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IN THIS ISSUE: The Armed Man celebrates Remembrance Day page 07

theExpress independent since 1988

Lt. Robert Hampton Gray Remembered on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Lt. Robert Hampton In Sylvia Crooks’ 2005 Gray was the last Homefront & Battlefront: Nelsonite, and one of the Nelson BC in World War last Canadians, to die in II, there is a description action during World War of ‘Hammy’ as a lad. In II. Ironically, his brother, it his mother, Wilhelmina, John (Jack) Balfour Gray, describes him as “the scholwas the first Nelsonite to arly type” with interests in die in action during the literature and international same war. Both men were affairs. He was friendly and survived by their sister, possessed of a good sense Phyllis Gautschi, who was of humour. He enjoyed in Nelson this past week hockey and had a natural to visit Touchstones and proclivity to leadership. view commemorative Crooks reports that his works dedicated to her loss was a terrible blow to younger brother, Robert, or his family who only learned “Hammy”, as he was known. of his death after celebratMs. Gautshi is in her nine- ing V-J Day in full expectaties and was accompanied tion of his return. He was by her daughter, Anne not yet thirty years old. George, PhD. of Prince Remember the loss to George, BC. the community of young Gray’s Peak in Kokanee people such as Lt. Gray. Glacier Park was named As his family, like families for the two Gray boys. The in Nagasaki can attest, the Gray Building that cur- shadow of war is long. rently houses the Main Participants in the Post Office was named Remembrance Day Parade for Hampton. Numerous on Thursday, Nov. 11 will plaques can be found in gather at the Legion on Nelson commemorat- Victoria Street. From there ing him. A large photo they will march down of him hangs in the Royal Baker and Hall Streets to Canadian Legion and a the Cenotaph in front of curling memorial cup was City Hall, where the cercreated in his honour. emony takes place at 11 Touchstones houses other a.m. commemorative pieces Also on Nov. 11, the including a model of the Capitol Theatre will be H.M.S. Formidable, a ship holding a 7:30 p.m. perthat Lt. Gray piloted. formance of The Armed Lt. Gray, a naval offi- Man: A Concert for Peace. cer, was posthumously Other performances will ����������������������������� ���������� awarded the Distinguished follow through to Nov. 13. Service Cross and the The Armed Man received Victoria Cross. He is one of critical acclaim when the fourteen figures commem- world premiere was����������������������������� ���������� per���������� orated in Ottawa’s Valiants formed in 2000 at London’s ������������������ Memorial. Gray Lake, in Royal Albert Hall. Capitol Alberta, was named for Theatre Box Office hours ��������������� him as was Gray’s Walk are from 12-4:30 p.m., ������������� in Elgin Scotland and a Tuesday through Friday school in Dartmouth, N.S. and one hour before per������������������ Overlooking Onagawa Bay formances. Call 250-352in Japan stands a memo- 6363 during box office ��������������� rial to Gray. He died only hours, or charge by phone. ����������������������������� hours before “Fat Boy”, an Tickets are available online atomic bomb, was dropped at SHARMAINE GRAY

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Wednesday November 3, 2010 Vol. 22 No. 47

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Top: Lt. Gray as a young man. Left: Phyllis Gautscki, sister of Lt. Gray, Mayor John Dooley, Laura Fortier, Archivist and Collections Manager, Shawn Lamb Archives at Touchstones, and Anne George, daughter of Phyllis Gautschi and neice of Lt. Gray. Phyllis was in Nelson was in Nelson visiting family last week and was caught at Touchstones during a tour.



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Nov. 3, 2010

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250-354-4089 The Express is read everywhere, even in Spokane!

280 Baker Street , Nelson

After 72 hours of travelling, students from Bordeaux France catch up on the Express News before completing their epic journey to Nelson. The students are spending 10 days in the Nelson area, attending LVR and Trafalgar Schools.



5-Day Forecast


Wednesday ��������������

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Cloudy with Sunny Breaks High 11°C Low 7°C P.O.P. 10%

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Isolated Showers High 10°C Low 3°C P.O.P. 60%

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Isolated Showers High 9°C Low 3°C P.O.P. 70%





Light Rain High 8°C Low 4°C P.O.P. 80%

06 11 10 05 16 04 12

Street Talk Health Calendar Body & Soul Directory Been Thinkin’ About Restoring OrderBeen Dr. Science In the Zone

03 06 07 13 14 15 12

News Opinion/Editorial Arts & Entertainment Around Town Classifieds Homes & Gardens Fun & Games


Publisher/Editor Nelson Becker

Front of Office Jessie Demers

Production StephanieTaylor

News. Find out what Nelson’s student visitors have been up to. Accounting Robin Murray



Light Rain High 6°C Low 3°C proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an approval. P.O.P. 60%

e: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email: Express is not responsible for any errors after the client has signed off.

07 Arts. The Armed Man is set to perform at the Capitol.

How to contact us Classifieds, Events Listings, Press Releases, Fish Heads and Flowers and Letters to the Editor can all be submitted via the Express web site: For Body and Soul Directory and Health Calendar listings please call 250.354.3910. For display advertising call 250.354.1118 or email Classified ads are free for the first 15 words and are 25c for each additional word. Deadline is Thursday at noon for the following week. One free classified per week per phone number. Commercial classifieds are $5 per week for the first 15 words and 25c per word thereafter. Free classifieds are not taken over the phone. Press releases must be received by Friday morning for the following week. Press releases for events will be printed in the Wednesday issue immediately prior to the event. Publication of event press releases is at the discretion of the Express. While we try to include everything we receive, there is no guarantee that a press release will be printed. The Editor reserves the right to edit releases subject to length, clarity and taste. Submit press releases to ISSN 1196-7471 The Express Newspaper is owned by Kootenay Express Communication Corp. Publications Mail Agreement #0654353. Paid at Nelson, BC. The Express is published every Wednesday and distributed free to every home and busienss in the Nelson area, as well as Ainsworth, Ymir, South Slocan, Crescent Valley, Slocan Park, Winlaw, Slocan City, Silverton and New Denver, via Canada Post. Businesses that wish to supply free copies of the Express

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International rates available. Copyright 2010.


Nov. 3, 2010


Page 3

Front of Redfish deemed salvagable SHARMAINE GRAY

Once home to the Redfish Grill, the fire-ravaged, heritage building on the 400 block of Baker is expected to be cleaned up in three to five weeks time. Dan MacLeod, foreman for Status Construction of Castlegar is overseeing the project. This summer a fire in the restaurant destroyed the interior of the building and caused major smoke damage to adjacent buildings, forcing Kurama Sushi and McLaughlin’s Printers and Stationers to shut their doors. Fire Chief Simon Grympa of the City of Nelson Fire Department front ����� is pleased that “The ����������


of the building is going to remain a fixture of the City of Nelson for many years to come.” He added that an engineer has found the front to be structurally sound and that the Fire Department is ‘proud to have succeeded in saving an historic landmark’. The fire was a difficult one to contain owing to the age and structure of the buildings. The Fire Chief notes that the Fire Department has completed their investigation of the fire but that the Nelson City police continue with theirs. Yoshikatsu (Yoshi) Shirotani, owner and operator of Kurama Shushi, has anxiously been waiting to move back into his old location and once more

provide his customers with their favourite dishes. The wait has been a long one for him. Health inspectors had informed him that he could not re-open until the charred building next door was cleaned out. For months nothing happened. Shirotani lost more and more income and even started to look for a new location. Finally the restaurateur contacted City Council and in early October, the City intervened on his behalf. Yoshi ‘s wait is finally coming to a close. He misses his customers and is impatient to welcome them back. To old and new customers alike, Yoshi would like to say “Hope to see you soon!”


This logging truck overturned on Hwy. 6 last week. Although much damage was sustained to the truck, there were no serious injuries reported.

No serious injuries from logger accident At approximately 8:25am on October 25, a Northbound logging truck overturned on highway 6 just North of the Nelway Border Crossing, Southeast of Salmo, B.C. The truck had been traveling into the sharp S-curves and lost control, plowing through the concrete guard. The truck then flipped onto the driver’s side, blocking two thirds of the roadway. Salmo fire department, RCMP and Ministry of Transportation immediately attended to the scene. Miraculously, the

���Big changes ahead at the Nelson Library

driver was treated for only minor injuries by BC Ambulance and released at scene. The incident would likely have had more serious repercussions had there been oncoming traffic at the time of the collision. The truck sustained considerable damage and is likely beyond repair. Speed is believed to be a factor in the collision. The incident is still under investigation. - Submitted by Salmo RCMP

The only thing con- June Stockdale, “We are brighter, its shelves wellstant is change, a wise phi- certainly excited by the stocked with up-to-date losopher once said. This results in Areas F and H, books, magazines, audiois especially true at the and happy to be moving books, MP3s, and DVDs. �������� Nelson Library. Between forward into a new era of The public computer area ��������while cel- is always busy. Study carrels the on-site expansion and library service, a new look and and armchairs enjoyed by the referendum on expand- ebrating ��������� ed library service, things space in the library both studious and leisure �������� � itself.” are really changing. The The library expansion readers. The new teen secfacility may even change its has been on the books since tion attracts young adults ���������������������� name, trading “municipal” 1997. So far the library has with its clean lines, natural ������������������������ : for “public” in the wake raised $81,000 towards light, and great collection. ������������������������� In last week’s October 27th edition of ing “No Heavy Trucks” on the roads adjaof a yes vote in two out of a goal of $100,000 for its Wee ones gather for stothe Express, it was incorrectly reported cent to the health centre. This was done rytimes in the cozy, childthree regional areas. expansion to occupy two ����������������������������� that the Castlegar City Council recently to prevent the removal of the ultrasound Because Area F and ����������������� a floors. To date the chil- friendly area downstairs, passed a road bylaw restricting the trans- equipment housed within the centre and defined portion of Area dren’s area has been relo- where materials from print fer of ultrasound equipment from the to precipitate dialogue with the Internal cated in a bright, renovated to digital are available. H voted in favour of par����������������������� Castlegar & District Community Health Health Authority that had unexpectedly ticipation with the Nelson downstairs; a new circulaThere are three weeks ���������������������� Centre. On October 18th, Castlegar City announced the imminent removal of the tion counter greets patrons Library, 7,400 people have to go in the major reno������������������������� Council passed a resolution directing equipment to Trail. Removal has been gained barrier-free ���������� access at the entrance, and offices vations, but change will �������� ����������������������������� their traffic authority to post signs read- postponed while talks continue. ���������� to the library’s holdings, have been moved to allow remain the constant as the programs, databases and maximum light for the library continues to rise to interlibrary loan opportu- lounge and adult collec- the changing needs of the nities. Each of these areas tions on the upper level. community it serves. also gains a seat on the The Nelson Library is - Submitted by the Library Board, and a voice Nelson Library in making the library the ������������� best it can be for all resi���������������������������������� ������������ dents in the service area. � The increase in popula������������������������������������ ������������������������� tion served by the Nelson ����������������������������������� Library means a greater �� ������ ��� ������� ��� ������ ������� ����� Provincial contribution in ����������������������������������������������� ��������� ��� ����� ���� ����� ���� ����� ����� �� ������� addition to additional sup������������ ������������������������������������������������� port through taxation by ����������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� Areas H and F, and a fur������������������������������� ��� ��������� ���� ������������ �������� ����� �� ther increase to the amount �������������������������������������������������� already contributed by the City of Nelson. This means ��� ����� ����� �������� ���� ����������� � �� ������ ���� enhanced library service in ������������ ������ ������� �������� ���� ����� a number of ways. �������� ��� ������ ���� ���� ����� ���������� The acquisitions budget ����������� ����� ������� �� ����������� �������� ���� will increase, which means ���� ����� ��������� ����� ����� ��� ��� ���������� ��� more on the shelves and ���������� online. The newly expand�������� ����������������������������������������������������� ed board will immedi�� ���� ����� ������� ��� ���� ���������� ������ �� ���� ately discuss an increase ��������������������������������������� in hours to better serve ��������������������������������� the greater community. A ������������������ shut-in service for seniors and disabled regional resi��������������� dents will be developed, ������������� and a regular satellite service for the Slocan Valley is in the works. ������������������ For residents of Area E, ����������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������� the annual membership fee ������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������� will be $120 per year per ���������������������������������� household. This is a big ������������������������������������������������������������������������ jump from the 2010 subscription fee, but analysis on the part of the Library Board determined the new fee to be a more accurate representation of the actual cost of service. Says Chief Librarian


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Nov. 3, 2010

Who would like a pi? Students from Bordeaux, France visiting Nelson

Mathematics is used as a tool in science. I talked with a Mathematician friend of mine, Lyle, about a topic for this column. He suggested the computation of pi. The value of pi is the number dr. science you get when you divide the Morgan Dehnel circumference of a circle by its diameter. It turns out + arctan(1/5) + arctan(1/8) that pi is 3.14........followed to produce pi to 205 digits. by a never ending sequence He was a calculating prodof non-repeating digits. igy who could multiply 100 Archimedes was the first digit numbers in his head, person to make any head- a feat which took roughly way. He nailed it down to 8 hours. The record as of pi being between 3 + 10/71 1999 was a computation of and 3 + 1/7 without the ben- pi to over 206 billion deciefit of our decimal system mal digits. around 250 B.C.. He did it For those of us in the by calculating the circum- Kootenays who wish to ference of inscribed and order the correct number circumscribed����������������������������� polygons of of bricks for edging around 96 sides. The next major the circumference of a ciradvance was the arc tangent cular garden plot of radius formulas around 1700. The 2 metres that you’ve been ���������� simplest is : pi/4 = arc- dreaming about (but you’ve tan(1/2) +arctan(1/3) which forgotten the value of pi, and can be verified with the you lost your calculator), addition- of- angles formula just remember that 355/113 for tangents. Johann Dase in is a much better approxima1844 used pi/4 = arctan(1/2) tion to pi than 22/7. Dr. Science is in real life, Dr. Morgan Dehnel, a particle accelerator physicist, and resident of Nelson. Please send comments or questions regarding this column to

Sixteen students, along with their two chaperons, have been enjoying the sites of Nelson these past 10 days. Trafalgar Middle School and LV Rogers High School are hosting the Grade 8, 9 and 10 students from SteClotilde and Assomption Schools in Bordeaux, France. The students are here to be immersed in English, while local French language students, and their families, get an opportunity to speak French with their guests and experience a cultural exchange. It’s been a long journey to get here, but now that they have finally arrived, ���������� they����������������������������� are enjoying every minute experiencing ���������� Canadian culture (including curling, hockey and SUBMITTED ���������������������� ���������������������� Hallowe’en) and hospi- Pierre Baysset Adrien Laffargue, two of the students visiting Nelson from France, carve their first pumpkin! We've got tality in their Nelson bilto strikes crippling of the local schools, the theAutumn opportunity toBuns learn leted families. They have 22, a due lot to be been billited with Nelson ground travel in Paris, the trip has been organized both of Canada’s official students missed their flight. by the Nelson Chapter languages, English and thankful for! Families Their trip was originally They were in transit for of Canadian Parents for French. Exchange trips organized for April 2010 three days, finally arriving in French (CPF), a parent- truly embody the vision. While in the area, the but due to the unfortunate Nelson at 5 a.m. on October led, non-profit organizaand surreal circumstances 25. “Prior to beginning the tion that has worked for Bordeaux students have of the Icelandic volcano journey, I don’t believe the more than 30 years to pro- been welcomed to City emitting ash on the very students really understood vide French-language edu- Hall by Mayor Dooley, day they were scheduled to how far they would be trav- cational, social, cultural have enjoyed a visit to the travel, the visit was post- elling, nor how remote we and sporting activities for Moyie and had a soak at ����� by six months. And can be”, said trip coordina- youth. ������ CPF believes in a Ainsworth Hotsprings. poned - Submitted by Canadian bilingual Canada where then, once they were finally tor, Patricia Dehnel. With the support young Canadians have Parents for French on their way on October

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No trick, just treat!

The CWL Bazaar Committee would like to extend a sincere thank you to

���������������������� ���������������� • The management and staff of Wal Mart

• The management (Linda, Mo and Chris) of Chahko Mika Mall


• Hall Printing


for their support of the Bazaar Raffle, held Oct. 30.

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consider the merits of the proposed mine from a zoning or a land use planning perspective.


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Briefly Take Charge of Your Debts Saturday, Nov. 20, 1-5 p.m. at Selkirk College, Silverking Campus

builds on the strengths of SuperHost® and is more relevant to today’s customers and business environment as a result. Participants will learn skills and techniques for customer service, as well as how to communicate effectively and efficiently for having a positive impact in any work environment.

Unsure how to manage your debts? Wondering what your options are? The “Kootenay Boundary Credit Clinic” is holding a free workshop in Nelson on Saturday, Nov. 20 at the Speak Easy: a Student Selkirk College Silverking Reading and Potluck Campus. The workshop can help you take charge of Thursday, Nov. 4, 5 p.m. at the your debts and use credit Mir Centre for Peace, Castlegar The second year stuwisely. Learn the tools you need to move beyond stress dents of the Selkirk College and fear to take control of writing program are hosting an evening of good food your financial situation. Workshop topics will and dazzling writing at the include: what to do if you MIR Centre in Castlegar are struggling to pay your on Thursday, Nov. 4. A debts; legal information potluck will be held at 5 about bankruptcy, debt p.m., with student readings default, debt collection starting at 5:30. Everyone is welcome to and student loans; tips to improve your credit rat- bring a dish to share and ing; and information about settle in for some soulthe different types of credit food. For more information, available. Pre-registration for the call 250-551-5208 or find November 20th workshop “Speak easy” on Facebook. is required. Please call 1877-565-0013 or register BC Hydro Warning online at www.kbcredit. BC Hydro’s customer org. Credit Clinic staff service department has can also provide one-on- received a number of calls one information on issues from customers around related to debt and refer- the province advising rals to other supports. ����������������������������� that some telemarketThe Kootenay Boundary ers are misrepresenting Credit Clinic is a not-for- themselves as BC Hydro profit service. It is a proj- employees in an attempt to ect of Castlegar & District sell energy-saving devices. Community Services In some instances, teleSociety and is funded by marketers also incorrectly the Law Foundation of claimed they were in posBC, Columbia Basin Trust, session of the customer’s Kootenay Savings and power consumption inforNelson & District Credit mation. Union. BC Hydro would like to

The participating artists are: Lucy Bates, MaryAnn Bidder, Brigitte Desbois, Sandra Donohue, Helena Edmison, Liz Honey, Wilma Hughes, Sandra Irvine, Sharon Lough, Bruce Martin, Elizabeth Michaux, Sue Parr, Barb Pistak, Tea Preville, and Mirja Vahala. As the title suggests, this show promises to be a treat for the eyes during the dark days of winter. Visions of the Kootenay landscape, flowers from the garden, and still life paintings executed in acrylic, watercolour, oil, and mixed media will delight the viewer, complementing the fine hand-crafted jewellery at Kolmel’s. Artists will be in attendance at the opening reception on Saturday, November 13th from 1 to 4 p.m.

Free WorldHost Certification Tuesday, Nov. 9, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and Wednesday, Nov. 17, 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at the YERC, 608 Lake St.

As a part of its free certifications, the Youth Employment Resource Centre (YERC) is offering a one-time-only WorldHost® training session. Certified WorldHost® trainer Marg Craig will be delivering the training in Nelson. “World Host offers a crash course in customer service excellence relevant to all business owners and staff. Everyone can benefit from this training. It can actually change the way we communicate with others, even over the phone and email – it is definitely not restricted to the tourism sector,” says Craig, who is also the manager of the Nelson Visitor Centre. WorldHost® was created in time for the 2010 Olympics, as a newly designed and updated version of SuperHost®, which was created for Expo 86 Vancouver. WorldHost®

clarify they do not endorse these “Hydro Power Savers” and reassure customers that BC Hydro’s individual power consumption information is strictly confidential and is not shared with third parties. Customers who have been contacted by telemarketers about this device are encouraged not to enter into any agreement for purchase without careful prior investigation. For those customers who would like more information on how to reduce energy use around homes and businesses, please visit BC Hydro’s Power Smart website at www.bchydro. com/powersmart.

Kootenay Artists Exhibit Starting Saturday, Nov. 13, at Kolmel Jewellers, 459 Ward St.

Kootenay Artists, a group working in an eclectic mix of mediums will be exhibiting their work in a show: Strokes of Colour at Kolmel Jewellers from Nov. 13, to Jan. 8, 2011.


Page 5

Regional knowledge exchange Wednesday, October 27, saw people from across the West Kootenays meet in Castlegar for the Community Response Network workshop entitled Regional Knowledge Exchange. Most were professionals from agencies that provide care and support for seniors. The CRN’s mandate is to create a “coordinated community response to adult abuse, neglect and self-neglect.” Here are some lines pulled from a ten-stanza series of rhyming couplets that help explain the role of the CRN. “We invite you to the table to enhance relationships With those who care about abuse, neglect and guardianship.” “We look at how communities work together to end abuse. Education and events help people learn

been thinkin’ about George Millar

help is out there to stop abusive situations. This is not a type of service; we do not handle cases. We are coordinating bodies with many different faces.” The different faces comment is true. The services available differ from community to community. Sharing of ideas means that not every place in the Kootenays has to re-invent the wheel. There were discussions on topics as diverse as how to establish a CRN in a small, ruralbased community, the best actions to follow with regard to fraud and other criminal actions, and how to create protocols regarding standardized treatment procedures among health professions. The conference was funded by the federal government’s New Horizons for Seniors program.

the truth.” “You’re invited to the table; your knowledge is required. Unless we hear from everyone the picture’s not complete.” “We help to get some protocols for best practices in place. We do workshops like this one and give prevention a face.” We come together believing that abuse can have an end: The nurse, the support worker, the banker and the friend.” “We work so people on the street will have the information to know what George Millar is a long-time resident of the West Kootenay. Been Thinking About is an exploration of events and organizations in the region, seen from a senior’s perspective.

Stepping Stones blanket drive, just in time for winter Stepping Stones for Success, the only homeless shelter in the Kootenay region, is holding a blanket drive. Between now and Dec. 31, the Nelson-based shelter is requesting donations of sleeping bags, packsacks, blankets and tents. ���������� Now that the winter months are fast approaching, those who do not have a roof over their heads will be turning to Stepping Stones for temporary shelter. However, with only



Nov. 3, 2010

17 beds, there are a lot of times when the shelter is forced to turn people away, and for many, sleeping on the street is their only option. However, we do our best to keep them warm by giving out blankets and sleeping bags. “One of the hardest aspects of our job is having to turn people away when we are full,” says Robert Brown, Frontline Supervisor at Stepping Stones. “We simply don’t

have the resources to house everyone who knocks on our door and so this blanket drive is a way to ensure people don’t succumb to the winter cold.” If you have a new, or slightly used, packsack, tent, sleeping bag or blanket you would like to donate, please drop it off at 567 Ward Street, #7 buzzer. All donations will be greatly appreciated. Stepping Stones for Success is a program of

the Nelson CARES Society and has been in operation in Nelson since December 2004 with funding from BC Housing’s Emergency Shelter Program. In the past six years, the shelter has provided temporary housing to over 1300 people. For more information contact Robert Brown by phoning 250352-9876 or by e-mailing - Submitted by Stepping Stones

Page 6


Street Talk: What’s your opinion on the time change? What do you think of Creston’s method?


Nov. 3, 2010

A teacher dismayed by ‘no’ vote To the Editor, This letter is in reference to the recent Library Referendum. I have been teaching in the Kootenays since 1981. For the past five years I have had the honour of working at Blewett Elementary School in the primary grades. The staff and parents of this small and vibrant school are, in my opinion, people who value their children’s eduaction and who have an understanding of the need for our youngsters to have powerful literacy skills. I am dismayed that the com-

munity of Blewett did not vote in favour of the library referendum. I believe that Blewett kids are a fabulous group of young learners. I am sad that their own community was not able to support this learning by voting “yes”, A “yes” not only for the future of their local area but also a “yes” for the kids right now; kids who are ready and excited about the challenge of becoming young readers. Lois Warthe Nelson

Artist renderings don’t reflect reality

It can be a little confusing when you’re visiting Creston. I think we’d have to band together and do it unified Kootenay time!

Monica Nissen, Nelson

It doesn’t reflect our situation here in the North like it does in the States. This change isn’t appropriate for our region. In the terms of Creston, I’d have to give that more thought.

Leighton Wilson, Nelson

The time change doesn’t really affect me to much, I never really have a schedule. Whatever time it is doesn’t necessarily matter too much.

Ezra Greene, Kelowna

I’ve gotten used to it, but I think its a little unfair that Creston gets to get away with it.

Dick De Jong, Nelson

Dear Editor, I have checked out the design proposals online for Nelson Landing and Red Sands. While it looks pretty, I have some points to make that say it will never look that good. A portion of the area is landfill into the lake which means any trees in that area will be planted as saplings that will take 20 to 50 years to look as good as the “artist rendering”. Some of the trees are shown right on the water’s edge. Tress don’t grow in that situation. The space shown for the trees to grow in is quite small. So the reality is, we will see a row of houses from the water, not a “few hous-

es peeking out from behind trees”. Just take a look at the other “developers dreams” that have been done in the last 10 years. Do any of them look like what was proposed? Perhaps, before any more development happens in or around town, those others areas should be finished first? I would like to see the RDCK or whatever governing body is in control of this, to step up and set some limits. For example: specify a maximum amount of acreage allowed to be “developed” per year. Specify what percentage of mature trees are allowed to be cut down. I am talking hard numbers, not some wishy-

washy “some unhealthy or ugly trees will be removed”. I am fed up at seeing these clear cut developments. Massive fines should be placed on developers who do not deliver what was promised. Make the fines an up-front deposit that the developer gets back only if what they have done looks like what was shown and sold. I think it is a bit odd that the developer is at this stage when he does not own the piece of prime waterfront crown land that is in the proposed Nelson Landing development. Personally, I think developers are given way to much leeway around here. Steven Vermaat Nelson

the Question:

What would you like to add/change on the Waterfront?

MORE green, less buildings. No more pavement. The place where Anderson Creek flows from Radio Ave. to the Lake could be so much more attractive, but all I see is cement, fences, grey boulders, and straight lines. What happened to a more natural streambed? ALTHOUGH Nelson is great, the prices are running families out of homes. I do care what happens to the waterfront. I think buildings should be max two stories, preferably one! The sights are very important. Why would we block them? The waterfront pathway is awesome. It would be nice, I think, if in some areas there was some wood boardwalk.

sands! We need housing!! PRESERVATION of existing natural landscapes, reclamation of lands now fallen to invasive weeds, addition of greenspace to enhance the enjoyment of the waterfront. I would like to see a new boat launch in the undeveloped area around the CPR land. The old boat launch could remain where it is and be used solely for non-motorized watercraft. WHY don’t we just keep selling it to the highest bidder, like we have been.

GET rid of the airport and transfer station. Add a public campground in CPR bay and 3-story max housing on airport land.

IT’S not like we care about the environment, or the needs or wants of the community, youth or health care. Or how much damage will be done by selling it to people that don’t live here.

DEVELOP ON IT!! The people that are trying to save Red Sands are no different from the NCES, all they are doing is stoppinng development altogether! Lets not save red

I would like to see some visionary leadership that really values the remarkable asset that waterfront public space provides. I would like to see some green initiatives that could

include wind power and larger scale productive community greenhouses that could go in at the existing transfer site, while extending the pathway as far as possible west. I think the streetcar tracks should be changed from the mall parking lot to its own designated lane next to the water. This would solve a lot of problems with mall traffic. A waterfront walk should extend along the full water front similar to the seawall in Vancouver. Note that the seawall was not constructed or acquired in one phase but took many years. It included benches and allows for restaurants and cafes to be nearby. CITY process should include a mail out to all Nelson residents that includes a questionnaire with an informational pamphlet. NOTHING. LEAVE it alone, undeveloped. No buildings. Leave Lakeside as it is.

Are you in favour of nixing daylight savings time? To become a regular participant in the Express weekly survey, email with “Subscribe” in the subject line. Thanks!

Publisher’s Note: Nelson Becker

Remember It is time we stopped fooling around with the time. Twice a year, just as I get used to the time change, they mess it up again. On Sunday, Nov. 7, it happens again. The community of Creston and the East Shore have successfully avoided having to put their clocks forward or back. They have the right idea. I don’t

know how they have managed to have a clock that makes sense, but if they can do it, so can we. How we do this remains a mystery to me - perhaps one of our community’s readers can do some research and let us know. In the meantime, if I seem tired and an hour late, it’s not me but the federal government who is to blame.

Present time is good enough Thursday, Nov. 11 is Remembrance Day. It is the time to thank those who have served and who have suffered. It’s a time to remember the families, both here in Canada and those around the world. It is a time to realize that by remembering we can work toward a more

peaceful society. In order to have the motivation to live in a non-violent world, we have to recognize the consequences of not remembering. Join your community on Nov. 11 in front of City Hall and share a moment of silence with your neighbours.

Fish Heads and Flowers Fish Heads to the people who break bottles on the sidewalks. This is a dangerous hazard for the dogs to navigate! Protecting paws Flowers to all my rural neighbours for knowing where your dogs are. My chickens have spent their days scratching around outside our fence, but they keep coming home to roost. Our nights are quiet too! - Woof ‘n’ wag Fish Heads to the people who use the telephone poles to advertise their business. You are cluttering our beautiful countryside, not to mention these poles are private property. - Get your own pole Flowers to the man who ran down Pulpit Rock to our vehicle to grab diabetic supplies and back up again, while we waited tending to a

dangerous low blood sugar. - With gratitude Fish Heads to those that leave their animal carcasses and parts up in the woods above town. You are attracting other animals, scavengers and potentially making pets sick. Leave your bones where there aren’t lots of people around! - Bone to pick Flowers to people who shop locally. Every sale really does make a difference to local businesses. When you support us, we can support you! Baker Street merchant Fish Heads to my former friend. Yes I miss you, but I don’t miss the bad times and the way that you used me. Just because I have a job and choose to pay my bills doesn’t mean that I can afford to pay yours. - Not jobless but still poor

SEND US YOUR FISH HEADS AND FLOWERS! All submissions to the Express Fish Heads and Flowers section will be considered provided that no one is identified in the text or signature, all signatures are anonymous, and the submission is both concise and written in good taste. We reserve the right to withhold publication of submissions if these standards are not satisfied. To submit your gift of Fish Heads or Flowers, you may send email to, drop off or mail to 554 Ward Street, Nelson, B.C., V1L 1S9, or fax to (250) 352-5075. We will not accept submissions over the telephone. The Express cannot guarantee that your submission will be printed due to space limitation.

Letters to the editor & commentaries We encourage our readers to write to us. Please address letters meant for publication to the editor. We do not accept open letters. Letters must be short (200 words maximum) and to the point. We reserve the right to edit letters for taste and clarity, and the decision to publish or not to publish is completely at the discretion of the editor and publisher. Originals will not be returned to the writer and the Express will store the original in its files.

Commentaries can be longer (500 words maximum) and are more in-depth than letters. If you wish to write a commentary, please first contact the editor. All letters and commentaries must be signed and include your name, address and phone number. Only your name and the community where you live will be published. We will not print “name withheld” letters. Opinions in the paper are not necessarily those of the Express or its advertisers.


Nov. 3, 2010


Page 7

A Closer Walk with Patsy Cline Thursday, Nov. 4, 8 p.m. at the Capitol Theatre, 421 Victoria St.


The group in rehearsals for the production of the Armed Man.

THE ARMED MAN ular composition for chorus, soloists and orchestra entitled The Armed Man, a mass for peace. Best known as the composer of his popular Adiemus – Songs of Sanctuary, Karl Jenkins followed an unusual route to classical composition from his early years performing in jazz and pop bands and writing music for radio and TV ads. Adiemus, was initially composed as music to accompany an airline ad and became so popular that Jenkins expanded it into the now-famous Adiemus project. Jenkins is unusual among contemporary composers for his belief that his music should be readily accessible to a wide audience. His harmonies, rhythms and melodic lines are immediately appealing

and moving for the average listener while also being challenging and fulfilling for the performers. “We are very excited to be able to bring this work to local audiences and to present this important musical exploration of the theme of war and peace on the occasion of Remembrance Day,” said Institute president, Shannon Lythgoe. “We are especially pleased that over 50 of the area’s finest singers have joined forces under the direction of Allison Girvan to bring this new choral masterpiece to life. The Armed Man concert promises to be one of the most exciting choral events in many years,” Lythgoe added. For the first half of the concert, Girvan has selected a series of readings and songs on the subject of

war and peace that will be performed by some of the area’s best known actors and singers. The Amy Ferguson Institute’s presentation of The Armed Man will employ the additional elements of dance featuring local dancer Thomas Loh and stage lighting designed by Sharon Huizinga. The staging also utilizes the massed choir as part of the onstage visual atmosphere that tells the story of the armed man through both music and action. Tickets are available at the Capitol Theatre, 250352-6363 or on-line at buy_tickets.php. Reduced admission is available for veterans on request. - Submitted by the Amy Ferguson Institute

Land: Featured Artist Tom Gale

Clarke, Andrew Leus and Jenny Ballie.

make a record that sounds like you playing live.”

Friday, Nov. 5, 6 p.m. at Grid Art Gallery, 351-B Baker St.

Singer/songwriter Peter Katz

Neighbour w/ Soup

Through a mysterious process that involves not one, but two gigantic crystals, the Homebreakin Records co-owner has managed to combine the raw ecstacy of the early days of disco with razor-sharp futuristic production.

The Armed Man

Thursday to Saturday, Nov. 11-13, 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 13, 2 p.m. at the Capitol Theatre, 421 Victoria St.

Residents of the West Kootenays will have an additional and especially memorable way to honour Remembrance Day this November. The Amy Ferguson Institute and its production arm, the Nelson Community Opera, will be presenting a special Remembrance concert on the theme of war and peace at Nelson’s Capitol Theatre on Nov. 11-13. The concert is entitled The Armed Man in recognition of the major new work to be performed for the first time in the Kootenays at the event – British composer Karl Jenkins’ hugely pop-

Tuesday, Nov. 9, 8 p.m. sharp. at the TNT Playhouse, corner of Ward and Carbonate Sts.

Kootenay Co-Op Radio presents Toronto singersongwriter, Peter Katz, at the TNT Playhouse. First of the Last to Know marks the true arrival of Katz, solo artist. Katz’s voice and acoustic guitar remain the focal point throughout. After years of touring solo while selling a full-on band record, Katz got tired of the same feedback: “We wish you would

Thursday, Nov. 11, 9:30 p.m. at The Royal, 330 Baker St.

One part sexy robot and one part aerobics instructor, 25 year old Matt Dauncey has managed to find the middle ground between music and athletics. By harnessing the power of wrestling suits, tennis sweatbands, vintage synthesizers, and electric guitar, Neighbour has tapped into an ancient powersource that has given him the capacity to conjure up frenzied dancefloors wherever he is needed.

vides a wonderful opportunity to blend theatre and music into a magical evening that audiences of all ages will enjoy. The popularity of Patsy’s music is witnessed by the fact that she is the number one jukebox play in the world. Visit for more information on this unique performance. Written by Dean Regan and starring Sara-Jeanne Hosie and Kevin James Musicians: Nico Rhodes, Marisha Devoin, James McRae, Allan Medcalf and Nathan Tinkham. Director Shane Snow and Musical Director Nico Rhodes with Set and Lighting Design by Ted Roberts provide the experience of the magic of an unforgettable woman and an unforgettable voice. Charge by phone 250352-6363 or for more information or to buy online vist

Oysters, Authors and Ale Friday, Nov. 12 6:30 p.m. at Mary Hall, Selkirk College Tenth Street Campus

Briefly Edmonton artist Tom Gale has been painting for over thirty years. Self taught, he has focused his attention on aspects of the natural world. Working with a horizontal format, he creates simplistic horizons by focussing on elements of the landscape around him. Gale’s work is painterly and expressionist. Also in this show are realistic works by Merv Brandel and abstract work by Victoria artist Jay Hanscom. Other artists include: new works by Eli Horn, Christine

On the heels of the Capitol Theatre’s Sold Out Season Launch Performance featuring the phenomenal Shane Koyzan on Oct. 23, A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline is heading toward another sold out house. From small-town Virginia to the bright lights of Carnegie Hall, Patsy Cline’s legend is a monument to ambition, grace and talent. This moving tribute to a dazzling star lost at the peak of her career features classics like “Walkin’ After Midnight,” “Sweet Dreams,” and “Crazy.” On the heels of the Capitols Sold Out Performance of phenomenon Shane Koyzan on October 23rd A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline has been produced across the United States and Canada in theatres from Texas to Toronto. A proven crowd pleaser A Closer Walk pro-

It’s a little known fact that oysters support literacy. Indeed, oysters are for literacy, libraries and the vast oceans of opportunity that open up with reading. They’ll prove it at Oysters, Authors and Ale, a gala benefit for the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy, the Learning Place, and the Nelson Library, when they offer themselves up for the cause. CBC radio’s Planet Salt Spring host and prolific author Arthur Black will MC the evening, which will feature those delectable bivalves and many other hors d’oeuvres pre-

pared by Selkirk College’s Professional Cook Training students. Selkirk’s Resort and Hotel Management program is set to make the evening shine. Brent Petkau, AKA Brent the Oysterman, is bringing his Cortez Island oysters along with his passion for both oysters and literacy. Also on the menu, along with readings by humourist Arthur Black, are winners of the 2009 Nelson Arts Council literary competition: Tickets are available (advance only) at $50 per person at Otter Books or the Nelson Library.

Kootenay Literary Competition

announced during the KLC Awards Ceremony and Celebration in January; date and location to be announced.

Deadline is Dec. 15, 5 p.m.

The Kootenay Literary Competition Committee is pleased to announce the launch of the 2010 Annual Kootenay Literary Competition. This popular annual writing event, sponsored this year by the Nelson and District Arts Council, is open to all writers in the Kootenay region and has been expanded this year to include a new category and additional cash prizes. Notably, this year’s competition is not timed as in previous years. Winners in each of the categories will be

The Funk Hunters


Gisto and the Reggae All Stars


Friday, Nov. 5 9 p.m. at the Royal, 330 Baker St.

Seamlessly combining old and new reggae philosophies, Gisto and the Reggae All Stars can deliver uplifting harmonies and transcendent rhythms that will keep everyone swaying to the power of Reggae.

Saturday, Nov. 6, at SpiritBar, 422 Vernon St.

The Funk Hunters (Dunks & The Outlier) are the latest production and DJ duo to make huge waves in the fast-growing underground Canadian music scene. They’ve wreaked havoc from Vancouver to Montreal, and performed for crowds of thousands at some of North America’s most popular music festivals.

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Nov. 3, 2010

A party for oyster love and literacy

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check this out Anne DeGrace

Oysterman himself, live and in your own home, and you gotta love that. Sometimes, when putting on events, the seas can get rough; it’s not all smooth sailing, as any organizer will attest. But there’s that after-event warm and fuzzy feeling that makes it all worthwhile. Maybe it’s working together and pulling it off; maybe it’s the knowledge that reading and literacy is within reach of more people, the better to expand the vast oceans of literacy; maybe it’s just the oyster love in the air. Oysters, Authors and Ale takes place Friday, November 12, 6:30 pm at Mary Hall, Selkirk College. Tickets are $50, available at the Library and Otter Books, and include a $25 charitable receipt. A bunch of loving friends can book a table of eight. It’s nice to be among friends when the oyster juice starts to fly. There will be oysters, and there will be love, but beyond oysters there are lots of other hors d’oeuvres as well, wonderful words by some of our finest writers, and a lot of happy people and bivalves rooting for literacy and libraries.

than CBC Radio Planet Salt Spring host and prolific author Arthur Black, who will bring his charm and humour to our stage as MC. He’ll be reading, of course, joined by winners of the 2009 NDAC Literary Awards: Tessa Exley, Robert Banks Foster, Sharmaine Gray, and Jane Sinclair—all new friends of a great cause. Because we have Arthur Black, look for plays on the name: Blackheart Oatmeal Stout, and culinary surprises of the blackened variety. We love a good pun just as much as the next wordsmith. For music-lovers, there’s the Selkirk Jazz Quartet. For those who love learning, our silent auction learning baskets mean you might learn to play the accordion, or the finer points of hang-gliding, all for the price of the top auction bid. You could also win 101 oysters and the ����������������������������� Anne DeGrace is the Adult Services Coordinator at the Nelson Municipal Library. Visit or call 250-352-6333.

Warped 45s Monday, Nov. 8 at the Royal, 330 Baker St.

Toronto roots rock band The Warped 45s were the winners of last year’s NXNE $10,000 fan choice award. Their debut full length CD 10 Day Poem for Saskatchewan came out in September 2009 to critical acclaim and continues to chart on college radio, is in rotation on CBC One, Two and Three, and multiple commercial stations across the country. The record made Exclaim’s top ten Wood, Wire and Whiskey list and was recently nominated for Polaris consideration by Brian Acker (Hero Hill) and Bruce Leperre (CKDM). The band ����������




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until november 6, 2010 ��������������� ������������������ ��������������� ������������� ����������������� ������������� ��������������������

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The Warped 45s are coming to the Royal on Nov. 8.

spent this past year touring as much as possible, playing shows with favorite bands Elliott Brood, Drive By Truckers, Justin Rutledge, United Steal Workers of Montreal, The Beauties, Deer Tick, T. Nile and more. The summer festival list included Hillside Music Festival! and the band was just showcase winners at the OCFF conference in Ottawa. The Warped 45s have hit the road for one last tour and are stopping in Nelson before settling into the studio with producer John Critchley (Dan Mangan/ Elliott Brood) to record their next album in January, 2011.



Who’d’ve thought that lowly mollusk, the oyster, would be responsible for so much love and literacy? And yet they are, thanks to Brent “The Oysterman” Petkau and a bright idea cooked up with Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy coordinator Joan Exley back in ’08. It’s been a sweet ride ever since, even if there were a few slippery moments as we found our sea legs. I love this annual gala fundraiser. I love the momentum that’s been building since we cracked the first shell and found the pearl within. I love the enthusiasm of our co-conspirators, Selkirk College’s Professional Cook Training and Resort and Hotel Management programs and the Nelson Brewing Company, never mind Brent’s passion for literacy and mollusks in almost equal measure. I love the partnership between the Library and Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy. We both want to make reading everyone’s pearl. And I love the new friends who get shucked— I mean sucked—up in Oyster Love. This year one new friend is none other

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Nov. 3, 2010

Briefly Artist Talk and Opening Reception Friday, nov. 5, 7-9 p.m. at the Langham Gallery, 447 A Ave., Kaslo

The Langham Cultural Centre of Kaslo is proud to present the artwork of Grand Forks artist, Nora Curiston in the Main Gallery (and bathroom) and Balfour artists, John Cooper and Kathleen Pemberton in the Community Gallery. Curiston’s show, Colour. Light. focuses on the phenomena of colour and light in specific conditions and on perception. Curiston’s installations of found objects, both natural and man-made, are “visual poems – small offerings of physical information”. A joint exhibition of paintings by local artists Kathleen Pemberton and John Cooper will also be opening on Nov. 5. Cooper is a pillar in the arts community of the Kootenays, where he has painted, exhibited and taught for almost forty years. Permberton, previously a fabric artist, has been painting for the last sixteen years. For the past six years she has been living in the Kootenays and painting full-time (as much as life allows) with Cooper.

Some were scared silly, a few fell back asleep, but many jumped up for a shower of Plump freshness. And an alarming universal consensus was formed. Everyone wanted a piece of the Plump pie, and fat was in. Catch these guys’ debut show in Nelson after headlining the fractal forest this year. Tickets are selling now at the Hume Hotel.

their city’s music scene/ reputation to its current position as one of Canada’s best. Known for running the gamut of cutting edge music, Piranha Piranha can be found playing everything from classic dubstep, to jungle, uk funky, garage, techno, dancehall, and hip hop.

Selkirk Weavers and Spinners Guild Annual Sale

Saturday, Nov. 6, 9 p.m. at The Royal, 330 Baker St.

Redgy Blackout w/ Rob Funk

Redgy Blackout will be returning to Nelson for a Friday and Saturday, Nov. 12night of high energy rock 13 at the Quality Inn, 1935 and roll, with a special Columbia Ave., Castlegar opening set by Rob Funk. A dynamic rock quartet Are you looking for beautifully crafted work with a heart full of love, made in the Kootenays? Redgy Blackout’s diversity You will find it at the defines their sound which Selkirk Weavers and ranges from funk and Spinners Guild’s Annual swing, to reggae and rock. Sale and Exhibit, on Friday, Their debut album, The No. 12, 4-9 p.m., and on Leap, lays a solid foundaSaturday, Nov. 13, from 9 tion for a band standing at the edge of its career and a.m. to 4 p.m. Members of the Selkirk ready to jump. The Leap is about lookWeavers and Spinners who ing life square in the eye live in Castlegar, Robson, Nelson, Trail, Montrose, and living a more aware life and Fruitvale, combine on planet Earth, a world in which we are all living. their creative forces to����������������������������� present a feast of fibre. So jump, dance, swing and Sumptious shawls, cozy rock with Redgy Blackout blankets, luxurious scarves, and take the leap into the and stylish knitted hats will unknown. With an opening set by delight those looking for something fashionable. Rob Funk, this will be a The weavers will be on night of authentic and talhand to answer questions ented musicians playing about their work, and they their songs for your enjoylove to talk about weaving ment. Tickets are available in advance at www.liveatand spinning. Contact the Selkirk ���������� Weavers and Spinners Guild at 250-365-7084 or Rob Funk, Catherine & Anneke Unplugged

Friday, Nov. 5, 10 p.m. at SpiritBar, 422 Vernon St.

Quite possibly the big��������������� gest name in Electronic Breakbeat history, the ���������� Plumps have been voted best breaks producers in the world many times over by the Breakspoll Awards. Romantic, Breakbeat was slumberadventurous, ing away peacefully before mysterious: the Plump DJs gave it a loud wakeup with Download yourcall blusher, their swashbuckler, first release Electric or potboiler freeChunks from thein Disco/Plumpy 1999. Nelson With Library. thundering momentum, their critically acclaimed productions reformatted dancefloors and perceptions, and set new production standards.



Wondering about platypus love?

Organizing Downsizing Decluttering

Lester Quitzau Trio Thursday, Nov. 4, 9 p.m. at The Royal, 330 Baker St.


The most exciting thing about a Lester Quitzau performance lies not so much in being blown away at the ���������� wealth of sources he draws from, as it does in marvelling at how skilfully he transcends those sources and transforms them into something new. Soulful acoustic and electric folk, blues and roots music, describe the music of the wonderful new collaboration of musicians in the Lester Quitzau Trio. With understated mastery and grace, exploring the magic of the space between the notes as much Saturday, Nov. 6, 12-3 p.m. at ��� ���������������������������������������������� as the notes themselves, Piranha Piranha Ellison’s Market & Cafe, 523 Where was greatthe Lester Quitzau Trio � ������������������ Front St. Thursday, Nov. 11 at SpiritBar, goes many places - rockin’ grandma born? 422 Vernon St. Marion Bergevin will ��� ��������������������� real slow and easy, front The Nelson Library News in open porch style, and then going the Unplugged Piranhamagazines Piranha is the has birth, death She and is on down a long winding Sessions at noon. production of ��� DJs/ print andduo onlline at ������������������ road, covering many a artists Dan SoloLibrary. and Mr singer/songwriter/guitarmarriage certificates the Nelson mile, with heart and soul music is folk, with Geography. They formed ist, her on microfiche. over two years ago, and a focus on environmental, at the wheel. Lester will be performhas grown to household southern global develop������ ing with his Trio at The ment, and peace songs. name in their hometown working on her third Royal. Tickets are available Calgary. These young She’s selectors have played������������������ a album, When Soul Touches in advance at liveattheroymajor role in transforming Soul, for which half of the or at the door.


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sales are being donated. There’ll be the odd love song and sing-a-long thrown in to keep you warm. Rob Funk will entertain for the second hour. He hosts the popular CocoaNut Lounge open stage and plays in the What Now band with Brian Rosen, who will accompany him on djembe. Rob will play East Coast-style originals and favorite covers on guitar, piano and the mysterious melodica. The ever popular duo of Catherine McGrath and Anneke Rosch will close this afternoon. Best known from the groups Heavy Shtetl or Cattle Annie & the Crooked Corral, they will perform acoustic roots music from North America and Europe, on accordion, mandolin, trumpet, plus they sing and harmonize in a variety of languages.


Ruth Moody is goin’ solo this Sunday at the Royal.

Sunday, Nov. 7, 9 p.m. at The Royal, 330 Baker St.

Ruth Moody is a Juno Award-winning songwriter from Winnipeg, Manitoba. Founding member of the internationally renowned, Billboard-charting trio The Wailin’ Jennys and former lead singer of the Canadian roots band Scruj MacDuhk (the band that would later become The Duhks), she has performed in sold-out venues around the world, made numerous criticallyacclaimed albums, and has appeared more than a dozen times on the national radio show A Prairie Home Companion. Although best known for her work with The Wailin’ Jennys, Moody is an artist of exceptional depth and grace in her own right. Critics have lauded her ethereal vocals, impressive multi-instrumentalism (she plays guitar, banjo, accordion, piano, and bodhrán), and her talent as a songwriter. Writing with a maturity and wisdom that belies her age, her songs are timeless, universal, and exceptionally well-crafted, all sung with an intimacy and honesty that is unmistakably her own. Along with a special opening set by the Aspen Switzer Band, this will be a full night of incredibly talented songwriters, and world class performance. Tickets are available in advance at



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'58 Chev or Get your motor running: 2010 hybrid?����������������� Small engine repair Car repair manuals ������������� at for boats, chainsaws, the Nelson Library,���������������������������������� in ������������������������ and more - online at


Science magazines and more online through the Nelson print ond online. ������������������� Library. the Nelson Library. � � � � � � � � � ���������� Free consultation ����������������

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����� 551-NEAT(6328) �������������� �� TEL: (250) 352-1269 . 330 B AKER STREET . CANADA ������������������ ������������������ ��������������� ��������������� ������������� ������ The big screen ������������� The Eentsy Toronto, � �������������������� fits into your Weentsy Spider ������������������������������ Tasmania, or ����������������������������� ���������������������� ����������������� bookbag... Timbuktu? Is alive and tickling ������������������������ ����������������������������������������������� ������������� ...when you borrow Travel guides at the at Nelson Library ��������������������� DVDs from the������������������������������������������� Nelson Nelson Library. storytimes! Library. ����������������



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Ruth Moody Band



Page 9

Page 10


Nov. 3, 2010


Mir Centre appoints new chair

Selkirk College instructor will assume new role in mid-November

The Doells, O’Neills, and some members of the Tsum Welfare Committee, Kathmandu, April, 2010

Journey to Nepal Tuesday, Nov. 9, 6:30 p.m. at Winlaw School, 5604 Winlaw Bridge Rd., Winlaw

In the spring of 2010, is pleased to host “Journey two families, the O’Neills to Nepal”, the first of a from Winlaw and the series of presentations Doells from Rossland, around the region, where went on a journey of con- these two families will nection to Nepal. These offer a inspiring multimefamilies each have teenage dia presentation of their children who were born in travels. Through research, the Nepal, one of the poorest O’Neills discovered that countries in the world. The purpose of their the Tsum Valley was in a two-month journey was to general position of need, ��������� ���������� suffering from drought, reconnect their children with their birth families catastrophic crop failand with the communities ure, and political tension. of their birth. Two of the They organized donations ��������� ���������� children were born in the of care packages, first aid Kathmandu area, one in supplies, clothing and ���������� the remote Tsum Valley, food to be taken up to the and one in the more well- Tsum with them. It took known and travelled Solu seven days of trekking to reach their destination. Khumbu (Everest) area. On Tuesday, Nov. 9, Similarly, the Doells orgaSlocan Valley Recreation nized the collection of

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Power Vinyasa

Y o g a ����������������

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HOT VINYASA FLOW = SNOWGA! First class is always free for locals! Drop-in: $10-15 sliding scale 352-7432

body & soul directory

warm hats for school children at the Sir Edmund Hillary School, and medical supplies for a hospital in the Everest region, where they trekked for many days. Both families trekked to these two areas at the same time, and took many amazing photos. As well as the presentation there will be items from Nepal on display and some will be available for purchase. Admission will be by donation and the funds raised from the evening will be going towards the Tsum Valley Community in Nepal. For more information contact Slocan Valley Recreation at 250-226-0008.

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forward to ‘transforming a new generation into effective and empowered peacemakers’. He is a great fit for the position.” Janzen has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing both of which are from the University of Manitoba. He has a Master of Science degree in Health Care and Epidemiology from UBC, and is currently in the final months of completing a PhD in Social Sciences with a major in Peace Studies from Tilburg University. With a varied background in the practice of peace in the field, Janzen has worked with Christian Peacemaker teams in Israel and Palestine, served as a human rights observer with Guatemalan refugees during post conflict resettlement and provided health policy advice in post-war Kosovo. He has worked as a nurse in communities ranging from remote

Briefly Nelson Community Acupuncture has a New Home Nelson Community Acupuncture opened on Monday, Nov. 1, at the Cornerbrick Building on the corner of Hall and Front Sts.

Organizing Downsizing Decluttering Free consultation







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Hydrotherpy, Detoxification, Nutrition. U. Devine ....................... 352-6419 COUNSELLING & COACHING

Dienna Raye, MA, counsellor & life coach ............................. 352-1220




RUB IT IN Mobile & Studio, Deep T., Neuro, Sports ............... 352-6804 A Touch of Aloha, lomi, cranio, structural, sports ....................... 229-4424 Colleen O’Sullivan, Lymphatic Drainage, Hot Stone Therapy, Reflexology, Deep T. 210-601 Front St. .............................. 352-7710 PILATES

����������������� ��������������� �������������

Rhythmic Reflexology ... 825-3460

�������������������� D Voykin RMT, 30 Yrs. Hannah Somatics for ������������������������� frozen shoulder .. 505-5549 Valerie Nunes RMT @ Acupuncture Natural Health Clinic, new clients welcome ....................................................................... 505-3946 Caroline Vrba RMT Shalimar ...................354-4408 mobile 509-3400

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Irene Mock, Reg. .............. 352-7035 MASSAGE SERVICES

First Nations settlements in Canada’s North to Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. He is also a member of Amnesty International, NEON (Nelson End Occupation Now) and the Nelson Refugee Committee. Janzen will officially take up his new role on Nov. 15. For more information on the Mir Centre for Peace at Selkirk College, visit www. - Submitted by Selkirk College

Community acupunc- foundation workshop, ture is an exciting ���new������������������ exploring the philosophy approach that emphasizes of pilates. accessibility and communiEach workshop is one ty connection. The centre’s and a half hours, and will mission is to provide excel- cover fundamental movelent and affordable care in ment patterns and outline a group setting. Acupuncture sessions a beginner or advanced will be offered based on a level class. The Beginner sliding scale, and appoint- Foundation workshop is ments can be made from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monday thru Saturday by and is for those who have phoning 250-509-1466. never done pilates before. The Advanced workPilates Foundation shop is from 12:30-2 p.m., and is for those with some Workshop experience or wanting Saturday, Nov. 6, 10:30 a.m.a higher level of physical 12 p.m. and 12:30-2 p.m. at Kootenai Pilates Centre, challenge. Please call the 540 Baker St. studio at 250-352-1600 to Join the Kootenai Pilates register. �������������� Centre for a free pilates

Kate Butt, Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine ...........................551-5283 Shauna Robertson Acupuncture & Herbs ............................... 352-2167 CarmenCarter,M.Ed.,R.C.C.,P.T.I.Children/Youth&Families ...354-4485


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Vadim Kristopher Hair Salon 560 Herridge Ln................................. 352-6700

Randy Janzen.

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Sally Shamai, MEd, RCC, individuals & couples ............... 1-877-688-5565 Shayla Wright certified life coach/mentor.............................. 352-7908


Anna Colin, Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner ..................................... 352-1853 ������������������� BODYWORK �� Aga Dezwart, Rolf Bodywork ........................ 352-6611


Kootenai Pilates 540 Baker St. .......................................... 352-1600


Found, Nelson’s Aveda Concept Spa & Salon ..................... 352-7775 YOGA

OM Yoga, 3067 Heddle Rd. 6-Mile, ........ 825-0011 Yoga Therapy, specializing in chronic pain. Heritage Health Centre 823 Baker St. Eliza Gooderham .............................. 354-3885


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Looking for healthy homemade gift ideas?



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Following a national search that resulted in applications from across North America, Randy Janzen has been appointed as the Chair of the Mir Centre for Peace at Selkirk College. Janzen has worked at Selkirk College since 1998 as a nursing instructor in the School of Health and Human Services where he also served as School Chair from 2004 to 2007. His work with the Mir Centre includes service on the Mir Programming Council, lecturing in the Mir Centre for Peace Winter lecture series and teaching in the second year of the Peace Studies program. “We are very excited to have Randy provide leadership in the work of expanding programming and outreach of the Mir Centre for Peace,” explains Selkirk College Vice President of Academic and Student Development, Angus Graeme. “Randy is looking


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Sign up for our holiday classes and learn to make raw-mazing ���������� ������� treats and beautiful body care products. Spaces are limited, so sign up soon!

���� Register at the Customer Service Desk or over the phone at 250.354.4077

����������������������������������������������������������������������� Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an approva ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email:

health&wellness Safeway supports breast cancer awareness


L to R: Pictured at the Safeway display for Breast Cancer Awareness month are Mary Walters and Nancy Banks from the Kootenay Rhythm Dragons. Also on hand were members from the local Breast Cancer support group. Safeway generously donated the space, staff time and other numerous items to support this initiative.

health calendar drop-in classes

FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 1 - 2 p.m. Improve comfort, relieve stress & pain @ OM Studio, 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd Judy Katz 352-3319,


FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Improve comfort, relieve stress & pain @ Kutenais Finest, 182 Baker Judy Katz 3523319,

SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 9-10 a.m. Mum & Baby, Joy (preregister) 12-1:30 Anusara Yoga, Elissa 5:30-7 Restorative Yoga, Donna 7:30-9 Invigorating Yoga, Paige KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 8 a.m. Core Fusion with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St. 250-352-9196 THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST 5:30-7 all levels HOT yoga flow- jenna MIXED MARTIAL ARTS FITNESS GROUP 6-7 Lakeside 825.0030 YANG TAI CHI (ADVANCED) 7-8:30 a.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057 RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Beginner 3-4 pm, 4-5:30 pm Intermediate, @ S.Nelson School 505-1812 TAO YOGA 8:30 - 10am, gentle yet energizing! Marisa 352.0886 www.thewellnessqi. com LATIN MERENGUE CLASSES sexy dance based on hip movements. 509-0633 BLOOM PRENATAL YOGA 5:30- 7pm. All Levels @ Kutenai’s Finest, 182 Baker St. 505.6789 SWORD TAI CHI (YANG 32 FORM) 4-5:30 p.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057 SHAO LIN KUNG FU (ADULT-BEGINNER) 7-8:00 p.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057 SHOTOKAN KARATE 5 - 7p.m. St. Joseph’s School gym 523 Mill Street. 250-229-4420 WALKING CLUB NELSON 9:30 am under Orgnge Bridge E mail YOGA THERAPY WITH ANIE BOUDREAU 10:30am Morning Yoga 1:00pm Hatha Yoga #9-205 Victoria Street, 505-9807

Thursdays SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10-11:30 a.m Prenatal Yoga, Donna 5:30-7 p.m. Skiers & Boarders!, Elissa 7:30-9 p.m. Yoga Basics Course, 8 classes/ $80 (pre-register) THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST. 5:30-7 all levels ashtanga yoga - Jenna APPLIED COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS 6:30 - 8 pm. Adult class 525 Josephine Street, call 352-0459 OM YOGA STUDIO 9:30 - 11 a.m. Quantum Yoga, Alison 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-8250011 KYOKUSHIN KARATE 2:30 - 3:45 Kids, 6 - 7 p.m. Adults Blewette Elementary School, Keith Clughart, 551-3345 MIXED CONTACT MARTIAL ARTS 6-7:30 p.m Aries Resort, 825.0030,

TAO YOGA 8:30 - 10, gentle yet energizing! Marisa 352.0886

SWORD TAI CHI (YANG 32 FORM) 4-5:30 p.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057

THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST. 4:30-6 mysore

SHOTOKAN KARATE 5 - 7p.m. St. Joseph’s School gym 523 Mill Street. 250-229-4420

FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 11:30-12:30 Gentle & powerful. Learn to move with ease. 206 Victoria 352-3449 First class free.

QI-GONG & CHEN TAI CHI 7 - 8 p.m. Central School Gym. Info 250-505-4562 Chris Gibson


YOGA THERAPY WITH ANIE BOUDREAU 10:30am Morning Yoga 1:00pm Hatha Yoga #9-205 Victoria Street, 505-9807


FOLK FUSION SKIRT DANCE 3 - 4 p.m. Ages 7-11 All Levels. 6-7 p.m. Adult, Studio Alive, 352-0047

SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10-11:30 a.m. Rejuvanitive, Shayla 12-1:30 p.m. Hatha Flow, Paige

BELLYDANCE CLASSES 6:45 or 8 pm at the Moving Centre, 533 Baker St. 509-0633


SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10-11:30 Gentlest Yoga, Maureen 5:30-7 p.m. Skiers & Boarders!, Elissa 7:30-9 p.m. Yoga Basics Course 8 classes/$80 (pre-register)

SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10-11:30 a.m. Prenatal Yoga, Donna 12-1:30 p.m. Anusara Yoga, Elissa

APPLIED COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class, 525 Josephine St. Info call 352-0459.

THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST 11am-12:30 all levels ashtanga jenna

OM YOGA STUDIO 9:30- 11 a.m. Quantum Yoga, Alison 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-8250011

VINI YOGA CLASSES WITH LAURIE MADISON 10:30-12 at Kutenai’s Finest 354-0269 HEART YOGA WITH KARUNA 5:30-7pm all levels at The Studio, 182 Baker Karuna Erickson 229-4793 RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Beg (5-7 yr)3-4:00, Performance Group 4-5:30 @ S.Nelson School 505-1812 FELDENKRAIS CLASSES WORK! 2:30-3:30 Relieve back and joint pain, sciatica, frozen shoulder, injuries, etc. 206 Victoria 352-3449 First class free. KUNDALINI YOGA WITH CATHRINE LEIGHLAND 5-6:30 at Selkirk Rosemont Campus, rm. 16 KOOTENAY AIKIDO 5:30-6:45 p.m. Intro Aikido 213C Baker St 250-226-6711 CORE YOGA WITH DON 9:30-11am core yoga all levels 6-7:30pm all levels 209-507 Baker, upstairs ManiStone Centre, 352-0794 YOGA THERAPY WITH ANIE BOUDREAU 8:30am Morning Yoga #9-205 Victoria Street, 505-9807


���������� YOGA WITH DREA 10 a.m. Join Drea for Vinyasa flow Yoga KUNDALINI YOGA WITH CATHERINE LEIGHLAND 182 Baker St (Kootenai Finest) Cost: ����������������������������� ���������� 11:30-1 Shambhala Meditation Centre, $10 Pass/$12 drop in. All Welcome! 444 Baker. upstairs 352-6132.

�������� Mondays

SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10-11:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga, Anie 12-1:30 Hatha Flow 5:30-7 Anusara Yoga, Elissa 7:30-9 Invigorating Yoga, Paige

QI-GONG & CHEN TAI CHI 7 - 8 p.m. at the Central School Gym. Info 505-4562 Chris Gibson. SARVA SHAKTI SADHANA CIRCLE 7-8 p.m. ancient siddhar yoga practice #209-ManiStone Centre, 507 Baker St, 505-7832

HATHA YOGA - IYENGAR STYLE 5:30pm-7pm, The Moving Centre, 533 Baker St. Ellissa, 352-9279

KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 8 a.m. Boot Camp with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St 250-352-9196

POWER VINYASA YOGA 6:30-8 pm With Katya Hayes @ The Studio 182 Baker. 229-4979

KOOTENAY AKIDO 6 - 7:30 p.m. Intro Akido 213C Baker St 250-352-3935.

KOOTENAY AIKIDO 5:30-6:45 p.m. Intro Akido 213C Baker St 250-226-6711

HEART YOGA WITH KARUNA 5:30-7pm all levels The Studio, 182 Baker St. Karuna Erickson 250-229-4793

CONTACT IMPROVISATION DANCE JAM 7:30 - 9 p.m. all levels and live musicians welcome. The Moving Centre, 533A Baker St. Info 352-3319 Judy.

THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST. 11am-12:30 mellow flow- jenna 5:30-7 all levels ashtanga yoga - jenna


SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 8-9:30 a.m. Power Yoga, Valerie 12-1:30 Hatha Flow 5:30-7 Anusara Yoga, Elissa 7:15-9:15 Advanced Practice, Elissa (pre-register)

KYOKUSHIN KARATE 2:30 - 3:45 Kids; 6 - 7 p.m. Adults Blewette Elementary School, Keith Clughart, 551-3345.

KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 8 a.m. Core Fusion with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St. 250-352-9196 �����������������������������

POWER VINYASA YOGA 9-10:30am With Katya Hayes @ The Studio 182 Baker St. Call 229-4979


�������� ������������������ ��������������� ������������� MIXED MARTIAL ARTS FITNESS GROUP

NELSON BREAST FEEDING CLINIC 9:30 - 11:30 a.. Free drop-in Nelson Health Unit, 2nd floor Kutenai Building, 333 Victoria Street, 250-505-7200. KOOTENAY AIKIDO 4 - 5 p.m. Akido Fun, ages 4-6 5 -6 p.m. Kids Class, ages 7-12 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class 213C Baker St 250-226-6711 KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 8 a.m. Boot Camp with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St 250-352-9196

YANG TAI CHI (ADVANCED) 7-8:30 a.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057

6-7 p.m. Lakeside Park 825.0030

BELLYDANCE CLASSES 6:45 or 8 pm at the Moving Centre, 533 Baker St. 509-0633 ���������� RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Beginner (8 & up) 3-4:00, Performance Group 4-5:30 @ S. Nelson School 505-1812 YOGA THERAPY WITH ANIE BOUDREAU 8:30am Morning Yoga #9-205 Victoria Street, 505-9807 FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 7 p.m. @ Selkirk Rosemont Campus (Oct 19-Nov 23) Judy Katz 352-3319,

VINI YOGA CLASSES WITH LAURIE MADISON ����������������� 10:30-12 at Kutenai’s Finest 354-0269 ������������� BELLYFIT HOLISTIC FITNESS 9-10 a.m. at the Moving Centre. CORE YOGA WITH DON ����������������������������� Call Heather, 354-0492 YANG TAI CHI (ADVANCED) 7-8:30 a.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057

9:30-11am core yoga all levels 4-5:30pm integral finess all levels 209-507 Baker, upstairs ManiStone Centre, 352-0794

RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Beg (5-7 yrs) 2:15-3:15 pm, Beg (8+) 3:15-4:15 @ Red Fish School 505-1812

BELLYFIT HOLISTIC FITNESS 7:15-8:15 p.m. at Kutenai’s Finest, 182 Baker St.. Call Heather, 354-0492

BLOOM PRENATAL YOGA 5:30- 7pm. All Levels @ Kutenai’s Finest, 182 Baker St. 505.6789

SO YOU THINK YOU CAN’T DANCE? 5-6:30 at the Moving Centre, 533 Baker St. Session starts Nov 2. Lisa 354-0484

�������������� ���������

MIXED MARTIAL ARTS FITNESS GROUP 6-7 Lakeside 825.0030 CHILDREN’S SWORD KUNG FU (BEGINNER) with Master Pauline Bao 4-5 p.m. 250-505-8057

FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 1 - 2 p.m. Improve comfort, relieve stress & pain @ Kutenais Finest, 182 Baker St. Judy Katz 352-3319,

MIXED CONTACT MARTIAL ARTS 6-7:30 p.m Aries Resort, 825.0030,



Nov. 3, 2010


Page 11

Nelson and Area Hospice celebrates 25th anniversary Serving the communities of Kaslo, the East Shore of Kootenay Lake, as well as Nelson and surrounding area, Nelson & District Hospice Society is a registered, charitable organization that recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. In the past five years alone, the Society has provided over 12,000 volunteer hours to 435 clients. Yet many people are unaware of what hospice is and who it serves. What does Hospice have to do with me? While poverty, homelessness, unemployment and serious illness may affect some of us, end of life happens for all of us. By supporting hospice, you are ensuring this valuable service is available for anyone who is terminally ill, dying or dealing with the death of a loved one. With an aging population, hospice/palliative care will be in demand more than ever. But isn’t it depressing? Many things in life are difficult yet our instinct to reach out and help others is what gives us strength and brings us together. Dying, as part of the cycle of life, is a natural occurrence. Death is not a curse, a failure, an embarrassment. Why Hospice matters: Imagine caring for a terminally ill loved one while dealing with your own health issues, dying alone or grieving in isolation. Studies show that 90 per cent of Canadians want hospice care available to them if they become terminally ill but only 6 per cent feel they can adequately care for someone facing a life threatening illness without outside support. Caregivers routinely become overwhelmed, “burnt out” and financially burdened by the cost of trying to care for a dying person at home.

Furthermore, each death in Canada affects the immediate well-being of an average of five other people. Hospice provides practical, emotional, and spiritual support to individuals and their loved ones as they move through the stages of dying, death and bereavement in homes, hospitals, long term care facilities and facilitated groups. Trained volunteers offer companionship and caregiver respite, as well as assistance with small chores and errands, including accompanying clients to appointments. In addition to our grief support for individuals and families, a grief and trauma team has recently formed in Kaslo. Annual events such as the Tree of Remembrance, Hike for Hospice, and the “Living with our Dying” community education series help raise awareness of our services and programs as well as end of life issues themselves. What you are supporting when you donate to Hospice: Your donation goes directly to existing services and to creating new programs such as specialized grief support groups. In addition, your donation dollars assist with ongoing volunteer training and additional resources such as books, DVD’s and art therapy supplies. A $25 lifetime membership is also available, contributing to the sustainability of the Society. Members receive an attractive Hospice lapel pin with our logo as well as a quarterly newsletter and the right to vote at our annual general meetings. For further information visit www.nelsonhospice. org or call 250-352-2337. - Submitted by Nelson Hospice

Colette Venier ���������

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Page 12


Nov. 3, 2010


What are you doing this winter? This time of year brings that proverbial angst of watching the final days of the World Series while anticipating the unavoidable Canadian winter sport season. Our own regional baseball association is as reluctant to relinquish their season as their professional counterparts. They are offering the winter session Kootenay Baseball Academy to anyone 9-19 years of age in the West Kootenays. The Academy is based in Castlegar at Twin River Elementary school and will be coached by Paul Mason, College player Dave Lecasse, Matt Mason and Nelson local and former professional player Larry Martel. The Academy runs between October and March and the cost is $475 for six months, $275 for three months and $115 for one month, with monthly payment options. Tuition covers equipment, insurance, gym rental, t-shirt and video analysis. Participants will receive one-on-one coaching in the development of the fundamentals. For more information go to kbibaseball. Another club that runs

in the zone Kim Palfenier just about year round is the Glacier Gymnastics Club in Nelson. Already with their winter session underway, their membership is strong and well supported. The club is holding their Annual General Meeting on Thursday, Nov. 18, 7 p.m. at the Civic Center Blue Room. Also in the month of November is the launch of the Brain Injury Prevention awareness campaign. The Nelson & District Youth Center and the Nelson Regional Sports Council are partnering to change our thinking about protecting our heads and preventing brain injury. Look for information coming out in schools and elsewhere. If you would like to assist with this campaign please call Kim at the NRSC at 250-352-3989. Last but not least, a reminder that KidSport® Nelson is a confidential assistance program available for families with financial barriers. For more information call the NRSC.

Kim Palfenier is administrator for the Nelson Regional Sports Council. The Nelson Regional Sports Council can be reached at: Box 1190, Nelson, BC V1L 6H3 (250)352-3989 phone, (250)352-

Scopes by Stenya

Get your winter gear here! Whitewater Ski Team Ski & Snowboard Swap Sunday, Nov. 7, 12:30-3 p.m. at the Hume School Gymnasium, 310 Nelson Ave.

The Whitewater Ski Team’s 19th Annual Ski & Snowboard Swap is on Sunday, Nov. 7 at Hume School Gymnasium. Ski, snowboard, telemark and touring gear, and clothing will be available. Gear to sell? Drop-off is Sunday from 9-11a.m. Fees are 20 per cent on all sold items, $3 per unsold item (maximum $10); Pick-up and pay-out from 4:30-6 p.m. All proceeds to the Whitewater Ski Team, a non-profit organization, which develops ski racers’ skills and promotes the fun in skiing through competition. Nancy Greene Racers (6-11) are introduced to

Nov. 3 - Nov 9 Aries

Dynamic changes and shifts can effect you this week. While these changes may seem drastic and even difficult to deal with, you can find much positive growth results. Endure the burdens you need to carry now.


Be open to surprises this week. What you normally find unpleasant or even offending may have a different effect on you. You may find yourself trying things or being open to ideas you have never considered before.


Bethany Pardoe showing off her skills.

the skiing ABC’s (agility, balance, coordination) by certified coaches who focus on fun and technical instruction on varied snow conditions and terrain. They train every Saturday January-March and race on alternate Sundays at local ski hills,


including Phoenix, Salmo, Whitewater, Summit Lake, and Red. The Advanced Racers Program (11-16) emphasizes strong technical skiing and fun through training and competition, with coaches promoting mountain safety and technical instruction.


This is a good time to take a balanced perspective of the situation. Try to envision the bigger picture and remain objective and impartial. Before making any important decisions make sure you have gathered all the information and the facts.


Balfour Christmas Craft Faire Saturday, Nov. 13, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Balfour Hall, Balfour

Come celebrate at the 18th annual Balfour Hall Christmas Craft Faire on Saturday, Nov. 13. Artisans have been busy for months creating top-quality, unique gifts for your shopping pleasure. A few of the items available at this year’s faire will be water fountains, stained glass, metal sculptures, Christmas trees, wreaths, ornaments, knitting, quilting

The stars this week gently remind you again to be selfconfident, yet consider the opinions of others. By understanding and accepting that there are two sides to the story, and more than one right way to do things, you will be able to move ahead in your matters.

and jewelry. The Pyjama Lady will also be selling hats and slippers. Admission is free to the faire, but food donations will be accepted and given to the Anie Beaulieu Transition House. Stop in for a visit with your neighbours, have a coffee and some goodies and enjoy the festival event. You might even win some of the many fabulous door prizes.

Easy Sudoku

You may have been feeling extra adventurous lately. Your genuine inquisitiveness and willing to explore will lead you to new and innovative ideas. By accepting these ideas you can embark on a new beginning.


This is a time to be patient with your self and the projects you have undertaken. You will get what you desire in the end, just not right now. Try not to get discouraged or abandon your project. Learn from your mistakes and make an effort to improve.


Keep your ears and eyes open when people are communicating around you and you will probably hear what you need to know.


If you have started down a new path recently, this will be an opportunity of self-discovery. You may find a cause, person, or job that you will be happy to devote your self and accept new levels of responsibility.


This is a good time to improve your financial situation. Utilize your unique talents and abilities this week in any new undertaking related to income. If you are marketing any material goods or your time at work, do not undervalue yourself. Don’t go for the first offer.

Hard Sudoku


You may be finding it difficult to communicate in your close relationships right now. This is a good time to make an extra effort to reconcile as the other person will be responsive to you. You may need to reconcile with yourself.


The full fruition of your efforts may be finally at hand. If you have put a lot of effort into something like a project, you will be surprised at how successful it will be.


Puzzle answers on page 13

This is a good time to look within to find the source of your suffering or stagnation. While others around may seem to blame, you will recognize the real pain comes from inside. Further astrological information:

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Nov. 3, 2010

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Nov. 3, 2010

FREE reader classifieds can be submitted through our web site at Deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon sharp. First 15 words are free. 25c per word thereafter. Only one free classified ad per week is permitted per phone number. Free classifieds will not be taken over the phone. ANNOUNCEMENTS






NELSON FSC LOOKING for figure skating memorabilia 1935-present to photograph. Will return. 250-354-1364 THANK YOU EXTRA Foods, Nelson Carwash, Safeway, Walmart, volunteers for contributing to 2 fundraisers put on by Nelson Friendship Outreach Clubhouse. Proceeds raised are for member based programs and activities. HEART OPENING AND Spiritual Guidance! Private 90min appointment $100 with author/intuitive Norm Pratt. 250357-9457, ATTENTION RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SURVIVORS! If you received the CEP (Common Experience Payment), you may be eligible for further cash compensation. To see if you qualify, phone toll free 1-877988-1145 now. Free service!

DISTRICT MANAGER REQUIRED for†Marquise Hospitality Services division. This exciting opportunity provides integrated support services including dining, laundry, maintenance and housekeeping services to Healthcare Facilities across Western Canada.† THE DISTRICT MANAGER will oversee multiple healthcare facilities, managers and supervisors in the Fraser Valley area in BC, reporting to the Chief Executive Officer. The District Manager is also responsible for all† activities, including staff, client relations and budgets, at all sites within the region. Applicant will be an excellent ambassador of the Marquise Group and liaison between Marquise and†clients. WILL BE REQUIRED to carry out related duties of the food services department in addition to housekeeping, laundry and maintenance. Other responsibilities include; scheduling of staff for the Food Service Department, understanding and implementing HACCP rules and rationale, orientation and training of new staff and ensuring OH&S practices in the workplace. To be successful in this role, you must be committed to excellent service and superior client relations. You must also be a motivating leader who is able to mentor and develop your employees.† RELOCATION PACKAGES ARE available. Please send resumes directly to

AVATAR COMPUTER AND TECHNOLOGY ~Versatile Technical Services On-Site~ Make your computer run at lightening speed! 250-3547460 INTEL DUAL CORE 2.66 GHz 1 GB DDR2 RAM 120 GB HD DVDRW 250-352-2078

LOOKING FOR WORK? Check out our website or call (250)3526200 for free information and assistance! DUARTE BUSINESS SERVICES is in need of skilled administrative professionals for temporary and contract postings in Nelson and area. To register with us visit: www. and click JOIN

KENMORE BLACK AND white electric range, $50; Box liner for Ford 150, $25. Call 359-8069 1947 ERA SOLIANWARE Dinnerware Cobridge, England. Plates, Gravy Boat, Serving Bowls, etc. $125. 250-3527144 2 ANTIQUE DRESSERS; 2 wood doors; 2 vinyl windows 2’x 3’; antique china cabinet; assorted ceramic tiles. 3596946 RADIUS ARM SAW, Black and Decker, 10” blades, $95. Steel car ramps $35 for do-it- yourself oil change. Phil at 250-3523758 22’ TRAILER $700 OBO; airhockey table $40; exc/bike $25; winter cains 245/75r16 $90. After 5pm 359-6868 SONY GRAND WEGA 42” LCD projection TV. Works great. $450. 352-9304. WINTER BOOTS: WOMEN’S size 9 Bogs (fits 8- 8 1/2). Black with flower print. Warm to minus 40. Good as new. $100 OBO. 505-1185 40 AMP GFI. Previously used as gfi cicuit for hot tub. Rob 352-2608 CANÍT GET UP YOUR Stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift. Call 1-866-981-6591. STEEL BUILDINGS PRICED TO CLEAR Incredible end-of-season factory discounts on various models/sizes. Plus FREE DELIVERY to most areas. CALL FOR CLEARANCE QUOTE AND BROCHURE - 1-800-668-5111 ext. 170. NEW NORWOOD SAWMILLS LumberMate-Pro handles logs 34î diameter, mills boards 28î wide. Automated quick-cycle-sawing increases efficiency up to 40%. 400OT - FREE Information: 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. **HOME PHONE RECONNECT** Call 1-866-287-1348. Prepaid Long Distance Specials! Feature Package Specials! Referral Program! Donít be without a home phone! Call to Connect! 1-866287-1348. A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Donít Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1-866-884-7464. BUILDING SALE... ÌROCK BOTTOM PRICES!î 25X30 $5449. 30X40 $7850. 32X60 $12,300. 32X80 $17,800. 35X60 $14,200. 40X70 $14,770. 40X100 $24,600. 46X140 $36,990. OTHERS. Front endwall optional. Pioneer MANUFACTURERS DIRECT 1-800-668-5422.

EARLY 1900’S PIANO, excellent condition, beautiful veneer. $800 firm. 3598115 SONOR MINI BOOM cymbal stands, $70 each, straight mic stands, $15 each. Castlegar, 250-608-3548 THOMAS PLAYMATE ORGAN, double keyboard, excellent shape with pedals and internal rhythm box. $500. 250-229-4415 HARMONICA PLAYING HIPPY wants to play with Nelson-ites... folk, rock, bluegrass, whatever. Email: slowlygoing_ YOUNG CHANG PIANO 1992 Model. $2800 OBO. 250-229-5645

AUTO FINANCING $0 DOWN & we make your 1st payment at auto credit fast. Need a vehicle? Good or Bad credit call Stephanie 1-877-792-0599. DLN 30309. NEED A VEHICLE? No Credit? Bad Credit. Cars - Trucks - SUVs. Good credit or bad credit. Guaranteed to Drive. 1-877734-9242. Apply online www.Joanmasters. ca EZ AUTO LOAN BC 24/7 Credit Hotline 1.800.567.6591 Apply Online Fast Pre-Approval! No Obligation!

BOATS SAILBOAT C&C REDWING 30 $12,000 OBO. Ready to Sail. Fair condition. 250352-7298



SEEKING WORKING PARTNER for Southern Pit Style BBQ Catering Business. High volume operation for festivals, ball tournaments, farmers markets, catering, street take-out and heat and eat. Express interest to BBQ.Enterprise@gmail. com Reasonable small business capital required for equitable share. All responses ������answered immediately. 80% COMMISSION TRAVELONLY has 500 agents across Canada. Business opportunities with low investment, unlimited income potential, generous tax/travel benefits. Run your travel company, fulltime, part-time from home. Register for FREE seminar,, 1-800608-1117, Ext. 2020. BE YOUR OWN BOSS with Great Canadian Dollar Store. New franchise opportunities in your area. Call 1-877-3880123 ext. 229 or visit our website: www. today.

CAREER TRAINING MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION IS rated #2 for at-home jobs. Train from home with the only industry approved school in Canada. Contact CanScribe today! 1-800-466-1535.

CHILDREN BRAND NEW! BATMAN Muscle Chest Child Costume, for ages 1-2 years $40. Please call 250-352-0960 AFTER SCHOOL PLAY groups for ages 4-6/7-10. Focusing on social/emotional development. Carmen Carter M.Ed.,R. C.C. 250-354-3663 CHILDREN’S GRACO SWING hardly used $150; Highchair $75; Girl’s clothes and hiking child carrier backpack. 2295385

CHRISTMAS FAIRES 16TH COUNTRY CHRISTMAS Craft Faire - Hume Hotel, Fri. Nov. 19th 10a.m.-9p.m.; Sat. Nov. 20th 10a. m.-5:30p.m.; Sun. Nov 21st 11a.m.4p.m. Phone 352-5027. Admission $2.00. You can also join us for Tea and support Nelson & Area Friends of the Family $5 including Craft Faire Admission YOU ARE CORDIALLY invited to St. Saviour’s and friends CHRISTMAS TEA and BAZAAR! Sat.Nov. 6th ,2-4 p.m., $5 each. Come relax and enjoy shopping, unique crafts and baked goods. St. Saviour’s Anglican Church Hall (corner of Ward and Carbonate St.) BALFOUR HALL’S “ONE and Only” Christmas Craft Fair! Saturday, Nov. 13th. 9a.m. - 3p.m. Information: 250229-5265

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EMPLOYMENT OPS A PROGRESSIVE, MULTI-BRANCH, full service hydraulic component re-manufacturing company located in SE BC, has a need for a Journeyman Machinist or equivalent experience. Consideration will be given to existing apprentices. We offer a competitive wage and benefit package. Fax: 250-4257151 or email: HD TECHNICIAN REQUIRED for truck & trailer repair shop in Grande Prairie, Alberta. Fax or email resume: 780-5326749 or CHEAP TELEPHONE RECONNECT! Paying too much? Switch, save money, and keep your number! First month only $24.95 + connection fee. Phone Factory Reconnect 1-877-336-2274 ;

EVENTS MARTINI TASTING AT The Royal! Nov. 3, 6p.m. - 8p.m. $35 per person, reservations required. 250-551-0878 TYPE I DIABETES Family Support Group Potluck meets on Sun, Nov 7, 4pm. 250551-6395 for details

FINANCIAL SERVICES IF YOU OWN a home or real estate, ALPINE CREDITS will lend you money: Itís That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is NOT an issue. 1.800.587.2161. $500$ LOAN SERVICE, by phone, no credit refused, quick and easy, payable over 6 or 12 installments. Toll Free: 1-877776-1660

FREE ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE, 5-LITE ceiling fixture. Phone 250-825-9926 8’ TALL INDONESIAN sun umbrella bought from Dragonfly. Decent shape, yellow colour. 250-551-5501 17” COLOR MONITOR, CRT style, like new. Four tires, P235/70R16, Continental “Contitrac SUV”, M+S. 250-505-5380 TWO DRYERS IN working order; workbench with wheels; dozen 12”x12” & 2” deep, cement tiles. 352-7602

HEALTH & FITNESS CAROLINE VRBA, REGISTERED Massage Therapist is accepting new patients at Shalimar Health Spa for Relaxation and Theurapeutic Massage Therapy covered by extended medical with receipt issued. Deep Tissue, CranioSacral Therapy, Back and Neck Strain, Stress Management, Pregnancy, and Infant Massage. 350-354-4408

HELP WANTED JOB POSTING - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - KOOTENAY KIDS SOCIETY Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director is responsible for the successful day to day management of Society business. Plans, organizes, directs, controls and administers all agency activities, programs and operations directly or through other reporting managers consistent with Board approved agency policies, goals and objectives and in accordance with legal, statutory, constitutional and other requirements. Kootenay Kids is offering a competitive wage and benefits. Apply by November 17th, 2010 to: Lance Gotzy, Chair ñ Board of Directors, Kootenay Kids Society, 312 Silica Street, Nelson, BC, V1L 4M5 e-mail: For detailed job posting please visit www. We thank all interested candidates, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

LOST & FOUND SILVER HOOP EARRING found in Nelson’s mall. Call 250-825-4465 to claim LOST: CHARM BRACELET found Oct.29th. Returned to the Express office. Give description to claim. Call 3543910 LOST: TOYOTA REMOTE Entry Key. Oct 21st, Baker St. on Silver Ring. Reward Offered. 250-352-6512 22 KARAT GOLD ring with stamp of a crown on inside. Sentimental. Please call 352-9694 DIGITAL CAMERA FOUND hiking from Huckleberry Pass to Evening Ridge. 5052085 FOUND: BIKE AT SPROULE Creek. Identify to claim. 250-352-0185

MISC. FOR SALE FRIGIDAIRE STOVE/OVEN, APPROX 10 yrs old, white, great condition, $100 OBO. Call 250-551-3011 INDOOR BIKE TRAINER, ride all winter $100; Black VW Jetta Bra fits 2001 $45. Phone 825-0087 OLDER 7.5 MERCURY outboard. $350 firm. Phone 250-825-4292 6.5 H.P. GAS air compressor. 3 months old, costs $700. Will take $350. 3529665 FOR SALE: WHIRLPOOL Stove/Oven. Good working condition. $50. 250-3597265 WASHER FOR SALE: Works very good. $75. 250-355-2966 6 FOOT SNOWBLADE for 3 point hitch. Phone: 250-399-6333 CAMPER. CLEAN, NO smell, everything works. $500 OBO. 250-229-5406 VERMONT CASTINGS WOODSTOVE $375; micron skates 11; x-c skis; poles; salomon boots. 250-357-2289 2 PROFESSIONAL SPIROTECNIC steam well ironing boards for sale, $250 OBO. 352-6132 27” TV AND Stand $100; bedroom suite w/dbl mattress $100. All good condition. Phone 250-359-7657 BOY’S SKATES BAUERS size 5 $25; Girl’s skates Jacksons size 2 $75; rims 14” 5 bolt pattern $100. 250-505-4466 GREEN HIDE-A-BED $250; 14” rims 5 bolt $100; snowboard 140cm $100. 250-3529847 girls skates size 2 @75.00 TAKIMA “SPACECASE” CAR Top Carrier, excellent carry-all, good shape. $350 OBO. 250-825-4438. ALL-FRIDGE 18CU. CLEAN, $75; Braun Juicer and Food Processor, like new $180 for both. 250-226-7880 GAS GRILL, SMALL portable unit, like new, for camping or home. $25. Ph 250825-4410 LOCALLY HAND PICKED dried Amanita Muscaria mushrooms for sale. 250-5056505 FOR SALE: ORGANIC Hazelnuts; Chicken Munure for $3.00 per bag. 250359-7773 CANON REBEL XS Digital Camera, like new, with 18-55mm lens and much more. $450 Call 250-352-5543 KOZI WOOD HEATER ulc approved. 26 inches x 31 inches. $300 250-2294648 MAYTAG WASHER $160, Maytag dryer $30. Take both for $170. Very good condition. 250-226-7970 WHITE ARBORITE TABLE w/6 chairs $139; only 3 nearly new Lt.245/75/16 D truck tires $50 each. 359-7756

MISC. WANTED LOOKING FOR 4 winter tires 23575r15 in good shape. Call 250-352-7976 SNOWBOARD 130-140, SMALL or medium bindings and size 8 to 8.5 men’s snowboard boots. 250-354-1069 BICYCLE: IN GOOD condition to take to Cuban family in Cuba! 250-352-9788 late evening NICELY USED HARDY Boy books for my 6 year old. Prefer to not spend a lot. ORIGINAL NINTENDO(NES) GAMES! (except sports games), and/or NES Game Genie...also any spare components... Call 250-777-1278 WILL PAY FOR used tub, sink, vanity, plumbing, 500 sqr feet of wood flooring, lighting. 250-353-3712 WANTED: 30 OR 40-gallon electric hot water tank. I don’t need the electric elements! Call 250-354-9117 WANTED: RED BRICK, NEW or used. Call 250-352-5632 or 250-509-1552 BACKPACK, MIDSIZE IN good condition, LCD TV 32”, Champion juicer attachments. 250-355-2269 WOOD SLABS, WITH wane OK, 1”-2” thick, any length, as wide as possible. 250-226-7013 WANTED: FRONT BENCH seat for 2000 Toyota Tacoma. Will trade for buckets. 354-2072 or kman.peterson@gmail. com

NOTICES NYMAN: DALE RICHARD of Fruitvale, BC passed away suddenly on October 5, 2010. Dale was born March 11, 1966 in Rossland, BC. Dale is survived by his wife Rochelle (Helbecque), daughter Jessica, son Jeremy, and his mother Glenda Orr of Penticton, BC. He was predeceased by his brother Eric(Louie) and father Davide(Paddy) Orr. A memorial was held on October 9, 2010 to celebrate his life. He will be sadly missed by his family and friends. As an expression of sympathy, donations may be made in Dale’s memory to Kootenay Savings Union in Jessica and Jeremy Nyman’s name. You are also invited to leave a personal message of condolence at the family’s online Memorial Register at: personalternative. com

OTHER REMEMBRANCE PARTY FOR Bill Blue at his Ymir home (7416 2nd Ave). November 6, 2010. Visit anytime after 2p.m. Bring a pot luck dish if you wish. 250-3579683 OFF-GRID WILDERNESS CABIN for hard-working kind-hearted person with vision. Site partner option. Near Slocan. 250-226-7311

PERSONALS DATING SERVICE. LONG-TERM/SHORTTERM Relationships, FREE CALLS. 1-877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes. 1-888-534-6984. Live adult casual conversations-1on1, 1866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local Single Ladies.1-877-804-5381. (18+).

PETS & LIVESTOCK BOSTON TERRIER, MALE, 10 weeks, brindle/white. Vet checked, shots, dew claws done. $1000 OBO. 250-2267850 BEAUTIFUL, LOVING 7 yr old Siamese cat, needs home with no other cat, dogs ok. 352-6154 PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING with TLC. Pinky’s Pet Parlour, 536 Ward St., Nelson. Monthly Specials! 250-5515501 2 BABY TURKEYS for sale, must go together. $40 for both. 250-357-9426 LOOKING FOR A second hand or free cage for air travel for labrador dog. 250505-9884 Thanks! MOUNTAIN RAISED MUSTANG Mare 6 years, 15hh Dun-Striped legs and back, flashy, started bred; offers. 3664374msg BLUE HEELER PUPS, 2 males ready Nov. 6. For photos/info contact 250-2260023. LARGE BIRD/LIZARD CAGE like new.......$200 250-226-6760

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PSYCHIC READINGS BIG PICTURE CHAKRA Readings with Evie Clare a report from your Higher Self, above Oso Negro evenings and weekends. Phone 250-505-8371 for info/bookings. Get your Knowing Going

RVS/SLEDS/BIKES ‘78 TRAILER CONVERTED to park model, new electric fridge, upholstery and mattresses, always covered, $2,800. 250551-3017 FIBREGLASS TRUCK CAMPER, Sunrader 48”floor width furnace, stove, fridge, good condition. $4000. 3523248



MISC. WANTED 2008 HONDA CRF230L, street legal enduro, hardly broken in at 11,368kms. $4000 OBO. Chris 250-505-0724 2004 SKI-DOO REV 800 highmark 151” 2700 kms, ready for winter, $5800 takes it, 250-354-0420 1995 SKIDOO 583, 1997 Polaris 700 RMK. 2003 Aluminum trailer. Lightly Used. $4200. 250-352-1288






SKI/BOARD TOURING PACK. New Arcteryx Silo 40. Never used outdoors. $175. 250-354-8298 GIRLS YOUTH SKI Package - Boots size 3, skis 120cm and elan bindings. Suitable for beginner to intermediate skier. Excellent condition. $175. 3543867 2007 K2 FUGITIVE twin tip 139cm skis with Marker bindings $125. Call 250354-0968 ORTOVOX X1 DIGITAL transceiver for sale $175 OBO. Call 250-5091236 TWO RIVER/LAKE KAYAKS, 9.5feet. Each includes paddles and spray-skirts. $500/both, $300/separately. 250-5050782 CUSTOM SLED DECK for Ford Ranger or Small truck. $400. 250-3596815 KITEBOARDING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 2008 Turbo 3 Kites:14M $500. 9M $450. C/W lines, bars, 2 pumps. Used one season. Excellent Condition. 250362-7075 SALE: LANGE SKI boots. Size: mens 10.5. Very comfortable. $100. 250-5090918 2002 NORCO TEAM DH mountain bike with monsters $400; 137cm snowboard with flow bindings $130. Phone 250-3596606

HAKKAPELIITTA 19565R15 USED 1 winter $150; 2 sets 1993 Volvo 960 Rims $100/set. Dan 352-5236 FOUR ARCTIC CLAW snow tires on rims, barely used 195/60R15 $550 OBO. For some Subarus. 352-0188 TIRES FOR SALE: Set of 4 Winter P175/65/R14 $50. 250-359-7481 4 WINTER TIRES (good condition) c/w rims; size: 175 65R 14; from Toyoto Corolla; phone 352-9437 BOBCAT LOG FORKS, quick attach. $500. 250-509-0348 225/75X16 GRIP $60 for the pair. VW Jetta Diesel needs tlc. Honda 3 wheeler, runs good. 352-1619 2 WINTER TIRES, Almost New. 185/70R14. $30 each. Call 5055531 205 70 R15 Toyo winter tires and rims off Toyota Sienna $450 OBO. 250-8250199 ARE LS2 TONNEAU Cover, ‘98 to ‘04 Toyota Tacoma, green, excellent condition. 551-0357 $750. OBO FOR SALE: FOUR 15” steel rims, 4-bolt, $175 OBO. Phone: 259-3598038 WINTER TIRES 185/60R14 4 bolt universal steel rims. Great condition. Asking $400. 250-352-2873 Evenings and Weekends LIGHTLY USED WINTER tires. 155-80RE from Tercel $50 each. 352-7889 FOUR 205/65R16 WINTERS 80%. Asking $400 OBO. 250-354-9851 4 BRIDGESTONE BLIZZAK LM25 winters, 114.3X5 alloy rim, fits most 05 and up Subaru $675. 250-354-9186 PIPERACK FOR PICKUP, factory made, new $400 plus, asking $125. Phone: 250-359-7634 P215 75R14 (4)ALL Season Tires on Rims $250 OBO.(4) Honda 16’rims $100 OBO Brandy 250-825-9313

VOLVO RIMS; 4X15 inch volvo rims in good shape, with OK mounted summer tires. $150. 250-825-0183 2002 CHEV IMPALA, 100,000kms, V6, fwd, new tires, new brakes, loaded, excellent condition. $5500. 250-3545585 2000 VW BEETLE, standard, good condition, 289,000kms. Roofrack, sunroof, power everything, ac. $2700 OBO. 250353-2439 1988 TOYOTA COROLLA, auto, 4 door sedan, new winter tires. $600 OBO. 250505-9610 1994 TOYOTA COROLLA, red, 5spd, CD, 4door, roof racks, extra rims and winters. $2000 OBO. 505-2615 2002 CHEVROLET IMPALA - V6, 100,000kms, FWD, blue, new tires, new brakes, loaded, excellent condition. $8000. 250-354-5585 CHEAP, RELIABLE 1995 Ford Contour 40 mpg, runs fine, good tires. $700 OBO. 352-7902 2002 JETTA 1.8T, Manual, Traction control, Heated seats, sunroof, 2sets Nokian tires, Extended warranty. 250354-0255 1998 MERCURY SABLE. All-season tires, power locks, mirrors, drivers seat. Low kms. $2500 OBO. 250-3522169 2004 TOYOTA MATRIX 4WDrive. 100,000kms, very clean. $13,000OBO or trade for 4WD quadcab truck. 250352-9227 1993 CAVALIER COMES with studded tires, no papers. $200. Ask for Ken. 250352-6447 2001 OLDSMOBILE ALERO standard, 230,000kms, silver, great shape, winters on, all records of parts. $2900 OBO. 519-998-3217 1995 HONDA CIVIC 5-spd, new tires, xtra-winters, high kms, new engine, runs great, $1350. 250-226-7038

1995 HONDA ACCORD EX-R. Pw/pd/ ac/cd, moonroof, leather. Great condition. Black with charcoal interior. 299,000kms. $3500. 250-505-8296 MUST SELL: 1995 Dodge Avenger. 112,000kms. Great condition. Loaded!! pw/pd/ac/cd leather. Winter/summer tires. $3,000 250-551-4036 2000 NISSAN XTERRA, 147,000 kms, one owner, tow pkg, winter tires, stereo. $9800 OBO. 250-352-3440 REDUCED 2002 KIA SEDONA V6 auto, good condition, only 133,500kms. Asking $3500 PH# 250-359-6977 1994 JEEP CHEROKEE sport4wd, winters 189,000kms, $1600 OBO, need to sell. Nelson. 354-7701 SELLING - 93 Toyota 4Runner V6. Well maintained, loaded and ready for winter. Runs perfectly. 505-2433 1994 CHEVY BLAZER S-10 4X4, 302,000kms and exterior rust but runs great. $2,200 OBO. 250-354-3370 1999 HONDA CR-V, 225,738kms. 4wd, manual, cruise control, tow hitch, roof rack. $5,000 OBO. 250-354-4989 1994 FORD AREOSTAR 4x4, summer and winters on rims, new radiator. $1200. 357-2928 1989 FORD RANGER. Smooth running. High mileage. Needs paint. $1200. 3664455 1990 TOYOTA 4RUNNER, 4cyl, 234km, M+S tires, recent timing belt and head gasket, $5000 OBO. 250-5056809 1991 GMC SIERRA 1/2 ton. Runs great, looks ok. $900 OBO. Call after 7pm. 250-777-0636 1996 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER-7 passenger. Needs brakes. c/w winter tires/ rims.(Used one season)$1,000/OBO. 551-1075/359-7774.

FORD RANGER 2001, REGULAR cab long box, 6 cylinder, 4.0L, A/C, 2WD, canopy. Well maintained, good mileage and condition, very reliable. 175,000kms. $5000. Ph:505-1178 1991 TOYOTA PICKUP PROFESSIONALLY LOWERED! Runs awesome, has sticky caliper. $800. 250825-4152 Need to sell!

SPORTS EQUIPMENT GIRLS FIGURE SKATES - Jackson Mystique, size 4. Barely used - like new condition. $75. 354-3867

4 SNOW TIRES Sony winter grip Radials 175/70R13. $100 (used on Chevy Cavalier) 354-3461

homes&gardens ���������� REAL ESTATE


UNIQUE 16.3 ACRE oasis @ 9-Mile. FIREWOOD - FIR/LARCH split and delivUntapped potential. 2 homes. 265 feet ered. $180/cord. 250-304-9275 or 250����������������������������� sandy beach & boathouse, 2 detached 999-1800 (Shoreacres) garages. Tranquilly & privacy. $2,500,000. 14 CEDAR SHRUBS in pots 2’ to 3’ David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson high $3 each or discount for all. 359Realty 6946 5 BDRM NEW executive home in sunny STRAW AND MULCHING Hay. Delivery Beasley, concrete floors, mortgage anywhere in the West Kootenay. Farmer helper, great views. $650,000 250-352Direct Wayne 226-7276, 226-7054. 3559



LOVINGLY MAINTAINED 2 Bdrm 1993 Mobile in Sunnyside. Many upgrades. New roof. $125,000. Heather 354-4711 BEAUTIFUL 5 BED/3BATH EXECUTIVE HOME FOR SALE! 1.8 sunny acres w/ view of Kootenay River. 29x30’ garage/ shop, hottub on huge covered deck. Level paved driveway in new Falls Creek Subdiv. 12 mins South of Nelson. 4604 YARD SALE (DRY weather only) Sat, Beasley West Road. $583,000. Agents Nov 6th. BBQ, garden tools, etc. 10welcome, open to offers. 250-3592p.m. 1303 Robertson Ave. 5006 �����������������������������

MAJESTIC 1920’S HERITAGE Lodge. 5000 sqft, 8 bdrms, 6 bath. Separate 1 bdrm apartment. 3.4 acres. Lake views, grand covered verandas overlooking expansive views. Successfully operating B & B. $995,000. David Gentles 250-3548225. Nelson Realty




5 BDRM NEW executive home in sunny Beasley, concrete floors, mortgage helper, great views. $650,000 352-3559

1 ACRE OF flat land @ Erie Pit. Large shop with power. Well & Septic. $135,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty



MIRROR LAKE. LEVEL .86 acres. Lake Views, privacy, 3 bdrm, wood accents. ���������� Gambrel Style. $375,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty

LONGBEACH. 4-LEVEL SPLIT 3-4 bdrm. Great spaces, deck, 1/2 acre lot, treed, gardens, private, seasonal brook. $389,900. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty CENTRAL TO NELSON & Castlegar. Fenced 1.84 acres. 3bdrm, 2bath family home, deck, carport, garage, fruit trees, Lots of room. $389,900. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty MOUNTAIN STATION. 0.84 acres just outside City limits. Valley views & sunsets. $250,000.00 David Gentles 250354-8225. Nelson Realty BLEWETT ACREAGE: 36 acres with many building sites. Split by May & Jenny Road plus access off Blewett Road. $465,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty

S t a y healthy, Nelson!

Find your favourite workout in our calendar listings, page 10.

West Kootenay/Boundary


20 CU.FT. UPRIGHT freezer in excellent condition, 2 years old, $300. Please call 250-226-7356 SOLID WOOD FOUR post bed, queen size - $200; Large bookcase $180. Call Corvus 352-6109 ESTATE SALE: QUALITY ANTIQUE furniture, other household items in good condition. 505-8003 to view TWO DELUXE TWIN mattresses in good, clean condition. 39”x 81”. $40 each OBO. 551-3833 POSITIVE APPAREL THRIFT Store 721 Front St now accepting furniture Mon ñ Sat 10-5 Sun 1-5 HOSPITAL BED, DELUXE, all electic model, only used 4 months. New $2000, asking $1000. 250-505-2075

Page 15


TIRES FOR SALE!!!! Excellent condition! Nokian winter tires 175/70r-13 82r, all seasons p205/70r15 95s. 250-3522639




FIREFLY CLEANING: HOME, Yard Work and Clutter-Busting. From tidying to total overhauls. Fast, friendly and reliable. Ecooptions available. 250-505-6160 ORCA TRUCK FOR HIRE. Will do dump runs, moving, etc. Patrick 505-0612. ADVERTISE YOUR NEWS! Post a classified in a few easy clicks. Choose your province or all across Canada. Best value. Pay a fraction of the cost compared to booking individual areas. HANDYMAN SERVICES. I FIX just about anything! Clean, reliable, excellent references. $30/hr, 4hr minimum. Fred 250-354-7175 or CARPET CLEANING - BOOK NOW! Ecofriendly using low moisture, carpets dry quickly, proven healthier and more effective, leaving a clean, fresh smell. Locally owned and operated. West Kootenay Cleaning Solutions. 352-5632; 509-1552 RESIDENTIAL SNOW REMOVAL. Guarenteed service. 7 days/week. Limited bookings. Book now! Free estimates. 250-354-7140 www.sunrisesealcoating. ca/snow.htm

Nov. 3, 2010



SLOCAN RIVER FRONT. 1.78 level acres. 260 feet of frontage. UG services @ lot line. Build now. 30 mins to Nelson or Castlegar. $225,000. no HST. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty COUGAR BLUFFS. SPECTACULAR Views. 83.5 acres. Numerous designated building sites. A wilderness retreat, yet close to Slocan Valley amenities. $324,900. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty CREEK SIDE RETREAT. 1 acre of flat buildable land backs onto riparian zone of Winlaw Creek. Private well. Power at lot line. $99,000. Burke Jones 250-3548515 Nelson Realty 1.21 LEVEL ACRES includes 4 mobile homes. Secure tenants in place. great investment/holding property. Burke Jones 354-8515 Nelson Realty KOOTENAY LAKE FRONT. Custom 3 bdrm 4 bath, full level walk-out basement, view decks. 22x44 workshop, triple & single garages & carport. Park-like private gated 1.64 acres. Call Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty

RIVERFRONT. 1.48 LEVEL acres. 325’ on Slocan River. New 2188 sqft 3 bdrm rancher. Geotherm in-floor heat thru house & 2-car garage. Granite counters, custom kitchen, stainless appliances, fireplace, wood accents, vaulted ceilings, ug services, 688 sqft covered decks, fenced side yard, exposed aggregate, paved drive. A must see!! $689,900. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty A “MUST SEE” to realize all this property has to offer. Private 5.9 Balfour acres. 4 bdrms, decks, fireplace, games room & more. 30x60 garage. $679,900. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty WATERFRONT @ BALFOUR w/ Foreshore Lease & 18 slip Marina. .43 level acres. 2 bdrm 2 bath home. $599,000. Adjacent lot available @ $374,500. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty 4.9 ACRES NEAR Lemon Creek. Large 13 year old 3 bdrm, 3 bath home. Total of 4246 sqft. Includes mobile home. $425,000. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty

When you’re looking for a local shop, service or special, first check the Express Needs & Wants section!

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Let's go fishing!


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34' Heated Catamaran Up to 8 people for $580 Book your winter excursion now!

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SAVE up to

October 1 November 30


5643 Taghum Frontage Rd . 250-352-2001

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Page 16


Nov. 3, 2010






NELSON CITY & Lake Views. Renovated 4 bdrm 3 bath home. Sunken living room w/fireplace, vaulted ceilings. Terraced back yard. $442,500. Burke Jones 250354-8515 Nelson Realty

QUICK POSSESSION. UPHILL 3 bdrm, 3 bath, summer kitchen, suite potential. Separate “studio”. 50x120 fertile lot. $490,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty ERIE CREAK FRONT. Level .26 acres. 4 bdrm, 3 bath, spacious 2 storey home. 2800 sqft & 1900 sqft unfinished basement. Open Kitchen/family room. Formal living & dining rooms. Carport, covered porch. $395,000. David Gentles 250-3548225. Nelson Realty 10 ACRES INCLUDES 300 ft of River frontage across road (approx 1 ac). Open design 3 bdrm rancher. Barn. $379,900. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty QUICK POSSESSION. 3+1 bdrm, 2 fireplaces, huge deck/carport, 50x141 lot. Close to Schools. Suite potential. $319,900. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty UPHILL RANCHER. 3 bdrm 2 bt Landscaped, level fenced lot. Suite potential. Great location. $365,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty 6-MILE. 3-4 BDRM, 100x183 terraced back yard, possible inlaw suite, deck, carport. $299,000. David Gentles 250354-8225. Nelson Realty 60X110 CORNER LOT. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, basement, carport, level entry. Expansion potential. $249,000. David Gentles 250354-8225. Nelson Realty TIDY 2-3 BDRM mobile, addition & view deck. Lower 6-mile. Quick possession. $49,500. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty MOBILE HOME NEEDING a talented renovator. 2 bdrm, 1 bath. Value priced. $29,500. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty FAIRVIEW CORNER LOT, 3/bed/1bath, full basement, walking distance to school, beach, shopping. $259,000. 250-3541069 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE in Kootenay Cove Park. Lots of upgrades. $64,000 OBO. 250-551-1770 LOVINGLY MAINTAINED 2 Bdrm 1993 Mobile in Sunnyside. Many upgrades. New roof. $125,000. Heather 250-3544711 BEAUTIFUL 5 BED/3BATH EXECUTIVE HOME FOR SALE! 1.8 sunny acres w/ view of Kootenay River. 29x30’ garage/ shop, hottub on huge covered deck. Level paved driveway in new Falls Creek Subdiv. 12 mins South of Nelson. 4604 Beasley West Road. $583,000. Agents welcome, open to offers. 250-3595006 BY OWNER: SUNNY, light, panoramic views, 4 Bd, 2 Bath (ensuite jacuzzi), easy to heat, natural wood features, great uphill Nelson neighborhood, 2 car off street parking, garden, fruit trees, well maintained home. $399,000. 3540206

LUXURIOUS 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 bath townhome on Nelson’s Golf Course. Elegant, Upgraded. No pets/smoking. $1850+utilities. 250-505-2020 AVAILABLE NOW: NEW STUNNING AND OPEN SPACIOUS 1BDR SUITE in sunny part of Blewett just 10min from Nelson. Patio, garden and mountain views, in-floor heating, quiet acreage close to trails. $850/month. Includes heat, electricity, shared w/d, ns/np. 250-3522190 1BR APARTMENT IN NELSON heritage home. Main floor, private entrance, fireplace, internet. $850/m. incl. utilities. 250-352-9545 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT on Trevor Street. Coin-op laundry. $750/month N/ S 250-5052067 BRIGHT SMALLER BASEMENT suite in newer uphill home. Separate entrance. $600/month, utilities included. 250-3541103 WORKSHOP/ART GALLERY OR Storage for rent. 250-352-3517 2 BEDROOM UPHILL house for rent. Gas fireplace, new appliances, N/S N/P $1050/ month +utilities Rentals@NelsonRealty. ca 250-505-2067 2 BEDROOM FAIRVIEW house for rent on corner lot. New furnace and windows. N/S,N/P $1000/month +utilities 250-5052067 2 BEDROOM BALFOUR LAKEVIEW house for rent. Picturesque setting and large decks. N/S, N/P $950/month +utilities 250-5052067 1 BEDROOM HALF-DUPLEX 10 minutes west of Nelson. $850/month + utilities. No Pets 250-505-2067 2 BEDROOM PROCTER on 1/2 acre. Large deck, great views. $900/ month + utilities. Pets negotiable. 250-5052067 2/3 BEDROOM HALF-DUPLEX in Nelson. ����������������������������� Carport & deck. $1300/month + utilities. Pets negotiable. Rentals@NelsonRealty. ca 250-505-2067 2 BEDROOM SUITES on Whitewater Road. Clean, recent upgrades. $800/ month + utilities. Pets negotiable. 250-5052067 2 BEDRM HOUSE on forested acreage near Slocan City. Woodstove, f/s, $650+util. 250-229-2356 3 BDRM, 1-1/2 bath, w/d/f/s, NS, pets considered. References required. $1500 inclusive. Avail Nov 1. 250-3523626 1 BDRM SUITE outside Nelson $1000 incl heat; 3 bdrm house Nelson $1250 incl utilities. Leave message 250-3651236 SUNNY 2BEDROOM UPPER suite in heritage home. Spacious kitchen, private balcony, NS/ND, $875. 1Dec. BEAUTIFUL UPHILL HERITAGE Home 4Bed, 2Bath, spacious kitchen, veranda, gardens NS/ND $1500 +utilities 1Dec. FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR responsible female, close to town and college, Rent : $500 including utilities. Phone: 250-352-3365 SLOCAN VALLEY NEAR Winlaw newer cottage, 2 beds, loft, quiet secure, valley views. Suitable 2 people. $795. 250-2260034

2 BDRM DUPLEX near Blewett School. N/S, N/P. Stove/Fridge. $750 plus utilities. References. 250-352-5217 until 8p.m. 4 BEDROOM AT 6 MILE Great family home, carport, large covered deck. No pets. $1200/month 250-505-2067 4 BEDROOM HOME on Nasookin Road. Lake views, double garage, tile floors, pets considered. $1300/month 250-5052067

5.5 ACRES @ Slocan Park. 5 bdrm 1440 sqft rancher w/in-law suite. Covered veranda on 4 sides. Large shop. $439,000. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty HORSE LOVERS DELIGHT. 7.9 acres w/fenced pasture & gardens. 3 bdrm home. Privacy treed. Central to Nelson & Castlegar. Crescent Valley. $365,000. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty ERIE CREEK FRONT. .42 level acres. Upgraded 4 bdrm, 3 bath home. 14x20 covered deck. 28x44 lower deck. Tree house w/power. $279,900. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty NEAT & TIDY 3 bdrm Rancher. Level 150x112 lot. 12x16 shop & 16x40 barn. Lots of room. Ymir $270,000. Burke Jones 250-354-8515 Nelson Realty NEWLY RENOVATED SALMO Rancher. Priced to sell 4 bdrm, 2 bath. Fenced level .41 acres, Gardens, workshop. Quick Possession $189,900. Burke Jones 250354-8515 Nelson Realty GREAT VALUE BUILDING lot near Balfour. $110,000. .47 acres. Commanding lake views. Ug services. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty 29 LOT SUBDIVISION IN the City limits. Lot prices start @ $70,000. + HST. Spacious lot sizes. UG services. City amenities. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty 5.3 ACRES WEST of Salmo. Subdividable. Lots of Gravel. Residential or commercial. $225,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty 2 BUILDING LOTS. Expansive lake views, Southern exposure. UG services. Private beach & Marina access available. .76 acres @ $147,500. 1.02 acres @ $149,500. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty 2.92 ACRES. (3 side-by-side lots) 55 foot well on center lot. 5 minutes west of Salmo. $135,000. David Gentles 250354-8225. Nelson Realty UP & DOWN Duplex. 2 blocks off Baker. 3 bdrm & 2 bdrm units. Always rented. Some upgrades are done. $329,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty 41 ACRES. PRIVATE. Level benches. Old Log structure. Original septic, water & power. Slocan Valley $325,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty SLOCAN RIVER. LEVEL 1 acre with 200 feet of river frontage. UG utilities @ lot line. $249,900. no HST David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty LOG ACCENTS THROUGHOUT. 3,100 sqft, 3 level, 4+ bdrm home. New flooring. Amazing view decks. Organic gardens. .23 acres $549,000. David Gentles 250354-8225. Nelson Realty BLEWETT. PRIVATE RETREAT - 2.46 acres. Terraced gardens, 3 bdrm 2000 sqft rancher, hobby room, workshop. Spacious living. $425,000. David Gentles 250-354-8225. Nelson Realty LONGBEACH. 2.5 ACRES. Solid post & beam. 2+ bdrms, office, 3 bath, 2 kitchens, suite potential. Outbuildings. Covered view deck. $479,900. David Gentles 250354-8225. Nelson Realty

RENTALS 4 BD, 2 bath home. Rosemont $1800/mnth plus utilities, W/D. NP/NS. Avail. Dec. 1, Contact 250-354-1188 jackolso@gmail. com NEWLY RENOVATED 1 bdrm suite. Quiet, view, n/s $700 plus utilities. Dec. 1st or immed. 352-5640 NON-SMOKING BRAND NEW two bedroom, lakeview condo, furnished. Please call for details 250-505 4925. $1600/ month

I know it may sound crazy to already be talking about the holidays, but if you’re not prepared, it can just creep up on you and then the stress kicks in. So let’s take a peek at some restoring order things you can start preJenn Heale RENTALS - COMM paring for as the holidays your family’s wardrobes to approach. BEAUTIFUL, DOWNTOWN , stand alone building for lease. 2300 sq. ft., 601 Purcha se your see what you need. This Kootenay St. Please phone for details; Christmas cards early, but is the best time of year 250-825-9932 before shopping, see what to look for winter outfits; FURNISHED COUNSELLING/THERAPY SPACE to share downtown Nelson. you have left from previous winter items are just arrivBright, spacious and convenient location. years. Then pre-address ing in stores and won’t be Great price. 250-354-3663 all of your envelopes and picked through. What ever place the card inside. This you need, just add it to RENTALS WANTED way you can take the next your little shopping list you TWO GENTLEMEN REQUIRE affordable couple of weeks to add have started in your purse/ two bedroom Nelson rental. Non-Partiers, photos and letters/notes. wallet. reliable reference available. Claude 250352-9876 Create a master to-doIf your one of those people SMALL FAMILY IN desperate need of a who struggles with person- list (except for shopping). place to rent in or around Nelson. Nov. alizing each card create a For example: Cards, deco1st. I have a well behaved dog, and two outside cats. Please help us!250-825general Christmas letter to rating, baking, cleaning, 0192 and event-planning. For slip into each card. GOOD RENTER SEEKS long-term rental larger tasks like partyCreate a shopping-list from good landlord in Nelson. No slumlords please. 250-229-4500 with all the people you planning, break them 2 BRD. W/D,F/S. Storage. Downtownish. need to buy/make gifts for; down into smaller chunks. $800-$1,000. Janette and Judy. 250-505adding gift ideas beside Now grab your calendar 9294 Dec. 1st. each person’s name. Now and schedule all your togo and tuck this list in your do’s; make sure you spread SHARED ACCOM. wallet/purse; when you are them out so you’re not too running errands just pull overwhelmed. This will ROOM IN FAIRVIEW House Dec 1st: out your list so you know show you how much time looking for very clean, responsible, semivegetarian. N/S,N/P-$350+utilites. Krista you will realistically need what you need. ���������� at 250-354-4874 Over the holidays there to get things done and if ROOM IN HOUSE near hospital for rent are so many events you and you need to eliminate or starting Nov. 1. $500/month all inclusive (wifi). 250-509-1982 your family may be attend- delegate certain items on FURNISHED BEDROOM IN a towning. Look through you and your list. house in Rosemont. Dec. 1. $500 includes utilities, and w/d. Ann @ 250Jen Heale is the owner of Neat-Organizing and Decluttering 352-9589 Service and a member of POC (Professional Organizers of FURNISHED BEDROOM, ATTACHED Canada). You may contact Jen directly with organizing questions to private bathroom available in large or 551-NEAT(6328). shared home. For clean responsible per-

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Take a break. ���������� son. 250-352-1693 LOOKING FOR MATURE, neat male to share two bedroom apartment. $475, shared utilities. Nov. Brad 250-3520898 SEEKING MATURE, EMPLOYED person to share main floor of Taghum house with male, n/s n/d n/p. $450/mo incl. Avail. Dec. 1. Louise 354-0243


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������������������ Lorne Westnedge ��������������� & Drew Evans: �������������

THE TEAM THAT WORKS -- FOR YOU! ������������������

Contact 250-505-2606 ������������� Lorne at:

Contact 250-505-2466 Drew at: Web-site.

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Each office is independently owned and operated

page 12

FURNISHED ROOM IN Thrums acreage home. Garden space, garage, close to bus stop. $450+utl. 551-4605 HAVE A RENTAL? Need a rental? Looking for your first home, or expanding with a growing family? Check the Express classifieds first! We have listings to suit your needs, whatever your needs may be. Come in to our office at 554 Ward Street, pick up a free copy at a number of locations throughout town, or visit our website to find out more!


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It isn’t too early to start planning for the holidays


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Attractive family home on large, private ��������������������� lot with outstanding view. Quality is evident throughout this home. 4 bed.

3 baths, office, gourmet kitchen, multi���������������� level decks. Situated close to all city amenities





3 bedroom, 2 bath family home on creekside 3.5 acre parcel just 6 minutes from downtown, with outstanding view of Kootenay River valley. Separate double garage and large quonset building included. Tranquil setting.

Commercial building with highway access and off-street parking located in downtown Nelson is an excellent investment or development opportunity.

mls# K197160

mls# K3900455




New 5,000 sq.ft. custom home on 18.5 acres with pasture land in pristine private valley. Stunning mountain views, between Slocan/Silverton. Bamboo/cork floors, 9’ ceilings, 4 bed. 3 bath. List goes on!



mls #K192843

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