Volume 1.
Issue 13.
The Falcon
A Keen Eye For News
Monday, November 19th, 2012
UM Continues to move forward with renovations page 2
Arts & Culture
The Falcon Reviews: The Beatles remastered arrives on vinyl and CD. RENT page 3 page 4
The vi l e crimes of Jimmy Savi l e RELEASES MOVIE
Red Dawn Release Date: November 21st, 2012 by Matt Lord Staff Writer Rise of the Guardians Release Date: November 21st, 2012
Life of Pi Release Date: November 21st, 2012
Hitchcock Release Date: November 23rd, 2012
The App Killer Release Date: November 23rd, 2012
Submit announcements facebook.com/ thefalconmontevallo
Jimmy Savile, best known for British TV shows Jim’ll Fix It and Top of the Pops, has come under investigation for the sexual abuse of multiple young girls during his career. Though he passed away in October of 2011, only recently has there been a formal investigation. After the ITV documentary Exposure: The other sides of Jimmy Savile possible victims came forward with claims of sexual abuse. The formal investigation started Oct 19 of this year. Scotland Yard has revealed that they are looking at 300 cases of victims coming forward with allegations of Savile’s sexual misconduct. The victim’s claims consist of everything from inappropriate touching to rape.
The cases span throughout Savile’s time working for BBC, and some of them reportedly took place at the BBC building in London. Scotland Yard is leading a national Investigation on the actions of Savile, and his associates over the years. Commander Peter Spindler of Scotland Yard referred to Savile as “one of the most prolific sex offenders in recent history”. Arrests of possible accomplices have
been made as part of the investigation in the Saville case. The first arrest made was Gary Glitter, a convicted sex offender and possible accomplice of Savile. The three other men Freddie Starr, David Lee Travis and Wilfred De Ath were arrested shortly after. Police have warned other accomplices of Savile that “we’re coming for you”. The investigation being called Operation Yewtree is aimed
at finding those still alive that are linked to the sexual abuse that took place at BBC when Savile was working there. Spindler who is heading the operation believes it to be a turning point for child abuse investigations as a landmark effort. Stoke Mandeville Hospital and Leeds General Infirmary are being investigated because of a strong connection to Savile who frequented both hospi-
tals. Savile did charity work for both hospitals, visiting the children’s wards regularly. Savile even had a private bedroom at Stoke Mandeville Hospital. Dr. Raymond Brown who worked at the hospital is quoted as saying: “He wasn't a person I was mad about but he was a philanthropist and he was responsible for getting an enormous continued page 2
Inside Agenda 21:A greener future duced by humans in developed and developing countries. The United Nations (UN) puts forth the following as a way to combat human consumption and waste:
by Andrew Meechum Associate Editor As we look at Agenda 21, Section I: Social & Economic Dimensions, we see that some of the policies outlined are already in full effect. Chapter four outlines steps to develop, “national policies and strategies to encourage changes in unsustainable consumption patterns.” These patterns refer in large part to the amount of industrial and commercial waste pro-
4.19. …society needs to develop effective ways of dealing with the problem of disposing of mounting levels of waste products and materials. Governments, together with industry, households and the public, should make a concerted effort to reduce the generation of wastes and waste products by: (a) Encouraging recycling in industrial processes and at the consumed level; (b) Reducing wasteful packaging of products;
(c) Encouraging the introduction of more environmentally sound products.
Being as Agenda 21 was agreed upon and signed back in 1992 it’s easy to see the effects it is having globally in this respect. According to 2ndgreenrevolution.com, recycling rates have jumped from 16% in 1990 to 33.8% in 2009. And benefits-of-recycling. com estimates a 100% increase in recycling over the past decade in the United States alone. So Agenda 21 may, in part, be responsible for the green movement of the past 20 years, and it really can’t be argued that
this isn’t a good thing. What should be of concern are the methods by which Agenda 21 aims to meet its goals, even the recycling ones. At the opening of chapter four the UN sites that, “Developing national policies and strategies to encourage changes in unsustainable consumption patterns,” as one of their goals. This sounds fine and dandy until you read into the language used. While nations and their peoples are free to develop their own national policies to address issues, their policies must fit into the framework outlined in Agenda 21. This would ultimately position the UN to have oversight
over any laws or regulations the US adopts with concern to consumption and recycling. Article I, Section I of the US Constitution clearly states, “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States…” it does not however state that any foreign, or international body, may possess the power to introduce, pass or enforce laws or regulations that effect the American people. If indeed the UN intends to dictate the methods by which we create, distribute, use, and dispose or recycle our consumer and industrial goods and materials, we have more than our liberty as a
sovereign nation at risk. According to Agenda 21, Chapter one, paragraph four: The developmental and environmental objectives of Agenda 21 will require a substantial flow of new and additional financial resources to developing countries, in order to cover the incremental costs for the actions they have to undertake to deal with global environmental problems and to accelerate sustainable development. Financial resources are also required for strengthening the capacity of international institutions for the implementation of Agenda 21. continued page 6
The Falcon
Monday, November 19th, 2012
Page Two
“Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets.” -Napoleon Bonaparte
UM continues progress Three states,
by Kyle Jones Editor-in-Chief The SGA Arts and Sciences Constituent Meeting was held Nov 15 in Comer Auditorium. The event sponsored by SGA representative Evan Brock, welcomed guest speakers Mr. Billy Hughes, Director of Physical Plant, Dr. Tammi Dahle, Dean of Students and Dr. Rick Barth, VP of Enrollment Management. Hughes spoke on the recent improvements to campus. The physical plant has been working on systems upgrades and the infrastructure of many campus buildings, including the newly renovated Napier Hall, which received new restrooms and windows totally $700,000. Main Hall is one of many projects upcoming for renovation and improvements. The Physical Plant plans to install new energy efficient windows to save money, laying new carpeting and replacing furniture in not only Main but Lund and Tutwiler as well. Making all past and new improvements possible is a $10 million bond received from the Board of Trustees. Hughes said that the Physical Plant is making an aggressive attempt to do something with the money to improve cam-
pus. Hughes also says, “We’re planning projects so it has less impact on students and faculty.” Hughes spoke on the partnership between the university, county and city and its efforts of creating a college town atmosphere in downtown Montevallo. The majority of the funding comes from the county and city to revitalize Montevallo’s ailing Main Street. The university’s Barnes & Noble bookstore was planned to be opened on Main Street by homecoming but Hughes says the project is behind and won’t make it until sometime in the spring. Coming projects also include a major revamp of University Lake, with the potential addition of a classroom/pavillion and the pursuit of a boardwalk around the lake. The biggest news for the lake and students is coming in late spring the university will offer canoes and kayaks to be checked out for use. This project also provides jobs for lifeguard certified students. Dean of Students Dr. Tammi Dahle spoke on the restructuring of student affairs and the move to the Dean of Students model. Due to this year bringing in the biggest population in housing since 1995, the restructuring was necessary. The move to this title is an “administrative philosophy” says Dahle. Dahle described it as a more recognizable title and students and parents will be able to understand that more, “We felt like we needed to talk their language” says Dahle. The Dean
of Students plans to be more involved in campus life and plans to improve student life here at the university. Dr. Rick Barth, VP of Enrollment Management is instituting a plan to recruit more students to our university starting with a revamp of our website. “It is critical we get more modern with our website” says Barth. Barth says that it revamping our website is essential to recruiting more students, due to the fact that by sophomore year high school students are already exploring online what colleges they might want to attend. Barth is aiming for a total of 3,000 students, no more. To do this, the university will not lower their admissions standards but instead have been recruiting out of state and improving accommodations and support in an effort to recruit more international students. To meet their needs a full time nurse and physician assistant will be brought on full time in the coming fall semester. The university is on a steady train of improvement. Ambitious plans have been laid and are being carried out by more than qualified professionals. Though most students will not see the majority of these improvements and restructuring in their time here, it shows that the administration is moving forward and changing with modern times, all while keeping what makes our university so unique.
been a child molester. Former Chairmen of the organization Sir Roberts said this about why Savile was banned: “I think we all recognized he was a pretty creepy sort of character. When I was with Children in Need we took the decision that we didn’t want him anywhere near the charity and we just stepped up our child protection policies which again would have put him at risk if he tried anything.” Savile has also been linked to the infamous House De La Garenne, known as the Jersey House of Horrors, after human, possibly child, remains were found there. The Care Home, located in the British channel island of Jersey, was investigated
back in 2008 for child abuse, and was shut down. A photo has been leaked that shows the star with children on the lawn of the care home. Savile denied ever going to the place until the photo was released in 2008. With the recent allegations against Savile, more is coming out about accusations made towards Savile in 2008, during the investigation of child abuse at House de la Garenne. In light of the allegation Savile’s family has had his gravestone removed. The granite marker read “It was good while it lasted”. It was removed in respect of the unfavorable public image of the late Savile. The investigation is currently on going.
continued amount of money for the hospital. He would come into the wards, and I never saw a problem with him doing so – all the doctors knew him. I am absolutely shocked by all of this." The Guardian reports that nurses at Stoke Mandeville claim to have feared his visits, and told children to pretend that they were asleep when he was there. Amongst the arrest and allegations, information about concerns over Savile’s behavior over the years are being released. Savile was banned from BBC’s Children in Need charity. He was banned from the organization over a decade ago, because it was believed that he may have
three students
by Reed Strength Staff Writer T h e 2012 Presidential election saw many long term effects on the country. In addition to Barack Obama’s reelection as President and the legalization of marijuana in two states, political strides were made for those of gay orientation in the country. Passed by popular vote, three states now accept same sex marriage. The citizens of Maine and Maryland passed the measures of “Question 1” and “Question 6” respectively that would allow same sex marriages in their states. Same sex marriage has also been legalized in Washington State, with the results coming in late the day after the election. A c cording to CNN, the measure in Maryland won with 51.99% of the vote. Previously, the measure had been shot down in the state thirty-nine times. CNN also points out that the passed measures may have a direct link to the shifting attitudes about gay couples in America, with the number of Americans that approve the unions “standing at 60%” this year In addition to the three states accepting same sex marriages, a law in Minnesota was shot down that would’ve forbidden same sex marriage in the state. There are now a total of nine states that approve gay marriage. However, the previous six were passed due to court and legislature action, not popular votes. While the states recognize the legality of same sex marriage, they also clearly state the right of religiously conscious clergy to refuse to wed same sex couples if it goes against their doctrines. Another victory for gay Americans came Tuesday night when Wisconsin voters elected Democrat Tammy Baldwin as Senator. In her victory speech, Baldwin
said she would “wake up every day and fight for the middle class”. She acknowledged that she was not only Wisconsin’s first female senator, but the “first openly gay member”. In a Los Angeles Times article, Jon W. Davidson, the legal director for gay rights organization Lambda Legal, pointed out that President Obama’s televised endorsement of same sex marriage helped the victories on election day . Davidson is quoted as saying Obama’s “shift” made it “easier” for “other politicians” as well as “African American churches” to “change their positions” on the issue. In the same article, writers Maurla Dolan and Alana Semuels also point to gay rights activists changing their message to appeal to the masses. “Instead of asking voters for equal rights, they emphasized that gays, like heterosexuals, wanted to formalize their commitment and protect their children”. While major news networks weigh in on what passed during the election, University of Montevallo students are also taking in the news. Jordan Green, a junior Psychology major and RA, along with Pablo Urbina, a freshman and member of SGA offered their thoughts on Tuesday’s night’s decisions. Green thought that last Tuesday’s election was “a great success, especially for gay rights and marriage equality”. He thought that the popular vote deciding gay marriage rights in the three states shows “a good change in attitude within the population.” “I think a lot of people are realizing that being gay does not make you unqualified for anything anymore than being black or a woman doesn’t qualify you for anything”, Jordan stated about Tammy Baldwin’s victory and the trend it could lead. Urbina felt similar to Green, stating he was “all for it” and that it was a “step in the right direction” when asked about the three state’s new measures. Urbina felt that other states would follow suit, but noted
that it would be a “slow process”. In reaction to Baldwin’s victory, Urbina felt that other openly gay officials would be elected, but noted that it wouldn’t be any time soon. “I think as the years progress there are going to be more and more people who are going to feel comfortable with their sexuality and they’re just going to come out and be like ‘I’m gay, or I’m bi, I’m going to run, whatever’”, predicted Urbina. Sam Phillips, a sophomore Mass Communications major, reflected on the passed measures and what they meant for his future as a gay citizen. Phillips says that both the new marriage laws and “the president’s support for equality [makes me] feel like change is coming faster than ever”. “It’s sad we have to vote on rights at all, since rights are rights, but at least we’re getting closer to where we need to be”, Phillips admits. Though the victories are huge, Phillips is still able to acknowledge the long road ahead. “We have to remember that thirty-nine states still have laws or constitutional bans on marriage equality”, said Phillips. Phillips said that, though the election of Senator Baldwin could be part of “a string of new gay senators”, her victory, “is just the latest in a long line of trailblazers in the US government”. He also points to the election of “several women” and the passing of “rational drug laws” as other progressive stepping stones. Overall, Phillips says the progress makes the world look bright “for all the kids just now coming out.” “A gay couple I know went to New York to get married recently. I can’t help but hope that maybe in a couple of years when I want to get married, we won’t even have to leave Alabama”, said Phillips. What are your opinions on the measures passed on November 6th? Will the government eventually step in to legalize gay marriage all together? Will things continue to progress smoothly, or will there be long court battles fought before homosexual couples are given equal rights? Let us know your opinion on The Falcon Facebook page at www. thefalconmontevallo. com or our Twitter account @TheUMFalcon.
The Falcon
Page Three
Monday, November 19th, 2012
The Falcon Reviews: RENT by Kyle Jones Editor-in-Chief The second production of UM’s fall theatre series was an ambitious production of the famous rock musical Rent. Ambitious, because providing the scale and scope needed for such a renown and powerful show proved difficult with the space and talent provided. Rent takes place in the East Village, a hip neighborhood of New York City, the story centers around a cast of bohemian artists and performers bent on surviving one way or another. Rent is a story of love, rebellion and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, also known as AIDS. The characters battle themselves, each other and the establishment until they eventually discover what is most important to them in life. Starting with the atmosphere, the crew and set designer did a fantastic job turning the small space into an intimate industrial brick loft apartment, but with props on stage, the large ensemble and the narrowness of the stage it often felt like a cramped alley. What did stick out was the amazing skylight and spiral staircase “fire escape”. Both of these pieces helped break up the clumpiness and fight the sense of claustrophobia, while also providing new dynamics and levels in the small space. When the action began and the opening
number was in full swing it felt like the actors and ensemble really wanted me to know that they were in fact acting and that this was a musical. The words to the song “Rent” were all replaced in my mind with “We’re on stage! On stage! We’re actors in a play on stage!”. What did save them in the early moments of the show was that despite having the entire cast on stage their direction and movements worked very well together and were from what I could tell free from error. The lead role of Roger Davis, played by Caylan Sallas was lackluster and his interactions with love interest Mimi Marquez, played by Melissa Lawler seemed forced and generally uninteresting. Despite their lack of connection and chemistry, where these two do shine is in their voices. The show in general is literally carried by the fantastic voices of the cast, leaving other things such as acting and stage presence to be acceptably overlooked. The show did not find its full stride until the “Today For You” musical number, centered around Barrington McQueen’s character Angel Dumott Schunard. McQueen’s talent allowed the audience to forget about the downfalls and weaknesses of the previous numbers.
Maintaining such wonderful singing all while jumping up and down from table to floor and parading across stage was impressive, and set the tone of what was to be the remainder of the show. It was evident after this number that the rest of the cast was energized by it and knew they had to improve to this level. This all came to fruition during the most beautiful and powerful scene of the performance. “Contact” and “I’ll Cover You-Reprise” was the most well executed and commanding scene of the night. The stunning movements and sereneness of Angel’s death scene had the audience choked up and fighting for air with single tears cascading down their faces. Korey Wilson who plays Tom Collins, shines and carves out his place in the cast and in the minds of the audience as he holds down the moment with an overwhelmingly powerful rendition of “I’ll Cover You-Reprise”. At this moment, my opinion of this production and the musical itself was decidedly changed. The gusto of this scene provided a wave of emotion to be rode just long enough into the closing of the show before mediocrity could set in once again. For someone who has never seen Rent, the plot can some-
times become lost in the multiple voices and misunderstandings, due to the fact that the show is almost entirely sang, with very minimal dialogue actually being spoken. Some moments needed clarification that could be lost for someone unfamiliar with story, which is no fault of the cast. A message of love is left for audience members as well
as a sense of sadness with an importance of holding close to you what is important and beautiful in life. Overall, the production was a very ambitious effort for the UM theatre department and gave us a preview of the fantastic work possible of the young and talented cast and crew.
For more sports news check out Falcon Fever at youtube.com/montevalloforyou, every Wednesday.
The Falcon
Page Four
Monday, November 19th, 2012
Vinyl Remasters Breathe New Life into Timeless Beatles Catalogue
by Matt Sanderlin Arts & Culture Editor Two irreplaceable members of the Fab Four might have passed on, but the music of the Beatles has endured agelessly. 2009 saw the highlyanticipated CD releases of the remastered Beatles catalogue, and 2012 sees the classic catalogue return to the format that made the band famous - Vinyl. Each record is pressed on heavyweight, 180gram (the higher the number here, the better) vinyl from 24-bit samples of the 2009 remastered, stereo source. I pre-ordered Abbey Road, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, and Rubber Soul, and all three arrived promptly at my house on Tuesday. I listened to the three albums, in chronological order, with at least 12 hours of breathing room in between each to properly soak in the music. First up was Rubber Soul. This is where the Beatles first started experimenting with “psychedelic” sounds, and this new-found boldness victoriously re-
sulted in keen hits like “Nowhere Man,” “Girl” and “In My Life.” The album kicks off appropriately with the clever story-song, “Drive My Car.” The clarity of the sound is instantaneously remarkable - The high ends are crisp (snare drum, guitars) and the low ends are strong and punchy (deep bass drum, and Paul’s brilliant bass line). The harmony is clean while still maintaining stunning warmth, which isn’t something that can be said about the CD version. The album continues to impress, quality-wise, throughout - “Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)” overflows with earthy acoustic guitar tones of incomprehensible depth, “Nowhere Man” bursts with radiant vocal harmony in a dazzling scale of towering highs and breathtaking lows, and “I’m Looking Through You” sounds more jangly and textured than ever before. A definite step up from the alreadynotable CD remasters for Rubber Soul. I then popped in Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, largely considered to be the best Beatles album (as well as best album in general). The album features many more of the Beatles most recognizable songs, including “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,”
Review: Guided By Voices -The Bears for Lunch by Reed Strength Staff Writer Guided by Voices is one of those bands with a discography so dense, it can be intimidating to know what to listen to first. A look at their extensive output, from their nineteen proper studio album to the multi-disk “Suitcase...” series, showcases more material than bands twice their age have released. The “classic” Guided by Voices lineup that made the band’s most recognized albums, “Bee Thousand” and “Alien Lanes”, have certainly left the biggest mark on the band’s catalogue having made three new albums this year. Pitchfork writer Stuart Berman stated in his review of their new-
est album, “The Bears for Lunch”, that GBV “seem determined to make the most of this second wind and release as much music as possible while they can still physically withstand the scissor kicks and windmills.” B e r man’s view seems too workman like for a band like GBV. A friend once described listening to the group as an equivalent to jamming in a band, and the joyous nonsense that flows from their albums seems to uphold this. Pollard just possess the mental means to make songs that no one else would think of releasing, especially those at a label seeking profit. T h e great thing about GBV
“With a Little Help from My Friends,” and “When I’m Sixty-Four.” Honestly, I wasn’t as impressed with the sound quality, right off-the-bat. Certainly, the opening title track sounded very good, but the “wow” factor I’d previously experienced listening to Rubber Soul wasn’t as apparent, initially. “Getter Better” and “Fixing a Hole” sounded really open, and “Lovely Rita” was actually the star of the show, as it boasted a massive low-end boost and an overall deeper sonic atmosphere compared to the CDs. Other tracks like “When I’m SixtyFour” and “Within You Without You” also succeeded grandly, embracing strong sonic color and emphasizing the album’s deep soundscape. It’s a nice transfer, but I was left wanting a bit more in places. It’s certainly still worth owning, but it’s just not as spectacular of an upgrade from the CD’s or the original source. Abbey Road was last. This was technically the Beatles’ last album, and is also considered a contender for their all-time greatest album. “Come Together,” “Here Comes the Sun,” and “Something” all reside on this beautiful masterpiece of an album. Immediately, the bass makes itself known. It coos, it purs, it groans No CD can handle this
umph. The complementing electric guitar part is sharper and more gritty than any previous mix, and the vocals sound literally live. After only a minute of “Come Together,” I felt like the Beatles were performing exclusively for me in my headphones. The Beatles and I continued jamming all morning - “Oh! Darling,” the rogue stomper of the set, piercing my headphones like lightning through clouds; “I Want You (She’s So Heavy)” the hypnotic, chaotic Side A finale, alternately pulsating and
grooving with unbelievable vigor and power; and “Because” swelling and simmering with unearthly and, ultimately, unmatched results. And then the Side B medley.. The English dictionary fails me here, but “dreamy” and “spellbinding” are decent attempts at describing such a gorgeous sound. Compared to any other version of Abbey Road I’ve ever heard, this one is the best. It’s fuller, more colorful, and more alive. It’s a magnificent thing, and even if you’re not yet a Beatles fan, you should pick
this one up on vinyl. On the whole, the Beatles stereo vinyl remasters are highly recommended. If you have a record player, or are considering getting one in the near future, these reissues are a clear necessity. If you’re lucky enough to have an original pressing of a Beatles album, it probably sounds great - But the 180-gram remastered reissues are certainly a step up. What’s your favorite album to listen to on vinyl? “Like” us and let us know on our Facebook page!
is their consistency. While “Bee Thousand” and “Alien Lanes” are arguably their best collections of tracks, they’re not essential to understanding what they sound like. While GBV’s thirty year career has seen them trying new fidelities and lineups, their “throwing every possible idea at the wall” approach is seen on nearly every album with their name attached to it. March’s “Let’s Go Eat the Factory” showed the band at their quirkiest, bringing back the anything goes ideals of old, but sacrificing tunefulness on the way. June’s “Class Clown Spots a UFO” hit a slightly sweeter spot, collecting songs that were both catchy and strange. Now, we have “The Bears for Lunch”, a nineteen track collection in which Guided by Voices sound exactly
like Guided by Voices. P o l lard spends a lot of the time rocking out on “The Bears for Lunch”. Opener “King Arthur the Red” rockets things off with a crunchy guitar riff as Pollard and co. harken to the “Mag Earwhig!” days. Other tunes like the less direct, but no less rocking “The Challenge Is Much More” and strange “Finger Gang” rely on distorted guitars to do the heavy lifting. Tobin Sprout, the sweeter side of GBV, supplies some of his best songs of the band’s reunion on the album. “Waving at Airplanes” is a jaunty and joyous number backed with a choir featured chorus. Elsewhere, the dreamy “Waking the Stars” comes off like a Simon & Garfunkel tune, with Sprout musing “As I’m waking up the stars/I’m wondering how their
feeling/speeding across the ceiling/as I’m wondering once more”. L e a d single “She Lives in an Airport” is a triumphant rocker, where Pollard may or may not be singing about a sexy airport stewardess. GBVs’ song lyrics are often openly interpretive affairs, with lyrics that either don’t make any sense or are ambiguous enough to lead to several conclusions. W i t h three albums released, and sixty-one tracks between them all, there’s bound to be some failed experiments. Where “Let’s Go Eat the Factory” seemed to pick up the most of them, the treading “Tree Fly Jets” and the alcohol wary “Have A Jug” are strange, but short numbers that luckily don’t spend a lot of time bogging the rest of “The Bears for Lunch” down.
Where thin songs like “Dome Rust” are easy to dismiss, some of the more fleshed out songs fall as well. Closer “Everywhere Is Miles from Everywhere” attempts to shoot for anthemic GBV, but the band is weak on the verses and fails to buildup release for the otherwise great chorus. Despite the typical excess GBV albums are known for, most of the tunes found on “Bears for Lunch” range from enjoyable to great. Nineteen albums into their legendary career, GBV show that a band sticking to their guns and doing whatever they want can still succeed to pump out songs that fans new and old will want to discover and obsess over. The Falcon gives it a 7/10. Follow me at @ReedStrength
The Falcon
Page Five
Monday, November 19th, 2012
An Eerie morsel of Dommel by Reed Strength Staff Writer Dommel Mosel, the stage name of singer/guitarist Adam Measel, made his second appearance at Eclipse on Monday night. I’d seen Measel open for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Useless Eaters in September, where his charisma was impressive, but his sound shaky. Measel was joined once again by Chris McCauley on bass and John Paul Foster on drums. The last time I saw Measel, his backing band seemed thrown together, as if they had volunteered that night to help him out. This time, the set felt like more of a rehearsed effort. Foster was holding back at first. His drumming was fun and playful when he backed up Measel in September. He held a worried expression on his face at the beginning of Monday’s set, but gradually began to loosen up and smile. His playing became a tumbling array of fills that shook his whole body. McCauley was a little more reserved this performance as well. Measel, however, seemed much more confident. Where he was once shy and
giddy at the chance to perform, he was rooted and relaxed this time. Measel’s guitar tone was harsh and ragged, a dry distortion that he used to create ragged walls of chords. His songs were prone to sounding the same. However, despite their similarity, his tunes were pleasant enough to avoid becoming stale. Indeed, Measel’s set was anything but a drag. His tunes seemed better played and better sung this time around, compared to the quality heard in September. There were several moments when Measel’s band mates would look to him to signal when to stop the current song. This resulted in Measel’s songs ending with sudden, un-synced breaks between the musicians. M e a sel’s final song was a fast number. He and his makeshift band locked into a loud jam. Foster began a rapid drum solo, building tension for a release. Before Foster could strike a final drum hit, Measel and McCauley ended the song. Foster looked at a laughing Measel with playful frustration. These guys were friends first, and their loose set exuded playfulness over rigid and rehearsed showmanship.
The Eeries performing at Eclipse Coffee and Books Next up were the Eeries. Where the band name might suggest a group of goth punks akin to The Misfits, the sound they made harkened back to the sunny doo-wop rock n’ roll of the 50’s. L e a d singer and guitarist Mike Kriebel looked the part of a young Billie Joe Armstrong. Bassist Randy Vale (Halen) was a bearded and burly looking dude. As intimidating as he looked, his playing stance was anything but. Vale kept a locked position during the entire
set, his legs spread wide as if he was about to run. The bassist would rock back and forth on the balls of his feet as he would play and sing harmony, a look of intense focus on his face. Drummer Andy Earle was a lightly mustachioed drummer that looked a lot like Blake Anderson from Comedy Central’s “Workaholics”. His drumming was focused and tight, his fills never leaving space between Kriebel and Vales’ playing. Earle and Vale sang harmony, and
Twilight: Breaking the trend
by Mandy Steadman Staff Writer Never in a million years would I ever believe that this could happen. My head is dizzy with just the thought of this. The newest and last Twilight film, Breaking Dawn Part 2, is actually a good and decent movie. Now before you exit this page or move on to the next article take this into consideration. What does this film have that its predecessors lack? The first, and one of the most important, things that changed with this newest film is the leading lady. Who taught Bella how to smile?! In this film, Kristen Stewart has a lot more personality and she is pretty funny when she takes on the role of protective mother. Yes, she does her usual head twitch and monotone voice for most of the film, but there are quite a few moments that she
seemed to finally break through as an actress. Don't get me wrong I am not saying she was fantastic in this film. She was still very awkward to watch and didn't use a lot of inflection. In past roles she has always had this expressionless feature about her and has seemed to have a hard time with showing true emotions. This includes movies like Snow White and the Huntsman, Adventureland, and the previous Twilight films. Now let’s take a look at the twists and turns in this film. The script is well written and Bill Condon really took advantage of the potential of this last movie. The book, Breaking Dawn, involves lots of tension, planning, and experimenting. Condon took this idea created by Stephanie Meyer and added his own twist to it. The climax of this film is extremely clever. It really comes out of nowhere and will even have non-Twihards stunned. The fighting sequence in this film have tension and brutality. It’s really hysterical to see a vampire and a werewolf fighting on
Photo:Reed Strength
the same team. It takes lots of clear choreography and organization to have two different fighting styles working together in one scene. Another thing this movie has that the others lacked is good sarcastic comedy. There simply isn’t enough good sarcasm in the other films. The added dose of sarcasm in the script really helps to brighten up the characters and helps the actors let go a bit more, especially Stewart. Is Breaking Dawn Part 2 a flawless movie? The answer is absolutely not. This film is pretty boring in the beginning. There is no fluctuation of tension or excitement. It just goes from event to event to event almost as if it is just setting up the reason for the climax rather than building up the tension and excitement so the audience can slowly slide closer and closer to the edge of their seats. Here is the big question: should you pay 10 dollars for a ticket to see Breaking Dawn Part 2? Truthfully, it is only worth it if you have seen all of the predecessor movies and/
or have read the books. You do not have to be a fan to see this film. I went into the movie theater having very low expectations, and yet I came out of the theater impressed and stunned at the fact that
Kriebel’s boyish voice sang songs of puppy love won, wanted and wounded. Kriebel’s guitar playing was dynamic, with riffs that jumped and popped. While the band played an old school sound, they often acted their age. Between songs, the members would burp into the mic. Whether it was an intentional nod to just how funny a burp can be, or the need for a release of gas, the band wasn’t shy about showcasing their more natural sounds to the audience. Like Dommel Mosel, the Eeries ended their
set with a bang. As the tempo of their last song rose, Kriebel and Vale rush strummed, eventually facing each other, locked into a manic battle of noise. Meanwhile, Earle bashed and tumbled behind them, adding crashes to the clamor. The jam ended, and the band thanked the audience. As they began to pack up their gear, they were offered a place to crash for the night. An alright show can get you applause, while a great show lands you a bed for the night.
Photo:Mandy Steadman
a Twilight film finally surpasses those low expectations. It proved to be the best out of the entire saga, hands down, plus it’s worth it to be a witness to the end of the Twilight era.
The Falcon
presents the
Page Six
Movember Update
Week 3 by Kyle Jones Editor-In-Chief It’s week three into Movember and we’re still going strong! First off I’d like to thank whoever donated to the cause, it is our first and only donation so far and we truly appreciate it. I hope this act of kindness and charity has inspired a few others to donate to this very wonderful event. Remember that all proceeds go directing to fighting men’s cancer via the Livestrong foundation. So far its been a difficult cultivated this fine mustache, the first half of the month is a very awkward and discouraging time for mo growers. Its a battle to persevere through the insults of “cruststache” and accusations of creepyness. For myself, my stache is finally settling in, its become fuller and has taken a solid proper shape. I hope that by the end of the month I will have the handlebar curls coming off the side like in previous
years. Ben Aslin on the other hand has solidified his mustache as an ode to NASCAR fans young and old, with an a la young Jeff Gordonesque stache. Still not much going on with our young stache writer Reed Strength though, but do not lose faith, we’re only a little more than halfway through. Also, being that the majority of our team are young single males, the staches have not done much for us in the positive female attention department. But thats not the point of this, we’re not doing it for our gain or as an embarrassing bet. We’re sacrificing our social dignity for a cause, and one we find very important. Check in on us in the mini issue next week to monitor our progress, and please do not forget to donate to our team page by going to www.movember.com and searching for The Falcon or for any of us to the side.
Editor-And-Stache: Kyle Jones
Contributing Stache: Ben Aslin
Donate at: http://us.movember.com/ team/458089 Stache Writer: Reed Strength
Jingle Records
AGENDA continued
As you can see above the UN needs money to meet their goals, not unlike any other government or institution. However, what should be of note is that the “new and additional financial resources” mentioned don’t come from the UN’s confers, but rather from the developed nations. That means us. Right now our national debt is over $16 trillion and climbing, our economy is on the brink, jobless rates and layoffs look to be on the rise again, and we are expected to dole out money to help developing nations conform to the sustainable development doctrine of Agenda 21. Helping other nations is an activity America has long participated in, even prior to Agenda 21. According
to an article by Jim Lobe with the North America Inter Press Service, the total amount of foreign aid the US will spend in 2012 is $53.3 billion. Also bear in mind the part about money being needed for “strengthening the capacity of international institutions.” As a member state we already voluntarily and involuntarily pay toward the multi-billion dollar UN budget each year. The goals outlined in the first section of Agenda 21 sound amenable, but the cost may prove too steep. Come back next week as we crack open Section II: Conservation & Management of Resources for Development. Despite how it sounds, it won’t be boring. Let us know of any questions, comments or concerns you may have about Agenda 21 on Facebook or check it out for yourself here.
The Falcon
next weeks issue
Monday, November 19th, 2012
the staff
Page Seven
Editors Editor-In-Chief: Kyle Jones Associate Editor: Andrew Mechum
Art & Culture Editor: Matt Sanderlin
-Mini Issue due to the holidays.
Sports Editor: Joseph Antonio Campus & Local Editor: Joseph Thornton
Staff Writers
Rosemary Maguire Mandy Steadman Neal Embry Reed Strength
and more... November 26th, 2012
Contributing Writers
Matthew Lord Clarke Stackhouse
Photographer Dillon Owens
Web www.facebook.com/thefalconmontevallo @theumfalcon www.thefalconat.tumblr.com
is accepting articles and applications for staff positions contact us at thefalconeditor@gmail.com