2 minute read

Renew & Refresh

WhileMarchandAprilmaybetoocoldtobeginworkinginthegarden,Maymostoftenbringsthe warmer temperatures required for serious preparation. May 1st is a feast day of fertility, bringing the earth backtobeblessedbythesunforgrowth.


No matter the size of your yard or gardens, the warmth of May calls for getting in touch with MotherEarth.Reviewyourcurrentplotofland.Noteanychangesmadebythewinterweather.If minimal clean up is required, rid the leaves and any winter deadfall. Raking or “fluffing” mulch, turning over the earthinvegetablegardenplots,andpruningbushesareallagreatideaaswell.Don’tforgetthattheremay beplantsanddecorationswhichhavenotsurvivedthecoldweatherandmustbediscarded.

Or are you inspired to make alterations? Revise the outline of a flower bed. Change out the plants in the same. Replace an unwieldy shrub with one of more appropriate size. This might be the year to switch the theme of the gardens – different plants, in the same. Replace an unwieldy shrub with one of moreappropriatesize.Thismightbetheyeartoswitchthe more appropriate size. This might be the year to switch the theme of the gardens: different plants, flowers and shrubs, and different decorations. Or, forexample,tryafairythemeorabeetheme. Should change be your choice, I suggest going the economy route. Garden spots often have slightly damaged decorations which they will be happy to sell at reduced prices.Afairy statue with a broken wing or an unraveling bee skep – the wee folk and the bee folk will bless you for rescuing from the trash something which looks at home in your garden. Consider varying vegetables. Try somethingmoreexotic:heirloompotatoes?

Think about a more rustic yard instead of a manicured lawn. Several trees have been removed from my property; one autumn the trees culled were not large, and they were put intact at the rear of the yard. By choosing to not fully remove those trees in the spring, their trunks and branches became a haven for chipmunks, squirrels, and ground birds. Although this was only temporary for one year, it was visually delightful to have provided a playground for earth’s creatures. Finally, set a schedule for regular mowing/maintenance with a professionaloronyourowncalendar.

Perhaps you only have windowsill or balcony gardens, or kitchen gardens of herbs. Even ifyouhaveonlydeck,patio,windowsillorbalcony

When's the last time you ot to pick a olklorist's brain?

If you've always wanted to take a folklore class, or you're a writer or artist using folklore in your work, or you're just generally interested in the topic, this is the book for you!

Folk music, ballads, proverbs, jokes, urban legends, body art, and more genres are covered in this accessible guide to the academic study of folklore from author, Dr. Jeana Jorgensen.

“Dr. Jeana Jor ensen knows her stuff and knows how to communicate it. Folklore 101 is a treasure trove o knowled e,thekinditwouldtakeyearso colle ecourses to accumulate yoursel. I you're curious about academic olklore, this clear, en a in book is where you want to start."

– Dr. Sara Cleto, co-founder of The Carterhaugh School of Folklore and the Fantastic


FOLKLORE 101 by Dr. Jeana Jorgensen space, it is possible to make changes. If satisfied with your plants and flowers, bless themandnourishthemasalways. to recap:

One very last important action, remember to leave a gift for the wee folk after any and all gardening work, and especially on April 30 – Beltane Eve. Try a bottle cap full of honey, or beer! A shiny trinket or glass bauble works very well, too. They will bless your plot of earth, be it outsideorinsideyourhome.

Idonottrackastrologyindepth,butI dotrackthescheduleofMercuryRetrograde. The first full phase of 2023 begins April 21 andendsMay14.Thisisacomplicatedtime, with many different interpretations and beliefs. Too much for this writing. Further reading may be found in many essays and opinionsontheinternet.

March –Cleansing/Protection

April - Worship/Honoring

May - Renewal/Refresh

Ritualscanbeasintricateorassimpleasyouwish. My preference is mostly simple, occasionally elaborate. Keep in mind most important in any project, process, or ritual is intention. Prior to the activity, decide what you intend to accomplish. Set and ground, meaning be calm andbestill,anchoredtotheeartheitherstandingorsitting. Call upon the four elements or the four directions or both. North = Earth, Green; East = Air, Yellow; South = Fire, Red; West = Water, Blue. Upon completion, express gratitude to tools used, your body and mind, and help requested/provided.

Notation: each element is represented by a spirit being. Fire–salamanders, water–undines, earth–gnomes, air–sylphs.Moreabouttheseinthenextessay.


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