not necessarily the best way to go. Instead, people
Kate Butt is a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She treats a variety of conditions and has special interests in women’s health, peri-natal care, chronic pain, and sports injuries. The information used in the Exploring Health column is for education only. It is important to consult a health care provider about your specific health concerns. For questions or information please contact or call (250) 551 5283.
should be getting the antioxidants they need from whole food sources such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Large doses of the supplements alone have been shown to be less effective or even counterproductive than the consumption of the whole sources of antioxidants. Fruits and vegetables that are richly coloured are often also rich in antioxidants. For example: blueberries, tomatoes, cantaloupe, cherries, kale, blackberries, grapes, broccoli, mangoes, butternut squash etc. Enjoy a complex diet rich in these natural sources of antioxidants. It is suggested to consume five or more servings of both fruits and vegetables per day.
Kate Butt, Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine ......... 551-5283 Sandra Mason, RAC ....................................................551-0110 Michael Smith, Dr. TCM, 10 years experience.........352-0459 Marion Starr, Dr. TCM ............................................... 352-9890 Paul Gaucher, RAC at Back In Motion...................... 352-0075 Ben Brown, RAC, Winlaw ........................................... 226-7166 Lindsay Morris, RAC ..................................................354-9438
Art Therapy
Clearwater Art Therapy ............................................ 505-1100
Integrated Healing Touch, Biodynamic Craniosacral,Esalen® Massage; Madelene 352-0084 DeepTissue, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Bliss, Certified - Niko...... 551-2577 Rolf Structural Integration,
Blanche Tanner, BP, Family Constellation .................. 227-6877
McKenzie Community Chiropractic ........................... 352-1322
Richard Klein, Stress Reduction Coach .................... 352-3280 Holistic Health, .............. 505-7555
Hydrotherapy, Detoxification, Nutrition, U.Devine .. 352-6419
Counselling & Consultation • RED CROSS LESSONS ______________ Spring Break lessons starting March 9th.
• SPRING BREAK FUN CAMP __________ What a way to spend Spring Break! Fun filled activities, games and crafts in the morning and water activities in the afternoon including water polo, diving, and scuba. Week 1: Mon. - Fri., March 9-13 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. per child: $200 Week 2: Mon. - Fri. March 16-20 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. per child: $200
• SPIN CYCLE LITE __________________ Does competing in Cyswog’n tickle your fancy? Do you want to get in shape but aerobics classes just aren’t your thing? Join others in this non-threatening, encouraging and motivating atmosphere.
Dark vegetables like broccoli are good sources of antioxidants
Carmen Carter, MEd, RCC, Play & Art Therapy ........354-4485 Sally Shamai, MEd, RCC, EMDR and more ...... 1-877-688-5565
Feldenkrais Method
Susan Grimble, Classes/Sessions 30 yrs exp. ........ 352-3449 Physical Problems & Nothing has worked? Give me call and let’s get moving! Call Hilary ......................................354-7616
Sharon Best, Certified Adv. Hypnotherapist ............ 354-7750 Irene Mock, CHt, RHt, Free Initial Consultation ............352-7035
Massage Services
A Touch Of Aloha, Lomi, Cranio, Struct’l, Sports ..............229-4424 Ginger Joy Rivest, Neuro Somatic Therapy ..............505-4284 Palliative Massage Course, July 3-10, 2009 ...........1-800-611-5788 Power Essentials, True Aromatherapy & Massage...........505-4144 RUBITIN, Mobile/Studio, Deep T., Neuro, Sports ....... 352-6804 Galena-DeepT,Swedish,Lomi,structl Shalimar ...................354-4408 BodyMind Union, Chronic Pain, Deep Tissue....................505-9945 RebalancingTouch, deeptissue, energywork. Nathalie......352-2250
Tara Stark, RD, Nutrition Counselling......................505-9854
Remedy’s RX Custom Compound 737 Baker St. ..... 352-6928
Kootenai Pilates 540 Baker St. ................................ 352-1600
Registered Massage Therapists
Daniel Voykin, RMT 523 Josephine .....c509-0345 o352-0459 Jennifer Johnston RMT 101-518 Lake St. ................551-1197
Mountain Waters Spa, 205 Victoria St............................352-3280 Craniosacral Reflexology, A Touch of Aloha................... 229-4424
Kimberly Davitsky, RST at Shalimar Spa ............... 354-4408
Social Work
Val Amies, BSW, RSW, Counselor .............................505-8044
Hair Care
Front St. Hair Studio, The Key to Beauty ............... 354-1202
Mountain Waters Spa, 205 Victoria St............................352-3280 Shalimar Spa, located at the Prestige Inn ............. 354-4408 Nelson’s Aveda Concept SalonSpa Spa Oasis, 448 Baker St ..........................................354-4487
Barbara Gosney CCH RSHom Cdn 2102 Creek St..354-1180 Margo MacLaren DHom ............................................. 354-7072
Shanti Yoga Studio, Baker at Josephine, upstairs 352-7703 Om Yoga 3067 Heddle Road 6-Mile, Nelson.............825-0011
NATURAL, ORGANIC FOODS & PRODUCTS SINCE 1975 Open 8:00 - 7:00 Mon. to Sat. 295 Baker Street, Nelson 354-4077
March 4, 2009
THE HEALTH PAGES Energy drinks boost more than energy Are your teens reaching for energy drinks? If so, stop and read the back of an energy drink can next time you are at the grocery store. Many have health warnings more elaborate than what you would expect to find on prescription drugs. Some energy drinks contain as much caffeine as 10 cans of coca-cola. Too much caffeine can not only interfere with sleep, it can cause stomach upset, tremors, and
Chew On This
Chinese medicine diagnostic supper
Tara Stark
anxiety. Luckily their high cost puts them out of reach for many children but beware they are aggressively marketed to teens.
Saturday, March 28, 6 p.m. at the Nelson District Rod and Gun Club, 801 Railway St. The Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences will host a “diagnostic supper” where guests will be served a five-course meal based on their pulse diagnosis. Warren Fischer, doctor of Chinese medicine and dean of the academy is excited about the event commenting, “This is an event I have wanted to do for a long time. In Asia it is possible to visit restaurants staffed by Chinese medicine doctors who check your pulse and create healing food based on your diagnosis. We thought it would be fun and educational to recreate this opportunity in Nelson”. This event is a fundraiser for the academy. One hundred tickets will be sold at $100 each. Tax receipts will be issued. Advanced ticket sales only. Tickets can be purchased from the Academy Bookstore at 303 Vernon St. or
Tara Stark is a registered dietitian who specializes in helping people optimize their nutritional wellness and prevent diet related chronic diseases. For more information email or phone (250) 505-9854.
HEALTH CALENDAR ���������������� �������� ���� ������ ���������� ������������������� ����������������������������� ����������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������������ ������������������������������������ ������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� ��������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������� ��������������������������� ��������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������� ������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������
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by phone at (250) 3541995. For more information call (250) 352-5887 or email
Mandala workshop
Saturday, March 7 and Sunday, March 8, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Kutenai Art Therapy Institute, 206 - 601 Front St. Organizers say the mandala has been used for healing and spiritual symbolism for thousands of years in Asia, and especially in Tibetan Buddhism, as a tool for meditation and a pathway to enlightenment. This workshop will explore the therapist’s use of mandala both for therapeutic selfcare and for client assessment, intervention and treatment. Participants will create: a spontaneous mandala; a free form mandala; and a ritual mandala made within a meditative setting, ready for framing. Students are required to bring a journal, small paint brushes (.00 and .01). The course is run by Lucille Proulx and costs $300. To register call (250) 352-2264.
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up to 15 words Sumbit free classifieds by Internet
March 4, 2009
*Kootenay Reader ads only. Not applicable for businesses or associations Free classifieds not taken by phone. Must be submitted in person, mail, email or fax. Ads accepted for buying, selling, giving, renting, lost & found, etc. All ads must have a phone number. One ad per phone number per week First 15 words are FREE, each additional word 25¢ • Deadline: Thursday noon.
Forward your ad to: 554 Ward St., Nelson, BC V1L 1S9 • Fax: 250-352-5075 •
Submit your FREE reader classified online Deadline: Thursday noon! Announcements
Health & Fitness
House Sitting
Misc. for Sale
Misc. Wanted
HOUSING URGENTLY NEEDED! Clean, safe, low-cost accommodations needed to house local low income citizens. For more information please contact Bev at Nelson Cares at : 250-551-3015 O S PR E Y CO M M U N I T Y FOUNDATION invites applications for: 1) 2009 Community Grants as well as 2) Arts Legacy Fund Grants for music projects. Forms and granting guidelines at deadline April 30th Sarah Dobell ph: 250-352-7777 x224
BASSINET - EXCELLENT condition, on stand, vibrates & plays music. $45, 352-9784 REGISTER BEFORE MARCH 13 for Nelson Baseball! (ages 4-18) or
DR. MICHAEL SMITH (TCM) is now accepting new patients. Offering services in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Nutritional and Functional Medicine. 12 years experience. Call 250-352-0459 for an appointment.
RESPONSIBLE, HONEST, EMPLOYED female will care for your house, pets, & plants. Reference available. Long term preferred, Nelson Area. (250)354-3677 RESPONSIBLE AND EXPERIENCED house sitter available to care for your home. 5057555 EXPERIENCED, MATURE, HOUSE, Pet and Garden sitter available in April. I have excellent local references. 250-352-9389 HOUSESITTER AVAILABLE FIRST week of April, experienced, references, Chris:250-352-5540
DISPLAY COUNTER: GLASS top and front. $80.00 obo. Nelson. (250) 352-6458 (no messages). WASHER, MAYTAG, SURPLUS from move, $200 obo 352-2238 SHERPANI RUMBA, PERFECT condition, “tea” green, rain hood, $150. 505-5252 FIREPLACE SET $5.00; bottle corker, $3. 352-6762 MICROWAVE 754W, STILL in box., asking $50. (250)352-5067 OIL FURNACE PARTS, one-third horsepower electric motor, electrical teck cable connectors, electrical meter box. 359-7443 LADIES WITTNAUER/ACCUTRON SWISS Timepiece. Appraised at $895. $500 OBO. Kim, 250-352-0716 PRESSURE CANNER COOKER, Presto 21L heavy duty home canning. Rarely used excellent condition. $70. 505-1102 FLEETWOOD MAC FLOOR TICKETS! Soldout! Calgary. Tuesday May 12th. Row 39 Seats 13/14. $450 (250)359-5926 KITCHEN TABLE $20; Hanna Montana laptop $10; Kids tatonka pack $15. Call 352-6997 BRAND NEW 1200WATT Generator, Single outlet, 5.5hrs run time/fill, full tank, $200 obo. Call 352-5695 GLASS WINEMAKING CARBOYS, 23L, $20; 12L $17; handheld beer bottle capper, $10. 250-825-4111 RECESSION-FRIENDLY WINE MAKING equipment, 3glass carboys, airlocks, hoses, sp.gravity, hydrometre, 750ml bottles. All-$100. P’nina 352-9547 POWER-AMPS, MICS, SPEAKERS, keyboard, mixing board. Good Prices. Call: 509-0510 MAGAZINES; COOKBOOKS; MIX and match -cheaper by the dozen. 250-352-7144 COMPLETE SANSUI STEREO $200. Radio Shack turntable $25 assorted speakers $25/pair. Dresser $100. 359-7756 SAWMILLS FROM ONLY $3,495 Convert your logs to valuable lumber with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. Free Information: 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Don’t Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1-866884-7464. H & H TRAILER SALE. Bow Valley Ford, Canmore, Alberta. Discounts to $4,100. Cargos/flatbeds/car haulers/goosenecks and more! 1-800-403-0084 ext. 257 or alan_ Selling fast, don’t delay! ADD AND SAVE on home phone reconnection. Bad credit - no problem! Up to $30. off for new customers, plus lower monthly rates! Call Tembo 1-877-266-6398 or sign up online
LOOKING FOR LOGGING truck load of dry larch, pine and fir. 250 354-3867 or 551-0122 WANTED TO BUY garden tractor moldboard plow for turning soil. 250357-2729 WANTED NON- RUNNING SNOWMOBILE to fix from the 90’s phone (250)359-7706 call after 6 email at THE LADY WHO sold PotScrubbies at the Xmas fair at Best Western last year call 250-352-7989 evens. JOLLY JUMPER STYLE bouncer for baby, 352 9784 LOOKING FOR CARGO trailer 4 x 6 phone 250-359-7128 I NEED A stairlift working or not. The person that called from Ainsworth call again. 250-229-4334 NIKON F, OUTDATED photographic paper. Fred (250) 352-2129 HOUSE INTO A home, needing FREE furniture and some house plants, please leave a message 250505-0763
Misc. Wanted
LICENSED LIFE COACH and holistic healer. One free question by phone. Succeeds where others have failed. Stops divorce, depression, reunites loved ones restores fulfillment. 305600-8309.
Business Opportunities LOCAL ORIGINAL ARTIST/BAND seeking manager. Music industry & business experience preferred. Musts... computer, phone, & gumption (250)505-0120 REACH YOUR TARGET MARKET. Community Classifieds are printed in over 600 newspapers across Canada each week. Book now at or contact by email - Phone 1-866-669-9222. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO OWN a pet food business - High quality cat/ dog food. Excellent returns, exclusive territories. Information Call Riplees Ranch Toll-Free 1-877-738-3287 Ext. 217, NEED MORE MONEY? Want a career? Work from home! We train you! Check out the Freedom Project! ENERGIZE YOUR INCOME! Distribute hot selling energy drinks. Earn up to 10K/month. $11 Billion Industry. No selling, minimum investment 19K. Areas going fast. Free sample/information Package 800267-2321. CHEAP PHONE RECONNECT! Connect now for a Great Deal! Calling features, long distance & save $$ on High Speed Internet! Phone Factory Reconnect 1-877-336-2274; www.
Career Training TRAIN FOR A NEW CAREER in Medical Transcription. Learn from Home! Earn from home! Contact CanScribe today for a FREE information package. 1-800-466-1535 www., VOLUNTEER IN AFRICA and Central America: Campus California TG places trained, international volunteers in communities suffering from: Poverty & lack of Education/ Resources. Programs are 9,14 & 20 months. Fees apply. www.cctg. org Phone; 510-734-6777. Email; CHECK OUT OVER 50 trades options. 7 weeks theory, 12 weeks work placement in trade of your choice. Fairview Campus, Fairview, Alberta. Affordable residences. 1-888999-7882;
Children BABY CARRIER,M.E.C., GREAT condition, Asking $75.00 call Eric 250 359-6700 SHERPANI RUMBA CHILD Carrier for Sale Blue; Excellent Condition; Asking $200; Regular $300 250-3049849 AIR HOCKEY TABLE, great condition, 6’ x 3’, full working condition. $40.00 Tel: 250-359-5040 ALPHA OMEGA CAR Seat. Rear facing, forward facing, booster seat. Like new condition. $80 250-3541453
Computers HC-S (HOME COMPUTING Solutions) Offering reliable and competitively priced PC Support & Computer skills training. From Hardware to Network we come to you.”No Solution NO FEE” Tel#250505-4940 E-mail SELLING COMPUTER, 2GB Ram, 256MB Video, Dual Prossesser w/ Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor, Surround Sound $500 obo 551-1885 WIN2K P4 2.4GHZ computer, 512mb ram, 80gb hard drive with full office. Extras. Call 505-2093.
Credit Counsellors BECOME 100% DEBT FREE!! One easy monthly payment. Free Consultation. Member of BBB. Check us out at 1800-565-4595. DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM. We help Canadians repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest, regardless of your credit. Steady income? You may qualify for instant help. Considering bankruptcy? Call us first 1-877-220-3328. Free consultation. Government approved program, BBB member.
Education SMALL ENGINE CORRESPONDENCE course. Paid $1000. asking $350. (250)352-5067 PENNY WISE JOURNALISM SCHOLARSHIP for women. The winner will receive a total of $2,500 to study journalism in the eightmonth journalism certificate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Visit for details. Deadline: May 01, 2009.
Events TOP OF THE MORNING Coffee Party and bake sale March 20 at the Nelson United Church, info 250352-2357 END OF WINTER CLEARANCE at Still Eagle. Half the store at half price! the rest - tax free. One week only: march 15-21
Free FOR YOUR FREE Regal Catalogue call Gail @ 250-352-4620 WINE MAKING EQUIPMENT - 5 and 10 Gallon Carbuoys - Phone 250-229-4920
Furniture LARGE COMPUTOR CORNER desk with overhead storage, drawers, 66”x66”x65” with 24inch top $150 250-505-1113 MATCHING COFFEE & end tables $60. Blue steel trunk $30. Call before 6:00 p.m. please. 250-359-7910 BRAND NEW KOOTENAY Moon memory foam 10” mattress, too firm for us: asking $850. 352-2588
Garage Sales MOVING SALE. 307 Vernon St. beside Chinese med. school. March 7-8. 11am -3 pm
Help Wanted YES, YOU CAN job search with baby on your lap!† New E-Services for job seekers at† NELSON & DISTRICT Community Complex is inviting applications for Group Exercise Instructors. This is a casual position. Hours of work may include morning, afternoon, evening and or weekend shifts. Please send resume attention Shauna Leduc or call 354-4386 ex 5109 QUALITY CHILDCARE PROVIDERS needed. Childcare Resource and Referral can assist you in starting your License Not Required Childcare business. Call 250-352-0407 for information. ROGERS WIRELESS. PART-TIME sales associate. Apply in person at 509 Front Street, Nelson. CARE ATTENDANT NEEDED for March 1. Benefits. SCI exp pref. Be Flexible, Motivated, Team PlayerÖ 505-5247 or resumes to: TRAINING OR RETRAINING? Think Trades! Heavy Duty, Automotive, Motorcycle or Powersports Mechanics. Work Practicum. Write Apprenticeship Exam. Fairview Campus, Fairview, Alberta. Affordable residences. 1-888-999-7882; www. REMOVE YOUR RECORD: A CRIMINAL Record can follow you for life. Only Pardon Services Canada has 20 years experience. Guaranteeing record removal. Call: 18-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366). DOG LOVERS! ENJOY a healthy, profitable career as a professional dog trainer. Government accredited program - student loans and grants. Two spaces available for our spring program. Ben Kersen & the Wonderdogs. www.wonderdogs. 1-800-961-6616. EXPERIENCED CRUSHER/ PAVING PERSONNEL, apprentice or journeyman heavy-duty mechanics, full-time, willing to work out of town. Fax resumes: 250-493-4464, mail: 716 Okanagan Ave. E, Penticton. BC, V2A 3K6. EARN 384 DAILY! Data entry positions available Now! 100% Legit! Internet access needed. Income is guaranteed! No experience required.
Home & Garden LOOKING FOR USED clothing/fabric steamer. 250-551-0927 HOME & GARDEN Design Course; March 8th Refresh Interiors for SPRING with Basic Design Techniques that apply to Exterior Spaces. 10 am to 4pm, $50.00 Call 250-509-0536 Interior Designer MC Chiasson CLUTTER CLEARING; TUESDAY, March 10th, Create new energy, cash and change your life! 7pm -9pm $20.00 250-509-0536
House Sitting HOUSE-SITTER AVAILABLE FOR April. Responsible, quiet, couple seeking 2 weeks - 1 month housesit. Work/trade possible. 250-352-5090,
Lost & Found LOST LIGHT BROWN 10” teddy bear at dumpside dog park or SaveOn parking lot Saturday Feb 7. 250-359-7242 PRESCRIPTION SUNGLASSES, BLACK with rhinestones on sides, inside of grey and black metal spring case. Lost in the middle of Anderson Avenue. Reward if found in good condition. 352-0605 APRIL DAWN TRIVETT I have found your birth certificate. Fred at 250 352-2129 LOST-ONE SILVER EARRING shaped like a bird. somewhere btwn upper stanley and co-op.very sentimental-reward! 352-1685 FOUND: ROSARY - Parking lot of Prestige Lakeside Resort. Call 3527222 with description. LOST: SILVER BRACELET. Simple design. Missed Feb. 14th skiing at Busk. May have lost earlier. Reward. 509-0321 FOUND A CAMERA in Nelson a couple weeks ago. Leave a message with description of camera/pictures 505-0120 LOST: BEAUTIFUL COSTUME jewellery comb, somewhere on Baker Street. Please call 505-5015. Thank you!
Misc. for Sale SNOWMOBILE HELMET, SMALL, $150, DTS tranceiver, $300, both brand new. 250-509-0662 for info TWO LOCALLY MADE satin dresses, worn once. one is white w spaghetti straps and a plunge back, full skirt, $150; the other has a cream strapless top with a six color paneled skirt, $200. Either would be fantastic as a grad dress. they were made for me and will sit someone of similar dimensions, 5’1”, 110lbs, chest 32”. Jennie 354-7812 SEMI BEGINNERS DRUM Set with extras. Excellent condition. Paid $1000 asking $450. Please call 399-4890 WOMANS PREMIUM DALLAS leather biker jacket. Size small. Worn once. Paid $450.00 asking $250.00. 250-365-8342 SHARE YOUR INTERNET connection with the BWRG1000 high power WIFI Router 1000 feet $100 2295638 32GB IPOD-TOUCH. 2 Months old, perfect condition. Includes protective case. $325 firm 250-825-4577 SCARPA TOURING SKI boots, size 6.5, woman’s, great condition. New $720 Now $500. (250)354-3677 JAMIS DAKAR XC full suspension mountain bike, disc brake, 15” frame, great condition. $675 (250)551-3151 MASSAGE CHAIR - StrongLite Excellent Condition $325 352-0416 375 SQFT 3/4” solid prefinished Walnut hardwood. Unopened $5.50 sqft 250354-7311 or 604-288-2758. 12 mile. ENAMEL BEIGE LEFT-HAND bathtub, dent-free $50. Retro 70’s table & 6 chairs $25. 399-4127
LOOKING TO BUY a pair of size 6 inline skates and kids bmx please call 250-354-8368 LOOKING FOR TWO Fondue sets. The 70’s lives on. 250-359-5983 FREEZER BURNT MEAT/VEGGIES for dog food. I’ll bake you a cake, and many thanks. 226-6796 SNOWSHOES FOR 220 & 120 lbs 250 275-4793 TILE REMNANTS FOR small bathroom reno. Any sizes. will pick up. call Pietro 250-505-1113
Music & Dance ROCK KEYBOARD/GUITARIST WANTED for original music group energetic and reliable. Performances and recording. 250-365-1080 CD & DVD DUPLICATION, direct to disc printing and graphic design located in Nelson: www.shortyburns. com 352-BURN(2876) SEMI BEGINNERS DRUM Set with extras. Excellent condition. Paid $1000 asking $450. Please call 399-4890 MIDI KEYBOARD ROLAND PC-200 $80 Like New Seagull acoustic guitar with case $425. Call 357-2260 YAMAHA BASS GUITAR combo .b20xl amp, case, tuner, instruction book+cds, 50% less new price -$300. 250-365-5608 P.A. SYSTEM $775. Acoustic instrument processor $100. (250)352-5067. YAMAHA MS-100DR ELECTRONIC drum monitor, fits Roland kits, manual, excellent condition, $500 250608-3548 FRIENDS OF CLASSICAL MUSIC informal, interactive soirees for music aficionados. 250-505-5583
Other SALES AND MARKETING Assistant Mandala Homes is looking for an experienced sales and marketing assistant to join our team. Please visit for the full posting. Send applications to or by fax to 250-352-0582.
Personals ARE YOU LOSING a loved one to substance abuse? Our program has the highest success rate. Help is only one phone call away! 1-877-7827409;
DATING SERVICE. LONG-TERM/ SHORT-TERM relationships, Free calls. 1-877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes.1888-534-6984. Live adult casual conversations-1on1, 1-866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local single ladies.1-877-804-5381(18+).
Pets & Livestock
FROG PEAK PET RESORT New Facility - 5 indoor/outdoor kennels 2 Acre Fenced Adventure Park On Leash Excursions Owner Experienced Vet Assistant 250-226-7660 frogpeak 55 GAL AQUARIUM, includes stand, pumps, heater, lights, misc other supplies.. $200. 352-3137 GERMAN SHEPARD PUPPIES for sale. Born Nov. 4th. One male, four females. $400. 250-229-5614. RARE BLACK VELVET CHINCHILLA with new large metal cage. $500 package for $250 OBO. 509-1345. PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING services with TLC. Pinky’s Pet Parlour. 536 Ward St. Tues.-Sat.10-6 #551-5501 PITBULL CROSS PUPPIES. call for details. 1-250-355-2592 BABY BUNNIES (DWARF rabbits) born January 25Th for free to good homes 352-9229 LOVE ANIMALS? LOVE a career as an Animal Health Technologist. On-campus working farm. Small town environment. 2-year diploma program. Fairview Campus, Fairview, Alberta. 1-888-999-7882; www.gprc.
ORCA TRUCK FOR HIRE. Will do dump runs, moving, etc. Patrick 5050612. WILL PICK UP your recyclables; popcans, beer bottles, glass, rice/ almond-milk cartons, tin, and plastic. No paper or garbage. Call 250-5055452 or 250-505-9287. ROCK BOTTOM BOBCAT SERVICES: Site Preparation. Landscaping. Backfilling. Cleanup & Removal. Call for an estimate. 250354-1020 NOUVEAU CONSTRUCTION & Cabinets we do rock walls, laneways, shallow servicing, bush clearing, septic, weeping tile, reno’s, new construction, cabinets, counter tops. Phone Al, 250-306-7502; DIAL-A-LAW OFFERS GENERAL information on a variety of topics on law in BC. 604-687-4680 (Lower Mainland) or 1.800.565.5297 (Outside LM); www. (audio available). LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE matches people with legal concerns to a lawyer in their area. Participating lawyers offer a 30 minute consultation for $25 plus tax. Regular fees follow once both parties agree to proceed with services. 604-687-3221 (Lower Mainland) or 1.800.663.1919 (Outside LM). DEBT STRESS? CONSOLIDATE & lower payments by 30-40%. End those phone calls & the worry. Avoid bankruptcy. Contact us for a no-cost consultation. Online: www.mydebtsolution. com or toll-free 1-877-556-3500. $500$ LOAN SERVICE, by phone, no credit refused, quick and easy, payable over 6 or 12 installments. Toll Free: 1-877-776-1660.
Services MONUMENTAL STONE WORKS NELSON and areas only on-site Monument and Headstone company since 2002. “Please allow me to create a lastine tribute to your loved one(s)” Monumental Stone Works Lake Street beside Tu-Dor Lock 1-250-354-0988 e-mail: monumentalstone@netidea. com
Sports Equipment
March 4, 2009
Answers on page 13
AWESOME SIMS BINDINGS $50. Hardly worn pair of women’s size 6 Reichle snowboard boots $50 or both for $75, Jennie 354-7812 HARDLY USED ATLANTIS woman’s snowboard and bindings $175, like new Atlantis boots $75 229-5632 VOLKL GOTAMA SKIS: 190cm; still in factory plastic. Excellent powder/ AT ski. $600obo. 250-365-2600. 2004 KONA COILER, great shape, 15” frame. Full suspension, disc brakes. $850 352-3235
Thank You ID LIKE TO thank scott mckay for being such a good friend. love brian hlookoff
Travel TIMESHARE FORECLOSURESSAVE 60-80% off Retail! Best Resorts & Seasons! Call for FREE catalogue today! 1-800-597-9347. Browse hundreds of worldwide properties ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGES - Book Online at and save more on your vacations. Use code NCA74327 for discount or call us toll-free at 1-800-563-5722.
Toys & Wheels Auto Financing EAGLE AUTO LOANS. Easy financing. Good credit, poor credit, divorced, first time buyers, self employed, bankrupt. We finance in-house OAC. Call our credit specialist 1-800-916-1723. AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED! BC’s best auto finance company 1,000’s with credit problems have bought vehicles and Re-established credit. Best rates, Best prices guaranteed. No payments for 90 days, ‘0’ down. Free delivery anywhere. 1.866.635.3024. APPROVED AUTO FINANCING. Challenged/no credit? New, used, all makes vehicles at Canada’s most reputable dealership. Low rates, online approvals 24/7. Joanne,1-866-602-3743. DL 5231. $500 CASH BACK. Come to the right place to buy a new/used vehicle. What ever your credit, we finance the future not the past. Delivery B.C./ Alberta. or 1-888-501-1148. #1 IN CREDIT REBUILDING. Need a car, truck, van or SUV? Auto Credit Fast. Bad credit! No credit! Bankruptcy, Repossession! No problem. Call today and drive away. Call Stephanie 1-877-792-0599. Free delivery anywhere -
Cars 2003 VW JETTA TDI 4 dr (diesel), 60 mpg, heated seats, AC. 93,000 km $15,300. 229-4471 2002 CHEVROLET CAVALIER. 90,000 km. 5spd, 4dr, summer & new winter tires, new brakes. $5,500. 352-5802.
Sleds/Bikes 2002 HONDA SHADOW American Classic, $2000 in extras, beautiful bike, $5500. 250-229-4238 CLASSIC 400CC MOTORCYCLE. 1984 Suzuki gs400s. Good condition. New tires. $1500. 250-354-9421
Tires/Parts/Other Trucks/SUVs/Vans LIKE NEW TRUCK canopy, white, sliding rear window, fits most short box pickups. $435. 250-352-2704 P205/60R15 MOUNTED 4 hole Icetrack tire, 60% tread, good spare, 3 1/4” between lug holes, $30 250608-3548 TOYOTA ENGINE 22R On stand $100, good condition gas tank 80-84 pick-up $50. 505-0844 LOOKING FOR A 5x10 ft trailer, with cover or without. 1993 DODGE 250 van, runs, great for parts, $250 obo. 250-551-2517 LOOKING FOR CARGO trailer 4 x 6 phone 250-359-7128 WANTED:8 FT. CANOPY to fit 1995 chevy truck. Lost 15” tire on rim uphill area. 250-352-9847 GET YOUR FOOT in the garage door. General Mechanic program. Fairview Campus, Fairview, Alberta. 32 weeks. Write Heavy Duty or Automotive Mechanic Apprenticeship Exam. 1-888999-7882;
Trucks/SUVs/Vans 1992 PATHFINDER: STANDARD 4-wheel drive, newish Michelin allseason radials. CD player $2200. 229-4782 (Ainsworth) 1992 GMC 8PASSENGER AWDvan, summer & winter tires on rims, just over 200,000KMS, new brakes, recent tuneup, no rust, regularly serviced, $1,795. 250-352-2704 2001 JEEP GRAND Cherokee Ltd. Loaded, 148,000 klm asking $12,000. call 250 551 6842 MUST SELL NOW, 2004 dodge dakota quad-cab 4wd, power seat, excellent condition, $11,900.00 call 250-505-4820 4X4 1989 VAN, excellent mtn vehicle high clearance, runs good, body somewhat rusted, $1500, 1992 4-RUNNER SR5 V6 Std. 264,000 km. 2 sets tires good shape, $4000 obo ph.250-352-5884
2002 LEXUS RX300 AWD, 135kms, black, fully loaded, great shape! call for photos & details. $19,000 obo 250-509-1918 1992 MAZDA MPV 4x4 locking differential 211K good winters/summers CD loaded drives great.250-5051113 1999 DODGE QUADCAB Sport 4x4, yellow, loaded, command start, canopy, custom wheels & tires, $6,500.00. 250-229-4238. 1993 CHEVY BLAZER 4x4, Automatic, Runs well, Good Body, $2000. Shai 509-0336 1996 AEROSTAR VAN, AWD, excellent condition, loaded, V6-4L, 202,000km, seats 7, new tires, $2400, 352-3441 94 JEEP GRAND Cherokee, 4L,6cyl.,auto, alloys,200.000 km,hiddden hitch, w/3-bike rack, excellent condition, $4300, Tom 250226-7716 2002 FORD EXCURSION, Limited Edition, 4x4, green/gold, leather interior, seats 8, nice condition. $13,500. 250-229-4238. 28 FT. ‘91 Citation Supreme 5thWheel. Will sell with 96 Chevy 2500 truck. 250-352-7049 FORD 1997 150XL 4x4 V6 4.2L, standard, box, cd player $5000 obo 250-352-3517 FORD 1997 150XL 4x4 V6 4.2L, standard, box, cd player $5000 obo 250-352-3517
Be heard
see puzzle on page 13
see puzzle on page 13
than 20,000 EXPRESS Newspaper readers.
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March 4, 2009
Let go and downsize for the new you Remember moving into your first home? Struggling to find a living room set, or enough cutlery so everyone can eat at the same time, or furnish the house so it didn’t look like you were just robbed? Oh how time flies! Now every space in your house could probably use a diet. So is it time to downsize? Whether combining households for a second marriage, or have lived in your home for 30 plus years, life is about to throw you a large to-do on your already full checklist. We have to understand that sooner or later your collection of broken appliances, boxes of estranged papers, and your clothes from the ‘60s will have to be
Restoring Order
Jen Heale
dealt with. Our children and loved ones will thank us for disposing as much “stuff” as we can before they are left with the burden. The time is now to begin organizing your home for the future. Learning to let go of our past can feel like loosing control. We need to focus
on the “can’t live without” items and really focus on letting go of the rest. Take photos of treasured items you can’t live without to look back and reminisce. I also believe that letting others enjoy items the same way you have can help you let go. Downsizing is your start to looking forward. Who is the new “you”? What do you do now? How will you spend your time? Let go of the roles you were in the past. No more “but I might need it” or “I used to use it.” Let go of the items that no longer represent the new you. Have an action plan and start chipping away. Every bite adds up to a big chunk. Have faith you can do it!
Jen Heale is the owner of Neat-Organizing and Decluttering Service and a member of POC (Professional Organizers of Canada). You may contact Jen directly with organizing questions to or 551-NEAT(6328).
Real Estate
Real Estate
CHARMING SALMO HOME in quiet neighbourhood close to schools and shopping. Many recent upgrades $184,900 Call Trevor@NelsonRealty. ca 250-354-8409 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW, lower Fairview, open concept, woodstove, many recent improvements, detached workshop. $250,000. 250-352-4680 Karl. CHARMING AFFORDABLE HOMESTEAD near Nelson: 3 private, quiet, treed acres in friendly community $198,000 250-359-6669. PARK LIKE SETTING 1 acre just outside of Salmo. Older 2 bedroom mobile and 22 x 40 shop. $189,900 Call 250354-8409 HERITAGE IN THE HEART OF TOWN! Spacious 4 bedroom home on an easy care lot. A must see! $299,900 Call Trevor@NelsonRealty. ca at 250-354-8409 LOG TYPE HOUSE, large, 100X120 lot, 3BDR 1&1/2 baths, full basement on subdividable corner lot. Lots of potential! $450,000. 620 Gore St., 250-825-2205 1 ACRE PARK-LIKE setting just North of Salmo. Older 2 bedroom mobile with 22 x 40 shop. A mustsee! $189,900 Trevor@NelsonRealty. ca 250-354-8409
FAIRVIEW. THREE BEDROOM, 1.5 bath 1800 sq.ft. house. Gas fireplace, brick patio, garage. $464,000. 352-5856 2 HOMES ON 1.89 acres. Fully maintained & immaculate. Potentially subdividable. Mt.views,sunny and private. $468,800. Call 250-359-7156 HOUSE FOR SALE. S. Castlegar, 3308 th Ave. 800 sq. ft. Renovated, 2-brdm, $178,500 250-226-7756/ 1-866-992-5597 TREED PROPERTY. HILLSIDE with good sun. 2.33 acres. North end Kootenay Lake 250-354-4028
INSULATION THAT WORKS! Spray Foam Insulation
• Decreases energy costs to the consumer • Adds structural strength • Keeps airborne pollutants out • Increases the value of your investment • Acts as a moisture barrier to keep mould from growing • Acts as a barrier to keep mice and bugs out
Rentals 2 BDR, 2 BATH UPPER-FLOOR in 6 mile. F/S, shared laundry, carport. N/S professional single/couple preferred. References required. $1200/ month+utilities. 250-650-8500 NEW FURNISHED 2 1/2 bedroom house on lake at Sunshine Bay available April - October (250) 229-2352 2 BDRM HOUSE 6 mile. upper floor only. $1200 & utilities. Available now. For more info/pics call Wayne 250650-8500 ROOM TO RENT in Blewett, shared house, W/D, util. included. $475mo. 250-509-0662 for info COZY 2 BEDROOM home; uphill, views, acreage/garden, wood, lots natural light, sublet $1050+util (w/d), no pets May-August, 354-4884 IMMACULATE 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath 1/2 duplex in Rosemont. Completely renovated, large rear patio, fenced and landscaped yard, great views, easy access. Pets negotiable. Available April 1. $1400/mo. Rentals@NelsonRealty. ca 250-352-2100 2 BEDROOM EXECUTIVE-CLASS upper suite at Nasookin. Fully renovated with new floors and all new appliances. n/ s, n/p $1300/mo. Rentals@NelsonRealty. ca 250-352-2100
A good way to let go of things is to let others enjoy the unused item the same way you used to.
Shared Accom.
1 BEDROOM W/ DEN in uphill Nelson on bus route. Shared laundry. $800 includesutilities.Rentals@NelsonRealty. ca 250-352-2100 BACHELOR SUITE BLEWITT, near Taghum beach. $450/month (internet, long-distance-canada/usa, heat), available-March-25th. Call Marie-Claude 250-354-7808, or COZY, WELL CARED for, 2 bedroom Duplex in Castlegar, W/D, Available March 1, $725/month, References, 352-2791 LUXURIOUS Townhome Overlooking Nelson’s Golf Course $2200/mo + utilities Contact No pets/ smoking BALFOUR WALKOUT LARGE suite 1Bdr, furnished, cable, internet, infloor heat, 6 appliances, N/S, $700/ m, $100 utils 250-229-4412
12’X 54’ BUILDING can be used as a shop or storage $350 a month 357-2466
FURNISHED BEDROOM WITH private bathroom in large shared house available for clean, responsible person. 250-352-1693 PARTIAL FURNISHED SUITE in Castlegar. Shared kitchen and bathroom. $400/Mo. includes util, cable, internet. 304-7806 ROOM FOR RENT 6kms away in Blewett, own bath, must like cats! 500 inc 354-7151 ROOMMATE(S) WANTED; DELIGHTFUL waterfront home at 17-mile. More information on bulletin board at Co-op. 229-4286 AVAILABLE 03/01 SPACIOUS comfortable lakeside home located at 6mile. Large room w/private bathroom. Wireless, w/d, parking, boat access. $450 util/incl. 250-825-0126 LOOKING FOR ONE person to share uphill house. $450.00 month plus deposit and utilities. 250-3544733 NELSON ROOMS FOR rent, starting $500/month inclusive, couples welcome. Call for details. 250-352-7038, leave message FURNISHED BALFOUR HOUSE. Are responsible, neat, employed? $450/month includes utilities. Jax 250-505-3139
3 BEDROOM RANCHER in Fairview. 1 yr lease with a consciencous renter. 1400.00/month + util available 03/01/09. 250-505-6282 2 SUITES PROCTER upper $950 includes hyro. Lower $850 same shared laundry wood electric heat Mar.1 354-9465 COZY, WELL-CARED FOR, 2 bedroom Duplex in Castlegar, close to schools, shopping, 725/ month, References 513-0320, 3-BDRM, MARCH 1ST, 5 appliances, recent paint, carpet, large backyard, walk to downtown. NS/NP $1359 plus utilities. 250-352-5831 ATTENTION LANDLORDS: ARE you trying to find suitable and reliable renters? Call Stacey to find out more information about how you can fill your rentals without having to advertise. (250)352-9595 ex.203
LARGE 2 BEDROOM daylight basement suite in Balfour. Available March 1. $925 + share hydro. NS,NP, references required. 229-4088.
Rentals Wanted MAN 30’S SEEKS affordable housing in Nelson area. Handy, honest, reliable. Steady income. Jeff 250352-9876 HANDYMAN REQUIRES AFFORDABLE two-bedroom accommodation in Salmo area. Respectful, reliable, quiet. Call Mike 250-352-9876 QUIET WOMAN ON disability benefits requires two-bedroom accommodation in Nelson. No partying. Lisa 250-352-9876 RESPONSIBLE COUPLE LOOKING for 2-3 bedroom house in nelson area. references, possible work trade. 354-3314 LOOKING FOR NELSON home. Responsible 30yr old with well behaved pets. have pet deposit & references. 250-352-5298 COUPLE WITH NEWBORN seeking 1-2 bedroom apartment ASAP can afford up to $900 including utilities max. 250-777-0322 SEAMSTRESS SEEKING SANCDOM , n/s, n/p, quiet, clean, references, can afford 600/month call Rae 365-6424 LOW COST ACCOMMODATION in town needed for young woman. Reliable. Clean. Guaranteed income. Soliella 250-352-9876
Shared Accom. SHARE 3-BEDROOM, LARGE yard, storage, parking, garden w/d, hydro, phone $450 inclusive. 250359-8189
Vacation Rentals UPHILL VACATION RENTAL ideal for couple/small family, 1/2acre, serenity, incredible views, no smoking/pets $700/week
Download Express photos online
Lorne Westnedge & Drew Evans: THE TEAM THAT WORKS -- FOR YOU! Contact 250-505-2606 Lorne at: Contact 250-505-2466 Drew at: Web-site.
Each office is independently owned and operated
CHESTER’S HOUSE OF CINNAMON! Growing business in a high profile hwy. frontage location in Nelson. Well deserved great reputation for food and atmosphere with 15% growth in sales in 2008! Live the dream in Nelson!
Desirable downtown location, loads of character and a 1 bed. legal suite down make this a one of a kind opportunity! Fully reno’d 2 bed. up with hardwood/tile flooring, open layout and lake/mountain views!
mls # K3701100
Large 3 bed. 1 bath. family home on huge view lot. Close to schools and hospital. Full basement, mostly unfinished. Some updating needed, but great potential. Subdivision a possibility.
mls #K180570
Immaculate 4 bed. 2 bath. Convenient Uphill location with awesome views, close to schools, hospital and downtown. Hardwood floors, private landscaped back yard, wood & gas fireplaces.
mls# K180406
March 4, 2009
Options for insulating your home We are planning to build a new home in the Slocan valley next spring, so we’re trying to make up our minds on the type of insulation to use. We’re looking at cost and R-values of fibreglass, spray-on foam and blown cellulose. Do you have any preferences? There are some significant differences in choices among the products you mention and to some degree the preference will be dictated by budget because the products with the highest R-value per inch of thickness are correspondingly more expensive. For example, spray-on styrofoam insu-
Home Front
Bill Lynch, Paul Muntak & Dale Olinyk
lation is about R–7 per inch compared to blown cellulose at R-3.73, with loose-fill rockwool and fibreglass batts rated at R3.3 per inch. However, the spray-on styrofoam costs significantly more per square foot than the other
products. However, for a small increase in cost over traditional fibreglass batts, blown-in cellulose is becoming a popular choice for new homebuilders. The inert recycled cellulose is blown under low pressure into each “netted” wall stud cavity. The density of fill (two to three times as dense as fibreglass batts) and tight fit around pipes, wires and outlet boxes in walls gives it superior sound absorption qualities, fire resistance and moisture control than fibreglass insulation. In a typical six-inch wall cavity, blown cellulose will provide R-22.3.
Fibreglass batts in the same wall cavity provide R-19.8. The difference is even more significant in a typical attic cavity. Twelve inches of blown cellulose provides R-44.6 compared to R- 39.6 for fibreglass batts. If you choose this product for vaulted ceilings in your new home be sure to ask your installer to incorporate an air ventilation cavity above the cellulose. This can be achieved by installing a “double net” system so your roof cavity will not condensate and your roof shingles will maintain their life expectancy and manufacturer’s warranty.
Bill, Paul and Dale are building consultants with Lynch Building Inspection Services Ltd. of Nelson. Send questions to Archived copies of Home Front can be found at
The���������is Read
Everywhere, even in St. Lucia!
RHC Realty 601 Baker Street, Nelson
1-877-729-LAKE (5253) Tad Lake . . . 354-2979 Brady Lake . . 354-8404
Value has never been more obvious. This beautiful 5 bedroom 3 bathroom home sits on 4.3 acres with panoramic river and valley views. Custom designed open floor plan home offers 3800 sq ft, 2 car garage, sundeck, games, workout rooms and more.
Going somewhere? Send us a photograph of you with your Express in a far away land. Whether it’s Trail or Timbuktoo, your community wants to know where you are and what you are doing. Send your 50 words and photo to:���������Community Newspaper, 554 Ward Street, Nelson, BC, V1L 1S9, or email us at
Spectacular city lights at night and lake view during the day. This nearly new, 4 bedroom, 3 bath home offers open floor plan, vaulted ceilings, cherry hardwood, slate tile floors, fireplace, oversized 2 car garage and much much more! Excellent privacy within city limits.
My husband Pete and I spent the month of December in the Caribbean island of St. Lucia. Pete’s sister lives there with her husband and three kids. We had an awesome month of pure sunshine and beaches. It was a shock though to our “beach bums” to come back to three feet of snow! It was a different holiday than being in a resort, as we were immersed in the culture. It made us appreciate what we have here, and realize how other people are living in this time of economic down turns. It was also nice to leave the Express with them as a reminder of the days they lived in Nelson!
ALMOST NEW $379,000
Priced to sell in a fantastic neighborhood. This totally re-newed home features 3 beds, 2 baths and 1700 sq feet of updated living. New kitchen with stainless appliances, laminate flooring, new tile, and much more. This home shows like new. Call now!
This newly built contemporary home boasts impeccable design. Open floor plan, 3 beds, 3 baths, in floor heating, soaker tub, 2 fireplaces, 9 foot ceilings, stamped concrete in basement, 4 car tandem garage. Incredible mountain and lake views from the decks.
Take ownership of this small estate hidden on 1.9 acres just 12 minutes to Nelson. This custom home was built with craftsmanship and quality in mind offering 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, office, open living space, 3 car garage and more.
Location! Location! This small but practical home boasts a great location close to school, parks and grocery stores. Perfect for a family trying to break into the market. Features include 2 beds, reno’d kitchen, hardwood floors, fireplace, and large yard.
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March 4, 2009