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Since 1988 – Nelson’s Only Independent Newspaper WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2009





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Happy ���� birthday

The Express celene, fax or email with any changes or an approval. brates 21 years serving the community. .352.5075 • Email: sales@expressnews.bc.ca PAGE 3 for any errors after the client has signed off.

Council gets tough Council gives staff authority to fix up non-compliant home in Gyro neighbourhood. PAGE 3

We remember


Veterans Red Wassick, left, Bob McGhie and Ron Cox, right, talk after the Remembrance Day ceremony at Nelson’s cenotaph on Wednesday, Nov. 11.

Nelson considers using lake for district heating City puts out tender for report on possibility of heat pumps, solar hot water and geothermal heating system by Chris Shepherd

Switzer wins awards Aspen Switzer starts a regular gig in Nelson after winning two album awards at the B.C. Interior Music Awards. PAGE 8 Editorial . . . . . . . . 5 Street Talk . . . . . . 5 Crossword . . . . . 1 4 Sudoku . . . . . . . . 1 5 Horoscope . . . . . 1 3 A&E . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Restaurant Guide . . 7 Events . . . . . . . . . . 6 Health Pages . . . 1 0 Classifieds . . . . . 12 Homes&Gardens . 1 4 Weather . . . . . . . . . 15

The City of Nelson is looking into the feasibility of a heating system that would use Kootenay Lake and geothermal technology to heat and cool a large swath of the city’s lakefront. The request for proposals is for a report on the feasibility of a district energy system, not for the actual building of any infrastructure. The request follows the city’s commitment to the Climate Change Action Charter, says Councillor Donna Macdonald. Macdonald is one of the councillors in charge of the city’s environmental portfolio. “We have this wonderful


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opportunity, being on the lake, will also estimate heat loads of to look at a geothermal system the multi-unit residences, hockusing the lake.” ey arenas, the pool, public secThe city wants the report on tor and commercial buildings. the viability of: using Kootenay The study is for two areas. ��� ������������������������������ ��� area ���������������������������������������������� Lake as a heat and cooling The lakefront stretches � ������������������ source with either a central up to include� the������������������ court house, heat plant or distributed heat city hall, Prestige Lakeside Inn, ��� ��������������������� pumps; using solar hot water the Kutenai ��� Landing site and ��������������������� as a heat source using either Chahko-Mika Mall. have this wonderful ��� We ������������������ rooftop units or a solar array at The study is also to look at the opportunity, being on ������������������ the airport; and building a geo- lands around���Selkirk College’s ��� ���������������������������������������������� exchange source at the planned Tenth Street Campus and will the lake, to look at ������������������ Davies Street Park. � include the college buildings a geothermal system The report is due in March and the Nelson Landing site at using the lake. ������ ��� ��������������������� 2010. the end of John’s Walk on the Councillor Donna Macdonald Whoever gets the contract waterfront. ��� Tuesday, ������������������ – proposals are due The city wants to know if Nov. 17 – will estimate the costs that site could make use of any of building the heat plants and geothermal opportunities in the installing the piping. The report neighbourhood. ������

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Mostly 1/2 Price. Sports Trades Welcomed BOOMTOWNSKIS.COM

��� ������������������ Page 2


News Tories pick Rossland man as standard bearer

November 18, 2009


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��� ���������������������������������������������� Stephen Hill unseats Rob Zandee for right�to represent the local Conservative Party ������������������

advisor to carry their banner into the next federal election.������ Conservatives in the ����������������������������� ����������������� Hill was elected as B.C. Southern Interior rid������������������������������������������ ��� ������������������ ������������������ the Conservative Party’s ing have picked Stephen ��������������� candidate at the party’s Hill, a Rossland financial If we don’t create nomination meetings ������������� wealth we’re going in Grand Forks, Oliver and Castlegar earlier this to end up with ������������������������ month. another batch of ���������������������������� Hill beat out Rob poor seniors in the Zandee, the party’s former future. candidate from Oliver, and Meagan Salekin of Castlegar. Hill beat Zandee in the party’s second ballot, tak- 30 years. We’re always on ing 161 votes to Zandee’s the outside of the glass looking in.” 132. Hill says the “My job is to start the personal conversation Conservative Party has ������������������������������ with all 80,000 people in brought Canada through the economic crises with the riding,” Hill says. �������������������������� Winning the very little effect. ������������ That said, Hill says the Conservative nomination is the latest stage of a life- region has seen a host of �������������������� long involvement with the lumber mills shut down ��� ���������������������������������������������� Conservative Party. Hill and that there needs to be ���������� says he’s been campaign- more done to encourage � ������������������ ������� ing for the party ever since value-added manufacturing in the region. he was a baby. ��� ��������������������� “We need to create “I was the photo infrastructure. We need to ���� op,” Hill says. “I have ��� ������������������ a very lovely picture of have the roads. We need [Progressive Conservative to have the airports. We Primeor an Minister John] need to have the sewer. Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes approval. Diefenbaker with a big fat We need to have the physiPhone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: express@expressnews.bc.ca �������������������� cal backbone of infrastrucbaby boy.” to create a modern Hill signed has carried on his ture������ The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client has off. ���������� party involvement and he economy.” That won’t come to the says it’s time the Kootenays ������� have a representative in Kootenays until the region aligns with the governthe federal government. ������������������������������ “We haven’t been ment, says Hill. ����������������������� ���� aligned with the right side Hill also says more needs of the government in over to be done to improve pen������������ by Chris Shepherd

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Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an approval.

Stephen Hill

sions and medicare. His work as a financial advisor brings him into contact with many seniors and he says pensions “are in a state of crisis. The same with medicare.” The solution, says Hill, is to improve the economy. “It’s research and development and technology and innovation that’s going to drive wealth creation. If we don’t create wealth we’re going to end up with another batch of poor seniors in the future.” When he’s not doling out financial advice, Hill spends his time enjoying the outdoors by skiing, canoeing, hiking and biking with his family. “The best thing I ever did was meet my wife. The second best thing I ever did was have children with my wife.”


Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: sales@expressnews.bc.ca �������������� The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client has signed off. ������������������ Nelson finalist for $100,000 ��������������� sports facility funding �������������

Nelson is a contender and officially in the

running for the title of GamesTown 2010. ������������������� Viewers’ Choice Voting started as of ������������� the beginning of November and runs until

Monday, Jan. 4. Locals can help Nelson go for the gold by voting and telling friends and family to vote, too. Votes and supporting entries will help ensure that Nelson is a contender for the $100,000 prize for improving local sport or healthy living facilities. Every vote counts. Go to www.gamestown2010.ca to vote.

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Circle of Habondia AGM

Saturday, Nov. 21, 12:30 p.m.��� at 717��������������� Vernon St. There will be a hot soup lunch, treats, � general ��������������� coffee and tea at this annual meeting to inform people about the projects and ��� ������������� changes that have been taking shape over the past year as Habondia continues to be ��� ������������� a leader in promoting women supporting women in the community. The society is looking for women with various skills who would be interested in joining the board of directors. Board application forms can be obtained by contacting Jenny Hide at 352-6688 or habondiaco@gmail.com.

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November 18, 2009 EXPRESS Page 3

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Nelson Nordic Ski Club Membership Drive

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Nelson Becker, owner and publisher of the Express, third from left, is joined by some of the Express staff including Robin Murray, left, Stephanie Taylor, Julia Gillmor, Jenna Semenoff and Chris Shepherd.

Express turns 21 Nelson’s only independent newspaper celebrates over two decades serving community by Chris Shepherd Twenty-one years ago Nelson Becker started the Express with the goal of letting people know about the amazing diversity of events going on in the community. The publication had a different name then but the goal remains the same as the paper looks to the future. Vital to that goal is Becker’s commitment to keep ownership and editorial control in the Kootenays. The Express is one of the few independent newspapers left in the province. “What makes us unique is all our hiring and editorial decisions are made in Nelson. We’re not part of a chain based outside the region.” Becker says the Express is best suited to represent the community because all decisions are made in the community and if someone has

a problem or question about something in the paper, it is easy for them to reach Becker or the editorial staff and talk to them. The Express’s first incarnation was What’s On magazine and it hit the stands in November 1988. The monthly publication centred on an events calendar that captured events in the West Kootenays. The events calendar is still here but What’s On has grown to include much more. In 1990 Becker realized the publication had to grow to better serve the community. So came the Express, a weekly newspaper that continues to publish press releases from everyone who sends one in, but also covers local government and issues important to the community. For Becker, the paper is meant to motivate people to action. He wants people to read the paper and

learn something that will help them navigate the world. What’s On’s staff of two (including Becker) has grown to 11 fulltime and part-time employees and the paper is delivered to every home in the West Kootenays from Ainsworth down the lake to Nelson, south to Ymir, along the highway to Playmor Junction and up to Slocan City. Becker credits the success of the Express to the past and present employees who have worked at the paper. The Express has grown into a relevant medium for community members to express themselves through, says Becker. “I pledge to this community that Nelson and surrounding area can continue to rely on the Express to represent their needs and priorities.”

Council gets tough with illegal housing Landlord’s ‘flagrant’ disregard of city zoning draws attention of city by Chris Shepherd Following up on rumours that a home in the Gryo neighbourhood has been turned into an illegal four-plex, Nelson’s council gave city staff the authority to go in and bring the house up to code at the owner’s expense if the owner doesn’t respond. Council said the landlord of 6 Regent St. has flouted the city’s zoning and ignored a stop-work order. They gave staff the authority to place a notice on the owner’s land title, effectively putting a black mark on the title that would give pause to a

bank considering a mortgage or potential buyer. Council also gave city staff the authority to go in and fix the house themselves if the discussions with the landlord don’t work out. In a report to council, city staff wrote the property owner has not given them access to the building to confirm the status of the building or whether it conforms to the B.C. Building Code or city building bylaw. Councillor Donna Macdonald said she’s seen many situations come before council where people have inadvertently

or overtly done work on their property without the appropriate permits or authorization. “This has to be the most flagrant one that I’ve ever seen.” Macdonald said she’s supporting strong action from council because of the property owner’s disregard of the city bylaws. Coun. Robin Cherbo noted council’s action also sends a message to the community about what is appropriate, and safe, to build in Nelson. “There’s a reason that we have building codes and bylaws and building permits. It’s to [have people]

build proper and safe.” Coun. Deb Kozak said safety wasn’t the only issue at hand. “It’s also about our zoning bylaws. This is a single- or double-family residence neighbourhood and now we supposedly have four illegal suites in operation. That’s not acceptable,” Kozak said. “The more swiftly we take action and the stronger that action is, I think sends a strong message to the property owner to comply.” City staff will try to hold further discussions with the landlord before proceeding with any forcible work on the home.

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Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352. The Express is not responsible for an

FOR SALE: SURPLUS CITY VEHICLES The Corporation of the City of Nelson is offering for sale, on a sealed bid basis, the following Surplus City Vehicles. The below listed vehicles are being sold “as is, where is” no warranty expressed or implied. Terms of sale will be cash to the highest acceptable bid. Vehicles may be viewed at the City Works Yard, 80 Lakeside Drive, Tuesday November 24th, 2009, between the hours of 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm.

Bids should be submitted in writing, clearly indicating the description, bid price, bidders name, address and phone number. Unit



1993 Dodge 2500 regular cab long box, 2-wheel drive, gas engine, auto trans, 83,130km


1993 Dodge 2500 cab & chassis, 2-wheel drive, gas engine, auto trans, 85,650km


1993 Dodge 2500 regular cab long box, 2-wheel drive, gas engine, auto trans, 102,654km

9095 9080

proof for4-wheel accuracy then phone, fax o 1993Please Dodge Dakota xcab, drive, propane engine, Phone: standard trans, 133,750km 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.50 1994 Ford Ranger xcab, 4-wheel drive, gas engine, The 258,264km Express is not responsible standard trans,

for any

The successful bidder will be responsible for payment of transfer fees and taxes and must pay for the sale fully within five (5) days of acceptance of bid. The highest or any bid may not necessarily be accepted. Bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to and mailed or delivered to:

The Corporation of the City of Nelson Suite 101 – 310 Ward Street Nelson BC V1L 5S4 Attention: Finance and Purchasing Manager

Bids close Friday November 27th, 2009 at 10:00 am

��� ������������������ Page 4



November 18, 2009

Support for those with cancer Cancer – the “C” word. None of us ever ��� ���������������������������������������������� want to hear it as a diagBeen � nosis ������������������ for ourselves, our families, our friends, or Thinking About ���anyone. ��������������������� Indeed, because many still regard that as an automatic ���diagnosis ������������������ death sentence, they find it hard to respond easily to others after the words “I have cancer” are spo������ ken. This is true for many George Millar who make the statement as well as for many who hear it. Where does one turn vide “a warm, compasto for support in these cir- sionate and welcoming cumstances? One group space for cancer patients, that has been offering their families and friends” support since 2004 is the as well as “one-on-one West Kootenay Living and group support from Well Society. Their bro- professionals and caring chure states that they pro- peers.” One purpose is

“to reduce isolation and provide a forum for our community.” This society is financially solvent and doesn’t charge membership dues, but very few people are actively involved at this time. Perhaps that’s because when we hear the society’s name, it doesn’t immediately translate into understanding their purpose. Some discussion focussed on that fact at the November meeting, with the thought that the word “Cancer” should be included in the name. However, the desire was expressed that the name should continue to present a positive concept

even when it becomes more descriptive. For anyone wanting access to the society’s resources, the number to call is 551-1785. To find out how to get involved, call that number, or go to the website at www. westkootenaylivingwellsociety.com. The West Kootenay Living Well Society meets in the Seniors Resource Centre at 719 Vernon St. at 12 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month. The next meeting is Tuesday, Dec. 8. A noon bag-lunch meeting is designed to meet the needs of working people who would want to attend.

George Millar is a long-time resident of the West Kootenay. Been Thinking About is an exploration of events and organizations in the region, seen from a senior’s perspective.

���������������� IHA advice for people with flu-like symptoms ������������������

The Interior Health Authority toms worsen, should contact their ��������������� ������������������������� would like to remind everyone that family physician or HealthLink BC ������������� hospital emergency departments at 8-1-1 or log on to their website ������������������ are designed for the treatment at www.healthlinkbc.ca. This line is ��������������� of seriously ill patients and those staffed 24 hours a day, seven days ������������������ ������������� requiring urgent care. a week. A nurse will be available ������������� Most cases of the H1N1 flu virus to take calls and give advise of the in B.C. have been mild, with people ������������������� recovering on their own, at home. ���������������������������� People experiencing flu-like

appropriate next steps. The H1N1 Symptom Checker has also been added to the HealthLink symptoms, particularly if a cough BC website. Based on the answers, and a fever, are advised to stay the tool will let you know how ��� for ���������������������������������������������� home seven to 10 days or until soon to seek care by a health prosymptoms have resolved and they fessional and/or provide a link on ������������������ ����������������������������������� are� able to continue with daily information about H1N1. The tool �������� activities. This will help prevent will not provide a diagnosis for ��� or ��������������������� proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes anofapproval. the spread infection. H1N1. Anyone who has concerns about While emergencies are unavoidne: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: sales@expressnews.bc.ca ��� symptoms, ������������������ their or whose symp- able, there are some things people


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stormed to the finals in Canadian squad. Gene���������� the competitive division vieve Lachance, Morris, of the recent Spokane Rebecca Kuzniar, and �������Daiva Villa scored for Hoctoberfest. Despite Deb Morris’ Nelson, with Gerri Stillwell first goal, Nelson fell notching the shutout. behind 3-1 to Spokane Nelson next burnt the ���� in the first two periods of the Boise Wildfire in a 12initial round robin match. goal rout that saw the Captain Loreli Dawson Nelson squad advancing ���������������������������������������������������������������� fuelled the Nelson come- to the finals in the com������������������������������������������������� backwith withany a goal late in the division. Danielle Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email changes or anpetitive approval. third. Sharpshooter Morris Royer tallied a hat-trick ������� ��� ������� ������ ����� ������������ ������� ���� ����� ������ ����� ����������������������������������������������������������������� the game with only 18 with Dawson, Morris and Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 •tied Email: sales@expressnews.bc.ca ��������������� �������������������������������� seconds left to go. Nelson Villa each scoring a pair of ������������������ The is ��� not������� responsible afterbethe hasthesigned off. would onclient fire for goals. Chelsea Mathieson ���������� ���Express ��� ���������� ���� ���������for ����any �������errors rest of the tourney. and Lachance also scored, ����������� ������� ���� ����� ������� ������������ ����� ��� ������� ��������������� ����������� ����������� ��� ���� ���� ������� ���������� �������� The next game saw a 4-0 while Stillwell tallied her ������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� triumph over the Missoula second shutout. ���������� ��������� ���� �������� ����������� ������� ���� ������������ ����������������������������������������

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can do to avoid unnecessary visits to the hospital: Symptoms related to H1N1 are cough, fever, general aches, and fatigue and may last up to 10 days or longer for some people. People who need non-urgent care, or are a high-risk patient (i.e., chronic condition, pregnant, immuno-compromized, etc.), should contact their family doctor, or the doctor on call for their clinic or practice. For more information on how to protect yourself from influenza, and how to prevent the spread of H1N1 flu virus, visit www.interiorhealth.ca. – submitted

Spokane tourney

Nelson kept a strong Vernon team off balance with a hard-earned 3-0 victory in the semifinals. Royer, Lachance and Mathieson scored to spearhead a strong offence and Stillwell played her best game yet to blank the Vernon offence. The finals saw local rivals Nelson and Cranbrook facing off in a tough “take no prisoners” final. Villa’s goal early in the first put Nelson in the lead. Stillwell played her best game in the tourney to keep the Blueliners in the lead until midway

in the third period when Cranbrook scored on a power play. The battle was on and the action moved from end to end until the nail-biting final ended in a 1-1 tie in regulation time. The shootout went to four shooters until Cranbrooks’s Daphne Neal scored on a backhand to the top left hand corner. Next? Kalso Damsels and Dinosaurs tourney on November 14- 15. You can follow Blueliners action at www. blueliners.kics. bc.ca. – submitted


Shuttle�������������� service links Slocan Valley to ski hills Footsteps Eco Adventures will ing up the valley. Stops will be offer a ski shuttle to Whitewater made at several locations along and Red winter resorts from the the way. Slocan Valley starting opening The shuttle will stop for people days this December. flagging down the van on the ������������������������������ The company’s 15-passenger highway. Round trip from the valtour van will ����������������������� provide one-way ley is $20 per person, $15 one way and return seats������������ as well as punch and there is a 10-time punch pass passes to the mountains. available for $180. The shuttle will depart at 7:30 There will be bi-monthly shut�������������������� a.m. from Slocan City, Thursday tle days to Red Mountain as well to Sunday and depart Whitewater as two or more Revelstoke trips ���������� Mountain at 3:30 p.m. return- throughout the season depending �������


on popularity. There will also be weekly crosscountry ski tours, snowshoeing trips and family sleigh rides over the Christmas holidays. For more information, go to www.footstepsecoadventures.com or the Footsteps Facebook page to check shuttle dates, new trips and all winter activities. Contact Leah Brown at 505-6727, 355 2937 or email us at footstep@telus .net. – submitted

Opinions & Letters About Remembrance Day


Our birthday, our promise to you This month the Express celebrates 21 years as part of this community and we are proud of this accomplishment and commit to continue to play an important role in the West Kootenays. We would like to take this occasion to give you, the reader, a sense of our goals for the paper. First and foremost, the Express is dedicated to being a mirror to the community. Providing an accurate reflection is integral to who we are. We strive to include everything, all the successes, all the victories, all the challenges, all of the characters who call this region home. We will continue to promote the local interests of our community. We will continue to be delivered to every door. Because we end up at every home, we are obligated to provide information for everyone. We will not sell out to out-of-town corporate interests. We will listen to you. Your comments, of any sort, are always welcome at the Express. When you tell us what you think of the Express, you help us create a better newspaper. We are a locally owned newspaper, which helps us accomplish these goals. With all editorial and hiring decisions made in Nelson, we are best suited to create a newspaper that is unique to our community. We are shaped by the region and our future is tied to the future of the West Kootenays. The Express has been here for 21 years and it will continue to provide a mirror to this region for many more to come.

Fish Heads & Flowers Fisheads to the worker in the food-service business who coughs while making sandwiches and does not cover their mouth or wear protective gloves. Are you living behind the moon? – Grossed out Flowers to the good samaritans who phoned 911 and stayed with me when I fainted. An ambulance ride and five units of blood later I’m feeling better.– Grateful Me Fishheads to my manipulative employer who thinks he knows

what’s best for me. If I could find another job I’d be gone. – Trapped and frustrated Flowers to the kind and generous people who contribute to donation jars and merchants who donate to the food cupboard. – Much Gratitude Fish Heads to the person that stole the food, money and personal belongings from where I left them. How is it that your needs are more important than the rest of the community? – Dedicated Volunteer

Send us your Fish Heads and Flowers! All submissions to the Express Fish Heads and Flowers section will be considered provided that no one is identified in the text or signature, all signatures are anonymous, and the submission is both concise and written in good taste. We reserve the right to withhold publication of submissions if these standards are not satisfied. To submit your gift of Fish Heads or Flowers, you may send email to express@expressnews.bc.ca, drop off or mail to 554 Ward Street, Nelson, B.C., V1L 1S9, or fax to (250) 352-5075. We will not accept submissions over the telephone. The Express cannot guarantee that your submission will be printed due to space limitation.

Dear editor, I grew up during and after the Second World War. I assure you it was an unpleasant and scary environment. My father fought in two wars and came back with injuries that were painful for him and his family for the rest of his life. I don’t want to remember war! I don’t want to be reminded of war! Even after coming to Canada I felt like I was the enemy. I went to seem-

ingly pleasant movies that ended up as pointing to the bad Germans. I tried to get a higher education at school in Canada, I had to quit because the bad Germans were gruesomely described as killing innocent children – in a movie that was apparently part of the curriculum. I don’t want to remember war! I don’t want to be reminded of war! I do feel for the soldiers whose life or health is brutally taken away from

them. I very much feel for the mothers and families who stay behind their sons and fathers heroic conviction of doing good. I have a brother-in-law and a nephew who have an honourable career in the army. I am ready to honour the soldiers but not the wars. Can’t we change the name of that meaningful day? How about “ Honour Day.” Cattarina Henriksan, Nelson

ISSN 1196-7471

The Express Newspaper is owned by Kootenay Express Communication Corp.


Page 5

Street Talk What do you wish for the Express’ 21st birthday?

Commentary The lady on the lawn by Don Leach. Don Leach is the father of Linda “Raven” Leach, the woman who spent a week outside of Kootenay Lake Hospital and who died after falling off a Trail bridge this fall. Linda Irene Leach, or Raven as she preferred, is survived by her daughter Claire, age 17, who graduates from Grade 12 in June. Raven kept constant contact with her daughter and Claire’s adoptive parents. Claire and Raven understood each other very well. Raven’s sister, Karen, and brother, Trent, were always supportive siblings. They miss their sister very much. Her father Don made sure that over the 25 years of her journey through living with mental illness, she and he were in constant contact. Born in 1970 in Regina, at the age of 8, Raven moved to Calgary with the family. When she was 12 they moved to Red Deer. It was about that time that Raven began experiencing problems in her life. Through it all Raven was steadfast and strong in maintaining her independence. She was generous to a fault and her joy infected everyone around her. In her adult life, Raven often found herself homeless. This was not for lack of a home. Her illness drove her out her housing and into the street in crisis. Raven was interned at a graveside ceremony at the Alte Rest Cemetery in Red Deer. Befitting Raven’s artistic talents, her brother, also an artist in stained glass and

steel, created her urn. The urn featured two golden winged dragonflies which in native Canadian culture represents the spirits of the departed and new beginnings. One dragonfly represented Raven’s spirit and the other Connie, Raven’s deceased mother’s spirit. They are now together forever. A prophet once said, “What is death but the stilling of life’s tumultuous breath so that the spirit is free to meld with sun and the love and peace beyond.” The family believes Raven found her way to that blessed place. Raven’s life in British Columbia was aided by many wonderful people. Some were family but mostly they were acquaintance Raven found through church, work, and her art. The family thanks all who prayed for and helped Raven during her through both the tough times and the good times. Raven loved Nelson. To all who rallied for Raven’s care during her time on the lawn at Kootenay Lake Hospital, the family is grateful. To Nelson Police Department who tried to admit Raven for care at the hospital, thank you. Our hope is that Raven’s loss will result in much needed reforms in care of the mentally ill and in the laws that inadvertently harm them.

In Chinese culture we make and eat noodles for good luck on people’s birthday. So I wish the Express a long noodle! Jane Gao, Nelson

Now you’re legal everywhere! Woooooo! Michelle Seeman, Nelson

Letters to the editor We encourage our readers to write to us. Please address letters meant for publication to the editor. We do not accept open letters. Letters must be short (200 words maximum) and to the point. We reserve the right to edit letters, and the decision to publish or not to publish is completely at the discretion of the editor and publisher. Originals will not be returned to the writer and the Express will store the original in its files. Commentaries can be

longer (500 words maximum) and are more in-depth than letters. If you wish to write a commentary, please first contact the editor. All letters and commentaries must be signed and include your name, address and phone number. Only your name and community you live in will be published. We will not print “name withheld” letters. Opinions in the paper are not necessarily those of the Express or its advertisers.

ADMINISTRATION: Julia Gillmor ADVERTISING: Jenna Semenoff PRODUCTION: Stephanie Taylor DISTRIBUTION: Gene Schmunk

Publications Mail Agreement #0654353. Paid at Nelson, B.C

November 18, 2009

PHONE (250) 354-3910 FAX 352-5075 EMERGENCY CELL 354-9001 express@expressnews.bc.ca PUBLISHER Nelson Becker 554 Ward St. Nelson, B.C. V1L 1S9

EDITOR Chris Shepherd

Keep doin’ what you’re doin’! Daid Price, Nelson

Page 6


November 18, 2009


Events Sat. Nov. 21

Sundays cont. QUAKER MEETING 723 Ward, upstairs, 9:45. 354-3859. SUNDAY MORNING WORHSIP, Community Church, Passmore Hall, 11 a.m. SUNDAY WORSHIP, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Slocan, 2 p.m. UNITY CENTRE of the Kootenays, 905 Gordon Rd. Broader Horizons. Back door, 11 a.m. Everyone welcome. NELSON AA - Sunday Morning 10 a.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St.

Wednesdays NEED INEXPENSIVE BIRTH CONTROL? Options for Sexual Health drop-in clinic. 333 Victoria St. 5:30-8 p.m. PROBLEM WITH EATING and weight? OA suppor t group 5-6 p.m., Nelson Hospital cafeteria. 250-352-7717/1-800-611-5788. www.endoftrail.ca/OANelson.htm THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Info 250352-7255

NELSON UNITED CHURCH service, 10 a.m. 602 Silica St. All are welcome. DROP IN ULTIMATE frisbee $7. SoccerQuest indoor field. 308 Cedar St., 4:30 - 6 p.m. ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH Service 10:15 a.m. 1805 Silverking Rd. You are welcome. 352-2515 ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Everyone welcome to 4 p.m. worship 21 Silica St. 354-3308 SAHAJ MARG group meditationplease phone: Eleanor 352-3366 or Sarah 354- 9496


ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Harrop Hall, Harrop 5:30 p.m. DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon meeting noon The Cellar. 717A Vernon St.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS open meeting. 7:00 p.m. Passmore Hall, 3656 Old Passmore Road. F-Troop Meeting 8 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St.

NUTRIENT-RICH COOKING classes every Wed/Sun. Many topics to choose from. Contact Lorraine at lorraine@earthlobby.com or 250-352-3860.

REDFISH BADMINTON Ages 15 to 90 Mon Thurs 6:30 p.m. $3 drop in. Call 229-4346 or 229-4343 for more details.

GLACIER HARMONIES Women’s Barbershop Chorus. All welcome at 7 p.m. to Baptist Church, 611-5th St. Nelson. Dorothy 352-7199 or Joey 352-3393

MT. SENTINEL SCHOOL South Slocan Badminton Mon Wed 7:30 p.m. 359-7610

PUBLIC MEDITATION 12 - 1 p.m. All welcome. Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre 444 Baker St. www.nelsonbuddha.com SAHAJ MARG group meditation please phone: Eleanor 352-3366 or Sarah 354- 9496

OPEN HOUSE, Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre. Meditation instruction and practice 7 p.m; talk and discussion 8 p.m; tea 9 p.m. 444 Baker St. www.nelsonbuddha.com

SHOTOKAN KARATE 5-7p.m. St. Joseph’s school gym 523 Mill Street.

BAHA’I COMMUNITY for prayers and an 7 p.m 354-0944

NELSON TABLE TENNIS CLUB. 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at Blewett Elementary School when school is in session. 352-9547 or 352-5739

DIAPER FREE BABY / ELIMINATION Communication Support Circle, 4th Monday of each month 10 - 12 a.m. at The Family Place 312 Silica St.

BAHA’I COMMUNITY of Nelson. Please join us for an introduction to Baha’i Faith. 7 p.m. 354-0944

HERITAGE HARMONY Barbershop Chorus. Welcoming anyone! Tim 250825-9694 or John 250-352-6892

WALKING CLUB MEETING : Under Orange Bridge Nelson, 10 a.m. Proximately 2 hours walk

Thursdays IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM IN YOUR LIFE? AA Meetings, Lunch Bunch at Noon. Into Action Big Book Study at 8:00 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. ACUPUNCTURE for ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 1:30 p.m. Located at 333 Victoria Street, 2nd Floor. 505-7248 BIBLE STUDY JOY BAPTIST CHURCH, 6:30 p.m. 560 Baker St., Suite #3. Everyone welcome. SIGNING CHOIR (sign language) 3:30 p.m. at NDYC, 608 Lake St. www.ndyc.com REDFISH BADMINTON Ages 15 to 90 Mon Thurs 6:30 p.m. $3 drop in. Call 229-4346 or 229-4343 for more details. PUBLIC MEDITATION 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. All welcome. Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre, 444 Baker St. www.nelsonbuddha.com NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE noon - 4 for recycled bag sewing project. 250 352 9916 PARENT & CHILD TIME at the Harrop Hall. 10 a.m. - 12 noon Information: Lesley 825-0140 NELSON BADMINTON CLUB meets at Mary Hall Gymnasium, 7 - 9 p.m. Everyone welcome. Anne 250-352-7536 Guy 250-352-6330. ADULT BADMINTON @ Redfish School, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. $20. Bring racquet and indoor footwear. For info call 229-4346 229-4343 229-4485 TOASTMASTERS 2ND AND 4th Thursday (each month): Improve your public speaking, communication and leadership skills. http://kokanee.freetoasthost.ws

Fridays GENDER OUTLAWS, a support & social group for trans & gender variants. 354-5362. NELSON AA-F-TROOP meeting at the Cellar 717A Vernon St. 8 p.m. DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon meeting 8 pm at 601 Front St. CHANTING FOR EVERYONE 7-8:30pm 714 Hoover St., For information contact Tobias, 352-2338 or tobi@studiocantilena.com

Saturdays WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 357-2822. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Noon meeting at The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Saturday at 1 p.m. For further info. Please call 250-352-7255. NELSON CHESS CLUB every Saturday morning, all welcome. Seniors Hall, 777 Vernon St.

OF NELSON introduction to

Please join us the Baha’i faith

NELSON SCOTTISH COUNTRY Dancing 7-9 p.m. Central School gym. Beginners welcome, first class free. SHOTOKAN KARATE 5-7p.m. St. Joseph’s school gym 523 Mill Street NELSON BADMINTON CLUB meets at Mary Hall Gymnasium, 7 - 9 p.m. Everyone welcome. Anne 250-352-7536 Guy 250-352-6330 DROP IN GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP. 7-9 p.m. at Broader Horizons, 905 Gordon Road, back door. ADULT BADMINTON @ Redfish School, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. $20. Bring racquet and indoor footwear. For info call 229-4346 229-4343 229-4485


NELSON LEAFS RECOGNITION Event for Community Inclusion, 7pm Nelson Leafs Hockey Game.

Sun. Nov. 22 TRANSFORMATIONAL BREATH WAVE, KSA Rm 310, 1-4pm 602 Victoria 250-354-4481 joannlowell@telus.net.

Sun. Nov. 22 cont. SENIOR CITIZENS’ BR.#51, 717 Vernon St. Potluck Luncheon, 12:30pm. All Seniors Welcome.

Tues. Nov. 24 FINANCING YOUR EDUCATION workshop on ideas of untapped resources to fund your education. info@kcds.ca (250)352-6200 READING AND STORYTELLING “The Porcupine Who Would” for children and adults. Nelson library, 7p.m. HULA HOOP CLASS, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Central School Gym, $10/Class. jaymsmj@hotmail.com, Jaymie at 250-505-2141 SPECIAL CROSSWORD PUZZLE Workshop and Signing Tour by Local BestSelling Authors, Dave Macleod and Barbara Olson, 7:30 pm, 500 West Richards, Rosemont. BOOKS FOR KIDS, 7 p.m. Nelson Library basement

Wed. Nov. 25 RESUMES THAT WORK free workshop on developing an effective resume. info@kdcs.ca or 250-352-6200 for registration/information

Thurs. Nov. 26 TRANSFORMATIONAL BREATHWAVE 6-9pm Purple Mountain Wellness Studio 311-4St. Kaslo. $20-25 (250)505-4791

Fri. Nov. 27 SENIOR CITIZENS’ BR.#51, 717 Vernon St. Potluck Luncheon, 12:30pm. All Seniors Welcome. AWARDS RECEPTION AND Reading by winners of the Kootenay Literary Competiion. 7:00 Oxygen Art Centre. MAGIC THE GATHERING Card Game Tournament 7- 10 p.m. $3 entry fee, logan@graniteroot.com GUATEMALA NURSING EXPERIENCE Fundraiser - Beans & Rice Dinner, Presentation, Local Music $10-15 @ door. 6-9pm @ Nelson United Church

Art Showings PAINTINGS OF EXPLORATION and Discovery Acrylic Paintings by Marilyn McCombe, until Nov. 15th Dancing Bear Inn ROW: REFLECTIONS ON WATER, Touchstones Gallery, until November 22.

ACUPUNCTURE for ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 1:30 p.m. Located at 333 Victoria St, 2nd Floor. 505-7248


YOUNG FELLOWS OFF BOOZE AA Meeting 8 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. SARVA SHAKTI SADHANA Initiation & weekly circle 7-8 p.m., ManiStone Centre, # 209-507 Baker St, 505-7832. NELSON COMMUNITY BAND Rehearsals, 7:30-9:00, First Baptist Church, 611 5th St, New members welcome. 352-6119 COMMUNITY DRUM CIRCLE with Kim Masse, North Shore Hall 7:15pm kimmasse@shaw.ca 505-2684.


Wed. Nov. 18 KOSTAMAN DUB SQUAD @ Velvet Underground: Live Dub/Reggae band. $10 at door.

special events.

Thurs. Nov. 19 METAL NIGHT featuring Datura @ Spiritbar, Hume Hotel. OPEN STAGE @ The Velvet Underground: Sub Pub style. All kinds of performers. be adventurous, creative.

Fri. Nov. 20 ATOMIC HOOLIGAN BIG Bass Tour @ Spiritbar @ Spiritbar, Hume Hotel

Wed. Nov. 18

FLIKS PRESENTS THE Horse Boy, 7:30 p.m @ The Capitol Theatre. YOUNG AUTHORS & ILLUSTRATORS Club with Kate Bridger. Nelson Library 4-5:30 p.m. Ages 8-13. Call 352-8283.

Thurs. Nov. 19

2ND ANNUAL PHARMASAVE Ladies’ Night 6-8pm

Fri. Nov. 20

THE AMAZING KRESKIN: The Real Mentalist. Capitol Theatre, 8 p.m. REIKI LEVEL ONE Workshop/Initiation. Activate & use this Universal Life

WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 357-2822.

Energy to heal yourself & others. Friday 6-9 p.m. & Saturday 1-5 p.m. $225. Limited class size. Registration: 505-7832 (Sara), nelsonpranashakty@gmail. com. Manistone Centre, 507 Baker St. #209.

WORSHIP SERVICES JOY BAPTIST CHURCH, 10 a.m., 11 a.m, 6:30 p.m., 560 Baker St, Suite #3, 825-4095.

CIRCLE OF HABONDIA Lending Society AGM. Hot Lunch, will be served, 12:30pm, 717 Vernon St.

SUFFER FROM AN Eating Disorder? Need Support?, 352-9598 after 6 p.m. or mcsuzzie@hotmail.com for more info.

Sundays PUBLIC MEDITATION 9 a.m. -- 12 p.m Mid-morning refreshments; come and go as you wish. Shambhala Meditation Centre 444 Baker St. www. nelsonbuddha.com

LEARN THE LATIN flavour first hand from an experienced latin belly dancer. To register 250-505-5119.

VELVET UNDERGROUND LEGIT AFTERHOURS: 2am onwards 18+ DJ’s TBA Juice Bar: No Alcohol/drugs. dance dance

Sat. Nov. 21 GLEN MARTIN FROM Tuques, Cole Walker and Bob the Postman entertain at Ellison’s Cafe, 12-3 THE JOEY ONLY Outlaw Band rocks The Royal. 8:00pm PROPA TINGZ (BreakBeatBuddha) @ Spiritbar THE BREAKMEN, Little Slocan Lodge 8 p.m.

Tues. Nov. 24 ALL AGES OPEN Mic every Tuesday at the CocoaNut Lounge. 6-10pm Hosted by Rob Funk. FINLEY’S BLUES JAM with host band, The Jones Brothers Jam Band. 8pm-12am Special guest...Howlin’ Dan.

Thurs. Nov. 26

BALFOUR HALL’S CHRISTMAS Craft Fair: 9-2 p.m. Door prizes, free admission, or food hamper items for Transition House. Information 229-5265.

HEXADECIBEL (Dubstep) @ Spiritbar

NELSON CONTRA DANCE.Central School.Out of town band. $7 Adults $5 Youth.Bring clean shoes 7-9:30

WASSABI COLLECTIVE @ Spiritbar, Hume Hotel

Fri. Nov. 27

Arts & Entertainment Rossland Mountain Film Festival celebrates 10 years

Thursday, Nov. 19 to Sunday, Nov. 22 in Rossland This year, tickets are available online (www.rosslandfilmfest.com) to ensure people get tickets to this annual event. In addition to the usual 19 and over party atmosphere at the Friday and Saturday night late shows (with Friday night band The Dudes and Saturday Five Alarm Funk). The film festival also finds repeat exposure with its Teck presented opening gala at The Old Firehall on Thursday, Nov. 19. The red-carpet event is a semi-formal affair featuring a classy night of artistic and films where ticketholders can hob-knob with appetizers and wine and enjoy the

live entertainment at intermission. Another returning feature is the photo exhibit, this year slated for Rouge Gallery on Columbia Avenue. The festival features films, photography workshops and music. For detailed schedule, to to www.rosslandfilmfest. com.

Also in the lineup is a special guest student from L.V.Rogers Secondary School. Over the last two years, Books for Kids has gifted over 250 new books for children. These books, gift wrapped and individually selected for each child, were distributed through the Nelson Food Cupboard Christmas hampers program. Those who can’t make it to the event can purchase and donate a new book at Otter Books or call Olindo Chiocca 354-1922 to make a cash donation.

Books for Kids

Tuesday, Nov. 24, 7 p.m. at the Nelson Municipal Library basement, 602 Stanley St. Books for Kids is again happening this year to raise money to buy new books for children. This year’s third annual event has an astounding lineup of writers which include Anne DeGrace, Linda Crosfield, Judy Wapp, Robyn Sheppard, Mark Nykanen and Almeda Glenn Miller.

Contra dance

Friday, Nov. 20, 7 p.m. at Central School, 811 Stanley St. This New England Scottish/Irish/French-influenced dance form features traditional live music, a caller teaching each dance, and


4 m


lunch dinner

Crossword puzzle workshop and signing tour

Tuesday, Nov. 24, 7:30 p.m., 500 West Richards St. For the first time ever local best-selling puzzle authors, Dave Macleod and Barbara Olson, are offering a free crossword workshop. Designed to be fun and interactive, this workshop will allow avid puzzlers to gain solving tips and tricks from the pros. Crossword books will be available for purchase. Macleod and Olson will also be at the Nelson Coles in Chahko-Mika Mall on Saturday, Nov. 21, 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. to promote their new book, O Canada Crosswords 10. Olson and Macleod’s puzzles are modelled after the New York Times style of crosswords. They are intelligently constructed with clever themes, snappy clues and colourful fill words. There is, however, one key difference: they are Canadian. In O Canada Crosswords 10 a Senator might be a hockey player, Thanksgiving comes in October and the last letter of the alphabet is zed. Macleod and Olson’s crosswords are found in the Express each week. See page 14 for this week’s puzzle. – submitted

153 Baker Street...............................................250-352-3525

602 Front Street...................................................250-352-5111

515A Kootenay Street...........................................250-352-2332







Page 7



445 Baker Street................................................250-352-0077





dine out. legend.

high-energy fun. One does not need a partner to participate. Children above the age of 10 can easily do these dances, but participants are mostly adults. In addition this month, organizers have brought an out-of-town band and caller. Out of the Wood are Kathy Bowman, fiddle, Vickie Marron, piano, and Pat Marron on mandolin, fiddle and banjo. Ray Polhomus will call the dance, giving stalwart resident caller, David Feldman, a break to dance himself. There will also be a callers workshop starting at 6 p.m. Email juliekerr@mac.com for more info. Bring a pair of clean shoes (and check boots at the door) and a pot luck snack to share. Water is provided. Adult admission is $7, youth admission is $5.

November 18, 2009

I H4 R

8406 Busk Road, Balfour....................................250-229-4235




518 Hall Street......................................................250-352-2744





101-402 Baker Street........................................250-354-4458


616 Baker Street..................................................250-354-4848


H mR

301 Baker Street..................................................250-352-3011

413 Hall Street.....................................................250-352-3573






422 Vernon Street...............................................250-352-5331

1285 Queens Bay Road, Balfour.....................250-229-4141





712 Nelson Avenue.............................................250-354-1313

616 Vernon Street...............................................250-352-1712

422 Vernon Street.................................................250-352-5331






524 Victoria Street.............................................250-352-2185

717 Harold Street, Slocan.....................................250-355-2663




636 Front Street..................................................250-352-1999

701 Lakeside Drive...............................................250-352-7215



5709 Highway 6, Winlaw......................................250-226-7355

203 Fir Street, Ymir...............................................250-357-9611




H mR

702 Vernon Street.................................................250-352-9688 450 Ferrylanding Road, Balfour............................250-229-4642


604 Ward Street..................................................250-352-7661


JAVA GARDEN COFFEE CO 150-1150 Lakeside Drive (Chahko Mika Mall)........250-505-5282

602 Queens Bay Road, Balfour.................................250-229-4114




116 Vernon Street...............................................250-352-3731

524 Vernon Street................................................250-354-1919



318 Anderson Street............................................250-352-3773

660 Baker Street.................................................250-354-1084





2723 Greenwood Road.........................................250-825-4464


H mR

536 Stanley Street................................................250-354-1667 216 Anderson Street..............................................250-310-0001


KC RESTAURANT H m Hm ��� ���������������������������������������������� 546 Baker Street.................................................250-352-5115 KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN H m DOCK ‘N’ DUCK�H ������������������ 4mR 7924 Wharf Road, Balfour.....................................250-229-4244

1105 Lakeside Drive (Chahko Mika Mall)..............250-352-2109

479 Baker Street..................................................250-352-3456


300 Baker Street................................................250-352-1904

652 Baker Street.................................................250-352-2912

330 Baker Street...................................................250-352-1202

late night

3156 Station Road, South Slocan.........................250-359-7515



561 Baker Street..................................................250-352-2120



IH m

4112 Highway 31, Ainsworth ................................. 250-229-4212



620 Herridge Lane ................................................250-352-0101

��������������������� KING’S FAMILY RESTAURANT IH m

��� ������������������

655 Highway 3A..................................................250-352-1633

IH m

16-1150 Lakeside Drive (Chahko Mika Mall )..............250-352-2956 512 Railway Street ............................................... 250-352-7424



377 Baker Street.................................................250-352-2274



306 Victoria Street..............................................250-352-2060




1277 Highway 6, Crescent Valley.............................250-359-6711

PRESERVED SEED 202 Vernon Street................................................250-352-0325



491 Baker Street..................................................250-352-5353


SLEEP IS FOR SISSIES ��������������������� ��� 5686 Highway 6, Winlaw.................................250-226-7663

422 Vernon Street...............................................250-352-5331

411 Kootenay Street.............................................250-354-4646

616 Vernon Street.................................................250-352-5570

303 Victoria Street................................................250-352-1212



1418 Highway 6, Crescent Valley.......................250-359-7261

409 Kootenay Street.............................................250-352-3232

616 Vernon Street.................................................250-352-2715

705 Vernon Street...............................................250-352-5121


H mR

701 Lakeside Drive.............................................250-354-1472

������������� ������������������

���������������������� �����������������������


Highway 3A, Balfour.............................................250-229-4771




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Arts & Entertainment

November 18, 2009



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The Joey Only Outlaw Band

��������������� Saturday, Nov. 21, 8 p.m. at The Royal on Baker, ����������������������������������������������������������������� 330������������������ Baker St. Vancouver’s favourite punk country activist, ��������������� ����������������������� Joey Only, and his band of outlaws are rippin’ it ������������� up as part of a short western Canadian tour�������������������� to Calgary and back. Fundraising for their new album, Transgression ������ Trail (to be released summer 2010), the band will ������������������ perform all their favourites plus new songs from ������������� the unreleased record. Joey plays a mean solo show but obviously has a band called Joey Only Outlaw Band, consisting of Leah Martin, (vox), Mike Zinger (slide/banjo/ �������������������� guitar), Jeff Andrew (Fiddle), Justine Fischer ���������� (bass), Kenan Sungur (drums) and Rowan Lipkovits (squeezebox). �������


The Cropdusters ��������������������������������� Saturday, Nov. 21, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at The Royal on ��� ���������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� Baker, 330 Baker St. Local honky-tonk heros the Cropdusters will be back in action this Saturday night at the Royal Hotel on Baker. Comprised of a few of Nelson’s most renowned players, the Cropdusters pay homage to yesteryear’s outlaw music. You’ll hear Willie, Waylon, Johnny and a slew of others you’ll be sure to recognize. Don’t take it too lightly though, the blend of country with fusion on rock, funk and even metal bring the old classics some new life.

Amazing �


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Aspen Switzer performs at The Royal on Baker on Thursday, Nov. 12.

Switzer starts regular gig to grow ����������� ������������������ ��������������� �������������

Musician������������ uses weekly show at The Royal on Baker to build musical skills ������

“Then there’s this other part that done on the album. knows the kind of amazing musi“On a good day I have that Fresh off of winning two awards cians that are on it and how much myself,” Switzer says. “But it does mean a lot when critics also decide at the B.C. Interior Music Awards, I put into it.” The awards came after a year of it’s a gem.” local singer Aspen Switzer has Switzer says she still wants to started a new music event in Nelson touring her music across Canada. that will put her on stage every She went as far as Halifax, Nova grow and be challenged by music, Scotia and stopped awhile in which is why she’s started a weekly week. Switzer won Recording of the Montreal to visit friends she had music event at The Royal on Baker. Year in two categories, roots/world made after temporarily relocating Every Thursday at 8 p.m. (sharp) and folk/traditional, at the Friday, there in 2007. She even performed she’ll take to the stage. Each week ������������������������������ Nov. 6 awards for her 2008 album, in a few fringe festivals along the will alternate between the Aspen ��� ���������������������������������������������� way. Switzer Band, which Switzer heads, Humble But ����������������������� Bearing No Apology. � ������������������ The travelling took her away and������ the Kenny Konrad Band, The album ������������ was also nominated for album design of year for the from the people she had worked where she plays rhythm guitar for with to make Humble But Bearing lead man Konrad (also known for work done by�������������������� local designer ��� Joel ��������������������� No Apology, her second album, his other band, Old Blind Crow). Peltier. away from the support of Nelson The weekly gigs are meant to The two wins ���������� were a welcome ��� ������������������ validation of the hard work Switzer and put her among people who give Switzer a chance to explore ������� put into may not have heard her work. music and new collaborations and and local musicians That’s why the timing of the both the Aspen Switzer Band and Humble. “There’s a skeptical part of me B.C. Interior Music Awards was so Kenny Konrad Band will feature ���� that thinks nobody’s looking for perfect for her. The awards were special guests to bring something what’s on this album,” Switzer says. a validation of the work she had new to the mix. by Chris Shepherd

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and Sara Cash Please proof for accuracyRosanne then phone, fax or email with Tegan any changes or an approval. Alex Cuba Sainthood Alex Cuba The List Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: sales@expressnews.bc.ca �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client has signed off.

Arts & Entertainment Mike Plume Band

Atomic Hooligan

Friday, Nov. 20 at the Spiritbar, 422 Vernon St. Regarded as one of the best DJs around in the breaks scene, the last months have seen Atomic Hooligan’s reputation as a top DJ and an essential booking spread to a wider dance music audience. With a reputation for genre blending sets (which have seen Atomic Hooligan voted in the top five DJs consistently over the last four years at the Breakspoll awards) Terry Hooligan has taken his sound far and wide and his reputation continues to spread. Opening set by DJ Bryx. Advance tickets avail-

Friday, Nov. 20 at Finley’s Irish Bar and Grill, 705 Vernon St. Canadian singer/songwriter Mike Plume fronts his roots-based namesake band, which consists of guitarist Dave Klym, bassist Derek Mazurek, and drummer Ernie Basiliadis. Plume’s band mates

The Breakmen

Saturday, Nov. 21, 8 p.m. at the Little Slocan Lodge, Look for the Little Slocan Lodge sign on the left side of Highway 6, near Slocan City. Follow Gravel Pit Road and veer right on to Little Slocan Forest Service Road. Watch for sign at 8 km. Canada’s frontrunning roots band is hitting the road and coming to the area in an effort to warm up their fellow countrymen and women with a trick bag of original songs, vocal harmonies and

Propa Tingz

Saturday, Nov. 21 at the Spiritbar, 422 Vernon St. Propa Tingz is responsible for some of the biggest dance floor bangers to emerge from the West Coast scene in recent years. Originally hailing from the UK, Propa

The Rippin’ Rattlers

Saturday, Nov. 21 at Finley’s Irish Bar and Grill, 705 Vernon St. Local favourites perform their blues/ rock and roll based originals from their new CD and rock covers tunes.

Glen Martin, Cole Walker and Bob the Postman

Saturday, Nov. 21, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Ellison’s Natural Food Cafe, 523 Front St. Glen Martin, songwriter and musician with the Tuques will perform solo with some new and old favourites. Cole Walker will follow with his first show with at Ellison’s doing folk songs. Rounding out this session will be Bob The Postman who always brings some rare and funny songs from the past.

Belly dancing workshop

Saturday, Nov. 21, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for beginners and 5 pm. to 7 p.m. for intermediate dancers at the Moving Centre, 553A Baker St. Jennifer Mendizabal, straight from Venezuela, will teach a different kind of belly dancing workshop. One with a Latin touch. Mendizabal has taught for many years, and has shared the stage with Bozenka (Shakira´s belly dancing teacher). This is an opportunity to learn the Latin flavour firsthand from an experienced Latin belly dancer. To register, call 505-5119 or email jennifer.mendizabal@gmail.com. The cost is $35 for each workshop or $60 for both.

Later that year the Mike Plume band released Simplify, an acoustic set that was recorded in under six hours. Touring with groups ���like������������������������ Blue Rodeo built the group’s following, and � their������������������ 1998 album Song & Dance, Man won them ���more ��������������������� fans and awards. Tickets are $10 at Eddy 488 Baker St. ���Music, ������������������

tickets available at the front doors of Spiritbar opening and 10 p.m.

an incomparable stage show. The band’s unique blend of bluegrass, vintage country, pop and folk has helped The Breakmen gain a cult-like following on the West Coast. Since their inception in 2005, the band has played over 250 international festivals and venues. Their music has been compared to The Band, Old Crow Medicine Show, Fred Eaglesmith and The Flying Burrito Brothers. Admission is “pay-what-you-can-but10-bucks-would-be-great.”

Tingz made his way to San Francisco and has since emerged as one of the hottest names on the US nu-school electronica scene. Under his previous moniker as Break Beat Buddha, he helped forge the now lauded California glitch hop scene alongside artists such as the

are long-time friends, but his first record, 1993’s Songs From a Northern Town, was recorded with a session band in Austin, Texas. Plume didn’t recruit his friends as band mates until 1996’s Jump Back Kerouac; this album won the band an ARIA nomination for Best Pop/Light Rock Artist on Record.

Page 9


Atomic Hooligan.

able at the Hemp and Company (502 Baker St.) and a guaranteed 100


November 18, 2009

Glitch Mob, edit and Laser Sword. As Propa Tingz, he is widely acknowledged as the pioneer of glitch step, a bad boy sound clash of Bay Area hyphy, dirty south crunk, UK Bass and the cutting edge of glitch. $10 at the door.

The Kostaman Dub Squad

Wednesday, Nov. 18 at the Velvet Underground, 646 Baker St. The Kostaman Dub Squad, specializes in live dub off the floor – funky, roots, reggae. A four piece consisting of drums, bass, guitar and keys, as well as layers of vocal harmonies, The Kostaman Dub Squad is performing live dub off the floor utilizing the talents of the musicians to entrance the deep dub and the fun danceable nature of the music that is reggae.

Global Rythyms dance series

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Tuesdays, starting Nov. 24 to Dec. 15, 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. at the Moving Centre, 553A Baker St. ������������������������������ ��� ���� In this four week dance series partici- ������������������� Phone: 250.354.3910����������������������� • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: sales@expressnews pants will sample some of the inspired ������������� �� cultural dances of the world. The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client has signed ������������ Dancers will take a journey of rhythm through the roots of African Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any dance, finding their feet in the fiery flow of the Latin dance traditions such Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: sale as salsa, samba, Afro cuban/caribbean foundations and culminating into the The Express is not responsible for any errors after the expressive elements of belly and gypsy stylistics. This class is suitable for all beginning Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an dance enthusiasts. Erin Thomson will � focus on core strengthening to build Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: sales@expressne � stamina and strength and a yoga flow The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client has sign to encourage the grace of the dancer’s � body. Thomson has been teaching and per� forming in the Nelson area for over 11 years. For registration and information please call 509-0034. The cost is $45 for all four weeks or $12 to drop in.

� �

Page 10


November 18, 2009

the health pages. The scoop on the ‘kissing disease’ Exploring Health

Kate Butt

ally have mild symptoms that are not as apparent. Mono is rarely seen in adults as they generally have an immunity to the virus. Diagnosis can be made by your doctor through examination of symptoms and blood tests. Blood tests can show an elevated

Kate Butt is a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine. She treats a variety of conditions and has special interests in women’s health, peri-natal care, chronic pain, and sports injuries. The information used in the Exploring Health column is for education only. It is important to consult a health care provider about your specific health concerns. For questions or information please contact truebalance.kate@gmail.com or call (250) 551 5283.

bodymind massage therapy 250•354•8406 dennis keithley,

r.m.t. since 1983, b.sc. (kinesiology)

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white blood cell count, an increased percentage of certain atypical white blood cells, and a positive reaction to what is called a mono spot test. The best treatment for mono, while symptoms are acute, is rest. Gargling with salt water can help to soothe a sore throat. The symptoms of mono will eventually go away on their own. It is important to avoid heavy lifting and sports while suffering from mono because the spleen may be enlarged and can rupture creating an emergent condition. If you have the virus you can prevent spreading it to others by avoiding kissing and sharing cutlery, napkins, toothbrushes etc.


Mononucleosis has often been referred to as the ‘kissing disease’ due to that fact that it can be spread by kissing. Infectious mononucleosis is an illness that is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. It is mainly spread through saliva and nasal or throat mucous. Its main symptoms are extreme fatigue and weakness, which can last up to several months. Other symptoms include: fever, sore throat, swollen glands and tonsils, malaise, and loss of appetite. Symptoms generally start to manifest at four to six weeks after exposure or contact with the virus. Mono or glandular disease (as it is colloquially referred to) is most often seen in adolescents or young adults. Children can also contract the virus but usu-

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body & soul.

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Acupuncture � ������������������

Holistic Health

Kate Butt, Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine ......... 551-5283 ��� ��������������������� Michael Smith, Dr. TCM, 10 years experience.........352-0459 Marion Starr, Dr. TCM ............................................... 352-9890 ��� ������������������ Please proof for Shauna Robertson, Reg. Acupuncturist ..................... 352-2167

Syama Sylvie heals with Hawaiian Lomilomi, Thai, Qi-Gong Flower Essences. I Teach The Secret and Mayan..........777-1077

Homeopathy accuracy then phone, fax or email with any�������� changes o Barbara Gosney CCH RS Hom Cdn 12 yrs. exp......354-1180

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Blanche Tanner, BP, Family Constellation .....................................227-6877


Irene Mock, Reg. www.kootenayhypnotherapy.com352-7035

Massage Services

Integrated Healing Touch, Biodynamic Craniosacral,Esalen DeepTissue, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Bliss, Certified - Niko...... 551-2577 Rolf Structural Integration, www.gravitytherapy.com......352-6611

������������ A Touch Of Aloha, Lomi, Cranio, Reflexology .................229-4424 ��������� Ginger Joy Rivest, Neuro Somatic Therapy .............505-4284 Palliative Massage Course, July 3-10, 2009 .........1-800-611-5788�������

McKenzie Community Chiropractic ........................... 352-1322

Power Essentials, True Aromatherapy & Massage .........505-4144 RUBITIN Mobile/Studio, Deep T., Neuro, Sports .............352-6804 ����



Coaching Nutritionists ����������� Richard Klein, Stress Reduction Coach .................... 352-3280 Tara Stark, RD, Nutrition Counselling.....................505-9854 ������������������ Please proof for accuracy Shayla Wright certified coach/mentor .................... 352-7908 Pharmacy then phone, fax or email with any changes o ��������������� Colonics Phone: 250.354.3910 Fax: Compound 250.352.5075 • Email: sales@expres Remedy’s RX •Custom 737 Baker St. .... 352-6928 ������������� Hydrotherpy, Detoxification, Nutrition. U. Devine...............352-6419 Pilates The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client has Counselling & Consultation ������������������� Kootenai Pilates 540 Baker St. ............................... 352-1600 Sally Shamai, MEd, RCC, individuals & couples .... 1-877-688-5565 ������������� Reflexology Dienna Raye, MA., Counsellor and Life Coach............352-1220 Gail Novack, MEd. Counselling, Grief & Loss .............505-3781

Feldenkrais Method

Mountain Waters Spa, 205 Victoria St ..........................352-3280

Shiatsu Kimberly Davitsky, RST at Shalimar Spa .............. 354-4408

Spas �������������� ����������������� Hair Care ��������� ������������������ Feldenkrais Works! Susan Grimble, 30 yrs exp...... 352-3449 Physical Problems & Nothing has worked? Give me call and let’s get moving! Call Hilary ......................................354-7616 Front St Hair Studio, The Key to Beauty..................354-1202

n&w shop local on page 16

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Tai Chi

Daphne Fields, MEd., Valhalla-Tai-Chi ..............................355-2854 Healing. www.auradefence.com pranashakty.org Yoga ������������ �������������������� nelsonpranashakty@gmail.com.................................505-7832 Om Yoga 3067 Heddle Rd.,6-Mile, omyogasixmile.com.......... 825-0011 �������������������� ���������� ������� ����


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November 18, 2009


the health pages.

health calendar. drop-in classes & events Wed n e s d a y s SHANTI YOGA STUDIO 12 - 1:30 p.m. Invigorating Yoga, Elissa 5:30 - 7 p.m. Rejuvanitive Soma Yoga, Shayla 7:15 - 8:45 p.m. - Invigorating Flow Yoga, Lindsay TRANSCENDENDENT COMBAT SPORTS 6 p.m. Kickboxing. 7 p.m. Submission Grappling. 250-509-1606, Summit Health & Fitness. BELLYFIT FUSION FITNESS 5 - 6 p.m. at the Moving Centre. Call Heather, 354-0492 KOOTENAI PILATES CENTRE 12 noon Mat Work/Reformer 6:15 p.m. Mat Work 540 Baker St (upstairs) 250-352-1600 KOOTENAY AKIDO 5 - 6 p.m. Kids Class, ages 7-12 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class, 213C Baker St. 250-352-3935 OM YOGA STUDIO 5:30 - 7 p.m. After Work Yoga, Alison 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-825-0011, www.omyogasixmile.com BAHA’I COMMUNITY OF NELSON 7 p.m. 1920 Falls St. 354-0944 Join us for an introduction to the Baha’i Faith.

Th u r s d a y s SHANTI YOGA STUDIO 10 - 11:30 a.m Prenatal Yoga, Anna 5:30 - 7 p.m. - Yoga with Karuna 7:15 - 8:15 p.m. Feldenkrais, Hilary KOOTENAI PILATES CENTRE 12 noon Mat Work/Reformer 5:15 p.m. Ski FIt 540 Baker St (upstairs) 250-352-1600 APPLIED COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS 6:30 - 8 pm. Adult class 525 Josephine Street, Information call 250-352-0459 FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 11 a.m. - 12 noon Relieve pain and stress. 206 Victoria Street, Susan Grimble 250-352-3449 EMOTIVE MOVEMENTS 5 - 6:30 p.m. Dance Foundations, All Levels Moving Centre, Pamela 352-1795, vibrationartisan@gmail.com OM YOGA STUDIO 10 - 11:30 a.m. Gentle/Restorative Hatha, Alison 1 - 2 p.m. Feldenkrais, Hilary 5:30 - 7 p.m. Hatha Vinyasa Yoga, Jenna 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-825-0011 www.omyogasixmile.com KYOKUSHIN KARATE 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. Kids, 6 - 7 p.m. Adults Blewette Elementary School, Keith Clughart, 551-3345 FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 7:15 - 8:15 p.m. Reduce your stress, Curves, 512 Fall St. Judy Katz 352-3319, somatikatz@gmail.com, First class free. MOM AND CHILDREN DANCE SPACE 10:30 a.m - noon Ages 0-7 & prenatal Studio Alive, 1209 Falls St. Slava, 352-0047 GYPSY SKIRT DANCE FOLK FUSION 6 - 7:30 p.m. Studio Alive, 1209 Falls St. Slava 352-0047. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS 3-4:00 p.m. Beginner ages 6 & up 4-5:30 p.m. Performance Group ages 8 & up S.Nelson, Rhythmic Dimensions 505-1812. QI-GONG & CHEN TAI CHI 7 - 8 p.m. at the Central School Gym. Info 250-505-4562 Chris Gibson. FELDENKRAIS: Healing Your Back Neck and Shoulders 7:15 - 8:15 p.m., Feldenkrais Centre 206 Victoria St susangrimble@telus.net, 352-3449.

Fr i d a y s SHANTI YOGA STUDIO 12 -1:30 Invigorating Yoga, Sharon 5 :30- 7 p.m. Innvigorating Yoga, Elissa 7:15 - 8:45 p.m. Deeply Restorative Yoga, Yasmin FELDENKRAIS 11 a.m. - 12 p.m., Healing Your Back Neck and Shoulders, Feldenkrais Centre 206 Victoria St., 352-3449 susangrimble@telus.net. NELSON BREAST FEEDING CLINIC 9:30 - 11:30 a.. Free drop-in Nelson Health Unit, 2nd floor Kutenai Building, 333 Victoria Street, more info 250-505-7200. TRANSCENDENDENT COMBAT SPORTS 6 p.m. Combat cardio, 250-509-1061. Summit Health and Fitness.

Write a letter

Fr i d a y s ( c o n t i n u e d ) KOOTENAY AKIDO 4 - 5 p.m. Akido Fun, ages 4-6 5 -6 p.m. Kids Class, ages 7-12 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class213C Baker St 250-352-3935. KOOTENAI PILATES CENTRE 8:45 a.m. Reformer

Sa t u rd a y s SHANTI YOGA STUDIO 10 - 11:30 a.m. Rejuvanitive Soma Yoga, Shayla 12 - 1:30 p.m. Hatha Flow, Cindy

Su n d a y s SHANTI YOGA STUDIO 10-11:30 a.m. Prenatal Yoga, Laurie 12 - 1:30 p.m. Invigorating Yoga, Elissa

Mo n d a y s SHANTI YOGA STUDIO 12 - 1:30 p.m. Invigorating Yoga, Sharon 1:45 - 2:45 p.m. Feldenkrais, Hilary 5:30 -7:00 Invigorating Yoga, Elissa KOOTENAI PILATES CENTRE 12 noon Mat Work/Reformer 4 p.m. Mat Work - Advanced 540 Baker St (upstairs) 250-352-1600. TRANSCENDENDENT COMBAT SPORTS 6 p.m. Kickboxing, 7 p.m. Submissions Grappling. 250-509-1606. Summit Health & Fitness KOOTENAY AKIDO 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class, 213C Baker St 250-352-3935. CONTACT IMPROVISATION DANCE JAM 7:30 - 9 p.m. all levels and live musicians welcome. The Moving Centre, 533A Baker St. Info 250-352-3319 Judy. OM YOGA STUDIO 7 - 8:30 p.m. Yoga for Women, Alison 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-825-0011 www.omyogasixmile.com. KYOKUSHIN KARATE 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. Kids 6 - 7 p.m. Adults Blewette Elementary School, Keith Clughart, 551-3345. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS 2:15-3:30 p.m. Beg/Inter ages 6 & up 3:30-4:14 p.m. Intro ages 4-5 Redfish, Rhythmic Dimensions 505-1812. BELLYFIT FUSION FITNESS 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. at the Moving Centre. Call Heather, 354-0492

Page 11

Festive pomegranate Pomegranates originate Chew On This from the Middle East where the seeds and juice have been used since ancient times. They are now cultivated commercially in California. Pomegranates are staking their claim in the health Tara Stark industry due to high levels of antioxidant polyphenols, which are chemical substances thought to play a role in protecting the body from a number of chronic illnesses. They are also a source of vitamin C, pantothenic acid and potassium. Pomegranates are fun to eat and children love them. They are in season from October to February and their ruby red colour and versatility makes them a perfect festive treat. To minimize your impact on the earth, look for California-grown pomegranates. Here is a recipe that puts a twist on regular guacamole. Involve children in mashing the avocado and picking out the pomegranate seeds. Use half the chiles if anyone is sensitive to spicy foods. This is a great dish for a party. Serve it with baked crispy tortillas or corn chips.

Festive guacamole

• 4 ripe avocados (2 pounds total) • 3/4 cup finely chopped white onion • 1-2 fresh serrano chiles, finely chopped, including seeds • 1/4 cup fresh lime juice, or to taste • Pomegranate seeds from 1 pomegranate • 3/4 cup diced, peeled mango • 1/2 cup chopped cilantro • Salt to taste Cut the avocados in half. Pit them and peel them and mash them in a bowl. Stir in the onion, the chiles, and the lime juice. Put a few tablespoons of pomegranate seeds aside for garnish, and then fold in the remaining pomegranate seeds, the mango, and the cilantro. Season with salt and additional lime juice. Garnish with leftover pomegranate seeds. This recipe is based on a recipe from www.epicurious.com.

��� � ��� ���

For more information on this topic visit www. wholefoodsnutrition.ca or call 505-9854. Tara Stark is a Registered Dietitian who specializes in helping people optimize their nutritional wellness and prevent diet related chronic disease. ������������������������������������������������������ �������������������


Tu e s d a y s SHANTI YOGA STUDIO 10 - 11:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga, Maureen 12 -12:45 p.m. Yoga for Busy People, Sharon 45 min. yoga class 5:30 - 7 p.m. Yoga with Karuna 7:30 - 9:00 New to Yoga, Sharon New Class KOOTENAI PILATES CENTRE 12 noon Mat Work/Reformer 5:15 p.m. Ski Fit 540 Baker St (upstairs) 250-352-1600. APPLIED COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class 525 Josephine St. Information call 250-352-0459. OM YOGA STUDIO 10 - 11:30 a.m. Gentle/Restorative Hatha, Alison 5:30 - 7 p.m. Hatha/Vinyasa Yoga, Jenna Arpita 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-825-0011 www.omyogasixmile.com. KUNDALINI YOGA with Catherine Leighland 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Shambhala Meditation Centre, 444 Baker St., upstairs 352-6132. FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 7 - 8 p.m. Heal your back. Selkirk College Judy Katz, 250-352-3319, somatikatz@gmail.com. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS 3:15-4:00 p.m. Introductory ages 4-5 4:00-5:30 p.m. Intermediate ages 8 & up 5:30-6:30Inter/adv extra class S. Nelson, Rhythmic Dimensions 505-1812. QI-GONG & CHEN TAI CHI 7 - 8 p.m. at the Central School Gym. Info 505-4562 Chris Gibson. SARVA SHAKTI SADHANA CIRCLE 7 - 8 p.m. Ancient Siddha Yoga Practice #209-ManiStone Centre, 507 Baker St, 505-7832

express@expressnews.bc.ca 554 Ward St. Nelson, B.C. V1L 1S9 Fax 352-5075

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Air Time

Dec 1, 8:00 – 9:30pm, $12 This is an opportunity for teens to work on their “Air Time”. Learn specific tricks and hone your technique with the help of a certified dive instructor. Practicing control and body awareness while in the air can apply to many outdoor sports we have access to around our community. Why not try out your new trick with a soft landing first?!


Please proof for accuracy then p �������������������������������������

Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: Please proof for accuracy phone, faxresponsib or email The then Express is not

Page 12



November 18, 2009

*Kootenay Reader ads only. Not applicable for businesses or associations Free classifieds not taken by phone. Must be submitted in person, mail, e-mail or fax. Ads accepted for buying, selling, giving, renting, lost & found, etc. All ads must have a phone number. One ad per phone number per week First 15 words are FREE, each additional word 25¢ • Deadline: Thursday noon.

Forward your ad to: 554 Ward St., Nelson, BC V1L 1S9 • Fax: 250-352-5075 • www.expressnews.ca

Submit your FREE reader classified online www.expressnews.ca Deadline: Thursday noon! Auctions UNRESERVED BANKRUPTCY AUCTION, CerPro Energy, December 1, Redcliff, Alberta. Late model pipeline equipment, pipelayers, graders, hydrovac, trenchers, backhoes, excavators, oilfield trailers & trucks. Call CPA 403269-6600.

Announcements HOUSE CLEANING AVAILABLE Hard working, thorough, reliable with 12 years house cleaning experience, references. Call Amber-May 250-5515863 Patrick and Savanna McCrory are proud parents to Autumn Mae McCrory, born October 13, 2009. A huge thanks to Dr. Edmonds, Genevieve, Joan & Dale, Michelle and Dustin. Patty our RN, you are our angel! And thanks to Al Lewis for being on-call for our baby to be born.

Child Care

Employment Ops

Health Services

Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

LOVING, FUN, EXPERIENCED, nanny/babysitter/mother’s helper. New to area, great references. My background includes Waldorf and Buddhist education, macrobiotics, raw food diet, and yoga instruction. Katy (250)226-7116 katyclaire@gmail. com

CHEAP TELEPHONE RECONNECT! Low rates, fast connections, reliable service. Internet & long distance offered. Ask about holiday discounts! Call now - Phone Factory Reconnect 1-877-3362274; www.phonefactory.ca.

HEAVY DUTY DOORS $30, exercise equipment, 20 ton winch $700, 2 new snow tires, 15”, $100 each. 226-7990

H&H TRAILER SALE. Bow Valley Ford, Canmore, Alberta. Thousands in discounts. Clearing the lot. Cargos, flatbeds, car haulers, goosenecks, more! 1-800-403-0084 ext. 257 or alan_ way@bowvalleyford.com.


WORRIED ABOUT H1N1? See a Chinese Medicine Herbalist to get a custom made anti-cold and flu formula. Jennifer Gawne, R.TCM.H, is now accepting new patients at the Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences Outpatient clinic on Wednesday afternoons.To make an appointment call 250-352-9952.

INTERMEDIATE NVC MINI WORKSHOP Deepen needs awareness, transform your “trigger” reactions. Sunday Nov. 29th 1-5:30pm Melody 250-226-7261

LEGO!! 20 POUNDS of new/unique pieces/platforms. Aquabase, shark, dinosaur, snowboard hill, etc. $100 OBO 352-1288 JOGGING STROLLER- SINGLE, good condition, reclining seat, hand brake, dark blue, Swann. $100 3542002 AIR HOCKEY TABLE $30. 250-8250075 GRACO, SWING GREAT condition $125, songs and heart beat with different speeds, toys attached 250229-5385 MEC HAPPY TRAILS backpack child carrier, $60obo 352-7401 GAP MATERNITY BLACK down jacket excellent condition. size L paid $110 asking just $50. 250 352 3226

BEAN HERE NOW featuring Capulin coffee., Or unique mocha beans on sale this week. Beside JB Office CANADIAN SKI GUIDE association pre-course, basic backcountry guiding and safety skills, Dec 17-21, info: 250-673-2464 HEART TO HEART, free meal, Monday Nov. 16, Mary HAll, 10th St Campus. Bus passes available 250354-1696 NEED A RIDE to Spokane on 9 Dec. Will pay for gas. Call 505-2060

Business Ops DONÕT HAVE $1,000,000. for a franchise? Looking for a home based business? Learn how to turn $1,000. a month into $100,000. in 15 months. www.judys-minioffice.com. ENERGISER VENDING AMAZING NEW PRODUCT Energy Gum and Mints *Totally Natural Ingredients *High Profit *High Income *Protected Territories *Free Brochure & Samples CALL NOW 800-661-1832 www.energiservending.com. AS AN EVALUATOR, you would visit some departmental stores to complete some unbiased surveys and get paid for it. Positions available in your area. No experience required. Lots of opportunities! Log on to: www.continentalevaluation.com for easy and quick sign up. Excellent pay & benefits! ATTN: WANT TO Earn More Than Your Boss? Yes! Be your own boss! Learn to operate a Mini-office outlet from home. Free online training! Go to: www.123phd.com.

Christmas Craft Faires 15TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS craft faire, Hume Hotel, Fri Nov. 20 10am9pm, Sat Nov 21 10am - 5:30pm, Sun. Nov. 22 11am - 4pm. Phone 352-5027, Admission $2. You can also join us for tea and support Nelson & Area Friends of the Family, $5 includes craft faire admission.

Education TWO TUTORS AVAILABLE. Multiple subject areas, elementary through university level. Both have interdisciplinary M.A. Specializing in education, ESL, writing and composition, study skills and more. Call for details (250)226-7116 WANTED: HIGH SCHOOL Math Teacher. Experience in Distance Education and Moodle an asset. We are a student centered, liberal arts and peace studies high school offering an integrated high school graduation program. Educational Requirements: Bachelor of Education, Waldorf ��� Teacher Training, or a combination of education (B.A.) and teaching/men� toring experience may be considered. Please email or deliver your resume, ��� with a short note expressing why you would like to work with SelfDesign ��� ISK, to: info@iskhighschool.org 402 Victoria Street, 2nd floor Nelson, BC V1L 4K5 AVALANCHE COURSES: AST1 and AST2 Dec to January with Peak Freaks Tim Rippel. For complete schedule and costs refer to: www.peakfreaks.com or email: trek@peakfreaks.com 250 352 9133


MOUNTAIN SKY SOAP Seconds Sale. Awesome deals! Saturday December 5, 9-5pm. 2276 Highway #6, Crescent Valley, 359-6850 YOGA RETREAT AND cultural adventure. Nourish your spirit on the magical island of Bali March7-19. www.yogakaruna.com or 250-2294793 MAKING VILLAGE WHOLE with Stephen Jenkinson Nov20&21. Greifwalker screening. raystothers@shaw.ca 250-354-0190. A great way to die! TRANSFORMATIONAL BREATH WAVE SUNDAY November 22 1-4pm KSA Rm 310, 602 Victoria St. Live deeply from the well of your being through conscious breath. Register 250-354-4481 joannlowell@telus.net Suggested Donation $20-25

Financial Services DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM. Helping Canadians repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest, regardless of your credit. Steady Income? You may qualify for instant help. Considering Bankruptcy? Call 1-877-220-3328 FREE Consultation Government Approved, BBB Member. $500$ LOAN SERVICE, by phone, no credit refused, quick and easy, payable over 6 or 12 installments. Toll Free: 1877-776-1660.

FREE FOUND: LADIES WATCH, Nelson cemetery on Saturday, Nov. 07. Call 352-3878 to describe and claim. 1981 TOYOTA CELICA. Great Engine, rusted brakes and body. 226226-0087 AIR CONDITIONER WORKS good 250 352 1619

REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPIST, Caroline Vrba, R.M.T. is accepting new patients for Massage Therapy with Deep Tissue Massage and Trigger Point Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Treatment for back, neck pain, headaches, whiplash, tendinitis, chronic pain, muscle strain, stress management, postural correction, sports injuries and strain/stress from pregnancy. Trained at the West Coast College of Massage Therapy and registered since 1997. Located is downtown Nelson, clinic or at home appointments available depending on your needs. Please call 250-777-1117 and leave a message.

Help Wanted LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to snowplow or shovel our small parking lot 250-352-0867 REMOVE YOUR RECORD: A CRIMINAL Record can follow you for life. Only PARDON SERVICES CANADA has 20 years experience. Guaranteeing record removal. Call: 18-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366). www.RemoveYourRecord.com. CRIMINAL RECORD? CLEAR your record with the FASTEST PARDON in Canada, for the LOWEST PRICE! And itÕs GUARANTEED! Call Express Pardons FREE Consultation 1-866-4166772 www.ExpressPardons.com. UBC PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT needs mothers of 3-16 year olds. Mothers and their friends will complete questionnaires online. Compensation: $15. Call 604-822-9037 or 1-866-5585581 (outside Vancouver). BUYING, SELLING, LOOKING FOR EMPLOYEES? BC Community Newspapers get noticed. 1-866-6699222 or email ads@bccommunitynews. com.

Home & Garden

���������������������������������������������� EXPERIENED HOUSESITTER ������������������ IS available to take loving care of Furniture YOUTHS TWIN BED, six large draw���������������������

your home/pets. With refs. Email: potatosalad64@yahoo.ca

ers underneath for storage, brown wood with mattress. $150, 250-229������������������ 4415. IKEA DESK $95, government issue FOUND: YOUNG FEMALE cat, desk $25, antique dining table “penelope” and your phone number excellent condition Call Tracey 250on her collar. 250-352-9249 354-0323 ������ FOUND: LARGE TRUCK tire on rim. BLACK LEATHER LIVING room Pass Creek Rd., Crescent Valley. grouping 2.5yrs old Sofa loveseat 250-359-7959 armchair like new $850obo 250-3653661 MISSING DOG. OLIVER is a mature, TABLE WITH LEAF 36”x60”, 4four medium size, brown, dark face, bob fully padded chairs, excellent shape tail. Info 250-505-4769. Rewards. $75.00 obo. 250 229 4650 LOST ONE WINTER tire, Studded FOR SALE BROWN couch, good Arctic claw, b/w Toyota and Selkirk shape, have photos $50.00 OBO call college, Fairview 505-2475 ����������������� 359-7937 or teresajr@telus.net ������������������ ARMOIRE 80 YEAR old farmhouse armoire good condition, good stor��������������� age, good price! $80 354-1784 BACKHOE FOR SALE: john deer ������������� (410), rebuilt motor, extendahoe, not used on construction jobs. $1450 ������������������� obo, 354-4558 GET HEALTHY. 1 month FREE weight HEAVY DUTY DOORS $30, exerLoss.������������� Look great. Feel great. Lose cise equipment, 20 ton winch $700, weight. Results guaranteed or money 2 new snow tires, 15”, $100 each. back. Call Herbal Magic 1-800-926226-7990 4363. Limited time offer.

Lost & Found

Misc. for Sale

Volunteer Firefighters Needed free training • benefits Come join the people who support your community Balfour Harrop Fire Department • 250-229-4316 | 250-354-2957

Health & Fitness


2 HP 3PHASE baldor electric motor $145 1hp 3phase $125 250-3994724 MANY VARIED VINYL LP’s from 70’s and 80’ Call 352-6533 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. WASHER & DRYER good condition $400 portapotti, vanity, countertop with sink & faucet, single kitchen sink 229-4544 PORTABLE DISHWASHER, 18” wide, Kenmore, used 18 months. White, new $699, selling for $300. 352-3704 WINE MAKING SUPPLIES 3GAL, 5gal, 10gal glass carboys 60 easycap beer carboys, drying rack, plus everything you need. Ideal for beginner. $300 250-352-0909 TWO GUITARS AND A VIOLIN; one Washburn and one Yamaha solid spruce tops 352-6779 ATTENTION BARGAIN HUNTERS FORECLOSURE Sale !!! Bid on contents of storage lockers ñ ping-pong table, leather couch, love seat, drum set, Bose speakers, patio furniture and much more. Must take everything. Viewing and sealed bids will be accepted until 2 p.m. Wednesday November 25, 2009. Minimum bid $200 per locker. Contact 12-Mile Storage (250)825-9996 2 SETS OF bath enclosures, both fit a 58 inch opening, 1 - 2 panel, 1 - 3 panel @mirror. $200 for both Phone 250-352-3046 BRAND NEW FOUR foot 1000W 240 volt baseboard heater, $100 obo. Call 250.359.7008 10’ CAMPER/TRAILER, WHITE, propane stove, manual water pump sink, hook-up, good shape, 500$, Karine 505-4390

RECUMBENT EXERCISE BIKE with electronic display, $50. Bread machine, $30. Both hardly used. 3525004.

Misc. Wanted WANTED: 80 SHEETS of 1/2” plywood & 200 sheets of Styrofoam. 250.359.6669 OUTDATED PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPER, old 35mm film cameras. Water distiller for sale. Fred @ 3522129, fdr@netidea.com SHAPER OR HEAVY duty router with table Ph.250-2294644 SNOWBOARD BOOTS BOYS size 6, and bindings or a board ,boot, binding deal.354-1069 WANTED: XBOX 360 HARD drive. 60 or 120 gigs, good condition, phone 250-352-0109. Leave message 2 ALUMINUM INSULATED Rollup garage doors, slight damage. Reasonably Priced. 250-225-3377 VIDEOCASSETTE PLAYER/ RECORDER WITH remote and manual and clock. Good condition only. Will pick up. 250-352-0588 WANTED PLOW BLADE for full size truck and/or Bobcat. 354-1020 WANTED: SMALL BOAT trailer. Free or cheap. 250-352-3860 SEVERAL OLD STORM windows: 28”x48”, 61”cast iron radiators. Gyproc leftovers. 250-354-1648. HONDA TRAIL CT90/110 bikes, parts, engines. Call me. 250-3523499 WANTED: RED BRICK, 8” x 2 1/4 x 3 3/4, indent on broad side, markings I XL 352-9874

CLAW FOOT TUB, pre 50’s, reglazed, includes shower and all plumbing fixtures. $650.00

ASCENT MAGAZINE. ANY newer or older issues welcome. ascentplease@gmail.com

1989 FORD F-150 4x4, extended cab, overloads, tow package, new winters 205,000km $2500 250-3654679

WANTED-WOODSTOVE FOR SHOP. cheap, free or trade. 250354-7954

BEACHCOMBER HOT TUB Chemicals valued @ $115.32 will sell all for $40.00. Inquiries: Call 354-3867 1926 HEINTZMAN PIANO, good condition, needs some TLC $800.00 OBO. Cam 352-3632 7500WATT GENERATOR. BRAND new. 1000$ Call 250-899-0789. Standard and 240. Bought as backup never used! ADMIRAL WASHER/DRYER SET $330.00; 2 1970 wooden twin beds $30.00 each; 2 tires 155/80r13 $45.00 - 825-0191

IN-TOWN SPACE FOR canvas tent 14’ x 17’ for small motorbike for the winter. Retired gent can pay $20/ month. Contact Ian Wood 352-1222

Music & Dance RARE HOHNER CLUB lllB-R 2 1/2 row button accordion, 1950, extrareed lever, exc.condition. $600 obo. 250-825-9320 2 WIRELESS SHURE headset microphones. like new. $500.00 each. obo. Great for musicians or theater. cirkusjelly@yahoo.ca


2 TAD M-8 mobile radios with programmable mics $450.00 ea. Queen waterbed waveless $225.00 Ken 352-0136

BEAN HERE NOW, featuring Capulin coffee, shade grown, jungle coffee, Monday to Friday beside JB Ofice

BRAUN JUICER, NEW condition, $200.-OBO, 2” brass shut-off valve, very good condition, $40.- 226-7880


A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, DonÕt Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1-866-884-7464. #1A STEEL BUILDING SALE! Save up to 60% on your new garage, shop, warehouse. 6 colors available! 40 year warranty! Free shipping, the first 20 callers! 1-800-457-2206. www.crownsteelbuildings.com.

GIRLS OPTION GT SNOWBOARD. Size: 151cm - Price: $150 obo. Please call for more info: 250-5514499

Personals #1 PARDON SERVICE - We can remove your criminal record in 6 months! Receive FREE pardon or waiver evaluation. We guarantee it - Ask for details! Call Toll-Free 1-888-646-0747, www. pardons.ca.

Classifieds Personals DATING SERVICE. LONG-TERM/ SHORT-TERM Relationships, FREE CALLS. 1-877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes. 1888-534-6984. Live Êadult casual conversations-1on1, 1-866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local Single Ladies. 1877-804-5381(18+).

Pets & Livestock BALL PYTHONS, BOAS (pet and investment animals $10-$3,000), bearded dragon, fancy and feeder rats. www.coilsserpents.com. info@coilsserpents.com. 357-2822. KITTEN, BLACK FEMALE, sweet. 4 months old, needs loving home. 250-355-2793 KOOTENAY ANIMAL ASSISTANCE Program needs caring foster homes for cats & dogs. Please call Daryl 551-1053.

Psychic Readings PSYCHIC READINGS WITH Rubiyah Ratna BFA., MFA., experienced meditator and teacher of inner vision for over 30 years. Seeing through and using the details of “the story” in your life to support the unfolding of your true authentic nature. 250229-4042

Services HOUSE CLEANING AVAILABLE Hard working, thorough, reliable with 12 years house cleaning experience, references. Call Amber-May 250551-5863

November 18, 2009

Toys & Wheels

Page 13


Sports Equipment

Auto Financing



DEEP CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING: Custom Cleaning Services EcoFriendly Products. Fast, Reliable, Efficient. $20/Hr Per. person. Phone 505-4745 or 825-4200

36” SHERWOOD GOAL pads, excellent shape, used one season. $300 OBO 250-825-4467

$0 DOWN AT AUTO CREDIT FAST. Need a vehicle? Good or Bad credit call Stephanie 1-877-792-0599 Êwww. autocreditfast.ca . Free Credit card or gas with purchase. DLN 30309.

WANTED HONDA TRAIL CT90/110 bikes, parts, engines. Call me. 250352-3499 1983 SUZUKI, 400CC, street bike, 8 valve, needs work first $500.00 obo 250-352-2236

WELL MAINTAINED SUBURBANS 4WD 89-91, excellent winter vehicles. $1000.00 to $4,000.00 (250)3521982 2004 SUBARU FORESTER 2.5XS, 165,000km, Black, automatic, heated leather seats, keyless entry, sunroof, $14,900. 250-352-7262 1991 MAZDA 4X4 extracab pickup, solid, reliable 4cyl 5spd, good rubber, canopy, bedliner $4000, 505-5034. TOYOTA TACOMA 2003. Half-cab, rack, box. 4x4. 6 cylinder. 90,124km. $18000 obo. 250-352-1792 or 250352-5434. 1991 TOYOTA PICKUP 2wd lowered 3 inches. small bit of rust in front 250825-4152 $2500 o.b.o 94’ GRAND CHEROKEE Ltd. 4L, 6Cyl. auto, 200.000 km, hidden hitch,+winter tires, $3900. 250-2267716 1993 FORD EXPLORER Eddie Bauer. 4WD, leather, sunroof, towpkg, CD, 193,000k Excellent condition. $2400 obo551-3833 1990 2WD, TOY 4runner, rebuilt motor $1,800 obo. 355-2327 derrick 1992 TOYOTA PICKUP 4X4 Excellent condition. No rust. New engine, rebuilt tranny. $5,000 Firm. 250-551-4036 2004 TOYOTA TACOMA TRD - very well maintained, 86725 km, Tonneau cover incl., $20,995. Call 352-2194. WANTED 97-98 4X4 MPV with relatively low kms and in good shape. 250-226-0068 VAN FOR SALE. 1993 Mercury Villager AWD. 280,000 kms. Has good all season tires. $600 1999 TOYOTA 4RUNNER SR5 4X4: $6900 firm. Runs great. Silver colour. Call Glen 354-2019. 1998 TOYOTA SIENNA minivan, auto, air, cruise, CD, PW, rear heat, seats 7, $5500.00 obo 250-3523248 1987 FORD RANGER 4x4, for parts, runs, newer clutch/starter. canopy, winters/summers included $350 250 505-3285 1991 DODGE POWER Ram. 4x4, 3/4 ton Cummins Turbo Diesel. Canopy. 8 wheels. $6000 OBO. 352-5666 ‘92 MAZDA MPV V6, AT, RWD ,160,000 km, VGC, need TLC, $850 obo .Ph.359-7772

SNOW PLOW SERVICES and roof snow removal reasonable rates call Jim 250 551-3273 ORCA TRUCK FOR HIRE. Will do dump runs, moving, etc. Patrick 5050612. DIAL-A-LAW OFFERS GENERAL information on a variety of topics on law in BC. 604-687-4680 (Lower Mainland) or 1.800.565.5297 (Outside LM); www. dialalaw.org (audio available). LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE matches people with legal concerns to a lawyer in their area. Participating lawyers offer a 30 minute consultation for $25 plus tax. Regular fees follow once both parties agree to proceed with services. 604-687-3221 (Lower Mainland) or 1.800.663.1919 (Outside LM).

Sports Equipment SNOWBOARD AND BINDINGS, Atlantis Woman’s, $150, like new Atlantis boots, size 7, $80 250-2295632

SHAPED SKIS..DYNASTAR MAX6,186 cm. $30. volant, powercarve with look binding 180 cm. $150. 250 352-9150 NEED DOWNHILL OR TOURING SKI BOOTS Women’s 10.5-11 or MEN’S 9.5-10 & Women’s large shell 250-226-0029 OPTION 162CM FREERIDE snowboard for advanced riders. Used only once! $350 Call Greg @ 359-6676 MENS SALOMON SKATE ski boots size 13 $120 excellent condition call 250-551-4469

Travel TIMESHARE RESALES - Save 6080% off Retail! Worldwide Locations! Call for Free Magazine! 1-800-5979347, www.holidaygroup.com/bcn.

Work Wanted ODD JOBS AROUND THE house. Carpentry repairs, painting, etc. Reliable - prompt - cheap ! Brant 250-352-0991

HUFFY SPORT FREE standing Basketball Hoop. Call for more info 250-229-4555

EXPERIENCED HANDYMAN. SMALL renovations to large home remodeling. Clean, professional and courteous. Carpentry, tiling or painting, get the job done right, stay on schedule. Call Fairview Home Improvements : 250-509.3426.

“BODYBREAK” RECUMBENT EXERCISE cycle. Used a dozen times only. $200. 825-9482

KEEN LEARNER WANTS to do your books. You teach, i work almost for free. Lyne: 505-9349

LOOKING FOR FREE bikes (semiworking condition) to leave in Mexico. 250-359-5078

Boats 1978 SANGSTER WITH EZLoader trailer, new carpet, upholstery, windows and paint. Like new, $1000.00 250-359-8038

Cars 1998 SUBARU LEGACY Stn. Wagon, A/T, roof rack, VGC, 250,000K $3500 354-8512. 2001 SUBARU LEGACY-OUTBACK AWD Ski Box, recently serviced, Good Tires, Manual, 140mi, $9500 352 1743 2007 PONTIAC VIBE for Sale or Lease take over. Cash incentive. Call Derrick 250-352-9491 1986 MIDSIZE FORD, good condition, one owner, offers. 250-3525067. GREAT WINTER BEATER. 1989 Pontiac 6000. Mechanically well maintained. $500 250-352-5055. 1992 NISSAN 240 SX 5 speed, leather interior, two previous owners, 144,000km, $6500 250-229-4485 1997 DODGE NEON 4dr auto, low kms, great on gas, winter tires, $3500 obo 352-7101 SATURN WAGON 1996, FWD, AC, CD, extra rims, snow tires. Reliable. Roomy cargo. $500. 352-2588 SUPER SAAB SALE, 1978 EMS and 1978 Turbo, licensed & running, plus 3 part cars. $1500 250-226-0072 2 DOOR GOLF Turbo Diesel 2002 176,000km. Great condition, $5800 250 825-4128 93 VW JETTA Diesel one owner, women, 230,000 km, excellent condition, $5600.00 250-505-5005

November 18 - 24, 2009

Aries March 21 - April 19

Now may be the time to use your reason, logical thinking skills, and common sense to make an important decision right now. Keep in mind what is best for your health and peace of mind. Have the courage to remain true to your convictions and remain firm once you have made your final decision.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

You may be experiencing turbulence in your relationship or with an agreement that you made with another person. For example, you may be working on a project and you are feeling like the other person is not putting their share of the work. Try to work together to find new solutions and procedures.

Gemini May 21 - June 20

This may be a good time to take that final step or make a commitment to yourself. It is important to be able to trust yourself and others in your life. You may be needing to reconcile or make an agreement with somebody right now. Strength lies within you and can help you deal with these situations.

Cancer June 21 - July 22

This is a good time to remain alert as there is an opportunity at hand that you don’t want to miss. Try not to get stuck on minor disappointments because then you will not be able to see the opportunity when it arises. People around you may be distracting you as well. Focus on yourself and new beginnings can be revealed.

Leo July 23 - August 22

Your positive vibrations are attracting people to you this week. You may have been feeling a vitality and happiness in your life. With this renewed energy this is a good time to help others, take some courses or learn a new skill. This is a time to trust yourself, pace yourself and let your lion heart shine!


Libra Sept 23 - Oct 23

This is a good time to look within the dark areas of yourself. You will be able to shine new light and awareness. You may find the best time to try this is at the start of your day. Concentration is required to see what is trivial in your life or no longer needed. Be free to receive and experience the joy of non-attached giving.

FOR SALE: 2006, Polaris 500, 2 seater with dumpbox, 1000 mi, immaculate. $5,900 ph# 359-7481 DOUBLE SNOWMOBILE TRAILER. 6 Months old. Looking to downsize. Possible trade or $2000. Shaun @ 354-7411

Tires/Parts/Other CANOPY 60” X 86”, high top fiberglass, dark green, fits long box Toyota or F-Ranger $120 825-0168. TOYOTA COROLLA WINTER tire on a rim. Good tread. 185/70sr13, Trisun radial, M+S $35 obo 354-5354. VOLVO RIMS: 15” mags with low profile tires. Set of 4 $100. 1980 Volvo body $100. 357-2123 4 WINTER TIRES on Subaru outback rims. Yokohama ice guard, 225/60R16. Little wear. $500 OBO 250-505-2090 FIBERGLASS CANOPY W/TINTED sliders, low-rise, fits older Ford fullsize box. $185. obo. 250-399-4861 (Tarrys) 4: 225/60R16 - 205/65r16 Toyo go 2 plus, used 1 winter 250 354-985.1 FOUR NEW 185-70-R14 snow tires mounted on 4 bolt rims $375, 250825-4188 2-225/75 X 16 winter tread, RANGER. 250 509 0348 FOUR WINTER TIRES on rims for Honda Civic & maybe other Hondas. 185/65 14R. $250. 250-354-9548 4 WINTER RIMS 16 x 6.5 for VW. Beetle 98-06, Golf 99-06, Jetta 99-05. $120 Ryan 352-1722 CHALLENGER ALUMINUM LOCKING tool box. perfect fit for smaller truck. $200. obo call 250509-0426 TWO 18” BF Goodrich winter tires. Almost new. Lots of tread. First $300.00 takes. 250-229-4555 TRAILCUTTER LT245/75/R16 MUD / Snow Tires on Aluminum 6 Bolt Alloy Rims (used about 1000kms). $1000obo 250-354-7892 4-16” TOYOTA MATRIX winter wheels and tires 5 stud 205/55R16 michelin m&s 250-359-7846 $ 50 ea.

Trucks/SUVs/Vans 1989 TOYOTA 2WD pick-up, runs and drives good, decent shape, good tires, canopy $1500 obo 250-5513340

Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 21

You may be experiencing strong, fiery emotions this week. Embrace them without judging yourself. These raw emotions are natural and a part of life. Let them out! It is important to be able to trust yourself right now. By experiencing the rawness of your emotional self, you will know thyself.


Sudoku Classic Difficulty Level - Easy

Sudoku Classic

Difficulty Level - Medium sk9E000087

Virgo You may find yourself at an unexpected social gathering this week or in pleasant company. There will be stimulating conversations with people of like-mindedness that will spark new ideas. You will find this enjoyable and be able to relax in the their company.


Nov 22 - Dec 21

Patience is needed now from you. You may be in a situation of conflict. Your actions to resolve this matter will be useless, unless you can find the root of the problem. Breathe if waves of anxiety fall upon you. Wait, trust yourself, and you will find balance and the problem may resolve itself.

Solution to Easy Sudoku

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

This week you are feeling the strong bonds in your relationships, especially with your family. These life-long bonds can help you get through the rough seas you may encounter. You have people and family in your life that care about you and with their help you are stronger than if you stand alone.

Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18

What ever you are pursuing right now will meet with success. Your dreams are becoming reality or the goals you have made for yourself are being accomplished. You are on the right path, just remember the Chinese proverb ‘The greatest carver does the least amount of cutting’.

6 8

1 7

5 4

2 5

9 1

3 6

7 9

4 2

Solution to Hard Sudoku

































































































































1 6 9 8 3 4 2 7 5 see puzzle on page 15 Solution

4 8 5 3 6 1 7 9 2 Solution see puzzle on page 15

West Kootenay/Boundary

August 23 - Sept 22


Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20

You may be experiencing new clarity this week. If any thing has been bothering you lately you are now able to understand and solve the issue. It is important to remain serious in your endeavors while balancing this out with some fun time for yourself. By being centered you will be able to inspire others around you.

Crossword Answer

see puzzle on page 14

1-800-222-TIPS P.O BOX 3392 CASTLEGAR, BC V1N 3N8

© 2005 www.puzzle.tv www.valusoft.com © 2005 www.puzzle.tv www.valusoft.com Generated by Ultimate Sudoku - allpuzzles you need to create BILLIONS of unique Sudoku puzzles Generated by Ultimate Sudoku - all you need to create BILLIONS of unique Sudoku

homes & gardens. Page 14


November 18, 2009

House Sitting



Rentals Wanted

Rentals Wanted

Shared Accom.

WANTED: RELIABLE , mature house sitter . Non Smoker. Charming heritage cottage near Lakeside park. Nov. 26-30. Lee: 352-3870.

NELSON, NEW 1BEDROOM suite: heated floors, nice kitchen, on bus route, long term. $750/m ut/inc.

SPACIOUS BRIGHT 1 bedroom basement suite, separate entrance, convenient location,N/S, N/P, $785 including utilities, Nov.1st, yilian95@hotmail.com 250-3529562

Clean, safe, low-cost accommodations needed to house local low income citizens. For more information please contact Bev at Nelson Cares at : 250-551-3015

RESPONSIBLE COUPLE REQUIRES reasonable local accommodation. Children, pet, people friendly. Honest, reliable, references. Samara 250.352.9876

BEDROOM AVAILABLE IN four bedroom house. lease required. Available immediately. No pets. 352.2051

WINLAW FAMILY NEEDS bigger home in the valley, 1-2 bedrooms. Great references, steady income. 250.226.7838

Shared Accom.

HOUSE SITTER WANTED. Reliable, mature person needed. Call 3523400 NON-SMOKING PROF. FEMALE is available to house-sit/pet-sit. Excellent refs. Call 250-362-9469. FUN, HAPPY, RESPONSIBLE couple looking for a winter home. Great references. Long-term sit preferred. Pet friendly. Katy & Dusty (250) 2267116 katyclaire@gmail.com

Real Estate COMFORTABLE CHARACTER HOME in Rosemont. Great neighbourhood and views. $330,000 bchomesforsale.com Kevin or Christine, 250-352-9235 GREAT FAMILY HOME for sale in Procter, for more information please visit www.nelsondreamproperty.com/ procter.html MOBILE HOME 1983 GENERAL 14X70, 3 bedroom, to be moved, engineered trusses, metal roofing, new laminated flooring, new stove/ fridge $29,500 354-1257 Erik or Ahna. INVESTOR/DEVELOPER IS BUYING BC land. Email confidential land info to sendmeinfoplease@shaw.ca.

Real Estate Wanted LOOKING TO BUY a big house in Uphill near downtown on large lot. Katherine 250-352-0076

Rentals IBDRM HOUSE ON Mountain Station, references, $850/month. 250-352-2345 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Salmo, level fenced yard, N/S, pets negot. $800/month + utilities Rentals@NelsonRealty.ca 250-5052067 UPSTAIRS ROOM: 6/6” ceiling, shared foyer, kitchen, bathroom, washer/dryer, electricity, on bus route. 352-4607

EXECUTIVE CLASS 1 BEDROOM with den. Lower suite in Uphill house. Recently built, a true gem! Mature professionals only. W/D, F/S, DW. NS NP $950/month 250-505-2067 BRIGHT, SPACIOUS, 2BDRM main floor suite @ 6 mile. NS YP WFP. Fenced Yard. Call 250-825-0053. 1BDRM, IN QUIET house Nov. 1, for mature tenant. Includes bathroom & cooking area, N/P, N/S. $500 includes utilities. 352-3400 TWO-BEDROOM COTTAGE NEAR Baker Street. $875/month. Street parking, no yard, unfurnished. Beautiful views. Looking for quiet, professional single (female preferred) or couple with references. Available immediately. Call 778-318-6491. 2 BDRM HOUSE N. Shore, 5 min to downtown. F/S D/W W./D. N/S N/P. $1200/mos + utilities & DD. Available immediately. References required. (250) 359-2958 1 BDRM APT. in Uphill, $800 includes utilities. Available Dec. 1st. Call 250.352.1761. NELSON 2 BEDROOM main floor, cute, recently reno’d, wood floors, view, close to everything 1000+ 3547065 BLEWETT: NICE, FURNISHED 3BDR, main-floor, 5 min to Nelson. Mature N.s, N.P, references. $1000+ utilities. Available immediately 50520610 2-3 BEDROOM APTS. Fairview area of Nelson. Newly renovated. No smoking. References required. $615 - $720. Must meet low income criteria. Available Dec 1. 250-352-5127 - alpinelakesuites@gmail.com

BRIGHT SPACIOUS 1 bedroom suite in Carbonate house W/D, N/S, N/P, available Dec 1st n/s n/p $750 + utilities 352-6132 DOWNTOWN, STYLISH, 1 bedroom apartment. NS, NP, includes w/d & heat. $1,100 month 250-352-1781 PRICE REDUCED: HOUSE for rent in Nelson, Johnston Rd. Seeking long term, stable, professionals or family to rent well-maintained, beautiful 3 bedroom house minutes from downtown Nelson on picturesque Johnston Rd. House boasts hardwood floors, great view, and semi-private yard with garden/mature trees. Walk out basement and out building for maximum storage. Available December 1st. $1500 per month plus utilities. Contact to arrange private viewing. Excellent references required. Luke Jansma (250)551-1664 thejanzy@hotmail. com

MALE, PAST APARTMENT manager, seeks housing in Nelson area. Handy, quiet, great references. Eric 250-354-7139 RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN, MATURE male seeks single room in Nelson. Work for rent? Housesit? Laran 250505-5856

ROOMER DESIRED. BUS on doorstep, 5min. to downtown. Animal lovers. Harmonious.Vegetarians. Call Trish 354-1026 NELSON SHARE HOUSE/ HOUSESIT, private room and bath, Jan. to May, negotiable, $500 includes utilities. 352-9686

Steel Buildings FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Durable, Dependable, Pre-engineered, All-Steel Structures. Custom-made to suit your needs and requirements. Factory-Direct affordable prices. Call 1-800-668-5111 ext. 170 for free brochure. STEEL BUILDING SALE!.... PRICED TO SELL! Canadian manufacturer since 1980. Quick delivery. SPECIAL SIZES. 20X30, 25X40, 30x40, 35X50, 40X60, 48x90, 50X110, 60X150. OTHERS! Pioneer Steel Manufacturers, 1-800668-5422.

Answer on page 13

2 BEDROOM BASEMENT suit beneath active family in central Uphill. $975 inculding utilities - No smoking/pets. 250-352-9267 NEW 1BDRM SUITE, Fairview Nelson, Heated floors, utilities included, $750/m One year lease req. 250726-8012 BATCHELOR SUITE ON main floor, private riverfront house in Slocan Park. N/S N/P $650/month + utilities Rentals@NelsonRealty.ca 250-5052067 1 BEDROOM LOWER suite of private riverfront house in Slocan Park. N/S N/P $700/month + utilities Rentals@NelsonRealty.ca 250-5052067

FURNISHED HOUSE IN Nelson. Dec2009-Apr2010. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, office. $1500/month includes utilities, phone/internet. Gina at 250352-5284.

NEWER LOG HOME ,Winlaw. open mainfloor layout with loft and small room. $875.00 -250 226-7388

NEW 2 BDRM suite at 6 mile. Private main floor ent. w/patio. w/d, n/s, $650/m 352-3976

OLDER GENTLEMAN NEEDS housing. Skilled, will work for partial rent. Quiet, reliable, good reference. Dan K 250-352-9876

ROOM IN SHARED uphill house. $435 plus electrical. $150DD. Cozy house, great roomies! jon_fergus@hotmail. com 250-505-6446

800 SQFT 1/2DUPLEX, heritage, features, recently renovated, walk to everything, available Dec. 15, references Chris 352-6311

3 BEDROOM COUNTRY home! Wood burning stove, scenic, big yard, rustic. Call 250-505-4513 for details. Available Dec 1. Email: alpinelakesuites@gmail.com

3 BEDROOM, 3 BATH house in upper fairview. $1400/month + utilities. Rentals@NelsonRealty.ca 250505-2067

SINGLE MATURE MALE seeking affordable accommodations on fixed income, Balfour to Blewett. Excellent references, 352-6266

WANTED: TWO ROOMS in Nelson or near-to Nelson home for single father and two children in exchange for cooking, cleaning, child care, spring gardening, wine making and more. Would love to sit down and negotiate. Call Michael at 250-5514439.

ROOMS AVAILABLE IN lower Fairview home for gentle people with past shared accommodation experience 352-6779

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Rentals Commercial BEAUTIFUL, DOWNTOWN , stand alone building for lease. 2300 sq. ft. , 601 Kootenay St. Available Dec. 1 . Please phone for details; 250-3994191 HOUSING URGENTLY NEEDED!

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Lorne Westnedge & Drew Evans: THE TEAM THAT WORKS -- FOR YOU! Contact 250-505-2606 Lorne at: Lorne@rhcrealty.com Contact 250-505-2466 Drew at: Drew@rhcrealty.com Web-site. www.nelsonrealestate.com

Each office is independently owned and operated


3 bed. 3 bath home & over 200’ of frontage with wharf on West Arm of Kootenay Lake. Spectacular 4.36 gently sloping acres with sandy beach,gorgeous views,approx.10 moorage slips,near Balfour.


mls #K185233


Well maintained 2 bed.+ den, 2 bath. lower level front unit with in-suite laundry facilities.Located in downtown Nelson and a short walk to the mall, this unit offers outstanding views of Kootenay Lake!


mls# K185618

�������������� ����������



New 5,000 sq.ft. custom home on 18.5 acres with pasture land in pristine private valley. Stunning mountain views, between Slocan/Silverton. Bamboo/cork floors, 9’ ceilings, 4 bed. 3 bath. List goes on!

Rare opportunity in this beautifully maintained in and out,4 bed. 3 bath.townhome. Spacious room sizes,double garage,in a bright Fairview location with spectacular views of Kootenay Lake/Glacier.

mls #K181927

mls #K186236




November 18, 2009


Page 15

homes & gardens. Small projects turn big quickly

Local Rotary calls for scholarship applicants

Each year Rotary District 5080 awards an Ambassadorial Scholarship for study overseas for a full academic year. Applicants must have completed at least two years of university or college work with a GPA above 3.5. The applicant’s legal or permanent address or full time study or employment must be within District 5080, which covers all of B.C. (as well as Washington and Idaho). Rotarians are seek-

evel - Easy

ing an individual who will be an ambassador of goodwill for the period of time that they are in the host country. Rotary scholarships do not guarantee the winner admission into a university. The scholarship provides a flat grant of US$26,000 for roundtrip transportation, one month of intensive lansk9E000087 guage training, academic fees, room and board, and supplies. The foundation will not pay additional costs resulting from personal living preferences.

Easy Sudoku 6





9 3















5 evel - Medium 5 8 1



A Rotarian, an honorary Rotarian, a spouse, child or grandchild by blood or adopted and any relatives of a Rotarian are ineligible for any Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarships. Application forms can be downloaded and additional information obtained from the Rotary International website at www.rotary.org. The application form is lengthy so prospective applicants should start to prepare soon. Friday, March 5, 2010 is the deadline for submission of applications to the local Rotary clubs. In-person interviews at the district level will be held in May. For further information, contact Marvin Work, Rotary Club of Nelson Daybreak at 359-7142 or email work@shaw.ca. – submitted


Hard Sudoku 2 4 6


8 4



8 5 3 4

9 3 9 3


2 3 8 2 5 1

6 5 8






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4 6 5 8 5

2 5 1 7





spaces. If you have design questions, you may contact Kate directly at kbridger@telus.net or 352-4653.

Contemporary living at the lake 21 distinctive townhomes on-site show suite phase one now complete



Kate is an artist and designer offering in-home consul-

tations to help clients create optimal living and working ������������������








only be purchased by the acre, or so it feels. I had to disregard many fabuNest Building lous floor and countertop options because I’d be wasting more than I’d be using. Several stores carry identical products but at different prices. I didn’t Kate Bridger want to traipse all over the countryside picking up pieces of my project, Sometimes getting the attention of sales staff is so I decided spending a a struggle unless you’re bit extra on select items building an entire house. was worth it if I could There’s nothing worse purchase everything at than standing in a sea of once. Finally it feels like it carpet samples with the is all coming together: I sales clerk behind the counter some 30 feet have reliable suppliers, a away yelling out sugges- jack-of-all-trades contractions while on the com- tor I trust and a new level ���������������������������������������������� puter working for some- of respect for my clients ������������������ who renovate habitually one else. Some products can and live to tell the tale.

The Graine

7 7

I am in the midst of a bathroom renovation. I began with a distinct vision but soon learned the importance of compromise. I spent days racking up mileage driving back and forth between suppliers. I’d find a floor I liked in one place, but no countertop to accompany it, so I’d choose different countertop and then have to return to the flooring shop, my pockets bulging with postage-stamp-sized product samples on which I was supposed to base all my decisions. I went from blues and turquoises to tomato reds and emerald greens in just three days and learned that small jobs certainly ��� present their own set �of challenges. Often, they take ��� as much time and energy as larger undertakings and ��� require the same diversity of trades people. It can be difficult to attract and coordinate contractors for piecemeal projects.

4 1 1 7 6

8 7




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8 9 9

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TO WIN : every row, column and 3 by 3 square must each contain the digits 1 to 9. Solutions on page 13

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RHC Realty

8 1 Street, 9 Nelson 601 2 Baker ��������������������������������������������







8 6 puzzles 1 7 Sudoku eate BILLIONS of unique 7








Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an approval. Phone: 250.354.3910 • $265,000 Fax: 250.352.5075 MOVE IN READY $249,900 EXCELLENT VALUE! $237,900 INVESTMENT BEAUTIFUL SUNNY SETTING-KRESTOVA $339,000 Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • ��������������������������������������������������� Email: sales@expressnews.bc.ca �������������������������������������������������� ���� ��� ����� �� ������� ������ ��� ����� �������� ����� ���������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ����� ��� ���� �� ����� ���� ����� ���������� ������� The is������� not�� ������ responsible for any er ���� ������ ������� ����� �� �����Express ������� ��������� ����������� ��������� ����������� ���� ��������� ��������������������������������������������������� ����� ����� ����� ��� �������� ������ The Express is not responsible for any errors������� after client has signed off. ������������������������������������������������ � �������the ������ ������� ������������ ����������� ������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ��������� ���� ����� ������ ����� ����� ���� ��� ���������������������������������������������������

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NELSON 5 DAY WEATHER FORECAST presented by Tad and Brady Lake and the Express ��� ��� ��� ��������� 7 ������������ �������� �������� �������� �������� ��������






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November 18, 2009

Quilters stitch together support



Dedication, creativity, warmth, and generosity were all on display after the recent Kootenay Quilters Quilt Show. Show coordinators Dianne Watts, middle right, and Leah Gray, far right, gather with quilt raffle winner Cathie-Ann Glocker, far left, and Kootenay Lake Hospital Foundation administrator Bryna Idler. Proceeds from their raffle, along with a donation from the Day Guild, added $5,000 to the CT scanner campaign. The foundation has raised $550,000 towards the $1.5 million CT scanner. Visit www.klhf.org for more information or to donate.


with Community Living Nelson Leafs BC, are recognizing the recognition event ��� ���������������������������������������������� Nelson Leafs for their support of community � ������������������ for community inclusion. inclusion They are giving out ��� ���������������������

Saturday, Nov. 21, 7 p.m. game towels to the first at���the Nelson and District 100 fans at Saturday’s ������������������ Community Complex, game against the North Okanagan Knights. 305 Hall St. For more information, Nelson CARES ������ at Society’s Measuring Up contact Alison Roy project, in partnership 352-6011 extension 15.

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shop local.

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