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CITY OF NELSON NEWSLETTER – 16 � � � � � � � � � � � � �

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Established 1988.



Taxes go up

INSIDE RDCK costs up

City creates modest budget but still raises property taxes

The 2009 RDCK budget includes skyrocketing costs for waste and increased taxes. PAGE 3

by Chris Shepherd

Voting system overhaul

Both sides of the referendum question on changing B.C.’s voting system share their thoughts. �������� PAGE 6 ���������

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Champion bantams


Members of the Kaslo/Nelson bantam Leafs show off their gold medals during the first intermission at the Nelson Leafs game on Sunday, March 22. The boys won the Tier 3 provincial championships just two days earlier. They won six games and tied another to take the title. In their gold-medal game against 100 Mile House, the bantams won 5-1.

Budget breakdown ������������������ ��������������������


���������� Latest budget trims expenses and adds some new projects to city’s plate for 2009

������� In response, staff trimmed roughly $200,000 from various depart����������������������������� Property owners in Nelson are ments throughout the city, says facing a two and half per ���� cent Linda Tynan, director of corporate increase in their property taxes this services at the city. butfax council says it could program, not a service, Director for Thethenyear, Please proof for accuracy phone, or email with anyhave changesOnly or anone approval. been worse. was cut entirely. The city did not Syringa Tree draws The city’s budget was unveiled renew its contract for non-domestic Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: sales@expressnews.bc.ca on own experience earlier this month, first at council’s animal control. The $15,000 budget forExpress play on isapartheid The not responsible for March any errors afterand thethen client was has used signed off. for skunk conMonday, 9 meeting primarily South Africa. later that week at an open house. trol within the city. PAGE 7 After council heard staff’s preSeveral organizations and sentation, they said they were happy departments had requests for with the budget. extra funding denied. The Nelson Editorial . . . . . . . . 5 “I think it is very reasonable in Municipal Library had asked for a Street Talk . . . . . . 5 the economic conditions we are in,” total $39,500 for a new part-time Crossword . . . . . 1 5 Coun. Donna Macdonald said at the staff position, buying new books A&E . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 March 9 meeting. and doing a feasibility study on Events . . . . . . . . . . 9 Coun. Deb Kozak agreed. She expanding the library. The Nelson Health Pages . . . 1 0 noted a status quo budget would and District Youth Centre had its Classifieds . . . . . 1 2 have led to a five per cent tax $36,872 request to fund new posiHomes&Gardens . 14 increase, something councillors tions turned down as well. didn’t want, Kozak said. On the receiving end, coun-

True tales

by Chris Shepherd

New! Nature2 Sanitizer

Kootenay Springs Softub

cil added $10,000 to the Cultural Development Commission’s budget so they can hire a cultural officer to work in the community. Council also added $10,000 to its communications budget, bringing that fund up to $21,000. The city will also contribute $55,000 to a destination marketing officer, though those funds will come from the city’s economic development reserve and will not affect taxation. Council set aside $5,000 in seed money to start work on planning for the arrival of the Olympic Torch relay, set to come through Nelson in February 2010. Council also granted Touchstones Nelson’s request for a $3,000 increase to its funding, bringing the city’s contribution to the museum to $209,350.

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What will the budget mean for taxpayers? A 2.5 per cent property tax increase will mean an extra $73 for the average home owner (with a home valued at $320,222) for a total of $1,343. The RDCK, hospital board and school board still have to set their taxes for 2009. Combined with the nine per cent water rate increase, 25 per cent sewer rate increase and three per cent Nelson Hydro increase ( all of which were approved earlier this year), the average home owner will pay an extra $205 a year for a total $3,060 in City of Nelson taxes. Last year, the city raised taxes by 3.5 per cent. The city will collect just over $7 million in property taxes in 2009. Its largest revenue generater is Nelson Hydro, expected to bring in $12 million. Nelson Hydro’s revenue is offset by $12.4 million in operating costs for the utility. The city uses taxes along with money raised through grants, Nelson Hydro sales, investments and user fees to provide a variety of services. Those include fire protection, the Nelson Police Department, recreation, sewer and water services. A complete copy of the budget can be found at www.city.nelson.bc.ca. Staff will take feedback from a March open house and present it to council at their Monday, April 6 meeting.

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March 25, 2009




Look local for vibrant economy Nelson Business Association works to support locally-owned businesses through networking by Chris Shepherd An economy that focusses on local business-

es is a vital economy, says the head of the Nelson Business Association. “We can’t rely on

SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM Nelson & District Community Complex

The Regional District of Central Kootenay is requesting proposals from qualified individual(s) to contract for our sponsorship program. Using the NDCC Sponsorship Package as a marketing tool and guide, secure appropriate sponsors for a public recreation facility. Sealed proposals, addressed to the Director of Recreation in an envelope plainly marked “SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM - NDCC” will be received at the NDCC, 305 Hall Street, Nelson, BC, V1L 5X4 up to 2:00 p.m. Local Time, April 2, 2009. Terms of Reference to assist with proposals preparation are available on the RDCK website at www. rdck.bc.ca. Call for Proposals will be accepted by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m. on April 2, 2009: Bernie Van Hooft, Director or Recreation Nelson & District Community Complex 305 Hall Street, NELSON, BC V1L 5X4 Phone: (250) 354-4386 ex 5108 Fax: (250) 352-3812 email: bvanhooft@rdck.bc.ca

government and large employers for economic stability,” says John Knox, chair and president of the Nelson Business Association (NBA). That perspective is clear from the NBA’s guiding belief that entrepreneurship and individual business ownership is the key to long-term economic stability and growth for

Nelson and the region. Local business owners are grounded in the local business reality,” Knox says. The association counts 130 Nelson businesses as members. Whether they’re shops on Baker Street or home-based entrepreneurs, the Nelson Business Association (NBA) welcomes every-

one who has an impact on the economy to its ranks. The NBA focuses on creating a healthy economy by fostering relationships between business owners, accomplished primarily through its weekly breakfast meetings. Every Thursday at 8 a.m. the NBA meets at the Hume Hotel. Over breakfast, owners talk about the opportunities, and challenges that affect Nelson businesses. Running a business in Nelson can be a little like going through a jungle, says Knox. The NBA meetings give its members a chance to share solutions and even provide mentors to new business owners. The NBA also works on some important projects, like the Shop Nelson campaign, that seeks to inform shoppers of the benefits of spending their �������������������������������������������� money in Nelson. ������������������������������������� The Shop Nelson cam�������������������������������������������� paign is about informing shoppers they don’t have ������������������������������������������� to go outside of Nelson to ����������������������������������������������� ��������������� find the things they need ��������������������������������������� ������������������ at competitive prices. The NBA also works �������������� ��������������� on a couple of community ���������������� based projects, namely �������������


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Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an approval. Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: express@expressnews.bc.ca The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client has signed off.

they’re the ones responsible for bringing Santa to Baker Street every winter. The association also started the entertaining soapbox derby last year in conjunction with the Queen City Cruise and it will return this summer. The NBA is a non-partisan organization, Knox says, that advocates for Nelson businesses. One ongoing issue he says the association still wants to see movement on is public washrooms downtown. Baker Street businesses constantly have tourists coming into their shops looking for washrooms, Knox says, and the ones that are available, in City Hall, are too far for many, especially the city’s older visitors. Creating public washrooms would be a tremendous boost to the downtown’s vitality, Knox says. There are no membership fees to join the Nelson Business Association and Knox encourages any Nelson-based business to drop by the association’s breakfasts to learn more. For more information, contact Knox at 505-6645 or by email at nelsonbusin essassociation@gmail.com.

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Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an approval. Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: express@expressnews.bc.ca The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client has signed off.



March 25, 2009 EXPRESS Page 3


Waste costs rise RDCK raises tipping fees and recycling budget amid economic turmoil by Chris Shepherd The volatile economy abroad and transfer station fees here in the West Kootenays are a few of the factors leading to a big shake up in the way waste is handled. The way the Regional District of Central Kootenay handles people’s garbage has always been changing. In the 1980s the RDCK had 16 dumps scattered around the region, says Ron Mickel, director for Area F and chair of the Central Waste Committee. Government legislation changed that and led to the current system of four landfills because it was economically impossible to have as many dumps as there used to be. Economic times have changed and Mickel says it’s time to reassess waste management. He says the answers will come from the RDCK’s resource recovery plan, expected to cost $170,000. Taxes will cover $70,000 of that bill and the remaining $100,000 will

come from the regional district’s gas tax refund. Local governments get a rebate from taxes collected at the gas pump. “We think it is probably one of the most important issues facing us. Waste is one of the largest budget items for the regional district and it’s where we can get the most bang for the buck and it’s good for the environment.” The plan is expected to be finished in November 2009. Mickel isn’t waiting until November to start making changes, however. At the board’s Thursday, March 26 meeting he amended the RDCK’s budget to increase tipping fees for demolition and land clearing waste from $120 per tonne to $240 per tonne. While the fees have doubled, Mickel says contractors can easily avoid them by sorting their waste at the work site. Under the old fees, it was cheaper to take unsorted waste to the transfer station and pay the RDCK to sort the material. That left the RDCK subsidiz-

ing contractors who don’t sort their waste. Depending on the material, sorted demolition waste can be as low as $60.

Recycling costs jump

Handling recycling in the Central Waste region is also likely to change in the future. When curb-side recycling began in Nelson in June 2008, it was a revenue generator for the company handling the contract. A plunge in the market for recycled glass, plastic and paper means the regional district now has to pay for recycling, a fact that’s driving up the revenue the City of Nelson pays to the RDCK. The return on material going into the recycling program has dropped, says Mayor John Dooley. While the costs have changed, Dooley said he feels they may have gone into the recycling program without properly assessing the economic

cycles that affect all commodities. The result is the company handling the RDCK’s recycling has asked to renegotiate its contract with the regional district. “They’re not getting the return. Cardboard is almost worthless, as an example.” Recycling is handled by the Central Waste Committee and it has decided it will continue offering recycling. While the service will continue, the rates have to change. “Nobody is going to renew the same contract at the same rates,” says Gary Wright, chair of the RDCK board. John Kettle, vice-chair of the board, says taxpayers have to help the RDCK with respect to garbage. “This crisis probably is going to precipitate a change in buying habits for the public,” Kettle said. “As long as they keep buying stuff that we have to recycle, there’s going to be a cost attributed to it.”

Federal, prov. cash inflates RDCK budget Expected grants and help from senior levels of government boosts bottom line by Chris Shepherd The regional district’s budget has increased by over six million dollars this year, thanks to expected contributions from the provincial and federal governments to RDCK projects. “The fact that the budget, in dollar terms, is higher this year is because we’re getting more transfer grants from senior governments to do things,” says Gary Wright, chair of the RDCK board and mayor of New Denver. The regional district is also applying for a num-

ber of big grants for major projects. The board released the budget at their Thursday, March 19 meeting and in it, the board expects to bring in just over $45 million dollars in revenue, $6.6 million of that coming from senior levels of government. Another big contribution will be an additional $2.1 million from tax payers. Taxation will bring in a total $20,376,703, up from just over $18 million last year. The regional district also had a $4,115,090 surplus in 2008, but Grand

Roeland, chief financial officer for the RDCK, says that is largely thanks to the fact some projects budgeted for last year were not completed. Capital projects hoped to begin in 2009 include replacing a mainline of the Arrow Creek water system ($7 million); work on the West Waste landfill ($1.6 million); upgrades to the Riondel water service ($585,000); improvements to the South Slocan water service ($720,000); heat recovery projects for facilities in Nelson, Castlegar and Creston ($780,000); and a

number of truck replacements for volunteer fire departments around the region. There are grant applications to the federal government that could cover more than half of the Riondel project and the Arrow Creek project. “I have to say the federal government, through its community works fund, has really helped with a lot of projects. You see that reflected in the budget,” says Wright. The budget will be approved at a special meeting on Thursday, March 26.

Cops want new Harley Police plan to use $22,000 from their vehicle pool to buy new Harley Davidson by Chris Shepherd Plans by the Nelson Police Department to buy a new Harley Davidson raised a lot of eyebrows at the city’s recent budget presentation, but police say it’s time to retire their current motorcycle and they’ve already set the money aside. The police department has budgeted roughly $22,000 to replace the 16-year-old Harley the police have now. Inspector Henry Paivarinta said the police set aside almost

$4,000 a year in a vehicle pool. That fund has $68,170 in it at the moment. Paivarinta said the department plans on selling the existing Harley. “It’s at its stage of life expectancy where the costs become a little too onerous to justify keeping it on the roadway, not to mention the safety of the person riding on it.” A motorbike is useful for reaching areas of Nelson the department’s trucks can’t reach, Paivarinta said, noting Lakeside Rotary Park and

Gyro Park as examples. Five officers are trained to use the motorcycle. Paivarinta said he was “perplexed” by the reaction people have had to buying a new motorbike. “You’d be hard pressed to find something that’s been in service for that period of time,” said Paivarinta. “And through reserves and the pool, the cost of a replacement has been covered three fold.” The Nelson Police Board has yet to approve the purcase.

RDCK asks for more money Waste costs behind increased taxes by Chris Shepherd Explaining what the RDCK’s 2009 budget will mean for the average tax payer is no easy matter because of the variety of services the regional district provides to different areas, that said, most residents will see an increase in taxes because of challenges facing waste management. For the companies handling the regional district’s recycling, the cost of doing business has dramatically increased and because most contracts are coming up for renewal, the RDCK expects to have to pay a lot more for keeping material out of the landfill. Waste management is one of the few services that applies to every area within the regional district and the cost of that service is going up across the board. In some areas, it has more than doubled. Beyond waste management, the regional district has over 170 areas where a variety of services are offered. Those services range from fire protection, transit, recreation, mosquito control to community complexes, to name just a few. “Basically, our residents tell us what they want,” says Gary Wright, chair of the RDCK board. Those are services the province says regional districts have to provide and therefore all taxpayers contribute to those funds. Because the RDCK is

tasked with providing services the taxpayers want, the economic troubles around the country and world haven’t played a large role in how the RDCK’s budget is created, Wright says. Despite that, Wright says directors try hard to find other sources of income to mitigate tax increases on residents. While it’s difficult explaining how taxes will change for residents in the rural areas, the City of Nelson’s contribution to the RDCK (legally called a requisition) is more straight forward. The RDCK is asking for $2,908,306 from the City of Nelson this year, up roughly $429,000 from last year when the city contributed $2,478,804. That increase comes from the waste removal increase along with a little over $100,000 for the Nelson and District Community Complex. Mayor John Dooley says that increase will go towards the community complex’s capital projects and creating a reserve fund. Some of those projects, such as plans to recover heat from the hockey arena and use that to heat the rest of the building, will have a long-term pay back, says Dooley. “What they’re doing is they’re putting the recreation centre on a footing where every four or five years we won’t be looking at a major deficit.”


March 25, 2009





Opinions & Letters Problems with France’s colonialism

Editorial We need to fix our democracy with a new way to vote It’s time for a change in our voting system and voters can make that happen by voting for the single transferable vote option in the referendum question in the upcoming spring election. Don’t think so? Look at the results from the 1996 election, when the NDP formed government, or the 2001 election when the Liberals formed government. In 1996, the NDP received 29 per cent of the popular vote and had 39 candidates elected, forming government. The Liberals had 41 per cent of the popular vote and had 33 candidates elected. In 2001, the shoe was on the other foot. The Liberals received 57 per cent of the popular vote and landed 77 of 79 seats in Victoria. The NDP had 21 per cent of the popular vote yet only had two candidates elected. Clearly this is not a “left” or “right” issue. The NDP were not, and could not possibly have been, an effective opposition. No party, whether it’s the Liberals, the NDP or the Greens, should be allowed to govern without the healthy debate a strong opposition can provide. Such a situation came about because of our firstpast-the-post voting system, which gives the seat to whichever candidate gets the most vote in a riding. This system leaves a large portion of our population feeling like they don’t have a voice in government. Such feelings can only lead to disengagement from our democracy which can only make things worse. Government under a STV system would be a slower one. Parties would have to build consensus among their rivals to get anything passed. Nothing would be fast racked and because government would move slowly and more carefully, we would build a better foundation for our children. There are challenges, mainly mathematical, that will give many people doubts about endorsing a system they don’t fully understand. That’s fair, but ignorance is not a good excuse in this instance. The ##Express## has provided a brief look at the referendum question on page six. People can also learn more by going to the No side’s website (www. nostv.org), the Yes side’s website (www.stv.ca) and the province’s own referendum website (www.gov. bc.ca/referendum_info). There are many opportunities to learn about the BC-STV system. You owe it to yourself to educate yourself and make an educated decision on Tuesday, May 12.

Tips for a Good Letter to the Editor 1. Keep it short. The more concise your letter, the more dynamic it will be. 2. Address one issue per letter. If you have more than one issue, write a separate letter. 3. Be opinionated. Avoid citing facts, but rather express your opinion regarding the facts. 4. Don’t get personal. Attack the issues, not the person. 5. State your premise in the first sentence. Make the subject of your letter known immediately.

6. We’re unique. The Express gives priority to letters written especially for the Express. 7. Have a “second set of eyes” review your letter before submitting. This will help ensure your idea is being conveyed. 8. Handwritten is okay; typed is better; emailed is preferred. 9. If you see a problem, suggest a solution. 10. The purpose of a letter to the editor is to provoke discussion within the community.

We try to print letters as soon as we receive them; however, due to the number of letters received on occasion, we are unable to print them all at once. They may be printed at a later date. We reserve the right to edit any letter to the editor. We are not required to print all letters received. Opinions in the Express are not necessarily those of the Publisher or the Express advertisers.

Dear editor, Not being a francophone I have a major problem with the recent half-page ad (in the March 18 issue of the Express) trumpeting global “francodeliria.” Considering that Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cambodia, Martinique, Mauritania, Madagascar,

Mauritius and others were under the influence of French-colonial misadventure, their “origins” are not within the francophone community. The ad read “We’ve come from around the world to make our way in the world.” I think it should more truthfully read “We’ve gone around

the world to remake it in our way”. Also, I think “From around the world to right around the corner” would be more accurate as “From around France to right around the corner.” You see where I’m coming from? Claus Lao Schunke, Nelson

ISSN 1196-7471

Publications Mail Agreement #0654353. Paid at Nelson, B.C

Street Talk Should helmets be required on ski hills?

Women’s equality does not mean special consideration Dear editor, I am writing in response to the letter from Nancy Rosenblum (“Nelson newspapers ignored women’s accomplishments,” March 18) which complains the press was remiss in ignoring the 19th anniversary of a local women’s paper. Rosenblum states that “No one is equal until we are all equal”. I couldn’t agree more. Problem is that some people in the women’s movement don’t seem to be happy with equal, they want equal plus. I recently became an associate member of the Nelson women’s centre. A very short time after I

became a member the centre held a rally, but I was told that only women were welcome Michelle Mungall was elected to represent the NDP in a contest which only allowed women to compete. The NDP has apparently decided to ignore the “D” in the middle in order to force constituents to send more women to the Legislative Assembly. This attempt to tell us who will represent us will insure their defeat. The sad thing is, Mungall might very well have won without the leg up. These things are all being done using the pendulum

theory, that being since men held a preferred position for some time, therefore now women should have a shot at superior rights. The problem with this theory is that a pendulum never stops, and implementing it will only insure that we will never be equal. I support women’s fight for equal rights, but I believe that the fight should stop when equal rights have been achieved. Giving women a fourth strike is a step backwards not a step forwards. Rodney Retzlaff Glade

They should not. You’re taking away people’s liberty to choose. Besides, many people are already making the positive choice to use one. Byron Delachevrotiere, Nelson

Letters to the editor We encourage our readers to write to us. Please address letters meant for publication to the editor. We do not accept open letters. Letters must be short (200 words maximum) and to the point. We reserve the right to edit letters, and the decision to publish or not to publish is completely at the discretion of the editor and publisher. Originals will not be returned to the writer and the Express will store the original in its files.

Commentaries can be longer (500 words maximum) and are more in-depth than letters. If you wish to write a commentary, please first contact the editor. All letters and commentaries must be signed and include your name, address and phone number. Only your name and community you live in will be published. We will not print “name withheld” letters. Opinions in the paper are not necessarily those of the Express or its advertisers.

Fish Heads & Flowers

Flowers - to the wonderful lifeguards at the NDCC who did a very good job of dealing with people during a recent accident, even when they were being insulted by some spectators! Fish heads - to the adult spectators who were acting very immature. During an accident is not the time to challenge authority! Appreciative 13 year old. Flowers - a huge bouquet to my neighbors who keep a sense of humour when I let my dog chase me as I drive down our street. (I try to do it when everyone is in for the night.) I’ll be up and running again soon. Thank you for your patience while I wait for my broken bones to heal. Fish heads - to single parents who drag their children into their messy dating lives. Shame on you. They don’t need to know those details of your adult life. Try to leave them out of the drama. Flowers - to the gentleman who help put air in my tires. I may have forgotten to thank you

at the time, so here is a great big thank you. - Grateful for the cheerful help Fish heads - to impatient drivers who don’t stop at crosswalks when there are pedestrians. Just because there are no stop lights doesn’t mean you can drive right through with no caution. I almost got hit with my baby in her stroller and my pregnant sister. Could you have lived with yourself? - Lucky to be alive Fish heads - to whomever broke into our stuck car in Winlaw and stole everything. You sould know you took most of what we had. We were only gone for an hour. - Hurt and angry Flowers - to the border collie and its owner who have been keeping the playing fields clear of geese! Send us your Fish Heads and Flowers! All submissions to the Express Fish Heads and Flowers section will be considered provided that no one is identified in the text or signature, all signatures are anonymous, and the submission is both concise and written in good taste. We reserve the right to withhold publication of submissions if these standards are not satisfied. To submit your gift of Fish Heads or Flowers, you may send email to express@expressnews.bc.ca, drop off or mail to 554 Ward Street, Nelson, B.C., V1L 1S9, or fax to (250) 3525075. We will not accept submissions over the telephone. The Express cannot guarantee that your submission will be printed due to space limitation.


The Express Newspaper is owned by Kootenay Express Communication Corp.

March 25, 2009 EXPRESS Page 5

PHONE (250) 354-3910 FAX 352-5075 EMERGENCY CELL 354-9001 express@expressnews.bc.ca 554 Ward St. Nelson, B.C. V1L 1S9 PUBLISHER Nelson Becker

EDITOR Chris Shepherd

Not on the mountain, but they should be on man-made jumps and rails It only takes one good smack there and you’re toast. Josh Myers, Nelson

I think helmets should be your choice. They should be recommended at the hill. If you have one, you should wear it. Aiden Miles, Nelson


March 25, 2009



Briefly 10,000 Voices for B.C. Rivers

Thursday, March 26 The West Kootenay EcoSociety is encouraging people to take part in the Western Canada Wilderness Committee’s 10,000 Voices for BC Rivers campaign. They are asking people to contact the premier and their MLA and ask for a moratorium on the privatization of rivers for private power projects. “We have great opportunity for green energy in BC but we need to do it right. The government’s current no-plan, haphazard approach is cause for concern,” said LeeAnn Unger, campaigner with the West Kootenay EcoSociety. For more information visit www.10000voices. org or call 1-800-6619453.

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Whole grains for health campaign back at the Nelson Food Cupboard

As March is National Nutrition month, the Nelson Food Cupboard launched its Whole Grains for Health Campaign. Since proper nutrition is a cornerstone of good health, organizers at the food cupboard strive to provide their customers with high quality, nutritious food each time they visit the food cupboard. Many of their customers have food intolerance or allergies or suffer from conditions which require strict diets. It is therefore important to be able to offer a variety of whole grains, including spelt, millet, brown rice and quinoa. The Nelson Food Cupboard is encouraging Nelson residents to use the till donation cards at Save-On-Foods and the Kootenay Co-op, where customers can donate $2 or more along with their groceries. Donations collected through these till cards will be used to purchase whole grains at both of these stores. For more information, contact Laura Gareau, Nelson Food Cupboard coordinator, at 354-1633.

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The big question Should B.C. change its voting system? Proponents and opponents to a B.C. single transferable vote weigh in on the referendum question in May’s provincial election

The facts:

British Columbian voters will have two decisions to make when they go into the voting booth on Tuesday, May 12: Who do they want to represent them in the Legislature and; Should the way B.C.’s elections are decided change? The official wording on the ballot will be: Which electoral system should British Columbia use to elect members to the provincial Legislative Assembly? • The existing electoral system (First-Past-the-Post) • The single transferable vote electoral system (BC-STV) proposed by the Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform. The BC-STV system would change many aspects of the province’s electoral system and keep others the same. Under BC-STV, the province would still have 85 Members of the

by Chris Shepherd Legislative Assembly (MLAs) but instead of each MLA representing one riding, a MLA would be one of several representatives from new ridings that are much larger than the existing ones. BC-STV would create 20 large ridings. The Nelson-Creston riding would be merged into one large riding that would also include the Kootenay West, Kootenay East and Columbia River-Revelstoke ridings. Voters in this new, larger riding would select four MLAs to represent the riding. The voter ranks their choices (1, 2, 3, etc.) for as many candidates as they like. If a voter does not want a candidate, they can either not rank them or rank them last. To be elected, a candidate must reach a certain threshold of votes. This threshold is not known until election night and this uncertainty has been one of the main challenges

The opinions: The No Side

for the yes side to explain. A formula is used to determine what the threshold is. The formula is: (Number of valid ballots/Number of MLAs to be elected + 1) + 1. So, if there are 10,000 valid ballots and four MLAs to be selected, a candidate would need 2,501 votes to be selected. All voters’ first preferences are counted. When a candidate has more than the threshold (2,501 in the previous example) their surplus votes are transferred to the voters’ second, third etc. choices. The process continues until all the seats in the electoral district are filled. For the referendum to pass it needs, at least 60 per cent of the total popular vote and more than 50 per cent of the votes in at least 51 of the province’s existing electoral districts. – source: the B.C. Referendum Information office website.

The Yes Side

Lisa Bramson thinks the current electoral system in The head of the “No” side of the B.C. single transferable vote debate agrees the current system B.C. has too many drawbacks to continue, which is why is broken, he’s just not convinced the proposed she’s the local head of the “Yes” side of the B.C. single transferable vote debate. replacement will be any better. Bramson was one of two presenters at the yes camBill Tieleman is the president of the No STV campaign and he says the B.C. single transfer- paign’s information session on the B.C. single transferable able vote (BC-STV) system would distance politi- vote (BC-STV), held on Saturday, March 21 in Nelson. The current voting system brings about “wild swings in cians from their constituents and push voters away government policy,” Bramson said. because they don’t understand the system. That’s because the two parties that have governed so For Tieleman, who is based out of Vancouver, the system would make it difficult for voters to far, the B.C. Liberals and the B.C. NDP, have such opposite political ideologies, she went on. When one party gets know who exactly represents them. “How would you get access to an MLA or even in power, they go about reversing what the other did. This have a guarantee that you will have someone who switching is wasting time and money, Bramson said. She said she was also concerned about how under the represents you,” Tieleman said in a phone intercurrent voting system, called first past the post, some view with the Express. He says he’s afraid the BC-STV system would voters choose to vote strategically, rather than who they favour urban centres and notes no MLA would be want elected. Bramson also showed the results of the 2001 election, responsible for a particular area. Tieleman and the “No” campaign are also con- when the NDP received 43 per cent of the popular vote cerned about the complexity of the BC-STV count- across the province but only two candidates from the ing system. While people can understand going party made it into the Legislature. “First past the post skews things so badly the voters into a booth and ranking the candidates based on preference, Tieleman says few people who aren’t aren’t getting what they wanted.” Bramson says BC-STV will give voters more responmathematicians can understand how the ballots are ���������������� counted and then how some of them are “fraction- sive candidates. Because each party puts up multiple ������������������ candidates, no politician has a safe seat. If the voters alized” to be used to select the other candidates. Tieleman likens the counting process to putting don’t like what a MLA does while in office, they can pick ��������������� a ballot into a blender and pouring the results into another one from the same party, Bramson said. ������������� Bramson said she thought BC-STV would lead to different candidates’ counts and he says he’s not more cooperation among politicians because no party comfortable with such a process. ������������������� would have a majority big enough to pass legislation with“I’d like to know when I vote where it goes.” The “No” campaign draws supporters from out getting MLAs from other parties onside. ���������������������������� Much of Saturday’s presentation was devoted to B.C.’s Liberal and NDP parties and Tieleman says ������������ many of them agree the current system doesn’t explaining how the BC-STV counting process would work. The “No” side doesn’t have an alternative, work. Bramson admitted it can be hard to understand but but Tieleman says going with BC-STV is not the the voter only has to rank the candidates, she said, not do the math afterwards. right choice. “We do have a democracy, but we can make it work “We all think STV would be a disaster for British even better,” Bramson said. Columbia.” The yes side’s website is at www.stv.ca. The no side’s website is at www.nostv.org.

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Briefly Blueliners tournament in Nelson

Friday, April 3 to Sunday, April 5 The Nelson Blueliners are hosting their 14th Annual Nelson Icebreaker hockey tournament at the NDCC and the Civic Centre arena. This comes after two

���������������������� ������������������������ ��������������������� strong tournaments abroad. For more information on The women’s hockey the team go to www.blueteam came a close second a liners.kics.bc.ca. �������������������� the Cranbrook tournament ���������� in early March, losing to the Figure skating Cranbrook Wildcats ������� 1-0. At the Friday, March showcase 13 to Sunday, March 15 Thursday, March 26, 5:15 p.m. tournament in Kamloops to 5:45 p.m. at the Nelson and ���� the Blueliners came away District Community Complex champs. arena, 305 Hall St.

Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an approval.

Under the coaching from their coaches, Rachel Stewart and Yoshie Measures, the Nelson Figure Skating Club had a successful 2008-2009 competition season. Their StarSkaters are hosting a StarSkate Showcase.



Arts & Entertainment

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Dam Water!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 7 p.m. at Touchstones Nelson, 502 Vernon St. This evening features author of ##Treading Water##, Anne De Grace, and artistic director for Balance of Power, Nicole Tremblay, in an evening of conversation, video and reading. This evening is set against the current exhibition, Stanley G. Triggs : Changes Upstream in which Photographer Stanley Triggs’s docu��������������� ments of the flooding of ������������������ the Kootenay River above the Libby Dam. ��������������� Admission by dona������������� tion.

March 25, 2009

Daydreams/Emperor of the 13th Floor

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The Tudors’ music ��������������������


Friday, March 27, 8 p.m. at Studio 80, Selkirk College’s Tenth Street Campus on the corner of Tenth and Elwin streets in Nelson Robin Mercy and Ryan Tapp present an evening of original live music. First, Mercy performs “Emperor of the 13th Floor”, an eclectic mix of funk, folk, worldbeat, and hip-hop. This is high-energy genre bending mayhem at its best. Ryan Tapp will keep the grooves going with his show “Daydreams”, a collection of original ska, dub, and funk. Both shows are part of the Selkirk College Graduating Showcase program, which hosts live music every week until early April. Admission by donation.

Sunday, March 29, 7 p.m. at St. Saviours����������������������������������� Pro-Cathedral, 723 Ward St.������������������������������������� This is the inaugural concert for the Nelson CHRIS SHEPHERD �������������������� Early Music Society. Alison Deon plays on the swing her character, Elizabeth, uses to cope with the horrors of apartheid South Africa. Improv The evening will feature ���������� works from the “long centheatre class tury,” the Tudor period in ������� Thursday, March 26, 7 p.m. England (1475-1603) and to 9 p.m. at the Oxygen Art includes popular music of �������������������������������� Centre 3-320 Vernon St. the time and some of the (alley entrance) ���� ����������������������������������� finest Elizabethan court South African director gives play about race relations authentic feel Wanted: adults with music by John Dowland. imagination and creativity women went to the same univer- ity. Alan Rinehart studied by Chris Shepherd to do theatre improv and sity. Like the characters in the Beyond knowing what a proper lute repertoire and techplay, Sinclair’s father even told her accent sounds like, Sinclair has been sports. nique in London, England The Syringa Tree This is an introductory not to make her home in South able to help Deon understand the at the Early Music Centre Preview: Wednesday, April 8 session to improv theatre. Africa. implications of what’s happening in with Anthony Rooley, and Thursday, April 9 No experience necessary Apartheid South Africa, when a the story. When a white woman is Jakob Lindberg, Nigel Opening: Friday, April 10 white majority dominated the black terrified by a black servant’s ques- – participation is what it’s North and Emma Kirkby. to Sunday, April 12 majority with a racist government tion (When are you going back to all about. Tobias Jenny is a multi- Thursdays to Sundays, April 16 to Joel Cottingham and policy, was a difficult place to grow your country?), Sinclair was able instrumentalist with eclec- April 19 and April 23 to April 26 other experienced local up and The Syringa Tree tells of the to explain the context and how the tic tastes and a strong All shows at 8 p.m. at challenges facing young Elizabeth question gets at the level of resent- theatre folk will facilitate musical background. He and of her very close relationship ment that exists between the races the activities. A further is the music director at The TNT Playhouse at the corner of class schedule will be diswith her nanny, Salamina. in South Africa. St. Saviour’s Anglican Ward and Carbonate Streets cussed. Both characters are played by The Syringa Tree is a challengThe Nelson production of The Church and the director Adults only. Youth are Deon, who says being able to work ing play. Syringa Tree, a play about a white of Studio Cantilena. welcome to contact Mary “It is a window on a world that Both Jenny and South African girl and her rela- with Sinclair has been a unique Defeo if they would like to is the absolute antithesis of the Rinehart are founding tionship with her black nanny, opportunity. be put on an interest list. Deon returned from Toronto safe, comforting world we live in can boast a special authenticity members of the Nelson $5 please to cover hall Early Music Society because it’s director hails from the – where she’s been working as an here,” Sinclair says. rental. actress for the past eight years – to The story of that world is fil(www.nelsonearlymusic. troubled African nation. For more information, put on The Syringa Tree, a play tered through Elizabeth, who first Jane Sinclair is directing The org). contact Mary Defeo at she calls one of the most challengsees it with the naiveté of a sixSyringa Tree’s sole actor, NelsonAdmission by donayear-old and later with the knowl- m.defeo@hotmail.com or born Alison Deon, through the ing she’s ever done. tion. 352-2532 The story is told without cos- edge of an adult. story that includes 22 characters Deon says Elizabeth’s filter and tells of what life was like in tume changes or exits and Deon Ephemeral in has had to master the body move- helps modulate the heavy themes Heddy Acclaim apartheid South Africa. There are many parallels ments and speech of 22 charac- of the story. Friday, March 27 and nature: artist talk “She’s telling a very serious between Sinclair and the lead ters to tell the story. Sinclair was Saturday, March 28 at Thursday, March 26, 7 p.m. character, Elizabeth. Sinclair grew impressed with the quality of the story from a place of innocence Finley’s Irish Bar and Grill, at Touchstones Nelson, up in an area close to the setting accents Deon brought to the story and honesty,” Deon says. 705 Vernon St. 502 Vernon St. Tickets are $10. of the play, both fictional and real and can vouch for their authenticThe theme is 1970s Photographer Julie and ‘80s classic rock from Castonguay will discuss groups like Deep Purple, her recent photographic engage in our life, to show net or call 1-866-795-4968. ent sorts of people. Led Zeppelin, The Doors, installation, Ephemeral in The alchemy of up for each moment, and “I have no idea what the Nazareth, Beatles, The nature, which is part of respond creatively, instead work says to anyone except Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd the current Salt: the distil- writing workshop of reacting and protecting Dylan Humphreys me. It could be spreading and ZZ Top. lation of matter exhibition Sunday, April 5, 10 a.m. to ourselves.” lies about my own personal Heddy Acclaim memat Touchstones Nelson: 5 p.m. at Mirror Lake Studio drawings Wright studied for 25 On display at Lux Shoe life; you never know. I’m bers are Vince Curley Museum of Art and in Kaslo going to assume that a large (lead vocals and guitars), Organizer Shayla Wright years in India, and has been History. Julie will give a Boutique, 564 Baker St. number of people consider Malik Mourah (on drums) PowerPoint presentation says “this kind of writing teaching writing, speaking, Dylan Humphreys says them weird, then they’ll and Roger Carruthers of her work and process is powerful, transformative yoga and inquiry all over the series he recently com- probably go and fiddle with (bass and vocals). This high involved in creating her medicine. It has nothing to the world for decades. pleted is a collection of their cell phones and won- energy power trio will keep The tuition is $90. do with special talents and installation. For more information images that may cause dif- der why they feel empty,” you rockin’ and dancing all Admission is by dona- skills. The alchemy of writtion. ing will help us to really visit www.barefootjourneys. ferent reactions from differ- says Humphreys. night long.


Apartheid up close



March 25, 2009


Arts & Entertainment

Josh Martinez

Saturday, March 28 at the Spiritbar, 422 Vernon St. Josh Martinez is a machine. A well-oiled, straight-talking, globetrotting music-machine who has travelled the world more than the avian flu. Martinez has built himself a devout following, addicted to his hopeful perspective, joiede-vive and a live show that brings the heat like a none other. Martinez has never been easy to categorize. He is one of the most diverse artists in the music game, surpassing the limitations of indie hip hop by pursuing an innovative and entirely unique hybrid of clever pop melodies and intelligent, layered songwriting that borrows from everywhere and sounds like nothing else. As an entertainer, Martinez is in the upper

Charlie Brown

Friday, March 27, 7:30 p.m. at the Capitol Theatre, t 421 Victoria St. Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang are back for one night to delight Nelson audiences. “We had so much


echelons of the business, bringing a confidence, urgency and a comedic touch that has converted disbelievers and brought

houses down, rocked to their very foundation. Opening act, local hip hop trio Cypha.Nex. $10 at the door.

fun doing the show it is exciting to bring it to the Capitol stage,” says Lisel Forst who directed the show and plays Snoopy. The show is fast, fun and funny and great for all ages. There is humour, depth, singing and dancing. “It is uncanny how

much we all look like the characters, a lot of people have been sticking out there tongue at me and laughing.” says Forst. Tickets are available at the Capitol box office: $15 for adults, $10 for kids 12 and under, family of four $45.

Kobo Town




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Sunday, March 29 at the Spiritbar, 422 Vernon St. Founded by bandleader Drew Gonsalves, Kobo Town is named after the historic neighbourhood in Port-ofSpain, Trinidad, where traditional calypso (kaiso) was born amid the boastful, humorous and militant chants of the roaming stickfighters. The band explores the rich lyrical tradition and compelling rhythms of calypso’s formative years – the age of the Roaring Lion, Mighty Spoiler, Lord Invader, King Radio and Attila the Hun.

The Marc Atkinson Trio

Friday, April 3, 8 p.m. at the Capitol Theatre, 421 Victoria St. Marc Atkinson is one of Canada’s finest Junonominated, Western Canadian award-winning musicians. He is the leader and composer of the internationally renowned

Atkinson Trio IV, praised as the finest yet. The compositions on this CD are punchy, driving and rhythmically inventive. The Trio, formed in 2000, has toured North America, England and Europe and has received standing ovations everywhere they perform from the Montreal Jazz Festival to the Vancouver International Folk Festival.

Flora Ware

Saturday, March 28, 8 p.m. at the Nelson United Church, 602 Silica St. Jazzy songstress Flora Ware performs standards as well as songs from her new album Insight. Described as both a “little-known vocal treasure” and “one of the rising jazz talents” in B.C., Ware is ready to step into a bigger spotlight. Joined by a trio led by Cliff Maddix on guitar, this show will deliver a groovy mix of standards and original music influenced by Latin jazz and soul and R&B. Tickets are $10 at the door, $5 for children. This show is part of Flora’s Kootenay Spring


Tour, funded by the Columbia Basin Trust. For other show dates

and more information, visit www.floramusic. com.

Alan Kirk still rocking Veteran musician scores with new album by Kyle Wells

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Marc Atkinson Trio and co-founder, composer and performer in the acclaimed, The Bills. The music of this virtuosic group is melodically captivating, sensually charged and ferociously, technically awe-inspiring. Embracing a lifetime of musical influences, Atkinson and the Trio have just released their fourth CD, The Marc

Alan Kirk has been around when it comes to recording and performing music. Beginning his career in the United States and having played around North America, Europe and New Zealand, Kirk is a veteran of the rock and roll circuit. Now calling Nelson home, he has just released his latest album Some Songs through his own home-grown production company Phonic Records, a disc that truly shows the experience behind the music. Some Songs from the start sounds like a classic rock album of a high

This is a staple of the album, songs that experiment and surprise, but stay true to the melodies and riff driven tunes that define Kirk. “Hide Your Heart” is one of the best, a nicely building, power chorus tune that could stand up to the best of ‘70s order. Blasting off with rock. There’s an electric the rollicking “Real Neil Young thing going Groovy Dimension” Kirk on, with some Guess kicks into the guitar driv- Who thrown in, but with ��������������� en, highly melodic sound a sound that is still Alan that defines the album. Kirk. ������������������ Full of crazy peddles and The tenderness of ��������������� a shout out “yeah yeah Kirk’s lyrics highlight the ������������� yeah” chorus, the song thought behind the rock. skirts on the side of psy- For all the heavy guitar chedelic while staying and punchy drumming, �������������������� firmly grounded to pure Kirk shows us his softer ���������������������������� and simple rock. side as he sings about lost

love and new beginnings. “You just can’t fit into my life right now,” Kirk sings on “In My Room”, “though I love you like you’ll never know”. For such a rock based record to show such heart is refreshing. Kirk writes that he “finds inspiration from [Nelson’s] natural beauty and eclectic, creative culture”. Some Songs reflects this well and is a welcome addition to the very culture that inspired it. Some Songs is available from Packrat Annie’s and Otter Books. For samples and more information visit www.phonicrecords. com.



March 25, 2009



Special Events

Ongoing Events Wednesdays


Wednesday Mar 25

Friday Mar 27

NEED INEXPENSIVE BIRTH CONTROL? Options for Sexual Health drop-in clinic. 333 Victoria St. 5:30-8 p.m. PROBLEM WITH EATING and weight? OA support group 5 - 6 p.m., Nelson Hospital cafeteria (basement). No dues or fees. 250-352-7717 or 1-800-6115788. www.endoftrail.ca/ OANelson.htm DROP IN GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP. 7-9 p.m. at Broader Horizons, 905 Gordon Road, back door. THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Info 250-505-5583 WOMEN’S HOCKEY SCRIMMAGE at the old rink 8:30 - 9:30 p.m. $10 drop-in fee. Full equipment required. Info 250-359-7036 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Harrop Hall, Harrop 5:30 p.m. DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon meeting noon The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. HABLAS ESPANOL? Spanish Conversation group meeting every 2nd and 4th Wed of Month 5 - 6 p.m. Vienna Cafe. Donations. Contact Biodan@gmail.com NUTRIENT-RICH COOKING classes every Wed/Sun. Many topics to choose from. Contact Lorraine at lorraine@earthlobby. com or 250-352-3860. GLACIER HARMONIES Women’s Barbershop Chorus. All welcome at 7 p.m. to Baptist Church, 6115th St. Nelson. Dorothy 3527199 or Joey 352-3393 NEW! LUNCHTIME MEDITATION noon - 1 p.m. at the Shambhala Centre, 444 Baker Street.

WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 357-2822. SHAMBHALA CENTRE NYINTHUN: Join us for sitting meditation 9 a.m. to noon. Break for refreshments mid-morning. . Everyone is welcome, come and go as you please. 444 Baker St. 352-5560. www.nelsonbuddha. com WORSHIP SERVICES JOY BAPTIST CHURCH, 10 a.m., 11 a.m, 6:30 p.m., 560 Baker St, Suite #3, 825-4095. QUAKER MEETING 723 Ward, upstairs, 9:45. 354-3859. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP, Community Church, Passmore Hall, 11 a.m. All welcome. SUNDAY WORSHIP, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Slocan, 2 p.m. All welcome. UNITY CENTRE of the Kootenays, 905 Gordon Rd. Broader Horizons. Back door, 11 a.m. Everyone welcome. NELSON AA - 10 a.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. NELSON UNITED CHURCH service, 10 a.m. 602 Silica St. All are welcome. ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH Ser vice 10:15 a.m. 1805 Silverking Rd. You are welcome. 352-2515 ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH worship 4 p.m., 21 Silica St. 3543308 THE 10 KOOTENAY MINUTE MASSAGE For only a twoonie at the Cocoa-Nut Lounge, 1 - 3 p.m. Info Karen Logan 250-505-9748

ALTERNATIVE WORSHIP Experience ‘Trustin’ 7 p.m. at the Nelson United Church.

SENIOR CITIZENS’ BR.51, Potluck Luncheon 12:30 p.m. 717 Vernon St. All Seniors Welcome! FIVE FEMINIST MINUTES, 7 p.m. at the Scout Hall. WKWA Fundraiser. Everyone welcome. Per formers women-only. 3529916

Thursdays IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM IN YOUR LIFE? AA Meetings, Lunch Bunch at Noon. Into Action Big Book Study at 8 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. ACUPUNCTURE for ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 1:30 p.m. Located at 333 Victoria Street, 2nd Floor. 505-7248 BIBLE STUDY JOY BAPTIST CHURCH, 6:30 p.m. 560 Baker St., Suite #3. SIGNING CHOIR (sign language) 3:30 p.m. at NDYC, 608 Lake St. www.ndyc.com NELSON BADMINTON CLUB 7-9 p.m. at the Mary Hall Gym. For information call Anne at 3527536 or Guy at 352-6330. REDFISH BADMINTON Ages 15 to 90 Mon Thurs 6:30 p.m. $3 drop in. Call 229-4346 or 2294343 for more details. SPACE TO SPIN poi, hoop, staff, unicycle or juggling pins etc at the Central School Gym. All ages welcome. $6 with a discount for families with kids. Email jumpforjoy@netidea.com or call 352 3263 for info. CALM, ABIDING TOGETHER, a parent and infant group. Short meditations and discussions. Free at Shambhlala Centre, 444 Baker St.

Fridays GENDER OUTLAWS, a support & social group for trans & gender variants. 354-5362. Nelson AA - F-Troop meeting at The Cellar 717A Vernon St 8 p.m. DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon meeting 8 pm at 601 Front St. GERMAN FAMILIES meet to sing and play at the Family Place. Contact: Irina at 250-354-0292

Saturdays WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 357-2822. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Noon meeting at The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. AL-NON Family group meeting, New Denver, Slocan Community Health Centre, Annex bldg. 9:3010:30 thru March. THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Saturday at 1 p.m. For further info. please call 250505-5583

Mondays NELSON TABLE TENNIS CLUB. 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at Blewett Elementary School when school is in session. 352-9547 or 3525739 SHAMBHALA CENTRE OPEN HOUSE: 7 p.m. meditation instruction and practice; 8 p.m. talk and discussion; 9 p.m. tea. All welcome. 444 Baker Street, 352-5560. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS open meeting. 7:00 p.m. Passmore Hall, 3656 Old Passmore Road. F-Troop Meeting 8 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. REDFISH BADMINTON Ages 15 to 90 Mon Thurs 6:30 p.m. $3 drop in. Call 229-4346 or 2294343 for more details. MT. SENTINEL SCHOOL South Slocan Badminton Mon Wed 7:30 p.m. 359-7610 NELSON BADMINTON CLUB 7-9 p.m. at the Mary Hall Gym. For information call Anne at 3527536 or Guy at 352-6330. DIAPER FREE BABY / ELIMINATION Communication Support Circle 4th Monday of each month 1-3 p.m. at The Family Place 312 Silica St. HERITAGE HARMONY Barbershop Chorus. Welcoming anyone! Tim 250-825-9694 or John 250-352-6892

Tuesdays PARENT & CHILD TIME at the Harrop Hall. 10 a.m. - 12 noon Information: Lesley 825-0140 ACUPUNCTURE for ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 1:30 p.m. Located at 333 Victoria St, 2nd Floor. 505-7248 DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING� TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon Meetings: Lunch Bunch at noon and open meeing at 6 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. YOUNG FELLOWS OFF BOOZE AA Meeting 8 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. AA TARRY ENG- RUSSIAN GROUP Brent Kennedy School, 7 p.m. Slocan Junction. ‘DRUMMING FROM THE HEART’ Community Drum Circle with Kim Massé. North Shore Hall 7:15 - 8:45 p.m. $7 kimmasse@shaw. ca 505-2684 DOES SOMEONE YOU LOVE suffer from an Eating Disorder? Need Support? Last Monday of the month 7-9 p.m. 352-9598 after 6 p.m. or mcsuzzie@hotmail.com for more info.

AROUND TOWN Wed. March 25

Sun. March 29

OPEN JAM WITH ESTEVAN bring your instruments, voice and poetry to the Royal on Baker. Sign up early, doors open at 9:30 p.m. NIKKO live at Fusion 301 Baker PAUL LANDSBERG & BERT PETERS, jazz guitar duo, Library Lounge, Hume Hotel, 6-10 p.m. KARAOKE Amy Poznikoff putting on the Ritz and Wild Women Wednesdays at Finleys.

SARAH AND RICH Per form soulful jazz standards in a pleasant lounge setting. 7:30 p.m. at the Redfish Grill at 479 Baker St.

Thurs. March 26 DAM UNPLUGGED ACOUSTIC Open Stage, Thursdays, 9 p.m. hosted by Estevan, Dam Inn, South Slocan. DJ BRYX AND FRIENDS Doors at 10 p.m. at Spiritbar. NIKKO plays eclectic jazz 6 - 9 p.m. at Max & Irma’s. OPEN STAGE at the Balfour Beach Inn 8 - 11 p.m.

Fri. March 27 RYLAN PLAYS SOLO FINGER syle guitar 6-9 p.m at Max & Irma’s. HEDDY ACCLAIM perform live at Finley’s Irish Bar and Grill. SOUTHERN FRIED ROCKERS, Noble Five, plus guests, Hap Mandala and the Kettle Black bring you an eclectic evening at The Royal on Baker, $10 at the door. DAYDREAMS/EMPEROR of the 13th Floor, Selkirk College Graduating Students Showcase, 8 p.m. at Studio 80. Donation. 1970’S/80’S ROCK WEEKEND Bash with Heddy Acclaim at Finley’s Irish Bar and Grill.

Sat. March 28 BILLY JONES, MIKE BUCKLEY and Kiesza entertain unplugged at Ellisons, 12 - 3 p.m. INCOMPARABLE HUME Quartet at The Library Lounge, Hume Hotel. JUDE DAVIDSON SINGS classic songs & originals, 6-9 p.m. at Max & Irma’s Restaurant. NIGHT OF MUSIC and fundraising for Operation Smile: an organization dedicated to helping children with facial deformities. Shelby Babakioff performs Rock N’ Roll/Country music, followed by Kiesza performs Funk N’ Folk Pop-Rock originals at Studio 80. Doors at 7 p.m. show at 7:30 p.m. BIRTHDAY BASH Jill’s turning 40…meow! At the Royal. FLORA WARE plays jazz and originals with Cliff Maddix trio. Nelson United Church, 8 p.m. $10. JOSH MARTINEZ - and local hip hop trio Cypha.Nex. at the Spiritbar $10 at the door. 1970’S/80’S ROCK WEEKEND Bash with Heddy Acclaim at Finley’s Irish Bar and Grill.

NIKKO PLAYS EVENINGS at The Librar y Lounge, Hume Hotel. Blues Jam at the Royal on Baker 7 - 11 p.m. The Tudors - Personal music making in Britain from Henry VIII to Elizabeth I, featuring Alan Rinehart lute and Tobias Jenny organ, voice and recorder at St. Saviour’s Anglican Church, Nelson 7 p.m. By donation. KOBO TOWN Live in Concert: Opening set DJ: Dee Selectress at the Spiritbar. Advance Tix $10 at Eddy Music & Hume Hotel front desk. Doors 8 p.m. Show 9 p.m. $15 at the door.

Mon. March 30 SARAH McGLYNN & RICH RABNETT The Library Lounge, Hume Hotel. 6-10 p.m.

Tues. March 31 LIVE OPEN STAGE at Finley’s Irish Pub, everyone welcome. LISTEN TO THE SWEET SOUNDS of Nikko at Fusion on Baker Street. 7 - 10 p.m. ALL AGES OPEN MIC at the CocoaNut Lounge. 6 - 10 p.m. Hosted by Rob Funk.

Wed. April 1 OPEN JAM WITH ESTEVAN bring your instruments, voice and poetry to the Royal on Baker. Sign up early, doors open at 9:30 p.m. NIKKO plays live music at Fusion 301 Baker St. PAUL LANDSBERG & BERT PETERS, jazz guitar duo, Library Lounge, Hume Hotel, 6-10 p.m. KARAOKE Amy Poznikoff putting on the Ritz and Wild Women Wednesdays at Finleys Irish Bar.

Thurs. Apr 2 DAM UNPLUGGED ACOUSTIC Open Stage, Thursdays, 9 p.m. hosted by Estevan, Dam Inn, South Slocan. DJ BRYX AND FRIENDS Bryx perfecting the art of mashup and turntablism. Doors at 10 p.m. at Spiritbar.

“ALIGN FOR LIFE” WORKSHOP Rolf Structural Integration 8 - 10 a.m. at Shanti Yoga studio. Call Anna 250-352-1853, fee $20. CHAMBER of COMMERCE Business After Business at the New Grand Hotel. Everyone welcome. 5 - 6 p.m. Non Host Bar & Appetizers, 6 - 6:45 p.m. Chamber AGM Financials, CPRail Project Repor t, and Destination Marketing Report, 7 - 8 p.m. RSVP 250-352-3433 or info@discovernelson.com DAM WATER! Join author of Treading Water, Anne De Grace, and Nicole Tremblay for an evening of conversation, video and reading at Touchstones Nelson: Museum of Art and History, 7 p.m. Admission by donation.

Thursday Mar 26 COMMUNITY COFFEE HOUSE hosted by the School District No. 8 invites community members, parents, and staff from 6 - 8 p.m. at the Nelson Public Library, Meeting Room. Info 505-7064. IMPERMANENCE IN NATURE, a workshop by Julie Castonguay 7 p.m. at the Oxygen Ar t Centre. Info and registration, office@oyxgenartcentre.org ‘OPPORTUNITIES IN THE Evolving Landscape of BC Libraries’, a Nelson Library Lunch Lecture through the Victoria St. entrance. Bring your bag lunch, the coffee pot is on. BEST OF THE FEST - Film winners at this years Vancouver International Film Festival are on tour and will be in Nelson. Short films and features expose adventures in skiing, snowboarding, climbing, biking, paddling and more! Capitol Theatre, 7 p.m. Adults $15, Students/ Whitewater pass holders $10. IMPROVISATIONAL THEATRE Games 7 p.m. - Oxygen Arts Centre located in the alley behind Home Hardware. Adults only. $5. info m.defeo@hotmail.com FREE FELDENKRAIS INTRO and awareness through movement lesson. Reduce stress and improve health. 7:15 p.m., Curves, 520 Fall St. RVSP Judy 250-352-3319 PROCESS DRIVEN ar tist Shanyne Brandel talks about his new body of work, “Falling”.7 p.m at Gallery 378. NELSON FIGURE SKATING Showcase. 5:15 – 5:45 p.m. at the Complex Arena. Free! Come check out our local figure skating talent.

Saturday Mar 28 SPAGHETTI WESTERN NIGHT a fundraiser for the Nelson Rhythem Ropers 6 - midnight at Finley’s Irish Bar and Grill, Tickets $10. HEALING YOUR BACK Workshop using the Feldenkrais Method. 206 Victoria, 1 - 5 p.m. Susan Grimble 250-352-3449. BOTTLEDRIVE FUNDRAISER for the Valhala Wilderness Program. Have your bottles ready to be picked up by students from 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. from Slocan Park to Slocan City. 250-3552212 APPYS FOR PADDLES fundraiser for the Kootenay Rhythem Dragons. 2 p.m. at the Bogustown Pub $1 from all appetizers will be donated to the campaign. Team members on hand to provide info about the team. COUNTRY TWO-STEP & WALTZ workshop Junction Church, South Slocan, 10 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. $12/person/75 minute class. Instructor Michael Wiebe, of U of C Dance Club. Singles Welcome. Info: www.dancingbeat.org. Register 365-0590 or 352-7999 or allus@uniserve.com.

Monday Mar 30 10KM FITNESS WALKING Program begins Nelson Fitness Walkers invite you to join them 5:30 p.m at the Gazebo next to the Prestige Inn $150/ 13 weeks, 505-5581 or fitnesswalking@netidea.com

Wednesday April 1 SENIOR CITIZENS’ BR.51, 717 Vernon St. monthly meeting, 1:30 p.m. All Seniors Welcome FELDENKRAIS CLASSES BEGIN April 1 - May 6, Reduce your stress, improve your health and your ability to move with Judy Katz, guild certified Feldenkrais pracitioner at Curves, 520 Fall St. Wear warm comfor table clothing and bring a mat or a blanket. $65, 250-352-3319, somatikatz@gmail.com

Thursday April 2 THE EPHEMERAL IN ART By Nicole Dextras, 7 p.m. at the Oxygen Ar t Centre. Info office@oyxgenartcentre.org

Easy Sudoku

NIKKO plays eclectic jazz 6 - 9 p.m. at Max & Irma’s. OPEN STAGE at the Balfour Beach Inn 8 - 11 p.m. LISA NICOLE KIENAS and Jason Thomas, Selkirk College Performance Majors perform at Studio 80 at 7:30 p.m. Admission by donation.

West Kootenay/Boundary

1-800-222-TIPS P.O BOX 3392, CASTLEGAR BC V1N 3N8

TO WIN : every row, column and 3 by 3 square must each contain the digits 1 to 9. Moderate difficulty. Solution on page 12



March 25, 2009


The acid/alkaline connection and our health The acid /alkaline connection and our health You may have heard about the different alkalizing diets out there. The theory behind them is that a diet too high in acid-forming foods can cause a highly acidic environment in the body where diseases can flourish. When the body’s pH is neutral it can perform the physiological actions to function normally. The pH scale goes from zero to fourteen with seven being neutral. Lower than seven is more acidic and higher than seven is more alkaline. It is possible that we can become too alkaline but in our culture it is much more common to

Exploring Health

Shauna Robertson

become too acidic. The tendency to be too acidic is mainly due to the amount of processed and sugar laden foods we consume as well as the lack of fresh vegetables and fruits in our diet. When the body

becomes too acidic there may be fatigue, inability to concentrate, joint pain, immune deficiency, osteoporosis, yeast or fungal overgrowths, migraines, insomnia and many other disorders. A change in diet is the best thing that we can do to regulate a highly acidic system. A diet higher in alkalizing foods such as fresh vegetables (especially green ones) and fruits is a good start. Drinking water with fresh lemon juice is a great way to alkalize the body. Decreasing foods that are acid forming is also very important. Acid forming foods include alcohol, soda, sugar and sugary foods, processed flours and grains, meat,

The information used in the Exploring Health column is for education only. It is important to consult a health care provider about your specific health concerns. Shauna Robertson is a registered acupuncturist practicing at the Community First Health Coop. She enjoys treating a wide range of conditions including acute and chronic pain, women’s health issues and pediatrics. She can be reached at (250) 352-2167 or shauna@anhc.ca

Hard Sudoku

coffee, tea and cocoa to name a few. Exercising for a least 30 minutes a day can help alkalize the body. Getting plenty of sunshine helps


Kate Butt, Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine ......... 551-5283 Sandra Mason, RAC ....................................................551-0110 Michael Smith, Dr. TCM, 10 years experience.........352-0459 Marion Starr, Dr. TCM ............................................... 352-9890 Paul Gaucher, RAC at Back In Motion...................... 352-0075 Ben Brown, RAC, Winlaw ........................................... 226-7166 Lindsay Morris, RAC ..................................................354-9438 Diana Malone, R.TCM.P .............................................. 352-9952 Shauna Robertson, Reg. Acupuncturist ..................... 352-2167


Integrated Healing Touch, Biodynamic Craniosacral,Esalen® Massage; www.potentialswellness.com. Madelene..352-0084 DeepTissue, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Bliss, Certified - Niko...... 551-2577 Rolf Structural Integration, www.gravitytherapy.com......352-6611


Blanche Tanner, BP, Family Constellation .................. 227-6877


McKenzie Community Chiropractic ........................... 352-1322


Richard Klein, Stress Reduction Coach .................... 352-3280 Holistic Health, www.brendawiseman.com .............. 505-7555


Hydrotherapy, Detoxification, Nutrition, U.Devine .. 352-6419

Counselling & Consultation

A child’s fully interactive exercise and play class. Parents will be encouraged to participate along with the children. Ages 2 - 5 Years Fitness Studio Instructor: Heloise Walters Tues. Apr. 14 - May 19, 1:30 - 2:30pm

FUSION QUICKIE ___________________ Spin intervals with muscular endurance drills put together to give you the ultimate calorie blast during your lunch hour. Wed 12:10 - 12:55pm

MASTERS SWIMMING _______________ A certified coach to develop your skills. People of all abilities can join. Regular drop in fee! Tues.,Thurs. Apr. 2 - 23, 7 - 8pm Sat., Apr. 4 - 25, 8 - 9am Wed., Apr. 29 - June 24, 7 - 8pm



the amount of acidity in the body. Lastly, stress management is highly recommended as stress can also increase acid levels in the body.


Clearwater Art Therapy ............................................ 505-1100

GYMBOREE _______________________

the body with calcium absorption which plays an important role in maintaining a neutral pH. Eating less and chewing more can also decrease


Art Therapy

TO WIN : every row, column and 3 by 3 square must each contain the digits 1 to 9. More challenging. Solution on page 12


A few of the drinks that can affect the body’s pH.


Sharon Best, Certified Adv. Hypnotherapist ............ 354-7750 Irene Mock, CHt, RHt, Free Initial Consultation ............352-7035

Massage Services

A Touch Of Aloha, Lomi, Cranio, Struct’l, Sports ..............229-4424 Ginger Joy Rivest, Neuro Somatic Therapy ..............505-4284 Palliative Massage Course, July 3-10, 2009 ...........1-800-611-5788 Power Essentials, True Aromatherapy & Massage...........505-4144 RUBITIN, Mobile/Studio, Deep T., Neuro, Sports ....... 352-6804 Galena-DeepT,Swedish,Lomi,structl Shalimar ...................354-4408 BodyMind Union, Chronic Pain, Deep Tissue....................505-9945 RebalancingTouch, deeptissue, energywork. Nathalie......352-2250


Tara Stark, RD, Nutrition Counselling......................505-9854


Remedy’s RX Custom Compound 737 Baker St. ..... 352-6928


Kootenai Pilates 540 Baker St. ................................ 352-1600

Registered Massage Therapists

Daniel Voykin, RMT 523 Josephine ...c509-0345 o352-0459 Jennifer Johnston RMT 101-518 Lake St. ................551-1197


Mountain Waters Spa, 205 Victoria St............................352-3280 Craniosacral Reflexology, A Touch of Aloha................... 229-4424

Carmen Carter, MEd, RCC, Play & Art Therapy ........354-4485 Sally Shamai, MEd, RCC, EMDR and more ...... 1-877-688-5565


Feldenkrais Method

Social Work

Susan Grimble, Classes/Sessions 30 yrs exp. ........ 352-3449 Physical Problems & Nothing has worked? Give me call and let’s get moving! Call Hilary ........354-7616

Hair Care

Front St. Hair Studio, The Key to Beauty ............... 354-1202


Barbara Gosney CCH RSHom Cdn 2102 Creek St..354-1180 Margo MacLaren DHom ............................................. 354-7072

Holistic Health

Nelson Pranashakty, Jothi /Reiki healing ............505-7832

Kimberly Davitsky, RST at Shalimar Spa ............... 354-4408 Val Amies, BSW, RSW, Counselor .............................505-8044


Mountain Waters Spa, 205 Victoria St ................... 352-3280 Shalimar Spa, located at the Prestige Inn ............. 354-4408 Nelson’s Aveda Concept SalonSpa Spa Oasis, 448 Baker St ..........................................354-4487


Shanti Yoga Studio, Baker at Josephine, upstairs...352-7703 Om Yoga 3067 Heddle Road 6-Mile, Nelson ........... 825-0011

NATURAL, ORGANIC FOODS & PRODUCTS SINCE 1975 Open 8:00 - 7:00 Mon. to Sat. 295 Baker Street, Nelson 354-4077 www.kootenay.coop



One more reason to eat your greens

Kale shines again. this time for healthy eyes. Kale contains lutein which is an antioxidant that can protect your eyes from agerelated macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is a disease that can slowly take away your central vision. It affects upwards of 40 per cent of Canadians

Chew On This

Tara Stark

75 years or older. Move over carrots!

By far the best source of lutein is cooked kale with a whopping 23 milligram per half cup, followed by cooked spinach (10 mg to 15 mg), collard greens (14 mg), and Swiss chard (11 mg). Lutein and all carotenoids are better absorbed by the body when they’re cooked and eaten with some fat.


March 25, 2009



Tara Stark is a registered dietitian who specializes in helping people optimize their nutritional wellness and prevent diet related chronic diseases. For more information email tara.stark@gmail.com or phone (250) 505-9854.

HEALTH CALENDAR ���������������� �������� ���� ������ ���������� ������������������� �������������������������� �������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ����������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������� ��������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ��������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������� ��������������������������� ��������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������ ���������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������� ������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� �������������� ������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������

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Nelson Mind and movement breastfeeding clinic Wednesday, April 8, 9:30 a.m. Fridays, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Nelson Health Unit, 2nd Floor Kutenai Building, 333 Victoria St. Mothers who have recently had a baby and finding challenges with breastfeeding can attend this free clinic that runs every Friday. Mothers that have discomfort while breastfeeding or think they have low milk supply or a seemingly hungry and/or unhappy baby could get help from Nancy Harmon, a certified lactation consultant and public health nurse with Interior Health. No appointment is necessary for this free service. For more information, contact the health unit 5057200 or Nancy Harmon 1 (250) 231-4845

New dates for fitness walking

Monday, March 30 to Monday, June 22, 5:30 p.m. at the gazebo next to the Prestige Lakeside Resort, 701 Lakeside Dr Fitness walking, like Nordic walking, is based on speed and moving fast enough to raise an person’s heart rates into their training zone. Done properly, fitness walking is a high-level and challenging sport. Beginning Monday, March 30, Nelson’s 10K Fitness Walking program starts under the gazebo next to the Prestige Inn. This program provides participants with a comfortable progression of distances and change of pace to ensure they progress according to their own level. The coach, Mary Prothro, will be there every session to provide tips and techniques to help people meet their personal training goals. Registration is $150 and may be paid at the first session. To register, contact Nelson Fitness Walkers at fitnesswalking@netidea. com, or 505-5581.

to 11:30 a.m. at the Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre, 3rd Floor - 444 Baker St. Basic sitting meditation practice will be introduced and brief meditation periods will punctuate the class. As part of the authentic movement practice there will be a focus in which one moves with eyes closed, without music in the presence of another, seated with eyes open. Class organizers say this form is guided by the deep listening of the body’s impulse toward stillness and movement expression. This group practice will run eight weeks. Lynn Dragone is director of Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre, certified meditation instructor, certified movement analyst and 15 years of therapeutic dance instruction. The course is $180. For more information, contact nalandalynn@yahoo.com or 352-1964.

Dance to fitness

This spring, Scarlet Mary Rose is introducing two types of dance-inspired exercise. DanceOut combines yoga, free-form dance cardio (with room to run, leap, spin) and core-body/ strength exercises to music that gets the body moving. Burlesquercise is a different workout that combines “pin-up yoga” (yoga postures based on pin-up images), can-can cardio and burlesque moves throughout history. (No nudity required) DanceOut will be held at Central School’s gym on Tuesday and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., beginning Tuesday, April 7. Burlesquercise will be at the Moving Centre, Mondays at 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m., beginning Monday, April 6. Both classes are ongoing, drop-in for $13. Bring water and a mat.

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March 25, 2009




*Kootenay Reader ads only. Not applicable for businesses or associations Free classifieds not taken by phone. Must be submitted in person, mail, email or fax. Ads accepted for buying, selling, giving, renting, lost & found, etc. All ads must have a phone number. One ad per phone number per week First 15 words are FREE, each additional word 25¢ • Deadline: Thursday noon.

Forward your ad to: 554 Ward St., Nelson, BC V1L 1S9 • Fax: 250-352-5075 • www.expressnews.ca

Submit your FREE reader classified online www.expressnews.ca Deadline: Thursday noon! Announcements


PAWS-ITIVE APPAREL 306 Victoria all items $1 March 25-31, Bag sale every Sunday. Open Mon-Sat 10am6pm Sunday 12-4pm. THE KNIGHTS OF Columbus 2008 Citizen of the Year is Dr. John “Mac” Mackay. A Public reception will be held at the Catholic Cantre,523 Mill St. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Formal program at 6 p.m. Tickets $20 each at Sonja’s China Cabinet. Ticket sales cut-off date is April 15/09 For more information call Robert Tremblay 250825-9204 WELCOME BABY - you are a lucky little girl with two strong empowered mommas! Lots o’ love. HAVE YOUR BOTTLES ready! The Valhala Wilderness Program will be having a fundraising bottle drive on March 28. Students will be picking up bottles from 9 am - 12:30 pm from Slocan Park to Slocan City. For more info call 250-355-2212. OSPREY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION invites applications for: 1) 2009 Community Grants as well as 2) Arts Legacy Fund Grants for music projects. Forms and granting guidelines at ospreycommunityfoundation.ca deadline April 30th Sarah Dobell ph: 250-352-7777 x224 SPAGHETTI WESTERN NIGHT at Finley’s, Saturday, March 28th, 6 p.m. - midnight, Fundraiser for Nelson Rhythm Ropers. Tickets $10. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTIC SPRING Programs! March 30 - June 12. Rhythmic Gymnastics is a beautiful and artistic sport that combines dance like movements with ribbons, balls, hoops and so much more! I have programs running in Nelson, Balfour and S. Slocan for girls ages 4 and up. Please see the Health Calendar for more details or call Gisele at Rhythmic Dimensions 5051812. All registered gymnasts will have the opportunity to participate in our spring show on June 12.

TO THE PERSON who had their boots taken from outside their house - please contact the Express because someone would like to kindly donate some high top, felt lined boots, women size 9 to you! 250-354-3910. PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING with TLC. Pinky’s Pet Parlour. 536 Ward Street. Tues.-Sat. 10-6. #250551-5501 URBAN RAGZ BOUTIQUE is now open at 501 Harold Street Slocan! Petites size 0 to Curvey 3XL . Open Tue - Sat 355-0040 WANT CASH? SELL your goodies at Balfour Hall’s $ellwhatyawanta $ale, April 18. Book early, call 250-2295265. GET INVOLVED IN the 10th Annual Arts and Culture Week! April 19-25, schools & arts councils in your city are presenting arts events. You can too. www.bcartsweek.org.

Business Opportunities DETERMINED, MOTIVATED LEADERS needed to form a strong network-marketing branch in the Nelson area. NOT-product driven. Training free. Earn yourself a significant portion of million dollar companies advertising budgets. Financial potential is phenomenal. www.sarahsbestbusiness.com or call: 1-877671-0193 Please contact asap. REACH YOUR TARGET MARKET. Community Classifieds are printed in over 600 newspapers across Canada each week. Book now at www.communityclassifieds.ca or contact by email ads@bccommunitynews.com. Phone 1-866-669-9222. NEED MORE MONEY? Want a career? Work from home! We train you! Check out the Freedom Project! www.judys-minioffice.com.


Business Opportunities ADMIN. ASSISTANT / Bookeeper with Quick Books 4 hours weekly, our office. Call Myrna@352-1655 ENERGIZE YOUR INCOME! Distribute hot-selling energy drinks. Earn up to 10K/month. $11 Billion Industry. No selling, minimum investment 19K. Areas going fast. Free sample/information package 800267-2321. Peakdistributors.com. $$$ MAKE FAST CASH - Part-time/ Full-time. Driveway Sealing Systems, Line Painters, Hot Boxes, Hot Pour Crack Machines, Blowers, Asphalt Preservative Products. Call Toll-free 1-800-465-0024. Visit: www.protectasphalt.com. UNRESERVED REAL ESTATE Auctions. 5 bay truck & car wash (15,300 sq. ft.) 18 site RV campground. Executive custom built home. Killam, Alberta. May 8, 11 a.m. Bid: Michener Allen Auctions Edmonton, Killam Alberta, by Proxy or online! 780968-1068; www.BidOnProperty.ca.

Children IN-HOME BLEWETT DAYCARE. Family setting. Have spots open fill fast. 1 yr & up. 250-352-9532 Registered w/CCRR. WANTED ZOOPER TWIST Umbrella Stroller 352-0342 SEEKING RESPONSIBLE SITTER/ NANNY for 4 year old and 2 year old in our home in Nelson. June through August. $10 per hour. 7am-4pm. Monday thru Friday. 208.853.1768 SEEKING IN HOME daytime childcare, 2x per week for Waldorf children. Call Nicole 352-0416 WANTED FORWARD FACING CAR SEAT for child over 20lbs and ERGO carrier 250-226-7365 WOODEN CRIB, CONVERTS to daybed. Great condition. $100 OBO. Andrea @ 352-2025. CHILDREN’S CHURCH CHOIR at the Nelson United Church is planning to start again. For info call Robin at 354-1412.

Sales Support and Data Entry Person


We need a liason between the EXPRESS and our clients. As a customer service representative you would support our sales team and help build new relationships with clients.

500 GB WESTERN Digital portable Backup Harddrive only $125, call 250-509-1964

You need to be highly organized, 100% computer literate (we use Mac OS); good with numbers; personable and friendly; with good customer service skills and excellent phone skills. You must be able to multi-task.

Solution to Easy Sudoku

This is a part-time job, with the possibility of full-time, depending upon your skills and our needs.


Help Wanted

HC-S (HOME COMPUTING Solutions) Offering reliable and competitively priced PC Support & Computer skills training. From Hardware to Network we come to you.“No Solution NO FEE” Tel #250-505-4940. Email hcs@live.ca SELLING COMPUTER. 2GB Ram, 256MB Video, Dual Processor w/ mouse, monitor, keyboard & surround sound. 250-551-1885 CD BURNER, ETHERNET cards, 50mm fans, 5 port switch, 4 port router, cables, keyboard, etc., offers, 250-608-3548

BEAUTIFUL HANDCRAFTED LOG bed. queen size, curved logs One of a kind. Brand new. $700. 250-5091442 MAY TAG DRYER, Kenmore Washer Large Capacity, excellent condition. $80 each/ $150 both. 250-359-7481 SOFA-BED, EXCELLENT CONDITION for sale. Regular sizes. 250-352-6028.

DOG LOVERS! ENJOY a healthy, profitable career as a professional dog trainer. Government accredited program - student loans and grants. Ben Kersen & the Wonderdogs. www. wonderdogs.bc.ca. 1-800-961-6616. CANADIAN TAXPAYERS FEDERATION (lower taxes, less waste, accountable government) now offers commission based residual income. Looking for self-motivated leaders. Info line 1-866-443-6020. Interviews call Rod 1-800-667-7933. CARPENTERS/REMODELERS $25+/HOUR. CANADA’S leading home repair/remodeling company is seeking carpenters, remodelers, skilled tradespeople (M/F) in Vancouver, Victoria, Okanogan Valley. Apply toll-free 1-800-884-2639 or www.handymanconnection.ca.

Credit Counsellors BECOME 100% DEBT FREE!! One easy monthly payment. Free Consultation. Member of BBB. Check us out at www.iamdebtfree.com 1800-565-4595. DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM. Helping Canadians repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest, regardless of your credit. Steady Income? You may qualify for instant help. Considering Bankruptcy? Call 1-877-220-3328 FREE Consultation Government Approved, BBB Member. WANTED INVESTORS, BUSINESS OWNERS & FINANCIAL AGENTS. Lucrative Income! High Degree of Security & Returns, 16 yr. history. Not Mutual/Seg. Funds. Training provided. 1.888.855.8187 E-mail: rick@sgcwealth.com Visit:www.sgcwealth.com.

Education PENNY WISE JOURNALISM SCHOLARSHIP for women. The winner will receive a total of $2,500 to study journalism in the eightmonth journalism certificate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Visit www.bccommunitynews.com for details. Deadline: May 01, 2009. TRAIN TO BE an Apartment/ Condominium Manager from home. Jobs registered across Canada! Thousands of grads working. Government registered. 29 years of success. Information: www.RMTI.ca or 1-800-665-8339, 604-681-5456. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION TRAINING. Learn from home or on-site! Work from home or onsite! Financing may be available. Contact CanScribe TODAY for FREE information. 1-800-466-1535 or info@canscribe.com.

Events FLOWER OF LIFE workshop. May 8 - 11: Sacred Geometry. Mer-Ka-Ba meditation. Registration by April 17th. Dania KalTara 250-354-0413

Ours is a small office, you would be expected to be flexible and involved in diverse aspects of our operation. This is a salaried position and is not commissionable. The EXPRESS is the only locally owned and independent communitiy newspaper in Nelson. If you are interested in joining our team please respond by email to nbecker@uniserve.com


Free see puzzle on page 9

Solution to Hard Sudoku

FOR YOUR FREE Regal Catalogue call Gail @ 250-352-4620 SWIVEL CHAIR, SUITABLE for office or workshop. You pick up. 250352-2277 LOST BETWEEN WINLAW and Nelson L50-Black, Virgin Cell Phone. contact: 250-352-0511 - Thursday through Mondays - 9 am to 4 pm

Furniture Non-commercial. Up to 15 words. Submit free classifieds on line www.expressnews.ca

see puzzle on page 10

ANTIQUE FOUR POSTER wooden double bed with matress and box spring $175. 250-352-3248 LAZYBOY MICROFIBRE RECLINING sofa, good condition, $250, Phone 250-352-1936.

Garage Sales QUEEN BED $50, mattress $20, sofa & chair $100, table $25, microwave $20, sofa $250. 250-505-7243 MARCH 28, 9 a.m. 206 Robson Street, Nelson Back yard - alley access CDís, pictures, skis, new massage table, old fashioned bath tub, bucket seats, king-size futon, and more!

Health & Fitness THE ALCHEMY OF Writing workshop in Kaslo with Shayla Wright, April 5th, 10 am - 5 pm. This writing process will help us to really engage in our life, to show up for each moment, and respond creatively, instead of reacting and protecting ourselves. The tuition is $90. For more info about Shayla and The Alchemy of Writing, visit www.barefootjourneys.net or call 1.866.795.4968 STEM CELL TECH products for sale 250-551-0242 4 IN 1 multiple beauty instrument,large meat smoker,wool for felting/spinning.250-355-2269 INTRODUCTION TO ZEN Shiatsu. 80 Hours with Sylvain Ratthé. April 19 to June 23. Call 352-2407

Help Wanted BITE IS LOOKING for F/T or P/T line cooks. Cooking experience and Food Safe certificate required. If you are a mature and responsible individual able to multi task in a fun fast paced environment email your resume to info@bitefreshfood.com or call Jason/ Joscelyn at 354-2856 or 551-2703. VEHICLE SALES. If you are an honest hardworking professional, high achiever and have a desire to be highly paid. We want to talk to you. We offer excellent benefits, advancement in a fun environment and a great family community. Moving allowance. Call or email: Richard Leslie in strict confidence. Brentridge Ford Wetaskiwin, Alberta, 1-800-4635838; r-lesli2@brentridge.dealeremail.com; www.brentridge.com. POWERBOATS IN SUMMER, snowmobiles in winter, ATV’s in between! Become an Outdoor Power Equipment Technician. Fairview, Alberta Campus (Fairview College). Apprenticeship opportunity. On-campus residences. 1-888-999-7882; www.gprc.ab.ca/fairview. JOURNEYMAN AUTOBODY PAINTER/REFINISHER required immediately for growing Autobody business. Top wages, benefits, pension, moving allowance for right person. Email: greg@kochfordathabasca. com. Fax 780-675-5818; www.town. athabasca.ab.ca; www.kochfordathabasca.com. PHONE DISCONNECTED? RECONNECT now! Fast connections/ no refusals! Phone service, calling features, long distance & internet. Free high speed internet connection. Phone Factory Reconnect 1-877-3362274; www.phonefactory.ca. REMOVE YOUR RECORD: A CRIMINAL Record can follow you for life. Only PARDON SERVICES CANADA has 20 years experience. Guaranteeing record removal. Call: 18-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366). www.RemoveYourRecord.com.

Home & Garden ORCA TRUCK FOR HIRE. Will do dump runs, moving, etc. Patrick 5050612. PRIMARY COMPOST FOR your yard! We have 3 bins of delicious organic material. FREE, you pick up. email stenyaster@gmail.com SPRING CLEAN UP, hauling organics, pruning, Summer yard maintenance & lawn care. Call NICE YARD! 250-509-1083. CLAW FOOT TUB: fixtures, shower post, curtain ring. Good condition. $600. You move. Daniel 354-9009

House Sitting NEED RESPONSIBLE PERSON to care for home, cats, plants March June (prefer vegetarian) 359-7118 EXPERIENCED, MATURE & Employed House Pet & Garden sitter available beginning April I have Excellent local references 250-352-9389 LEAVING YOU WHAT you left, experienced, references, Chris 250-352-5540. EMPLOYED 56 YR old housesitter w/ local references, available Mar13May25, call Karen 354-9221 EXPERIENCED,MATURE,WORKING house, pet and garden sitter available mid April onward. I have excellent local references. 250-352-2463

Lost & Found LOST - BABY BLANKET - brown bears,fleece,crocheted edge. Lost on Baker in front of Moving Centre. 250505-0858/250-226-0087 STILL LOST; SMALL black female cat called “IVY”. She has a tattoo in ear. Phone:352-5460. FOUND - CAMERA in case behind Nelson Courthouse-describe to claim 250-354-6118 LOST, CAMERA ON May and Jenny Rd, (Copper FSR). If found Please call Jeremy, 505-1174. LOST: A CELL phone on the corner of Cedar and Silica. call 505-1185 to identify. MISSING! FEMALE MIN-PIN, unspayed. Lost from Dam Inn Saturday, March 14. Missed terribly. 250-505-3453.

Misc. for Sale SHAW DIGITAL CABLE Box for sale. Current price for model through Shaw $98, asking $50. 250-352-9945 RADIO CONTROLLED AIRPLANE, gas powered, beginner trainer-style, comes with field box, electric starter, transmitter, charger, and all new batteries. Everything brand new, hasn’t even been flown, $290 obo. 250443-3281, or email Pierce - pierce. leclair@gmail.com



March 25, 2009



Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

Misc. Wanted

Music & Dance


FOR SALE TREADMILL excellent shape,power incline/decline asking $400. 359-8053 SCREENPRINTING EQUIPMENT: 4 colour printer, flash dryer, tshirt platens, squeegees and more 250 551 2504 REDUCED--TWO LOCALLY MADE satin dresses, worn once. one is white w spaghetti straps and a plunge back, full skirt, $75; the other has a cream strapless top with a six color paneled skirt, $100. Either would be fantastic as a grad dress. they were made for me and will fit someone of similar dimensions, 5’1”, 110lbs, chest 32”. Jennie 354-7812 WOMEN’S KNEE HIGH brown leather boots size 10 - $50, Solomon sport sandals women’s size 10 - $35, soccer cleats size 9 - $15. email stenyaster@gmail.com RECUMBENT BIKE - long wheel base, good quality components, overall mint condition, a great ride $650 obo. 250-443-3281, or email Pierce - pierce.leclair@gmail.com VINTAGE RECORD PLAYER 1940’s Grundig Fleetwood model $200. 250359-7942 BLUE METAL BUNKBED bottom futon couch $250 obo. Tropical fish tank accessories and fish $80. 250352-6120 SLATE/IRON TABLES SET of three $2500, paid $5000. Leather couch $1000. 250-352-0508 GOLD, JADE, STERLING silver, amethyst, in rings, bracelets, neck chains, earrings. Excellent conditions and prices. 250-354-1192 5 DOZEN WINE BOTTLES - clean, $5 per dozen; Wedding gown $60; Cookbooks; magazines. 250-352-7144 H A R L E Y- D AV I D S O N MOTORCYCLE BOOTS, size 13, excellent shape, $100. Black Resistol cowboy hat, $75, 250-825-9320 INVACARE METEOR MOBILITY Scooter. Very powerful, great for Nelson’s hills. Paid $4600. Used for one summer. Selling for $3000 OBO. 250-505-5233

CARTOP CANOE CARRIER $20; Coleman 2 burner camping stove and Coleman lantern, $35. 250-825-4111 MASTERCRAFT 10 INCH mitre saw exc. condition $75. Mastercraft workbench $50. 250-505-2720. SINGER INDUSTRIAL SEWING Machine. New motor, walking foot. Used for sail covers. 352-5862. $900. PING PONG TABLE and 4 paddles. good condition $50 250-352-1983 KENMORE WHITE WASHER/ DRYER sold as a set in very good condition. $250 firm. 359-8066 MASTERCRAFT COMPRESSOR. 8 gallon, 125 psi. Used 1 project. New: $200 + tax, will sell for $100. 250352-3545. X-BOX WITH CONTROLLER, wireless controller, DVD movie kit, headphone communicator, and 12 games. 250-551-1963 COMPUTERIZED PFAFF 2140 embroidery and sewing machine. Brand new $6,000 Selling at $2,500 after 6 250-505-2054 BRAND NEW KENMORE dishwasher, still in the box. Stainless steel, quiet guard,ecowash cycles, $600. 250-352-0920. FROM NEPAL: BUDDHIST Thanka Mandalas. Singing bowls. PashminaCashmere-Silk shawls. Intricate wooden carved lamps. 505-4190. ANTIQUE SKIS $150, Cherrywood Antique Dining table & 4 chairs, round with leaf $400. 352-3526 MUST SELL ASAP Sunquest Pro Tanning Bed: $1,000 obo. Bowflex Home Gym: $750 obo. 250-825-4031 KITCHEN NUTONE RANGE fan & matching overhead cabinet, raised panel doors, white, attractive, clean, $40, 505-1102 375 SQFT PRE-FINISHED walnut. Very durable. New in boxes. Make an offer! Paid $8/sq ft. 250-354-7311. VERY LARGE GAS pottery kiln. $1500. or trade for something smaller. 250 352-9150 1 27IN. COLOUR T.V. $40, Electrolux vacuum & carpet cleaner $75, portable dishwasher white $50 505-2075

FOUND; SKI GLOVES PHONE & IDENTIFY Large breed Dog-Kennel $58 Double jogging stroller “Cruzer” $85 250-352-1312 BIFOLD DOORS, TWO 30” black and one white 24” half-lowered door, $5 each 250-352-6762 THREE MASKS $30, dresser $100, amplifier $50, speakers $30, York gym $125, stepmachine $100. 359-7756 LEATHER BOMBER JACKETS(2) Men’s size 36-$20; Men’s size 38 London Fog- $50 . 250-359-7439 WHISTLER/BLACKCOMB MOUNTAIN 2009 Day Ski Pass. Includes Peak2Peak chair.Reduced to $75.Call Bruce 250-359-7301 leave message. GAS BOILER, $500; 33 gal gas hot water tank, $50. Both ex cond. 250229-2353. 2 12” ALPINE Type R Subs, with 1000 watt amp, and alpine deck $500, $525 with deck LARGE CEMENT MIXER, add-onsbig tires, local start, ball bearing wheels. $400. 825-4408 FLIGHT CREDIT FOR $100 for sale for $50. Save $50. Call Natalie 250.229.4940 TWO WHITE INTERIOR doors in good condition, 35x79 with frame; 28x80 inch. 352-3226 POWER WALK PLUS fold- up Tread Mill in new condition. $50. Phone 250-359-8103 DAY BED, COLONIAL Style $150. Call 250-359-2979 THE ‘CLUB’ AUTO anti-theft device, white, 2 keys, like new, $20 obo, ph: 352-2823

LOOKING FOR LUTTERLOH pattern books from the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. Ph Heather 250-355-2300 heather@netidea.com WANTED, TRAVEL-TRAILER, OR RV, or fifth-wheel, with truck, with possibility of renting to own. (250)777-0825 OLD BATHTUBS, TO use as raised beds in vegetable garden will pickup. 250 505 2075 GAMES FOR FOLLOWING: nintend o,supernintendo,nintendo 64,nintendo gamecube, PS2 357-9979 358 7262 OLD / BROKEN lawn or garden tractors / attachments for parts.any make or model 357 2729 2 OR 4 tires P 145 80R 12 Ph.2502294644 2 OR 4 tires p145 80r 12. Please call 250-229-4644 WANTED: USED DIGITAL Camera. $30-$40 range for our daughter to learn on. 250-353-2463. WANTED: 1.5-3KW GENERATOR in good condition and 50-60cc chainsaw. 250-226-7784 WANTED: CO2 CHARGER holders for soda siphon. Call Ian 825-0194 USED 17” COMPUTER Monitor wanted. Call Gaile at 250 352-5394. WANTED: USED BOOKS, will pick up! Phone Karin: 359-6712, 505-7810. WANTED: COMPLETE CHESS set in good condition. 250-352-0588 WANTED: DAIRY/CHEESE MAKING equipment( pails, creamer, butter churn, cheese presses, etc.)electric or manual. 250-551-0209

9 PIECE CB Drum Set. Excellent condition. $500. Call 250-505-6401 U WANNA BE DJ 2-TEC1200 turntables + vestax mixer & carry-coffin. Call 250-352-7663. Perfect 4 serato perfect starter setup FRIENDS OF CLASSICAL MUSIC informal, interactive soirees for music aficionados. 250-505-5583

DATING SERVICE. LONG-TERM/ SHORT-TERM relationships, free calls. 1-877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes.1888-534-6984. Live adult casual conversations-1on1, 1-866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local single ladies.1-877-804-5381(18+).

WANTED ANY HOUSEHOLD furniture in good shape (couch, TV, bedroom furniture, etc.) house plants. 250-359-8108 WANTED: SMALL PLASTIC round tub 3 - 4 ft in diameter for baby. aquastar@netidea.com

CD & DVD DUPLICATION, direct to disc printing and graphic design located in Nelson: www.shortyburns. com 352-BURN(2876) LUDWIG MAPLE DRUMSET, in good solid shape $500. Very BIG drums.250-551-2872 MIND & MOVEMENT with meditation at the Shambhala Centre. ‘Authentic Movement’ focus with Lynn Dragone 250-352-1964. Pre-registration begins April 8th for 8 weeks.

Auto Financing




Boats & Marine

EAGLE AUTO LOANS. Easy financing. Good credit, poor credit, divorced, first time buyers, self employed, bankrupt. We finance in-house OAC. Call our credit specialist 1-800-916-1723. www.secondchancefinance.ca. AUTOCREDIT EXPERTS WILL earn your business with fast confidential service. Good credit, bad credit we deliver them all over Western Canada. Online www.drivehomenow. com or 1-888-501-1148. APPROVED AUTO FINANCING www.credit-queen.ca. Challenged/no credit? New, used, all makes vehicles at Canada’s most reputable dealership. Low rates, online approvals 24/7. Joanne,1-866-602-3743. DL 5231. #1 IN CREDIT REBUILDING. Need a car, truck, van or SUV? Auto Credit Fast. Bad credit! No credit! Bankruptcy, Repossession! No problem. Call today and drive away. Call Stephanie 1-877792-0599. Free delivery anywhere – www.autocreditfast.ca.

2000 SUBARU FORESTER L 230,000 km. Nokian tires, ski box and 4 bike carrier. $6000 352-9267 Graeme 1992 EAGLE TALON Turbo 4wd 5 speed, new clutch, transmission part & motor, GRX shocks. Runs well but needs minor body finishing, Alpine cd with Ipod connector, $2500. 250-352-3248 2000 CHEVROLET MALIBU LS, V6, Auto, A/C, Power W/L/S, 2 sets wheels $4000 obo 250-505-3881 1999 HYUNDAI ELANTRA Wagon. 238,000 km, winter tires, CD player, A/C, runs great! $2900 250-505-3987

2005 PONTIAC WAVE 4 door, great on gas,58000kms, alloy summer wheels, and winter wheels. $8950, 505-3929 MUST SELL! 2005 Mazda3 Sport. Loaded. 58000km. Full manufacturer’s warranty. Winter/Summer tires on rims.$15,500. 250-505-2578.

CUMMINS 4.9 DIESEL c/w 4 spd. Allison auto-trans. Low milage. Has hydrolic pump and compressor attached. $4000 250-226-7990

CO-OWNERSHIP, LATE MODEL CRUISING yacht, Downtown Vancouver. Professionally maintained. 50’ power. 42’ sail.604-6579739. www.one4yacht.com.


30’ PONTOONS, IN new condition, with start of a deck. Possibilities are endless. 551-0884 $7,500 obo

FOR SALE 1993 4Runner 307,000 kms. Runs great. $3000. Call 352-2580 evenings.

Toys & Wheels

1998 HONDA CIVIC LX 1.6L, auto, CD, blue, under 120K, new winter tires, Excellent condition 352-7008 1984 VOLKSWAGON VANAGON runs well, body in good condition. Asking price $2800 obo. 250-505-2015 1988 VW FOX for sale, $800 obo, 280,000 km, great on gas. Sarah 250-357-2307 2005 TOYOTA ECHO, 3 door, manual, ac, am/fm/cd player, power steering, summer and winter tires, 99 000 km, hwy driven, tonneau cover, $9900 OBO, 250-352-1635 1992 HYUNDAI SCOUPE 2 dr standard for sale, asking $1200 o.b.o. Call 250-825-4152 leave a message. 2002 PONTIAC SUNFIRE, Original Owner, Excellent Condition, 56,491 kms, $6,995, Extra Set of Tires, 4 Door, 250-353-7702 2000 BUICK CENTURY, Automatic, 89,000Km, Traction Control, 4 Winters on rims, Keyless Entry, Immaculate $7,200. Phone 250-352-7223


House Insurance Commercial & Business Ins. Life - Annuities Boats - Travel 421 Baker St. Nelson

Misc. Wanted

Music & Dance

Your Insurance Broker Understands

352-7217 Fax - 352-7099

Autoplan Vehicle Transfers License Plates


Sleds/Bikes MINI DIRTBIKE, GREAT condition, CE engine, 49 CC, $200 obo. 250443-3281, or email Pierce - pierce. leclair@gmail.com 2003 HONDA XR400 street legal, lots of new parts $3000 obo call Richard 505-4530 SUZUKI GS 750 1978 $1000 obo great commuter! Call Eric 250-359-7600 YAMAHA XT350 RUNS great, serviced, everything works, Dual Sport, $2950 call 354-3444 some extras

Tires/Parts/Other 1987 TOYOTA TRUCK PARTS - virtually brand new starter and radiator system $100 for both. 250-443-3281, or email Pierce - pierce.leclair@gmail.com LIKE NEW WHITE truck canopy. Fits most short boxes. Sliding window at cab end. Asking $435 250-352-2704 4 WINTER TIRES 215/75/16 used 2 winter $150. Phone 250-352-6221 MASSEY FERGUSON TRACTOR with front mount snow blade. 250226-7546

1999 TOYOTA 4RUNNER Limited, leather, sunroof, 2 sets of tires, $14 000, 250-551-0436 1993 MAZDA B2200 2wd 320000KM slight surface rust. Still runs great. Cap included $1200 505-6327 1996 AEROSTAR MINIVAN, AWD,excellent condition, rebuilt auto trans with OD, loaded,V6-4L, 204,000km,seats7, new tires,$2200 obo, 352-3441 REDUCED--92 GMC 8 passenger van just 200,000 kms. No rust or damage, new brakes, asking $1595. 250-352-2704

Other LOOKING FOR SHOP space with 220 power in the Nelson area to set up professional woodworking equipment for reasonable rent and/or shared use of Delta industrial machines including; cabinet saw, 15” planer, 8” jointer, 6 x 108” edge sander, 10” compound mitre, router and tabel, dust collector, drill press, compressor and more. Win-win potential, call 250-352-1199 CALL FOR PROJECT SUBMISSIONS Measuring Up and Legacies 2010 Nelson CARES Society of Nelson, BC is accepting proposals for funding sponsored by the Measuring Up Inclusion and Accessibilities Initiatives through 2010 Legacies Now. Funding of up to $11,000 is available to individuals, agencies and businesses interested in helping to make our city more inclusive of individuals with disabilities. The project must have a tangible impact on the city, address the priorities of social inclusion and employment opportunities, and must not duplicate current projects or services. All ideas are welcome! For information, to bounce your ideas off our coordinator and to receive an application package please contact: Alison Roy, Measuring Up Coordinator Nelson CARES Society 182 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4H2 Or by email: alison@nelsoncares.ca Phone: 250-551-4732 (c) Deadline for submissions is 2:30 p.m. PST on May 18, 2009.

Personals ARE YOU LOSING a loved one to substance abuse? Our program has the highest success rate. Help is only one phone call away! 1-877-7827409; www.narconon.ca.

Recreational 1972 ALASKAN CAMPER, it lowers, 8 foot not cab over, fridge and stove, refinished includes jacks $650. 250352-3248 KTM 250 EXC, 2001. 11L capacity fuel. Few hours on rebuilt bottom end. $ 2990. 250-352-3373 7’ CAMPER, FITS import truck. sleeps 4. heater, F/S, sink, needs TLC. $325.obo #250-365-3892

2002 FORD EXCURSION, leather, V-10, loaded $13,500. 1999 Dodge Ram Quad-Cab 4x4,loaded, canopy $6,500. 250-229-4238

Sports Equipment

1986 DODGE 4WD pickup truck, 5 speed, new clurch, turbo diesel motor in need of attention, great body with new doors, fenders & paint $2750 250-352-3248

MUST SELL - AWESOME SIMS BINDINGS $50. Hardly worn pair of women’s size 6 Reichle snowboard boots $50 or both for $75, Jennie 354-7812

2002 NISSAN XTERRA: 108,000km, 5speed, 4WD, black/tint, Alpine sound, clean, new Nokians, $13,500obo, Jackson: 352-2245 1999 TOYOTA 4RUNNER, Great shape, $16000, call Mike 250-551-0436

P205/60R15 MOUNTED 4 hole Icetrack tire, 60% tread, good spare, 3 1/4” between lug holes, $30 250608-3548

1989 TOYOTA PICK-UP, 4by4, extended cab, newer engine, runs great, frame good, rusty, $1100obo., 509-0887

ALUMINUM HEADACHE RACK and tool box for full size truck $100 250359-7642

1994 CHEV S10 ext cab 6cyl 5spd with canopy very clean runs excellent $4000 250-427-8101

MIZUNO T-ZOID PRO 3-pw $195, Cleveland 53, 56, 60 degrees, mint $275 KZG 1 & 3 woods. Odyssey putter 250-352-1175 ATOMIC SNOOP DADDY Skis 176, Brand New, Still Wrapped, $450 OBO, 359-8123 02 GIANT WARP DS1, Good Condition With Up Grades. 250-355-2258 SILENCE SNOWBOARD 153 cm with Option bindings new $200 OBO 354 1494

Pets & Livestock SALTWATER FISH/REEF ENTHUSIASTS: interested in sharing experiences, frags, possible club? Email: saltyfish@shaw.ca, 250-304-3535. FREE TO EXPERIENCED horseperson- 13 year old grey purebred polish arab mare. 250-367-7482 FOR SALE MORGAN/ THOROUGHBRED Mare, 15.2H, 20 yr, experienced rider, $1500 incl. 2 ton hay. info 825-4693 FROG PEAK PET RESORT New facility- 5 indoor/outdoor kennels, 2 acre fenced adventure park, on leash excursions, Owner experienced vet assistant. 250-226-7660 www.frogpeakpetresort.com RABBITS FOR SALE NEW ZEALAND White. mature male Call Catherine 250-825-9583 AKBASH PUPPIES FOR sale (please google). 1st shots and deworming included. www.kootenaylodge.com/ puppies.html. 250-353-2043. ADORABLE 7 MONTH female min/ pin jack/russel X shots, spayed, to loving home. $250 355-2608 RODENT CAGE LIKE new. 104X50cm. Includes Acessories. 354-4296. ALL CREATURES GREAT and small! Study Animal Health Technology. Fairview, Alberta Campus (Fairview College). Hands-on, large and small animal instruction. On-campus working farm. Residences. Fall 2009. 1-888999-7882; www.gprc.ab.ca/fairview.

Services MONUMENTAL STONE WORKS NELSON and areas only on-site Monument and Headstone company since 2002. “Please allow me to create a lastine tribute to your loved one(s)” Monumental Stone Works Lake Street beside TuDor Lock 1-250-354-0988 e-mail: monumentalstone@netidea.com LOREN MAZEREEUW FINE WOODWORKING MAZWOODWORKING.COM (250) 509-1106 Custom: Stairs, Mantels, Cabinetry, Built-ins THE CLEANING GENIES Let us do all the cleaning for you! Even small jobs. Your place will sparkle! 250825-9626 NOUVEAU CONSTRUCTION & Cabinets we do rock walls, laneways, shallow servicing, bush clearing, septic, weeping tile, reno’s, new construction, cabinets, counter tops. Phone Al, 250-306-7502; www.nouveaugroup.ca.

Travel DISNEYLAND KIDS FLY FREE 1 866 427 6973. ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGES - Book Online at www.canadatravels.com and save more on your vacations. Use code NCA74327 for discount or call us toll-free at 1-800-563-5722.

Work Wanted 2 YOUNG PROFESSIONALS looking for work in or around Nelson office/ sales/customer service/events please email@ alps2rockies@gmail.com CAN YOU DIG IT? I can! For the third season going, one hard working woman with truck is looking to gear up and help you with all your spring garden and yard needs. Please call eryn @ 352-2915 CREATIVE, INVENTIVE BUSINESS experienced mature female seeking PT employment. Team player; works well without supervision; bondable; booking to coaching, management to companion, “handyman” to seamstress. 352-4607


March 25, 2009



Wear a helmet on the ski hill

The tragic death of Natasha Richardson has reignited the debate about laws that mandate the wearing of safety helmets for skiing and boarding. Should people be forced to protect themselves? A major problem with such legislation is that in Canada there are no federal safety standards for this equipment. But there are no standards for bike helmets, either, and several Canadian provinces have laws that require their use. And the safety experts tell us that wearing helmets does reduce impact-related head injuries. Seniors in particular need to be smart about safety equipment when staying physically active. Some 25 years ago, we skied Morning Mountain for the first time.

Seniors’ Saga

George Millar

Mike Brewster, who was a conscientious ski patrol member there, advised me to get rid of the bear-trap racing bindings I had. My response was, “I’ve used these for 20 years without any problems.” (Actually, it had been 35 years. The past is usually closer in memory than in reality.) Mike’s response was, “Yes, and your bones are 20 years older, too.” Mindful of Mike’s admonishment, I upgraded skis and bindings soon after

that. But wearing a helmet was a different matter. Since I had been on the boards before I started school, I was always confident that my experience would protect me from serious injury, especially head trauma. But I bought a helmet last winter, and it wasn’t just to set a good example for the grandkids I’m usually with when skiing downhill. It happened after a spectacular spill at Red Mountain in which I whacked my head and damaged my glasses. So mostly it was a matter of self-preservation. Although the use of helmets is not universal, it has become widespread. So there was no need to feel conspicuous. We all need to heed the words of the War Amps’ Kids: “Play safe.”

This column intends to publicize agencies that support seniors’ activities, the lifestyle of interesting seniors, and topics of interest to seniors and those who care about seniors. As well, we – the column and I – will express opinion related to the things, both naughty and nice, that governments and their agencies do to and for seniors. Those opinions will be mine, and not necessarily those of the Express.

Briefly Spring event for gardeners

Wednesday, April 1, 7 p.m. at the Nelson Municipal Library, 602 Stanley St. The Nelson Gardening Club hosts a slide show and talk on ornamental grasses in the landscape with Patricia Bambrick. Bambrick has over 15 years of experience.

Spring courses

In addition to the full palette of high school foundation courses and electives, SelfDesign-ISK is offering a new series of local workshop courses. These fourcredit classes meet in the community, and are free for high school students. Community members are invited to register for a $250 fee. The location for each workshop will be announced. The new workshop courses are: beginning acoustic guitar; digital photography; world dance; Spanish 10; peace studies; and world music. In addition to the above, online

learning groups are forming for most SelfDesign-ISK courses for Grades 10 to 12. Learning groups meet online with the support of a certified mentor to support their learning. All SelfDesign-ISK online courses are also open for continuous enrolment for individual students. Visit www.iskhighschool.org for dates and to register.

Touchstones AGM

Wednesday, April 8, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Touchstones Nelson, 502 Vernon St. This is the 2009 AGM of the Nelson and District Museum, Archives, Art Gallery and Historical Society. Voting members must be in good standing as of close of business 14 days prior to the meeting to be eligible to vote. Corky Evans will be the special guest speaker. For more information, email director@touchstonesnelson.ca.

Real Estate



Rentals Wanted


FABULOUS LAKEVIEW HOME only 3 miles from town in the Nasookin subdivision. Very spacious with 3/4 bedrooms, new tile floors, central air and mortgage helper downstairs. $569,000 Call Trevor@NelsonRealty. ca 250-354-8409 TWO PROPERTIES FOR Sale: Nelson’s North Shore, 10 mins. to town, across from Troop Junction beach. 1-4 acres. Beautiful lakeviews, creek, underground services, great sun exposure, gentle slope, private natural setting with mature trees, ready to build. $200,000, $210,000. (250)354-7741 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW, lower Fairview, open concept, woodstove, many recent improvements, detached workshop. $250,000. 250-352-4680 Karl LOG TYPE HOUSE, large, 100X120 lot, 3bdr 1&1/2 baths, full basement on subdividable corner lot. Lots of potential! $450,000. 620 Gore St., 250-825-2205 BALFOUR UPDATED 3-BEDROOM, 2-bath house, quiet neighborhood, large lot, near lake, $289,900. 229-2202 or www.beautifulbalfour. blogspot.com NELSON HOME HOSPITAL Area, 4-Bed, 2.5 bath, potential basement suite, big lot, garden shed, wood floor, new detached garage, $350,000, 352-7635 FOR SALE BY owner. 3 bedroom home with veiws, over 30 fruit trees, historic Riondel $189,500.00. 830990-4433,830-997-2612

ATTENTION LANDLORDS: ARE you trying to find suitable and reliable renters? Call Stacey to find out more information about how you can fill your rentals without having to advertise. (250)352-9595 ex.203 ROOMS FOR RENT in a house in Fairview. Clean, great light, semi furnished. Must have referances. All of them available as of May 1st 2009. Call 352-3379 DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT OF a two story house in Fairview. 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Beautifully furnished (new furniture with quality mattress). Lots of bed space. Deck with garden, hammock and hot tub. New stainless steel fridge, washer and dryer, cable, high speed Internet, phone line, stereo, TV. Until June 30th $1,100/month; $420/week (utilities included). NP/NS 505 5012 SPACIOUS CONVERTED ATTIC of beautiful heritage house. 4 blocks from Baker St. Newly renovated 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Cozy. Furnished (all new), cable, LCD TV, high speed Internet. Lake and mountain views. Kitchenette. Until June 30th $1100/month; $500/week (utilities included). NP/NS. MAIN FLOOR OF gorgeous heritage house fully furnished. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath Front porch with lake and mountain views, high ceilings throughout, piano, hardwood floors, beautiful backyard with flowers, grape vine pergola and porch/patio. New fridge, cable and high speed Internet included. W/D. April 1 - June 30. $1,300/ month + utilities. 505 5012

$150 OFFGRID WILDERNESS cabin for a friend/s to co-create community with. 75 minutes from Nelson. 250226-7311/354-9117 2-BDR, 2-BATH UPPER floor in 6 mile. Professional single/couple preferred. References required. $1200/ month +utilities. 250-399-0004 BEAUTIFUL, 3BR HERITAGE House. Hardwood floors, clawfoot tub, parking. NS. NP. April 1st. $1450. 250-551-8036 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE near Krestova. $730/month plus utilities, references required. No pets. 250359-7043

WORKING FAMILY LOOKING for 2-3bdrm home rental in Nelson. up to $1400/mo. May / June 1 eroulet0@mylangara.bc.ca SINGLE GIRL ON dis. ben. seeks immed. housing. pref. Nelson. Amberstaar 250352-9876. new in town. GOV’T EMPLOYEE LOOKING for 3 or 4 bdrm. home rental. In or close to Nelson limits. 354-8299 MAN 30’S REQUIRES affordable housing on bus route. Non-partier, respectful, mature, clean. Contact Fred: 250-352-9876 CLEAN, QUIET, NS/NP, steady income, looking for 2 bedroom suite or apt. near town. Have references. Call Leah 250-505-6695 FEMALE WITH CAT looking for comfy, quiet home, rental/long term housesit with nature/yard, Nelson/ area. 250-505-7555

TIMESHARE FORECLOSURES— SAVE 60-80% off Retail! Best Resorts & Seasons! Call for FREE catalogue today! 1-800-597-9347. Browse hundreds of worldwide properties online—www.holidaygroup.com/bcn. REPOSSESSED PRE-FAB HOMES! SAVE 50%+! Canada Manufacturer’s USA Order Cancellations. Brand New 1260SF Pre-Engineered Package originally $29,950, liquation $14,975! Other sizes - Sacrifice prices! GREEN-R-PANEL Building Systems: 1-800-871-7089. Spring/Summer delivery available!


WALK-IN SUITE. 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, newly renovated, sunny and clean. Indoor car garage or work area, 4 blocks from Baker Street, new porcelain gas fireplace, includes cable and high speed Internet, shared W/D, storage. Pets okay. April 1. $675/month + utilities. 505 5012

LOG HOUSE FOR rent 5 km. from Kaslo, $600 plus utilities, quiet, beautiful country setting. (250)353-7482 ROOM IN 2 Bedroom Uphill House. Quite, Clean, n/s, n/p $430+utilities. May and June only 250-352-9432

Rentals - Comm. PROFESSIONAL THERAPY OFFICE. Incl: sun porch, utilities, parking, closet, shared waiting room. Downtown. $420. 250-352-5757

Rentals Wanted HOUSING URGENTLY NEEDED! Clean, safe, low-cost accommodations needed to house local low income citizens. For more information please contact Bev at Nelson Cares at : 250-551-3015 2 BD NEEDED for rent. 2 adults, n/p, n/s, excellent references. Call 250354-9705 or 250-509-1964. AFFORDABLE HOUSING NEEDED in Nelson or Salmo area. Responsible man, single, no pets. Helpful, handy. Allen 250-352-9876 TWO MEN REQUIRE accommodation in Nelson area. References, honest, reliable, clean, organized, no parties. Aaron 250-352-9876 WANTED GARAGE OR workshop close to Nelson mainly for storage and some woodwork 250-354-9114 SINGLE ACCOMMODATION NEEDED in Nelson area. Can afford $450/month. Call Brooke 250-3529875

Shared Accom.

Steel Buildings

Answers to Kootenay Crossword

see puzzle on page 15

FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Durable, Dependable, Pre-engineered, All-Steel Structures. Custommade to suit your needs and requirements. Factory-Direct affordable prices. Call 1-800-668-8653 ext. 170 for free brochure.


LARGE BASEMENT SUITE. Separate kitchen/entrance. Close to Selkirk College. Available Apr. 1. 495/mo. including utilities. n/p n/s 352-6832 1-BEDROOM WITH PRIVATE bathroom in a large shared home available for clean, quiet person. 352-2051 SHARED RENTAL IN Uphill, nonsmoker, 60+ prefered. Call evenings 250-354-4925 LOOKING FOR ONE person to share Uphill house. $450 month + utilities +depoists. 250-354-4733 MATURE, PROF FEM. to share 2bdrm, 2bth 1/2 duplex 3 blocks fr. Baker w/ fem. $440+utlitlies 250551-0076 NELSON ROOM RENTALS. Quiet,clean, respectful renters wanted. Starting at $500. Available May1. 250-352-7038 Leave message

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These ads appear in approximately 100 community newspapers in B.C.and Yukon and reach more than 3 million readers. To place an ad call The Express at 354-3910

for 25 words $ 9 each additional word

Lorne Westnedge & Drew Evans: THE TEAM THAT WORKS -- FOR YOU! Contact 250-505-2606 Lorne at: Lorne@rhcrealty.com Contact 250-505-2466 Drew at: Drew@rhcrealty.com Web-site. www.nelsonrealestate.com

Each office is independently owned and operated


Growing business & expanding franchise in a high profile location in Nelson. Well deserved great reputation for food and friendly service with 15% growth in sales in 2008. Live the dream in Nelson!


mls# K3701100


Immaculate 4 bed. 2 bath home in convenient uphill location with awesome views, close to schools, hospital and downtown. Hardwood floors, private landscaped back yard, wood & gas fireplaces.


mls# K180406


Large 3 bed. 1 bath. family home on huge view lot. Close to schools and hospital. Full basement, mostly unfinished. Some updating needed, but great potential. Subdivision a possibility.


mls #K180570


Panoramic views from this 4th. floor 1 bed.+den condo with west exposure in lower Fairview area of Nelson. Air cond., hardwood floors, granite counter tops, tile etc.Detailed and impeccable, come see!


mls# K180635




March 25, 2009

HOMES & GARDENS Lurking health hazards

I have a suspicion that we may have vermiculite insulation in our home. What is it and what does it look like? Are there any health concerns associated with vermiculite? Vermiculite is a type of loose fill insulation that was sold from the 1920’s until 1984 throughout North America. Vermiculite has an accordion like appearance, with a colour ranging from a silvery gold translucent that may darken to a black or grey with age. The health issue with vermiculite insulation is that it may contain naturally occurring asbestos fibres. Asbestos is the name given to a number of naturally occurring, fibrous silicate minerals that were commonly used as an acoustic insulator, thermal insulation, fire proofing and other building materials even drywall products and roofing shingles have used asbestos. Many products in use today contain asbestos.

Home Front

Bill Lynch, Paul Muntak & Dale Olinyk

Asbestos is made up of microscopic bundles of fibres that may become airborne when asbestos-containing materials are damaged or disturbed. When these fibres get into the air or are friable they may be inhaled into the lungs, where they can cause significant health problems such as lung diseases including: asbestosis, lung cancer, or mesothelioma. Smoking increases the risk of developing illness from asbestos exposure. With that being said, generally the home environment will be fairly safe for the occupants unless these products are disturbed such

as frequent attic activities or renovations. The only way to know for sure if the insulation may contain asbestos is to have it tested. If you plan on renovating your home in such a way that the insulation would be disturbed or attic activities are required you should take the proper precautions and have it tested and removed if necessary prior to your renovation. Vermicultie was sold under various brand names such as: • Zonolite Attic Insulation • Attic Fill • House Fill • Home Insulation • Zonolite Insulating Fill • Econofil • Quiselle Insulating Fill • Sears Micro Fill • Ward’s Mineral Fill • Wickes Attic Insulation • Cashway Attic Insulation • Attic Plus • Unifil • Mica Pellets Attic Insulation

Answers on page 14

Bill, Paul and Dale are building consultants with Lynch Building Inspection Services Ltd. of Nelson. Send questions to editor@expressnews.bc.ca. Archived copies of Home Front can be found at www.lynchinspection.com.

‘I wasn’t born organized

OK, you admire your friend, who is so organized it’s a little scary. You, meanwhile, can’t find your keys and are beginning to wonder if you will be unorganized for the rest of your life. So what is the big myth behind organizing that has people feeling such despair? Well, it’s the idea that “organizing is only for type-A personalities.” Yes, they are usually born organized and can be shown how to use conventional organizational tools, and with no problem, easily maintain it. However, the rest of us to can thrive with a bit of organization. Hey, even the most artistic person needs to be able to find the keys to the studio and pay the hydro bill on time! The thing is creative and sensitive personality types Jen Heale is the owner of Neat-Organizing and Decluttering Service and a member of POC (Professional Organizers of Canada). You may contact Jen directly with organizing questions to organized@neatnelson. com or 551NEAT(6328).

Restoring Order

Jen Heale

usually require non-traditional and simple systems, because the extra steps in most conventional systems usually become their downfall. Many A-type personalities don’t understand why lifting a lid to put laundry in the hamper – or putting that cordless drill back in the special case – is so

hard. I’ll admit it’s not easy, especially when it doesn’t come naturally to you. However, a little persistence and changing of a few habits will allow anyone to be more productive and efficient. Remember, you will need to tweak organizing systems to work for you. Hey, once your possessions are put into their “homes” – even if none of them look like the “home” your typeA friend would have picked – you can find the things you need, when you need them. You don’t need to be fussy, take the fuss out of the steps, while singing “I did it my way” and get organized!

RHC Realty 601 Baker Street, Nelson


Tad Lake . . . 354-2979 Brady Lake . . 354-8404

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Must be seen to appreciate this terrific, well maintained home situated only 10 minutes from Nelson. .47 acres of park like setting this 3 bed, 2.5 bath home offers finished basement, in floor heated workshop, 2 car garage, large shed, private covered deck and landscaped yard.




Take ownership of this small estate hidden on 1.9 acres just 12 minutes to Nelson. This custom home was built with craftsmanship and quality in mind offering 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, office, open living space, 3 car garage and more.

Excellent investment for expanding business on 2.5 acres. Opportunity to rent for multi-tenants or operate as your own company. Includes separate workshop area, garage bays, covered parking, spacious administrative office with ample parking.


Location location. This small but practical home boasts a great location close to school, parks and grocery stores. Perfect for a family trying to break into the market. Features include 2 beds, reno’d kitchen, hardwood floors, fireplace, and large yard.




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1-877-729-LAKE (5253)


This newly built contemporary home boast impeccable design. Open floor plan, 3 beds, 3 baths, in floor heating, soaker tub, 2 fireplaces, 9 foot ceilings, stamped concrete in basement, 4 car tandem garage to name a few. Mountain and lake views for your deck.


Value has never been more obvious. This beautiful 5 bedroom 3 bathroom home sits on 4.3 acres with panoramic river and valley views. Custom designed open floor plan home offers 3800 sq ft, 2 car garage, sundeck, games, workout rooms and more.

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March 25, 2009



CITY OF NELSON NEWS • MARCH 25, 2009 Phone: 352-5511 • Fax: 352-2131 • website: www.nelson.ca

Mailing Address: Suite 101, 310 Ward Street, Nelson, BC V1L 5S4 • email: info@nelson.ca

NELSON HYDRO CUSTOMER ADVISORY Requirements for Electrical Contractors and Developers This document is intended to delineate the work required by Electrical Contractors in regards to large (greater than 200A) underground services and developments. Reviewing this document does not absolve the Electrical Contractors’ or Developers’ responsibility to contact Nelson Hydro to plan and review the project on site prior to any work commencing. All work must be done to Nelson Hydro and/or BC Hydro standards. Developers Obligations: 1) Contact Nelson Hydro prior to any work commencing to review the project, on site with all interested parties, 2) Supply Nelson Hydro with detailed construction plans showing: • Number of proposed lots and buildings. • All adjacent infrastructures to the proposed development (above and below ground). • All proposed infrastructure including Nelson Hydro electrical distribution, Telecommunications, Cable television services, etc. • All proposed street lighting (layout and style of light standard to be installed). Digital (AutoCAD format) preferred, paper copy is acceptable. 3) Contact Telus and Shaw Cable to make them aware of the project and provide opportunity for input as to the design of their infrastructure requirements. 4) All buildings to be serviced in the proposed development must have a specified amperage and voltage of service required. This information is critical to transformation requirements and design criteria. Each building is subject to a fixed fee connection charge based on the amperage and voltage required. These connection charges must be paid in advance in order for Nelson Hydro to order the required transformer(s). Ordering transformers can be a time critical event, and needs to be started as soon as possible so that the required transformers can be ordered and delivered so that no delays are caused due to transformer delivery. 5) Nelson Hydro will supply to the developer a detailed cost estimate based on the proposed plans and layout of the proposed infrastructure. This estimate represents an estimate of the costs of Nelson Hydro’s portion of the work, and is only an estimate. Actual charges will apply upon completion of the project. Any additional costs will be billed to the developer at the completion of the project, any overpayment will be refunded. Payment in full on the estimate is required prior to scheduling Nelson Hydro crews to perform their portion of the project. Payment is also required in order to release any required material included in the estimate (i.e. Padmount transformer bases, secondary pull boxes, etc.) to the Electrical contractor for his installation as part of the civil portion of the project. 6) Supply all layout of proposed infrastructure on site by a qualified survey crew. 7) Supply to Nelson Hydro a set of ‘As Built’ drawings within 60 days of the completion of the Nelson Hydro connections being made. These drawings will show the final locations of all above and below grade infrastructure installed during the project. The drawings will include surveyed information as the infrastructure is being installed, and will be subject to field confirmation by Nelson Hydro prior to acceptance. Electrical Contractors Obligations: 1) Supply and install all ductwork required by the proposed infrastructure to Nelson Hydro standards.

NELSON ARTS & CULTURE EVENTS CALENDAR Check out www.events.nelson.ca, a web-based calendar for posting arts & culture events, classes and workshops. The calendar is also intended as a tool to assist event organizers in avoiding conflicts when planning and scheduling upcoming events. Anyone may post events to be listed on the calendar! The only criteria is that the event must have a significant arts, culture or heritage component, and it must take place in or near Nelson. If you are an event organizer, please submit your upcoming events, classes and workshops as soon as you have firm dates, posting events early may avoid potential conflicts. This calendar can be easily embedded into other websites. It can be configured to display only events appropriate for each individual website. All calendars draw events from the same database, which keeps all event information in synch and up-to-date on all sites. The goal is to provide a valuable resource that promotes arts, culture and heritage events in our community. The Nelson Arts and Culture Events Calendar is an initiative of the City of Nelson Cultural Development Commission.The Cultural Development Commission will host the public launch of the calendar at 5 pm on April 7 in the Spirit Bar, Hume Hotel. Please join us!

MOTORCYCLES Live to Ride Another Day Motorcycles represent only 1.5% of insured BC vehicles, but 10% of all road fatalities. Most crashes occur during daylight, on clear days with dry roads. Common Causes of Motorcycle Crashes: • Car/motorcycle crashes – when a car turns left in front of a motorcycle. Common Cause: The oncoming car driver does not see the motorcycle. • Single vehicle motorcycle crashes – typically occur at curves in the road. Common Cause: The motorcyclist enters the curve too quickly for their level of experience. • Young riders are at the greatest risk. Over the past 10 years, 25% of motorcycle fatalities were riders 16 to 25 years of age. Their fatality rate was 1200% higher than that of riders over the age of 25. Reduce Your Risk • Ride like you are invisible - don’t assume other drivers can see you. • Watch for left-turning vehicles - don’t assume they will wait for you to ride through. They may not even see you. • Dress as if you plan to crash - wear gear to maximize your protection. • Ride at appropriate speeds - ride within your comfort zone and don’t override your skill level, especially on curves. • Stay focused - on what lies ahead, not on what just happened. • Ride sober - alcohol and drugs affect your judgement and your ability to react in a safe manner.

EASTER HOLIDAY Good Friday, April 10 • Easter Monday, April 13 Garbage Pickup If your normal pick-up day is a Friday, we will be picking up your garbage on Tuesday, April 14th. Questions? Call 352-8238. Transit Service There will be NO transit service on Good Friday or Easter Monday, April 13th. There will be regular service on Saturday, April 11th and Sunday, April 12th. If you have any questions, please call 352-8228.

2) Notify Nelson Hydro two working days prior to backfill of any trench to allow Nelson Hydro to inspect the duct installation prior to backfilling. 3) Notify Nelson Hydro two working days prior to backfill of any transformer grounding installation to allow Nelson Hydro to inspect grounding grid. 4) Notify Nelson Hydro two working days prior to pouring concrete for the transformer pad. Pad must be constructed to Nelson Hydro standards. 5) On three phase, four wire, 120-208V or 347-600V underground services larger than 200A, the secondary conductors will be supplied and installed by the Electrical Contractor. Where secondary conductors on these types of services are anything other than 300 to 800 MCM, the Electrical Contractor will also supply the required connectors. Where the secondary conductors fall in the size range of 300 to 800 MCM, Nelson Hydro will supply the connectors. Nelson Hydro Obligations: 1) Nelson Hydro installs all conductor terminations inside transformers and secondary boxes. 2) Nelson Hydro supplies and installs transformation.

THE NELSON MUNICIPAL LIBRARY A terrific place for teens! Great new books and dedicated computers in a bright, comfortable space. On the walls: drawings and paintings by students of LV Rogers Grade 12 art class. On the screen:it’s Teen Movie Night Friday, April 3 at 7pm, with The Fellowship of the Ring showing in the Library Basement. Free! For more information about art shows, movie nights, or anything teenrelated, contact Joanne at the Library at 352-6333.

EARTH HOUR: Saturday, March 28, 8:30 pm On Saturday, March 28 at 8:30 pm the RDCK will be participating in an amazing and inspiring climate action event, Earth Hour. Participating is fun, easy and free! Simply turn off and unplug all non-essential lighting and electrical appliances for one hour. Together we CAN make a difference!

N E E D M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N ?

Vi s i t t h e C i t y o f N e l s o n ’s a w a r d w i n n i n g w e b s i t e a t w w w. n e l s o n . c a . I f y o u d o n o t h a v e i n t e r n e t a c c e s s , go to the Nelson Library where computers are available for public use.

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