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IN THIS ISSUE: A gardening supplement to get you growing page 11


Wednesday May 5, 2010 Vol. 22 No. 22

independent since 1988

HST not in tune with voters JULIA GILLMOR Much ado has been made over the impending HST that will come into full effect on July 1, 2010. Last Thursday the B.C. government pushed through legislation enabling it to partially implement the HST, arguing the tax will help the economy by encouraging investment. The Liberals are up against former premier Bill Vander Zalm and his followers who are spearheading a petition drive to force a referendum to repeal the tax under the province’s recall and initiative legislation. Proponents of the HST claim that the approach is far simpler, more transparent and more fair than the PST system. The government claims it will reduce costs for B.C. businesses by eliminating the provincial sales tax. “It will create jobs and drive British Columbia’s economy forward,” said Finance Minister Colin Hansen in a press release. The Liberals are claiming that it is expected to create 113,000 jobs in British Columbia, sighting reduced costs for employers. This would allow them to expand business and pay higher wages. The B.C. Liberals website states the current PST is paid multiple times throughout a product’s development, thus increasing the final cost of a product. When a consumer makes a purchase, they don’t necessarily pay the seven per cent PST once – they are paying the PST many times over at every stage of a product’s development. Under the new system, the HST will be paid once, and on items

that consumers don’t currently pay GST they won’t pay HST. This includes things like: basic groceries, doctor or dentist appointments, prescription drugs, legal aid and most financial services, many educational services and resale housing. For the complete list of HST exemptions visit the Revenue Canada Website at M a ny B r i t i sh Columbians either don’t believe the government’s projections or don’t understand how the HST will affect them. Regardless, shoppers in B.C. started paying the HST last Saturday on a number of services — including theatre packages, airplane tickets and gym memberships. After July 1, the HST will start to be broadly applied. The fine print on the HST is daunting and the rules are not so easily deciphered. The general rule of thumb could be considered, if you’re currently paying GST you will also be charged HST. Critics say this will make lives of families in B.C. more expensive in many unexpected ways. There are a few limited exceptions. For example, if you’re buying a coffee or sandwich at the coffee shop, the HST will not be applied if the price before tax is below $4. But if the bill goes above the $4 mark, the HST will be added. The HST will also be applied to new homes that cost more than $400,000. However, newspapers and feminine hygiene products will escape the charge. Children’s shoes and clothing, baby diapers, infant car seats and child booster seats are also exempt, but



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“We had an awesome response and party lines have not entered into this at all,” says Monique Oakes, who was out last week collecting peteition ��� ��������������������� signatures. ��� ���������������������

the HST will apply to day��� care. Bill Vander Zalm is the B.C. Liberals’ most vocal opponent. His petition to repeal the HST has shown up in nearly every community across the province. In order to accomplish his goal, Vander Zalm and his

followers must collect the ������������������ signatures of 10 per cent of registered voters in every electoral district in the province. “By successfully completing the Initiative petition, we will be forcing the government to either vote to cancel the

HST Agreement, thereby have rejected using the ��� ������������������ repealing the HST, or put democratic process, since to a province it would put the federal ���the question ���������������������������������������������� wide referendum, ” said government on the same � ������������������ Vander Zalm in a press path to political suicide ������ from May 2. as the B.C. Liberals. More ���release ��������������������� Vander Zalm also said information on this petican’t see the Prime tion and the anti-HST cam���he ������������������ Minister forcing B.C. to paign can be found at www. keep a tax that the people ������



Boomtown is packed with almost every style of bike that you can imagine. Some with gas or electric motors. Trades still taken.


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Winery Direct Prices ������������������ Hundreds of BC Wines ��������������� Parking, Too!




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Class schedule ������������������ on page 8 ���������������


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May 5, 2010


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250-354-4089 ������

280 Baker Street , Nelson

The Express is read everywhere, even in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico!

Here is a picture of Sierra and Brianna Jones reading the Express before swimming with the dolphins!

21 Dine Out 5-Day Forecast 07 Street Talk ��������������� 08 Health Calendar ������������������ Body & Soul Directory Thursday��������������� 09 11 Growing Gardens ������������� Cloudy with Showers 21 Been’ Thinkin About High 14°C Low 3°C �������������������� 04 Dr. Science P.O.P. 60% ������������� 11 Chew on This

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03 News 06 Op/Ed Friday 15 Arts & Entertainment Cloudy Periods High 17°C Low 3°C 10 Fun & Games P.O.P. 0% 18 Around Town 19 Classifieds 121Homes & Gardens ������������������������������ 08 Health & Wellness Saturday

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Phone: 250.354.3910 Ad Sales: 250.354.1118 Fax: 250.352.5075 554 Ward Street Nelson, BC V1L1S9

Publisher Nelson Becker

Advertising Jenna Semenoff


Cloudy Periods ������������ High16°C Low 4°C P.O.P. 40% �������������������� ����������

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Light Rain ���� High 17°C Low 4°C P.O.P. 90%

05 News. Fire Dept. wants people to be fire smart.

Production StephanieTaylor







Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an approval. Cloudy with Showers ��������������������������� Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: 18°C Low 4°C ������������������������� P.O.P.has 40%signed off. The Express is not responsible for any errors after the client


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15 Arts. The legendary Bruce Cockburn comes to Trail.

Office Manager Julia Gillmor

Accounting Robin Murray

How to contact us Classifieds, Events Listings, Press Releases, Fish Heads and Flowers and Letters to the Editor can all be submitted via the Express web site: For Body and Soul Directory and Health Calendar listings please call 250.354.3910. For display advertising call 250.354.1118 or email Classified ads are free for the first 15 words and are 25c for each additional word. Deadline is Thursday at noon for the following week. One free classified per week per phone number. Commercial classifieds are $5 per week for the first 15 words and 25c per word thereafter. Free classifieds are not taken over the phone. Press releases must be received by Friday morning for the following week. Press releases for events will be printed in the Wednesday issue immediately prior to the event. Publication of event press releases is at the discretion of the Express. While we try to include everything we receive, there is no guarantee that a press release will be printed. The Editor reserves the right to edit releases subject to length, clarity and taste. Submit press releases to ISSN 1196-7471 The Express Newspaper is owned by Kootenay Express Communication Corp. Publications Mail Agreement #0654353. Paid at Nelson, BC. The Express is published every Wednesdays and distributed free to every home and busienss in the Nelson area, as well as Ainsworth, Ymir, South Slocan, Crescent Valley, Slocan Park, Winlaw, Slocan City, Silverton and New Denver, viia Canada Post. Businesses that wish to supply free copies of the Express please call 250.354.3910. Subscription rates in Canada are $54.60/51 issues (GST incl.) International rates available. Copyright 2010.


May 5, 2010


Page 3

Vandalism, a missing person and drugs at the fair Nelson Police have received numerous reports of vandalism to vehicles over the last several days from the Uphill area of Nelson. The suspect(s) used blue metallic spray paint and targeted random vehicles in the area. Nelson Police are asking the assistance of the public in identifying the person(s) responsible for these offenses. Nelson Police are also seeking the assistance of the public to help in identifying the person(s) responsible for recent damage at Cottonwood Park (100 Silica St.). Unknown persons cut down one hemlock and nine cedar trees that had recently been planted in the park. Any information would be appreciated. ••• Nelson Police are investigating the disappearance of a male from a residence located in North Nelson. The male was last seen on Baker St. on April 12, 2010, however, has not been seen or heard from since. Missing is Jeremy Benson, 25 years of age. Nelson Police are requesting Mr. Benson contact police or if any member of the public has any information regarding his whereabouts to contact police. Police do not suspect foul play in this incident. ••• As a result of a serious assault that occurred on April 28, 2010 on Perrier Rd. outside city limits, Nelson Police were on the lookout for a very well known 53 year old male who was allegedly involved in the incident. At 10:48 a.m. on April 29, the suspect was spotted on Baker St. and with the help of Nelson Police the male was arrested without incident. The suspect was processed and eventually released on bail. The incident is being investigated by Nelson RCMP.

police blotter Nelson Police Department St. regarding an intoxicated male. The police arrested a 42 year old male of no fixed address for being in a state of intoxication in a public place. Upon further investigation police discovered the male was charged with two counts of assault with a weapon and threatening. The male was on bail for those charges with conditions including not to consume alcohol. As a result he was kept in custody and brought before a judge in Nelson Provincial Court where he was ordered held in custody until trial. ••• During the weekend Nelson Police conducted foot patrols at the West coast Amusements carnival located at the west end of Baker St. Police dealt with a number of drug and alcohol related incidents including the arrest of a 28 year old Nelson resident for possession of a substance for the purpose of trafficking. The male is scheduled to appear in Nelson Provincial Court on August 19, 2010.

Road Kings gear up for final drive to $1.5 million On Saturday, Sept. 11, at the Road Kings annual Queen City Cruise, one name will be drawn to win one of only 700 Chevrolet Corvettes built in 1955. The classic sports car was completely restored in the 1990’s and was donated to the Kootenay Lake Hospital Foundation by Dave and Sheila Martin. The Road Kings car club have taken on the task to sell only 2,500 tickets. The car has a 265 cu. in, 195 HP engine with Powerglide automatic transmission. It has just over 26,000

At 1:15 a.m. on May 1, Nelson Police arrested a drunk driver on the 100 block of High St. The driver, a 24 year old Nelson resident, provided two breath samples at 240 milligrams of alcohol in one millilitre of blood. The legal limit is 80 milligrams. The driver’s vehicle was impounded and his licence temporarily suspended. He will be appearing in Nelson Provincial Court in July 6, 2010 charged with impaired driving and driving over 80 mgs per cent. •••

Nelson Police also made several public intoxication arrests over the weekend resulting in a night’s stay in the drunk tank as well as numerous liquor seizures; all resulting in charges under the Liquor Act. - submitted


At 11:30 a.m. on April 29, Nelson Police were called to the 800 block of Ward

miles since a complete restoration in 1994. Painted it’s original Pennant Blue, this was one of only 45 cars in that colour in 1955. The Foundations CT Scanner Campaign has now raised over $960,000 in 11 months. Together, construction and sale of Foundation House in Rosemont and the Road Kings Corvette raffle are expected to bring in over $300,000 to $400,000 by September to complete the fundraising goals. Tickets are $50 each and will

be available at Stuarts News in the Chahko Mika Mall, Waits news on Baker street, the Hume Hotel, Taylor Wilton, Lordco, and Nelson Chrysler. There will also be tickets available at Glacier Honda in Castlegar and Champion Chev in Trail. Tickets can be ordered over the phone by calling is 250-352-6843. Have your credit card ready. Selected Road King members will also have tickets. - submitted



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This 1955 Corvette is being raffled off as a fundraiser for the KLH Foundation.

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May 5, 2010

Einstein’s General Law of Relativity You may have noticed that Dr. Science has been striving hard to dispel the perception that science has established exactly how nature works. As mentioned before, all measurement data have uncertainties associated with it, so we will never be able to say with absolute certainty how nature works. In fact, my daughter’s piano teacher came up with a great quote the other day, “Science is just as good as the latest theory”. I agree! As an example, let’s consider the laws of physics. Like all scientific laws, they are guesses as to how nature works. At some point a scientist has guessed a rule as to how nature behaves, and observations and measurements are then made, and if the rule agrees well with the data then we stick with this rule. Often scientists and engineers will then use the rule to calculate predictions, for example, Newton’s Law of Gravitation might be used to compute the trajectory of a javelin thrown on planet earth. From the point of view of our day to day calculation requirements

dr. science Morgan Dehnel for determining the trajectory of a javelin, Newton’s theory is good enough. We can compute the trajectory to within some small fraction of a millimetre, and that is generally sufficient for our needs. However, as our readers are now firmly aware, a scientist knows that Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, like all scientific laws, is only applicable to within a certain level of uncertainty. The scientist’s job is to continue trying to determine if there are exceptions to the rule, and are there cases where the rule yields very inaccurate results. If exceptions to the rule are found, then the rule must be modified or a new rule must be found. Of course, the old rule can still be used within its range of applicability. Recall that Newton’s

gravitational force between two objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Einstein noticed that Newton’s law of universal gravitation implies that gravitational forces act instantaneously across space [1]. Newton’s law does not describe any time dependent aspect. Einstein realized that Newton’s law violated Einstein’s theory of relativity. Objects separated by a distance which, according to Newton, experience an instantaneous force of gravity, implied that gravitational effects travel faster than the speed of light [1], which is false according to the theory of relativity. Einstein was led to the idea that gravity can be described as a distortion of the geometry of space (more particularly space-time), as described in his General Theory of Relativity [1]. [1] P.C.W. Davies & J. Brown, “Superstrings – A Theory of Everything?; Cambridge University Press, 1988.






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People braved the not so sunny sweather to have a blast and go for a spin at the carnival this weekend.

KLH CT Scanner is nearing a reality


Dr. Science is in real life, Dr. Morgan Dehnel, a particle accelerator physicist, and resident of Nelson. Please send comments or questions regarding this column to


Twisting and turning at the carnival

When the Kootenay Lake Hospital Foundation began it’s CT Scanner fundraising they said that community energy and creativity would drive it’s success. Eleven months later $942,000 has been raised and it has fulfilled that promise. On May 28th two groups want to kick it up a notch and get everyone involved. The entire event, hosted at the Nelson Community Complex is appropriately titled ‘Dreams To Reality’ and it will celebrate and support the CT Scanner campaign. First up, with fashion shows, appetizers, chocolate, raffles for diamonds and more , will be the Ladies Night Out party. Then at 9 p.m. the bands turn up their amps, and the doors will open wide for all the other adults out there. Sponsors for the evening will include Skinnerhorn Winery of Creston and the Nelson Brewing Company. Tickets will be priced so nobody has an excuse to

stay away and by that date the Foundation expects to be in a celebratory mood . They hope to have $1.1 million in the bank by the time the event rolls around. At their recent Caring Company dinner celebrating the contributions of businesses and associations in 2009 , director Brian May reported on the success of the CT campaign. While a few major donations over $5,000 have made up to 50% of the funds raised, the remaining funds have come from 1,969 donations of less then $1,000 or group and business promotion donations in the $1,000 to $5,000 range. The talk made specific mention of the close to 15% of donations that have come in from outside the Nelson area. Foundation Chair Roger Higgins reported on the construction of ‘Foundation House’. So far close to 30 construction businesses have provided labour and materials to build the LEED standard energy

efficient home. Directors expect the newly constructed home will be on the market by September at the same time as the Road Kings car club will complete their raffle of a vintage 1955 Corvette. Organizers are confident that the two major projects will help them reach the final $1.5 million CT Scanner target. Step one in that goal will be their final mailout campaign, the annual Breath of Spring fundraiser. Their brochure with a big springtime flower on it will soon be sent to every home throughout the area. Foundation administrator Bryna Idler says “ It’s been a hectic 11 months and this final fundraiser is everyone’s chance to make a choice and make a contribution.” Tickets for the Dreams to Reality Ladies Night Out will be on sale at Sensations Klothes Shoppe and the Nelson and District Community Complex. - submitted

Breath of Spring �������������� supporting the Kootenay Lake Hospital CT Scanner Fund


2,300 patients needed a CT scan last year. Help support your neighbours and friends.

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Kootenay Lake Hospital Foundation | 3 View Street, Nelson | Donate online at



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theExpress Area E

Rae Naka 250.352.7525


May 5, 2010


Page 5

The latest Transition Town events For the Imagine competition, the Nelson regional community shared its ideas about what the Nelson region can become. Now, with the Expo and Gathering from May 14-16, Transition Nelson is asking what the community can do together to achieve those visions. Visit to learn more and to register.

The Gathering, May 15 & 16


L-R: Deputy Chief Bob Slade, Fire Fighter Marc Thibault, Fire Chief Simon Grypma, Fire Fighter Bob Patton, and Captain Gordon Rae display the pamphlets that will be landing in area mailboxes over the next week.

Fire Dept. asks residents to take precautions The City of Nelson Fire Department is concerned about a potential forest fire hitting the city, becoming what is referred to as an “interface fire”. The fire isn’t here yet, and it may take a long time before it arrives, but Fire Chief Simon Grypma says he wants us all to be ready for it. “It’s a matter of being prepared. Such a fire may show up next week, next month, or years from now. Anyone who figures a situation such as the fires that hit the Okanagan or the Cranbrook areas a few years ago can’t happen here, well, they just have their head in the sand.” Grypma explains that despite the strong efforts of the city to mitigate the risks on its own property, a great deal of the risk posed to a neighbourhood depends upon the role key Nelson homeowners play in making preparations around their own homes. Nelson Fire & Rescue wants to talk to those property owners, to help them do the right thing. Fire Fighter Scott Jeffery, who’s previous job was with the Ministry of Forests Fire

Suppression branch, is the point man for the department’s efforts to track and address our city’s interface risk. “We want to visit with the people who live within a couple of blocks of the forested edges of the city. We want to work with those people, to show them how they can reduce the risk posed by, and to, their properties. Some people think dealing with the problem is outrageously expensive or labour intensive, so they just put it off for another time. Our focus is to help homeowners target their efforts in the most effective way. This all starts with our free assessment of what risk the homeowners are facing. “Most houses in Nelson will be receiving an information pamphlet in the mail very soon. We’ll be following that up with visits to key neighbourhoods around the town, showing kids and adults alike what to be aware of, how effective sprinkler systems differ from the ones most people envision, and how they can often improve their protection for no cost at all.”

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Both Grypma and Jeffery concede that some people will have to invest some money to reduce their risks, but they stress that following their program will help those people spend their money wisely. Nelson Fire Rescue’s awareness drive is based on the science behind the successful FireSmart program, developed by the governments of Alberta and B.C. Looking back at incidents such as the Kelowna fires of 2003, it was found that an important part of saving a house from an interface fire depended not upon making the structure completely fire-proof, or hiring a private fire department to watch over it day and night, but simply making the property less “attractive”to the fire. Those interested in finding out more should keep an eye out for the pamphlet being mailed next week and visit Nelson Fire Rescue’s website, www.nelson. ca/html/fire_dept.html. Inquiries can be directed to or by contacting the Nelson fire hall at 250-352-3103. - submitted

The highlight of the weekend will be the Gathering. Saturday and Sunday, May 15 and 16, Transition Nelson is holding a workshop where the optimism, passion, and dedication of this community will set a course for a better Nelson region. Transition Nelson invites everyone with a commitment to creating a better Nelson to come to the event and discover what can be created together.

The Expo, May 14 12-5:30 p.m. The Expo from noon to 5:30 on Friday, May 14 will showcase many of the community’s initiatives and artists. The purpose of the Expo is to inspire everyone with the optimism and capacity of home-

Health is Happiness Tuesday, May 11, 7-9pm The Langham, 447 A Avenue Kaslo

These days it can seem difficult to have your voice heard in government. This May, NDP MLA Michelle Mungall is holding Community Forums; giving you a chance to be heard. In Kaslo, Michelle wants to hear your ideas for improving Healthcare in your community. Key discussions will cover access to emergency care, primary and long term care. There will be guest speakers. A forum like this was already held in Creston in March and proved to be very successful. For democracy to work people need to participate; these forums provide an


NOTICE OF WATER MAIN FLUSHING PROGRAM The City of Nelson Utilities Department will start, the first week of May, the Water Main Flushing Program. The work should take approximately four weeks. The flushing is done to dislodge and remove any built-up sediment in the water main pipes. This will improve water quality and fire flow capability. Residents are advised when City utility crews are working in the neighbourhood that their water may be discolored or have air bubbles. If this occurs, residents can let their water run until it clears. If it doesn’t clear in a reasonable amount of time, residents should call the Public Works Department at 250-352-8238. Nelson residents on a dialysis machine, should call us at the same number and the crews will work to accommodate the resident. Larger facilities will be contacted prior to work being done in their area. We apologize for any inconvenience this work may cause.

The Expo Celebration May 14 7p.m. Later in the evening on Friday, May 14, the mood shifts from inspiration to celebration. A cabaret of music, video, performance, and short talks will begin promptly at 7 p.m., followed by a dance party into the late hours. Musical guests will include Juno nominee Adham Shaikh, The Lazy Poker Blues Band, and Imagine competition winners The Time Spinners. DJ Joel West will wind down the evening with some great dance music. Tickets to the Expo Celebration are $15-20 sliding scale at Eddy’s music and at the door.

Briefly excellent opportunity for your ideas to help shape the future of your community.

Get Hired the First Time! Thursday, May 6, 4:30 p.m. at the Learning Place - Library Basement, 602 Silica St.

The YERC Team wants you to confidentially drop off an amazing resume, and nail the summer job you want when you dazzle in the interview. Need some practice in these areas? Come on down to the Learning Place May 6 at 4:30 p.m. to brush up these skills and your resume. The sessions is open to youth ages 15-30. Need a resume? Don’t know where the jobs are



grown skills. Ideas and inspiration from the Imagine contest will be on display, and we have invited the Nelson region’s community-based organizations to share their work in social equity, environmental protection, youth empowerment and many other fields. In addition, there is a full schedule of re-skilling workshops planned. Stay tuned to for a full program. Entrance to the Expo will be by suggested donation of $5.

going to be? No worries we can help! For more info 250 352 5656.

Caring For Children Wednesday, May 12, 7-9pm Salmo Valley Youth & Community Centre, 106-4th St, Salmo

This May, NDP LA Nelson-Creston Michelle Mungall is holding Community Forums. Mungall wants your ideas on the future of childcare in you community. “Listening to my constituents is a big aprt of my job,” says Mungall. “Hearing their issues and vision for our region guides what I do as their representative in BC’s Legislature. I’m eager to see many people and get an understanding of what both I and we as a community can do.”

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Page 6


May 5, 2010

opinions&letters Commentary: The public will remember the HST vote in 2013

theQuestion: What is your opinion about the recreational use of marijuana? Answer online at or go to the Kootenay Weekly Express Facebook page.

Results published next week! The survey closes at midnight Sunday, May 9. TheQuestion is a new addition to the Express. A new survey will be posted every week and we encourage reader participation. Do you have a question you’d like answered? Email it to

Last week we asked, Should Baker St. be closed to vehicles?

Close Baker only during the day: 21.1%

Leave Baker like it is: 35.2%

Close Baker Street to cars 24/7: 43.7%

“It creates a wonderful, alive ambience in towns in Europe and elsewhere.” “Pedestrian malls build communities.” “I think one day a week would be a better choice. Too many people would be alienated with a total closure. In Merida, Mexico the streets around the plaza were closed to motorized traffic Saturday evening till sunday afternoon and were full of vendors, buyers and eateries and there was a party like atmosphere.” “There are many towns who have implemented car-free main streets and local business, art and culture have consistently thrived. Baker street is already such an attractive place to shop and eat and meet. Making it car-free would attract people from all over!” “Parking meters are enough hassle without closing Baker Street completely.” “As in many European countries, a good compromise between pedestrian-only use and access for businesses, is to permit car access before 10:00am and after 6:00 or 8:00pm. Taxis and handicap vehicles are allowed any time.” “Parking garages can be built nearby. Police can patrol in electric golf carts. Outdoor patios and pubs in the summertime, and some things even in wintertime, will draw people in and make it friendlier than a motorized thoroughfare could ever hope to be.” “I think Monday to Friday it can be closed to vehicles.”

72 respondants

It’s pretty cool that I can write you a report right from the floor of the BC Legislature Chamber. The final vote on the HST, resulting from the BC Liberals shutting down debate, just took place. I wish I had better news for you, but unfortunately the piece of legislation that paved the way for the HST just passed. All 35 NDP MLAs as well as the Independent voted against Bill 9 and against the HST. The BC Liberals voted for it after betraying the public and despite a public opposition rating of 82%. Interestingly, the Premier was not present for the votes. He says this is the best thing he could do for British Columbians, but he didn’t show up to vote. Leaves me to question if he even believes his own rhetoric. Of course, the public has the final say. They will remember the choices made in the House every time they go to a restaurant, get a haircut, buy school supplies, go skiing, and so much more. Countless people have told

In the House Michelle Mungall MLA Nelson-Creston me that those memories will certainly last right into 2013. The lack of respect the BC Liberals have shown to British Columbians is not the way I like to do politics. I prefer to go out and hear from you every chance I get then bring that back to Victoria. That’s why I committed to doing four community forums a year during the election, and that’s why I am holding to my election promise. Last summer, I held a forum on the private power proposal slated for Glacier and Howser Creeks. 500 people attended and hundreds wrote their comments on the project –comments I passed on directly to the Environmental Assessment Office.

In March, you would have found me listening to 50 farmers at the Creston Valley Chamber of Commerce as they talked about growing the local agricultural sector. Among other activities, I am bringing their views to the House. Go to my website,, to watch the video of my speech on food security and a Buy BC program that Creston valley farmers said they want to see. And now, I would like to invite you to my community forums in Salmo and Kaslo. Join me in Kaslo on Tuesday May 11 at the Langham Theatre from 79pm where I will be hearing from people like you on the important issue of healthcare in our rural areas. Then come see me in Salmo on Wednesday May 12 from 7-9pm at the Salmo Valley Youth and Community Centre to talk about your concerns on childcare. I want to hear from you, so if you have any questions just give me a call at 1-877-388-4498.

Commentary: MP challenge to support mental health I was recently challenged by Carrie-Ann Dambrowitz, a constituent whose daughter suffers from schizophrenia, to donate the price of one restaurant meal to a Mental Health Service Provider of my choice and to encourage five others to do the same. She also issued the same challenge to over 300 other federal and provincial elected officials and was very encouraged by the positive response she received. In writing this column I am hoping to get as many people as possible to take up Carrie-Ann’s modest challenge. I have come to realize that we owe a great deal to the many professionals and volunteers in our communities who go well beyond ordinary efforts, with very limited resources, to advocate for and improve the lives of those who suffer from mental distress. With only a little bit of help from each of us they could do so much more. One organization I am inspired to recommend for your donation is the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). They have developed a wide range of specialized services and programs tailored to maximize available resources in communities across the country. They

Alex Atamanenko MP BC Southern Interior can also connect people to many other organizations and programs that deal with specific challenges such as housing, employment and entrepreneurial training. Their website provides a wealth of information that will not only enhance your understanding of mental health issues but I feel sure will inspire you to find a way to support their efforts. A breakdown in mental health, whether mild or severe, can strike any one of us, or someone close to us, at any time. It can present itself in the form of depression, anxiety, addiction, eating disorder, a number of phobias and although rare, as schizophrenia. We can take comfort in knowing that most mental health issues are entirely treatable if help is first sought and then obtained. Modern medicine provides many safe and effective treatments and with many conditions counseling is all that is required. There is absolutely no need for anyone to hide from this illness and attempt to go it

alone anymore! May 3rd marks the beginning of Mental Health Awareness Week with this year’s theme being ‘Building Your Mental Health Support One Step at a Time.’ This presents a great opportunity to have an open dialogue with neighbours, friends and family about an illness with many faces which has the capacity to touch lives in unexpected ways. This is also a great time to learn some tricks on how to protect your own mental and emotional wellbeing as well. In doing so you may find the inspiration to help others get the support they need to cope with what is a largely treatable and very often preventable illness. Please take the time to invest in yourself and your community by visiting the Canadian Mental Health Association at www.cmha. ca . I am confident that once you learn about the amazing work being done by the volunteers and professionals at CMHA on a shoestring budget, you too will want to take up Carrie-Ann’s challenge. “Feed the Mind, Not the Gut - Donate the price of a meal to mental health” says Carrie-Ann’s son Chad. I’ve got to say – how can anyone say no to that!

opinions&letters Street Talk:

Should Baker Street be closed to vehicle traffic?

Yeah, sure. And they can paint trucks with lines through them on the street and see how many people follow that rule.

Aaron Seeman, Nelson

No, it would be much harder to get around, and there isn’t enough parking as it is.

Melissa McMahon, Nelson

The Water Act isn’t broken; don’t fix it Dear Editor, I’ve read quite a bit about the BC government’s plan to “modernize” the Water Act. However there is no mention of protecting watersheds from damaging resource extraction (i.e. mining and logging) I find the idea of “modernization” (although explained in the Government’s materials as aiming for water conservation and equitable usage), to be patently false. I smell a not very well hidden agenda on the part of the BC government to ultimately make a profit by privatizing water and selling it to the highest bidder. My family is a small water license holder in the West Kootenays. We have a license for 500 gallon domestic use plus 2 acre feet of irrigation for our 10 acres. Our water use is conservative, we have built our own water system and we are always cleaning and contributing to its efficiency. We monitor the water flow and the health

of the creek whose water we share with two upstream licensees and six users downstream. The Water Act as it stands now has served my family and my neighbours well. Unfortunately it seems that BC’s ministries do not act together to protect this valuable resource. I do not see a genuine concern by the BC government to sustain the many resources that BC possesses. I see that these resources are viewed as sources of money rather than sources of health and well-being for all BC citizens. There is no reason to fix what isn’t broken. Instead, the Government needs to get the relevant ministries together to fix the shoddy regulations and monitoring that allows this precious resource to be endangered by irresponsible resource extraction practices. Helen Davis Hills, BC

Farmed fish will lead to catastrophe in our waters Dear Editor, While some may debate that farmed fish are a more dependable food source than wild fish, a person must realize that farmed fish eat a diet of “undependable” wild fish. Oily marine fish, such as anchovies, are harvested worldwide to the point of scarcity, to feed the farm fish. Previously, oily marine fish fed whales, millions of wild fish populations, millions of birds, and mammals creatures that really don’t have anything else to eat. Death, even extinction of these wild species, for the sake of eating farmed fish, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. We should thank the B.C. Liberal Government for making the decision to ignore all the independent scientists urgent warnings, appeals by the B.C. First Nations, commercial and sport fishermen, biologists, and the thousands of con-

cerned citizens of impending wild fish stock extinction. Thank you to the wise federal and provincial politicians, who inspite of the Sockeye Conference 2010 findings, “The one run that is producing more and more fish per spawner is the Harrison and a recent DFO study found that while most juvenile Fraser sockeye travel north past 60 fish farms, the Harrison go south around southern Vancouver Island and do not encounter salmon farms,” Acknowledging and increasing the licenses of the Norwegian fish farmers who hold a monopoly on the fish farms and who have already succeeded in contaminating the Norwegian and Chilean coasts with the virulent ISA virus and the drug resistant sea lice. Even though Canada was warned by the former Attorney General of Norway, Georg Fredrik

Rieber-Mohn, about the catastrophic wild salmon demise in Norway “we had an open goal to save wild salmon but we missed the target, ... If you want to protect wild salmon then you have to move salmon farms away from migration routes.” Our plutonic government knows best what is good for B.C., Canada, and the worlds‘ ecosystem. The federal DFO in all their wisdom ensured the Atlantic cod fishery was damaged beyond recovery and we can trust that they will enable the extinction of the wild Pacific salmon fishery as well. Don’t like this scenario? Join the 1,000s’ of us protesting the demise of the wild salmon for corporate profit. Contact your local MLA with your concerns. Susan Eyre Passmore, B.C.

Health plan hurts the hinterlands Yes - partly because of the fumes that waft downhill. Green space would also be much more inviting to pedestrians.

Natasha Kraus, Nelson

No, I like it the way it is.

Randy McKenzie, Nelson

Dear Editor, Re: The BC new hospital funding plan. Once again the hinterlands are hurt. This program will concentrate funding into larger hospitals in larger centres. What funding will be left for the Far North, Interior, Kootenays, Northern Coastal populations? The BCTV story said something about surgeons traveling with their patients to the best facility. The Government spokesperson said this plan is based on a British Model. Feb. 13, 2010 CBC Radio, BC, Daybreak interviewed a person from Britain who seemed ‘in the know’. She said that Britain was changing this plan. I.e. it did not work for Britain. We need a Made In Canada solution. Our geography and disbursed population demand that we have a system that provides the best care possible to all of the population. Concentrating all or most of the funding to the largest population centres to the detriment of the more disbursed population, such as Nelson and area, will cause undue hardship to the people who live more than 1 hr from the ‘medical hub’ The cost to people in our ‘health catch-

ment’ area is substantial. If this model causes more people to travel then the IHA should have funding to compensate people for their out of pocket costs: childcare, house sitters, loss of income from employment or self-employment, cost of travel, cost of an attendant, etc. etc. The income tax deduction for medical costs is roughly 20 per cent of the costs above three per cent of the person’s income. For many, the result is zero tax savings. A family with $50,000 income in the lower mainland will have a much lower cost than the same family in Nelson or area. Both will likely have no tax savings. The Nelson family is out of pocket significantly more than the Burnaby taxpayer. The working poor will be the hardest hit. Many will not be able to afford any treatment. To push the point - they’d rather feed, clothe and house themselves and their children. “If they’d rather die, then they had better do it and decrease the surplus population.” A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens. Kris Witt, former RN Nelson, BC

May 5, 2010


Page 7

Publisher’s Comment:

Don’t close Baker Street Closing Baker Street is a romantic idea, which may look better on paper than in real life. Closing Baker Street will reduce the amount of Baker St. car pollution. However, the cars will still come to town and the pollution will simply move further uphill. Closing Baker St. will also will create difficulties for shopping. Parking is only two blocks away, but reduced Baker St. parking availability is an obstacle to having a good business environment in Nelson’s business core. Additionally, if any street were to be closed to any traffic there should be some kind of survey conducted that shows not just a majority but nearly one hundred percent agreement on the benefits of its closing. One business should not tell another business what’s best for them. But the people who are in favour of a walking street do raise some important issues. They ask if our downtown is people -friendly. We are not bad, but we could be better. We need a town square that is located very close to the center of our town. It’s where the markets can happen, where people can gather and socialize, and it is a space for freedom of expression. An ideal location for a town square in

Nelson is the area in front of City Hall. It would need to be renovated with that use in mind. Another partial solution to having the downtown core more people-friendly is to redesign the designated amenity areas, which sit both in front of Darwin’s and the CIBC. Some years ago, this city, because of their concerns that there were too many undesirable types actually making use of the insufficient number of benches, pulled out benches, making even less space available. These areas also impede pedestrian traffic because they extend and make the sidewalk narrow. A redesign could widen the sidewalk and address the lack of seat by putting in many seats, eliminating conflicts between groups who all have a right to take a break during their day while strolling on Baker Street. There are many times in the year where it is appropriate to close Baker St. for various events: Garden Fest, Market Fest, Parades, and Sat. night after the businesses close. In these cases the closing of Baker Street has worked particularly well. We can work with what we’ve got. We can make the existing area of the Nelson downtown business core even better and more people-friendly.

Fish Heads and Flowers Fish Heads to landlords who evict tenants for a place temporary place to live. You think it easy to find a place to live here... try finding one yourself instead of making your tenants homeless. Hating to be homeless

and left her to die.. I loved my cat and now she is gone because you decided to speed and not watch for her. Be more careful because families and pets live there. Remember that next time you get into your vehicle.- RIP my kitty

Flowers To that store for providing wifi 24/7. It really helps my e-mailing. - A renter with no satellite dish

Flowers for our beautiful dance team who came in first and third at a Kelowna competition. Way to go girls - you all did fantastic. - Misty eyed parent

Fish Heads To the person who ran over my cat

SEND US YOUR FISH HEADS AND FLOWERS! All submissions to the Express Fish Heads and Flowers section will be considered provided that no one is identified in the text or signature, all signatures are anonymous, and the submission is both concise and written in good taste. We reserve the right to withhold publication of submissions if these standards are not satisfied. To submit your gift of Fish Heads or Flowers, email, or submit online at We will not accept submissions over the telephone. The Express cannot guarantee that your submission will be printed due to space limitation.

Letters to the editor & commentaries We encourage our readers to write to us. Please address letters meant for publication to the editor. We do not accept open letters. Letters must be short (200 words maximum) and to the point. We reserve the right to edit letters for taste and clarity, and the decision to publish or not to publish is completely at the discretion of the editor and publisher. Originals will not be returned to the writer and the Express will store the original in its files. Commentaries can be longer

(500 words maximum) and are more in-depth than letters. If you wish to write a commentary, please first contact the editor. All letters and commentaries must be signed and include your name, address and phone number. Only your name and the community where you live will be published. We will not print “name withheld” letters. Opinions in the paper are not necessarily those of the Express or its advertisers.

Page 8


May 5, 2010

Briefly Mother & Daughter Spa Retreat Friday to Sunday, May 7-10 at Mountain Waters Retreats, 2109 Svaboda Rd.

For all Mother and Daughters this three day/ three night getaway at Mountain Waters Retreats is an opportunity to nourish yourselves, your relationship, and spend time together in new ways. Perhaps you wish to mark the passage of your daughter’s graduation from school, reconnect with your mom who lives at a distance, or just catch up with each other without the pressures and routines of home. This retreat will be about having time together in a special way. Look forward to sharing stories, engaging your creativity,


and indulging your senses. Call 250-352-6081 or visit for information.

Caregivers Seminars Sunday, May 7, 6-8 p.m. at the NDCC, 305 Hall St.

What can the living learn from the dying? Why is death taboo in North America? What is hospice? What is a caregiver? These questions and others will be addressed at the May seminars to be held at the Nelson and District Community Complex throughout the summer. Dillon Woods has helped thousands of families dealing with serious illness across North America. He will share music and stories that will inspire those to seek a deeper under-

standing of what the living can learn from the dying.

Birthing From Within Prenatal Classes Register now for classes Sunday, June 20 & 27 10 a.m. at the Sistering Tree

The classes offer a holistic approach to childbirth preparation, and are based on Pam England’s book: Birthing From Wthin. In releasing attachment to outcome, parents find creative ways to maintain a state of surrender in various birth scenarios, even if medical supports are needed. Prenatal classes will cover stages of labour;

pain-coping practices; creating your birth space; affirming partner’s role and needs; birth fears and informed consent; baby care and breastfeeding; and postpartum transition. Please contact Delia at 250-551-3156 or visit to pre-register.

Living with Our Dying Wednesday, May 12, 6-8 p.m. at the Hume Hotel Hume Room, 422 Vernon St.

Hospice and accepting death as a normal part of living can make the death of a loved one an amazing experience. Through a specially

trained volunteer pool, Hospice provides compassionate care and support to the terminally ill, the dying and the bereaved, volunteering up to 2,000 hours for as many as 100 clients per year. Programs include one-on-one client support, a weekly drop-in grief support group, volunteer training, community education and services such as a grief and trauma response team, family grief support and workplace grief support on an as needed basis. Annual events such as the Tree of Remembrance, Living with our Dying and the Hike for Hospice help raise community awareness of

hospice/palliative care and end of life issues. You are invited to help us recognize and celebrate 25 years of hospice/palliative care service in our community. On Wednesday, May 12 from 6-8 pm in the Hume Room (Hume Hotel) you are welcomed to attend the fourth annual “Living with Our Dying” event. This year’s topic is “Dying at Home” and will feature a guest panel speaking from a professional and personal point of view. Suggested donation is $10. Refreshments will be served. For further information call 250-352-2337.

YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG 7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Fitness, 685-B Baker St 250-3527897 Saturdays

YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG 7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Fitness, 685-B Baker St 250352-7897 Tuesdays

SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10 - 11:30 a.m. Rejuvanitive, Shayla 12 - 1:30 p.m. Hatha Flow, Cindy

SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA. CA 7:30 - 8:30 Yoga en Francais, Marie 10 - 11:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga, Maureen 5:30 - 7 p.m. Hatha Yoga, Karuna 7:30 - 9 p.m. Yoga Basics Course 8 classes/$80 month, Preregister APPLIED COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class 525 Josephine St. Information call 250-352-0459.

health calendar

The junk food connection drop-in classes and events Acne isn’t caused by junk food but it can be aggravated by it. Greasy foods, salty foods, sugary foods and alcohol certainly do not help the body to reduce inflammation or chew on this tame the growth of bacte- Tara Stark ria in plugged follicles. A nutrient dense diet also play a role in keeping can help your body’s skin healthy. immune system reduce Get a good dose of all of inflammation and can help these nutrients by enjoyyou experience clearer ing a diet rich in dark skin. Adequate omega-6 coloured veggies and fruit, and omega-3 essential fatty whole grains, fatty fish like acids help reduce inflam- salmon, raw nuts and seeds mation. Zinc supports and low fat dairy. If you immune function and are struggling to eat well, wound healing. Vitamins, a multivitamin will help C and E and the trace min- you meet your vitamins eral selenium can help the and mineral needs. If you body scavenge free radicals suspect that a certain food produced by the inflam- aggravates your acne, try matory process. Vitamin A eliminating it from your is thought to play a role diet for a few weeks and in the production of the see if there is a difference skin’s oil and B vitamins in your acne symptoms. For more information on this topic visit www. or call 505-9854. Tara Stark is a Registered Dietitian who specializes in helping people optimize their nutritional wellness and prevent diet-related chronic disease.

Wednesdays SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA. CA 12 - 1:30 p.m. Anusara Yoga, Elissa 5:30 - 7 p.m. Restorative Yoga, Shayla 7:30 - 9 p.m. - HAtha Flow, Lindsay BELLYFIT FUSION FITNESS 5 - 6 p.m. at the Moving Centre. Call Heather, 354-0492 KOOTENAY AKIDO 5 - 6 p.m. Kids Class, ages 7-12 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class, 213C Baker St. 250-352-3935 OM YOGA STUDIO 5:30 - 7 p.m. Quantum Yoga, Alison 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250825-0011, BAHA’I COMMUNITY OF NELSON 7 p.m. 1920 Falls St. 3540944 KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 8 a.m. Abs & Buns Ball Class with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St. 250-352-9196 YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG 7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Fitness, 685-B Baker St 250352-7897 Thursdays SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA. CA 8:30 - 9:30 Energizing Morning Yoga 10 - 11:30 a.m Prenatal Yoga, Donna 5:30 - 7 p.m. Hatha Yoga, Karuna 7:30 - 9 p.m. Yoga Basics Course, 8 class/$80 monthly, Preregister APPLIED COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS 6:30 - 8 pm. Adult class 525 Josephine Street, Information call 250-352-0459 OM YOGA STUDIO 10 - 11:30 a.m. Quantum Yoga, Alison 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250825-0011 www.omyogasixmile. com KYOKUSHIN KARATE 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. Kids, 6 - 7 p.m. Adults Blewette Elementary School, Keith Clughart, 551-3345

FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 1 - 2 p.m. Effortless Movement. OM Studio, 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd 7:15 - 8:15 p.m. Reduce Stress, Kutenais Finest, 182 Baker St. Judy Katz 352-3319, RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS 3-4:00 p.m. Beginner ages 6 & up 4-5:30 p.m. Performance Group ages 8 & up S.Nelson, Rhythmic Dimensions 505-1812. QI-GONG & CHEN TAI CHI 7 - 8 p.m. at the Central School Gym. Info 250-505-4562 Chris Gibson GLOBAL RHYTHMS 5 - 6 p.m. World music dance workout. The Moving Centre, 533 Baker. FELDENKRAIS CENTRE 2 - 3 p.m. First Class 206 Victoria St., Susan Grimble 352-3449. FOLK FUSION SKIRT DANCE 3 - 4 p.m. Ages 7-11 All Levels. 6 - 7 p.m. Adult, Studio Alive, 352-0047 YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG 7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Fitness, 685-B Baker St 250-3527897 Fridays SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10 - 11:30 a.m. Gentle Flow, Anie 12 -1:30 p.m. Hatha Flow, Sharon 5 :30- 7 p.m. Anusara Yoga, Elissa 7:30 - 9 p.m. Restorative Yoga, Yasmin FELDENKRAIS CENTRE 11-12 p.m. First Class 206 Victoria St., Susan Grimble 3523449 NELSON BREAST FEEDING CLINIC 9:30 - 11:30 a.. Free drop-in Nelson Health Unit, 2nd floor Kutenai Building, 333 Victoria Street, more info 250-505-7200. KOOTENAY AKIDO 4 - 5 p.m. Akido Fun, ages 4-6 5 -6 p.m. Kids Class, ages 7-12 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class213C Baker St 250-352-3935. TRANSCENDENDENT COMBAT SPORTS 6 p.m. Combat cardio, 250-509-1061. Summit Health and Fitness KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 6 a.m. & 8 a.m. Boot Camp with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St 250-352-9196

KOOTENAY AKIDO 9:15 - 10:45 a.m. Intro Akido 213C Baker St 250-352-3935. FELDENKRAIS CENTRE 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Regain Mobility 206 Victoria St., Susan Grimble 352-3449 Sundays SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10-11:30 a.m. Prenatal Yoga, Donna 12 - 1:30 p.m. Anusara Yoga, Elissa Mondays

OM YOGA STUDIO 10 - 11:30 a.m. Quantum Yoga, Alison 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250825-0011 www.omyogasixmile. com.

SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10 - 11:30 a.m. Gentle Flow, Joy 12 - 1:30 p.m. Hatha Flow, Sharon 5:30 -7:00 Anusara Yoga, Elissa 7:30 -9:00 Yin Yoga, Menaka

KUNDALINI YOGA WITH CATHERINE LEIGHLAND 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Shambhala Meditation Centre, 444 Baker St., upstairs 3526132.

KOOTENAY AKIDO 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class, 213C Baker St 250-352-3935.

RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS 3:15-4:00 p.m. Introductory ages 4-5 4:00-5:30 p.m. Intermediate ages 8 & up 5:30-6:30Inter/adv extra class S. Nelson, Rhythmic Dimensions 505-1812.

CONTACT IMPROVISATION DANCE JAM 7:30 - 9 p.m. all levels and live musicians welcome. The Moving Centre, 533A Baker St. Info 250352-3319 Judy. KYOKUSHIN KARATE 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. Kids 6 - 7 p.m. Adults Blewette Elementary School, Keith Clughart, 551-3345. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS 2:15-3:30 p.m. Beg/Inter ages 6 & up 3:30-4:14 p.m. Intro ages 4-5 Redfish, Rhythmic Dimensions 505-1812. BELLYFIT FUSION FITNESS 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. at the Moving Centre. Call Heather, 354-0492 KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 8 a.m. Abs & Buns Ball Class with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St. 250-352-9196 FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 1 - 2 p.m. Effortless movement. Kutenais Finest, 182 Baker St. Judy Katz 352-3319,

QI-GONG & CHEN TAI CHI 7 - 8 p.m. at the Central School Gym. Info 505-4562 Chris Gibson. SARVA SHAKTI SADHANA CIRCLE 7 - 8 p.m. An ancient siddhar yoga practice #209-ManiStone Centre, 507 Baker St, 505-7832 KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 6 a.m. & 8 a.m. Boot Camp with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St 250-352-9196 kootenay akido 6 - 7:30 p.m. Intro Akido 213C Baker St 250-352-3935. YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG 7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Fitness, 685-B Baker St 250352-7897

health&wellness Nelson City Police Association chips in $1000 �������������� ���������� ������������������������������������ �����������������������������

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They’re back with another $1,000, but this isn’t from a Police fishing ������������������ derby. Pictured here are������������������������ Constable Nate Holt, Constable Erich Enkirch, Sergeant Howie Grant, Bryna Idler, Sergeant Steve Bank, and Constable David Laing of the Nelson City Police Association. Always happy to help ��������������������������������� ��������������� out. The updated total for the CT scanner is $968,534. ���������������������������������

health directory

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Colette Venier

HAIR CARE Front St Hair Studio, The Key to Beauty .......................................... 354-1202 ��������� Vadim Kristopher Hair Salon 560 Herridge Ln. 352.6700

PSYCHOLOGISTS ��������� Joy Green Hypnosis, Talk Therapy, Energy Work ......................... 352-9927

REGISTERED MASSAGE D Voykin RMT, 30 Yrs. By fee or donation ...................................... 509-0345 ��������������������� ������������������ Dennis Keithley RMT since 1983, BSc Kinesiology available evenings, weekends and holidays ................................................................. 354-8406 Valerie Nunes RMT @ Acupuncture Natural Health Clinic, new clients welcome .................................................................................... 505-3946 Colette Venier RMT Cranial-Sacral Therapy Viscercal Manipulation, ��������������������������������������������� 1st Tx $50, reg. $65/hr ............................................. 551-0416

HOLISTIC HEALTH Aura Defence & Pranashakty Canada. Power, Beauty, Healing. www.auradefence. ������������������ com ..................... 505-7832 Syama Sylvie heals with Hawaiian Lomi Lomi, Thai, Qi-Gong Flower Essences. I Teach The Secret and Mayan .................................777-1077 Jennifer Keirstead Reg. Holistic Nutritionist .................................... 509-1417 �������������������������������� �������������

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ART THERAPY Clearwater Art Therapy .................................................................. 505-1100 BODYWORK Rolf Structural Integration, ........................ 352-6611

������������ HOMEOPATHY

Barbara Gosney CCH RS Hom Cdn 12 yrs. exp. .............................. 354-1180 ������ Margo MacLaren DHomeopathy.............................354-7072

�������������������� HYPNOTHERAPY ����������

COLONICS Hydrotherpy,Detoxification,Nutrition.U.Devine................................352-6419


Sharon Best, Certified Adv. Hypnotherapist ....................................... 354-7750 Irene Mock, Reg. .......................... 352-7035


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CHIROPRACTIC McKenzie Community Chiropractic .............................................. 352-1322

COACHING ShaylaWrightcertifiedlifecoach/spiritualmentor..............................352-7908



�������������� Colette Venier ����������� ���������������������

ACUPUNCTURE Michael Smith, Dr. TCM, 10 years experience .................................. 352-0459 Shauna Robertson Acupuncture & Herbs .................................... 352-2167

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body & soul


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Colette Venier


May 5, 2010



SPAS MountainWatersSpa,VotedBestSpa2007-09...............................352-3280 ������ Shalimar Health Spa, Voted Nelson’s Best Spa ................................ 54-4408 Found, Nelson’s Aveda Concept Spa & Salon ................................ 352-7775

YOGA ��������������������� Om Yoga 3067 Heddle Rd.,6-Mile, .................. 825-0011 MASSAGE SERVICES COUNSELLING & CONSULTATION The Yoga Loft 625 Front St. with Jenna Arpita ................................. 825-2209 A Touch of Aloha, Lomi, Cranio,������������������ Structural, Sports ........................ 229-4424������������� Sally Shamai, MEd, RCC, individuals & couples .................... 1-877-688-5565 Shanti Yoga Studio, Baker @ Josephine .................................... 352-7703 Palliative Massage Course, July 3-10, 2009 ............................ 1-800-611-5788 Dienna Raye, MA., Counsellor and Life Coach .............................. 352-1220���� ��������������� Rubitin Mobile & Studio, Deep T., Neuro, Sports ......................... 352-6804 Gail Novack, MEd. Counselling, Grief & Loss ................................... 505-3781 ������������� ShirleyEvans, CertifiedEnergyMedicine Practioner, Reiki Master... 229.2395/352.9890 Jenie Taylor, BCST & Somatic Trauma Therapy ................................. 551-4022 Whispering Herd - Counselling Equine Assisted Growth, Life Transitions, ................................................................ 354-77778


PILATES Kootenai Pilates 540 Baker St. ................................................... 352-1600

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We have local and heritage seeds and organic plant starts... and be sure to check out our Mother's Day weekend specials! ������������������

Garden locally!

Page 10


Scopes by Stenya May 5 - May 11 Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19

Stick to what you know this week. By remaining focused on what works for you can allow the natural manifestation of events, rather than pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to take thing to the next level.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20

You may find yourself charging head to head with people this week. At home or at work differences of opinions may not be reconciled, at least not right away.

Gemini May 21 - June 20

Continue to make careful plans and bring your critical eye to figuring out the details. Sorting out the small stuff first can help prepare you for bigger challenges and opportunities later this week.

Cancer June 21 - Jul 22

You are a natural teacher in many ways. People may be drawn to you for advice this week. Make sure you take time to listen to others fully and completely to understand where they are coming from.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22

Avoid getting caught up in drama this week. You may find elevated levels of passion and emotions in your self and people around you. This can cause some serious conflict if you are not careful.


May 5, 2010

Science is fun at the West Kootenay Regional Science Fair Science, learning and fun came together at the 2010 West Kootenay Regional Science Fair held at Selkirk College in Castlegar, on Saturday April 10. Students from kindergarten to grade 12 demonstrated their learning in science related research, experiments and innovations. 60 student developed projects were evaluated by judges in the morning and open to the public in the afternoon. Winning projects were celebrated at an awards ceremony that offered medals, certificates, trophies and cash prizes. The two highest scoring projects from Grade 7 and

up were chosen to represent the West Kootenay Region at the National Science Fair, held in Peterborough, Ontario this year. The winning projects whose presenters will represent the West Kootenay nationally are: Megan Bursey with her project, Can Stem Cells Mend a Broken Heart? and Israel Millar with her project, Huntington’s Disease: A Neurodegenerative Genetic Disorder?. The biggest winners at the Science Fair were those who came to see outstanding student developed science projects. - submitted

Bombers rugby kicks off


Geoff Goodwin-Wilson and Ryan Lewis from Trafalgar with their winning Grade 7 Research project.

Skate Boy and RuRu

by Pitt

On Friday, April 23, high school teams from throughout the Kootenay converged at Grand Forks for the first Rugby Play Day of the 2010 season. Girls from Nelson, Grand Forks, and Cranbrook participated in two tightly contested matches. Grand Forks and Cranbrook combined sides to play 15-aside rugby against the Bombers. The first match of the day saw the Bombers Girls meet GFSS – Mt. Baker and the Bombers saw the victory with a final score of 10-5. The second match played out opposite to the first match. The Bombers Eigntman, Leah Hoerger, scored sk9E000126 Nelson’s only try in a 12-5 loss to the GFSS – Mt. Baker combined side. The Bomber’s meet Friday, May 7 as the girls make their 2010 debut in Nelson at Lakeside Park. - submitted

Difficulty Level - Easy Virgo Aug 23 - Sept 22

In matters of love and relationships you could be offered the opportunity to take things to the next level. Try to remain open to expanding your relationship in some way.

Easy Sudoku

Puzzle answers on page 21

Libra Sept 23 - Oct 23

Rest, rest, rest, and relax as much as you can this week. Taking time to recharge will enable you to undertake the new challenges and opportunities that require your time and effort.









Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 21

Explore opportunities to their fullest potential this week. Following through on your actions will be the key to knowing whether your pursuits will be fruitful or failures. Through experience lies the opportunity to learn and grow and bring your current projects or relationships to new levels.

















Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

It is important this week that you do not take on more that you feel comfortable with. People may be asking a lot of you right now. On one hand you may enjoy a challenge but make sure you have the time to accomplish things before committing to any new undertakings.



4 6

6 4






9 3 1 4

8 5

8 5


9 4


1 9



6 1


4 4 6

6 8 8



3 4



4 6





1 7






1 2

2 Feb 19 - Mar 20 5Pisces

You may have been singlemindedly focused lately. Time to expand your ideas and actions to the bigger picture again. Look for opportunities to make new connections.





tracts this week. Remain diligent and avoid distraction. Tying up loose ends can allow for new and diverse perspectives and opportunities. You may be surprised at what perks your interest later this week.



Hard Sudoku

Focus on6completing any 9 4 3tasks, 4commitments or con-


1 5


Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18

9 4 1sk9M000151



8 5






2 1

Difficulty - Medium 9 Nov 22 Level Sagittarius - Dec 21

As you look forward to the coming summer and making new plans, avoid jumping to conclusions too quickly. You may limit yourself by not taking time to fully explore and consider all your options.











9 4


1 9





May 5, 2010


Page 11

The Kootenay Garden How does your garden grow?

You don’t need a yard to grow a garden; clay pots and wooden boxes make fine places for lettuces, herbs and tomatoes Let ladybugs loose on aphids as a natural pest control Plant purple carrot with your kids When transferring starts to the garden, do so in the coolest part of day Collect rainwater for your garden and lawns Save money by swapping plants with friends Use mulch in your flowerbeds and vegetables to retain moisture around your plants Take time to enjoy your garden; pull up a comfortable chair in the shade.

Pots aren’t a natural environment - get them in the ground! At this time of year when the traumas of winter are obvious in my gardens and life signs for some plants are feeble, I suffer a degree of sadness. Have I lost another plant, or is it just lazily coming out of dormancy? While waiting for the answer I let my wistful thoughts move toward replacement options offered by plant purveyors far and wide. Excitement always accompanies me when I set out to buy new plants. So much so, that my early gardening practices included bringing my purchases home long before I knew

growing gardens Helen Sebelius where I wanted to plant them, or had the time to do so. With good intentions I would place them in a visible location so that I would remember to give them a good daily drink, particularly if they were exposed to full sun. If success at providing that one life saving ingredient was achieved, the plants would survive in their nutrient

laced “soil-less” potting mix for some time. But, if left in their pots too long they would take on a pallor that was in extreme contrast to their fresh-from-the-nursery appearance. As a new gardener it took me some time to understand that the mix of peat moss, vermiculite and pearlite was only meant to be a temporary home for plants; and, that the fertilizer added to those potting materials would eventually be consumed. The big lesson learned was that a potted plant environment was definitely not a natural one.

Gardening naiveté or neglectful practices used to be my worst enemies, and the main cause for plants ending up in the compost bin. Correcting those misdemeanors, without having to curb my enthusiasm for buying new plants, required that I establish a few basic rules for increasing their survival rate. Today, my number one rule is: if I buy a plant and leave it in the pot for any length of time, I must feed it. However, with time as a major factor, I often bypass that rule and put it in the ground. Moving it later on is always an option.

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Helen Sebelius is a gardener and artist who owns and operates Against the Wind Nursery in the Slocan Valley. Located north of Winlaw at 6376 Slocan River Road, the nursery is open Sunday to Wednesday, 10 – 4, or by appointment on Friday or Saturday. Call 250.226.6957. Visit for more information.

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Direct planting takes less time than the feeding and watering regime that is necessary to sustain plants in pots.


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May 5, 2010

The Kootenay Garden


Case and George Grypma have owned nd operated Georama for the past 40 years.

Georama is 40 and fabulous! After four decades in the greenhouse business, Case and George Grypma know a thing or two about gardening in the mountains. JULIA GILLMOR Case Grypma is the General Manager of Georama Growers, a Kootenay institution since May 1970. It is a family business begun by his father George and his mother Anna after immigrating to Canada. What began with one small greenhouse now consists of 40,000 square feet of heated greenhouses and is the largest garden centre in the Kootenay. “My father had a strong background in the (horticulture) industry back in Holland.” Grypma says. “It took nine years to put together a nest egg to open his own business, but he

had a vision and a dream.” Grypma senior retired in 1988 leaving Case, his brother George and wife Imelda to run the family business. Each year over 500,000 plants are propagated at the facility. “We grow all the perennials and a large number of the shrubs and a small amount of trees. A lot of the exotics like the magnolia and Japanese maples are individually researched, collected and brought in specifically for their ability to grow in this area.” The main focus of the business is on garden centre activities, which include the nursery, a flow-

er shop and greenhouse operation; Georama is also known for their landscape design and wholesale of plants across the region. Georama does nearly 80 per cent of their business between the months of May and June but Grypma asserts that they are open all year round. “It’s a very intense, short burst of activity but we start our own production at the end of January. We also produce a Christmas crop of Poinsettias that we sell and distribute throughout the Kootenays and work on that begins in July.” Both Grypma and his brother possess horticultural degrees from British

Columbia Institute of Technology. An avid gardener, he offers a tip to those just starting out. “Don’t start your garden too early. That’s the biggest mistake people make. You definitely have to wait, at the very minimum, until there is absolutely no danger of frost.” He contends that the best soil temperature to begin growing ranges between 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. “Because we don’t have much time at home we don’t plant our vegetable garden until June and the results are phenomenal. And it’s because you have nice warm nights and warm days and warm soil.”

As for trends in the gardening world, Grympa says that lawns are going by way of the Dodo. “People are really interested in reducing the amount of lawn they have to cut and water and are looking for low maintenance ground cover like herbaceous perennials that take the place of grass but you can still walk on. Wooly thyme is the big one, we can’t keep it in stock.” Keeping a crop of greenhouses from unfriendly insect infestations and outbreaks provides challenges, but Grympa says they continue to do research into products with the least


721-G Front Street, Nelson | 9-6 Mon-Fri | WE DELIVER

impact. “We have reduced our pesticide use up to almost 90 per cent through extreme vigilance on keeping healthy plants, keeping the greenhouse clean of any weeds, disposing of diseased plants, and using biological and organic controls like parasitic wasps or aphids.” Gardeners can purchase such natural controls like preying mantis, ladybugs and nematodes at Georama. Located at 2870 Georama Road, Georama is open seven days per week. There are plenty of photos and lots of useful information on their website www.


May 5, 2010


Page 13

The Kootenay Garden Check out these local markets


The Garden Festival has something for everyone’s garden.

Celebrate this Mother’s Day weekend at the Garden Festival Garden Festival

Sunday, May 9, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. in the 300 block of Baker St.

Sandwiched into a little spot in downtown Nelson on Hall Street, the First Annual Nelson Garden Festival in 2001 was a small version of what it has become today. But the philosophy has remained the same: local, quality, Kootenay-adapted and often original. Nine years later, the festival is an eagerly awaited part of the every Mother’s Day weekend in Nelson. The 300 block of Baker Street is closed off as garden artisans and craftspeople join the many plant vendors to present a fantastic mix of garden products. The street teems with

gardeners, children and music. Even the plants are happy to have found a new home. Sponsored by the WK EcoSociety, the festival is still run by volunteers who value the diversity, knowledge and health that gardening brings to a community, says volunteer Suzy Hamilton. “The Garden Festival has become a real showcase for gardening vendors in the region,” she says. “ They have made the festival what it is today, and it is still growing.” Annuals, perennials, early vegetable starts, trees, shrubs, furniture

and all kinds of accessories line the 300 block of Baker Street from 10 am to 3 pm. “Get to know other community organizations and dance a couple jigs to some live music as well,” says Hamilton. “This is where you bring all your gardening questions. Some of the best gardeners in the area will be there.” This year’s festival kicks off the EcoSociety’s oneweek membership drive. The EcoSociety also runs Cottonwood Market, opened Saturday, May 1 for the summer. - submitted

Saturdays, May 2 - October 2, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Nelson

Wednesdays, June 17 - September 9, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Nelson

Cottonwood Falls Community Market has new vendors and a new look to greet market fans at Cottonwood Falls Park in Nelson. Every Saturday at Cottonwood Falls park you will find this legendary market featuring live music, unique products and fun.

Grand Forks Farmer’s Market

This daytime market offers regional farm produce and a variety of products. Shoppers will find organic produce, ready to eat foods, and local, handmade, and wonderfully creative Kootenay products. A majority of the food and goods are regionally grown and crafted in an effort to support local sustainability.

Tuesdays and Fridays, May long weekend until Thanksgiving

Cranbrook Farmer’s Market

Times are Tuesday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at City Park in Grand Forks.

Saturdays, June 26 - September 18, 9a.m.-1 p.m. by Rotary Park, 10th Ave. South, Cranbrook

Kaslo Saturday Artisan’s & Farmers Market Saturdays, June 5 - October 9, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Kaslo

Located in Front Street Park in downtown Kaslo this market features local artisans, food producers and entertainment. Visit for more information or call 250-353-7592.


There will be three festivals throughout the season with special events taking place outside of the normal market days on June 26, August 7, and September 18. All local products that have been made, baked or grown by vendors.


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Hall Street Market




Cottonwood Falls Market

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Kootenay Woodstoves has QUALITY BBQ’S built- ins and free standing.

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Four Seasons Greenhouse & Nursery

5531 Slocan River Rd, Winlaw 250.226.7254 or 1.800.966.7254 Open 9-5 Daily. Only 45 minutes from Castlegar or Nelson Turn left at Cedar Creek Cafe, left on Winlaw bridge 1.5 km

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Page 14


May 5, 2010

The Kootenay Garden New Kootenay cookbook seeks writings and recipes In a literary-culinary partnership that’s all about local, the Kootenay Country Store Co-operative and the Nelson Municipal Library are teaming up to create a cookbook for Kootenay people who love to read. With the working title Seasonings: a Year of Local Flavour in Words and Recipes, the book will include seasonal recipes that celebrate locally grown and available foods, as well as writings from some of our area’s finest writers. With Steven Cretney of Enjoy the Forest design and Heather Goldsworthy of Image Obscura photography on the team, the result promises to be delicious. The cookbook, a fundraiser for the Nelson Library, will be launched at a special event this fall. There are two opportunities for community involvement: The Kootenay Country Store Co-operative is looking for your best recipes that feature local ingredients. Appetizers, soups, salads, main courses, breads, beverages, and desserts—especially those particular to a season—should involve, but need not be exclusive to, locally-grown foods. Recipes must be received by Friday, May 28 via email to Jocelyn Carver at

Celebrate the outdoors with Slocan Valley Rec This spring Slocan Valley Recreation is featuring a variety of programs for all ages that are definitely out there. From rural living, to outdoor recreation and wildcrafting, it’s all blooming in the months ahead in the Slocan Valley. It all begins with “It’s Not Easy Being Green” on Sat. May 8th, a program that examines the financial and human costs of living off the grid. What’s All that Stink on May 17 focuses on the everchanging world of septic systems. In early June, join ethno-botanist Michael Keefer for a talk about Landscaping with Native Plants and an Edible Valley Walk the following day. For those interested in the valley around them, several programs are being featured. Mad About Morels has Tyson Elhers leading the hunt on Sat. May 15th. It’s a Wild Life is a free talk from the Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program, about the struggle for survival in a wide range of local species. Lesley Anderton will take you on a walkabout at her popular, informative Rock Walk. The informative Wild Women Herb Walk with Shanoon happens in late

May. Bob Lerch will keep you buzzing at a day that’s All About Bees. The Women’s Mountain Bike Skills Clinic features the return of well known rider, Jeanie Dwyer. Hikers and back country explorers can learn much at “Tricks and Tips for Longer Trips”. Get a taste of some primitive skills at two programs with Chris Morasky -Quest For Fire and Cedar Bark Berry Basket Making. In other directions Slocan Valley Rec’ will be offering Creative Journaling workshop with Kim Howard focusing on the gift of Motherhood. Fire Dancing sees Safire Jones burning up the night. Eliza Gooderham returns in late June with one of her amazing Awakening the Spine workshops. The Slocan Valley Recreation Spring/ Summer Leisure Guide is available throughout the area and can be found online as well. Many of the above programs take limited enrollment and often fill quickly. For more information give the Rec’ Guy a call at 250-226-0008. - submitted

Nelson church site of the rare Vaux bird


Spring is the prime season for migratory birds and just before nightfall small acrobatic birds may be plummeting into a brick chimney near you. If you witness such a sight the Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP) wants to hear about it. FWCP’s Vaux’s (pronounced “voxes”) watch program is gearing up for the arrival of swifts in May. In spring the Vaux’s swift makes its northward migration using communal roosting sites en route. However biologists have little knowledge of these sites and without that knowledge there is little chance to protect critical habitat. What is known is that brick chimneys – residential and

commercial - are favoured resting stops as the swifts refuel and head from the southern United States and Mexico. “We have very few reports of chimneys being used by Vaux’s swifts in the Basin even though swifts are seen in this region,” says FWCP senior wildlife biologist John Krebs. “In fact we are aware of only two active roosting sites; at St Eugene Mission near Cranbrook, and at Nelson’s Evangelical Covenant Church. There must be other locations out there and it is really important that we find them.” The Vaux’s swift is North America’s smallest swift and is relatively easy to identify. At dusk they

���������� ���������� �������� The Kootenay Co-op cookbook will no doubt be filled with delicious recipes and beautiful photos, like the one of asparagus, above.

The Nelson Municipal Library is looking for short writings by local authors for inclusion in the cookbook. Poems, nonfiction prose, short fictional stories, and anecdotes of 500 words or less are all welcome; longer pieces will be considered. Writings should concern

food, cooking, growing, or gardening. Friday, May 28 is the deadline for writing sent to Anne DeGrace at For more information and detailed wish-lists go to www.nelsonlibrary .ca or - submitted


gather in the darkening skies, wheeling around for 20 or 30 minutes before swooping dramatically into a brick chimney or hollow tree trunk. The FWCP, which works on behalf of its program partners BC Hydro, the B.C. Ministry of Environment, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada to conserve and enhance fish and wildlife impacted by the construction of BC Hydro dams, is requesting reports of Vaux’s swift roosting and nesting sites. To report a roost site, or to learn more information about the FWCP Vaux’s Swift Watch Program, visit, call (250) 352 6874 or email irene.

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arts&entertainment May 5, 2010


slice of Bruce

Page 15


Canadian icon Bruce Cockburn brings his new album to Trail Bruce Cockburn Saturday, May 8, 7:30 p.m. at the Charles Bailey Theatre, Trail

Bruce Cockburn is revered by fans and musicians alike, not only for his songwriting but also for his musicianship and social activism. A Canadian icon in the world of singer/songwriters, Cockburn is bringing his latest solo project, Slice O Life, to the Charles Bailey Theatre in Trail. Recorded last spring over a series of dates in the northeastern United States

and one in Quebec, Slice O Life is a double CD that showcases a cross-section of Cockburn’s finest songs and some of his most dazzling guitar work. The album, produced by longtime associate Colin Linden, also includes one new song, “City is Hungry”. And now he will perform them all, and more, in Trail on May 8. Slice O Life features such hits as Cockburn’s controversial “If I Had a Rocket Launcher,” his classic “Lovers in a Dangerous Time” and his breakthrough “Wondering Where the Lions Are,” which


he rightly quips may be the only song ever to make the Billboard chart that includes the word “petroglyph”. Originally recorded with a full band, these and other songs like “World of Wonders”have been rearranged and performed on acoustic guitar, with stunning results. In particular, the polyrhythmic solo on “Rocket Launcher,” full of complex, cascading notes, is especially mesmerizing. Cockburn’s songs have been covered by such diverse artists as Elbow, Jimmy Buffett, Judy Collins, the Skydiggers, Anne

Murray, Third World, Chet Atkins, k.d. lang, Barenaked Ladies, Maria Muldaur and the Grateful Dead’s Jerry Garcia. As a guitarist, he is considered among the world’s best. The New York Times called Cockburn a “virtuoso on guitar,” while Acoustic Guitar magazine placed him in the esteemed company of Andrés Segovia, Bill Frisell and Django Reinhardt. With Slice O Life, all of Cockburn’s formidable gifts are on full display. - submitted


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Briefly Bellydance Show with Salsa Caliente Band Monday, May 10, 8-11:30 p.m. at Finleys, 705 Vernon St.

Bellydance, Latin Salsa and Merengue teacher Jen Mendizabal is going to perform and will be introducing her season one bellydance students from Nelson.

Noémi Kiss Saturday, May 8, 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrew’s United Church, Kaslo

Born in Hungary, Noémi studied at the Academy of Music in Budapest and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. Her concert engagements take her to many of Europe’s festivals and include appearances in Iceland, Norway and Israel. No stranger to the Kootenays, Noémi Kiss was soloist in a recent Messiah performance by the Nelson Choral Society. In Kaslo she will be accompanied by Victoria pianist Robert Holliston. Tickets, available at Figments in Kaslo or at the door. Children are admitted free in Kaslo when accompanied by an adult patron.

Ethan Collister and the Elastic Band


May 5, 2010

won over audiences across North America with his charismatic and captivating performances. His music has been featured on CBC Radio One and has won favor with campus and community stations across Canada. Collister is currently performing in support of his new album Wishing Well. For additional information on Collister, please visit www.ethancollister. com.

Dubstep Killaz Vol. 3 feat. Noah D Thursday, May 6, 10 p.m. at Spirit Bar, 422 Vernon St.

Noah D is quickly becoming one to watch after his tunes have smashed dance floors across the globe including such prestigious UK events as the Metalheadz monthly, Hardware at The End, and dubstep events DMZ and FWD. On the decks Noah D comes equipped with exclusives from many of USA’s finest producers, international heavyweights and his own originals, while always bringing a taste of diversity and intensity mixed in a carefully crafted style that is guaranteed to create a memorable experience.

2008 and acquired several Junos as an original member of Blue Rodeo. He’s performed/recorded/collaborated with Fiest, The WallFlowers, Ron Sexsmith, Wilco, the Barenaked Ladies, The Kids in the Hall, Sarah Harmer and a gigantic truck load of other renowned Canadian musicians. Now he is bringing his multimedia live show to little ole’ Nelson. Opening for Bob, is local chick rockers the Cheddar Bunnies for their debut performance. Sugar and spice and everything nice run screaming from the scene, when the Cheddar Bunnies lay down their first bitchin’ guitar chord. Listen for such favorites as Sperm Bank Love, Pork Butt Luck, Almost Switching Teams and Obama he is hot, Stephen Harper he is not.

Community Band and Shenango Concert Tuesday, May 11, 7:30 p.m. at the First Baptist Church, 611 Fifth St.

Under the baton of Clinton Swanson the band will deilight you with music from the movies, featuring many John Williams pieces. Nelson Community Band has a big sound bolstered by great representation in all the instruments. With members from 15 to 75 they boast both experience and enthusiasm.


Thursday, May 6, 7 p.m. at the Cedar Creek Café, 5709 Hwy 6, Winlaw

Bob Wiseman feat. the Cheddar Bunnies


Singer songwriter Ethan Collister is a bright talent emerging on Canada’s music scene. A direct, honest and outspoken lyricist as well as an accomplished guitar player, Collister has

Sunday, May 9, 7 p.m. at Finley’s Irish Bar & Grill, 702 Vernon St.

Wiseman has received a CBC Radio 3 Lifetime Achievement award in


Johnny Tornado is just one of 12 bands appearing at Finley’s Blues Fest.

First Annual Blues Fest Friday and Saturday, May 14-15 at Finley’s Irish Bar & Grill, 705 Venon St.

Finley’s is hosting their first annual Blues Fest on May 14-15. The weekend will featuring Calgary’s hottest blues groups, Bill Dowey and the Blues Devils and Johnny Tornado and the Storm Riders. The weekend will also feature the best of Nelson’s blue groups, Marty Carter & Spontaneous Combustion, Big Momma Blue, Estevan, Jones Brothers, Vince Curley Group, The Rippin Rattlers,

Cheryl Hodge, Lazy Poker Blues Band, Pauline Lamb and Stone Horse. These 12 bands and performers play over two days with two stages, both indoor and outdoors. The festivities start Friday from 8 p.m.-2 a.m. and continue Saturday from 2 p.m.-2 a.m. Tickets for both days are available at Packrat Annie’s and Finley’s. Tickets for both days are $20 each. - submitted

Briefly Author Charles Scheideman Explores the Adventures of Small-Town Policing Wednesday, May 12, 11 a.m. at Otter Books, 398 Baker St.

Meet author and former member of the RCMP Charles Scheideman as he visits the Kootenays. Scheideman will talk about his time policing in the area and will sign copies of his book Policing the Fringe: The Curious Life of a Small-Town Mountie. From 1961 to 1989, RCMP Sergeant Scheideman patrolled much of the Interior of British Columbia, including the East and West Kootenays. This collection of stories includes events that range from the ridiculous to the horrific to the tragic, including the grizzly story of the Nelson Axe Murders.

Emergence 4 Saturday, May 8, 8-10 p.m. at the Cocoa-Nut Lounge, 116 Vernon St.

The Cocoa-Nut Lounge proudly presents Emergence, a presentation of Nelson’s emerging musical performers. This Saturday will showcase Coral backed by the worldbeat house band EverOne. Come and celebrate some of Nelson’s finest musical artists. All ages are welcome. For more information call 250-352-3731. The Emergence Series will be presented bi-weekly. The next Emergence will be Saturday, May 22.

noon/Mother’s Day concert to touch the heart and stir the soul. The event will feature beautiful selections ranging from Irish lullabies to Maritime laments, from upbeat Cuban and calypso tunes to Mozart’s Laudate Dominium. Musical direction and a soprano solo will be by Kathleen Neudorf, with Christoph Martens on piano, Chris LeDrew on percussion and Josette Laforge on violin. Special guests include the Waldorf Community Choir under the direction of Bree Switzer.

���������� Songs of the Heart


Sunday, May 9, 2 p.m. at the Nelson United Church, 602 Silica St.

The Nelson Choral Society presents Songs of the Heart, a Sunday after-


movie of the Week!


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607 Front Street 250-352-7422 Check out our new website @!

Mothers Day Special Broadcast Sunday, May 9, 10-11 a.m. and 3-4 p.m. at Kootenay Co-op Radiio, 308A Hall St.

Want to wish your Mom a Happy Mother’s Day on the radio? Look for the Kootenay Co-op Radio booth at the Nelson Garden Festival on Saturday, May 8. KCR will have a mobile studio there where you can record a loving message to your mom. The messages will be played on the air on May 9, during their special Mother’s Day broadcast at 10 a.m. Later that day you can send a personal Mother’s Day message on air by phoning Brother Michael, the host of Flashback Seventies between 3-4 p.m. Call 250-352-3706 to get on the air.

arts&entertainment May 5, 2010

Local author launches Never Going Back Never Going Back by Antonia Banyard Published 2010 by Thistledown Press 278 pages $16.95 CAN, available at Otter Books

STEPHANIE TAYLOR Antonia Banyard’s first novel, Never Going Back, is truly a Nelsonborn story of high school friends who reunite after a decade of being apart to face a tragedy which effected all of their lives in a profound and personal way. The reader is introduced to characters Evan, Siobhan, Lance and Lea, four people who have emerged from a difficult childhood in Nelson, not unscathed, and are trying to reconcile their past to match their presents. Each have a distinctly Nelson upbringing; one comes from a seriously righteous feminist single mother, another from a commune-like existence complete with an out door grow-op. The story of their childhoods unfold with the telling of the

present day, and the reader begins to see how the four lives are forever entangled. Page after page, Never Going

Back reminds the reader that the author is a true Nelsonite, treated to mentions of L.V. Rogers Secondary School, the Kootenay Co-op, Tuck Tape, Bonnington, and countless other local references. When Banyard explains a scene of walking on the North Shore across the Big Orange Bridge, the reader has no difficulty letting the imagination wander to that exact spot that is so well known to our community. Never Going Back is a fun read that makes you feel inclusive, akin to being privy to an inside joke or a secret. It is a well crafted story with an air of sadness and regret, and has a slightly ‘loose ends’ finish, reminding the reader that a decade of memories and distance isn’t so quickly dissipated. Banyard will be launching Never Going Back Thursday, May 13, 7:30 p.m. at the Oxygen Art Centre. The book will be available for purchase at Otter Books and Coles, and book signings are planned for both locations, date to be announced.

Tim Hus Thursday, May 13, 8:30 p.m. at the Royal Grill and Lounge, 330 Baker St.

Nelson born country-singer and songwriter Tim Hus and his band, comprised of Pete Christian lead guitarist and Riley Tubbs on upright bass, is back again and will be playing at the Royal on Thursday, May 13. The Alberta based singer with the black hat and easygoing personality is a captivating and crowdpleasing performer who draws listeners into the setting of his storytelling country and roots music.

Hus’ distinctive song writing and his performances stand as a cornerstone of authentic Canadiana. Last summer, he had the privilege of touring with Canadian icon Stompin’ Tom, playing all over Eastern Canada. A busy songwriter, the release of Hus’ fifth CD Hockey Town is scheduled for this June. One can expect to hear many new songs along with alltime favorites at this upcoming show. - submitted


Tim Hus will perform at the Royal on Thursday, May 13.

Briefly The Rose Alarm Thursday, May 6 at Finley’s, 402 Vernon St.

Propelled by one of the most unique voices on today’s indie music scene, The Rose Alarm are fresh off the release of their self titled debut CD. Formed in Vancouver BC in 2006, The Rose Alarm have been hard at work compiling, what has been described by many as being, a collection of well written and commercially viable rock/pop gems. This Vancouver quartet is set to take the music world by storm.

Living Legends Friday, May 7 at SpiritBar, 422 Vernon St.

The L.E.S.S is MORE Tour featuring LuckyIAm, Eligh, Sugnspot and Scarub from the world famous hiphop crew Living Legends is coming to Nelson. Composed of core members of the Crew LESS is More, all the art���������������� ists have released solo albums over the past two

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decades that have been deemed as underground classics. The Legends are known for their amazing live shows that have taken them around the world for shows. The first 100 tickets are only $15 available at the Hume Hotel front desk.

Kootenay Co-op Radio Yard Sale Saturday, May 15, 8 a.m.5 p.m. at 603 - 7th St.

Kootenay Co-op Radio is a Listener-Powered, Membership-Driven Community Radio Station, that depends on fund-raising activities as one of the ways of financially supporting the station. Once a year they hold a yard sale. Instead of asking you for cash, they ask for items that they can turn into cash. They’ve been collecting items now for about a month, but are still looking for more donations from the community. If you have anything that you’d like to donate, please call Eva 250-505-5233. Pick up can be arranged.

Then and Now Friday, May 14, 7:30 pm at the North Shore Hall, 675 Whitmore Rd.

Ursula Heller and Barry Gray will present their documentation of villages across Canada from the 1970’s and now. The same places, the same people, the same photographer and storyteller 35 years later showing the continu-

ity and changes through black and white images and colourful anecdotes of life in rural communities. Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, the Yukon and, of course, the Kootenays, all tell their then and now stories in words and pictures. Ursula and Barry’s son Tobias will emcee the evening starting with an original song about his parents’ project.

Page 17

Fred Wah wins BC Book Prize The West Coast Book Prize Society is pleased to announce Fred Wah is the winner of a 26th Annual BC Book Prizes in the poetry category. The Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize was given to Wah for his book is a door. A total of $19,000 is awarded to winners with each prize providing $2,000 with the exception of the Lieutenant Governor’s prize which awards $5,000. This year’s gala, emceed by Shelagh Rogers and attended by the Honourable Lieutenant Governor Steven L. Point, took place at Government House in Victoria. The BC Book Prizes were established in 1985 to celebrate the achievements of British Columbia writers and publishers. The prizes are administered and awarded by members of a non-profit society who represent all facets of the publishing and writing community. The West Coast Book Prize Society congratulates all of the winners! - submitted

The Random Humans Friday, May 7 at SpiritBar, 422 Vernon St.

Vancouver’s hip hop duo The Random Humans will be joining the Living Legends on their L.E.S.S IS MORE Canadian Tour. Releasing their three song EP teaser earlier this year. The Random Humans have been on a steady climb on the hip hop scene in west coast Canada. Currently working on their full length debut album due out later this fall. The Random Humans strive to display a real expression of a generation’s musical influences and have only begun to scratch the surface. With his quick wit and instinctual gift for spitting rhymes, Deception developed a love for expression through music after seeing his first freestyle battle in 2002. Since cutting his teeth writing and experimenting with over 100 songs, the Longview, Alberta native offers up a steady flow to accompany the beats provided by the talented beatsmith, Bear. A Calgary native, Bear the innovative beat machine first moved to Vancouver in 2006 to gain recording experience with Canadian producer Rob Shallcross (Chicken). Shallcross, a Juno award-winning engineer, is known for his handy work in the metal community (Gwar, Strapping Young Lad, Gene Hoglan, Meldrum), but after being approached for the project by Bear and listening to the demos, Shallcross saw the limitless potential of these two hidden gems and effected an immediate collaboration. Tickets are available at the Hume Hotel in advance. - submitted

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May 5, 2010

live music

aroundtown special events

Wed. May 5

Mon. May 10

OPEN MIC WITH a Latin flavour with Estevan @ The Royal for Cinqo de Mayo.

Wed. May 5

Sun. May 9

SARAH MCGLYNN & Rich Rabnett @ Library Lounge 6-10 p.m.

SENIOR CITIZENS’ BR.#51 717 Vernon St., Monthly Meeting 1:30 p.m.


OPEN MIC NIGHT with Estevan at The Royal. PAUL LANDSBERG with Strings @ Library Lounge

Thurs. May 6

NOAH D @ SPIRIT BAR, the king of North American dubstep. SWING DANCING WITH Howie @ The Royal. 6-8pm. BLUE RAY MUSIC Movie Night & The Royal

Fri. May 7 MISHRA CONCERT OF Indian Classical Music, Silver ton Gallery, 408 4th Street, 7pm, Tickets at door. STEF LANG LIVE at The Royal. SOCIAL DANCING EVERY Friday at the Royal Free. Mostly Swing, smooth, Latin. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. JUDE DAVISON: sings classic acoustic cover songs and originals. Max & Irmas 6-9pm OPEN STAGE YMIR Hotel. Ever yone welcome. 5-9 p.m. Musicians, Singers, bring your instruments. info. 250.357.9611 Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Sat. May 8 CORAL AND HER BEAUTIFUL music. EMERGENCE Showcase #4. 8-10pm Cocoa-Nut Lounge, 116 Vernon St. VERSUS THE NOTHING performs live at The Royal! 9-2am.

Sun. May 9 MISHRA CONCERT, NELSON United Church, 7pm, Tickets at Eddy Music, Gaia Rising or door NELSON CHORAL SOCIETY presents “Songs of the Heart.” 2pm, Nelson United Church. By donation HAPPY MOTHERS DAY

LATIN SALSA DANCE at The Royal. 6:30.

Tues. May 11

TUESDAY IS BLUESDAY With host band “The Jones Brothers Jam Band” @ Finley’s. CLIFF MADDIX & Friends @ Library Lounge ALL AGES OPEN Mic ever y Tuesday at the CocoaNut Lounge. 6-10pm. Hosted by Rob Funk BAR ROOM DANCING new session begins with Howie @ The Royal. Pre-registration please. 7-8pm. MAGIC BUS AT The Royal with Eyedog And Isinipit. 9PM-2AM.

Wed. May 12 OPEN MIC NIGHT with Estevan at The Royal. PAUL LANDSBERG with Strings @ Library Lounge

Thurs. May 13

SWING DANCING WITH Howie @ The Royal. 6-8pm. TIM HUS BAND performs live @ The Royal. 8pm-2am.

Fri. May 14 KASHOO WITH GUESTS perform @ The Royal. 9pm-2am SOCIAL DANCING EVERY Friday at the Royal Free. Mostly Swing, smooth, Latin. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Sat. May 15 BRUNCH AT THE Royal continues @ 11:30am. Great entertainment and food! THE CROPDUSTERS PERFORM live @ The Royal. 9pm-2am

Sun. May 16 RICK SCOTT An intimate solo concert at TNT Playhouse. Ward & Carbonate 7:30pm $15 @ the door.

FREE WORSKHOP ON how to develop an effective resume. For Registration/information: or (250)352-6200

Thurs. May 6 ART THERAPY WORKSHOP: Sibylle Cseri Art Therapist from University of Barcelona Spain and Spanish Association, KATI. THE LION, THE Witch and the WardrobeA play by the Nelson Waldorf School’s Eighth Grade. 7 FREE WORKSHOP: FINDING Work In Nelson including labour market information. For registration: (250)352-6200 or p.m. SELFDESIGN HIGH Information Evening 7 to 8:30 p.m. 402 Victoria Street 2nd floor, Nelson Legion NELSON AND AREA Trails Society AGM 7-8pm at the aquatic center multipupose room.

Fri. May 7 PANEL DISCUSSION: ART Therapy around the World. International presenters. 7pm Info and registration call 250352-2264.

Sat. May 8 9TH ANNUAL NELSON Garden Festival 330 Block Baker St. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Plants, trees, accessories and more

The Random Humans Friday, May 7 @ SpiritBar

HEATH IS HAPPINESS; Community Forum in Kaslo with MLA Michelle Mungall 7-9pm at The Langham

Wed. May 12 CARING FOR CHILDREN; Community Forum in Salmo with MLA Michelle Mungall 79pm Salmo Community Centre WINE TASTING @ The Royal. Wine/Champagne with appies pairings. 5pm-7pm. $25/person. Reservations. MUSIC FESTIVAL AT Ascension Lutheran Church, 1805 SilverKing Road, Pot-luck dinner 5:30; Music Programme 7pm.

Thurs. May 13 ROLFING OPEN HOUSE - Gravity Therapy Clinic. Find out what is Rolfing. All welcome. Free.

Sat. May 15 ZOEY WREN(LEWIS)RETURNS to her roots: Live Concert and CD Launch. Nelson United Church, 7:30 pm. CASTLEGAR GARDEN & NATURE Fest: Plants, vendors, speakers!!! Twin Rivers Park/ Millennium Walkway. 10am - 4 pm.

ongoing events

Wednesdays NEED INEXPENSIVE BIRTH CONTROL? Options for Sexual Health drop-in clinic. 333 Victoria St. 5:30-8 p.m. THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Info 352-6936 DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon meeting noon The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. GLACIER HARMONIES Women’s Barbershop Chorus. All welcome at 7 p.m. to Baptist Church, 611-5th St. Nelson. Dorothy 352-7199 or Joey 352-3393

PUBLIC MEDITATION 12 - 1 p.m. All welcome. Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre 444 Baker St.


Tues. May 11

SAHAJ MARG group meditation please phone: Eleanor 352-3366 or Sarah 354- 9496 SHOTOKAN KARATE 5-7p.m. St. Joseph’s school gym 523 Mill Street. NELSON TABLE TENNIS CLUB. 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at Blewett Elementary School when school is in session. 352-9547 or 3525739 BAHA’I COMMUNITY of Nelson. Please join us for an introduction to Baha’i Faith. 7 p.m. 354-0944 WALKING CLUB MEETING Under Orange Bridge Nelson, 10 a.m. Proximately 2 hours walk 250.352.3517 CHOIR AT NDYC 3:30-5:30. Call 352-5656 for details DRUG PROBLEM? We can help. Call Narcotics Anonymous 1.800.342.7439

PARENT & CHILD TIME at the Harrop Hall. 10 a.m. - 12 noon Information: Lesley 825-0140 NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE drop in noon-four. Free clothing/ food.420 Mill Street 250.352.9916 LEGION DARTS in beverage room, 7:30 p.m. info 352-7727 or email

Thursdays IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM IN YOUR LIFE? AA Meetings, Lunch Bunch at Noon. Into Action Big Book Study at 8:00 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. ACUPUNCTURE for ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 1:30 p.m. Located at 333 Victoria Street, 2nd Floor. 505-7248 BIBLE STUDY JOY BAPTIST CHURCH, 6:30 p.m. 560 Baker St., Suite #3. Everyone welcome. SIGNING CHOIR (sign language) 3:30 p.m. at NDYC, 608 Lake St. www. REDFISH BADMINTON Ages 15 to 90 Mon Thurs 6:30 p.m. $3 drop in. Call 229-4346 or 229-4343 for more details. PUBLIC MEDITATION 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. All welcome. Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre, 444 Baker St. NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE noon - 4 for recycled bag sewing project. 250 352 9916 NELSON BADMINTON CLUB meets at Mary Hall Gymnasium, 7 - 9 p.m. Everyone welcome. Anne 250-352-7536 Guy 250-3526330. ADULT BADMINTON @ Redfish

School, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. $20. Bring racquet and indoor footwear. For info call 229-4346 229-4343 229-4485 TOASTMASTERS 2ND AND 4TH Thursday (each month): Improve your public speaking, communication and leadership skills. http:// ENJOY DRAWING PEOPLE? 7-9 pm, Until Feb 11. $60. KSA drawing studio. Ph 352-7646. HABLAS ESPANOL? GROUP meeting 2nd & 4th Thursday of the Month. Grounded 5 p.m. Todos Bieviendo NELSON KNITTING CO-OP: a new knitting group. Everyone welcome ($2) Meet @ Anglican Church 123pm.

Fridays GENDER OUTLAWS, a support & social group for trans & gender variants. 354-5362. NELSON AA-F-TROOP meeting at the Cellar 717A Vernon St. 8 p.m. DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon meeting 8 pm at 601 Front St. A COURSE IN Miracles support/study group meeting at Manistone Wellness Centre, 507 Baker Street, #202, 9:30 a.m.-noon. All welcome.

Saturdays WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 357-2822. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Noon meeting at The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Saturday at 1 p.m. For further info. Please call 250-3526936. NELSON CHESS CLUB ever y Saturday morning, all welcome. Seniors Hall, 777 Vernon St. CHILDREN’S ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS Ages 4-7 at The Moving Centre. Call The Dance Path, Marguerite Wood, 359-2926. WALK IN PEACE: at Lakeside Park (at the gate), 1st Saturday monthly. 10:30 a.m. Be The Change. KUTENAI ART THERAPY INSTITUTE Art Zone Drop-In Open Studio 11-4 pm. 601 Front St. 250-352-2264.

Sundays WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 357-2822. PUBLIC MEDITATION 9 a.m. - 12 p.m Mid-morning refreshments; come and go as you wish. Shambhala Meditation Centre 444 Baker St. WORSHIP SERVICES JOY BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a.m., 11 a.m, 6:30 p.m., 560 Baker St, Suite #3, 825-4095. QUAKER MEETING 723 Ward, upstairs, 9:45. 354-3859. SUNDAY MORNING WORHSIP, Community Church, Passmore Hall, 11 a.m. SUNDAY WORSHIP, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Slocan, 2 p.m. UNITY CENTRE of the Kootenays, 905 Gordon Rd. Broader Horizons. Back door, 11 a.m. Everyone welcome. NELSON AA - Sunday Morning 10 a.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. NELSON UNITED CHURCH service, 10 a.m. 602 Silica St. All are welcome.

ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH Ser vice 10:15 a.m. 1805 Silverking Rd. You are welcome. 352-2515 ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Everyone welcome to 4 p.m. worship 21 Silica St. 354-3308 SAHAJ MARG group meditationplease phone: Eleanor 352-3366 or Sarah 354- 9496

Mondays REDFISH BADMINTON Ages 15 to 90 Mon Thurs 6:30 p.m. $3 drop in. Call 229-4346 or 229-4343 for more details. MT. SENTINEL SCHOOL South Slocan Badminton Mon Wed 7:30 p.m. 359-7610 OPEN HOUSE, Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre. Meditation instruction and practice 7 p.m; talk and discussion 8 p.m; tea 9 p.m. 444 Baker St. www.nelsonbuddha. com BAHA’I COMMUNITY OF NELSON Please join us for prayers and an introduction to the Baha’i faith 7 p.m 354-0944 DIAPER FREE BABY / ELIMINATION Communication Support Circle, 4th Monday of each month 10 - 12 a.m. at The Family Place 312 Silica St. HERITAGE HARMONY Barbershop Chorus. Welcoming anyone! Tim 250-825-9694 or John 250-3526892 NELSON SCOTTISH COUNTRY Dancing 7-9 p.m. Central School gym. Beginners welcome, first class free. SHOTOKAN KARATE 5-7p.m. St. Joseph’s school gym 523 Mill Street NELSON BADMINTON CLUB meets at Mary Hall Gymnasium, 7 - 9 p.m. Everyone welcome. Anne 250-352-7536 Guy 250-3526330 DROP IN GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP. 7-9 p.m. at Broader Horizons, 905 Gordon Road, back door. ADULT BADMINTON @ Redfish School, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. $20. Bring racquet and indoor footwear. For info call 229-4346 229-4343 229-4485 COOKING CLASSES EVERY Wed/Sun. Many topics to choose from. Contact Lorraine at or 250-3523860 A COURSE IN Miracles support/study group at Manistone Wellness Centre, 507 Baker Street, #202 at 6:30 p.m.

Tuesdays SUFFER FROM AN Eating Disorder? Need Support?, 352-9598 after 6 p.m. or for more info. ACUPUNCTURE for ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 1:30 p.m. Located at 333 Victoria St, 2nd Floor. 505-7248 YOUNG FELLOWS OFF BOOZE AA Meeting 8 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE drop in noon-four. Free clothing/ food.420 Mill Street 250.352.9916 NELSON COMMUNITY BAND Rehearsals, 7:30-9:00, First Baptist Church, 611 5th St, New members welcome. 352-6119 DRUMMING FROM THE Hear t with Kim Masse Drumcircle@Nor th Shore Hall 7:15pm $7 250.505.2684 NEW OA MEETING 577 BAker St. 8 p.m. 1.800.611.5788.

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May 5, 2010

Page 19

FREE reader classifieds can be submitted through our web site at Deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon sharp. First 15 words are free. 25c per word thereafter. Only one free classified ad per week is permitted per phone number. Free classifieds will not be taken over the phone. ANNOUNCEMENTS






MOUNTAIN MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL: Helping children reach new heights. Sat. May 15, 2010, 10a.m. to 1p.m. at Hume School. 310 Nelson Ave, Nelson. 3rd Floor, Room 306. 250.354.8603, email: N O T I C E: BALFOUR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WATERUSERS-SYSTEM Sterilization / Flush Monday, May 17, 2010 Procedure will start at 8 AM. Finished by 6:00 PM Don’t Use Water For Drinking/cooking Until Chlorine Smell Is Gone PERMACULTURE IN THE Kootenays with Ernst Huber- An intensive weekend May 8 & 9 to be held at Hollow Frog Farm in†Blewett (16 K. from Nelson) $90 to register 250.354.4333

95 SUBARU LEGACY Wagon. 233600km. Well Maintained, Reliable. New clutch & wheel bearing. $3900 OBO. 354-0207

SAILBOAT C&C REDWING 30. Classic Fibreglass Fair cond. basics. 15000 offers. lets talk 352-7298 2008 SUNTRACKER 21’PONTOON Party Barge, Bimini, cover, 60 hp outboard under 50 hours, $19,900 1970ISH PRINCECRAFT 17FT on trailer fixer-upper, 36 beer obo. 3590180

2 ALPS MD-1000 printers w/parts, neither work properly, combine parts to make one functional, $20 250608-3548 HC-S (HOME COMPUTING Solutions) Offering reliable and competitively priced PC Support & Computer skills training. From Hardware to Network we come to you’ No Solution NO FEE’ Tel#250-5054940 E-mail BRAND NEW BOXED Okidata C110 Color Laser Printer. Windows only. Paid $220 Asking $180 2505053206

CASTLEGAR GARDEN & Nature Festival 10:00am - 4:00 Twin Rivers Park/Millennium Walkway. Speakers, vendors, & education. Information:

IF YOU OWN a home or real estate, ALPINE CREDITS will lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. $500 LOAN SERVICE, by phone, no credit refused, quick and easy, payable over 6 or 12 installments. Toll Free: 1-877-776-1660 www.mon-


1997 FORD TAURUS: 290,000 Kms 8 tires & rims $1000 O.B.O Castlegar: 250-304-2940

WEST KOOTENAY CALENDAR PHOTO CONTEST. Win Cash, free calendars. Photos also considered for West Kootenay Wild Book. For applications: or Otter Books, 398 Baker. LOVE MOUNTAINS? NEW paintings by Bryn Stevenson are on display at Cowans during May. LANDSCAPE PAINTINGS BY Karen Guilbault. May at Kootenay Bakery. 352-2588 for information. PROSPERO POTTERY BEAUTIFUL, functional pots for sale @ The Factory studios, 301 Vernon St. call: 3522915 ANTIQUITIES COLLECTORSANCIENT Mayan pottery for sale. 600bc- 1200ad. serious inquiries

AUTOMOTIVE 1986 HYUNDAI PONY ::: still runs, used for parts. $150. 250-304-0036 1992 TERCEL, 187000KM, winters and summers on rims, very clean, needs nothing, $1700, 352-1962, SALE: 1988, 240DL VOLVO SEDAN, ONLY 179XXX km, Timing belt & water pump replaced $1111, (250)225-3305 2002 ACURA EL 1.7 4dr 5sp pwl keyless remote, reduced again, $8200, must sell, 352-0532 2003 VW JETTA Wagon TDI, Diesel, 109,000kms, winter tires included, $17,900 obo, well kept 250-3048900 2000 CHEVROLET MALIBU, silver, fully-loaded, winters & summers tires, 174,000 km. Call 250-442-8809 or 250-442-2230. Grand Forks.

1993 MAZDA MPV Rebuilt Trans., 2 sets of tires and wheels, 2 wheel drive, seats 7, $1800. 352.1133.


2000 NEON 4DR, 233km, lady driven, 2 sets of rims, NISSAN MULTI 1987, new clutch, new tires, runs great, $ 800.-- Call Brigitte 250 352-6299 2004 PONTIAC VIBE, 10700kms, FWD basic package. $8700, offers considered. Call Shannon 352-1721 2000 FORD FOCUS S/W, 2L auto, cruise/CD/tinted, 35mpg, runs excellent, new brakes, 223,000km, $3850.00, 250-357-9457

1990 HONDA CIVIC 4 dr, 165,000 miles, 5 spd. Needs muffler and timingbelt. Open to offers 3522843 1991 IZUSU TROOPER v6 5speed 4wd 175k,not much rust.good running conditon $ box. 250-354-8512 1988 4RUNNER, 4X4, Standard, great shape, convertible, comes with winters and summers, 305,XXXkm, clean. 250-357-2307 1986 FORD RANGER 4WD V6 $375 Whole truck for parts.354-8262 after 5pm 98 DODGE DAKOTA, canopy/ rack, good condition. $6700obo. 250-352-0999 2005 TOYOTA TACOMA TRD Sport. Power sunroof, remote start, roof rack, 75,500 miles. $24,900. 825-9294. 1988 FORD F250 Supercab, 2WD, propane powered, Canopy, camper ready, 324,000 Km. 500.00 Obo 399-4596 1989 TOYOTA 4RUNNER 4cyl, 4x4, 33” tires, 1991 F150 8cyl, 4x4, extra rear leafs 505-2725 93 CHEV ASTRO, needs alternator, $850. 82 Chev S-10 needs battery, minor repairs. $475. 3526983 1997 TOYOTA PREVIA. Great shape, no rust. Recent new engine and transmission. $3900. Call 3524662

BUILDING MATERIALS #1A STEEL BUILDING SALE! Save up to 60% on your new garage, shop, warehouse. 6 colors available! 40 year warranty! Free shipping, the first 20 callers! 1-800-457-2206. www.

ARE YOU READY TO CHOOSE... how much you earn? When you want to work? Who you work with? Where you work? We train you online. Go to: MAKE FAST CASH - Start Your Own Business - Driveway Sealing Systems, Possible payback in 2 weeks. Part-time, Full-time. CALL Today Toll-Free 1-800-465-0024. Visit: BE YOUR OWN BOSS with Great Canadian Dollar Store. New franchise opportunities in your area. Call 1-877388-0123 ext. 229 or visit our website: today. START YOUR OWN part or fulltime business. Make huge money. We will train you. Call 403-2615014 or go to our website: www.

KEVIN’S SCHOOL OF Rock! Guitar, Recording, Songwriting lessons. -attain your own musical goals -learn to play with people or solo -play your first tune or practice for an upcoming performance -understand music better -start a band A graduate of the Selkirk music program with over 6 years teaching experience Kevin is just the person to help you or you child realize your potential. Call for a lesson today 250-352-5298 CALLING ALL ART Instructors! Oxygen Art Centre welcomes engaging, innovative, and creative course offerings for Fall 2010 classes: proposals for any medium or age group. Please send bio and course descriptions by May 7 to anitalevesque192@hotmail. com. TRAIN TO BE a MEDICAL LAB ASSISTANT. The Healthcare industry needs You. MTI Community College www.mticc. com, (1) 604-310-2684.




KURAMA SUSHI MAKES your wedding, graduation or special occasion perfect. Sushi party trays and gift certificates available. 250.352.5353.

CHILDREN CLASSIC RED DUALDECK RadioFlyer Tricycle, chrome & steel, barely used, asking $50 (paid $97 new) 250-226-7096 WINDOWS XPPRO, ATHLON 1.2G 80GHD DVD&CD 1G Ram Good graphic card, for gaming $285 250825-2235

2001 DODGE GRAND Caravan. 173, 000 Kms. New rear brakes. Winters on rims. $5400. 250-3521288


2201 FORD FOCUS, Stn Wagon. Excellent shape, $136K, lady driven, air. $5000 352-3485

1995 FORD EXPLORER: runs good, needs a little work. Must get rid of! Asking $2500.Call 250359-8054

2004KIA SORENTO SUV4X4 V6 5spd low range excellent condition dealer serviced A/C hitch 145K Bryan(250)226-7494


BEAUTY! 1992 DOGDGE Stealth 2drcoupe,winter stored, lady driven. $4200. obo. 250-352-1921 - Josie - Evenings

1997 CHRYSLER CONCORD 3.5lV6 mounted summers & winters 185,000km great shape safety inspected $1500 250-352-6515 1989 JAGUAR XJS. Excellent condition. BRG with tan interior. V12, auto, A/C. $5900 250 399-4398

2005 JEEP GRAND Cherokee, excellent cond., 106,000 km asking $16,500. call 250-687-1633 NEED A VEHICLE? Need cash? Up to $10,000. cash back! Guaranteed approvals! Over 400 vehicles to choose from. Call Will or Ashley today! 1-888-289-8935.

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ALIVE DANCE THEATRE, Thursday May 20, 8 p.m. @ the Capitol Theatre. KOOTENAY DANCEBEAT EVENT 7:30PM May 8, Junction Church, S. Slocan Swing, Latin, Smooth, Country. BALFOUR LADIES GOLF. Thursdays starting May 6th, 9:30 a.m Come join us for some fun. 5TH ANNUAL GIANT Garage/ Plant/Bake Sale, Saturday, May 8th. Slocan Valley Womenís Institute, Slocan City, 9:00 to 2:00. Weíve moved our location by two blocks but the new place makes it possible for a bigger and better sale! Hot concession food available. Multiple family garage sales in Slocan on the same day. Once you get to Slocan, just follow the green signs! NELSON COMMUNITY BAND concert, special guests “Shenango” Choral Ensemble! 7:30 May 11th. 511 6th St. Admission by donation. FREE HEALING WITH Bliss, Pranashakty Workshop. May 13th & 14th 6:30 - 8:30 pm. 250-5057832

FREE PIONEER HIGH END dual tape deck - good condition call 250-351-1806 GLYCERIN- HIGH GRADE from biodiesel production in 45 gallon drums. 250-226-6963 WHIRLPOOL FRIDGE 60” x 24”, runs, needs charging. 229.4559.


dressers $110. apiece, 8 old ��������������� wooden kitchen chairs $25.

������������������������ each, wooden wardrobe $225. ��������������������� 250-359-7756

SKLAR-PEPPLER SOFA & ������������������������ Loveseat, $300. L-shaped solid ������������������������������ Oak Entertainment Unit, $400. ���������������� Wanted American Girl doll. 250354-4207



FOUR BRAND NEW Chairs, BCSPCA ANNUAL EATS for Pete’s solid������������������������ unpainted wood, modern Sake Fundraiser. May 5th dine out rustic design $35 each at these participating restaurants: LARGE 6 DRAWER mahogany Main St. Diner, Bite truck, Bogustown dresser with mirror, and night Neighborhood Pub, Outer Clover, stand $250 obo. 110v clothes Amanda’s, Chillers Neighborhood dryer $125 obo. All in good conPub, Kurama Sushi, Baker St. Grill, The General Store, The Royal & dition 250 354 7010. Jackson’s Hole. These restaurants IKEA LOFT, COUCH/LOVE have generously agreed to donate Seat (Natural), Dresser, Patio SPRING FLING FASHION ��� Show, ���������������������������������������������� a portion of their proceeds from that ������������������������ table/chairs, Player, Piano, lunch, golf - May 1st - Granite �Pointe ������������������ date to the Nelson SPCA. Cardio Glider, Moroccan Lamps, ��������������������� Golf Course 10:30 a.m. start Tickets 250-505-1191. $17 Golf add $15 Available ��� at Pro ��������������������� shop, Sensations Klothes Shoppe, FINANCIAL SERVICES ���������������������� Lyons shoes ������������������������������ ��� ������������������ DEBT CONSOLIDATION MOTHER’S DAY PIE Bingo at Slocan PROGRAM. Helping Canadians ���������������� Park Community Hall May 8 at 6:30 RSF WOOD HEATER , glass door repay debts, reduce or eliminate interp.m. Everyone Welcome ,autodraft, fans,������ LABEL , tile sides, est, regardless of your credit. Steady ��������������������������� ash box, 150 call 229-4490 Income? You may qualify for instant ANNUAL CASTLEGAR ������������������������ help. Considering Bankruptcy? Call GARDEN Club Plant Sale. 9:00 MAY 8TH, 9AM to 3pm 4225 Langill 1-877-220-3328 FREE Consultation - Noon. Station Museum: 400 Road Crescent Valley, Across the Government Approved, BBB - 13th Avenue. Information: bridge, follow signs. Member.

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Page 20


May 5, 2010









DR. MICHAEL SMITH (TCM) is now accepting new patients. Offering services in Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nutritional and Functional Medicine. Experienced and compassionate health care. Individually designed healing programs. Please call 250-352-0459.

NEW NORWOOD SAWMILLS - LumberMate-Pro handles logs 34’ diameter, mills boards 28’ wide. Automated quick-cyclesawing increases efficiency up to 40%. www.NorwoodSawmills. com/400OT - FREE Information: 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.

FOR SALE, MOTORIZED scooter, 4 wheels, excellent condition, $2,000.00. Call for more info. 3529210.

RIDE WANTED TO Vancouver May 22 or 23 and back. Call 825.0110

TRAMPOLINE $50, GIRLS first bike $20, rocking horse $10. 2508250075


SPACE SAVER TREADMILL with incline $300.00 250 226 7127


A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Don’t Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today TollFree 1-866-884-7464

ELECTRIC LIFT CHAIR - beige vinyl $100 obo also brown wing chair with ottoman $30 250-2294452 TOPLOAD WASHER & dryer $400obo, 14 foot boat with 40hp Evinrude $3800obo, portapotti new $75 229-4544 FENDER SIDEKICK AMP., great condition, $200 o.b.o., 250-8254256 ADMIRAL 4 BURNER counter top electric range $125.00 Queen waterbed c/w waveless mattress complete $195.00 Ph.250-3520136 15’ X 18” custom lined drapes, antiuqe white, heavy linen, $1000. 229.5605. RETAIL STORE SHELVES that are about three feet long. Offers. (250) 352-2078


CAMP KOOLAREE GROUNDSKEEPER needed mid-June to early September. Weekly salary plus room and board. Criminal record check required. Email info@koolaree. com RESOURCE ABILITY PEDIATRIC NURSING OPPORTUNITY Tenderhearted RN’s,LPN’s needed to provide in home respite care for infant. Day shifts. Wages according to Collective Agreement. CONTACT: Joanne Francis RN 250-6121664

HELP WANTED Experienced Heli Loggers, Hooktenders and Chasers. Level 3 1st Aid Call Niel After 6 p.m. 250.505.3877 BUSY RETAIL GARDEN store requires a carrier minded, hard working individual. Full-time entry-level position available with opportunity for further advancement. Ability to lift heavy objects is a must, starting wage is $11 per hour. Apply in person at unit 14 104 Silica St, Nelson(across from nelson Ford) CREAM SEPARATOR, OLDER OK, electric powered. Also wanted, band saw and belt sander. 250.226.7990 RN/LPN NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, up to 40hrs a week, days. Personal care for 7 month old with Leukodystrophy. Competative pay. Email or call 250-229-4034

HOME PHONE RECONNECT Call 1-866-287-1348. Prepaid Long Distance Specials! Feature Package Specials! Referral Program! Don’t be without a home phone! Call to Connect! 1-866-287-1348

HOME & GARDEN GREENHOUSE OSPREYÍS NEIGHBOUR SEASON OPENING MAY 1 @ 9AM ñ check out the all occasion gift baskets, hanging baskets and funky flowering containers, basket stuffers and bedding plants. Bring your containers, we have a U-DO centre; weíve got the plants, soil and knowledge to assist you. Fill your garden with our large selection of veggie bedding plants and herbs. 8172 BUSK ROAD, BALFOUR, just turn at the ferry landing, 250-2292349 ñ CASH ONLY PLEASE LARGE RESIDENTIAL GARDEN available for a gardener without a garden. Great exposure/soil. Laurel 250 354 9122

LOST & FOUND CAT MISSING 7-MONTHS old small, gray and white last seen Vernon please call Vanessa 509-0666 LOST BLACK AND red Skate Canada jacket at Complex Tuesday 20 April. E-mail rewog@hotmail. com 2 CYMBALS AND black carrying case , went missing April 24/10 @ Nelson Legion,upstairs-Celebration Earth Day any information call 250 825-4399,Mike LOST BLACK MP3 player at ,Millenium walkway april 25, 6yr. old would love it returned, 250-3596606 LOST: DIGITAL CAMERA, black, with photo card and pictures. Between Ymir Rd. and Selkirk College. 352.6413 LOST BLACK ART portfolio 11x17” in downtown Nelson April 19. Filled w/sketches, help! Karen 250-5093006 LOST BABY/YOUTH’S BLUE baseball cap (KC logo), lost on Baker St , April 21st #250-505-5441

�������������������������������������� �������������������������������� SOUTH ROCK LTD. is seeking an Asphalt Superintendent, ����������������������������������� Paver Operators, HD Mechanics and all experienced paving personnel for work throughout Alberta. Visit for more details or to apply. Fax 403-568-1327. CHEAP TELEPHONE RECONNECT! Paying too much? Switch, save money, and keep your number! First month only $24.95 + connection fee. Phone Factory Reconnect 1-877-3362274 ; CRIMINAL RECORD? Only Pardon Services Canada has 20 years experience guaranteeing record removal. Call 1-8-NOWPARDON (1-866-972-7366).

MISC. FOR SALE WOOD STOVE (NOT airtight, not certified), glass front, large. $75. 4 VINYL WINDOWS 2 2’x3’new and 2 8’x4’used 1 year in new house desert sand color, 1 solid wood carved mahogany door 3’exterior or interior. 359-6946 BLUE GRAD DRESS size 5/6. Strapless. Come take a look! $200 obo 354-1567 GREAT D.J. BIKE (EVIL D.O.C) $600 OBO, red, single speed, will consider low offers. (250)505-5201

WARHAWK PS3 GAME, Good condition. $20.00 OBO. 250-354-4257 APT SIZED WASHER and dryer $100.00, remote controlled Golf Caddy $100.00, sm. woodstove $150.00. ph.250-352-0746 FOR SALE: HOUSE flowers, Fig and Cactus. Phone 250-359-8103 ANTIQUE HORSE DRAWN field mowers and other antique farm equipment 250 359 7775 EXOTIC DJEMBE DRUMS, $300$500 depending on size. Technics Turntable $400 o.b.o., Numark Mixer $100 250-352-2629 GLASS DISPLAY SHELVINGCOMES with Brackets and hangers.6x- 12 x 54 length (6 ml) $100 / 250-825-2206 RETRO WEDDING GOWN with bustle - sequined and lace bodice and sleeves; $45 - 250-352-7144 27”PANASONIC TV, WITH remote, works well $25.-, 4 tall hand-blown goblets, blue glass $25.-. 226-7880 EXCELLENT CONDITION, 72’X80” white vinyl sliding patio door, Low-E glass, free delivery, $350 OBO 3543793 TWO MOTOR BIKE helmets and pair of leather gloves, 75$ for all. call (250)354-4194 BOB STROLLER, 3 wheeler/off road style, $200; ERGO BABY CARRIER, includes detachable back pack, $90; CHILD CARRIER SEAT for bicycle, $40. All items used lightly and less than half of original cost. ph.505 3798 12 PIECE SET of Lagonstina pots and pans. Regular $600. Asking $325. Given as a gift, great present for mothers day. Call 505-9287 TREADLE SEWING MACHINE $75, older electric singer sewing machine. Excellent condition $175 354-3981 SEALY POSTRUEPEDIC PILLOW Top queen barely used $750, single futon $20, 33”, Chainsaw bar and chain $100, truck custom dry box $30 505-2725 GEORGE FOREMAN GRILL, like new $39. Sunbeam Food processor, $60. Armorlike dishes $100. 250.354.1916. GRAND THEFT AUTO IV for XBox 360, $25. Maxx @ 250.777.1110 BRAND NEW LACE table cloth fabric 210” long x 128” wide. $35. 250.359.7910 before 6 p.m. METAL ROOFING 2-PCS. 18x32, 16x12, $125. Chev Ralley wheels, 4-14x6, $150. New Nova leaf springs $200 250.352.5744 LIFT CHAIR - two motors as new $500. Medical sheepskin to prevent pressure sores - $200. (250)3543810 BICYCLE TRAILER/STROLLER SEATS one child, in mint condition! $200 firm. 354.8143 ELECTRIC BED, ADJUSTABLE, double, remote control, clean. $300 obo. Dog crate, med/small size $35. 352-1853. LECLERC 48” 4H floor loom $400. rolling Ikea kitchen stand $40. 24” 4H tableloom $300. 80 gallon oil tank $75. All OBO 352-6132

MISC. WANTED ANTIQUE METAL PATIO set, ornate, with glass top table. Please call 250352-9596. WANTED: STURDY UTILITY trailer about 4’x8’ to haul firewood and an ATV. 250-359-7367 A GOAT SKIN for my drum, with the fur, untanned. trade for a dreamcatcher? 355-2923 FLAKEY? OAT ROLLER wanted and a single sit-on-top kayak. Thanks! 352-1167 HELLMAN CANOE AND sit on top Kayak in good condition. Thanks! 352 1167 DONATIONS FOR KCR Benefit Yard Sale on May 15. Can pick up. Call 250-505-5233. WANTED TO BUY travel trailer, camper, RV, or motorhome for $500 (or less) 250.777.0825 ELECTRIC KILN FOR busy local potter call eryn @ 352-2915 CANON SPEEDLITE FLASH. 430ex, 480ex, 550ex, 580ex 250-359-8115 WHEELBARROW, ABOUT 5CU. ft. or wheelbarrow tire. 352.6762 A PUPPY THAT will grow to med/ large/dog thats good with kids, cows, and chickens. 250-505-4071. CLEANING YOUR FREEZER? Throwing out old meat? I’ll take it. Good for dog food. 250-226-6796 WANTED: OUTHOUSE (“PRIVY”) to be moved. Must be sturdy, and easy to clean. 250-551-2159 NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE seeking a display rack for reclaimed and recycled bag project. Please call 250352-9916

MUSIC & DANCE YOUNG CHANG PIANO, excellent condition, 1992 model, $2800 OBO. 229.5645 HEAVY METAL/HARD ROCK band needs frontperson, rhythm guitarist, bassist, drummer.Covers and originals. Women encouraged. OLD GERMAN CELLO, $2000, 1965 Epiphone Crestwood guitar, $3500, 1950 Hohner button accordion, $500. 825-9320


DATING SERVICE. Long-Term/ShortTerm Relationships, FREE CALLS.1877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes.1-888534-6984. Live adult casual conversations-1on1, 1-866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local Single Ladies.1877-804-5381. (18+)


133 ATLANTIS SNOWBOARD with flow bindings $200, two sets kids skis 100cm/110cm $25 each. 250-359-6606 WHITEWATER KAYAK: “PERCEPTION Whiplash”, paddle, helmet, spray skirt, dry top, gloves. $600OBO Call 250-3521806

PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING with TLC. Spring cleaning special, large dog bath and nails $25. 250551-5501 WANTED: PUPPY THAT will grow to med/large/dog thats good with kids, cows, and chickens. 250-825-9388. MISSING: 1YR NEUTERED male cat mostly grey, black markings pass creek any info appreciated 359.8005

ITECH ICE HOCKEY goalie package. 30” pads, blocker and catcher, all matching black/ white/ silver. 352-0109


BRAND NEW ARCTERYX Silo 40 pack. Reg $235/Asking $125 250-352-0999

GET YOUR KNOWING Going. Chakra Readings with Evie Clare above Oso Negro 250.354.4471 TAROT READINGS AND intuitive counseling with Ashala every Wednesday at Gaia Rising, 356 Baker St. 250-354-4471

RVS/SLEDS/BIKES 2001 KAWASAKI CONCOURS. 990 cc sport touring. $4500. 250354-0535 KAWASAKI KLR650, 2003. Excellent shape, many new parts, new road cases, rebuilt engine. $4500. 354-9235 1982 HONDA 250 xls enduro bike, good shape, years in storage. $1500.00 obo ph.250 359 7772 LOOKING FOR TENT trailer in good condition under $1000. dave or jenna 304-1811 1986 FRONTIER TRUCK camper, propane fridge & stove work., jacks work. 8 feet long. $500 obo. 250-399-6300 1976 FORD VANGUARD Motorhome. Good condition. Sleeps 6. Engine runs great, 67000 miles. $4500.00. 250-5050782 CAMPER FOR SMALLER truck, 3-way fridge, 2 burner stove, very good condition, no leaks $700, 250-359-8038 AWESOME 2000 9.2FT CITATION camper, fridge, freezer 3 burner stove, shower-toilet combo, microwave, immaculate $13000 firm, 250-229-4112. 2007 KAWASAKI VERSERYS amazing touring, no prob over the Lemon Crk Pass! $6400 obo 250-825-2209

KONA STUFF 2-4 2008 Mountain Bike - rarely used, LIKE NEW . 24” wheels. A Deal @ $500. 505-6136 NORCO ‘DROP’ MTN bike M. Disc brakes. Great condition! Great first mountain bike. $200. 250-352-3176

CHILDS KONA BIKE for Sale: Like NEW. Paid $400 2yrs ago asking $200. Phone 354-1127 PADDED GOLF BAG travel cover. Collapsible, holds extended drivers, wheels, never used. $100 352-5210 COLNAGO CLASSIC ROAD bike. 56cm (medium). Campagnolo Mirage components. Excellent condition. $1000. 250-352-5277

TIRES/PARTS/OTHER SNOW TIRES AND rims. Excellent cond. 235/75R15. $600.00 250-3520999 FOUR 15” 6 hole aluminum rims with new Goodyear tires, fit Japanese & Chev $275 352 3248 16” ALUMINUM RIMS, 6 hole with chrome centre, caps and lugs. Fits Chev/GM truck $260 825-0168 ALL SEASONS TIRES 185-65-15R $50 for 2, 4 rims, $100. Yakima roof rack, $100 352-2588 WTB: ENGINE HOIST, also wanted small block chevy engine performace parts. ph250-304-3535 FIBERGLASS CANOPY, WHITE, sliders, clamps, tape included. 6’ x 7’ fits ford shortbox. Offers. Mark 354-1140 CENTURY FIBERGLASS LID for full size truck bed. Including all hardware. Key is missing $350.00 OBO 250505-9097

TRADES LARGE WESTERN Canadian open shop reinforcing steel fabrication & installation company looking for experienced reinforcing ironworkers to work in Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg. Competitive rates & benefits offered. Apply to

���������� SERVICES

ORCA TRUCK FOR HIRE. Will do dump runs, moving, etc. Patrick 5050612.


ROOM IN HOUSE for rent. Uphill, close to bus, nice yard, spiritual person, 250-551-4431. May 1st-$550 inclusive.

KOOTENAY STORAGE & Relocation. 20 years of exceeding expectations. Local and long distance moving. 250352-5399 or 1-877-599-2795


SLOCAN RIVER WELCOMES you with new vacation condos on the river at Passmore, gateway to Valhalla Provincial Park. Hot tub, BBQ, wheelchair/elderly access. 250.226.7712 Discover it!

Lorne Westnedge & Drew Evans: THE TEAM THAT WORKS -- FOR YOU! Contact 250-505-2606 Lorne at: Contact 250-505-2466 Drew at: Web-site.

Each office is independently owned and operated



Beautiful executive style 3 Bed. 3 Bath home on .55 acre view property just outside of city limits and walking distance to town. Featuring open floor plan, designer kitchen,vaulted ceilings, garden area.

Outstanding 3 bed. 3 bath. view condominium in quality development. Gas fireplace, large deck, fully equipped kitchen. 2 bed. on main & 1 in finished lower level with a total of 2600 sq. ft.




mls# K191446


Commercial building with highway access and off-street parking located in downtown Nelson is an excellent investment or development opportunity.


mls# K3800253


Full upgrade package in this main floor 1 bed. + den condo unit including air conditioning, cherry wood cabinets, hardwood floors, gas range, electric fireplace and granite countertops. In “as new” condition.



homes&gardens HOUSESITTING



RESPONSIBLE MATURE WOMAN seeks house sitting situation. Enjoys pets, pants, cleaning. Flexible, references available. Sarah 352-9876

DOWNTOWN NELSON, BACH. STE. Heritage Incl.: Utilities, parking, furnished. Clean, private. NS/NP. 250-352-5757 or

UPPER FLOOR 2 bedroom uphill Nelson. View, deck, parking, N/P. June 1st. $900/month. 250-3540177

PARTIAL GARDENING WORKTRADE for offgrid woodsy cabin (Slocan)for gentle fun-loving person/s references required 250-226-7311


REAL ESTATE 4BDRM 2 BATH, 2 CAR garage with shop 2600sqft. Near schools, Slocan River and bus route. $350,000.00 359-7911! HARROP WATERFRONT ACREAGE For Sale. Over 700’ of sandy beach. $1.6M Details: (250) 608-7246

RENTALS UPHILL HOUSE FOR rent: charming two bedroom house, bright, deck and garden. $1300/ month +utilities. (306)979-4718 ROOM IN BRIGHT home healthy living Eagle creek(10 minute to Nelson) $575 + 1/2 utilities 250.352.0886 WELL CARED FOR 2 bedroom plus studio/office, 2 bath home in Castlegar, W/D, Quiet neighbourhood, $1150/month 354-4485 COSY AND CLEAN, well cared for 2 bedroom Duplex in Castlegar, Quiet location, W/D,references required, 354-3793 FURNISHED 2 BDRM apartment available June ONLY. Email for pics and price. NELSON: LARGE BRIGHT 1 bedroom ground level suite, suitable for 1 person.W/D, N/S, N/P. $750.00 call 250-505-3380

TWO STOREY-SHOP/STUDIO 24’X34” for rent at 6-mile...suitable for artist or craftsman. 220 power 825-4141 $500/month.

RIVERSIDE SUBLET MAY 15AUG. 30 P&B house w/pets Ymir. Creative space/good vibrations. 3young people/easygoing/ friendly/genuine/communicate easily. $390/mo.incl/ph+internet Natalie250-357-2877

RENTALS WANTED SEEKING 1BRM PLACE in town for mom(22) & son(15months) June 1st, max $670 inclusive. Access to laundry 250-5512807

2 BEDROOM RENOVATED basement suite. Close to Nelson Hospital. Shared laundry, storage room, Utilities bill. $900/mo.

FAMILY OF THREE, professional, employed, with references, seek 2-3 BDRM house with yard, in or near Nelson (within 20 min.) for long term rental (3-5yrs). Julia 352-5541

ONE BEDROOM SUITE. Lower Fairview. Sunny, patio, garden area. $750 plus utilities. 250352-6899 3 BEDROOM ROSEMONT duplex, $1200 plus utilities, NS/ NP, W/D, off street parking, call 250-352-9209

MOTHER AND SON seek quiet clean 2 bedroom, w/d, yard, bus route/school, Nelson/N.Shore, for July 1 825-4010.

ROOM WITH A Bed June 1st has it’s own bathroom too! Anita 250 352 2288

LOOKING FOR A quiet room or cheap bachelor close to downtown. 250-505-3739

EXECUTIVE CLASS 1 BEDROOM suite at Nasookin (3 mile). All new appliances, new flooring. Very clean. Mature, responsible tenants only. NS/NP. $750/month includes utilities. 250505-2067

CHRISTIAN FAMILY SEEKS 3+ bedroom long term Nelson rental. Excellent references. Phone 250354-4198.

Page 21

Remember your moms on this special day Awards and award cerI remember during emonies of all types exist most of my years in school in sports, academics, and enjoying freshly baked oatbusiness to name just a few meal cookies and milk as categories. During May, an after-school snack. I there are radio stations, remember her daily quesmagazines and newspabeen thinkin’ about tion, “What did you learn pers that attempt to gain George Millar in school today?” During extra attention by runmy early years of teachning Mother of the Year ple, remembering mother ing, I placed a cartoon on contests. You know how it on Mother’s Day means the wall near the classworks. “Send us a photo of paying tribute to a loved room door. Its caption your candidate and explain, one who is still present. For read, “Please, sir, tell me in 25 words or less, why many seniors, remember- what I learned today. My you nominate this woman ing mother is truly just that mother is sure to ask.” Her for the honour.” – remembering. question is one of my most Although there are I remember at age five enduring memories. women who have given enjoying fifteen minutes We were five brothers birth but don’t really qual- each weekday with mom and sisters, with a twentyify as mothers in any other and the Stu Davis program year spread between the sense, for many of us,Classic our on CBC Sudoku Difficulty Level - Medium Sudoku Difficulty EasyClassic sk9E000126 radioLevel just- after my oldest and youngest. Each own mother would be a three older siblings left for of us was convinced that hands-down winner of any school. It was our special we were mother’s favourite, Mother of the Year contest time. This of course was most special child. That is in which she was entered. in the BTV (before televi- her legacy, even more than For many younger peo- sion) era. all she taught us.

George Millar is a long-time resident of the West Kootenay. Been Thinking About is an exploration of events and organizations in the region, seen from a senior’s perspective.

Crossword Answer

SHARED ACCOM. FURNISHED BEDROOM AVAILABLE in uphill home. Washer/dryer, internet. Annely 250.352.2672, $475 inclusive.

2 BDRM TOP floor, quiet house near Baker St., N/S, cats ok, avail June 1, $880+ 825-9534


May 5, 2010

see puzzle on page 10

Answer to Easy Sudoku

Answer to Hard Sudoku

4 5 3

6 8 2

9 7 1

2 1 8

7 5 6

4 3 9

6 1 7

9 4 3

2 5 8

5 9 3

2 4 8

7 6 1

9 2 8

1 5 7

3 4 6

4 7 6

1 3 9

8 2 5

1 4 9

5 6 8

7 3 2

1 3 7

6 9 2

5 4 8

5 8 2

3 7 9

1 6 4

6 4 2

5 8 1

9 7 3

7 3 6

2 1 4

8 9 5

8 5 9

4 7 3

2 1 6

8 6 5

7 3 1

4 2 9

7 8 1

9 6 4

3 5 2

2 7 4

8 9 6

5 1 3

9 6 5

3 2 7

1 8 4

3 9 1 Solution

4 2 5

6 8 7

3 2 4 Solution

8 1 5

6 9 7

see puzzle on page 10

see puzzle on page 10






4112 Highway 31, Ainsworth .............. 250-229-4212

3156 Station Road, South Slocan.....250-359-7515

717 Harold Street, Slocan.................250-355-2663

409 Kootenay Street........................250-352-3232

479 Baker Street.............................250-352-3456



620 Herridge Lane ........................250-352-0101

561 Baker Street..........................250-352-2120

MAIN STREET DINER ROYAL GRILL & LOUNGE © 2005 © 2005 Generated by Ultimate Sudoku - all you need to create BILLIONS of unique Sudo by Ultimate Sudoku - all you need to create BILLIONS of unique Sudoku puzzles 616 Baker Street..............................250-354-4848 330 Baker Street..............................250-352-1202 701 Lakeside Drive...........................250-352-7215Generated






655 Highway 3A............................250-352-1633

7924 Wharf Road, Balfour.................250-229-4244

203 Fir Street, Ymir...........................250-357-9611

515A Kootenay Street.......................250-352-2332

705 Vernon Street............................250-352-5140





16-1150 Lakeside Drive (Chahko Mika Mall )..250-352-2956 512 Railway Street ............................ 250-352-7424

300 Baker Street...........................250-352-1904

JAVA GARDEN COFFEE CO 150-1150 Lakeside Drive (Chahko Mika Mall).....250-505-5282

413 Hall Street................................250-352-3573

696 Baker Street..............................250-352-4621



116C -1150 Lakeside Drive (Chahko Mika Mall )...250-352-3394



524 Vernon Street...........................250-354-1919

1285 Queens Bay Road, Balfour.....250-229-4141

203 Herridge Lane...........................250-352-7976




422 Vernon Street............................250-3525331

5686 Highway 6, Winlaw....................250-226-7663


327 Baker St...................................250-352-7165


445 Baker Street..............................250-352-0077

BAKER ST. GRILL (BEST WESTERN) 153 Baker Street..............................250-352-3525


FINLEY’S IRISH BAR & GRILL FISHERMAN’S MARKET FRISCOS (PRESTIGE LAKESIDE RESORT) 701 Lakeside Drive..........................250-354-1472

��������������������� FROG PEAK CAFÉ ����������������� FULL CIRCLE CAFÉ ���������������������

524 Victoria Street..........................250-352-2185


306 Victoria Street.........................250-352-2060


712 Nelson Avenue..........................250-354-1313



577 Ward Street..............................250-505-5515

518 Hall Street................................250-352-2744



705 Vernon Street............................250-352-5121

8406 Busk Road, Balfour..................250-229-4235 ����������������������



660 Baker Street............................250-354-1084

JIGSAWS COFFEE CO. 503 Baker Street............................250-352-5961

KC RESTAURANT 546 Baker Street.............................250-352-5115

KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN 1105 Lakeside Drive (Chahko Mika Mall)...250-352-2109


1418 Highway 6, Crescent Valley......250-359-7261

652 Baker Street..............................250-352-2912


702 Vernon Street............................250-352-9688

OLD WORLD BAKERY & DELI 450 Ferrylanding Road, Balfour..........250-229-4642


101-402 Baker Street......................250-354-4458

377 Baker Street............................250-352-2274




OSPREY MOUNTAIN GRILL 602 Queens Bay Road, Balfour..........250-229-4114


491 Baker Street...............................250-352-5353





2723 Greenwood Road.....................250-825-4464

301 Baker Street.............................250-352-3011

Highway 3A, Balfour..........................250-229-4771

1277 Highway 6, Crescent Valley.........250-359-6711



216 Anderson Street........................250-310-0001



422 Vernon Street............................250-352-5331

202 Vernon Street............................250-352-0325





318 Anderson Street........................250-352-3773

616 Vernon Street............................250-352-1712

616 Vernon Street.............................250-352-5570

Chahko Mika Mall............................250-352-2494


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Mamas love the fish.

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561 Baker Street.............................250-354-1112

UPTOWN TAVERN VELVET UNDERGROUND WAIT’S NEWS 499 Baker Street.............................250-352-5667

422 Vernon Street..........................250-352-5331



646 Baker Street............................250-352-3606

602 Front Street..............................250-352-5111


��� ���������������

411 Kootenay Street........................250-354-4646

616 Vernon Street.............................250-352-2715

536 Stanley Street...........................250-354-1667

5709 Highway 6, Winlaw...................250-226-7355

�������� 116 Vernon Street...........................250-352-3731


303 Victoria Street...........................250-352-1212

604 Ward Street..............................250-352-7661


636 Front Street...............................250-352-1999

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Page 22


May 5, 2010

Mother’s Day

needs & wants. shop local.

The Express wishes all the mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, younger years in College, the gifts of creativity and dedication to all that is inspiring, and for showing me through your adventures and actions that life is a wonderful place, and the world is beautiful big place. Your loving daughter, Mom, you amaze me with your ability to Leah keep moving forward in life, especially when life so strongly pushes you back. I Mom, we love you very much and hope you wish you the best everyday. Love, (I will use have a wonderful day. Dad’s name for me) “my girl” love runty & gabba xoxo Happy Mothers Day!! To the best Mom a girl could have !! Love you, Lala

Happy Mother’s Day Ma! Love you so much! Thank you for everything you do for the family. We appreciate and love you so much! Have a great day! JeanPie xoxo Wonderful Mom, I sure miss you, and love you so much. Thank you for the life that is so incredible to live, and for the love, the support during my

Mom, I wish you were here to share this great life, but I know that it is because of you that I am able to live so freely, strongly and passionately. You are an inspiration - you give so much, and ask for so little in return. I hope one day I can be half the mother to my children as you are to me. I love you and miss you so much. Love Ruth To my Wicked Step-mother, who is also a Wicked Weaver: Happy Mothers Day! Love, Robin

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Dear Mom - It is hard to be without you at this time. It is your reflection of me that I carry within myself. You are always in my heart. Much love forever. xoxo


Lil is back �������������� ������������������ ��������������� ������������� ������������������� �������������

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and booking for April 19. $5 off a Haircut and Free Haircut with purchase of colour or highlights. Offer expires May 31.

happy 4 birthday

global underground

we ���������� heart ��������

250-352-0888 466 Josephine Street


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May 5, 2010


Page 23

aunts, sisters and inspirations a wonderful Mother’s Day! To Pat: to my Valley mom, Thank you for the skating lessons. who is the best Thanks for all the car pooling and the presinever has been like the rest dents of... parked her bus and bought a bike Thanks for the fish cakes scooting everywhere she likes. And teaching me that canned milk is a tasty now she’s got a house on wheels alternative when on the high seas. Goin’ everywhere she feels Thank you for the puppy even though Dad retired and free hope you come and visit me....and the wanted to kill us. Thank you for convincing me that dark family brown hair was more beautiful and prexxx C

cious than blonde Thank you for the smoothies after getting To the greatest and cutest Mama in the my braces tightened. And the velvet pants. whole wide world, Thank you for your loving care, your Thank you for the tutu, the Mother Goose outfit and bikini bathing suits from Sears gentle ways and all the snuggles. catalogue. Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for your dark skin We love you with all of our hearts, And your dark eyes and even for the wiry Mila & Max grey hairs, just like yours! xoxo Thank you for teaching me to love walks on the beach To love the sun And how to love unconditionally. Happy mothers day, I wish we could be together. XXX from the daughter most like you

To my mother, I know I didn’t give you a gift on your birthday and I probably wont on Mothers Day if I am still sick with mono, so this is something I can do for you. All I really wanna say is I love you Mama, have a great Mother’s Day and every one else have a good day to.” Love Savannah Happy Mom-to-be Day Karen and Annie! You ladies are an inspiration! xoxo Steph

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513A Front Street | 250.505.5222 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������� ������������� ������������������������ ����������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������


Page 24


May 5, 2010




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