IN THIS ISSUE: NDCU Board ratifies Memorandum of Agreement page 5
theExpress independent since 1988
Cultural Ambassador all sewn up Angelica Werth, KSA teacher and award-winning textile artist appointed Nelson’s 2010 Cultural Ambassador
JULIA GILLMOR The Cultural D e v e l o p m e n t Commission (CDC) on behalf of the City of Nelson has announced Angelika Werth as Nelson’s Cultural Ambassador for 2010. Werth is the second Cultural Ambassador to be appointed, the first being the Corazon Youth Choir in 2009. A textile artist with an impressive international portfolio, she began her practice with a dress making apprenticeship at Yves Saint Laurent in Paris. Today she teaches locally at Kootenay School of the Arts and exhibits both nationally and internationally. “I was utterly unaware of the nomination and was on my way to Vancouver when I got the call. I was really surprised and didn’t know what to say so I asked them if I could think about it, “ Werth laughs. “But it’s a really big thing and I didn’t want to take it lightly. I called back and accepted.” Werth has had multiple solo exhibitions and has participated in group exhibitions in Canada, France, Japan, England and The United States. She has also been a recipient of the BC Creative Achievement Award. “Angelika meets all the requirements to be a Cultural Ambassador for Nelson,” says Councilor Donna Macdonald. “Her work is stunning, her practice is very professional, and she travels to exhibit and teach. We know she’ll represent us well.”
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Wednesday April 14, 2010 Vol. 22 No. 19
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Textile artist Angelika Werth makes one of a kind creations from hand felted wool and other mixed media.
Th e Cu l tu r a l Ambassador position was established in recognition of artists or groups who have achieved a high standard of excellence in their artistic discipline and are
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active not only in Nelson’s cultural community but travels, increasing the visextend their talents to ibility and cultural reputaother communities and tion of Nelson. Werth is currently showcountries. The Cultural Ambassador is expected ing in The Art of Craft Winery Direct Prices at the Vancouver Museum to represent and promote Hundreds of BC Wines Parking, Too!
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April 14, 2010
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280 Baker Street , Nelson
Phone: 250.354.3910 Ad Sales: 250.354.1118 Fax: 250.352.5075
The Express is read everywhere, even in Chile!
Here in Santiago Chile, Jean-René Leduc, chief instructor of Kootenay Aikido shares the Express with local club members Anita Werner and Joan Posivy while helping teachers from South America and Australia learn more about the Kootenays.
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Lonnie’s celebrates 25 years.
Arts. Local filmmakers bring their vision to life.
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554 Ward Street Nelson, BC V1L1S9
Publisher Nelson Becker
Advertising Jenna Semenoff
09 Arts. Local filmmakers bring their vision to life.
Production StephanieTaylor
03 News 06 Op/Ed ��������������������� 08 Arts & Entertainment �������������������������������������������������� 14 Fun & Games ��������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� 13 Around Town Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an approval. 14 Clalssifieds ��������������������������� Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: 16 Homes & Gardens ������������������������� The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client has signed off. 11 Health & Wellness �������������������������������������������������
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Dine Out Street Talk Health Calendar Body & Soul Directory Growing Gardens Eco Centric Been’ Thinkin About Dr. Science
Office Manager Julia Gillmor
Accounting Robin Murray
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How to contact us Classifieds, Events Listings, Press Releases, Fish Heads and Flowers and Letters to the Editor can all be submitted via the Express web site: For Body and Soul Directory and Health Calendar listings please call 250.354.3910. For display advertising call 250.354.1118 or email Classified ads are free for the first 15 words and are 25c for each additional word. Deadline is Thursday at noon for the following week. One free classified per week per phone number. Commercial classifieds are $5 per week for the first 15 words and 25c per word thereafter. Free classifieds are not taken over the phone. Press releases must be received by Friday morning for the following week. Press releases for events will be printed in the Wednesday issue immediately prior to the event. Publication of event press releases is at the discretion of the Express. While we try to include everything we receive, there is no guarantee that a press release will be printed. The Editor reserves the right to edit releases subject to length, clarity and taste. Submit press releases to ISSN 1196-7471 The Express Newspaper is owned by Kootenay Express Communication Corp. Publications Mail Agreement #0654353. Paid at Nelson, BC. The Express is published every Wednesdays and distributed free to every home and busienss in the Nelson area, as well as Ainsworth, Ymir, South Slocan, Crescent Valley, Slocan Park, Winlaw, Slocan City, Silverton and New Denver, viia Canada Post. Businesses that wish to supply free copies of the Express
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International rates available. Copyright 2010.
theExpress presents the year of
Page 3
We need to move to a sustainable way of life before we destroy the capacity of the earth to support us.
We arrived where we are by burning fossil fuels as fast as we can drill them out of the earth. The result is two looming difficulties: climate change and peak oil.
Given that fossil energy underpins every aspect of modern industrial society, every aspect of our life is dependent on it. But we cannot keep using fossil fuels. If we do not stop using them, we are going to pass a critical and invisible tipping point. In addition, as we exploit more and more fossil fuels, we pass another invisible tipping point: the point where the available supply of oil and gas is less than the existing demand. At that point, the price continues to go up and up and up. Lengthy supply lines cannot be maintained, food prices from industrial agriculture will continue to rise with the costs of inputs, and our existing way of life will get more and more expensive.
So how do we deal with these challenges?
The Transition Town movement suggests that way forward is to rethink, reconnect and relocalize our way of life. We need to create a future that is rich in social connections, rich in our capacity to grow our own food, and supply our own needs and which does not rely on fossil fuels.
How are we going to get there? We are
going to tap into the collective genius of this community by having a conversation about next steps. We are going to begin to move forward through our collective and individual actions to a new post carbon society.
Given that communities are complex systems, we cannot simply chart out a step by step plan; but keeping in mind that ultimate goal is a society without fossil fuels, we can begin to find our way. We can start to experiment; we can begin to do this together. You are the solution. TRANSITION NELSON IS PART OF A GLOBAL MOVEMENT TO ADDRESS THE CONVERGING CHALLENGES OF THE 21ST CENTURY BY ENHANCING COMMUNITY RESILIENCE. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON TRANSITION TOWN, VISIT WWW.TRANSITIONNELSON.ORG
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April 14, 2010
Let’s send our Cultural Ambassador on a trip. The Cultural Development Committee on behalf of the City of Nelson has named Angelika Werth as Nelson’s Cultural Ambassador. This is a relatively new position and while there are no official duties, there is the understanding that our Ambassador will represent the cultural interests, needs and attractions of Nelson’s community during her travels as she exhibits, teaches or has speaking engagements. Some years ago, the Mayor of Nelson New Zealand came to visit Nelson BC. Nelson New Zealand and our home community of Nelson have much in common. While the community in New Zealand is the largest Nelson in the world at 40,000 residents, we are the second largest at 10,000. Both Nelsons pride themselves on their heritage and their fine arts and crafts commu-
nity. It’s is a promotional and selling feature for both cities. When the Mayor of Nelson came to visit and met with our Mayor Dooley, the topic of arts and cultural came up in conversation. An unofficial but mutual agreement was made to exchange cultural ambassadors between our communities. Angelika Werth would be our ideal representative due both to her appointment as well as her background as a professional artist. Nelson New Zealand is the birthplace of the Wearable Art Show and much of Angelika’s background is in fashion and wearable art. We call upon the Mayor to take the lead in helping to make this happen and we look forward to welcoming Nelson New Zealand’s Cultural Ambassador to our community.
Fish Heads and Flowers Fish Heads to parents who allow their children to rip up public property with ATV’s and rob others their right to enjoy these places in peace. The kids may be too young to know better parents have no excuse. - Shocked by the ignorance Flowers to our local professional ‘flower-pickers.’ Know that you are in our hearts when you refrain from picking flowers from other people’s property. They have put in long hours to nurture greenery for all to enjoy. Please don’t rob them (and all of us) of the pleasure for a job well-done! - Happy gardener Fish Heads to people who stick their gum to the bottom of plates in restaurants. Wrap it in a
napkin! Its disgusting. Disgruntled dishwasher Fish Heads to the car. No one cares about how loud you can rev up your car! Your ignorance is astounding. - Would rather be asleep! Flowers to the bottle pickers who recycle and clean up the mess for the lazy people who don’t. Respectfully grateful
An ode to Nelson Dear Publisher I felt I really should thank you persoanlly for your steadfast suport and development of this community, your openmindedness, your through-and-through demoncratic stance and continual projects to improvments. Thank you again and many blessings upon you and yours. I have a vision for Nelson, but it would require people to really think outside the box. We should build Tesla technolgy home units using rare earth magnets (of which I do have a design) and use the energy to power our houses and businesses. Heck, there may even be surplus. Then we can
use the money we’ve saved and build community greenhouses, which could be built by volunteers and maintained by the city, so we always have a surplus of seeds and greens. Of course, programs that nurture a healthy society and caring for our elders would ensu,e and we would also be able to put money into our hospitals. Pipe dream - I know. But the funny thing is, Nelson, I applaud that people like you can see a glimmer of possibility in this type of vision for our future. The ideas keep coming... Suzzanne W. Chappell Nelson
Street Talk: What do you do to make the planet happy?
HST debate takes centre stage in the House The biggest news from “the House” this week is the introduction of Bill 9, the legislation that paves the way for the HST. This bill has 213 clauses that rescind the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) so that the HST can come into effect. While the Conservative federal government has already passed the legislation that allows for the HST in BC, the provincial legislation is an integral part of the deal the BC Liberals cooked up with Ottawa after last year’s election. That means it is critical to vote down Bill 9 to stop the HST in BC. After touring the province as a member for the Select Standing Finance Committee, and pouring over 3500 submissions for our work in making budget recommendations to the Minister of Finance, I know that British Columbians are strongly opposed to the HST. Then of course the polls also show that 82% of BC citizens oppose the tax. Everyday, I listen to the BC Liberals brush this opposition off as ignorance and the usual type of opposition to new taxes, but this
in the house Michelle Mungall just goes to show how outof-touch they are. People are clear that they oppose this tax because it is a $1.9 billion shift from big corporations onto the backs of individuals and families. Over and over again, I have heard from people who agree with taxation, and would even pay more if they saw the results in their communities. What they don’t like are unfair taxes like the HST. On top of this, people are angry that they have been lied to. During the election, the BC Liberals stated in writing that they would not implement the HST. Two months later, they committed to putting it through. Such a flip flop on a major tax shift shows that the BC Liberals are either incompetent or they blatantly lied to get re-elected. Voters have told
me that neither situation is acceptable. I recently returned to some of the communities I visited last Fall, including our own in the Kootenays. Citizens’ sentiments on the HST haven’t changed. They aren’t buying the HST-to-healthcare shell game because they know that the HST is revenueneutral and isn’t adding any new dollars to the system. Instead of coming around to the tax shift, people are saying that they’re calling, emailing and writing BC Liberal MLAs, asking them to vote with the NDP and against the HST. To join the lobby, go to www.leg. to get contact details for MLAs. The coalition to stop the HST is broad, encompassing people from all political stripes and backgrounds. The NDP is going to do everything we can to stop Bill 9. All we need are seven BC Liberal MLAs to vote “nay” to Bill 9 and vote with their constituents on the HST. Stay tuned to as things heat up in the House.
I recycle and drive a fuel efficient vehicle, and make an effort to reduce buying heavily packaged items.
Mike Delnea, Nelson
I sell and make organic products. I also recycle and try to make the smallest ecological footprint I can.
Valencia Fierro, Williams Lake
Fish Heads to the person[s] responsible for mutilating the bird and leaving it in the middle of Baker St. How sadistic are you? - Sad and grossed Flowers to a developer in our community for improving the esthetic of our Village with his building. - Happy sightseer
Generally I try to just respect the planet. I recycle, have cut down on driving, and I think I am overall just more conscious of how I move through the world.
Peter Moll, Thrums
SEND US YOUR FISH HEADS AND FLOWERS! All submissions to the Express Fish Heads and Flowers section will be considered provided that no one is identified in the text or signature, all signatures are anonymous, and the submission is both concise and written in good taste. We reserve the right to withhold publication of submissions if these standards are not satisfied. To submit your gift of Fish Heads or Flowers, email, or submit online at We will not accept submissions over the telephone. The Express cannot guarantee that your submission will be printed due to space limitation.
Letters to the editor & commentaries SUBMITTED
We encourage our readers to write to us. Please address letters meant for publication to the editor. We do not accept open letters. Letters must be short (200 words maximum) and to the point. We reserve the right to edit letters for taste and clarity, and the decision to publish or not to publish is completely at the discretion of the editor and publisher. Originals will not be returned to the writer and the Express will store the original in its files. Commentaries can be longer
(500 words maximum) and are more in-depth than letters. If you wish to write a commentary, please first contact the editor. All letters and commentaries must be signed and include your name, address and phone number. Only your name and the community where you live will be published. We will not print “name withheld” letters. Opinions in the paper are not necessarily those of the Express or its advertisers.
Left to right: Express guest Mike Delnea, graphic designer Stephanie Taylor, ad representative Jenna Semenoff and Express publisher Nelson Becker.
The Express takes home silver at Ma Murray community newspaper awards The Express newspaper won silver at the Annual BC & Yukon Community Newspaper Association (BCYCNA) Ma Murray Awards. The award was
given in the Ad Design: Collaborative under 25,000 category. “I could not be more proud of Stephanie and the whole Express team in cre-
ating artistic and informational advertisments,” publisher Nelson Becker said. “We know people read the Express as much for the ads as they do for the editorial.”
I try to be compassionate to others, which is a good basis for world peace.
Lien Pauwels, Belgium
April 14, 2010
Page 5
Random shots heard in Slocan Village JULIA GILLMOR On Tuesday evening March 30, Slocan Lake RCMP received a number of phone calls reporting possible gunshots in and around Slocan Village. A further complaint was also received that the window of a residence had been shot. Homeowner Richard Smedbol and his wife were preparing for bed when the shooting occurred. “There was a very loud whap sound in the living room. I jumped up out of bed and went in and as we looked more closely it was clear that it was a bullet that had come though our window. It came through the wooden part of the window, hit the glass, split in half, one part it went into the kitchen and one part of it stayed in the living room,” recalls Smedbol. Smedbol’s wife had been sitting alone in the living room at the time. “When my wife realized what had happened she started trembling and getting very distraught. My immediate reaction was to go chase these people down but I didn’t do that because I couldn’t leave my wife and we instead called the police.” While the bullet injured neither Smedbol
nor his wife, the incident has deeply affected them. In an effort to quickly apprehend the suspect(s), neighbouring RCMP detachments were contacted to set up roadblocks on Highway 6, both north and south of Slocan Village. Neither the suspect(s) or possible suspect’s vehicle was located that night. The following day, RCMP also received numerous other reports of damage in the Slocan area. A total of 15 different properties or vehicles had been victimized, including six private residences. These incidents are believed to be random in nature, not targeted. “We have received some tips and the General Investigation Unit of the Kootenay Boundary is assisting the local detachment in following up leads,” says Staff Sergeant Dan Seibel about the incidents. “No arrests or charges have been laid. We have spoken to some individuals but there’s nothing to get excited about at this point.” Seibel has a concern over “Wanted” posters showing up in the Slocan Village area. “I have to clearly establish that they are unauthorized by the RCMP even though they do have contact for the RCMP and
Crimestoppers.” Seibel reveals the posters have inaccurate information. “The initial vehicle description was a small, older vehicle, light in color with a noisy exhaust with particular round taillights that narrow it down. One of the vehicles that match it is an Acura Integra. The one that is noted in the poster was an American vehicle so it’s inaccurate,” says Seibel. His concern is that the public may try to get involved. “The investigation is a police matter and we do appreciate and are seeking the public’s input However, the actual arrest and the securing of the firearms have to be left to us. We don’t want someone hurt or injured or shot as a result of trying to take matters into their own hands.” The investigation is ongoing and Seibel says, “We have not narrowed it down to one or two people but we’re following up tips which would involve potential suspects. We don’t have sufficient evidence at this time to pursue any laying of charges or judicial documents.” Individuals who may have information surrounding these incidents are asked to contact the Slocan RCMP at 250.358.2222 or call Crimestoppers at 1.800.222.TIPS.
Credit Union board ratifies memorandum of agreement STEPHANIE TAYLOR The Nelson & District Credit Union Board of Directors voted unanimously to approve a Memorandum of Agreement at a special board meeting on Monday, April 12. This agreement will form the basis for a new collective agreement.
Following the approval of the memorandum, the union and the board will put a Return to Work agreements into place, which will specify the return to work date for the employees of the Nelson, Rossland and East shore branches of the NDCU. “The Credit Union understands the impact this labour disruption has
had on its membership,” stated the NDCU in a press release received Monday night. The credit union has offered to refund all automated teller fees charged by competitors’ banks that credit union members accrued during the two month strike, and will also waive chequing account service fees for one month.
Volunteer Week celebrates unsung heroes
April 18 to 24 is National Volunteer Appreciation Week, when those whose volunteer time makes our community a better place are given some recognition. The ultimate in local volunteer recognition in Nelson is to be named Citizen of the Year. Some very deserving men and women have been honoured in this way. But it sometimes happens that the person nominated and chosen for the Knights of Columbus award wishes to avoid the celebrity and recognition that such an award brings. Many volunteers in our midst do so for the inher-
been thinkin’ about George Millar ent satisfaction gained, not for any external reward. And that’s great. It is also good that the K of C award and other official means of recognition are available. But informal recognition of the value of one’s time and effort is perhaps more important.
I can think of a halfdozen not-for-profit organizations whose shops or activities are designed solely to supply funds for some service to our community. There are other volunteerbased organizations whose object is to promote Nelson to the rest of the world, or to provide activities for those who visit. Most of the local sports groups who provide programs of training and competition for our youth would be unable to operate if they no longer had the volunteers who are their workforce. The scouting movement and several
church-based youth programs also depend on volunteer leadership. Not all of Nelson’s volunteers are seniors, but many are. Frequently I hear the comment, “I’m so busy now, I don’t know how I had time for work.” Of course, a fair percentage of them stepped up their commitment to volunteer activity after their retirement. If in the last year, you or your family members have enjoyed an activity or service that is provided by volunteers, take a moment the next chance you get to thank those volunteers.
George Millar is a long-time resident of the West Kootenay. Been Thinking About is an exploration of events and organizations in the region, seen from a senior’s perspective.
The result of a backyard garden is worth the TLC Winter is over, if it ever really began, and spring is here. Now is the time to start thinking about getting out and enjoying the freshness of the season. It’s also the time to start thinking about a garden. My good friend is a gardener extraordinaire. She has a 6 year old boy, works full time, has many other hobbies and has a garden that is the size of my whole back yard. How she does it, I don’t know. But I did get inspired by her last year and put in my own garden. It was an extremely small garden but boy was I proud when those first snap peas came into bloom. My five year old daughter Fawn was even more excited then I was when I sent her out for the first time to har-
vest the peas and bring them in for dinner. I have never seen her eat veggies with such enthusiasm. When fall rolled around and we picked a seemingly endless supply of squash, she helped me pick, slice, and make a variety of squash dishes. And even though family matters I lost most of my tomatoes to the Ymir Isabel Hertzig frosts that creep up way to early, we be pleasantly surprised at how easy did make some delicious salsa. basic gardening can be. Gardening can be������������������ really intimidatThe moral of this very short story ing, and few of us have the desire or is this, you don’t need to plant every the time to read all��������������� those gardening veggie known to man or dedicate books. Luckily when starting small, your life to endless weeding and you don’t have to.������������� Just go to your watering. Start small, plant a few local gardening store or grocery store things, let your children help you and speak to the staff about what you and teach them first hand where veg��������������������� should get. Let them know you are a etables come from; then sit back and beginner and need������������� a few easy ideas watch their new found love of vegon what and how to garden. You will etables unfold.
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Isabelle Herzig is the regional coordinator for Community Action Programs for Children (CAPC) and works with the Kootenay Kids Society. To contact Isabelle to submit a Joke of the Day on���������������� behalf of a child, or to tell her what’s on your family’s mind, email or phone 352-6678 ext 226. To learn more about Kootenay Kids, go to
Public invited to witness annual sturgeon release Juvenile Sturgeon Release Monday, April 19, 2-4 p.m. at Keeleyside Dam
The sturgeon family has remained largely unchanged since 175 million years ago when dinosaurs roamed the earth; it is more like eye-balling a miniature, bony pre-historic creature than your average scaly fish. On April 19 the public has an opportunity to make such a connection with pre-history and, in doing so, will help future generations of a very vulnerable species. Through funding from BC Hydro’s Water Licence Requirements (WLR) Program and the Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program juvenile white sturgeon are being produced at the Wardner Hatchery for release into the Columbia River. “It is wonderful to watch young and old alike gently handle and release a juvenile sturgeon into the waters of the Columbia River,” says Bill Duncan, chair of the Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative’s (UCWSRI) Community Working Group. “We really believe that offering this tactile experience will truly help people connect with the river, and with these very important fish.” This year will mark
the ninth year that BC Hydro, the Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program and the UCWSRI have released juvenile sturgeon into the Columbia River. Approximately four thousand juvenile sturgeon will be released below Hugh Keenleyside Dam, each between 15 and 25 centimetres in length and weighing about 70 grams. This local population of white sturgeon is endangered and was listed under the Species At Risk Act in 2006. There are estimated to be less than 1,100 adult sturgeon remaining in the river between the dam and the US border and there has been virtually no successful sturgeon reproduction in the river for several decades. While a multitude of human activities has negatively impacted the white sturgeon over the last 125 years, biologists are still working hard to determine the exact causes of their lack of reproductive success. For more information about the UCWSRI visit uppercolumbiasturgeon. org. For more information about the release event contact the Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program at 250-352-6874 or visit www. - submitted
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April 14, 2010
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There are many resources for mulch in the local area. Some cost money, others are free for the taking.
From fine linens to fine mulch
When I recently found ers of cardboard and straw myself tangled up in baler on exposed areas that I twine and covered with want to protect from the straw in the middle of my damaging effects of weeds, gardens, I took a moment wind and sun. to reflect on how I had After several seasons come to be in that situa- growing gardens the results of my methods tion. A smile spread across Helen Sebelius are showing themselves my face as I remembered well and have exceeded my first introduction to no sign of them remained. my expectations. It turns “mulching” and how, over At that moment I became out that mulch in the garthe years, it has become a convinced that the disap- den has many uses. As I significant part of my gar- pearance of my old linens assessed the state of my meant something good, gardens last Fall, I noticed dening practice. I have tried out a lot of and that any natural fibrous areas that were bereft of materials that I like to think materials might be useful the newspaper and straw of as mulch: leaves, grass in the garden. that I had put down 12 My decision to mulch months earlier. On closer clippings, sawdust, newspaper, cardboard, spoiled was initially based on the inspection I found that hay, new straw, and even scale of my gardens and multitudes of worms were old bed sheets and towels the amount of time that I congregating, breeding, have found their way into wanted to devote to weed- eating, defecating, aerating ��� ���������������� my gardens. I was hesi- ing and watering them. and generally quite busily � mulch ���������������� tant to relegate the linens With weed suppression and turning the into food water retention as my manto the lilac patch instead for my plants—yet another �������������� of the ragbag, but when I tra, each Spring and Fall I indication���of where the old dug around two years later, generously place thick lay- linens went! ��� Nursery �������������� Helen Sebelius is a gardener and artist who owns and operates Against the Wind in the Slocan Valley. Located north of Winlaw at 6376 Slocan River Road, the nursery opens April 18th. Business hours are Sunday to Wednesday, 10 – 4. Call 250.226.6957.
The West Arm Outdoors Club�
���������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������� Ainsworth Hot Springs Kootenay Lake Automotive Balfour Beach Inn Kootenay Lakeview Lodge Balfour Superette Leo’s Pizza and Greek Taverna Balfour Towing Maglio Building Centre Barren Fly and Tackle Main Jet Blue Sky Clothing Co. Marge Bailey Dale Williams Molly’s Landing Dave Brackett Momma Hobbit Creations Derek Pollard Monty Lust Don McKinnon Nelco Marine Down Under Diving Nelson Farmers Supply Finley’s Irish Bar and Grill Nelson City Police Gill And Gift Nelson Toyota Habitat Wildlife Conservation Fund Sage Tapas and Wine Bar High Country Forestry Consultants Taylor Wilton Nelson Home Hardware That Craft Store Heritage Pawn The Gift Hut Jim Shkooratoff Timber Creek Custom Woodworks Jones Boys Boats Toad Rock Campground Kaslo Irly Bird Walmart Kokanee Park Store Wayne Kenell Kootenay Industrial Supply Whitewater Ski Resort
If we inadvertently missed you, please accept our apologies & gratitude. Special thanks to Claire Williamson, Daniela Naef and all the cooks, serving staff and volunteers for making the evening a success.
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April 14, 2010
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Lonnie’s Lingerie celebrates silver anniversary JULIA GILLMOR On the 400 block of Baker St. exists the oldest lingerie shop in Nelson. Owner Joyce Jackson purchased Lonnie’s just over five years ago, but original owner Lonnie Lang still drops by every Wednesday for a visit. With a background in the insurance industry it seems an unlikely transition to undergarments, but Jackson dispels that notion. “It doesn’t matter what you’re selling, it’s all about your relationship with your customers. “You could be selling insurance, you could be selling widgets, you could be selling lingerie. It’s about building those relationships,” she states. Lang cornered the market on uniforms for the medical industry but Jackson has come a long way since those days. “We are actually the number one Calvin Kline boutique in BC and number five in Canada.” A lingerie shop tends to attract a certain clientele but Jackson insists there’s something for everyone. “When I bought the store it was in the Trading Company
and it was Pepto Bismol pink. Men would come to the door and it was like a force field they didn’t want to cross. When I moved the store (to Baker St.) it was really important for me to have an environment that everyone would feel comfortable in, male, female, young, old. Still, we keep the guys stuff at the front so they don’t have to come in too far,” she laughs. “Our philosophy is that every woman, no matter their age or where they are in their life, their lifestyle, or their body type, deserves to be in a good fitting bra that won’t break the bank.” Jackson says everyone should feel welcome coming into the store. “We’re super comfortable talking about our product and the fact that things give different kinds of support, because they do. And we’re equally comfortable talking to men as we are women about that,” Jackson adds. Lonnie’s Lingerie is located at 464 Baker St. in Nelson. JENNA SEMENOFF
Joyce Jackson, seen here, is the owner of Lonnie’s Lingerie,which is celebrating 25 years of business.
Students shone at Central Education Centre Science Fair Wildfire prevention underway On Thursday, March 25, Dr. Science attended the Central Education Centre Science Fair. As with all previous school science fairs, the creativity, ingenuity, hard work, and enthusiasm of the students was startling, and wonderful. Dr. Science was asked to review four projects, and each project was fantastic. The first project described research into airbags for back country enthusiasts that would minimize death and injury caused by avalanches. The student was very ingenious to utilize eggs for the crash test dummies for his prototype airbags. The presentation was well supported with many measurements
dr. science Morgan Dehnel
The third project researched the manner in which buildings are imploded for demolition purposes. The student clearly understood each step of the process used to demolish a building, and the critical importance of the timing of the detonations of the various explosive charges, and the engineering analysis required to strategically place the explosives near supporting structures within the building. The fourth project researched how altitude affects speed skating results. The project thoroughly illustrated and described all the major factors involved. The student perceived
that there are counterbalancing effects where, for example, at higher altitudes the air density is less which reduces air friction (results in shorter times), but the athlete’s ability to extract oxygen from the air is less (results in longer times). Her project was supported by data where the average times are about 2% faster at tracks located at altitudes of over 1000 metres above sea level. Dr. Science wishes best of luck to these four young scientists, and to the participants of this and all other science fairs in the region.
and calculations which delved deeply into the underlying accelerations and forces experienced in such situations. The second project analyzed and reported on how smoke rings were formed. The highlight for me was a working model which generated actual smoke rings, and which thus provided observable examples of this phenomenon. Magnificent! Dr. Science is in real life, Dr. Morgan Dehnel, a particle accelerator physicist, and resident of Nelson. Please send comments or questions regarding this column to
Nelson Fire Chief Simon Grympa is happy to report that the Wildfire Fuel Mitigation and Fire prevention work is moving ahead as planned. The fuel modification and forest restoration project at the cemetery is complete and the crews will be moving to the 5 mile pipeline area near Svoboda Road. The project in this area is the continuation of both fire load reduction to slow down the travel and spread of a fire as well as providing protection to the Nelson water infrastructure. Work by faller and slashing crews will affect access to the following trails and will be posted closed Monday to Friday 8am to
5pm: Trail #3 (Svoboda Traverse), Trail #4 (Short Svoboda), Trail #6 (13 Steps to Doom), Trail #7 (Billy Joe Jim Bob) and Trail #8 (Long Svoboda). The Nelson Fire Department would like to remind residents and trail riders of this continuing work and the danger of falling trees and asks everyone to stay clear of the area until the work has been competed. Nelson Fire Department invites the public to view the complete prescription posted at the Stanley Street Trail above the cemetery and look forward to any comments from the public. - submitted
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CALL FOR DIRECTORS The Board of Directors of the Kootenay Country Store Cooperative would like to inform all members that we have director positions open for election this year. Our election procedure has changed and we now require all potential candidates to apply before Friday, April 30.
������������������ Full details and the application form can be found at the ��������������� customer service desk at the Co-op or on our website: ������������� h t t p : / / w w w. ko o t e n a y. c o o p / p u b l i c a t i o n s / CandidatePackage.pdf
�������������������� ��������������� If you would like more
information, please contact the Board of Directors at our website, or call General Manager, Deirdrie Lang at 250-354-4077.
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Open Monday-Saturday 8-8, Sundays 10-6 phone 354-4077 fax 354-4097 ������������������������������������
Page 8
April 14, 2010
Open house gives the community a chance to see the new Whole School Open House Thursday, April 22, 2-5 p.m. at Whole School, 5614 Highway #6, Winlaw
Since 1973, The Whole School has offered an educational alternative to the community with small multi-aged classes in a nurturing, non-competitive environment, which aims to foster the “whole” growth of every child: social, emotional, spiritual, physical and intellectual. Emphasis is placed on artistic expression, environmental stewardship, experiential learning and social justice. The Whole School’s belief is that optimum learning occurs by honouring each child’s social and emotional needs, inherent curiosity, imagination and enthusi-
asm. Helping children to recognize their own potential is essential to fostering leadership, confidence, self-esteem, and a life long love of learning. The Whole School enjoys a wonderfully active group of dedicated parents and volunteers who help to create an intimate family and community oriented setting. All of the teachers are BC Certified and passionate about alternative and progressive education. The Whole School is excited to commemorate 37 years as the oldest, non-aligned independent school in all of BC. They are also celebrating the first year in the new bright and comfy dedicated venue in Winlaw. To mark this celebration, they are offering
first year free tuition to all new students joining the school program from halftime kindergarten to grade seven. Drop by their open house on Thursday, April 22 to meet the students, staff and parents, see the school at its new home and help celebrate Earth Day. Don’t forget to also mark your calendars on Saturday, May 8 for their 11th Annual Spring Market. For more information on the Whole School, upcoming events, free tuition offer or admission applications for the upcoming 2010/11 school year call School Coordinator, Jane, Mondays to Wednesdays at (250) 226-7737. - submitted
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$5 off a Haircut and Free Haircut with purchase of colour or highlights.
Left to right: Adahai McMahon, Pikoi Tinglin, Torin Graham and Ayden Harvey reading in the Whole School’s new home.
Secretary Week Mothers Day
and booking for April 19.
needs & wants shop local
Lil is back
One-of-a-kind necklaces using silver, freshwater pearls, Swarovski crystals & turquoise.
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Hojo Designs will be at the West Kootenay Springtime Faire
Saturday, April 17th, 2010
10am-4pm at the Best Western in Nelson
Don’t forget your Mom this Mother’s Day with a personalized, hand-stamped pendant.
�������������������� �������������� Offer expires May 31.
250-352-0888 466 Josephine Street
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Briefly Kundalini Yoga Tuesdays beginning April 13, 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. at the Shambhala Meditation Center, 444 Baker St.
This powerful and comprehensive system of yoga combines pranayam, traditional hatha postures, mudra, mantra, deep relaxation and meditation to build awareness. Kundalini yoga releases limitations and helps to develop the self-discipline necessary to move closer to our true capacity and potential. In the spirit of self-discovery, yoga’s goal is to promote union between body and mind.
Drop-in rates are available and the first class is salways free. For more information, contact Cathrine Leighland at 250-3526132.
Habondia Potluck Saturday, April 17, 12-2 p.m. at the Nelson Women’s Centre, 420 Mill Street
This month’s potluck will feature a short film, Rising from the Ashes, which tells the story of ofive women from Peru. One of the founders of Circle of Habondia, Laverne Booth, will also be
body & soul
presenting the book Threads of My Life by Hilaria Supa Huamn, a Peruvian woman elected to the Peruvian Congress in 2006. Join other women in circle for the enjoyment of good food and conversation. Call 250-352-6688 for further information, or visit
Bellyfit Spring Session Mondays beginning, April 19, 8:45.-9:45 a.m. at The Moving Centre, 533 Baker St.
Start your Mondays with this fusion fitness class for women, which blends the
Gail Novack, MEd. Counselling, Grief & Loss ................................... 505-3781 Jenie Taylor, BCST & Somatic Trauma Therapy ................................. 551-4022
health directory
ACUPUNCTURE Kate Butt, Acupunture and Herbal Medicine ................................... 551-5283 Michael Smith, Dr. TCM, 10 years experience .................................. 352-0459 ART THERAPY Clearwater Art Therapy .................................................................. 505-1100 BODYWORK Integrated Healing Touch, Biodynamic Craniosacral,Esalen®DeepT issue, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Bliss, Certified - Niko ....................................... 551-2577 Rolf Structural Integration, ........................ 352-6611 CHIROPRACTIC McKenzie Community Chiropractic .............................................. 352-1322 COACHING Richard Klein, Stress Reduction Coach ........................................ 352-3280 Shayla Wright cer tified life coach/spiritual mentor.................................. 352-7908 COLONICS Hydrotherpy,Detoxification,Nutrition.U.Devine................................352-6419 COUNSELLING & CONSULTATION Sally Shamai, MEd, RCC, individuals & couples .................... 1-877-688-5565 Dienna Raye, MA., Counsellor and Life Coach .............................. 352-1220
FELDENKRAIS METHOD Physical Problems and nothing helps? Give me a call and let’s get moving! Call Hilary...........................................................................354-7616 HAIR CARE Front St Hair Studio, The Key to Beauty .......................................... 354-1202 HOLISTIC HEALTH Aura Defence & Pranashakty Canada. Power, Beauty, Healing. www.auradefence. com ..................... 505-7832 Syama Sylvie heals with Hawaiian Lomilomi, Thai, Qi-Gong Flower Essences. I Teach The Secret and Mayan .................................7-1077 Jennifer Keirstead Reg. Holistic Nutritionist .................................... 509-1417 HOMEOPATHY Barbara Gosney CCH RS Hom Cdn 12 yrs. exp. .............................. 354-1180
April 14, 2010
Page 9
power and wisdom of ancient cultures, with trends of the modern world. Each class is a seamless fusion of fun and easy to learn cardio movements inspired by belly dance, Bollywood, Bhangra, African Dance and more. During the second half of the class enjoy sculpting, toning and tightening with Pilates inspired core work, followed with a deep yet relaxing Yoga inspired stretch and mindful Mudra Meditation. To register for this six-week class, call Heather at 250-354-0492 or visit
RUBITIN Mobile & Studio, Deep T., Neuro, Sports ......................... 352-6804 Gabriel Keczan, Neuro Somatic Therapy ........................................ 777-1159 NUTRITIONISTS Tara Stark, RD, Nutrition Counselling ............................................. 505-9854 PHARMACY Remedy’s RX Custom Compound 737 Baker St. ......................... 352-6928 PILATES Kootenai Pilates 540 Baker St. ................................................... 352-1600 REGISTERED MASSAGE D Voykin RMT, 30 Yrs. By fee or donation ...................................... 509-0345 Dennis Keithley RMT since 1983, BSc Kinesiology available evenings, weekends and holidays ................................................................. 354-8406 SHIATSU Kimberly Davitsky, RST at Shalimar Spa .......................................... 354-4408
HYPNOTHERAPY Sharon Best, Certified Adv. Hypnotherapist ....................................... 354-7750 Irene Mock, Reg. .......................... 352-7035
MASSAGE SERVICES A Touch of Aloha, Lomi, Cranio, Structural, Sports ........................ 229-4424 Ginger Joy Rivest, Neuro Somatic Therapy ..................................... 505-4284 Palliative Massage Course, July 3-10, 2009 ............................ 1-800-611-5788 Power Essentials, True Aromatherapy & Massage ....................... 505-4144
SPAS MountainWatersSpa,VotedBestSpa2007-09...............................352-3280 Shalimar Health Spa, Voted Nelson’s Best Spa ................................ 54-4408 TAI CHI Daphne Fields, MEd., Valhalla-Tai-Chi ............................................ 355-2854
YOGA Om Yoga 3067 Heddle Rd.,6-Mile, .................. 825-0011 The Yoga Loft 625 Front St. with Jenna Arpita ................................. 825-2209
��������������������� ��������������� ��������� ������ Natural 4/340g Apples Cinnamon 4/340g Honey Almond 4/510g
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������ Non Pitted ������ Pitted
������ Laundry ������ Dish
������ Canola 6/750ml
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������ 4.54 kg
Elbows, Spaghetti, Spirals
������ 12/425g Madras Sambar, Matar Paneer, Punjabi Chhole
���������������� ������������� �������4.54kg Spaghetti, Small Shells, Penne Rigate
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������ 12/540 ml
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1 ply 48/cs
Black, Chick Peas, Kidney
�������5 kg
2 kg
Raspberry Orange Lemon Lime Tangerine Tropical Pink Lemonade
Short Grain Brown Eco Farmed �������11.34kg
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Long Grain Brown Organic �������11.34kg
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������ 4.54kg
Black ~ Pinto
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Basmati - Eco Farmed 11.34 kg ������ Brown ������ White
Spaghetti, Rotini
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Page 10
April 14, 2010
New dialysis equipment for regional program Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital and other sites in the East Kootenay and Kootenay Boundary have received a total of $485,000 in new dialysis and water treatment equipment to better serve patients who access the Kootenay Renal Program. “This new equipment will provide improved kidney care to residents of the Kootenays for years to come,” said Minister of Health Services Kevin Falcon. “However, it is also important to note that kidney disease is preventable and if kidney disease is identified early, it can
often be managed through diet, medication and lifestyle adjustments, which can postpone and sometimes even prevent the need for dialysis.” Through this funding, Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital has 13 new state-of-the-art hemodialysis machines ($390,000) and a portable reverse osmosis machine ($15,000). Approximately 600 patients from the East Kootenay and Kootenay Boundary receive care through the Kootenay Renal Program each year. - submitted
More measles cases reported in BC
Interior Health is asking Instruction is available healthcare professionals 200 Hour Yoga Teacher and the public to be alert from 7-7:30 p.m. for people Training unfamiliar with the moves. for the signs and symptoms Monday, April 19, to Thursday, The dance goes from 7:30- of measles, after three peoMay 20 at Shanti Yoga Studio, ple in the region were diag9:30 p.m. Josephine and ��� Baker ���������������������������������������������� Sts. For more information, nosed with the disease in � ������������������ Fulfill your dream to the last 10 days. contact David Feldman at teach yoga and deepen The three cases are not 250-354-1971. ��� ��������������������� your own practice. directly connected to each Join Dan Clement and ��� ������������������ Elissa Gumushel for an Turkish Rom Dance Workshop incredible experience. For more infoirmation Sunday, April 18, 1-4 p.m. at the visit Moving Centre, 533 Baker St.
other, occurring in Vernon, Lillooet and Williams Lake, and only one case had overseas exposure in a measles–endemic area. All ������ three cases lacked full twoTurkish Rom dance is dose measles vaccination Contra Dance made of distinctive, lively protection. Friday, April 16, 7 p.m. at steps and is characterized Children who have had Central School Gym, 811 Mill St. by dramatic shifts in mood two doses of measles vacThis month’s contra and expression, body per- cine (MMR) are immune, dance features Kootenay cussion and hand gestures as are those born before Kontraband with Genie signifying the experience 1957 due to high likelihood of having had childhood Sittig on fiddle, Catherine of Roma life. ��� ���������������������������������������������� measles. McGrath on mandolin, � ������������������ To register call Shauna Kids or adults with fever, and Connie Davis on key- at 250-226-0087 or email cough and red eyes should board. David Feldman will shaunasoulFire@hotmail. ��� ��������������������� stay home from school be doing the callling. com. ���������������� or work and not expose
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health calendar
others, whatever virus is causing their illness. If they then develop a red blotchy rash that starts on head, neck and shoulders and then spreads to cover their entire body, they may consider calling their physician. Before going to a doctor’s office or walk-in clinic call ahead to identify themselves as possibly having measles, so they can be put in a isolation room right away, and not expose others by sitting in a waiting room with others for a long period of time. If needing to go to a hospital ER for any reason, self-identify upon arriving there so similar precautions can be taken. All suspect measles cases should be reported to Public Health immediately, usually by your attending physician. - submitted
��������������������� drop-in classes and events ������������� Wednesdays
Judy Katz 352-3319,
SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 12 - 1:30 p.m. Anusara Yoga, Elissa 5:30 - 7 p.m. Restorative Yoga, Shayla 7:30 - 9 p.m. - HAtha Flow, Lindsay
SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS 10 - 11:30 a.m. Rejuvanitive, 3-4:00 p.m. Beginner ages 6 & up Shayla 4-5:30 p.m. Performance Group 12 - 1:30 p.m. Hatha Flow, Cindy ages 8 & up S.Nelson, Rhythmic Dimensions KOOTENAY AKIDO 505-1812. ������������������ 9:15 - 10:45 a.m. Intro Akido 213C Baker St 250-352-3935. BELLYFIT FUSION FITNESS ������������������ QI-GONG & CHEN TAI CHI ��� at ���������������������������������������������� 5 - 6 p.m. the Moving Centre. 7 - 8 p.m. at the Central School Gym. FELDENKRAIS CENTRE ��������������� Call Heather, 354-0492 � ������������������ 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Regain Mobility Info 250-505-4562 Chris Gibson ��������� ������������� 206 Victoria St., Susan Grimble KOOTENAY AKIDO GLOBAL RHYTHMS 352-3449 5 - 6 p.m. Class, ages 7-12 ��� Kids ��������������������� 5 - 6 p.m. World music dance ��������������� Sundays ��������������������� 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class, 213C workout. The Moving Centre, 533 Baker St. 250-352-3935 �������������������������������� ������������� Baker. ��� ������������������ �������������������� SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA OM YOGA STUDIO 10-11:30 a.m. Prenatal Yoga, ��������������������� FELDENKRAIS CENTRE ���������� 5:30 - 7 p.m. Quantum Yoga, Donna 2 - 3 p.m. First Class 206 Victoria Alison 12 - 1:30 p.m. Anusara Yoga, ��������������������������������������������� St., Susan Grimble 352-3449. ������� 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-825Elissa ������������������� ������ FOLK FUSION SKIRT DANCE 0011, 2 - 4 p.m. Anusara Yoga, Elissa 3 - 4 p.m. Ages 7-11 All Levels. Mondays BAHA’I COMMUNITY OF NELSON 6 - 7 p.m. Adult, Studio Alive, 352���� 7 p.m. 1920 Falls St. 354-0944 0047 SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 10 - 11:30 a.m. Gentle Flow, Joy YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG 8 a.m. Abs & Buns Ball Class with 12 - 1:30 p.m. Hatha Flow, Sharon 7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Ali Popoff Fitness, 685-B Baker St 250-3525:30 -7:00 Anusara Yoga, Elissa 182 Baker St. 250-352-9196 7897 7:30 -9:00 Yin Yoga, Joy Fridays YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG KOOTENAY AKIDO 7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class, 213C SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA Please proof for accuracy then phone,Fitness, fax or email with any changes or an approval. 685-B Baker St 250-352Baker St 250-352-3935. 10 - 11:30 a.m. Gentle Flow, Anie 7897 �������������������� Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: 12 -1:30 p.m. Hatha Flow, Sharon Thursdays CONTACT IMPROVISATION DANCE JAM 5 :30- 7 p.m. Anusara Yoga, Elissa 7:30 - 9 p.m. all levels and live ���������� ������������������� The Express is not responsible forSHANTI anyYOGA errors after the client has signed off. STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA musicians welcome. The Moving 7:30 - 9 p.m. Restorative Yoga, 8:30 - 9:30 Energizing Morning Centre, 533A Baker St. Info 250������������������ ������� Yasmin Yoga 352-3319 Judy. ��������������� FELDENKRAIS CENTRE 10 - 11:30 a.m Prenatal Yoga, KYOKUSHIN KARATE 11-12 p.m. First Class 206 Victoria ������������� Donna 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. Kids ���� St., Susan Grimble 352-3449 5:30 - 7 p.m. Hatha Yoga, Karuna 6 - 7 p.m. Adults NELSON BREAST FEEDING CLINIC 7:30 - 9 p.m. Yoga Basics Course, �������������������� Blewette Elementary School, 9:30 11:30 a.. Free drop-in 8 cless/$80 monthly, Preregister Keith Clughart, 551-3345. Nelson Health Unit, 2nd floor
Colette Venier
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KOOTENAY AKIDO Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an approval. call 250-352-0459 4 - 5 p.m. Akido Fun, ages 4-6 5 -6 p.m. Kids Class, ages 7-12 STUDIO Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 OM • YOGA Email: 10 - 11:30 a.m. Quantum Yoga, 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class213C The Express is not responsible for any errors Alisonafter the client has signed Baker Stoff. 250-352-3935.
RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS 2:15-3:30 p.m. Beg/Inter ages 6 & up 3:30-4:14 p.m. Intro ages 4-5 Redfish, Rhythmic Dimensions 505-1812.
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6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-8250011
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Vitality Chiropractic and Laser Therapy Chiropractic • Active Release Technique© • Laser Therapy Massage Therapy • Nutritional Consulting • Physiotherapy Personal Training • Acupuncture • Custom Orthotics
901 Front Street • 505-5442 •
KYOKUSHIN KARATE 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. Kids, 6 - 7 p.m. Adults Blewette Elementary School, Keith Clughart, 551-3345
TRANSCENDENDENT COMBAT SPORTS 6 p.m. Combat cardio, 250-509-1061. Summit Health and Fitness
BELLYFIT FUSION FITNESS 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. at the Moving Centre. Call Heather, 354-0492 KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 8 a.m. Abs & Buns Ball Class with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St. 250-352-9196
������������������������������ KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING ����������������������� 6 a.m. & 8 a.m. Boot Camp with Ali Popoff FELDENKRAIS CLASSES ������������ 182 Baker St 250-352-9196 1 - 2 p.m. Effortless movement.
FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 1 - 2 p.m. Effortless Movement. YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG OM Studio, 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle �������������������� 7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Rd Fitness, 685-B Baker St 250-3527:15 - 8:15 p.m. Reduce Stress, ���������� 7897 Kutenais Finest, 182 Baker St.
Kutenais Finest, 182 Baker St. Judy Katz 352-3319, THE ART OF MOVEMENT
5 - 6:30 p.m. Strengthen, Lengthen & Connect w/ Lisa Front Studio-Moving Centre 533 Baker 250-354-0484 info. YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG 7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Fitness, 685-B Baker St 250-3527897
SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 7:30 - 8:30 Yoga en Francais, Marie 10 - 11:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga, Maureen 5:30 - 7 p.m. Hatha Yoga, Karuna 7:30 - 9 p.m. Yoga Basics Course 8 classes/$80 month, Preregister APPLIED COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class 525 Josephine St. Information call 250-352-0459. OM YOGA STUDIO 10 - 11:30 a.m. Quantum Yoga, Alison 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-8250011 KUNDALINI YOGA WITH CATHERINE LEIGHLAND 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Shambhala Meditation Centre, 444 Baker St., upstairs 352-6132. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS 3:15-4:00 p.m. Introductory ages 4-5 4:00-5:30 p.m. Intermediate ages 8 & up 5:30-6:30Inter/adv extra class S. Nelson, Rhythmic Dimensions 505-1812. QI-GONG & CHEN TAI CHI 7 - 8 p.m. at the Central School Gym. Info 505-4562 Chris Gibson. SARVA SHAKTI SADHANA CIRCLE 7 - 8 p.m. An ancient siddhar yoga practice #209-ManiStone Centre, 507 Baker St, 505-7832 KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 6 a.m. & 8 a.m. Boot Camp with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St 250-352-9196 kootenay akido 6 - 7:30 p.m. Intro Akido 213C Baker St 250-352-3935. YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG 7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Fitness, 685-B Baker St 250-3527897
April 14, 2010
Page 11
bringing home the Bones JULIA GILLMOR
The Sinix’t: Bringing Home the Bones Friday, April 23, 7:30 p.m. at the Capitol Theatre, 421 Victoria St.
The Frobe family has spent the last three years making a film about a subject near and dear to their family’s roots in the Slocan Valley. The Sinix’t: Bringing Home the Bones is the subsequent result, based on the memoire by Celia Gunn, A Twist in Coyote’s Tale. The story revolves around the development of an ancient village and graveyard in Vallican that once was home to the Sinix’t people. “The area was designated for the development of a bridge when the site was discovered and it became quite an issue around here,” says Max Frobe, father, director and producer of the film. “It was a massive archeological site. Every hole they put down they found something.” Gunn was appointed as Heritage Coordinator by the government and assigned with the task of creating a heritage site on the disputed land. “The Sinix’t had been pressured out of this area by the miners many, many years before,” reveals Frobe. “There was persecution and disease and shootings and the native people went to seek refuge across the border. They were placed on a confederated reserve with 12 other tribes. Old enemies just thrown together there in Colville.” The Sinix’t have been considered extinct since 1956 when the last Sinix’t person living on the reserve died. “There were others still living but not on the reserve,” says Frobe. “Celia was the one who contacted them and tipped them off about the intention of turning the land into a heritage site. The core of the movie is about all the happenings, the details and the treatment of these people as seen through the eyes of Celia Gunn.” The movie began when Gunn presented Frobe with her memoire. “It started in my shop when Celia came in with her book. I looked at the cover and said, ‘I’m going to make a movie about this.’ We began filming about three years ago and we finished last night,” Frobe laughs. Three generations of Frobe family members were involved in the making of the film. Frobe Sr. produced the film; wife Virginia wrote and directed; son Max created the special effects and granddaughter Kayla performs native songs included in the film. The setting and story are all genuinely West Kootenay and provide a showcase for a local cast and crew, including Adham Shaikh who orchestrated the musical score. The Frobeare no newcomers to the world of film and theatre. “My wife and I met in the Pittsburg Play House School of Theater almost 50 years ago. We pursued those interests over the years as actors and directors before we started our family.” Over the last 10 years they have been writing screenplays together. As their family grew, they engaged their children in the family passion. “We put together a family magic show and toured Europe playing communist countries in 1984. We played East Berlin, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary for seven months. We lived in a Volkswagen bus we picked up in Amsterdam,” he recalls. “We were irreverent. Once when we left town, we had 100 kids running after us. People had very little but they would extend themselves to us and give us pencils and little pastries. It was great fun.” “Making this movie cost us everything we own. We could have spent that much in film school and never learned as much as we did putting this whole thing together,” reveals Frobe. He hopes that people who see the movie respond to its message. “I’d like people to be moved to write letters to the minister of Indian Affairs. Bob Campbell, who has lived on the land for the last 25 years says the government told him years ago, ‘We’re not going to take you out of extinction, people are going to have to take you out of extinction.’ That’s the best that could come out of this film.”
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It took three generations of the Frobe family three years to make the Sinix’t: Bringing Home the Bones. Seen here is father Max, producer, Son Max E., special effects, granddaughter Kayla, vocals and mother Virginia, director.
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Page 12
April 14, 2010
BC Green Party leader Jane Sterk speaks Saturday, April 17, 1-4 p.m. at the Nelson Library, 602 Stanley St.
Mixed Palettes opens this Saturday.
Mixing it up for Mixed Palettes Mixed Palettes Saturday, April 17, 6-9 p.m. at the Creative Edge Gallery, 1249 3rd St, Castlegar
In an area renowned for its mountain vistas, pristine rivers, glacial lakes and free spirited festivals, the words Kootenay Art often bring up images of self taught hippie types dabbling with paint outside of their tents, trading their art for fresh grown organic vegetables or herbs. “This stereo type could not be further from the truth,” says Creative Edge Gallery Director Karla Pearce. The newly formed Collective Gallery, owned and operated by Pearce is showcasing the work of professional artists from the area. The show delivers a diverse collection of media ranging from painting, jewellery, fabric, sculpture, printmaking and glass. The show contains paintings and sculpture by Pearce, the paintings of Sandra Donohue, Joanne Cremer, Greg Reid, Keith Shelefontiuk, Cindy Moser, Bryn Stevenson, Sally Johnston and Keira Zaslove, printmaking by Laurie Merlo and Mary Kate Woodward, fibre by Tricia Rasku, fabric Art by Veronica Pellerine, ceramics by Raya Kelson, jewellery by Dianne Leiskau and Kim Hendriksen and glass by Catherine White. It will be on display until Septmeber. - submitted
BC Green Party Leader Jane Sterk is coming to the West Kootenay this Friday and Saturday. Sterk will be giving a short speech to the Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Governments at 1:45 p.m. on Friday, April 16 at the Brilliant Cultural Centre. The following day, she will address the NelsonCreston Green Party Constituency annual general meeting scheduled from 1-4 p.m. on Saturday, April 17 in the basement meeting room of the Nelson Municipal Library.
memories of family camping trips, men with guitars around the campfire and the open road. Formed in 2007, The Matinée has quickly gained radio play and a reputation for packed-house shows. Like their videos, their live performance is dynamic, whimsical and enthusiastic with a rootsy do-it-yourself flavour that contrasts with the crisp professionalism of their unflagging work ethic. Featuring crooner vocals with a heartbreak lilt and melody lines equal parts danceable and melancholic, The Matinée is guaranteed to win over any audience.
Fourplay Saturday, April 17 at the Royal Lounge and Grill, 330 Baker St.
Join four local DJs at the Royal this Saturday for Fourplay, a set blender of fine house featuring Alexi, Bernadino, Joel West and Braid. Sijay adds visuals for a night of great electronic music. No cover, great food and drinks.
Imagine Transition Art Competition
Thursday, April 22 at Finley’s Irish Bar and Grill, 705 Vernon St.
Saturday, April 17, 12-6 p.m. and Sunday, April 18, 1-5 p.m., Gala dinner at 5:30 p.m. at Oxygen Art Gallery, #3-320 Vernon St. (alley entrance)
The Matinee, described as Blue Rodeo meets The Band, are a Canadian college charting roots rock band, playing music to drink to, music to dance to, and music to sit on the porch and ponder. The roots-rock sounds of The Matinée evoke
Local artists have visualized the path to a significantly different future for Nelson, and viewers will have the chance this weekend to vote for the work that most inspires them. A wine and cheese gala celebration will take place on Sunday, April 18 at
The Matinee with Elephant Jacket
the gallery. This event is sponsored in part by the BC Wine Guys, who will be providing samples of local wines. The evening will also feature the awards for the Imagine creative writing and art competitions, and creative writing competition winners will be reading selections of their work. Tickets for the gala can be purchased at Oxygen during viewing hours.
Audited Beats Friday, April 16, 9 p.m. at the Royal Grill and Lounge, 330 Baker St.
DJ Audit of Homebreakin Records performs with opening acts Ryan Wells and Cedar. Now spinning for 11
years, Audit’s music and DJing is spanning the globe, with releases on labels such as Goodgroove, East Records, Punchout, and Loop Recordings. Having held residency in Canada, New Zealand and Grand Cayman, he continues to play a wide variety of music, catering to the crowd. His remixes are getting played by likes of Askillz, Nick Thayer, Ali. B, Smalltown DJs, Mat the Alien and DJ Yoda.
Jason Thomas, Lisa Nicole and Vazzy Saturday, April 17, 12 p.m. at Ellison’s Cafe, 523 Front St.
Jason Thomas has been singing and playing guitar for 13 years, as well as other instruments such as harmonica and mandolin. His music crosses many genres, with roots in country lyrics. Lisa Nicole graduated fro the Selkirk Music Program majoring in vocals. Her music has a country rock feel with a bluesy, soul edge. Vazzy, a duo from Grand Forks, play traditional French and Celtic music with a hint of Arabic and Breton and are known to liven up any occasion.
4112 Highway 31, Ainsworth .............. 250-229-4212
3156 Station Road, South Slocan.....250-359-7515
717 Harold Street, Slocan.................250-355-2663
409 Kootenay Street........................250-352-3232
479 Baker Street.............................250-352-3456
620 Herridge Lane ........................250-352-0101
561 Baker Street..........................250-352-2120
701 Lakeside Drive...........................250-352-7215
616 Baker Street..............................250-354-4848
330 Baker Street..............................250-352-1202
655 Highway 3A............................250-352-1633
7924 Wharf Road, Balfour.................250-229-4244
203 Fir Street, Ymir...........................250-357-9611
515A Kootenay Street.......................250-352-2332
705 Vernon Street............................250-352-5140
16-1150 Lakeside Drive (Chahko Mika Mall )..250-352-2956 512 Railway Street ............................ 250-352-7424
300 Baker Street...........................250-352-1904
JAVA GARDEN COFFEE CO 150-1150 Lakeside Drive (Chahko Mika Mall).....250-505-5282
413 Hall Street................................250-352-3573
696 Baker Street..............................250-352-4621
116C -1150 Lakeside Drive (Chahko Mika Mall )...250-352-3394
524 Vernon Street...........................250-354-1919
1285 Queens Bay Road, Balfour.....250-229-4141
203 Herridge Lane...........................250-352-7976
445 Baker Street..............................250-352-0077
BAKER ST. GRILL (BEST WESTERN) 153 Baker Street..............................250-352-3525
EDO JAPAN EL TACO 306 Victoria Street.........................250-352-2060
FINLEY’S IRISH BAR & GRILL 705 Vernon Street............................250-352-5121
8406 Busk Road, Balfour..................250-229-4235
FISHERMAN’S MARKET 577 Ward Street..............................250-505-5515
518 Hall Street................................250-352-2744
660 Baker Street............................250-354-1084
JIGSAWS COFFEE CO. 503 Baker Street............................250-352-5961
KC RESTAURANT 546 Baker Street.............................250-352-5115
5686 Highway 6, Winlaw....................250-226-7663 ��� ���������������������������������������������� SUBWAY � ������������������ RESTAURANT 327 Baker St...................................250-352-7165
422 Vernon Street............................250-3525331
702 Vernon Street............................250-352-9688
THE VIENNA CAFE ��� ��������������������� OLD WORLD BAKERY & DELI 411 Kootenay Street........................250-354-4646 450 Ferrylanding Road, Balfour..........250-229-4642
712 Nelson Avenue..........................250-354-1313
701 Lakeside Drive..........................250-354-1472
524 Victoria Street..........................250-352-2185
1418 Highway 6, Crescent Valley......250-359-7261
636 Front Street...............................250-352-1999
101-402 Baker Street......................250-354-4458
377 Baker Street............................250-352-2274
5709 Highway 6, Winlaw...................250-226-7355
602 Front Street..............................250-352-5111
491 Baker Street...............................250-352-5353
2723 Greenwood Road.....................250-825-4464
301 Baker Street.............................250-352-3011
Highway 3A, Balfour..........................250-229-4771
1277 Highway 6, Crescent Valley.........250-359-6711
116 Vernon Street...........................250-352-3731
422 Vernon Street..........................250-352-5331
422 Vernon Street............................250-352-5331
202 Vernon Street............................250-352-0325
318 Anderson Street........................250-352-3773
616 Vernon Street............................250-352-1712
616 Vernon Street.............................250-352-5570
Chahko Mika Mall............................250-352-2494
������������� ����������������� ����������������� �������������������� �������������
KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN 1105 Lakeside Drive (Chahko Mika Mall)...250-352-2109
KING’S FAMILY RESTAURANT 652 Baker Street..............................250-352-2912
604 Ward Street..............................250-352-7661
536 Stanley Street...........................250-354-1667
Come and try our Ethnic Night 5-8 pm every Monday
VELVET UNDERGROUND 646 Baker Street............................250-352-3606
216 Anderson Street........................250-310-0001
��������������������� ����������������� Max & Irma's is now open Mondays! 11 am to 8��������������������� pm
������ 616 Vernon Street.............................250-352-2715
TWISTED TOMATO 561 Baker Street.............................250-354-1112
602 Queens Bay Road, Balfour..........250-229-4114
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��� ������������������ 303 Victoria Street...........................250-352-1212
WAIT’S NEWS 499 Baker Street.............................250-352-5667
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Phone 250-352-2332 • 515 Kootenay Street
arts&entertainment April 14, 2010
Page 13
movie of the Week!
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607 Front Street 250-352-7422
Check out our new website @!
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Collage arrtist Natasha Smith poses in fron of a few of her pieces which are being exhibited now at the Dancing Bear Inn. �������
Natasha Smith���� exhibits collages and paintings �����������������������������
Collaged at The Dancing Bear Inn
Exhibition Now through Monday, May 15 at The Dancing Bear Inn, 171 Baker St. Nelson
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Collage is the technique that unifies bining and collaging them into altered Natasha Smith’s latest exhibition at the compositions. Interspersed around �������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Dancing Bear Inn. Above the Dancing the main living room area are collaged Bear’s fine fireplace are two large mixed ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ paintings and some ���������� small collagraph media paintings, where collage elements ������������������ prints for viewers to contemplate while appear from under layers of plaster and ��������������� enjoying the homely, elegant ����������������������������� ������� ambiance paint. Ascending the stairs are a series of of this space. ������������������������������������� framed collaged prints where Smith has ������������� - submitted �������������������������������� reinvented her original prints by com������������������������������������� ���� ��������������������� ����������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� �������������
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April 14, 2010
Delhi 2 Dublin at SpiritBar 3rd Anniversary Party Saturday, April 17 at SpiritBar, 422 Vernon St.
Delhi 2 Dublin continues to break the mould with the Tuesday, May 4 release of its new genre-busting album, Planet Electric. It’s as if the band has been sent on a mission to further spread their sound beyond the planet and out into the galaxy. They describe Planet Electric “as the buzz of the world plugged into a large socket, electrifying the people and charging up their energy.” To capture the dynamism of their live shows, all of the tracks on the album were road-tested for months before recording. The band also spent 10 days and nights writing the material as a group, an approach that has led to this album being much more representative of the band as a whole. The icing on the cake was mixing the album with noted UK producer Diamond “DJ Swami” Duggal (Apache Indian/Maxi Priest/Nusrat Fateh Ali). The five members of Vancouver-based Delhi 2 Dublin come from different backgrounds and different musical influences. A live collaboration put together in 2006
as a one-off performance piece for a club night called Delhi to Dublin was so wellreceived that requests for additional performances led to the official formation of Delhi 2 Dublin. “Not being able to fit into any specific genre allows the band to create whatever we like and not be judged for it,” says one bandmate. “Our audience expects nothing less.” The band finds this advantageous for their live show, as it enables them to create a flow to their sets much like a DJ would for the dance floor. Tarun Nayar, Sanjay Seran, Kytami, Andrew Kim and Ravi Binning create a heady and energetic mash-up of Bhangra, Celtic, Dub Reggae and Electronica. Saturday, April 17 is also the third year anniversary party of SpiritBar, so this show is sure to be one not to miss. Opening set is by The Man In Havana with artistic visuals by Kronikarts. - submitted
Delhi 2 Dubin plays at the SpiritBar’s third anniversary party.
Briefly Sweatshop Union Friday, April 23 at Finley’s Irish Pub, 402 Vernon St.
With tens of thousands of albums sold and hundreds of shows rocked, word of mouth is spreading about Sweatshop Union’s style of conscious lyrics, highly musical beats, and high energy live shows that far surpass the average hip hop concert. Campaigning to create awareness for their fourth album Water Street, Sweatshop Union are embarking on their most extensive phase of touring ever, hitting over 100 cities across North America in just over four months.
Brooke Wylie with Kenny Conrad Thursday, April 15, 8 p.m. at the Royal Grill and Lounge, 330 Baker St.
Join local favourite Kenny Conrad as he opens for Calgary-born folk/ country performer Brooke Wylie.
5:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. The night will feature draws, door prizes, appetizers, a buffet dinner, silent auctions and more. Tickets are available at Nelson Farmers Supply. For info call 250-825-4219 or 250-352-5609.
BC Book Prizes on Tour Sunday, April 18, 7 p.m. at SelfDesign High, 402 Victoria St.
Sylvia Olsen, author of Counting on Hope, and once-local writer Fred Wah, author of is a door and onetime owner of Waits News, are two finalists from the BC Book Prize shortlist, and will be stopping in Nelson on their 2010 tour. Both writers will be presenting a free reading from their nominated books. Books will also be for sale and purchaers will have an opportunity to get their copy signed by the author.
STNews Comedy
for a good seat. Tickets are $5 at the door. Visit www.
Clothesline Project Monday, April 19, 4:30-6:30 p.m. at Touchstones Nelson, 502 Vernon St.
Nelson Community Services Centre (NCSC) is hosting an art exhibit and reception to launch “Prevention of Violence Against Women Week”. “Voices in the Wind”, a Clothesline Art project is a powerful and moving visible display of t-shirts with messages and illustrations s that have been designed by, or made in honour of, women and children who have experienced violence. Please join the NCSC for the Official Declaration of the Wee, speeches, music refreshments and exhibit viewing. R.S.V.P. to
Trash Art Challenge Saturday, April 17, and Friday to Saturday April 23-24 at the Passmore Hall, 3656 Old Passmore Rd.
Rod & Gun Club Banquet
Saturday, April 17, 5:30 p.m. at 801 Railway St.
Wednesday, April 21, 7:30 Finleys Irish Bar and Grill, 705 Vernon St.
STNews is on the air live this Wednesday April 21. Come to watch the filming of Nelson’s local late night show, where you will be entertained and laughing out loud. This week STN is proud to present Mountain FM’s radio personality extraordinaire, Kier White as well as local comic Justin Stitches. Show starts at 7:30 p.m. sharp, so come early
The Nelson District Rod & Gun Club invites the public to attend their famous Annual Banquet and Fundraiser. As local BC Wild Life Federation representatives, they are proud to celebrate our efforts in conservation. Happy hour kicks off at
The Slocan Valley Arts Council is challenging all artists and “non-artists” to create something unique from trash. This year, masks and costumes have been added to the list of possibilities. On Saturday, April 17, Courtney Anderson will be offering a workshop at the Passmore Hall. Participants can bring their trash and their idea and be inspired by this well-known local artist and KSA instruc-
tor. Please pre-register by phoning On Friday, April 23, the Passmore Hall all entries will be on display at 7-9 pm for a Trashformation Gala, including an artist talk by Courtney Andersen. Trashy costumes welcome! Viewing continues through Sat. April 24 from 11-3. Visit to download an entry form. Cash prizes available! Young people (under 18) and Adults in two categories: Anything Goes and Masks/ Costumes. There will also be a People’s Choice award. Send your entry form in by April 22, Earth Day.
Nelson Artwalk 2010 Call for Submissions Deadline for submission is Friday, April 23
Calling all artists in the Nelson and surrounding areas to submit their portfolios for the Nelson & District Arts Councils 2010 Artwalk. Artists, Artwalkers and Venues will all see big changes at this years Artwalk. The NDAC is focusing on empowering all artists and venue owners at this years event. Each artist that is accepted for this years Artwalk will attend a comprehensive professional practices workshop; have their art professionally hung in a gallery quality setting; have quality documentation of their exhibition; receive local, regional and online exposure for their artwork; and have the option to
attend a workshop on how to promote their work and CV online, via websites and other media. If you have a strong desire to work at your art professionally, or you are a local full time artist already, the NDAC wants your submission. The NDAC plans to pair emerging talent with professional artists in each venue. There will only be five to seven venues this year, so that each artist will be represented in a manner that promotes their artwork and their practice. NDAC will be accepting mail in applications only. Applications must be received by Friday, april 23.Mail your application to: Nelson District Arts Council, P.O. Box 422, Nelson B.C. V1L 5R2 For more information visit the website www.ndac. ca or call (250) 352-2402.
Digital Arts Student Showcase Friday, April 16, 6-9 p.m. at Mary Hall, Selkirk College’s Tenth St. campus
Interactive video sets, 3D animation and amazing displays of artwork are a few of the many things you can experience at the upcoming Digital Arts Student Showcase at Selkirk College in Nelson. The first and second year Digital Arts & New Media students will be putting forward their best work of the year to be viewed, played with and enjoyed by the general public. With free Adobe Photoshop and After Effects tutorials, Flash games, door prizes and food, people of all ages will be able to enjoy this year’s show. The Digital Arts & New Media diploma program, located at Selkirk College’s Tenth Street Campus in Nelson, provides two years of in-depth training in the
design, development and production of new media. The program offers a solid foundation in traditional and graphic arts, web site development, video and sound production, animation and digital media. Admission is by donation and everyone is welcome. For more information, visit www.showcase.
No Impact Man Thursday, April 22, 7 p.m. at the Capitol Theatre, 421 Victoria St.
During the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, the Nelson community will be gathering together for a special action-oriented screening of the No Impact Man documentary. The Nelson screening is one of dozens taking place across the nation. No Impact Man, the Sundance-selected film, tells the story of Colin Beavan’s decision to completely eliminate his personal impact on the environment for a full year. He and his family live in Manhattan, so when his espresso-guzzling, retailworshipping wife Michelle and their two-year-old daughter are dragged into the fray, the family’s No Impact Year has an unforeseen impact of its own. The national screenings are facilitated by the No Impact Project, a non-profit organization which seeks to engage people in living a lower-impact lifestyle. Visit: to take the weeklong No Impact Challenge yourself. This film event has been sponsored by Transition Nelson. For further information, visit:
live music
Wed. Apr. 14
Gregorian Chant and Tibetan Singing Bowls
PAUL LANDSBERG with Strings @ Library Lounge OPEN MIC NIGHT @The Royal continues
Thurs. Apr. 15
7p.m. St.Saviour’s Anglican. Ward & Silica
Mon. Apr. 19
ROB JOHNSON & Friends Library Lounge
SARAH MCGLYNN & Rich Rabnett @ Library Lounge 6-10 p.m.
BLUEGRASS ACOUSTIC MUSIc Jam, Bigby Place, 509 Front St.,6:30 - 9:30 p.m. All welcome
LATIN SALSA DANCE at The Royal. 6:30.
Sun. Apr. 18 HYMN FEST at Covenant Church. 2:00 pm All welcome to come Coffee/ Tea served after. .ANNUAL SUGAR SHACK for the Association des Frnacophones des kootenays Ouest. traditional meal served from 1 - 2 p.m. and maple taffy on snow served from 2-3 p.m.. Details and reservations 250.352.3516
Mon. Apr. 19
Info: 250-352-2704
SLASH POW MONDAYS @ The Royal. 9 p.m.
AGM + Meet N’Greet Social Nelson & District Arts Council, TNTPlayhouse (Carbonate & Ward)7pm, formore info.
BROOKE WYLIE AND KENNY CONRAD @ The Royal. 8pm1:30am. Only $5.
Tues. Apr. 20
Fri. Apr. 16
JUDE DAVISON SINGS acoustic covers and originals at Max & Irmas 6-9pm MOSTLY SWING at the Royal. 6pm - 8pm Friendly, free, fun social dancing! AUDITED BEATS @ The Royal with Homebreakin Records Dj Audit, Ryan Wells & Cedar. 9pm-1:30am.
Sat. Apr. 17
ELLISON’S CAFE PRESENTS Jason Thomas, Lisa Nicole, Vazzy (Grand Forks), Unplugged Saturday Sessions, Ellison’s Natural Food Cafe, 12-3 BRUNCH W/ COLE Walker at The Royal. Great music, menu and specials. 11:30am-3pm.
Sun. Apr. 18
NIKKO @ Library Lounge 6-10 p.m.
TUESDAY IS BLUESDAY With host band “The Jones Brothers Jam Band” @ Finley’s. CLIFF MADDIX & Friends @ Library Lounge ALL AGES OPEN Mic ever y Tuesday at the CocoaNut Lounge. 6-10pm. Hosted by Rob Funk SWING DANCING with Howie @ The Royal. 7-9 p.m. MAGIC BUS W/ DEEPS & Organic Mechanic. $4 @ The Royal.
Wed. Apr. 21
OPEN MIC NIGHT with Estevan at The Royal. PAUL LANDSBERG with Strings @ Library Lounge
Thurs. Apr. 22
RATTLESNAKE ROMEO performs at The Royal.
Fri. Apr. 23
Wed. Apr. 21
NEED INEXPENSIVE BIRTH CONTROL? Options for Sexual Health drop-in clinic. 333 Victoria St. 5:30-8 p.m. PROBLEM WITH EATING and weight? OA support group 5-6 p.m., Nelson Hospital cafeteria. 250-352-7717/1-800-6115788. OANelson.htm THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Info 352-6936 DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon meeting noon The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. GLACIER HARMONIES Women’s Barbershop Chorus. All welcome at 7 p.m. to Baptist Church, 611-5th St. Nelson. Dorothy 352-7199 or Joey 352-3393
“NOTHIN’ BUT THE Blues”. Join QCity Blues Band @ The Royal. 7-11pm.
ADHAM SHAIKH PERFORMS at THe Royal for a $10 performance. Openers to be announced soon.
BRUNCH W/ DILLON Woods. Join us at The Royal for music and a great menu. 11:30a.m - 3p.m.
PUBLIC MEDITATION 12 - 1 p.m. All welcome. Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre 444 Baker St.
CELEBRATE DAVID MITCHELL’S bir thday with ”Tangerine” & Double D Swing @ The Coconut Lounge. 8-10pm
SAHAJ MARG group meditation please phone: Eleanor 352-3366 or Sarah 354- 9496 SHOTOKAN KARATE 5-7p.m. St. Joseph’s school gym 523 Mill Street. NELSON TABLE TENNIS CLUB. 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at Blewett Elementary School when school is in session. 352-9547 or 3525739 BAHA’I COMMUNITY of Nelson. Please join us for an introduction to Baha’i Faith. 7 p.m. 354-0944 WALKING CLUB MEETING Under Orange Bridge Nelson, 10 a.m. Proximately 2 hours walk 250.352.3517 CHOIR AT NDYC 3:30-5:30. Call 352-5656 for details DRUG PROBLEM? We can help. Call Narcotics Anonymous 1.800.342.7439 PARENT & CHILD TIME at the Harrop Hall. 10 a.m. - 12 noon Information: Lesley 825-0140 NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE drop in noon-four. Free clothing/ food.420 Mill Street 250.352.9916
special events Wed. Apr. 14 AGM FOR NELSON and District Museum, Archives, Art Gallery and Historical Society (Touchstones Nelson) 7p.m., Touchstones Lobby WINE TASTING AT The Royal with resident expert. Champagne, appies and specials also. $25/reservations please. ALTERNATIVE WORSHIP EXPERIENCE “Celtic Evening Prayer” Wednesday, April 14, 7:00 p.m. Nelson United Church
Thurs. Apr. 15 CREDIT CLINIC free workshop on debt and credit. 7-9pm, 521 Vernon. Call 1-877-565-0013 to register.
Fri. Apr. 16
BLEWETT CONSERVATION SOCIETY, AGM, 7 pm, 4120 Shasheen Rd., Info: 352-6419. Newcomers welcome!
CONTRA DANCE AT Central School Gym, 811 Stanley St. Instruction 7PM, dance 7:30. DJ AUDIT (Hombreakin’, Goodgroove) Breakbeat, Hip hop, Funk live @ The Royal. Opening set by Ryan Wells & Cedar.
Sat. Apr. 17 NELSON DISTRICT ROD & Gun Club. Annual Banquet & Fundraiser. Unique Menu! Call 825-4219 for info. TRASH ART WORKSHOP, join mixed media artist Courntey Andersen at the Passmore Hall,11am-3pm. $5 “ MIXED PALETTES “ OPENING reception 6:00-9:00 at Creative Edge Gallery 1249 3rd Street Castlegar, info 250-365-2032. HOME ENERGY SOLUTIONS Free Workshop Nelson & District Community Complex, MultiPurpose Room
WINE TASTING Social @ The Royal. From 5-7pm. Advance reservation required
Centre. Call The Dance Path, Marguerite Wood, 359-2926. WALK IN PEACE: at Lakeside Park (at the gate), 1st Saturday monthly. 10:30 a.m. Be The Change. KUTENAI ART THERAPY INSTITUTE Art Zone Drop-In Open Studio 11-4 pm. 601 Front St. 250-352-2264.
Thurs. Apr. 22
FILM: “NO IMPACT MAN” Capitol Theatre, 7 pm. Visit: for further details.
WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 357-2822. PUBLIC MEDITATION 9 a.m. - 12 p.m Mid-morning refreshments; come and go as you wish. Shambhala Meditation Centre 444 Baker St. WORSHIP SERVICES JOY BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a.m., 11 a.m, 6:30 p.m., 560 Baker St, Suite #3, 825-4095. QUAKER MEETING 723 Ward, upstairs, 9:45. 354-3859. SUNDAY MORNING WORHSIP, Community Church, Passmore Hall, 11 a.m. SUNDAY WORSHIP, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Slocan, 2 p.m. UNITY CENTRE of the Kootenays, 905 Gordon Rd. Broader Horizons. Back door, 11 a.m. Everyone welcome. NELSON AA - Sunday Morning 10 a.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. NELSON UNITED CHURCH service, 10 a.m. 602 Silica St. All are welcome. ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH Ser vice 10:15 a.m. 1805 Silverking Rd. You are welcome. 352-2515 ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Everyone welcome to 4 p.m. worship 21 Silica St. 354-3308 SAHAJ MARG group meditationplease phone: Eleanor 352-3366 or Sarah 354- 9496 TIBETAN BUDDHIST SITTING and walking Meditation Open to Everyone. 10 - 11:30 a.m. at the Gompa, 6425 Sproule Creek Rd. 250-354-0206.
on a variety of Careers in the Healthcare field. Registration/ Information: or (250)352-6200
Fri. Apr. 23
TRASH ART CHALLENGETrashformation Gala, 7-9pm Passmore Hall. Reduce-ReuseRecreate.Trashy costumes welcome.Info www.slocanvalleyarts. ca
ongoing events Wednesdays
Thursdays IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM IN YOUR LIFE? AA Meetings, Lunch Bunch at Noon. Into Action Big Book Study at 8:00 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. ACUPUNCTURE for ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 1:30 p.m. Located at 333 Victoria Street, 2nd Floor. 505-7248 BIBLE STUDY JOY BAPTIST
April 14, 2010
CHURCH, 6:30 p.m. 560 Baker St., Suite #3. Everyone welcome. SIGNING CHOIR (sign language) 3:30 p.m. at NDYC, 608 Lake St. www. REDFISH BADMINTON Ages 15 to 90 Mon Thurs 6:30 p.m. $3 drop in. Call 229-4346 or 229-4343 for more details. PUBLIC MEDITATION 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. All welcome. Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre, 444 Baker St. NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE noon - 4 for recycled bag sewing project. 250 352 9916 NELSON BADMINTON CLUB meets at Mary Hall Gymnasium, 7 - 9 p.m. Everyone welcome. Anne 250-352-7536 Guy 250-3526330. ADULT BADMINTON @ Redfish School, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. $20. Bring racquet and indoor footwear. For info call 229-4346 229-4343 229-4485 TOASTMASTERS 2ND AND 4TH Thursday (each month): Improve your public speaking, communication and leadership skills. http:// ENJOY DRAWING PEOPLE? 7-9 pm, Until Feb 11. $60. KSA drawing studio. Ph 352-7646. HABLAS ESPANOL? GROUP meeting 2nd & 4th Thursday of the Month. Only Bakery 5 p.m. Todos Bieviendo
Fridays GENDER OUTLAWS, a support & social group for trans & gender variants. 354-5362. NELSON AA-F-TROOP meeting at the Cellar 717A Vernon St. 8 p.m. DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon meeting 8 pm at 601 Front St.
Mondays REDFISH BADMINTON Ages 15 to 90 Mon Thurs 6:30 p.m. $3 drop in. Call 229-4346 or 229-4343 for more details. MT. SENTINEL SCHOOL South Slocan Badminton Mon Wed 7:30 p.m. 359-7610 OPEN HOUSE, Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre. Meditation instruction and practice 7 p.m; talk
and discussion 8 p.m; tea 9 p.m. 444 Baker St. www.nelsonbuddha. com BAHA’I COMMUNITY OF NELSON Please join us for prayers and an introduction to the Baha’i faith 7 p.m 354-0944 DIAPER FREE BABY / ELIMINATION Communication Support Circle, 4th Monday of each month 10 - 12 a.m. at The Family Place 312 Silica St. HERITAGE HARMONY Barbershop Chorus. Welcoming anyone! Tim 250-825-9694 or John 250-3526892 NELSON SCOTTISH COUNTRY Dancing 7-9 p.m. Central School gym. Beginners welcome, first class free. SHOTOKAN KARATE 5-7p.m. St. Joseph’s school gym 523 Mill Street NELSON BADMINTON CLUB meets at Mary Hall Gymnasium, 7 - 9 p.m. Everyone welcome. Anne 250-352-7536 Guy 250-3526330 DROP IN GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP. 7-9 p.m. at Broader Horizons, 905 Gordon Road, back door. ADULT BADMINTON @ Redfish School, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. $20. Bring racquet and indoor footwear. For info call 229-4346 229-4343 229-4485 COOKING CLASSES EVERY Wed/Sun. Many topics to choose from. Contact Lorraine at or 250-3523860
Tuesdays SUFFER FROM AN Eating Disorder? Need Support?, 352-9598 after 6 p.m. or for more info. ACUPUNCTURE for ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 1:30 p.m. Located at 333 Victoria St, 2nd Floor. 505-7248 YOUNG FELLOWS OFF BOOZE AA Meeting 8 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE drop in noon-four. Free clothing/ food.420 Mill Street 250.352.9916 NELSON COMMUNITY BAND Rehearsals, 7:30-9:00, First Baptist Church, 611 5th St, New members welcome. 352-6119 DRUMMING FROM THE Hear t with Kim Masse Drumcircle@Nor th Shore Hall 7:15pm $7 250.505.2684
Saturdays WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 357-2822. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Noon meeting at The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Saturday at 1 p.m. For further info. Please call 250-3526936. NELSON CHESS CLUB ever y Saturday morning, all welcome. Seniors Hall, 777 Vernon St. CHILDREN’S ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS Ages 4-7 at The Moving
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���������� Sweatshop Union �������� Friday, April 23 @ Finley’s
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Scopes by Stenya April 14-April 20 Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19
If there is an opportunity for you to try something new, now is the time to go for it. New beginnings, careers, or relationships can be set in motion with a good start. By tapping into your natural abilities you can also tap into the natural flow of life that surrounds you.
Taurus Apr 20 - May 20
If you keep expressing yourself freely this week, you have the potential to obtain something really amazing. Stay committed to where your true talents lie, because it is here that your achievements can be recognized.
Gemini May 21 - June 20
You are naturally a strong communicator. You may need to take time alone to reflect on your current situation. Silence may be the key to opening new doors. Mixing work and play can have beneficial results.
Cancer June 21 - Jul 22
This is a good time to make changes in your work environment. If you are not happy with something you can easily improve things with a little effort. Luck and supporters are on your side so don’t be afraid of standing alone.
Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22
Getting what you want right now can take some courage and initiative. Do not feel discouraged if your way of getting things done is different from others around you. Your approach is unique and special. You have the potential to achieve your goals and open new doors if you do it your way.
April 14, 2010
Winter sports might be over, but the summer sports season is just starting As the arena ice comes out winter sports give way to spring and summer activities. However, not before the business of those winter sports is wrapped up. The Nelson Minor Hockey Association is holding their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday April 14, 6:30 p.m. at the New Grand Hotel Banquet room (entry through the parking lot). For further information, please contact Jeanne at 250-352-9900 or After another very successful season the Nelson Leafs Hockey Society celebrated the players’ efforts and says goodbye until the Fall camp. Continuing on with business the society is holding its Annual General Meeting on May 25 at 7 p.m. at the Prestige Inn. The Civic arena renovation project will begin as the last skater leaves the ice this week. The plexi-
Difficulty Level - Easy
Virgo Aug 23 - Sept 22
This is a great week to make improvements in your relationships. Taking time to really hear what the other person has to say is important. Try to imagine yourself in their shoes.
4Libra8 Sept 23 - Oct 23
There could potentially be some major changes in your relationship this week. If you are single, you may meet someone of significance this weekend. If you are in a relationship, you may be at the point of new beginning.
5 Oct 24 - Nov 21 Scorpio
Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21
This is a good time to put your plans in motion. Tie up any loose ends first and use your resources efficiently to make the most impact. There is a potential to meet like-minded and knowledgeable people who can assist you on your creative journey and help you enjoy the moment too.
2 1 1
6 Jan 20 - Feb 18 9Aquarius
A small, yet significant change can start a cascading of events that can improve your situation. Take the initiative to make the first move.
2 8 3 You
sk9M000148 3 5
5 3 9
8 8
2 1 1
3 9
1 8
7 6
2 2
4 9
8 2
6 3 9
2 8 3
4 5
2 8 4 6
to making money. New opportunities are available.
5 your plans right 3orchestrating now, especially when it comes 9
Hard Sudoku
5 4Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20
2 3
Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19
You may be thinking of making some fundamental changes to your home or routine right now.
by Pitt
Puzzle answers on page 17 8
8 5Difficulty Level - Medium 1
Skate Boy and RuRu
Easy Sudoku
There is a potential for some minor chaos this week. Relationships are on a good note, but other aspects in your life may be causing some stress. Stay focused on sorting this out by making it your number one priority.
glass and puck board will be removed in preparation for the summer installation of the brand new materials. The used plexiglass will be available mid-April for sale at a good price and good for anyone looking to use it for suitable projects (greenhouses, cold-frames, home hockey etc.). Call the sports council office if you’re interested in purchasing , at 250-352-3989. As for new activities beginning, the Kootenay Basketball club programs are starting next week. Collegiate level Coach Vivian Kingdon is leading the way with Introduction, Skills and Drills, and Triple Threat classes and camps throughout the spring and summer. The all-day Triple Threat 3-on-3 basketball tournament will be hosted at LV Rogers on June 19/20. Registration for all of the
programs is done through the Sports Council office and forms can be found at Register now to ensure a space. The Nelson Kayak and Canoe club is also preparing for its summer season. Programs include adult introduction into Kayaking and many beginner to intermediate level youth summer programs at Lakeside park. Look to the Sports Council website for registration forms and details.
Kim Palfenier is administrator for the Nelson Regional Sports Council. The Nelson Regional Sports Council can be reached at: Box 1190, Nelson, BC V1L 6H3 (250)352-3989 phone, (250)352-0046 fax, or
in the zone Kim Palfenier
2 5
5 8
ANNOUNCEMENTS �������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������������� ���������� ����������������������������� �������������������������������� ������������������������������� ����������������������������� ���������������
CLASSIC CHESTNUT CANOE in fair shape $950 250-355-2475
BUSINESS OPS WORK FOR YOURSELF; SET YOUR OWN HOURS AND INCOME. Start your home-based business today! Minimal investment; Follow proven business plan; Repay investment in 2 months; Unlimited international potential. Call Nancy 250-689-6455 for details. ARE YOU READY TO CHOOSE... how much you earn? When you want to work? Who you work with? Where you work? We train you online. Go to: www.
CHILDREN IF YOU ARE a human being who will someday die and who has ever suffered in any way then this event is for you: an open invitation to the Nelson Adidam Study Group. 250 354-4724 JUBILEE MANOR VOLUNTEERS! Please join us for tea in your honor April 22 at 2p.m. **PHOTOGRAPHY BY SHERI Allarie** now showing @ Selkirk Eyecare Optometry 543 Baker St (month of April) CJLY, NELSON’S INDEPENDENT radio station, is having a garage sale. Do you have anything (no clothing, thanks) to donate? Phone the station (250)352-9600 and help make this event a “happening.” Spread the word - now’s the time. THANK YOU TO the people who either contributed to or attended Anaya’s Proctor Fundraiser. You are loved and appreciated. - Anaya’s Family KOOTENAY KIDS SOCIETY is seeking ABORIGINAL EARLY INTERVENTION WORKER to be responsible for overall planning and implementing of the aboriginal early intervention as well as the aboriginal family gatherings for parents and children in Nelson and area. For detailed job posting please visit www. Posting closes April 19th, 2010. KITCHEN RENO @ Proctors Seniors Hall. April 16th & 23rd. Cupboards & appliances, buy & remove. Reasonable. View 229.4535. ARTS AND CULTURE WEEK is here! From April 18-24, schools & arts councils in your community are putting on gallery walks, performances and exhibitions.www.bcartsweek. org.Auto Financing$0 DOWN at auto credit fast. Need a vehicle? Good or Bad credit call Stephanie1-877-7920599. DLN 30309.
CHARIOT INFANT SLING ($50). Twin EZ 2 Nurse breastfeeding pillow ($50). Medela advanced pump ($40). 359-5091. 2XMEC K.R.I.B SLEEPING bag $30each; 2xSchmusebar Backpacks $20each; MEC raincoat size6 $30; picnic-table $40; 352-7919 BABY BJORN CARRIERS, Chariot infant slings, Swing, Vibrating rocking chair, all excellent condition 352-9267. CHARIOT DOUBLE STROLLER very good condition red 650 call 250354-8483 HARD FRAME CHILD carrier. Deuter 2 backpack for sale. Builtin rain cover. Great condition. $150 (250)352-0049
CONCRETE FINISHERS. Edmonton-based company seeks experienced concrete finishers for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work. Phone or fax 780-444-7103; AGGRESSIVE CAR Dealership Group has openings for the following positions: Dealer Candidates, Sales Managers, Sales Staff. Must be self motivated and able to work independently as well as in a team environment, experience required. Interested candidates contact; Mail: Sales at P.O. Box 1558, Whitecourt, AB, T7S 1P4. Fax 1-780-778-8950. Email: LAVISH IS HIRING! Independent fashion consultants for CanadaÕs newest & hottest home party company. Looking for ladies who love fashion, business & having fun! 1-877537-2272; Website: #1 IN PARDONS. Remove your criminal record. Express Pardons offers the fastest pardons, LOWEST prices, and it’s guaranteed. BBB Accredited. FREE Consultation Toll-free 1-866416-6772, www.ExpressPardons. com. CARPENTERS/REMODELERS $25+/hour. Canada’s leading home repair and remodeling company is seeking carpenters, remodelers, skilled tradespeople (M/F) in Vancouver, Victoria, Okanagan Valley. Apply Toll-Free 1-800-884-2639 or
FREE WOODEN SAND box with sand - you move it and it is yours! 250-352-1806 5 INDOOR DRYING racks. 6 doors suitable for cabin. All various sizes. 825-9482 KITCHEN STOVE, WORKS well except for the timer. Available after April 24th. 604.803.7209
SERVICES FOR COMMUNITY LIVING RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM MANAGER This position at Nelson CARES Society is responsible for the overall coordination and management of the SCL Residential Program which provides daily living supports to adults with developmental disabilities. Experience with Community Living principles and unionized work setting are key to this position. One-year position with a possibility of extension. Qualifications: Undergraduate degree in human service field plus 3 years management/ supervisory experience in non-profit setting or equivalent education/experience. Position Details: Starts May 3, 2010. 28 hours per week. Competitive wages and benefits. Detailed job description available by calling (250) 352-6011 ext. 11 or by emailing communityliving Submit cover letter and resume by April 16, 2010, to SCL Search Committee, Nelson CARES Society, 521 Vernon Street, Nelson, BC V1L 4E9 Only those short-listed will be contacted. Nelson CARES Society is an equal opportunity employer
COMPUTERS EVENTS HC-S (HOME COMPUTING Solutions) ������������������ LOCAL GREEN PARTY AGM Offering reliable and competitively priced Saturday April 17, 1-4 PM. Nelson PC Support &��������������� Computer skills training. Library basement. Hear Provincial From Hardware to Network we come to Leader Jane Sterk speak her Better you’ No Solution NO FEE’ Tel#250-505������������� Plan for BC. 4940 E-mail �������������������������������������������� AWAKEN AND DEVELOP your intui��������������������� tive abilities! Private 90 minute sesEDUCATION ��������������������������������������� sion $100 with author/Intuitive Norm ������������� Pratt. (250)357-9457, www.normPOLISH BOOKS, CD, movies for ������������������������������������������ sale. Call Anna @ 250-509-1964 for
Art STAINED GLASS SUPPLIES: light table + supplies, contact for list and make offer: LOVE MOUNTAINS? NEW paintings by Bryn Stevenson now showing at the Kootenay Bakery in Nelson. WEST KOOTENAY CALENDAR PHOTO CONTEST. Win Cash, free calendars. Photos also considered for West Kootenay Wild Book. For applications: westkootcal@gmail. com or Otter Books, 398 Baker. SHABANGABANG! PROSPERO POTTERY SPING SHOW and sale Sat. Apr.24th @6pm Factory Studios on Vernon st.
April 14, 2010
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more information. WEST KOOTENAY SPRINGTIME FAIRE Saturday April 17 10amMUSHROOM CULTIVATION 2pm Best Western Admission $2 WORKSHOP, Nelson/Blewett area: Showcasing Local Vendors! Peter McAllister will teach how to grow Shitake and Oyster Mushrooms, 4 courses offered May 1-2. informaFINANCIAL SERVICES tion 250.354.4333 IF YOU OWN a home or real HEINTZMAN UPRIGHT PIANO and estate, Alpine Credits will lend you bench. Made in Toronto. Great sound money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit and condition $1200 Chantal 352-1312 / Age / Income is NOT an issue. FRIENDLY TUTOR W/DUAL 1.800.587.2161. Master’s Degrees. Multiple subjects DEBT CONSOLIDATION covered. From elementary to univerPROGRAM. Helping Canadians sity. (250)505-6998. repay debts, reduce or eliminate inter�������������������� TRAIN TO BE a Medical Lab est, regardless of your credit. Steady Assistant. The Healthcare indusIncome? You may qualify for instant try needs YOU!Ê ���������� MTI Community help. Considering Bankruptcy? Call College, 604-3101-877-220-3328 FREE Consultation 2684. LOVE YOUR ������� JOB! Government Approved, BBB Member. EMPLOYMENT OPS. DEBT STRESS? Debts got you wor���� ried? End those phone calls. Avoid NAHANNI CONSTRUCTION, Yellowknife, bankruptcy. Contact us for a no-cost NT. Nahanni Construction is currently lookconsultation. Online: www.mydebting for Journeyman Certified: Electricians, or toll-free 1-877-556Welders, Plumbers and Scaffolders. 3500 Please apply by sending your resume to:
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LARGE BOOKCASE, PINE stained walnut $250 Four Post Bed $350 by local woodworker 352 6109 SINGLE MATTRESS ON metal frame. Excellent condition. $50 OBO. Phone 250 825-9282 TWIN BED, SIX large storage drawers underneath, brown wood with box spring, $50 250.229.4451. COUCH: GOOD CONDITION, hidea-bed needs mattress, not heavy 40$ grandfather clock newer 40$ dishes, baby stuff, message(250)352-9595 OAK TABLE WITH two leafs & 10 chairs 42”x60” expands to 42”x78” or 42”x96” $1600 250-359-7588 THREE WOOD ADIRONDACK deck chairs, good condition $30 each 250 354-1784
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ANTIQUE: HEINZMAN PLAYER Piano,������� Victor Mdl#231 Radio, Box Photo Enlarger, silverware. Wooden Loft/table/shelves, Guitar. 250-5051191 ���� GARAGE SALE / Moving 9am-4pm Saturday April 17th 4349 Poplar Ridge Rd, Crescent Valley.
Part time and full time Esthetician needed for busy spa. Must have experience as an esthetician. Able to work flexible days and hours. Please submit resume and cover letter to Mountain Waters Spa by April 1st via email at mwsmanagement@gmail. com or in person to 205 Victoria St.
Page 17
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ASSISTANT CAFE MANAGER June - August in Nelson Experience required managing staffing, inventory ordering, food quality control. enthusiastic, mature person desired. salary commensurate with experience. contact CREAM SEPARATOR, OLDER OK, electric powered. Also wanted, band saw and belt sander. 250.226.7990 RN/LPN NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, up to 40hrs a week, days. Personal care for 7 month old with Leukodystrophy. Competative pay. Email or call 250-229-4034
HOME & GARDEN BRAND NEW CRAFTSMAN Propane barbecue + cover. 2 + 1 burners. Missing a few small parts. $75. Laran 250-505-5856 DISHWASHER - BUILT-IN. It’s a Kelvinator! White. $50 or your robust funk album collection. 354-1412 WANTED LOCALLY AVAILABLE straw, finished compost and/or manure for sheet-mulching Nelson garden. Paul/Laire 352-3536 TOP SOIL: TOP 8” from field. Beautiful soil, organic and screened. 12 yards/ dumptruck, $450/load incl. delivery to Nelson/North Shore. 354-7741
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���������������������������������������������������������������� Experienced HEALTH & FITNESS ������������������������������������������������������������ Heli Loggers, MASSAGE SHEETS, BODYWORK and massage books����������������������������������������������������������� for sale. call Hooktenders and 250-352-6804 DR. MICHAEL SMITH (TCM) is now accepting new patients. Offering services in Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nutritional and Functional Medicine. Experienced and compassionate health care. Individually designed healing programs. Please call 250-352-0459. BRENDA OLYNYK RMT has returned to Nelson and is available for massage therapy. 21 years experience, flexable hours. 250 551 2002 SPRING SAVINGS!!! FIRST 8 weeks for $88. Look great. Feel Great. Lose weight. Guaranteed. Call Herbal Magic 1-800-926-4363 for more information. Limited time offer.
Chasers. Level 3 1st Aid Call Niel After 6 p.m. 250.505.3877 KOOTENAY KIDS SOCIETY is seeking CASUAL CAREGIVER to assist in providing a quality childcare for children birth to 5 years. For detailed job posting please go to
LOST & FOUND FOUND; IPOD. 551-4190. Identify LOST: CHILD’S FOX stuffed animal. If found please return. 250-551-0611. Will make her smile!!
HUSQVARNA 266 XP chainsaw; seldom used excellent condition; locally maintained; extras. $400. 505-2190.
������������������������ ���������������������� ���������������������������� HELP WANTED ��������������������������� LOOKING FOR A Massage therapist ����������������������������� to rent space in busy salon. BeautifulPlease proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with an location, excellent opportunity to ������������������� build clientel. contact Chevay 250- Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075������������ • Email: sa 505-4625 The Express is not responsible for any�������������� errors after the
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© 2005 © 2005 Generated by Ultimate Sudoku - all you need to create BILLIONS of uniqueSudoku Sudoku- all puzzles Generated by Ultimate you need to create BILLIONS of unique Sudo CLASS 1 DRIVER. Edmonton-based company seeks experienced Class 1 driver for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. General labour duties included. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work. Phone or fax 780-4447103;
and self-powered treadmill unused. both $50 250-352-1924 OLD SCHOOL 90’S think pad laptop. Works great. Call Shawna at 250352-0518.
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see puzzle on page 16
see puzzle on page 16
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Crossword Answer
5 3 9
8 1 9
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4 6 7
8 3 2
see puzzle on page 16 9 2 8
6 7 5
3 1 4 Solution
6 7 3
4 9 1
5 2 8
1 4 5
2 3 8
9 7 6
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9 1 7
2 3 1
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6 2 1
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Answer to Easy Sudoku
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1 9 7
Answer to Hard Sudoku
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April 14, 2010
SENTRY SAFE,SECURE STORAGE for laptop computer and other valuables 15W, 5.5H, 12D, $50 250-3541543
NEW TOTAL GYM 1000, $60. Body Break 808 Cycle, $80. All-In-One gym, $70 250-229-2226
ALUMINUM CANOE- GRUMMAN or similar, 17 feet or greater. Call Chris 354-4475
WASHER & DRYER topload good condition $400obo, small vanity, countertop & faucet $50, portapotti new $75 229-4544
SINGLE MOM WITH eleven year old special needs daughter needs house and job. 250-352-9876
WEIGHT LIFTING SET and bench $150. 8’ canopy. Offers 359.7154
USED ELECTRIC KILN for local potter. Call Eryn 352-2925
WHITE WEDDING GOWN retro $50; cookbooks; magazines; paperbacks; priced to sell - 25c-$3 - Ph. 250-352-7144
1991 WESTPHALIA, $7000. Tent camper sleeps 6, $900. Bolens 16-hp hydrostatic tractor with tiller/mower. 250.304.0036
JANETTE & JUDY need 2-3 bedroom, w/d, storage. Downtown or Fairview. $750 - $900 judy_mulloy@hotmail. com 250 505 9294.
SNOWSHOES WRONG SEASON Right Price! Payed over $100 want $50 hardly used 250-352-610
VINYL RECORDS BUY sell trade. Full size truck camper $500. obo 226-6783
MASSAGE TALE WITH electric motor to .upholstery in excellent condition,frame needs tlc.$250.00. 250 399 6300
PLANTING BOOT SIZE 6, used 2 months, great condition. $100 250-509-0031/250-505-5264 250-5090031/250-505-5264.
NEED ROOF RACK for 2000 VW Beetle. Also bike rack for same. 1250-353-2439
BEAUTIFUL FAT RETRIEVER/ ROTTWIELLER X Born February 10. Our babies will be well handled and loved so the puppies will be social, gentle and affectionate. During their time in the den Lexxii’s babies will learn that human hands and bodies are not for aggressive play-only pets and food. This will prepare them for gentle interaction with people and children. Pick-up March 31. $100.00$200.00 female) Call Yvonne 250505-0618 PUPPY WANTED, LAB-X. Ready to adopt now, would love to meet the puppies before 8 weeks. Caroline 250-352-6154 PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING with TLC. Spring cleaning special, large dog bath and nails $25. 250551-5501
6160 ORCA TRUCK FOR HIRE. Will do dump runs, moving, etc. Patrick 5050612. LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE matches people with legal concerns to a lawyer in their area. Participating lawyers offer a 30 minute consultation for $25 plus tax. Regular fees follow once both parties agree to proceed with services. 604-687-3221 (Lower Mainland) or 1.800.663.1919 (Outside LM).Dial-A-Law offers general information on a variety of topics on law in BC. 604-687-4680 (Lower Mainland) or 1.800.565.5297 (Outside LM); (audio available).
26000km, $11,200 (250)505-9985 1998 SUBARU OUTBACK, 5 spd, 352,000 kms, 2 sets tires, hidden hitch, runs well $3,500 obo 250-3629680 2000 FORD FOCUS S/W, 2L auto, 35 mpg, tinted/CD/air, new brakes/ winters, good condition, $3850.00, 250-357-9457 2004 SUBARU IMPREZA Outback Sport, New Summers and New Winters, Excellent Shape, Clean! $13000 (250)229-5340 2004 TOYOTA MATRIX Grey, 5 spd, fwd, AC, only 100km, sips gas, $10,500, 250-505-5269 2004 COROLLA 5 speed,well maintained, new brakes. $10,800 ph 2267773 Rachel TOYOTA TERCEL 1988 4x4 wagon runs good, good papers $300 250505-5264 1991 DODGE SHADOW, 180,000 km 4 cylinder engine. Great on gas for student $300OBO Call 250-5052054 992 MITSUBISHI DELICA 7passenger van, 4WD Turbo Diesel, 132,000 kms, $8500, lots of extras, 354-3428. 1993 MITSUBISHI DELICA Super Exceed 104,500Kms, Imported in 2008, driven 2 years. $10,900. contact Simon 604-886-4193
BUNK BED, BLACK tubular steel, single & double/couch, ladder $75.00; 48” LeClerc floor loom $450.00; professional ironing board w/ steam reservoir BO; 24” table loom 352-6132
WEDDING DRESS, SIZE 10, tea length with light shawl. $200. Contact Brittany (250) 509-1980. 27” PANASONIC TV, with remote, works fine, $30.-. 4 tall goblets, Mexican-style blue glass, $30.-. 2267880 BAGPIPES; MADE BY DAVID GLEN. $1200 250-551-2917 ALTO SAX $250, H. Seigler 2/4 Violin $300 352-0335 SELF-PROPELLING, MULCHING LAWNMOWER - used one season. Moved to an apartment. Paid $369 - asking $225. 250-229-4452 MASSAGE SHEETS, BODYWORK and massage books for sale. call 250-352-6804 2 YAMAHA 3-WAY p.a speakers ,2 peavy monitors, casio keyboard with stand 250-3529974 JACUZZI, 8 JETS, fits 2 with lots of room, used seldom. $300. 250226-7228 2 STARCHOICE RECEIVERS, 1 Mod.DSR305 $75.00 & 1 Mod. DSR401 $50.00 Ph. 250-352-0136 BABY HIGHCHAIR,BY GRACO, reclines,excellent condition.$50. 250399-4736
NEW 2PCS. GRAD dress, rose, floor length skirt/w ruffled tube top, size 8, $98.00 250.354.3315 WINE MAKING EQUIPMENT: 4 glass carboys, corker, thermometer, $75. 250-352-1679 OLDER KITCHEN CABINETS. Free if you remove them. Great storage for a garage, 250-354-0356. After 6p.m. 1 40AMP SQUARE D ground fault from hot tub; 2 #8 tech cable (40 feet) Best Offer 352-9437 CRIMINAL RECORD? Only Pardon Services Canada has 20 years experience guaranteeing record removaL. Call 1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-9727366). www.RemoveYourRecord. com. NEW NORWOOD SAWMILLS LumberMate-Pro handles logs 34’ diameter, mills boards 28’ wide. Automated quick-cycle-sawing increases efficiency up to 40%. - FREE Information: 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Don’t Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1-866-8847464.
CHILD’S HIGHCHAIR: IN good condition for Grandma’s house. 250-2267397 eves. WANTED: LEFT OVER Hardie Plank. Any colour. Will buy any amount for my addition. 551-3833 NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE bag project looking for material, notions and embellishments for sewing bags. 250-352-9916
MUSIC & DANCE YOUNG CHANG PIANO, excellent condition, 1996 model, $2800 OBO. 229.5645 RAIMUNDO CLASSICAL GUITAR,SOLID top w/ hardcase & stand, like new.$ 1,200 new asking $ 850 obo 250-229-4474 ABLAYZE THE HEAVY metal/rock band needs vocalist, bassist, guitarist. covers and originals. kerry 3526200 BACH TR300 TRUMPET. Great condition. Great for band student. Recently tuned/tweaked. $350 obo. 352-1794.
OTHER SLOCAN VALLEY THREADS GUILD gratefully accepting donations of fabrics, yarns, craft supplies/tools, sewing goods. For pick-up call: Jasmin 250-352-7152, or Sharon 250-2267703.
12 PLACE SETTINGS rogers silver plate flatware:silver serving dish with lid.Offers accepted. 250 354-4794
SHED Ñ UTILITY. Sturdy, Weatherproof, Well-built. Approximately 6x8ft. $1,000obo. Terry 250-352-9600
HOME PHONE RECONNECT Call 1-866-287-1348. Prepaid Long Distance Specials! Feature Package Specials! Referral Program! Don’t be without a home phone! Call to Connect! 1-866-287-1348
5 NEW EMBRIODERY cards for a janome 8000 sewing machine #s 3/4/15/ 18/ 27/ 125.00 2503655608 TOWERS TO FIT Yakima roof racks for Dodge Caravan. Paid $165 + taxes. Asking $80. 250-352-7035. BACH TR300 TRUMPET. Great condition. Great for band student. Recently tuned/tweaked. $350 obo. 352-1794.
MISC. WANTED SKIS AND BOARDS, free, for funky fence. Will pick up. Dave 250.226.7959 HAND CRANKED KITCHEN tools: Julienne mouli shredder, nut grinder, meat grinder. Malin 250-355-0053
DATING SERVICE. Long-Term/ShortTerm Relationships, FREE CALLS.1877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes.1-888534-6984. Live adult casual conversations-1on1, 1-866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local Single Ladies.1877-804-5381. (18+).
PETS & LIVESTOCK BEAUTIFUL MATURE FEMALE Airedale free to approved home. Call to discuss. 250-226-7442 DOG CRATE AIRLINE approved good condition. Suit med/large dog. $50. 229-4028
PSYCHIC READINGS PSYCHIC READINGS WITH Rubiyah Ratna, BFA., MFA., experienced meditator and energy reader for over 30 years. 250-229-4042 GET YOUR KNOWING Going. Chakra Readings with Evie Clare Fridays at Gaia Risisng 254.354.4471 TAROT READINGS AND intuitive counseling with Ashala every Wednesday at Gaia Rising, 356 Baker St. 250-354-4471
SPORTS EQUIP. LAMBORGHINI MEN’S ROAD bike like new condition bright orange in colour $50. 250-509-1946 nelson 2006 KONA “HULA” Bike for sale 12” frame Like New $200 Phone 250354-1127 GIRLS BIKE FOR Sale -Pink and Flowery- Nice Shape $50 Phone 250354-5350 COLNAGO ROAD BIKE. 56cm. Classic steel frame and fork. Campagnolo Mirage components. $1500. 250-352-5277
4 ATV TIRES, 26x8x12 & 26x10x12, Carlisle ACT Radial, 0.75î tread depth, used 200miles $250 250-359-6970 2007 HONDA RUCKUS 49cc 1200kms luggage rack&box $2500.00 250-352-2351 2000 POLARIS RMK 800 reverse, mountain bar, lots of extras. good condition $3500. 250-399-4724 POLARIS SPORTSMAN-500 GREAT Shape with Snowplow & Winch 4400.00 Call Cary 250-5056282 2004 SPORTSTER CUSTOM bars, pipes, paint etc. excellent condition $5750 226-6766 KAWASAKI KLR650. 2003 Great shape, many new parts, new road cases, rebuilt engine. $4500. 3549235 2005 PROWLER 18TC travel trailer. Used 12 times. Fully loaded with A/C, TV/DVD $13950 2000 21 FT aerolite cub trailer, sleeps 8 light weight easy to tow approx 3000 lbs. 250-509-0353 1976 19.5’ SKYLARK Travel trailer, 3500 lbs., compact unit, appliances work well. $1500. 250.304.2964
ALL-SEASON TIRES P205/70R15 on Chrome wheels for Taurus cars 19862006. Used one season.$450.00 firm. 250-359-8066.
SERVICES A LITTLE DIRT NEVER HURT A PRAIRIE GIRL... all natural professional cleaning service 250-5510927 FIREFLY HOME-CLEANING & Clutter-Busting. From tidying to total overhauls. Fast, friendly, reliable. Eco-options available. (250)505-
Against The Wind Nursery select plants, endless possibilities
1986 FORD RANGER 4X4 Extended Cab V6 running condition $700 O.B.O 250-354-8262 after 5pm
UTILITY TRAILER 3’X5’ Well Built 300.00. Ford Ranger Canopy 60”x87” 300.00. Call Cary 250-364-0440
1993 TOYOTA PREVIA 7 seats 4WD, good condition, new transmission. $5650. Call 250-354-3630/250551-1844
2-P235/85/16 GOODYEAR ALLSEASON light truck tires. Approx. 70% tread. $80. both. Ph. 250-3994861
1995 CHEVY BLAZER. V-6,4WD, Air, Cruise, Hitch, Roof Rack, Alloys, 209,000km, good condition, $2500. 250-352-6760
4 SUMMER TIRES, P165/80R13, 50% tread, $30, 3 P185/70R13 summer tires, 40% tread, $20, 250-6083548
1991 DODGE P/U with canopy. Needs altinator, good shape, $795 357-2779
HEADACHE RACK WITH sides off. Full size truck 701/2” wide x 82” long. $200 OBO, 250.304.3535 92 DAKOTA PARTS truck, 4x4, $200, small box high-rise canopy, free, new dry box $100. (250)355-2765
TRAVEL ONE DAY POLAR Bear Tours Edmonton and Calgary departures. Experience the Tundra, the Polar Bears and return to your departure city the same day. Early booking discount available. Call 1-866-460-1415 or
VACATION SLOCAN RIVER WELCOMES you with new vacation condos on the river at Passmore, gateway to Valhalla Provincial Park. Hot tub, BBQ, wheelchair/elderly access. 250.226.7712 Discover it!
VEHICLES 2009 TOYOTA YARIS 3dr Hatchback,
specializing in
1992 TOYOTA EXTENDED cab, 4x4, V6, 231,000km, canopy, $7,400.00. Camper to fit truck, fridge, stove, $800.00. 250-352-6467
2000 CHEVROLET BLAZER 4x4 - new tranny and O2 sensor. Has DEEZEE side running boards. 2505050780 1990 4RUNNER 4CYL. working rust-free tailgate, 300,000K. Needs: speedometer cable, exhaust, windshield, some bondo. $2000 250-2295663 2001 DODGE RAM 2500 Diesel 4x4, loaded, leather int, good condition. $12000. 250-551-7177 2004 KIA SORENTO 4x4 5spd, low range 3.5 V6 145k asking $10,950 call Bryan 226-7494
��� 1978 DODGE CAMPER, 81,000 miles, 17 ft, 360 motor, sleeps � 4, $3800 obo 250 825-9228
��� 2001 DODGE GRAND Caravan Sport. Good condition. New brakes. Winters on rims included. $5400. ��� 250-352-1288
WEDDINGS WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER AVAILABLE for bookings now. Super competitive rates, friendly and helpful service. (250)505-6998
open April 18th sun - wed, 10 - 4
6376 Slocan River Road Winlaw 250.226.6957
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��� �����
#1A STEEL BUILDING SALE! Save up to 60% on your new garage, shop, warehouse. 6 colors available! 40 year warranty! Free shipping, the first 20 callers! 1-800-457-2206. www.
1 BEDROOM BASEMENT SUITE Victoria Street N/P N/S $750 including utilities 250-354-3010
NP, W/D, off street parking, May 1st, 250-352-9209
2 BDRM SUITE avail. May 1. n/s, n/p, w/d $750. Near Safeway, mall & Lakeside Pk. 354-1116
REAL ESTATE ROSSLAND 1 BEDROOM Condo For Sale $69,500 See details: http:// or call (250) 608-7246 HIGH COST OF homes in Nelson got you down?Just a 45 minute drive and you could get alot more house for your money! This 4 bedroom , 2 full bath Home in desirable neighbourhood in Castlegar might be for you. This Home has been completely renovated and must be seen to be appreciated. asking $329,900 I.D.#196333 3543793 4 BDRM 2 CAR garage with shop, 2600sqft. house for sale. 250-3597911 South Slocan close to school! LEASE TO OWN. House immed; property with creek long term, strata concept on 12 acres. 250 355-2854. CASTLEGAR - GRANDVIEW Heights Building Lot! Power, Water, Sewage, Gas line installed. $83,000! 250 354 8514
REAL ESTATE WANTED QUIET, RELIABLE 30YEAR old male seeks housing. Willing to do maintenance/renovation work. Contact Ken K 250-352-9876
BATCHELOR SUITE ON main floor, private riverfront house in Slocan Park. N/S N/P $650/month + utilities Rentals@NelsonRealty. ca 250-505-2067 1 BEDROOM LOWER suite of private riverfront house in Slocan Park. N/S N/P $700/month + utilities 250-505-2067 ROOMMATES WANTED FOR upper suite on Granite Rd. available April 15 or sooner 505-4147 3-BEDROOM MAIN FLOOR suite, yard, view, central location n/s, s/p, 1100.00, + utilities 250505-3942 SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOM suite. 1 min to Nelson. Pets ok! Yard, deck, views, parking...$1100/mo. Immediatley. 352 7303 QUEENS BAY. 1 bdrm apt. Great view. Suitable for single person. $475.00 +utilities. 250-229-5280 QUITE, 2 BDRM, down town suite with deck, available May 1, $1050/ month, heat included, 354-3545 BRAND NEW FULLY furnished 1 bdrm suit downtown, all inclusive, internet satellite, wash/dry, jetbath, hardwood 354-2093 MAY 1ST 800SQFT 1bedroom 1/2 duplex, lower fairview n/s n/p $740/mo, lease, references req’d 352-6311 3 BEDROOM ROSEMONT duplex, $1200 plus utilities, NS/
5-Day Forecast
BRIGHT, 1 BEDROOM semi basement suite, W/D no pets, available May 1st $650/month plus utilites 354-7758 EXECUTIVE CLASS 1 BEDROOM suite at Nasookin (3 mile). All new appliances, new flooring. Very clean. Mature, responsible tenants only. NS/NP. $750/month includes utilities. 250-505-2067 DOWNTOWN NELSON BACHELOR SUITE. 1 block from Baker, large deck, no smoking, pets negotiable. Available June 1st. 250-505-2067 2 BEDROOM MOBILE in Balfour. Large sundeck, several recent improvements. NS/Pets negotiable. $690/month +utilities. 250505-2067 2 BEDROOM DOWNTOWN NELSON. Walk to everywhere. No smoking, pets nego��� tiable. $850/month +utilities. � 250505-2067
��� RIVERSIDE LARGE P&BEAM shared, women & pets. Sweet, clean, peaceful place, $350/mo ��� rent, refs. 250-357-2877 Ymir FULLY FURNISHED BACHELOR suite for sublet. May 2010 - April 2011. $600 inclusive. No pets. 250-352-9606.
The Graine
Mainly Sunny High 18°C Low 2°C P.O.P. 30%
Isolated Showers High 19°C Low °7C P.O.P. 40%
spring has sprung at the graine!
Light Rain High 14°C Low 3°C P.O.P. 60%
Mainly Sunny High 23°C Low 2°C P.O.P. 10%
3 BEDROOM HOUSE Johnstone Rd seeking long term tenant for May 1st $1500 references required 2503543747
April 14, 2010
OFFICE SUITE FOR rent, Mountain Waters Building, 205 Victoria. Good light. $375 12 x 14, call Richard 250.509.0553
ROOM FOR RENT in large Rosemont home. Looking for mature, responsible roommate. ns/np. $600/mo 3527000
FAMILY OF THREE, professional, employed, with references, seek 23BDRM house with yard, in or near Nelson (within 20 min.) for long term rental (3-5yrs). Julia 325-5541
LADY NEEDS ROOMMATE in large sunshine basement suite. Close to Selkirk College. $500.00/ mo includes utilities, wireless. n/p n/s. References. 250-352-6832
CHRISTIAN FAMILY SEEKS 3+ bedroom long term Nelson rental. excellent refs. 250-354-4198 AFFORDABLE HOUSING NEEDED in downtown area for man in 50’s. Quiet respectful reliable. Mike 250.5 05.0461/250.352.9876
2 BEDROOM HOME on corner lot in lower Fairview. Large living & dining room, new furnace, windows, & shower. No smoking, no pets. $1,000/Month 250505-2067
QUIET SINGLE MAN, many years experience in renovation construction looking to rent or trade work for rent in Slocan Valley area or outskirts of Nelson. 250.366.4164
UPPER FLOOR 2 bedroom uphill Nelson. View, deck, parking, N/P, May1st to Sept1st $900/month. 250-354-0177
Page 19
AVAILABLE APRIL 25TH, 2 Bedroom plus storage, super clean, n/s, sorry no dogs, $825, call 250-551-4821
ROOM IN FAIRVIEW house May 1st $350+Utilities. Suits clean, responsible, semi-vegetarian. N/P, N/S 250���������������������������������������������� 354-4874 ������������������ BEAUTIFUL, DOWNTOWN , stand SEMI FURNISHED ROOM in alone building for lease. 2300 sq. ft. Blewett, May 1st, sun, garden space, ��������������������� W/D, wireless, $400/month + hydro, , 601 Kootenay St. Please phone for 354-4682 details; 250-825-9932
1 BEDROOM/PRIVATE BATHROOM in large shared home. Available May 1st for single clean responsible person. 250-352-1693 ROOM FOR RENT in lower Fairview. Looking for mature person into conscious healthy living. 352-3319 COUPLE SEEKING ROOMMATE to share Rosemont 3bdrm suite MayAug. Furnished, view. references required $425/month+utls 505-1184.
FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS clearance - Pre-engineered and custom-sized to your requirements. Factory-direct pricing. Some models discounted to half-price to clear. Call for free brochure and quote 1-800-668-5111 ext. ��� 170.������������
BUILDING SALE! Less than � ������������ WOOD, CANVAS or STEEL TRUSSES. This months ��� $8600. ���������� SPECIALS: 30x40 25x40 $6900. 40x100 $24,800. OTHERS. Pioneer Steel ���Manufacturers ����������� DIRECT 1-800-668-5422. www.
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things have been moving quickly, and with only a few units left there has never been a better time to buy. please feel free to drop in on our showsuite every saturday between 11-4pm and see for yourself what The Graine has to offer.
Great living. Great price.s #1106-7th St 250.354.9499 for sales
Cloudy Periods High 22°C Low 6°C P.O.P. 20%
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Lorne Westnedge & Drew Evans:
THE TEAM THAT WORKS -- FOR YOU! Contact 250-505-2606 Lorne at:
Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any cha Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: sales@ KASLO PROPERTY BRADERWOOD CONDO VALLEY PARADISE! BAKER ST. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 2.5 acres divided into 17the clie opportunity with thisor C-1email zoned New Outstanding 3 bed. 3 bath. view con- Overfor 5,000 sq.ft.changes custom homeor on an 18.5 The Express is not responsible anyalready errors after Please proof for accuracy Unique then phone, fax with any approval. double width lot along with 1,455 sq.ft. separate titles outside Kaslo municipal ����
acres with pasture land in pristine private dominium in quality development. Gas
building with full basement in down- valley. Stunning mountain views, between fireplace, large deck, fully equipped boundary. Purcell Mountain views. WaContact 250-505-2466 Phone: 250.354.3910 • town Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: Nelson.Storefront location with Drew at: Slocan/Silverton. Bamboo/cork floors, 9’ kitchen. 2 bed. on main & 1 in finished ter licence in place. Great potential for rear parking for 5 vehicles, upgraded ceilings, 4the bed. 3client bath. List goes thermal windows Web-site. The Express is not responsible for any errors after hason!signedlower off.level with a total of 2600 sq. ft. development or investment Each office is independently owned and operated
mls #K3900093
mls #K181927
mls# K191446