Magpie Memoir Magazine - (issue 22) April 2023

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MAGPIE MEMOIR MAGAZINE April 2023Edition 22 One Fans Tribute to the Western Suburbs DRLFC BRYCE BRYCE CRANE CRANE Wests World Cup Superstar ISSN:2652 ISSN:2652--4406 4406

Andrew Stark grew up just a hefty punt kick from Strathfield Park, in Sydney’s inner west during the heady days of the 1970s. He was quick to become a passionate supporter of the local rugby league team, the Western Suburbs Magpies. Stark began snapping photographs at the occasional game during the early 1980s and later became chief photographer for Terry Williams’ Sydney League News publication, covering grassroots footy from the mid 1990s on.

Stark has captured a myriad of Magpie-centric images over the past three and a half decades, concentrating on the junior representative level, with an occasional foray into the senior grades.

This quarterly fanzine series, aims to combine current events with a look back through the photographers vast collection. It is one man’s humble celebration of the mighty Western Suburbs D.R.L.F.C

MAGPIE MEMOIR MAGAZINE ©Andrew Stark Above: The photographer as a boy in the backyard at Strathfield, captured discussing team selections with his shadow (Photo: Hugh Stark). Long time Western Suburbs supporter, Warren Mundine, appears at a press conference sporting a magnificent Magpie cap.


April 2023: Issue 22

It must be said, that this season is feeling a tad light-on without our usual Massey Cup team to root for !

The Wests divide it would seem, is ever growing –the gap between inner and outer incarnations of our club is reaching chasm proportions. The Ashfield backing has become all empowering and the Lidcombe vs. Campbelltown dichotomy is now quite stark. Of course this all occurs before you attempt to fold the Balmain element into the equation.

I grew up in the inner west and supported the club for 15 years before the move to Campbelltown took hold in 1987. Yet common sense tells me (and most objective onlookers) that the south-west is the region Wests’ teams need to continue/start to represent.

The great irony of the Western Suburbs Magpies circa 2023 is that the financial clout of Wests Ashfield and the Holman Barnes Group looks to be the single greatest factor elevating Tiger heritage at the expense of our own.

The exciting Wests junior rep teams represent the Macarthur region, while the Magpie’s NSW Cup side is very much an inner city concern.

As the civil war drags on, an interesting tit bit, recently occurred at Leichhardt during a Wests Tigers Jersey Flegggame. I was jolted awake when a call of “Magpie” bellowed from the bench. The home team had an attacking, centre field scrum and I was momentarily able to pushdown the queasiness evoked by that excessively orange kit, to focus on what this gloriously titled play was to provide. The scrum was fed, won, and the ball went right. A sweeping second man play unfolded where much –huff, puff and bodies were set in motion. Ultimately however, like a Catherine wheel nailed to a wonky peg, the whole thing fizzed out. It was easilyread by the opposition. The attacking thrust came to nothing.

Given my forty plus years supporting the Magpies, a moment of honest reflection concluded that the play was most aptly named indeed

© Andrew Stark 2023


ISSN: 2652-4406

front cover: Bryce Crane –Wests SG Ball Cup 2019
MAGPIE MEMOIR MAGAZINE Written, Photographed, Designed & Published by Andrew Stark. All photographs were taken by Andrew Stark, unless otherwise credited.
(Photo -Andrew Stark)

Bryce Crane Bryce Crane

FormerWestsHaroldMatts&SG BallCupthree-quarter,Bryce Cranecompletedabrilliant2022

withastarringroleintheRugbyLeagueWorldCup.AmemberofAustralia’s PhysicalDisabilityteam,BrycewascrownedasboththePlayerofthe Tournament(votedbytheBBC),andthePlayersPlayer(votedbythe players).AtrulyremarkableachievementgiventhatKangaroosfinishedthe tournamentwithoutawin.

AproductoftheElizabethMacarthurHighSchool,Cranecrossedforahefty bagoftentriesinjustfourgames,duringtheinauguralPDRLWorldCup heldinWarringtonduringOctober2022.

Magpie Memoir reportedbackinMay2021thatBryceCranehadbeenforced toretirefromable-bodiedrugbyleague,havinglosttheuseofhisrightarm. Theinjuryoccurredfollowinganattemptedtacklemadewhileplayingfor theNarellanJetsinAugustof2020.

Adevastatingrunnerofthefootball,Crane’srugbyleaguetalentwasn’ttobe denied.In2022helinkedwiththeSydneyRoostersintheNSWPDRL competition.Inlastseason’sgrandfinal,hecrossedfortwotriesandslotted acoupleofgoalsduringthetricolours14-4victoryoverSouths.Brycewas dulyawardedthePlayeroftheMatchandearnedselectionintheAustralian teamfortheWorldCup.

Above left: Bryce Crane in action for Australia at the 2022 World Cup (photographer unknown -internet). Above right: Crane snapped during a 2020 SG Ball clash against Norths (photo –Andrew Stark) MAGPIE MEMOIR


DespitefieldingoneofthemoreinexperiencedteamsintheNSW DespitefieldingoneofthemoreinexperiencedteamsintheNSW Cupcompetition,WayneLambkin Cupcompetition,WayneLambkin’’steamhavebegunbrightly steamhavebegunbrightly

Attimeofwriting,thePieshavemanagedtomeatloaftheir2023opening–“cause two out of three aintbad” –notchingacoupleofwinsbeforefalling heavilytotheBerries.Duringthefirstfortnight,theexperiencedhalves pairingofBrandonWakehamandWillSmithwereincontrol.Byround3 however,starplayers-Wakeham,Smith,Matamua,KautogaandTupouwere allmissing,andtheblack&whitesstruggled.Trailing32-0athalftime,the Magpiessteadiedbeforegoingdown44-12toaredhotCanterburyside. Theopeningroundprovidedacrushing44-18victoryovertheRoosters. RightedgebackrowerKautogaspearedoverforahattrick,justdaysbefore adeafeningrumoursurfacedlinkingtheformerWestsSGBallCupforward toCanterburynextseason.Round2suppliedWestswithasternertestand NewcastletooksomebeatingatLeichhardt.Wakehamstarred,Kautoga addedhisfourthtryoftheyear,whileinterchangehookerJamesValevatu grabbedacloserange,secondhalfdouble. GiventheWestsTigerscallupsinround3,andthedevastatingeffectthat hadontheMagpiesatBelmore,onecanonlywaitandseehowstrongthe teamwillbeincomingweeks.WillSmith(suspendedforround3),willbea welcomereturn,aswillballplayinglock,JustinMatamuawhowas18th manfortheNRLsideagainsttheBerries.

Above:JahreamBulaand RuaNgatikaura, flank BrandomWakehamfeeding KitioneKautoga during Wests 31-18, round 2 victory over Newcastle (Photos –Andrew Stark) NSW Cup Photos: Andrew Stark MAGPIE MEMOIR

One Random Photo From The Files …

Metropolitan Cup-May1999-ConcordOval

Jimmy Curtis Jimmy Curtis

Backduringthemid1990s,IkeenlyrecallwatchingbigJimCurtiscome throughtheBalmainjuniorrepsystem.Toutedastheclubsnext Blocker Roach,theStPatsDundasproductneverquiteliveduptothoselofty expectations.Hedidhowever,ultimately,notchtwoNRLgameswithDes Hasler’sSeaEaglesof2005.IronicallyoneofthesegameswasManly’sround 9defeatoftheWestsTigers.Westswouldofcourse,famouslykickontowin thepremiership.thatyear.

Half-a-dozenseasonsprevioustothat,Curtis’careerreacheditspinnacle whenhepulledonthefamousblack&whitejersey.During1999heplayed propforBrianCook’sWesternSuburbsMetroCupteam(andagainin2000 underMickLiubinskas).TheabovephotowasshotatConcordOval,theteams homeground,astheMagpiesdefeatedMoorebank33-16.Curtisnotablylaid onatryforJohnStantonduringtheopeninghalf,anactionwhichpushedthe

MAGPIE MEMOIR Photo: Andrew Stark Wests vs Moorebank Wests vs Moorebank

homesideouttoahandsome16-0lead.ThephotographalsofeaturesWests playersKurtChapman&ByronBourke,whiletheRamsdefenderisGrant Coleman.TheMaggiesMetroCupteamof1999wasverymuchaninnerwest concernandfeaturedanumberoftalentedBalmainjuniors.ApartfromJim CurtisandthehookerKurtChapman,thesidealsofeaturedJoshRichards, StrathfieldCricketClubstalwart,BrentChappelowandthelatePaulJarvis.

Inaninterestingsidelight-CraigGamblelinedupinthesecondrowfor MoorebankinthismatchandwasnotedasoneoftheRamsbestontheday. GamblewasaSutherlandShireproductanddespiteextensivedigging,I haven'tbeenabletofindadirectfamilyconnectiontoformerWestsNSW CupplaymakerandcurrentNewcastleKnight,TysonGamble. Westswouldonlywinafurtherthreegamesthroughoutthe1999MetroCup season.TheMagpiesfinishedonecompetitionpointaheadofMoorebank whowerelumberedwiththewoodenspoon.Remarkably,despitehisteam finishingsecondlastontheladder,KurtChapmanscoredthecompetition’s secondmostnumberofpointsthroughouttheyear.Thetenaciousrake notchedfourtriesandkicked47goalsforacommendabletallyof112. FollowingonfromhisbriefNRLstintatManly,JimmyCurtisplayeda numberofseasonswiththeBelroseEagles.

Above: Jimmy Curtis grabs hold of MonahElahmad during Wests 1999 win over Moorebank. In the seasons that followed, both men would reach the NRL. Photo: Andrew Stark MAGPIE MEMOIR


Ahorrordrawhas Ahorrordrawhas failedtoderail failedtoderailWests Wests SGBallCupcampaign SGBallCupcampaign

TheMagpies19sareon tracktoplayfinal's footyfollowing4wins andadrawfromtheir opening7games. The2023teamboasts oneofthecompetitions

mostformidablemiddles.SkipperKitLaulilii,propsJordanMillerand QueenslandrecruitChrisFa’agutu,alongwithboomhookerTallynDaSilva provideWestswithanenviableplatformfromwhichtobuild.

Theopeningthreeroundsprovidedvictoriesover;Manly40-18,StGeorge 18-10,andSouths50-4. Thetriptothenation’scapitalinround4sawWests broughtbacktoearthasraginghotcompetitionfavourites,Canberra thumpedourboys40-12.Thefollowingweek,atremendousstruggleat PenrithwentourwaywithDaSilvaburrowingoverlateforacourageous win.AcrazyclashwithNewcastleinround6sawtheKnightsracetoa28-6 halftimelead.TheMagpiesappearedtohavenoansweryetafterthebreak, withLaulilii,GalvinandDaSilvatothefore,Westsgotonarollandpulled thescorelinebackto32-32insidethefinalfiveminutes.Onlyalate,missed conversion,andapenaltyconcededwhilehotontheattack–costthe Magpiesaremarkablecomebackvictory.Ashock30-16losstotheBulldogs hasWestsclingingtosixthspotwithanurgentfortnightbeckoning. WhileCanberraremainfavouritestoclaimthetitle,averyevenfieldof contenderssitjustbelowtheRaiders.Parramatta,Newcastle,Penrith, SydneyandWestsarealljockeyingforashotattheCuplastwonbythe Magpiesbackin2002.

Above: Jordan Miller and his former Fairfield Pats team mate, Corey Ackers, put their heads together in an attempt to sort out a disagreement during Wests round 2 victory. SG Ball Cup Photo: Andrew Stark MAGPIE MEMOIR Matthews Cup Photos: Andrew Stark SG Ball Cup
Photos: Andrew Stark


WhilethefledglingMagpiesMatthewsCupteamhavefallenshortof of qualifyingforthisseason qualifyingforthisseason’’ssemifinalseries,thefuturelooksbright. ssemifinalseries,thefuturelooksbright. Fieldingahostofplayerswhoremaineligibletoplayintheunder17sagain nextyear,Wests2023final’sambitionswerethwartedwhenluckdeserted themintwocrucialgamestowardthebackendoftheseason.Heartbreaking lossestoNewcastle30-24(round6)andtopofthetableCanterbury14-12 (round7),consignedRobbieMears’teamtoanearlyexit.Agameagainst bottomoftheladderNorths,andabyewillconcludethe2023campaign. StrongwinsagainstManly38-6,StGeorge16-8andSouths32-12,began Westsseasonwell.Alackofsizeintheforwardsbegantotellduringmid seasonwhenlossestoCanberra28-14andPenrith22-4,precededthe aforementionedlucklessfortnight.


Matthews Cup
Photo: Andrew Stark Above: Tearaway prop forward,Kohan Lewis rips into his work against Saints at Cabramatta.


One Man One Man’’s Black & White Enthusiasm s Black & White Enthusiasm

Continuing on with a series that features letters sent between myself and the Wests Football Office back in the 1990s. I evidently fancied myself as something of a talent scout back in the day and recently uncovered pieces of correspondence sent to hard working Magpie secretaries, Gordon Allen and Steve Noyce, where any number of prospective Magpie recruits were discussed.

I was covering junior footy at the time in my capacity as a photographer/journalist. I guess I figured, with the hours I was putting in on the sideline and the plethora of gifted young players I was getting to see first hand, that this may have morphed into information deemed useful by the Wests Footy Club Office. Of course they, like all the clubs, had people far better credentialed than Ole Kodak to handle the spotting and sifting of potential recruits. Reading back over the letters today I must admit to feeling a tinge of embarrassment at my forthright naivety.

So belated apologies go out to Gordon and Steve for creating extra paperwork, way back when. Having to respond to rabid season ticket holders who seem to think they have the league insight of a Jack Gibson, Wayne Bennett or Craig Bellamy, must be the bane of all football club offices.

This edition sees your trusty snapper getting a tad hot & bothered by all the junior talent slipping through the net circa 1993. Most notably via the rugby league nursery, St Gregory’s College, Campbelltown.

©Andrew Stark

I’ve mislaid my response to this February 1993 letter (if in fact I ever received one). I have however found a May 1993 letter from Steve Noyce. A letter which canvas’some of my earlier concerns.

I’ve decided to black out a couple of names in Noyce’sletter. Despite it being thirty years hence, I feel it’s unfair to air publicly, targeted criticism which was included within private correspondence. Reading through my rant, it’s quite clear that I hadn’t as yet discovered the aesthetically useful deployment of smaller paragraphs. I’ve thrown down a massive and unrelenting slab of text for poor ole Steve to plough through.

Given three decades of hindsight, my comments on Damien Chapman read as somewhat cheeky. I failed to mention he was the son of former St George winger, John Chapman. The talented schoolboy half was always likely to head to Kogarah so it was a poor example to throw at the Wests Head Office. That Damien Chapman didn’t subsequently make a huge impression in the big league was I think a shock to everyone who watched him play for St Gregory’s. Young Chapman crossed for three tries and kicked four goals in the 1991 Commonwealth Bank Cup Final and was described by

Photo left: Damien Chapman (St George) circa 1994 (taken from his Best Rookie footy card) ©Andrew Stark

his coach, Peter Mulholland, as “one of the greatest players I have had the pleasure to coach”

Reading back over my comments on Trent Robinson gave me a chuckle. Unbeknownst to me at the time, Robinson had actually played in one of Wests development squad teams during his early teens. When I first spotted him, the big blond haired kid was playing fullback at the NSWCCC under 15 trials. In the seasons to follow he would become a hard working prop forward in Peter Mulholland’s St Gregory’s College 1st XIII. The “inter club bidding war”I amplified in my letter, was

MAGPIE MEMOIR MAGAZINE ©Andrew Stark ©Andrew Stark

done and dusted once Big Artie headed out to the south-west to deliver his red, white & blue pitch. Roosters recruitment guru and legendary prop forward Arthur Beetsonswooped on the St Greg’s engine room, signing the College’s entire1995 front row. Peter Cusack, Simon Bonettiand Trent Robinson were all corralled into the chook pen. Robbo noted in a 2013 chat with SMH journalist, Richard Hinds that at the time, he was a boy from Camden who’d never before been as far east as Bondi.

The Wests junior headed to Henson Park with his front row school mates to play FleggCup in 1996, helping the Roosters win their first ever premiership

in this grade. Robboduly earned selection in the NSW U19s and scored a try in the Blues 13-12 win over Queensland. The following year he captained the Roosters U20s into the semi finals. By 1998 his progress seems to have stalled somewhat and by season’s end, a change of scenery was sought. Robbosigned to play for Balmain in 1999, that club’s final year as an NRL entity. He suffered a season defining anterior cruciateinjury playing against Wests in an early round of the NSW Cup.

As the millennium ticked over, Balmain & Western Suburbs were forced into unholy matrimony and Trent Robinson would soon etch himself into the merged club’s history books. He became the Wests Tigers first NRL debutant when he came off the bench during a 10 point loss to Canterbury in mid July of 2000. The vast majority of his two years at the West-Ts however, was spent playing NSW Cup for Balmain.

Photo above: Trent Robinson as a Western Suburbs Magpie (uncredited photo found on the internet) MAGPIE MEMOIR MAGAZINE @ Andrew Stark Right: Robinson lines up against Wests during 1997. The Maggies got done 40-16.
“There’s a lad at St Greg’s at the moment in the 15-year-old category –Trent Robinson, a star of the future”
Above: Robinson playing FleggCup in 1996. Left: The master coach does media in 2022 Photo:Andrew Stark Photo:Andrew Stark MAGPIE MEMOIR

Robinson ultimately played 3 top grade games across two seasons for the new club, before adding a 4th NRL game playing with Parramatta in 2002.

While Robinson, like Damien Chapman, never reached the on-field heights I was strongly suggesting in my 1993 letter, it’s fair to say, Trent has found his niche in the game. He is without doubt one of the great rugby league coaches of the modern era. Trent Robinson –the Magpie junior who cock-a-doodle-doo’dhis way into the game’s hall of fame.

Wests loss of legendary schoolboy coach Peter ‘Skull’ Mulholland was another pertinent item mentioned in my letter. This moment in regard the historical demise of the Western Suburbs club is an interesting one. Mulholland had coached Wests lower grades for 5 seasons before being head hunted by North Sydney in 1993. Not only was his rugby league knowledge and coaching expertise lost at this point, but so was a direct and vital connection between Wests and St Gregory’s College. That the legendary schoolboy coach, in tandem with former Wests Chief Exec’Gordon Allen, would two seasons

later fill the Western Reds squad with a flock of Magpies, became a further cost to pay. It cut a swathe through our playing ranks. Jason Eade, Dale Fritz, Shaun Devine, Clayton Bennetts, KainCross, Chris Warren, Brett Cullen, Byron Hutton, CorinRidding, & Peter Shiels, headed to Perth, along with Wests juniors; Tim Horan & Shane Barrett and former Magpies; Brett Docherty, Cam Blair, Brendan Tuuta& Peter Trevitt. The Western Reds (1995-97) presented as an interstate chapter of the WestsMagpies. That this Mulholland inspired migration took place just as Wests were beginning their five year slide toward NRL

oblivion, is worthy of a sombre footnote.

“I still can’t believe Tim Horan wasn’t given whatever he wanted and was virtually shown the door”

“A further concern is the loss of Peter Mulholland and that obvious association”
Above: Tim Horan & Damien Chapman (St Greg’s 1991) (photo –Big League Magazine)

A footnote to this chapter of the Snail Mail Pest is to be found in this snippet written by Tim Prentice. It appeared in Big League Magazine’s club news column during August of 1992. Four future top grade players –one was a Wests junior who’d played junior reps with our club, two others were on Wests scholarships. The Magpies were apparently not going to simply contract these lads, they were “working overtime to sign all four to long term contracts”.

That Wests ended up missing out on all four of the St Gregory’s stars, does perfectly encapsulate the tone of my February 1993 letter to Steve Noyce.


Much is made of Leichhardt Oval. The orange crew portray it as their spiritual home, yet flash back to 1994 and Balmain were totally finished with the joint. FormerWests hooker Scott Rigney’s excellent cartoon encapsulates the Four Fans & a Funeral feel of the ground back in the pre-joint venture days. That they managed, for the good of their club, to shift west back then, is baffling. Given that today they hang on so stubbornly as the burgeoning south-west is paid tepid lip service.

Cartoon : Scott Rigney (RLW), Inset Photo of Scott Rigney by Andrew Stark Eighth Wonder text added for effect


LukeKellywasatalentedhalfwhoplayedtwoseasonsofSGBall CupwithWests,beforeforginganNRLcareeracrossthreeclubs. CupwithWests,beforeforginganNRLcareeracrossthreeclubs.

HavingplayedhisjuniorfootballwiththeKatherineBushrangersinhis nativeNorthernTerritory,KellyearnedascholarshiptoStGregory’sCollege, Campbelltown. HerepresentedWesternSuburbsin2006&2007inBallCup teamsthatincludednotableteammates–SimonDwyer,PeniTagive& WillieMataka.

In2009helinkedwiththeMelbourneStormandbyseasonsend,was leadingthatclubtoaToyotaCupvictoryovertheWestsTigersinthe under20sgrandfinal.Kellywasadjudgedplayerofthematchinthe Storm’s24-22victory.HisWikipediapageclaimsthat “Kelly was discovered by Storm scouts at a NSWCCC tournament”. GiventhatStGreg’s hadinitiallyidentifiedhimthousandsofkilometresawayinthetopend, andWestssubsequentlythrewhimthenumbersevenjerseyforbackto backseasonsintheirunder17steam,theuseoftheword-“discovered”–

Photos:Andrew Stark Luke Kelly
SG Ball Cup 2006 & 2007 SG Ball Cup 2006 & 2007


Kellykickedontoplayhalf-a-dozenNRLgamesforMelbourneacrossfour seasons.Havingmissedmuchof2011duetoanOsteitisPubisinjury,during early2012hefoundhimselfplayingsecondfiddletoCooperCronk.Amid seasontransfertoParramattayieldedfourtopgradegamesduringtheback halfoftheEels2012woodenspoonseason.TheformerMagpieadded another37NRLgamesacrossthenextfourseasonsatParramatta. LukeKellywassignedbySouthSydneyforthe2017season.Hewasseenas aworthybackuptotheirfirstchoicehalves,Reynolds&Walker.Hisfinal seasonintheNRLsawKellybookendappearances,ashefeaturedinjustthe openingandclosingroundsof2017.MadgeMaguirecalledhimintothe BunniessideforroundoneagainsttheWestsTigers,agameSouthslost3416.Kelly’sfinalNRLappearancecameinthelastround22-16lossto Parramatta.Remarkably,bothhis2017topgradeappearancessawKelly comeupagainsttheclubhoppingMitchMoses.

Attheendofthe2017season,Kellydecidedtohanguphisboots.Hiscareer hadspanned49NRLgamesplayedacrossnineseasons.Aqualifiedyouth workerwhoalsoheldadiplomainLeadership&Management,Kellywas employedbytheRabbitohsastheclub’s Wellbeing Manager duringearly 2018.Hemaintainedthispositionfor3yearsbeforebeingreassignedtothe roleofSouths People and Culture Manager,apositionhecontinuestohold.

Photos: Andrew Stark
Luke Kelly Luke Kelly SG Ball Cup 2007 SG Ball Cup 2007
©Andrew Stark

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