First Contact Realty The Faris Team, Brokerage I N D E P E N D E N T LY O W N E D A N D O P E R AT E D
Turn-Key Automotive Business 42 James Street East, Orillia
2400 SQ.FT.
This well-established auto sales, service shop and emissions test centre is an excellent turn-key business opportunity. Located in a high traffic area just minutes from Highway 11 and the Orillia downtown core, this 4,800 square foot showroom and 6 bay garage includes $100,000 in equipment and chattels, and more than $120,000 of inventory. Operating for over 12 years, enjoy multiple income streams including auto sales, rust proofing, truck accessory sales and automotive repairs. 6 weeks training from the current owner is included, and the owner is willing to sell just the business and lease the property. Owning a business is easier than ever with this fully established opportunity providing everything you could need for thriving turn-key operation. To view all of our available properties, please visit our website at www.FarisTeam.ca.
Kaleb Streeter Sales Representative
705.797.8485 ext.257 705.796.5917 kaleb@faristeam.ca