IN THIS ISSUE: Jason Collette of Broken Social Scene page 07
Wednesday November 17, 2010 Vol. 22 No. 49
independent since 1988
Lest we forget
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���������� �������� Sinixt Nation engages in constitutional challenge ���������� ������ ���������� �������� ���������� ���������
On Remembrance Day at 11a.m. at Nelson’s Cenotaph, nearly 1000 community members gave silent respect to the soldiers who served this country. Local pilots flew in formation, marking the occasion.
In late ���������� October this year, the Sinixt Nation, set up a protest camp in the Slocan Valley. The camp was erected on the Perry Ridge Forest Service Road in order to prevent Sunshine Logging (2004) Ltd. from proceeding with commercial logging in the area. The Kaslo company has since sought
The Sinixt are seek- the rights of Aboriginal an injunction against the ing a judicial review peoples, the Crown is Sinixt blockade. The application ����������������������������� was regarding the constitu- obligated���������� to consult denied by the B.C. Supreme tionality of the logging with Aboriginals on any ������������������ Court on November 5. licence issued by B.C. Crown conduct which David Aaron, the Nelson law- Timber Sales to Sunshine may have an impact on ��������������� yer representing the Sinixt, Logging. Recourse to the them. The Crown did not ������������� had successfully argued Indian Act is not being consult with the Sinixt that the issue of aborigi- made as the Sinixt are regarding the logging of nal rights had to be better not ������������������� registered under that their ancestral lands. established before any ruling Act. In the past, legal cor��������������� could be made regarding the Under Section 35 of respondence with the requested Sunshine Logging the ����������������������������� Constitution Act Crown has suggested injunction. (1982), which deals with that the Sinixt are not
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recognized by the Crown as being Aboriginals under the Canadian Constitution. The Sinixt do not take this position. On November 15, a hearing by the Court will take place in Vancouver to consider the Sinixt Nation’s request that an interim order be put in place to suspend the licence issued to Sunshine Logging pending the lon-
ger term outcome of the judicial review. It was because of this proposed judicial review that the interim injunction against the blockade requested by Sunshine Logging was denied. It was seen as pre-empting the November 15 judicial hearing. Aaron notes that the Court appears to have expedited the November 15 hearing.
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Nov. 17, 2010
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The Express is read everywhere, even in Cuba!
280 Baker Street , Nelson
From the rooftop of Casa Dania in Habana veija Cuba with the Capital Building in the backgroud.
5-Day Forecast Wednesday
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Cloudy with showers High 4°C Low0°C P.O.P. 80%
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Light rain High 3°C Low -2°C P.O.P. 90%
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Few flurriesHigh 1°C Low -7°C P.O.P. 80%
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Publisher/Editor Nelson Becker
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Front of Office Jessie Demers
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News. New business in Nelson.
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Arts. Jason Collette plays the Royal.
How to contact us Classifieds, Events Listings, Press Releases, Fish Heads and Flowers and Letters to the Editor can all be submitted via the Express web site: For Body and Soul Directory and Health Calendar listings please call 250.354.3910. For display advertising call 250.354.1118 or email
theExpress community news
since 1988
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Nov. 17, 2010
Page 3
Once upon a time World AIDS Day
Every 12 seconds anoth- ner of Josephine and Silica). Recently I was speaking Service will be held from er person contracts HIV. with a client who was conEvery 16 seconds another 7-9pm With Reverend sidering setting aside one Christine Dudley in attenperson dies of AIDS. room in her home where dance. World AIDS Day is celeall electronic devices brated on December 1 each A candle light vigil will would be prohibited. She year around the world. be held in support and wanted a place where the nest building It has become one of the memory of those that have noise and bluster of the Kate Bridger most recognised interna- passed. There will be live outside world could briefly tional health days and a music featuring D u n c a n street and monitoring be ignored. key opportunity to raise Johnston, Marina Richards, Gone are the days when e-mails. At some point in our awareness, commemorate and Amberstaar Pyper. telephones were firmly Food and beverages attached to fixed walls lives, it all becomes too those who have passed on, and celebrate victories will be provided. Music, much. A sanctuary—be it a and computers were anything but portable. Today, physical space, or a desig- such as increased access to Thoughts, and Memories telephones reside in back nated period of time—pro- treatment and prevention to be shared. Please come and share pockets and computers vides a welcome and nec- services. ANKORS Is Hosting with us. essary reprieve. fit into the palms of our ����������������������������� ���������� For more information, My client wants a room -World AIDS Day on hands vying for our attenWednesday, December 1st, contact Contact Brahm where the family can come tion wherever we go. 2010 At the Nelson United Taylor 250-505-5506, Once upon a time there to listen to one another, or was a big heavy TV set in pursue quiet activities; a Church at 602 Silica St. (cor- the living room and family room full of books, board members gathered at pre- games and jig saw puzzles; ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ scheduled times to watch a room where ringing REQUEST FOR QUOTATION and beeping devices are specific programming 2010-RFQ-15 together. Today, many not allowed to cross the homes have multiple TVs threshold. The Corporation of the City of Nelson invites your company We’re never going to around the house and The Circle of Habondia to provide a price quotation for the following item: turn off all the wireless residents could be watching third world crises in devices that surround us— Lending Society will be the kitchen, reality shows they have their uses and we having its Annual General SNOW PLOWING AND SANDING and Board in the bathroom, soaps are very fond of them—but Meeting Quotations clearly marked: “2010-RFQ-15 Snowplowing and Sanding” in the bedroom and non- I think an electronics-free Elections on Saturday zone is an inspired idea December 4th, beginning stop sports in the den. will be accepted by sealed hard copy at the office of the Finance and Single purpose rooms that many households may at 12 noon at the Senior Purchasing Manager – Suite 101-310 Ward Street, Nelson, B.C., V1L 5S4, Citizens association at 717 are rare in modern wish to emulate. or by e-mail to prior to Tuesday, November 30, Kate is an artist and Vernon St in Nelson. Please homes where everything 2010 @ 2:30 pm. ���������������� designer offering in-home join us for a light lunch to is open and one space ���������� flows seamlessly into consultations to help cli- learn more about all the Quotation Documents are available from: the next allowing behav- ents create optimal living excellent work Habondia Finance and Purchasing Manager has been doing in the past iours and activities to do and working spaces. If you The Corporation of the City of Nelson year to support Women the same. People often have design questions, you Suite 101, 310 Ward Street, Nelson, BC V1L 5S4 and their families in the contact Kate directly eat supper on their laps may ���������� ���������������������� region, including our curPhone No: (250) 352-8204 while watching TV, tex- at or rent Women in Sustainable Email: 250 352-4653. ting a buddy down the Housing (WISH) project. BC Bid or the City of Nelson web site, Kate is an artist and designer offering in-home consultations ������������������ to Memberships can be pur Where was greathelp clients create optimal living and working spaces. If you have chased at the meeting in ��������������� Romantic, design questions, you may contact Kate directly at kbridka@yahoo. the form of an annual fee grandma born? adventurous, ������������� ca or 352-4653. or by becoming a contributing member by commitmysterious: The Nelson Library News magazines in ting $5/month on an on������������������ has birth, death and Download your blusher, printbasis. and onlline going We are at also swashbuckler, or ������������� marriage certificates applications for new the Nelson Library. “Everybody can be great nity involvement that the occur taking potboiler free from board members, and wel��������������������� on microfiche. ��� because everybody can with volunteer service are NelsontoLibrary. come Women with variserve.” —Martin tailor-made enhance the ������������� ous skills and experience Luther King, Jr. healing process. A recent survey carried A report titled “The to apply. Please contact at habondiaco@gmail. Health Benefits of us out by TimeBank reveals that among the UK’s leading Volunteering: A Review com for more info, and to of Recent Research,” has request a Board/Volunteer businesses: * 73%�������� of employers would established a strong rela- application package. recruit a candidate who tionship between volunteer��������work over ing and health. does volunteer People who about volunteer one who ��������� doesn’t Wondering '58 Chev or Get your motor early in life are much more ������������������������������ * 94%�������� of employers � to volunteer later in believe that volunteering likely platypus love? running: 2010 hybrid? life, when the benefits are ������������������������ can add to skills ���������������������� Science magazines Small engine repair * 94% of employees who particularly acute. A unique ������������������������ ��������������������� Car repair manuals at volunteered to learn new opportunity to achieve all ������������������������� and more online ����������������� the Nelson Library, in �� for boats, chainsaws, skills benefited either by get- these benefits will occur soon ���������������������������������� ���������������� through the Nelson and more - online at ting a job, improving their when The Nelson Friendship ����������������������������� print ond online. Library. ����������������� salary, or being promoted Clubhouse holds its semithe Nelson Library. The power of the mind annual training of volun������������ ����������������������� to influence the body is teer workers. The training ������������������������ ���������������������� beyond question; a negative sessions will occur on the ����������� ������������������������� mental attitude can threaten mornings of November �������� one’s health, and a positive 18 & 19 and November attitude will trigger 25 & 26. Please leave a ������mental changes within the body that message with Coordinator promote health and heal- Heather Meyers at Nelson ing. The close interpersonal Mental Healthscreen by phoning The Eentsy The big Toronto, ���������������� relationships and commu- 250 505-7251.
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fits into your bookbag... ������������� ��������
...when� you borrow ������������������������������������ DVDs from the Nelson ����������������������������������� Library.
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Weentsy Spider Is alive and tickling at Nelson Library storytimes!
Tasmania, or Timbuktu?
Travel guides at the Nelson Library.
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Page 4
Optimism brings new businesses Eclectic Circus: Merriment for all 460 Ward Street Hours: 10:00-5:30 Tuesday thru Saturday
Howie Ross of Eclectic Circus
Howie Ross, owner and operator of Urban Legends on Baker Street, has expanded operations and opened a new store that reflects his love of collectables and of the unique. Ross started business in the Kootenays with the opening of Taghum Trading Company. This location was known for its eclectic mix of antiques and collectables. The Taghum store has now closed and serves as a warehouse for the new Nelson store. The store features antiques as well as imported furniture. New items come in all the time and Ross especially enjoys pieces that are funky and
one-of-a-kind. The store stocks a wide array of merchandise including small gifts, records and musical instruments. You will find the kooky, the bizarre, and the beautiful. Antiques and art have always played a large role in Ross’s life. As a child he was often taken antiquehunting with his mother in Upstate New York. Later he would own an art gallery in Los Angeles and has even dealt in Pre-Columbian Art. Ross puts customer service first. He states “I just want the store to be fun and unique. We want people to leave happier than when they came in.” Ross buys from the public and points to the use of digital photos as a great way for sellers to present their wares. He asks that people come to him with a price already in mind. Phone: 250-352-6569 Website:
my dreams come true.” She also notes that “Fear should not stop creativity. It is not healthy for people or the economy.” Gift certificates are available. Phone: 250-354-4116 Website:
Khyati Holman of Sacred Journey
opened one of Nelson’s newest home furnishing boutiques. Based on the popularity of their Gray Creek location with Nelsonites, Holman took on the new location in October. They also have a store in Calgary, Alberta. Holman’s vision is to promote unique and quality handcrafted items both from around the world and from local artisans and artists. She is concerned by the replacement of skilled craftspeople by industrial production and notes that only thirty years ago, the creation of hand-loomed products supported an entire village. Now these villagers are without jobs. All her merchandise is handmade and fair trade. The store is elegant and reflects diverse Asian cultures. Items for sale include weavings, lead-free ceramics, Persian rugs, carvings and Thai fold-cut cushions to name a few. Small gift items are also carried. Interior design consultation is also available. Soon Aryuvedic services, products and classes will be offered. When asked about opening a store in what appear to be lean economic times, Holman replied that “If I had given into fear, I would never have made
���������� Sacred Journey World Imports & Art Gallery
441 Baker St. Hours: 10:30 -5:00, Monday thru Saturday
Khyati Holman and Murielle Hielema have
Nov. 17, 2010
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The Corporation of the City of Nelson is offering for sale, on a sealed bid basis, the following Surplus City Vehicles & Miscellaneous items. The below listed units are being sold “as is, where is” no warranty expressed or implied. Terms of sale will be cash to the highest acceptable bid. Units may be viewed at the City Works Yard, 80 Lakeside Drive, Tuesday November 23rd, 2010, between the hours of 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. Bids should be submitted in writing, clearly indicating the item #, unit #, description, bid price, bidders name, address and phone number. Item #
Mileage/ Hours 150983 km
Unit # 9404
Unit # 9045
225148 km
Unit # 9120
2003 Crown Victoria 1995 Chevrolet regular cab long box 4x4 with work box 1993 GMC 3500 4x4 diesel with dump box
Unit # 9472
2000 GMC single axle electrical bucket truck **minimum reserve bid $15,000**
142357 km / 9612hrs
Unit # 9071
1989 Dodge Dakota 4x4
215241 km
Unit # 9388
1988 GMC Suburban 4x4
167893 km
Unit # 9157
1991 Dodge 2500 4x4 Diesel flat deck
171697 km
Unit # 9059
1994 Ford F150 4x4 regular cab long box
292440 km
Unit # 9174
2005 Yacht Club snowmobile trailer **minimum reserve bid $500.00**
Unit # 9026
1991 International single axle dump truck **minimum reserve bid $1,500.00**
Unit #9163
1978 Sicard 2200 Industrial Snow Blower
Aluminum slide out full size pickup box work tray
Mill Creek Turf 75 top dressing trailer
62012 km
112167 km /11000hrs
The successful bidder will be responsible for payment of transfer fees and taxes and must pay for the sale fully within five (5) days of acceptance of bid. The highest or any bid may not necessarily be accepted. Bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to and mailed or delivered to: The Corporation of the City of Nelson Suite 101 – 310 Ward Street Nelson BC V1L 5S4 Attention: Finance and Purchasing Manager
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Bids close Tuesday November 30th, 2010 at 10:00 am
Booksmyth: Rekindling Books 524 – Victoria St. Hours: 10:00-5:30, Monday thru Saturday
David Bracewell and Laura Carter of Booksmyth
Located in the Victoria Street Corner, Booksmyth is Nelson’s newest used bookstore. It opened in early October and is owned and operated by Nelsonites, David Bracewell and Laura Carter. Previously, the location was home to Copper Mountain Books. Elegant and welcoming, the re-designed store features thematically-based wooden alcoves built by Bracewell himself. Antiques and handcrafted decorator pieces led whimsy and interest to the space. Armchairs, small tables and a wooden, retro, curvilinear bench lend ample space for readers to peruse the more than 10,000 volumes housed there. Bracewell prides himself on organization and the store reflects this. Categories include mind/ body/spirit, literature, children’s books, travel memoirs, fiction, cook books, science, art books and more. Quality is emphasized with most books being rated as ‘fine’ or ‘very fine’, indicating high quality in the trade. Sellers may be paid cash or receive 30% to 50% of the used retail price as credit in the store. The store buys both soft and hard cover books. Bracewell held his Grand Opening this past Saturday and festivities included a book quiz with prizes. When asked about the impact of the economy on his decision to open, Bracewell responded “We have good prices and our quality is great. We were confident this model would work for us and, so far, it has.” Gift certificates are available. Ph: 250-352-1225
Myth-busting 101 When I was a kid and I asked my father about how something worked, or why something was the way it was, more often than not he told me to “look it up.” Off I would trudge to the Encyclopedia Britannica, housed in its own special case at the end of the hall. If it was a word I wanted, the Oxford English Dictionary was always open on top. In those days, “Look it up” meant finding a book. Now, “look it up” means so much more, because now we have Google. I’m an online-research lover, because of the speed with which the answers are delivered (and I don’t have to trudge down the hall)— and of course, I check my sources. But the internet has also bred the Urban Myth, incomplete—or even mis—information that people take as truth. Google, email, twitter—it’s easier than ever to spread the wrong word. Myth-buster 1: Library books don’t spread bedbugs, as suggested in a letter to the editor recently. If you start poking between the sheets, internet-wise, you’ll see that in all of North America there has been just one substantiated bedbug-in-a-library-book incident. Everything else online is comprised of chat room paranoia. We get a lot of things left in books in the Nelson Library, but none of them have ever been ambulatory. Myth-buster #2: The new regional district taxes that will come into play January 1st are not paying for the Library expansion. Who is?
check this out Anne DeGrace Federal and provincial government grants, The City of Nelson, library-friendly organizations, and generous individuals. Beginning January 1st, taxes collected from Areas F and part of H will join City residential taxes to allow the library to offer longer hours, new outreach services, enhanced programming, and a greater collection, both print and digital. Myth-buster #3: For residents of Area E, the subscription fee beginning January 1st is $120 per household—not per person. This amount reflects the cost of service. It also allows 40 items at a time on a household family card. At $10 per month, it is cheaper than a gym pass or a ski pass, buying one book per month, or renting two newrelease DVDs. My dad’s default response to “look it up” set me up for a lifelong love of research. I am equally comfortable with print and digital sources, and I love that answers are so readily at my fingertips, whether it’s a book from the shelf or a reliable webpage. It’s true that, in this information age, we are bombarded with fact and fiction, both; it can be hard to tell myth from fact. When in doubt? Ask a librarian.
Anne DeGrace is the Adult Services Coordinator at the Nelson Municipal Library. Visit or call 250-352-6333.
Taking Back Our Natural Health Industry
A free, evening event with Constitutional Lawyer and President of the Natural Health Products Protection Association (NHPPA) Shawn Buckley, is offered at the Capitol Theatre at 7pm on Thursday November 18th. Everyone is welcome to attend. Remember Bill C-51 from 2007? Bill C-36 is the newest incarnation of a bill that is being promoted as a ‘consumer safety’ law and is actually a law that will severely undercut both rule of law and access to
herbs and supplements. Hundreds of products will likely be removed from the shelves and the bill gives the government the ability to seize and remove products without court supervision. This free event is sponsored by the Kootenay Coop in partnership with the NHPPA. Come out and hear what you can do to help stop Bill C-36 and to support the campaign to suspend and review the Natural Health Product Regulations.
West Kootenay/Boundary
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Briefly Trans Day of Remembrance Saturday, Nov. 20, 5:30pm 6:30pm corner of Ward and Baker St.
Trans Day of Remembrance is held all over the world to memorialize those who died due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. Day of Remembrance reminds non-transgender people that we are their sons, daughters, parents, friends, and lovers.
Nelson & District CU Celebrates 60 years Tuesday Nov 16, 2:00 p.m. Nelson & District Credit Union 501 Vernon St.
Nelson & District Cu invites you to take the opportunity to witness the official unveiling of their fifth community monument by local artist, John McKinnon. From Cash Box to Community Cornerstone is Nelson & District Credit Union’s celebration of 60 years in the West Kootenay.
Nov. 17, 2010
Page 5
Simplify as a much as possible, but no further!
Are You An Angel? Venture Capital Workshop for Investors Tuesday, Nov.16 - 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the Prestige, 701 Lakeside Dr.
Are you looking to invest in BC businesses? Are you interested in becoming an angel investor? Want to take advantage of a 30% tax credit for your investment? Attendees of the Venture Capital Workshop are also invited to stay for the afternoon Investor Ready workshop. It is free and includes working lunch Registration: Interested individuals are invited to contact Kelvin Saldern, Executive Director of KAST. To register, e-mail or call 250-483-5052.
Holiday Fare Saturday, Dec. 18, 10 a.m. 4 p.m. at Central School Gym
In a conversation with Darla and others over several weeks, it became apparent that many readers may feel that Dr. Science is making the scientific subject matter simple for the dr. science lay reader. My belief is in Morgan Dehnel accordance with a quote attributed to Einstein, “sim- plicated and abstract. On plify as much as possible, the other hand, eventually but no further”. In terms of the specific terms in the the mathematics describ- field are utilized, and the ing a theory, it is helpful to mathematics can be quite simplify the equations to complicated, but this does the simplest form possible not change the fact that the ������������������������� without invalidating the underlying concepts are �������������������� theory. In a similar man- those that can be underner, the Dr. Science articles stood by everyday observa������������������ ������������������ are written to be accurate tion and experience. and clear to the best of my Finally another aspect ��������������� TEL: (250) 352-1269 . 330 BAKER STREET . CANADA ability, while at the same corresponds to my beliefs ������������� time retaining their valid- early in my career when ity again to the best of my certain aspects of physability. ������������������ ics appeared to be easier, On another note, sci- relative to other aspects. I entific ������������� concepts can be was not showing appropridescribed in everyday lan- ate respect to the so-called ��������������������������������� guage with appropriate easier theory. I was sur����������������������������������������������� analogies. In my experi- prised when a colleague did ence, physicists generally not differentiate������������������������������������������� between work in terms of every- one branch of physics or day analogies that we can another, regardless whethcomprehend based on er one branch of physics our everyday experiences. appeared easier than the This may surprise some other. He deeply respected people, who may believe and valued all aspects, and that the conversations of since then I have tried to physicists would be com- follow his example. ������������������������������
Nelson Trash to Orphans treasure! Two children at Families for Children of India, benefit from recycled car seats, from Nelson, taken to the orphanage by the Gosney’s. Barb Gosney Classical Homeopath volunteers at the orphanage. Finding Money for Brahma until now could Post-Secondary only lie on the pillow to do his lessons, as his head was Education Dr. Science is in real life, Dr. Morgan Dehnel, a particle ������������������������ too heavy for him to supWednesday, Nov. 24, 6:30 p.m. ������������������������ accelerator physicist, and resident of Nelson. port it. Now he he has a -8:00 p.m at the Chamber of ��������������������� Please send comments or questions regarding this column to �������������������������� different view, sitting up! Commerce 225 Hall St. ����������������������������� Raw silk goods will be ������������ ���������� ���������������� Don’t let your financial on sale for the non-profsituation prevent you from it organisation Families furthering your education. for Children of India. For ���������������������������� Come and learn all about more information, contact ���������������������������������� “Finding $ to pay for Post Secondary Education.” This ����������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������� free 1 hour workshop will include a basic overview ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� of: Government Student �������������������������������������������������������������������������� Loans, where to look for ������������������ scholarships & bursaries other Ffunding Options. ��������������� The last half hour will ������������� be open for questions and discussion, and treats and coffee will be served. ������������������ Youth ages 15-30 are invit������������� ed to register with Anna Planedin, the Workshop Coordinator at the Youth Employment Resource Centre. You can reach her at (250) 352-5656 or”
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Attracting Angels & Investors - Workshop for Entrepreneurs Tuesday Nov. 16, 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the Prestige, 701 Lakeside Dr.
What do investors look for? Want to know how investors in your business can receive a 30% tax credit on their investment? Are you looking for investment financing to grow your business? Heard about “angels” and want to know more? Is your business investment ready? What do investors look for? At the end of the workshop, you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions of a panel of investors and service providers.
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Street Talk: What do you know that other peole don’t know?
Wilson Lake Hotsprings is an incredible place to go if you can possibly find it.
Steven Cannon, Glade
I naturally have golden blonde hair.
Katrina Carreck, Nelson
I know what it’s like to be a child of immigrant parents, to be first generation Canadian. As a child I had to translate and write letters for my parents, they were from Germany. It’s a different role because I knew English and they didn’t, I was kind of taking care of them a bit, being their liaison to the country.
Bridget Klueppel, Crawford Bay
Nov. 17, 2010
Second Chance animal shelter is able to continue Dear Editor, YES! Thanks to the Express and writer Sharmaine Gray for the timely piece about Second Chance Animal Shelter in last week’s paper. The Emporium Room at the Hume could barley hold the number of people who showed up for the Second Chance Animal Shelter’s Annual General Meeting and Board Elections. The Shelter Society now has 10 new directors to lead its work and a list of members to support it. Nelson’s pet population will continue to be cared for with increasing commitment.
As out-going President of the Society, I need to clear up some misinformation in Ms. Gray’s story. Based on her interview with me she mistakenly wrote that some animals, in particular ill and/or older cats and pit-bull cross dogs, live permanently at the shelter. This is NOT the case. No animals live permanently at the Shelter. Older or ill animals and perceived aggressive breeds of dogs have spent longer times at the shelter but the shelter does not provide permanent homes/care for them. The Shelter’s goal is always to adopt out ani-
mals to permanent homes. As a writer I sometimes speak with ‘poetic license’ and I suspect I lamented that these longer-term animals practically lived at the shelter. I apologize for the misunderstanding. The new Board of Second Chance Animal Shelter is motivated and enthusiastic. As it moves forward with Shelter reorganization and with hiring a new Manager, I hope Nelson and area residents will continue to support it as the invaluable animal resource that it is. Paula Hudson-Lunn Nelson
Commentary Last week we celebrated Remembrance Day in Nelson. We recognized the heroes past and present who go to war to protect our freedom and the freedom of others. Freedom, as defined by EnCarta Encyclopedia, is “a state in which somebody is able to act and live as he or she chooses”. The pursuit of freedom is therefore seen as a noble cause. For a small group of citizens in Nelson, the focus of this pursuit of freedom falls on the Compound of Matero in Lusaka, Zambia. In this country, where the life expectancy is 37 years of age, the children of an AIDS-decimated generation are fighting a daily battle for the freedom to live. In their fight for survival, they learn to subsist without the love of parents, without a bed in which to sleep and, most often, without food to fill their bellies. In an act of solidarity with the plight of these children and to raise money for a food program in the Kuunika Community School, several members of the Nelson and Kaoma Alliance (NAKA) embarked on a three-day Fast to Feast that ended on Remembrance Day. They aimed to raise ten thousand dollars to pro-
vide a daily meal to two hundred children attending a school that was built specifically for Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) in Matero, with funds provided by Rotary Club and other humanitarian organizations. The funds will cover the cost of a balanced daily lunch for an entire school year. As one of these members, I had the pleasure and “pain” of participating in the Fast. It was easier for me because it was the familiar feeling that I experienced on many of the ninety days I spent in Zambia last year, living with and loving the children in Matero Compound. Here at home though, I spent three days trying to ignore the aromas of food cooking in my kitchen, the little bowl of almonds sitting idly on the counter, and even the lonely apple swaying on a bare branch of the almost dormant apple tree. I was hungry, a little headachy from caffeine withdrawal and not particularly energetic. When you read this, realize that I am a mature woman, I live in a warm house, I have warm clothes, books to read, friends and family around, and I HAD A CHOICE! I am not the small child yearning to fill his belly and grow
his body and mind. I am not the twelve-year old sleeping on his desk because it’s the warmest and most comfortable sleeping place he will find in the next 24 hours. This fast was about those children. If we can fill their bellies, we can fill their minds and begin to bring new hope and opportunity to their dismal human condition. At the end of last week’s Fast, some of NAKA’s members attended the extraordinary concert for peace called The Armed Man. In the program for this show, the Director , Allison Girvan, wrote the following: “...remember that, no matter how remote the connection to someone who lived 100 years ago or lives now 10,000 miles away, we are connected by the fragile filament of the human condition.” In an effort to improve the condition of our children in Zambia, we welcome you to contact NAKA to learn more about this grassroots initiative, or to make a contribution to the meal program. Contact Dorita Van Vugt at 250-352-0541 or doritavanvugt@gmail. com or Isabelle Herzig at isabelleh@kootenaykids. ca . Dorita Van Vugt Nelson
Publisher’s Note: Nelson Becker
We are all needed Many people are either out of work or unable to find work. Our government tries to help, subsidizing these people in one way or another, but where does this lead? The worst thing about being unemployed is the feeling that society has little use for your input. Clearly, this is not true. We all look around and see that we don’t live in a perfect society, though everyone is needed in some way. We are all of equal value, regardless of the challenges we face; physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual.
I take the attitude that everyone in our society knows something I don’t know, and it is my job to find out what that is. The opposite is also true. I know something that no one else knows, and therefore it is my job to find out what that is, and to convey this information in the best way I know how. If we are able to adopt this attitude and integrate these views into our lives, we will usher in a world that is humble, creative, and inclusive. Let us find ways to employ each other, for everyone has something to give.
Fish Heads and Flowers Fish Heads To tailgaters everywhere! There are animals on the highways. I’d rather keep my rear end, thank you very much. Flowers To the woman who dropped off money she found outside the Nelson Police station. No one would have been the wiser if you’d kept it and I would have been the poorer! After retracing my steps for a couple of days I stopped in at the station on the faint hope it had been turned it - it had! Fish Heads To the person who tossed a bag of entrails (guts) in Kokanee Creek Park near the boat launch. What were you THINKING???? - NOT!!! Flowers To Recycling Lady down by the railway tracks is doing a great job in and assisting the community at an affordable cost, with sharing and caring. You Shine On.
Fish Heads To the thief who stole our MP3 player and speakers (and all parking change) from our car in lower Fairview - if you ever want the data chord to add more music, drop by and say hello. Flowers To the man who raised me. There are no words strong enough to express how much I love and care for you. We may not share any blood between us but you are my dad. Fish Heads To drivers who don’t know what a STOP sign requires you to do. My daughter was nearly hit by an inattentive woman at a quiet intersection. Keep your eyes open, and obey the rules of the road. A life is more important than getting to the hair dresser on time. Flowers To the man who complimented our most recent work. We appreciate hearing that we have done a good job.
SEND US YOUR FISH HEADS AND FLOWERS! All submissions to the Express Fish Heads and Flowers section will be considered provided that no one is identified in the text or signature, all signatures are anonymous, and the submission is both concise and written in good taste. We reserve the right to withhold publication of submissions if these standards are not satisfied. To submit your gift of Fish Heads or Flowers, you may send email to, drop off or mail to 554 Ward Street, Nelson, B.C., V1L 1S9, or fax to (250) 352-5075. We will not accept submissions over the telephone. The Express cannot guarantee that your submission will be printed due to space limitation.
I was raised on a farm. You never put chickens and pigs together, because they can cause health problems for each other.
Dianne Ermacora, Nelson Nelson Becker, publisher of The Express, received a certificate in recognition of his outstanding support of community inclusion from the Nelson Cares Society. “Without a doubt, we all have something to give.”
Nov. 17, 2010
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Collette belies restless, curious image Jason Collett w/ Al Tuck & Daniel Huscroft Thursday, Nov. 25, 9 p.m. The Royal, 330 Baker St.
Arts & Crafts recording artist Jason Collett is playing Nelson Thursday, Nov. 25 in a very special solo acoustic show. Opening sets by Al Tuck & Daniel Huscroft. They say that life begins at 40, but in the case of
Jason Collett, that’s not just some overly optimistic bumper-sticker slogan. To many indie-rock fans, Jason Collett is the wise, big-brother character in Broken Social Scene, the calm, cool, collected totem of stability in a band defined by drama and chaos “our Tom Petty figure,” as BSS figurehead Kevin Drew once (half-jokingly) dubbed him.
But this reading of Collett belies the restless, curious spirit that he’s exhibited throughout his solo career outside of Broken Social Scene. For someone who’s been a fixture on the Toronto live-music circuit for two decades, you could totally understand if an artist of Collett’s experience and vintage settled into a country-rock comfort zone, and kept strumming the
same ol’ songs until his ears gave out. But at the core of Collett’s big brotherly wisdom is the idea that, the older you get, the more you realize there’s still so much to learn. To wit, Rat a Tat Tat, the fourth album to bear Jason Collett’s name, but the first to make you double-check who you’re actually listening to. The opening elegy “Rave On Sad Songs” blossoms
from a solitary serenade into an Irish-pub last-call waltz: in it we hear a voice that’s several degrees more conversational and starkly unaffected than the one heard on previous Collett signatures like “Tiny Ocean of Tears,” “Almost Summer” or “Out of Time.” But it’s a gesture that perfectly suits a song wherein Collett seemingly bids farewell to the maudlin confessionals that
can define and restrict many a singer-songwriter. And it serves as a telling setup to an album on which Jason Collett spends most of his time gleefully messing around with the idea of what it is to be Jason Collett. Opening set by East Coast legend Al Tuck , and Daniel Huscroft. Tickets are $10 and available now at The Royal, or at
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Photo Caption: Jason Collett of the Broken Social Scene plays The Royal Thursday Nov 25th at 9pm.
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Nov. 17, 2010
Briefly Bombaman with Cure Friday, Nov. 19, 10 p.m. The Royal on Baker
According to XLR8R magazine, “Bombaman makes dark, weird, boundary pushing music for you to meditate to in a club with loud speakers”. We’d like to add that his take on Dubstep is strongly influenced by House and Electro and gets frequent play by Starkey, Rusko, Crookers, Udachi and 12th Planet. Remix work includes releases with Thunderheist, Diplo and DZ to name a few. He comes out west celebrating a new release on Aufect Recordings as well as forthcoming’s on Nightshifters and AC Slater’s “Party Like Us” imprint. Sharing the stage we have Lighta crew’s Cure as well as Nelson’s Philthkids.
Under-19 Film Festival Saturday Nov. 20 at the Rossland Miners Hall
On Nov. 20, as part of the Rossland Mountain Film Festival and presented by the Rossland Council for Arts and Culture, the U19 film fest will open its doors at noon at the Rossland ����������
Miners Hall. Short films (under 12 minutes) are competing for Cash prizes and Shaw TV spots in the following categories: drama, Sports/adventure, animation, documentary, RDKB Recycling, Green and Sustainable Living and Judge’s Pick. In addition, the coveted Audience Choice Award will be voted for at this exciting daytime event.
‘Accretion’ Friday, Nov. 19, 6 p.m.- 9 p.m. Grid art gallery 351-b Baker St.
moments. Accretion has a sense of history, strong narrative story telling, and humor.
Complementary by Contrast Opening November 19, 7-9 p.m. Nov 20,-Jan 16, at Touchstones
Touchstones has divided their large Gallery A space between two local artists, Natasha Smith and Rachel Yoder. The artists are friends and are at similar points in their art careers, but the two exhibits in many ways could not be more different in concept, style and technique. One artist creates purely abstract paintings that investigate colour relationships and structure in a controlled way, while the other artist creates expressively using less structure. For more information call: 250-352-9813
Accretion is a new series of oil paintings, sculpture, and installation from the studio of one of B.C.’s newly discovered talents. The common thread that binds these works together is Brandel,s approach to his surfaces, more specifically, his process. By titling this group of work Accretion (Growth or increase in size by gradual external Wil w/ Matthew Hornell addition, fusion, or inclu- & DJ Breakfluid sion) Brandel refers to the importance of his process. Saturday, Nov. 20, 9 p.m. at he Many of these works are Royal 330 Baker St. seemingly blown together Wil is considered by by the wind, and at the many to be one of the same time can be surpris- greatest guitar players ingly realistic����������������������������� in their rep- ever. His unique way of resentation of objects or playing guitar, combined
with his soulful, passionate lyrics has earned Wil the respect & recognition of people around the world as a premier songwriter, and guitarist. Matthew Hornell has a raw, earthy sound accompanied by an honest naivety in his lyrics that is hard to come by these days. DJ Breakfluid will be rounding out the night with smooth, tasty grooves. Tickets are available online at liveattheroyal. com
Morgan Davis Thursday, Nov. 18, 9 p.m. at The Royal 330 Baker St.
Juno Award winner Morgan Davis has been on the road travelling across Canada, the United States and Europe for nearly four decades. His performances draw from a rich tradition of country blues, as well as his own contemporary songs infused with wit and a large dose of humour. Originally from Detroit, Davis grew up listening to a prolific mix of rhythm and blues. The legend will be performing a special solo show. ���������� Tickets are available at
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The Capitol Theatre Presents The 23rd Annual Winter Pantomime
IMTV LIVE! With Adham Shaikh, Michael Graham, and Abe Fominoff Thursday Nov. 25 10:00 Spiritbar.
IMTV is proud to introduce a stellar line-up for the second show of their second season, featuring the music of Adham Shaikh, the brilliance of actor, Michael Graham, and the host of Sexy Time News, Abe Fominoff. Host of IMTV, Jenna Raider will sit down with each of these local super-stars, and interview them live, plus each will perform in their own right. The talent of music producer and composer, Adham Shaikh is known world wide, and it promises to be exciting to hear a little about the man behind the music, as well as, hear him play live! Michael Graham will be strutting his legendary stuff, sharing his history, and giving the audience the inside scoop on Grid Gallery. Jenna and Abe will compare notes on live internet TV hosting, Marco Sordini will be stopping by to make a marvelous appearance, and CJ Mini-Van will be holding down the in-house sounds,
and delighting all with his high-jinx. A brand new, short film by Skidney and Sleazel, is much anticipated, plus an amazing music video by Rhoneil Marie. This is a jam-packed show featuring fabulous local talent, so be sure to come on down to Spiritbar, and be a part of the studio audience! Doors open at 10pm. Or watch it live on-line, at
Louder Than Love Fri., Nov 19 at Findley’s 705 Vernon St.
Vancouver band, Louder Than Love is coming through Nelson in support of their latest EP produced by Jeff Dawson (Art of Dying, State of Shock, Hey Ocean! etc). They will be doing a clinic at Selkirk College during the day and then play at Findley’s with Sound Splash and My Pet Lion in the evening. Check out their music, full bio, and live video, etc,. They are available on their MySpace, Sonicbids, and website. Alternatively, you can download the new EP at php (username: press and password:access4media).
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Showdown at the Hoedown �������������������������
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Thursday to Saturday December 2, 3, 4 at 7:30pm Saturday and Sunday December 4th and 5th 2pm
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arts&entertainment ���������� Musical disasters
Nov. 17, 2010
Briefly House ‘n Home with Joel West Saturday, Nov. 27, 10pm-1:30am at The Royal 330 Baker St.
Following appearances at Shambhala and Fozzyfest this year, Joel West, former host of All Mixed Up on CJLY 93.5fm, brings you your monthly dose of what’s hot in the world of four-on-the-floor: funky house, tech house, progressive, electro, and techno, from deep underground to sunny Ibiza. Aided this month by the smooth duo of Breakfluid vs. Braden Early, Joel is also bringing back Jonnine on trumpet for some more live improvisation during his DJ set! For more information, contact djjoelwest@gmail. com
Kootenay Festival of the Arts AGM Monday, Nov. 22, 7:00 p.m. Nelson and District Credit Union 501 Vernon St.
The Nelson Music Festival Association Annual General Meeting will take place Monday, November 22nd, at 7:00 p.m. in the Credit Union board room. The NMFA sponsors the Kootenay Festival of the Arts, the showpiece of young performers in piano, strings, vocal and speech arts, and dance in the West Kootenays. The AGM is the place to get a thorough report on the very successful 2010 Festival ,held last April, and to begin preparations for the 2012 Festival. ������ For more information, ���������� contact Bruce Hunter, 250352-7843
Two Great Bands; One Amazing Student Night Monday, Nov. 29, 9 p.m. at The Royal, 330 Baker St.
Who would’ve thought it? A special “Student Night” celebration on a Monday night? With not one, but two great bands? And food & drink specials? But it’s true. The Royal on Baker will be presenting the Dog Day Blooms, and the always popular, salsa caliente; performing their hearts out for the college students of Nelson and the surrounding area. The bands will start shortly after 9 p.m., however, if you’d like to get in on some of the great food specials, get yourself over around dinner time.
Jennifer Craig Book Launch Friday, Nov. 19, 7:30 p.m. at Oxygen Art Centre 320 Vernon, St
Local author Jennifer Craig continues to be on UK’s best seller list with her book ‘Yes Sister, No Sister.’ With over 45,000
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strike at TNT
����������������������������� ���������� copies sold in just over 5 weeks, Craig has taken second place after Elizabeth White Star Lady is and Culture, The Red Gilbert’s ‘Eat Pray Love.’ a “one woman musi- Room Lounge, and Iron Ebury Publishing (a divical” about Violet Jessop, Mountain Theatre. sion of Random House) Gaudet has worked in a stewardess and nurse describes ‘Yes Sister, No who achieved fame by professional musical theSister’ as an “enchanting surviving the disastrous atre for the last eight years. memoir of a 1950s trainsinkings of sister ships, An honours graduate of ee nurse ... rich in period MINES ACT Titanic and Britannic, in the Canadian College of detail, and told with a good NOTICE OF APPLICANT FOR A PERMIT APPROVING 1912 and 1916 respec- Performing Arts (CCPA), dose of Yorkshire humour.” THE MINE PLAN AND RECLAMATION PROGRAM FOR: tively. She also survived she co-founded her own In 2002 Breedon Books KRESTOVA SAND AND GRAVEL company, the collision of third sis- production in the UK first published ter Olympic when it col- Gotta Getta Gimmick, ‘Yes Sister, No Sister.’ lided with a Royal Navy in Victoria, currently In August, 2009, Craig �� warship in 1911. It will in its 8th season. After �� received an email from �� �� � � be performed at the TNT touring North America � �� ��� � another publisher, Ebury � �� Playhouse by Jane Gaudet, for three years with the �� �� �� Publishing (a division of 8 pm Friday and Saturday, famed Story Theatre �� �� Random House) who �� November 19th and 20th. Company, she worked for � wanted to know if she was The personal stories Victoria’s Belfry Theatre, interested in publishing for around these incidents, Kaleidoscope Theatre, the mass paperback maras well as a thoroughly Okanagan Stage and ket. researched account of CCPA. It was through her The new paperback was Jessop’s life and 43 year work at The Royal British released on September 30 career,������������������ are all document- Columbia Museum’s and went straight into the ed in ��������������� this unique and Titanic Artefact Exhibit Sunday Times Best Seller Take notice that JNP CONTRACTING LTD. has filed with the Chief Inspector engaging musical producshe discovered and ��� that ���������������������������������������������� of Mines, pursuant to Part 10.2.1 of the Health and Safety Reclamation List in third position. Then ������������� tion. Created by Gaudet, fell in love with Violet Code for Mines in British Columbia, a proposed mine plan together it went to second. � ������������������ with a program for the protection and reclamation of the land and water written by Mark Pollard, Jessop’s amazing story. In the Uk mass papercourses related to the proposed Sand & Gravel located at Lot 68 DL 7369 with music by Nadine After portraying the charPlan 5921. ����������������� backs are sold in grocery Tremblay, and directed at the exhibit, Jane ��� acter ��������������������� A copy of the permit appplication is avaialble for public viewing at: 310 Ward stores, which sell the highby RJ Peters, this creation began work on the script Street Nelson, BC. Any person affected by or interested in this program ������������� est volume. The UK marhas 30 days from the date of publication to make written representation is made possible through and says the entire proto the Chief Inspector of Mines, Ministry of Energy and Mines and �������� � ������������������������� ��� ������������������ ket is not reliant on small funding from The cess of producing her own Petroleum Resources, c/o Southeast Region, Mining and Minerals Division bookstores.” Columbia Basin Trust, show has been quite literat 2nd Floor, 42 - 8th Avenue South, Cranbrook, BC V1C 2K3 or email That said, in Nelson, Yes, or Facsimile: 250-426-1652 with a copy to The Kootenay Columbia ally “a dream come true”. JNP CONTRACTING LTD. BOX 164, CRESCENT VALLEY BC, V0G 1H0. Sister, No Sister is available Advance tickets ($12) Cultural Alliance, Trail at Otter Books, who����������������������������� will ���������� and District Arts Council, are available at Eddy Please note that the Chief Inspector does not have a mandate to to also be selling the book at consider the merits of the proposed mine from a zoning or a land Rossland Council for Arts Music. the launch. use planning perspective.
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������������������ ������������� Harry Manx �������������������� Isle of Manx �������������
�������������� ������������ Bob Dylan Witmark Demos
Norah Jones ������������������������������ Featuring
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Please proof for accuracy then phone, fax or email with any changes or an approval. Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • Email:
arts&entertainment Briefly Manx mystique ����������
Page 10
Nov. 17, 2010
Emaline Delapaix and Laugh Rebel
Rossland Mountain Film Festival, ����������
Saturday, Nov. 20, Noon - 3:00 p.m. Ellison’s Market & Cafe, 523������������������ Front St.
Thursday, November 18-Sunday, Nov 21, at various Rossland venues
�������������������� ��������� ���������������������� Sealed proposals clearly marked: “Request for Proposal – Library Strategic Plan” will be received at the office of the Finance and Purchasing Manager – Suite 101-310 Ward Street, Nelson, B.C., V1L 5S4, up to and including 2:30 pm, local time November 23, 2010 for the following:
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Time is quickly closing in for the Biggest Little �������������������������������������� Film Festival, November 18-21! There is a great ������������������������������������� ing his grand daughter line-up of activities for ��������������������������������������������� ������������ Rose and the inimitable this weekend and some��������������������������������������� Max Hawk. They will play thing for everyone! On ������������� �������������������������� a combination of folk, Thursday, November 18th ���������������������������������������� �������������������������������� country and bluegrass. is the annual Gala Event. ������������������������������������� Friday is the All Ages Emaline Delapaix is an Aussie singer songwriter Show, starting at 5pm, who lives between rural showing some excellent The City of Nelson invites you to Western Canada and the documentaries and films. At 7:30 p.m. the Late Show come and be a part of the future of hidden forests of Germany. (19+) begins with films the waterfront and the downtown. She has appeared at the then Blackberry Wood for The Sustainable Waterfront and Downtown Star Belly Jam and will perlate night entertainment. Master Planning process kicked off in October with a form alternative folk on Saturday is a full day of public workshop to identify ideas and issues for the guitar and piano. events starting with The waterfront and downtown. The second public work������������������������������ Laugh Rebel is com- Under-19 Festival, showshop will build upon the ideas and issues established posed ������������������������ of Jennifer Plummer casing young artists and in the first workshop and will focus on PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS. Attendees are invited to and Jen Courchesne, they their documentaries. Then comment on and add their own ideas to the drawings. have a��������������������� solid and charis- the FortisBC Filmmakers This feedback will help inform the development of the matic presence, engaging workshop with Christian ������������������ Sustainable Waterfront and Downtown Master Plan. ���������������� listeners with a fresh and Begin will take place. Following the workshop, the ideas and drawings will be ��������������� This Sunday’s guest energetic sound. The duos summarized and posted on the City’s website is Canadian ������������� @ newly cultivated sound can speaker The Sustainable Waterfront and Downtown Master Plan be described as funky folk Mountain Guide and alpinwill draw on the goals and objectives established in the ist, Barry Blanchard. acoustic soul with the use �������������������� City of Nelson’s Path to 2040 Sustainability Strategy Please contact us of acoustic guitars, percus- via the website at www. created through a collaborative approach between the ������������� City and community members. sion, and harmonica. Their r o s s����������������������������� ���������� landfilmfestival. Any questions, please contact The Development Ser������� expressive lyrics and melo- com for any more inforvices & Sustainability Department at: 352-8260. dies weave and unfold into mation or email us at stories rich with sensitivity rosslandfilmfest@hotmail. ����������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������ com. and strength. This week’s Unplugged ��������������� Sessions opens with Denis ������������� Rorick and friends includ-
Harry Manx has been dubbed an “essential link” between the music of East and West, creating musical short stories that wed the tradition of the Blues with the depth of classical Indian ragas. His unique sound is bewitching and deliciously addictive to listen to. Born on the Isle of Man, Manx spent his childhood in Canada and ������������������ left in his teens to live in Europe, Japan, India and Brazil. He honed his hypnotic live show on street corners, in cafes, bars and at festivals. But it was ���������� Indian music that captured his attention and in the mid 80s he began a five-year tutelage with ��������Rajasthani Indian musi-
cian Vishwa Mohan Bhatt (Grammy winner with Ry Cooder for A Meeting by the River). Receiving the gift of Bhatt’s custom-made, self-designed Mohan Veena (a 20stringed sitar/guitar hybrid) was the catalyst for Harry to forge a new path with his now signature east-meets-west style of music. While the mohan veena itself ���������� is beyond exotic, Manx uses it within traditional Western sound structures. Manx plays the Capitol on Saturday, Dec. 20th. Advance tickets: Charge by Phone 250-352-6363 or buy online
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health&wellness �����������������
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body & soul directory
�������� ��� ACUPUNCTURE
Kate Butt, Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine ...........................551-5283 Shauna Robertson Acupuncture & Herbs .............................352-2167 ART/PLAY THERAPY
������������������������������������������������������ �������������������
HOT VINYASA FLOW = SNOWGA! First class is always free for locals!
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Dienna Raye, MA, counsellor & life coach ..............................352-1220 Sally Shamai, MEd, RCC, individuals & couples .............1-877-688-5565 Shayla Wright certified life coach/mentor 352-7908 HAIR CARE
�������������������������� ������������
Drop-in: $10-15 sliding scale 352-7432
Kootenai Pilates 540 Baker St. ............................................352-1600 RELEXOLOGY
Rhythmic Reflexology .............825-3460 REGISTERED MASSAGE
Vadim Kristopher Hair Salon 560 Herridge Ln .................................352-6700
D Voykin RMT, 30 Yrs. Hannah Somatics for frozen shoulder .. 505-5549
Anna Colin, Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner ..................................352-1853
Valerie Nunes RMT @ Acupuncture Natural Health Clinic, new clients ����������������� welcome ....................................................................... 505-3946 Margo MacLaran Homeopathy ..................................................354-7072 ������������� Caroline Vrba RMT Shalimar ...................354-4408 mobile 509-3400 HYPNOTHERAPY Irene Mock, Reg. ..................352-7035 ���������������������������������� SPAS
Carmen Carter, M.Ed., R.C.C., P.T.I. Children/Youth & Families ....................................................354-4485 AYURVEDIC MEDICINE
Aga Dezwart, Rolf Bodywork ............................352-6611 COLONICS
Hydrotherpy, Detoxification, Nutrition. U. Devine ....................352-6419
�������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� �����������������
Found, Nelson’s Aveda Concept Spa & Salon ..................... 352-7775
�������� �������������� ��������� SHAWN BUCKLEY
RUB IT IN Mobile & Studio, Deep T., Neuro, Sports .................352-6804 A Touch of Aloha, lomi, cranio, structural, sports .....................229-4424 Colleen O’Sullivan, Lymphatic Drainage, Hot Stone Therapy, Reflexology, Deep T. 210-601 Front St. ......................................................352-7710
OM Yoga, 3067 Heddle Rd. 6-Mile, ........ 825-0011 Yoga Therapy, specializing in chronic pain. Heritage Health Centre 823 Baker St. Eliza Gooderham .............................. 354-3885
Constitutional Lawyer & President of the Natural Health ������������������������������ Products Protection������������������������ Association
Find out about Bill C-36��������������������� and how this dangerous proposed legislation could affect us all. Thursday,���������������� November 18, 7 pm, Capitol Theatre, 421 Victoria St.
This is a free event sponsored by the NHPPA and theproof Kootenay Co-op. Please for accuracy then phone, fax or email
Phone: 250.354.3910 • Fax: 250.352.5075 • E The Express is not responsible for any errors ������������������������������������������������������
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Briefly Mommy and Me Yoga Saturday, Nov. 20, 10-11:30 a.m. Heritage Health Centre 825 Baker St.
Yoga is the perfect way to recondition your body and connect with your baby after birth. We will �������������������
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focus on reawakening our connection with our bodies, on core stability, and building strength and relaxation. For more information, contact call Anna at 250-352-1853 or email
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�������������� health calendar drop-in classes ������� �� Wednesdays
6-7:30 p.m Aries Resort, 825.0030, FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 1 - 2 p.m. Improve comfort, relieve stress & pain @ OM Studio, 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd Judy Katz 352-3319,
FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Improve comfort, relieve stress & pain @ Kutenais Finest, 182 Baker Judy Katz 3523319,
���������������� THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST
5:30-7 all levels HOT yoga flow- jenna MIXED MARTIAL ARTS FITNESS GROUP 6-7 Lakeside 825.0030 YANG TAI CHI (ADVANCED) 7-8:30 a.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057 RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Beginner 3-4 pm, 4-5:30 pm Intermediate, @ S.Nelson School 505-1812 TAO YOGA 8:30 - 10am, gentle yet energizing! Marisa 352.0886 www.thewellnessqi. com LATIN MERENGUE CLASSES sexy dance based on hip movements. 509-0633
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KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 8 a.m. Core Fusion with Ali Popoff 182 Baker St. 250-352-9196
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SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 9-10 a.m. Mum & Baby, Joy 12-1:30 Anusara Yoga, Elissa 5:30-7 Restorative Yoga, Donna 7:30-9 Invigorating Yoga, Paige
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TAO YOGA 8:30 - 10, gentle yet energizing! Marisa 352.0886
SWORD TAI CHI (YANG 32 FORM) 4-5:30 p.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057
THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST. 4:30-6 mysore
SHOTOKAN KARATE 5 - 7p.m. St. Joseph’s School gym 523 Mill Street. 250-229-4420
FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 11:30-12:30 Gentle & powerful. Learn to move with ease. 206 Victoria 352-3449 First class free.
���������� Saturdays
QI-GONG & CHEN TAI CHI 7 - 8 p.m. Central School Gym. Info 250-505-4562 Chris Gibson
����������������������������� SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA
FOLK FUSION SKIRT DANCE 3 - 4 p.m. Ages 7-11 All Levels. 6-7 p.m. Adult, Studio Alive, 352-0047
10-11:30 a.m. Rejuvanitive, Shayla 12-1:30 p.m. Invigorating Yoga! Paige
���������� SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10-11:30 Gentlest Yoga, Maureen 5:30-7 p.m. Skiers & Boarders! Elissa 8 classes/$80 (pre-register) 7:30-9 p.m. Yoga Basics Course 8 classes/$80 (pre-register)
�������� Sundays
BELLYDANCE CLASSES 6:45 or 8 pm at the Moving Centre, 533 Baker St. 509-0633
SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10-11:30 a.m. Prenatal Yoga, Donna 12-1:30 p.m. Anusara Yoga, Elissa
VINI YOGA CLASSES WITH LAURIE MADISON 10:30-12 at Kutenai’s Finest 354-0269
THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST 11am-12:30 all levels ashtanga jenna
HEART YOGA WITH KARUNA 5:30-7pm all levels at The Studio, 182 Baker Karuna Erickson 229-4793
YOGA WITH DREA 10 a.m. Join Drea for Vinyasa flow Yoga 182 Baker St (Kootenai Finest) Cost: $10 Pass/$12 drop in. All Welcome!
RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Beg (5-7 yr)3-4:00, Performance Group 4-5:30 @ S.Nelson School 505-1812
FELDENKRAIS CLASSES WORK! 2:30-3:30 Relieve back and joint pain, sciatica, frozen shoulder, injuries, etc. 206 Victoria 352-3449 First class free.
YOGA THERAPY WITH ANIE BOUDREAU 10:30am Morning Yoga 1:00pm Hatha Yoga #9-205 Victoria Street, 505-9807
APPLIED COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class, 525 Josephine St. Info call 352-0459. OM YOGA STUDIO 9:30- 11 a.m. Quantum Yoga, Alison 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-8250011 KUNDALINI YOGA WITH CATHERINE LEIGHLAND 11:30-1 Shambhala Meditation Centre, 444 Baker. upstairs 352-6132. QI-GONG & CHEN TAI CHI 7 - 8 p.m. at the Central School Gym. Info 505-4562 Chris Gibson. SARVA SHAKTI SADHANA CIRCLE
If you are a local area senior, or the relative of one, or a care-giver of one, then two things happening this month should be of interest. The Friends of Nelson Elders, with a membership of some 250, will hold its annual general meeting on Thursday, November 25, at 10:30 AM, at Bethel Christian Centre, 623 Gordon Road. Part of the Friends’ constitution states its purpose to be “to help fund projects that will enhance the social, physical and emotional wellbeing of seniors in the Nelson area.” To date, the AGM’s have seen very low attendance, and long-term Board Members would dearly love to hear input from others who espouse their mandate. Even if you are not yet a member, membership is free and you are welcome to attend. FONE has cooperated with the Osprey Community Foundation in decisions related to grants that benefit seniors. The Osprey Board is currently doing a seniors’ needs assessment for people living in Nelson, and Areas E and F. The Foundation hopes to hear directly from seniors 55 and over, and from seniors’ organizations.
SHAO LIN KUNG FU (ADULT-BEGINNER) 7-8:00 p.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057 SHOTOKAN KARATE 5 - 7p.m. St. Joseph’s School gym 523 Mill Street. 250-229-4420 WALKING CLUB NELSON 9:30 am under Orgnge Bridge E mail YOGA THERAPY WITH ANIE BOUDREAU 10:30am Morning Yoga 1:00pm Hatha Yoga #9-205 Victoria Street, 505-9807 VINI YOGA CLASSES WITH LAURIE MADISON 10:30-12 at The Studio 182 Baker St. 354-0269
Thursdays SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 10-11:30 a.m Prenatal Yoga, Donna 5:30-7 p.m. Skiers & Boarders! Elissa 8 classes/ $80 (pre-register) 7:30-9 p.m. Yoga Basics Course, 8 classes/ $80 (pre-register) THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST. 5:30-7 all levels ashtanga yoga - Jenna APPLIED COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS 6:30 - 8 pm. Adult class 525 Josephine Street, call 352-0459 OM YOGA STUDIO 9:30 - 11 a.m. Quantum Yoga, Alison 6 Mile, 3067 Heddle Rd, 250-8250011 KYOKUSHIN KARATE 2:30 - 3:45 Kids, 6 - 7 p.m. Adults Blewette Elementary School, Keith Clughart, 551-3345 MIXED CONTACT MARTIAL ARTS
KOOTENAY AIKIDO 5:30-6:45 p.m. Intro Aikido 213C Baker St 250-226-6711
Fridays SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 8-9:30 a.m. Power Yoga, Valerie 12-1:30 Hatha Flow 5:30-7 Anusara Yoga, Elissa POWER VINYASA YOGA 9-10:30am With Katya Hayes @ The Studio 182 Baker St. Call 229-4979
KOOTENAY AKIDO 6 - 7:30 p.m. Intro Akido 213C Baker St 250-352-3935.
5:30-6:45 p.m. Intro Akido 213C Baker St 250-226-6711
HEART YOGA WITH KARUNA 5:30-7pm all levels The Studio, 182 Baker St. Karuna Erickson 250-229-4793
KOOTENAY AIKIDO ������������������
CORE YOGA WITH DON 9:30-11am core yoga all levels 6-7:30pm all levels 209-507 Baker, upstairs ManiStone Centre, 352-0794 YOGA THERAPY WITH ANIE BOUDREAU 8:30am Morning Yoga #9-205 Victoria Street, 505-9807
6:30-8 pm With Katya Hayes @ The Studio 182 Baker. 229-4979
CONTACT IMPROVISATION DANCE JAM ������������������ 7:30 - 9 p.m. all levels and live musicians welcome. The Moving Centre, ��������������� 533A Baker St. Info 352-3319 Judy. ������������� KYOKUSHIN KARATE 2:30 - 3:45 Kids; 6 - 7 p.m. Adults Blewette Elementary School, Keith Clughart, 551-3345.
THEYOGALOFT.ORG 625 FRONT ST. 11am-12:30 mellow flow- jenna 5:30-7 all levels ashtanga yoga - jenna
����������������� ������������� KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 8 a.m. Core Fusion with Ali Popoff BELLYDANCE CLASSES ����������������������������� 182 Baker St. 250-352-9196 6:45 or 8 pm at the Moving Centre, FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 1 - 2 p.m. Improve comfort, relieve stress & pain @ Kutenais Finest, 182 Baker St. Judy Katz 352-3319,
MIXED CONTACT MARTIAL ARTS 6-7:30 p.m Aries Resort, 825.0030,
533 Baker St. 509-0633
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NELSON BREAST FEEDING CLINIC 9:30 - 11:30 a.. Free drop-in Nelson Health Unit, 2nd floor Kutenai Building, 333 Victoria Street, 250-505-7200.
MIXED MARTIAL ARTS FITNESS GROUP 6-7 p.m. Lakeside Park 825.0030
been thinkin’ about George Millar Dr. Janice Murphy, project coordinator, says, “It’s important that seniors’ voices be heard on this. We want to find out what’s needed to make this a community that’s inclusive and accessible, and promotes active aging.” The first step is the survey, which is on-line through November at ospreyseniors. Print copies are available at the Seniors Coordinating Society, 719 Vernon Street, and at the Nelson Library. Early next year, community workshops will be held to “refine priorities and strategies.” The survey committee will report to the Osprey Board in early February. The report will also be made available to service providers, seniors organizations, funding agencies, and local seniors. Your active involvement in either or both of these events will be appreciated.
Colette Venier ���������
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RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Beginner (8 & up) 3-4:00, Performance Group 4-5:30 @ S. Nelson School 505-1812
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YOGA THERAPY WITH ANIE BOUDREAU 8:30am Morning Yoga #9-205 Victoria Street, 505-9807
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VINI YOGA CLASSES WITH LAURIE MADISON 10:30-12 at The Studio 182 Baker St. 354-0269
FELDENKRAIS CLASSES 7 p.m. @ Selkirk Rosemont Campus (Oct 19-Nov 23) Judy Katz 352-3319, BELLYFIT HOLISTIC FITNESS ������������������������������ 9-10 a.m. at the Moving Centre. CORE YOGA WITH DON Call Heather, 354-0492 9:30-11am core yoga all levels ������������������������ KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING 4-5:30pm integral finess all levels YANG TAI CHI (ADVANCED) 8 a.m. Boot Camp with Ali Popoff 209-507 Baker, upstairs ManiStone 7-8:30 a.m. with Master Pauline Bao ��������������������� 182 Baker St 250-352-9196 Centre, 352-0794 250-505-8057 MIXED MARTIAL ARTS FITNESS GROUP BELLYFIT HOLISTIC FITNESS RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS 6-7 Lakeside 825.0030���������������� 7:15-8:15 p.m. at Kutenai’s Finest, Beg (5-7 yrs) 2:15-3:15 pm, Beg (8+) 182 Baker St.. Call Heather, 354-0492 CHILDREN’S SWORD KUNG FU (BEGINNER) 3:15-4:15 @ Red Fish School 505-1812 with Master Pauline Bao 4-5 p.m. SO YOU THINK YOU CAN’T DANCE? BLOOM PRENATAL YOGA 250-505-8057 5-6:30 at the Moving Centre, 533 5:30- 7pm. All Levels @ Kutenai’s Baker St. Session starts Nov 2. Lisa YANG TAI CHI (ADVANCED) Finest, 182 Baker St. 505.6789 354-0484 7-8:30 a.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057 KOOTENAY AIKIDO 4 - 5 p.m. Akido Fun, ages 4-6 5 -6 p.m. Kids Class, ages 7-12 6:30 - 8 p.m. Adult Class 213C Baker St 250-226-6711
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George Millar is a long-time resident of the West Kootenay. Been Thinking About is an exploration of events and organizations in the region, seen from a senior’s perspective.
7-8 p.m. ancient siddhar yoga practice BLOOM PRENATAL YOGA ����������������������������������������������������������� #209-ManiStone Centre, 505-7832 5:30- 7pm. All Levels @ Kutenai’s HATHA YOGA - IYENGAR STYLE Finest, 182 Baker St. 505.6789 5:30pm-7pm, The Moving Centre, ����������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� KUTENAIS FINEST PERSONAL TRAINING���������� KUNDALINI YOGA WITH CATHRINE LEIGHLAND 533 Baker St. Ellissa, 352-9279 8 a.m. Boot Camp with Ali Popoff 5-6:30 at Selkirk Rosemont Campus, rm. 16 ������������������������������������������������������������� 182 Baker St 250-352-9196 SWORD TAI CHI (YANG 32 FORM) POWER VINYASA YOGA 4-5:30 p.m. with Master Pauline Bao 250-505-8057
FONE funds seniors
SHANTI YOGA STUDIO SHANTIYOGA.CA 12-1:30 Hatha Flow, Trisha 5:30-7 Anusara Yoga, Elissa 7:30-9 Invigorating Yoga, Paige
Nov. 17, 2010
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We do our best to maintain accurate listings, however, we cannot guarantee that times have not been changed or events have not been cancelled. We recommend verifying with the event host or venue before attending.
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Nov. 17, 2010
Selkirk Saints set to play exhibition season Civic Arena turns 75 years This month marks a
The Selkirk Saints men’s and women’s volleyball teams will not be playing in the British Columbia Colleges. Athletic Association (BCCAA) league this year, but will undertake an exhibition season in preparation for a stronger, revitalized program in 2011-2012. The Selkirk College Men’s Volleyball program has experienced some challenges to start the 2010-11 season. Some of the studentathletes on the men’s team could not commit to the BCCAA league schedule and as such, the team did not have enough players to adequately fulfill league requirements. With this in mind, the college had to make the difficult decision to withdraw the team from the league for this season. An application for dispensation was made to the
BCCAA Executive to allow only the women’s volleyball team to participate during the 2010-11 season. However, the request was denied due to the fact that league schedules are based on both genders traveling and competing at the same time. “This was a tough decision for all parties,” said Athletic Director Kim Verigin. “The good side to all of this is that Selkirk College is still a member of the BCCAA and the Executive is very supportive of our situation.” The BCCAA league Executive Committee recommended that Selkirk College play an exhibition season and use the year to rebuild the program. “The men’s and women’s teams will continue to operate with regular weekly practices,” explained Verigin. We are currently working to confirm a competitive exhibition schedule for 2010-
11 and we will continue to support the student-athletes and coaches who have committed to both programs.” Overlaying this issue, declining enrolment in volleyball programs in the West Kootenay and Boundary regions and a changing dynamic within the BCCAA league has made it difficult for smaller colleges like Selkirk to recruit studentathletes and stay competitive. Many BCCAA institutions are in transition to make the jump to Canada West (Canadian Interuniversity Sport)—the highest level of intercollegiate sport available in Canada. “We are hopeful that this year will be a positive turning point for the volleyball program,” said Verigin. “But, we are not certain. We are going to have to work hard and see what the future will bring.”
���������� ��������
special time in Nelson’s history. The building of the Civic Center Arena in the zone was completed and offi- Kim Palfenier cially opened in November The event is intended to 1935. The auspicious occasion was marked by mirror the occasion of that a great community event opening weekend. Starting that included BC dignitar- Friday with public skating at 6pm and minor hockies, families, skaters, and ey thereafter, Saturday’s hockey players alike all, schedule begins with having fun and games the pancake breakfast, then whole day long. continues on throughWith today’s type of out the day with on- ice facilities in rural Canada, school games, ice skating it’s hard to imagine the show and minor and ladies magnitude and importance hockey games (not against that such a facility meant each other!). Final closing to a community of this size includes ceremonies and the Nelson Leafs home back then. game vs. Castlegar. History has proven the Everyone is invited to building’s worth by pro- come and enjoy the free viding the venue for end- events and activities (Leafs less community events, game special- $7.50) while athletes and characters to checking out the improvebecome known many of ments and the new addiwhom proudly represented tion of the fabulous stage our famous little town at a one of our Sports History Museum display. national level. For more information On Friday, November please contact the NRSC 26th and Saturday, 27th 352-3989 the Nelson Regional Sports or Council is hosting the 75th Anniversary event at the Civic Arena.
Kim Palfenier is administrator for the Nelson Regional Sports Council. The Nelson Regional Sports Council can be reached at: Box 1190, Nelson, BC V1L 6H3 (250)352-3989 phone, (250)3520046 fax, or
Easy Sudoku
Scopes by Stenya Nov. 10 - Nov 17 Aries
This week try to formulate the best plan of action for you right now. Sometimes the hardest thing is clearly stating what we want. Action can flow in the right direction if you have the right intention.
Changes in the household can lead to changes in perspective in your personal relationships. Surprise yourself and others by being open to spontaneous ideas.
You usually have amazing communication skills. These skills are needed now in your home or work environment. Where ever you are working closely with others with a common goal in mind, make sure everyone is aware of each others needs.
If you have been contemplating a major change or move, this is a good time to follow through with your plans. Consider making changes that can improve your lifestyle for the better.
Being open to honest opinions from close friends and family can be difficult to hear but in the long run make a big difference. Sometime constructive criticisms can have major positive outcomes for everyone.
If you have a had a special connection with someone recently, it is worth exploring. Whether it is a romantic interest or a friendship bond, this relationship is coming at the right time for both of you.
Staying focused on what you need to do for yourself is the most important thing. Make sure the people you surround yourself with support where you are at right now.
As the sun is in your sign right now you may be noticing an increased level of energy and vitality. More than usual people are attracted to you and want to get to know you.
Exploring new directions in life can lead to an exciting new beginnings. You may begin this journey by returning to a previous source of strength or previous place.
Being stubborn and set in your ways right now will not help any situation. As much as you feel like staying within your comfort zone, it is important for your own personal growth to explore the edges of your comfort zone.
Hard Sudoku
���������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������
The full fruition of your efforts may be finally at hand. If you have put a lot of effort into something like a project, you will be surprised at how successful it will be.
This is a good time to look within to find the source of your suffering or stagnation. While others around may seem to blame, you will recognize the real pain comes from inside.
Puzzle answers on page 13
Further astrological information:
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Nov. 17, 2010
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����������������������� ����������������������� ����������������������������� Fri. Nov 19th 10 am - 9 pm Sat. Nov 20th 10 am - 5 pm Admission $2 (over 40 vendors)
������������������ ��������������� We������������� do our best to maintain accurate listings, however, we cannot guarantee that times have not been changed or events have not been cancelled. We recommend verifying with the event host or venue before attending.
������������������ see puzzle on page 12 see puzzle on page 12 ������������� ���������������������������������
�������������� ��������� Answer to Hard Sudoku ������������������������������
Answer to Easy Sudoku
see puzzle on page 12
Crossword Answer
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Nov. 17, 2010
FREE reader classifieds can be submitted through our web site at Deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon sharp. First 15 words are free. 25c per word thereafter. Only one free classified ad per week is permitted per phone number. Free classifieds will not be taken over the phone. ANNOUNCEMENTS
IN-VOGUE CONSERVATORY OF Acting Stage and Screen. Dance (Tap/Ballet) - Theatre Arts opening soon. Please inquire in-vogue@stars. ca ADIDAM STUDY GROUP. All are welcome. Call 250-354-4724 for more information KOOTENAY LITERARY COMPETITION on now! Entry Deadline Dec 15th. www. or call 352-1956, 825-9915
POWERBOATS IN SUMMER, Snowmobiles in Winter, ATVís in between! GPRC Fairview Campus, Alberta. Learn to repair small engines, recreational vehicles. Apprenticeship opportunity. On-campus residences. 1-888-999-7882;
and keep your number! First month only $24.95 + connection fee. Phone Factory Reconnect 1-877-336-2274 ;
Fitness Kinesiologist Consultant. This position would require one weekend day onsite at our Ainsworth location. Position includes delivering elements of our renowned weight loss program including body composition assessments and prescriptions as well as instructing fitness knowledge, core and weight training classes. Candidate would have a degree in Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology or related field, hold current and applicable BCRPA certifications and have a minimum of 5 years work related experience. The candidate must be a team player with excellent interpersonal communication skills, public speaking/presentation ability and be committed to delivering outstanding guest services. Interested candidates should email their resume and cover letter to by December 3, 2010
now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift. Call 1-866-9816591. STEEL BUILDINGS PRICED TO CLEAR - Incredible end-of-season factory discounts on various models/sizes. Plus FREE DELIVERY to most areas. CALL FOR CLEARANCE QUOTE AND BROCHURE - 1-800-668-5111 ext. 170. **HOME PHONE RECONNECT** Call 1866-287-1348. Prepaid Long Distance Specials! Feature Package Specials! Referral Program! Donít be without a home phone! Call to Connect! 1-866287-1348. A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Donít Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1-866-884-7464. BUILDING SALE... ìROCK BOTTOM PRICES!î 25X30 $5449. 30X40 $7850. 32X60 $12,300. 32X80 $17,800. 35X60 $14,200. 40X70 $14,770. 40X100 $24,600. 46X140 $36,990. OTHERS. Front endwall optional. Pioneer MANUFACTURERS DIRECT 1-800668-5422. NEW Norwood SAWMILLS LumberMate-Pro handles logs 34î diameter, mills boards 28î wide. Automated quick-cycle-sawing increases efficiency up to 40%. www.NorwoodSawmills. com/400OT - FREE Information: 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT.
and misc. equipment $40; 2 Raleigh bikes $25 OBO each; Breadmaker Sanyo $10; Other misc items. 8254241 WOOD/ELECTRIC FURNACE, 20 years old. Surefire 101CE-20 1/3 hp 2 speed blower. You remove. $250. 250-226-7970 8.5X18 HAULMARK CARGO trailer, as new, rear ramp, finished interior, great for moving/storage, $7,000. 250-551-3017 HAM/CB OMNIRECTIONAL BASE station Antenna coaxial cable included with tripod stand $50 OBO. 250352-1065 NIKON AF 50MM f/1.8D lens. Lovingly used for 1yr, excellent condition, great lens. $100. 250-5055401 SKUTT KM-1027, FULLY computerized. Seven years old. Only used for low firing. $1800. 250-354-7892 NINTENDOS TM LITE for sale, almost new, with game MarioKart. Joshua 250-352-9105 53” WIDESCREEN HD rear projection Panasonic TV $450. 250-5058029 VOLKL GOTAMA SKIS. New, in original packaging. Great backcountry/resort ski. 190cm. $525OBO. 3652600 NEW! BLACK FOAM interlocking mat. Size 6’x8’. Great for play or exercise area. $50. 250-226-7650 1998 MERCURY SABLE. ~180,000kms, seats 6, pw, pm, runs great! $2000 OBO. Call 352-2169 2 SETS OF glass shower doors. Hardware included, both for $100. Phone 352-3046 LOCAL PURE WOOL and angora socks $15, can bring to town, felting/spinning wool. Slocan. 250-3552269 DRYER $100; 1992 Toyota truck $1700; Punching bag/gloves $40; 20gal carboy $40; lingere dresser $90. 250-354-4257
ATTENTION RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SURVIVORS! If you received the CEP (Common Experience Payment), you may be eligible for further cash compensation. To see if you qualify, phone toll free 1-877-988-1145 now. Free service!
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LT235/75R 15 HANKOOK winter tires on rims, like new. 354-9125 SNOW TIRES - Nokian Hakkapeliitta on rims for Dodge Caravan. One Season of use. $500. 365-5903 17” STOCK 2007 Dodge 3500 rims $200. 250-505-2475 2 BRAND NEW Nokian Hakkapeliita R winter tires size: 205 55R16 94R XL. $350. Phone 250-354-7937 4 WINTER TIRES 235/45-R17, on 5/114.3 Rims, with TPMS, fits Acura/ Honda/Subaru. $600 250-354-0450 4 BFGOODRICH AT 30x9.5R15 on rims, canopy and box liner, all fit Toyota truck. 250-777-4176 TOYO WINTER TIRES and rims. 235/75/R15 Six hole pattern. Dodge Dakota. $500. 250-352-0999
BUSINESS OPPS SEEKING WORKING PARTNER for Southern Pit Style BBQ Catering Business. High volume operation for festivals, ball tournaments, farmers markets, catering, street take-out and heat and eat. Express interest to Reasonable small business capital required for equitable share. All responses answered immediately.
CAR POOL FEMALE SEEKS RIDESHARE to PRINCE RUPERT in November. Please call 780-619-4401 if you can help
CHILD CARE LICENSED INFANT TODDLER Childcare Available at Brent Kennedy Learning Centre located near Playmor Junction. Come join the fun! 250-3595011
CHILDREN WARM & COZY KID: Bonnets, nap/bag, fleece and winter suits, gently used. Pictures - christine_ 250-551-1052 LOOKING FOR A double stroller. 250-354-4724 MOLEHILL SHELLED 1PIECE Snowsuit, Pink 2T $80; Molehill Fleece Bunting Bag, Pink 9/18 Months, $40. 250-352-0955 KID TECNO PRO 80 skis w/ bindings and Nordica ski boots size 9. $80. 352-5210 ORGANIC WOOL AND cotton crib mattress, new, never used, value $400 asking $200. 250-357-0111 WOODEN WAGON, SEARS brand, with sleigh runners, wheels, cushions, canopy. Retail over $200, asking $100. 352-3704
EVENTS JOIN US ON the magical island of Bali for a yoga retreat and cultural adventure. Feb.14th-Feb.26th www., 250-229-4793 WINE TASTING SOCIAL at The Royal! 6 BC wines paired with fabulous food and great company. Dec. 1st, 6p.m. - 8p.m. $35 per person. Reservations required. Call Valencia at 250-352-0960 NELSON COMMUNITY ACUPUNCTURE Clinic is reopening it’s doors at the Yoga Loft, 3rd floor, 625 Front St. Treatments are $20-$40 sliding scale. Call 509-1466 to book an appointment
FINANCIAL SERVICES If you own a home or real estate, ALPINE CREDITS will lend you money: Itís That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is NOT an issue. 1.800.587.2161. DROWNING IN DEBTS? Let us help. We have over 20 years experience helping Canadians just like you. Contact us for a free consultation. or toll-free 1-877-556-3500. $500$ LOAN SERVICE, by phone, no credit refused, quick and easy, payable over 6 or 12 installments. Toll Free: 1-877-776-1660 www.moneyprovider. com.
FREE LADY, HEALING FROM surgery looking for free computer to learn on. Please and thank-you. 250-5055598
10TH ANNUAL BAKER Street Christmas Craft Faire at the Best Western in Nelson. Fri. Nov. 19th, 10a.m. - 9p.m., Sat. Nov.20th 10a. m. -5p.m. Admission $2.00. Over 40 vendors and great door prizes! Holly 250-825-4425
MOVING SALE: TOOLS, Antiques, Furniture, Misc. 5811 Taghum Frontage Road. November 20th, 21st, 27th. 8:00a.m. ESTATE SALE. SAT Dec 13th 9a.m.1p.m. Furniture, books, tools, etc. 524 Gore Street. No early birds please
AVALANCHE SKILLS TRAINING Courses: Dec thru Feb. AST 1 and AST 2. Instruction with Peak Freaks Tim Rippel. 250-352-9133,
LOTUS MOON MASSAGE: Offering 1 hour Relaxation, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone Massage. Sliding scale $40-60. Holiday gift certificates available! 250-226-7991 WATER IONIZER, ELIMINATES acidity in your body, assists wait loss. BE YOUR OWN BOSS with Great Feel energized. Only $600. 250-354Canadian Dollar Store. New franchise opportunities in your area. Call 1-877����������������������������� ���������� 9705 ��� 388-0123 ext. 229 or visit our website: HEAVY EQUIPMENT PARTS/SERVICE HEART YOGA WITH Karuna at The TECHNICIANS. Brandt Tractor has today. Studio, 182 Baker St. Tuesdays� and exciting positions available in many Thursdays, 5:30 - 7p.m. www.yogacommunities throughout Canada 250-229-4793 ��� ing: Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Fort
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Nelson, Fort Saint John, Grande Prairie, Regina and Saskatoon. Find out about our exciting career opportunities at Call 306-7915979. Email resume indicating position title & location: Fax 306-791-5986. PUT POWER into your career! As a Fairview Power Engineer. On-campus boiler lab. 4th Class-Part A 3rd Class. Affordable residences. GPRC Fairview Campus. 1-888-999-7882; www.gprc. CHEAP TELEPHONE RECONNECT! Paying too much? Switch, save money,
HELP WANTED��� LOOKING FOR WORK? Check out our website or call (250)352-6200 for free information and assistance! THE NDYC IS hiring a Workshops/ Outreach Employment Facilitator. Please visit for more information MOUNTAIN TREK HEALTH and Fitness Spa has an opening for a
HOME & GARDEN LAMINATE FLOORING. TAIGA, Walnut shade, 280 sq ft boxed. Overpurchased. $120 firm. STRAW AND MULCHING Hay. Delivery anywhere in the West Kootenay. Farmer Direct Wayne 2267276, 226-7054.
PINE BOOKCASE; MATCHING single bed, mattress in excellent condition; cotton lined drapery panels, cream colour. 250-352-7643 NOTICE IS HEREBY given 1940’S DINNER SET, including servthat Centre for Innovative and ing dishes, gravy boat, etc. $125; 2 Entrepreneurial Leadership (CIEL) dozen wine bottles $10. 250-352intends to apply to the Minister of 7144 Industry for leave to surrender its PIANO; ANTIQUE VANITY; SMALL, charter pursuant to subsection 32(1) cute loveseat; storage shelves, etc. of the Canada Corporations Act. Nov View at balfourgaragesale.tumblr. 17/10 Leslie Jan Wright/Director com or call 250-229-5734 YAMAHA KEYBOARD. GREAT for a beginner player! Older model but works fine. $100 OBO. 505-3345 Dial-A-Law offers general information on a variety of topics on law in BC. IPOD NANO 8GB, takes video, FM 604-687-4680 (Lower Mainland) or radio. Brand new $120. 250-3521.800.565.5297 (Outside LM); www. 1317 (audio available). ‘HOTROD’ TWINSTACK Lawyer Referral Service matches peoCOMPRESSOR with framing nailer ple with legal concerns to a lawyer in and 2 brad nailers in excellent conditheir area. Participating lawyers offer tion $150 OBO. 250-354-3450 a 30 minute consultation for $25 plus tax. Regular fees follow once both OLD KONICA, 35MM and accesparties agree to proceed with services. sories. Telephoto, filters, meter, etc. 604-687-3221 (Lower Mainland) or $75. 359-7429 1.800.663.1919 (Outside LM). LIKE NEW, SIMMONS King size matGuaranteed Record Removal since tress/box spring/frame. Was $1999 1989. Confidential, Fast, Affordable. Our asking $1600 OBO. 352-9720 A+ BBB Rating assures EMPLOYMENT \TRAVEL & FREEDOM. Call for your 2 ULTRAMATIC SINGLE beds with FREE INFORMATION BOOKLET. 1-8mattresses and shams. Honda 90 NOW-PARDON (1 866 972 7366). www. three wheeler, needs seat cover. 352-3435 WOOD STOVE; GLASS Dining Room Table; Crib. 250-365-0165 ���������������������������������������������� SHIBAURA TRACTOR: MODEL FOUND: PRESCRIPTION GLASSES SU1540 (poor man’s Kabota)15 HP ������������������ in alley between Savoy Lanes and diesel 2 cylinder 4 wheel drive 3 Curves Nelson. May be claimed at speed high/low Bucket on front rotoCurves ��������������������� tiller on back good condition $5000. “BELLA” DOG - LOST in Balfour, View at Heritage City Auto Sales October 31st. Black cross border collie, 3218 Ymir Road ������������������ female, red collar. 250-229-2322 WINE MAKING SUPPLIES floor LOST: PRESCRIPTION corker, filtering machine, carboy, priEYEGLASSES. Titanium frame, tranmary, etc. 250-399-0041 sitional. 250-352-0352 MOEN FAUCET,������ CHAINSAW, 12’’ LOST: HEAVY SILVER chain with ELECTRIC WATER tank, pedestal silver pendant lost Oct. 27th. Phone: sink, x-c skis, boots, skates 11, 250250-352-5317 357-2289 BOAT TRAILER FOR 19’ Campion. 250-229-4360 16 FOOT 6 x 12 fir beam. Planed and CANíT GET UP YOUR Stairs? Acorn sanded $150. Wanted: one fretchi Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts freeride binding(M). 352-5311 BRAUN FOOD PROCESSOR and Juicer, like new, $160 for both; Mexican Goblets, copper kettle, $10. 250-226-7880 COMPLETE WINE MAKING supplies, primary, secondary fermenter
MISC. WANTED WANTED : BACK country skis, bindings and boots for woman size 6 (23). Phone: 250-352-3131 FREE FISH TANKS and/or supplies, plants, filters, ornaments, etc. 250352-1069 WANTED: CHILDREN’S WOODEN play-kitchen. Please call 226-6998 WORK BENCH AND 2 vices; downhill ski poles 125cm or 130cm. 3529437 WANTED: RUPERT BEAR Annuals (Books) for a child’s Christmas. Will pay a reasonable price. 226-7096 36 INCH VANITY with or without top and faucet. 250-359-7901 BICYCLE WANTED (DONATED) in good condition to take to Cuba for Cuban family 250-352-9788 (evenings)
MUSIC & DANCE GREAT PIANO - BEAUTIFUL walnut outside, completely rebuilt inside: $1800. Epiphone acoustic 6-string guitar: $300. 250-354-4629 EPIPHONE SG, $400 OBO. Call Raine 354-1527 SONOR MINI BOOM cymbal stands, $70 each; straight mic stands, $15 each. Castlegar, 250-608-3548 MUSICIAN IN THE family? Yamaha alto saxophone YAS23 and extras $800. 250-825-4356 YOUNG CHANG PIANO 1992 Model. $2800 OBO. 250-229-5645
Nov. 17, 2010
VOCAL LESSONS: AN agreeable way to improve your singing and reduce everyday stress. A gentle yoga! 250-352-3319
dump runs, moving, etc. Patrick 5050612 HANDYMAN SERVICES. I FIX just about anything! Clean, reliable, excellent references. $30/hr, 4hr minimum. Fred 250-354-7175 or RESIDENTIAL SNOW REMOVAL. Guarenteed service. 7 days/week. Limited bookings. Book now! Free estimates. 250-354-7140
D.I.Y. VOILE SPLIT board kit. You supply board. Skins included. $150. Call Patrick 352-5629 AVALANCHE GEAR. TRACKER GTS beacon $200; shovel $30; probe $30. All $225. Nearly new. 250-5513174 LADIES TELEMARK BOOTS: Size 8. Telemark bindings, poles, ski suit size-medium for sale, cheap! Tracey 354-7994 ARMADA SKIS 158 WOMAN’S Cantikas $150; 186 JP vs Juliens $175, two seasons used. 352-2915 WANTED: CROSS COUNTRY skis and boots for 7 year old boy. 250352-0967 OPTION “VINSION” 162CM snowboard for sale. In brand new condition! $200 firm. Call Greg at250-3543370 ULTIMATE BACK-COUNTRY SKI package. Vokl Karma All mountain skiis 170cm. Dynafit tourlite bindings and boots size 11. $550. 250-8254260 WOMEN’S NORDICA TOURING boots, size 7 1/2 $90; Mountain Hardware nylon waterproof shell jacket,blk.Wm,med $50. Beth 250355-2328 2010 ROME ATHEM. 162cm, Brand New. Paid $700, asking $300. 250354-2799 DIGITAL TRANSCEIVER - Ortovox X1 digital beacon $175 OBO. Call 250-352-1806
4 NEAR NEW Toyo Observe G02+ snow tires, P185/65R14 on wheels 4X100mm bolt pattern. $500. 250825-9207
91 MITSUBISHI DELICA, 4x4 van, diesel, 5-speed, 7 passenger, new winter tires on rims, $5000. 3579208 TOYOTA 1992, CANOPY, ext/cab, 2 set/tires, very reliable, some rust, $1500. More info/pictures: 250-3529235 2007 JEEP WRANGLER unlimited. 4 door, Automatic transmission, softtop, 50 kms, $17,900. Call 250-3521234 FOR SALE: 1998 F150 Extra Cab Truck 2WD New Brakes and Ball Joints, $4000. Phone: 250-354-1127
OTHER CHAMPION JUICER $225; NEW Magnavox 3CD Changer MAS85 Mini Hi-Fi Stereo System $90. 250608-0094 2006 LINCOHN MARK LT pu. crew, leather, black tonneau, 85,000kms, power roof, $23,900. 250-352-0086 HOUSE SWAP OPPORTUNITY. July 2011, Nelson and St. Marys, ON. Near Stratford. Contact 519-2842698 ALEEDA/TRI-SUIT (MED) $30; mirror (10”x16”) wood/brass $15; folding metal bedframe $2; kong dogtoy $5.
TRAVEL TRAVELLING IN VANCOUVER? I have a one-night stay at the Hilton Vancouver Airport. $50 OBO. 250359-7008
Page 15
1991 GMC SIERRA 1/2 ton. Runs great, looks ok. $900 OBO. Call after 7pm. 250-777-0636 1988 TOYOTA 4RUNNER; automatic; good condition; no rust; winter tires $380 OBO. 250-352-9820 2006 HONDA ELEMENT awd, silver, auto, 48000kms, 2 sets of tires, $19,000. Please call 250-509-1880 1999 SILVERADO 1500 4X4, Z71 loaded w/o leather. Good condition, 129kms. $5000 OBO. Phone 3540450
93 AWD DODGE Colt, 250Kms, needs work or sell for parts $1000 OBO. 352-7545 2004 GMC DIESEL Duramax 4x4 1984 HONDA CIVIC, winter tires, 260,000kms, $12,000. Call Danny 260,000kms, 5speed $200. 250-352at 780-999-4619 in Nelson. Nice 3585 truck!! 1990 HONDA CIVIC. Runs good. 2008 FORD ESCAPE - XLT 4X4 First $500 takes it. Call Nathan 505- 36,400kms, red, excellent condition, 9686 $19,900. 250-352-2297 2004 TOYOTA ECHO: 4dr, sum1999 BLAZER; 4X4, v6 vortec, new mer and winter tires, alloy rims, brakes, new tires, sound system, 2 103,500kms, excellent condition, door. Only $2500. 250-354-1140 $6980. 250-354-1292 1995 FORD EXPLORER Limited WANTED: EARLY 2000 TOYOTA, Edition, 257kms, leather, air, CD playSHARE SMALL 2 bedroom house Nissan or Honda sedan with AC. er, sunroof, power everything, clean, 3 blocks from Baker St. $500/month Contact in super condition with unmounted plus utilities. Dec1. Call Brian 250snows. $3995 OBO 250-226-7020 1991 JETTA. DRIVES well. Extra set 352-5048 rims/tires. Needs some work. Body in 1998 DODGE GRAND Caravan: V6 FURNISHED BEDROOM WITH prigood shape. 352-5858 256 kms. Clean and in good shape. vate attached bathroom available for $1500. 250-505-3857 1995 FORD TOPAZ, new rad, brakes clean, responsible, single person. redone, new muffler. Need to sell 2007 FORD RANGER 4x4, canoUphill Nelson. 250-352-1693 right away! $500. 250-505-7404 py, winter tires, 60,000kms. Asking ROOM IN FAIRVIEW House Dec 1st: $16,000. Phone 250-354-1588 2001 GT MUSTANG excellent condilooking for very clean, responsible, tion for $12,000 or trade for SUV/ 1996 NISSAN PATHFINDER 4x4 semi-vegetarian. N/S,N/P, $350+utiliTruck of equal value. 359-6667 Good Condition, Winter Tires. $2800 ties. Krista at 250-354-4874 OBO. 250-357-9409 1991 HONDA CIVIC 4 door. Winter CABLE CHAINS (SHUR Grip Z) ROOM AVAILABLE NOV. 27 to Dec. tires, new all-seasons on rims. $900. VOLKSWAGEN VANOGAN 1984, SZ319, fits several tires (check web), 27 in Lower Uphill. $450 Internet 505-6340 rebuilt engine, excellent condition, used once. $65. 250-352-3137 included. 250-505-9349 family owned, $2800 OBO. 250-2721991 4RUNNER. 4 door. Tow packWINTER TIRES 185/60R14 4 bolt DECEMBER 1. FURNISHED bed6796 age. 6cyl 18mpg. New front panels, universal steel rims. Great condition. room in a townhouse in Rosemont. water pump, engine. $3800. 2502007 TACOMA, 4X4 runs like new, ����������������������������� Asking $400. 250-352-2853 Evenings ���������� $500 includes utilities,w/d, and inter505-3381 full synthetic fluids. Must sell, going and Weekends net. Call Ann 352-9589 traveling. $18,200 OBO. 250-5512002 JETTA 1.8T GLS, blue, manual, 1980 VOLVO WAGON w/engine to 2713 gas, sunroof, A/C, heated seats, great be installed. Good body, papers/keys. condition. $7500 OBO. 354-0255 1996 TOYOTA TACOMA V6 4X4. $300. Automotive repairs available Well maintained, power everything, 1998 HYUNDAI ELANTRA Wagon, cheap. 250-226-7548 WANTED: USED BACK COUNTRY canopy, new brakes. $7900 OBO. automatic, 169Kms, new brakes, skis and boots, skins and helmet for WINTER TIRES: TOYOTA 215-75250-399-4321 windshield, winter tires, $2000. 250 youth. 250-355-2948 16 Used 2 winters. Lots of tred left. ����������������������������� ���������� 352-3288 1992 FORD RANGER 4X4 2.9L Phone 352-6221 LADIES SKI PANTS, black Misty needs transmission replaced. $1000 1993 4DOOR NESSAN Maxima. ALUMINUM DRY-BOX, FULL-SIZE, Mountain size S/P, like new only $40. leave message for Robin 250-352Amazing condition, 150,000kms. V6, top of box model, good condtion, Call 250-352-3910 1389 FWD, no rust, perfect body, power $175 OBO. 250-226-7831 LADIES WINTER/SKI JACKET, blue everything, winter tires included. WINTERS: GOOD COND. 235/70/16 detachable hood and sleeves new Needs new muffler. Perfect winter - $100. Also 16” Ford rims 5-bolt was $350. Only $30. 250-352-3910 car. $3800 OBO. 250-777-4690 �������������������������������� $100 $175 for both. 250-509-0712 1992 TOYOTA COROLLA Wagon. 2008 LINE INVADER skis in good ���������������������� 4 WINTER TIRES on rims for Toyota 4WD, Manual. Winter and summer condition with Salomon bindings Tercel 4wd. Driven only 3000 kms. tires. Needs some work. $900 OBO. $200 OBO. 250-354-3033 ��������������������������������� $200. 354-5354 250-354-0311 FOR SALE: TRIPLE Crown Burton WANTED: 4 WINTER tires size ������������������������������������ 1994 PONTIAC FIREFLY 1L, rebuilt Snowboard w/Bindings. In Good 175/65/14 for a Toyota Echo. Call: clutch, summer and winter tires on Condition $1200 OBO. F.M.I. Call �������������������������������������������������������� 250-352-6570 rims. $450 OBO. 250-354-0395 Andrew:250-354-9566 ����������������������������������������������������������� WANTED: 4 WINTER Tires, P or LT 1990-’96 REBUILT SUBARU starter, 137 ATLANTIS SNOWBOARD with 245/75/R16 Ford Ranger, must be in $50. Beth 250-355-2328 ���������������������������������������������������� flow bindings, seen the hill maybe good condition. 250-505-5045 eight times $120. Phone 250-3591992 TOYOTA CARIB RHD, �������������������������� 6606 4 WINTERFORCE TIRES on rims. 120,000kms. Bought $8500, but sell205/70R14. $350 OBO. 250-357����������������������������� ing $3500. Needs engine work. 505THULE SKI BOX $300. Rock shoes 2276 6205 9-1/2 used once $50. 505-5029 CANíT GET UP YOUR Stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift. Call 1-866-9816591. GET RESULTS! Post a classified in a few easy clicks. Choose your province or all across Canada. Best value. Pay a fraction of the cost compared to booking individual areas. or 1-866-669-9222.
PERSONALS FREE TO TRY. LOVE * MONEY * LIFE. #1 Psychics! *1-877-478-4410* $3.19 min. 18+ *1-900-783-3800* NOW HIRING. DATING SERVICE. Long-Term/ShortTerm Relationships, FREE CALLS. 1-877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes. 1-888534-6984. Live adult casual conversations-1on1, 1-866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local Single Ladies.1-877804-5381. (18+).
On Air Membership Drive Nov 12 to 22
������������������ ��������������� TIRES PARTS/OTHER�������������
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KITTENS 12WEEKS OLD. 3 black, 1 grey tabby, 1 orange tabby. Housetrained. $25 each. Call Ryan 349-8061 PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING with TLC. Pinky’s Pet Parlour, 536 Ward St., Nelson. Monthly Specials! 250-551-5501 EXTRA LARGE PET Lodge for sale. Like new $100. Call 354-8031 ADORABLE PITBULL PUPPIES, 4 males 1 female. Ready to go December 6th. $500. 250-304-5450 ADVANTAGE 18 FOR cats - 4 tubes. Regular price $53.80 + taxes. My deal: $35. Phone: 250-399-6333
������������������ �������������
Activate Your Membership 352-9600
2003 SPORTSMAN 30’ toyhauler bumper-pull. Separate garage, slide, generator, sleeps 4. Good shape. Call 250-354-8225 1989 FORD BOUNDER Class A 32 foot Motorhome. Great Condition $7500 OBO. 250-357-9409
�������������������� ����������
POWERBOATS IN SUMMER, Snowmobiles in Winter, ATVís in between! GPRC Fairview Campus, Alberta. Learn to repair small engines, recreational vehicles. Apprenticeship opportunity. Oncampus residences. 1-888-999-7882;
When you’re looking for a local shop, service or special, first check the Express Needs & Wants section! ���� ������������������ ��������������� �������������
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Let's go fishing!
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34' Heated Catamaran Up to 8 people for $580 Book your winter excursion now!
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SAVE up to
October 1 November 30
5643 Taghum Frontage Rd . 250-352-2001
�������� Page 16
Nov. 17, 2010
PINE TV ARMOIRE $250; Maple oval extension table $150; Large Air Hockey table $75. Free delivery. 3527655 FOR SALE: ANTIQUE love seat, mint condition; Grandfather clock battery. 250-825-4369 BEIGE COUCH AND Loveseat for sale. Very good condition. $100 for both. 250-359-7752 ANTIQUE OAK TABLE, six chairs, five leaves to extend very large. Madeleine 359-7810 WHITE ELECTRIC STOVE. Works great, clean. $75 OBO; white kitchen unit stainless top, $100. 250 3521853 ARMCHAIR, SOLID, COMFORTABLE, dark wood/pale green fabric, can email photos. $95 POSITIVE APPAREL THRIFT Store 721 Front St now accepting furniture Mon ñ Sat 10-5 Sun 1-5
REAL ESTATE Land of Orchards, Vineyards & Tides in Nova Scotiaís beautiful Annapolis Valley. Live! Work! Bring Business! Free Brochure - Website: - Email: Toll-free: 1-888-865-4647.
5 BDRM QUALITY built home, new, Beasley, mortgage helper, $640,000. 1 acre paved drive, gorgeous views. 250-352-3559 BEAUTIFUL 5 BED/3BATH EXECUTIVE HOME FOR SALE! 1.8 sunny acres w/view of Kootenay River. 29x30’ garage/shop, hottub on huge covered deck. Level paved driveway in new Falls Creek Subdiv. 12 mins South of Nelson. 4604 Beasley West Road. $583,000. Agents welcome, open to offers. 250359-5006
RENTALS 3 BDRM HOUSE Rosemont. View, Garage, Renovated. 3 References. For January 15th, N/S, N/P. $1150 + utilities. 250-352-7804 BIG FURNISHED BEDROOM for rent in Rosemont, private bathroom, shared kitchen, W/D, wireless internet $500/month. 250-352-3365 DOWNTOWN NELSON HERITAGE bachelor/ette suite. Quiet, clean, private. Ns/np. Incl.: utilities, parking, furnished. $785/mo. 250-35257575. BEAUTIFUL 2 BEDROOM at 6mile, private deck and washer/ dryer. Available Dec 1. Non-smoking. $1100/month includes utilities. ���������� STORAGE FOR WINTER or year round! Easy flat access to a large space in Nelson. Call 354-1008 FRONT STREET ‘SKINNY House’ Nelson. 3+1 bdrm, 3 bath, brand new, view, $1800 + utilities. 250-505-3719 evenings UPSTAIRS BACHELOR SUITE for one quiet person only. Fully furnished, utilities included. $650/mnth. Leave message 250-352-6566 NEWLY RENOVATED, AROUND 1200SQFT rancher, 3bed, 2full bath, good size kitchen with lots of cabinets, new stainless steel appliances, wood and tile flooring, sun room and deck with panoramic view of Nelson, roomy master bedroom/bathroom, lots of closet space. Parking for 4-5 cars. Fruit trees, garden, separate laundry room, $1650+ utilities. 250509-1880
������ �������
and did we say we’re a
Where was greatgrandma born?
News magazines in print and onlline at the Nelson Library.
The Nelson Library has birth, death and marriage certificates on microfiche.
homes&gardens Download your blusher, swashbuckler, or potboiler free from the Nelson Library.
Romantic, adventurous, mysterious:
AFFORDABLE HOUSING valley views. 2 people max. $795 2 BEDROOM BALFOUR LAKEVIEW REQUIRED, Nelson and outskirts. house for rent. Picturesque setting and 250-226-0034 Responsible single man, guarenteed The Express is hiring a part time Editorial Coordinator large decks. N/S, no cats $950/month QUIET, COZY, ONE person trailer. income. +utilities to liaise with freelance writers and community Serene nature setting near Nelson. or phone: Ken K 250-352-9876 250-505-2067 Wondering about Get your motor organizers. No dogs. $395/mnth includes heat/ FULL-TIME EMPLOYED FEMALE 5TH WHEEL FOR rent for winter electric. 250-359-8280 platypus running: selflooking for a home inlove? Nelson. I am The ideal candidate will be a deadline-oriented in Winlaw., 1 BEDROOM CLOSE to town. Quiet, willing to pay $600. Jennifer 250comes with dog and cats starter who can work closely with others. Science magazines Small engine repair 354-4357 w/d, n/s, n/p, References. Avail Dec.1. Car repair manuals at BRAND NEW 2BRD, 2bath. South and more online Must have experience with inDesign andchainsaws, Photoshop, $650. 208-304-5297, 250-352-5634 for boats, RESPONSIBLE LOCAL STUDENT Slocan, River view, short term. $1400 the Nelson Library, in (msg.) looking for a small place, maximum as well as knowledge of CP Style Guide. through the Nelson and more - online at includes utilities. 250-352-0086 print ond online. $500, walking distance to Nelson/ 1 BDRM CABIN Near Ymir $500 Library. 1 BEDROOM HALF-DUPLEX the Nelsonlayout Library. Candidates with previous newspaper and regular bus route. Jacob 250-505inc utilities. N/S, N/P. Call Rob 25010 minutes west of Nelson. 2277 writing experience will be given preference. 551-1224 $800/month + utilities. No Pets GOOD RENTER SEEKS long-term 250-505HOME FOR RENT in Proctor. Fenced Send cover letter and resume rental from good landlord in Nelson. 2067 yard. 4 bedrooms $1150. 352-2660 No slumlords please. 250-229-4500 to 2 BEDROOM PROCTER on 1/2 COSY, RUSTIC, OFFGRID cabin acre. Large deck, great views. $900/ near Slocan. $250 plus maintenance. month + utilities. Pets negotiable. Must be communication skills 250-505dent. 226-7311 The Eentsy The big screen Toronto, 2067 4 BEDROOM AT 6 MILE Great 2/3 BEDROOM HALF-DUPLEX Weentsy Spider fits into your Tasmania, orour The Express is hiring a part time Graphic Designer to support family home, carport, large covin Nelson. Carport & deck. $1300/ production staff. The ideal candidate must have experience with bookbag... Timbuktu? ered deck. No pets. $1200/month month + utilities. Pets negotiable. Is alive and tickling inDesign, Photoshop, and Acrobat. A graphic design, journalism or 250-505...when you borrow Travel guides at the at Nelson Library relevant diploma, or related experience, is required. 2067 2067 DVDs from the Nelson Nelson Library. storytimes! 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE on BEAUTIFUL, LUXURY LONG-TERM Candidates with previous newspaper layout and design experience Library. Whitewater Road. Clean, recent 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath rental on Stanley will be given preference. Only people on a short list will be contacted. upgrades. $800/month + utilities. Pets St in Nelson, 2 blocks up from Baker Feel free to contact us again if you’ve applied in the past. negotiable. Rentals@NelsonRealty. ����������������������������� St. New appliances, laundry, large ���������� ca 250-505-2067 plasma TV, cable, internet, covered Send cover letter and resume to SHARED ACCOMODATION IN parking, big windows and small patio. South Nelson 3 bdr town house $675 Furnished or unfurnished. $1750/ monthly, utilities inc. Call 250-777mnth + utilities. Photos available. 4626 250-551-0878 1 BDR PLUS den beautiful������������������������������ lakeside 2/3 BEDROOM HOUSE in lower condo. Unit was built in 2008 and has Fairview. Hardwood floors, large tile and hardwood floors, ������������������������ s/s applikitchen, deck, carport. N/S, N/P, ances and w/d. Building has under$1300/month Rentals@NelsonRealty. ����������������������������� ��������������������� ground parking, storage lockers and ���������� ca 250-505-2067 fitness room. Only $1250 per month (includes heat and condo fees). Call ���������������� 250-352-9958 TWO AND HALF bedroom house, lake view and access, in Harrop. OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE in Dec.1st. $750/month. 1yr renewable Nelson, $317/month, includes interlease. 250-229-2336 net. Call Mitch (250-509-1414) or Jim SKIERS WINTER PARADISE, (250-352-3385) December-March fully furnished. 7 2 BAY AUTOMOTIVE Garage plus Bedrooms/4 bathrooms, hot tub, priOffice and Storage. 323 Nelson Ave. vate, 2.5 kms from town, 4-wheel Available DEC 1ST 250-352-3407 drive required. $1750/month plus BEAUTIFUL, DOWNTOWN , stand utilities. Call 352-6081 alone building for lease. 2300 sq. ft., KASLO - SUNNY, COZY riverside 601 Kootenay St. Please phone for 1BDRM mobile home. Wood/electric. details; 250-825-9932 Furnished. Quiet, mature N/S, N/P. $400/mnth. 366-4450 COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR Rent NEWER QUALITY COTTAGE near 300 sq/ft for $500 on Front Street. Winlaw, Slocan Valley. Quiet, secure, 250-352-0867
'58 Chev or 2010 hybrid?
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Lorne Westnedge & Drew Evans:
TEAM THAT ��� THE WORKS -- FOR YOU! Contact 250-505-2606 Lorne at: Contact 250-505-2466 Drew at: Web-site.
�������������� ������ Each office is independently owned and operated
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3 bedroom, 2 bath. manufactured home on almost 1/2 acre just outside city boundary. Home has a shed roof, covered deck, and sits in a park-likesetting, partially landscaped and treed.
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New 5,000 sq.ft. custom home on 18.5 acres with pasture land in pristine private valley. Stunning mountain views, between Slocan/Silverton. Bamboo/cork floors, 9’ ceilings, 4 bed. 3 bath. List goes on!
mls #K192843
Commercial building with highway access and off-street parking located in downtown Nelson is an excellent investment or development opportunity.
mls# K3900455
Over 2.5 acres already divided into 17 separate titles outside Kaslo municipal boundary. Purcell Mountain views. Water licence in place. Great potential for development or investment