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IN THIS ISSUE: Thank you from the Kootenay Lake Hospital Foundation page 09


Wednesday October 6, 2010 Vol. 22 No. 43

independent since 1988

Point/counterpoint: the library referendum


Two Express writers take a look at both sides of the argument in this special edition. Read before you vote!

The library is a gateway to the Rejecting library referendum future for learners of all ages sends message to the RDCK after school. If the refer- improved hours and serMOSANG MILES endum should pass in all vice at the Nelson location The upcoming referenOn October 16 the three areas, the Library will and representation on the dum regarding the Nelson Regional District of Central partner with the School Library Board of Trustees. Kootenay will hold a refer- Board to establish new and Another major ben- Municipal Library presendum in rural areas E, F improved services to sup- efit of a ‘Yes’ vote will be ents taxpayers with an and South H. Constituants port youngsters, including increased funding from opportunity to hold the will be asked if they are outreach programs. These the provincial government Regional District of Central prepared to help establish programs would enable which provides grants to Kootenay accountable for universal library service young borrowers to access the library based on taxa- ongoing tax increases, says Al Dawson, a former in their area through an books and other materials tion income. increase in property tax. that are otherwise largely When asked about RDCK director for Area F The average homeown- unavailable to them. voter concern regarding for 21 years. “Somebody has to take er would be asked to pay If the referendum should increased taxation, June $36 yearly. The Nelson fail in any of the three areas, Stockdale, Chief Librarian a stand and say enough’s Municipal Library will pro- the planned youth outreach of the Nelson Library, enough on this taxation,” vide the expanded service. program would have to be replied that it is empower- says Dawson, who contends The issues raised by scrapped, leaving students ing for residents ‘to know voters aren’t being presentthe referendum are far- from outlying areas at a dis- that your contribution is ed with all the facts on the reaching. One key point tinct educational disadvan- of direct benefit to your Oct. 16 referendum. The is affordability. At pres- tage. The School Board can neighbours’ and that voters proposed service would ����������������������������� ent families from outlying participate in the develop- have���������� a rare opportunity to tax $10.30 per $100,000 of areas pay $60.00 a year for ment of the outreach pro- remedy a ‘have/have-not’ assessed property value for residents of Areas E, F, and a library card, a fee that gram only if students in all situation. South H to support library will double to $120.00 in three areas have access to The upcoming referen����������������������������� ���������� any area where the referen- the same level of educa- dum is important to the operations.���������� In Dawson’s opinion dum fails. For some lower- tional support. future of children from out������������������ income families, this will Should the referen- lying areas. Any voter who the RDCK and the library make the library service dum pass, projected ben- has ��������������� ever benefitted from a didn’t follow proper prounattainable. Nelsonites efits include: free univer- library must consider sup- tocol throughout the ref������������� enjoy free access to the sal access to all residents porting students entering erendum process. “Who library through taxation- regardless of income or an increasingly informa- requested the referendum?” ������������������ based funding. world. General he says. “The request came location; improved and tion-based Another key point is expanded library collec- taxation issues are better from the Nelson library... ��������������� accessibility. Many stu- tions including databases; addressed directly rather and that’s wrong. It should dents cannot use the satellite service in Slocan than����������������������������� through a negative be the people who ask for library as they must board Valley and up Kootenay vote that jeopardizes the it.” school buses immediately Lake; shut-in service; young. SHARMAINE GRAY

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He says he hasn’t seen a desire for expanded library services in the community. “I can count on both my hands the number of people that came to me asking that the library service be extended into Area F. That’s less than 10 people in 21 years.” In addition, while he understands the library wants this referendum to pass, Dawson says the regional district should not be encouraging people to vote for it and should have been more neutral in this process. He says the RDCK’s partiality on the issue is illustrated by its paying for a full-page newspaper ad and two mail-out flyers supporting the referendum. Dawson questions the Nelson library’s assertion that usage is increasing, thus necessitating the proposed taxation, saying, “When you look at it worldwide, library usage is declining, and these guys don’t seem to want to recognize that fact.” As well, he says area residents can just as easily use Selkirk College libraries free of

charge. Dawson also argues that the library has shown a lack of innovation and planning in securing funding for its operations. “They have not looked at alternative sources of revenue or alternative sources of reducing their overhead,” he says. Instead, “They’ve been solely dependent on taxing the taxpayer.” In particular, Dawson says, fixed-income taxpayers whose property values have escalated over the years will be hard pressed to pay the tax. Overall, Dawson says, “I don’t blame the library totally. I blame the elected officials.” Rejecting this referendum, he says, sends a message that taxpayers want more input on tax increases. Publisher’s Note: Al Dawson is a representative of the Nelson and Rural Area Concerned Taxpayer Associates, who are responsible for an insert in this week’s paper. All comments regarding the insert should be addressed to

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Oct. 6, 2010


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250-354-4089 280 Baker Street , Nelson

The Express is read everywhere, even in Ukraine! Bernadette Miles looking over the city of Lviv, Ukriane with her son Dylan and her Express newspaper!



5-Day Forecast


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06 13 13 17 04 19 03 14 08 04

Street Talk Health Calendar Body & Soul Directory Dr. Science Been Thinkin’ About Nest Building Nutrition Notes In the Zone Check This Out EcoCentric

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Phone: 250.354.3910 Ad Sales: 250.354.1118 Fax: 250.352.5075 554 Ward Street Nelson, BC V1L1S9

Publisher/Editor Nelson Becker

Front of Office Jessie Demers

Production StephanieTaylor

News. October is breast cancer awareness month Accounting Robin Murray


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07 Arts. The search is on for the next Cultural Ambassador

How to contact us Classifieds, Events Listings, Press Releases, Fish Heads and Flowers and Letters to the Editor can all be submitted via the Express web site: For Body and Soul Directory and Health Calendar listings please call 250.354.3910. For display advertising call 250.354.1118 or email Classified ads are free for the first 15 words and are 25c for each additional word. Deadline is Thursday at noon for the following week. One free classified per week per phone number. Commercial classifieds are $5 per week for the first 15 words and 25c per word thereafter. Free classifieds are not taken over the phone. Press releases must be received by Friday morning for the following week. Press releases for events will be printed in the Wednesday issue immediately prior to the event. Publication of event press releases is at the discretion of the Express. While we try to include everything we receive, there is no guarantee that a press release will be printed. The Editor reserves the right to edit releases subject to length, clarity and taste. Submit press releases to ISSN 1196-7471 The Express Newspaper is owned by Kootenay Express Communication Corp. Publications Mail Agreement #0654353. Paid at Nelson, BC. The Express is published every Wednesdays and distributed free to every home and busienss in the Nelson area, as well as Ainsworth, Ymir, South Slocan, Crescent Valley, Slocan Park, Winlaw, Slocan City, Silverton and New Denver, vi0a Canada Post. Businesses that wish to supply free copies of the Express

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International rates available. Copyright 2010.

thenews A plug for delicious pumpkin pie ���������� Rythym Dragons: boating for boobies Oct. 6, 2010


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It’s the season for winter squash and there are plenty of good reasons to include it on your Thanksgiving table. Squash is a source of beta carotene which is a phytochemical that belongs to the carotenoid family, a group of pigments responsible for the red, orange and yellow colours of many fruits and vegetables. The deeper the orange colour, the more beta carotene present –which puts pumpkins up there with carrots and sweet potatoes as some of the best food sources of beta carotene. Beta carotene supports health in several different ways. Here are the top three reasons to make orange vegetables part of your daily routine: First, beta carotene is

chew on this Tara Stark converted in the body to retinol, an active form of vitamin A. Vitamin A is needed for healthy eyes and skin, bone growth and healthy immune systems. It also plays a role in reproductive health and fetal development. Second, beta carotene is a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from damage that can be caused by free radicals. Antioxidants play an important role in maintaining health and preventing certain cancers and other diseases.

The photo credit for last week’s cover photo should have been to Vince Hempsall.

Third, beta carotene is fat soluble which means it circulates in the blood ����������������������������� stream with cholesterol and other fats. Diets with high intakes of carotenoidrich produce are linked with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. It appears that the circulating carotenoids play a protective role in the arteries. So just how does pumpkin pie play into this picture? Sure it is a decadent treat loaded with sugar and fat, but it also contributes valuable nutrition. According to data from the Canadian Nutrient File, one slice of homemade pumpkin pie contains about 7.4 milligrams of beta carotene which is more than what’s in a half cup of cooked carrots, and a lot more than in most desserts! Enjoy.


For more information on this topic visit or call 505-9854. Tara Stark is ��������������� a Registered Dietitian who specializes in helping people optimize their nutritional wellness and prevent diet related chronic disease.


������������������ Nelson Salmo Great Northern trail open ��������������� The Nelson Salmo Great been spotted in the area. ������������� bears. Bears that learn to


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Mary Walters (right) and Judy Deon are both breast cancer survivors and members of the Kootenay Rhythm Dragon Boat team. They joined Vernon’s Buoyant Buddies to represent the Kootenay Rhythm Dragons at the third International Dragon Boat Festival in Peterborough, Ontario. As October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, let’s wish these women well and celebrate with them.

You can remember someone special with your The closure was in coop- approach people, or are Northern Trail, formerly the gift to the Canadian Cancer Society To donate In Memory or In Honour: ����������������������������� of approached by people, may Burling Northern Santa Fe eration with the Ministry���������� | 250-364-0403 or call toll-free 1-888-413-9911 right of way is now opened Environment, Conservation������������������ be destroyed as a result of or mail donations to: Nelson Unit its entire length - Troup Officer Service and Wildlife��������������� an encounter that could c/o Canadian Cancer Society 908 Rossland Avenue to Salmo. The September Section and the Nelson City become dangerous. Thank Trail, B.C. V1R 3N6 ����������������������������� 17th closure was required Police. you for your cooperation. Please do not attempt to prevent encounters with - Submitted by the Grizzly bears which had to view or approach the RDCK


Please include: Your name & address for tax receipt Name of the person being remembered Name & address to send card to

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Oct. 6, 2010


30 per cent of BC kindergraten students struggle Conversation that matters West Kootenay Early Years supporters launch action plan

As a result of a comprehensive West Kootenay research project called “Understanding the Early Years” and ongoing consultations with community members, Early Childhood Advocates in the West Kootenay have just released the long-awaited Community Action Plan. According to Dorothy Kaytor, Early Years Coordinator for the Kootenay Boundary Community Services Cooperative, “Collaboration has been a fundamental principle in developing this Plan, reflecting the belief that raising children is the responsibility of the whole community.” This Plan is directly relevant to the recently announced fact that 30% of BC children are vulnerable; that is not ready for kindergarten.


Nelson-Creston NDP AGM Event Sunday, Oct. 17, 3 p.m. at the Nelson United Church, 602 Silica St.

Looking for a good night of local involvement and discussion? Come on out to the Nelson-Creston NDP Constituency Association’s Annual General Meeting on Sunday, Oct. 17. Everyone is welcome to all or part of the planned events. The AGM begins at 3 p.m. with formal orders of business including elections for positions on the Executive Committee. Members interested in joining the Nelson-Creston NDP Executive Committee are encouraged to contact President Gord McAdams at before Oct. 17. Michelle Mungall will wrap up the meeting with a review of her first 16 months as Nelson-Creston’s NDP MLA. Following the meeting there will be a traditional Kootenay potluck meal beginning at 4:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to bring a dish to share. And don’t forget to check out the silent auction items. ��������������������� These unique and local items would make great gifts or a new treasure for yourself.

Early years supporters in this region feel strongly that responsive action must be taken at the community as well as the regional and provincial levels. “To give young children the best possible start in life, we need to see sensible actions taking place with wise use of the limited resources available,” says Dorothy. “Although many issues affecting children and families are impacted by decisions made at the provincial and federal levels, much can be done within regions and communities.” The following six recommendations represent the “Calls to Action” urged for by Early Years Advocates and adopted formally by the West Kootenay Early Years Council in June of 2010:

Take action to create additional and affordable child care spaces. Strengthen and support coordinated efforts at the community and regional level. Strengthen partnerships. Build on and strengthen existing services for families. Connect with non-traditional partners. Consider the special characteristics of the region. The Community Action Plan identifies the what and who for each recommendation and a series of next steps. Accompanying the next steps is an invitation to stakeholders to identify their role and work plan for contributing to the Community Action Plan, and how they will coordi-

nate their efforts with other partners. Readers may view the full Action Plan online at (Understanding the Early Years) The Kootenay Boundary Community Services Cooperative ( KBCSC) was the host organization and the Early Years Office was responsible for the project. The KBCSC was formed in 2003 to work to strengthen its members and address issues of social well-being in the Kootenay-Boundary region. For more information on the Co-op, visit For more information about the Action Plan, contact Dorothy Kaytor at 250-352-6786 ext. 200

At 6:30pm a panel discussion about the local economy and about poverty reduction will be moderated by Michelle Mungall in acknowledgement of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Panelists will feature Shane Simpson, MLA Vancouver Hastings, Critic for Housing and Social Development. Other panelists include Jen Comer, the manager of the Creston Valley Farmer’s Market, Mike Stolte, Executive Director at the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership and Becky Quirk from the Nelson Advocacy Centre. For more information on the event contact Gord McAdams by email at gmcadams@netidea. com or by phone at 250352-3309. If you are interested in donating an item to the silent auction contact Della Macloud at

erable attention since early 2009 on Canada’s over onehundred year-old prison farm program. With all six of Canada’s prison farms on the chopping block and now in the process of being dismantled, Deconstructing Dinner will be hosting a special Nelson engagement with Kingston, Ontario’s Andrew McCann of the Save Our Prison Farms Campaign. McCann has become a familiar voice on the series and is a strong advocate of more responsible food systems. “Inmates growing food for themselves nourishes responsibility and rehabilitation, and makes our communities safer,” says McCann. The afternoon event will also host MP Alex Atamanenko who has been a vocal opponent of the closures. For more info visit www. or www.saveourprisonfarms. ca.

ent, open, and willing to receive what emerges from the unknown depths of your being. This workshop will give you every opportunity to rest in the freedom, in the power, in the compassionate warmth of presence, and to express yourself fully in this openness. When you express, when you find the courage to allow your authentic being to emerge, you become more and more fully yourself. Tuition is a sliding scale, and pre-registration required. Workshop runs Saturday from 1 to 5 p.m. and Sunday, 10-5:30 p.m. For more information, or to register, visit http://

The Future of Prison Farms




Saturday, Oct. 9, 4:30 p.m. at the Nelson & District Chamer of Commerce, 225 Hall St.

Through its ongoing ���������� series, “The Future of Prison Farms”, Kootenay Co-op Radio’s Deconstructing Dinner has focused consid-

The Alchemy of Writing Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 16-17 at the ManiStone Centre, 507 Baker St.

The Alchemy of Writing is a practice, a way of being. You discover this way of being when you are pres-

- Submitted by the Kootenay Boundary Community Services Co-operative

Drive One 4UR Community Saturday, Oct. 9 at Central School, 811 Stanley St.

Drive One 4UR Community this Saturday with Nelson Ford. Come to Central School on Saturday, Oct. 9 and test drive any of the available vehicles in the Ford line up. For each person who takes a test drive, Ford of Canada will donate $20 to the Our Daily Bread hot lunch program and $10 to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.

The BC Association of Community Response Networks and you Kootenay CRN’s invite you to attend Conversations That Matter, a regional workshop, in been thinkin’ about Castlegar on Thursday, Oct. George Millar 28 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. The workshop will shine a light Castlegar. Advance regon human rights for older istration is required, as a persons. Share your experi- free lunch is provided. ences and ideas for provid- Call Heather Von Ilberg at ing safer communities for 250-352-6813, or e-mail vulnerable adults, and learn heathervonilberg@bccrns. about promising approaches ca. related to the prevention ao Long-term readers of abuse of older persons. this column will know that The Community education about, and preResponse Network is a non- vention of, elder abuse is a profit organization with theme we’ve often written a mandate to do educa- about. Elder abuse occurs in tion and prevention work a broad spectrum of activiaround the issue of abuse, ties. It can be physical, emoneglect and self-neglect of tional, or financial. It can be older adults. For this work- perpetrated by family memshop, the CRN’s of Nelson, bers or by complete strangCastlegar, Kaslo, and Salmo ers. It can occur anywhere continue to partner with in the home, in institutional organizations in Creston, settings, or on the street. Fernie, Grand Forks, and Lets all do our part to others in the East and West provide the same rights and Kootenays. privileges to older persons The workshop will be at that we expect for ourselves. the Columbia Basin Trust “Do unto others...” really Building, 445 13th Avenue, does work. George Millar is a long-time resident of the West Kootenay. Been Thinking About is an exploration of events and organizations in the region, seen from a senior’s perspective.

EcoCentric: the o-word Those who study natueco centric ral systems will often argue Wendy Horan that the world is increasingly pushed to its ecologi- ture, new technologies and cal limits. The examples breakthroughs in medicine, abound: water shortages, there are nearly 7 billion poor air quality, dwindling and we add over 200,000 species, etc. These are but people each day. So how do we solve this a few of the issues facing us and many are trying desper- problem? Well, first we ately to find solutions but need to agree that human the problems only continue overpopulation is a major to grow. Yet, we continu- issue. We simply cannot ally appear to overlook the sustain this level of growth. one major issue that is likely The world is a closed system the source of most environ- with finite resources. At mental problems - there are some point, something has to give. How we remedy the simply too many people. The issue of overpopu- issue of human overpopulalation (or the O-word) is tion is up for debate, but the extremely controversial. So fact remains that we cancontroversial, in fact, that not continue on the same most people, including path we have in the past. many prominent academ- Agreeing we are the probics and politicians, refuse to lem is the easy part. The discuss the issue for fear of hard part is finding solubeing labelled incorrectly. A tions. Ethics, culture, and few have tried in the past rights and freedoms must including Lester Brown and be considered and findPaul Ehrlich and many oth- ing a solution will not be ers, lesser known. The raw easy (what an understatefact is that the global human ment) nor readily endorsed. population has increased Still, the issue continues beyond a sustainable level. to loom; a veritable gorilla When I was born, there in the room. At least we were 3 billion people on this could acknowledge it, and planet. Now, over 30 years begin to talk about it, before later, thanks to the applica- things are pushed beyond tion of fossil fuels to agricul- repair. Wendy Horan is a new Director at the West Kootenay EcoSociety. For more info contact the EcoSociety at or 354-1909.

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Oct. 6, 2010


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Homelessness Action Week 2010: October 11-15 Thanksgiving Dinner at Our Daily Bread Monday, Oct. 11, 5 p.m. at 812 Stanley St.

Last year, diners at Our Daily Bread shared their best solutions to end homelessness and what they saw as priorities. The Nelson Committee on Homelessness recorded ����������������������������� these suggestions and used them to prioritize their work for 2009 / 2010. This year, NCOH will report back to the diners on the successes and challenges from last year and will solicit new ideas.

emergency food and services for homeless people. Four New Units of Housing with Supports for Homeless People in Nelson Nelson CARES Society has added four new units to the Transitional Accommodation Program in town, bringing the total to eight. A support worker helps people who have ���������� been revolving in and out of homelessness for years maintain stable housing. Speaker TBA.



This is an opportunity for the public to gather and learn about important homelessness initiatives in the community. Some have made the press and are well known to the public, others are not. Panelists and topics will include: The Housing Need & Demand Study Councilor Donna Macdonald will speak about the recent report commissioned by the City to help the City and the Local Housing Provider’s Group identify priority populations and priority housing projects. 2009 Annual Report Card on Homelessness Celeste Le Duigou, Community Coordinator, Nelson Committee on Homelessness, will discuss the rising population of homeless individuals in Nelson, how the population is changing, and the increasing demand for

Community Connect Day Saturday, Nov. 20, 12-4 p.m. at Central School, 811 Stanley St.

Community Connect Day is a special event held every year to give people who are homeless access to a wide range of health and other support services all under one roof. This year it will be held again at the Central School Gym, Nov. 20. In 2009, there were 86 people who attended and

accessed services. To the extent they can, service providers deliver many of their services onsite, minimizing the need for referrals and follow-up. Services this year will include: • help with housing • a haircut • lunch (pizza, chicken soup, coffee, tea, dessert) • massage • ID clinic • legal information •employment information • confidential Hep C and

HIV testing • street nurses with health information • dental information and services • mental health information • music • how to get a bank account • info about debt and credit Access to these services helps to decrease the multiple barriers that result from poverty. A simple hair cut not only increases confidence but creates greater opportunities for employment.

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Community Forum on Homelessness Wednesday, Oct. 13 7-8:30 p.m. at the New Grand Hotel, Louie’s banquet room, 616 Vernon St.

Street Nursing in Nelson Recently, a collaboration of community agencies applied to the Interior Health Authority’s Community Capacity Fund to fund year round mobile nursing for the homeless population. One of the applicants will discuss the health issues faced by homeless people and how additional street nursing services would be of benefit.



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Page 6


Street Talk: Have you read any good books lately?

Yes, I’ve read Three Cups of Tea. Its about building schools in Pakistan. He was a mountain climber who was lost and a village rescued him and brought him back to health, so he promised to build them a school

Lou Coletti, Nelson


Oct. 6, 2010

Upcoming referenda: the future of library services in outlying areas Dear Editor, Why should people be shocked to pay user fees for the library when city residents are forced to pay user fees for necessities such as water and sewer? People also pay user fees for the Community Complex aquatic centre and the ice arena. We pay user fees for parking, building permits, licenses, and other permits. The City has the library as a draw card to steer shoppers from outlying areas to Nelson as a shopping and dining destination, so it is a bit of an insult to ask rural residents to pay for the library by taxation, since they are already paying for the City’s infrastructure through taxation and other fees. The infrastructure grants the City recieves from the federal and provincial governments come mainly from rural residents. Rural residents do not get grants for their water and sewer installations, they have to do it on their own. The City gets grants for many other projects as well, mainly

from rural residents. The building that was sold to the City for the library and police station was sold for a fraction of it’s true value by the federal government, paid mainly by rural residents. The white Provincial building that is used by City Hall was also paid mainly by rural residents to be sold to the City far below market value. The user fees that are currently charged are about twice that as expected tax increases for the average home owner. While the proponents for increased taxation say that it’s for using the library for free, they are forgetting that it’s not free when you pay more taxes. The proponents also forget to mention that the RDCK will be commissioned to collect the tax and foreward it to the City. That means that a large chunk of that money will be lost to administration and will not go for the purpose that it is intended for. There are other complications with involving the RDCK with the library, such as wage negotiations

and capitol expenses. These decisions are made by elected officials from two levels of governments and not the citizens, so there will be less representation of how their tax dollars are spent after the referendum. The proponents may also mention that other areas were conned into increased taxation for library services but these residents probably were not aware of how much they are acually contributing for municipal infrastrucure. The proponents also say that services will be increased to rural residents, but with the internet in the most homes, only a few people will benefit from specialized information found only at the library. As taxpayers who are frustrated with the HST, this is a good time for rural residents to have their say about how they feel about yet another tax, based on assets bought with their hard earned money, rather than paying for what they will actually use. Peter Nachbaur Nelson

A yes vote is a vote for education

I just finished the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy, and I really enjoyed it.

Paula Hrushowy, Pass Creek

Dear Editor, On October 16, residents of Areas E, F and H have the chance to vote yes to library service in their community through a RDCK referendum. This is our opportunity to say yes to education, literacy and resource-sharing in the rural Kootenays. If we vote to pass this referendum, there will be no additional fee for a library card at either the Nelson or Castlegar libraries. Both

the Castlegar and Nelson libraries will receive funding. The libraries will be able to access more grant money because they will have larger memberships. Hours and services at the libraries will improve, with late nights, enhanced computer databases and improved collections. If the Slocan Valley votes in favor, Nelson Library will extend satellite service to the area. If all three Areas pass the referendum, the

Nelson Library will collaborate with the schools to provide library services to students. We can have all this for the cost of one book per year. If you support library services in your community, please come out and vote on October 16. Kate Guthrie, Val Mayes, Lois Lawrence, Barbara Lindsay and Sharon Block Residents of the Slocan Valley

Commentary: What your library can do for you

Not a novel, but I chose it for their instructional value. I’m about the start a building program so I want to be sure I’m prepared.

Mark Stevens, Blewett

I like Judy Moody a lot because its really funny! She wants to be a doctor when she grows up. She collects all sorts of strange things.

Sierra Burjaw, Nelson

Many of us wear many hats. I have four that relate to this column: librarian, author, volunteer, rural resident. The author hat tells you that I care about literacy, books, and access to information; the volunteer hat tells you that community well-being really matters to me. Two—librarian and rural resident—are particularly relevant, the first because it gives me an inthe-trenches perspective on the upcoming Library referendum, and the second because it means that a nod to expanded library services in Area E means my taxes will go up. And so, with my heart on me sleeve and my hat(s) on my head, I’m going to explain why I think expanded library service is the best thing for community well-being, literacy, and the greater region. As a librarian I see daily the effect of the library on the people it serves. I see small children curled up in our armchairs, reading with parents, grandparents, and babysitters, or borrowing a stack of books. I see people checking out—and getting enthused about—documentaries, British mystery films, or trying out

the new books-on-MP3. I see computers that are always full with the jobhunters and the test-takers and the researchers. I see people who are learning to read, and people who are rediscovering reading. I see people for whom the library is a bright spot in their day. If you don’t travel, you don’t know what you’re missing. If you don’t travel through the gateway that the library offers, you don’t know what you’re missing, either. It’s a choice any of us can make—our world can be as small or large as we want it to be—but is it a choice we should be making for others? We can’t all travel to discover new countries and cultures, but we can all access the world through libraries. The volunteer-hat me knows that a healthy community is one with opportunities for its citizens. I don’t use the Recreation Complex, but I voted for it—and the increase to my taxes—because I could see its benefit to the well-being of our community. My kids are no longer in school, and yet I don’t begrudge my taxes supporting the education system. All children should have equal access

to educational opportunities, for the betterment of themselves and greater society. I’ll bet you feel the same. When it comes to expansion of library service, the pros are equal access, as well as a greater per capita contribution from the province, meaning a better collection and additions such as satellite service to outlying areas. The cons are an increase in taxes of approximately $3 a month for the average household. That’s barely a cup of coffee. It’s certainly not enough to buy a hat. But it is enough to buy yourself, your next-door neighbor, a senior on a fixed income, or the family of four making ends meet, or anyone for whom an open world would be a good thing, equal access to a richer present and a brighter future. To me, the answer is obvious, regardless of my hat of the moment. I want my greater community to be the very best it can be, and so I want my library to reach as many people as might choose to step into its world. Anne DeGrace Publisher’s Note: Anne DeGrace is a librarian at the Nelson Municipal Library

Publisher’s Note: Nelson Becker

Vote yes. Support our library. This editorial is about why the Nelson’s outlying area should vote for supporting the library referendum. We live in a shared community. By living here, we agree to share the cost of services even though we may not use all of them personally. Some people may never get sick, but they still pay for health care. Some people do not have any children but pay school taxes. Libraries have always served the needs of the community, providing important tools to its users. Its existence is key to a civilized society. The way people use libraries now is much different than 10 years ago; libraries today have a stronger online presence, but that does not negate the purpose of having a

physical centre. A library is not only a depository of books. It truly is a community center. Some lbrary users may feel that they are not getting a particular service that they need. Rather than trying to close the doors on the institution, however, they should participate and help effect growth and change. People living in the surrounding area to Nelson are not separate from Nelson, just as Fairview is not separate from Nelson. Voting for the referendum acknowledges that we live in a single community. But of course, things flow both ways. If the Regional District is asked to support a facility, they have the right to ask the City of Nelson for additional services that the City of Nelson residents have.

Fish Heads and Flowers Fish Heads to people who make negative comments about women breast-feeding their babies in public. Women should not be shamed for feeding their babies what is best for them. What do you think breasts are for? - Proudly breast-feeding

Flowers to the supportive fathers out there. You make for happier mommas and happier kids. - Smilin’ momma Fish Heads to unaware drivers, unaware pedestrians and unaware cyclists. - Keeps my eyes on the road Flowers to all of the people of Nelson who supported me through my recent breast cancer journey. I’m forever grateful for your kindness. - Young mom survivor Fish Heads to the guy who runs his dog behind his car for exercise. Your dog slipped and fell but

you were going too fast to notice. Get out of your car and walk with your friend. - Get off your butt

Flowers to “Struggling to Understand” and who picked up 17 chunks of sharp pieces of glass where toddlers were playing! Thanks! - Glad someone is thinking of kids Fish Heads to people who witness accidents and just keep on driving. What a selfish thing to do. What has happened to human decency? Are you so self-absorbed that you can’t stop to help a fellow person in need? Sore and witness-less Flowers to all the kind and generous businesses who support breastfeeding and the 2010 Breast-feeding Challenge. Thanks for the support and donations. Breastfeeding anytime, anywhere! - Breast-feeding advocate

SEND US YOUR FISH HEADS AND FLOWERS! All submissions to the Express Fish Heads and Flowers section will be considered provided that no one is identified in the text or signature, all signatures are anonymous, and the submission is both concise and written in good taste. We reserve the right to withhold publication of submissions if these standards are not satisfied. To submit your gift of Fish Heads or Flowers, you may send email to, drop off or mail to 554 Ward Street, Nelson, B.C., V1L 1S9, or fax to (250) 352-5075. We will not accept submissions over the telephone. The Express cannot guarantee that your submission will be printed due to space limitation.

Letters to the editor & commentaries We encourage our readers to write to us. Please address letters meant for publication to the editor. We do not accept open letters. Letters must be short (200 words maximum) and to the point. We reserve the right to edit letters for taste and clarity, and the decision to publish or not to publish is completely at the discretion of the editor and publisher. Originals will not be returned to the writer and the Express will store the original in its files.

Commentaries can be longer (500 words maximum) and are more in-depth than letters. If you wish to write a commentary, please first contact the editor. All letters and commentaries must be signed and include your name, address and phone number. Only your name and the community where you live will be published. We will not print “name withheld” letters. Opinions in the paper are not necessarily those of the Express or its advertisers.


Oct. 6, 2010


Page 7

The search is on for Nelson’s next cultural ambassador This year's focus will be on literary arts and, for the first time, includes a $500 prize for the chosen author Th e Cu l tu r a l D e v e l o p m e n t Commission (CDC), on behalf of the City of Nelson, is currently inviting applications and nominations for the position of 2011’s Nelson Cultural Ambassador. “This year’s category is Literary Arts, and for the first time there will be a $500 cash prize attached to the honour, provided by co-sponsors Otter Books and Packrat Annie’s” explains Joy Barrett, the City’s Cultural Development Officer. The winner will be announced at an awards ceremony in December. The Literary Arts includes fiction, poetry, screenwriting, playwriting and creative non-fiction. Exclusions include non-narrative journalism (news reporting), academic, and technical writing. Applicants should have published work that has been (or will be) distributed outside of the community. Preference will be given to writers who will

be presenting their work outside the City limits, such as tours, residencies or workshops, in addition to presenting activities in our home community. The CDC would like to take this opportunity to thank Otter Books and Packrat Annie’s for co-sponsoring this year’s award. A locally-owned, independent bookstore, Otter Books is proud to promote local authors and books of local interest, offering the best selection in both these areas. Packrat Annie’s is a local institution that has been in business for over 26 years, offering an eclectic mix of used books, and new and used music. Nelson’s 2010 Cultural Ambassador was fibre artist Angelika Werth. “Angelika represented the Nelson Arts community in her travels throughout Canada and Paris, France” says Stephanie Fischer, the Chair of the CDC. Two years ago, the CDC established this

honour in recognition of local individual artists, groups or collectives who have achieved a high standard of excellence in their artistic discipline and who are active not only in Nelson’s cultural community but extend their talents to other communities and countries. The Cultural Ambassador is expected to represent and promote the City of Nelson on their travels, increasing the visibility and cultural reputation of Nelson. In return, the Cultural Ambassador can use their official designation in their own promotional materials, programs and fundraising. Deadline for submissions is November 1st. Please contact Joy Barrett, the City of Nelson’s Cultural Development Officer, for an application/nomination form or for further information. - Submitted by the City of Nelson Cultural Development commission

love and the hardworking couples who work on—and off—the land in a desperate effort to hold onto it and each other. Penny is a resolute ranch wife; Wade works away from home as a trucker. The last long haul of the season involves more than either of them bargained for.

Mark and her New Best Friends (Diona Davies on fiddle, formerly of Po Girl, Grayson Walker on piano/ accordion and more) will perform a special late set. She brings her own opening act, Hearse with Grayson Walker and J Mclaughlin.


Angelika Werth, widely known for her beautiful textile work, was last year’s Cultural Ambassador.

Briefly Caroline Woodward Book Launch Tuesday, Oct. 12, 7 p.m. at the Nakusp Library, Nakusp; four other shows including Friday, Oct. 15, 7:30 p.m. at Oxygen Art Centre, 3-320 Vernon St.

In Caroline Woodward’s new novel, Penny Loves Wade, Wade Loves Penny (Oolichan Books, 2010), the author returns to her Peace River roots. In launching her novel in this neck of the woods, Woodward also returns to her Kootenay roots. Woodward will read from Penny Loves Wade, Wade Loves Penny at the Nakusp Library (official launch: Oct. 12, 7 p.m.), in New Denver at Bosun Hall (Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m.) at the Vallican Whole on Thursday, Oct. 14 at 7 p.m., and in Nelson (Friday, Oct. 15 at Oxygen Arts Centre, 7:30 p.m., in partnership with the Nelson Library). Penny Loves Wade, Wade Loves Penny is a tribute to enduring middle-aged

The Pine Years and Carolyn Mark Saturday, Oct. 9, 12-5 p.m. at Ellison’s, 523 Front St.

Ellison’s Unplugged Saturday Sessions returns with a full afternoon of amazing music. Come out for a social hour with hot apple cider at noon, chat with like minded music enthusiasts and get a good seat. Coral Amethyst returns after a long absence with her sweet vocals and guitar. The Pine Years is a collection of beautiful harmonies, great songwriting, mandolin, banjo, harmonica and more. Carolyn

Jon Bone & The Karuna Movement Monday, Oct. 11, 9 p.m. at The Royal, 330 Baker St.

Heavy grooves inspire audiences to let go and dance. Harmonized melodies captivate listeners and many leave the shows humming a tune. Gripping lyrical content inspires laughter, deep reflection and a groovin’ good time! As the project progressed, Jon Bone and The Karuna Movement have had the great fortunate to share the stage with great artists such as Clinton Fearon, Rootz Underground, John Brown’s Body, Delhi to Dublin, Culture Brown, Shane Phillip, IBO and

Kindread, Culture Brown, Moses Maze, Randeesh and Goodbye Beatdown, just to name a few. As they finish up the final touches on their upcoming album entitled The Power of Music, they will be continuing to hit the tour circuit and bringing it home with their lively mix of funky reggae and soulful ska pop.

ground music in their city. No stranger to crowds of sweaty, happy people, Glitchy & Scratchy have a dancefloor sensibility often forgotten in a world of tweaked wobbles and schizfreaked edits. For tickets visit http://www. events.php.

Glitchy & Scratchy

Kathy McMahon presents, How to Stay Sane as the World Goes Crazy Thursday, Oct. 14, 7 p.m. at the Capitol Theatre, 421 Victoria St.

Technically, Mat is not an Alien. He grew up not too far from Manchester U.K. and moved to Canada in the mid 90’s to follow his snowboarding addiction, which he stumbled upon during a trip to Austria. He has been dj’ing since ‘88 and was inspired to play the drums by local bands such as The Stone Roses and Happy Mondays. After being introduced to the d.j. culture of the acid house warehouse parties, he was hooked on blending beats on the turn tables. It wasn’t until after he arrived in Canada that his turntable abilities suddenly jumped to new heights. Opening set by Jake Dubconcious. Tickets are available at the door.

Friday, Oct. 15 at SpiritBar, 422 Vernon St.

Over the past two years, Shaun and Bevan, a.k.a. Glitchy & Scratchy, have single-handedly broken the ”glitch hop” sound in their hometown of Vancouver. Alongside their ever-growing posse of bass and glitch heads, the “Integrated Grime Unit” (a collective which counts among its ranks GlitchHopForum head honcho Dewey dB, as well as bass prodigies Ill-Esha, JAY WIKID, and JmeJ), they promote and shape the face of under-

With humor and insight, clinical psychologist Kathy McMahon addresses a few of the major challenges of our time and discusses why “all or nothing” thinking is cutting short a more serious conversation about what we value, how our values dictate our behavior, and what we need to do to prepare for a future that may be very different from what’s been predicted. More information is available at www.transi-

Mat the Alien Saturday, Oct. 16 at SpiritBar, 422 Vernon St.

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Page 8



Oct. 6, 2010

Briefly Art Therapy with Children and Youth Friday, Oct. 15, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Vallican Whole Community Centre, 3672 Little Slocan River Rd., Vallican

This workshop introduces the theory and practice school-based of art therapy with children and youth. It explores the merits of picture-making as a means of building rapport and enhancing communication, self-expression and problem resolution. Bruce Tobin, Ph.D, ATR, will introduce a variety of specific art activities and techniques relevant to a range of behavioral and emotional issues. Tobin is a veteran art therapist and cedar sculptor. He is

an Adjunct Professor at the School of Child and Youth Care, and a member of the Graduate Faculty in counseling psychology at University of Victoria. For Information and registration call 250-3522264 or email kutenai_art_

Book Tour Thursday, Oct. 21, 7 p.m. at the Nelson United Church, 602 Silica St.

Join author Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta as she launches her recent book, Refusing to be Enemies: Palestinian and Israeli Nonviolent Resistance to the Israeli Occupation. Kaufman-Lacusta’s book offers a compelling and

timely invitation to, “consider non-violent activism as a path to peaceful resolution in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” She explores many forms of creative non-violence and its powerful effects in a series of interviews, essays and commentaries; with contributions from notable peace activists such as Ghassan Andoni, Ursula Franklin, Jeff Halper, Starhawk and others. Kaufman-Lacusta, a Jewish Quaker, lived in Jerusalem for almost a decade, and worked among dozens of activists working nonviolently to bring peace and justice to the region. Donations will be accepted. This event is sponsored by NEON (Nelson End the Occupation Now). For more information, contact Randy Janzen at 250-352-3609.

Eating Sitting Down Friday, Oct. 8, 6:30-11 p.m. at Enso Hair Salon, 336 Baker St.

Shawn Morris is hanging 20 different 24x36” canvases whose contents will dispay several different themes that range from a Kootenay inspiration to world travel. The Art consists of photographs, paintings and manipulated imagry. Morris is also lauching a 280 page book of poetry that has been recieving wonderful international acclaim. He will be donating partial proceeded of the art and sales of the book to a charity in Nicaragua called ����������

The World is Upside Down, African Storytellers Friday and Saturday, Oct. 8-9, 8 p.m. and Saturday matiness, 2 p.m. at the TNT Playhouse, corner of Ward and Carbonate Sts.

The Nelson Arts and Heritage Festival continues this week with a production of The World Is Upside Down presented by The Runaway Moon Theatre. Under the direction of puppeteer, performer, writer Cathy Stubington, it has produced a variety of original work from one-person traveling ‘suitcase’ plays to an exquisite site-specific play based on a novel by Nobel prize-winner Jose Saramago. Almost yearly, the company has presented community ‘spectacles’ - large-scale outdoor productions led by a group of theatre professionals and performed by community members of all ages. For this production, the company has scaled down to create an intimate three person play that can fit into small halls, galleries and black box theatres. A cross between puppet theatre and African storytelling, this colourful bilingual (English and Dholuo) production is based on a true event that happened during a visit to performer Jimmy Ouma Okello’s Kenyan village. The story explores our relationship with water and illuminates the challenges of working together over geographical and cultural distances with humour and inventiveness.

Where to go on a dark and stormy night

I used to think I was the Queen of Books. I started out as Packrat Annie, then joined the library, first as a patron, later as staff; I worked at Oliver’s, the local independent bookstore check this out before Otter; I published Anne DeGrace books about my town and I wrote, first for local news- love and marks Caroline, if papers (my first-ever col- not Queen of Books, then umn was in the Express) certainly Queen of Plottwists. and later, novels. I love having authors at If there’s one person the library, and 2010 has who could rival me for the been a fine year. We’ve had crown, though, it’s Caroline Woodward. When I was Antonia Banyard launching Packrat she was a writing Never Going Back, Ian Weir student at DTUC; later, with Daniel O’Thunder, I took my first writing Shatoiya de la Tour with class from her. She wrote Earth Mother Herbal, Cliff Disturbing the Peace and Woffenden with Ghost Alaska Highway Two-Step. Peoples, Matt Jackson’s Later, she and her partner Canada Chronicles and Jeff opened Motherlode yours truly, with the One Books, the darling of Book, One Kootenay tour Main Street New Denver of Treading Water. We’ve for many years. When she had kids’ authors Cyndi migrated west she worked Sandeveland and Linda as a literary sales rep, a bib- Demeulemeester and teen liophilic job if there ever readers’ author Stuart Ross. was one. We’ll have Caroline next Then Caroline did week, and then, a short the thing writers and month later, Arthur Black, booklovers dream of: author of more books than she became a lighthouse keeper. Calm days, we can I have fingers and toes plus envy her long stretches to a CBC radio show, at the read and to write. In these fabulous annual Oysters frantic library days of 90th Authors and Ale at Selkirk birthdays and cookbook College on November 12. Clearly, I’m about as far launches and referenda and from that lighthouse as I (coming soon!) Oysters, can get in these oh-so-busy Authors, and Ale, I’d happily give up my throne for days, but it’s worth it. I just one half hour on a feel royally proud of the Library’s author line-up, lonely tower by the sea. It’ll be my pleasure to for kids, teens, and adults, introduce Caroline when along with myriad other she launches her third programs for all ages. This novel, Penny Loves Wade, time of year, and any time, Wade Loves Penny, Friday, the Nelson Library is a beaOctober 15 at 7:30 at con on a dark and stormy Oxygen Art Centre (our night—whether you’re a alternate, mid-reno loca- Royal, a Serf, or just sometion). The novel is a tribute one who likes a good story. to enduring middle-aged Anne DeGrace is the Adult Services Coordinator at the Nelson Municipal Library. Visit or call 250-352-6333.

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The Capitol Kids Series Presents




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tale blending song, masks, puppets and physical comedy”.


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607 Front Street 250-352-7422 Check out our new website @!

Oct. 6, 2010


Page 9

We Live Here. We Work Here. We Play Here.

We take care of each other here. Over 18 months the people, businesses, and organizations in this region made a statement about the importance of health care to our community. Through donations, raffles, sales, grants, and the construction of a house you raised $1.5 million to bring a CT Scanner to Kootenay Lake Hospital.

Congratulations! You Made It Happen. Throughout this campaign the Foundation received over 2,900 donations. We can’t thank them all by name, but each donation had an impact on our success. Over the last 18 months Early on in the fundraisthe Hospital Foundation ing campaign Foundation issued almost one press organizers realized they release every month. They would need support from covered the start of the CT throughout the region, from fundraising campaign and the all economic sectors, from announcement that we had representatives of many comreached our goal. In between munity organizations, as they covered kick off dona- well as larger corporations. tions from Drs Muth and Community Relations Chair McLelland, hope for support Brian May revealed that “ from the Health Task Force, We knew that right off the regional donations from nine bat we would need to purRDCK directors, assistance sue both our largest potenfrom a few backcountry ski tial donors and our smallest. operators, our Light Up the Each was equally important Hospital Pledge Day, a mile- and we couldn’t waste time. stone donation from the Community creativity would Nelson and District Credit help take care of the rest.” Union, and finally the Road The first major task was Kings 1955 Corvette raffle. for former RDCK direcThat’s quite a mouthful and tor Al Dawson to join Dr. quite a year. Phil Malpass and former Volunteer Hospital Foundation Chair Murray Foundation directors, along Fish in presentations before with members of the medi- the RDCK Board. Those cal community, had lobbied efforts helped bring the mesto add the diagnostic tool to sage to smaller centres in KLH for many years. The cur- the region and raised over rent $15.3 million project will $100,000. The second task triple the size of the current was to create brochures that ER to 9,946 sq. ft to ensure were sent to 17,000 homes. KLH can handle expected Now that the campaign is growth in the north Kootenay winding down it’s clear that ���������� Lake area. The CT will also the Foundations strategy and have regional benefits since it efforts were very successful. improves diagnostic accuracy Donations ranged from $10 and improves health out- to $100,000 and came from comes while reducing wait every corner of the region times for medical imaging and from over 50 community across Interior Health. organizations. ����������������������������� ����������

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TOP LEFT: Late this summer Tim Jay joined the illustrious FRIENDS Of THE FOUNDATION group when he passed along his generous contribution to finish off the very successful ‘$1,000 from 1,000’ CT promotion. Thanks Tim. TOP RIGHT: How fitting that Foundation Chair Roger Higgins ends the campaign by making a donation from his business, Investors Group, based on all of his volunteer hours. The company contributed $1,669 to the CT Scanner. BOTTOM LEFT: This is one group we can’t keep up with. As Telus Ambassadors they found a dozen ways to donate. Through Telephone Pioneer Funds, Community Action Team Dollars, a big Garage Sale, their Penny Jar program, and Dollars for Doers donations they just added $18,501.62. Amazing! Pictured left to right are Harvey Craig, Holly Hasenkox, Gordon McGregor, Marge Witton, Bryna, and Isabel Wiese. BOTTOM RIGHT: The Bank of Montreal came through with a tremendous $10,000 grant this summer. No small change. The Foundation’s Brian May and Bryna Idler were joined by Linda Kope, Rebecca Richichi, and Chris Kehoe with the big BMO cheque.

On behalf of the directors of the Hospital Foundation and the many people whose health outcomes will benefit from this dynamic diagnostic tool, Thank You. ��������������������������� �����������������������������

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Well done, all concerned!


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Page 10


Oct. 6, 2010

Moving Forward • Emergency Room and new Computed Tomography suite will be complete early 2011 • Since 2001, B.C. has acquired 18 new CT scanners and the price for the Kootenay Lake Hospital 64 slice CT Scanner is being negotiated jointly with the purchase of other units for BC health

Castlegar joins in. When employees of Zellstoff Celgar Mill voted on who to donate to we were one of their choices. Cherie Hanvold, (Finance Director) & Al Hitzroth, (Operations Director) presented Bryna with $2,000.

• Experience suggests 10-15% of cases will be emergency and remainder will be scheduled appointments

�������������������� Finally the campaign ends where it began, with donations representing the interests of everyone in the region. Joining Brian and Bryna are, left to right, RDCK directors Garry Jackman, Area A, Andy Shadrack, Area D, Walter Popoff, Area H, Paul ����������������������������� Peterson, Area K, Ramona Faust, Area E, Ron Mickel, Area F; Karen Hamling, Municipality of Nakusp, and Ron Toyota, Municipality of Creston. Together they added $51,140.


• IHA hopes to hire 3 technicians for one daytime shift and 24/7 emergency coverage • 1 technician started training before project was announced and others will be recruited as they get closer to completion

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• Depending on final cost, we expect discussions with radiologist, specialists, and the IHA, to enhance CT features and software


� ���������� “There’s a lot of passion in this community for health care. Our donors offered strong support for our efforts during past renovations and are ready to���������� commit to this community’s largest project.” ���������� Employee groups $7,200 \\ Community groups $274,000 \\ Major grants $117,000 \\ Businesses $234,000 \\ Individuals $695,000







- Murray Fish, Kootenay Lake Hospital Foundation Chair, April 9, 2009



ARCOVIO ���������������


����������������������� ���������������� �������� �������������� RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL

������������������ UPGRADE & RENOVATION SPECIALISTS ������������������ ��������������� WE CARE ABOUT OUR COMMUNITY ����������������������������� ���������� ��������������� ���������� P.O. Box 222 ������������� Nelson, BC ������������� V1L 5P9 ����������������������������� ����������������� Ph (250) 354-1099 Fax (250) 352-5093 ����������������� ������������� ������������� ����������������������������� Congratulations ����������������������������� to everyone who



donated to this great community project.

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We are proud to have added to this Fire Smart Home complete with fire sprinklers. ����������������� ������������������������������

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��������������� ������������������������������ ������������� Maglio Building Centre is proud to have been ������������������������

����������������� part of the Kootenay Lake Hospital Foundation

��������������������� ������������� Drive for the CT Scanner for our community.

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����� ������ ���� ����� � ����� ����� �� ������ ����� � ���� Jamie Yasek Contracting 4189 Highway 3A, Nelson, BC V1L 6N1

250-825-4405 250-354-9027


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Oct. 6, 2010


Page 11

Foundation House a true energy superstar

The new home at 1131 McQuarrie Avenue sets a new standard in energy efficiency

When you drive by 1131 McQuarrie Ave. in Rosemont, you’ll see the efforts of over 60 contractors, suppliers, and professionals, to make the single most significant contribution to the CT Scanner fundraising drive. The Foundation House project began in June 2009, just as the Foundation’s ambitious CT campaign got underway. Following a suggestion by Mayor Dooley, a formal presentation to City Council, and a feasibility study, the Foundation was granted a 66 x 120 foot closed road right of way lot with an appraised value of $120,000. By October 2009 the site had been cleared and construction was underway. Early on in development it was decided to make this home as energy efficient as possible and over the last year many contractors added to that goal. Foundation ������ House is expected to be the first home in the Nelson area to meet the Federal EnerGuide 80 standard which won’t be a part of the BC building code until 2011. The home also meets the highest standards in heat systems. Foundation House was originally designed with a forced air to air heat pump system but early on Thorman Drilling offered to donate and drill 400 ��� foot deep geo wells. McCormick Heating and Plumbing came on board to design


the entire system, and installed the pipes, controls and pumps. Since a geothermal heat pump is much more expensive than the original air to air system, Fortis and Nelson Hydro got together and offered to cover the costs of the geothermal conversion furnace. Terratherma Heating then got to work to connect the system to the geo wells. The innovations didn’t stop there though. Through the generous donation and work of Abacus Heating a Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) was installed to connect the in-floor heating to the geo sourced High Velocity cooling system. Dennis Bannert of Harmony Homes says that they have now “ installed many of these systems in more upscale homes. This house will have very high quality interior air and air conditioning in summer.” Finally, the house also has a gas fireplace courtesy of A3 Plumbing and heat����������������������������� ���������� ing, a full sprinkler system provided by Kootenay Sprinkler Installations, and a complete alarm system added by DHC Communications. Once it’s all done Blair Weston of Fortis pointed out that “ This house will set the energy and cost savings standard for future projects in the area. With the attention to energy conservation the owners will see long term benefits for many years to come” ����������������������������� The sale of the Foundation House, at 1131 McQuarrie Ave. helped reach the fundraising goal. ����������



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���������� To see a series of photos chronicling the entire project or to learn more about the ����������������������������� ���������� Foundation’s successes and goals please visit our website at

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Congrats KLHF!����������


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Congratulations everyone! ����������������� Congratulations, Nelson! ������������� ���������������

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way to go

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$1.5 million...

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KLHF! ������������������������������������������

Proud to participate in such a great community project!

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$1.5 MIL GOAL!

NELSON ������������������������ HOME HARDWARE BUILDING CENTRE ������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 101 MCDONALD DRIVE ��������������������������� (250) 352-1919 �������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������������������������������

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Page 12


Oct. 6, 2010

1131 McQuarrie Ave.

In June 2009, just as the Foundation’s ambitious CT Scanner campaign got underway, City Council, Harmony Homes, and the Selkirk College carpentry program agreed to become partners in a project to build and sell a home. By September the City had granted a 66 x 120 foot closed road right of way and members of the building industry began to offer their expertise. In early October the site was cleared and construction was underway.

Twelve months later, construction at 1131 McQuarrie Avenue is almost complete. Completion of Foundation House marks the completion of this community’s very successful $1.5 million CT Scanner Fundraising drive. We would like to thank the City of Nelson for the vision and generosity that allowed this project to go ahead, and Dennis Bannert and Gerhard Bubbel of Harmony Homes for their guidance and expertise.

The project benefitted from the generosity of the best contractors and suppliers in the local industry. Whether they contributed free materials, expert labour, contract discounts, or donations, the Hospital Foundation would like to thank all of the firms and individuals that stepped forward on behalf of community health care to make this project possible. A-3 Plumbing and Heating Abacus Heating All Things Concrete AM Contracting Andex Rentals Andrew Sheret Ltd. Arcovio Electric B&L Construction Bethel Excavating Cameron Concrete Finishing Inc. City of Nelson Columbia Recycle Ltd. ����������������������������� Comfort Zone Heating & Cooling CUPE Local 339 members Davis & Henderson ���������� DHC Communications Eddy’s Reliable Plumbing Fortis BC Simon & Leo Grypma Harmony Homes Heritage Roofing

Hurricane Construction Nelson Farmer’s Supply Intermountain Engineering Nelson Fire Fighters Irly Distributors Nelson Home Building Centre JY Contracting Ltd. Nelson Home Furniture & Appliances Kalesnikoff Lumber Nelson Hydro Kaslo Building Supplies Nelson Ready Mix Kelly Toole’s Osprey Roofing Kodiak Form Rentals Patrick Patenaude Kootenay Glass and Mirror Primarily Perennials Kootenay Sprinkler Installations Priority Concrete Pumping Ltd. Larry’s Top Soil Quality Interior Kontracting Lights Plus RDCK Area E ���������� Maglio Building Centre RDCK Area F Maida Windows & Doors RDCK Area G McCormick Heating & Plumbing RHC ReMax Realty - Glen Darough ����������������������������� ���������� McNally Excavating Robert Dixon Morrison Insulation Rob Kline Neil Munro Sandy Keith Selkirk College Construction Program My Stucco Guy Selkirk Paving Nasmyth, Morrow, Goody & Bogusz Selkirk Truss Nelson Arborist

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Sheep Creek Crane Ltd. Silver King Contracting Speedpro Signs Plus Starline Windows Steel Craft Door Products Ltd. Strand and Godfrey Appraisals Stratton Contracting Stuart Hawes Terradesign Terratherma Heating Thorman Drilling Tom Cherry TSC (Timberstone) Contracting Weiland Construction Wood Valance WSA Engineering Yasek Holdings Yellowhead Road and Bridge Design and Market advice: Carol Ryan, John Knox and Lorne Westnedge

To see a series of photos chronicling the entire project or to learn more about the Foundation’s successes and goals please visit our website at

������������������� ������������������ ��������������� ������������� Congratulations on meeting your goal! ����������������� ������������� �����������������������������

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Experience Feldenkrais Thursday, Oct. 7, 1-2 p.m. and 2:303:30 p.m. at the Feldenkrais Center, 206 Victoria St.

Who can benefit from Feldenkrais? Anyone who is experiencing pain or stiffness, anyone who has injuries that haven’t healed. anyone who wants to age more gracefully, anyone who wants to continue doing what they love. The most profound learning we ever do is not in the context of school but in the first few years of our life. All our learning during that time is about how to move our body. Do you remember when everything was new and delightful? You can continue this type of learning through your whole life, improving your awareness of how

you move so that you are more balanced and in the zone. Check the Express health calendar for class details. Contact or 250366-4395 for registration. Private sessions are available.

about depression, as well as related issues like suicide and risky drinking. Saturday, Oct. 9, 1-4 p.m. at KATI, 601 Front St, Room 601E

Tuesday, Sept. 28, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Shambhala Meditation Center, 444 Baker St.

Beat the Blues

The Kutenai Art Therapy Institute is pleased to offer a variety of art therapy services to the community. They are currently providing art therapy in more than 15 agencies, schools and community programs. In addition, there are several programs offered at the Institute. The Community Art Studio is re-opening after a summer break so join in for art making and creative fun. This is a drop-in program. Families are welcome and donations are accepted. For more information, call

A new session of Kundalini Yoga with Cathrine Leighland has begun at the Shambhala Meditation Centre. This is a powerful and comprehensive system of yoga which combines breathwork, traditional hatha postures, mudra, mantra, deep relaxation and meditation. Yoga’s goal is to work in the spirit of self-discovery to promote union between body and mind, release limitations and move closer to your true capacity and potential. Classes are tailored to your needs with a focus on increasing your

Monday, Oct. 18, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Selkirk College (2001 Silver King Campus

As the leaves fall, people’s moods can too. That’s why October is good timing for the 16th annual Beyond the Blues: Depression Anxiety Education and Screening Day, which has seen close to 50,000 people attend BC-wide since 1995. Held during Mental Illness Awareness Week, Beyond the Blues is an annual awareness day to engage people to learn more


7pm. All Levels @ Kutenai’s health calendar 5:30Finest, 182 Baker St. 505.6789 drop-in classes

Wednesdays SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 9-10 a.m. Mum & Baby, Joy (pre-register) 12-1:30 Anusara Yoga, Elissa 5:30-7 Restorative Yoga, Donna 7:30-9 Invigorating Yoga, Paige BELLYFIT FUSION FITNESS 5 - 6 p.m. at the Moving Centre. Call Heather, 354-0492 KOOTENAY AKIDO 5 - 6 p.m. Kids Class, ages 7-12 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class, 213C Baker St. 250-352-3935 KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 8 a.m. Core Fusion with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St. 250-352-9196 THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST 5:30-7 all levels HOT yoga flow- jenna MIXED MARTIAL ARTS FITNESS GROUP 6-7 Lakeside 825.0030 YANG TAI CHI (ADVANCED) 7-8:30 a.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057 RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Beginner 3-4 pm, 4-5:30 pm Intermediate, @ S.Nelson School 505-1812 TAO YOGA 8:30 - 10am, gently yet energizing! Marisa 352.0886 LATIN MERENGUE CLASSES sexy dance based on hip movements. jen. 509-0633 THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST. 7-8:30 mysore, 5:30-7 hot intro, 7:15-8:45 mellow flow

Oct. 6, 2010

SWORD TAI CHI (YANG 32 FORM) 4-5:30 p.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057 SHAO LIN KUNG FU (ADULT-BEGINNER) 7-8:00 p.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057

Thursdays SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10-11:30 a.m Prenatal Yoga, Donna 5:30-7 p.m. Skiers & Boarders!, Elissa 7:30-9 p.m. Yoga Basics Course, 8 classes/ $80 (pre-register) THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST. 11am-12:30 mellow flow- Jenna 5:30-7 all levels ashtanga yoga - Jenna APPLIED COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS 6:30 - 8 pm. Adult class 525 Josephine Street, call 250-352-0459 OM YOGA STUDIO 9:30 - 11 a.m. Quantum Yoga, Alison 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-825-0011 KYOKUSHIN KARATE 2:30 - 3:45 Kids, 6 - 7 p.m. Adults Blewette Elementary School, Keith Clughart, 551-3345 MIXED CONTACT MARTIAL ARTS 6-7:30 p.m Aries Resort, 825.0030, FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 1 - 2 p.m. Improve comfort, relieve stress & pain @ OM Studio, 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd Judy Katz 352-3319, FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 7:15 - 8:15 p.m. Improve comfort, relieve stress & pain @ Kutenais Finest, 182 Baker Judy Katz 352-3319,

Community Art Studio

QI-GONG & CHEN TAI CHI 7 - 8 p.m. Central School Gym. Info 250-505-4562 Chris Gibson FOLK FUSION SKIRT DANCE 3 - 4 p.m. Ages 7-11 All Levels. 6-7 p.m. Adult, Studio Alive, 352-0047 BELLYDANCE CLASSES 6:45 or 8 pm at the Moving Centre, 533 Baker St. 509-0633 VINI YOGA CLASSES WITH LAURIE MADISON 10:30-12 at Kutenai’s Finest 354-0269 HEART YOGA WITH KARUNA 5:30-7pm all levels at The Studio, 182 Baker Karuna Erickson 229-4793 RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Beg (5-7 yr)3-4:00, Performance Group 4-5:30 @ S.Nelson School FELDENKRAIS CLASSES WORK! 2:30-3:30 Relieve back and joint pain, sciatica, frozen shoulder, injuries, etc. 206 Victoria 352-3449 First class free.

NELSON BREAST FEEDING CLINIC 9:30 - 11:30 a.. Free drop-in Nelson Health Unit, 2nd floor Kutenai Building, 333 Victoria Street, 250-505-7200. KOOTENAY AKIDO 4 - 5 p.m. Akido Fun, ages 4-6 5 -6 p.m. Kids Class, ages 7-12 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class213C Baker St 250-352-3935.


Kate Butt, Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine ...........................551-5283 Shauna Robertson Acupuncture & Herbs ............................... 352-2167 ART/PLAY THERAPY

CarmenCarter,M.Ed.,R.C.C.,P.T.I.Children/Youth&Families ...354-4485 COLONICS

Hydrotherpy, Detoxification, Nutrition. U. Devine ....................... 352-6419 COUNSELLING & COACHING

Dienna Raye, MA, counsellor & life coach ............................. 352-1220 Sally Shamai, MEd, RCC, individuals & couples ............... 1-877-688-5565 Whispering Herd - Counselling Equine Assisted Growth, Life Transitions, ........................................................... 354-7778 Shayla Wright certified life coach/mentor.............................. 352-7908

THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST 8-10 mysore 11am-12:30 all levels ashtanga jenna


CHILDREN’S SWORD KUNG FU (BEGINNER) with Master Pauline Bao 4-5 p.m. 250-505-8057

SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10-11:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga, Anie 12-1:30 Hatha Flow 5:30-7 Anusara Yoga, Elissa 7:30-9 Invigorating Yoga, Paige

YANG TAI CHI (ADVANCED) 7-8:30 a.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057 TAO YOGA 8:30 - 10, gentle yet energizing! Marisa 352.0886

FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 11:30-12:30 Gentle &powerful. Learn to move with ease. 206 Victoria 352-3449 First class free.

body & soul directory

SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10-11:30 a.m. Prenatal Yoga, Donna 12-1:30 p.m. Anusara Yoga, Elissa


KUNDALINI YOGA WITH CATHRINE LEIGHLAND 5-6:30 at Selkirk College Rosemont Campus, room 16

POWER VINYASA YOGA 9-10:30am With Katya Hayes @ The Studio 182 Baker St. Call 229-4979


YOGA WITH DREA 10 a.m. Join Drea for Vinyasa flow Yoga 182 Baker St (Kootenai Finest) Cost: $10 Pass/$12 drop in. All Welcome!

THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST. 11-12:30 moms and babes yoga 1-2 moms and babes yoga II 4:30-6 mysore

SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 8-9:30 a.m. Power Yoga, Valerie 12-1:30 Hatha Flow 5:30-7 Anusara Yoga, Elissa 7:15-9:15 Advanced Practice, Elissa (pre-register)

Kundalini Yoga

KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 8 a.m. Boot Camp with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St 250-352-9196

SENIORS GENTLE FELDENKRAIS 1-2 Increase mobility, flexibility.206 Victoria Pre-registration 352-3449


250-352-2264, or visit

Saturdays SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10-11:30 a.m. Rejuvanitive, Shayla 12-1:30 p.m. Hatha Flow, Paige KOOTENAY AKIDO 9:15 - 10:45 a.m. Intro Akido 213C Baker St 250-352-3935.

FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 1 - 2 p.m. Improve comfort, relieve stress & pain @ Kutenais Finest, 182 Baker St. Judy Katz 352-3319, MIXED MARTIAL ARTS FITNESS GROUP 6-7 p.m. Lakeside Park 825.0030

KYOKUSHIN KARATE 2:30 - 3:45 Kids; 6 - 7 p.m. Adults Blewette Elementary School, Keith Clughart, 551-3345. KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 8 a.m. Core Fusion with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St. 250-352-9196

��������������������������������������� �����������������

KUNDALINI YOGA WITH CATHERINE LEIGHLAND 11:30-1 Shambhala Meditation Centre, 444 Baker. upstairs 352-6132. QI-GONG & CHEN TAI CHI 7 - 8 p.m. at the Central School Gym. Info 505-4562 Chris Gibson.

VINI YOGA CLASSES with Laurie Madison 354-0269 10:30-12 at Kutenai’s Finest

SARVA SHAKTI SADHANA CIRCLE 7-8 p.m. ancient siddhar yoga practice #209-ManiStone Centre, 507 Baker St, 505-7832

BELLYFIT FUSION FITNESS 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. at the Moving Centre. Call Heather, 354-0492

KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 8 a.m. Boot Camp with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St 250-352-9196

YANG TAI CHI (ADVANCED) 7-8:30 a.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057

KOOTENAY AKIDO 6 - 7:30 p.m. Intro Akido 213C Baker St 250-352-3935.

RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Beg (5-7 yrs) 2:15-3:15 pm, Beg (8+) 3:15-4:15 @ Red Fish School 505-1812

HEART YOGA WITH KARUNA 5:30-7pm all levels The Studio, 182 Baker St. Karuna Erickson 250-229-4793

SWORD TAI CHI (YANG 32 FORM) 4-5:30 p.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057

Tuesdays SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10-11:30 Gentlest Yoga, Maureen 5:30-7 p.m. Skiers & Boarders!, Elissa 7:30-9 p.m. Yoga Basics Course 8 classes/$80 (pre-register) APPLIED COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class, 525 Josephine St. Info call 352-0459.

THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST. 11am-12:30 mellow flow- jenna 5:30-7 all levels ashtanga yoga - jenna MIXED CONTACT MARTIAL ARTS 6-7:30 p.m Aries Resort, 825.0030, BELLYDANCE CLASSES 6:45 or 8 pm at the Moving Centre, 533 Baker St. 509-0633 RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Beginner (8 & up) 3-4:00, Performance Group 4-5:30 @ S. Nelson School SO YOU THINK YOU CAN’T DANCE? Discover you can! w/Lisa Hanning 7:30-8:45. until Oct 26 Drop-In @ The Moving Centre 533 Baker 250-354-0484

OM YOGA STUDIO 9:30- 11 a.m. Quantum Yoga, Alison 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-825-0011

THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST 11-12:30- beginner ashtanga yoga


Rhythmic Reflexology ... 828-3460 REGISTERED MASSAGE


Margo MacLaren Homeopathy...................................................354-7072

D Voykin RMT, 30 Yrs. Hannah Somatics for frozen shoulder .. 505-5549 Dennis Keithley RMT since 1983, BSc Kinesiology available evenings, weekends and holidays .................................................... 354-8406 Valerie Nunes RMT @ Acupuncture Natural Health Clinic, new clients welcome ....................................................................... 505-3946 Caroline Vrba RMT Shalimar ...................354-4408 mobile 509-3400


Irene Mock, Reg. .............. 352-7035 Palliative Massage Course, July 9-18, 2010 .................. 1-800-611-5788 RUB IT IN Mobile & Studio, Deep T., Neuro, Sports ............... 352-6804

ShirleyEvans, CertifiedEnergyMedicine Practioner, Reiki Master.....229.2395/352.9890


Caroline Shalimar VRBA RMT. .................... 354-4808. Mobile: 509-3400 A Touch of Aloha, lomi, cranio, structural, sports ....................... 229-4424 PILATES

Kootenai Pilates 540 Baker St. .......................................... 352-1600


Mountain Waters Spa, Voted Best Spa 2007-09 .................. 352-3280 Found, Nelson’s Aveda Concept Spa & Salon ..................... 352-7775 YOGA

OM Yoga, 3067 Heddle Rd. 6-Mile, ........ 825-0011 The Studio, 182 Baker St .................................................. 352-9196 Yoga Therapy, specializing in chronic pain. Heritage Health Centre 823 Baker St. Eliza Gooderham .............................. 354-3885

Seasonings cookbook now available! ��������������������������������

Join others in an invigorating evening of childbirth preparation in a mini session sampler of the Birthing From Within program as taught by Delia Aaron, Prenatal Educator. Learn breath awareness and pain-coping techniques based on the book Birthing From Within by midwife Pam England. Visit or phone 250-551-3156 to register.

BLOOM PRENATAL YOGA 5:30- 7pm. All Levels @ Kutenai’s Finest, 182 Baker St. 505.6789

Vadim Kristopher Hair Salon 560 Herridge Ln................................. 352-6700


Tuesday, Oct. 19, 6-8:30 p.m. at the Sistering Tree, 7-373 Baker St.

POWER VINYASA YOGA 6:30-8 pm With Katya Hayes @ The Studio 182 Baker. 229-4979



Birthing From Within Open House

THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST. 7-8:30 mysore 5:30-7 intro to yoga

CONTACT IMPROVISATION DANCE JAM 7:30 - 9 p.m. all levels and live musicians welcome. The Moving Centre, 533A Baker St. Info 352-3319 Judy.

Page 13

awareness of and development of your personal energy system. For more information please contact Cathrine Leighland at or 250352-6132.

HATHA YOGA - IYENGAR STYLE 5:30pm-7pm, The Moving Centre, 533 Baker St. Ellissa, 352-9279

KOOTENAY AKIDO 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class, 213C Baker St 250-352-3935.


For sale at the Kootenay Co-op, the Nelson Municipal Library and Otter Books All profits go to the Municipal Library Expansion Fund


Page 14


Oct. 6, 2010

Briefly Fall Family Fair

Sunday, Oct. 10, 12-4 p.m. at Touchstones Nelson, 502 Vernon St.

Come to Touchstones Nelson on Sunday, October 10 for a day of heartwarming seasonal activities. Children’s activities include making pinecone bird feeders, handprint leaves and coloring. Enjoy hot apple cider courtesy of Ellison Market, enter our guessing contests to win prizes from Reo’s videos and enjoy many other treats and activities! For families who have out-of-town visitors, invite them to come and gain a sense of local and regional history by touring our Permanent Museum Exhibit and Galleries which will be open to visitors throughout the day. Current exhibitions are “Shelter: How we Live” and “Angelika Werth: Ladies in Tents”. Admission to Touchstones Nelson and the Fall Family Fair is by donation with one half of the proceeds raised over the course of the day to be donated to the Nelson Committee on Homelessness.

Whitewater Ski Team AGM Monday, Oct. 18, 6:30-9:30 p.m. at the NDCC, 305 Hall St.

The Whitewater Ski Team is holding its annual general meeting on Monday, Oct. 18 in the multi-purpose room at the Nelson and District Community Complex. All are welcome to attend.

On Sunday, Oct. 17, the Slocan Valley Heritage Trail Society would like to invite cyclists of all ages to come join them on an enjoyable ride along a portion of the 52 km former CP Rail Trail. Fall brings out that late flash of colour which can turn an enjoyable ride into an explosion of hues and textures as the forest transitions into its pre-winter state. The ride will begin at noon at the Kennedy Road Trailhead in Lemon Creek. Kennedy Road goes west off highway 6, aprox. 8 km south of the village of Slocan. From there, cyclists will ride north along the Slocan River, viewing Valhalla Park and the Selkirk mountains in all their splendor. The turn-around for the ride is at the Gazebo on Slocan Lake, where refreshments will be waiting for riders before they return to the start location. The 20 km ride should take between one and two hours. So why not join in for the ride? Dress for the weather and bring a water bottle, and donations for the SVHTS will always be gratefully accepted. For more information phone 250-355-2397 or 250-226-0008.

Earth Art, Creativity and Community Making Sunday, Oct. 17, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. in Vallican Ecological Sculpture Park at the Vallican Whole Community Centre,

The creative process and concepts of eco art therapy will inform this community workshop which will provide an opportunity to make earth art sculptures in the eco sculpture park. All ages are welcome. Rail Trail Fall Colours Bike Ride sk9E000171 No previous art experience is necessary. Sunday, Oct. 17, 12 p.m. at the Kennedy Road The day’s facilitator is Monica Trailhead, Lemon Creek Carpendale, BFA, DVATI, RCAT, BCATR., What better way to enjoy the changing the executive director of the Kutenai Art of the season than going for a ride along Therapy Institute. the historic Slocan Valley Rail Trail?

evel - Easy

Scopes by Stenya

The skating season

It’s likely that this Thanksgiving weekend will include visiting family and friends. Besides coming for the proverbial dinner, it’s likely they also come to take in some of our outdoor and indoor recreation opportunities. The Nelson Leafs schedule has obligingly provided two chances to enjoy (or escape) the visitors by having two home games at the NDCC arena on Saturday at 7p.m. and Sunday at 1p.m. It’s great family hockey action and perfect Thanksgiving entertainment. The arena also has public skating and swimming schedules ideal for keeping the visitors busy and building an appetite. Check out the schedules at the NDCC. For the more regular and dedicated ice skater registration is underway for the fall and winter Nelson Figure Skating Club programs. Sessions begin October 4th in CanSkate, PowerSkate and StarSkate. Dates and costs are as follows: CanSkate/PowerSkate Mondays, Oct. 4-Dec. 13, 3:15-4 p.m. at the Complex

in the zone Kim Palfenier Wednesdays, Oct. 6-Dec. 8, 3:15- 4 p.m. at the Civic Arena, and Mondays and Wednesdays, Oct. 4-Dec. 13, 3:15-4 p.m. at the Civic Arena Junior StarSkate Basic Package Mondays, Oct. 4-Dec. 13, 3:15-4 p.m. at the Complex, Wednesdays, Oct. 6-Dec. 8, 3:15-4 p.m. at the Complex Intermediate StarSkate Basic Package Tuesdays, Oct. 5-Dec. 14, 3:15-4:45 p.m. at the Complex and Thursdays, Oct. 7-Dec. 16, 3:15-5:45 p.m. In addition to the basic packages Junior and Intermediate StarSkaters can enroll in private coaching sessions and dryland training. Additional information is available from registrar Jane Macleod at 352 6510 or jbmacleod@aol. com.

Kim Palfenier is administrator for the Nelson Regional Sports Council. The Nelson Regional Sports Council can be reached at: Box 1190, Nelson, BC V1L 6H3 (250)352-3989 phone, (250)352-0046 fax, or




5 4









8 2 evel - Medium 7 5

8 1





1 7 9 7

8 2 5 3 5







8 1 9



1 4



6 1 4 2

4 8

5 7


This is a good time to remain alert as there is an opportunity at hand that you don’t want to miss. Try not to get stuck on minor disappointments because then you will not be able to see the opportunity when it arises.


5 2



This may be a good time to take that final step or make a commitment to yourself. It is important to be able to trust yourself and others in your life.


You may be working on a project and you are feeling like the other person is not putting their share of the work. Try to work together to find new solutions and procedures.


8 2



1 6



6 9



7 3


2 6


2 3

8 9 1 5






Hard Sudoku 6


You are able to seeing the bigger picture this week. You are able to remove yourself from your current situation and get a new, even bird’s eye perspective. You may be surprised what you will see. Use this powerful perspective to assist you in letting go of what is no longer needed.

Your positive vibrations are attracting people to you this week. You may have been feeling a vitality and happiness in your life. With this renewed energy this is a good time to help others.




When it comes to matters of the heart this week, do not hold yourself back. Surrender to the flow of love. Like water let it completely embrace you. By bringing yourself into the moment, you will be able to experience the healing waters of warmth that love can bring into your life.






You may be feeling particularly satisfied lately. You have been able to bring balance and harmony to your life. You are able to recognize your emotional needs without judging yourself. Take this time to reorganize and realign your life.

You may find yourself at an unexpected social gathering this week or in pleasant company. There will be stimulating conversations with people of likemindedness that will spark new ideas.




You may be letting your emotional cloud your judgment these days. Try not be influenced by others around you. You know what is best for yourself, and you are usually good at following your intuition and own advice.









Things may be going extremely well for you right now and you are feeling like you are on the right path. This is a good time to plan a trip as there will be no unexpected obstacles that will arise. Your plans will work out well and you will have an enjoyable journey.

If any thing has been bothering you lately you are now able to understand and solve the issue. It is important to remain serious in your endeavors while balancing this out with some fun time for yourself. By being centered you will be able to inspire others around you.

Easy Sudoku 7

Oct. 6 - Oct 12


Puzzle answers on page 16

Now may be the time to use your reason, logical thinking skills, and common sense to make an important decision right now. Keep in mind what is best for your health and peace of mind.

live music

Wed. Oct. 6

OPEN MIC NIGHT with Estevan at The Royal

PAUL LANDSBERG AND Friends at the Hume Library Lounge

Thurs. Oct. 7 ROB JOHNSON AND FRIENDS at the Hume Library Lounge SEAN BURNS TRIO at The Royal. Singer/Songwriter brings his eclectic blend of music


SARAH MCGLYNN AND RICH Rabnett at the Library Lounge

Tue. Oct. 12 DJ CAL AND DJ Brand play the Magic Bus at The Royal CLIFF MADDIX with Friends at the Hume Library Lounge MAGIC BUS AT The Royal with DJs Sturdy and Deeps

Wed. Oct. 13

Fri. Oct. 8

OPEN MIC NIGHT at The Royal hosted by Estevan

HAITI PAP PERI. From 6 - 8p.m. at The Royal. How you can help the ongoing Haitian situation JUDE DAVISON at Max & Irmas. Sings classic songs and acoustic originals. 6 - 9 p.m.

PAUL LANDSBERG with Friends at the Hume Library Lounge

Sat. Oct. 9 ELLISON’S UNPLUGGED SATURDAY Sessions returns. Coral Amethyst, The Pine Years, Hearse, Carolyn Mark and Friends, 1 - 5p.m. NIKKO at the Hume Library Lounge COTTONWOOD MARKET HOSTS great local and touring musicians from 10a.m. - 2p.m. BERNARDINO AND FRIENDS at The Royal. Spinning their upbeat House music to make you move KRADDY (FORMELY OF the Glitch Mob) at Spirit Bar. $15 at the door. Glitch hop massive!

Sun. Oct. 10 THE DEAD LETTERS with Special Guests. Great gothic, alt. folk music at The Royal

Mon. Oct. 11 JON BONE AND The Karuna Movement bring their soulful, funky originals to the Royal

Thurs. Oct. 14 JEN LANE CD Release with

Smokekiller at The Royal. These up and comers are sure to impress

ROB JOHNSON AND FRIENDS at the Hume Library Lounge

Fri. Oct. 15 SALSA NIGHT IS Back at Finley’s 705 Vernon St, 9p.m. - 12. Cover: $5 SUNSHINE DRIVE, LIVE at The Royal. Bluesy Rock and Roll to help you kick off the weekend JUDE DAVISON at Max & Irmas. Sings classic songs and acoustic originals, 6-9p.m.

Sat. Oct. 16 HOUSE AND HOME: Joel West and Braden Early bring their House music party to the Royal NIKKO at the Hume Library Lounge COTTONWOOD MARKET hosts great local and touring musicians from 10a.m. - 2p.m.

ongoing events

Wednesdays WINE TASTING SOCIAL at The Royal. Every 1st Wed. - 8p.m. Food, wine, great company! $35/person. Reservations required: 250-352-0960 SHAO LIN KUNG FU (Adult-Beginner)

with Master Pauline Bao. 7-8p.m. 5058057 NEED INEXPENSIVE BIRTH control? Options for sexual health drop-in clinic. 333 Victoria St. 5:30 - 8p.m. THE NELSON SCRABBLE Club meets at 1p.m. Info 352-6936 DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING trouble you? Al-Anon meeting. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. Noon.

GLACIER HARMONIES: Women’s Barbershop Chorus. All welcome at 7p.m. to the Baptist Church, 6115th St. Dorothy 352-7199 or Joey 352-3393 PUBLIC MEDITATION 12-1p.m. All welcome. Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre 444 Baker St. SAHAJ MARG group meditation. Please phone: Eleanor 352-3366 or Sarah 354- 9496 SHOTOKAN KARATE 5 - 7p.m.

St. Joseph’s School gym 523 Mill NELSON TABLE TENNIS Club. 5:30 - 7:30p.m. at Blewett Elementary School when school is in session. 352-9547 or 352-5739 CHOIR AT NDYC 3:30 - 5:30p.m. Call 352-5656 for details DRUG PROBLEM? We can help. Call Narcotics Anonymous 1-800342-7439 PARENT AND CHILD TIME at the Harrop Hall. 10a.m. - noon Information: Lesley 825-0140 NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE Drop in noon - 4p.m. Free clothing and food. 420 Mill St. 250-352-9916 LEGION DARTS in beverage room, 7:30p.m. Info 352-7727 or email

Thursdays FELDENKRAIS FOR SENIORS. 12p.m. Oct7-Nov18. Feldenkrais Center, 206 Victoria St. Gentle, easy movements. Pre-register: 3523449


GENDER OUTLAWS, a support & social group for trans & gender variants. 354-5362 NELSON AA-F-TROOP meeting at the Cellar 717A Vernon St. 8p.m. DOES SOMEONE’S DRINKING Trouble You? Al-Anon meeting 8p.m. at 601 Front St. A COURSE IN MIRACLES support/ study group meeting at Manistone Wellness Centre, 507 Baker St., #209, 9:30a.m. - noon. All welcome NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS DISCUSSION meeting, Noon, The Cellar, 717A Vernon St, 1-800-342-7439 FELDENKRAIS - FIRST CLASS Free! Gentle movement. Oct 8 - Nov 19, 11:30 - 12:30p.m., Feldenkrais Center, 206 Victoria St. Pre-registration 3523449

Saturdays COMMUNITY ART STUDIO. Dropin 1 - 4p.m. Families welcome! Kutenai Art Therapy Institute 601 Front St. 352-2264 MEAT DRAWS AT NELSON Legion 3:45p.m., in beverage room with Karaoke after. 352-7727 WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 357-2822. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Noon meeting at The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. THE NELSON SCRABBLE CLUB meets Saturday at 1p.m. For further information please call 250352-6936 NELSON CHESS CLUB ever y Saturday morning, all welcome. Seniors Hall, 777 Vernon St. CHILDREN’S ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS Ages 4-7 at The Moving Centre. Call The Dance Path, Marguerite Wood, 359-2926 WALK IN PEACE at Lakeside Park (at the gate), 1st Saturday monthly. 10:30a.m. Be The Change NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS STEP meeting, 10a.m., The Cellar, 717A Vernon St., 1-800-342-7439

Sundays UNITY CENTRE OF THE Kootenays. Broader Horizons, back door, 905 Gordon Rd. 11a.m. Ever yone Welcome

FIGURE DRAWING. Live models. Sept16-Oct21, $60. KSA, 602 Victoria St., Nelson. Ph 352-7646 CRIBBAGE, LEGION BEVERAGE IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your room, 12:30p.m. Info: 352-7727 life? AA Meetings, Lunch Bunch at Noon. Into Action Big Book Study at WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, 8:00p.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon HERBALISM and Stone Age Skills St. classes! Ongoing program. Children, teen, adult classes. 357-2822. ACUPUNCTURE FOR ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 9:30a.m. PUBLIC MEDITATION 9a.m. -- 12p. Located at 333����������������������������� Victoria St., 2nd m Mid-morning refreshments; come Floor. 505-7248 and go as you wish. Shambhala BIBLE STUDY JOY at Baptist Meditation Centre 444 Baker St. Church, 6:30p.m. 560 Baker St., Suite #3. Everyone welcome WORSHIP SERVICES JOY at the SIGNING CHOIR (sign language) Baptist Church. 10a.m., 11a.m., 6:30p.m., 560 Baker St., Suite 3:30p.m. at NDYC, 608 Lake St. #3, 825-4095. www.ndyc.comg SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP, PUBLIC MEDITATION 5:15 Community Church, Passmore 6:15p.m. All welcome. Kootenay Hall, 11a.m. Shambhala Meditation Centre, 444 Baker St. SUNDAY WORSHIP, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Slocan, 2p.m. NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE noon NELSON AA SUNDay morning 10 - 4p.m. for recycled bag sewing a.m. The Cellar. 717A Vernon St. project. 250-352-9916 NELSON UNITED CHURCH serNELSON BADMINTON CLUB vice, 10a.m. 602 Silica St. All are meets at Mary Hall Gymnasium, welcome 7-9p.m. Everyone welcome. Anne 250-352-7536, Guy 250-352ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH 6330. Service 10:15a.m. 1805 Silverking Rd. All are welcome. 352-2515 TOASTMASTERS: IMPROVE YOUR public speaking, communicaCHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE tion and leadership skills. 2nd and 9a.m. at St. Michael and All 4th Thursday (each month):http:// Angels. Balfour. All are welcome ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Everyone welcome to 4p.m. worHABLAS ESPANOL? GROUP meetship. 21 Silica St. 354-3308 ing 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Grounded Cafe. 5p.m. Todos SAHAJ MARG group meditation: Bieviendo Please phone Eleanor 352-3366 or Sarah 354- 9496 NELSON KNITTING CO-OP: A new knitting group. Everyone welcome QUAKER MEETING, 723 Ward, ($2). Meet at Anglican Church 12upstairs, 10a.m. 354 3859 3p.m. ULTIMATE FRISBEE COED 3:30p.m. CAPOEIRA CLASSES at 7p.m. Lakeside Field Everyone welcome Baker St. Drop-in/beginners welcome. Brazilian martial arts/dance and music ULTIMATE FRISBEE CO-ED 6:30p.m. KOOTENAY GOSPEL CHOIR Lakeside Field. Everyone welcome Auditions 6:30p.m. at the Seniors NELSON BELLYDANCE Center with Pauline Lamb. Contact: CLASSES Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:45 or 8p.m. 533 Moving Centre. SWORD THI CHI (Yang 32 Form) Baker St. 250-509-0633 with Master Pauline Bao. Mondays FELDENKRAIS: FIRST CLASS Free! and Wednesdays 4-5:30p.m. 250Gentle, pleasureable.Oct7-Nov18, 505-8057 2:30 - 3:30p.m., Feldendrais Center, MT. SENTINEL SCHOOL South 206 Victoria St. Pre-registration Slocan Badminton. Mon and Wed 352-3449 7:30p.m. 359-7610 Nov. 5

KOOTENAY SHAMBHALA MEDITATION Centre. Open House. Meditation instruction and practice 7p.m; talk and discussion 8p.m; tea 9p.m. 444 Baker St.

BAHA’I COMMUNITY OF NELSON Please join us for prayers and an introduction to the Baha’i faith 7p.m 354-0944 DIAPER FREE BABY / ELIMINATION Communication Support Circle, 4th Monday of each month 10-12a.m. at The Family Place 312 Silica St. HERITAGE HARMONY Barbershop Chorus. Welcoming anyone! Tim 8259694 or John 352-6892 SHOTOKAN KARATE 5-7p.m. St. Joseph’s School gym 523 Mill Street SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING 79p.m. Central School Gym: 811 Stanley St., Nelson. Beginners Welcome NELSON BADMINTON CLUB meets at Mary Hall Gymnasium, 7 - 9p.m. Everyone welcome. Anne 352-7536, Guy 352-6330 DROP-IN GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP. 7 9p.m. at Broader Horizons, 905 Gordon Road, back door. ADULT BADMINTON at Redfish School, 6:30 - 9:30p.m. $20. Bring racquet and indoor footwear. For info call 229-4346, 229-4343, 229-4485 COOKING CLASSES EVERY Wed/Sun. Many topics to choose from. Lorraine at or 352-3860 A COURSE IN MIRACLES support/study group at Manistone Wellness Centre, 507 Baker St., #209 at 6:30p.m. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS DISCUSSION meeting, Noon, The Cellar, 717A Vernon St, 1-800-342-7439

Tuesdays SING FOR MY Child 8:30-9:40 Tuesday mornings. Lullabies, Children’s songs. Nelson Waldorf School 354-1492 SUFFER FROM AN Eating Disorder? Need Support?, 352-9598 after 6 p.m. or for more information ACUPUNCTURE FOR ADDICTIONS Free drop-in clinic, 1:30p.m. 333 Victoria St., 2nd Floor. 505-7248 YOUNG FELLOWS OFF BOOZE AA Meeting 8p.m.The Cellar. 717A Vernon NELSON WOMEN’S CENTRE drop-in Noon - 4p.m. Free clothing and food. 420 Mill St. 250-352-9916 NELSON COMMUNITY BAND Rehearsals, 7:30 - 9p.m., First Baptist Church, 611-5th St., New members welcome. 352-6119 NEW OA MEETING 577 BAker St. 8p.m. 1-800-611-5788 CAPOEIRA CLASSES at 7:00p.m. Baker St. drop-in/beginners welcome. Brazilian martial arts/dance and music PARKINSON’S ���������� SUPPORT GROUP monthly meeting to be held at Kiwanis Hall in Nelson. 1:30p.m. Everyone welcome




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Oct. 6, 2010


Page 15

special events

Wed. Oct. 6

Tue. Oct. 12

SAVE RED SANDS Information

CAROLINE WOODWARD LAUNCHES novel Penny Loves Wade, Wade Loves Penny Nakusp Library, 7p.m.


FOOD SOVEREIGNTY: INFO and Film Evening for World Food Week. 7p.m., St Rita’s Church Hall (5137th Ave. Castlegar). Panel on global and domestic food issues and how they are tied. Jon Steinman of Co-op Radio’s “Deconstructing Dinner”; Barry Nelson, Development and Peace; Sandi McCreight, Kootenay Food Strategy Society; Alex Atamanenko, MP, Federal NDP Agricultural Critic reports on his cross-Canada learnings. Call 250-3655077or 1-800-667-2393

Meeting. 7:15p.m. - 8:30p.m. Nelson Legion at Victoria and Stanley 2nd floor Vernon St. Monthly Meeting, 1:30p.m.

LATIN MERENGUE CLASSES: Learn this sexy dance based on the hips movement. Wednesdays to Oct 27th. jen. 250-509-0633

WINE TASTING SOCIAL at The Royal. - 8p.m. Food, wine, great company! $35/person. Reservations required: 352-0960


shop. Learn about developing an effective resume. For information/registration (250)352-6200

WISDOM VESPERS 7 p.m. at the Nelson United Church, 602 Silica St.

Thurs. Oct. 7 FINDING WORK IN Nelson. Free informative workshop with ideas and suggestions. For information/registration 352-6200 BALLROOM DANCE CLASSES in Nelson! Thursdays (Oct 7-Nov 25) Beginner Salsa at 7:30p.m.; Beginner Waltz and Cha-Cha 8:30p.m. Singles and couples welcome! Class sizes limited. Pre-registration only ($100/person) Call 250-352-0013

Fri. Oct. 8 SOCIAL DANCING EVERY Friday at the Royal. Free! Mostly Swing, smooth Latin. 6 - 8p.m.

Sat. Oct. 9 COMEDIAN LORNE ELLIOTT is at Procter Hall. Dinner and the show $30.00. Phone 250-229-5370 TGR’S LIGHT THE WICK ski video premiere. Capitol Theatre, Oct 9th. 7p.m. Presented by Selkirk’s Ski Resort Management Program DRIVE ONE 4UR Community, Fundraiser for Our Daily Bread. Test drive a new vehicle in the Ford line up and Ford of Canada will donate $20 to Our Daily Bread and $10 to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. Central School, 9a.m. - 4p.m., 811 Stanley St.

Sun. Oct. 10 WORLD SIGN COMMUNICATION Society AGM, 4p.m. At Sissies, Winlaw. Come sing/sign and dance along! FALL FAMILY FAIR, noon to 4p.m. A Fun Filled Afternoon of Traditional Crafts and Seasonal Activities at Touchstones Museum of Art and History, 502 Vernon St.

Wed. Oct. 13 FUNDRAISER FOR NEW Denver Reading Centre with Caroline Woodward reading from new novel. Mayor Gary Wright to auction off character roles for Caroline’s next book! Raven’s Nest will sell books. 7:30 at the Bosun Hall in New Denver. Admission by donation. VOLUNTEER TRAINING DAY. The Nelson and Area Elder Abuse Prevention Program is looking for senior volunteers in the Nelson, Salmo, Passmore, Riondel, Kaslo, Balfour and Harrop/ Procter areas. If interested call 250352-6008 or email preventeldRabuse@ FOUR-DAY FREE Career Exploration Workshop to help you find your perfect work. Registration/information 250-352-6200

Thurs. Oct. 14 VALLICAN WHOLE HOSTS Caroline Woodward reading new novel Penny Loves Wade, Wade Loves Penny. Jenny’s Book Garden on site. 7p.m.

Fri. Oct. 15 CAROLINE WOODWARD RETURNS to Nelson & Oxygen Arts Centre with new novel Penny Loves Wade, Wade Loves Penny. Co-sponsored by Nelson Library. Otter Books on site. 7:30p.m.

Sat. Oct. 16 THIRD ANNUAL “TAKE It Off Day” party at the Nelson Trading Company on Baker St. Donate your hair so it may be used for wigs for cancer patients. COTTONWOOD MARKET, CottonWood Falls in Nelson

Sun. Oct. 17 DANCES OF UNIVERSAL PEACE 3 – 5:30p.m. at The Moving Centre (533 Baker St., upstairs). By donation, everyone welcome. Bring non-marking indoor footwear and a water bottle. 825-0012


Page 16


Oct. 6, 2010



FREE reader classifieds can be submitted through our web site at Deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon sharp. First 15 words are free. 25c per word thereafter. Only one free classified ad per week is permitted per phone number. Free classifieds will not be taken over the phone. ANNOUNCEMENTS






AFTER SCHOOL PLAY groups for girls/boys. Developmental, social/emotional with early intervention focus. 250354-4485, 250-354-3663

PICNIC TABLE. WOOD. Solid but needs sanding and minor repair. 3525406 LARGE WOODEN KITCHEN table with four chairs. In great shape. Free to pickup. 250-509-0284 OLDER FRONTIER CAMPER. Stove/ toilet. Needs work. Could be your winter project/ready in spring! 505-4395 FREE DANBY PROPANE stove/oven with 100lb tank ...stove and tank clean but needs tlc. 250-355-2304 FREE FILL. LOCATED in Nelson. Transportation negotiable. Call us at: (250) 352-1717 FREE: KENMORE FRIDGE, clean and works 352-0047

FOUND: BALL HITCH on Vernon St. Call to identify 250-354-7411 LOST: LADIES ORANGE quilted vest with hood. Esprit. Call 250-5131066 LOST: SET OF keys on Hall Street between Pharmasave and Extra Foods, through alley. 250-229-4609 LOST: WOMEN'S BLACK leather jacket, fur-lined hood, XS, at The Royal on Sept 24th. Sentimental Value! 250-3520544 FOUND: ONE LENS from spectacles, Hall St. Ph 352-7646 LOST: BLACK/BLUE DAYPACK, initials BMO, contains address and agenda book. Reward, no questions asked. 352-7474 evenings LOST RING - silver band size 9-ish, with curls cut out. Lost late August. Sentimental. 250-352-2556 LOST DOG IN Nelson. Named Moose. Purebred Boston Terrior. Reward! Contact: 250-352-0542 or 604-7625797 GLOVES AT KOKANNEE Sandspit Park. Phone 250-825-4260 LOST AFTER 29 YEARS: Gold Box Necklace with Heart Shaped Pendant. Call 250-354-1954 Reward. FOUND: SECTOR 9 longboard with black wheels and gullwing trucks. Email me to identify. LOST: FUSED DIAMOND WEDDING RINGS (2 attached together) in August 2010 in Wholesale Store. Very much missed! Kay 250-226-7635 REWARD. MOTOROLA RAZOR (CHARCOAL) lost Saturday night, Sept 11, on Vernon street. Jeff 551-2648 LOST: NEAR NDCC, Early a.m. Sept.27, black, Toyota keyless entry lock. 250-505-2006 (fell off back bumper driving) LOST: KID'S PACK. RED & white graffiti print. Inside: blue lunch kit, clear school folder marked "Sam" & green quicksilver hoodie. PLEASE call 250509-0307 or return to South Nelson Elementary School. LOST KITTEN: SMALL grey and black tabby. Very friendly. Lost on Baker St. 352-3239

HOOVER CYCLONIC VACUUM for Sale Cost $300, Asking $150. Still in the box. Phone 250-354-1127 EXTERIOR NATURAL WOOD French Door. 30"x80", 15 Lite Thermal Tempered Glass. Attractive. $450. 250825-0062 65 BOLTS OF Fabric and Remnants. $2-3 a meter. 2813 Hwy 3A, 6 Mile. Oct 4-10th, 10am-4pm. CARPET - IN excellent shape, 8 months old, grey burber, two pieces 9x12, 10x13 $50 each 250-354-8030 MEC DOUBLE JOGGER stroller/bike trailer. New: $300, for you $150! 250354-7812 BRONCO ROTISSERIE AND BBQ. Never Used. $80. 250-352-6215 LAWNMOWER, LAWN SEEDER, wheel barrow frame, frame hitch, metal shelving (bolt together), free standing desktop, woodturning lathe, table saw, kayak, snowmobile, etc. 250-3526259 JONSERED 930 CHAINSAW. C/W 28" and new chain. Loads of power and compression. $275. 250-354-7411 FRIDGE 18 CU., very clean, $75 Braun Juicer and Food Processor, $225 - for both 226-7880 SAILING WINCHES, MASSAGE table $150, 10x20 garage $300, Volant ski binding $150. Ph 250-352-9150 THULE SKI RACK Attachement. $50. Dan 352-5236 HYDROPLANE FIXER UPPER, needs sanding and painting $25; fridge $25 OBO. 250-352-2307 MOTHERLOAD FIREWOOD $185/ CORD. Fir split and delivered within 30minutes of 6 Mile area. Selina 250822-2225 or 250-505-4701 3GS IPHONE 32GB On Warranty. $130 OBO (paid $300) with Telus contract. Phone 250-226-7261 14 FOOT FIBERGLASS boat 40 hp Evinrude $3000, new portapotti $75. 229-4544 MASSEY-FERGUSON 205-4 4X4 Tractor: 20hp diesel. Loader, 3-pointhitch, Backblade, PTO. Manuals. 1980 with 0680hrs. Exceptional condition. $8500 250-366-4321 SAMSUNG SCH-U430 FLIP-PHONE. $60. Never used. CDMA, camera, speakerphone, voice-dialing, Bluetooth. $100 at Telus. 352-5124. ASPHALT SEALCOATING MACHINE. $1000 Phone: 250-399-6333 FOUR TOYO GO2 winter tires on rims, low kms. $750.00 call 250-5054503 FURNACE, FORCED AIR, Electric Wood Combo $200 OBO. 2295645 SHAW DIRECT SAT. receiver Mod. DSR 305 $75; Student desk 24x45 with drawers $65. Ken 250-352-0136 CANON EOS 40D camera, body only. 18 months old. New condition. $450. 250-505-4296 NEW JOHN WOOD 40 gal. electric hot sk9M000186 water tank. $300. Ph.250-2295406 FOR SALE, 2 Fig plants and flowers. 250-359-8103 KITCHEN AID MIXER Stainless Steel Bowl, Whipper Dough Hook 325Watt. $250. 2Qt Size Jars. $1.50each. 250399-4127 6'6" X 5'8" GREEN TRUCK canopy $75; Solid oak twin bed and mattress $100; Twin Box, mattress and frame $25. 250-226-0034 250 BIG BEAMS FOR sale; 4x6 rough cut, 18' 14' 10' long. Good price, pick-up Thrums. 250-399-4116 ELECTRIC BOILER- SLANTFIN, Monitron, EH-30-135s, heat 2000-3000 sq feet. Unused. New $2500, selling for $1800. 250-352-0076 TABLE SAW $40, PROPANE stove, electric boiler 85000btu, 3/4hp condensing unit. 250-355-2269 VERMONT CASTINGS B-VENT propane space heater. Working $500. 250359-6606 ATTENTION INDOOR GARDENERS! 4 light kit, complete with many extras. 250-551-4333

CHRISTMAS CRAFTERS/KNITTERS/ CROCHETERS? BOX OF assorted yarn: $50. Call 250-354-4546. Welcome with love, Zafira Glory Phoenix, born April 11, 2010 at 6:18am. She popped into our arms triumphantly, completing our family of four. Her big brother Larkspur says, “I’m glad for Zafira to be born and I love her very much and I hope she is doing well, and is happy.” Thank you to Faith, Ahna, Yasmina, Lisa and Karen. She is growing like a lovely spring weed, and we’re so glad she’s here! We love you, baby daughter. ~ Mamabird and Papashine



GALA APPLES 50¢LB/20LB, seedless concord grapes $1.25lb/20lb, cantaloupe $1.00lb, squash 75¢lb, sweet peppers $1.00lb, hot peppers $2.00lb, everything naturally grown, fully ripened. Cottonwoods Market, Nelson, every Saturday. Grand Forks Farms 250-442-3514 CALL FOR VENDORS: Balfour Hall's "One and Only" Christmas Craft Faire. Saturday, Nov. 13th. 250-2295265 HEART OPENING AND Spiritual Guidance! Private 90min appointment $100 with author/intuitive Norm Pratt. 250-357-9457,

BE YOUR OWN BOSS with Great Canadian Dollar Store. New franchise opportunities in your area. Call 1-877388-0123 ext. 229 or visit our website: today.

ART ART SHOW FEATURING Paula Smith. At Selkirk Eyecare, 543 Baker St. Now through October!


����� ���

$0 DOWN & we make your 1st payment at auto credit fast. Need a vehicle? Good or Bad credit call Stephanie 1-877-792-0599. www.autocreditfast. ca. DLN 30309.

CAREER OPS HOW ABOUT LIFE IN THE EAST KOOTENAYS. Alpine Toyota in beautiful Cranbrook has a senior position available for a Fixed Operations Manager. Applicants must have fixed operations management experience and have the ability to train, lead and motivate a team. We offer an industry leading remuneration plan, and company benefit package. Some relocation expenses will be considered for the right individual. Email your resume: or fax: 250-489-3628.

CAREER TRAINING MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION IS rated #2 for at-home jobs. Train from home with the only industry approved school in Canada. Contact CanScribe today! 1-800-466-1535.

COMPUTERS COMPUTER COACHING NEEDED: $10-$20 depending on usefulness of skills taught. 509-774-0179 or



SECRET SERVICE CYCLES Bike Maintenance Classes: Oct. 19&21; Oct.23&24; Oct. 26&28. Info 509-3333

HEART YOGA WITH Karuna at The Studio, 182 Baker Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30-7pm www.yogakaruna. com 250-229-4793 OFFERING NUTRITIONAL CONSULTATIONS, past life regression, energy healing, and intuitive readings, Addi Strasser is now taking new clients. (250)352-9445. WANTED: A TILTING workout bench, and a few weights. Call chris at 250505-5494

EMPLOYMENT OPS EMPLOYMENT IN ALBERTA. Sheetmetal journeyman required shop fabrication, journeyman sheetmetal field, journeyman plumbers/pipefitters field, journeyman refrigeration mechanic, benefit package available, overtime available. terryw@peaceriverheating. com fax: 780-624-2190. BRANDT TRACTOR HAS exciting positions available in many communities throughout Canada including: Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Fort Nelson, Fort Saint John, Grande Prairie, Regina and Saskatoon. Find out about our exciting career opportunities at www. Call 306-791-5979. Email resume indicating position title & location: Fax 306-791-5986. CHEAP TELEPHONE RECONNECT! Paying too much? Switch, save money, and keep your number! First month only $24.95 + connection fee. Phone Factory Reconnect 1-877-336-2274 ;


LOOKING FOR WORK? Check out our website or call (250)3526200 for free info and assistance! NOW HIRING: GROCERY MANAGER Kootenay Co-op is seeking a creative and dynamic individual to be our new Grocery Manager. This position requires the applicant to possess skills and experience in all aspects of grocery retailing including excellent leadership, communication and time management skills, customer service, inventory control, product selection, merchandising, human resources and financial management. The ability to work a flexible work schedule including evenings and weekends is also required. The successful applicant must be highly motivated to grow with this department into our future new store! We offer a competitive WORLD SIGN COMMUNICATION salary, great benefits package and a Society AGM, 4 pm. At Sissies, Winlaw, cooperative work environment. Please Sun, Oct 10th. Come sing/sign and apply with resume and cover letter dance along! before Friday, October 29 to: Deirdrie WINE TASTING SOCIAL at The Royal. Lang, General Manager Kootenay CoRNÍS WITH REMOTE PRACTICE October 6th, 6-8pm. Food, wine, great op 295 Baker Street Nelson, BC V1L CERTIFICATION required for short and company! $35/person. Reservations 4H4 www. long term travel assignments to remote required: 250-352-0960 We thank all applicants BC communities. Apply to www.travelTICKETS TO SEE Jack Johnson with Gin advance for their applications; only or 1-866-355-8355. love at the Gorge, Wash. On Sat.Oct.2. those selected for an interview will be Only $130.00(US). 505-5040 contacted. NELSON-CRESTON NDP AGM JOURNEYMAN TECHNICIAN Sunday, October 17, 3:00p.m. Potluck, REQUIRED immediately for Chrysler/ 7.5' CAMPER. COMES with fridge, silent auction and forum panalist includDodge automotive dealership in Salmon stove, furnace. Fits smaller import ing Shane Simpson to follow. All are Arm BC, located in the heart of the trucks. $600 OBO. Call Shaun 250welcome. Contact Gord McAdams at Shuswap. Proven producer and quality 354-7411 250-352-3309. workmanship is a must. Excellent wage and benefit package available. Please BEAUTIFUL JADE PLANT, 66 cm. tall, contact the service manager by phone $20 OBO. 250-354-4794. 250-832-8053, fax Sudoku 250-832-4545 or FINANCIAL Sudoku SERVICES AMPDifficulty WELDERLevel AC/DC- Medium Stick $350; Classic email Difficulty Level - Easy Classic 225sk9E000171 1/2 angle drill and 9'' angle grinder, IF YOU OWN a home or real estate, both Makitas, like new $150 each. 352ALPINE CREDITS will lend you 6221 money: Itís That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is NOT an issue. PARAMOUNT LEAF BLOWER $10; 1.800.587.2161. CRIMINAL RECORD? ONLY Canadian Encyclopedia 3 Volumes by PARDON SERVICES CANADA has Hurtig Publishers $10. 250-352-6762 $500$ LOAN SERVICE, by phone, no 20 years experience GUARANTEEING credit refused, quick and easy, payable 9 TIRES 5 Rims: only $250 - P205/ RECORD REMOVAL. Call 1-8-NOWover 6 or 12 installments. Toll Free: 75R15. 4 Toyo Winter, very good. 5 PARDON (1-866-972-7366). www. 1-877-776-1660 www.moneyprovider. summer use. 4 fancy rims, 1 regular. com. 352-2381.

������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������� EVENTS ������������������������������������������������������� CHILDREN BOATS ���������� BRAND NEW! BATMAN MUSCLE WANTED: OUTBOARD MOTOR mounting bracket for 6hp kicker. 250354-7411

BUSINESS ����������


DISCOVER HOW TO earn extra income working 3-4hours per day from your home or office. Email for more info.

Chest Child Costume, for ages 12 years $40 . Please call 250-3520960. JOGGING STROLLER WITH big wheels for Nelson's snow and hills, $75, 250-352-7512 EVENFLO VICTORY 5 car seat. 5 to 40 lbs. $25. 352-3704 ROCKING CHAIR - Beautiful Solid Pine with darker stain. Very well built. 250355-0053 $50

����� ������������ SNOWGA!- prep for ski season Mon & Wed 5:30 First class is always free for locals! Drop-in: $10-15 sliding scale • 352-7432

Western Pacific Marine Ltd.




Crossword Answer

Western Pacific Marine Ltd. advises travelers that the Osprey 2000 will be out of service October 12th to October 29th, 2010 inclusive, for maintenance. The M.V. Balfour ferry will be in service during this time with possible sailing delays.

Western Pacific Marine Ltd. would like to thank you for your patience and apologizes for any inconvenience. ���������


Answer to Easy Sudoku

Answer to Hard Sudoku

3 7 9

1 8 6

5 4 2

7 4 6

9 3 5

8 1 2

2 1 4

9 7 5

3 8 6

8 9 2

1 7 4

5 6 3

5 8 6

3 2 4

9 1 7

3 5 1

8 6 2

7 9 4

7 2 9

1 3 8

7 2 9

4 5 6

8 6 5

4 2 5

6 1 8

3 7 9

5 9 2

1 3 4

6 7 9

4 5 3

2 8 1

6 3 8

2 5 9

4 7 1

9 1 3

2 8 7

6 4 5

7 4 5

8 6 1

2 9 3

2 8 4

5 9 6

1 3 7

9 2 1 Solution

7 4 3

6 5 8

5 6 7 Solution

3 4 1

9 2 8

4 5 3 1 9 2 8 6 7

see puzzle on page 14

6 1 8 4 3 7

see puzzle on page 14

see puzzle on page 14





VINYL RECORDS: BUY, sell, trade. Amps, turntables, speakers. 226-6783 CANÍT GET UP YOUR Stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift. Call 1-866-981-6591. NEW NORWOOD SAWMILLS LumberMate-Pro handles logs 34î diameter, mills boards 28î wide. Automated quick-cycle-sawing increases efficiency up to 40%. www.NorwoodSawmills. com/400OT - FREE Information: 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT. BUILDING SALE... ÌROCK BOTTOM PRICES!î 25X30 $4,577. 30X40 $6,990. 32X60 $10,800. 32X80 $16,900. 35X60 $12,990. 40X70 $13,500. 40X100 $23,800. 46X140 $35,600. OTHERS. Ends optional. Pioneer MANUFACTURERS DIRECT 1-800-668-5422. **HOME PHONE RECONNECT** Call 1-866-287-1348. Prepaid Long Distance Specials! Feature Package Specials! Referral Program! Donít be without a home phone! Call to Connect! 1-866-287-1348. A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Donít Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1-866-884-7464.

DATING SERVICE. LONG-TERM/ SHORT-TERM Relationships, FREE CALLS. 1-877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes. 1888-534-6984. Live adult casual conversations-1on1, 1-866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local Single Ladies.1877-804-5381. (18+).

TOW BAR; 2 inch ball, with chains and wire for lights. $100 Paul 352-2511. 4 WINTERS, MICHELIN 235/70R16 good condition. Also 4 16inch 5-bolt rims, black. $100/set. 250-509-0712 235/75 R15 WINTER tires on 6-bolt pattern rims. $250. 352-2026 TOYO WINTER TIRES 16" good for mid-size cars/mini-vans, 80% left. Paid $750 asking $400 OBO. 250-354-9851 TWO SETS BRIDGESTONE steel belted radial winter tires w/less than 1500km. Excellent cond. 1) 215/45R17, $280; 2)215/60R16, $240. 352-9906 FOR ANYONE WITH a Ford 150, Hankook Winter Tires, excellent shape, 85% tread, 4 tires $500 OBO. 354-1192 WANTED 1 WINTER Tire 205x75x15 with enough tread for two winters. Call 505-2070 18 FOOT FLATDECK trailer with ramps, 2-7000 lb. axles, stake pockets, new condition. $2900 250-354-3709 1980 VOLVO WAGON. Good body, papers & keys, no engine/tranny. $200 OBO. 250-226-7548 SET OF 4 Yokohama Geolander I/T Go72 Winter tires. P245/75R16 109Q. Used 2 Seasons $375 825-0087 4 WINTER TIRES, Nokian hakkapeliitta-rsi 205-55-r16, 50% tread, $100.00 OBO 250-399-4736

PETS & LIVESTOCK PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING with TLC. Pinky's Pet Parlour, 536 Ward Street Nelson. Monthly Specials 250.551.5501.

PSYCHIC READINGS BIG PICTURE CHAKRA Readings with Evie Clare a report from your Higher Self, above Oso Negro evenings and weekends. Phone 250-505-8371 for info/bookings. Get your Knowing Going


Oct. 6, 2010


Page 17

What are pine nuts and capers?

This week we are discussin the Sumerian cuneiform ing pine nuts and capers. Gilgamesh. Capers are These two questions were the immature flower buds submitted quite some time that are harvested and preserved in vinegar or saltago by my wife, and she has cured. Capers are a relativebeen very patiently awaiting a response. So, Patricia, dr. science ly expensive food item, as here is what was discov- Morgan Dehnel they are hand-picked, and, ered about these two food thus, require a significant items: There are just about two amount of time to harvest Pine nuts: It was surpris- dozen species of pines that per unit weight. For more ing (though in retrospect, yield “seeds” large enough information please refer to somewhat obvious) to to make the effort to har- the following two websites: learn that pine nuts are the vest them reasonable. The http://home co oking . “seeds” from certain pine harvesting technique is In fact, if I compre- refreshingly old-fashioned. faqs/f/faqcapers.htm hend my old biology text The steps are as follows: (1) http://www.foodreferbook correctly (Biological place the large female pine Science, 3rd Edition - 1980, cones in a burlap bag and html ����������������������������� ���������� Dr. Science is starting W.W. Norton & Company, dry for 20 days, (2) bash New York), the pine nut the burlap bag repeatedly to receive a number��� of ��� is actually a single mega- against a large flat rock, (3) questions and comments. � ����� spore, which is the female open the burlap bag and At present this column is gametophyte encased pick out the Pine Nuts by about eight weeks behind ��� ��� within the sporangium that hand. in addressing the backlog. is the tough brown scale of ��� ���� Capers: The prickly Please be patient, as efforts a typical female pine cone caper bush (Capparis spi- will be made to write about ���������� (the large cone). The male nosa) thrives in hot and each item received. If your VEHICLES cone is the rather small arid countries particu- query or comment appears 1985 TOYOTA 220,000KM. Runs great. compact cone on pine larly those adjacent to the to have been missed, then Gas cheap. Clean. 4-dr. Hatch. $750. trees, and it produces the ����������������������������� Where wasSea. great���������� Mediterranean Their please feel free to send it See in Salmo. 250-352-6416 Romantic, pollen grains that constiusegrandma dates back to 3000 B.C., in again. I apologize if one born? 1994 adventurous, NISSAN SENTRA, 200,000kms, tute the male gametophyte. where they are mentioned gets missed. great condition $1,950 OBO, phone 250-

1981 23 FOOT Chev Vanguard class C motor home. Very Good Condition. $6500 OBO. 250-352-1135. 1984 -17.5' BIGFOOT Trailer- Fridge, stove, oven, furnace, bathroom. Great shape, sleeps 4, $6000. 250-825-2206 1976 16Í HOLIDARE Trailer. Sleeps 5, ����������������������������� well maintained. Equalizer hitch, bike hitch, etc. $3400 or $6800 with van to WOOD CHIPPER TO rent to make bark pull it! 250-352-2252 mulch for garden. 250-226-7162 1979 TRAVEL TRAILER 22' needs URGENTLY NEEDED INTERNET some TLC. $700 as is. 250-359-6868 workable computer (Laptop/Desktop), Please call after 5 pm. CD/DVD burner, used is fine. Must Be Low cost! CALL 250-777-1278 A.T.V. 6 WHEEL Drive. Max Argo Amphibian. $300 OBO 250-359-7793 BICYCLE: IN GOOD condition. Need mysterious: 354-3899 or see Craigslist "Kootenays" by Jan 2011. 352-9788 late evening. 1996 KAWASAKI NINJA for sale. for info/photos Download your blusher, $3700 OBO. 40,0000 kms. Call 250USED ACUSTIC SEAGULL guitar in 1995 swashbuckler, MAZDA PROTEGE,or246,209 505-3149. good condition Please call Sarah at 1kms. Needs new battery but pretty good potboiler free from the 250-359-2957 1984 HONDA CV 200 three wheeler shape. $500 OCO. 250-365-7763 (not a Big Red). Great shape, $850. Nelson Library. WANTED: GOOD DEER/ELK rifle, with S.X 2.0 DODGE great condition, ready 250-354-3460 or without scope. 250-551-2255 for school, set of new winters. $5000 HJC MOTORCYCLE HELMET with visor. GO CART IN any condition for school OBO or trade. 250-352-6931 Size small. Used a dozen times only project. 250-551-5035 2004 TOYOTA MATRIX 4WDrive. excellent condition. $100. 399-4535 FREEZER BURNT/DATED MEAT for 100,000kms, very clean. $13,000OBO dog food. Will pick up. 250-226-6796 or trade for 4WD quadcab truck. 250352-9227 WANTED: FREE USED carpets, low pile, in fairly good condition. Louise 1988 FORD ESCORT GL, runs well, ADRIAN BURTON PAINTING. 354-0243 slight work needed, $300 OBO. 250Experienced, free estimates. No HST! 354-7461. WANTED: TREADMILL, MUST run at Wondering about 250-229-2108 low speed (for rehab.) 250-352-7354 2007 DODGE CALIBER, low mileage, ORCA TRUCK FOR HIRE. Will do dump excellent condition. Must sell! 352-3619 platypus love? LOOKING FOR CHILDREN'S wooden runs, moving, etc. Patrick 505-0612. kitchen stove/fridge, wooden shelving 1980 VOLVO WAGON w/engine for SUMMIT STUDIOS - audio recording, Science magazines and toys in good condition. Call 250installation. Good body, papers, keys audio-video production, restoration, 354-4485 $300.and Volvomore parts andonline repairs available. transfer. Call 250-227-9091 250-226-7548 WANTED: LAYING HENS 250-825-9399 through the287,000kms. NelsonPower HANDYMAN SERVICES. I FIX just 2000 VW BEETLE, LOOKING FOR USED washing ����������������������������� about anything! Clean, reliable, excellent everything, Library. sunroof, well maintained, 2 machine in good condition. 354-1545 references. $30/hr, 4hr minimum. Fred sets good tires, roofrack. $4000 OBO. LOOKING FOR SMALL row boat. 250250-354-7175 or clubfredbaja@yahoo. 250-353-2439 226-7650 com 1999 BLAZER FOUR door loaded LOOKING FOR OUTDOOR Christmas STRONG, HARD-WORKING MAN will- 213,000 kms, excellent condition, sumlights you are willing to give away, ing to do odd jobs. Please call Adam on mer and winter wheels. $3200. 250please! 250-352-6572 cell at 250-777-0625 352-6515 GETTING RID OF your Carpet? I want ADVERTISE YOUR NEWS! Post a 2009 TOYOTA TACOMA, quad cab, 6ft it! Will pick up, 505-6205 classified in a few easy clicks. Choose box, 4wd, matching canopy. $34,000 your province or all across Canada. 4 WINTER TIRES c/w rims for Toyoto OBO. 250-226-7211 The big screen Best value. Pay a fraction of the cost 4runner, Size: 225x75R15; 352-9437 1970 MERCEDES UNIMOG: comes compared to booking individual areas. with fits militaryinto trailer your and snowplow. $12,900 OBO. 250-354-3492 FORD bookbag... AEROSTAR 97, long, 4WD. 260,000km, well maintained, runs great. GETZEN TRUMPET FOR Sale. ...when 250-505-9840 you borrow Excellent condition-hardly used. Asking 18'' KONA KIKAPU deluxe with Manitou DVDs the Nelson $500. Call Ben at 551-4318 4 P215 75from R14 All Season tires on rims Minute front fork, $1150. Great XC bike. $250 OBO. Brandy 250-825-9313 THREE SONOR MINI boom cymbal Library. 778-838-1861 (in Nelson) stands, unused condition, $70 each, 1998 AWD GMC Safari 7 passenger ‎4 SALE! A Rome and a mic stands, $10, Castlegar, 250-608van. Well Maintained, 8 new tires on Prodigy snowboard "156, Helly Hansen 3548 rims, trailer hitch, new brakes and more. (W) soft shell jacket, 4 Winter Tires Great ski mobile/people mover. $3400/ MASON & RISCH Upright Piano and on "13 rims, Size 8 (W) cork boots, offers. 250-352-2252 Stool (early 1900's). Reconditioned & older G4 Mac laptop. 250-777-1918 refinished. $1200. Will help move. 8251992 WHITE MAZDA Van MPV $1600 ( 9406 OBO, new exhaust & timing belt 174,000 kms, 250-551-1088 VIOLIN FOR SALE. 1/16th with case. ������������������������������ Well looked after. call 250-354-1564 1990 JIMMY 148,000KMS, great winter vehicle. $1300. Call 352-1813 BALLROOM DANCE CLASSES in CAR-TOP CARGO POD. Yakima Nelson! Thursdays (Oct.7������������������������ - Nov.25) DODGE DAKOTA SPORT 4x4 1997. Space Cadet, 15cuft, excellent like-new Beginner SALSA @ 7:30pm, Beginner Canopy, box liner, tow kit, winter tires, condition. Fits all cars/racks. 250-352WALTZ & CHA-CHA @ 8:30pm. Singles great condition. $4000. 250359-7290 ��������������������� 7919. $325 & couples welcome! Class sizes limit2002 ACURA RXS 72000km, color: ed. Pre-registration only ($100/person) TWO NORDIC P205/75R14 MS Tires black, 2 door, 2.ol 4cyl full loaded, power ���������������� Call 250-352-0013 (like new) on Rims $75. 359-7634 windows, locks, 250-551-8800 MUSIC LESSONS: PIANO, mandolin, 17" X 7.5" Tacoma Alloys from my 2006. 1987 TOYOTA 2WD pickup, excellent accordion. All ages, diverse styles and All four for $250. 250-354-7411 condition. $2000 OBO. 250-354-4257 learning approaches. 250-352-1917. 16"RIMS STEEL UNIVERSAL bolt 1998 BLACK INFINITY Qx4 218,800km. 1969 MARSHALL SUPERBASS 100 patt, fits Jeep Chrysler vehicles $140; $5000 OBO. 250-551-8148 watt stock head 1975 Celestion 4x12 14"Rims Ford Focus $80. 825-0168 1995 TOYOTA PREVIA sc/le awd for cab. $2500 250-359-5909 SET OF 14" rims with tires, $100. 1000 sale, sunroof/leather, 350,000 kms INSTRUMENTS: GETZEN TRUMPET lb. hitchbar, $30. 250-229-4069 good engine. $2500 OBO. Call Nicole $450; Beuscher Alto Sax, $600; Selmer 250-505-5358 4 ALMOST NEW winter tires with DarbyII Tenor Sax, $700. For info. 250wheels from Toyota Sienna. 205 70 R15 1990 NISSAN TRUCK. Runs well. 825-4410 Toyo. 250-825-0199 Needs box or flat deck. 292,000km $350 OBO. 250-352-6416 4 ALUMINUM 5 bolt rims for Chevy Astro/Safari $50. 250-229-5315 BOX LINER FOR Ranger Pick-Up DENIED CANADA PENSION PLAN (Long Box) $40. 250-551-1436 DISABILITY BENEFITS? The Disability HOUSE CLEANER AVAILABLE. Claims Advocacy Clinic can help. Call TRUCK CANOPY FOR sale. Fits 6ft Dependable and hardworking. Call 250Allison Schmidt at 1-877-793-3222. by 8ft box. Good condition. White. 250354-1250 or leave message. 352-2351



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on microfiche.




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��������������� ������������������ '58 Chev or ��������������� 2010 hybrid? �������������


���������������������� ������������� MUSIC &���������� DANCE SPORTS EQUIPMENT


The Nelson Library News magazines in Dr. Science is in real life, Dr. Morgan Dehnel, a particle physicist, and resident of Nelson. has birth, death accelerator and print and onlline at Please send comments or questions regarding this column to marriage certificates ����������������������������� the Nelson Library. ����������






Get your motor running:

Small engine repair Car repair manuals at for boats, chainsaws, the Nelson Library, in ��������������������� and more - online at print ond online. ��������������������������������� ���������� the Nelson Library. ������������� ����������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������

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�������������� The Eentsy Toronto, ��������� ��Weentsy ���������������� Spider Tasmania, or

Power Vinyasa

Y o g a ����������������

���� ������ ���� ������ ������ � � � � � � � � 10 classes | 10 bucks each

Timbuktu? Is alive and tickling ������������������ ������������������������������ Travel guides at the ������������������� at Nelson Library ��������������� storytimes! ������������������������ Nelson Library. ������������� ������������� ���������� ���������������������

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The Express is not responsible for any errors after ������������������ ������������������������ ��������������� ��������������������� ������������������������������ ������������� ���������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������ ������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������� ������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������ ���������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� WORK WANTED ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������

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Page 18


Oct. 6, 2010


the Question:

What is your opinion of Canada’s immigration policy?

Just fine: 34.3%

Not restrictive enough: 37.1%

Too restrictive: 28.6%

I investigated bringing my child’s father here, and because of his nationality, it would be a very complicated process. Even so, for the most part I think the system is pretty fair. THERE is an interesting discussion around arranging in advance where immigrants would go. Unconstitutional perhaps, but helpful for balanced growth. MOST of the people in this country are descended from someone who immigrated to this county. The difference is, they came here prepared to learn the language, learn the customs, abide by the laws of this country, and above all to be good productive citizens of this country. The immigrants that come now, ���������� want service in the

language of the country they come from, religious facilities of the country they came from, they want the culture and customs that they are accustomed to and above all, they expect the Canadian people to pay for it all, while they sit on their collective butts and do nothing but complain about how hard done by they are. Australia has the right idea, learn the language, learn the customs, and be a productive member of society. TO encourage people to live in rural areas has nothing to do with immigration. Governments should facilitate any industry to operate in rural areas as logically as possible, and the people will follow.

cess claims, the rules don’t seem to be applied fairly to all, and those that are contributing members of society are not allowed to stay when others that have broken serious laws are. MONEY, and or political influence, allow entry for nondesirables - Gangs. Moral fabric is secondary and usually not fathomed. Establishing an applicant’s intent makes sense. GIVING new immigrants welfare while they wait 2 years for the government to get paperwork completed is wrong. Government should take 1 week, sponsors should pay their transition expenses. I am not a nationalist. I believe in diversity. THIS country was inhabited by first nations before the arrival of Europeans. The migration (take over and destruction of First Nations) was disastrous. Hopefully, we can apply some of these lessons to the current wave of immigration and not repeat the mistakes of the past. Lessons: Respect the existing population, their culture and manner of living.

����� ���������� ���������� �������� IT seems to take much too long to pro-

Read any good books lately? ���������� Visit to answer! �����������������������������

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�������� ��������� �����




SOLID OAK KITCHEN/DINING table with leaf & 6 chairs; very good condition. Asking $125. 250-825-4632 2 MEXICAN LEATHER Chairs $149 OBO, 1 antique table carved legs, extends $175. 250-551-3324 ANTIQUE, 3 PIECE bedroom suite, with double size mattress, good condition, $150. Phone 250-359-7657 SOLID PINE SINGLE bed, with mattress very clean, excellent condition. $180 250-352-7643 POSITIVE APPAREL THRIFT Store 721 Front St now accepting furniture Mon ñ Sat 10-5 Sun 1-5

LONGBEACH. 4-LEVEL SPLIT 3-4 bdrm. Great spaces, deck, 1/2 acre lot, treed, gardens, private, seasonal brook. $389,900. David Gentles 250354-8225. Nelson Realty CENTRAL TO NELSON & Castlegar. Fenced 1.84 acres. 3bdrm, 2bath family home, deck, carport, garage, fruit trees, Lots of room. $389,900. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty MOUNTAIN STATION. 0.84 acres just outside City limits. Valley views & sunsets. $250,000.00 David Gentles 250354-8225. Nelson Realty BLEWETT ACREAGE: 36 acres with many building sites. Split by May & Jenny Road plus access off Blewett Road. $465,000. David Gentles 250354-8225. Nelson Realty SLOCAN RIVER FRONT. 1.78 level acres. 300 feet of frontage. UG services @ lot line. Build now. 30 mins to Nelson or Castlegar. $225,000. no HST. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty COUGAR BLUFFS. SPECTACULAR Views. 83.5 acres. Numerous designated building sites. A wilderness retreat, yet close to Slocan Valley amenities. $324,900. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty CREEK SIDE RETREAT. 1 acre of flat buildable land backs onto riparian zone of Winlaw Creek. Private well. Power at lot line. $99,000. Burke Jones 250-3548515 Nelson Realty KOOTENAY LAKE FRONT. Custom 3 bdrm 4 bath, full level walk-out basement, view decks. 22x44 workshop, triple & single garages & carport. Park-like private gated 1.64 acres. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty RIVERFRONT. 1.48 LEVEL acres. 325' on Slocan River. New 2188 sqft 3 bdrm rancher. Geotherm in-floor heat thru house & 2-car garage. Granite counters, custom kitchen, stainless appliances, fireplace, wood accents, vaulted ceilings, ug services, 688 sqft covered decks, fenced side yard, exposed aggregate, paved drive. A must see!! $689,900. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty A "MUST SEE" to realize all this property has to offer. Private 5.9 Balfour acres. 4 bdrms, decks, fireplace, games room & more. 30x60 garage. $679,900. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty WATERFRONT @ BALFOUR w/ Foreshore Lease & 18 slip Marina. .43 level acres. 2 bdrm 2 bath home. $599,000. Adjacent lot available @ $374,500. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty 4.9 ACRES NEAR Lemon Creek. Large 13 year old 3 bdrm, 3 bath home. Total of 4246 sqft. Includes mobile home. $425,000. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty NELSON CITY & Lake Views. Renovated 4 bdrm 3 bath home. Sunken living room w/fireplace, vaulted ceilings. Terraced back yard. $442,500. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty 5.5 ACRES @ Slocan Park. 5 bdrm 1440 sqft rancher w/in-law suite. Covered veranda on 4 sides. Large shop. $439,000. Burke Jones 250-3548515 Nelson Realty

1.21 LEVEL ACRES includes 4 mobile homes. Secure tenants in place. great investment/holding property. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty HORSE LOVERS DELIGHT. 7.9 acres w/fenced pasture & gardens. 3 bdrm home. Privacy treed. Central to Nelson & Castlegar. Crescent Valley. $365,000. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty CRESCENT VALLEY. 3.82 acres, 2 bdrm, double garage, 14x28 workshop, 6 ft privacy fence. Goose Creek runs thru. Garden w/Deer fencing. $299,000. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty ERIE CREEK FRONT. .42 level acres. Upgraded 4 bdrm, 3 bath home. 14x20 covered deck. 28x44 lower deck. Tree house w/power. $279,900. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty NEAT & TIDY 3 bdrm Rancher. Level 150x112 lot. 12x16 shop & 16x40 barn. Lots of room. Ymir $270,000. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty HIGH ST, NELSON. Walk to work. 2 bdrm renovated. Covered lake view deck. All appliances. $259,900.00 Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty NEWLY RENOVATED SALMO Rancher. Priced to sell 4 bdrm, 2 bath. Fenced level .41 acres, Gardens, workshop. Quick Possession $189,900. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty GREAT VALUE BUILDING lot near Balfour. $110,000. .47 acres. Commanding lake views. Ug services. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty 29 LOT SUBDIVISION IN the City limits. Lot prices start @ $89,000. + HST. Spacious lot sizes. UG services. City amenities. David Gentles 250-3548225. Nelson Realty 5.3 ACRES WEST of Salmo. Subdividable. Lots of Gravel. Residential or commercial. $225,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty 2 BUILDING LOTS. Expansive lake views, Southern exposure. UG services. Private beach & Marina access available. .76 acres @ $147,500. 1.02 acres @ $149,500. David Gentles 250354-8225. Nelson Realty 2.92 ACRES. (3 side-by-side lots) 55 foot well on center lot. 5 minutes west of Salmo. $135,000. David Gentles 250354-8225. Nelson Realty WATERFRONT @ LONGBEACH. Over 165 feet of sandy level beach. Designated septic area. Ready to build. $399,900. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty UP & DOWN Duplex. 2 blocks off Baker. 3 bdrm & 2 bdrm units. Always rented. Some upgrades are done. $329,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty 41 ACRES. PRIVATE. Level benches. Old Log structure. Original septic, water & power. Slocan Valley $325,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty SLOCAN RIVER. LEVEL 1 acre with 200 feet of river frontage. UG utilities @ lot line. $249,900. no HST David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty

GARAGE SALES BIG SALE: OCTOBER 9-10th. 3984 Kane Road - 10 mile, Nelson BIG BASEMENT SALE: October 8-9th, Ascension Lutheran, 1805 Silver King Road, 8a.m.-1p.m., with coffee, baking

HOME & GARDEN WOOD DOORS $30 each; new picture window $350; non-slip stairs with railing $400. Chris 250-354-4240 KITCHEN RANGE, GLASS-TOP, Stainless Steel, Convection, 5yrs-old, Excellent Condition, $640 ($1,100 new), Free Delivery, 354-1412. STRAW AND MULCHING Hay. Delivery anywhere in the West Kootenay. Farmer Direct Wayne 226-7276, 226-7054. CRAFTSMAN LAWN SWEEPER, pulltype, used twice, paid $350, sell for $100. 250-352-5004.

REAL ESTATE ALL YOU COULD ask for in this Superior family home. Upgraded 6 bdrm, 3 bath multi-level split. 100x120 corner lot. Garage, paved drive. Huge covered patio. Great views. $575,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty WATERFRONT. 325 FEET @ Sunshine Bay. Foreshore Lease. Boat launch. Level 1.61 acres, creek, 4 serviced RV sites, 14x66 home, 36x26 workshop. $1,175,000. David Gentles 250-3548225. Nelson Realty UNIQUE 16.3 ACRE oasis @ 9-Mile. Untapped potential. 2 homes. 265 feet sandy beach & boathouse, 2 detached garages. Tranquilly & privacy. $2,500,000. David Gentles 250-3548225. Nelson Realty MAJESTIC 1920'S HERITAGE Lodge. 5000 sqft, 8 bdrms, 6 bath. Separate 1 bdrm apartment. 3.4 acres. Lake views, grand covered verandas overlooking expansive views. Successfully operating B & B. $995,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty 1 ACRE OF flat land @ Erie Pit. Large shop with power. Well & Septic. $135,000. David Gentles 250-3548225. Nelson Realty FOR SALE: SOLID 4 bd, 2 bath home, see $359,000 ph; 354-1188, 551-1088, or MIRROR LAKE. LEVEL .86 acres. Lake Views, privacy, 3 bdrm, wood accents. Gambrel Style. $375,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty

������� ��������

When you’re looking for a local shop, service or special, first check the Express Needs & Wants section!

Equine Assisted Personal Growth and Development

Girls Rule! Youth Workshop (ages 12-17) A great opportunity to work with horses while addressing personal issues:

���������������������� �����������������������������������





������������������ ��������������� �������������

Saturday, October 23, 9 am to 1 pm ��������������� �������������� at our Blewett location

������������� Lunch will be provided at the bonfire $65 per person, limited space available! ������������������ (Bursaries available if needed.)

������������������������������������� To register please call 250.551.0590 ������������� ������������� ����������������������������� �����������������


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communication • trust • relationships • self esteem empowerment • problem solving • healthy boundries


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LOG ACCENTS THROUGHOUT. 3,100 sqft, 3 level, 4+ bdrm home. New flooring. Amazing view decks. Organic gardens. .23 acres $549,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty BLEWETT. PRIVATE RETREAT - 2.46 acres. Terraced gardens, 3 bdrm 2000 sqft rancher, hobby room, workshop. Spacious living. $425,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty LONGBEACH. 2.5 ACRES. Solid post & beam. 2+ bdrms, office, 3 bath, 2 kitchens, suite potential. Outbuildings. Covered view deck. $479,900. David Gentles 250-3548225. Nelson Realty QUICK POSSESSION. UPHILL 3 bdrm, 3 bath, summer kitchen, suite potential. Separate "studio". 50x120 fertile lot. $490,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty ERIE CREAK FRONT. Level .26 acres. 4 bdrm, 3 bath, spacious 2 storey home. 2800 sqft & 1900 sqft unfinished basement. Open Kitchen/family room. Formal living & dining rooms. Carport, covered porch. $395,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty 10 ACRES INCLUDES 300 ft of River frontage across road (approx 1 ac). Open design 3 bdrm rancher. Barn. $379,900. David Gentles 250-3548225. Nelson Realty HERITAGE. CLASSIC 2 storey 3 bdrm. 62x120 fenced yard. Close to Schools. $319,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty QUICK POSSESSION. 3+1 bdrm, 2 fireplaces, huge deck/carport, 50x141 lot. Close to Schools. Suite potential. $319,900. David Gentles 250-3548225. Nelson Realty UPHILL RANCHER. 3 bdrm 2 bt Landscaped, level fenced lot. Suite potential. Great location. $365,000. ����������������������������� David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty 6-MILE. 3-4 BDRM, 100x183 terraced back yard, possible inlaw suite, deck, carport. $299,000. David Gentles 250354-8225. Nelson Realty 60X110 CORNER LOT. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, basement, carport, level entry. Expansion potential. $249,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty TIDY 2-3 BDRM mobile, addition & view deck. Lower 6-mile. Quick possession. $49,500. David Gentles 250354-8225. Nelson Realty MOBILE HOME NEEDING a talented renovator. 2 bdrm, 1 bath. Value priced. $29,500. David Gentles 250354-8225. Nelson Realty MOBILE OLDER UGRADED $32,000 in Greenwood mhp trades considered. �� Owner financing available. Call Liam at 250-428-1638

2/3 BEDROOM WATERFRONT home at 7 mile. Deluxe, fully furnished. Available Oct 5th to May 31st. $1800/month + utilities. 250505-2067 IDEAL FOR FEMALE STUDENT. $400/month (utilities included), shared food. NON-smoking, quiet, friendly, kind. 250-825-4570 (Scott) MOUNTAIN WATERS RETREAT for Rent. Beautiful, fully furnished, no pets, non smoking, great references needed. 4WD access only, 2.5km from Nelson. $1750 plus utilities.Nov1st 2010 to March 31st 2011. Call Richard 250-5090553 SMALL ONE BEDROOM cottage W/D F/S $800.00/month all inclusive. Call 250-352-5539 after 6pm GREAT ONE BEDROOM + large den condo for rent asap. Many features! $1150 + utilities. Great location! 647-283-8127 SILICA STREET 3 bedroom heritage house. Hardwood floors, studio, garden, lakeview. Available November 1st. $1200/month. Phone 250-358-7269 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT on Trevor Street. Coin-op laundry. $750/ month N/S Rentals@NelsonRealty. ca 250-505-2067 SPACIOUS FURNISHED 3BDR mainfloor 5km to Nelson. Mature NS/ND/NP. Available Immediately. $1000 + utilites. 250-505-2060 SPACIOUS, BRIGHT ONE bedroom. W/D, lakeview, patio, downtown. Avail. now. $825 plus util. 250-354-3636 PROCTER 4 BEDROOM home. 2 Bath. Partially furnished. Private on acreage. W/D, wood/electric, sauna, pond, hot tub. $1400/mo. 250-354-3636 ���������� 1 BEDROOM HALF-DUPLEX 10 minutes west of Nelson. $850/month + utilities. No Pets 250505-2067 2 BEDROOM PROCTER on 1/2 acre. Large deck, great views. $900/month + utilities. Pets negotiable. 250-505-2067 2/3 BEDROOM HALF-DUPLEX in Nelson. Carport & deck. $1300/ month + utilities. Pets negotiable. 250505-2067 2 BEDROOM SUITES on Whitewater Road. Clean, recent upgrades. $800/month + utilities. Pets negotiable. 250505-2067 SLOCAN VALLEY NEAR Winlaw: Newer cottage, 2 beds, loft, quiet, secure, Valley views. Suitable 2 people. $795. Please call 250226-0034 UPHILL 1 BEDROOM garden suite, new house, gas fireplace, view, washer/dryer, n/s, $725+utils. 778-862-1966



RENTALS FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR rent in Nelson/Rosemont. Rent: $500/ month, including utilities. Female, N/S. Phone 250-352-3365


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2 BEDROOM, NO smoking, no pets, quiet $975, taking applications. 250-352-3860 lorrainer61@gmail. com 3 BEDROOM HOUSE (9 Mile). Large yard, 2 car garage, pets considered. Nov. 1st. $1650+util. (250) 825-3464 3 BR. 1/2 duplex, 1.5 bath N/S, N/Pets. Off street parking. Phone 250-352-2205. ROOM FOR RENT in Fairview. $425 Inclusive. Female only. Call 250-505-5233 between 8 AM & 7 PM EXECUTIVE TOWNHOME AVAILABLE Granite Pointe - Golf Course Facing - Multiple Upgrades $1850/mo + Utilities No pets/smoking 250-505-2020 2 BDRM DUPLEX near Blewett School. N/S,N/P, ST/FR $750+utilities. References 250-352-5217 until 8pm. 3 BEDROOM UPSTAIRS suite! Deck, yard, views, storage, pets negotiable... $1175/mo + util. Oct 1st. 352-7303 FURNISHED MOBILE HOME, Nelson. 2bd, 2bath. Everything there. Dishes, linens, dishwasher, fridge, stove, washer, dryer, etc. Nov.1-April 1. References Required. No smoking. No pets. $700 negotiable for a responsible person. 250-352-7605 PROCTER 2 BEDROOM home on 1/2 acre with large deck overlooking the lake. N/S, Pets negotiable. $950/ month 250-505-2067 FURNISHED ROOM UPHILL, $450 includes utilities and wireless internet, Nov.1, NP/NS. Please call 250-354-3620 NICE 3 BEDROOM suite 2 minutes from Nelson! Pets considered. $1099/mo plus utilities. Available immediately. 505-3345 CONDO W/ONE LARGE bedroom + den(could easily be another bedroom) for rent. Great neighborho od!$1200+utilities. Heat included. CABIN FOR RENT in Harrop, 30min from Nelson. Kitchenette, woodstove, outhouse. $450 plus utilities, ns/np. Please phone 250505-0606 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in Rosemount for rent. No pets/No smoking. $900/month plus utilities. Please call 352-6926 OFFGRID CABIN NEAR Slocan for kind-hearted hard-working handyman-or-woman with vision. Possible 4-acre site partner. 250226-7311 WORKSHOP, ART GALLERY or storage for rent. Phone 250-3523517

QUIET NATURE SETTING! Spacious, bright, 3Bd suite in sunny Beasly. W/D, N/S, sorry no dogs. $935/month. Available immediately. 250-359-6669

RENTALS - COMM BEAUTIFUL, DOWNTOWN , stand alone building for lease. 2300 sq. ft., 601 Kootenay St. Please phone for details; 250-825-9932 COMMERCIAL LEASE WANTED: Successful local business looking to re-locate. Nelson area. 600 sqft minimum. 250-354-7218 OFFICE SUITE AVAILABLE: Mountain Waters Building 205 Victoria St. Quiet sitting area. Heritage features. $375/month. Call Richard 250509-0553 RELIABLE WORKING FEMALE looking for private suite with electric heat and parking for $600-650. Jenn (250)505-1822 A GARAGE TO store a car in from 1 December until 15 April. Wayne 250352-9494. E-mail: katzdeekle@shaw. ca. WANTED: 4+ BDRM House w/ garage+yard, Nelson area, for me and 3 others. gsagelance@gmail. com Thank-you! FAMILY OF FOUR looking for cozy 3+bedroom home with yard in Nelson. References available. Sarah 250-509-0307.

SHARED ACCOM. ROOMMATE WANTED FOR one bedroom Blaylock condo on bus route $425/month. Call Jan at 250-825-4411 FURNISHED ROOM IN Thrums. Shared with 1 couple/2dogs. Garden, garage, and on bus route. $450+utl. Phone 250-5514605 ROOM FOR RENT, in a Yogini's home. For a conscious vegetarian who considers Home their Temple. Quiet, Mature, non smoker, with no pets. Contact: Valerie @ 250.505.3946. Price Negotiable FURNISHED BEDROOM WITH private bathroom available for single clean responsible person. Located uphill Nelson. 250-3521693 IF YOU ARE looking for a room in a house, a home for your family, or a housitter, the Express Classifieds are the place to look! A reader classified under 15 words is free, and only 25 cents a word thereafter. The best part? You can submit a classified online from the comfort of your home. Visit www. today to submit your free reader classified.

������������������ Bringing you topics to help you Succeed as a Landlord, ��������������� and as always, Al will be there to answer your questions! �������������


Contact 250-505-2466

Drew at: ���������������


Each office is independently owned and operated

Industrial recycling takes on a whole new significance when you consider some of the unusual reclaimed materials that have been used to build shelter. nest building For example, pallet houses, like the sample Kate Bridger currently on display at Touchstones, are among the former Nasookin ferry those assembled from res- is a familiar landmark and cued items called back into a fully functional home. Cardboard houses sound service. Locally, the late David alarmingly flimsy but, with Brown’s home on the east the proper preparation, shore is known for its several have stood the test innovative use of discarded of time, earthquakes and embalming fluid bottles. torrential rain in India and Originally, he constructed prototypes are being develhis 500,000-bottle minia- oped in North America. Straw bale homes, also ture castle to live in, but soon tired of the continual familiar in this neck of the parade of curious pass- woods, are made of tightly ers-by and turned it into a bundled straw stacked like bricks and finished with tourist attraction instead. Others have used beer a stucco-like mixture of bottles, plastic water bot- mud, sand, paste and straw tles and even beer cans fibres. The result may look cemented together to con- like any ordinary home, or struct vertical walls and evolve as a more organicceilings. Homes have also looking cob house with been made from decom- rounded edges and arched missioned shipping con- openings. Perhaps the three little tainers, tyres, salvaged aeroplane parts and rolled pigs in the popular fairy newspapers. Often such tale were environmentally creativity emerges when ahead of their time, buildbuilding materials are ing their houses from sticks and straw. But, before scarce. Even abandoned ships emulating them, make and other vessels have been sure there are no vengeconverted into landlub- ful wolves lurking in your bers’ homes. On Nelson’s neighbourhood. north shore, for example, Kate is an artist and designer offering in-home consultations to help clients create optimal living and working spaces. If you have design questions, you may contact Kate directly at or 352-4653.

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$99+hst WKLS Members $129+hst Non-Members

Includes Lunch

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Rustic cabin on over 2 acres in protected bay on Pilot Bay Road.Trail to beach, close to ferry terminal, Pilot Bay lighthouse park & 3 golf courses nearby.Breathtaking views of Kootenay Lake.Great getaway!

����������� mls#K195675


We've got a lot to be thankful for!


Saturday, October 16th, 9:00am Best Western Baker Street Inn ������������������ 153 Baker St., Nelson, BC

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Lorne at: ���������������������

Time to rethink the way we build our shelters



THE TEAM THAT ������������������������������


Page 19


�������������� Lorne Westnedge ������������ ������������������������ Contact


The WEST KOOTENAY LANDLORDS SOCIETY invites you to a seminar you cannot afford to miss!


& Drew Evans:

Oct. 6, 2010

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Creston Organic Squash

������������ �������������� 3 bedroom, 2 bath. manufactured Located across the River in Slocan Over 2.5 acres already divided into 17 home on almost 1/2 acre just outside Park, this 11.4 acre property offers a separate �������������� titles outside Kaslo municipal city boundary. Home has a shed roof, flat area for construction at road level, boundary. Purcell Mountain views. Washop, and good elevated building site. covered deck, and sits in a park-like������� licence in place. Great potential for setting, partially landscaped and Recreation at your doorstep, only 30 ter min. to Nelson. or investment treed. ������������������������ ���������������� ���������������������development ����������� $137,500 $185,000 CREEKSIDE PROPERTY







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Oct. 6, 2010

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