Flash Fiction Contest Runner Up
Come child, and drink from the Cauldron of Cerridwen. And when you rise Take the storm winds with you. Come child and drink. Suck on the breast of the Siren and let the manna drown you. Sinking, staining water pink. Come child, and lay your head on the lap of the Great Morrigan. Raven wings wide and Counting the dead. (Gaze across that battlefield, littered and crisscrossed with corpses of bastards ready to pay) Come child, and jump on the back of the Valkyries. And when you soar sing the Rune song of Mother & Crone. Come child and stand at the Crossroads of Hecate. Peer into the fates and the future and Tell your coven what you see.
Ah, you maiden, you girl child, let your rage flow. Rage for the ones before you who burned and who hung. Be reborn in the castrated foam of your father. Oysters and mollusks widen their maws to spill pearls at your feet. You goddess, you storyteller Child, you are eternal. You are me, and her, and she, Mother, Maiden, Crone, our Fury makes us one.