
Page 1


David Gentles, REALTOR


250.354.8225 SERVING NELSON & AREA

INSIDE KLH lookin’ good Kootenay Lake Hospital to open new cosmetic surgery ward this summer. PAGE 42

DEPRESS ����������������������� Since 1988 – Nelson’s Only Independent Newspaper ������������������ WEDNESDAY,��������������� MARCH 31, 2010 �������������

FOR SALE: Lakeside Park ��������������������������������� ������������������������������

A steal at $15,000,000!


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The end of an era

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How sweet it is


City of Nelson sold to Coca-Cola Ltd. All heritage buildings to display Coke logos. PAGE 12

Please proof for accu Phone: 250.354.39 The Express is no


Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an approval. Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client has signed off.

Capitol busted Neil Harrower found guilty of organised after hours dog fighting. PAGE 13

Summer at WH2O Whitewater opens water park for the summer months, including 4km slip ‘n’ slide. PAGE 43


Nelson Becker hitches a ride through the universe.

Express publisher Nelson Becker embraces change and growth by Gill Able

represented in this town and he’s ready to make is certain he can take this technology global. a change. “We can change the future. We can see the After 21 years of publishing the Kootenay “I love coming into work every morning challenges that humaniity is going to face and Weekly Express and its predecessor What’s On and greet the hub of a lively newsroom, I’ve come back and correct our vision, our way of ��� ����������������������������� Magazine, Nelson Becker has decided it’s time developed ��� more ���������������������������������������������� compelling and progressive conducting our affairs in the world. We can for change. “It’s been a most wonderful run,” interests. � that������������������ � ” ������������������ Becker’s newest venture, although find solutions will ensure a future that is Becker exclaims. “There’s no better commu- not available to the public at large quite yet, everything we want it to be.” Part of Becker’s nity to serve than���Nelson and our surrounding hopes someday ��� ��������������������� ��� ��������������������� ���������������������������������������������� to make it available to everyone. intention in gathering input of local visionaries area.” “People think it’s wild when I tell them what I’ve in his 2010 Year of the Solution project, is to � ������������������ Becker admits that it hasn’t always been a been up to. It’s so exciting.” A self-described actively manifest ��� ������������������ the vision and goals set out ��� ������������������ walk in the park. There have been tough times techno-geek, Becker has been experimenting by contributors. By examining different futures ��� ��������������������� at the Express. “When we first began What’s in a basement laboratory for years. “I’ve��� ���������������������������������������������� finally in real time, Becker hopes to pick the right one On Magazine no one believed this town was found the answer, the missing key.” Becker out of the many that exist. “This kind of work � ������������������ ������������������ big enough for a��� monthly news magazine that along with a small team of local enthusiasts and allows ������ me to maintain my involvement with my celebrated the active and creative people living a whole lot of time and money have uncovered community. In fact, it increases it.” He laughs ��� ��������������������� in our area. And when I decided that we would the key to time travel. out loud as he recalls earlier days, “We sat move to a weekly, people never believed it was “It’s like what������ they do in Star Trek. It’s like around talking about this kind of thing in the ��� ������������������ possible. Well now we’re a community with teleporting. Only I can teleport into the future 60s, well now we can do it!” so many papers it’s hard to even keep count!” or the past or around the globe.” The work Becker believes that community news is well is in its final experimental stages, but Becker see story page 6 and editorial page 9 ������


Jet Packs installed on your bike. Why pedal when you can fly. Body armor and helmets on sale.


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IN THIS ISSUE: Redesigning Nelson’s only independent newspaper page 6


Wednesday March 31, 2010 Vol. 22 No. 17

independent since 1988

Research from around the globe JULIA GILLMOR O d k a y a r Tumendemberel has journeyed a long way just to do research on a nearly extinct species of bear. Traveling from Mongolia to Nelson, she has come to learn and conduct research studies at Wildlife Genetics International (WGI), a local private research laboratory, specializing in DNA testing. WGI is quite likely the only private laboratory of it’s kind in the world. “There’s a ton of work like this going on around the world, but almost all of it is in academic labs or government labs,” says Dr. David Paetkau, President and molecular artificer at the Institute. “Those labs aren’t really set up to provide results so that a researcher can do a project and get quality feed back in a timely manner. That’s the niche that we fill.” WGI clients come from around the globe. “The overwhelming amount of the work we do is for government wildlife management agencies. Our largest customer is the US Geological Survey (USGS),” Paetkau adds, “in Canada our biggest client in the last few years has been Nunavut.” Working on projects that range from African dogs to Andean cats to North American grizzly populations is all in a days work for researchers at the lab. By collecting samples such as bear hair from area where a specific Jetan Packs installed on your bike. population DNA Why pedal whenranges, you can fly. analysis is then applied to Body armor and helmets on sale. identify genetic variation, gender and relatedness MAKING SPORTS ADORABLE of individuals within the BOOMTOWNSKIS.COM population. “The project Hall St • 505-5055 that 510 were sort of notori-

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ous for I guess is��� the hybrid ters of landscape is used.” a national list of endan- there are about 20 people “The Gobi bear team ������������������ bear, the Pizzley bear,” says Tumendemberel has gered species. “It’s a very working on the project. goes out to the Gobi Paetkau. This research got brought hair samples that small population. I don’t “The environment is very desert twice a year. We us in all kinds of documen- she has collected from the know for certain but it’s difficult to live. Maybe stay about three weeks ��� �������������������������� taries and attracted a really Gobi bear of Mongolia. between ������ 20 and 40 bears they were hunted in the at a time, in the winter I � work ������������������ curious amount of atten- Twenty fours years old, left in the Gobi desert,” 60s and 70s but now the in the lab,” explains tion for a single animal. small in stature and speak- Tumendemberel reveals. bears live in a strictly pro- Tumendemberel. ��� ��������������������� It’s the first documented ing in halting English, she The Gobi desert is very tected area.” The United Tumendemberel heads wild hybrid between griz- explains why she has gone hard for animas to live in. Nations Department of back to Mongolia with zly bears and polar bears.” to the trouble of travel- It’s very harsh, there’s little Protection began this findings the end of ��� her ������������������ “On the other hand, ing all this way. “I collect water and it’s very diffi- work; Tumendemberel’s March. “We’re hoping ��� ����������������������������� ��� ���������������������������������������������� we’re doing things like samples of hair from the cult to find food. They eat Gobi bear team has since to establish an accurate � ������������������ ������������������ analyzing samples for the Gobi bear and I have done� meat if they can find it taken over the research. number of how many USGS in Montana to come some analysis extract- and some insects. But wild Sightings of the Gobi bears there are. I would ��������������������� up with a grizzly bear popu- ing DNA, but the labora-��� rhubarb is their main diet.” bear are extremely ��� rare, ��������������������� like to say also thanks lation estimate. The results tory in Mongolia is not as Human encroachment and even for the researchers. to Michael Proctor and ��� ������������������ will determine whether the good as this one. This is��� competition ������������������ for a limited “We usually only see Gobi David for giving me such ��������������� population will be delisted a big learning opportunity water supply has created bears on video footage a big chance.” or not under the federal for me. Now I’m learning an even greater challenge ��� from���������������������������������������������� cameras and when Bitten by the Kootenay ������������������ endangered listing legis- sequencing and other pro- for the bear, according to �we catch them in traps. I bug, she hopes to return. ������������������ ��������������� lation. It’s a big deal. It cesses here. It’s fun.” She Tumendemberel. ������ hardly ever see Gobi bears, “I will try to come back ������������� determines whether minhas also gotten the opporWorking for the Biology ��� only��������������������� three or four times. It to study my Masters in ing exploration, forestry, tunity to work with local Institute of Mongolia was very exciting.” Harsh Kelowna.”�������������� motorized recreation and researcher and grizzly bear Academy of Science, winters and the fact that ��������������������� encour��� ������������������ Tumendemberel ��������������� housing development can expert, Michael Proctor. Tumendemberel has been the Gobi bear hibernates ages feedback from the ��������������� ��������������� happen. It controls how 40 The Gobi bear is on tracking the bears for the limits the amount of field commuunity. Email her at Prices thousand square kilome- the Mongolian Red Winery List, Direct last two years. All totaled research that can be done. ������������� Hundreds of BC Wines ������ Parking, Too!

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Gas or electric motors installed on your bike. Or on one of our 100 bikes to choose from. Nelsons largest and most affordable bike shop.



Odkayar Tumendemberel with some of the equipment she’s been using at Wildlife Genetics International, the lab where she is doing her bear research. ��� stands ���������������������

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Winery Direct Prices ���������������


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March 31, 2010



280 Baker Street

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Page 4

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280 Baker Street , Nelson


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554 Ward Street Nelson, BC V1L1S9

The Express is read everywhere, even in Mexico!

��������������� Matteo and Ryder Faraguna on vacation in Playa Del Carmen in the Mayan Riviera, Mexico. ������������������ ��������������� �������������

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Sports. ��� ��������������������� Women’s hockey ��� ������������������ results

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10 ������������������������������ ����������������������� Arts. ������������ NPSH comes to town.



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Publisher Nelson Becker

News. City signs Water Smart plan. Advertising Jenna Semenoff

14 Fun. K of C Citizen of the Year.

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Production StephanieTaylor

Office Manager Julia Gillmor

Accounting Robin Murray


How to contact us: Classifieds, Events Listings, Press Releases, Fish Heads and Flowers and Letters to the Editor can all be submitted ����������������������� via the Express web site:


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Press releases must be received by Friday morning for the following week. Press releases for events will be printed in the ��������������� Wednesday issue immediately ����prior to the event. Publication of event press releases is at the discretion of the Express. While we ������������� try to include everything we receive, there is no guarantee that a press release will be printed. The Editor reserves the right to edit releases subject to length, clarity and taste. Submit press releases to

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ISSN 1196-7471 The Express Newspaper is owned by Kootenay Express Communication Corp. Publications Mail Agreement #0654353. Paid at BC. The Express every and distributed free to every home and busienss in the Nelson area, as well as Ainsworth, Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax Nelson, or email with anyis published changes or Wednesdays an approval. Ymir, South Slocan, Crescent Valley, Slocan Park, Winlaw, Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: sales@expressnews.bc.caSlocan City, Silverton and New Denver, viia Canada Post. Businesses that wish to supply free copies of the Express please call 250.354.3910. Subscription rates in Canada are $54.60/51 issues (GST incl.) International rates available. The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client has signed off.

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March 31, 2010


Page 5

Easter cookie sales Saturday, April 3, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. at Chahko Mika Mall, 1150 Lakeside Dr.

Nelson’s Cookie Ladies will be back for one day only. If you enjoyed their Valentine Cookie Bouquets, come and check out their lovely Easter offerings. Butter shortbread, biscotti, sugar cookies, and decadent chocolate mint butter cookies will be available. The Cookie Ladies will also have Easter eggs, chocolate bunnies, chicks, tulips and daisies, all packaged up beautifully for gift giving. A limited amount of freshly baked hot cross buns will also be available.

BC Parks new reservation system starts April 1 BC Parks offers pricing that is generally lower than most private-sector camping opportunities around the province and is competitive with public sector campgrounds in other jurisdictions. Camping fees for basic and moderate sites will increase by either $1 or $2 per night. (Basic sites will increase from $15 to $16 per night, and moderate sites will increase from $19 to $21 per night.) Premium backcountry fees for adults will increase by $5 per night (from $5 to $10) at parks including Kokanee Glacier. Sani-station fees will increase by $3 per use (from $2 to $5 per discharge). For additional information on the recreational fees for individual parks, go to

April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month Group meetings third Tuesday of each month, 1:30 p.m. at the Kiwanis Hall, 701 Gordon Rd.

There are over 11,000 individuals in B.C. with Parkinson’s and yet there are only just over 1,000 members in the Parkinson’s Society of B.C. Established in 1969, Parkinson’s Society of B.C. is a non profit registered charity that exists to address the personal and social consequences of Parkinson’s disease through education, outreach, scientific research and public awareness. The Nelson Support Group meets the third Tuesday of every month except July and August. For more information or to become a member contact chapter president Irene Wright at 250-352-3128 or Iris Benger at 250-352 -7958. Parkinson’s is a cruel disease that can affect the person with symptoms that include tremors, rigidity, postural instability, difficult talking, walking and swallowing, reduced facial expression, depression and dementia. It can strike anyone at any age but the vast majority are over 60, 20 per cent are diagnosed by 50, but many in their 30’s and 40’s are diagnosed.

Nominate your favourite conservationist Deadline for applications is Thursday, April 15, 8:59 p.m.

The Canadian Wildlife Federation is looking for six worthy Canadians to receive its Conservation Achievement Awards. Award winners will be given an all-expense paid trip to Quebec City this June to receive their honour among like-minded conservationists. If you know a person or group who have devoted their time to conservation of wildlife and habitat we want to hear about it. Nomination forms can be downloaded at by clicking Awards down the left-hand column of the website. The deadline for nominations is 11:59 p.m. ET April 15, 2010.

New dog bylaw in Areas E and F In March the RDCK and area E and F police instituted a dog control bylaw covering the area of Bonnington, Blewett, North Shore, Balfour, Harrop-Proctor and Queen’s Bay. The bylaw is in response to a number of complaints regarding dogs including attacks, chasing cars, threatening, livestock maiming and incessant barking. According to the RDCK March update, most feedback from residents concerning the bylaw have been positive. Bylaw enforcers will work with residents to work with dangerous and nuisance dogs only.

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��� ���������������������������������������������� � ������������������ ��� ��������������������� Nelson Team 2 squared off against Thorman Drillers in the first game of ��� the tournament on Friday night. ������������������

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Nelson hosts women’s hockey tourney

The Nelson women’s teams hosted a hockey tournament this past weekend, and the results are in. The Nelson Thorman Drillers played Nelson Team 2 and tied 1-1, Nelson Team 2 versus Creston Jets finished 2-0 for the Jets, the Thorman Drillers lost 6-1 to to the

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Notice of Power Outage

Wednesday, March 31st

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starting at 8:30 at the following location: ��� ��������������������� Barnes, Tees and Lower 6 Mile Rds. ��� This outage is necessary to allow Powerline Pole Replacements Nelson Hydro regrets this inconvenience. For information call 1-877-32-HYDRO. To: Joseph ENGLISH

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Nelson Hydro

Power will be off for approximately 4 hours

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������ Grand Forks Black Betty’s, the Creston Jets beat the Black Betty’s 2-0, Nelson Team 2 lost to Black Betty’s 3-1, and the Thorman Drillers played the Creston Jets and lost 2-0. - submitted

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Action No. S100327 has been brought in the Action No. S100327 has been brought in the Victoria Registry���������� of the BC Supreme Court by Victoria Registry of the BC Supreme Court by the Director of Civil Forfeiture. the Director of Civil Forfeiture. ������� The Director of Civil Forfeiture claims forfeiture The Director of Civil Forfeiture claims forfeiture ����������� of a 1972 Bell Helicopter bearing markings Cof a 1972 Bell Helicopter bearing markings C���� FTCH. ������������������ FTCH. ��������������� Substituted service was ordered against you Substituted service was ordered against you on March 16, 2010. on March 16, 2010. ������������� You must file an Appearance within the period You must file an Appearance within the period required��������������������� by the B.C. Supreme Court Rules or required by the B.C. Supreme Court Rules or further proceedings, further proceedings, including judgment, may ������������� including judgment, may Pleaseagainst proof for changes be with takenany against you.or an approval. be taken you.accuracy then phone, fax or email You can obtain a copy of the Writ of Summons, You can obtain a copy of the Writ of Summons, Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: Statement of Claim, the Order for Substituted Statement of Claim, the Order for Substituted Express responsible any errors after theand client has signed off. for Interim Service Notice of Motion ServiceThe and Noticeis not of Motion for for Interim Preservation Order with supporting materials Preservation Order with supporting materials Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email from the Victoria Registry of the British Columbia from the Victoria Registry of the British Columbia Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 Supreme Court at 2nd Flr, 850 Burdett Ave PO • E Supreme Court at 2nd Flr, 850 Burdett Ave PO Box 9248 Prov Govt BC V8W 9J2.errors a Box 9248 Stn Prov Govt Victoria BC V8W 9J2. TheStn Express is notVictoria responsible for any This advertisement is placed by the Plaintiff This advertisement is placed by the Plaintiff ������������������������������ Director of Civil Forfeiture, whose address Director of Civil Forfeiture, whose address ����������������������� for service is 1001 Douglas Street, Victoria, for service is 1001 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC, fax ������������ (250) 953-4348, or by email at BC, fax (250) 953-4348, or by email at

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March 31, 2010

New era/face of the Express Page one April Fool’s story highlights the need for change JULIA GILLMOR The Express has a new face and it’s anything but bashful. In a world where design has emerged in everything from cereal boxes to high-end furniture to gardening tools, it has become an integral part of how and why consumers buy what they buy and it’s getting credited for adding to the quality of life. After 21 years, owner Nelson Becker feels it’s time for a change. “This redesign has been a long time coming. We have had the same masthead for many, many years.” Although the Express logo is probably one of the most noticeable features of the redesign, thought has been given to every aspect of the Express. “I felt we could present information in a manner that was more accessible to the reader. Every part of the redesign has been done with the reader in mind,” says Becker. “We’ve changed the

fonts to make them more readable. The major change is to the front page, which reflects a new modern look that takes us into the 21st century.” Becker hopes that the redesign will engage the reader more. “Good design is very important. We have information and then we have the package the information is given in. It’s form and function. Without good form it’s hard to get good function. Our design in the Express is about good function.” The Express’ new look is the first step in a new direction and Becker encourages the community to offer feedback. “It’s a major step and we’re always looking to further improve the Express. We want to hear comments and feedback about our design and any ideas our readers might have about how to make it better.”

City launches housing needs survey The City of Nelson is encouraging citizens to complete an online survey to help determine the community’s housing supply and needs. The survey can be found at “Council wants to hear from all residents, whether they be renters or homeowners, young or elderly. We hope everyone will take the time to go to www. and fill out the housing survey. Everyone’s input is valuable and Council appreciates the feedback,” said Mayor John Dooley. “I am looking forward to the report com-

ing back to Council; I am hoping it will help us gain a better understanding of the housing needs in our community.” “We are hoping to get as much coverage as possible with this survey; we want to capture the different sectors and get a good crosssection of responses,” said Noha Sedky, of CitySpaces Consulting Ltd., who was contracted to investigate the affordable housing issue in Nelson. The responses will help Council, staff and consultants develop strategies that will address the priority housing needs both now

CT scanner donations going strong


This group has a longstanding history of support for Nelson health care. Representing the Italian Ladies Auxiliary, Lina Gariup and Jean Peloso drop off another $500 for the CT fundraiser. They were joined by the oft-photographed Bryna at the right. The new total for the CT scanner fundraising is $932,086.

How to tame that hot water bill

and in the future. Life’s little pleasures; “The City does not have the resources, or will, to returning from home after start building housing,” a hard day to an instantasays Councillor Donna neous hot bath at the turn Macdonald. “But there are of a tap. Most of us get our hot concrete things we can do, once we have clearly iden- water via electric or gas eco tips heated tank, stored at a Holley Wakefield tified the most ��� pressing ���������������������������������������������� needs.” An example is that set temperature. Natural � ������������������ Council recently amend- Resources Canada esti- ature even when the water ed the zoning bylaw to mates hot water accounts is not in use. Energy is lost allow for secondary suites for 22 percent of household both from the tank itself ��� ��������������������� on smaller lots. Council energy consumption; sig- and the pipes running from also made the 10th Street nificant enough to warrant it. If either tank or pipes are ���available ������������������ Campus dorms to conservation. Add rising warm to the touch, money Selkirk College and sup- utility costs and we have is going down the drain. A ported their application to compelling reason to be worthwhile investment is create 100 new suites for mindful of our hot water to insulate the pipes and use and the efficiency of the������ students. tank. Inexpensive insu- submiitted our system. There are sev- lation designed for this is eral ways to lower monthly available at local building bills. stores and is easy to install. Using less hot water But please note that gas is the best place to start. systems should be insulatGoing easy on that post-ski ed by a professional. tub (it’s not for swimming!) Most of us likely have our will reduce consumption. hot water tanks set higher Tank systems are subject to than necessary. Check the ‘standby losses’, energy lost thermostat on your tank. If maintaining water temper-

it is gas fired, the thermostat will be a visible dial on the outside of the tank. It can be easily turned down or set to ‘vacation’ if you plan to be away from your home for a period of time. If the tank is electrical, the thermostat is located under a metal plate which can be easily removed with a screwdriver. It is important to remember the electricity to the tank must be turned off before adjusting the temperature in order to avoid accidental electrical shock. It is optimal to keep a tank above 55 degrees so harmful bacteria cannot grow, and only as high as is necessary to meet your family’s hot water needs. When you need to replace your existing system there are now a number of more efficient alternatives available.

Holley Wakefield is of the West Kootenay EcoSociety. For more information contact the EcoSociety at or 354-1909.

����������������� ������������������ The Alberta Council on ��������������� Aging recently published ������������� a Senior’s Guide to Fraud

Beware of power of attorney fraud

Prevention, that includes a CD presentation by Sgt. �������������������� Brian Trainor, now retired, ������������� who worked with the Regina City Police Fraud Squad. He tells the story of how he came to be involved with cases of fraudulent use of power of attorney. When Trainor’s immediate superior retired, Trainor was given a case file that involved the other officer’s father and brother. The brother had taken all the father’s finances through use of his power of attorney. Trainor was asked to be the investigating officer. One thing that Trainor soon discovered was �������������������� that police forces across Canada, even fraud squad ���������� officers, thought that this

been thinkin’ about George Millar type of abuse is a matter for civil litigation. But, Trainor points out, Section 331 of the Criminal Code of Canada covers Theft by Person Holding Power of Attorney. Trainor hastens to add that most police officers today are knowledgeable of that fact. He then goes on to present things that a person should know when drawing up a power of attorney agreement. Trainor lists the three types of power of attorney, standard, springing and enduring. The last one is

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the best choice when dealing with a person’s potential loss of ability to conduct their own affairs. The agreement should be drawn up by a lawyer. The grantor and the person receiving the power of attorney should have separate legal counsel. There should be an accountability clause. There should be a second signature needed to validate cheques, or at least access to the records by that second person every three months. Most people don’t want to appear so distrustful of family, especially of their own children, but access to money, especially large amounts of it, has a way of causing disputes and illegal behaviours to happen.

������� George Millar is a long-time resident of the West Kootenay. Been Thinking About is an exploration of events and organizations in the region, seen from a senior’s perspective. ����

Girl Guides explore science On March 2, 2010 a dozen or so Girl Guides met at Rosemont Elementary School to explore aspects of Science. The girls were quick to catch on that an activity is classified as science only if it applies to questions or ideas that can be judged and tested through observation and measurement. Equipment was available to investigate magnetism. It was fascinating to watch the girl’s inherent abilities to investigate magnetism through observation and measurement. Although the session was organized so that a number of characteristics regarding magnetism would be prompted for discussion throughout the evening, the girl’s natural curiousity and their abilities to investigate through play enabled them to discover on their own within a matter of minutes most of these characteristics. The girls deduced very quickly through observation that the North Pole of one magnet attracts only the South Pole and repels only the North Pole of another magnet. They soon discovered that metals were often attracted to the poles of a magnet, but that non-metallic materials such as wood or glass were not. A meter was provided to measure magnetic fields, and the earth’s magnetic field in the gymnasium at Rosemont Elementary


March 31, 2010


Page 7

Nelson signs Water Smart plan STEPHANIE TAYLOR

dr. science Morgan Dehnel School was measured to be 0.6 Gauss. The girl’s brought along fridge magnets and magnetic jewellery pieces, and observed that the magnetic field of these items were many hundreds of times stronger than that of the earth’s magnetic field. The girls immediately explored superposition of the magnets (i.e. sticking several magnets together) to determine by measurement whether a stronger field could be attained. They determined that this was indeed the case. Lastly, with the aid of a low voltage and low current DC power supply to minimize electric shock risk, the girls observed that by causing a DC current to flow through a roll of wire a magnetic field was generated along the axis of the roll of wire. This was measured both by the meter, and by a permanent magnet dangling from a thread which was attracted to the region where the magnetic field was generated when the current was applied, and which was neither attracted nor repelled when the current was turned off.

Dr. Science is in real life, Dr. Morgan Dehnel, a particle accelerator physicist, and resident of Nelson. Please send comments or questions regarding this column to

The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) has been chosen to participate in the Columbia Basin Water Smart Initiative, a community-based initiative which will address water conservation issues in the region. The city of Nelson signed on to participate in the Water Smart Program on Wednesday, March 24 at a regional workshop in Cranbrook. City Councillor Bob Adams was present to sign the Charter on behalf of the city. Signing the Charter, “demonstrates their commitment to water conservation and willingness to work with CBT and other Basin communities to achieve regional water conservation goals,” according to the CBT website. The goal of the initiative is to reduce water usage throughout the region by 20 per cent by 2015. The Erickson Water System will be used as the pilot area for developing a plan, SUBMITTED explained Nicole Ward, Environmental Services CBT Board Chair Garry Merkel watches as Nelson City Councillor Bob Adams signs the Water Smart Charter. Coordinator���for ���������������������������������������������� RDCK. “Erickson is �a well educatthe 2015 goal after a mid- ing,” Ward said, “but we CBT is providing $10,000 ������������������ ��� ������������ ed on water systems issues April meeting with Urban will have much more infor- in funding to support each ������������� and has a high profile,” she Systems. Ltd., the group mation after the meeting plan. Other � communities ��� ��������������������� said. who will be essentially in April.” involved include Creston, ��� ����������� There will be a better the project coordinator. The Water Smart team Fruitvale, Kaslo, Nakusp, understanding the spe- “The main thing right now will provide one-on-one Salmo, and Slocan. ��� of������������������ ��� ������������ cific steps that Nelson is public education and support for each of the will be taking to achieve awareness, social market- communities involved, and ������

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March 31, 2010

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shop local this spring.

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will be altered slightly to accommodate the physical Public Transit in Nelson demands of the new buses. is about to get a lot greener. “The changes to the routes Beginning Tuesday, April are very minor,” responded 6, Nelson’s old buses, Joanna Morton, media rela���������������������������������������������� 1989 Orion models, will tions officer for BC Transit, ������������������������� ������������������ be replaced with a fleet of “and will have very little 2009 T-Drive Nova ������������������ buses. impact on our customers. ��������������������� The six new Novabuses “For the number three ��������������� are low-floor, accessible ����������������� bus, the new buses will no ������������� buses that, according to ������������������ ������������������ longer cross the bridge, BC Transit, leave a much therefore it will double ��������������� smaller carbon footprint. ��������������������� back onto Perrier Road. In addition to using less ������������� ������������� Customers will still be able fuel than the old fleet, they ������ to catch the bus at time leave behind between 81 ��������������������� same stop.” and 98 per cent less emisFor detailed route and ������������� sions. schedule changes. visit the Compared to the existBC Transit website at www. ing fleet, the 2009 T-Drive or call the Novabuses: Nelson Transit System at - have 89 per cent less 250-352-8201. Information Hydrocarbon emissions; is also available in the April - have 81 per cent less Rider’s Guide which can be NOx (oxides of Nitrogen) picked on board any City ���������������������������� emissions; bus or by calling 1-877- have 98 per cent����������������������� less 843-2877. They are also particulate matter (soot) available at City Hall and ������������ ������������������������������ emissions, and: the RDCK office at 202 less �����������������������fuel.- burn 10 per cent�������������������� Lakeside Drive, as well as the Selkirk College book������������ The routes and sched��������������� ���������� store in Castlegar. ules for the city bus routes ������������������ �������������������� ������� ���������������

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What To Eat ? ����������������������������������������


Michelle’s all time Favorite is Lentil Pot Pie.

dine out guide AINSWORTH HOT SPRINGS HOTEL 4112 Highway 31, Ainsworth 250-229-4212

CHILLERS PUB 2723 Greenwood Road 250-825-4464

Nelson Transit gets new green fleet of buses STEPHANIE TAYLOR

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FROG PEAK CAFÉ JIGSAWS COFFEE CO. MEDITERRANEAN 57 REDFISH GRILL 1418 Highway 6, Crescent Val- 503 Baker Street 413 Hall Street 479 Baker Street ley 250-352-3573 250-352-3456 250-352-5961 250-359-7261Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an approval. ALLFeb SEASONS CAFÉ COCOA-NUT LOUNGE MCQ’S NORTH COUNTRY GRILL ROYAL GRILL & LOUNGE KC RESTAURANT 24 620 Herridge Lane 116 Vernon Street FULL CIRCLE CAFÉ 1285 Queens Bay Road, Balfour 330 Baker Street 546 Baker Street Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: 250-352-0101 250-352-3731 101-402 Baker Street 250-229-4141 250-352-1202 250-352-5115 250-354-4458 AMANDA’S RESTAURANT CAFÉphone, fax or email withThe MIKE’S PLACE PUBthe client has SAGE TAPAS & WINE BAR Please proof forCORNERHOUSE accuracy then anyExpress changes an responsible approval. isornot errors after signed off. KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKENfor any 655 Highway 3A 318 Anderson Street FUNKY MONKEY BURGER BAR 422 Vernon Street 705 Vernon Street 1105 Lakeside Drive (Chahko 250-352-1633 Phone: 250.354.3910 250-352-3773 602 Front 250-352-5331 250-352-5140 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Street Email: Mika Mall) 250-352-5111 250-352-2109 A&W (TWO LOCATIONS) DAM INN NEW CHINA RESTAURANT SIDEWINDERS The Chahko Express is not responsible errors signed off. 16-1150 Lakeside Drive 3156 Station Road, South for Slo- any FUSION 301 after the client has 702 Vernon Street 696 Baker Street KING’S FAMILY RESTAURANT Mika can 301 Baker Street 250-352-9688 250-352-4621 652 Baker Street 250-352-2956 250-359-7515 250-352-3011 250-352-2912 OLD WORLD BAKERY & DELI SINNIBAR’S GLOBAL GOURMET 512 Railway Street DARWIN’S DELI & GROCERY GENERAL STORE (HUME) 450 Ferrylanding Road, Balfour 203 Herridge Lane KOOTENAY BAKERY CAFÉ & 250-352-7424 561 Baker Street 422 Vernon Street 250-229-4642 250-352-7976 CO-OP BABA’S INDIAN CUISINE 250-352-2120 250-352-5331 OSO NEGRO SLEEP IS FOR SISSIES 377 Baker Street �������������������� 445 Baker Street DOCK ‘N’ DUCK GROUNDED COFFEE HOUSE 604 Ward Street 5686 Highway 6, Winlaw 250-352-2274 250-352-0077 7924 Wharf Road, Balfour 616 Vernon Street ���������� 250-352-7661 250-226-7663 KURAMA SUSHI BAKER ST. GRILL (BEST WEST- 250-229-4244 250-352-1712 OSPREY MOUNTAIN GRILL THE VIENNA CAFE 491 Baker Street ERN) DOMINION CAFE 602 Queens Bay Road, Balfour 411 Kootenay Street HAROLD ST. CAFÉ ������� 250-352-5353 ��� ���������������������������������������������� 153 Baker Street ��� ���������������� 300 Baker Street 250-229-4114 250-354-4646 717 Harold Street, Slocan 250-352-3525 LANG’S MARINA & SNACKBAR 250-352-1904 � ������������������ 250-355-2663 Mar. 10 OUTER CLOVE THOR’S PIZZA � ���������������� Highway 3A, Balfour BALFOUR BEACH INN & PUB EDO JAPAN 536 Stanley Street 303 Victoria Street HIP DRIP COFFEE���� HOUSE 250-229-4771 8406 Busk Road, Balfour 116C -1150 Lakeside Drive, Chahko 250-354-1667 250-352-1212 ��� ��������������������� 701 Lakeside Drive 250-229-4235 ��� ��������������� LIBRARY LOUNGE (HUME) Mika 250-352-7215 PANAGO PIZZA TWISTED TOMATO 422 Vernon Street BIBO 250-352-3394 216 Anderson Street Baker Street HOTEL YMIR 250-352-5331 518 Hall Street ��� ������������������561 ��� �������������� EL TACOthen phone, fax or email 250-310-0001 250-354-1112 Please proof for accuracy 203 Fir with Street,any Ymir changes or an approval. 250-352-2744 LOUIE’S STEAKHOUSE & 306 Victoria Street 250-357-9611 PONY EXPRESSO UPTOWN TAVERN LOUNGE BOGUSTOWN PUB 250.354.3910 250-352-2060 Phone: • Fax: 250.352.5075JAVA • Email: 1277 Highway 6, Crescent Val- 616 Vernon Street GARDEN COFFEE CO 616 Vernon Street 712 Nelson Avenue FINLEY’S IRISH BAR & GRILL ley 250-352-2715 150-1150 Lakeside Drive (Chahko 250-354-1313 250-352-5570 The Express is not after the client has signed off. ������ 705 responsible Vernon Street for any errors 250-359-6711 Mika Mall) VELVET UNDERGROUND BUSABA 250-352-5121 LEO’S PIZZA & GREEK TAV250-505-5282 PRESERVED SEED 646 Baker Street 524 Victoria Street ERNA FISHERMAN’S MARKET 202 Vernon Street 250-352-3606 250-352-2185 JACKSON’S HOLE & GRILL 409 Kootenay Street 577 Ward Street 250-352-0325 250-352-3232 WAIT’S NEWS 524 Vernon Street CANADIAN 2 FOR 1 PIZZA 250-505-5515 QUIZNO’S 499 Baker Street 250-354-1919 636 Front Street MAIN STREET DINER Chahko Mika Mall 250-352-5667 FRISCOS (PRESTIGE RESORT) 250-352-1999 616 Baker Street JAGANNATHA EXPRESS 701 Lakeside Drive 250-352-2494 250-354-4848 660 Baker Street CEDAR CREEK CAFE 250-354-1472 250-354-1084 5709 Highway 6, Winlaw MAX & IRMA’S KITCHEN 250-226-7355 515A Kootenay Street Mar. 24 250-352-2332

What To Eat ?


Julia loves artichokes so it’s the Juliet Pizza.

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What To Eat ?


Amy has to choose... Cheese Pizza or Cafe Falafels


We’ve got something 'for almost everyone (sans meat). Mar. 31

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What To Eat ?

������������������ ��������������� ������������� Max & Irma's is now open Mondays! 11 am to 8 pm Come and try our Ethnic Night 5-8 pm every Monday

Phone 250-352-2332 • 515 Kootenay Street

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opinions&letters Change is no joke Change just for the sake of change doesn’t really make much sense, but change for the sake of growth is of such importance that we should always find a way to force it. In the Express newspaper we regularly review past issues with a critical eye and separate ourselves personally from the work we have done. We ask the question of ourselves, “How could that have been done better?” This is a good philosophy for any business; this is a good philosophy for anybody in his or her life. In order to have a positive outlook on change, it’s important to accept our past. What has hap-

pened has happened. We also must realize what has not yet happened has not happened and that means we can affect change. Being adaptable is one of the secrets of success of our species. Adaptability means being open to functional change. This issue of the Express marks a new era. Not all of the changes we have planned have been implemented as of yet and we encourage readers to keep watching for positive improvements. We can’t actually see the future but we can be ready for change, as the future becomes the present.

Fish Heads and Flowers Flowers to the awesome young lady lip-syncer with the dazzling sequins - you rocked! - First prize from this audience member Fish Heads to the skateboarder who cut us off while driving. You came out of nowhere and were wearing colours so we could not see you, then you gave us the finger? Silly rude little boy. - Glad not to be his mother Flowers to the wonderful lady that assisted me on Baker Street by texting my daughter on her phone because I couldn’t figure out how to do it on my own! Your kindness was and is greatly appreciated by my daughter and I. Texting newbie Fish Heads to the uncaring drivers that passed my dog and I when my truck broke down. We had to walk for three hours. - Still limping Flowers to the boss meets you in the middle of the day with a Bite

burger, then piles you into her car and takes you skiing for the afternoon. Thanks to best employer I’ve ever had! - Loves going to work Fish Heads to all those who soak yourselves with patchouli oil and then go swimming in the pool. Not everyone likes that smell, in fact it makes some gag, especially when it has a layer of BO underneath. -Barely breathing Flowers to the kind generous soul who unhesitatingly lent us money in the Ainsworth Hot Springs parking lot when we discovered we drove all the way there from Nelson without any money! The world needs more people like you in it! Thank you so much! Sweating without cash Flowers to the honest lady who found my purse in a buggy in the parking lot. Honesty still abounds in Nelson. - Forever grateful

SEND US YOUR FISH HEADS AND FLOWERS! All submissions to the Express Fish Heads and Flowers section will be considered provided that no one is identified in the text or signature, all signatures are anonymous, and the submission is both concise and written in good taste. We reserve the right to withhold publication of submissions if these standards are not satisfied. To submit your gift of Fish Heads or Flowers, email, or submit online at We will not accept submissions over the telephone. The Express cannot guarantee that your submission will be printed due to space limitation.

Letters to the editor & commentaries We encourage our readers to write to us. Please address letters meant for publication to the editor. We do not accept open letters. Letters must be short (200 words maximum) and to the point. We reserve the right to edit letters for taste and clarity, and the decision to publish or not to publish is completely at the discretion of the editor and publisher. Originals will not be returned to the writer and the Express will store the original in its files. Commentaries can be longer

(500 words maximum) and are more in-depth than letters. If you wish to write a commentary, please first contact the editor. All letters and commentaries must be signed and include your name, address and phone number. Only your name and the community where you live will be published. We will not print “name withheld” letters. Opinions in the paper are not necessarily those of the Express or its advertisers.

March 31, 2010

Changing individually will change the city

Dear Editor, Your “Nelson 2030” was thought-provoking. I’’m provoked; here are my thoughts. The world outside is where we look to make change, to make our political and economic, our social and natural environs better. No one can make these changes alone. Then we look to our personal interiors. No one but I can change this individual plane. “The most revolutionary act anyone can ever perform is performed alone. Change your mind.” (Ghandi)

This simple truth gives me at least grounds for optimism where changing any fact about Nelson is proposed. Collectively, we act in politics, economics, etc. Movement demands harmony. The more introspective consciousness each of us can bring to a group effort, the more harmony and movement changes the exteriors. Nelson alters as we do, one by one, by one, by one. Go inside, then be active. Charles Jeanes Nelson


Page 9

Street Talk: What do you like to collect?

Commentary: Residents concerned about OR disruptions sign petition Katrine Conroy, M.L.A. for Kootenay West received a petition from Sally Williams which was organized by Castlegar & District Health Watch and Trail’s Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Seniors. It contains over 6,000 signatures from concerned area residents who are protesting the proposed 25 per cent operating room time cuts at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital. The petition asks the Minister of Health, Kevin Falcon, the Interior Health Authority, local elected representatives and the KBRH surgical team to meet to resolve this issue and rescind the cuts. Conroy will present the petition to the House in the BC legislature this week. More signatures are also anticipated from the Nelson area to add to those already collected. Earlier this week, the petition of 6,000 signatures was also presented by Health Watch and SPCS to the

I collect experiences, both good and bad.

Lisa Menna, Nelson

Sally Williams, left, presents the petitons to MLA Katrine Conroy.

West Kootenay-Boundary Regional Hospital Board. The two health activist groups spoke about the impact the proposed cuts will have on the health services and economy of this area. Following the presen-


tation the Hospital Board unanimously voted to send a letter to the Health Minister and Interior Health Authority with their concerns. Sally Williams Health Watch

We collect Beast Quest and Goosebumps books and show them at show and tell.

Jackson & Luther Perry, Nelson

Commentary: From a busker’s point of view On February 15th, I took my friend Marie’s acoustic guitar to Baker Street and went busking for the first time in my life. Not sure what to expect, I set the guitar case on the ground, open at my feet, and willed my fingers to stop shaking as I strummed out chords and sang cover songs for nearly two hours. Now these actions were not for reasons one normally assumes. As a wife and mother, I had no need for food, shelter, alcohol or drugs, but quickly realized that is exactly how buskers are viewed – as desperate individuals with no ambition or gumption. In some cases, perhaps this is true. However, no matter the personal circumstance, there’s an obvious love of music born in every busker, for it’s far from effortless to stand in the street and sing. In fact, I’ve never felt so vulnerable,nor so open to judgment and disdain, as I played that surprisingly clear afternoon. The ultimate purpose of my performance was not profit, but tribute. A year to that day I’d lost someone dear to me, someone who left us much too soon.

Feeling frustrated with my grief, I chose to stand on Baker, playing guitar and singing, just as my loved one had many times before in streets across the country, from Montreal to Victoria. His life had been short, but rich in adventure, so surely I could put my insecurities aside for a couple hours to call out to the skies in memoriam. Shaping out his name with pennies inside my guitar case, I did just that. Now I won’t lie – it took time to not be startled by close attention, but once comfortable I learned some amazing truths out on the street that day. For instance, some people go to such discomfiting lengths to avoid eye contact with buskers that I had to wonder what they were so afraid of seeing; honest glimpses of humanity are often difficult to view, but also bring unforeseen growth and elucidation. It’s puzzling how citizens (rightfully) rally to raise money for Haiti, but shy away from the people in the streets of their own city. Paradoxically, I also discovered a connection. When finally relaxed into

my troubadour stance, I felt an incomparable spiritual bond. Being secular, this seemed odd to admit, but that was the notion when I lost myself within the music, strummed in time, closed my eyes and belted out a confident note. It was as though the air opened up before me and I united with the entire universe. The sidewalk, the people on it, the air around us – everything became one. So it was those moments, those instances of pure connection with my surroundings that kept me playing for another song, then another, through my shyness and sadness. Such positive energy surging through the body is undeniable, and not only did I experience it, but the people on the street did as well. Perhaps this girl’s tribute will continue forth to another day. Amie Osness is a proud member of generation x, now married and mothering two young daughters in a manner hopefully asserting all the love and rock n’ roll she came of age with. Amie Osness Nelson

Rocks from my backyard.

Anestacia Reid, Nelson

I collect rocks & fossils. I like to go out and find them, pound and identify them. I like to look them up after and see how things have become the way they are.

Neil Robinson, Nelson

Page 10



March 31, 2010


NPSH brings new meaning to the term “hair band” Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head Friday, April 2 at SpiiritBar, 422 Vernon

STEPHANIE TAYLOR If Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head was a movie and not a band, they would be Napoleon Dynamite. Side ponytail and all. NPSH, the phenomenon that has played on stages at SXSW and Sasquatch, is delivering their metallic high-topped, neon lightning bolt stickered brand of electro-pop to SpiritBar this Friday, April 22, one stop on their first ever Canadian tour. “We’re really looking forward to [the tour] and playing places

we’ve never been and for people who haven’t seen us,” says guitarist, keyboard player, vocalist and clapper David Price in a recent interview with the Express. If you haven’t heard of NPSH yet, you will. They have recently signed with Warner Brothers Records and are re-releasing their album Glistening Pleasure, which they recorded on their own label Swan Meet, back in ‘08. You’ll be hard pressed to find a copy of that gem, but in the meantime, NPSH has released a four song EP, Meet the Singles. The EP includes the tracks “Sophisticated Side Ponytail”, which also sports a rather awesome video created by fellow Space Needelers

Thunderheist, and a song called rhyme, synth beat and article of and Libman met future band“Beard Lust”, which has rapidly clothing. There’s no trace of the mates Price and Claire English at become the soundtrack of choice rainy, grunge, plaid shirt Seattle the Circle School, an arts school in Seattle for at least five home video from which they came. If you’re looking for a highYouTubers. NPSH was the result of a “We have seen the fan videos particularly oversaturated news energy dance party this weekend, for ‘Beard Lust’, yeah,” Price says. event in 1995, centred around the place to be is SpiritBar. For an ���������������������������������������������� “It’s great getting to ��� see what the one Hollywood starlet’s newly unofficial meet and greet, hang fans think. Its a more shaved dome, and a little game out by the Bite Truck - their sec� friendly, ������������������ lighthearted take on it. called Vocabulary Olympics. High ond objective on this Canadian “Not that we’re���not��������������������� pretty school friends Luke Smith and tour is to find the best poutine friendly and lighthearted already,” Shawn Libman pulled their team this side of the Quebec border so he adds with a chuckle. name from the current entertain- they might just be spotted there. ��� ������������������ Follow the NPSH blog at Lighthearted seems to be a ment headlines, which at the time bit of an understatement, sort were saturated with stories of V natalieportmansshavedhead. of like saying that episodes of for Vendetta star Natalie Portman and on MySpace at Junior High only kind of shaving her head for the role. ������ changed your life when you were According to legend, their friends mansshavedhead. Their video for in grade eight. These guys emit thought it was a great name for a “Sophisticated Side Ponytail” can lighthearted with every song title, band, and NPSH was born. Smith be viewed on YouTube.

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arts&entertainment March 31, 2010


Page 11


Marion Bergevin and Diamond Willow Unplugged Saturday, April 3, 12 p.m. at Ellison’s Cafe, 523 Front St.

Marion, a local folksinger and songwriter, will open with a focus on enviromental, global south development and peace songs. She is working on her third album When Soul Touches Soul and has given half of her sales profits to groups who focus on the causes that she sings about. Diamond Willow is a Slocan Valley bluegrass band composed of Delaine Hird on lead vocals, Gene Hird on flat top guitar, Olin McKay on upright bass and Martin Grueniger on banjo. There is also the possiblility of a special guest appearance.

Screening of Documentary film, The Adventists

Artists for the Earth

Sunday, April 4, 6:30 p.m. at the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 1502 Granite Rd.

Do you want to add to the artistic culture of Nelson? Here is your chance. Create an artistic design that reflects our beautiful and sacred earth, or your interpretation of what Earth Day represents. If chosen, the design will be adapted for a large mosaic piece that is to be created at the second annual Earth Day Celebration at Cottonwood Falls Park on Saturday, April 24. Designs should be submitted to or dropped off at #206-507 Baker Street by April 10. Any volunteers or performers keen to contribute to the Earth Day Celebration please contact

Who are Seventh-day Adventists? Why do they enjoy up to 10 years of longer, healthier life than their neighbours? Why is Loma Linda, CA one of only five blue zones in the world and the only blue zone in North America? A new 60minute documentary film provides the answers. From Journey Films, the producers of Bonhoffer and The Power of Forgiveness comes the latest documentary film by Martin Doblmeier. The Adventists is a story of abiding faith, cutting-edge medicine, and longer, healthier life.

Bill Bourne w. special guest Alan Kirk Friday, April 9 at Sleep is for Sissies, Winlaw; Saturday, April 10 at the TNT Playhouse, corner of Ward & Carbonate; and Sunday April 11 at the Silverton Gallery, Silverton. All shows start at 8 p.m.

Saturday, April 10, #206-507 Baker St.

Nicole Byblow Thursday, April 1, 7:30 p.m. at Studio 80, 10th and Elwyn St.

Threadz Royale w. Rippin Rattlers Thursday, April 1, 6 p.m. at the Royal Grill and Lounge, 330 Baker St.

Threads Royale is the 2010 Spring/Summer Fashion Show extravaganza featuring organic, sexy threads with music to be followed by the Rippin Rattlers. Tickets are $20 and include a glass of wine and h’ordeurves. Door prizes will also be given away in an effort to raise money for Transition House. Simone Varey is the MC of the event. The Rippin Rattlers, a Kootenay based bluesy rock’n’roll quartet, will start at 9 p.m. Tickets for The Rippin Rattlers alone will cost $10 if the bar is not at capacity.

Public Hanging and Birthday Party Saturday, April 3, 7-10 p.m. at the Cocoa-Nut Lounge, 116 Vernon St.

Local musician Nicole Byblow brings her own The White Lightning brand of indie piano pop Blues Band wil be playing SUBMITTED to Studio 80 on Thursday, at the art opening for Frank The popular theatre work has been held over for one more weekend at the TNT Playhouse. April 1. This singer/pianist Brooke and the birthday ��� ���������������������������������������������� Juno Award winning alternates between tickling party for Mara Sand. � ������������������singer-songwriter Bill and pounding the ivories Frank Brooke Penguin Bourne will be returning to into memorable melodies abstracts, recently puband poignant melodies, up of Al Black (Arthur Songs for a New Nelson and surrounds, to over intelligent lyrics. Her lished in Art of the Songs for a New World Funkarelli), Ryan Jones ��� ��������������������� World play three shows with local��� music has earned her com- Kootenays, will be on dis���������������������������������������������� takes a journey through (The Cropdusters) and songwriter and performer� parisons Friday, April 2 and Saturday, to Ben Folds and play in the Cocoa-Nut life’s little hiccups, heart- Darren Fuss. Joining this ������������������ ��� ��������������������������������������������� April 3, 7:30 p.m. at the TNT Alan Kirk. The shows also Sarah Slean, and has been Lounge for at the month aches, fresh beginnings, dynamic creative team as ��� ������������������ Playhouse, corner of Ward & � ������������������ mark the first time that��� featured on CBC Radio of April. and triumphs while trot- director, is Lisel Forst who ��������������������� Carbonate local label Phonic Records Vancouver and CBC Radio ting along the path to also collaborated with The band will perform ��� ��������������������� will be promoting shows Winnipeg. The decade’s most pop- discovering new worlds productions of Into The blues standards and origifeaturing a touring artist of��� ������������������ Nicole will be joined by nal work and celebrate ular musical theatre work, within and beyond. Woods, Charlie Brown, ������ Ben this stature. on bass and Mara Sand’s Birthday. ��� Nixon ������������������ Songs for a New World has Sung by Sydney and Les Ms. Tickets for the shows Melissa McWilliams on Come enjoy the music and been held over to include Galbraith, Robyn Advance tickets are are available at the door for drums, and guests. Singer/ the art, and wish Mara a two more performances Lamb, Robert Ley and $15 and available at Eddy ������ each venue, half an hour songwriter Jean Bay opens happy birthday. this weekend Mackenzie Hope, Songs Music and Reo’s Video. ������ before show time. the show. Filled with witty lyrics, will be accompanied by - submitted intoxicating harmonies, a three-piece band made

Don’t miss second chance to see Songs

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607 Front Street 250-352-7422 ������� Call and reserve your favourite film today!




Page 12


Briefly Ian Johnston artist talk Tuesday, April 6, 7 p.m. at Touchstones Nelson, 502 Vernon St.

Local artist Ian Johnston continues his exhibition series Refuse Culture: Archaeology of Consumption which began in 2005 with his car bumper installation at the Oxygen Art Center. This was the departing moment from his former production ceramic career into a world of installation art. Johnston uses multiple installations, and installations of multiples, to consider the remnants and debris of human activity littering the planet’s surface. Each installation revolves around an object, or fragment of an object, taken from daily life. Cell


March 31, 2010

phones, plastic bags, car bumper covers, compact fluorescent light bulbs; these everyday objects are seldom disposed of with the same degree of order, reverence or celebration with which they were created and acquired. By collecting these objects together, the works amplify a contemporary narrative of consumption. Cast in porcelain, the objects mimic the archeological evidence left to us from preceding generations and ask the viewer to question how the future might interpret our culture through these collections of fragments. Refuse Culture: A rch a e o l o g y of Consumption opened on Friday, March 26 at Touchstone Nelson.

Marion Bergevin and Diamond Willow Unplugged Saturday, April 3, 12 p.m. at Ellison’s Cafe, 523 Front St.

Bergevin, a local folksinger and songwriter, will focus on enviromental, global south development and peace songs. Diamond Willow is a Slocan Valley bluegrass band composed of Delaine Hird on lead vocals, Gene Hird on flat top guitar, Olin McKay on upright bass and Martin Grueniger on banjo.

Dance theatre performance of The Gift Friday, April 2, 8 p.m. and Saturday, April 3, 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. at the Capitol Theatre, 421 Victoria St.

Some audience members may still remember

KESSA, a poignant dance performance, about a middle aged man’s journey into finding his true core, guided by his grandmother, Kessa. Now Hiromoto’s new creation, The Gift, will be premiered this weekend at the Capitol Theatre. The Gift is about the memories you want to hold forever, the memories you try to let go of but you can’t, and the memories departing from you without your control as you are at the end of your journey. The Gift is choreographed and directed by Hiromoto Ida and performed by Ida and Julie Bouchard. Sound design is by John Tucker, and lighting by Rhonda Kirby. he show also includes new work from guest artist choreographer Thomas Loh called Twenty to Seven (6:40), about the nebulous state of mind between the

Public Meeting

Community Gardening In Krestova Everyone Welcome Sunday, April 11th, 1:00 p.m. 3601 Cemetery Rd. Contact: 250-359-7081

beeping morning alarm and the final act of getting up. The piece will utilize 16 dancers working with the principle of flocking and improvisation. Tickets are $20 for adults, $16 for students and seniors, and are available at the Capitol Theatre by calling (250)352-6363 or online at

finds every painting a challenge and that gives him joy. Come and see what he has to offer! Gallery 378 is located on the lower floor of the Craft Connection.

El Papa Chango Saturday, April 3 at SpiritBar, 422 Vernon St.

Diego Novoa aka El Papachango grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he began his career sound engineer and Nathan Grey Showing as dj, tinkering around with at Gallery 378 speakers and amps at the Thursday, April 1, 6 p.m. at ripe age of 15. In 1997, ���������������������������������������� Gallery 378, ��� 378 Baker St. Diego moved to Ashland, � ������������������ Grey makes and stretch- Oregon, where he fell in es all his canvases. First love with the magic of “La ��������������������� the canvas���is covered with Pacha Mama” (Mother about 6 or 7 primers, so Earth). It was this romance ��� up������������������ the paint sits on the sur- that birthed El Circo, the face. All images are drawn multimedia production by hand. He then puts company encompassing all his colours on a pal- performance, music, video, let (warm and cool prime fashion, installations, all ���� colours, greys and whites) underneath the ceiling of so what colours come out a giant geodesic dome and surrounded with Bag End is a reflection of his mood Nathan prides himself bass. They call him El Papa on his knowledge of paint, ��� ������������� Chango because he mixes colour mixing and getting from a diverse palette of � ������������� weird colour combinations to work, to create form. He electro, ragga, breaks, and a musical ��� ����������� paints mostly faces because hip-hop, creating journey that has universal everyone’s is different and appeal. people’s expressions are ��� ������������ always interesting. He

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Friday*04*09 8pm ������������������� ���������������

Sleep is for Sissies * Winlaw



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Saturday*04*10 ��������������8pm

TNT Playhouse * Nelson Please proofward for ����������� accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an approval. & carbonate Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: ������������������������������ The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client has signed off.

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Silverton Gallery * Silverton �������������������� ����������


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proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any cha Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an Please approval.

live music


Wed. Mar. 31

Sun. Apr. 4

OPEN MIC NIGHT with Estevan @ The Royal. 8 p.m.

NIKKO @ Library Lounge 6-10 p.m.

PAUL LANDSBERG with Strings @ Library Lounge

“NOTHIN’ BUT THE Blues”. Join QCity Blues Band @ The Royal. 7-11pm.

Thurs. Apr. 1 BLUEGRASS SLOW-PITCH Acoustic Music Jam. Bigby Place 509 Front St., 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Info: 250-352-2704 ROB JOHNSON & Friends Library Lounge LIVE MUSIC /WITH Estevan @ the Dam Inn South Slocan. 9 p.m. DINNER W/ ASPEN Switzer & Kenny Konrad @ The Royal. 6 - 8 p.m. LOCAL MUSICIAN NICOLE Byblow brings her own brand of indie piano pop to Studio 80. THREADZ ROYALE SEXY fashion with music from the Rippin Rattlers. The Royal 7:30pm.

QCITY BLUES BAND at The Royal. 7p.m.

Mon. Apr. 5 SARAH MCGLYNN & Rich Rabnett @ Library Lounge 6-10 p.m. SLASH POW MONDAYS @ The Royal. 9 p.m. LATIN SALSA DANCE Class @ The Royal. From 6:30-8:30PM.

Tues. Apr. 6 TUESDAY IS BLUESDAY With host band “The Jones Brothers Jam Band” @ Finley’s. ALL AGES OPEN MIC ever y Tuesday at the CocoaNut Lounge. 6-10 p.m. Hosted by Rob Funk.

Fri. Apr. 2

CLIFF MADDIX & Friends @ Library Lounge

JUDE DAVISON SINGS acoustic covers and originals at Max & Irmas 6-9pm

BAR ROOM DANCING with Howie @ The Royal. 7-9 p.m.

SWING DANCING with Howie @ The Royal. 6-9 p.m. NATALIE PORTMAN’S SHAVED Head w/ Topless Gay Love Teckno Party @ SpiritBar, Hume Hotel. DATURA WITH CHAOS Logic 9-1:30 at The Royal.

Sat. Apr. 3 ELLISON’S CAFE PRESENTS Marion Bergevin & Diamond Willow perform unplugged at Ellison’s Cafe, 12-3 p.m. EL PAPA CHANGO @ SpiritBar, Hume Hotel DEEPS with Sturdy and Ryan Wells. The Royal. BRUNCH AT THE Royal with Soniko. 11:30a-3pm.

MAGIC BUS CONTINUES with Express and Eyedawg. at The Royal.

Wed. Apr. 7 OPEN MIC NIGHT with Estevan @ The Royal. 8 p.m. PAUL LANDSBERG with Strings @ Library Lounge

Thurs. Apr. 8 ROB JOHNSON & Friends Library Lounge DINNER W/ ASPEN Switzer & Kenny Konrad @ The Royal. 6 - 8 p.m.

Fri. Apr. 9 MAT THE ALIEN @ SpiritBar, Hume Hotel

special events Wed. Mar. 31

Sat. Apr. 3

CREATIVE WRITING AND Art submissions to “Imagine Transition” competition due today! Visit

SEE DEMONSTRATION OF Youth Sword Forms and sign up for classes.

FOR THE NEXT 7 Generations. Screening of film made by/of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers Council for Peace. United Church, 602 Silica 7p.m. $7-12 Proceeds to the 13 Grandmothers.

HELD OVER! SONGS For A New World (see display ad) 7:30 p.m. TNT Playhouse (corner Ward and Carbonate) Advance Tickets $15 @ Reo’s and Eddy Music

CLOSING DATE: CASTLEGAR 2010 Art Walk Applications. THE WINE TASTING Social @ The Royal. From 5-7pm. Advance reservation required

Thurs. Apr. 1 APRIL FOOLS!

2:00 Lakeside Park.

Sun. Apr. 4 DANCES OF UNIVERSAL Peace 3 – 5:30 p.m. at the Moving Centre, 533 Baker St (upstairs). By donation, everyone welcome. Bring non-marking indoor footwear and a water bottle. Information: 250-825-0012.

Fri. Apr. 2

Wed. Apr. 7

HELD OVER! SONGS For A New World (see display ad) 7:30 p.m. TNT Playhouse (corner Ward and Carbonate) Advance Tickets $15 @ Reo’s and Eddy Music

THE WINE TASTING Social @ The Royal. From 5-7pm. Advance reservation required.

WHITEWATER SEASON PASSHOLDERS Appreciation Day - for more information visit www.

FILM 1 GIANT LEAP’S “What About Me?”. TNT Playhouse, 7:30PM, $10-$15 sliding scale. Info: 352-5717

Thurs. Apr. 8 FIND OUT WHAT’S happening in Nelson to assist in your job

search Information/registration 250-352-6200.

Fri. Apr. 9 JUNO WINNER BILL Bourne plays Sissies in Winlaw, with special guest Alan Kirk. 8 pm.

ongoing events Wednesdays NEED INEXPENSIVE BIRTH CONTROL? Options for Sexual Health drop-in clinic. 333 Victoria St. 5:30-8 p.m. PROBLEM WITH EATING and weight? OA support group 5-6 p.m., Nelson Hospital cafeteria. 250-352-7717/1-800-6115788. OANelson.htm

IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM IN YOUR LIFE? AA Meetings, Lunch Bunch at Noon. Into Action Big Book Study at 8:00 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. ACUPUNCTURE for ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 1:30 p.m. Located at 333 Victoria Street, 2nd Floor. 505-7248 BIBLE STUDY JOY BAPTIST CHURCH, 6:30 p.m. 560 Baker St., Suite #3. Everyone welcome.

THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Info 250-352-6936

SIGNING CHOIR (sign language) 3:30 p.m. at NDYC, 608 Lake St. www.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Harrop Hall, Harrop 5:30 p.m.

REDFISH BADMINTON Ages 15 to 90 Mon Thurs 6:30 p.m. $3 drop in. Call 229-4346 or 229-4343 for more details.

DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon meeting noon The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. GLACIER HARMONIES Women’s Barbershop Chorus. All welcome at 7 p.m. to Baptist Church, 611-5th St. Nelson. Dorothy 352-7199 or Joey 352-3393

PUBLIC MEDITATION 12 - 1 p.m. All welcome. Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre 444 Baker St. SAHAJ MARG group meditation please phone: Eleanor 352-3366 or Sarah 354- 9496 SHOTOKAN KARATE 5-7p.m. St. Joseph’s school gym 523 Mill Street. NELSON TABLE TENNIS CLUB. 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at Blewett Elementary School when school is in session. 352-9547 or 3525739 BAHA’I COMMUNITY of Nelson. Please join us for an introduction to Baha’i Faith. 7 p.m. 354-0944 WALKING CLUB MEETING Under Orange Bridge Nelson, 10 a.m. Proximately 2 hours walk 250.352.3517 CHOIR AT NDYC 3:30-5:30. Call 352-5656 for details DRUG PROBLEM? We can help. Call Narcotics Anonymous 1.800.342.7439 PARENT & CHILD TIME at the Harrop Hall. 10 a.m. - 12 noon Information: Lesley 825-0140 NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE drop in noon-four. Free clothing/ food.420 Mill Street 250.352.9916 LEGION DARTS 7:30 p.m. in beverage room. Info 352-7727 or email


PUBLIC MEDITATION 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. All welcome. Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre, 444 Baker St. NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE noon - 4 for recycled bag sewing project. 250 352 9916

or email

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Noon meeting at The Cellar. 717A Vernon St.


THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Saturday at 1 p.m. For further info. Please call 250-3526936. NELSON CHESS CLUB ever y Saturday morning, all welcome. Seniors Hall, 777 Vernon St. CHILDREN’S ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS Ages 4-7 at The Moving Centre. Call The Dance Path, Marguerite Wood, 359-2926. WALK IN PEACE: at Lakeside Park (at the gate), 1st Saturday monthly. 10:30 a.m. Be The Change. KUTENAI ART THERAPY INSTITUTE Art Zone Drop-In Open Studio 11-4 pm. 601 Front St. 250-352-2264. LEGION MEAT DRAW 3:45 p.m. in beverage room with Karaoke after. Info 352-7727

Sundays WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 357-2822. PUBLIC MEDITATION 9 a.m. - 12 p.m Mid-morning refreshments; come and go as you wish. Shambhala Meditation Centre 444 Baker St. WORSHIP SERVICES JOY BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a.m., 11 a.m, 6:30 p.m., 560 Baker St, Suite #3, 825-4095. QUAKER MEETING 723 Ward, upstairs, 9:45. 354-3859.

ADULT BADMINTON @ Redfish School, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. $20. Bring racquet and indoor footwear. For info call 229-4346 229-4343 229-4485

SUNDAY WORSHIP, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Slocan, 2 p.m.

ENJOY DRAWING PEOPLE? 7-9 pm, Until Feb 11. $60. KSA drawing studio. Ph 352-7646.

Fridays GENDER OUTLAWS, a support & social group for trans & gender variants. 354-5362. NELSON AA-F-TROOP meeting at the Cellar 717A Vernon St. 8 p.m. DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon meeting 8 pm at 601 Front St. LEGION KARAOKE evening in beverage room. Info 352-7727 or email

Saturdays WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes.

Page 13


NELSON BADMINTON CLUB meets at Mary Hall Gymnasium, 7 - 9 p.m. Everyone welcome. Anne 250-352-7536 Guy 250-3526330.

TOASTMASTERS 2ND AND 4TH Thursday (each month): Improve your public speaking, communication and leadership skills. http://


March 31, 2010

SUNDAY MORNING WORHSIP, Community Church, Passmore Hall, 11 a.m.

UNITY CENTRE of the Kootenays, 905 Gordon Rd. Broader Horizons. Back door, 11 a.m. Everyone welcome. NELSON AA - Sunday Morning 10 a.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. NELSON UNITED CHURCH service, 10 a.m. 602 Silica St. All are welcome. DROP IN ULTIMATE frisbee $7. SoccerQuest indoor field. 308 Cedar St., 4:30 - 6 p.m. ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH Ser vice 10:15 a.m. 1805 Silverking Rd. You are welcome. 352-2515 ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Everyone welcome to 4 p.m. worship 21 Silica St. 354-3308 SAHAJ MARG group meditationplease phone: Eleanor 352-3366 or Sarah 354- 9496 TIBETAN BUDDHIST SITTING and walking Meditation Open to Everyone. 10 - 11:30 a.m. at the Gompa, 6425 Sproule Creek Rd. 250-354-0206.

REDFISH BADMINTON Ages 15 to 90 Mon Thurs 6:30 p.m. $3 drop in. Call 229-4346 or 229-4343 for more details. MT. SENTINEL SCHOOL South Slocan Badminton Mon Wed 7:30 p.m. 359-7610 OPEN HOUSE, Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre. Meditation instruction and practice 7 p.m; talk and discussion 8 p.m; tea 9 p.m. 444 Baker St. BAHA’I COMMUNITY OF NELSON Please join us for prayers and an introduction to the Baha’i faith 7 p.m 354-0944 DIAPER FREE BABY / ELIMINATION Communication Support Circle, 4th Monday of each month 10 - 12 a.m. at The Family Place 312 Silica St. HERITAGE HARMONY Barbershop Chorus. Welcoming anyone! Tim 250-825-9694 or John 250-3526892 NELSON SCOTTISH COUNTRY Dancing 7-9 p.m. Central School gym. Beginners welcome, first class free. SHOTOKAN KARATE 5-7p.m. St. Joseph’s school gym 523 Mill Street NELSON BADMINTON CLUB meets at Mary Hall Gymnasium, 7 - 9 p.m. Everyone welcome. Anne 250-352-7536 Guy 250-3526330 DROP IN GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP. 7-9 p.m. at Broader Horizons, 905 Gordon Road, back door. ADULT BADMINTON @ Redfish School, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. $20. Bring racquet and indoor footwear. For info call 229-4346 229-4343 229-4485 COOKING CLASSES EVERY Wed/Sun. Many topics to choose from. Contact Lorraine at or 250-3523860

Tuesdays SUFFER FROM AN Eating Disorder? Need Support?, 352-9598 after 6 p.m. or for more info. ACUPUNCTURE for ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 1:30 p.m. Located at 333 Victoria St, 2nd Floor. 505-7248 YOUNG FELLOWS OFF BOOZE AA Meeting 8 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE drop in noon-four. Free clothing/ food.420 Mill Street 250.352.9916 NELSON COMMUNITY BAND Rehearsals, 7:30-9:00, First Baptist Church, 611 5th St, New members welcome. 352-6119

LEGION CRIBBAGE 12:30 p.m. in beverage room. Info 352-7727






LOOKING FOR WORK? Need a resume? Attend this informative workshop for assistance. Registration/information: or 250-352-6200.

Cloudy with Showers

Partly Cloudy

Mainly Sunny

Cloudy Periods

Light Rain

SENIOR CITIZENS’ BR.#51 717 Vernon St., Monthly Meeting 1:30p.m. All Seniors Welcome.

High 12°C Low 1°C P.O.P. 10%

High 9°C Low 3°C P.O.P. 30%

High 11°C Low -1°C P.O.P. 10%

High 12°C Low 2°C P.O.P. 20%

High 9°C Low 2°C P.O.P. 90%

Page 14



March 31, 2010

Scopes by Stenya

Knights of Columbus announce Nelson’s Citizen of the Year 2009 This year the Nelson Knights of Columbus are pleased to announce that Mrs. Mathilde Klassen has been selected as Nelson’s Citizen of the Year for the Year 2009. She is the 46th candidate since the first presentation in 1964. Klassen has been a classical music teacher, including at the high school in Nelson. She works with the Nelson Right to Life Society and has been involved for nearly 35 years and participates in many church activities. For many years Klassen

ran the Nelson boys choir, until it folded. “There were no more boys left!” she said. The Knights of Columbus acknowledge the independent panel of judges, chaired by Mr. Harry Sommerville for making this recommendation. A formal presentation of this award will be made on Saturday, April 17, 2010 at the Catholic Community Centre. Tickets are on sale at Sonja’s China Cabinet until Wednesday, April 14. Tickets are $25 each. - submitted

March 31-April 6 Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19

If you are feeling on a roll lately resist the tendency to take others for granted,especially in your closer relationships. Avoid becoming defensive if you find yourself in a conflict this weekend.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20

Classic DifficultySudoku Level - Easy

Difficulty Level - Medium sk9E000118



6 9 7 2 44 8





13 8

Hard Sudoku











3 4 2 2





83 31









3 7















8 1









Answers on page 17



6 9 7 2 44 8




2 3

13 8





3 2 9


8 1


2 6 7







3 7

4 5

2 2




83 31

2 2 38


3 7










28 91 6 95 4 27 8

9 1 38 7


















8 1







Gemini May 21 - June 20

If you are feeling ambitious this week, go for those bold career moves. Ask for a raise or a promotion and you may see favourable results. Remain calm and modest for the best success in your current undertakings.

Cancer June 21 - Jul 22



2 2 38


2 6 7


28 91 6 95 4 27 8

9 1 38 7





3 2 9

3 69


Citizen of the Year Mathilde Klassen.

Easy Sudoku 5


The time and energy you put in the this week into your relationships will come back to you at least three-fold! You have an ability to redefine your personal relationships and elevate them to new heights.

1 © 2005 Generated by Ultimate Sudoku - all you need to create BILLIONS of unique Sudoku puzzles doku - all you need to create BILLIONS of unique Sudoku puzzles


Cultivating relationships with friends can be fun this week. You may have the opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. If you are in a relationship right now, taking some time apart can be helpful.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22

If you having been dreaming or thinking of plans, this a good time to put them into action! In your relationships, whether work or personal, it is important to connect with people face to face.

��� ����������������������� � ������������������ Virgo Aug 23 - Sept 22 You may find unresolved issues��������������������� revealing themselves ���

again. This is a good time to finally deal with these matters. Remaining grounded can help ��� ������������������ you resolve matters close to the heart.

Libra Sept 23 - Oct 23

Strong emotional energy can affect your sun sign this week. You will be able to deal with the heavy issues that most people tend to avoid. You are able to speak honestly and increase your independence. Relationships may be strained but that will not last long.

Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 21

Establishing good partners right now is important, whether regarding work or romantic pursuits. Trust that you know what is best for you and stay focused on what is working ��������� for you.

������������ Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21 �������������� If you want to bring your natural abilities ������������� to the next level, focus on mastering your

skill right now. Work out a realistic schedule and connect �������������� with others for encouragement and positive feedback.

������������� Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

Thinking of the bigger picture this week can lead to some helpful insights. Establishing a good foundation is important before you start taking the next steps.

������ Aquarius ������ Jan 20 - Feb 18

You may find yourself having to defend your interests or choices this week. Try not to let others influence your decisions or undermine your efforts. Remain focused.

����������� ���������� Pisces Feb������������ 19 - Mar 20

This is a good time to speak your thoughts and share your ��������������� opinions with others, even if they are slightly offensive. You ���������� may find you have to work harder to achieve your goals, but this is a worthy pursuit. You ������� may also find yourself reunited with old friends or lovers.



March 31, 2010


Page 15







HOST AN EVENT for the 11th Annual Arts and Culture Week! April 1824, schools & arts councils across BC are presenting arts events. www. ATTENTION RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL survivors and day school students! Confused about the Independent Assessment Process (IAP)? Is the Government not answering your questions? Not sure if you qualify? Need help? We’ve helped over 3000 survivors across Canada with their claims. Call now! 1-888-918-9336.

MACBOOK, MINT CONDITION extra apple warranty - 2.4Ghz - 2GB ram 160GB hard drive. $1050 22” CRT MITSUBISHI Diamond Pro DP2040U computer monitor. Great for photos/graphics. Mint. Cheap. Offers. 250-359-8266 HC-S (HOME COMPUTING Solutions) Offering reliable and competitively priced PC Support & Computer skills training. From Hardware to Network we come to you’ No Solution NO FEE’ Tel#250-505-4940 E-mail AMD SEMPRON 3400+ 512 MB RAM 100 GB HD 17 inch CRT Monitor $100 (250)352-2078

DEBT STRESS? Debts got you worried? End those phone calls. Avoid bankruptcy. Contact us for a no-cost consultation. Online: or toll-free 1-877-5563500

THE NELSON WALDORF Daycare is seeking a Program Director to cover a maternity leave starting midMay 2010. This position is from 12-20 hours/week and is responsible for all aspects of the management of a group daycare. Hours and wage are negotiable. Full Early Childhood Education certification required. Please call (250)352-6919 or email for more information. KOOTENAY KIDS SOCIETY is seeking CASUAL CAREGIVER to assist in providing a quality childcare for children birth to 5 years. For detailed job posting please go to ASSISTANT CAFE MANAGER June - August in Nelson Experience required managing staffing, inventory ordering, food quality control. enthusiastic, mature person desired. salary commensurate with experience. contact THE NELSON BREWING Company is seeking an Assistant Brewer/ Cellar Person. The ideal candidate has brewing or filtration experience, related post-secondary education and a passion for crafting great beer. This position requires an ability to work both independently and within a team environment. Please submit a resume with a cover letter and references to Mike Kelly at 250-3523582 or Compensation is commensurate with qualifications and experience. #1 IN PARDONS. Remove your criminal record. Express Pardons offers the fastest pardons, lowest prices, and it’s guaranteed. BBB Accredited. FREE Consultation Toll-free 1-866416-6772, www.ExpressPardons. com. THAI COOK ASSISTANT for restaurant in Salmon Arm, BC. Two years experience 35 - 40 hrs per week. $1,500 - $2,000 monthly. Fax resume Nipa 1-250-804-0694.

FOUND: GOLD AND jade earring on Ward St. Call Robin to claim, 250354-1412

1000 DENIER FABRIC/CANVAS/ MESH, rolls, per yard, colors, TOTO bidet w/remote, 2 small, 1 Large planting boxes, 250-3597900

BEAUTY NEW AVON LADY downtown Castlegar, for brochure, call 250-3652468

BUSINESS OPS MOBILE CAFE FOR sale $18,000obo, seen at junction and Taghum, serious inquiries only 354-4568. SHALIMAR HEALTH SPA is now looking for an Esthetician to join our team. Please bring Resume to Shalimar Health Spa at 701 Lakeside Drive (Prestige Inn Resort) Or call 250 354 4408.

CAREER OPS WANTED: EXPERIENCED FULLTIME Receptionist to answer incoming calls and greet clientele at Regal Ridge in the sunny South Okanagan. Please submit resume /

CAREER TRAINING MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION IS rated #2 for at-home jobsLearn from home. Work from home! Start your online training today. Contact CanScribe at: 1-800-466-1535, www.canscribe. com,

CHILD CARE FUN, LEARNING, & Play-based care. I have over 15 yrs of Nanny , and 5 yrs Professional Tutor Experience for all ages. CPR, 1staide, Private-Chef services, housekeeping. Robin 2267116 CHILDCARE WANTED FOR Waldorf child in Up Hill neighbourhood. Phone 352-6846 NEED CHILD CARE in our home. Starting the end of May/first of June through August. 5 and 3 year old. 730am to 430pm Monday thru Friday. $9 per hour. Call 208-853-1768. MOTHER OF TWO available for childcare at our home. Call Brenda 250-359-7680.

CHILDREN “BABY TRECKER” BABY carrier, tan colour, barely used, with instruction cd. $65.00 Call 359-6887 WE ARE LOOKING for a waldorf grade 7/8 student/ Waldorf alumni who loves art and children to come to our house and do art with our 3yr old one hour/week. Parent will be at home (this is not a babysitting job). Flexible to your schedule. willing to pay a small, fair wage. Jennie and Larkspur 354-7812 CHARIOT CHEETAH STROLLER with bike attachment $180 TREKKER Baby Carrier $60 Call 250 352 6109 2 GIRL’S BIKES,12” & 14”, $15 each, ride-on push toy $5, (250)3527512 SELLING EXERSAUCER, MERRY Muscles, Cuddle Wrap, 2 way Aquarium Swing, Chariot Sling 250505-2020

COMPUTERS COMPAQ PRESARIO S3000NX, 17” monitor, keyboard, mouse. Windows XP, symatec antivirus, cd burner. $100. 357-0050

EDUCATION FLOWER OF LIFE WORKSHOP April 30-May 1, Nelson, $377 (by April 9 $333). Sacred Geometry, MerKa-Ba Meditation, healing circles. Dania 354-0413 THAI MASSAGE COURSE Level 1 30hrs. April 8th-12th. $600 Studio Alive, Nelson Accredited by CMTBC and THAI. Francine 250 353-2885 TRAIN TO BE a Medical Lab Assistant. The Healthcare industry needs YOU!Ê MTI Community College, 604-3102684. LOVE YOUR JOB!

EMPLOYMENT OPS NAHANNI CONSTRUCTION, YELLOWKNIFE, NT. Nahanni Construction is currently looking for Journeyman Certified: Electricians, Welders, Plumbers and Scaffolders. Please apply by sending your resume to: CHEAP TELEPHONE RECONNECT! Paying too much? Switch, save money, and keep your number! First month only $24.95 + connection fee. Phone Factory Reconnect 1-877-3362274 ; CARPENTERS/REMODELERS $25+/HOUR. CANADA’S leading home repair and remodeling company is seeking carpenters, remodelers, skilled tradespeople (M/F) in Vancouver, Victoria, Okanagan Valley. Apply Toll-Free 1-800-884-2639 or

FREE ATTENTION WOODWORKERS: ANTIQUE solid oak side tableneeds gluing and refinishing.250359-7439 15 LARGER ROCKS, 2ft cubed size, need 2 men to move, you pick up. 352-6762 TWO SPAYED INDOOR cats, sisters must stay together. Not suitable for children. 250-3520924, or ruthboisvenue@hotmail. com 32” COLOUR TV, works good phone 250 3597634 POLAROID CAMERA. 250-3544245. FREE WOODEN SAND box with sand - you move it and it is yours! 250-253-1806

FURNITURE FRIDGE FOR SALE. Excellent condition, runs great. Asking $200.00 OBO Call 250-825-9313 QUEEN BRASS BED frame, box spring and pillow-top mattress excellent condition $200 ph 250399-4207 SOLID OAK DINING suite, pedestal base, 2 leafs, buffet and hutch, 8 upholstered chairs $1200. 3522973 MEDICAL BED FOR sale. Double, Genius Ultramatic head/feet elevate and vibrate. Clean $300 O.B.O 3521853 WOOD DINETTE SET 4 Chairs With Leaf $200 obo Large 4drawer Wood File Cabinet $100 354-3611

GARAGE SALES FIND IT AT Balfour Hall’s $ellwhatyawanna $ale. Saturday April 10, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Information250-2295265



AWAKEN AND DEVELOP your intuitive abilities! Private 90 minute session $100 with author/Intuitive Norm Pratt. (250)357-9457, TAI CHI WITH instructor Daphne Fields, Sundays 1 - 2:30 @ the Moving Centre, 533 Baker St. Info: 355.2854

IMPROVING YOUR VISION Workshop Saturday, April 11, 1:005:00, Feldenkrais Center, 206 Victoria, $45 susangrimble@telus. net, 250-366-4395 See Effortlessly.

FINANCIAL SERVICES DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM. Helping Canadians repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest, regardless of your credit. Steady Income? You may qualify for instant help. Considering Bankruptcy? Call 1877-220-3328 FREE Consultation Government Approved, BBB Member. IF YOU OWN a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is NOT an issue. 1.800.587.2161. $500 LOAN SERVICE, by phone, no credit refused, quick and easy, payable over 6 or 12 installments. Toll Free: 1-877-776-1660






DR. MICHAEL SMITH (TCM) is now accepting new patients. Offering services in Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nutritional and Functional Medicine. Experienced and compassionate health care. Individually designed healing programs. Please call 250-352-0459. FREE “HEALING WITH Bliss” Pranashakty Workshop. April 8th, 9th 6:30 - 8:30 pm. 250505-7832

HOME & GARDEN GARDEN TOOL SHARPENING. Felcos, trimmers, shovels, etc. Handles reconditioned. Fred @ 3522129, SNOWBLOWER 5HP., HOMELITE lawnmower, roto hoe tiller. 359-7942 5 - 34 1/2” X 42 1/2” double-glazed window units. 1 - 34 1/2” unit. $25 each OBO. Laran 250-505-5856

MISC. FOR SALE I992 ILLUMINA, 1996 Suburban, 2001 Montana, 2009 vibe AWD, 2 1700 usg potable water tanks ph.3549033

BASSINET- USED 2 months. Mint condition, wheels or rocker, storage basket, electric mobile. $75 obo. 509-1345

INFANT CAR SEAT, tot car seat, stroller, new fiberglass shower base 229-2356

ASHLEY WOOD STOVE. Cast iron top, legs, & door. Good cond., great shop stove. $125.00. 352-5757.

N64 INTERACT V3FX black steering wheel and pedals, perfect condition, $20, 250-608-3548, Castlegar

45 GALLONS OPEN top metal food grade drums for sale. With lids $25.00 only 250-359-6981

60”X80” SLIDING PATIO door, various windows/doors, bathtub, toilet, brass faucet, bathroom cabinet, dishwasher 505-4321

23” LCD TV $275, ps2 offers,new scarpa 7.5 climbing shoes $60, cannon rebelXT $300, 352-7620

1 40AMP SQUARE D ground fault from hot tub; 2 #8 tech cable (40 feet) Best Offer 352-9437 CEILING FAN, NEW 42” reversible blade, white, rebounder 42” square. Phone 250-825-9926 ELECTRIC LAWNMOWER, PORTABLE sewing machine, pet carrier, water cooler, Coleman stove, VCR, Taiga backpack, 352-2823 VERY LARGE DOG house $50, rabbit cages $20 & $30. Wood spindles, floor loom. 250-355-2269 JOHNSON 51/2HP O/B motor, $190 firm. 229-4559. SINGER SEWING MACHINE, special zig-zag model 478, folds into its own desk. $175. 352-5004. DBL RECLINER LAZY Boy couch $750, poker table $70, queen size bed $135, custom tiled coffee table 33”x22” and end table 16”x16”, $30. All items are subject to best offer. 250.355.2504 WASHER & DRYER top load, $375obo, small vanity, counter top & faucet $50, portapotti new $75 229-4544 FOR SALE; NORTON 15kw. forced air furnace/ducting/electronic air cleaner. 3 ton air conditioner outside mount, 4 person hot tub, Kenmore built in dishwasher. 359-7981 PET BARRIER- KEEPS your dog in back of car. Fits most hatchback/ SUV. $30. 551-3833 STROLLER/TRAILER, IN MINT condtion, seats one child. $275 firm. 354.8143

D.FIR/LARCH FLOORING, 250 sq.ft. Kiln dried, 1x4, microbevel, 1’-6’ lengths. $500 obo. 250-3523704. LINEN FABRIC - white, 8 meters by 57 inches wide, best offer, wicker baskets $5 each 250-3541543 KENWOOD MIX MASTER, 2 bowls, splash guard & extra attachments, $75. 4 tier mini greenhouse, never used $50 354.1916 KUBOTA TRACTOR / Loader / Backhoe : 2007 L39 hp 208 hrs excellent condition $35k 250 505 4803 CARTOP CARRIER, YAKIMA spacecase, white, double-size, keyed locks, $250. dredging bucket, new condition, $450. 825-4256 GOBLETS, 4 BLUE Mexicanstyle $30.-, 27” Panasonic TV works well $30.-, 2” brass valve $30.-, 226-7880 MAPLE HARDWOOD FLOORING400+sf of reclaimed solid maple for Less than 1/2 price $800 250-3653264 SPINNING WHEEL $150.00; solid wood desk $50.00; needlework frame $35.00; golf bag & pullcart $50.00 Phone:250-352-0460

��� �



REGENCY WOOD STOVE heats 1500 sq ft, rear heat shield, on pedestal $600 250 2295673

VINTAGE SALE! LARGE FRENCH COPY OF Mass Effect LEGAL NOTICES��� ����������������������������������������������

� NOTICE: BALFOUR IMPROVEMENT District Annual General Meeting Wednesday April 7, 2010, 7:00��� p.m. At the Balfour Hall a newsletter will be circulated the last week of March ��� providing more information on our capital plan and important referenda votes to take place at the AGM: -approval for project borrowing of $600,000 -approval to become an RDCK service area please plan to attend this very important meeting for further information, please contact the bid office at: 250-229-4929;; Tuesday office hours 10:00am-2:00pm

HELP WANTED Part time and full time Esthetician needed for busy spa. Must have experience as an esthetician. Able to work flexible days and hours. Please submit resume and cover letter to Mountain Waters Spa by April 1st via email at mwsmanagement@gmail. com or in person to 205 Victoria St.

One, want to trade for English copy. ������������������ Maxx 777-1110

TRUSSES SUITABLE FOR shop, ��������������������� garage, barn etc. 40’x50’, 50’x50’ 250-505-4207

SELECTION of mens and womens vintage clothing, shoes and accessories! Vintage collectibles and curios! Sat. April 10 10am-5pm at the New Grand Hotel 616 Vernon St Nelson

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Page 16


March 31, 2010








A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Don’t Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1-866884-7464.

2 WHEEL BICYCLE for 4 year old athletic boy; also, womens adult bicycle for grandmother. Immediately. 250-352-9788 USED SURVEY EQUIPMENT: theodolite or level, range finder, pin finder. somethingsomething@shaw. ca 250-551-2159 WILL PAY $$ for old sewing patterns. Prefer 1970’s or earlier. Leave message at 250-509-1069. NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE bag project looking for material, notions and embellishments for sewing bags. 250-352-9916

SEEKING FOR OUR sister Barb Toivola or her son Justin. Contact Debbie at (403)230-8189. Important.

LOOKING FOR A girlfriend to travel around Canada this summer, a wild one.

92 MAZDA 323 only 150,000km. Looks and drives like new. $3000 OBO 604-344-0546 trade 4 van.

OUTDOOR POWER Equipment Technician training. Learn small engine repair on watercraft, snowmobiles, ATVÕs. Enroll for Fall 2010. GPRC Fairview College Campus. Fairview, Alberta; 1-888-999-7882.

NEW NORWOOD SAWMILLS - LumberMate-Pro handles logs 34Ó diameter, mills boards 28Ó wide. Automated quick-cycle-sawing increases efficiency up to 40%. - FREE Information: 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT. CRIMINAL RECORD? ONLY Pardon Services Canada has 20 years experience guaranteeing record removal. Call 1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-9727366). www.RemoveYourRecord. com. HOME PHONE RECONNECT Call 1-866-287-1348. Prepaid Long Distance Specials! Feature Package Specials! Referral Program! Don’t be without a home phone! Call to Connect! 1-866-287-1348 AT LAST! AN iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/ U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, sulfur, smell, manganese from well water. Since 1957. Phone 1-800-BIG IRON;

MISC. WANTED SEEKING A FREE working sewing machine for textile recycling projects. 250-551-4732 WHEELCHAIR WITH RECLINING back call 359-7118 MOVING BOXES AND packing materials needed.Will pick up. Please call 250-352-0702 WANTED: AFFORDABLE, GOOD quality trampoline and laying hens. 250 825 9388 Thanx! WANTED: FOUR (4)-15 INCH rims that will fit 1998 Jeep Cherakee Sport. 250-352-2054 evenings. WOODEN BUNK BEDS for single mama. Must be good condition, can’t afford much. 250-352-2659. LOOKING FOR GLASS blocks, will pay reasonable price. Ph.250-2267650 CLEANING YOUR FREEZER? Throwing out excess meat? I’ll take it! Good for dog food. 226-6796 WANTED 20 FOOT extension ladder free piano call 3550030

MUSIC & DANCE PIANO, UPRIGHT, WOOD, good shape, Willis and Co. Limited. Asking $500.00. Call 250-354-7800. BRAND NEW YAMAHA Maple Custom Absolute FOR SALE 24,10,12,16 $2500. 551-3958 HEAVY METAL/HARD ROCK band guitarist seeks front-person, guitarist, bassist, dedicated, competent. Gigs and touring.arianablayze@yahoo. com

NOTICES GRAPHIC STORYTELLER’S GROUP. Vienna Cafe. Every Wed. at 1pm. For creators/enthusiasts of visual narratives/art 354-1096

OTHER SCOOTER, BATTERY OPERATED, nearly new, red, 4 wheels, $2,000.00. Call 250-352-9210. CRESENT BAY MASSAGE Therapy is Now Open! 50% off all therapies and relaxation massage for the months of April and May. Danielle Brown R.M.T. 4198 HWY 3A 250825-0112/ 250-777-1257 Pain Free movement is possible

PETS & LIVESTOCK LARGE BIRD CAGE; 3’wide x 2’deep x 4’tall on casters; $175.00 352-1308 PUREBRED MAREMA SHEEPDOG puppies.$350 .Marema Sheepdog Cross puppies $200. Phone after 7 p.m. only. 250-551-2037 OUTDOOR FEMALE KITTEN wanted. 250.226.0087 PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING with TLC for all breeds. Bath and nails only specials. Ph: 250-551-5501 EXCEPTIONAL EQUINES: GELDINGS, mares, fillles, colts. Duns, Palominos, Greys, Bays. Mountian raised. Show potential. 366-4487 17” PASSIER PAXTON A/P saddle,g ently used. All fittings, carry bag $1100 250-352-9596 DOG CAR GATE. suit station wagon or SUV. Black, adjustable, clean. $30 229.4028 LOVING, CARING HOME for Tea Cup Yorkie puppies. Well behaved, playful, shots, worming, AKC. WANTED GOOD HOME for 2 healthy male mice with a cage and wheel, free. Call Annie 250-509-2228


The Graine spring has sprung at the graine!

SLOCAN RIVER WELCOMES you with new vacation condos on the river at Passmore, gateway to Valhalla Provincial Park. Hot tub, BBQ, wheelchair/elderly access. 250.226.7712 Discover it!

WORK WANTED A CHEERFUL CARPENTER seeking work renovations, additions,decks and sheds. Nate Hume 250 3532990 CAN YOU DIG IT? We can! Two strong handy women want to get your garden and yard ready for spring. sheilah @ 352-2915 and eryn @ 352-2915

AUTOMOTIVE $0 DOWN AT auto credit fast. Need a vehicle? Good or Bad credit call Stephanie1-877-7920599. DLN 30309

BOATS 1992 17’ CAMPION Bowrider, 115 HP Yamaha, EZLoad Trailer, Full Top, Excellent Condition. $8900 250-354-0323

GET YOUR KNOWING Going. Chakra Readings with Evie Clare Fridays at Gaia Risisng 254.354.4471 1995 FORD TAURUS wagon, WHAT ARE YOUR birth and name 276-km, V-6,automatic, extra numbers telling YOU? Numerology rims with new summers, asking reports. Call David 250-352-0074 $950. OBO 359-7756 TAROT READINGS AND intui1998 SUNFIRE 190,000KM, very tive counseling with Ashala every Wednesday at Gaia Rising, 356 good condition, runs great, $1500 ���������������������������������������������� Baker St. 250-354-4471 obo. 551-0383


��� PERSONALS � ������������������ DATING SERVICE. Long-Term/Short��� Term Relationships, FREE CALLS.1877-297-9883. Exchange voice ��� messages, voice mailboxes.1-888534-6984. Live adult casual conversations-1on1, 1-866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local Single Ladies.1877-804-5381. (18+).


SERVICES ��������������������� 24/7 SNOWPLOWING SERVICE.

This year: sand/salt unit, shovelers. ������������������ Nelson to 12 Mile, experienced, good

equipment. ph: 250-505-3877 ORCA TRUCK FOR HIRE. Will do dump runs, moving, etc. Patrick 505-0612. PERFECT LINE PAINTING Ltd. Professional Painters. Competitive Price. Over 15 years experience: Interior/Exterior, Commercial/ Residential. Quality that lasts! Free Estimate: (250) 505-6810. BEAUTIFUL HOUSE AND Garden Service. Expert interior and exterior cleaning. Experienced yard and garden design and maintenance: Landscaping, Painting, Fencing. Superb work at reasonable rates. 250-354-1460/250-551-1078

1996 MAZDA MX-3 V8, Silver, Alloy Rims + Winters, Sunroof, New Brakes, Good Condition, $2500, (250)352-1729 2004 TIBURON SE 60,113km, new summers, winters, moonroof, a/c, stereo, tinted, p/d/w, $10,000 obo 250-365-3453 ������ FOR SALE FOR parts 1991 Pontiac Firefly. 4dr/5spd 3 cylinder. $700. obo. 250-359-0197 SENIOR CITIZEN SELLING 1993 4dr sedan, Buick Century, clean tuned up, reliable. $1000. 352-0152/352-7021 1993 CHEVY CAVALIER S.W. Summer & winter tires. Runs well with good gas mileage. $750.00 250-354-1900

1992 NISSAN 240SX 5-speed leather roof only two previous owners 140 000km $6000 BRODIE THUMPER D/H, Medium, 6&6, Hope disc, Boxxer Fork, well 250-229maintained, great bike, $800 250����������������� 4485 352-1164 JEEP CHEROKEE 1990, some ������������������ 2009 SANTA CRUZ Bullit (Medium) new parts. Black,some rust. $950 ��������������� $2700 ridden 5 times pretty much OBO brand new Anita (250)352-6452




Skate Boy and RuRu ������������� things have been moving quickly, and with only a few units left there has never been a better time to buy. please feel free to drop in on our showsuite every saturday between 11-4pm and see for yourself what The Graine has to offer.

Great living. Great price.s #1106-7th St 250.354.9499 for sales

�������������� ����������� ������������������������������ ����������������������� ������������ �������������������� ���������� �������

2002 ACURA EL (Honda Civic) 4dr 5spd pwl low kms, reduced again $8500 352-0532 2003 TOYOTA ECHO, standard, air, keyless entry, cruise control, excellent condition, 180000km $4500


2004 FORD FOCUS ZX3, Black, AC Sunroof, 5spd manual, 95,000KM, 2 Sets tires, $6500 551-1407 Mat. MUST SELL, 2008 Mazda 3, 60,000 km, Grey, 5spd, Base model, $13500. 551-7356. obo. NEED A VEHICLE? Need cash? Up to $10,000. cash back! Guaranteed approvals! Over 400 vehicles to choose from. Call Will or Ashley today! 1-888-289-8935.

RVS 1978 CAMPER FOR small truck, 3way fridge, 2 burner stove,good condition. Phone 250-359-8038 or leave a message. VINTAGE 1967 ARISTOCRAT LOLINER 12’ Trailer. Sleeps 3/4. Gas Oven, large awning. $650. 354-0575 CUSTOM SLED DECK with ramp for Ford Ranger or small truck, $600 250 359 6815

SLEDS/BIKES 97 KAWASAKI ZX6-R. Kept indoors. Regular maintenance. Asking $3400.00 obo Call 250 352 0999 2005 HONDA JAZZ scooter, 49 cc, like new, helmet, ready to ride. $1750 obo 205-352-0191 1980 HONDA 750 SuperSport. Good condition. Black, factory fairing, new tires. $2,000. Accessories, parts. 250-354-4272 1982 HONDA XR100 Runs good, spare parts included, 31” seat height, $500 352 2522 2002 VULCAN KAWASASKI 500CC excellent condition low milage $4000.00 obo. more info call 250-229-2101(Mary Lou) MOTORCYCLE WANTED. 750CC Honda cruiser prefered. Older models under $3000. Call 352-3318 HONDA RUCKUS 49CC Scooter, 2007, white camo, 1200kms, luggage box and rack $2500obo 250-509-1918 MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC TRAINING at GPRC, Fairview College Campus. Enroll for Fall, 2010. Hands-on street, off-road, dual sport bikes. Apprenticeship opportunity. Residences. Fairview, Alberta; www.gprc. 1-888-999-7882.

by Pitt

TIRES/PARTS/OTHER 99 SUBARU IMPREZA wheels mounted w P165/60R15 BFGoodrich Touring Tires. Used 1 Summer $200 for all 250-5055270 TIRES, 18570R13 ON rims, four hole, $175. Hidden hitch for Mazda MPV, $70. Phone 2503596606 1984 GMC 133,000KM 2WD 350 camper ready, alarm, cruise, JVC, hitch, rear winters/rims $1500 LT265/70/R17 BFG T/AKO WINTER Tires 70% remaining. 2 of them for $100 250-359-7605 NEW TIRES/RIMS: NOKIAN I3 205/65 R15, $655 & Michelin Harmony P205/55R16 on Matrix alum, $985, 354-3444 LANDCRUISER FJ40 PARTS. Volvo wagon body, $100. 1966 VW Van $200. Mechanical repairs available 357.2305 FIBER-GLASS CANOPY. WHITE with raised roof. fits short-box ford, 3 slider windows. $150 call mark. 250-354-1140 4 ALL SEASON Tires 205/55R15 and Honda Alloy Rims. Excellent Condition. $425 352-2181 GOOD RUNNING CHEVY 350 engine with thm400 transmission and 208 transfer case $900 obo. 250-359-0197. 13Î SUMMER & WINTER RIMS - priced to go: $80.00 for 4 or $150 for all 8 1999 TACOMA REAR bumper $100obo, 31x10.5x15” spare tire/ rim $50obo, Bull Bar with 2 Hallalights $100obo. 250-777-0801 DOUBLECROSS TOWERS TO fit Yakima roof racks for Dodge Caravan. Paid $165. Asking $90/ obo. 250-352-7035.

TRUCKS/SUVS/VANS 1992 MITSUBISHI DELICA, 4WD Turbo Diesel, RHD, new timing service and alternator, 131,000 kms. 250-354-3428 1992 TOYOTA PREVIA loaded, good condition $2,500 352-5248 1991 TOYOTA PICKUP 2wd, lowered 3” gotta go. 700$ firm, call 250825-4152 for more information 2002 DODGE CARGO van, auto 105,000km, camperized, hitch, roof rack, w/tires, on rims $5000 250226-6994. 1991 DODGE DAKOTA 4x4 new parts, $2500 or best offer. Phone 505.5372/354.9208. TUNNEL COVER (SLIDING Screen Cover for back) for Toyota 4-Runner. 250-229-2329 2000 DODGE RAM SLT Larimie lifted, roll bar, sterio, 4x4 power everything. $8000 OBO 250-3994724 2006 FORD RANGER $12,000 V-6 4x4 extra-cab 48,000 km Winter tires on rims 250 365-4795 1978 DODGE CAMPER. 360 motor, sleeps 4, 17ft. Good shape. $3800 obo 825-9228 1994 FORD EXPLORER, leather, a/c, tow, auto, 4x, v6, summers & winters, inspected. $1500, 250505-3881 ISUZU P/U. 1992. parts truck. good stereo 250.777.1159 Gabriel 1996 CHEVY ASTRO Van RW Drive V6 Excellent running condition $2100 obo 354-1104 leave message 1994 MAZDA MPV 4x4, recent brakes, tires, starter. Good condition, go anywhere vehicle. $2,800. 250-551-3017





HOUSE-SITTER WANTED APR. 917, rural home in Taghum, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 10 min. from Nelson. Letty 352-7889

TWO BEDROOM SUITE. Laundry avail. No Smoking. No Pets. $825. 352-6849

QUIET DEPENDABLE SINGLE 30 yr old male seeks affordable housing in Nelson area. Ken 352-9876

REAL ESTATE 3.26 ACRE HOBBY farm 10 min. from nelson 4 bedroom 3bath, barn, pasture $620,000. 250-666-0459 $72,000 AWESOME VIEWS! WELL maintained trailer at 21 pines. New floors, furnace, bathroom 250-8250089 ROSEMONT: COZY, CHARMING HOME, 3Bdr, great neighbourhood & views, gardens, wood floors, $330,000 or (250)352-9235 COMFORTABLE 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath Home in Castlegar, solarium, fireplace, full basement, $239,900 I.D.#196332 Phone 354-3793 4BDRM 2 CAR garage with shop, 2600sqft. house for sale. 250.359.7911

REAL ESTATE WANTED LOOKING TO RENT to own or financing on house/mobile on small acreage in Salmo area. Between 100,000/175,000 down payment available. Contact Bob or Lisa 1(604)885-0175 1(604)740-6473 1(604)741-5503 LOOKING FOR ACREAGE 10-15 minutes from town. Have a lot in Nelson to trade. 250-825-4467

RENTALS SINGLE, PROFESSIONAL, EMPLOYED FEMALE looking to rent 1BDRM apt/home, prefer washer/ dryer and utilities included. Call 7771027. Excellent references. BATCHELOR SUITE ON main floor, private riverfront house in Slocan Park. N/S N/P $650/month + utilities 250-5052067 1 BEDROOM LOWER suite of private riverfront house in Slocan Park. N/S N/P $700/month + utilities 250-5052067 2 BEDROOM HOUSE near Slocan City, acreage, wood/electric heat, pets okay, references. Available now. 250-352-0798

STUNNING NEW, FULLY furninshed executive one BDRM down town suite.hardwood, jet bath April-OCT, ALL INCLUSIVE-parking, wash/dryer, satellite tv, internet. $1200 month 354-3545 1 BEDROOM APT. in Rosemont. $620 includes utilities. Available April 1. 250-352-1288 1 BEDROOM APT. in Rosemont. $620 includes utilities. Available April 1. 250-352-1288 1000 SQ FT SHOP space for rent in Ymir. Perfect for carpentry. $450 + utilities. AWESOME 1400 SQFT 2 bedrooms 5 appliances, huge deck overlooking Sunshine Bay, Bus route, Beach access, $1100 250-354-1784 FURNISHED 2BDRM SUITE in Nelson, May 1st. $1000/month incl internet+utilities ph 250 352 3365 LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, shower, walk-out, shared laundry, kitchen. Sunny Blewett $500/mo includes utilities, internet 250-352-1376 LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to share a small two bedroom house, $500/month plus utilities. Call Brian (250)352-5048 ONE BEDROOM IN South Slocan house/property with busy n/s couple. Seeking single person.$450/ month inc.359-7670.Thanks! THREE BEDROOM UPPER floor in large and bright, private house in Bonnington $1050 + utility 250-3596997 1BDR SUITE ON High Street, no smoking but pet OK. Available April 1. 750/mth+utl. 250-354-4182 2 BEDROOM HOME on corner lot in lower Fairview. Large living & dining room, new furnace, windows, & shower. No smoking, no pets. $1,000/ Month 250-505-2067


see puzzle on page 14

FAMILY SEEKING 2-4BR. house in Nelson area April or May call 604 795 4821 QUIET SINGLE MAN, many years experience in renovation construction looking to rent or trade work for rent in Slocan Valley area or outskirts of Nelson. 250.366.4164

PET FRIENDLY 2/3 bedroom wanted, Nelson area for April 1 please call 250-354-8315. RESPONSIBLE, SINGLE WOMAN with cat, looking for affordable sunny location in or around Nelson 3525035

SHARED ACCOM. IN ROSEMONT, MANY appliances, on bus route, beautiful view, storage. $420 monthly incl. (250)509-0671 CASTLEGAR FURNISHED PARTIAL suite and bedroom shared kitchen and bathroom. $450 & $400 230304-7806. ROOM AVAILABLE APRIL 1 Nelson. Across from 7/11. $500 all inclusive and more. Katie 250 509-0831 SEEKING ROOMMATE TO share 3bdrm townhouse in Rosemount. $400+ Utilities & DD. May, June, July. 250-321-0518

Answer to Hard Sudoku

1 4 7

9 6 8

5 2 3

3 1 4

6 8 5

9 2 7

5 8 2

3 1 4

7 6 9

6 2 5

4 7 9

1 3 8

3 2 1

6 4 5

6 3 9

2 5 7

1 8 4

7 9 8

4 1 6

7 2 3

8 9 5

8 4 7

1 6 3

2 5 9

2 7 8

6 9 5

4 3 1

2 3 1

5 9 7

4 8 6

9 5 3

8 4 1

2 7 6

9 5 6

8 4 2

7 1 3

7 3 8

5 9 1

7 9 4

1 3 2

6 5 8

4 6 2

8 6 5

4 7 9

3 1 2

5 7 3

9 1 4

8 6 2

9 4 7

1 8 9 Solution

2 5 6

3 7 4

see puzzles on page 14

Contact 250-505-2606 Lorne at:

describing what you expect and hope to achieve in the space. 3. Establish a budget. Once you have a rough idea of where you are going with a project, you are ready to consult a professional to help you get there. Find someone you like. Make sure they listen as much as they speak and that they ask questions about who you are, your lifestyle and your goals. Be open to their sugges-

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Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any cha EXECUTIVE FLAIR!

Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: sales@ KASLO ROSEMONTisHALF BRADERWOOD CONDOThe Express not DUPLEX responsible for any PROPERTY errors after the clie Outstanding 3 bed. 3 bath. view con- Don’t let this one get away! Great op- Over 2.5 acres already divided into 17

Beautiful executive style 3 bed, 3 bath home on .55 acre view property just © 2005 dominium in quality development. Gas © 2005 outside citytolimits walking dis- Sudoku Generated by Ultimate Sudoku - all youof need create and BILLIONS of unique puzzles Generated by Ultimate Sudoku - all you need to create BILLIONS of unique Sudoku puzzles Contact 250-505-2466 tance to town. Featuring open floor fireplace, large deck, fully equipped Drew at: plan, designer kitchen, vaulted ceil- kitchen. 2 bed. on main & 1 in finished ings, garden area. lower level with a total of 2600 sq. ft. Web-site. Each office is independently owned and operated

nest building Kate Bridger


Lorne Westnedge & Drew Evans: THE TEAM THAT WORKS -- FOR YOU!

tions—they are bound to come up with a few ideas you may never have considered—but don’t forget to remain true to your own sense of the project. Your designer works for you and is doing his or her best to interpret your vision, not apply his or her own. If the graphic artist fills his book cover with images of spaceships and aliens, the writer will be obliged to write science fiction. The same can happen in your home if you neglect your homework. Suddenly, you are forced to become the content—the alien— fitting in with the design instead of the way ��� other ������������ around. � ������������

Kate is an artist and designer offering in-home consultations to help clients create optimal living ��� ����������� and working spaces. If you have design questions, you may contact Kate directly at or 352-4653.

SINGLE MATURE WOMAN requires affordable Nelson rental. Can help around property. Quiet, reliable Monica 352-9876

Answer to Easy Sudoku

see puzzles on page 14

Before hiring a designer, do your homework

RESPONSIBLE QUIET WOMAN seeks long term affordable housing in Nelson or near transit. Gina 352.9876

FAMILY HOME ON acreage wanted 15 minutes from Nelson. Wood heat preferred, excellent references 3526846


5 8 6

Page 17

CHRISTIAN FAMILY SEEKS 3+ bedroom long term Nelson rental. excellent refs. Have senior cats. 250354-4198.

LOOKING FOR RENTAL approx. $400, N/s, N/P, reliable, helpful male, 40+. 352-9876/352-6200 message/


3 2 1 Solution


Imagine hiring a graphic artist to design a jacket for a book as yet unwritten. It sounds absurd. When you hire an interior decorator or designer, you represent the content of your own book and your home provides your front and back covers. No artist can work on the cover of a book of blank pages any more than an interior designer can work on your home if you haven’t decided what it is all about. Here are three important steps to take before you seek design advice: 1. Survey the space you are planning to work on and, very specifically, make lists of the things you like and don’t like about it. 2. Jot down a few words

LOOKING FOR SMALL suite, room, camper, etc. $375 inclusive. Work/trade welcome. Darren 250.512.2105.

BEAUTIFUL, DOWNTOWN , stand alone building for lease. 2300 sq. ft. , 601 Kootenay St. Please phone for Sudoku Difficulty Level - Medium Sudoku Level - EasyClassic sk9E000121 2 FURNISHED ROOMS avail.Classic now details; Difficulty 250-825-9932 FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS and April 1st. $400. and $500/month. Durable, Dependable, Pre-engiphone 551-9275 or 352-2241. neered, All-Steel Structures. Custom2, 2 BEDROOM suites in up/down made to suit your needs and requireURGENTLY REQUIRED 1 or 2brdm duplex on Front St. renovated, launments. Factory-Direct affordable apt or mobile trailer.REASONABLE dry, view, storage $1000/$900+ April prices. Call 1-800-668-5111 ext. 170 rent please 250-352-3619 1/15 354-7065 for free brochure.

Crossword Answer

March 31, 2010




mls# K191446

portunity for first time buyers or if you are thinking of downsizing in this 1/2 Duplex. Featuring 2 bedrooms plus den, 1.5 bathrooms, level yard and a 25’ x 120’ lot.

separate titles outside Kaslo municipal boundary. Purcell Mountain views. Water licence in place. Great potential for development or investment





Page 18


March 31, 2010


Briefly Beginner bellydance classes Mondays and Wednessdays beginning April 5, 1-2 p.m. or Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning April 6, 6:45-7:45 p.m. at the Moving Centre 533 Baker St.

Now is your time to feel better, feel more feminine and confident while learning this magical and amazing dance that everybody loves. Learn a different style of bellydance with Jen Mendizabal. She has taught bellydance for many years and has taken classes and performed with many amazing bellydancers like Shakira’s bellydance teacher, Bozenka. There is also a Beginners II class (perfection of your techniques) being offered at this time. Individuals who have learned some bellydance, you will improve a lot taking this class, learning the basic steps and combinations of Maksoum’s rhythm. This intermediate class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-9 p.m. starting April 6. The courses are $240

health calendar

for eight weeks, two classes per week. Pay for your course before Thursday, April 1 and receive $20 of your course. For more information email jen. or call 250 509.0633.

drop-in classes and events Wednesdays SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10 - 11:30 a.m. Mum & New Baby Yoga, Donna 12 - 1:30 p.m. Anusara Yoga, Elissa 3 - 3:30 p.m. Kids Yoga 5:30 - 7 p.m. Restorative Yoga, Shayla 7:30 - 9 p.m. - Hatha Flow, Lindsay

Bollywood Moves Dance Class Thursdays beginning April 1, 7:30-8:30 p.m. at The Moving Centre, 533 Baker St.

Get a move on with this fun and high energy dance workout class, Bollywood Moves, taught by Erin Thomson. The Bollywood style dance movement is hitting world wide, with its outrageous and exaggerated expression. It is rooted in the Bollywood movie scene and East Indian dance, but it is more of a fusion of hip hop and latin/bellydance. This class is great for anyone interested in getting in shape and being open to a new dance genre. Thomson encourages both men and women to participate, as well as teens. The class will run for ������������������������������������������������������eight weeks, starting ������������������� Thursday, April 1 and end�������������������������������� ing Thursday, May 20. The cost is $90 for the eight week session, or $12 for each drop-in class. Call Thomson for registration or information at 5090034.

�������������������������� ������������

BELLYFIT FUSION FITNESS 5 - 6 p.m. at the Moving Centre. Call Heather, 354-0492



Shayla 12 - 1:30 p.m. Hatha Flow, Cindy

RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS 3-4:00 p.m. Beginner ages 6 & up 4-5:30 p.m. Performance Group ages 8 & up S.Nelson, Rhythmic Dimensions 505-1812.

KOOTENAY AKIDO 9:15 - 10:45 a.m. Intro Akido 213C Baker St 250-352-3935.

THE ART OF MOVEMENT 5 - 6:30 p.m. Strengthen, Lengthen & Connect w/ Lisa Front Studio-Moving Centre 533 Baker 250-354-0484 info.

FELDENKRAIS CENTRE 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Regain Mobility 206 Victoria St., Susan Grimble 352-3449

YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG 7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Fitness, 685-B Baker St 250-3527897

QI-GONG & CHEN TAI CHI 7 - 8 p.m. at the Central School Gym. Info 250-505-4562 Chris Gibson FELDENKRAIS CENTRE 2 - 3 p.m. First Class 206 Victoria St., Susan Grimble 352-3449.

KOOTENAY AKIDO 5 - 6 p.m. Kids Class, ages 7-12 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class, 213C Baker St. 250-352-3935

��� �

Judy Katz 352-3319,

FOLK FUSION SKIRT DANCE 3 - 4 p.m. Ages 7-11 All Levels. 6 - 7 p.m. Adult, Studio Alive, 3520047

Sundays SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10-11:30 a.m. Prenatal Yoga,Donna 12 - 1:30 p.m. Anusara Yoga, Elissa OM YOGA STUDIO 3:30 - 5 p.m. Yoga ReBalance/ Align Linsey Rose 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-8250011

OM YOGA STUDIO YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG 10 - 11:30 a.m.Yoga/Pilates Core, 7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Linsey Rose Fitness, 685-B Baker St 250-352���������������������������������������������� 5:30 - 7 p.m. Quantum Yoga, 7897 TAI CHI Alison ������������������ 1-2:30 p.m. All levels, Moving BOLLYWOOD MOVES DANCE CLASS 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-825Centre 533 Baker St. 3t55-2854 7:30-8:30 p.m. at the Moving 0011, ���������������������Centre Mondays BAHA’I COMMUNITY OF NELSON 7 p.m. 1920 Falls St. 354-0944 Fridays SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA ������������������ KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 10 - 11:30 a.m. Yoga Therapy, SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 8 a.m. Abs & Buns Ball Class with Laurie 10 - 11:30 a.m. Yoga Therapy, Anie Ali Popoff 12 - 1:30 p.m. Invigorating Yoga, 12 -1:30 p.m. Invigorating Yoga, 182 Baker St. 250-352-9196 Sharon Anie ������ 5:30 -7:00 Anusara Yoga, Elissa 4:15 - 5:15 p.m. Teen Yoga, Marie YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG 7:30 -9:00 Yin Yoga, Joy 7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & 5 :30- 7 p.m. Anusara Yoga, Elissa Fitness, 685-B Baker St 250-3527:30 - 9 p.m. Restorative Yoga, KOOTENAY AKIDO 7897 Yasmin 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class, 213C Baker St 250-352-3935. Thursdays FELDENKRAIS CENTRE 11-12 p.m. First Class 206 Victoria CONTACT IMPROVISATION DANCE JAM SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA St., Susan Grimble 352-3449 7:30 - 9 p.m. all levels and live 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Ennergizing musicians welcome. The Moving NELSON BREAST FEEDING CLINIC Morning Yoga Centre, 533A Baker St. Info 2509:30 11:30 a.m. Free drop-in 10 - 11:30 a.m Prenatal Yoga, 352-3319 Judy. Nelson Health Unit, 2nd floor Donna Kutenai Building, 333 Victoria KYOKUSHIN KARATE 5:30 - 7 p.m. Hatha Flow, Karuna Street, more info 250-505-7200. 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. Kids 7:30 -��� 9 p.m.���������������������������������������������� Yoga Basics Course, 6 - 7 p.m. Adults KOOTENAY AKIDO 8 cless/$80 monthly, Preregister � ������������������ 4 - 5 p.m. Akido Fun, ages 4-6 Blewette Elementary School, APPLIED COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS Keith Clughart, 551-3345. 5 -6 p.m. Kids Class, ages 7-12 6:30 - 8 pm. Adult class 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class213C ��� ��������������������� RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS 525 Josephine Street, Information Baker St 250-352-3935. 2:15-3:30 p.m. Beg/Inter ages 6 call 250-352-0459 ��������������� & up TRANSCENDENDENT COMBAT SPORTS ��� ������������������ ������������������ OM YOGA STUDIO 3:30-4:14 p.m. Intro ages 4-5 6 p.m. Combat cardio, 10 - 11:30 a.m. Quantum Yoga, Redfish, Rhythmic Dimensions 250-509-1061. Summit Health and ��������������� Alison 505-1812. Fitness 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-825������������� BELLYFIT FUSION FITNESS 0011 KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING ������ 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. at the Moving 6 a.m. & 8 a.m. Boot Camp with KYOKUSHIN KARATE Centre. Call Heather, 354-0492 Ali Popoff ������������������ 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. Kids, 6 - 7 p.m. 182 Baker St 250-352-9196 KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING Adults ������������� 8 a.m. Abs & Buns Ball Class with YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG Blewette Elementary School, Keith Ali Popoff 7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Clughart, 551-3345 Fitness, 685-B Baker St 250-352182 Baker St. 250-352-9196 FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 7897 FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 1 - 2 p.m. Effortless Movement. 1 - 2 p.m. Effortless movement. OM Studio, 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Saturdays Kutenais Finest, 182 Baker St. Rd Judy Katz 352-3319, 7:15 - 8:15 p.m. Reduce Stress, SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10 - 11:30 a.m. Rejuvanitive Yoga, Kutenais Finest, 182 Baker St.

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Tuesdays SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 7:30-9 a.m. Yoga en Francais! Marie (new class for Francophones) 10 - 11:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga, Maureen 5:30 - 7 p.m. Hatha Flow , Karuna 7:30 - 9 p.m. Yoga Basics Course 8 classes/$80 month, Preregister APPLIED COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class 525 Josephine St. Information call 250-352-0459. OM YOGA STUDIO 10 - 11:30 a.m. Quantum Yoga, Alison 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-8250011 KUNDALINI YOGA WITH CATHERINE LEIGHLAND 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Shambhala Meditation Centre, 444 Baker St., upstairs 352-6132. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS 3:15-4:00 p.m. Introductory ages 4-5 4:00-5:30 p.m. Intermediate ages 8 & up 5:30-6:30Inter/adv extra class S. Nelson, Rhythmic Dimensions 505-1812. QI-GONG & CHEN TAI CHI 7 - 8 p.m. at the Central School Gym. Info 505-4562 Chris Gibson. SARVA SHAKTI SADHANA CIRCLE 7 - 8 p.m. An ancient siddhar yoga practice #209-ManiStone Centre, 507 Baker St, 505-7832 KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 6 a.m. & 8 a.m. Boot Camp with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St 250-352-9196 KOOTENAY AKIDO 6 - 7:30 p.m. Intro Akido 213C Baker St 250-352-3935. YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG 7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Fitness, 685-B Baker St 250-3527897


theExpress says, “Go fly a�������������� kite this ������������ Easter!”

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Vitality Chiropractic and Laser Therapy Chiropractic • Active Release Technique© • Laser Therapy Massage Therapy • Nutritional Consulting • Physiotherapy Personal Training • Acupuncture • Custom Orthotics

901 Front Street • 505-5442 •


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Meet at Kokanee Park for a fun afternoon of kite flying on Sunday, April 3. It’s a family tradition!


March 31, 2010


Page 19

Yoga en Francais Tuesday mornings, 7:30-8:30 a.m. at Shanti Yoga Studio, 466 Josephine St.

Shanti Yoga has a great new yoga class for Frencophones! Anyone wanting to learn yoga in the comfort of their native tongue is welcome to attend. Anyone looking to brush up on their french by practicing yoga in french can join the fun, too. Yoga instructor Marie-Noelle Meehan Leduc is from Quebec. Living in Nelson for 5 years Marie has mastered english. Still, Marie knows learning yoga in the

native tongue creates ease not only for students who are just learning english, but for all native french speakers. Join us for Yoga en Francais every tues��� ���������������������������������������������� day morning. Classes are scheduled in the � ������������������ morning to allow people to attend before work. This is a preregistered monthly ��� ��������������������� class. Cost is $40 for four classes. Contact the studio ��� with������������������ questions at - submitted

20th anniversary Jeans Day ����������������������� Thursday, April 29, all day at������������������������� Annie’s Boutique, 402 Baker St.

Spread the Jeans DayTM word������������������������ and get school on April 29 and help the kids at BC everyone involved!������������������������������������ The “20/20 vision” for Children’s Hospital. the 20th anniversary Jeans Day is seeing Buttons and pins are available at Annie’s ��� ��� your ���������������������������������������������� last year’s record�������������������������������� of $1.3 million being Boutique. With button purchase, you ������������������������������� � � a ������������������ shattered.Your purchase of a Jeans Day will get also get $5 coupon good for any ������������������������������������������ button or pin goes directly to help BC denim wear in the store. With purchase of ������������������������ ��� ��� get��������������������� Children’s Hospital buy urgently needed a pin, you also a tax receipt. Come in �������������������������������� ������������� equipment, fund research into childhood to the store and you could win a flight for ��� ����������������������� �������������������������������� ������������������ illnesses including cancer and diabetes, two anywhere���in North America. ������������������ and maintain public education projects. BC Children’s Hospital is the province’s ������������������ ������ only tertiary child healthcare facility, dediJeans Day is a fun and easy event for ����������������������� ��������������� people of all ages to participate in and cated to providing the best pediatric clini������������������������� ������������� show their support of BC’s kids. Simply cal care, research and education for chil������������������������ by purchasing a $5 button or $20 pin, you dren and families in BC. ������������������������������������ �������������������� - submitted get a chance to wear your jeans to work or

Margo MacLaren, DHom ������������� 250-354-7072 ����������������������� �������������������������������� 20% off all fees for the month of April

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body & soul health directory



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Colette Venier

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Jenie Taylor, BCST & Somatic Trauma Therapy ................................. 551-4022 Whispering Herd - Counselling Equine Assisted Growth, Life Transitions, �������������������� ................................................................ 354-77778

���������� HAIR CARE Front St Hair Studio, The Key to Beauty .......................................... 354-1202

ACUPUNCTURE Kate Butt, Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine ������� Please proof for................................... accuracy then551-5283 phone, fax or email with any changes or an approval. HOLISTIC HEALTH Michael Smith, Dr. TCM, 10 years experience .................................. 352-0459 Aura Defence & Pranashakty Canada. Power, Beauty, Healing. www.auradefence. Shauna Robertson Acupuncture Herbs .................................... 352-2167 Phone:& 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: com ..................... 505-7832

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PHARMACY Remedy’s RX Custom Compound 737 Baker St. ......................... 352-6928

������������������������������ ������������ ����������������������� PSYCHOLOGISTS Joy Green Hypnosis, Talk Therapy, Energy�������������������� Work ......................... 352-9927 ������������ PILATES Kootenai Pilates 540 Baker St. ................................................... 352-1600

REGISTERED MASSAGE ���������� D Voykin RMT, 30 Yrs. By fee or donation ...................................... 509-0345 �������������������� Dennis KeithleyPlease RMT sinceproof 1983, BSc available evenings, week-fax or e forKinesiology accuracy then phone, ������� ends and holidays ................................................................. 354-8406 ���������� Valerie Nunes RMT @ Acupuncture Natural Health• Clinic, clients Phone: 250.354.3910 Fax:new 250.352.5075 welcome .................................................................................... 505-3946 �������Therapy Colette Venier RMT Manipulation, TheCranial-Sacral Express is not Viscercal responsible for any err ���� 1st Tx $50, reg. $65/hr ............................................. 551-0416

Syama Sylvie���� heals with Hawaiian Lomilomi, Thai, Qi-Gong ART THERAPY The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client has signed off. Clearwater Art Therapy .................................................................. 505-1100 Flower Essences. I Teach The Secret and Mayan .................................777-1077 Jennifer Keirstead Reg. Holistic Nutritionist .................................... 509-1417 BODYWORK Integrated Healing Touch, Biodynamic Craniosacral,Esalen®DeepTissue, HOMEOPATHY Shiatsu, Reflexology, Bliss, Certified - Niko ....................................... 551-2577 Barbara Gosney CCH RS Hom Cdn 12 yrs. exp. .............................. 354-1180 Rolf Structural Integration, ........................ 352-6611 HYPNOTHERAPY SHIATSU CHIROPRACTIC Sharon Best, Certified Adv. Hypnotherapist ....................................... 354-7750 Kimberly Davitsky, RST at Shalimar McKenzie Community Chiropractic .............................................. 352-1322 ���� Spa .......................................... 354-4408 Irene Mock, Reg. .......................... 352-7035 ��� ���������������������������������������������� SPAS COACHING MASSAGE SERVICES � ������������������ MountainWatersSpa,VotedBestSpa2007-09...............................352-3280 Richard Klein, Stress Reduction Coach ........................................ 352-3280 A Touch of Aloha, Lomi, Cranio, Structural, Sports ........................ 229-4424 Shalimar Health Spa, Voted Nelson’s Best Spa ................................ 54-4408 Shayla Wright certified coach/mentor ......................................... 352-7908 Ginger Joy Rivest, Neuro Somatic Therapy��� ..................................... 505-4284 ������ Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax ��������������������� Found, Nelson’s Aveda Concept Spa & Salon ................................ 352-7775 Palliative Massage Course, July 3-10, 2009 ............................ 1-800-611-5788 COLONICS Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an approval. Hydrotherpy,Detoxification,Nutrition.U.Devine................................352-6419 YOGA Power Essentials, True Aromatherapy & Massage ....................... 505-4144 Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5 ���Sports������������������ Om Yoga 3067 Heddle Rd.,6-Mile, .................. 825-0011 Rubitin Mobile & Studio, DeepPhone: T., Neuro,250.354.3910 .........................• 352-6804 Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: COUNSELLING & CONSULTATION Yoga Loft 625 Front St.The with Jenna Arpita ................................. 825-2209 for any Express not responsible Gabriel Keczan, Neuro Somatic ........................................ 777-1159 Sally Shamai, MEd, RCC, individuals & couples .................... 1-877-688-5565 Please proof Therapy for accuracy then phone, fax or The email with any changes or.................................... an is approval. Shanti Yoga Studio, Baker @ Josephine The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client has signed352-7703 off. Dienna Raye, MA., Counsellor and Life Coach .............................. 352-1220 NUTRITIONISTS Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: Gail Novack, MEd. Counselling, Grief & Loss ................................... 505-3781 Tara Stark, RD, Nutrition Counselling ............................................. 505-9854

The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client has signed off. Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an approval.

April is Earth Month at the Kootenay Co-op!

Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client signed off. Check outhasour Earth-friendly

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specials, prizes, demos and more

…and don’t forget our Spring Caselot Sale April 18-24!

“Eat the change you seek in the world!” -Co-op shopper

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