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IN THIS ISSUE: Report on Homelessness and Poverty in Nelson page 03


Wednesday August 11, 2010 Vol. 22 No. 36

independent since 1988

Frank Fletcher From the first City Council in 1897.


Tombstone���������� to be erected – 100 years late Don Tonsaker points to the vacant area where the headstone of Frank Fletcher, Nelson’s third Mayor, should be.


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Tombstone for Nelson's third Mayor will finally receive a headstone in the Nelson Cemetery after a���century of obscurity ������������������ SHARMAINE GRAY

1901 and 1902. Don Tonsaker stone to be created by Brenda mother when she eventually left also discovered ����������������������������� that Fletcher Fitzpatrick of Monumental her husband. He has no known ���������� was the original owner of the Stoneworks. The City of Nelson descendants in the area and died Fern Mine on Hall Creek and has issued a special permit for penniless. that Fletcher Falls and Fletcher the erection of the period headOne of Mayor Fletcher’s outCreek, near Kaslo, are both stone and reduced the normal fee standing contributions is the role he played in negotiating with the named after him. He also found charged for its erection. Little is known about Mayor CPR to release lands for the crethat Frank Fletcher lies in the Nelson Memorial Cemetery in an Fletcher. Born in 1855, he immi- ation of what is now Lakeside grated to Canada from England Rotary Park. This park constiunmarked grave. Tonsaker, current President and worked as a land surveyor in tutes an outstanding legacy that of the Nelson Heritage Society, the Kootenay region, providing will continue to serve Nelsonites engaged the help of two local his- some of the first published maps for generations to come. torians, Patricia Rogers and Ron of the area. His obituary lists Forgotten by history, and even Welwood to unravel the mystery. him as Master of the Masonic by his progeny, Mayor Fletcher Eventually a grant from Columbia Lodge. He had three children, will be honoured by the overdue Winery Direct Prices Basin Trust was secured for the Frances, Hope and Hugh. The placement of a tombstone at his Hundreds of BC construction of a period tomb- latter moved to Alberta withWines their grave site in the Masonic section Parking, Too!

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When Don and Rose Tonsaker bought their turn-of-the-century home in Nelson, they discovered more than an Edwardian architectural jewel; they uncovered a mystery. Frank Fletcher had built the house, complete with five fireplaces and a grass tennis court, in 1897. It is located at 306 Silica St. He then went on to serve as one of Nelson’s first Aldermen before being elected as Nelson’s third Mayor, serving for two terms in


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of the cemetery. The date for this event will be announced at a later date. As it is, Don Tonsaker keeps a photo of Fletcher on the mantle of the fireplace in his dining room. Beside it is a Chohiba Cuban Cigar kept in a tooled leather case. Under Tonsaker’s care, the elegant residence is still home to soirees and gatherings as it was in Fletcher’s time. Mayor Fletcher would approve �������������� - for if there �������������� was anything he understood, it was the need for people to have��������������� a pleasant envi������������� ronment to gather and enjoy each other’s company.

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August 11, 2010


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Phone: 250.354.3910 Ad Sales: 250.354.1118 Fax: 250.352.5075

280 Baker Street , Nelson The Express is read everywhere, even in Japan! David Havemann and Sei Mikasa reading the Express in Kyoto, Japan last fall.

5-Day Forecast Thursday

Sunny High 32°C Low 15°C P.O.P. 20%



Sunny High 30°C Low 15°C P.O.P. 0%


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Sunny High 29°C Low 16°C ������ P.O.P. 10%

11 10 10 05 05 04 04 10 16

Street Talk Health Calendar Body & Soul Directory Check This Out Dr. Science Been Thinkin’ About Natural Nutrition Chew on This Restoring Order

03 11 07 12 06 13 15

News Op/Ed Arts & Entertainment Fun & Games Around Town Classifieds Homes & Gardens


554 Ward Street Nelson, BC V1L1S9

Publisher/Editor Nelson Becker

Office Manager Julia Gillmor

Production StephanieTaylor

News. The Nelson Committee on Homelessness report. Accounting Robin Murray

07 Arts. The Columbia Basin Culture Tour is finally here.

How to contact us Classifieds, Events Listings, Press Releases, Fish Heads and Flowers and Letters to the Editor can all be submitted via the Express web site: For Body and Soul Directory and Health Calendar listings please call 250.354.3910. For display advertising call 250.354.1118 or email



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Classified ads are free for the first 15 words and are 25c for each additional word. Deadline is Thursday at noon for the following week. One free classified per week per phone number. Commercial classifieds are $5 per week for the first 15 words and 25c per word thereafter. Free classifieds are not taken over the phone. Press releases must be received by Friday morning for the following week. Press releases for events will be printed in the Wednesday issue immediately prior to the event. Publication of event press releases is at the discretion of the Express. While we try to include everything we receive, there is no guarantee that a press release will be printed. The Editor reserves the right to edit releases subject to length, clarity and taste. Submit press releases to ISSN 1196-7471 The Express Newspaper is owned by Kootenay Express Communication Corp. Publications Mail Agreement #0654353. Paid at Nelson, BC. The Express is published every Wednesdays and distributed free to every home and busienss in the Nelson area, as well as Ainsworth, Ymir, South Slocan, Crescent Valley, Slocan Park, Winlaw, Slocan City, Silverton and New Denver, viia Canada Post. Businesses that wish to supply free copies of the Express please call 250.354.3910. Subscription rates in Canada are $54.60/51 issues (GST incl.) International rates available. Copyright 2010.


August 11, 2010


Page 3

Homelessness and Poverty in Nelson:

A report from the Nelson Committee on Homelessness, 2010


The percentage of BC’s children that are homeless

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In the category of detached single family homes, my specialty in property management, average rents have gone up

by about 15% over the past 3-4 years.


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in entry level positions can afford to

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What I wonder is how people working

rent anything at all.


- Lorne Westnedge, Member of the Community First Health Co-op and Property Manager


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From 2007-2009 all service agecies have seen their numbers increase significantly. Salvation Army Food Bank: 21% Stepping Stones: 29% Nelson Food Cupboard: 35% OurDaily Bread: 42% Salvation Army Coffee Time: 57%

Men outnumber women 4:1 at Stepping Stones

due to lack of funds and increasing demand.


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The number of lunches served at Our Daily Bread in 2009.

14,876: The number of lunches served at Our Daily Bread in 2003.

Government funding received by Nelson Food Cupboard: $0

2010: Our Daily Bread forced to charge a small fee for lunches To visualize how many people used the Nelson Food Cupboard in 2009, picture a lineup of 100 visitors a day, three days a week.

(This is only 50!)

Page 4



August 11, 2010

Employee housing in WH20 expansion

The Nelson Committee on Homelessness and Whitewater Ski Resort have been working closely to help alleive the housing stress that seasonal workers have the potential to create in Nelson during peak season. With the renovations to the hill will also come more staff accommodations, freeing up a number of within-city rentals. Whitewater and the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts forwarded new versions of the Master Plan Update. The significance of the changes to the Master Plan is as follows: Whitewater has committed to working cooperatively with the NCOH, the City of ��� Nelson, and the RDCK to find “opportunities to ensure long term housing availability and affordability” for its employees.

If Whitewater follows through with its commitments: Renters in the City of Nelson shall benefit as the number of employees whose housing needs are taken care of by Whitewater can make a difference in a small and competitive rental pool. The employees of Whitewater shall benefit as the allocation of employee housing is clearly outlined and consideration is given to its affordability in relation to the wages provided. The economy shall benefit from the commitment to local recruitment of employees, many of whom already have housing. The final version of the Master Plan was approved on May 31, 2010. -submitted

EcoCentric: Ask yourself, why is my house? Why is a house? �������� In Freudian terms it’s all �������� about control. A house is because people need com��������� fortable �������� environments in � which to sleep, eat, work and do other, less mention���������������������� able things. A house shuts ������������������������ out nature’s stormy tears ������������������������� and shuddering sobs, her icy heart and her bouts of ����������������������������� bluster. A house is because ����������������� we need to be in control of our environment. ����������������������� But a house is more than ���������������������� ������������������������� that. A house should keep out nature’s tantrums, but welcome and allow her kindness, her warmth and her energy. We could be liv-

eco centric Robin Urquhart ing in houses which allow us to take advantage of our natural environment. We seem to have forgotten this. Instead of over working to make enough money to heat our overglazed, under-insulated, north facing, 5000 square foot houses in the winter, we could be spending time doing what we enjoy. Your house should work for you, not you for it. But all is not lost. The beauty of a house is its

almost infinite mutability. Take a page from Christopher Alexander’s book, A Pattern Language and begin to re-examine the environment you think you know. Ask yourself some basic questions – where is the sun and where does it enter my house? Are there dark corners inside my house? Where is the soil in the yard moist or dry? Where does our water come from and where does it go? Where are the largest windows? Begin a personal green dialogue and ask yourself: why is my house?

We recently wrote that one indicator of a strong a country is how well it provides for the needs of its people who are unable to meet their own needs. This includes the very young and the very old among us, as well as the physically and mentally challenged. We have recently considered some aspects of local concern in these areas. A second indicator is the willingness of citizens to give back to their society by way of charitable donations and volunteer activity. Today let’s consider volunteerism as an activity among seniors and near seniors. To be fair, we hasten to point out that committed volunteers can be found among Nelsonites starting with teens and younger. But since at least the post-WWII era, the

Answer to Hard Sudoku

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see puzzle on page 12


Answer to Easy Sudoku


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see puzzle on page 12

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Crossword Answer



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We hope to reopen as soon as possible.

see puzzle on page 12 For inquiries, please call ������������������� 250-505-3622.��������������� ������������������������������ Thank you. Temporarily closed due to smoke damage. We will reopen as soon Pat, Sue, Jill & Margot

�������������� as possible.

been thinkin’ about George Millar majority of Canada’s volunteer hours have been logged by seniors. The obvious reason is the freedom that retirement brings. But as some older seniors step away from the volunteer positions they have held, Volunteer Canada executive, Don Lapierre, worries that boomers reaching senior status exhibit less inclination to give of their time than an older age cohort. Lapierre states that boom-

ers won’t volunteer out of a sense of duty the way some older seniors have done. He claims that the boomer group will ask first, “What’s in it for me?” He also indicates that boomer interest will be in short-term activities with immediate feedback of the impact these activities create. It seems that a gloomy future awaits us. But don’t lose heart. Let’s acknowledge that most of us, when we accepted an unpaid activity that benefited others, asked the question, “What’s in it for me?” Even those who volunteer strictly due to social or peer group pressure tend to feel good about completing the required tasks. Giving back appears to be alive and well in Nelson. Where are you volunteering this year?

George Millar is a long-time resident of the West Kootenay. Been Thinking About is an exploration of events and organizations in the region, seen from a senior’s perspective.

You know what they say about an apple a day I’m sure somewhere along the way you have heard a thing or two about apple cider vinegar? This special vinegar is made from fresh ripe apples that are fermented and undergo a stringent process to create the final product. The vinegar contains high amounts of vitamins, beta-carotene, pectin, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, sulphur and iron. The ACV must be in raw and unfiltered form, which means it will contain “mother.” This is the cloudy substance that settles at the bottom of the ���������� bottle. Generic brands will not have the same health

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Robin Urquhart is the coordinator for the Kootenay/Rockies leaf of the Cascadia Regional Green Building Council and assistant manager of The Building Tree.

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Where are you volunteering this year?

benefits as they are often heated through the process of pasteurization. This heat destroy’s the beneficial bacteria and enzymes found in raw sources. *BRAGG and Omega brands are great choices and are sold at the Nelson Co-op. ACV has been hailed as the “Wonder Drug” for it has been helpful in cases of constipation, headaches, arthritis, weak bones, indigestion, high cholesterol, diarrhea, eczema, sore eyes, chronic fatigue, mild food poisoning, hair loss, high blood pressure and obesity. It has a reputation for fighting fungal and bacterial infections

natural nutrition Jenn Keirstead Use apple cider vinegar in preparing salad dressings. Mix with extra-virgin olive oil, raw honey and sea salt and pepper to taste. Use this vinegar to pickle your garden vegetables and for marinating organic meats. It can also be taken as a tonic; mix one teaspoon in a glass of room temperature water and add raw honey to taste.

Jennifer Keirstead is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and is a member of the International Organization of Nutritional Consultants, and provides customized nutritional counseling. For a consultation call 250-509-1417.

thenews Redfish fire investigation still ongoing

At 6:16 p.m. on July 29, Nelson Fire Rescue Dispatch Centre received a 911 emergency call reporting a fire in the basement of the Redfish Grill. The blaze was successfully extinguished without fire damage to the adjacent buildings however water and smoke damage was sustained and is presently being addressed. The investigation into the cause of the fire is ongoing. Due to extensive fire damage within the structure, the cause is expected to be undetermined. The BC

Safety Authority, along with Nelson City Police, assisted in the investigation and several aspects have been ruled out, however it was determined that this was not a suspicious fire. The Nelson Fire Department is reminding all commercial operations to be very vigilant about discarding refuse which may be or may become combustible and the always store this type of material in metal bins with closing metal lids, whether inside or outside the premises.

Business Briefly

Nelson Culture Computer Services Grand Opening Friday, August 13 during ArtWalk at 535 Baker St., below Kokanee Camera Co.

There will be refreshments and goodies for anyone willing to walk all the way down stairs at Kokanee Camera Co. at this weekend’s ArtWalk and celebrate the grand opening of Nelson Culture Computer Services. The first twenty customers will receive a complimentary pair of earbuds as a thank you for coming to check out their shop. Nelson Culture offers a range of services such as: cinematography (event video editing and shooting), graphic design, web design, computer repair and custom desktop building, virus and malware removal, photograph restoration and editing, and video restoration and transcoding. Their shop fees are very reasonable because the nice people at Kokanee

Camera Co are giving them a great deal and they can pass our low overhead savings on to to the customer: Why should you have to pay for their rent? Nelson Culture has a number of personal audio-, PC-, video game-, software-, and electronics-based products to suit all your technological needs. If they don’t have it, they can get it, and at a great price; so feel free to ask. They give great rates to local business, and are not adverse to the barter system. As part of the Nelson Business Association they know the importance of supporting local business and welcome collaboration, cross promotion, and co-operation with just about anyone.

Around here we celebrate the colourful and the different in a town where offthe-beaten-track is woven thread-by-thread alongside the mainstream—mostly. But we all have our prejudices, even in oh-so-tolerant Nelson. What’s yours? A MacLean’s article crossed my desk some time ago that introduced an idea so out-of-the-box it could have been born here. It describes a “Living Library” held a couple of years ago in London, England, a place where prejudice is born of multi-cultural diversity and a tough economy. Available for loan were Lesbian Feminist, Indian Atheist, Police Officer, and Homeless Person, among others. These were not the titles of books, however; these were actual people. Patrons could “check” them out for a respectful, candid chat. They could even renew them.

On Thursday, August 5 at approximately 12:15 a.m. Nelson Police were conducting a check of Cottonwood Park for squatters and illegal campers. With the approach of Shambhala the last two weeks have seen a significant increase in people sleeping in the park, washing their clothes in Cottonwood Creek and leaving behind garbage and debris. As officers were conducting a sweep of the park one suspicious male fled is very in-bred then peron foot, running towards haps 20 Markers may be the Nelson Rod and Gun required to uniquely idenClub. The suspicious male tify individual bears. was wearing a camouflage For one study of bears bandana across his face that we looked at, it was and his actions drew the dr. science determined that 8 Marker ����������������������������� ���������� attention of police. sections of DNA would be Morgan Dehnel The suspect was located sufficient to uniquely idenby the rear door of the Rod tify each bear in the study. ing temperature cycle: (1) and Gun Club. Officers WGI typically uses Marker 94oC DNA chains break questioned the suspect sections of DNA where the apart, (2) 54oC anneal who claimed to have no length of these sections (in primer DNA sections to fixed address but was not terms of number of base the bear’s DNA, (3) 72oC a resident of Nelson. The pairs) is different for each DNA polymerase reac- suspect admitted to having bear. tion occurs to replicate a utility knife blade in his WGI purchases synthet- the marker sections of the wallet and some marijuana. ic primer DNA that will be bear’s DNA. This process A subsequent search of the used to isolate, and then is repeated 40 times so that suspect revealed a quantity exponentially increase the 2 to the power of 40 copies of marijuana, a small scale, number of marker sec- of the marker sections of numerous small clear bagtions from the DNA of each bear’s DNA is made gies and some .40 calibre each bear’s hair in a small (this amounts to about one pistol rounds. No weapon vial. This is accomplished trillion copies). or handgun for the ammuthrough something called a Next week we will dis- nition was found. The Polymerase Chain Reaction. cuss how WGI uses the one suspect was arrested for At WGI a machine called trillion copies of a bear’s Possession of Controlled a Programmable Thermal marker DNA sections to Substance. Controller (PTC-100) identify each bear. cycles the vial samples 40 ••• times through the follow-

Wildlife Genetics International – DNA Techniques



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check this out Anne DeGrace The aim is simple: to overcome prejudices by encouraging dialogue. If people talk to each other, they’ll understand each other better. The more disinclined one is to find out about someone, the more rewarding the experience may be. It’s a concept aimed at taking our assumptions for an airing-out, leaving our judgments flapping in the breeze. By the end of the lending period, a borrower might see their assumptions changed, or at least their empathies increased. “Books” and “patrons” must agree not to argue, preach, or convert. “Books”

are there only to tell their stories and answer questions. It’s a concept that has caught on. In Australia, one library runs a monthly version, with titles that include Muslim, Adopted, Sudanese Refugee, and Pacifist. The experiment has been so successful the country has embarked on a national strategy that extends to schools, increasing understanding and nipping prejudice in the bud. It’s a brilliant idea, one that would be great to explore some day when our renovation and referendum dust has settled, the better to de-mystify one another in a positive, off-the-beaten-track way. What might Living Books be in the Kootenays? How about “Logger”, or “Multiply-Pierced Young Person”? Anyone want to borrow “50-Something Writer-Librarian with Attitude”?

Summertime antics keeping cops busy

young children. She started Bumblebee Toys out of the aspiration to have beautiful playthings that encourage imagination and nourish the senses. Her store also has a strong emphasis on Eco-Friendly toys that are not only incredibly fun, but also environmentally responsible. Bumblebee Toys and Jillybo Billy are hosting a party celebrating the opening of two amazing web stores for kids. See their great products at www. and For more information email or

Dr. Science is in real life, Dr. Morgan Dehnel, a particle accelerator physicist, ������������������ and resident of Nelson. Please send comments or questions regarding this column to

Page 5

Anne DeGrace is the Adult Services Coordinator at the Nelson Municipal Library. Visit or call 250-352-6333.

Saturday, August 14, 2-5 p.m. at the Frog Peak Cafe, Crescent Valley

Last week we introduced the Nelson based company Wildlife Genetics International (WGI). This week we will discuss what it is that they do. Note that the typical DeoxyriboNucleic Acid (DNA) found in each cell of a mammal has about 3 Billion base pairs where adenine (A) forms a base pair with thymine (T) , and guanine (G) forms a base pair with cytosine (C). The 3 billion base pairs provide the code for our cells, and in turn our bodies grow, function, and reproduce. In the case of identifying bears, it is usual to require only seven or eight regions of an animal’s DNA that are about 100 to 200 base pairs long to uniquely identify the individual bear, and to determine whether it is male or female. These regions are called Markers in the lingo of the lab. If a population of animals


Where the sidewalk ends

Bumblebee Toys and Jillybo Billy Online Store Grand Opening Bumblebee Toys and Jillybo Billy are excited to announce their joint Grand Opening event at the Frog Peak Café. Balloon animals, face painting, kids fashion show, a special interactive kids theatrical show, door prizes and a $750 grand prize giveaway. Janet Skoka is the mom of six year-old Ryder and one year-old Jersey. She lives in rural Nelson in an off-grid eco home in the bush and spends her free time snowboarding, wakeboarding, and with family. What’s she doing with an online store? She likes herself a bargain! Sabrina Baker is a busy mom with two

August 11, 2010

On Wednesday, August 4 at approximately 12:30

a.m. Nelson Police officers were conducting a license premise check of a downtown drinking establishment when they came across a 22 year old male. The intoxicated make originates from Nanaimo but was in Nelson to attend Shambhala. A query revealed the man was wanted on outstanding warrants from Nanaimo for theft and failing to attend court. The male was arrested and lodged in cells. ••• Nelson Police received 24 calls for service on Wednesday, August 4, which is reflective of both the seasonal influx and the core city phenomenon the city experiences annually. ••• Over the weekend, August 6-8, the Nelson Police Department was kept busy with transient individuals congregating in

Nelson Police blotter the local parks. Several were requested to leave after the parks closed, as their intent was to spend the night. On Sunday alone, five tickets were issued for consuming alcohol in a public place. A reminder: fines under the Liquor Licensing Act have increased and the fine for consuming alcohol in a public place is $230. ••• On Sunday, August 8, a 30 year old male was charged with performing an indecent act and disrupting a religious service in one of Nelson’s local churches. He was released from custody with a court date set for November 9. His conditions upon release include not to go to this particular church and not to attend any church while a service is underway.

Bodard, Daymon Maurice April 10, 1953 - July 24, 2010

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Page 6

special events Wed. Aug. 11 NELSON’S COMMUNITY MARKET: The 400 Block of Baker St. WORKSHOP TO ASSIST you in developing a resume hightlighting your skills, abilities and accomplishments. Registration/information (250)352-6200

LOCAVORES’ FEAST, ART Show, Six Slocan Valley Minutes. Music/art 1:30; Potluck 6pm. Vallican Whole. CASTLEGAR FARMERS MARKET seeks vendors/per formers. Saturdays through Sept. 11th: 8:00am - Noon. Castlegar United Church. castlegarmarket@gmail. com/250.399.4439.

Sun. Aug.15

THREE AUTHORS, ONE Great Evening! Anne DeGrace, Vivien Bowers & Luanne Armstrong, Nelson Library, 7 p.m.Fri. Aug. 13

COLUMBIA BASIN CULTURE TOUR - Free self-guided tour celebrating local arts, culture and heritage ; 1-250-505-5505

THE CULT OF WILLIAM BROWN book launch and spoken word/ comedy per formance Cocoa-Nut Lounge 7pm FREE WORKSHOP ON how to go about finding work in Nelson. Registration/information or (250)352-6200

Sat. Aug. 14 COTTONWOOD MARKET, Cotton Woodfalls in Nelson. THE 2010 AIDS Walk for Life Theme Song Contest TALENT SHOWDOWN - music, food, silent auction! COLUMBIA BASIN CULTURE TOUR - Free self-guided tour celebrating local arts, culture and heritage ; 1-250-505-5505

DANCES OF UNIVERSAL PEACE 3 to 5pm at North Shore Hall. By donation, everyone welcome. Bring non-marking indoor footwear and a water bottle. Information: 825-0012.

Tue. Aug. 17 FREE CAREER EXPLORATION workshop to help you discover your per fect work. Info/Registration or 352-6200

Wed. Aug. 18 NELSON’S COMMUNITY MARKET: The 400 Block of Baker St.

Sat. Aug. 21 COTTONWOOD MARKET, Cotton Woodfalls in Nelson.

live music

Wed. Aug. 11

Fri. Aug. 13

OPEN MIC NIGHT with Estevan at The Royal.

SOCIAL DANCING EVERY Friday at the Royal Free. Mostly Swing, smooth, Latin. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

PAUL LANDSBERG with Friends @ Library Lounge GANGA GIRI & ADHAM SHAIKH @ SpiritBar, Hume Hotel DONE GONE STRINGBAND plays ���������� an Old-Time family dance at Eagles Hall.Advanced tix. Info:352-2704.

Thurs. Aug.12 ROB JOHNSON & FRIENDS @ Library Lounge SLEEPING WITH TUESDAY featuring John Paul Smith - Post-Punk, Ska, Rock & Roll all-in-one at The Royal

Sun. Aug. 15

Thurs. Aug.19

NIKKO @ Library Lounge

ROB JOHNSON & FRIENDS @ Library Lounge

OPEN STAGE VALLICAN Whole 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. By donation, 250-266-7796. 3762 Little Slocan River Road

Mon. Aug. 16 SARAH MCGLYNN & RICH Rabnett @ Library Lounge

Tue. Aug. 17

Thurs. Aug.12



August 11, 2010

JUDE DAVISON - sings classic songs and acoustic originals at Max & Irmas 6-9pm. BOUNCE BRIGADE & Hot Pink Purple @ SpiritBar, Hume Hotel

CLIFF MADDIX with Friends @ Library Lounge





SHEPHERD’S EVENSONG WITH Alpenhorn, Organ, Chant, and Singingbowls,at St.Saviour’s Anglican on Ward and Silica. 7PM by donation.

Wed. Aug. 18 OPEN MIC NIGHT with Estevan at The Royal.

ongoing events Wednesdays NEED INEXPENSIVE BIRTH CONTROL? Options for Sexual Health drop-in clinic. 333 Victoria St. 5:30-8 p.m. THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Info 352-6936 DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon meeting noon The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. GLACIER HARMONIES Women’s Barbershop Chorus. All welcome at 7 p.m. to Baptist Church, 611-5th St. Nelson. Dorothy 352-7199 or Joey 352-3393 PUBLIC MEDITATION 12 - 1 p.m. All welcome. Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre 444 Baker St. www. SAHAJ MARG group meditation please phone: Eleanor 352-3366 or Sarah 354- 9496 SHOTOKAN KARATE 5-7p.m. St. Joseph’s school gym 523 Mill Street.

CHOIR AT NDYC 3:30-5:30. Call 3525656 for details



NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE drop in noon-four. Free clothing/ food.420 Mill Street 250.352.9916 LEGION DARTS in beverage room, 7:30 p.m. info 352-7727 or email

Thursdays IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM IN YOUR LIFE? AA Meetings, Lunch Bunch at Noon. Into Action Big Book Study at 8:00 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. ACUPUNCTURE for ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 9:30 a.m. Located at 333 Victoria Street, 2nd Floor. 5057248 BIBLE STUDY JOY BAPTIST CHURCH, 6:30 p.m. 560 Baker St., Suite #3. Everyone welcome. SIGNING CHOIR (sign language) 3:30 p.m. at NDYC, 608 Lake St. REDFISH BADMINTON Ages 15 to 90 Mon Thurs 6:30 p.m. $3 drop in. Call 229-4346 or 229-4343 for more details. PUBLIC MEDITATION 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. All welcome. Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre, 444 Baker St. www.

ULTIMATE FRISBEE COED 6:30 Lakeside Field Everyone welcome

Fridays GENDER OUTLAWS, a support & social group for trans & gender variants. 354-5362. NELSON AA-F-TROOP meeting at the Cellar 717A Vernon St. 8 p.m. DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING TROUBLE YOU? Al-Anon meeting 8 pm at 601 Front St. A COURSE IN Miracles support/study group meeting at Manistone Wellness Centre, 507 Baker Street, #209, 9:30 a.m.-noon. All welcome. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS DISCUSSION meeting, 12 noon, The Cellar, 717A Vernon St, 1-800-342-7439.

QUAKER MEETING, 723 Ward, upstairs, 10 a.m.. 354 3859 WINLAW FARMERS MARKET. Herbs, produce, crafts and flea market. Venders and buskers welcome, 226.6492/226.7862 OPEN STAGE AT the Vallican Whole 6:30-9:30p.m. By donation, 250-2267796, 3762 Little Slocan River Road ULTIMATE FRISBEE COED 3:30 Lakeside Field Everyone welcome

Mondays REDFISH BADMINTON Ages 15 to 90 Mon Thurs 6:30 p.m. $3 drop in. Call 229-4346 or 229-4343 for more details. MT. SENTINEL SCHOOL South Slocan Badminton Mon Wed 7:30 p.m. 3597610


OPEN HOUSE, Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre. Meditation instruction and practice 7 p.m; talk and discussion 8 p.m; tea 9 p.m. 444 Baker St.

WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 357-2822.

BAHA’I COMMUNITY OF NELSON Please join us for prayers and an introduction to the Baha’i faith 7 p.m 354-0944

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Noon meeting at The Cellar. 717A Vernon St.

DIAPER FREE BABY / ELIMINATION Communication Support Circle, 4th Monday of each month 10 - 12 a.m. at The Family Place 312 Silica St.

THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Saturday at 1 p.m. For further info. Please call 250-352-6936. NELSON CHESS CLUB every Saturday morning, all welcome. Seniors Hall, 777 Vernon St. CHILDREN’S ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS Ages 4-7 at The Moving Centre. Call The Dance Path, Marguerite Wood, 359-2926. WALK IN PEACE: at Lakeside Park (at the gate), 1st Saturday monthly. 10:30 a.m. Be The Change. KUTENAI ART THERAPY INSTITUTE Art Zone Drop-In Open Studio 11-4 pm. 601 Front St. 250-352-2264. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS STEP meeting, 10 am, The Cellar, 717A Vernon St, 1-800-342-7439

Sundays WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 357-2822. PUBLIC MEDITATION 9 a.m. -- 12 p.m Mid-morning refreshments; come and go as you wish. Shambhala Meditation Centre 444 Baker St.

HERITAGE HARMONY Barbershop Chorus. Welcoming anyone! Tim 250825-9694 or John 250-352-6892 SHOTOKAN KARATE 5-7p.m. St. Joseph’s school gym 523 Mill Street NELSON BADMINTON CLUB meets at Mary Hall Gymnasium, 7 - 9 p.m. Everyone welcome. Anne 250-3527536 Guy 250-352-6330 DROP IN GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP. 7-9 p.m. at Broader Horizons, 905 Gordon Road, back door. ADULT BADMINTON @ Redfish School, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. $20. Bring racquet and indoor footwear. For info call 2294346 229-4343 229-4485 COOKING CLASSES EVERY Wed/Sun. Many topics to choose from. Contact Lorraine at or 250-352-3860 A COURSE IN Miracles support/study group at Manistone Wellness Centre, 507 Baker Street, #209 at 6:30 p.m. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS DISCUSSION meeting, 12 noon, The Cellar, 717A Vernon St, 1-800-342-7439.


WORSHIP SERVICES JOY BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a.m., 11 a.m, 6:30 p.m., 560 Baker St, Suite #3, 8254095.

SUFFER FROM AN Eating Disorder? Need Support?, 352-9598 after 6 p.m. or for more info. ACUPUNCTURE for ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 1:30 p.m. Located at 333 Victoria St, 2nd Floor. 505-7248

We can Anonymous

NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE noon - 4 for recycled bag sewing project. 250 352 9916

PARENT & CHILD TIME at the Harrop Hall. 10 a.m. - 12 noon Information: Lesley 825-0140

NELSON BADMINTON CLUB meets at Mary Hall Gymnasium, 7-9 p.m. Everyone welcome. Anne 250-3527536 Guy 352-6330.

SUNDAY MORNING WORHSIP, Community Church, Passmore Hall, 11 a.m.

ADULT BADMINTON @ Redfish School, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. $20. Bring racquet and indoor footwear. For info call 2294346 229-4343 229-4485

UNITY CENTRE of the Kootenays, 905 Gordon Rd. Broader Horizons. Back door, 11 a.m. Everyone welcome.

YOUNG FELLOWS OFF BOOZE AA Meeting 8 p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon

NELSON AA - Sunday Morning 10 a.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St.

NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE drop in noon-four. Free clothing/ food.420 Mill Street 250.352.9916

DRUG PROBLEM? help. Call Narcotics 1.800.342.7439


TOASTMASTERS 2ND AND 4TH Thursday (each month): Improve your public speaking, communication and leadership skills. ENJOY DRAWING PEOPLE? 7-9 pm, Until Feb 11. $60. KSA drawing studio. Ph 352-7646. HABLAS ESPANOL? GROUP meeting 2nd & 4th Thursday of the Month. Grounded 5 p.m. Todos Bieviendo NELSON KNITTING CO-OP: new knitting group. Everyone welcome ($2) Meet @ Anglican Church 12-3pm.

SUNDAY WORSHIP, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Slocan, 2 p.m.

NELSON UNITED CHURCH service, 10 a.m. 602 Silica St. All are welcome. ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH Service 10:15 a.m. 1805 Silverking Rd. You are welcome. 352-2515 ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Everyone welcome to 4 p.m. worship 21 Silica St. 354-3308 SAHAJ MARG group meditationplease phone: Eleanor 352-3366 or Sarah 354- 9496

NELSON COMMUNITY BAND Rehearsals, 7:30-9:00, First Baptist Church, 611 5th St, New members welcome. 352-6119 NEW OA MEETING 577 BAker St. 8 p.m. 1.800.611.5788. CAPOEIRA CLASSES @ 7:00p.m. Baker st. drop in, beginers welcome. Brazilian martial arts/dance and music.

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NIKKO @ Library Lounge

PAUL LANDSBERG with Friends @ Library Lounge

LAZY POKER BLUES Band bring their love of blues to The Royal


SUNSHINE DRIVE PERFORMS the closing hour at Market Fest on Baker Street. 9:00pm-10:00pm.

MAGIC BUS w @ the Royal

� ���������� OPIOU Hotel

JUDE DAVISON - sings classic songs and acoustic originals at Max & Irmas 6-9pm.

Sun. Aug. 22

Sat. Aug. 14

DARCY ALEXANDER HULA and his magical music. 9-11pm CocoaNut Lounge, 116 Vernon St.

SOCIAL DANCING EVERY Friday at the Royal Free. Mostly Swing, smooth, Latin. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

ALL AGES OPEN Mic every Tuesday at the CocoaNut Lounge. 6-10pm. Hosted by Rob Funk

NELSON TABLE TENNIS CLUB. 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at Blewett Elementary School when school is in session. 3529547 or 352-5739

GREENLAW (live dub soul electronica) @ SpiritBar, Hume Hotel.

Fri. Aug. 20

CAPOEIRA CLASSES @ 7:00p.m. Baker st. drop in, beginers welcome. Brazilian martial arts/dance and music.

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August 11, 2010


Page 7

A r t is meant f o r sharing



Not all of Amber Santos’ work is on canvas, and much of it has become part of the landscape in Brazil. However, many of her pieces will be on display at her studio, located at 702 Gore St., will be open to the public during the Columbia Basin Culture Tour on Saturday and Sunday, August 14-15.

Lisa Martin's work, titled “Dancing Flower Mural” is on display during the CBCT at her home studio. Details below.

Columbia Basin Culture Tour

displays, demonstrations or performances; and meet local artists, curators and historians in attendance at the participating venues. Tour brochures are available at tourist information centres and participating venues. Visit the website at to view full artist/venue profiles for further details on each location’s activities or register to receive a tour brochure in the mail.

Saturday and Sunday, August 14-15, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at various locations throughout the Columbia Basin

The Columbia Basin Culture Tour (CBCT) is a celebration of local culture taking place August 14 and 15. The CBCT is a self-guided tour showcasing local arts, culture and heritage offered at no charge to the general public. The public will pick up a full-colour printed direc-

Lisa Martin Saturdday and Sunday, August 14-15 at her home studio, 4517 Beasley Rd. W.

When Lisa Martin graduated from Ceramics at Kootenay School of the Arts in 2001 she set to work in her home based studio in Beasley BC. Martin’s work pays close attention to surface design, exploring embellishments she applies to both her vibrantly glazed, functional work as well as her large, one-of-a-kind wall murals. Taking inspiration from all the surrounds her, Martin’s work references everything from the ocean floor to the forests, to architectural blueprints. In 2007, she attended a course at the Metchosin International Summer School of Arts, which further expanded her foray into murals. Capitalizing on the unexpected decoration that result from primitive smoke firings, every piece of Martin’s work tells a unique story of its encounter with fire. The results can be seen in select galleries and private collections through out the region. Martin is

tory and use it to visit a number of locations such as artists’ studios, museums, art galleries, cultural centers and heritage sites throughout the Columbia Basin. This event is an opportunity for people to meet the participants “behind the scenes”. During the event attendees may: visit artists’ studios that may not regularly be open to the public; have an opportunity to purchase works directly from artists; visit art galleries and museums to view special interpretive

just one of the many artists taking part in this years Columbia Basin Culture Tour. Visit her at her studio at 4517 Beasley West Rd, Beasley on August 14 and 15. For more information and for a map to participating studios and galleries, go to

Fibre Artist Lesley Mayfield and Painter Richard Carver On now at the Nelson Library, 602 Stanley St.

In 1985, snorkling on the Mexican Caribbean coast, Lesley Mayfield found magic in the underwater world that inspired the rich colours and textures in the large fabric wall hanging now on display at the Nelson Library. “It was my first attempt at using textile as an art form,” Mayfield says. “My work has evolved, but I am still fond of this early piece for the very evocative memories it recalls.” Mayfield’s work will also be featured at Natasha Smith’s Studio at Passmore during the Columbia Basin Culture Tour, August 14

and 15. Also on display are selected paintings by the late Richard Carver. Carver was active in local arts and politics. He hosted an arts show on Kootenay Co-op Radio and was on the board of the Nelson and District Arts Council as well as the Nelson Municipal Library. A self-taught poet and painter, he approached art with enthusiasm and exuberance, evidenced in these works that celebrate the expressionist and abstract schools of painting.

Multi-media artist Terrance Houle Throughout August at Oxygen Art Centre, 320 Vernon St., alley entrance

Multi-media artist Terrance Houle is resident artist at Oxygen Art Centre for the month of August. His installations involve performance, film, video, photography and music, as well as collaborations with other artists. “I grew up on the prairies in

Alberta. I was an army brat, a skateboarder, a punk rocker, and a pow-wow dancer,” he says. “I went to ACAD for a fibre and textiles degree, but after two years I dropped out and moved back to the reserve to work at a gas station. That’s where people would tell me the craziest stories and animate stuff with their bodies.” It was this connection to the physical expression of language that prompted Terrance’s inquiry into the sign language of his people, the Blackfoot. When he discovered the book Indian Signals and Sign Language, he knew he had found material he needed to explore. He returned to art school to finish his degree. Later, he began a series of video installations entitled Friend or Foe, in which he dresses up in traditional clothing and describes different situations using sign language. “It’s performative work. I describe history in my own terms. I play around with what’s real, not what’s stereotyped about First Nations people,” he adds. He also has the context of

his own family history to speak about. As he holds up a sepia photograph of a stern faced man with long hair and robes, he says, “This is a picture of my grandfather seven generations back, a Blackfoot medicine man. His name was Cinika, which means Big Goose.” Houle continues, “The marks on his robe tell the story that made him famous. One night he and his men went to the neighbouring village and stole all their horses without any villagers even waking up. That’s how strong his medicine was.” Houle has tales to tell, so drop by the Centre to find him at work. He will be part of the Columbia Basin Culture Tour that will take place on August 14 and 15 from 10 am to 5 pm. On August 27 he will be holding a one night exhibition of the work he has created during the month. Throughout August, he will have the studio door open to visitors. Drop by for a chat or just to check out the multiple projects he has going on.

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Page 8

Briefly Sunshine Drive Friday, August 20, 9-10 p.m. at Market Fest, Baker St.

Sunshine Drive returns with a vengence! They bring there high energy mix of songs to the Nelson Market Fest on August 20. After having performed in and around the Kootenays for several years they’ve rolled out their new line-up of players who have recently played to a packed house at The Balfour Beach Inn. Sunshine Drive will be featuring blues, R&B, soul, funk, ska, Reggae, and rock classics as well as an original or two thrown into the musical mix.

Gathered & Recyled Art Starts Tuesday, August 10, 8 a.m.-10 p.m. at the White House Backpackers Lodge, 816 Vernon St.



August 11, 2010

Artist Jem was born in Rossland, BC, and returned to the Kootenays in recent years making Nelson her home since 2005. Jem’s art is made from


gathered and recycled materials she collects while walking outdoors and scouting around Nelson’s secondhand stores. She allows the materials she finds and her surroundings to inspire her work, and as a result her art is as original and interesting as the lady herself.

Rascalz on Tour Thursday, August 19, 9 p.m. at Finley’s Irish Bar and Grill, 705 Vernon St.

Canadian Hip Hop legends Rascalz are back touring nationwide, showcasing new material along with their award winning hits. Formed in Vancouver in 1991, Rascalz are Red 1, DJ Kemo, and Fit. As true originators, they continue to pay a crucial role in the artistic and commercial development of Canadian Hip Hop. As a group, they single-handedly thrust Hip Hop into the public eye in 1998 by refusing the Best Rap Recording Juno Award for their sophomore album,

Cash Crop, based on the fact that Urban music categories were ignored during the event’s television broadcast. The protest was heard loud and clear - the following year, Rascalz performed their hit, “Northern Touch”, with an all-star line up of Kardinal Offishall, Checkmate, Thrust and Choclair during the Junos live broadcast, and took home the Best Rap Recording Award for the same track.

18th Annual Salmon Arm Roots and Blues Festival August 13–15 at the Salmon Arm Fairgrounds, Salmon Arm

It’s another stellar lineup for the Salmon Arm Roots and Blues Festival. With world-class artists like Gord Downie and the Country of Miracles, Joan Armatrading, K’NAAN, Martha Wainwright, Shane Koyczan and the Short Story Long, Fred Penner, and over 40 more mind-

blowing acts, this year’s line-up is one of the best yet. From roots and reggae to blues and bhangra, the weekend is so jam packed with a wide range of musical offerings, you won’t know where to start. Check out who’s playing where and when, then start making plans for one of the best Roots and Blues ever! The complete schedule is now on the festival website. Full details on pricing are at www.rootsandblues. ca or call 250-833-4096. Need accommodations for Roots and Blues? Roots and Blues offers pre-registered camping just steps away from the festival so you never have to lose that cool festival vibe. Call the office to reserve a space.

group fuses live dub and soul with drum’n’bass infused rhythms and influences that stretch everywhere in between. The group has received high praises for their debut single “Warrior”. Touring has been a large part of the group’s professional life ever since. With their highly anticipated album out and many more projects securely under their belt, it seems the sky is the limit for MC Ozzie and Skyla J.

Vote to choose your favourite theme song for the AIDS Walk for Life. Be there for the music, the pain, and the glory as this epic faceoff between artists comes to a head. Doors Open at 7:30 p.m. for the silent auction, and the showdown begins at 8 p.m. Tickets are available at Eddy Music or the ANKORS Office. Call 250505-5506 or email for more information.

ANKORS 2010 AIDS Walk for Life Theme Song Contest Talent Showdown

Saturday, August 14, 9 p.m. at the Royal, 330 Baker St.

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Greenlaw Saturday, August 14 at SpiritBar, 422 Vernon St.

Greenlaw is a live performance/electronic music duo hailing from BC. The


Saturday, August 14, 7:30 p.m. at Self Design High, 402 Victoria St.

Watch as the Kootenay’s emerging singer-songwriters strut their stuff alongside known local talents Lucas Myers and Krista Lynch, Lisel Forst and Robyn Lamb, Brahm Taylor, and the Black Albinos.


While navigating back to a post-shambhala reality, the Integrated Crime Unit and PK Sound have teamed up to bring a night of dance floor action. Bringing out some great DJ’s to keep the vibe alive, Fat Pat, BRon, Deeps and The Organic Mechanic will blend their individual styles to soothe those still reveling in the festivities.

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Romantic, adventurous, mysterious:

Download your blusher, swashbuckler, or potboiler free from the Nelson Library. ��������������������������������



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Wondering about platypus love? Science magazines and more online ��������������������������������� through the Nelson ����������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� Library. ���������������������������������������������

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1Girl + 4 Nerds = 1 Funny Show!!

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Only at Dance Studio at the Old Civic Centre - Sept. 9, 5-8 pm Some classes may be full by this time so register early!

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August 11, 2010

Page 9


Shepherd’s Evensong Sunday, August 22, 7 p.m. at St. Saviour’s Anglican Church, Ward and Silica


Castlegar resident, Bill Sloan, viewing the latest exhibition at the Kootenay Gallery., Ride Off Any Horizon.

Summer Exhibitions at the Kootenay Gallery Now through Sunday, Sept. 12 at the Kootenay Gallery, 120 Heritage Way, Castlegar

The exhibitions presently showing at the Kootenay Gallery include the works of Royden Josephson of Ashcroft and Asha Robertson from Kimberley. Robertson’s exhibition is entitled, Break Land. Working with mixed media, her paintings are executed using acrylic, graphite, ink and encaustic. Her subtle images incorporate the use of space, light ���������� and structure to challenge the viewer to consider the impact of humans on the landscape and nature’s ability to adapt


and reclaim. Josephson’s work, in his exhibition, Ride Off Any Horizon, is also influenced by natural structures yet he interprets these using bold colours and abstract, almost architectural images. He has chosen this style because he too wishes to demand a higher level of engagement from the viewer and a more dynamic imagination from the artist. “For both the viewer and the artist, the direction of imagination can ride off any horizon”. The exhibition galleries and gift shopare open Tuesday to Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday 12-4 p.m. - submitted

Mosaics, Mobiles and More! Sunday, August 15, 1-3 p.m. at Touchstones Nelson, 502 Vernon St.

Join Touchstones Nelson on August 15 for an afternoon of family fun. Inspired by a tour of Kristi Malakoff ’s current exhibition, The Golden Bell, families will create a number of whimsical take-home crafts including origami mobiles and fruit loop mosaics. Participants will also work together to create a mixedmedia mural which will be displayed in Touchstones Nelson.

The Family Days Workshop Series is the foundation of children’s programming at Touchstones Nelson. Through these programs, children are given the opportunity to take part in unique, handson activities that encourage personal expression and creative thinking through art-making. To participate in this two hour workshop contact Touchstones Nelson at

250-352-9813. Spaces are limited. Materials used throughout the workshop are included in the registration fee. Please note: In order to ensure all participants enjoy the workshop, an adult must accompany participating children and remain for the duration of the workshop. Adults accompanying minors participate free of charge. - submitted

Experience Gregorian Chant, Alpenhorn, Organ, and Tibetan Singing Bowls Concept, and arrangements and performance by Studio Cantilena in Shepherd’s Evensong. Direction is by Tobias F. Jenny with Sarah Currie on the organ. The selected texts reflect a shepherd’s life and qualities. They describe green pastures grazed by healthy cattle and cared for by good shepherds. They also remind the shepherd of the wonders of creation and what we can learn in listening to the animals and to the earth. The chanting of ancient cow calls, of Gregorian melodies, and the playing of Alpenhorn melodies share common ground in their archetypal simplicity, and tend to reach the listeners in a direct manner. The accompanying sound of the Tibetan singing bowls connects church and alpine, both of which are enriched and blessed by the sound of bells. This event is less than an hour long and admission is by donation.

Flight’s Path Opening Reception Friday, August 13, 6-8 p.m. at the Alfa Guild Gallery, 311 Broadway St., Nakusp

Flig ht ’s Path: Transforming the Innocent, is a new body of work by Kaslo mixed media artist, Eliza Fry. This collection of paintings examines the theme of transformation via images of children. Taken from old photographs, the images are removed from their original backgrounds, leaving the viewer free to attach his or her own “story” to each piece. The artist invites the audience to consider our tendency as a society to attach ‘happy” stories to images of children, when in fact the opposite may well be true. Fry draws from her long career as a child and youth counselor in creating much of her art and hopes to generate discussion of issues concerning children and youth today.

Darcy Sings Saturday, Aug. 14, 9-11 p.m. at the Cocoa-Nut Lounge, 116 Vernon St

The Cocoa-Nut Lounge proudly presents the magical music of singer/song-


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writer Darcy Alexander Hula. All ages are welcome at this event.

The Cult of William Brown Thursday, August 12, 7 p.m. at the Cocoa-Nut Lounge, 116 Vernon St.

Winlaw’s resident cult leader William Brown launches his new book “Chasing Rainbows” with a humorous and weirdly brilliant performance. The book launch will be at the Cocoa-Nut Lounge on Thursday. Many know him through his spoken word at Nelson’s monthly poetry slam, through his collage work and last year’s “William Brown Show” that toured the West Kootenay. Chasing Rainbows is a novella about a young man who literally chases rainbows to find out what’s on the other side, as a means of chasing his own dreams. With a knack for the bizarre and a hint of dark humour, combined with friendly antics, William Brown’s performance will be an entertaining one, enough to flip the sternest of frowns. For more information, contact



original. local. 20 minutes. all ages. SUNDAY EVENINGS, AUGUST 22 & 29 AT LAKESIDE PARK

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607 Front Street 250-352-7422

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Summertime means thirsty kids and thirsty kids are often looking for more than water to whet their whistle. A little juice on a hot day can be a nice treat and a source of nutrition, but kids who sip on sugary drinks often have no appetite at meal time, so limiting kids’ juice intake is a good idea. When you look at the facts, it’s not surprising kids who drink a lot of juice or pop are not hungry. Children drink three times more sugar sweetened beverages than they

did 20 years ago. A can of pop has about 10 teaspoons of sugar in it and ounce for ounce, juice has about the same amount of sugar as pop which means it has the same capacity to lead to picky eating, tooth decay and weight gain. The sugar in 100% juice comes straight from the fruit it was squeezed from, but juice shouldn’t replace fruit in the diet. Whole fruit is more nutritious and is a good source of fibre. If you buy juice, look for 100% juice, and limit juice to 1⁄2 cup -1 cup a day.

chew on this Tara Stark Beware of expressions like ‘drink’, ‘blend’, ‘beverage’, ‘cocktail’, ‘splash’, or ‘made with real juice.’ These expressions usually indicate that sugar has been added to the beverage. And beware of beverages sold in huge portions.

A big gulp can have up to 50 teaspoons of sugar! Imagine serving your child 50 sugar cubes for a snack. It’s not surprising there is little room left for lunch. Instead of sweet drinks, offer thirsty children water. Replace the juice jug in your fridge with a pitcher of water. Keep the freezer full of ice and involve children in slicing limes and lemons for the water jug. Save juice, milk, and milk alternates such as unsweetened soy or rice milks for meal and snack times when kids are hungry.

For more information on this topic visit or call 505-9854. Tara Stark is a Registered Dietitian who specializes in helping people optimize their nutritional wellness and prevent diet related chronic disease.


health calendar

drop-in classes and events


Hot days mean thirsty kids; give them more than sugar


Thursdays SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA �������������������� SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 8-9:30 a.m. Power Yoga, Valerie 10-11:30 a.m Prenatal Yoga, Donna ���������� 12-1:30 Anusara Yoga, Elissa 5:30 - 7 p.m. Hatha Yoga, Karuna 5:30-7 Restorative Yoga, Joy - 9 p.m. Yoga Basics Course, ������� 7:30 BELLYFIT FUSION FITNESS 8 classes/ $80

���������������������������������������������������� ����������������� 5 - 6 p.m. at the Moving Centre. THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST. Call Heather, 354-0492 11am-12:30 mellow flow- Jenna ���������������������������������������������� ����������� ���� KOOTENAY AKIDO 5:30-7 all levels ashtanga yoga - Jenna

5 - 6 p.m. Kids Class, ages 7-12 ������������������������������������������������ APPLIED COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class, 213C Baker St. 250-352-3935

6:30 - 8 pm. Adult class 525 Josephine Street, Information ������������������������������������������������ KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING call 250-352-0459 8 a.m. Abs & Buns Ball Class with ������������������������������������������ OM YOGA STUDIO Ali Popoff 9:30 - 11 a.m. Quantum Yoga, Alison �������������������������������������������� 182 Baker St. 250-352-9196 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-825YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG 0011 7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & KYOKUSHIN KARATE Fitness, 685-B Baker St 250-3522:30 - 3:45 p.m. Kids, 6 - 7 p.m. Adults 7897 Blewette Elementary School, Keith MINDFULNESS MEDITATION CLASSES Clughart, 551-3345 5:45 p.m. 4 weeks starting June FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 30 250-229-4793 at 212-507 1 - 2 p.m. Effortless Movement. Baker OM Studio, 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST 7:15 - 8:15 p.m. Reduce Stress, 5:30-7 all levels HOT yoga flowKutenais Finest, 182 Baker St. jenna arpita Judy Katz 352-3319, MIXED MARTIAL ARTS FITNESS GROUP 6-7 p.m. Lakeside Park 825.0030 QI-GONG & CHEN TAI CHI 7 - 8 p.m. Central School Gym. Info 250-505-4562 Chris Gibson

body & soul health directory


Kate Butt, Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine ...........................551-5283 MichaelSmith,Dr.TCM,10yearsexperience.............................352-0459 Shauna Robertson Acupuncture & Herbs ............................... 352-2167


6-7:30 p.m Aries Resort, 825.0030, FOLK FUSION SKIRT DANCE

3 - 4 p.m. Ages 7-11 All Levels. 6-7 p.m. Adult, Studio Alive, 352-0047 YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG

7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Fitness, 685-B Baker 352-7897




10 - 11:30 a.m. Rejuvanitive, Shayla 12 - 1:30 p.m. Hatha Flow, Donna

2:30 - 3:45 p.m. Kids 6 - 7 p.m. Adults Blewette Elementary School, Keith Clughart, 551-3345.



9:15 - 10:45 a.m. Intro Akido 213C Baker St 250-352-3935.

8:45 - 9:45 a.m. at the Moving Centre. Call Heather, 354-0492



Ages 5-8 10- 11 am Ages 9-16 11:3012:30 pm at Lakeside Park Call Daniel 352-7897

8 a.m. Abs & Buns Ball Class with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St. 250-352-9196

8-9:30 a.m. Power Yoga, Valerie 10 - 11:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga, Joy 12-1:30 Hatha Flow, Joy 5:30-7 Anusara® Yoga, Elissa






9:30 - 11:30 a.. Free drop-in Nelson Health Unit, 2nd floor Kutenai Building, 333 Victoria Street, more info 250-505-7200. KOOTENAY AKIDO

4 - 5 p.m. Akido Fun, ages 4-6 5 -6 p.m. Kids Class, ages 7-12 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class213C Baker St 250-352-3935. KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING

6 a.m. & 8 a.m. Boot Camp with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St 250-352-9196 YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG

7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Fitness, 685-B Baker St 352-7897 MIXED MARTIAL ARTS FITNESS GROUP

6-7 p.m. Lakeside Park 825.0030

11-12:30- beginner ashtanga yoga

Sundays 10-11:30 a.m. Prenatal Yoga, Donna 12 - 1:30 p.m. Anusara Yoga, Elissa THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST

11am-12:30 all levels ashtanga jenna


8-9:30 a.m. Energizing Yoga, Donna 10-11:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga, Anie 12-1:30 Hatha Flow, Joy 5:30-7 Anusara Yoga, Elissa 7:30 -9:00 p.m. Yin Yoga, Joy KOOTENAY AKIDO

6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class, 213C Baker St 250-352-3935. CONTACT IMPROVISATION DANCE JAM

7:30 - 9 p.m. all levels and live musicians welcome. The Moving Centre, 533A Baker St. Info 250352-3319 Judy.

1 - 2 p.m. Effortless movement. Kutenais Finest, 182 Baker St. Judy Katz 352-3319, YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG

7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Fitness, 685-B Baker St 352-7897 MIXED MARTIAL ARTS FITNESS GROUP

6-7 p.m. Lakeside Park 825.0030


10 - 11:30 Gentle Yoga, Maureen 5:30 - 7 p.m. Hatha Yoga, Karuna 7:30 - 9 p.m. Yoga Basics Course 8 classes/$80 APPLIED COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS

6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class, 525 Josephine St. Info call 352-0459. OM YOGA STUDIO

11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Shambhala Meditation Centre, 444 Baker St., upstairs 352-6132. QI-GONG & CHEN TAI CHI

7 - 8 p.m. at the Central School Gym. Info 505-4562 Chris Gibson. SARVA SHAKTI SADHANA CIRCLE

7-8 p.m. ancient siddhar yoga practice #209-ManiStone Centre, 507 Baker St, 505-7832 KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING

6 a.m. & 8 a.m. Boot Camp with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St 250-352-9196 KOOTENAY AKIDO

6 - 7:30 p.m. Intro Akido 213C Baker St 250-352-3935. YANG/CHEN TAI CHI AND QI GONG

7 -8:30 a.m. Summit Health & Fitness, 685-B Baker St 352-7897 GLOBAL RHYTHMS

5:15 - 6 :30 p.m. World music dance workout. The Moving Centre, 533 Baker. THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST.

11am-12:30 mellow flow- jenna 5:30- 7 all levels ashtanga yoga - jenna arpita MIXED CONTACT MARTIAL ARTS

6-7:30 p.m Aries Resort, 825.0030,

9:30- 11 a.m. Quantum Yoga, Alison 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-8250011

Whispering Herd - Counselling Equine Assisted Growth, Life Transitions, ................................................................ 354-7778




FrontStHairStudio,TheKeytoBeauty..........................................354-1202 Vadim Kristopher Hair Salon 560 Herridge Ln............................ 352-6700


Kootenai Pilates 540 Baker St. .......................................... 352-1600 JoyGreenHypnosis,TalkTherapy,EnergyWork.........................352-9927 REGISTERED MASSAGE


McKenzie Community Chiropractic .................................... 352-1322

BarbaraGosneyCCHRSHomCdn12yrs.exp...............................354-1180 Margo MacLaren Homeopathy.............................354-7072

D Voykin RMT, 30 Yrs. Hannah Somatics ................................ 505-5549 Dennis Keithley RMT since 1983, BSc Kinesiology available evenings, weekends and holidays .................................................... 354-8406 Valerie Nunes RMT @ Acupuncture Natural Health Clinic, new clients welcome ....................................................................... 505-3946 Colette Venier RMT Cranial-Sacral Therapy Viscercal Manipulation, $65/hr NO HST ................................................................... 551-0416 Caroline Vrba RMT Shalimar ...................354-4408 mobile 509-3400





Clearwater Art Therapy ......................................................... 505-1100

Shayla Wright certified life coach/mentor.............................. 352-7908 COLONICS

Hydrotherpy, Detoxification, Nutrition. U. Devine ....................... 352-6419 COUNSELLING & CONSULTATION

Sally Shamai, MEd, RCC, individuals & couples ............... 1-877-688-5565 Dienna Raye, MA., Counsellor and Life Coach ..................... 352-1220 Gail Novack, MEd. Counselling, Grief & Loss .............................. 505-3781 Jenie Taylor, BCST & Somatic Trauma Therapy ....................... 551-4022


Aura Defence & Pranashakty Canada. Power, Beauty, Healing. Jennifer Keirstead Reg. Holistic Nutritionist ................................. 509-1417 HOMEOPATHY


Sharon Best, Certified Adv. Hypnotherapist ........................... 354-7750 Irene Mock, Reg. .............. 352-7035 MASSAGE SERVICES


A Touch of Aloha, Lomi, Cranio, Structural, Sports ...................... 229-4424 Palliative Massage Course, July 9-18, 2010 .................. 1-800-611-5788 RUB IT IN Mobile & Studio, Deep T., Neuro, Sports ............... 352-6804

ShirleyEvans, CertifiedEnergyMedicine Practioner, Reiki Master.....229.2395/352.9890

Rolf Structural Integration, ............. 352-6611

Mountain Waters Spa, Voted Best Spa 2007-09 .................. 352-3280 Shalimar Health Spa, Voted Nelson’s Best Spa....................... 354-4408 Found, Nelson’s Aveda Concept Spa & Salon ..................... 352-7775 YOGA

Om Yoga 3067 Heddle Rd.,6-Mile, 825-0011 The Yoga Loft 625 Front St. with Jenna Arpita ........................ 352-7432 ShantiYogaStudio,Baker@Josephine....................................352-7703

David "Avocado" Wolfe is coming to Nelson! Tuesday, August 17 �������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� �����������������

Book signing at the Co-op 3-5 p.m. Presentation at the Hume Hotel, Hume Room 7-10 p.m. Get advance tix at For details, check out our website or ask at Customer Service.


August 11, 2010

Street Talk: What movie have you seen lately that you really liked?

Re: A Crying Child Dear Editor, While I am not the parent of the child that this letter is referring to, I am a parent of a child that used to cry and scream incessantly. Our family recently moved to Nelson, and prior to being here, we sought help for our daughter’s crying at the local children’s hospital. While we received fantastic support and services, no one was able to assist with her crying or determine a direct underlying cause. Our family had no fewer than six doctors working with us, several interns and nurses, infant development workers, psychologists, and a physiotherapist who were unable to determine a cause or treatment plan. We tried numerous alternative treat-

ments. We were finally directed by her medical team to let her scream. Our family was in crisis and no one was able to help. I am sure that the family with the child who is screaming 24/7 is well aware of the situation. I know that they are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and stressed. While I agree that this family needs immediate community support, I would also like readers to understand that sometimes no cause can be found for constant crying. A bit of sympathy and understanding is what this family needs, along with a few extra hands to help out. Stephanie Collinson Nelson

A successful tour

Boondock Saints II. I hadn’t seen the first one, but loved the second one, so now I’m going back to watch the first one. It was kinda old school, sorta 80’s, kinda kitch, and not over the top.

Scott Neuland, Nelson

Dear Editor, The secnd annual Edible Garden Tour has come and gone for this year, and it was a great success. My garden was on the tour and I had far more people come visit this year than last, despite the intense heat of the day. The conversations, explanations, and exchanges were a thoroughly delightful and

informative experience. I share my garden space with three other avid gardeners, and after 30 years of farming in the Kootenays, I have lots to impart, but also lots to learn, too. Did you know that you can not only eat the nasturtium flowers, but you can eat the peppery leaves as well! Everyone wanted to know about my buck-

wheat plants and enjoyed the ripe raspberries they got to eat. There were new gardeners and old hands, and 19 farms that opened their gardens for visitors this year. I’m looking forward to next year’s Edible Garden Tour already. Bonnie Baker Nelson

Y HST should be applied to junk food items only! ONLY if healthy foods are subsidized. IF it’s not good for you, tax it. THE tax should go into funding for altern at i v e / p r e v e nt at i v e modalities and not general government revenue.

I saw a movie called Ponyo, a Japanese animation based on the Little Mermaid Fable, and I recommend it to everyone. It’s amazing animation, its like a Japanese woodblock print in motion, and a very compelling story.

Will Taylor, Nelson

WHY should we get taxed to death? I’d rather die from junk food. JUNK food leads to ill health and consequently more of a burden on health care.

: 67 . 6 % N O ES

2.4% :3

Tikki Rood, Melbourne

HECK yes! Maybe then the prices on healthy food would come down. But that brings up the question, who decides what junk food is?

IT may be hard to define junk food, however. Lots of junk is packaged and sold as healthy option, but it still full of sugar/salt or fat.

TAX junk food and subsidize healthy food. Make it cheaper for people to eat healthier, and watch the positive effect on our health care system!

NO. It would hard to decide are junk foods. chips? Fries? potatoes?

DEPENDING on the junk food, it sounds like a good idea.

be too which Potato Baked

IT has become obvious that these “foods” are destructive to our health and therefore fall into the same category as cigarettes and alcohol. AND then we should remove tax on all other healthy products. MANY products should just plain and simple be removed from store shelves. THERE’S just far too much gray area in the definition of “junk food” and taxing it would just be fuel for controversy.

Publisher’s Note:

Movies are a family affair On Sunday, August 22 and 29, The Express Ne wspap er and Watershed Productions is sponsoring the 4th Annual Kootenay Express Summer Shorts Film Festival in Lakeside Park. This free family event is to give exposure to both experienced and up-andcoming local filmmakers. As we want to encourage quality, the films will be judged for awards. The Express Newspaper is dedicated to improving our human condition by facilitating interpersonal and inter-group communication. The film festival will show films that in many ways mirror each of us. It is also important to have a group experience of watching films

Fish Heads to people who steal from the poor. Shame, shame, shame on you. Put it back in the condition it was in when you snuck up and took it. - Don’t want to know you

Should there be a sin tax on junk food?

DON’T you think we pay enough taxes?

Page 11

with others, as that group experience, in many ways, deepens and makes more intense the emotional and intellectual messages that the films are trying to portray. Due to the success of last year, we have acquired a new projector and also will be utilizing a 10 foot screen for this year’s viewings. Last year’s films ranged from introspection, to education, to satire. They covered a wide range of topics. It is interesting to watch the development of our filmmakers as they go through various stages in their lives and work. All films will be 20 minutes or shorter. Come and participate and vote in the People’s Choice Awards.

Fish Heads and Flowers

the Question:

Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. I love road trip movies, they’re great. The Darjeerling Limited was really good too, and also a road trip movie. They are adventure movies with lots of comedy, different places and great characters.


TAX on junk food should be dedicated to health care directly. THERE should be no such tax on cigarettes or alcohol either. THE junk food producers should be held to stricter regulations for health. Fine them and collect the money that way.

Flowers to people who will speak to those abusing their pets during hot weather. They may not be aware of what they are doing and a kind reminder may prevent their pet from suffering. - Dog lover Fish Heads to drunken yahoos who murder sunflowers. Nature will never forget your face. Maybe you should go to the concrete jungle since you act like an animal and can’t be trusted with life. - Chauncey Gardener Flowers to the dentist and his assistant for being willing to attend to my elderly mother’s dental needs at a care facility instead of requiring her

to come to their office. Ample reason to choose a dentist for life! - Grateful daughter Fish Heads to the Shambhalaers who pay $300 a ticket, but yet eat at the soup kitchens and food banks while they are here. Please stop exploiting our community services. - Said with love Flowers to parents who teach their kids healthy boundaries for themselves and respect for others. - An admirer Fish Heads to all you women with loud voices who gossip in public places. Blah-blah-blah all the time might just get you into some trouble someday. - Tired of loose lips Flowers to those who respect our beautiful parks and don’t leave garbage and bad feelings in their wake. - A fellow park-goer

SEND US YOUR FISH HEADS AND FLOWERS! All submissions to the Express Fish Heads and Flowers section will be considered provided that no one is identified in the text or signature, all signatures are anonymous, and the submission is both concise and written in good taste. We reserve the right to withhold publication of submissions if these standards are not satisfied. To submit your gift of Fish Heads or Flowers, you may send email to, drop off or mail to 554 Ward Street, Nelson, B.C., V1L 1S9, or fax to (250) 352-5075. We will not accept submissions over the telephone. The Express cannot guarantee that your submission will be printed due to space limitation.

IN that case it should be illegal to give to children.

Letters to the editor & commentaries

I understand the logic, and I believe it is an infringement on our individual rights.

We encourage our readers to write to us. Please address letters meant for publication to the editor. We do not accept open letters. Letters must be short (200 words maximum) and to the point.

What’s your all-time favourite movie?

Visit to answer! To become a regular participant in the Express weekly survey, email with “Subscribe” in the subject line. Thanks!

We reserve the right to edit letters for taste and clarity, and the decision to publish or not to publish is completely at the discretion of the editor and publisher. Originals will not be returned to the writer and the Express will store the original in its files.

Commentaries can be longer (500 words maximum) and are more in-depth than letters. If you wish to write a commentary, please first contact the editor. All letters and commentaries must be signed and include your name, address and phone number. Only your name and the community where you live will be published. We will not print “name withheld” letters. Opinions in the paper are not necessarily those of the Express or its advertisers.

Page 12


Scopes by Stenya August 11 - 17 Aries

Taking a step back from the action this week may give you a different perspective on your current situation. If you have been looking for answers you may find them here in this place of solitude.


Are you trying the same thing expecting different results? If you are not getting the outcome your desire you may have to change your game plan. It’s funny how this can happen. Drastic action or major redirection of your energy and focus is needed now.

Gemini Time alone now can majorly boost your self-esteem and energy. Finding this inner reflection space can bring about building strong and solid identification of who you are.


Your open and generous heart can lead the way to building stronger relationships. The relationships in your life thrive because of the love you put into them. New bonds can be formed now that can last a lifetime, and old bond strengthened.


Work while you can, the energy you invest can be rewarded if you put yourself out there. Bring the full force of your unique personality to any situation in your life that needs refreshing and be willing to put in the grunt work too.


You may want it all right now, and it is quite possible you can have it. Just be careful what you ask for. Be honest with your intentions. Are you honestly ready to have it all?

August 11, 2010

Register now for fall sports While summer camps and events are still going on, registration for fall and winter programs begin. With an early registrain the zone tion date set for Nelson Kim Palfenier Minor Hockey, be sure to for the remainder of the meet the next, and final, summer: there is a skills registration date of August & drills drop–in camp on 18, 4-6:30 p.m. at the Wednesday, August 18 NDCC. from 6-8:30 p.m. at LVR. Registrations accepted There is also a footwork after August 18 are subject and conditioning dropto a $100 late fee, so you’ll in camp on Wednesday, want to make sure you get August 25 from 7-8:30 in before then. Completed p.m. at LVR. registration forms with Selkirk Saints Basketball payment may be mailed in Camps will be held to Nelson Minor Hockey or August 30 to Sept. 2 at the dropped off at the NDCC. Castlegar Campus. Selkirk Also, registrations for is offering introductory to Glacier Gymnastics will be advanced camps. For more held Sept. 2. Visit www. information call for 1304 or visit www.selkirk. details. ca/athletics/campusrecreThe Nelson Leafs sea- ation/summercamps for sons passes are on sale at more information. the Nelson Regional Sports The Nelson Cycling Council office as of August club’s Fat Tire Fest is com23. Office hours are 9 a.m.- ing up soon. Downtown 1 p.m. To purchase passes Baker Street and the before that date, stop by Blewett Ski hill are the choNelson Ford or leave a sen venues of the August message at 250-354-8055. 21-22 event. Fast and See for exciting action guarantees pass prices and details. a fun-filled event. In the meantime, some Organizers are looking summertime activities are for more volunteer help. still available. Kootenay To get involved email Basketball is offering a number of opportunities Kim Palfenier is administrator for the Nelson Regional Sports Council. The Nelson Regional Sports Council can be reached at: Box 1190, Nelson, BC V1L 6H3 (250)352-3989 phone, (250)352-0046 fax, or

Easy Sudoku


This is a great week to be open to alternatives when working in group situations. Amazing things can happen when all team members are working with the group mind and can be on board with the bigger vision.


Change in your life may be happening now at a quickening pace. Once you have initiated the first action, like the domino effect, things begin to cascade as one thing leads to another. The final outcome cannot be known as this is a journey that needs your full participation to be fully realized.


Time to lighten your load. This can mean downsizing your material possessions, doing a major clean up, or a major release of any heavy burden or emotional baggage you are carrying around.


In any situation you find yourself in this week, only look at your own actions. Blaming others cannot in any way improve the situation. Only you can improve yourself.


This is a the week to tap into your inner place of strength and vitality. Asserting your selfconfidence in any situation will benefit your relationships with others immensely.


You bring happiness to others around you because you carry happiness within yourself. Bring this energy to any new situation or undertaking and your successes shall be many.


Hard Sudoku

Jumbo Wild Hike Saturday, August 21, 1:30 p.m. and 6-10 p.m. at the Vallican Whole Community Centre, Little Slocan River Rd.

As many of you know, Jumbo Pass (a beautiful area in the Purcell Mountains of BC) has been under the threat of ski resort development for over 20 years. There are strong arguments against the development in this area, from both an environmental and an economic perspective, and many people are opposed to it. Alissa Perry is organizing a hike on Saturday, August 21 in support of keeping Jumbo Pass wild. During the hike, she will collect footage in order to produce an online video to raise awareness of the Jumbo Pass issue and inspire further action in opposition of development. Take action! Let your boots do the talking, and join Alissa on August 21 in support of a wild Jumbo! Please contact Alissa Perry for more information at alissa_avens@hotmail. com. On the morning of the hike, start with a coffee at the Kicking Horse Coffee cafe at 8:30 a.m. in Invermere. After that, the group will meet between 1-2 p.m. at the top of the pass, which is marked by the beautiful Jumbo Pass Hut. Dogs on leash and kids are welcome. Access to Jumbo Pass from the West is not possible for hikers due to bridge conditions at KM 30. The Kootenay Lake

Forestry Service advises that the bridge will be fixed in September. To get to the trailhead, drive about 18 km past the Panorama ski area on Toby Creek Road, and take the Jumbo Creek forest service road up to the right (note that this road is bit rough). After approximately 15 km, you will come to the trailhead on your left side. It is signed. The hike is on a good trail, however it is relatively strenuous. It should take between two and four hours to get up to the pass. Please bring your own gear (including food, appropriate footwear and clothing, and water). Everyone is encouraged to bring their camera/videocamera to capture the events of the day. Perry will be putting together a video of the hike to inspire others to take action, and would love to include your photos and videos. The hike will proceed rain or shine, but will be cancelled in the event of unsafe weather conditions. Contact Perry if you have any questions. The link to the Facebook invitation: http:// 2402519228&ref=mf. Also, you can check out for more information on Jumbo. - submitted

Locavores’ Feast and Six Slocan Valley Minutes Saturday, August 14, 1:30 p.m. and 6-10 p.m. at the Vallican Whole Community Centre, Little Slocan River Rd.

This year’s event expands the concept of local abundance to include arts, music, culture, and, of course, locally produced food. Artists, artisans and musicians will be on site all day both Saturday and Sunday, as part of the Columbia Basin Cultural Tour. Action gets underway at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday. A 100-Mile Potluck will then set up at 5 p.m. Bring lots of food! Admission is by donation and a potluck item.

Six Slocan Valley Minutes (SSVM), where you and your friends provide entertainment, enlightenment or anything at all for six minutes, will get going after dinner. On Sunday night the Whole hosts an Open Acoustic Stage. For information and/or to sign up in advance for SSVM (you can also sign up at the door or anytime throughout the evening) call 250-226-7624. To find out more about the Art Show call Seamus at 250-226-6704.

Puzzle answers on page 04



August 11, 2010


Page 13

FREE reader classifieds can be submitted through our web site at Deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon sharp. First 15 words are free. 25c per word thereafter. Only one free classified ad per week is permitted per phone number. Free classifieds will not be taken over the phone. ANNOUNCEMENTS

Dimitri Nazaroff April 4th, 2010

Dimitri joined the family of Natalia, Ivaan, and Raisa at 9:36am, weighing 7lbs 5oz. and measuring 20 inches long. Special Thanks to Ilene Bell and the Kootenay Community Midwives, and the Nurses and staff at Kootenay Lake District Hospital.


KRIS WITT ACCOUNTING Company Ltd. Our office will be on summer hours (10 a.m. to 4 p.m., closed (Fridays), from June 25 through to September 3. ADIDAM STUDY GROUP All are welcome. 250-3544724 THE NELSON NEPTUNE Swim Club is seeking to fill three coaching positions for our fall and winter maintenance programs. A full description and application information can be viewed on the job postings page on our website. http://www.bcssa. Applications will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on August 20, 2010 ATTENTION RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SURVIVORS! If you received the CEP (Common Experience Payment), you may be eligible for further cash compensation. To see if you qualify, phone toll free 1-888-918-9336 now. Free ��������������������������� service!



PROCTOR BOAT HOUSE with 14' starcraft with new 50hp. Yamaha motor. $14,000. 250-509-1993 6HP EVINRUDE OUTBOARD with gas tank. Runs good. $600. Call 825-4405. CANOE WOOD & Canvas 16 ft lake, structurally sound $750 354-9774 MUST SELL 22' sailboat, radio communication, trailer, kicker, removable kitchen and more, $5000. 229.4934 SAILBOAT, CAPRI (CATALINA) 13foot daysailer with trailer. No work needed. Sail tomorrow. $950 obo. 354-2968.

BABY JOGGER SINGLE Stroller: Excellent, like-new, clean condition. One piece framework. Manual included. $250obo. 250-354-4415 ERGO CARRIER FOR sale. Just like new. $100.00 firm (new $151.00). Call 250-229-4482. KELTY 'ELITE' BACKPACK w/raincover & bags. Richmond 'RidgeRunner' 3-wheel stroller w/raincover. Wooden 'rocking-duck'. Price: BEST OFFER 354-0449 WANTED:LITTLE TIKES CLASSIC Table & Chair Set & Small Wagon Phone 352 5496



COMMISSION TRAVELONLY HAS 500 agents across Canada. Business opportunities with low investment, unlimited income potential, generous tax/travel benefits. Run your travel company, full-time, part-time from home. Register for FREE seminar, HYPERLINK “http://www.travelonly. ca”, 1-800-6081117, Ext. 2020. PARTNER SOUGHT FOR new 40’ cruising catamaran arriving Fall 2010. Professional maintenance. Optional revenue from charter. 604-669-2248 ext 2. HYPERLINK “” www. J E W E L L E RY SALES OPPORTUNITY! NEW line to Canada, trendy, affordable! Work from home, pick your hours, earn GREAT money & vacations. Contact Christina for catalogue and business information. HYPERLINK “mailto:”, 403.889.4521. BE YOUR OWN BOSS with Great Canadian Dollar Store. New franchise opportunities in your area. Call ���������� 1-877-388-0123 ext. 229 or visit our website: HYPERLINK “http://www.” www.dollarstores. com today.

IPOD TOUCH 8GB, still in package, white, Includes Extended Apple Care Warranty $200.00 250-352-9697

���������� ��� ����������

�������� BOATS




$0 DOWN & we make your 1st payment at auto credit fast. Need a vehicle? Good or Bad credit call Stephanie 1-877-792-0599. www. DLN 30309. WANT A VEHICLE BUT STRESSED ABOUT YOUR CREDIT? Last week 8 out of 10 applications approved! We fund your future not your past. Any Credit. Want a VISA? www. or 1-888208-3205. IF YOU OWN a home or real estate, ALPINE CREDITS will lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is NOT an issue. 1.800.587.2161. $500$ LOAN SERVICE, by phone, no credit refused, quick and easy, payable over 6 or 12 installments. Toll Free: 1-877-776-1660 www.

LOOKING FOR WORK? Check out our website or call (250)352-6200 for free information and assistance FLOORING INSTALLER. VINYL Sheet. 300SQFT total in kitchen and two bathrooms. 509-0075 after 8pm. KOOTENAY KIDS SOCIETY is seeking ECE PROGRAM ASSISTANT to be responsible for providing support to caregivers, parents and for maintaining toy library. For detailed job posting please visit Posting closes August 20/2010. HIRING EXPERIENCED COOK and barrista for busy cafe, please apply in person or call with resume at the Frog Peak Cafe. 250-359-7261 #1 IN PARDONS. Remove your criminal record. Express Pardons offers the FASTEST pardons, LOWEST prices, and it’s GUARANTEED. BBB Accredited. FREE Consultation Tollfree 1-866-416-6772, HYPERLINK “”

LOST: LARGE BLACK Lab Cross missing since Aug 1st from Thrums area. Call 365-1022. LOST WALLET WITH all I.D behind Share Nelson on July the 18th. 3529187 or 551-1897 LOST: PLAIN GOLD bracelet with hinge clasp. Last week of July. Sentimental value. Ann 352-7300 LOST BLACK LG flip cell phone by soccer fields (I think). Please phone (250)352-3861. LOST: 6 FOOT original Luke Brown painting on tarp-like material. Hwy 3 east of Osoyoos. Laura @250-2406544 LOCKED KRYTONITE BICYCLE lock. Claim by unlocking. Phone 250825-4472 and arrange to meet.



ONLINE, ACCREDITED, WEBDESIGN TRAINING, available for persons facing challenges to employment, administered by the Canadian Society for Social Development. Visit: . Space is limited - Apply today! FLOWER OF LIFE Workshop September 24-27. Earlybirds $333 by Sept 1st. Dania Kattara 250-354-0413

EMPTY WINE BOTTLES. You pick up. 352-9105 FREE WHEELCHAIR LIFT for van. You pick-up. 250-352-5451 FREE GAS BBQ & cover -- 7 y.o. -- Broken lighter, but otherwise works -- 354-4477. JADE PLANT APPROX.30 inches high & 30 inches across. 250-3522205.



POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR experienced Class 1 and 3 drivers with clean abstract, H2S, GODI, First Aid Tickets. Send resumes to HYPERLINK “mailto:” joe_ or fax 250774-6248. No phone calls. CHEAP TELEPHONE RECONNECT! Paying too much? Switch, save money, and keep your number! First month only $24.95 + connection fee. Phone Factory Reconnect 1-877-336-2274 ; www.

SPORTCRAFT TRX390 TREADMILL excellent condition $150.00 250.354.3315 DR. MICHAEL SMITH (TCM) is now accepting new patients. Offering services in Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nutritional and Functional Medicine. Experienced and compassionate health care. Individually designed healing programs. Please call 250352-0459.


ft. Transom for canoeing, rowing or ����������������������������������������������� sailing. 352 - 7602 CAREER TRAINING ����������������������������������������������� 16 FOOT STARCRAFT 50hp merc MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION IS EVENTS ����������������������������� and 9.9 trolling motor on a trailer. rated #2 for at-home jobs. Train from ������������������������������������������������� $1800 Call 229-4301 home with the only industry approved FLASHBACKS, 60'S & 70's Retro

�������� ��������������� 14 FOOT ALUMINUM boat w/tank, oars, 9.9 hp motor, offers to $1500 call 250.354.4633


school in Canada. Contact CanScribe today! 1-800-466-1535.

���������� �����������������������������

Collectables at Cottonwood Market, Aug 7th. Great Selection. Phone: 250352-4628


MISSING GRAY/BLACK FEMALE tabbie cat in Perrier Road area. Information please. Sorely missed. 250-352-2054 evenings. SINGLE CHARIOT BABY Buggy! Taken from my house in Fairview July 25! Sad MOM! Contact Police.

PEDIATRIC NURSING OPPORTUNITY registered nurse ���������� needed to provide in home nursing respite for infant please contact: Joanne Francis RN resource ability 1-250-612-1664 joanne.

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OUR 8 YEAR old inspiring photographer has lost her black dakine backpack w/bluecamera at taghum 250-505-0607 LOST YAMAHA NYLON string classical guitar on HWY 3 near Bonnington in black, soft case. 250-825-9467 LOST THURSDAY 22 July. Black Jacket on Pulpit Rock Trail. Bob 3526317 FOUND PINK LG battery (for phone?) in front of Kootenai Place. Pick up at Nelson Police Station LOST JULY 25. Green and blue handblown glass necklace. Between six mile and paradise. 250-352-6629

VINTAGE GLASS DINING Room Table, also lots of dishes and glassware 250-365-0165 PRESSURE CANNER $40, chest of drawers $95, large dinning table $45, mini trampoline $25, 250-359-7756 GIO 125CC DIRTBIKE $500 flexifoil 9m , 12m kites $500, dakine harness $75, hyperlite wakeboard $200, 250354-3314 2 DOZ. WINE BOTTLES - 750 ml; clean;$5 per dozen; Long White Wedding Gown $35; Ph. 250-3527144 ��� ��� WIRELESS CONNECTION WHEREVER you go with 2 inch� usb- ����� port internetstick Sierre Wireless $89 250 354 9618 ��� ��� 2 STARCHOICE RECEIVERS, plus one remote, $80 for both. Don't��� rent, ���� buy these cheap. 352-6570. BRAND NEW 12000BTU Split Air Conditioner Heat Pump.Complete system.Precharged.Easy to install $800.00 OBO 250-365-2669 COMPUTER CHAIR, ENTERTAINMENT centre, golf clubs(womens), card table (2 chairs), medicine cabinet (36x30x5), 250-3527850






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NOW HIRING - DELI MANAGER Kootenay Co-op is seeking a creative and dynamic individual to be our new Deli Manager. This position requires the applicant to possess skills and experience in all aspects of food service management including excellent leadership, communication and time management skills, customer service, inventory control, product selection, merchandising, human resources and financial management. The ability to work a flexible work schedule including evenings and weekends is also required. The successful applicant must be highly motivated to grow with this department into our future new store! We offer a competitive salary, great benefits package and a cooperative work environment.

Please apply with resume and cover letter before Friday, August 27 to: Deirdrie Lang, General Manager, Kootenay Co-op 295 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L 4H4 We thank all applicants in advance for their applications; only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Page 14



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August 11, 2010







PATIO TABLE, GLASS top, with 6 sling pvc fabric chairs. Excellent condition. $150. Phone 825 9424

NEW NORWOOD SAWMILLS - LumberMate-Pro handles logs 34” diameter, mills boards 28” wide. Automated quick-cyclesawing increases efficiency up to 40%. HYPERLINK “http://www.” - FREE Information: 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.

SLOCAN VALLEY BLACK Angus Beef: 100% natural, grass raised, grain finished, government inspected sides, front and hind quarters, ground beef, stew meat, organs and soup and bones. $100 freezer packs (one third roast, one third steak, and one third hamburger). Home of the Happy Cows! Farmer to consumer, delivered to your door. 250.226.7276 or 250.226.7054

2005 HONDA JAZZ Scooter, looks and drives like new, low kms, recently serviced, $5 fillup. $1400 OBO 3525045 BMW F650 GS Dakar, 2007, 25,000km, great shape, ABS breaks, heated grips, $7500. 250-355-2946 SUZUKI 500, 1981 like new, $1500obo. Lincoln Mig Flux Core welder $250 250.509.0060.

SET OF 4 Nokian Winter Tires. In good condition. Size: P205/60R15. $200 OBO. Call 250-352-0609 HEADACHE RACK WITH sides off full size truck 70.5” wide x 82” long. $200 obo 304-3535

1999 EXPLORER. GREAT SUV. 4WD, V6, auto, alarm, mp3, winter tires included. 170,000kms. $5000. 778-892-9522.


STEEL SCREEN DOOR & frame 3ft x 80" white. $90 call 229-4028 MOVING SALE: OIL space heater, double futon bedframe, hall table, coffee table, couch. Call: 551-0029 NIKON D40X 10.2 megapixel camera, 2 Nikkor zoom lens', battery charger.$675. 354.4100 weekdays NEW 12' AWANING for RV still in box $750.00 551-1564 3 NEAR NEW High Capacity Air Conditioners- Floor type $50-$200 Call 352-7228 PENTAX DIGITAL CAMERA Optio E10 6 MegaPixel Pictures and Movies, 2.4" screen. $65 OBO call 250.352.1806 VERY OLD INTERIOR/EXTERIOR doors with hardware, 2 screen doors, ceiling fan, newer stove. 250-3524610 BICYCLE TRAILER/STROLLER, MINT condition! Seats one child. $200 firm 354.8143 UTILITY TRAILER, MADE from Ford ranger truck. Heavy springs/suspension. Box,tailgate,frame in good condition 250-352-2051 VINYL RECORDS BUY,SELL,TRADE. turntables,amps and speakers. 226-6783 BOAT FIBERGLASS 14 foot 40hp Evinrude low hours $3500, portapotti 24 liter new $75 229-4544 2008 49CC GAS SCOOTER. Eton Beamer III, only 470 km, like new! Asking $2,000. 354-4613 TROY CHIPPER MULCHER, like new $300. 10" Radial Arm Saw $150. Heavy duty doors $20 each. 250226-7990 DOG CRATE: VARI Kennel large, $65, Half-size fridge, $60. All excellent condition. 250-505-2072, LEATHER M/C JACKET, size 40, $100. Koolah oil skin jacket, size small, $50. Ph 352-6533. WHITE KENMORE REFRIGERATOR - 7 years old. Works great. $225 obo. Phone 250-505-9553. 10 ROOF TRUSSES for sale. 21' 2" span. make an offer. 250-359-0197 TRAILER, 28 FT. good condition $800, or will trade for a truck. Also fridge $200. (250)777-0825 WHIRLPOOL DRYER 6 years old works great bought a matching set. $125 obo 250-352-3559 FIBREGLASS 1 PIECE shower stall, Approx. 32"W x 80"H. $250 OBO. Am. Standard toilet $10. 359-7979 WHITE KENMORE FRIDGE for sale. 7 years old. $225 obo. 250-8254193 THREE SHEETS OF half inch dry wall. Good condition. $10 each you pick up. 250-352-3541. HITACHI VHS VIDEO camera: offers? 7 Doz.Mirror tiles: $5.00 Doz. 2 printers, 1 scanner........Free 250225-3464 GOLF CLUBS WITH pull cart $25.00; Canning jars $3.00/doz; Lazyboy rocker/recliner chair $75.00 250-3527223 DESKTOP PC, QUALITY Seanix 2008, Intel dual 3ghz, 19" LCD, fast 250GB, cam, $250, 505-1102 SOFA,FULL SIZE $250,SOFA chair $60 Table & matching chairs 100,TV older works $20 250-352-9562 SMALLER WHEEL BARROW $5, fall blooming crocus bulbs (saffron) 352.6762 BRAUN JUICER AND Food Processor in excellent condition, used very little. $250 for both. 226-7880 A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Don’t Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1-866884-7464.

CAN’T GET UP YOUR Stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift. Call 1-866981-6591. **HOME PHONE RECONNECT** Call 1-866-287-1348. Prepaid Long Distance Specials! Feature Package Specials! Referral Program! Don’t be without a home phone! Call to Connect! 1-866-287-1348. STEEL BUILDING SALE... SPECIALS from $4 to $11/sq.ft. Great pricing on ABSOLUTELY every model, width and length. Example: 30x40x14 NOW $8995.00. Pioneer Steel Manufacturers 1-800-6685422. GLASS/MOSAIC ARTISTS MOSS GLASS Works offers large quantity scrap stained glass Cheap! Call us! 250-352-1781

MISC. WANTED FRIENDS OF NELSON Library need your good used books for their giant book sale. Friday, Sept. 17th, 5-8pm and Saturday, Sept. 18th, 10am-4pm. Donations welcome at the Library until August 31. Please no magazines, encyclopedias, Readerís Digest condensed books or textbooks. NEEDED: KITCHEN TABLE w/o chairs. Exercise equipment (treadmill or bike), childrens swing, outside swing w/canopy. 250-509-0833 HITCHHIKERS GUIDE TO India,baking stone,small glass jars with lids,free working fridge 250-3552269 ELLIPTICAL TRAINER 226-7897 USEABLE GARDEN FURNITURE, willing to re-stain if needed must be good condition can collect 250-7770741 FRAMES OF ALL sorts and sizes. Contact Khy 250 352 0327 SMALL FAMILY NEEDS kitchen table, soft clean couch/loveseat & chair, exercise equipment, baby gates. THANKS 250-509-0833 WANTED: ICE CREAM maker with strong motor in good condition, stainless steel bowl preferred. 250-3537560.

MUSIC & DANCE YOUNG CHANG PIANO, excellent condition, 1992 model, $2800 OBO. 229.5645 TRUMPET - BACH TR 300 with case - good condition - $200 obo - call 551-2841 FENDER JAZZ BASS, mexico $450, Yorkville XM200t bass amp $500, boom cymbal stands $80, 250-6083548 GUITAR LESSONS, CLASSICAL and Folk. Beginners and Advanced, flexible schedules. Phone 250.551.9951

NOTICES PROCRASTINATION STATION: SIT around all summer and talk about what needs to be done. Call us and we'll take care of it while you do! Digging, trimming, Mowing, Cutting, Building, Fixing and hauling. References. Free Estimates. 354.7201

OTHER CHARMING HOME, 3BDR, great views and neighbourhood, wood floors, gardens. Christine & Kevin, or (250) 3529235 1981 HONDA XR200. Rebuilt top end/valves, good rubber, runs great. 250-551-4605

DATING SERVICE. LONG-TERM/ SHORT-TERM Relationships, FREE CALLS. 1-877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes. 1-888-534-6984. Live adult casual conversations-1on1, 1-866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local Single Ladies.1-877-804-5381. (18+). DENIED CANADA PENSION PLAN DISABILITY BENEFITS? The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic can help. Call Allison Schmidt at 1-877793-3222. HYPERLINK “http://www.”

PETS & LIVESTOCK SLOCAN VALLEY BLACK Angus beef has dog bones in 50 pound boxes @$44.99 delivered to your door 250.226.7276. Wayne Savinkoff KAAP PET ADOPTION Clinics are now being held every Sunday afternoon from 1-3 pm at STREETCLOTHES NAMED DESIRE, 598 Baker St. Come and visit! WANTED - LARGER cage for sick guinnea pig. Ours is standard size. Please call 505-1127 HOLISTIC DOG AND Cat foods, all natural. All Canadian. Wholesale and Retail sales. PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING with TLC. Pinky's Pet Parlour, 536 Ward Street Nelson. Monthly Specials 250.551.5501. AQHA REGISTERED QUARTERHORSE gelding, 17 years young, to good home with experienced rider. $1500. 825-4643 LARGE AIRLINE APPROVED dog crate (verikennel)32"longx23"wide,23 "high. $60.00. 229-2185 FREE 3M OLD kittens (gray), litter trained. They would love to stay together. 250 359-7772 DOG LOVERS! ENJOY a healthy, profitable career as a professional dog trainer. Government accredited program - student loans and grants. Ben Kersen & the Wonderdogs. 1-800-9616616.8

PSYCHIC READINGS BIG PICTURE CHAKRA Readings with Evie Clare a report from your Higher Self, above Oso Negro evenings and weekends. Phone 250.354.1525 for info/bookings. Get your Knowing Going

RVS/SLEDS/BIKES 1980 TOYOTA HUNTSMAN 19' Class C RV, rebuilt, many new parts, FSTS, $7500.00 obo 250352-3248 1980 VANGUARD 23' class C motorhome, sleeps 6, has bunks, 130,000km. $5000 O.B.O. 250-3527006 2 FOR 1 BOAT AND RV 1984 open bow and 1979 24 foot GMC Motorhome 250-505-2888 $7000 1980 GMC VANDURA Camperized Van, 159000km, interior redone, very clean, fridge, oven/stove, furnace. $3500obo 250-505-4390 SHAMBALA SPECIAL 1970'S tent trailer furnace/stove work needs repairs to one side $250 obo 250354-7270 10FT "ALASKAN" TELESCOPIC camper. 4ft cab over required 65 in. tail gate opening $4000 250.229.5265

NEST OFFERS HOME support and postpartum doula care to Kootenay families. Visit www. or call (250)352-5894. PROCRASTINATION STATION: SIT around all summer and talk about what needs to be done. Call us and we'll take care of it while you do! Digging, trimming, Mowing, Cutting, Building, Fixing and hauling. References. Free Estimates. 354.7201 ORCA TRUCK FOR HIRE. Will do dump runs, moving, etc. Patrick 505-0612. HOUSECLEANER AVAILABLE RELIABLE, detailed, 6yrs exp. Housecleaning, Organizing, Decluttering, natural products, local references, Jenn 250-505-1822 FULL TREE SERVICE Big, Small, References and Pics available and Free Estimates. Insured. Same day service. (250)304-0708 or (250)365-1818 MAN WITH TRUCK: Site clean-up, new construction, yard work, moving. Call Mike 250-352-2889, leave message KOOTENAY STORAGE & Relocation. 20 years of exceeding expectations. Local and long distance moving. 250-352-5399 or 1-877-599-2795 NELSON DECK HANDS & Handyman Services: Deck repairs, prep for vinyl installation, rot detection, tiling. We can fix just about anything! Excellent local references Fred and Kris, 250.354.7175. GET YOUR NEWS OUT! Visit to post your newspaper classifieds online in a few easy clicks. Choose your preferred province or advertise across Canada. Best value because you pay a fraction of the cost you would pay to place ads individually within each province. Visit HYPERLINK “http://www.communityclassifieds. ca” today.

SPORTS EQUIPMENT HOCKEY GOALIE/PLAYERS EQUIPMENT(TEEN sizes)good condition, Mountain Bike Banshee Morphine hardtail, all custom, $850, call 825-0194 GOALIE GEAR. 30INCH Itech pads with matching blocker and catcher. Colour- black/white/silver phone 352-0109 WAKEBOARD,OBRIEN EDGE 143CM,BRAND new,never used. $325 board, asking $175. 250-3525067.

THANK YOU JOAN, LORI, TRACEY, Mike, Holly, Megan, would like to thank everyone who attended the celebration of life for Bert, sent cards, phoned and emailed. No words can ever say how much it meant to us.

TIRES/PARTS/OTHER 2009 "HARBOUR FREIGHT" 4x8 Utility Trailer. 1980lbs axle, tilting flat deck, like new. $700obo 3543542. 16" ALUMINUM RIMS with chrome centre, caps and lug nuts, 6 hole, fits Chev or GM. $240 825.0168

VEHICLES 2001 SUBARU OUTBACK. 160kms, power package, air, cruise, winters... $8200 OBO, 250-359-6699 VOLVO 760 TURBO. Repair or spares $300 obo. Four 195/65 R16 Studded Winter Tires $300. 250352-3691. 2004 FORD FOCUS ZX3 99,500km Black 5spd loaded sunroof, 2 sets tires $6500 o.b.o Mat 551-1407 92 MAZDA. GOOD tires, battery, muffler, mileage, fuel efficiency. $300 firm. Buyer tows. 250-3526714 1987 SUBARU LOYALE, reliable, new tires, fuel efficient, 1000$ obo. 250 509 0541 FOR SALE: 2005 Pontiac Vibe excellent condition. $12,000 obo. 5 speed, power windows,75000 km. Details - 355-2785 1992 TOYOTA COROLLA, auto, new brakes, fuel ppump, runs good $2000. 250.352.5237 1996 JEEP GRAND Cherokee. Good looking. Needs home mechanic work. $1000 OBO 250-352-0152, 1-250-304-9228 2000 FORD FOCUS. 90,000km. New clutch. $1800. 250-825-2222 TOYOTA COROLLA 1992 Wagon, 360kms, 4WD, new brakes, 2 sets tires, needs some work $1000. 3529980 1992 ACURA INTEGRA - lowered, never winter driven, good condition Z-rated tires on 17″ rims, extra set of rims, 151,000 kms, CD player. $4000.00 obo. Call 250.825.4425 FORD EDGE 2007 SUV FWD, 55,000km. Under warranty to 100,000km. Black, very condition, $18,000. 354.3118 Flo. '83 PORSCHE 944, nonrunner, complete, can be viewed at slocan city. 1-778-238-1289 1992 MAZDA MPV van, good condition, new exhaust, timing belt, 174,000kms, $1600 551.1088 4WD 99'CHEVY TRACKER EXCELLENT condition 4WD, Roof rack, Winter Tires Great on gas 6000.00 250-505-5040 1990 F250 EXTENDED CAB long box. Needs brakes but in good running condition. $1,000 OBO 250-354-8409 1989 F350 4X4 1 ton crewcab. old reliable trailer light/brake box, hitch, 400 motor, $750, 250-3520538 '90 4RUNNER, AUTO, V6, 280k. Runs well! $2450 OBO. 5056205 '98 4X4 RANGER xlt Mint Condition, No Accidents, Winter Tires, Needs No Work, $9500 OBO 250-505-3229 1997 F150 77,000KM Immaculate, canopy, 4x4, automatic, burgandy, stored inside. $9,500 obo before 15Aug. 250.505.5136 '87 F150 4X4 SUPER clean inside/out. Box liner, lots of new parts. 155,000kms $2200obo (250)354-1103 1997 WINDSTAR VAN 250.229.4334 after 6pm 1981 WESTFALIA, NEEDS work to run. Best offer by August 18th....must go! 250-352-5272. $1000 minimum.

VOLUNTEERING WEST KOOTENAY ECOSOCIETY needs volunteers to cover two hour shifts at the August 20th Marketfest between 6 and 10:00 p.m. and set up help for the Wednesday markets. Help appreciated! Kayli@ecosociety. ca


August 11, 2010


Page 15







ANTIQUE SOFA & chair, wood in good condition, needs new foam on sofa. Beautiful floral print. 1-250-5090833

423 SILICA HUGE moving sale! August 14 - furniture, clothes and misc. Lots of free items. 8 am to 4 pm.

COUNTRY LIVING. 4 BDs, 1 flat acre. Well water good. Very private. $169, 900. 250-357-9905

LARGE 3 BEDROOM house, 2 bathrooms,close to town. N/S, N/P, references. $1,600.00 + utilities. Sept 1st (250)551-9064

NEW, WELL-DESIGNED ONE bedroom apartment 5 minutes from Nelson; Views/Garden. $1000/month plus 1/3 utilities; N/S;N/P; 250-7771935

OFFGRID CABIN 75 minutes from Nelson for kind-hearted hard-working handyman-or-woman. Possible 4-acre site partner. 250-226-7311.

DESK $50, WATERBED $100, futon $100, 2 cherrywood tables $425, upright Newcombe piano $1200, 505 5052


BLUE LEATHERETTE SOFAHIDEABED, downsizing basement, take it away, no cost. 3525004DOUBLE BED FRAME c/w headboard and footboard, $140. Excellent Condition. 250-8254413Blue metal bunkbeds $50 twin duvet covers, white cotton $10 each or included with beds. 352-5355

GARAGE SALES HUGE GARAGE SALE - 709 Seventh St. Saturday Aug. 14 - 8:00 - Noon Something for Everyone!924 KOKANEE AVE. SAT. 14th Aug. 8:001:00 SAT/SUN AUGUST 14/15TH. 319 High St. near view. Kids stuff, records, household items, 1981 Westfalia (needs work, best offer of day takes it!). Come Monday before 2pm free leftovers.

LARGE ROTO TILLER NEEDS an overhaul $100, 250-354-4559DOORS (STEEL 32íí $175; Wood/cat access $90); new picture window $350, Mower $75; Chris: 250-3544240HAMMOCK FOR SALE. Just bought,new. Canvas. $55. 250 352 9303

2 BDROOM HOUSE, 10 minutes downtown Nelson, new flooring, parklike setting, $229,500 250 3523862 GROUND FLOOR CONDO, totally renovated. Open house Aug 6th 4-7, Aug 7th 12-4 101 191 Trevor St., Nelson, B.C. Info 250-3657273 or 250-365-9878 Photo's r_


5-YEAR-OLD HOME IN GLADE (30min from Nelson/20min Castlegar), custom-built, 2.67 acres, $549,000. ID#196406. 250-399-4535

FOR SALE: 16 Acres + Home on Slocan River Road 6 mins from Winlaw. Incredible views of the Slocan Valley and River - offers complete privacy in a beautiful natural setting. 2 Bedrooms (1 in loft), 1 bathroom $385,000. Call 250352-9335 for more information.

40 AC. PARCEL bt. Salmo and Fruitvale. Off the grid and very private. Combination of valley bottom pasture and treed hillside with mixed forest. Several year around creeks and building sites. $180,000. Leave message. @ 250-354-2772.

BEST VALUED HOME in grand forks priced to sell @ 294,000.00 stunning renovation split level entry

RURAL DUPLEX 3.36 acres $329,000 Nelson. Spring water, near school and golf course. Needs TLC 352-5355

WANTED: APARTMENT SIZE (7-8 cu ft) freezer 250-551-4743

FOR RENT 1 1/2 bedroom basement suite. Sept 1st. 250-505-7731 ONE BEDROOM APT. in Rosemont. $620 includes utilities. 250-352-1288 3 BEDROOM FAIRVIEW house, treed lot, creek, deck, N/P, N/S, $1400 plus utilities, Sept 1, 352-9835 3 BEDROOM FAIRVIEW house for rent overlooking Lakeside soccer fields. N/S N/P $1400/month 250-5052067 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT on Trevor Street. Coin-op laundry. $750/ month N/S Rentals@NelsonRealty. ca 250-505-2067 3 BEDROOM HOUSE on acreage near Winlaw. Furnished, lease required. $1200/month 250-5052067 SMALL ONE BEDROOM cottage at Bealby point no pets no smoking with w/d $700.00 includes utilities 250-352-5539 aft 6pm

Rooftop gardening takes top prize at Edible Garden Jim Benson’s innovative rooftop garden landed him the grand prize in this year’s Edible Garden Tour. Benson’s garden was one of 21 beautiful gardens on the tour this year, each crafted with care and brimming with fruit and vegetables. Gardeners braved the heat to share their secrets about building the soil, sowing seeds and storing their harvests. With the gardens ranging from tidy plots to wild spaces, there were more than a handful of gardens on the tour to pique the interest of anyone who participated. Sharing local knowledge about growing food ����������������������������� is obviously a passion that many Nelsonites share with this year’s tour organizer, Val Sanderson. Sanderson’s garden didn’t

1 BEDROOM APT. close to downtown. No pets. $695.00 plus utilities. References & lease required. 354-1900 ROSEMONT. LARGE 2 bedroom Sunshine Suite. Furnished. Separate entrance & kitchen. Includes utilities,cable,wireless. Close to Selkirk College. N/P N/ S. References. $1,000/month. Available immediately. 250-3526832. VERY PLEASANT 1 bedroom apartment with deck in a quiet uphill 4plex, $650/mos. call 250-825-9537


SMALL 1 BDRM House in Krestova 250.359.7177

LONG TERM EXECUTIVE furnished 1/bdm suite on the beach @ 1 mi. Inclusive with BBQ/W/D/ cable/internet $1200.00 354-3663

1BR APARTMENT IN heritage home near Nelsonís downtown. Main floor, separate entrance, free internet, laundry. $950/m includes utilities except electricity. 250-352-9545 2.5 BEDROOM APARTMENT lower Fairview. Gentle people able to care for wood floors. Ns/Np. 352-6779

LOVELY EXECUTIVE ONE bdm furnished suite on beach at 1mi. All inclusive heat,light,W/D/LCD/BBQ/ DVD/fireplace $1100.00 354-4485


REDUCED: FOUR-MONTH RENTAL starting September 1, gorgeous 3bdrm house, fully furnished, only $1200. Email cedarstreetatvictoria@


BRIGHT 1 B/R suite uphill Nelson. N/p n/s. $575 + util. 505-1115 3 BEDROOM SUITE 2km to Nelson. Spacious, W/D, yard, pets negotiable! $1150/mo+util. Sept 1st 352-7303.

3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, laundry, lower uphill, $1500 plus utilities. Sept to May. 250-509-0075 after 8pm


ROSEMONT 3BDRM, 1.5 BATH with large fenced yard and parking. Avail Sept 1st, $1350 plus utilities. References and 6 month lease required. Call 250-551-2768. Leave message please.

3BATH/5BED TIMBERFRAME HOME in Blewett available after August 31st N/S, N/P $1500p/m plus utilities 354-4400

LOVELY, CLEAN, SPACIOUS 1 Bd main floor of heritage house on Silica St. Bright, tasteful, close to Baker St. with large yard, front porch, shed, basement storage. Absolutely N/S N/P. References, 1 year lease required. $900 plus half utilities. 250-352-0960 or

run away with any prizes, but she says, “There must have been 50 poeple who visited my garden including a group on an organized walking tour. The visitors I got were so enthusiastic; I was answering questions for people, but I was also impressed ����������������������������� ���������� how many helpful tips people had for me.” If you missed the tour, check out the pictures which will be available on sustainability.inthekoots. com. A big thanks to Ellison’s Market and to all the volunteers who made this year’s tour a success. The event came together so naturally that organizers are ���������� sure it will become an institution; stay tuned for next year’s third annual edible garSUBMITTED den tour. - submitted Ashley Zorowni, urban farmer, gives Jim Benson the $50 gift certifi-

ON THE WATER, sandy beach, 2 bedroom + den on 3 acres close to town. Newly refurbished, neat and clean. $1600/mo +utilities (geothermal heat). Non-smoking. 250-352-5679

3 BEDROOM CONDO in Rosemont. Family Preferred. N/S N/P. Washer/Dryer Needed. $1160 a month. Zea @ 250-354-0207 800 SQFT 1/2DUPLEX, lower fairview, heritage doors and tub, $740/ mo &utilities, available September 1, 250-352-6311

RENTALS - COMM BEAUTIFUL, DOWNTOWN , stand alone building for lease. 2300 sq. ft., 601 Kootenay St. Please phone for details; 250-825-9932

RENTALS WANTED WANTED TO RENT or long-term lease. Single, mature, local woman in 60's, very reliable, quiet and caring tenant, non-smoking, non-drinking, no pets. Excellent references (10 years at present residence) requires a private long-term home on small acreage at or near 6 Mile. Please phone Rubiyah between 10:00am & 8:00pm. 250-229-4042

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cate that he won from Ellison’s for his rooftop garden.




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Lorne Westnedge ���������������� & Drew Evans: THE TEAM THAT ������������������ WORKS -- FOR YOU! Contact 250-505-2606 ��������������� Lorne at: ������������� Contact 250-505-2466 Drew at:

�������������������� Web-site. Each office is independently owned and operated ������������� �����������������������������

������������������� ������������� ����������������������������������

�������������� ����������� NEW LISTING!

Enjoy the privacy that this 4 level, 4 bed. 2 bath 1.29 acre treed property offers. End of road location and only 5 min. from town. Excellent garden area, good yard, and short walk to Taghum beach!


mls #K195680

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Only min. from the City & offering fabulous views of Kootenay Lake this 5 bed. 2 bath home really shines!Featuring established garden area with southern exposure,separate workshop and .32 acre property.

Located across the River in Slocan Park, this 11.4 acre property offers a flat area for construction at road level, shop, and good elevated building site. Recreation at your doorstep, only 30 min. to Nelson.

Outstanding views of Kootenay Lake from this private view lot.Included are cabin with deck, bath house, installed septic system, developed water system, excellent building sites, tranquility, plenty of sun!




mls# K195677



Page 16


August 11, 2010





MATURE RESPONSIBLE PROFESSIONAL seeks clean bright longterm rental, quiet setting, Nelson/area. Excellent references, cat. 250-295-7917

PROFESSIONAL FEMALE, LOOKING TO rent a house and shop Ymir/Salmo. Please call Sarah 250357-2307, or 250-509-1184.

ROOM IN SHARED Fairview home. Student or gentle person keen on learning. Ns/Np. 352-6779

SMALL LOCAL FAMILY need one-bedroom cabin/small house w'garden in Winlaw, longterm preferred 250-777-1077 excellent references. FAMILY WITH 7 year old boy seeking 2-3bdrm rental.Within 1/2hr of Nelson. Must be dogfriendly.(403)828-0640 YOUNG MAN NEEDS affordable short term rental in town. Clean reliable, references available. Pat 250.351.4809 4+ BDRM HOUSE w/Garage, yard for October. Nelson area. Me and three others. Thanks! MOM+TODDLER SEEK 1BDRM place Sept in Nelson N/S N/D N/P laundry essential dzitka@gmail. com local references

URGENT, 2BEDROOM APT/HOME/ SUITE needed for mom of one, all inclusive rent prefered. Jessica 250352-9737 2BEDROOM APT/HOUSE/SUITE, LOCATED close to Nelson, reliable mom of one, references available. 250-505-7694.

SHARED ACCOM. ROOM IN UPPER fairview house. Suits clean, responsible, semivegetarian. N/s,n/p $350+ utilities. (250)354-4874 to view. BEAUTIFUL, NEW FURNISHED house to share with working professional. N/S,N/P $1000/mo plus 1/3 utilities. 250-777-1935 FURNISHED BEDROOM WITH private bath available in large shared home for clean responsible person 250-352-1693

SHARING OUR HOME with you. Furnished room. Available immediately. N/S. $425/mo inclusive. Nelson 250-354-3922 FURNISHED BEDROOM TO rent in Rosemont,-female preferred. $500/ month, includes utilities, w/d, internet. Call Ann @ 352-9589

STEEL BUILDINGS MUST SELL! STEEL BARNS AND GARAGES! Save 45% on building kit and shipping. Ask about a FREE Steel Door too! FUTURE STEEL 1800-668-5111 EXT. 11. THE EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS are a great place to find what you’re looking for. Whether it’s an apartment to rent, an employment opportunity for your new puppy, Express classifieds are a great place to start. Visit www. to submit your free* classified today! (*15 words or less., non-commercial classifieds.)

Don't let fall's bounty go to waste

Now that summer is well underway, it is time to start thinking of the fruit that will soon be ripening in your backyard! Harvest Rescue is operating for its 5th year, by sending out volunteers to harvest the over-abundance of fruit. This is a project that is run by the Nelson Food Cupboard on the basis that the harvest is divided into thirds: 1/3 to the homeowner, 1/3 to the harvesters, and 1/3 to the Nelson Food Cupboard. By registering your fruit or nut trees early, you are helping to accommodate ���������� the higher than usual numbers seen at the Nelson Food Cupboard this year. In addition, by harvesting your tree, the incidence of bears coming down into town is reduced, keeping the bears, as ������ well as the residents, ���������� safe. In anticipation of a bountiful harvest season, a canning workshop will be held in the Fall to learn safe methods of food preservation. This was done last year with wonderful success! If you

How to organize your e-life

I know your electronic information never seems as visually cluttered as our paper world, but even cyber space can become cluttered and disorganized. Investing a bit of time to organize your cyber world is more than worth the results. First, searching through hundreds of documents for a specific item can become daunting; here is a tip to streamline your searches: Create an electronic filing cabinet, similar to a paper filing system. Use main folders with general headings and then place sub-folders within those folders for information that falls under that category. For example: main heading = Resumes and sub-folders = Jill’s resume 2008, John’s plumbing resume 2009, Jill’s cover

restoring order Jenn Heale letter, Jill’s references, etc.. Searching through ten main headings verses hundreds of miscellaneous files for a document will save you time and frustration. Second, keeping up with the daily ambush of emails can create quite a disorganized challenge; the following tips will help you manage your email chaos: Create and label folders to store emails you need to keep. Only keep messages in your in-box that you haven’t read. Once you’ve responded to the message,

Jen Heale is the owner of Neat-Organizing and Decluttering Service and a member of POC (Professional Organizers of Canada). You may contact Jen directly with organizing questions to or 551-NEAT(6328).

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Take a break.



Harvest Rescue volunteer picking pears in the Fall.

have extra jars that are clean, unchipped, wide mouth (250mL or 500mL), you may also donate them to the Harvest Rescue Program. Call the coordinator at† 250-551-8343 or email to register your tree, to make a donation, or for any other information. - submitted


page 12



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���� Organizing

Downsizing Decluttering Free consultation



delete it or transfer it to an appropriate file. For emails that require a later response, make a reminder in your calendar with the appropriate information and leave it in your in-box. Also, set aside certain times in the day for answering your emails so they don’t become a constant distraction. Third, schedule time in your calendar every six months or so to delete files and emails no longer needed. It’s just as important to declutter our cyber world; think about how much time is wasted on searching for missing documents. When our information is clutter free and organized it saves time, streamlines our searches, and eliminates frustration.

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