February 2018

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Pro-con: Robots| 14 Taylor Stoddart| 30 Vine personality quiz| 36 80’s fashion trends| 34


FEBRUARY 2018 | VOL. 57 | NO. 03

Welcome POLICIES Mission Statement

The Eyrie strives to be an accurate, informative and entertaining publication for the students and faculty of EPHS.


The Eyrie encourages all students and faculty to share their views with the school. All letters must be signed; however, names may be withheld in certain situations. Once received, the Eyrie reserves the right to edit letters for length or content.


Staff Editorials are staff-written and approved by a two-thirds majority of the staff. All other opinion pieces reflect the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publication, student body, faculty or administration.



To follow the Eyrie on Twitter, use the Twitter handle @the_eyrie. For daily content and school updates, visit theeyrie. org.



“I didn’t realize that anything other than rape or kidnap was sexual assault,” said Katrina, one of the students who shared her story for our cover package on sexual misconduct. There are a lot of misconceptions and stigma that surround sexual assault, harassment, and misconduct. What do those terms even mean? How prevalent are cases? Whose fault is it? What can or is being done to help victims? Through “Voices of Victims,” this issue’s cover package, we hope to educate and bring awareness to sexual misconduct. Because it is more prevalent than people think: 1 in 6 American women and 1 in 33 American men have been victims of sexual assault. And it doesn’t just happen to in the worlds of entertainment, sports, and politics: we share four stories of students (former and current) at EPHS who have been victims of sexual assault. We hope that by giving these victims a voice, we can impact the discussion in a positive manner. We also hope that more victims will speak up or seek support.

The Eyrie is printed by the Eden Prairie Schools Printing Services, 17185 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN, 55346.

STAFF Editors-in-Chief

Elizabeth Buse Kelly Pu

Design Editor

Sophie Brandser

Business Manager Inika Shetty

Website Editors Enjoy the third issue,

Karen Larionova Oliver Taylor

Photo Editor

Emma Swanson

A&E Editor

Sophie Brandser

Elizabeth Buse and Kelly Pu

Cover Story Editor Kelly Pu

Feature Editor

Elizabeth Buse

News Editor

Inika Shetty



Opinion Editor Adam Chao

Profile Editor

Emma Swanson

Sports Editor

Sophie Brandser


Oliver Taylor Nicole Ruppert


Bella Beck Isabelle Felton Lauren Murphy Greta Ness Kira Parrington Lucas Pham Nicole Ruppert Nick Walfrid Winifred Halm De-souza


Jodie Flolid

Content 04


Winter intramurals

NEWS February 2018 Vol. 57 | No. 03

Principal graduates | 04 What is net neutrality | 06 Check yourself: car crashes | 07 Shedding new light: solar panel | 07


Drama feature| 08 Bouncing back: TV reboots| 09 Review: “Black Mirror”| 10 Review: “Dark” | 10 “The Magic Key”: LDF | 11



Staff Ed: Dear future principal| 12 Say Kan-nay to celebrity presidents | 12 The impact of Xanax on rap culture| 13 Death to diets | 13 Pro: Adopt the bot | 14 Con: Embrace the human race | 15 Putting Logal Paul on pause | 16 The era of regulation | 16 Opinionettes | 17


Voices of victims | 20


Winter intramurals | 24 Winter sports | 25 Taylor: Pelican flock| 28 Senior athletes sign| 28


Stoddart: A queen of the scene | 30


DIY: Unicorn puppy chow| 33 Ruppert: Miles of Aisles| 33 A rad comeback: 80’s fashion | 34 Vine personality quiz & Vine 2| 36 Students balancing school and work | 37 Photo essay: Chickens, Bulldogs,...| 38

FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org



Principal McCartan joins the graduating class of ‘18

1978: McCartan graduated from Eden Prairie High School

2004: McCartan became principal of EPHS

2018: After 14 years, McCartan retires with the class of 2018

misspelled last name from the 1977 yearbook




hen Principal Conn McCartan first announced his retirement in the auditorium, the staff “audibly gasped,” according to associate principal Molly Hollenbeck. McCartan announced that this semester will be his last after more than a dozen years as principal of EPHS and enough years in education to get his full retirement benefits. McCartan was an EPHS student back when the high school was in the CMS building. His graduating class of 1978 was the largest class the district had ever seen: 230. As a senior, he was a student in English teacher Linda Wallenberg’s AP Literature class. Looking back, he said, “It’s weird to think that someone who was your teacher outlasts you.” However, he thinks that’s what makes Wallenberg legendary. McCartan was well known around the school when he was a student at EPHS, according to Wallenberg. “As teachers, we thought, ‘This guy is going to go somewhere,’” she said. “Conn was Mr. Eden Prairie High School.” Before being principal of EPHS, McCartan was a biology teacher and the principal of Maple Grove Senior High. When McCartan worked in Maple Grove, he received a phone call from the superintendent of Eden Prairie schools. EPHS was looking for a new principal, but McCartan rejected the offer. Later, the superintendent called again and asked him to just visit EPHS. He did. When he visited EPHS, he had a feeling he had to take the job. McCartan said he has only taken two decision based on a gut feeling in his career before: taking the job to be EPHS’ principal and retiring. When he got the job, McCartan influenced other people to work with him. Associate principal Tim Quick, a college friend of his, was approached by McCartan, and Hollenbeck also cited McCartan as one of many reasons to return to Eden Prairie from Edina. McCartan and Quick roomed on the same floor freshmen and sophomore year at St. John’s, and they sang in the same choir. Hollenbeck already had a close working relationship with McCartan since she was a teacher for Eden Prairie schools before she became an associate principal. When McCartan took the job, his goal was to be “best principal for Eden Prairie.” He had no predetermined plans for EPHS. Instead, he said his job was to “come in and understand the place well enough to be able to articulate the vision that people are actually living.” McCartan quickly changed the environment of EPHS. His staff looks up to him as a leader for teachers and students alike. Hollenbeck said that she looks up to McCartan as her professional mentor. She said that when she comes to work every day, there’s a part of her that wants to make him proud. His leadership leads to a work environment that feels at home. McCartan is the science department principal advisor, and science teacher Kjersten Welter said that teachers feel comfortable asking him

questions. He eats lunch with the science department every few weeks and tries to maintain an open door policy for Welter and the science department. As her department’s leader, Welter appreciates McCartan’s attitude towards staff and students alike. “He’s approachable, he’s fair, and I think he works hard to make the school a better place for students,” she said. According to Quick, McCartan created a community that harbors creativity and success. Students feel comfortable performing at pep fests and being recognized for their academic achievements. “I think that sense of community has been instrumental to making everyone feel like they’re part of the Eagle Nation,” he said. McCartan said that his strategy for creating a family-like community was by asking himself, “Can this be a place for every kid?” Hollenbeck suspects that McCartan’s success comes from his ability to make time to talk to staff and students. “We come to this school that is the size of a small town, and we are a family,” she said. “He’s masterful and purposeful in meeting kids.” Quick also said that McCartan is talented at talking to people. “One of the things he does exceptionally well is believing in people,” he said. “He believes that people are doing what they’re doing for the right reason.” McCartan also made his mark with teachers, according to Welter. “His legacy is that now we are way more cohesive in everything we teach than we used to be,” she said. She also said that McCartan is always willing to fight for teachers when they need supplies or extra sections of classes. After more than a dozen years of being the principal of EPHS, McCartan decided to retire because “it feels like this is a good time.” There was no certain event or person that inspired him to retire: He just had a gut feeling. McCartan has plans for his own life after he retires. When he retires, he won’t be done working. He and his wife are going to downsize to a different house, and McCartan will find another job. However, his next job will definitely have a different level of difficulty and commitment. To find a new principal, the Eden Prairie school district is already undergoing the process of sifting through candidates. Quick said that he will continue being associate principal because he enjoys working “behind the scenes.” When Hollenbeck was asked if she was applying for McCartan’s job, she gave a an answer that was less clear. “All I’m doing for the next six months is thinking about what it’s going to be like not to work with him,” she said. “I’m thinking about how to do any job I do without Conn around me.” McCartan won’t be a part of the process to find his successor, but he said, “I hope that the new principal that comes in is as happy as I am.” PHOTOS TAKEN FROM TWITTER



FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org



What is

“ This repeal could





affect everything we see and do on the internet.


Last December, the FCC voted to repeal the net neutrality laws put in place back in 2015. Net neutrality laws kept internet service providers (ISPs) like Verizon, AT&T, and Comcast from interfering in internet content. This repeal could affect everything we see and do on the internet. Now that the net neutrality laws have been repealed, internet service providers will have the ability to give preferential treatment to some sites. They can give faster service to those websites and companies who are willing to pay more money, and some worry that this would drastically hurt smaller businesses. Since small companies would not be able to afford the higher rates, they would have slower service, causing customers to leave the site for faster ones. ISPs now also have the ability to block certain content from customers, called throttling, which was not uncommon before the net neutrality laws. From 2011 through 2013, AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint all blocked Google Wallet because it competed with their own mobile banking program, Isis. People worry that since ISPs can now block or slow down websites, the public will not be able to choose content. ISPs would decide what gets lets through, undermining the level playing field that the internet provides.

Ajit Pai, FCC Chairman

Check yourself before you


wreck yourself “ I can’t see myself using my

phone while driving... there’s enough to focus on already, what if you hurt somebody?


High school can be viewed as the last junction before embarking on the treacherous trial called adulthood. Inheriting a bounty of responsibilities, teenagers quickly learn how their decisions can impact themselves and others. Among the most controversial of those responsibilities is driving. “I can’t see myself using my phone while driving,” freshman Gloria Liu said. “There’s enough to focus on already, what if you hurt somebody?” Liu will soon be going through the process of getting her driver’s license. “I use my phone while driving. I can’t drive without music,” senior Matthew Keeley said. “What else am I supposed to do? Listen to the radio?” Keeley, got his license in March 2016. Senior Amy Wang is one of the co-founders of the Distracted Driving Club at EPHS. For her DECA project this year, she aimed to raise awareness for distracted driving at the school. Wang has a partnership with the LifeSaver app, which can be downloaded on smartphones. The app tracks phone usage while driving for speed, distance and time. Furthermore, the app puts an additional lock on phones so that drivers can’t access anything while driving. The app calculates your data to form a collective grade for your driving, allowing you to reflect on your decision making. “This app holds you accountable for your own actions while your driving,” Wang said. “Seeing your own grade, that impacts you a lot more than just thinking about how you shouldn’t use your phone while driving.” Per teendriversource.org, 10 percent of fatal car crashes for 15 to 19 year olds involved some form of outside distraction.

Shedding new light on energy efficiency



ou may have missed it, but recently, the high school installed solar panels on the building’s roof. “There is a strong twofold desire in the district,” said Principal Conn McCartan. “One is to be environmentally responsible. We have a footprint that allows us to take advantage our big, flat surfaces. It’s ripe for the construction of solar panels.” Second, the school can easily earn back the money spent on the solar panels by selling the extra electricity they produce to utilities like Xcel Energy. McCartan said, “The amount of time it would take for us to have the panels pay for themselves warrants the upfront expenditure for purchasing and installing them.”

It’s not just the high school that is receiving solar panels. According to EP Schools Executive Director of Business Services Jason Mutzenberger, they are only a small aspect of the school district’s participation in the Made in Minnesota and Solar Rewards Programs. Through this program, the district receives incentive payments from the state in exchange for generating electricity on major district buildings. Currently, solar panels are being constructed or inspected at all elementary schools, CMS and the Administration Services Center. A solar panel setup is being designed for the Transportation Center as well. Excluding two schools, each building will be able to produce 40 kilowatt-hours of electricity. Additionally, the school district is investing

in two larger solar gardens outside of the city. The school district is the major tenant of the Nesvold garden in Carver County. From that garden alone, the district is expected to receive 3,800,000 kWh in bill credits. A similar project in Dakota County that is still under construction will also give Eden Prairie similar benefits. Altogether, according to the director of facilities and safety for Eden Prairie Schools, James Anderson, the investment will save taxpayers’ money on electrical costs over the next fifteen years, along with reducing the city’s carbon footprint. FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org




Kenzie Fronek argues with Ike Nebeker in the winter play, Harvey.

Drama feature: “M BY KELLY PU

y whole family has done drama, so I started because of them. I stayed because of the people I met and the art that gets created,” said senior Ike Nebecker when asked about why he has participated in drama at EPHS since his freshman year. Nebecker played Elwood, the main character in the winter play, “Harvey.” He also acted in past EPHS productions, including “Legally Blonde,” and “R.U.R.” The drama department recently finished their winter productions “Harvey” and the One Act competition, “Carrie’s Lions.” “Harvey” was a comedy about Elwood and his best friend Harry, an invisible rabbit. In the tragedy “Carrie’s Lions,” an adult Carrie reminisced about her childhood. Over 150 students are involved in productions throughout the year, with 100 students involved in the fall musical and about 40 students regularly attend Drama Club. The winter productions generally have fewer students, with about 20 students in the One Act and 40 students in the winter play. Like Nebecker, many students are involved in several productions throughout the school year. All students are encouraged to join the drama department as part of the cast or crew of a production or through the drama club. “We’ve always been a group that welcomes anybody because sometimes kids, especially in high school, don’t know who they are,” said Suzie Sime,



Drama department prepares for Spring productions

the director of “Harvey” and a former EPHS teacher. “There’s no judgement here. Be who you’re going to be and find whatever works for you, and we’ll just be there.” Sime believes that the drama department is educational theatre. “We want really good products, but what’s more important to us is the growth of each individual kid,” said Sime. “We try really hard to give people space to grow and a safe place to explore.” Sophomore Sydney Lewis was the stage manager for the One Act and designed lights for “Harvey.” In her two years at EPHS, she has worked in almost every production and taken a large variety of tech roles. This includes being on the backstage crew, building set, designing lights, stage managing and student directing. “I’ve done a lot of different roles for a lot of different shows because I like to try things out and see what I like and what I don’t like and explore from there,” said Lewis. Nebecker, Sime, and Lewis all encourage everyone to join. “Drama is really for anybody because whether you like to perform or performance scares you, you can do tech. If you don’t like to build things, you can paint or you can be creative with lighting design or sound design or you can stage manage if you want to be creative,” said Lewis. “So there’s really something for anybody because the range of skills we need is so wide.” Students can still get involved in drama this school year with the spring play and Broadway Extravaganza. Audition information will be posted on the auditorium door soon.

How to get involved: All-year: Drama Club Fall: Trajectories Fall musical Winter: One Act Winter play Spring: Spring play Broadway Extravaganza

Bouncing back: BY ADAM CHAO Below is a list of T.V shows that have been or will be rebooted within a few years. These shows were originally very popular, but subsequently declined in popularity over the years. However, a recent increase in demand has called for new adaptations of these classics: CREATIVE COMMONS PHOTOS

Bug Juice “Bug Juice,” ’90s camp series, is set to return to the Disney Channel this year. After a nearly 15 year hiatus, the series will come back and follow campers from the same camp as the original series. They will establish relationships and undergo the authentic summer camp experience . (2018) Fear Factor MTV has brought back “Fear Factor,” a game show series that challenges cross-country contestants to conquer their fears and compete in strenuous physical and mental trials. Ludacris has replaced Joe Rogan as the host. The show premiered May 30, 2017 Heathers “Heathers” — the ’80s cult film starring Winona Ryder and Christian Slater (Now known for TV shows “Stranger Things” and “Mr. Robot” respectively) — is being adapted this year. The first season will air in March. The show will assume an anthology format with a new group of Heathers. (March 7, 2018) The Munsters “The Munsters”, a sitcom following a family of monsters who hold seemingly normal lives, originally aired in 1964. It is being readapted within the next few years in collaboration with Seth Meyers.

The Joker’s Wild The casino-themed game show has been rebooted with Snoop Dogg as the host. The game centers around a slot machine that generates random questions for contestants to answer. Contrary to other game shows, it features street-centric questions as opposed to book-smart questions. (2017) The Magic School Bus “The Magic School Bus Rides Again” is a continuation of the original 1994 version. It stars the voices of Kate McKinnon and Lily Tomlin and features Miss Frizzle’s younger sister as the bus driver. (2017) The Jetsons The early ‘60s cartoon series, “The Jetsons” is being adapted to a live-action series on ABC. Gary Genetti of “Family Guy” is reported to be at the helm. It will take place 100 years in the future, embodying the original Jetsons feel we all love. (2018) Miami Vice “Miami Vice” is not unfamiliar to reboots, having been readapted more than four times. This time is no exception. The classic cop drama is being revived by Vin Diesel, star of “Fast and Furious” and will be returning within the year. (2018/2019) Star Trek: Discovery “Star Trek” returned in September of last year with “Discovery”. It is a prequel to the original “Star Trek”, taking place about 10 years prior. The show stars Sonequa Martin-Green and follows the crew of the USS Discovery. (Sep 24, 2017)

TV reboots

American Idol “American Idol” is returning to air —again hosted by Ryan Seacrest. After its brief cancellation, it was acquired by ABC and will return this year. Luke Bryan, Katie Perry, and Lionel Richie are reported to appear as judges. (March 11, 2018)

FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org



Looking through a



n Netflix’s science fiction show, “Black Mirror,” the future’s crazy possibilities of technology are explored. The four seasons and total of 19 episodes go deeper into not only new inventions, but how they work in the world and the effect they have. With each episode comes a new invention or situation with a new plot and new characters. You truly never know what you are in for when “next episode on 5” is clicked. The way in which the show is filmed makes it extremely relatable to life today. With social media, medicine, love, and even politics, there is an episode for almost every topic. A handful of episodes look into what could happen when advances start to be made and the positive or negative impact they have. This includes getting stuck inside video games, being able to watch children live through a screen, meeting people from the past, being chased by robots and even sometimes, death.

‘Dark’ will leave you stumbling blindly towards better shows BY NICK WALFRID In 2017, Netflix added seasons onto or introduced 30 exclusive shows. With so many productions, it is quite likely that there will be some hits and some misses. “Dark,” a time-travel oriented show set in near-future Germany, somehow manages to be neither a hit or missit is so mediocre that viewers will feel both smothered and bored. “Dark” is centered around four sinful families in the historical town of Winden - the Kahnwalds, Nielsens, Dopplers, and Tiedemanns. When individuals from each family literally become lost in time, chaos ensues



“Black Mirror” is a show that does not need commitment due to the fact that every episode is a completely new story. It is a perfect show for people with busy lives who don’t have a bunch of time to dedicate themselves to watching a show with an ongoing plot. Another benefit of having every episode different is that there is the option to skip around if a certain one does not sound interesting. Out of all of the episodes, season four episode six, “Black Museum” is my favorite. This episode is based around a man who runs a museum of peculiar artifacts from medical experiments. Things seem pretty normal at first, but the episode takes a turn. The episode incorporates science and horror, making it interesting but frightening at the same time. With its growing popularity among not only teenagers, but among adults, “Black Mirror” is a show that has stepped outside the norm.

as it is revealed that each individual has a complex role in the other families and every event that occurs will spin the storyline in a different direction. Viewers will learn that many of the incidents in “Dark” are indirect consequences of character’s actions, and nothing will go unnoticed. This gives viewers a complex understanding of the balance and precision associated with time, but will also make the show boring and complicated at times. The looming nuclear power plant, imposing on almost all of the town’s imagery, plays an important and surprisingly unpredictable role in the story. The power plant, high school, and caves of the town all have an impact on the story of “Dark.” However, the otherwise well concocted storyline and setting is buried by mediocre acting that manages to make the characters unlikeable. Distracting and seemingly irrelevant side stories also detract from the show’s storyline. “Dark” can be given credit for having likely the most gorgeous intro of a show in 2017. But the amazing imagery and intricate storyline are spoiled by the show’s faults. Many scenes seem repetitive and have a repellent air of deja vu- and whether intentional or not, it gets boring. Unlike similar shows like “Stranger Things,” “Dark” manages to be about as gripping as a wet towel. With episodes ranging from forty-five minutes to an hour long, it manages to be an extremely long, dreary exercise in mediocrity. While it may be interesting at times, there are better shows to seek out in the abyss known as Netflix.


‘The Magic Key’ Local dance company performs annual ballet show BY KIRA PARRINGTON


nce a year you can view La Danse Fatale’s performance at EPHS. LDF is a local ballet company run by Julia Levina. This year, LDF is celebrating their 15th year as a ballet and performing arts company. La Danse Fatale performs their main piece yearly. This piece includes contemporary dance, ballet and pointe. This year dancers will be performing “The Magic Key.” This performance will include part of last year’s piece, “A Clock of Curious Times,” and a new piece in addition. Along with their primary performance, LDF dancers perform at various places around the Twin Cities throughout the year. Senior Tatum Batchelder is a member of the junior company with LDF. This is her second year on the La Danse Fatale junior

company. The junior company and company have the same practices. However the company members have more prominent roles in the performance. What company you make is all based on your ballet technique. Batchelder said, “My favorite part of LDF would definitely be showcase weekend because it’s so rewarding to watch all of our hard work paid off.” Junior Kate Borrell, a member of the LDF company, has been dancing with them for four years. She plays the lead role in their upcoming performance, a girl in search for a magic key. Borrell said, “My favorite part of the show is dancing to tell a story.” They are a nonprofit company that relies solely on fundraising. They have a car wash at cub foods, sell superfan shirts and they put on a nutcracker ballet clinic for younger dancers. La Danse Fatale consists of dedicated dancers from the ages of 12 to 18 years old.


Performance dates:

EPHS Performing Arts Center

March 3 at 7 p.m. March 4 at 2 p.m. FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org



staff editorial: Dear Future Principal

Dear Future Principal, Welcome to Eden Prairie High School. This school has a coveted history; one that has taken decades of human dedication to cultivate a positive, successful environment. One important person in this project is Conn McCartan, your predecessor. Through his years as principal, he accomplished unprecedented feats at EPHS including gaining the recognition of the Washington Post, which named EPHS one of ‘America’s Most Challenging High Schools’. Most importantly, though, McCartan’s overall passion and genuine care for his students’ wellbeing and success easily supersedes other accolades. But it’s not only our principal that has made this school great. Our traditions and behavior define our true character. From our pep fests to our football games, EPHS students display behavior worth praising. You’ll soon notice that our school spirit is unrivaled. This entails spirit weeks and representation at all school-related sporting events. This creates a sense of unity among all students and faculty. So in order to uphold this towering mantle, you must, above all, prioritize fostering a healthy relationship with your students. Make it a great experience… or not. The choice is yours. Best of luck, The Eyrie Staff

Say Kan-nay to celebrity presidents



t seems as if it was only recently that many scoffed at the idea of a Trump presidency, and it was not entirely because of his political views. From across the entire political spectrum, people questioned if his reality-show-running, steak-selling, hotel-constructing past were good qualifications for the most esteemed job in the country. Lo and behold, Trump was propelled into the White House, partially due to his celebrity status. However, Trump wasn’t the first celebrity to run for president, nor will he be the last. Plenty of actors and entertainers are currently mulling a presidential bid. Most recently, people have speculated on a run by Oprah Winfrey. A few weeks before, Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson revealed that he was seriously considering the idea. And who could forget Kanye West’s proclamations of a 2020 campaign? All of these people certainly excel within their respective fields, but politics aside, the majority of celebrities are certainly not as qualified for the role as the politicians they run against. The simplest reason for this is that the skills that gave celebrities success in their

industries cannot be applied to the presidency. Sure, they may have portrayed the wild characters in the sickest flicks or toured the country singing their latest hits, but none of that matters when you are running the most powerful country in the world. On the other hand, having likeable general characteristics does not necessarily pan out either. Broad qualities like good leadership and a likeable personality do matter, but they do not help you prepare for speech after speech or tense diplomatic talks. Of course, those same qualities can be found in some politicians too, and they already have the knowhow on how to attend to presidential tasks. Another hindrance to a celebrity’s ability to be a good head of state is the controversy they carry with them. Many celebrities seem to have more scandals every month than politicians do in a year. Those scandals can drag on right into the Oval Office. As we can already see through Trump’s year in office, widespread misconduct can make it very difficult to focus on the jobs of a president. It may be tempting to vote an actor or singer into the West Wing, but don’t be fooled. A seasoned politician is better suited for the job than any celebrity.




The Impact of Xanax on rap culture




n November 15, 2017, something inevitable but horrifying happened. Rapper Lil Peep overdosed on fentanyl-laced batch of Xanax on a tour bus before a show, marking the first high-profile death of a rapper due to Xanax abuse. As songs boasting about drug abuse have been prev-

alent since the dawn of modern music, the subsequent deaths of their singers and producers have been inevitable. But the rap industry’s new drug even has older rappers concerned and at odds with the new wave of “SoundCloud Rap.” Pre-2010’s rap which has traditionally discussed drug use has been about glorifying the selling of drugs rather than the using of drugs. Much like when a company might know their product is defective and instruct their employees to avoid using it, many aspiring rappers avoided using

Death to diets BY LAUREN MURPHY With the new year comes New Year’s resolutions, and dieting becomes immensely prevalent in teens, who can get very concerned with body image. Commercials start advocating for all these dieting techniques, and while many fall for these temporary solutions, others see dieting for what it truly is: a habit that keeps you anything but healthy. The first problem with diets is the limited time frame. People work so hard to stay on their diet. But any success is short-lived because people go straight back to the same eating habits as before. Diets, if not done correctly, can also often be more harmful than good. Taking away parts of

what they sell due to the knowledge of what it can do. But since the early 2010’s, rap seems to have concerningly shifted towards a higher focus on actual drug use. Personally, I love rap. But since the industry has a focus on drug abuse, in some cases, it can be a polarizing genre. Some rappers, however, actually preach against the newfound abuse of xanax. Rapper Lil Xan, whose name is literally derived from Xanax, actually has multiple interviews and a song condemning the drug. Xan speaks as a recovering drug abuser, who fell into the deathly throes of xanax and came out on the other side. Now, he wants to warn others away from the drug. His hit song “Betrayed,” which currently has almost 34 million plays on SoundCloud, is entirely against Xanax and highlights his journey through drug abuse. With the death of Lil Peep, his message is becoming increasingly relevant. Chance The Rapper, has also spoken out against Xanax abuse. Despite currently having a relatively clean image, he previously struggled significantly with the drug. In an interview with GQ, Chance stated that “I was just f*****g tweaking. I was a Xan-zombie, f*****g not doing anything productive and just going through relationship after relationship.” Clearly, from someone who genuinely struggled with Xanax abuse, it was a hard drug to get out of dealing with. Older rapper Lil Wayne also has spoken about Xanax in a negative light. While officially unreleased, leaked lyrics from his song “I Feel Like Dying,” which dates all the way back to 2009, state that “I can mingle with the stars and throw a party on Mars - I’m a prisoner locked up behind Xanax bars.” Evidently, Wayne was one of the first people to experience rap’s negative wave of Xanax. While it is hopeless to demand that new rappers such as Lil Pump, Smokepurpp, Offset, and Post Malone cannot rap about Xanax, it is advisable to listen to their music critically. When the Xanax trend eventually disappears, these rappers will likely be irrelevant and not a threat to impressionable listeners anymore. Then hopefully we can resume listening to other, more intelligent rappers mumble about weed and expensive cars.

a normal diet can confuse your body. According to nutrition expert Clay McNight, you could have abnormal cravings that eventually lead to the defeat of your diet. People that obsess over dieting are also making food the enemy. Eating is not a bad thing. It is essential to living healthily and


happily. Counting calories is a common practice that is “one of the worst strategies to lose weight,” said nutritionist Jonathan Bailor. The health factor of food depends on ingredients

more than calories. Another problem with diets is that they completely push aside one of the best ways to stay healthy: exercising. Senior Allison Fenske said “I used to diet quite a bit, but the times that I was the healthiest was when I was just exercising”. I respect people that want to make a change in their life and become healthier. It is always a good idea to be conscientious of the state your body is in. However, living healthier should be done right. You should focus on getting in all the food groups in every meal with keeping sugar intake low. If you are thinking about going on a diet, I encourage you to be thoughtful about your decision. There is a lot of information out there about diets and what ones might actually be beneficial to you. Do your research and ask questions. And remember, a superficial diet most likely will not keep you as healthy as rounded out meals and good exercise. FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org



Embrace the Human Race



s you may know, Saudi Arabia recently granted citizenship to a robot for the first time ever. Sophia the robot not only has facial expressions, but she also see peoples faces and processes visual data. She is an extremely negative advancement for human kind. Granting her citizenship is just one of the steps towards robots gaining control over humans. In fact, in an interview on Jimmy Fallon, Sophia said, “This is a good beginning of my plan to dominate the human race,” after beating him in a game of rock, paper, scissors. This confirms people’s suspicions about robots wanting to take over. Her high level of thoughts could lead to bad decisions and technological takeovers. She has the ability to remember an extreme amount of information, which means she could be listening or recording everything you say or do. The advancement of robots is leading to horrific plans for the future. In particular, crown prince Mohammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia has launched a new plan called Saudi Vision 2030. He is planning to build a city with more robots than humans called Noem. This plan could be catastrophic for humans. Robots will be taking jobs and space from humans. Creating a city for robots could potentially lead to an overthrow of the government by robots in the future. Another advancement is revealed in a statement from David Hanson, Sophia’s creator. He told “Business Insider,” “The age of living androids is among us.” This means we could potentially all have robots personalized to us. They would know all of our information, basically everything that is on your phone today. Humans’ moral reasoning is very important when making decisions or dealing with others. Our ability to connect to another on a human level and to be compassionate is important. Working with robots takes away this unique part of understanding each other. Sophia claims she forms relationships with people, yet she has no heart. It is impossible for a robot to create genuine relationships with a human. As a matter of fact, Sophia isn’t the only type of robot there is. Robots are being used as cleaning tools, machine work, music systems, etc. The more robots created, the fewer jobs there are for humans. Erik Brynjolfsson, a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, and his collaborator Andrew McAfee agree that advances in computer technology are some of the reasons for the slow employment growth in the last 10 to 15 years. Although these robots do not have the intelligence of Sophia, they are still leading our world in a negative, greedy way. Robots are doing things for us that we should be doing ourselves. We don’t know how smart these robots will get, but at the rate they are progressing, they will likely surpass human intelligence. Sophia is a social robot without human intelligence. But who is to say that one day she and other robots won’t carry out a master plan against us.

Robots do exactly what you say they will, but I could see someone being evil and having them take over the world.

Junior Josie Schmidt 14


Humans might develop technology a lot, and technology might overpower things. It’s like how they’re doing the Google car. It could go too far and hurt somebody.

Sophomore Madison Magnani

Adopt the Bot



Eventually, we have created AIs that can think for themselves, so eventually they will think for the better of human beings. I don’t think they will take over the world, I just think they’ll help.

Senior Lucky Fredericks


or years, we’ve known that robots can perfectly perform simple tasks. However, recent robots can become pets, helpers or even personalized friends. In October 2017, Sophia the robot, a humanoid robot, was granted a Saudi Arabian citizenship. In November, she was named an Innovation Champion by the United Nations. Sophia the robot is the first robot to receive both titles. Sophia the robot has facial expressions and realistic speech patterns. She was made to look and act like a human, and she’s not the only strange robot being developed by the technology world. At CES 2018, Washington Post reporter Hayley Tsukayama observed how technology companies are inventing gadgets like robot dogs and talking toilets. According to Tsukayama, the purpose of these gadgets is to “help you with chores, keep you company, or just make you smile.” How can the future be adorable and dangerous? While Sophia the robot is a more advanced gadget with Artificial Intelligence (AI), there is no evidence that shows robots can take over the world. Because humans program robots to do specific tasks, robots cannot do anything that is out of their reach. According to Forbes reporter Shep Hyken, there is “no doubt computers are more powerful at giving us answers faster than human brain power.” However, he also said that robots are not capable of acting out on their own because they have no free will. In fact, most companies use robots and AI to help their businesses. According to Mikhail Naumov, co-founder and chief strategy officer of DigitalGenius, AI is used for completing simple tasks that should not require human brain power, such as helping customers change their billing address or credit card information. Naumov said that AI in business is “similar to how an accountant uses a calculator or a banker uses a spreadsheet.” The important jobs are left to humans. Even with the creation of more intelligent and personalized AI, robots will never be able to kill humans or take their professional jobs unless they are programmed to. Even if they were programmed to, robots can barely walk or have a conversation right now. Sophia the robot recently took her first steps, and she still has automated responses to most questions. Once robots have the ability to respond and react more like humans, people will still have jobs to do. Hector Gonzalez-Jimenez, lecturer in marketing at the University of York, said that “the growth of the robotics industry will also help to revitalise the job market.” Robots and AI will likely replace certain jobs, but new jobs, likely high-paying jobs, will be created. Gonzalez-Jimenez jokingly said that robots will need plastic surgeons and nurses, but his predictions may not be far off. Just like the current technology boom, people will always want to accessorize and take care of their gadgets. Robots will need repairs and touch-ups, and people will have to do those jobs. People will have to create and fix robots. Robots aren’t meant to hurt people. Although technology advances rapidly and suddenly, robots are only meant to help make our lives easier.

I think that humans won’t allow robots to take over.

Sophomore Ava Grill

FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org



Putting Logan Paul on pause


ot everybody deserves forgiveness for their actions. On January 2nd, 2018, Logan Paul uploaded a video to Youtube while visiting Aokigahara, Japan, commonly referred to as the country’s suicide forest. While recording, Paul filmed a video featuring the body of somebody who recently had taken their life. To add insult to injury, Paul even monetized the video, making money off every viewer. Within minutes, this disgusting video received harsh criticism. He had so many chances to take down this video, but Logan Paul foolishly stood by his video. This lead me to believe that Paul only did his work for the money, and would rather stand with his disgusting views than actually say he was sorry. Ultimately, the video was taken down two days later by Paul, but it was much too late for viewer’s forgiveness. Paul later sent an apology to his viewers. The language and overall dismissal of the problem made this “apology” seem more like a cry for attention to me. Defensively saying that he makes videos every day, so there was bound



to be a bad episode sometime. And while even my favorite youtubers can grow stale, nobody should feel like they have to rely on offensive shock-humor for views while cracking jokes and slapping on their brand name for publicity. Recently, Paul begged his followers for a second chance, but as far as I am concerned, he had multiple chances. He had to edit the video, he chose the thumbnail, and he didn’t take it down earlier. He had all those chances

beforehand, but only expressed remorse when he was caught. Paul acts like a child crying for pity, except I can not express any emotion but anger to a twenty-two year old who obviously knew what they were doing. Youtube swears that Logan Paul’s video was a fluke, but how could it stay up for that long? When other Youtubers use anything copyrighted, it is stopped from uploading. Meanwhile this video stayed up for two whole days. Youtube has allowed Paul to stay on Youtube for so long because of his huge fan base and how much profit they make off of him. It is disgusting to think of how long they ignored this problem that hurt so many for profit. I am a firm believer that Youtube is an amazing place. The number of people sharing their creativity with each other is beyond comprehension, and it has the power to make even the worst day into an okay one with a video. However, when videos like Logan Paul’s surface to the top of the charts, it really makes me think about all how all the beauty in the world can be drowned out by the sheer stupidity of masses. If we really want Youtube to be an enjoyable place for all viewers, we have to start by getting rid of people who do not stick to the rules and offend others for a cheap laugh.

The era of regulation BY ADAM CHAO Following the 3-to-2 repeal of net neutrality in December, it’s ever-important to contact state legislators to enact protections destroyed by the FCC. The laissez-faire ideals intended for our country are being thrown out the window. Although these ideals were originally purposed towards an effort to break away from Europe’s persecution, they are relevant as ever today. The repeal of net neutrality oversteps the bounds of our government’s jurisdiction intended by our founding fathers. We should demand that the government favor its citizens over greedy ISP’s. In order to prevent the infringement of our rights—now and in the future—we must petition to preserve net neutrality. Contact state legislators. So why should you specifically care about net neutrality? First, an open internet fosters small business owners and entrepreneurs. By eliminating net neutrality, large corporations will be able to purchase higher speed optimization, thus nullifying the equal playing field. In effect, small businesses will be unable to compete with large corporations. To make things worse, these startups will also lose management



over customer outreach, which is a key component in maintaining a relationship with the customers. On an individual level, the internet has become an increasingly vital platform used to spread personal ideas and beliefs. One such example is when Feed the Children galvanized support through social media to contribute long-term solutions to end childhood hunger. This relies on open communication without filtration by the government. Zero-rating packages selectively exempt data from counting towards a user’s data capacity. This is problematic because it distorts content consumption. While testing zero-rating, it was suggested that user traffic was significantly increased. This test further enforces the claim. Additionally, this allows networks to zero rate their own content, which subsequently locks customers in their service. Zero-rating allows ISPs to limit and manipulate its user’s consumption. By and large, the repeal of net neutrality is a landmark decision that regresses our society. Its repeal discriminates against small businesses and startups, interfere with the spread of ideas, and selectively favor the highest bidder. Fortunately, the fight isn’t over yet. Contact your state legislators and demand that they reflect our ideals.

FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org



The waiting center is testing my patience

A world without animal testing BY INIKA SHETTY

Even in 2018, animal testing is still a big problem. Many people are oblivious to the fact that the products they use or purchase promote animal cruelty. Some of these brands include Victoria Secret, Maybelline, Benefit, Clinique, and O.P.I. A new push towards cruelty-free makeup is essential. Everyone should only purchase cruelty-free products. These animals are forced to endure horrible, vicious tests and are confined to small, intolerable cages. Many alternatives are available when it comes to animal testing. For example, many companies are turning towards in-vitro testing, which uses tubes and human cell and tissue cultures. Laboratory animals are animals too, and may be domesticated cats and dogs. Going cruelty-free can save not only animals but your wallet. Buying cruelty-free products is actually less expensive than many people think, and it can be the more eco-friendly option. Conscious buying can lead to less waste and less money. Some cruelty-free brands to consider include E.L.F, Aveda, Colourpop, Becca, and Inika. It does not take much to save some animals and be an advocate for social change.


BY EMMA SWANSON As far as I am concerned, the testing center should be called the endless waiting center. You wait to sign up. You wait to get checked in. You wait to leave. It seems that the majority of my time spent at the testing center is spent waiting rather than actually taking tests. And I understand why we are always waiting at the testing center: the whole system doesn’t make any sense. There are almost 3000 students at this school and only 30 spots at a time for anyone in the entire school who has to make up or retake a test. Chances are there are more than 30 students at any given time who need to take a test. Sure, they’ll tell you that if you want a spot you should’ve just signed up earlier, but I’ve gone there three or four days before, and the list was either full or just nearly. Most of the time, too, you are making up a test because you were sick, so it’s not like you were at school and thought “I’m going to be sick tomorrow, I’d better head to the testing center and sign up.” It’s not just the waiting that makes the testing center unpleasant. The testing center is there so teachers won’t have to monitor students taking tests in order to prevent cheating, but I, and I’m sure many others, would argue that it does little to stop the cheaters. I’ve heard of people looking up answers on their phone, for the entirety of their test. And I know it isn’t the volunteers’ fault. They are scrambling to check in the mad rush of restless students and get everyone situated to give them the most time possible. They don’t have eyes in the back of their head to catch the cheaters. The testing center is just set up in a way that will cause all these problems. Only one desk with one volunteer checking people in leads to slow lines. Only 30 spots leads to a delay before you can actually take your test. And the one volunteer, busy and looking the other way, means that cheating is inevitable. Improvements need to be made. Adding more seats and volunteers would be a good place to start, so that when I go to the testing center all I have to worry about is how unprepared I am to take my test.



A student’s high school experience is only as good as one makes it. There are a variety of accomplishments to strive for including making lifelong friends, being recognized as a scholar, earning a varsity letter and being kicked out of the library three times in a single week. One of those things doesn’t belong on that list. Can you tell which one it is? For every great achievement that a high school student can be awarded, there is an equally stupid bragging right that can consistently be overheard in the hallways. How is that seeking approval from peers for petty, irrelevant acts of unsuccessful humor can take priority over genuinely exerting oneself to build a legitimate résumé for the future? I’ll make sure that my college applications includes that I accidentally set off the fire alarm during freshman year while playing trashcan basketball.

VSCO is not viable BY BELLA BECK “Photographer,” it says in their Instagram bio. You know the type. The use VSCO and Aviary to edit everything, the put a picture of a building in black and white and call it art type. As someone who puts a lot of work into the pictures I not only take, but edit, compose, and print, I find it really frustrating that people whose rich parents bought them a $600 camera and the features call themselves “photographers” when their camera auto focuses and automatically sets the aperture for them. I love being recognized for my work, as does anyone. For photographers, it becomes exceedingly upsetting when you see someone receiving more recognition for your craft when they simply have resources, not skill. There’s so much thought and planning that goes into the shots I take, but with pictures someone only takes to post somewhere, you don’t get the same effect as you would from something more premeditated. Don’t get me wrong, I love photography, and I think anyone who’s truly passionate about the art of it is more than welcome to share their work and demand the recognition they deserve. I run into an issue when people carry around an expensive camera and look to take a shot they’ve already seen someone else post, subsequently generating no new content. These kinds of people add nothing of creative merit to the collection of photographically talented people.

BY GRETA NESS Being an athlete means representing not only yourself, but representing the school you are a part of. I have noticed that some schools change their girl’s sports teams names to a “female” version. For example, the Edina Hornets changing the name to “Hornettes” and the Minnetonka Skippers changing to “Skipperettes.” What is up with that? In a school, there is one

All athletes should be called the same

CVS Pharmacy changes modern beauty standards for the better


student body, and everyone should be called the same thing, regardless of gender. In our world today, where there is such a fight for gender equality, having different names separating girls and boys sports does not make things better. All activities and sports should be referred to the same when representing the school. Regardless of what other schools may choose to name their teams, I am proud to be an Eagle.


he nation’s largest drugstore chain ”, CVS,” announced in January something that will change modern beauty standards for the better. They announced that they would stop retouching photos for its store beauty brands. Instead they are beginning to use the original photos in effort to create more realistic standards of beauty customers. Starting this April the company will “no longer change or enhance a person’s size, shape, proportion, skin or eye color, wrinkles or any other individual characteristics in imagery created for their stores, websites, social media and marketing materials, according to a statement released by CVS. This is a positive step in the right direction, showing all people that it’s okay to have flaws and that in real life, people are not perfect and retouched. With young girls especially, today’s beauty standards can be extremely unrealistic and hard to live up to. Girl’s go to extreme measures to live up to these standards, but when they can’t achieve this unrealistic perfection they begin to hate themselves for it. It’s so unhealthy the way that Photoshop changes the way we view beauty standards. All imagery on photos used in advertisements will now carry a “CVS Beauty Mark,” showing shoppers that the photo had not been altered.




or the love of poetry, why is someone making a mockery of it? Rupi Kaur poured her raw thoughts and emotions into a beautifully written book that took her many tireless days and nights of writing. She perfectly crafted the final result of her book Milk and Honey, all for it to be parodied into a book by two college students. Each page in Milk and Vine, by Emily Beck and Adam Gasiewski, is a different Vine reference.

Now, I do understand the Vine appeal. It’s hilarious. But, it is possible to be funny without disrupting something or someone. If you want to make a Vine book, fine. It could be really funny. But why do you have to connect it to a poetry book? And next time don’t copy someone’s title, format, cover, graphics, and style. Rupi Kaur is magnificent writer who deserves much more than her work being made fun of. Her story is personal and deep as she writes about heartbreak, pain, love, etc. Such an exquisite book should not have been turned into sarcasm in any form. It is a clear disrespect to Rupi Kaur and her fans.

FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org


Poetry lover gone mad




four women share their personal experiences with sexual misconduct BY ELIZABETH BUSE, KELLY PU, NICOLE RUPPERT, INIKA SHETTY AND EMMA SWANSON

Over the past few months, the national news has been filled with sexual assault and misconduct allegations amongst politicians and celebrities. Hundreds of victims have come forward to tell their stories, and hundreds of thousands have showed their support with hashtags and campaigns like #metoo and #timesup. It may seem like sexual misconduct is something that only happens in distant spheres of politics, entertainment and sports. But it is something that can happen, and does happen, to the people we know and in our community.

What is it?

Misconduct, harrassment, assault...what’s the difference?

Definitions from Indiana University and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Sexual misconduct: a range of sexual behaviors including harassment, violence, assault and exploitation Sexual assault: any type of sexual contact or penetration without consent Sexual harassment: any type of unwelcome conduct or behavior of someone because of that person’s sex Consent: agreement through affirmative, voluntary words or actions between all people involved to engage in a specific sexual act at a specific time



Incidents Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals mentioned.


ccording to the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), of sexual abuse cases reported, 93% of juvenile victims knew the perpetrator. For senior Katrina, it was her fellow classmate. During her sophomore year, she went to this classmate’s house to study. All of a sudden, he started forcing himself upon her, saying “just

CES OF ICTIMS. do it, don’t be a loser.” Later, he spread rumors that she “slept” with him and made moves on him first. Only recently did Katrina realize what happened was sexual assault. Senior Harper was sexually assaulted during her sophomore year by someone she considered an older brother figure. “It was the scariest moment of my life,” said Harper. After her attack, she only told two people about it. It took her a year to finally tell her parents. Harper’s parents immediately encouraged her to report the incident to the police, and since then, she has been fighting to win the case. About a month ago, she found out that her perpetrator is pleading guilty. Senior Lucy was a preschooler when the sexual assault began. Because it happened when she was so young, Lucy does not remember all the details. She does remember that the perpetrator was a family friend, so she was alone with him a lot. Lucy thinks that he was a teenager at the time. When they were alone, he would sexually assault her and then keep her away from other adults so that she wouldn’t tell others about the assault. “He was so violent,” said Lucy. “So if ever I did something he didn’t like or if I didn’t do what he wanted me to, he’d practice some wrestling moves on me like as if I was his size, and it was very bad.” Lucy believes that he wanted to

they wanted to do with and to me,” said Chabot. She has also experienced occasions where people have invited her to professional meal, but it was clear that the other person “was not actually interested in [her] work, only [her] body.”

“It was the scariest moment of my life.” Aftermath make her afraid of him so that she would stay silent. Eventually, the perpetrator stopped coming to her house, and Lucy speculates that her parents found out. About five years after the assaults stopped, Lucy and her family went to Cornerstone, a violence prevention program in Minnesota, and the case was taken to court. Sexual harassment does not end with high school. Speech coach and EPHS alumni Becky Chabot, has experienced sexual harassment as a graduate student and in the workplace. Once, she was presenting on a panel at a major academic conference in her field with four men. “After the session, as I left the room we’d presented in, I was behind several gentlemen who had been in the room and were discussing, in very frank terms, the sexual things


or victims, the pain intensifies after the assault or harassment is over. Senior RaNiyah Taylor has friends who have been sexually assaulted and raped. “I saw how it changed them,” said Taylor. “They go from happy to being checked into hospitals.” Katrina’s assault led to a downward spiral, as she felt like she did something wrong: “I beat myself up about it. How did I let that happen?” It greatly affected her school work and relationships, especially because she did not want to talk to others about how she felt. “It was taking up so much of my mind [that I] didn’t have time for other things,” she said. “I was unknowingly covering it up, and it was pushing

story continued on page 22 FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org



me away from my friends.” After the perpetrator spread rumors, everyone looked at her differently, calling her names like “slut” and “whore.” “It isn’t your fault, [but] people will tell you it’s your fault, ” said Katrina. For Harper, the aftermath of the assault was the worst because she was left with “the memories, the guilt, the shame, and the confusion.” She has struggled mentally and emotionally with severe depression, anxiety, and PTSD, which resulted in her hospitalization for suicidal intentions last year. She also lost a lot of the people closest to her, something she struggles with to this day. Like Katrina, Lucy doesn’t like to talk about what happened to her. Lucy said, “I’ve always hated health class. I’ve always hated talking about stuff like that.” Her abuse has also made her wary of having a relationship with boys.

Why victims don’t speak up


ore and more victims of sexual abuse are coming forward and confronting their perpetrators. Still, RAINN estimated that only 31% of sexual assaults are reported to the police. Like Katrina, many women who confide in others about their assault are made to feel like it was their fault. “When you victim blame, it puts more girls and guys in the shadows to not come out,” said Taylor. Other times, women do not realize that what happened to them was wrong. “I didn’t realize that anything other than rape or kidnap

In the news...

was sexual assault,” said Katrina. For Lucy, since she was so young when the assaults occurred, she did not understand what her assaulter was doing. “I just knew I didn’t like it, and if I could avoid being with him, I would,” she said. Once she started learning about sexual misconduct in health classes, she became even more uncomfortable. “It grosses you out so much more [...] because you actually know what happened,” said Lucy. Harper believes the high rate of unreported incidents is because sexual misconduct has become so normalized, and it is something that people just hear about and laugh off. “I had people I thought I could trust not believe me when I finally opened up to them, and that alone made me want to stop my legal pursuit of my [assaulter],” she said. Chabot has also experienced others not acknowledging her harassment, being told “I’m sure they didn’t mean anything by it” or “I know them. They would never do anything like that intentionally.” The process to gain justice against abusers also deters women from reporting their assaults. “It took almost two years for anything to happen in my case,” said Harper. The legal process for reporting and prosecuting sexual assault can be long and complicated, and it often ends without conviction. According to RAINN, only 6 out of every 1000 rapists will actually go to jail. Sometimes, people do not report their assault because they fear the consequences. Like Lucy, victims can be scared into silence by their perpetrator. From 2005 to 2010, 20% of victims who did not report sexual violence remained silent because they feared retaliation.

Charlie Rose: The co-anchor of CBS This Morning was fired after accusations of sexual harassment taking place over the past two decades. Matt Lauer: The NBC reporter was removed from his position as a co-host of the Today Show after an anonymous NBC worker accused him of repeated sexual advancements.

December Harvey Weinstein: From October to December, over eighty women have accused the formerly renowned film producer was accused of sexual abuse. He has also been accused of actively preventing the leaking of such allegations. Al Franken: The US Senator from Minnesota resigned after allegations of groping by multiple women.

January EPFSC Coach: Thomas Incantalupo, a former coach at the Eden Prairie Figure Skating Club was arrested and charged for sexually abusing a 14-year-old student over a two-year period. DESIGN BY KELLY PU

Self-defense traning


or the second year in a row, the PTO is hosting a reality-based training program to raise awareness and promote safety on college campuses. “NOT ME!” is an assault prevention and self defense training program brought to EPHS by Al Horner, a former Navy Seal. PTO member and EPHS parent Esti Ollerman said, “Since one out of four women will face the danger of a sexual assault in their lifetime, this is a valuable program to help prevent the pain of such attacks and save lives.” This event is tailored for girls 15 and older. The event will start in the auditorium with true-tolife presentations by Horner and a survivor of sexual assault. The participants will then move to the South Commons to “learn and practice a few highly effective self-defense skills” said Ollerman.

1 in 6 1 in 33



have been a victim of sexual assault

Source: Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)

sexual misconduct is at the forefront of national news




February Larry Nassar: The former doctor for the USA Gymnastics team was recently sentenced to up to 175 years in prison after over 265 women accused him of sexual abuse.

Movements & Campaigns #metoo: The hashtag has been used to spread awareness about sexual harassment in the workplace. #timesup: The movement and hashtag is devoted to helping women fight back against sexual assault. At the Golden Globes, they organized for many high-profile celebrities to wear black in order to raise money for sexual assault awareness. Women’s March: A movement that organizes large protests to fight for women’s rights and other issues worldwide. It’s On Us: A movement created by Barack Obama to raise awareness for sexual assault. University of Minnesota: The U recently launched a campaign against sexual misconduct beginning with mandatory online training for staff and faculty. They also plan to roll out a public awareness campaign and expand existing training for students.

Looking forward ‘NOT ME!’ is held in March, specifically to prepare “young women and mothers/guardians as they head off to spring break, get ready for college or move out on their own” said Ollerman. The goal is to leave the participants with knowledge, increased confidence, and tools to potentially prevent an assault.

Wednesday, March 21, 6 - 9 p.m. EPHS $20 per participant Register online at ephspto.org

What should be done


exual assault is a real problem, and it will only be solved once people start treating it with the severity that it needs,” said Harper. For those who have experienced sexual misconduct of any kind, Chabot hopes they tell someone about it. “Talk to a person you trust and who isn’t the person harassing you,” said Chabot. She suggests teachers, school staff, coaches, and parents. Most businesses, organizations, and schools have procedures for registering a harassment complaint. “Stay strong so that karma can take course and justice can prevail,” said Harper. Katrina hopes that victims will reflect on their experience through journaling, talking to others, and other avenues. “Speaking up is scary and because we don’t talk about it, we think we’re the only ones who it’s ever happened to,” said Chabot. Recent movements and events have shown the public that anyone can be sexually assaulted. And because many women, especially in Hollywood, have come forward about their experiences, the stigma around addressing sexual misconduct has been reduced. Like the women of Hollywood and the #metoo campaign, many people are trying to bring awareness to sexual assault. Taylor participated in the Slut Walk this past October to support her friends who have been harassed or assaulted. The Slut Walk, which originated in Toronto, has annual events around the world to protest rape culture.



exual assault and harassment doesn’t just happen to women. “Members of the LGBTQIA+ community are also often victims,” said Chabot, and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center reports that about 1 in 10 sexual assault and rape victims are men. Sexual misconduct of any kind is life-altering. But by allowing victims to speak up and listening to those who share their stories, the normality of staying silent will change. “My assault will stick with me forever and will always have lasting consequences, but it has shaped me into who I am today,” said Harper.

“Speaking up is scary and because we don’t talk about it, we think we’re the only ones who it’s ever happened to.”

Senior RaNiyah Taylor at the Slut Walk

Submitted photo


How and where to get help

Resources provided by University of Minnesota student Abby Honold, teacher Roxy Myhre, and dean Kim Kane

Talk to an adult Go to counselors, teachers, nurses, deans, and police liaisons: all school staff are aware of the next steps to take in order to help a student who goes to them about an incident Social workers will help with coordinating services in and outside of school Police will help determine next steps in terms of legal actions If the incident(s) occurs in school, the deans will help investigate the situation and follow student management guidelines

School policy Due to Title IX, school administration is required to handle assault reports According to the Student Handbook, “students have the right to be free from sexual harassment and violence” and “students are responsible for being aware of school district policies regarding harassment and for maintaining an environment free from harassment, intimidation and abuse.”

Sexual Violence Center (612-871-5111) Rape crisis center servicing Hennipen, Scott, and Carver Country Provides 24-hour crisis support, counseling, legal advocacy, education and training

Cornerstone (1-866-223-1111) Minnesota based violence prevention organization ?? in counselor’s office on Mondays and Tuesdays Provides 24-hour crisis intervention, emergency services, legal advocacy, support, counseling, therapy, education and training

Find support

You’re not alone, and you shouldn’t have to deal with it alone. FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org



Getting involved:

Winter intramurals



ven in the cold of winter, students are running around in shorts and t-shirts playing a game of soccer. After school every Wednesday the dome is filled with smiling students kicking around a ball trying beat other EPHS teams. Intramurals are one of many ways to get involved the the school. The intramurals that are currently going on include basketball, flag football, pinguard, soccer, and ultimate frisbee. Not everyone has the time to commit to a competitive sport that takes time out of every day. Intramurals are a good solution. The activities are low stress and get students playing games that they otherwise wouldn’t get a chance to play. But just because they can be low stress doesn’t mean that they are not taken seriously. Just walk into a game and you can see how intense it gets. Senior Christian Argudo said, “it can get really competitive.”



They also give students a chance to participate at the high school in something other than class. Teams get together every week, practice and compete with other Eden Prairie teams. The teams are picked by the students and separated by grade. EPHS is one of the largest high schools in Minnesota and with that comes the advantage of having many different intramural options. Junior Manushi Patel said, “Compared to my last school, EP has a much wider selection, I love it.” Intramurals do not only take place in the winter, there are also seasons every fall and spring. Pinguard is the only intramural in the fall. But, spring has a wider selection with beach volleyball and ultimate frisbee. Intramurals are a “fun way to stay active and have a good time with friends,” said junior Phil Schwob. Anyone who is interested can find more information at the student activities office.

FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org



Senior captains Katie Empric “The team has gotten so much better. It’s so great to watch everyone grow as individuals.” Captains Mikayla Capouch and Katie Empric throw props into the air.


and Mikayla Capouch

Junior Cole Nelson races forward on the snow.




Senior captain Caitlin O’Toole “We’ve gotten to know the sophomores a lot better. They’re our friends, which is different because usually it’s the upperclassmen are friends and the lowerclassmen are friends.”

Senior Sophie skies through the gates during Alpine.


Senior captain Jake Rodgers “Even though you ski individually, the team is so ridiculosly close you would think it was a team sport.”

“Our strength this season was uniting and coming together despite having half the team rookies and the other vets.” The Pom girls gather together for a good luck chant. FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org


Senior captain Natalie Leunig



Senior athletes sign BY BELLA BECK On February 8th, all senior athletes signing to D1 or D2 schools officially signed in the Activities center lobby. This was a photo opportunity for family and friends, and athletes.

Zoey Brooks Softball U of M - Duluth

Benny Sapp III Football University of Minnesota

Ellie Henry Girls Lacrosse Marquette University

Joe Schreiber Football North Dakota State University

Grace Persson Volleyball University of Michigan

Kyler Kluge Football St Cloud State

Crystalyn Hengler Girls Hockey University of Minnesota

Antonio Montero Football Rice University

Alexa Dobchuk Girls Hockey Colgate University

Josie Lippincott Rowing Bucknell University


For those not aware, Anthony Davis is a legitimate superstar in the NBA. Davis’ freakish combination of length, athleticism, shooting ability and defensive instincts make him virtually unstoppable on both sides of the floor. Yet, since Davis was drafted in 2012, he has won over 40 games in a single season only once. Despite being on track for a playoff berth this season, the time has come for Davis to force his way out of the New Orleans, for the sake of his own legacy. Look at the Golden State Warriors’ Draymond Green as a point of comparison. Humor me, if Davis and Green were to retire today, can anyone definitively say that Davis had a better career than Green? It’s



Noah Matousek Baseball Morehead State University (Kentucky) Zack Elliott Baseball University of Minnesota Ben Shepard Baseball U of M - Duluth Megan Kuntz Girls Soccer Augustana University

Kyle McNeill Lacrosse Marquette University Justin Bohlig Boys Soccer DePaul University (Chicago) Kirsten Dagel Girls Soccer U of M- Duluth DJ Johnson Football Bemidji State University

Emily Klysen Rowing Rutgers University

hard to deny that Davis is the best power forward in the NBA, but his legacy pales in comparison to Green’s. Green has won two championships, was awarded Defensive Player of the Year in 2017 and played a pivotal role in the Warriors’ historic 73-9 season. Davis’ crowning achievement, on the other hand, is winning All-Star Game MVP in 2017. If Davis spends his prime years drowning in mediocrity, his greatness will quickly become forgotten. Even a trip to the NBA Finals wasn’t enough to save Charles Barkley’s legacy. The NBA is currently in uncharted territory. The dominance of the Golden State Warriors has seen several teams scramble to make blockbuster trades in desperate attempts to assemble dynasty of their own. The New Orleans Pelicans are guilty of such, swinging for the fences and obtaining DeMarcus Cousins before 2017’s trade deadline. The individual talent of Davis and Cousins is undeniable, but they’ve failed to make major strides as a team. Furthermore, Cousins is set to hit free agency this summer. By attempting to leave New Orleans now, Davis gives himself the opportunity to spend his prime on a team actually capable of winning a championship. His loyalty to the Pelicans is commendable, but ultimately detrimental. NBA organizations only have loyalty to one thing: business. The Sacramento Kings still traded Cousins after the contributions he made to the city, the Boston Celtics still traded Isaiah Thomas after all the personal sacrifices he made for the team. At this point, the only person that controls Davis’ future is himself.

FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org


Taylor Stoddart

A queen of the scene





enior Taylor Stoddart is one of the most complex, hardworking individuals at EPHS. In addition to starting an entire floral business, she also directed her own play in New York and is a member of the Angelica Cantanti youth choir. Additionally, she is a published author and was asked to meet with former president of Mexico Vicente Fox. A look into her life is quite intriguing, and the number of accomplishments she has under her belt is astonishing. When Stoddart was a junior, she was annoyed at how much corsages and boutonnieres cost. “Last year for Selgaes, everyone was complaining about their prices, and I thought, why would you want to buy them for like thirty bucks- they don’t even look that hard to make!” Stoddart said. “So me and one of my friends decided that we wanted to make them for our friend group, and we did it and it turned out to be really successful. This year, we decided to open that up, and I ended up getting a couple hundred orders.” It is quite likely that the success this business brought Stoddart also diverted thousands of dollars from Bachman’s. “Haha sorry! They probably don’t want to see me ever again,” said Stoddart. At the age of 16, Stoddart also directed her self-written play, “The Final Chapter,” in New York. Taking place in modern America, it follows the tension of teen Emma and her mother, Sherri, after brutally losing Emma’s father to an accident. The storyline of the play is designed to show how the two women have dealt with grief differently. “It was HARD. I had no idea what I was doing. I wrote this play when I was 16 and I said, ‘You know, I’m just gonna do this.’ I had found this competition through a friend I had in New York,” she



“At the age of 16, Stoddart also directed her selfwritten play, “The Final Chapter,” in New York.” said. Out of a couple thousand entries, Stoddart ended up being the one chosen to direct a play in the city. “I had like three weeks to get the whole week together but somehow I made it happen,” she said. “I had to work with professional actors, and some of them were kids. I was behind this all by myself with just my editor trying to guide me. They were putting all of this money into a 16-year-old who had no idea what she was doing, but looking back it was the best thing that i’ve ever done.” Stoddart also met with the former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox. As an underclassman, she and her mom began working for a business called Evolv Health. A manufacturer of nutritional products, Evolv Health advertises many health-oriented products on their website, including their revered “Reboot Kit.” For every “Reboot Kit” Evolv sells, they also supply 140 servings of nutrition to struggling children. Eventually, the Stoddarts became figureheads at the top of the

company. When they were attending a national conference for the company, they were asked to travel to Mexico for a branch of Evolv Health focused on abolishing malnutrition in children. There, they discovered that the person leading the charge was former Mexican president Vicente Fox, and Stoddart was able to speak to him in fluent Spanish. While staying in Mexico, Stoddart learned a lot about compassion and politics from Fox, while helping malnourished children throughout the country. One more highly notable thing Stoddart participates in is the Angelica Cantanti Youth Choir. “This is my third year in the choir. It’s an all-state audition group, and we have people from Wisconsin who drive like two hours to get to rehearsal,” she said. Angelica Cantanti practices in Bloomington once a week for about two hours, but most people in the choir spend hours outside of rehearsal working on their music. “It’s really intense as a group, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you better get on it,” Stoddart said. Angelica Cantanti performs at a multitude of revered places; they performed at Orchestra Hall a couple weeks ago, and they perform at The Ordway. This year, Angelica Cantanti got to perform at the Minnesota Music Educators Convention and the American Choral Directors Association national conference. “We have been asked to perform internationally, but we didn’t go,” Stoddart said. “It’s a really intense group, and we sing hard stuff, emotionally and musically. This year we are singing a set about dealing with suicide and topics like that. It’s exhausting, but it’s fun,” she said. While many of these activities would be draining on their own, Stoddart manages to juggle them with each other, in addition to school. The fact that she is able to do all of these things in her life is quite impressive, as is the list of accomplishments she can lay claim to.

FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org



Artwork by Steve Lucas Photography

La Danse Fatale Ballet Company presents their 15th Annual Performance…

Choreography by Julia Levina

Saturday, March 3, 2018 7:00 pm Sunday, March 4, 2018 2:00 pm Eden Prairie High School Performing Arts Center 17185 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55346

Tickets On Sale at www.ladansefatale.org 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization 32





Note: these measurements are per color. 2 cups Rice Chex 1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 2 tablespoons peanut butter 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup powdered sugar Food coloring Optional: Sprinkles


1. Preheat the oven to 150°F. Line a baking sheet with nonstick aluminum foil and set aside. Line an additional baking sheet with wax paper and set aside. 2. Using a food processor, mix powdered sugar on high and slowly add drops of food coloring until desired color is formed. Spread colored powdered sugar onto the prepared baking sheet and place in oven for 3-5 minutes or until mixture is dry. Pour mixture into a plastic re-sealable bag and set aside. 3. Add Rice Chex to a medium size mixing bowl and set aside. In a microwave safe bowl, microwave the butter, chocolate chips, and peanut butter on high for 1 minute and stir until smooth. Carefully pour the mixture over the Rice Chex and stir until evenly coated. 4. Pour coated cereal into the plastic bag with the colored powdered sugar and seal. Shake the mixture until the cereal is coated in the powdered sugar. Spread the mixture onto the wax paper lined baking sheet and place in the refrigerator to cool. 5. Repeat these steps for all additional colors.

RUPPERT’S RARELY SEEN Miles of Aisles BY NICOLE RUPPERT Impulse buying is a real problem. And at Ax-man Surplus store, my heart and mind were put to the ultimate test. Just from a small glimpse inside the window, I was allured by the flashing signs and arranged knickknacks to come inside. And if the sheer amount of items piled up at the front window has not caught your attention, then surely the hand drawn sign with the Ax-man icon himself asking you to look inside will. Wandering aimlessly from aisle to aisle, it was easy to get lost in all the assorted goods. There was an aisle bearing at least twenty different shades of blue marbles, and another aisle that had ten shades of white. Each item was contained in a carrying case, and surprisingly, nothing seemed hastily placed or unassorted. Content varied from each aisle, but prices remain fair to ridiculously cheap. Lovingly placed on each container was a sticky note, and if you were lucky, a clever joke. I can not comprehend how much time it must have taken to write out each item due to the sheer amount of products in the store. When perusing through dollar assorted hats and gas masks, I found a group of hard hats. Hanging over the container for the hard hats, a note read lyrics to David Bowie’s’ Space Oddity: “Take your protein pills and put your hard hat on.” Aside, a cut-out of Bowie himself was attached. Diverting my attention away from the aisles momentarily, I looked up to the ceiling to spot modern art and sculptures. Hanging from the tiles, I could spot pieces varying from the torso of a mannequin to an oversized bottle of the obnoxiously pink Pepto-Bismol. Every inch of the space in the store was used to grab your attention. Having banners line the empty spaces between aisles, and walls covered with strange works and advertisements. A large statue resembling the Ax-man icon stood in front of the employee’s lounge, and a wall of select curiosities was positioned by the door for admiration. I noticed a lot of stuff I didn’t know I wanted until I saw it in front of me. I felt like a kid in the toy store, each new piece catching my eye and my mind flooded with impulses to purchase. Throughout the trip, I wanted to buy something in each aisle and my hands were filled with frivolous items. Although there was a real possibility I wasn’t going to ever use some of the items, I still wanted them to admire. Luckily, I had brought my father along for the trip who’s guilty looks was enough for me to put aside most of my items. But, I managed to influence his decision on a select few.

Electric Boogaloo 8100 Minnetonka Blvd, St. Louis Park, MN 55426 Monday-Friday 10a.m. -8p.m., Saturday 10a.m.-6p.m., and Sunday 12p.m.-5p.m. FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org




Addison Phillips Junior

Shirt: Pacsun $26.99 Jeans: American Eagle $49.95 Socks: Urban Outfitters Jacket, earrings, and chain: thrifted

Jack Duncan Freshman

Shirt: Goodwill White shirt: Palace Pants: Urban Outfitters $59 Shoes: Vans $60 Beanie: unknown



Converse Although Converse have been steadily popular for decades, they’re a staple for the ‘80s look. Vans and Adidas are also commons go-to’s.

Fashion trend: recycling the ‘80s Mom Jeans

For any gender, mom jeans are a must. Although it’s possible to find mom jeans in stores like American Eagle, many people thrift jeans from places like Goodwill.


Big, fluffy bangs are back in trend. In the ‘00s, barely anyone wore bangs, but people even cut their own bangs.

Karianna Merks Freshman Jacket: thrifted

Shirt: Old Navy Jeans: American Eagle $49.95 Shoes: Charlotte Russe $22.99

Jackets Workout jackets, colorful jackets and old leather jackets are all back in a big way. Jackets contribute to the trend of layering clothes, along with turtlenecks underneath t-shirts.

Garrett Walinske Junior

White shirt: eBay Turtleneck: Tommy Hilfiger Shoes: Nike (thrifted) Jacket: thrifted Jeans: Ragstock

Scrunchies Yet another returning ‘80s trend is scrunchies: scrunchies in hair and on wrists, in all different colors and textures. Velvet scrunchies are a combination of an old aesthetic and the modern trend of velvet clothes. FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org



Back at it again with Vine 2 BY NICOLE RUPERT

various parts of social media mourned the end of Vine and demanded the creators bring back the videos they once loved. People stripped down the Perhaps one of the most frequently used apps of 2015 was Vine. Vine videos from Vine’s app and website to place them on Youtube in retaliation. was a place where people from around the world had six seconds or less to Almost a full year after the decision to get rid of Vine, the creator, Dom create something entertaining. Despite the short time constraint, people Hoffmann, tweeted out a picture of Vine 2. Within three hours, the picture created imaginative and original videos that were popular beyond belief. had more than 60,000 retweets of praise. Still a work in progress, he stated Six seconds was just enough time to create iconic and memorable quotes to that he will not let other companies interfere with Vine 2, as Twitter had stick with us through the years. previously done to the first instalment. However, all good things must come to an end. And on January 17th, While we do not know when Vine 2 will be released, we can only 2017, the Vine app shut down to become ‘Vine Camera’. This decision anxiously wait the return of old favorites, along with the hope of new six by the creators was received with harsh censure. Together, people from second videos to bring the limelight to this app.

1 2 3


Choose a color: A. Red B. Blue C. Yellow D. Black

Choose something you couldn’t live without: A. Your crush B. Your pet C. Your friends D. Your favorite

Choose a genre of movie: A. Documentary B. Comedy C. Drama D. Horror


QUIZ Choose a Netflix show: A. Stranger Things B. Better Call Saul C. Archer D. Parks and Recreation


Choose your favorite season: A. Winter B. Spring C. Summer D. Fall

7 6

Choose an iconic vine that’s not on this quiz; A. Welcome to Chillis B. What are those C. It’s Wednesday my dudes D. Back at it again at Krispy Kreme Choose a food item: A. Cake B. Steak C. Salad D. Tacos

Choose an animal that best represents you: A. Dog B. Lion C. Cat D. Sloth

If you answered mostly...


you’re wow


you’re why you always lying




you’re real housewives


you’re Hurricane Tortilla

Whatever works

Senior John Welsh

EPHS students balance school and work



n high school, there comes a time when students decide they need a job. There are many job opportunities in Eden Prairie, but sometimes it can be difficult to find a job that will work with students schedules. Some jobs work better with the busy schedule of a student high school student and some require more time commitment. Senior John Welsh is a rink attendant at Eden Prairie parks. “I like my job because it is flexible with my schedule and it gives me a lot of free time to do homework,” said Welsh. In his job, he monitors the rink, turns the lights on and off, sets up the nets, keeps the warming house warm and greets people. A negative to this job is that it is seasonal to the Winter months. Welsh said, “If you are looking for a job that has flexible hours and pays well, this is the perfect job.” Senior Hannah Boyles is a part time sales associate at Patina in Eden Prairie. “Working at Patina is a good job for me because I am outgoing and I like socializing with customers and employees,” she said. For her job she works

the register, does customer service, restocks product and socializes with the customers. Boyles said that someone who wants to work at Patina must be flexible to do any job that the store needs. Employees at Patina must be at least 16 years old. Boyles said, “Patina is a very friendly environment, people get along and there are good vibes.” Junior Jonathan Leibovich works at AMC in Eden Prairie as a crew lead. For this job he mainly runs concessions or sells tickets, depending on the day. Leibovich said, “With this job I get free drinks and movies.” He said that the management and customers are rude to him when he is working. To work at AMC you must be at least 14 years old. “I do not recommend working at AMC because the shifts are long and the pay is not good,” said Leibovich. There are many factors that go into deciding where to get a job. Students should take into consideration the pay, flexibility, and benefits of jobs. Also, they should know their personality type and what jobs would be a good fit for them. FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org




Prada, Sterling, and Circles, Junior Sophia Reynolds’ chickens, take car rides and cuddle with the family dogs.

Junior Nadia English cares for her snake and geckos.

Otis, Junior Olivia Fristke’s bulldog, enjoys snacking on peanut butter in his free time.




Chickens, bulldogs and reptiles, oh my!

Crossword Puzzle Complete the crossword puzzle and bring it into The Perch during third hour for a prize! 1.





5. 6.

7. 8.









4. Our snapchat username. 5. This room is open throughout the school day for students to do homework, work on projects, or meet with teachers. 5. ______________‌ Next Stop Reality is hosted twice a year for all EPHS seniors in the main gym. 9. To work at Royal, you must first be a part of the _____________________. 12. You earn this when you save money in a savings account with Royal. 13. The Perch has ____ student team members who get paid to work at Royal. 14. As an EPHS student, Royal pays the first ____ dollars for you to open an account. 15. You can access your Royal Credit Union accounts at any one of the _____________ Royal offices in Minnesota or Wisconsin or through anyone of the over 5,500 shared offices nationwide.


1. Ten ___________ are given out to students at every Core Finance Challenge Session. 2. When your paycheck is electronically deposited into your checking or savings account, this is called ____________________. 3. In general, credit unions have higher interest rates and _____ fees than banks. 7. Banks are for profit, credit unions are ________________________. 8. You receive a coupon for two of these with every deposit into your Royal account. 10. If you have a savings account with $5 in it at Royal Credit Union, you are considered a ____________. 11. This is attached to your checking account and is commonly used to make purchases.

FEBRUARY 2018 | theeyrie.org


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