Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
The Falling Leaf Review A Monthly Literary Review

The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
THE FALLING LEAF REVIEW Copyright (c) 2016 Jay Victor Ruvolo Publishing Editor, Jay Victor Ruvolo All Text by JVR
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
Table of Contents HERA’S TIT; or, THE SOUL OF GENIUS
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
round with me, my writing, what I write, how I write it, where it ends up, I end up, which end is up? Not always where or when I had intended to end up. Another time recorded,
syllables and church bells. I ask and ask for whom they are tolling . . .
when I first headed out on the page, the flat page that belies its
How to say what I have tried to say while getting sidetracked into saying so much else other than what I had initially intended to say, so much so that the title of this piece had to be
multidimensionality…I go, I come, I end up—I up-end what? I
revised to include, or point to, what had become the bulk of what I
Tarkovsky was a man. Tarkovsky was
eventually did say, that is, what I had
a Russian man. Tarkovsky was a film
to say—to have to say or not to have
director. Tarkovsky was a Russian
to say—I do repeat myself often.
film director, an auteur. Tarkovsky
What did I have to say, having
was an event in the history of film.
said what I have said herein? Another
His films were the reverberations, the
question posed to impose, no more
after shocks of this seismic event.
answers. So, now what? This could
Tarkovsky made some of the
be the question that segues another
most beautiful films. I know this and
sequence . . . the only thing now to
other things about him, know why he
say is what I am saying, all of this
is great, know why he is significant,
around and around on this merry-go-
know why his films are beautiful—I
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
know why his films are genius—he is
another or another of our received
a genius.
ideas from whatever angle of
Because I know why he is
approach you might be coming at
great, it pains me to say I do not like
whatever topic is the axis of
him; and it might be him more than
his films—how could it be him? I do
Tarkovsky is pretentious in spite
not ask, did not ask, will not. How
of being as great as he is, and this is
could it be personal? I do hate when
because he is pretentious, not
rebuttals are offered in a particularly
because he is Russian . . . and yes, I
reductionist manner: Oh, you just
do say that there is a particular way
don't understand Russian life; or, You
he is pretentious that is familiar to me
cannot understand the Russian soul.
from my contact with so many
Those comments are absurd--as if
Russians--or Russian speakers,
you needed to be American to
when they are not ethnically
understand Whitman, and if you were
Russian--here in New York City, so
not American, Whitman would be
maybe some of what I find offensive
incomprehensible and pretentious
about how pretentious he is is in the
and cliche . . . no, not true. Kurosawa
way he is Russian, unavoidably
probably got Shakespeare better
Russian, and that means in a way
than many Brits, and even Brits who
that is unavoidably Soviet, which may
teach him at Oxford, which is not to
or may not signal one thing or
say that you do need or should need
another and another, all of them
a university degree to get
again in petty paces creeping up and
Shakespeare, or that if you
down the cortex, what I have been
have one, you must certainly be
taught to think, to say. I imagine that
separate from an organic
the same would be true about
understanding because that would
Americans or Italians for someone
equally untrue.
from outside whatever context of
Please do not
mistake what I am saying for one or The Falling Leaf Review
observation one imagined he was 5
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
observing from within . . . what do we
because this role is laid out for them
see, what is it we do when we look,
to play, and also because freedom is
to look, you could say in French
not what it used to be, not in how we
regarder, thus, I look would be je
package it, sell it, buy it, manipulate
regarde, which by turn of morphology
the idea in the media to meet the
would be like saying I keep again; to
ends of power and money in this
keep in French is garder. To watch
totalitarian bourgeois capitalist
the same as to look, regarder, to
society, a society as totalitarian
keep again; but then to watch is to
capitalist as Tarkovsky’s was
guard, is it not? They reciprocate, do
Totalitarian Bourgeois Communist,
they not? Yes, my soul to keep we
and do not blink and pretend you do
asked as children of God, now I lay
not understand what I am saying. I
me down to sleep; I pray the Lord my
love Tarkovsky’s films, but I still find
soul to keep . . . Guard me from
him pretentious in the way a guy I
harm, Oh Lord? Watch over me, Lord
knew used to find Fellini pretentious,
—protect my soul, keep me safe, Oh
but then maybe we are just both
God. In English, traditionally, jails
talking out of our asses . . . and you
were also called keeps, yes, a keep
have to be able to see that our
was a jail, which comes from gaol, a
mouths and our anuses are
word that comes to us from the
connected in an unbroken link. It is
French. To guard, to watch, to keep,
impossible not to talk shit or speak
to protect, to hold, to have, to save?
straight out of our asses, one end or
What then do we say we are saying
the other mutually collaborative in
when we say what we do how we do
their expression. Some people do
where we do to whom we do?
speak no better than they flatulate.
Maybe great Russian artists are
I do hope when I finish the film I
not among the teeming masses of
am working on now, critics of that film
Russian speakers I meet in New York
will be kinder than I have been here,
pretending they yearn to be free--
and I am not saying that I have been
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
unkind . . . but I cannot help but think
neither side's paranoia was really
that Tarkovsky's use of tracking is
pretentious—is pretentious the word?
Tarkovsky's reputation is what it
It is redundant, and because of this
is because we endure pretensions
redundancy, yes, even trite. How can
from Russians, and we endure
someone who makes such beautiful
pretensions from Russians because
films use tracking in such an
we misunderstand what Russians
annoying manner—and do not tell me
are--and in this, even great Russian
I do not understand what he is trying
artists misunderstand themselves
to do. I know there are those who are
and live up to the stereotypes
not fans of Hitchcock, and maybe I
western elite criticism maintains--and
would have to love film too much to
elite criticism has its stereotypes.
love film enough, which would be to
I do not want to reduce great
love Tarkovsky enough, which would
Russian art and artists, but only
be to settle down and accept his
assess an infection in our thinking
fucking annoying overuse of tracking.
contracted by some of the diseases
I love watching Tarkovsky, but
of thought grown epidemically in the
hate having watched him? Questions
twentieth century, a century we
beget . . . what was is he doing? He
continue to endure, a century of
—what is it? He is . . . self indulgent,
resentment when it was not busy
yes, he is self-indulgent in the way--
being a century of murder. What
his personal conventions he turns
history has to do with art I leave to
into cliches. If he were not Russian,
the historian or worse, the critic. I do
and were instead Italian or French,
not care what Stalin did as much as
he might not have the reputation he
what Eisenstein was able to do in
has, which means we do indulge
spite of Stalin.
Russians as a Pro-Russian anti-
I cannot say that Dostoevsky
reflex for the anti-Russian reflexes
and Tarkovsky are mutual in this
we exhibited during the Cold War, but
pretentiousness--no. Do Russian
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
artists have to live up to my
collective stereotypes as part of the
expectations, or anyone else's
received ideas of a culture
expectations? Of course not. Must
disseminate and endure far enough
they meet one or another
and long enough to sustain a people
assessment of their art based on
in their delusions about themselves
what has been perceived to be
to stand instead of having any
Dostoevsky's greatness? No,
freedom or even milk for their coffee
certainly not. I am one that
too many times, if they had coffee
understands Dostoevsky's greatness
how many times? There is no person
is independent of how he is or has
from anywhere I have ever met at
been or will be assessed. If no one
any time no matter the level of
ever read Dostoevsky again; if we
intelligence or education who
ever come to a time where general
imagines he knows more than he
literacy is so shallow that all but a
actually does than a person formed
handful of people can and not just do
by the former guiding metaphysics of
read him, he would still be the great
the Soviet Union. And the disease of
writer he is, and yes, is. I also
Putin in the Russian body politic has
understand what gives Tarkovsky his
not been kinder to Russian people.
reputation among film historians and
Equally, no people are more
critics. I am only talking here about
convinced that doubt is the highest
the effects his films have on me. No
form of wisdom than Americans.
Russian artist in anything is, was or
Why do I even allow his films . .
has ever been as significant and as
. like I said--some of his compositions
important as Dostoevsky. Period. I do
on film are extraordinary, very
not think there are many Russians
beautiful; so, this man who does not
who understand Dostoevsky well
like Tarkovsky in a particular way,
enough or love him or literature too
although he loves Tarkovsky in
much . . . I do not think anyone
others, has said . . . what have I said
anywhere really does, unless
that could be of use to anyone who
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
may or may not want to watch his
about Tarkovsky as a film-maker,
films, who do watch his films, who do
compels me to say what I am saying
not any longer watch his films
the way I say it. Does Tarkovsky flirt
because they dislike his art, or
with the meta-filmic, thus always
because they have no clue what film
drawing attention to itself which is
is or has ever been or could
always part of what we call pretense,
become,might become as it is in a
what most of us understand as
constant state of becoming mutually
pretentious, cultural values received
with its being?
as ideas we imagine we have thought
There are things Tarkovsky
does in his films like other things that
Choice is essential to freedom .
have been done elsewhere or before
. . what more should be said, how to
that I love, that excite me, that inspire
say what had been said by this
me to imagine that I could be a film
bigoted man, myself, mea culpa, or
maker. In isolation, parts of his films
so we must conclude if we are to be
are astoundingly beautiful, but in the
taken seriously by those who
whole of his composition, the way he
feel . . . and if there is such a thing as
collates the parts, I find the result
a body of thought, a body of work,
horribly pretentious--and I know that I
then there must be viscera too. We
continue to say the same thing over
mustn't blame Tarkovsky for hiding
and over which in itself is poor
his viscera. He does not perform
rhetorical style . . . but it's not just in
seppuku for us, and we should thank
that annoying way I find most of what
intelligent Russians say and think
Am I revising what I think? Do I
sounds terribly pretentious. I know
reimagine this for myself and thus for
how terribly narrow minded I am
you? Perhaps. Perhaps not. My
being when I say this, but I cannot
opinion is going to change nothing.
care about that because how I feel
Tarkovsky is important, more than
about Tarkovsky's films, what I think
important. Tarkovsky is significant in
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
spite of being pretentious. I had a
of the darkest at night, great star-
friend of mine think that my poems
gazing; surrounded by water and
were pretentious because I used
state parks. My to be or to become
Latin and Greek words in them—but
arises like a particle in the vacuum of
the Latin and Greek words were
space-time . . . all is created there as
suited to context and context to the
most of the heavier elements are
words, action to word, if you
created in super novae explosions,
remember, and word to action.
hydrogen fusing into helium, helium
No sawing the air.
into carbon, carbon into argon and so on and so on . . . the fusion/fission dynamism of stars is like the being
II Hera's Tit
and becoming dynamism of humans . . . a question crosses my mind from time to time, has crossed my mind,
I stand at the shore in Montauk looking up at the swath of white in the night sky, looking dead center into the galactic plane, a squirt from
has crossed everyone's mind . . . when I look to the stars as I had when I was a boy . . . as every time I look in the mirror with this question, a
Hera's tit, my father had told me
question of my being and my
when I was a boy. A Romanophile? Is
becoming, which, when how . . . I get
that what we say? He read Caesar’s Civil War to me when I was boy. He insisted that Caesar had effectuated a revolution in Roman prose similar to the one everyone had insisted Hemmingway had championed in the 20s, only two-thousand years prior In all of the North eastern United States, Montauk Point is one The Falling Leaf Review
many different answers. Hamlet is not only brooding about suicide, you know—and maybe it is not brooding. There should be a better word for what he does through fourteen hundred lines. The I I am depends on coordinates of time and space drawn by another hand. Eternity lurks in me, 10
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
I have assumed, like a trace of the
ephemeral, though. Who I am, when I
background radiation on spectral
am, where I am, with whom I am,
analysis of the cosmos. To be or to
how I am before I become what I
become is present in my choice now,
am--yes, I am and I am not
and we always choose to be or to
simultaneously. I will be, but I will not
become, we cannot avoid choosing.
be as well.This question of identity;
Choice is always for the taking; each
you know Identity spells ID Entity.
choice a chance we encounter; every
The it within; monsters again arising
chance results in our fortune or
from inside of me. I have said this
misfortune . . . this present trip is
before . . . I will say it again. I repeat
another fortune sought.
myself often.
Who I am trips me up. I'm not
Round and round I go, the
especially clumsy, but all this
Italians say, gira, gira. Each pose I
wondering about who I am what I
take posits somewhere outside of me
have been when I will be what and
something imposed inside of me.
where, or how or why . . . I never
Imposing, posing, positing,
watch my feet as I walk down a flight
depositing, a repository of a kind, this
of stairs. You know why the lisper
Self of selves within. Some of us
lisps. I determine who I am, or what I
imagine other selves as we do
become, I assume; I am as much
suppositories. What do I gain by the
Everyman as I am unique in the
poses I take? Each intake, each out-
entire history of the cosmos. I am not
take, put as it might be. Again, who
unique in this way. Everyone is
am I? Is the question who are we? I
Everyman. Yet, no one who has ever
am once again wondering who I am
lived, who lives now, or will ever live
within who we are, this who we are
is me. No one in any of these times
by who I am all about when I am or
or places--no one--occupies the
where I am, and when and where I
coordinates of space and time as I do
am going; to come and go. I become
in this spot at this moment. All is
when I be-go. I am a cosmogony that
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
does not get repeated; yet I am also
French distinguish duality between
all of humanity at any moment. The
the two in one word, humaine, and
fact that I am cosmogonic allows me
we Anglo saxon speakers create
to stand in for all human beings, a
dichotomy with our tongue. But then I
posture I take, and I do take postures
suspect this is why in a country so
as well as pose them, put them on as
seemingly committed to democracy
I put on everyone else--everywhere's
and freedom we can speak out of the
a stage to put out, to place, to
mouths of our leaders with forked
replace the ego.
tongues. I foot on shore, the other in
I do become anyone I need to be. I am many; thus I am we. But
the wakes of the sea. The Nazis and the Bolsheviks
what I need to be is often a mystery
were both hyper-rational, not
to me. To philosophize is to learn how
imaginative, unless it was in the
to die we know from Montaigne, but
expenditures on torture, oppression,
imagination is necessary to
and murder. I am who I am that I am
philosophize I learned from Doc
when I am how I am where I am even
Green as I called him, Doc.
why I am, I say, I think, therefore I
Imagination most people do not
believe; belief displaces dialectic in
associate with philosophy, nor do
me.What then do I say about all the
they with eternity, as Blake reminds
interrogatives that can be extended
us time and again that imagination is
from each relative pronominal
the doorway to the eternal.
relationship to my I. We live by
Imagination was a faculty of mind most highly prized by the
suppositions. Everyone thinks that who what
Romantics, suspicious of rationality
when where and why are important,
as they were, or how the rational was
very important; but then I am who I
used as a tool against humanity, the
am, as I am, what I am, where I am,
great human humane when human is
and so on and so on only as I have
only human when humane, as the
been, how I have been, where I have
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
been, when and with whom. I have
your being, though, is the fact that
not answered these questions in any
you believe your life has been
way that proves overarching to my
horribly determined, which coincides
becoming; to my being is another
with a culture that gorges itself on
thing, another essay, perhaps. You
victimhood and philosophies of
probably haven't asked yet these
questions ontologically. What are our
These determinisms that you
theories of being? Mine? Do I have
believe you uncover, are in fact
them, or do we only have theories of
created by a system of belief you
becoming, perpetual, endless
have firmly placed yourself inside of,
and this self enclosure masquerades
You have decided you do not need to ask yourself the once pressing questions of being, whether
in your diction as inescapable determinism. Do you need an answer to each
existence precedes essence or vice-
of these questions now that I am
versa, and all the essences, the
herein mentioning them as not having
prefab essentials of our being
the relevance you insist they have.
precede the existence I have, and
Now that it has come to the fore that I
determine who I am, certainly what I
have not before answered or even
attempted to answer any of these Everyone should know who the
questions you think are useful--
Bolsheviks were; we are living their
unless what I have thus far said could
legacy to this day, theme in variation
be said to have some say in the
in perpetuity throughout our politics
matter of my who and my what, at
least in the ways you prefer to frame You probably haven't realized
discussions of being, because you do
that you decided this, or why you
discuss being even when you argue
might have, if that is in fact what has
that being is impossible, or
been done. The only determinism of
improbable, and the only thing we
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
have is perpetual becoming into
independent of politics, if you will,
becoming into becoming yet again,
before it, although rhetoric is not. I
all of it without gain.
am. This is simple enough because
The where and the when are here and now as all writing has immediacy, an unavoidable
all lists of attributes are modes of subtraction, really. I am unable to be sum-totaled; I
presentness about it, and what I say
am macrocosm to all microcosms,
here is in words on a page, printed
the microcosm of history, the one of
for easy reading because my
state, of government, of gender, of
handwriting is shit.
sexual orientation, of religion, of
I am who I am even when I am not being the me I have been before, a me, an I, others I know I knew
politics, of political affiliation, of job, of class, and so on once more. What can I say about any time
might not recognize. I am me with
of mine in Montauk, the times we'd
every stranger I meet even if with that
spend at Land's End, on the beach,
stranger I lie through my teeth and
on and in the sands, viewing the sky,
tell no truth in the factual sense of
entering the waves, watching the
truth we sometimes hold too
waves, closing my eyes and listening
pedantically dear, close without
to the waves, hearing the muted
feeling.Who am I?
rhythmic pounding of them against
I do not ask this question
the shore as if enveloped in cotton
because as I have said above, I am
when at night I awaken in the middle
that I am when I am who and what I
of the night, quiet, still, the door partly
am wherever I am however it is that I
opened; feeling the salt spray, I
am me. I am subject and object and
recall, in the wind off the ocean . . .
subject complement and every other
more, of course there is more, I could
way of stating my being in words,
say more, tell you so much more than
which means language, which means
I have--what can I say?
in grammar, which exists The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
I have before said something
September 22, 2016
help but have great weight, density
about the horizon here at Land's End,
for sure if not with a corresponding
the one-hundred and eighty degrees
great size.
of horizon--more I could say--yes,
The grave is a fall; of course it
there are angles greater than 180
is a fall; I recall the lowering coffin of
degrees; a line is in effect an angle. I
my Great Aunt Anna into her grave in
love standing on the sands on the
Pittsfield. Is this fall of ours, of hers,
beach, sometimes with my feet in the
of mine to come--is any fall heroic
surf, sucked down into the soft and
and therefore tragic, or is it merely as
quick wet sands of the surf, my feet
it is--or as I have assumed it is? For
moving as I stand looking out to the
all of us, absurd. A new meaning for
horizon south or east, sometimes
reductio ad absurdum?
west . . . The horizon of the ocean
But the East end beaches, the beaches of the South Fork, the
meeting the sky, a tilting line, one that
extreme eastern end of Long Island--
wobbles with the rotation of the earth,
beautiful beaches, gorgeous--there
as perhaps we do. I have tried to
is, as I had begun to say at this
imagine being on the world or in the
entry's inception, no word, no single
world the way a pendulum exists in
word that could possibly capture what
the world, its in perpetuity a condition
I feel, what I experience when out at
of being without the effects of gravity.
Land's End.
But what is grave is not only a matter
Word, no; words, perhaps, yes,
of gravity, not only a matter of the
this explication of an explanation of
grave itself when the latter term is
why I like it in Montauk. I have mostly
used in reference to our final fall, the
avoided such expression before.
tomb, as I have said, is our last
There is more in revealing than in
tumble--no, grave matters are
telling; show them, I remember, was
matters with the weight of gravity, a
a mantra taken from--where was it
particular seriousness that cannot
taken from? Nothing but the word in
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
itself--no thing, no place, no feeling,
intransitive or transitive, depending
expression, idea is ever the word in
on their context, that is, syntax . . .
itself. I have begun to question the
I do not like Montauk or love it
Imagists, but then I recognize what it
or adore it--I am it when I am there;
was they were trying to do, and
yes, I am Montauk; Montauk is me--I.
therefore, what they meant by saying
There is a misconception about this
what they repeated one and all,
idea that we should say, It is I instead
Nothing but the word in itself.
of It is me. The French do say C'est
What I need to say, want to say,
moi, which is not, C'est je. No one
will say often--the three of them
ever says, c'est je; they say, c'est
never meet one with the other and
moi. C'est moi is "It is me," It's me,
the other, round robin speaking, as
what we say when someone asks,
we say when we write, ah! To write or
Who is it? Moi is the substantive
not to write, this would have to be
pronoun,as is me, the latter also an
every writers question. What does
object pronoun, both the indirect and
the writer say? I have asked this
the direct. Montauk is me; it is I, if
before, answered this before,
you prefer, but I do not. This is all that
responded one way or another with
I can say--should say, if we do have
words on the page, herein this review
should for things like this . . .
and elsewhere, in story or poem or essay. What does the writer tell you? There--to say or to tell;
I to be Montauk or Montauk to be me; each one is valid, mutual and reciprocal. There is more in the
transitive and intransitive expression,
spheres of human being than can be
actions that need an object and
contained by the narrowness of our
actions that do not. Be is not an
received ideas.
action; be never takes an object. Be,
The fires and the motions of my
though, is not intransitive. I read; I
being; I am as I have been for many
read poetry--some verbs are either
years, subsumed by an overriding, overarching Romanticism . . . the
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
holiness of the heart, the eternal that
think that I need to say it, or that it
is the imagination, the
might say something of me to say it?
imaginative . . .
Morrison died before I was
I do recall Flaubert's outburst at
fourteen or ever a fan of their music.
the trial of Madame Bovary--yes, the
Fan from fanatic--was I a Doors fan
great French author, novelist, said,
the way I am and was a New York
Madame Bovary . . . c'est moi.
Rangers's fan? Probably not--maybe, though, I was. What means this-could mean anything remotely akin to
III Waiting for the Sun
having a favorite band, or how a band could express something about my being, my personality--yes, to say
Sun rise from the beach in Montauk. Getting up before dawn to wait for the sun. Waiting for the Sun was an album by the Doors--my favorite group when I was . . . how old was I then the first time I listened to the
I liked the Doors did say something about me. We wore our fandom as badges of personality. We allowed their cult of personality to transfer onto us at a time in our lives when we
Doors, still played by the crew at
could't have been less sure who we
WNEW when I was . . . how old was I
were, what we were, when we were
listening to Alison Steele, the Night Bird--I'd stay up to listen to her . . . They are now, the Doors, from then, what remains--the most enduring group from my youth? What does that mean? What could it mean? What does it mean--not just the truth of it, if it is in fact true--but to say it, to
The Falling Leaf Review
what, whom, the where was everywhere; the when was actually twofold. It was all the time and it was whenever . . . The list of conditions we underwent to undergo personality selection is too long. I had no idea and yet I was sure I was the only one
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
who could ever know what I was or
epiphany moment. It is sudden as in
what I was going to come to be.
Satori, no? What could I know of this,
The sun up over the line of
you might ask--I know some of you
horizon, the squid ink sea growing
do, so maybe ye, maybe no, how
lighter and lighter with each inching
much of my life has been lived in
of the sun over the horizon. How
many poems has this figured in? I
What is it about a life we were
could go back and count, having all
supposed to be looking for as signs
my MSS at hand, along with many of
of what? What were the signs might
the earlier drafts of the poetry
be a question if we really knew for
manuscripts with their previous titles
what they were to be the signs of,
when different?
A page in caption. Every page I
I recall a satori in Montauk--
write is a caption for an image of me I
how could you not have one after
have hold keep . . . words and
another in Montauk? I used to think.
pictures, every picture worth a
There is a deafness at the
thousand words, we used to say. I do
beach enveloped in the sound of the
not understand that. I think it is more
surf as I am, yes, enveloped as I am
accurate to say every right word is a
by sight and sound and spray from
thousand pictures, no.
the wind off the waves. What was the
To write or not to write for me
satori? I'm not sure I recall which--
has ben my to be or not. There is no
how could I differentiate fro among
getting around that, escaping the
them, yes, the many . . . I love to
import of this fact--facts are not
write out there.
knowledge, though. What knowledge
I re-read Kerouac's Big Sur on
is in this will determine what or how
the beach in Montauk--it was
much wisdom can be extracted?
between this an Woolf's To the
Wisdom does not come by extraction,
Lighthouse, for obvious reasons . . .
though. Wisdom is revealed; it is an
and for not so obvious reasons I
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
picked to Kerouac, I won't go into the
formations of the shore I cannot see
whys, but not because I like Jack
that cause the water coming in to
better than Virginia, no. I know he
break in white water waves . . . I look
would have liked that I brought the
back to the horizon and imagine that I
book with me, and carried on in my
see it wobble.
journal as I had about the reading and the waves and the surf and the gulls and the clouds and salt spray and the wind and the Hoo Doos and
the cliffs of Shadmoor State Park and the echo off the Hoo Doos as the surf raged below them. I’m sure that he would have loved that I was reading it on the beach, and I have no problem saying as much to others, some others--no, most others not nearly as close to me as I am to those kin I have in spirit as we used to say about our favorite authors, the authors we carried with us as badges, ID badges, like I did with Kerouac and Faulkner. I stand on the beach in the surf and I look to the horizon, I look to the waves, at them, looking in a way that watches closely what is happening, how the water breaks off from the surf, what shoals are there under the water that I cannot see, what The Falling Leaf Review
1 And So You Want to Know Something about Me Love is the soul of genius, Mozart said. How could it not be? I have added.Before. Yes, love—love, the soul of genius; love, an immortal essence. What is it that is essential about love? What is essential in genius, of genius, for genius? I suspect we do not understand what we are saying most of the time, listening as I do to what people say, how they say it . . . it might be more important, what a man says than how he says it, but, the how he says it cannot be entirely ignored by me. But
Volume One, Number 2
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then, what is genius? You might ask.
sunny--are all days sunny? Some
I could, but do not.
children are fundamentally stupid.
Who is a genius? I have asked.
You do not have to make them feel
Genius has been co-opted by
bad because of this; you do not have
advertising, hasn't it? It has been
to torture them by making them
used in any one of Hollywood's or
persist in tests of achievement they
publishing's many marketing
will not be able to complete. But then
we do not have to lie to ourselves
Genius, apart from our
and not be honest with ourselves
understanding of the word today,
about them, academically,
thought, used to be a person of
exceptional intellectual abilities, or
We must always have
exceptional creative talent. I guess it
compassion. Yet, we do not have to
means the same thing today--I do not
lower standards to make a stupid
really have to guess. It is, though,
child fell better; there are many ways
this evaluation of what constitutes
for him to adjust to the fact that he is
exceptional abilities that I question,
not academically special.
our ability to judge this when so many
We like to say for all endeavors
of us in a position to judge have been
we imagine are creative that genius
corrupted by a pedagogy more
is the guiding spirit of the person
concerned for marketing strategies
creating. In the case of Mozart's
than educating, teaching us how to
claim, a guiding spirit itself coalescing
with love becomes the principal force
Look at how we vote. Look at
in the creative process. It is the
what we say on social media. Yes,
essence of this spiritual force
everyone was special in my son's
“makes,”as we say when we use the
middle school, even the imbeciles.
Greek poeta, or poet, for a man or a
Am I supposed to apologize for
woman of creative power. Dare I say
calling a cloudy day cloudy and not
the word power? Love then is also at
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
the heart of many things we want to
love. Do not imagine that I follow my
do well, need to do well, whether we
advise all of the time,maybe not even
choose to or not; it is the guiding
most of the time.
creative force behind our accomplishments. The kind of genius Mozart was
What we desire to do, to accomplish, we should do with love, of course. Repetition is a rhetorical
talking about I insist was the kind of
device and rhetorical devices should
genius that compels the creator to
also be employed with love in our
create . . . is this nature?
writing . . . and I am saying
Of course, we reserve this
Persuasion must come from love and
understanding for endeavors outside
thus from Truth otherwise it is all
the mundane, and we do not
about buying and selling, pimping
consider this notion of doing with love
and prostitution. Without love there is
when we consider sweeping the floor,
no genius of any kind--we do get this
cleaning the windows, making coffee,
in Mozart's assertion . . . love is the
although some do--nor do we reserve
soul of genius?
this analysis for doing the laundry,
Whatever we do, we do without
although we could, and perhaps we
the necessary genius if we do it
without love--and love is not the
Without love, it is not possible
passion that is greed. We have no
to do anything well enough, and
genius for sweeping--do we? Or for
everyone needs to do better what it is
washing the dishes, or for frying an
they do, brushing the teeth, cleaning
egg. Yet, the woman or the man who
the house, making dinner, putting up
bakes with love understands that love
the Christmas tree, buying a birthday
is the soul of genius in baking. We.
gift, et cetera; there must be love at
We. We. Where then am I in all opf
the heart of action, if action is to be
these we(s)?
completed appropriately. You cannot make bad coffee if you make it with The Falling Leaf Review
But what is love, I have to ask? Of course I do. I have, though, fallen 21
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September 22, 2016
out of the habit of defining our terms
cry when I listen to Vivaldi as I do cry
when I speak or write. Defining my
sometimes when I listen to Louis
terms was and remains always
Armstrong. I love visiting the Met, the
necessary for me who reads what he
Opera and the Museum. I love the
writes to see where I stand in relation
Balanchine and Stravinsky pieces at
to what I am saying.
the New York City Ballet, especially
Defining my terms is necessary
the black and whites, as I like to call
to show where my ideas come from
them. What I love is wide and
and where they are going. In any
variegated. I also love the idea of
examination of the process of
being in love, as does Romeo. The
accretion in my thinking--and yes, I
kinds of love are varied. I love to
liken thinking to the processes in
fuck, of course--for me this is self-
stellar evolution--in any articulation of
evident. Yes, I love sex, I love wine, I
the process of our thinking, I expose
love women, I do, I really love
not only where I stand, that is, what
women, the fact of women, the
my thesis is, but how I have arrived
presence of women, the motion of
at my conclusions. Defining terms is
women, the skin of women, the tits of
always a good place to begin. So,
women, the legs of women, the
what is love? The question is the
hands of women, hands still, hands
query; inquiry is the pursuit.
moving, holding, caressing,
I love my mother. I love good
manipulating, hands holding my
dark chocolate. I love van Gogh. I
hand, hands holding a fork, hands
love reading Woolf. I love the shore
turning a spoon in a cup of coffee . . .
at Montauk. I love being in  Montauk,
I love coffee, dark roasts, the smell,
love how being there makes me feel.
the taste, the feel in the mouth . . . I
I love seeing the full moon in the sky,
love women's mouths, their lips, their
love recalling happy moments in my
tongues, I love their eyes, their ears,
life. I love listening to Vivaldi, love
collar bones, necks, throats, all of this
how Vivaldi makes me cry--and I do
becoming too pornographic. I do not
The Falling Leaf Review
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September 22, 2016
love pornography. Pornography is
of power played in the world must be
extreme focus, is it not. I do love
a lover of power. I imagine that the
close-ups; extreme focus is a detail
monied elites love money, that
as we say in art criticism.
they love to make money,
Yes, the woman's body in
accumulating money then would be
details, sharp focus of the parts,
an act of love? Is this love or is this a
pornography. Woman
fetish? If a man seeks, finds and
metonymically--there is a great deal
reaches sexual gratification from a
of difference between loving a
woman's shoe, this is fetish, not love,
woman sexual and engaging in what
right? I do not make distinctions
amounts to one or another forms of
between love and lust, however.
pornographic behavior. A woman's
The desire to fuck in itself, as I
cunt standing for her, part for whole,
have made clear elsewhere in the
metonymy, or in this sense, the hole
course of my essays, is love. This
for the whole. I do not love this—
desire for consummation at the site of
although, I do love cunt.
or the proximity to one's sexual
I imagine that the power elite
interest is the beginning of love, a
love power. I imagine torturers love
kind of love after which choices have
torturing. I imagine that there is a
to be made, are then made, that
genius for torturing, no? There are
determine the fate of the love that
god and bad torturers. I am speaking
has been initiated?
about aesthetics. The grotesque, as you should
Are we confusing love and lust? I do not want to be a prude and say
know is a category of beauty. I love
that what we understand to be lust
beauty--as I have said before. If I had
and lustfulness has nothing to do with
pursued my degree in philosophy, I
love. That would be false. I am of the
would have pursued a concentration
mind that the desire to fuck is love.
in aesthetics. It is safe to say that anyone who succeeds in the games The Falling Leaf Review
There is a line from Citizen Kane that resonates in relation to the 23
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September 22, 2016
aforementioned love of money; the
only find out by writing. I ask what is
lust for money? Greed can’t be love?
love? Hence, I write about love.
Greed can only be lust--lust without
There are too many answers to
love is a degradation of the love
provide, let alone all the aimless
within which the desire arose?
responses I could indulge on what I
Anyway, one of the characters
might imagine passes for thinking on
responds to the reporter investigating
the spot in a moment most likely
Mr. Kane's last word, "Rosebud" by
abruptly in response to something
saying that "it's not hard to make a lot
of money if the only thing you want to
Love is obsession, I'm sure
do is to make a lot of money." So,
many must think; love cannot be
where are we then? Kane had a
obsession others say. Love is grace;
genius for making money? He had
there is no grace without love. God
another for spending it? Does the
offers grace; then as I had been
Devil have a genius for disruption, for
taught, God is the God of Love
distraction, for confusion? Of course
before he is the God of Justice,
he does.
Retribution, Vengeance and
The love of acquisition leads to
Submission. Grace is an affectation
acquisition. But is this love of
of the debilitated religio-centric mind,
acquisition actually love in itself love,
or so we could believe. To be
the way we mean when we say love
obsessed with somebody some say
for one's paramour; or love for one's
is love; others insist obsession
brother, whether that be one's native
cannot be love. Jesus loves and by
brother or one's brother in the sense
His love saves, Christians say. Love
Jesus means in the Gospels. Some
is kindness; love is compassion; love
say yes, others say no. I have my
is sacrifice; love is altruism; love is
doubts, but raise the questions again.
giving and not taking; love is . . .
What I say I must first find out, and I
what? Love is, in the Aquinian sense that Deus est and only Deus est. God
The Falling Leaf Review
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September 22, 2016
is. This is the only valid thing to say
are those who have not seen the
about God. It is the only rhetoric to be
light. But then doesn't Satan shine
used. To give attribute to God, to say
his own peculiar light on things in the
that God is this or God is that would
world, of the world.
be to subtract from God, rhetorically,
Jesus does say Be in the
that is. So perhaps this is what we
world , not of it. But then a Christian
should say about love, Love is.
is supposed to believe in a God of
The Buddha speaks of love as
light, a God of Truth. A Christian is
the only antidote for hate. I recall the
supposed to believe in a body of
Dhammapada and Lord Buddha's
spirit and flesh. The human being is
pronouncement that only love can
not solely a being of material/of body
dispel hate. Do the lovers of money
without spirit. Sin is darkness; love is
dispel the haters of money, the haters
light. This is old. Love and obsession
of materialism? Perhaps they do.
cannot be the same?
Many think of love as a spiritual
Love is forgiveness; obsession
principle pervading the world. But
becomes jealousy; jealousy is not
how can it pervade the world when
love? Love is redemption and
the globe turns on an axis of
transcendence; obsession is descent
contempt, violence, corruption, greed
and the kitchen knife in your lover's
and death? Yet, as I have said above,
chest? But then that's it. Love can
what if you loved power, what if you
become jealousy; it just doesn't have
loved money? Certainly greed is an
to become a bullet in the heart.
obsession, lust is an obsession . . .
Is love of money, though, the
all the deadly sins are obsessions,
same as greed? Is there a way to
we have said in our traditional
love money without being greedy;
conception of these losses of light.
isn't being greedy loving
And they are losses of light--except
accumulation too much. There is then
we can then say that those who do
a way to exceed? From the above
not love the accumulation of wealth
sense of what love could be, I would
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Volume One, Number 2
have to say, no. Love of what you do
September 22, 2016
Love is essential for everything,
can make you a lot of money, but the
as I have said; but love must also
driving force of greed corrupts the
exists. We do not see it or feel it as
love of what you do. Even when a lot
we do a stone, we do not taste it as
of money is not the result; you can
we do wine, although we can become
love what you do and you can corrupt
drunk on love--and I insist that this is
that love of what you do.
not a corruption of love. To be
The soul of genius, that is love.
intoxicated by love as Mozart was by
Loving too much what you love in
the muses, his legendary enthusiasm
order to love it enough? Can the very,
for playing and composing was itself
very rich be rich through the agency
the ancient enthousiasmos, or divine
of love and not greed, or is the love
infection by or from the Muses, the
of money in itself what we mean by
patronesses and protectors of music,
avarice? Do Satan's followers love
of poetry. Love, the soul of genius;
him? Is what we call love applicable
the soul of Mozart's genius for
to Satan and anything satanic. Isn't
composing and playing music was
Satan and all things satanic a
his love of music, his love for
corruption of good, sin again being
humanity, we could say. Was love the
the absence of good, all things sinful
10th muse we could ask? This inquiry
devoid of any goodness, or some
had been engaged by the British
goodness, entering the darkness,
Romantics now nearly two hundred
sinful? How have we arrived at sin, at
years ago. To what end I cannot say
darkness . . . Â this gives me an idea,
herein. We can understand, though,
love is light. Light is good. Light is the
the attending spirit over Mozart,
opposite of darkness, herein we are
invigorated by love, what we hear we
speaking of spiritual principles, things
are supposed to know, to feel, is
of spirit, love is a thing of spirit. Like
something exceptional in a way other
soul, it is a non-locatable essence.
than, greater than we usually mean when we use the word 'genius.'
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
where here is here close and ready and near and the other, the there is II Human Humane
there, far and away there. The between that exists for you and for me is this thing humanity;
Humanity is an entrance. Humanity is
humanity only exists between you
a portal that opens on two sides. On
and me, only between two people is
each side of the portal there is a
there any hope of humanity, of acting
human being. Now 'to enter' in
humanely. This is where our
French is the verb 'entrer.' 'Entre,' in
humanity resides, lives, inhabits--the
French, is a preposition related to the
habitat of humanity. Humanity is the
verb. This French preposition
between of being humane; you and
translates in English, 'between.' Yes,
me are the limits of this being
every way we enter is an entrance,
between. To be tween, twain, two,
every entrance thus a "between";
one side the other side, sided by
herein a noun, a thing, a state of
each, alongside one and the other,
being: the between. The act of
that is, next to, reciprocally, two
entering is one of betweening; to be
between is to be in an entrance of a
I once said in an essay that to
kind visible or invisible, again,
enter is to between; yes, simple
something that lies between one here
enough said. Whenever I go through
and another there. Here and there
an entrance I have betweened the
perpetually pivot on one between or
space. Herein, to between is a verb: I
another. There is always a between,
between, you between, everyone
a very thin between that borders both
betweens. Rimbaud said in a letter to
here and there when they are right
a friend, Je me deux, or, I two myself,
next to one another, the concentric
another kind of tearing asunder, of
circles of here and there, not the
splitting the self and thus creating an
diametrically opposed positions
internal between-ness inside.
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
Rimbaud's poetics were in this two-
between you and me? Where else
ness. Everybody does do this to
would it be, could it stay, could it be
himself; everyone's in the between; I
am between here and there, now and then; my humanity journeys from me to you. What then do we say about
the journey that is life, this living. To
That is the Question
two oneself or not to two oneself; oneself in two? I am many; I am we;
To ask or not to ask--we have learned
the Self is many, we know. I have
to ask questions as a means of not
said this before and I will say this
receiving an answer; we have
again, after and between, before and
learned to respond at times as a
after is.
means to avoid answering. What is it
The self has one as well, a
we do when we ask? Is it the
between. We double ourselves in
question to question? Asking and
every meeting; every face we face
questioning are not one and the
another mirror. All journeys are
same. To inquire might have separate
between; your life as it is lived is
connotations; what remains
between. To between or not to
connotatively different must not
between, that could become the
occlude the likeness and similarities
question. But to two oneself; what
between or among the synonyms.
then is this and how to get into the
The lack of absolute-ness in any
between, to get between on self and
synonymy must also never preclude
the other, between the Self split at
us from understanding where and
least in two, between any two selves
when they are interchangeable, these
of the Self, how then to accomplish
words that share a limited synonymy.
this? Between me and you, between
I can say that I like asking
me and another; therein lies our
questions, have always liked asking
humanity? How could it not be there
questions, had never had much fear
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
about asking questions, different
although you knew you were never
kinds of questions of course could be
going to ask them.
asked depending on the situation or
There are a thousand what ifs
circumstance. I also had what I would
that are appropriate for pondering
call a sensitive understanding of the
that must never cross our lips to
inappropriateness of some questions;
another's ears. All of this sensitivity is
there are always questions that come
at least what I had assumed was a
to mind that are inappropriate.
sensitive understanding, what I
There are questions the media
imagined was carefully employed
should be asking power that are
nearly always. I had impeccable
uncomfortable, but not inappropriate.
timing for my questions as I did for
Although today, these are too few
my humor--at least I thought so, and I
and very far between. Now, what I
do say that I have been a fair judge
should avoid asking, I understand
of my talents and skills. I am not
clearly. What to avoid when and
given to delusion about them, not in
where and with whom, to whom--
the way American cultural norms
these are clearly drawn in my mind.
almost demand. I could go on here
Again, there are always questions
about how I loved to question ideas,
you do not ask people; you have to
question assumptions, question the
remember the questions you never
meaning or the significance of
asked your grandmother, questions
events, or just the simple questions
you never asked your father, never
asked when questioning authority,
asked your best friends beautiful
something I did not do in the reflexive
girlfriend, questions you would never
ways my generation had assumed
have asked any teacher, even your
either necessary for purposeful social
favorite teacher, but might have
corrective or simply as a birthright
thought about how you should not
that needed exercise otherwise it
ask these questions, or how you
would wither and die and thus so
could imagine asking these questions
would democracy.
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
Going on about this might be
September 22, 2016
there is a way of asking someone for
interesting, would fit the opening, but
something or to do something or to
no, I will not go on about the
give something that this someone
questions I could ask, would ask,
feels is a demand. Our response, we
might have asked but did not and
know at times, is incredulous. I'm
why. Questions always beget more
only asking, any one of us might say.
questions; questions leading to
You demanded, is the reply. Yet . . .
questions after answers especially. I
There is always a demand in
have always suspected that the
every French question. To demand is
reason most of us do not answer the
an imposition in English; a demand is
questions we are asked and only
not simply a question to be
respond to them is that if we
answered, but a toll to be exacted, to
answered, a new question would be
be taken. We are very sensitive in
asked and the force with which it
America. In French, I assume that to
would be asked would put greater
ask is to demand, but to demand is
stress on the next answer being
also simply to ask. Who has the
delivered. Only responding actually
thicker skin?
stalls the process by getting stuck on
France is not the United States
a question that needs to be asked
as so many American bigots,
again because responses in
braggarts, jingleists and jingoists
themselves are not answers.
never fail to remind us; I have found
Demander in French is to ask; it
American anti-French bigotry to be
is the origin of the English verb to
more pronounced and less articulate
demand. To ask and to demand in
than across the Franco-Anglo-
English are not the same. In French
American lake. My tongue is in my
they share a word, again, the fore
cheek, which is far better than having
mentioned demander. What do we do
it up your ass as so many of my
when we demand something of
compatriots do when it comes to
someone, from someone? We know
food, not speaking.
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
To answer in French is
September 22, 2016
consequences, thus the
repondre, literally, 'to lay again,' a
answerableness . . . no words, no
kind of re-putting or re-placing, that
deeds, are themselves rhetorical
is, laying out the answer, or in this
positions, thus political ones.
case, the demand or the question.
Of course, interroger is also a
Repondre is the origin of the English
way to say 'to ask.' It is also the origin
to respond. In English, the word
of the English to interrogate. Every
answer and the word respond share
one, we know, poses questions, but
a degree of synonymity, but no two
not all asking is interrogating; yet,
words are ever completely
virtually all interrogating is
synonymous, interchangeable in all
demanding, although there are ways
contexts of usage. This is the case
to demand that are not interrogating.
for the verbs to answer and to
Again, the French sense of
respond in English, where a
demander. Every interrogator must
response is not in itself an answer,
demand otherwise it is not
but to answer is to respond, in a way.
At least in French, one takes the
How to ask or not to ask is now
responsibility to respond, which is,
the question. Whether it is nobler to
once again, to lay out the demands of
respond responsibly when we answer
the question asked.
the questions demanded of us, or
Yes, responsibility is
instead, to avoid responding because
answerability, to be answerable for
we are unable to take responsibility
the demands one faces is what
for whatever demands are in
responsibility is; we are answerable
for what we say and what we do, all of them of necessity in the logic of our lives. Even doing nothing or saying nothing in face of our lives is a choice, is a decision, with The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
devotion of one kind or another is always holy. Keats is correct in asserting that there is a holiness to
Herein find a paraphrase from a story
the hearts affections; could any of us
written by a co-alter-ego of mine,
live as intensely in his senses and his
complete with extensions, and
sensibilities, his mind/soul and body
as did Keats; do any of us feel or do
Abrazar in Spanish means to
we only just emote. Again, recall that
embrace; abrasar means to set on
it is called The Passion of the Christ,
fire. An embrace must set the one in
not The Emotion of the Christ. There
your arms on fire, as Dido was set on
is a mutually exclusive categorical
fire by the embraces of Aeneas, as
distinction between the two, emotion
she had to set herself on fire literally
and passion; it is compassion, not
in order to put an end to her desire
com-emotion. Commotion is another
for consummation at the absence of
thing altogether, yet related.
Aeneas. Love is always a form of
Dido had left Tyre with her
consumption by the flames, always
following of Phoenicians and settled
another kind of immolation.
and built what was to become
Joan of Lorraine no longer
Carthage on the Tunisian shores of
feared the flames of her persecutors,
North Africa on the Mediterranean.
having already been set ablaze by
Carthage would rival Rome in the
God and his Holy messengers, as
Western Mediterranean and in points
Teresa D'Avila knew the burning
east for nearly two hundred years,
devotion of God, as all lovers, true,
and it was not until the death of
understand and bear this as every
Carthage, the annihilation of
woman bears her child, internally,
everything Carthaginian at the end of
interconnectedly, with a complete
the Third Punic War could you say
sublimation of all thought. Donne
that Rome had its advent. The
understood this devotion, or how all
descendants of Aeneas had to wage
The Falling Leaf Review
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war repeatedly against Carthage, had
Desire becomes act, an act that
to seek the annihilation of everything
is being in itself, another actuality,
Carthaginian because the memory of
Dido was too much to bear. Her
Dido chooses her death
choice to perish in the flames is not in
appropriately; would you or I do the
effect different from Joan's choice.
same? Could we love as intensely? I
Everything she left in her wake had to
used to imagine loving as intensely. I
be possessed or destroyed.
have tried for the longest time not to
We want to say that Joan could
take too many cues from idiots,
not have chosen to live, that she
imbeciles, neurotics, and how many
could not have chosen to free herself
other completely fucked up people
of Burgundian persecution, even if
with inane or stupid or fear driven
they were not laying traps for her in a
opinions on behavior, one or another
trial that had been fixed prior to its
moron or more-off trying to curb my
commencement. Joan, though, still
personality because the energy is
chose her fate; her actions, her
either too much for their weakness of
honesty in testimony established this
soul to handle or because it flies in
course inevitably, we could say. Yet,
the face of their fears that have
she still chooses what Dido chose.
chained them, and thus my being
This notion that everything left must
reminds them too painfully what they
be possessed or destroyed is as
have deluded themselves into
invariably true for us today, as it has
believing is something other than
been humanly true for always, at
what it is, their chains are chains and
least potentially for us today because
not newly or uniquely fashioned
we do fear this truer feeling more
than we even give lip service to respecting it, admiring it, believing in it. The Serpent in the Garden speaks to Eve with forked tongue, no? The Falling Leaf Review
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Part Five
influence of stupid people, of persons severed from connection to light, to Truth, to Redemption, Compassion,
Where and when are here and now.
Humanity, Transcendence of
All writing has immediacy, an
darkness —I can assert that this is
unavoidable presentness about it,
true for everyone and must be true
and what I say here in words on a
for everyone for it to be fully what it
page, printed for easy reading
could be for me, and that this must
because my handwriting is shit, is in
be perpetually mutual and reciprocal
the moment. I am who I am even
throughout humanity . . . but that is
when I am not being the me I have
not going to likely happen with
been before, a me correlative only to
persons being as fucked as they are
a contingent I, an I that others I know
by one system or another they think
might not recognize. I am me with
they understand, have learned to
every stranger I meet even if with that
play the hop-scotch they need to play
stranger I lie through my teeth and
tell no truth in the factual sense of
I am is simple enough to get—I
truth we sometimes hold too
am not this nor am I that, but simply, I
pedantically dear, close without
am. All lists of attributes are modes of
feeling. I am and I am not my
subtraction, really. I am unable to be
words . . .
sum-totaled; I am macrocosmic to all
I recall that everything written
microcosms, the microcosm of
has rhetoric and that the word energy
history, the one of state, of
comes to us from Greek rhetoric and
government, of gender, of sexual
not science, that science borrowed
orientation, of religion, of politics, of
the term from rhetoric . . .
political affiliation, of job, of class,
I am. Of course I would like this to be accepted for what it says, what
and so on and so on in perpetuity, irrespective of any contemporaneity
it can be apart from the corrupting The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
and its manias for one politics or
improbable, and the only thing we
another politicking.
have is perpetual becoming into
Who am I? I do not ask. This question is unaskable for me because as I have said above, I am
becoming into becoming yet again, all of it without gain? You have decided you do not
that I am when I am who and what I
need to ask yourself the once
am wherever I am however it is that I
pressing questions of being, whether
am me. I am subject and object and
existence precedes essence or vice-
subject complement and every other
versa, and all the essences, the
way of stating my being in words,
prefab essentials of our being
which means language, which means
precede the existence I have, and
in grammar, which exists
determine who I am, certainly what I
independent of politics, if you will,
am. You probably haven't realized
before it, although rhetoric is not.
that you decided this, or why you
Do you need an answer to each of these questions now that I am herein mentioning them as not having
might have, if that is in fact what has been done. The only determinism of your
the relevance you insist they have.
being, though, is the fact that you
Now that it has come to the fore that I
believe your life has been horribly
have not before answered or even
determined, which coincides with a
attempted to answer any of these
culture that gorges itself on
questions you think are useful--
victimhood and philosophies of
unless what I have thus far said could
victimization. These determinisms
be said to have some say in the
you believe you uncover, are in fact
matter of my who and my what, at
created by a system of belief you
least in the ways you prefer to frame
have firmly placed yourself inside of,
discussions of being, because you do
and this self enclosure masquerades
discuss being even when you argue
in your diction as inescapable
that being is impossible, or
The Falling Leaf Review
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I am who I am that I am when I
September 22, 2016
Green as I called him, Doc.
am how I am where I am even why I
Imagination most people do not
am, I say, I think, therefore I believe;
associate with philosophy, nor do
belief displaces dialectic in me. What
they with eternity, as Blake reminds
then do I say about all the
us time and again that imagination is
interrogatives that can be extended
the doorway to the eternal.
from each relative pronominal relationship to my I. Everyone thinks that who what
Imagination was a faculty of mind most highly prized by the Romantics, suspicious of rationality
when where and why are important,
as they were, or how the rational was
very important, but then I am who I
used s a tool against humanity, the
am, as I am what am I, where I am,
great human humane when human is
and so on. I have not answered these
only human when humane, as the
questions in any way that proves
French distinguish duality between
overarching to my becoming; to my
the two in one word, humaine, and
being is another thing, an essay in
we Anglo saxon speakers create
existentialism, perhaps. You probably
dichotomy with our tongue. But then I
haven't asked yet these questions
suspect this is why in a country so
ontologically. What are our theories
seemingly committed to democracy
of being? Do we have them, or do we
and freedom we can speak out of the
only have theories of becoming,
mouths of our leaders with forked
perpetual, endless becoming?
To philosophize is to learn how
The Nazis and the Bolsheviks
to die we know, and as I have
were both hyper-rational, not
learned this and other things from
imaginative, unless it was in the
Monsieur Montaigne . . . imagination
expenditures on torture, oppression,
is necessary to philosophize, I
and murder.
learned early on in my higher studies (yes higher). I learned from Doc The Falling Leaf Review
Yet, who I am, when I am, where I am, with whom I am, and 36
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how I am before I become what I
all human beings, a posture I take,
am--yes, I am and I am not
and I do take postures as well as
simultaneously . . . all is lost to other
pose them, put them on as I put on
loses. I will be, but I will not be as
everyone else--all the world's a
stage. This question of identity; you
I do become anyone I need to
know Identity spells Id entity. The it
be. I am many; thus I am we. But
within; monsters again arising inside
what I need to be is often a mystery
of me. Round and round I go, the
to me.
Italians say, gira, gira . . . each pose I
Every time I look in the mirror
take posits somewhere outside of me
with the question, who am I, I get a
something imposed inside of me.
different answer. The I I am depends
Imposing, posing, positing,
on coordinates of time and space
depositing, a repository of a kind, this
drawn by another hand. Eternity lurks
Self of selves within. What do I gain
in me, I have assumed, like a trace of
by the poses I take? Each intake,
the background radiation on spectral
each out-take, put as it might be.
analysis of the cosmos.
Again, who am I? is the question who are we? I am once again . . . wondering
To be or to become is present in my choice now, and we always choose to be or to become, we
who I am within who we are, this who
cannot avoid choosing. Choice is
we are by who I am all about when I
always for the taking; each choice a
am or where I am, and when and
chance we encounter; every chance
where I am going; to come and go. I
results in our fortune or misfortune.
become when I be-go. I am a
Who I am trips me up. I'm not
cosmogony that does not get
especially clumsy, but all this
repeated; yet I am also all of
wondering about who I am what I
humanity. The fact that I am
have been when I will be what and
cosmogonic allows me to stand in for
where, how or why . . . I never watch
The Falling Leaf Review
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my feet as I walk down a flight of
peace and yet a familiar one, first one
stairs. You know why the lisper lisps.
then the other then the other again
I determine who I am, or what I
and then a mixture of both, awash in
become, I assume; I am as much
the vastness of the night sky, its
Everyman as I am unique in the
depth, something that tears away the
entire history of the cosmos. I am
consciousness of flesh, at first
unique in this way. No one who has
thought, a liberation, at next,
ever lived, who lives now, or will ever
live is me. No one in any of these
He stands in the back of the
times or places--no one--occupies
place they are staying at in Montauk,
the coordinates of space and time as
a large back lawn that looks out on
I do in this spot at this moment. All is
the dunes as they loom nearly black
ephemeral, though.
in the pitch that is night here. He has
I stand at the shore in Montauk
set up his tripod with his camera set
looking up at the swath of white in the
on manual with the lens pointed at
night sky, looking dead center into
the swath of white in the sky giving
the galactic plane, a squirt from
us a look into the galactic plane . . .
Hera's tit, my father had told me
he takes a number of shots at several
when I was a boy. In all of the North
different exposure lengths, all of them
eastern United States, Montauk Point
being so slow as to necessitate the
is one of the darkest spots at night--
tripod. He also uses a a cable to
great star-gazing.
further reduce camera shake, he will
My to be or to become arises
get some of the star trails from how
like a particle in the vacuum of
slow the exposure is, the rotation of
space-time. The question crosses my
the earth and thus the tripod in the
mind from time to time, has crossed
back lawn dragging the light of the
my mind, has crossed everyone's
stars in the beginning night sky into
mind. I look to the stars as I had
trail, but only just the beginning g of
when I was a boy and I feel a strange The Falling Leaf Review
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September 22, 2016
them for he wants the squirt from
let him die. That was a real
Hera’s Tit to be primary in the shots.
ambulance. The ambulance in her
Transcendental me.
dream was also real . . . what I recall is, no longer was.
The End
Ambulances pass every day, not right outside the window--how many times has she sat in this chair
Ambulatory Memory She hears an ambulance passing. She cannot tell from where, somewhere in the amorphous outside; siding with, siding against— there is no ambulance passing outside. The window is opened. She pauses. She thinks she remembers an ambulance passing, a dream she had one night. She thinks she can recall the dream, bring it back. She hears the siren, she thinks, then says, impossible . . . it is a dream, she says loud in her head, inaudibly out. She remembers a dream she had about an ambulance, how long ago it was she could not say, the ambulance that took her father to the hospital that decided on his arrival to The Falling Leaf Review
at this window looking out looking at looking to, for with . . . yet sirens are common in cities, she thinks. Images and sounds passing in mind, how does time pass in the mind, where is time, if it is a fourth dimension, then it must be inextricably woven with space? She does not ask. The arrow and the tunnel again, everywhere, anywhere, somewhere unexpected, time moving by, or time as something we move through. Oblique, things passing in the oblique; everything is sloping, tonight. Time in the mind not time on the clock, time on the cock not what time is when all of it is one, as it, when it is always. She looks out the window to the front garden, to the bushes that enclose the garden, to the grass, to 39
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the pear tree centrally placed in the
recalls having said how many times
garden. There is no fruit on the tree
she could not have counted. She
this year. Pear trees are bi annual
listens more intently. She insists she
trees. They do not bear fruit every
can hear the clock ticking in the
year. It’s every other year that they
dining room, I can hear it, tick, tick,
bear fruit.
tick . . .
She remembers the story her
She remembers the crazy
father told of the man who had cut
narrator in Poe’s “Tell-tale Heart.” It
down a beautiful pear tree because
never happened, she says. He never
he thought it had died because it did
killed anyone, she says. There was
not bear fruit one year. Her father told
no body, no heart. There was an old
her that his father had told him that
man, for certain. What is certainty,
he had told the man that pear trees
anyway? She thinks.When we are
do not bear fruit every year, that they
really sure, we need no certainty to
bear fruit every other year. Her father
tell us so; whenever we get into
also told her that the man did not talk
disagreements over happenings, or
to her grand father for long after that,
intentions, or gestures, it’s always
that the man must have been too
over some certainty we cling to that is
embarrassed to bear talking to his
in the final analysis, a mistake. Every
neighbor who knew he was an idiot
mistake is a perception, a feeling, an
for having chopped down a perfectly
emotion, taken wrongly.
good and beautiful pear tree.
Shouldn’t I talk about stories in the present tense? She wonders in-
She turns away from the window. She looks around the living room.
loud. Everything is in the narrator’s
She looks at the light coming from
head. Then everything that is, is in
the kitchen. She pauses and thinks
the head too.
she hears the clock in the dining room tick-tick ticking as it does, she The Falling Leaf Review
Yes, nothing happens, she thinks. The shrieks he hears could be 40
Volume One, Number 2
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him in his head. Maybe there is no
remembers she used to say to her
old man. Maybe the old man died. It
husband sometimes. She remembers
does not matter. There is no murder,
how she used to say to him how one
no heart beating, no conscience, but
needs to blank the mind, how one
some pathology that creates
must get rid of one’s persistent
thinking, thinking, thinking, how one
What is going on in her mind
should first empty everything in the
now, what is going to be going on in
mind to be able to relax, thus
her mind in a few hours, how will she
replenish, thus revive. She never
handle this absence growing ever
imagined she needed in her mind to
larger as the weeks pass?
watch out, keep watch, be on guard,
She hears the clock ticking
only maybe keep an oblique eye
again. She pauses. Her mind is a
peeled for the extremely unusual she
blank for a moment. She turns to look
said to herself without thinking why
in the direction of the clock. The
she had.
ticking becomes muffled in her mind
She remains fixed on the
amid the thoughts that begin to race
ticking clock, by the ticking clock . . .
again. She wanted to relax, to be
she notes the ticks are coming boldly,
able to relax, to be calm—it did not
too loudly, she said. The clock is
matter that she did not show signs of
ticking, ticking and ticking
panic, what she was feeling as she
incessantly. Why did I ever buy that
felt what she was feeling was
clock? She has asked before and
something other than calm even if it
would have asked again except she
wasn’t hysteria. She sits in the chair
recalls what she said before about
she bought with her husband at
the clock. She smiles?
Macy’s. She has always looked out the window this way whenever she would
She thought it was pretty when she bought it, and it did go with the room. It was the right color and the
sit to relax, looking aimlessly as she The Falling Leaf Review
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right shape. It is the right color and
see so much of what has passed how
the right shape.
much of this that she cane see, as
She continues to smile, sitting
she says she can, does she then
in her chair by the window, looking
reshape, reform, imagination not yet
out as she has looked out this
dead, she recalled having read
window for years and years she
somewhere, perhaps in a novel, who
thinks about for a moment, passing a
was it she cannot recollect.
word or two about how many,
She thinks that maybe she
possibly counting them another time,
should write stories, she says she
too many to count offhand, she
has many of them, stories from the
thinks, does not say, sometimes she
things that have happened in her life,
does, off her lips, say things to no
stories she has heard from others
one present but herself, Who counts
telling stories, stories from what she
the moments as they pass? Who has
has witnessed, what she has herself
any idea about time passing her by?
imagined. All of them in her head,
It’s been three months. What will she
words and more words she imagines
do she has not thought about with
she has enough, seeing herself
any intention of figuring out?
writing as she used to tell, say, speak
She notices that the windows
out loud at tables in chairs in
needed washing. When was the last
backyards on blankets on beaches,
time I washed them, she asks
wherever she has been, walking and
herself, under her breath, barely
talking touring one city or another,
audible, not at all if anyone were
one park or one museum here or
present? She is alone at home. The
there in one country or another, on
house seems bigger than it used to
one beach or another, in one car on
feel before, she says to herself that
one road or another and another . . .
she imagines. Mental images formed,
she probably won’t.
shaped how, she wonders, pictures to herself, she liked saying. She can The Falling Leaf Review
She says she will wash them tomorrow. She has become used to 42
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doing most things tomorrow. She
she writes. How much she writes and
folds her arms. She squeezes herself
how layered her writing has become
gently. She wonders if it has gotten
she will not betray. She does not
chilly. She thinks herself into a shiver.
always like to talk about writing. She
She pauses. She closes her
simply likes to reveal what she must
eyes. She does not fall asleep. She
imagine writing is by writing itself.
thinks again about the weather. She
Read and you will know she used to
pauses again.
say to her girlfriend. I consider them.
It has gotten a little chilly.
She is both convinced and not convinced at the same time, not one
She is and is not convinced that
time one and another time the other,
writing will save her. To save a life is
no. I cannot help but write she says.
to save the world, the Jews say.
It’s impossible for me not to write, not
What does it mean to say that writing
since, but it was impossible for me
will save her? If she saves herself by
not to write all the years I did not
writing then writing saves the world,
write, she says, she writes, she now-
everyone who writes and saves
and-then speaks aloud when she sits
herself also saves the world. Who is
at the table in the kitchen and writes
it that scoffs at the simple solitary
in her journal—I’m keeping one again
woman who writes away in her room,
at least. It took him to disappear for
or the man who sits and writes on the
me to start saving my life, she thinks,
beach or on the park bench? Who
she considers, she wonders, she
are we the anonymous writers saving
writes about in one way or form or
the world? I am only saving myself,
another, always another and another
she would have said here.
and another creeping . . .
She does and does not
Who is she? Who is anyone
consider these thoughts; she thinks
like her or not? Who is a woman?
them, then she writes them. She
What is a woman? Who is this
does not know what she thinks until
woman that is she? How is this
The Falling Leaf Review
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woman different from her, who she is,
married had taught her how to let
what she is, when she is? She asks
many things go that might otherwise
as she asked as she had asked as
bother a person, upset a person,
she will and continue to do so on and
distress, disturb, sadden trouble
on—where? Where is she? Where
offend or disappoint a person, a
will she be? Where was she when
this happened? Where is he? She no
You had to let go of your ego if
longer asks the way she had asked
you were going to survive in a
for how long was it.
marriage, or you had to push your
She says contradiction is not
ego out of yourself when you were
equal to nullification. To nullify and to
married, and she had said this how
contradict are different actions, they
long ago she could not.
are distinct actions, divergent. You
Absence is not absent the way
get it, she would understand. She did
we think of it when we imagine
understand when she still asked
absence. Absence is a kind of
questions like these. How it was, she
presence. I can’t feel time; time does
came to the place where she no
not in itself cause pain or pleasure,
longer had to wonder where her
she said. It does not mark itself in its
husband went she does not explain
passing—could it be that it does not
to herself. She will not explain it to
pass at all, that all of it is one and
anyone; she has not explained this to
thus the same everywhere at every
anyone who has asked her, never
time, she said. Is it true that past,
mind the ones who have not asked
present and future are only illusions?
her questions because they think that
She asked. I have asked this before
this might be prying into business
now, she said. There is only before
that is none of their affair or too
now and after now, and yet I know
painful for her to consider. She let it
there is no before now and there is
go. She said once that she had
no after now, that there is only an
learned to let a lot go; that being
eternal now, an everywhere all the
The Falling Leaf Review
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time all at once now that covers
Holy Trinity
beginning and end, she added. She was not devout nor was she lapsed or whatever else we call it when a woman who was raised as
Do you believe in God? She asks.
she was raised with the relationship her family had to their religion, their
In God? He responds.
particular way of relinking with the
Yes, God? She insists. Do you
One, the Truth, the Absolute . . . what
believe in Him? She says.
do any of these references mean? She asked. I do believe in God, she
Him? He asks increduously, or
has said. The beginning and end of
so he would say if he were quoting
existence, of creation, I still cling to
the prejudices of youth, she said. I still hold onto the doctrines and dogmas of my childhood, she added.
Yes, Him, she says. Not Her? He asks rhetorically.
The fathering of the man and all that crucial making stuff, you know, the
girl is the mother of the woman, she
Yes, Her.
says. Woman and man in traditional forms, no—have we escaped them. They do hold us captive; the amnesiac is so lucky, don’t you think? ’I did not ask. She used to ask questions like these. FINIS
God is not Her. No? No. God is He. Only He? Yes, He and only He. And not She?
The Falling Leaf Review
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God is not She. Never She? He asked. Never She, she says. God is He, she says. I know that God is he, but what is the Holy Ghost? The Holy Ghost? Yes, the Holy Ghost; the Holy Spirit. What is the Holy Spirit? He asked. I don't know, what is the Holy Spirit? She asked. What are you saying? She asked. The Holy Spirit is It, isn't It? He asked. It? Yes, It. Not He or She, just It.
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So, God is then He and It? She asked. At least He and It. I don't see how I am supposed to come to God is She because the Holy Ghost is It?. And I am not so sure I agree that God is He and It. So then, what is he? That’s it. God is He. So let me understand this: God can be Father Son and Holy Ghost but God cannot be He, She and It? That’s what you are saying? That’s what I am saying. Father, Son and Holy Ghost is one thing; this He, She and It is another. I'm not saying they are the same thing. It’s just, if one, why not the possibility of the other? He asked.
It? I don't know. I know God is he Yes, It. The Holy Ghost is It? She asked. Yes, It. He said. The Falling Leaf Review
and you say God is it, she said. Why is it I say? The Holy Ghost is it, no? The Holy Ghost is It whether I say so or not. 46
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Yes. I guess. I don’t know. He and She and It? What next? You have no problem with Father, Son and Holy Ghost? No. Why then the problem with He, She and It? He asked. He, She and It? It just sounds weird, she said. Everything about God is strange and estranging—we would
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[A long pause.] Let’s get a beer, he said. A beer? Yeah, a beer. I want that IPA we had the other night. The other night? The other night after the bookstore; what was the name of it? I don’t remember. It was on A, wasn’t it? I
like to think that human is not strange
remember, we were walking around
to God, but it is.
looking for a place for you to piss.
That’s the whole point of the Incarnation, she said. It’s the only way God can experience the human. We have to understand this
You used the bathrooms in Tompkins. Don’t they have Allagash at that place with the IPA you like. Yeah, they have both.
human is not what we are simply because we are born. Just having been born is not enough. I’m not with you in this idea about God. It’s a little disturbing this notion that God is He, She and It, all in one.
The Falling Leaf Review
Volume One, Number 2
September 22, 2016
The Falling Leaf Review