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Deborah W. Sage is a native of Kentucky, USA. She has been published in Enchanted Conversation: A Fairy Tale Magazine, Eternal Haunted Summer, Literary LEO, and the 2022 Dwarf Stars Anthology.
Aformerbusinessexecutive,whoafteryearsofbeingcommittedto thebottomline.isgainingequilibriuminherpsychethroughher endeavorsinfolklore.
Image: Amanda Bergloff
JudeTullilivesintheSonoranDesertwithhisbelovedwifeTrish and a small pride of cats. His fairytale inspired works have appeared in Enchanted Conversation and Timeless Tales and his novelette Faegotten isavailableonAmazon.
Image: Amanda Bergloff
Odyssa Rivera Abille is a writer from the Philippines. She is the author of two poetry collections entitled “Like A New Sun Rising” and“FromWhereIStand”.Herpersonalessayshavebeenfeaturedin Amendo, The Good Men Project,and DoYou Yoga.
Image: Picryl
KellyJarvisistheSpecialProjectsWriterandContributingEditor for The Fairy Tale Magazine. Her work has appeared in Eternal Haunted Summer, Blue Heron Review, Forget-Me-Not Press, Mermaids Monthly, The Chamber Magazine, and Mothers of Enchantment: New Tales of Fairy Godmothers. She teaches at Central Connecticut State University.
Image: Theodora Goss Photos, Amanda Bergloff