Bennette Espineli Misalucha
SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1987 PUBLISHER Mary Llanos Cordero MANAGING EDITOR Bennette Espineli Misalucha DIRECTOR OF DESIGN Armand Busmente PRODUCTION MANAGER Alice Llanos Busmente ASSISTANT EDITORS Paola Rodelas Radiant Cordero COPY EDITOR Danielle Evangelista PHOTOGRAPHERS/GRAPHICS Brandon dela Cruz Noah Felipe Gabe de Liso Jeff Orig James Ramos COLUMNISTS Edna Alikpala Rhoda Yabez Alvarez, Esq. Jesse Bacon II Nancy Bernal Cesar Bonilla Alice Llanos Busmente Anabel Gasmen Cabebe Dr. Rickie Camara Dr. Patricia Halagao ZenyMuyot Angie Santiago Perfecto Yasay Jr. CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Conrad Abuel Ric Agnes Paul Alimbuyao Ria Baldevia Eriza Bareng Marnelli Joy Basilio Bernie Caalim Randy Cortez Radiant Cordero Mary Cruzada Jaime de Jesus Brandon dela Cruz Christian Evangelista Imelda Gasmen Veronika Geronimo Leo Gozar Ben Gutierrez Carmela Minaya Gladys QuintoMarrone Gladys Menor John Pagaragan Paola Rodelas Judy Relosimon Sandra Sagisi Nicole Velasco Jason Ubay MichiVillaruz NEIGHBOR ISLAND BUREAU Maui Kit Zulueta Jeremy Zane Big Island Mil Asuncion Jane Clement Dr. Margarita Hopkins Kauai Virgie Cruzada Liza Trinidad Marynell Valenzuela ADVERTISING SALES MarivicAldaya Mary Cordero Annabel Cabebe Florence Tan McCollom Lydia Kamiya Joni Redick-Yundt Rudy Bautista Marynel Valenzuela CIRCULATION Florence Tan (Oahu) Ron Oshiro(Leeward Oahu) David Cordero (Maui) Marynel Valenzuela (Kauai) Milli Asuncion (Big Island) LEGAL COUNSEL Alfredo Evangelista, Esq
THE FIL-AM COURIER is published twice a month by OAHU RELOCATION SERVICES located at 2221 Liliha St. Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 Opinions expressed by the columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Fil-Am Courier. Publisher reserves the right to edit letters to the editor and other material submitted. Reproduction of material and ads appearing in the Fil-Am courier is forbidden without written permission. All photos submitted become the property of the FilAm Courier.
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T'is The Season For Fathers and Graduations We celebrate in this issue the joys of single fathers: each of their circumstances may be different but the totality of their experiences remains the same. Some became single dads because of a death of a spouse, some became single dads because of divorce, while others come upon it due to a failed unmarried relationship. We applaud them all in their desire to remain a constant in their children’s lives. We hope you enjoy the individual profiles we chose. On this Father’s day, my thoughts turn to my father, Benjamin Robledo Misalucha, who was one of the most influential persons in my life. Papa left us in 2005 but the valuable lessons he taught me and my siblings are forever etched into our minds. My father was one of my biggest supporters. I was the oldest of five children, and then as now, I was always the most driven. One cannot argue with one’s DNA. Even at a young age, Papacultivated my leadership potential and told me that being a girl is not an impediment to success. He used to tell me that the sky is the limit as far as what I can achieve and that intellectually, there is nothing a boy can do, that I cannot equal or do better. He fueled my inherent ambition and gave me the necessary grounding to have the intellectual confidence I need to battle career challenges. I still hear his voice as he shared his wisdom. I miss him. Although I love my mom, I think even she acknowledges that at the end of the day, I am my father’s daughter. Bennette, the daughter of Ben. For the rest of this column, I hope you will indulge me as I share the commencement speech which I delivered last May 12, 2014 on the occasion of Chaminade University’s graduation ceremonies. I have been honored to serve on the Board of Regents for Chaminade University for the past nine years and I was equally honored to share some insights on service. Here is the full text: President BerniePloeger, Bishop of Honolulu ..the most Revered Bishop Larry Silva, …members of the Board of Governors, my fellow members of the Board of Regents, faculty, family and friends, and most important of all, our 2014
Chaminade University graduates… good evening and aloha! What a delightful honor it is to stand before you as your commencement speaker. I want to thank Brother Bernie who claims credit… for being inspired to choose me. If I succeed in making THIS a memorable moment, please go ahead, pat him on the back and congratulate him. BUT… If I bomb, please… just put all the blame on me. (pause) Brother Bernie has nothing to do with it! Tonight is special from amongst so many graduations in years past. Not only because your class is the best class in the history of Chaminade… but also because we are witnessing history in the making, with the inaugural graduates of the School of Nursing… the Master of Pastoral Theology… and the Master of Educational Leadership for Hawaiian Focused Charter Schools. Isn’t that amazing! Well done, Chaminade… and to our inaugural graduates… We honor you… we celebrate you! Since Brother Bernie reached out to me to about being your commencement speaker… I have thought, and prayed, and thought again… what my topic should be. What can I, in all humility, impart to you who stand at the doorsteps of this thing called… LIFE? What measure of understanding can I offer to those of you who are about to embark on a potentially successful career? As I thought more about it, I realized I should focus my talk onthe virtue that is woven into the world of nursing, pastoral theology and education… a virtue that is common to all three, which is… the love of service. How fitting because Chaminade has always defined itself by its commitment to service. On our website,it states…”Chaminade wants to be a community that looks beyond itself and engages in public service, that enriches the life of the wider community.” Allow me then to share THREE lessons about service. I have made it so simple that when you leave here… this message will be so DEEPLY imprinted in your mind… that ten years from now, you will see me at Ala Moana Shopping Center… and you will come up to me… and gently remind me what my commencement speech was all about. OR NOT.
The lesson can be summed up with the acronym: I.O.U. Let me repeat it: I. O. U… Let me begin…LESSON One: “I”.. When we serve others, ironically, it ends up that we are the ones whobenefits the most. For you see…When we serve others, we find ourselves. We find the “I”. Spencer W Kimball once said: and I quote, “the more we serve our fellowmen in appropriate ways, the more substance there is to our souls. We become more significant individuals… we become more substantive.” I learned this lesson myself a few years ago when I participated in a Rotary mission in the Central part of the Philippines. The name of the barangay or barrio was “Prosperidad.”… which in Spanish, meant, Prosperity. Sadly, That was not the reality. This place was one of the poorest barrio I have ever seen. Our group was there to construct a dormitory for young farmers who were trying to learn new methods in farming. When I meant young farmers… it actually meant really young farmers…. 10, 11, 12 year old boys. All of them have stopped going to school to help feed their families. Throughout the week, as the construction progressed, the villagers worked side by side with us and we found in them, such sweet spirits. On our last day, at the spur of the moment, our group decided to leave our clothes behind so we can give them to the villagers. Most of us only kept the clothes we were expected to wear to the airport. Now on our last day… It was customary for our group to host lunch for the community. After our little lunch fiesta, the leader of the town told us to follow him. And we did… to a little field where we found the villagers were already gathered. In the center of the clearing, there were five tables. On top of each table, were our clothes.. neatly folded and stacked. Curiously, on top of each pile was a number. It then became clear why there was a number. Apparently, although there were 27 of us, and we gave most of the clothes away… they still were not enough for everyone. So it was decided that the most equitable way to distribute them was to do a drawing… or a raffle. And so it began… as each person was called, each would come and claim their “prize”.
My Papa
But what touched my heart was how they received their “prize”. Their expression was so joyful… like a little child on Christmas morning. It did not matter that they were receiving our dirty boro-boro clothes that had seen better days. It could have been the most expensive piece of clothing, and their reaction would have been the same. After the third number was called…I could not take it anymore. I retreated to the side and started to cry. These humble people have taught me a valuable lesson in gratitude that I will never forget. Here I am, so blessed, living in the land of prosperity and yet I remember the times when I would receive blessings, but, I don’t remember ever being that joyful. On the other hand, the people of Prosperidadhave so little to begin with, yet they received their gifts with such joy, that their happiness could not be contained. I came to the Philippines thinking I was going to GIVE. But at that moment, I realized I received so much more in return. And whenever I recall that memory, it is a gift that keeps on giving. LESSON NUMBER TWO: O… or “Others”. If you have the intention to serve others, it WILL lead you to the path of success. This is true…No matter what career choices you may pursue. Think about it: if you focus your attention on simply making money, that goal will likely elude you because your customers will see through that and know that you do not have their best interest at heart. But if you focus on serving your customer, if you truly work hard to ensure their satisfaction, they will respond accordingly and spread the good word about you. And if you follow this formula… of thinking of your customers
OAHU May 30, 2014 Miss Oahu Filipina Pageant sponsored by the Oahu Filipino Community Council at Ala Moana Hotel, 6 p.m. Contact: Armi Farinas 221-0667.
The local Filipino community in Hawai‘i will gather on June 14, 2014 to hold a Philippine Independence Ball to celebrate the 116 th anniversary of the proclamation of Philippine Independence. The event will be held at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel and festivities will begin at 6:30 pm. The event is being sponsored by the Philippine
first… of serving their needs… success will inevitably follow. Change that paradigm in your head that in order to be on top, one has to think only of ourselves first and seek to diminish others. Remember the game: Balloon stomp? A balloon is tied to the leg, and the goal is to pop everyone’s balloon while protecting our own? In that game…The last person with the intact balloon wins. So our enemy is each other! But sadly, to win, one has to be pushy, assertive and dominant. In many instances… The most disliked person usually wins. What if we change the rules? What if we decide that the game is to pop the balloon? So it’s okay to help each other out. Our enemy is the balloon. Not each other. So, instead of kicking and fighting, we can actually help each other pop the balloons. One person can hold the balloon while the other stomps. At the end of the day… everyone wins. LESSON THREE: U… which stands for the universe. It is said that Service is the rent we pay for living. Mother Teresa once said and I quote: “At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by how we responded to the needs of others: “I was hungry, and you
Celebrations and Coordinating Committee of Hawaii (PCCCH) in cooperation with the Philippine Consulate General of Honolulu. Edna Alikpala, Chair of PCCCH, indicated that the committee is proud of the work that is expended to make the evening a successful one. The Kalayaan Ball 2014 centers on the subtheme “Sali Lahat!” (Come
Together) which celebrates our diversity as a Filipino nation. It also promotes the spirit of inclusiveness and fellowship. The evening will feature a musical revue which will showcase the best of Filipino talents in Hawaii. For ticket information, please call Bernadette Fajardo at 342 8090 or Allan Alvarez at 808 392 8230.
June 14, 2014 Philippine Independence Day Celebration, sponsored by the Philippine Celebrations Coordinating Committee in partnership with the Philippine Consulate General, 6 p.m., Hilton Hawaiian Village, Tapa Ballroom. Cost: $70. Contact: Edna Alikpala, 2823669; Melga Gendrano 3837986 June 14, 2014 Annual Convention of the Oahu Filipino Community Council at Philippine Consulate General Lanai. Information on convention fee and registration of delegates will be mailed to all unit organizations by April 15, 2014. June 26, 2014 United Filipino Council of Hawaii, Golf Scholarship Tournament at Ewa Beach Golf Club. Tournament fee: $150/player or $450 for 3-player team. Contact: Ben Cabreros 3890614 June 29, 2014 Miss Teen Hawaii Filipina of the United Filipino Council of Hawaii, 6 p.m., Ala Moana Hotel. Contact: Jenny Quezon, July 5, 2014 Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii, 60th Anniversary and Installation Banquet. 6 p.m., Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel, $75. Contact: Paul Alimbuyao
My sisters Belenda and Benjeline Commencement ceremonies
gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.” The worst thing we can do… is to bury our talents in the tomb of a self -centered life. Instead…I challenge you to use your God given gifts to make a greater difference in the world. Whatever your gift may be. It does not matter. You may choose to serve in a more public path…Or you can do so quietly. ..Visiting a lonely neighbor. Cooking a meal for a sick friend. Those acts may not make the evening news. But your service will be significant to the one receiving it. Remember that Chaminade has taught you well. Chaminade has taught you to be leaders… and what is a leader than one who has
decided to put service above self? Each and every one of us aspires to greatness…and the ONLY way to achieve greatness is to use our skills for purposes larger than our own selfinterest. It is only through service that we can find true happiness. Civil rights leader Martin Luther King said it best when he said: “”Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service.” Remember: I.O.U.,,,,, I.O.U. Graduates, if Service is the rent we pay for living…I hope you make a point to pay your rent. Thank you very much. Mahalo. Maraming Salamat po.
July 5, 2014 Kalayaan Philippines Hawaii International. 15th Year Anniversary and the 7th year Huwaran Award for Outstanding Filipino Americans in Ha-
waii. 5 p.m., Pacific Beach Hotel, $60. Contact: Ben Pulido 421-9474; Lynne Gutierrez 728-1700, Di Bucasas 3988483 July 2014 First University of the East Alumni Association Hawaii Basketball Tournament. Calling all alumni from different Philippines colleges and universities to participate in this tournament. Contact Baybee Hufana Ablan, 753-5616 July 25 - 27, 2014 United Filipino Council of Hawaii Annual Statewide Convention, Island Council Host: Oahu Filipino Community Council. Location: tba. July 26, 2014 Miss Hawaii Filipina 2014 sponsored by United Filipino Council of Hawaii. Pagoda Hotel, 6 p.m. August 23, 2014 2014 Parents of the Year and 2014 Outstanding High School Valedictorians, at Empress Restaurant. Sponsored by Philippine Cultural Foundation of Hawaii, Maggie Domingo, President. Contact: Cecilia Villafuerte 371-8538 and Janice Sevilla at 595-8000. August 30, 2014 KARAT, The Gozum-Dysangco Fashion Conspiracy, at Hawaii Prince Hotel, Maunakea Ballroom, 7 p.m.. Sponsored by Pygmailion Arts Fund. For tickets and sponsorship information, call 630-6268 and 3120778 September 13, 2014 Maria Clara Ball of the Filipino Women’s Civic Club of Hawaii at Hawaii Prince Hotel, 6 p.m. Featuring the Miss Maria Clara and Mr. Barong Contests, presentation of the Filipino Icon Woman of Inspiration and scholarship award recipients. Contact: Bernadette Fajardo 342-8090
Notice of Registration The Philippine Consulate General of Honolulu is inviting all qualified Filipino citizens to register to vote so they can participate in the May 2016 Philippine elections. The filing of applications for registration/certification started on May 6, 2014 and ends on October 32, 2015. It represents an almost 18 month registration period. Under the law, all Filipino citizens shall file for an application for registration while those who are already registered are asked to file an application for certification. The 30-day voting period will start on April 9, 2016 but will last until May 9 at the Philippine consulate.
Our cover....
Photo shows Christina Marzo and her dad, Lindy Marzo during Christina’s recent graduation from UH Manoa’s John A. Burns School of Medicine. Photo courtesy of Marzo family.
Cover concept by Noah Felipe and Jeff Orig of OrigMedia. (
Lindbergh “Lindy” Marzo is a well-rounded individual. Born and raised in Honolulu, the 63-year old Meeting and Event Planning Consultant packs an impressive resume. He received higher education from multiple institutions – UH Manoa, Rutgers, and San Francisco State University. He is a Board Member for the Boy Scouts of America – Aloha Council, and volunteers to serve meals to the homeless at the Institute for Human Services (IHS). A man rooted in his Catholic faith, he has been a member of the Newman Center Holy Spirit Parish at UH Manoa for the past twenty years. Marzo spends his spare time doing various activities which keep him moving: cooking, playing golf, biking, hiking, camping, body surfing, playing the ukulele, singing, watching movies, theater and concerts, and visiting art museums and outdoor fairs. He also indulges in quieter moments during reading and meditating. Marzo finds the greatest pride of his life in his two children – Christina Viggiano Marzo, 28, and Steven Viggiano Marzo, 25. Both children are Punahou School and University of Notre Dame alumni. Christina recently graduated from UH Manoa’s John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM). In addition to her medical degree, Marzo’s daughter holds a Masters degree in Public Health, and studied Film at Notre Dame. She has also performed hula three times in Hilo’s Merrie Monarch Festival.
Marzo’s son Steven is currently a Certified Public Accountant at Ernst and Young in San Francisco. His athletic prowess has been demonstrated in college water polo, boxing, and a triathlon. Marzo gives equal credit of his children’s successes to their mother, Anna Viggiano, a woman who received two Master
degrees and a Ph.D. from the University of HawaiiManoa. “She has probably been the most influential to our children and I know that for a fact,” Marzo stated. What was/is the most challenging part of being a single father? I became a single father after my children entered
college. By then, much of their formative years requiring constant parental support and guidance had slowly diminished. Their mother and I shared many of the child-rearing responsibilities. Being a single father meant trying to understand how my young adult children were changing as their college years went by. I was challenged by
honoring how they wanted to become independent, and how they did not want to divulge every detail of their busy lives. It was also financially challenging to get to and from their Midwest University for annual visits and football game weekends. What was/is the most rewarding part of being a single father? The most rewarding was to see both children graduate from one of the top twenty universities in the US. The highlights were seeing my son receive his CPA credentials and then a month later, seeing my daughter receive her medical degree at UH. What characteristics, qualities, and other elements assisted you in raising your children/ keeping your family together? Stay interested in what your children are doing at the moment. Ask questions and enjoy listening to their stories. Celebrate birthdays and holidays together. Keep other family members involved and invited to family celebrations. Go to church regularly. Eat dinner together at a table regularly. Any advice on raising a family as a single parent? Get lots of help from academic teachers, coaches, school administrators and staff, religious teachers, music, art, dance and theater teachers, other parents, grandparents, neighbors, aunts and uncles. It’s more fun to have others work with you to help raise a child. No TV on school nights, and participate in after-school activities that are meaningful to your child.
One word to summarize your experience as a single parent: Terrific!
Kathleen Lee spent the 80’s in the Philippines - born in Batangas on an Air Force base, and raised in Baguio (PMA, Fort Del Pilar) and Manila (Quezon City), respectively. She and her family moved to San Jose, California in the early 90’s, where she ended up at San Jose State University to study Political Science. In 2009, Kathleen moved to Hawaii, and learned more about the community working for the Hawaii State Legislature and YMCA of Honolulu. She currently works as a professional in the Tourism and Hospitality industry.
A Pew Research study published this statistic this past summer: 8 percent of households with minor children are now headed by a single father, up from just one percent in 1960. This represents a nine-fold increase, from fewer than 300,000 households in 1960 to more than 2.6 million in 2011. In contrast, the number of single-mother households increased four-fold during that time period, from 1.9 million in 1960 to 8.6 million in 2011. These numbers speak to two trends in American family life today: a rising divorce rate over the past half-century, along with the increasing frequency of parents never marrying at all; and the growing societal acceptance of fathers as primary caregivers. Now, the role of fathers has evolved, and the general public now acknowledges their importance not only as breadwinners, but also as caregivers. Analysis of longterm time use date shows that fathers are narrowing the still sizable gap with mothers in the amount of time they spend with their children. Pew Research surveys find that the public believes that a father’s greatest role is to provide values to his children, followed by emotional support, discipline and income support.
The Good of Single Parenthood Kerri Zane, Single Mom Lifestyle Export shared with the Huffington Post five stellar reasons why it’s good to be a single parent: 1. You don’t have to compromise rules. 2. You get special one-onone time with your kids. 3. You are a role model of independence. 4. You can show your kids team building skills. 5. You get to instill the values important to you. One man has found and lives the “good of single parenthood.”This man is an actor, founder of a nonprofit, entertainer,and a top legal professional. Warren’s acting career began in the late 80’s when he appeared on the miniseries Bloods & Orchids and the film Aloha Summer where he was featured in the movie poster. From then, he took time off from his legal profession to appear in the television series Hawaii. He was in Picture Brideand appeared in a major supporting role to Richard Chamberlain in the Hawaii Opera Theatre’s production of The King and I in the summer of 2006. He also had a supporting role in the Hawaii Opera Theatre’s production of Rodger and Hammerstein’s South Pacific in the summer of 2007. Though blessed with a substantial resume and experiences, Fabro considers fatherhood as an even bigger role than all roles he has portrayed on-stage and on-screen combined. Born and raised in Honolulu, Fabrograduated
LIVING THE GOOD OF SINGLE PARENTHOOD from Maryknoll School and the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa. He moved and lived in New York City as an actor in the early 1990s. While in New York City, he met his former wife. The couple were blessed with twin girls, Delia-Anne and Caleigh-Mae. They decided to move to Honolulu as they knew that Hawaii would be a great place to raise their children.A third child, Tristan-Patrick, was born and their family was complete. However, Warren’s marriage ended but none was loss. For Warren, “the hardest thing about getting divorced is not seeing your children every day.” As his biggest role ever, Warren as a father worked hard throughout the years to keep a wonderful relationship with everyone to keep his family inclusive and whole. This worked out in wonderful ways where he now has a hanai son, Gavin, from his ex-wife’s current marriage who he treats as his own. Although the family maintained a great bond, Warren can attest to the difficulties of being a single dad. As many parents know, sacrifice is one of many things that can take place when becoming a parent. Warren does admit that he has either given up or pushed aside personal ambitions to support his children. Warren has dedicated that time, in place of, by being active in their lives. Warren had joint legal custody and got to see Caleigh-Mae, Delia-Anne,
and Tristan-Patrick on the weekends. The time spent with his children was spent outdoors, at the beach, going to the movies, and when they would come over, Warren would often cook Filipino food for his children. Through the trials and tribulations of a divorce and the struggle of not being able to see his children as much as he wanted to, Warren Fabro was able to remain positive, keep unity within his family and find the goodness of single parenthood. One important tip that Warren has for all parents, be it they are married, separated, or divorced is, “Make sure to always make
time to be with your children and let them know that you are there for them.” Radiant Cordero i s an Assistant Editor at the Fil-Am Courier. She was awarded by the United Filipino Council of Hawaii as an “Outstanding Youth” and by the JCI Filipino Junior Chamber as a “Top Outstanding Young Filipino.” She graduated with honors from the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa with a B.A. in Political Science and B.A. in American Studies in May 2012 and is now a Master’s candidate in the Public Administration Program at UH Manoa. Cordero serves as the Volunteers’ Coordinator for the KaBATAan: Filipino for Kids Hawaii program and works as an External Government Relations and Legislative Aide at the Honolulu City Council.
by Carmela Rivera Minaya, MNS
At the annual fundraising event of the Filipino Community Center held last November 9, 2013, which honored Emme Tomimbang for a lifetime of contribution to the Filipino community, one of the items which was auctioned off was a special dinner at Kathy Mills’ penthouse. Local community leader Melga Gendrano won the bid. So ona beautiful night, April 12, 2014, the stage was set for a wonderful evening to happen. Emme Tomimbang herself, Kathy, Chef Philippe Padovani, Chef Pierre Padovani, and Chef Paul Rivera, along with an able crew, crafted the magical evening. Imagine breathtaking views, exquisite food from appetizer to salad to entre to dessert, and of course, exceptional company…. All of which contributed to a night to remember. The opening opened with the guests watching a big boxing bout in the spacious living room, whilebeing served with Chef Paul’s award-winning shrimp lumpia. Then the twelve special guests moved into the beautiful dining room for Chef Paul’s “localicious” salad. Then for the main dish, came Chef Philippe’s tender lamb topped with mushroomwine sauce. The finale dish was a trio of desserts by Chef Pierre. He debuted his white chocolate mojita egg, which was simply succulent.
Left to Right: Chef Paul Rivera, Chef Philippe Padovani, Emme Tomimbang, Kathy Mills and Chef Pierre Padovani
Conversation around the table was engaging and captivating with all the interesting guests from college professors to judges to designers. As the guests got to know each other better, the spirit of camaraderie was palpable, perhaps reflected even more poignantly around the room by the gentle rays of the rare moonlight outside. A special “Maraming Salamat po” to all that who made the special night a resounding success. To Emme, Kathy, the awesome chefs, the servers, the Gendranos, and the guests, it was wonderful to have shared this experience. Truly, truly, what a night to remember!
By Daniel B. Eisen, PhD
The end of Hawaii’s plantation era moved many Filipinos into service sectors jobs characterized by low wages and limited opportunities for upward social mobility. Current census data show a similar pattern, as 33.8% of individuals who identify themselves as Filipino are service sector employees. This structural concentration maintains stereotypes about Filipinos and influences the ethnic identity development of many Filipino youth. In a recent interview, an individual stated: “When I think of Filipinos I just think of lower end jobs. I guess that’s how it is with [my Filipino] side. My
On Filipinos in the Service Sector mom’s a secretary…my Uncle’s a nurse’s aide, like the people who clean up and stuff. So, it’s the lower end jobs.” Unfortunately, individuals do not employ C. Wright Mills’ sociological imagination to understand the employment trends of Filipinos in Hawaii. Rather than understanding
the over-representation of Filipinos in the service sector as a result of societal structures and constraints, individuals often believe it as Filipinos freely choosing service sector employment. Often the colonial mentality informs the conceptualization of the “hard working Filipino,” as it
is believed that this individual “come[s] to America know[ing] they’re going to have a better life [than is possible in the Philippines]… they [can] have the worst job, [but] they do it, and just work hard.” Many individuals imagine the Philippines as a country in ruins and believe that life in the Philippines cannot compare to life in the United States. This unfortunate belief steers many Filipino youth away from developing an appreciation for or interest in the country from which previous generations immigrated. Sometimes in an attempt to develop Filipino pride, individuals justify Filipinos’ employment in the service sector by referring to the “nature” of Filipinos. Take for example the following: “You know what I learned in the Philippines… Filipinos love to serve other people...when you go to the Philippines it seems so genuine. That is just how they are, they are very hospitable…and caring. They want you to come in and they want to serve you [emphasis added]” While this allowed the individual to develop Filipino pride, the narrative helps justify Filipinos’ overrepresentation in the service sector. It shapes the belief that Filipinos are concentrated in the service sector because the Filipinos’ nature is to serve others. Therefore, they are simply fulfilling their calling.
To say these conceptualizations of Filipinos are problematic is not to suggest that Filipinos are lazy and uncaring. In fact, many Filipinos are hospitable, caring, and hard working. But this is also characteristic of other ethnic groups that are not overrepresented in Hawaii’s service sector. Thus, we must turn our attention away from the cultural explanations and question the societal structures that marginalize Filipinos into low wage positions with few opportunities for upward social mobility. Therefore, celebrate the very positive traits of being a hard worker, a caring individual, and a hospitable person, but be wary of creating alternative stereotypes with these celebrations that enable Filipino culture to be used as justification for the marginalization of Filipinos in the service sector. Daniel Eisen grew up in Ewa Beach and graduated from Campbell High School before attending Pacific University, Oregon to earn his BA in Sociology. After living in Oregon for four years, he returned to Hawaii to earn his PhD in Sociology from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where his doctoral work examined young adults' development of a Filipino ethnic identity in Hawaii. Daniel Eisen is currently an Assistant Professor of Sociology and Assistant Dean of Strategic Initiatives at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon.
PAGE 10 • THE FIL-AM COURIER • JUNE 1-15, 2014
By Dr. REY E
Vice President Jejomar Binay with FCCH delegates at Coconut Palace, Manila
Wreath laying at Luneta with Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada
Meeting with Vice President Binay
FCCH delegates posed at the Mayor’s office in Laoag Ilocos Norte
Mayor Erap Estrada of Manila with Mayor Kirk Caldwell of Honolulu, Maria Etrata – FCCH President, Consul General Julius Mayor Domogare of Baguio Torres at the Manila Hotel luncheon hosted by Mayor Erap
Vigan, Ilocos Sur with Representative Romy Cachola, Governor Ryan Singson, Mayor Caldwell, Paul Alimbuyao and President Maria Etrata with beauty queens of Ilocos Province.
Vigan, Ilocos Sur with Paul Alimbuyao, Governor Ryan Singson, and Michael Perez with Maria Etrata, President of FCCH.
Vigan, Ilocos Sur, Renato Etrata, Sr., Sir Jerry Singson, Maria Etrata, Governor Ryan Singson
Luncheon with Mayor Estrada at the Manila Hotel.
Mayor Caldwell at the MRT Rail Station in Manila
Candon, Ilocos Sur Mayor Ericson Singson and wife with Dr. Etrata and wife
Luncheon with Mayor Estrada at Manila Hotel with President of FCCH Maria Etrata and Consul General of Honolulu Julius Torres
Chavit Singson at Valwarte, Vigan, Ilocos Sur with Maria Etrata in
Candon, Ilocos Sur Congressman Eric Singson with Mayor Caldwell of Honolulu
The 24th Annual Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawai`i Trade Mission to the Philippines was recently completed on February 18, 2014. The goal of the mission was to explore new business and trade opportunities while renewing and strengthening prior relationships from previous trade missions. Maria A.F. Etrata The Chamber Delegation was headed byFilipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawai`i President Maria A.F. Etrata. The delegation was accompanied by the Honorable Mayor of Honolulu, Kirk Caldwell, the Honorable Consulate General of the Philippines Julius Torres, City and County Deputy Director of Department of Facility Maintenance Ed Manglallan, and State Representative Romy Cachola. The delegation included Chamber of Commerce President-elect Mr. Paul Alimbuyao, Mrs. Bernadette Fajardo, Mr. Cesar Fajardo, Mr. Rocky Anguay, Mr. Jeffrey De Mesa, Mr. Renato Etrata, Sr., Dr. Jayna Etrata, Dr. Renato Etrata, Jr., Mrs. Teresita Noble, Ms. Flora Pasion, Mr. Michael Perez, Mr. Jesse Van Dyke, and Dr. Erlinda Cachola. The mission started with a tour of the northern island of Luzon, where the group visited the provinces of Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, Benguet, Pampanga, and Manila. While in Ilocos Norte the delegates visited the "Sun City" of Laoag. The Vice Governor of Ilocos Norte, Angelo Barba and representatives of the Laoag Chamber of Commerce met and hosted the delegates at a welcome luncheon. Later in the evening the delegates were guests of honor at the 2014 Miss Laoag City Pamulinawan International Quest Beauty Pageant. The contingent also paid a courtesy call to Senator Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos, Governor Imee Marcos, and Mayor Chevylle Farinas. The group explored points of interest in Ilocos Norte such as the Marcos Presidential Center and Malacanang Palace of the North, Pagudpud, and the Paoay Church (World Heritage Book). The Chamber delegates also visited the Crystal Dew Water Bottling Company co-owned by Mr. Eddie Agas. While in Ilocos Norte the group rested and relaxed at the World Famous Fort Ilocandia Hotel. Travelling south towards Ilocos Sur, there was a brief stopover in Cabugao. The significance of Cabugao is an important historical point of interest for many Filipinos living in Hawaii. It was from here in 1946 that up to 6,000 mainly Ilocano men immigrated to Hawai`i to work in its sugarcane plantations. The sakadas left Port Salamagy aboard the S.S. Maunawili. They were part of the last wave of Filipino labor immigrants to Hawaii.There is a statue at the port commemorating this event. In Ilocos Sur, the group travelled to Vigan and Candon. In Vigan, a courtesy call was paid to Mayor Eva Medina. The Filipino Chamber of Commerce & Industry hosted the Hawaii Chamber delegates for a business luncheon. The assembly was also treated to a performance by the employees of the City of Vigan. The performance w as a musical titled "Tres Patrimonio". The delegates were later the guests of honor at an extraordinary opulent gala hosted by Ilocos Sur Governor Ryan Singson and prior Governor Chavit Singson. Dignitaries that also attended that evening in-
THE FIL-AM COURIER • JUNE 1-15, 2014 • PAGE 11
cluded Congressman Eric Singson. The representatives of each town in Ilocos Sur were also in attendance. The soiree was highlighted by the renewal of the sister-city relationship between Vigan, Ilocos Sur and the City and County of Honolulu. The evening concluded with the return of the delegates to the West Loch Park Hotel. The hotel was developed and is owned by Mr. Lito Alcantra. The hotel is modern, immaculate, inviting ,and provided a relaxing environment for the group. In Candon, the Chamber delegates were treated to a luncheon by Mayor Ericson Singson and Congressman Eric Singson. There was an exhibition fair at City Hall displaying the local goods and products of the region. There was also a showcase of local dances including Tinikling. The highlight was the renewal of the Friendship ties between Candon City and the City & County of Honolulu. The evening included a dinner reception hosted by Congressman Singsong at the Santiago Cove Resortwhere the delegates retired for the evening. The group then travelled to Banguet Province and the City of Baguio. There they paid a courtesy call to the Mayor of Baguio City Mauricio Domogan. Later, a business forum at Le Monet hotel allowed for an exchange of information. While in Baguio City the delegates also toured St. Louis University where they enjoyed a cultural presentation by the internationally renowned St. Louis University Glee Club. A private tour of the Hospital of Sacred Heart was also attended by a Drs. Renato and Jayna Etrata. The tour was conducted by the Dean of the School of Medicine of St. Louis University Dr. John Anthony Domantay. The Consuelo Foundation Baguio Branch also allowed select members of the delegation to visit the Consuelo Home in Baguio. The visit was assisted by Consuelo Foundation’s Daniel Urquico. Moving south from Ilocos Sur, the next stop was San Fernando, Pampanga. San Fernando is home to the famous Christmas lights or lanterns called Parole. The delegation was welcomed to City Hall by the Mayor of San Fernando Edwin D. Santiago, Vice Mayor Jaime Lazatin, and San Fernando Chamber of Commerce & Industry President Marco Antonio Jimenez. This meeting was significant for the adoption of Mayor Caldwell and Consulate Gener al Torres as Adopted Sons of Pampanga. The mission's last stop was the City of Manila. The first stop was a tour of the Coconut Palace and a courtesy call on Vice President of the Philippines H.E. Jejomar Binay. There they shared Siopao and Halo Halo with the Vice President while discussing relationships between Honolulu and the Philippines. The delegation then departed for Rizal Park for a wreath laying ceremony with the Former President of the Philippines and present Mayor of Manila Joseph Ejercito Estrata. The wreath laying participants included Mayor Caldwell, former President/Mayor Estrata, Consul General Torres, Chamber President Etrata, and Chamber President Elect Alimbuyao. The end of the day concluded with an on site visit to the Metro Manila Rail Transit. Rail officials gave a tour of the facilities and accompanied the entourage as they rode the train. Overall, the mission was deemed a success since it enabled the creation of new business, trade, and social associations while reinforcing bonds built from prior missions.
Vice Governor Barba of Ilocos Norte with FCCH delegates
The FCCH delegates in San Fernando, Pampanga
Coconut Palace with Vice President BinayMerienda at his Presidential Conference Room
Vice President Binay and Mayor Caldwell
Gala dinner hosted by Governor Ryan Singson of Vigan, Ilocos Sur.
Paul Alimbuyao, Mayor Medina, Maria Etrata – FCCH President, Representative Cachola, Mayor Caldwell, Chavit Singson
Kids of Ilocos Sur who performed at the Gala in Vigan State Capitol courtyard.
Baguio City with Former Ambassador Paul Cortez
Chamber delegates in Vigan, Ilocos Sur
Mayor Eva Medina of Vigan with Mayor Caldwell, and FCCH President Maria Etrata
West Loch Hotel in Santo Domingo, Ilocos Sur
FCCHdelegates in Ilocos Norte
Candon, Ilocos Sur Mayor Ericson Singson and wife along Dr. Rey Etrata and wife
Dr. Rey Etrata and wife Jayna at Havannah Resort, Ilocos Norte
Jayna Etrata trying to make “Burnay” in Vigan
PAGE 12 • THE FIL-AM COURIER • JUNE 1-15, 2014
By Nancy Bernal Gino Padilla
Lani Misalucha
Sheryn Regis
Fe Delos Reyes
Jordan Segundo, Brandon Martinez, Cody Easterbrook and Paul Brown - Disney Aulani Sundown Mingle Hosts
Get your tickets today for the “Music Throwback” Concert on June 15 featuring Randy Santiago, Fe Delos Reyes, Joey Albert and Gino Padilla at The Holiday Inn Waikiki Beachcomber Resort - Magic of Polynesia Showroom in Waikiki. Tickets can be purchased by calling the following phone numbers: Norma - 358-4985, LJ - 589-8716, Arnel - 6789205, Lawrence - 843-1184, Diplomat Tours - 842-2404. Call now to get the best seats! ••••• Congratulations to Arnold Pontillas, Amy Korsmeyer and Gil Galvez on opening their new take-out food location called “Eatery
in Paradise” in the Pearl Kai Shopping Center in Aiea. In addition, to an incredible selection of plate lunches, they also specialize in catering hot local foods and can offer an active sushi and tempura bar. They are able to customize a menu for your next party or special function. For more information, call 391-9185. ••••• KITV 4 has added a new Reporter/Anchor to their news team - Ashley Moser. Ashley is originally from Hawaii and worked oncamera at a station on the mainland for several years before coming back to Hawaii to work at KITV 4. Her proud mother is Sandra Sagisi, who also was a familiar face on television for many years. Sandra is a great role model for her very successful daughter, who followed in her footsteps. ••••• The Pride for Ewa event on April 26 attracted a huge attendance with headliners that included Anuhea, Augie T and Jordan Segundo. Al Waterson hosted the nonstop entertainment that also included The Performing Artist Academy Choir Rhapsody under the direction of William Daquioag. The musical group consisting of teens and children is preparing for a trip to Disney - Orlando where they will perform. •••••
The Disney Aulani Resort is adding a new Sundown Mingle Show for Vacation Club Members and they have selected some of the best professional hosts in Hawaii to present the weekly event: Jordan Segundo, Cody Easterbrook, Brandon Martinez and Paul Brown. ••••• Lani Misalucha released her new full length CD entitled “The Nightingale Returns” on Star Records in The Philippines and the album has quickly gone to Number One on the Music Charts and has stayed at that spot for weeks. Lani is promoting the CD on multiple television shows, radio shows and concerts through the Philippines and receiving rave reviews for this CD which features the greatest Filipino Songbook. ••••• Animal lovers should mark their calendars for the next monthly adoption event at The Pet Corner (owned by Libbie and Don Belback) at Ward Warehouse on June 21 at 1 til 3 p.m. Free entertainment, prize giveaways, lots of pet demonstrations, Celebrity Dogs including Hokulani and adoptable dogs and cats from The Oahu SPCA that need a forever home. Great fun for the whole family! Free admission! ••••• The Miss Maui Filipina Pageant, a project of the
Sandra Sagisi and Ashley Moser
THE FIL-AM COURIER • JUNE 1-15, 2014 • PAGE 13
Al Waterson and Augie T at Pride for Ewa
Maui Fiilpino Community Council, is scheduled for June 28 with six beautiful contestants competing for the crown. Jordan Segundo will be the Featured Artist for this pageant. If you would like to attend, please call Yvienne Peterson (Pageant Chairperson/ Director) at (808) 344-5575 for ticket information. ••••• GMA Stars Regine Velasquez, Ogie Alcasid, Sheryn Regis, Allan K, Giselle Sanchez and Jannelle So will be performing on June 22 at The Waikiki Shell at 7 p.m. PLDT US Mobility presents the Freedom Concert Tour
Arnold Pontillas and Amy Korsmeyer at "Eatery in Paradise"
Don Belback, Libbie Belback and Norman Dung with Hokulani at The Pet Corner Event at Ward Warehouse
Anuhea and Jordan Segundo at Pride for Ewa
showcasing these artists. For tickets and more information, call 351-6096. ••••• For now, That’s Entertainment!
(If you would like to submit entertainment information, please contact Nancy Bernal at 947-5736 or e-mail her at NancyBernal
Rhapsody Choir from The Performing Artist Academy with Jordan Segundo at Pride for Ewa
PAGE 14 • THE FIL-AM COURIER • JUNE 1-15, 2014
Consul and Acting Head of Philippine Consulate General Roberto Bernardo installed the newly elected officers of ISAH.
Ilocos Surian Association of Hawai‘i Hold Reaffirmation of New Officers
U.S. Senator Brian Schatz attended and delivered the keynote address.
The Ilocos Surian Association of Hawai‘i (ISAH) held its reaffirmation of new officers on May 17, 2014, at Hale Ikena in FortShafter. The theme of the event was “Taldiap ti Probinsia iti Ilocos Sur”- Glimpse of the Province of IlocosSur. The program included a reenactment of the heroic actions of Diego Silang y Andaya (December 16, 1730 – May
28, 1763), the courageous Ilocano revolutionary leader who, with the help of British forces, tried to overthrow the Spanish rule in the northern Philippines and establish an independent Ilocano nation. After Silang’s assassination by two friends, his widow Maria Josefa Gabriela CarinoSilang (March 19, 1731 – September 29, 1763) took command of the
revolt for four months before she was captured and executed by the colonial government of the Spanish East Indies. OFFICERS REAFFIRMED Danny Villaruz, the longest serving president of ISAH, now in his 8th and final term, was reaffirmed to be at the helm of the 14-
unit organization for 2014 2016. Other officers include: 1st Vice President Estrella PadaTaong, 2nd Vice President Letty Dalit, Recording Secretary LoidaAlimboyoguen Yamamoto, Corresponding Secretary Davelyn Ancheta Quijano, Treasurer Rose Sabangan, Assistant Treasurer Lina Mercado, Auditor
A reenactment of revolutionary Ilocano leader Diego Silang y Andaya (portrayed by ISAH President Danny Villaruz) who led the famous Ilocos Rebellion of 1762, liberated his people from Spanish tyranny, and sacrificed his life for the sake of freedom. Following Silang’s assassination, his widow Maria Josefa Gabriela CarinoSilang (portrayed by Emmie Villaruz) took command until she was captured and executed.
THE FIL-AM COURIER • JUNE 1-15, 2014 • PAGE 15
Emmie Villaruz, Dr. Estrella PadaTaong, Jenny Quezon, Maria Etrata, Danny Villaruz, Davelyn Quijano, Maria Cristina White, Loida Yamamoto, Bernadette Fajardo, Armi Farinas, and Consul Roberto Bernardo.
Alice Castaneda, Assistant Auditor Emmie Villaruz, Public Relations Officers Romulo Basuel and Antonio Ipalari; Sergeant-at-Arms Art Abinsay, Nemesio Dar, Jimmy Dalit, Al Sabangan, and Paul Taong. Serving as Advisers: Felipe “Jun” Abinsay, Ben Cabreros, Romy Cachola, Maria Etrata, Louie Funtanilla, Al Sabangan, Charlie Sonido, M.D., Carlito Soria, Ignacio Torres, M.D., and Amado Yoro. Consul and Acting Head of Philippine Consulate General Roberto Bernardo officiated the installing of officers. UNIT ORGANIZATIONS MEMBERS OF ISAH ISAH in its 37th year currently has 14 unit organizations members and their
presidents include: Annac ti Caoayan 2002 (Jenny Quezon), Annak ti SinaitIti Hawai‘i (Antonio Ipalari), Cabugao Sons & Daughters Association of Hawai‘i ( Veronica Esteban), Candodians of Hawai‘i (Dr. Ignacio Torres), Hawai‘i Tagudinians Association (Edgar Fernandez), Magsingal Association of Hawai‘i (Armi Farinas), Narvacan Association of Hawai‘i (Louie Funtanilla), Santa Marians of Hawai‘i (Leticia Dalit), Santanians Association of Hawai‘i – USA (Dr. Julius Soria), Santiaguenians of Hawai‘i (Maria Cristina White), San Juan Lapog Association of Hawai‘i (Alice Castaneda), Sto. Domingo I. Sur Association of Hawai‘i (Oahu
Chapter) (Roger Tapat), Sinait National HS Alumni Association of Hawai‘i (Davelyn Quijano), and Vigan Association of Hawai‘i & Associates (Tessie Aganon). The evening's program also included the inspirational keynote address of U.S. Senator Brian Schatz. Angie Dytioco Santiago, our Gathering Place columnist, is a U.H. Manoa graduate. Employed by the City & County of Honolulu since 1986, Angie is currently a HR Specialist IV with the Equal Opportunity Office. Angie is presently the First Vice President of the Oahu Filipino Community Council (OFCC). The daughter of Angel & Rubing Dytioco, Angie served as the president of the Bulacan Circle & Associates of Hawaii (BCAH) from 2010 to 2012. She is married with two sons and enjoys photography and participating in cultural activities and events.
JANITOR: Pay $7.50-$9.00/ hr Looking for candidates with 1 year commercial experience. Buffing, waxing & cleaning floors. Shampooing & vacuuming carpets. Cleaning common areas. Must be able to lift 50-70 lbs. Call staffing partners at 945-9300. LABOR: LITE INDUSTRIAL/ LABORERS - Warehouse - Driver Helper - Production Line - Food Prep/Dishwashers Pay $7.25-$8.50/hr 6 mos of recent work experience needed. For interviews call our Ala Moana office 9459300, staffing Partners. RECEIVE A $300 HIRING BONUS No nights. No weekends. No experience necessary. Our wonderful atmosphere will make you feel right at home. Weekly pay check, paid mileage, part time and full time, paid holidays off, $11 per hour guaranteed, and family atmosphere. Call Bonnie Williams at 9556243.Call or come by our office today. The Merry Maids. LIVE-IN CAREGIVER (CAN/NA) Hawaii kai is looking for a caregiver for a 5 beds residential care home, must have experience in a nursing home or a care home. Live in or live out. If interested please call Berly or Goerge 396-4195.
Larry Ordonez, ISAH President Danny Villaruz, Dr. Julius Soria (President ofSantanians Association of Hawaii – USA), Amado Yoro (ISAH Adviser), Louie Funtanilla (ISAH Adviser), and BenCabreros (ISAH Adviser).
2013 Miss Hawai‘ isFilipina Erika Joy Ordonez performed a lovely hula at the event.
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PAGE 16 • THE FIL-AM COURIER • JUNE 1-15, 2014
By Michael Miranda
In 2013, Roadbike Philippines 7-Eleven racer Mark Galedo won his first individual race in the Pedal to the Meadow on Kauai. It was also Galedo’s first race on the mostly uphill, 15.74mile course, but he shattered the course record by nearly four minutes, coming in at 59 minutes, 29 seconds. But Galedo and his teammates at Roadbike Philippines 7-Eleven, along with Kauai’s Philippine Islands Hawaiian Islands (PIHI) cycling club, are building something mutually beneficial for both of these Philippines and Kauai cycling clubs. Gary Advincula, Administrative Director at Roadbike says, “It all started when Angelo Cattigay [PIHI board of director] visited the Philippines in 2012. Angelo was on vacation and entering a road race for fun. He introduced himself, we
The Climb Roadbike Philippines 7-Eleven with PIHI directors (l-r: unidentified PIHI member; NaserSual, Roadbike coach; Mark Galedo, Roadbike racer; Bong Sual, president of Roadbike; Gary Advincula, administrative director of Roadbike; Angelo Cattigay, PIHI board member; Wanda Shibata, liaison for Governor Abercrombie; Kenny Ishii, co-founder of PIHI)
kept in touch, and he invited us to compete in the Pedal to the Meadow on Kauai the next year.” Cattigay says he invited Roadbike to compete in the Pedal to the Meadow in order to promote cycling and its health benefits on Kauai, bring international competitors, and to build a bond between one of the Philippines’ premiere bike clubs and PIHI.
“Myself, Roland Tanicala (current president of PIHI), and a few friends would ride around Lihue after work every day as exercise. People saw us riding and would chase us down on their bikes and ask if they could ride, too. That’s when we decided to organize and form PIHI in 2010,” he said. Cattigay added that Roadbike has brought experienced international competition to the Pedal to the Meadow. Bong Sual, President of Roadbike, and Lemuel Soria, Director of Pihi, echo Cattigay’s words. “Kauai is like paradise. The weather, course, and competition will help him prepare for the Tour de Singkarak in Indonesia and a race in Korea in June,” said Sual.
Mark Galedo with the carbon fiber bike that he used to practice for the Pedal to the Meadow event.
Soria observes, “Better competition helps the racers reach their potential.” Mary Williamson, organizer of the Pedal to the Meadow since it started about five years ago, welcomes the partnership between PIHI and Roadbike. In addition to growing the field of participants, the partnership adds international exposure for the race. Meanwhile, Galedo is focused on the racing up the mountain. “This is my second time in Hawaii, and I enjoy this race because my skill is racing up a mountain. I think the mountain will prove who the truly powerful riders are. Only 15 to 20 percent of the field is true competitors, and the mountain will show you who they are. Flat roads show nothing.”
On top of winning the Pedal to the Meadow again, Galedo stated that he will be aiming to beat the course record he set last year. For him, the climb—not the finish line—is his goal. Note: As of press time, Galedo won the 2014 Pedal to the Meadow again, beating his previous record of 59:29 with a time of 58:02.
Michael Miranda is a UH-Manoa graduate in sociology with focus on ethnic studies and music. He is on the Board of Directors for the Kaua’i Filipino Chamber of Commerce and the Advisory Board for the Boys & Girls Club of Hawai’i Clubhouse. He has been published in Yahoo! and lives in Lihue.
THE FIL-AM COURIER • JUNE 1-15, 2014 • PAGE 17
PAGE 18 • THE FIL-AM COURIER • JUNE 1-15, 2014
Milli Macugay Asuncion is student services coordinator at Waiakea Intermediate School in Hilo, Hawai‘i. She is co-founder & secretary for Sariling Gawa Youth Council, a 501(c)3 non-profit community organization, recording secretary for Big Island Filipino Community Council, and advisor for Bayanihan Club at UH-Hilo. She and her husband Lito reside in Hilo, and their son Rico lives on Oahu.
Marites Kano, a licensed practical nurse, and Delfina Bumanglag Subia, a certified nurse assistant, each received an 18k gold pin to commemorate their 15 years of dedicated service at Hale Anuenue Restorative Care Center in Hilo. Photo Credit: Catherine Guillermo Tabile.
Roy Salvador, 20, stands with Coconut Island in the background. Roy is an aircraft maintenance personnel in the United States Navy at Whidbey Island, Washington. He is a graduate of Waiakea High School and is the eldest son of Ronald and Cathy Salvador of Hilo. Kamakaila Waipa, daughter of DuWayne and Jeni Waipa, poses before making her way to her prom held on April 5 at the Kamehameha Hawai‘i Schools campus in Keaau, Hawai‘i.
Filipino young adults gathered during a Sariling Gawa Big Island Orientation and Training Day on April 26 at the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo to brainstorm topics and activities for a mini-conference to be held during Filipino American Heritage Month in October. Front row: Micah Ramos, Irvin Martin, Kristin Dugquem. Middle row (kneeling): Shawntel Tangonan, Ronald Santos, Lovejoy Tolentino, Aldrin Calilao. Back row (standing): Alyssa Vidad, Sigrid Sato, Kimberly Cabreros, Jessica Cadiz, Zutchill Sato, Rinalynne Valencia, Jean Acuna, Lenie Tolentino, BJ Acosta, Joel Pascua, Micheal Sagun, Lark Canico.
Margarita “Dayday” Hopkins with her husband, Kevin (center) enjoy a family outing at Wailoa State Park in Hilo with their children and grandchildren. Dayday is former president of Big Island Filipino Community Council and Congress of Visayan Organizations. She is a candidate for a District 2 seat on the Hawaii County Council.
THE FIL-AM COURIER • JUNE 1-15, 2014 • PAGE 19